====== Enzo DiGregorio ====== 261 CP 2 CP unspent {{:rpg:granite_city_limits:riouvy0y_400x400.jpg?400|}} ST 12 (20) DX 10 IQ 10 HT 12 (20) Left-handed Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+2 Basic Lift: 28.8 lbs HP 15 (6) Will 13 (15) Perception 12 (10) FP 13 (3) Base Speed 6.5 (20) Base Move 6 Build: 6 feet, 225 lbs Appearance: Attractive +1 (4) Cultural Familiarity: Italian, North America, Mil-Spec, European (3) Languages: Italian (Native), English (Native), Spanish (Native) (12) Wealth: Average ($30,000) Independent Income 5 ($1,500 per month) (5) Status 0 Courtesy Rank 6 (Army Colonel) (6) Agency Rank 3 [15] ====Advantages==== Absolute Direction (5) Absolute Timing (2) Charisma +1 (5) Claim to Hospitality: Large Family (2) Claim to Hospitality: Military Brothers in Arms (2) Combat Reflexes (15) Common Sense (Conscious) (15) Contact Group: Military Buddies (12 or less; Usually Reliable; Military skills at 18) (15) Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (2) Danger Sense (15) Enhanced Tracking [5] Fit (5) Gunslinger [M325 15mm Magnum Pistol] (5) Hard to Kill 2 (4) Hard to Subdue 2 (4) Less Sleep 2 (4) Luck (15) Peripheral Vision (15) Security Clearance (Military Secrets) (5) Signature Gear (Military Grade Armor, Jeep, Service Gear) ($15,000 per point) (2) Single-Minded (5) Talent: Born War Leader +2 (10): You get +1 per level to Leadership, Strategy, and Tactics – and to Intelligence Analysis and Savoir-Faire (Military), in games that use those skills. You also get +1 per level to reaction rolls made by professional fighters. ====Earned Contacts==== 1 point towards GCWE-PD Contact - While the GCWE-PD isn't entirely thrilled that the Hellraisers aren't 'neutralized', they are thankful that you rescued their people and saved an officer in critical condition. (Contact: Law (Police) skill 12, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.) 2 points towards Hellraiser Contact - The Hellraisers are basically getting a less strongly contested base area and their people back. A few of them are likely to hold grudges, but they'll shut up if Bael tells them to. (Contact: Streetwise skill 15, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.) ====Perks==== Armorer's Gift (1) Barricade Tactics (1) Concealed Carry Permit (1) Dual Ready (Service Pistol/Ammo) (1) Early Adopter (1) Fastest Draw in the West +2 (2) Trick Reload (1) [Cell tossed into the air, fire shots, release cell in device, catch cell in device) Twirl (1) Improvised Weapons: Club (1) Intuitive Armorer: MB305 (1) Lightning Fingers (1) Motorized Training 2 (service pistol) (2) Offhand Weapon Training (Gun!) (1) One Hand Drills (1) Quick-Sheath (Gun!) (1) Quick-Swap (Gun!) (1) Tap Rack Bang (1) Trick Shooter (All) (3) Upsidedown Shooting (1) Better Pistols (1) Intuitive Repairman (his Jeep) (1) Weapon Bond (both pistols) (2) Patience of Job (1) Alcohol Tolerance (1) Deep Sleeper (1) Penetrating Voice (1) No Hangover (1) Looks Good in Uniform (1) SOP: Off Screen Reload (1) SOP: Back to the Wall (1) SOP: Sleep with One Eye Open (1) Cross-Trained (Driver: Cars) (1) Base (1) Vehicle (1): The Jeep ====Disadvantages==== Chronic Depression (mitigator: daily medicine -60%) (12 or less) (-6) Chummy (-5) Code of Honor (Soldier) (-10) Delusion: Minor (I am in danger and have many enemies out to get me) (-5) Dependent (Family; 50% avg; quite often) (-40) Easy to Read (-10) Flashbacks (Severe) (-10) Guilt Complex (-5) Insomniac (Mild) (Mitigated by meds daily) (-4) Nightmares (Mitigated by meds daily) (-2) On the Edge (12 or less) (-15) Paranoid (mitigated by daily meds) (-4) Phantom Voices: Annoying (mitigated) (-2) Sense of Duty: Team (-5) Duty (Agency; Extremely Hazardous; 12 or less) [-15] ====Quirks==== Quirk: Talks with hands (-1) Quirk: Broad Minded (-1) Quirk: Careful (-1) Quirk: Likes detective novels and black and white movies (-1) Quirk: Dislikes red tape (-1) ===Skills=== Brawling (DX/E) (4): 12 Cooking (IQ/A) (1): 9 Current Affairs/Headline News (IQ/E) (1): 10 Explosives (Demolition) (IQ/A) (4): 11 Gun! (DX/VH*3) (24): 10 Ten-Hut! (DX/VH*3) (24): 10 (Soldier: Interrogation, Stealth, Driving(Military vehicles), First Aid, Gesture, Observation, Holdout, Throwing) Knife (DX/E) (1): 10 Search (Per/A) (2): 12 Occultism (IQ/A) (2): 10 Computer Operation (IQ/E) (2): 11 Intimidation (Will/A) (1): 12 ==== Signature Gear ==== $15,000 per point Nanoweave Bodysuit (Concealed Armor) (DR 18 cut/pierce/6 other) $900 Nanoweave Gloves (DR 9 cut/pierce/3 other) ($30) Nanoweave Tactical Vest (torso and groin) DR 24/10* ($1500) * with trauma plates (torso, DR +46) Assault Boots (DR 18 sole/9 other; +5 to Hiking) ($150) Light Infantry Helmet (DR 18 skull + 15 eyes/face from visor) with HUD System (+1 to Acc) The Jeep (includes spare tire and Mechanic/Automobile tool kit) * ST/HP 52; Handling 2, SR 5; HT 12; Move 6/75; LWt. 1.1; Load 0.6; SM +2; Occ. 1+3; DR 10; Range 1000; Cost $10K; Loc. O4W Large Knife (Superfine Titanium Vibroblade) (base dmg is sw cut, thr+2 imp (2); with vibroblade turned on, damage increases to sw+1d cut (5)) ($40x30=$1200) Pair of M325 15mm ETC Magnum Pistols with HUD Links, Multispectral Laser Sight, Compact Targeting Scope (CTS), 2 Accessory Rails, Diagnostic Computer, IFF Interrogator, Power Holster, One-Point Sling, Baffle Suppressor (Pistol). * Base Skill: 10 + 1 (Laser Sight) +2 (Targeting Scope) + 2 (Accuracy of gun) +1 (Weapon Bond) - 0 (no penalties for dual weapons) = 14 unaimed, 16 aimed with scope * Damage: 6d6+1 pi++ (ETC x1.5) * Range: 355/3900 (ETC x1.5) * Bulk: -3, Rcl 3 * To Hit with Two Shots Per Gun: success by 3 * To Hit with Three Shots Per Gun: success by 6 * Uses an A cell to power ten magazines of ammunition (ETC) * Ammo: 9 rounds + 1 in the chamber (3 sec to reload) * Baffle Suppressor: -2 to Hearing to hear shots * Diagnostic Computer: Diagnoses problems, interacts with databases and HUD link * [[:rpg:gurps:core:size_speed_range|Size/Speed Range]]: Distance modifiers * Close Range (2 yards or less): No modifier * Short Range (3 to 7 yards; standard range of most gunfights): -2 to hit * Medium Range (10 to 20 yards): -5 to hit * Long Range (30 to 70 yards): -8 to hit * Extreme Range (70 to 150 yards): -10 to hit * Beyond this range use the Size/Speed table. * [[:rpg:gurps:other:hit_locations|Common Hit Locations]] 10 magazines standard 15mm ammunition 10 magazines APHC 15mm ammunition (armor divisor (2)) ==== Equipment and Loot ==== Trauma kit: Crash Kit (TL9): Contains a defibrillator, an oxygen mask, sutures, a bandage spray can, and no-shock drugs. It provides a +2 (quality) bonus to First Aid skill and counts as improvised equipment (-5) for Surgery skill. $200, 10 lbs. Three ampoules of QuickHeal Survival kit: This is a collection of six items which many technicians and spacers find invaluable; it is standard issue on well-run ships. It includes a penlight, a Swiss army knife (screwdriver, scissors, small knife, file, tweezers, bottle opener, and toothpick, $10, 1/8 pound), a roll of vacuumproof sticky tape ($2, 1/8 pound, 150 yards ¥ 2 inches), a marking pen ($4 and 1/16 pound, will write on metal or glass, in temperatures from -150° to 400°, in zero gravity and in vacuum), a single meal’s worth of food tablets ($5, 1/4 lb.), and a candy bar ($1, 1/8 pound, in a vacuum-proof wrapper). Cell Phone (Complexity 3 tiny computer, 1TB storage capacity) Concealed Carry Clothes (Concealed pockets can hold bulk -2 handgun and two magazines, folding knife, cuffs; -2 Fast-Draw and +2 Holdout) Leather Jacket (DR 1*, arms/torso) ($50) Armored Night Vision Sunglasses (DR 15, eyes) ($400): Night Vision 8 and 4x magnification. $250, 0.1 lb., A/10 hr. LC4. Book Reader with a detective novel collection: The size of a slim paperback, this dedicated device is built as a digital text display, with a screen optimized for maximum readability. It can also read texts aloud. It stores 1,000 terabytes of text internally and has a datachip drive, a cable jack, and a radio microcommunicator. $20, 0.1 lb. 2A/100 hr. Assorted clothing UTILITY TOOL (TL9^): The utility tool is the advanced version of a multi-function pocket tool. It fits comfortably in the user’s palm. The device includes a monowire cutting blade (Ultra-Tech, p. 163) about 3” long, one or more tools to open and close common physical fasteners, and one or more tools for grasping and manipulating objects too small to be handled with fingers. The tool also has adapters for various physical data ports, and can help the user to connect two or more devices (computers or equipped with computer controls) physically; it can also serve in place of a missing or damaged transmitter for common wireless-connection types. Common utility tools cost $100 and have negligible weight at TL9^. LC is typically 6, although, in some settings, paranoid governments may give it LC3 due to the monowire edge on the cutting blade. Schools, hospitals, and ports may restrict or forbid the carrying of the tool, classifying it as a weapon due to the presence of a cutting blade on it. Used as a weapon, the monowire blade does sw+1d(10) cutting damage with Reach C, 1. Demons, Angels, and Those In Between: source book for Occultism LED headlamp $2,950 personal finances Tangler rifle and 40 rounds 60 15mm Memory Baton rounds (Change damage to crushing, add a (0.25) armor divisor and double knockback modifier, and reduce range to 1/5 range. ) Sonic screen Nanoweave balaclava (covers skull, face, neck, identity!) Tangler grenades (64mm), 2 15mm ETC HEMP magazines, 3 (5dx2(5) imp inc + linked 1d cr ex [1d-1]) QuickHeal injection Bandage spray (6 uses), 0.5 lb First aid kit (contains a bandage spray can, ointments, etc. It gives a +1 (quality) bonus to First Aid skill, or +2 when using the bandage spray to treat bleeding. 2 lbs.