======United States of America====== America is the world's third-largest economy and one of the wealthiest and most technologically advanced. It is at the forefront of interplanetary colonization. U.S. industry is a leader in nanofabrication, uploading, biomodification, fusion drives, human gengineering, and artifical intelligence. Demographic shifts have seen the United States dominated by a blend of Hispanic and Anglo culture, with Muslims, citizens of African or Asian descent, and econiche parahumans as major cultural minorities. Racism is mostly dead; people routinely change skin color the way they change wardrobes. Internal politics remain the province of the Democratic (now often preservationist) and Republican (increasingly technocratic) parties, with a number of dynamic third parties. Their greatest challenge is the rise of cyberdemocrats and free city devolutionists. Their struggle to replace the establishment gerontocracy has led not just to noisy politics, but also to violent protests and even low-level insurgency. The United States has abandoned the role of global policeman, but not retreated into isolationism. Instead, it looks outward toward the new frontiers of Mars and Saturn, while maintaining a hegemonic interest in the Americas. This sometimes leads to conflict with other governments, but the growing influence of Latino culture in America (and the end of the 'war on drugs') has facilitated a warmer relationship with the south. In a strange reversal, much of America's new worries regarding crime, illegal immigration, and instability are not with Latin America but with Canada, which has fragmented into multiple nations, some with closer ties to the PRA or European Union. Pan-sapient rights is a significant social issue in the United States. Current policy is liberal towards ghosts, but treats bioroids and sapient AIs as less than human. Various pan-sapient rights coalitions actively work for more inclusive laws, while some conservative groups would like to ban ghosts as well. ===Quick Facts: United States of America=== //Population:// 478 million. \\ //Gross Domestic Product:// $43.9 trillion (2155). \\ //Government Type:// Federal republic. \\ //Typical Control Rating:// CR 3. \\ The United States leads a much smaller power bloc than it did a century ago. Its closest allies are Ecuador, Panama, a number of Caribbean and Pacific microstates, and (usually) what's left of Canada.