======Damien Rayne, Cyber-Assassin====== 260 CP 4 CP unspent Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 16 [120]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10]. Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0]. Dodge 10. ====Advantages==== * Craftiness 4 [20] * Luck [15] * Combat Reflexes [15] * Zeroed [10] * Ambidexterity [5] ====Earned Contacts==== 1 point towards GCWE-PD Contact - While the GCWE-PD isn't entirely thrilled that the Hellraisers aren't 'neutralized', they are thankful that you rescued their people and saved an officer in critical condition. (Contact: Law (Police) skill 12, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.) 2 points towards Hellraiser Contact - The Hellraisers are basically getting a less strongly contested base area and their people back. A few of them are likely to hold grudges, but they'll shut up if Bael tells them to. (Contact: Streetwise skill 15, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.) Briella seemed awfully friendly. ====Disadvantages==== * Duty (Agency; Extremely Hazardous; 12 or less) [-15] * Sense of Duty (Team) [-5] * Enemy: Ambrex (12 or less; Hunter) [-60] [165] ====Skills==== * Camouflage (E) IQ+4 [1]-16† * Guns (Rifle) (E) DX+2 [4]-18 * Holdout (A) IQ+4 [2]-16† * Shadowing (A) IQ+4 [2]-16† * Stealth (A) DX+4 [2]-20† * Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [1]-17 * Guns (Shotgun) (E) DX+1 [1]-17 * Guns (SMG) (E) DX+1 [1]-17 * Fast-Draw (Knife) (E) DX [1]-16 * Fast-Draw (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-16 * Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-15 * Punch 1d-2 cr * Talon 1d-2 cut or imp * Parry 10 two different attacks per turn * Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-15 * Roll with Blow (Judo) [H] [2]: 14 * Armoury (Small Arms) (A) IQ [2]-12 * Electronics Operation (Security) (A) IQ [2]-12 * Lockpicking (A) IQ [2]-12 * Smuggling (A) IQ [2]-12 * Observation (A) Per [2]-12 * Tracking (A) Per [2]-12 * Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12 * Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-16 * Jumping (E) DX [1]-16 * Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-15 * Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1]-14 * Driving/Motorcycle (A) DX-1 [1]-15 * Beam Weapons (Rifle) (E) DX-16 [36 pts] [201] * Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120. † Includes +4 for Craftiness. ====Cybernetics==== * Cybertalons [Talons (8 points; Change the damage you inflict with a punch or kick from crushing to your choice of cutting or impaling (choose before you roll to hit). Switchable: 10%)] [9 points] * Chameleon Layer [Chameleon level 2; Controllable +20%; Dynamic +40%; Switchable +10%] [17 points] [227] ====Perks==== * Acrobatic feints: You’ve practiced using gymnastics to catch enemies off-guard. You may use your Acrobatics skill to feint and may improve the Feint (Acrobatics) technique. The GM may allow similar perks for other noncombat skills: Dancing Feints for Dancing, Sexy Feints for Sex Appeal, and so on. * Acrobatic Kick: You’ve learned to kick as a natural extension of flips, jumps, and spins. Roll against Acrobatics-2 to hit with a kick. Kicking techniques can likewise default to Acrobatics. Acrobatic kicks don’t receive Brawling or Karate damage bonuses, however. As with Acrobatic Feints, above, other skills may have related perks; e.g., Dancing Kicks for Dancing. * Akimbo: You’re not restricted by having two hands full of weapons. You can open doors, reload, and so forth without putting anything down. This doesn’t help you fight using a weapon in either hand – take Ambidexterity (p. B39), Dual-Weapon Attack (p. B230), and/or Off-Hand Weapon Training (pp. 16-17) for that. You must specialize by one-handed weapon skill. * Barricade tactics (Pistol): You have trained non-intuitive shooting positions from cover with minimum exposure of your body. See Using Cover for the effects of cover on ordinary shooters, which already assume you’re using cover as effectively as you can. With this perk, you profit from the same cover as if it were one step better (up to heavy; you can’t get total cover), but also suffer the disadvantages! You must specialize by shooting skill. * Bend the Bullet (Pistol): With a flick of the wrist, you can give your bullets a curving trajectory much like that of a spinning bowling ball or cue ball. This allows you to ignore -2 of the total penalty for cover, intervening figures, and target posture (see Target, p. B548). You must specialize by shooting skill. The GM decides whether beams can curve! * Cool under Fire: You don’t experience “tunnel vision” under fire and can quickly update your mental picture of the battlefield. When making pop-up attacks (p. B390), you don’t suffer the -2 to hit provided that the target is no further away in yards than your Per plus Acute Vision (if any). This perk is redundant if you have Enhanced Time Sense or Gunslinger. * Cross Trained: Cinematic: You’re familiar with every make and model of gun within a particular shooting skill specialty. You can pick up any such weapon and fire it with no unfamiliarity penalty (see p. B169). If the Gun! or Shooter! wildcard skill is used in the campaign, this perk becomes superfluous – if you are capable of using all Guns specialties, there’s no need for familiarity with specific makes and models… * Deadeye 1: You’re a natural sniper. You can accurately gauge range, windage, thermal effects, and so on, allowing you to attempt Precision Aiming without special equipment. Since you aren’t fooling with ballistics tables, spotting scopes, etc., you may reduce the total time required to claim your Precision Aiming bonus by 10% (round up) after all other calculations. You may buy this perk several times; each level improves your margin by 10% (to a maximum of Deadeye 3, with a 30% reduction). * Fastest gun in the west +1: Your fast-draw is really fast. In any Quick Contest of Fast-Draw to see who draws first, add 1 to your margin; e.g., failure by 1 becomes success by 0. This perk also gives you a chance to outdraw a rival who has Enhanced Time Sense: If you beat him by 10+ in the Quick Contest, or roll a critical success and he doesn’t, you win! * Flimsy cover: They can’t hit what they can’t see! Whenever you take cover behind anything large enough to hide you, ignore Cover (p. B407) and Overpenetration (p. B408). Lampposts, trees, car doors, stacks of cardboard boxes, sofas, and the ever-popular overturned saloon table will shed enemy bullets like tank armor, regardless of DR and HP. This only works against small arms – and only while you hide. As soon as you expose yourself, the world works normally again. * Ground Guard: You know a body of tactics for use when you’re lying face-up, lying face-down, or crawling and your opponent is also in any of those postures. In that situation only, you get +1 in all grappling Contests – pins, chokes, attempts to break free, etc. If your foe knows Ground Guard, too, your bonuses cancel out. * Gun sense (Rifle): You have a sixth sense about guns pointed at you. You must specialize by shooting skill. Whenever somebody has you in the sights of a gun used with that skill and you can see him, make a Per-based skill roll. Success lets you know whether his gun is loaded and functional, or whether it's jammed, safetied, or otherwise can't shoot you. You can also use this perk to detect the status of a weapon carried by any ally within arm's reach. * Infinite ammunition (Quasi-Realistic): This version adds a veneer of realism. You might carry spare ammo and reload during lulls in the shooting, but you never have to pause to reload in a gunfight. The GM may require you to pay for ammo and magazines – and perhaps limit you to thatmany shots total – but you can still ignore their encumbrance. For example, in Last Man Standing, gunman “John Smith” fills some two dozen magazines and frequently reloads his Colt .45s, but in action, he often fires more shots than the 16 rounds his two pistols could hold – and he doesn’t seem to be carrying all those magazines! Those magazine-filling scenes, however, help the viewer suspend disbelief. * Just Winged Him (Rifle): You’re adept at deliberately grazing foes – perhaps to take prisoners or live up to the Pacifism disadvantage. You must specialize by shooting skill. Before attacking with a suitable weapon, you may declare the maximum injury that you’re willing to inflict with the attack, regardless of damage rolls or number of shots fired. If you hit, find injury as usual and use the lower of that or your stated limit as the actual wound. If the campaign uses Cannon Fodder (p. B417), you can say “0 HP”; this lets you drop mooks without truly harming them, in true comic-book fashion. * Lightning Fingers (Rifle): You’re adept at operating your gun’s controls. If manipulating a safety, selector switch, or anything similar normally takes a Ready maneuver, you can do so as a free action by making a successful shooting skill roll at the start of your turn; any failure simply means the task takes its usual turn. If such a task works this way for everyone, you roll at +4. In a cinematic campaign, Lightning Fingers (Pistol) even lets you spin a revolver’s cylinder to the exact chamber you want – useful if the gun is loaded with different ammo types or has one round left, or when you want that chamber to be empty. You must specialize by shooting skill. * Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine): By streamlining every motion, you can reload in record time! You must specialize by reloading scheme: Belt (for machine guns), Breechloader (for double-barreled shotguns), Detachable Magazine (for most modern automatics), Internal Magazine (for tube-fed shotguns or clip-loaded pistols), Muzzleloader (for black-powder guns), Swing-Out Revolver (for modern revolvers), etc. See Reloading Your Gun (High-Tech, pp. 86-88) for a full list. * Skip Shot: You’re trained to hit a semi-exposed target by bouncing the bullet down a wall or under a vehicle he’s using for cover. The deformed bullet ignores up to -2 for cover, but basic damage is halved and any armor divisor is lost. Less-lethal baton rounds or rubber bullets (High-Tech, pp. 168, 174) allow a skip shot off the ground; this removes the -2 to hit the legs (p. B552) and leaves damage characteristics intact. Skip-shooting is sometimes used as an emergency technique if a shooter can’t reach a target behind cover, and taught by police agencies for riot control with shotguns or grenade launchers. It works only if the projectile can be skipped along a suitable hard surface, like a concrete wall, asphalt street, or steel bulkhead – not a sandy beach. HP, frangible, and similar projectiles are designed to break up easily, and cannot be skip-shot. Shooters who try this without the perk suffer the full -2 for cover or the legs. Roll normally, but any result other than a critical success means they just shoot the wall, cover, or ground! * Silencer (): You can add a silencer to any weapon for which you have bought the appropriate specialty of this perk (following the usual Guns specialties). Silencer (Pistol) is probably most common. In keeping with traditional movie conventions, the weapon does not need to be prepared for attachment! You can also silence ordinary revolvers or other firearms that are realistically unsuitable for sound suppression. You still have to buy the suppressor as usual. However, its Hearing penalty is doubled as per the Cinematic Silencers rules (High-Tech, p. 159). * Hand Cannon: You have +1 to ST for the purposes of using firearms only. * Signature Gear [2 points: Gauss Rifle, Screaming Falcon, Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X, ammo, sonic screen, e-thumb, lockpick] Gauss rifle 4mm ($7100) w/Tiny Computer (+$50), Silhouette (+$200), HUD Link, Laser Sight (+1), Targeting software (+2, $150) [6d(3) pi-, Acc 5+2, Range 1200/4800, Wgt 8.5/1.4, RoF 12, Shots 60(3), ST 10, Bulk -4, Rcl 2] Gauss ammo, 300 rounds ($18) ETC Desert Eagle ("Screaming Falcon") ($2500) .50 cal/15mm variant w/Tiny Computer (+$50), HUD Link, Laser Sight (+1), Targeting software (+2, $150) [6d pi+, Acc 2, Range 220/2500, Wgt 4.6/0.6, RoF 3, Shots 7+1(3), ST 12, Bulk -4, Rcl 4] Desert Eagle ETC ammo, 40 shots ($72) Desert Eagle 15mm Sleep Gas ammo, 40 shots ($108) (It is a contact agent that requires a HT-6 roll to resist. Failure results in unconsciousness lasting for minutes equal to the margin of failure, followed by ordinary sleep.) APHEX x 200 (followup 1d-2 cr ex [1d-1], x3 wounding if inside the body) APHC x 200 (pi damage, (2) armor divisor) Electronic Thumb ($5000) Sonic Screen (TL10): Worn strapped onto a belt, this forms a portable privacy field (p. 106) which moves with the wearer. The field is three yards in diameter. Sounds from outside the field cannot be perceived by someone inside the field (-10 to detection), and vice versa. The field also provides DR 10 against sonic attacks. Assassins and thieves use sonic screens to make the victims’ cries inaudible. $5,000, 2.5 lbs., C/1 hr. LC3 Power Holster (Pistol) (+5 Pistol Fast-Draw) Nanoweave Trousers ($280) Nanoweave Jacket ($450) Nanoweave Gloves ($30) Assault Boots ($150) Night Shade Armored Shades ($400) w/HUD Link, Night Vision 8, DR 15 Variable Lockpick ($50) Penlight ($3) {{ :rpg:granite_city_limits:yaiba-kusanagi-ct3x.webp |}} Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X Prototype: Top speed 190mph / 92 yards per second. Runs on 1 E cell plus one D reserve cell. [ST/HP 30, Hnd +2, SR 2, HT 11, Move 12/92, LWht 0.5, Load 0.22, SM 0, Occ 1+1, DR 4, Range 550, Loc E2W.] UTILITY TOOL (TL9^): The utility tool is the advanced version of a multi-function pocket tool. It fits comfortably in the user’s palm. The device includes a monowire cutting blade (Ultra-Tech, p. 163) about 3” long, one or more tools to open and close common physical fasteners, and one or more tools for grasping and manipulating objects too small to be handled with fingers. The tool also has adapters for various physical data ports, and can help the user to connect two or more devices (computers or equipped with computer controls) physically; it can also serve in place of a missing or damaged transmitter for common wireless-connection types. Common utility tools cost $100 and have negligible weight at TL9^. LC is typically 6, although, in some settings, paranoid governments may give it LC3 due to the monowire edge on the cutting blade. Schools, hospitals, and ports may restrict or forbid the carrying of the tool, classifying it as a weapon due to the presence of a cutting blade on it. Used as a weapon, the monowire blade does sw+1d(10) cutting damage with Reach C, 1. $2,740 personal money Symbology and Runology: study Symbol Drawing. Strobe grenades x 2 LED headlamp 45 15mm Stingray rounds (half normal piercing damage with a (0.25) armor divisor, then discharges a linked attack that inflicts the lethal electrical damage (p. B432) shown below: 1d-1 burn). 45 15mm Baton rounds (shotguns. Minimum caliber is 10mm. For a shotgun, start with the damage and range of a rifled slug (p. 166). Add an armor divisor of (0.5). Divide damage by five. Damage is crushing, -1 ACC) Tangler with 40 tangler rounds Nanoweave balaclava (covers skull, face, neck, identity!) Nice suit ($100) Heavy plasma gun (on loan) [3dx5 burn ex, Acc 8+3, Range 750/2250, Wt 20/Dp, RoF 3, Shots 20(5), ST 15+, Bulk -6, Rcl 2, LC 1). Note that Damien gets a -3 to use this weapon due to insufficient strength (-4, +1 for Hand Cannon). 15mm ETC HEMP ammo (5d¥2(5) imp inc + linked 1d cr ex [1d-1]), 3 magazines QuickHeal injection Bandage spray (6 uses), 0.5 lb First aid kit (contains a bandage spray can, ointments, etc. It gives a +1 (quality) bonus to First Aid skill, or +2 when using the bandage spray to treat bleeding. 2 lbs.