====== Doomed Earth ====== The realm of Doomed Earth is loosely based on the Doom series of games by Id Software. Union Aerospace Corporation A military-industrial research conglomerate that is involved in advanced weapons development, biological research, space exploration, and teleportation. United Aerospace Armed Forces The Space Marines of the United Nations. BFG 9000 Inflicts massive blast damage, plus a secondary 'shotgun' effect. (100-800 base damage, +40 traces of 16d8 damage) 1/2D --, Max 1500 for main blast 1/2D 100, Max 300 for 'shotgun' effect Bio-Force Gun - The Bio-Force Gun is an advanced man-portable tactical assault weapon series developed by UAC. BFG1000 - ProtoForce. The ProtoForce is the first experiment in charged-plasma-accelerant cannons, and fires a single powerful 'bolt' that does much more damage than a normal plasma rifle. The recoil is high, BFG9000 BFG10K - The Quake Cannon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_(video_game) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Aerospace_Corporation ====== Doomed Space ====== ===== Prologue: Memento Morri ===== This section is played by pregenerated characters, and is meant to give people an opportunity to get used to the system, using characters they aren't particularly attached to. Play will end at one of several predetermined points - the players will know that the chapter will end if one of a certain number of things happen, but are not privy to what they are. ==== End Conditions ==== The Prologue Chapter will end if: * All PCs are killed or incapacitated. * The computer system becomes completely assimilated. * The PCs successfully escape the Morrigan. * The PCs successfully destroy the Morrigan. PCs will earn experience while playing that can be put towards their new characters, with bonuses depending on their level of success or forethought. The Morrigan is a space station located on the moon of Io, orbiting Jupiter, and is considered the best place to test the latest in high-tech weaponry. Their newest project is a blast force generator that can ripple through matter at a quantum level. It is currently in testing in a highly secured location, and of course nothing can possibly go wrong.