======Wealth and Status in Granite City Limits====== ====Wealth==== Starting wealth for all characters is $30,000. This is the solar system average. Typical wealth levels vary dramatically from region to region. For example: Most people are Wealthy in Fifth Wave nations such as Australia, Japan, and South Africa, as well as in Western Europe and several U.S. states. Most are Comfortable in nations such as Argentina, Canada, the wealthier Islamic Caliphate states, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, much of the United States, and some Chinese provinces. These are Fourth Wave or early Fifth Wave societies. Most are Average in nations such as Brazil, most of China, Iran, Philippines, and Russia, where a stable Third Wave economy exists with some Fourth or Fifth Wave pockets. Most are Struggling in poorer Third Wave economies such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, much of the Arab world, most of South America, and parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Most are Poor in war-torn or severely underdeveloped nations, such as most of sub-Saharan Africa, central Asia, or the island nations of Oceania. Many people in these regions are Dead Broke. People in offworld colonies are usually Very Wealthy, Wealthy, or Comfortable, with some exceptions (such as parts of Lagrange 5). However, much of their wealth is tied up in shares of their infrastructure. NAIs with Slave Mentality are always Dead Broke, as their money is simply their owner's. Bioroids. animals, LAIs, and SAIs who aren't citizens //may// be Dead Broke (their owner has all of their cash), but they may also have funds of their own (representing an allownace, or money and goods they've squirreled away.) ====Status and Cost of Living==== Status reflects one's position in society. Examples are listed below. At the top of the social pyramid are those with political power and wealth, often but not always associated with age. At the bottom are the poor and disenfranchised, many of whom are young. //Valuable Property and Status:// LAIs, SAIs, shadows, bioroids, and sapient animals living as animals or slaves, or under indenture, will have Status one level lower than the Status of their immediate supervisor, owner, or legal guardian. ===Status Table=== ^ Status* ^ Examples+ ^ Monthly Cost++ ^ | 7 | Head of state | $40,000 | | 6 | Governor, senator | $20,000 | | 5 | Big corporate head | $16,000 | | 4 | Systemwide celebrity | $12,000 | | 3 | Arcology mayor | $8,000 | | 2 | Mayor | $4,800 | | 1 | Local elected official | $2,400 | | 0 | Ordinary citizen | $1,200 | | -1 | Poor | $600 | | -2 | Homeless | - | | -3 | Owned by a homeless person | - | | -4 | Nonsapient AI | - | * Even the largest extraterrestrial colonies have small populations. Status will not exceed 6 (on Mars or Islandia) or 3-5 (in most other colonies and habitats). + In Fifth Wave nations where most citizens are Wealthy, treat each example as one Status level higher. Thus, in Italy (for example), an ordinary citizen is Status 1 in comparison to the rest of the world, while the president would be Status 8. ++ Multiply the cost of living by 5 in nations or regions where most are Wealthy, by 2 in areas where most are Comfortable. Divide by 2 in regions where most are Struggling, by 5 in areas where most are Poor. This applies to wages, rent, and local food, but not manufactured goods. ====Granite City Limits==== Because Granite City is not a Fifth Wave frontrunner city, Wealth and Status are treated as normal.