====== Major Corporations ====== The last century of human development has seen corporations gain unusual freedom, thanks to their pivotal role in the opening of a new frontier. Like the trading posts operated by the British North American and East India companies of old, the new breed of space-based corporations often operate beyond the reach of governments, where they are a law unto themselves. Many corporations are extremely efficient due to the replacement of large workforces with AIs or bioroids. Instead of the workers owning the means of production, companies now own their workers. This gradual process has taken most of the century. The worst social disruptions occurred with the widespread availability of low-sapient AIs in the 2060s and 2080s; some see these as the true causes of infosocialism and the Pacific War. Many corporations employ 5%-10% of the people they would have a century before. While companies are more efficient, they are usually subject to higher government taxes, much of which goes to provide guaranteed minimum incomes and various social programs (chiefly health care) to the masses. Pensions, however, have been completely phased out: companies may reward long-term workers with stock plans or other benefits, but 'retirement' applies only to obsolete cybershells. There are some regions - chiefly offworld colonies, spaceports like Quito, and city-states such as Singapore and Montreal - where governments have offered special tax incentives to industry or created tax-free zones. However, until the human population base can be drastically reduced, this is not a viable plan for Earth as a whole. The resurgence of nationalism sparked by space colonization has resulted in some large companies being seen as virtual symbols of national pride. "What's good for Columbia Aerospace is good for America," Xiao Chu is strongly identified with Chinese expansion in space, and Ithemba-VeldtKorp symbolizes South Africa's rise as a Fourth Wave power. Nevertheless, the future may be the transnational, with global or systemwide interests, owing allegiance to no single nation, its central offices in a free city or offworld. System Technologies and Biotech Euphrates are prime examples of large transnationals. This is a partial list of corporations and major companies operating in the 22nd century, some of which exist in the real world, and others which have been founded in the years between now and 2155. Companies that exist today are marked with a *, and linked sections note how the company has developed in the intervening years. ===== ? ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:711|7-11]]*: Convenience store chain with presence worldwide, including ownership of many refueling/recharging stations. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:721|721 Firearms]]: Manufacturers of a variety of security-oriented products, with their roots in firearms and ballistic protection. ===== A ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:ambrex|Ambrex]]: Bioroid design and production, cybernetics manufacture, resource accumulation and manufacture. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:alboco|Alboco Industrial]]: Manufacturers of industrial equipment. * Alchemical Logic (San Francisco, United States): Firm which produces nano-scale computational devices. * AlephNull Systems, Inc. (Seattle, United States): A major manufacturer of hyperfast routers, switches, and dataflow security hardware. * Alhambra Sensuals S.A. (Málaga, Spain): A German-Spanish producer of (very popular) slink-porn, made famous by Ayesha Lovecraft. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:altair|Altair]]: Computers and nanotechnology developers. * Alvarez Motors S.A. (Buenos Aires, Argentina): A major manufacturer of ground cars and other wheeled vehicles. Exports its automobiles all over the world. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Amazon|Amazon Corporation]]*: Offering delivery services for everything from files to print media to electronics to food to vehicles and more, Amazon is one of the oldest Net retailers in existence and has an excellent Virtual presence. * Ambrosia Kliniken AG (Berlin, Germany): A European chain of clinics specialzing in rejuvenation techniques and other forms of geriatric therapy. * Anomaly Research Group: Billing itself as an objective service for determining the origin and veracity of odd or dangerous memes, ARG is known for using a mysterious and vaguely paranoiac style to impress its customers. This has, perhaps intentionally, led to a proliferation of often contradictory memes about the group itself, including that it works with “the government” to eliminate evidence of the supernatural and that it is owned by people seeking to profit from human gullibility. ARG is a distributed company with no set headquarters, and has representatives in most Fourth and Fifth Wave nations. The subscription software it sells is called Nightwatch (Complexity 2), gives a +2 to Research rolls, and costs $750/month. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Apple|Apple Technologies]]*: One of the world's leading producers of computing technology. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:archon|Archon Financial]]: Banking services (gives loans, pays interest on certain accounts, handles investments.) Similar corps include Obelisk, Swei Xiao, Terrace, Mihicharo, Fortuna, and Jovian, and a multitude of others. * Aristos Designs (Athens, Greece): One of Europe’s foremost producers of advanced parahuman genetic templates. Has a geriatric-medicine division (Athanatos Clinics). * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Arizon|Arizon Electronics]] * Artificial Inspirations: Robotics firm specializing in intelligent design. * Aspar Arms*: Armenian arms manufacturers and dealers who specialize in silenced sniper rifles, automatic rifles, and ammunition, as well as selling a variety of brands of rifles, guns, ammunition, and military supplies in several Armenian storefronts. They have an exclusive license to sell Beretta firearms within Armenia. * Astra Arms SA*: Astra Arms is a major Swiss manufacturer of semi-automatic pistols and rifles. At present, the Astra Arms S.A. products are distributed on the European civilian market and Central and South American, Asian and African military market. * Atlas: Vehicle manufacturer (also makes robotics, mostly industrial.) * Atolon: Performance handguns, airguns, and other civilian equipment. * Avalon Fashion: Clothing manufacturers (expensive.) * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:avatar_klusterkorp|Avatar Klusterkorp]]: A genetic engineering corporation based at Silas Duncan Station. They are known for their radical pantropic and transhumanist ideology and complete contemplt for the Earth-Lunar regime of the Genetic Regulatory Agency. ===== B ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Barton|Barton Security]] * Baumann Krankenpflege AG (Vienna, Austria): A medicalservices firm, which supplies hospitals and clinics worldwide. * Bharat Teleproductions Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai, India): One of the world’s largest producers of old-style videos, InVids, and slinkies. * Biomonde Lyons (Lyons, France): A firm specializing in genetic therapies, especially for applications in geriatric medicine. Well-known for its wide range of anti-cancer drugs. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:biotech_euphrates|Biotech Euphrates]]: A transnational specializing in genetic engineering. * BMW*: Manufactures high-speed personal land vehicles. * Bodell: Pharmaceuticals company, specializing in disease prevention / relief. * British Energy*: Formerly known as British Petroleum until its switch to hydrogen fuels and energy production. Operates from Britain, but has stations along the East Coast of the US and throughout Europe. * Bristol Hoversystems: Manufactures hovercraft and vertols. * Bullseye: Focusing exclusively on the provision of networked fact-verification services, Bullseye is increasingly notorious for its ruthless pursuit of the truth. Originally comprising a small, close-knit group of friends, Bullseye began hiring outside analysts, memeticists, and researchers in 2152. Growth has not been kind to the company, and rumors abound that it is about to split into at least two competing entities. Bullseye is based in London. A subscription to Bullseye costs $2,500/month, the software is Complexity 2, and gives a +3 to all fact-verification Research rolls. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:BurgerKing|Burger King]]*: A long-time fast food favorite. ===== C ===== * CanesVen Enterprises (Denver, United States): A weapons manufacturer known for its production of superb small arms for the civilian and police markets. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:CaptainDonut|Captain Donut]]: A franchise operation that has offered significant resistance to Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme in the past fifty years. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Cassion|Cassion]]: Manufactures ship parts and general electronics. * Centre National de Recherce Nanotechnologique/CNRN (Paris, France): State-subsidized research laboratory working with advanced nanotech designs. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Charlemagne|Charlemagne Luxuries]]: Rich men's toys. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Chiron|Chiron]]: Entertainment industry magnates, specializing in viewscreens. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Chutojin|Chutojin]]: Cybernetics and biomedical products. * CIT/Provençale (Marseille, France): One of the largest French industrial conglomerates, with divisions involved in many manufacturing specialties. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Citadel|Citadel International]] * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Clairebell|Clairebell]]: Clothing manufacturers (moderate-priced.) * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:CocaCola|Coca-Cola]]*: Drink manufacturers. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:colonial_genetics|Colonial Genetics and ShonTec]]: CG is one of the largest gengineering and biomodification corporations in the system. It specializes in pantropic enhancements. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:columbia_aerospace|Columbia Aerospace]]: Columbia Aerospace is one of America's largest corporations. Its major products are satellites, spacecraft, fusion drives, and high-energy lasers (both weapons and launching). * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Comcast|Comcast]]*: Telecomm giant that sells broadband Net/video/uplink service. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Connelly_White|Connelly-White]]: Military / civilian aeronautics and astronautics contractors, specializing in shuttlecraft and fightercraft. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:CoreValues|CoreValues]]: High-level retail chain that markets off-brand products, and has a hand in most legal industries. Suspected of sabotaging competitors, but nothing proven. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Crossroads|Crossroads]]: Crossroads is a large consulting firm, based in New York City, but with branch offices all over the world. It was founded in the 2020s as an alliance of several smaller consultancies working in various disciplines. Crossroads targets the “social problems” market, attempting to resolve social difficulties brought on by the rapid advance of technology. * Cyber Technology*: An Australian manufacturer of autonomous drones, including industrial, service, and military combat drones. ===== D ===== * Databridge: Low-end telecomm service, specializing in third-world areas. * Degtyarev Holdings*: Founded in Kovrov in 1917, Degtyarev has been supplying Russian and Soviet armed forces with weapons ever since. Weapons such as the Degtyarev anti-tank rifle (PTRD), the Degtyarev infantry machine gun (DP-28), the Shpagin submachine gun (PPSh-41) and the Goryunov heavy machine gun (SG-43 Goryunov) were created at the plant. Presently Degtyarev produces revolvers, machine guns, aircraft guns, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns and rocket systems, as well as a range of civilian products: motorcycles (i.e. Voskhod), mopeds, micro-tractors, sewing machines and accumulator batteries. * Dell*: Manufacturer of workhorse computer systems to end users and small to medium businesses; quality is consistently average but fair for its prices. * Deltaire: Low-cost transport at regular intervals (10% under standard rates, trips daily from any major city to almost any other). * Denali Heartwoods (Portland, United States): An old tissue-engineering firm, which has prospered for decades through the production of vat-produced wood and paper products. * Dodge*: Manufacturers of personal land transport vehicles. * Dollar Tree*: Along with various other 'dollar' stores; although most of the products offered in these stores now range from one to ten dollars, all of them are evenly priced. Dollar Tree, in particular, offers bulk packages of their products for delivery. ===== E ===== * Eagle: Software conglomerate (Eagle Eye educational software, EagleWorks productivity software, etc.) * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:EMC|Enterprise Management Consortium]]: Privately owned, EMC has been offering unusual jobs to contractors with high morals. * Energia Brasileira S.A. (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Brazil’s largest energy-production firm, operating a number of fusion power plants throughout the Americas. Known for its well-trained “plant security” branch. * Energy Solutions: Producers of liquid hydrogen, fuel cells, and other power technology. * Epsilon Laboratories (Mexico City, Mexico): Originally a Canadian firm which moved south after the Canadian breakup. Primarily involved in improvements to existing genetic templates, but is rumored to have a division doing classified work on military bioroid design. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:esperante|Esperante Enterprises]] * Evo Manufacturing: Glitzy, stylish goods with little additional benefit. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:executive_decisions_incorporated|Executive Decisions Incorporated (EDI)]]: EDI is a transnational commercial security firm. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:exogenesis|Exogenesis]]: This controversial company was the research arm of System Technologies AG, dedicated to exploring cutting-edge nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. ===== F ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Facebook|Facebook]]: Still one of the leading social media networks on the Net, and has subsumed Twitter and several less popular systems; also sponsors its own form of scrip in currency that is publicly tradable for goods. Operates under parent company Meta, which also owns a number of related companies and services as well as VR interfacing systems. * FedEx*: Package delivery services throughout the planet. * Ferrari*: Manufacturers of high-end luxury/performance land vehicles. * Fickel Bergbau AG (Bonn, Germany): A major player in the mining industry on Earth, specializing in deep-core mines that reach most of the way into the planet’s crust. * Fletcher Omaha Designs (Omaha, United States): An important producer of genetically improved crop plants. Founded quite early in the century, has branches and subsidiaries worldwide. * Ford*: Manufacturers with a long history of automation in production, designing a variety of land, sea, air, and spacecraft. * Foreigner: Works on cybernetics, robotics, and personal embetterment devices. * Frito-Lay's*: A major player in the packaged foods industry that got their start selling snack foods. * Fuchs Fine Guns - Rifle manufacturers from Austria, with customized single and double rifles chambered in a variety of cartridges for hunting medium to large and dangerous game. Bolt-action rifles are still very popular choices. Fuchs firearms often have a waiting time of twelve months, and are quite expensive but very high quality. * Future Now: Tech company focused on easing the lives of the rich. ===== G ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Galloway|Galloway Tailored Defenses]] * Gemini Volksrobotics (Melbourne, Australia): A very popular producer of utility and companion cybershells for the global household market. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:gentech_pacifica|GenTech Pacifica]]: This transnational is involved with aquaculture, genetic engineering, ocean-floor mining, and the development of aquatic bioroids and uplifted sea animals. It is a major contractor in the Elandra ocean habitat program. * Gleason Publishing: Publishes books, databooks, and other media. Other publishers include: Market Street, Aetherwheel, Circa Unlimited, Featherlight, TrueSound Multimedia, and Blackburn. * Glock Gmbh (Glock)*: Based in Austria, Glock manufactures polymer-framed pistols that are commonly used by law enforcement agencies and military organizations around the world, and are also popular amongst civilians for home defense and concealed/open carry. Their polymer design makes them lighter than traditional steel or aluminum firearms, and they have a relatively small number of mechanical components compared to other firearms. Glock firearms are valued for their high reliability, and typically have conversion kits enabling the use of a wide variety of calibers. Glock also makes knives, entrenching tools, and apparel, and has subsidiaries in the United States, Uruguay, Hong Kong, UAE, and India. * GNC* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Google|Google]]*: Major corporate player in the Internet market, controlling a large portion of its infrastructure and search technology. * Goramynn: Makers of really big weapons for military / home defense. * Gorgonna: Makers of utilitarian machine technology. * Granmal: Disaster / emergency preparedness specialists. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Granth|Granth Survival Supplies]] * Green-Blue Associates: Based in San Francisco. Founded by former researchers for the Amazon Restoration project, Green-Blue specializes in accurate repair of native ecosystems. * Grupo Pacifico S.A. (Mazatlán, Mexico): A consortium of Mexican manufacturing firms with extensive ties to the United States and Ecuador. * Gyron: Focuses on supplies for remote territories, from postholers to pistols. ===== H ===== * Hallmark* * Harley Davidson* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Hartley|Hartley Construction]] * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:hawking_industries|Hawking Industries]]: A new space-based transnational (with strong British and South African investment) specializing in black hole technologies and high-energy physics research. * HeinCell AG (Cologne, Germany): One of the earliest German nanotech firms, specializing since the 2070s in applications of “wet” nanotechnology. * Hershey's* * Herstal Group*: Parent company of FN Herstal, Winchester (US Repeating Arms Company), and Browning Arms Company, based in Belgium. It was responsible for the 7.62x51mm ammunition design and 5.56x45mm ammunition design adopted by NATO. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:HolidayInn|Holiday Inn]] * Holland and Holland*: British manufacturers of handcrafted shotguns and sporting rifles, as well as a line of sportsman's clothing and accessories. They manufacture a variety of custom luxury weapons including combination over/underbarrel firearms, and there is a waiting period of approximately two years for most weapons. They have showrooms in New York City, Moscow, and Dubai, and have a historical record of creating many custom calibers for discerning clients with special needs, including the various Nitro Express bullets and the Paradox shotgun shell. * Home Depot*: Retailers of home improvement, gardening, and repair supplies; bought out Lowe's and several other smaller companies in 2065. * Hvide Stjerne A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark): Important ground-based manufacturer of orbital satellites. Currently suffering considerable competition from similar firms based in space. ===== I ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Imperial|Imperial Laser Systems]] * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Indiron|Indiron Technical]] * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:IBM|International Business Machines]]*: One of the oldest developers and manufacturers of machines used in the workplace, including computers, cash registers, and peripheral equipment. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:ithemba|Ithemba Biotechnologies and VeldtKorp]]: One of the largest African corporations, based in Cape Town. Originally a biotechnology firm, its success in developing the first cheap AIDS vaccine gave it considerable influence. ===== J ===== * Jeep* * Johnson and Johnson* ===== K ===== * Kalashnikov Concern*: The largest arms manufacturer of Russia, producing over 95% of all Russian small arms and supplying to countries around the world. The Concern contains three brands: "Kalashnikov" (combat and civilian weapons)", "Baikal" (hunting and civilian guns), and "Izhmash" (sporting rifles). The Concern also has business lines that include motorcycles and automobiles, remote weapon stations, unmanned aerial vehicles and multi-functional special-purpose boats. These brands maintain high reliability and operational simplicity throughout their design, and many lower-quality imitators exist. * Kanzaki Robotics (Osaka, Japan): A major manufacturer of industrial robots and automated vehicles. Known for its innovations in low-level AI design. * Kellogg's*: Manufacturers and distributors of major food staples, including cereals. * Keylar: Plastics / ceramics manufacturer, with significant interest in housewares, industrial, and defense markets. * Keystone Industrial: Major construction contractor. * Kogitant GmbH (Salzburg, Austria): A well-known designer of advanced sentient-AI software. Currently under suspicion of performing illicit research on emergent intelligence. * Krant Military Supplies: Manufactures weaponry and armor for private military contractors, governments, and corporate security. ===== L ===== * Laurin Systeme AG (Amsterdam, Netherlands): A German-Dutch corporation involved with the production of diamondoid and other single-crystal materials. * Legaion: Military / civilian astronautics contractors, specializing in high-bulk craft. (10000 tons or more.) * Le Monde Vert: Based in Marseilles. Suppliers of ecoformer tools for various African environmental cleanups, in 2099 Le Monde Vert hired M. Dyson, widely considered the top SAI coder of antivirus systems, and has built a highly competitive anti-ecoweapon protection system. * LibrosNews: Focused on news production, coverage, printing, etc. Other news includes: Starlight Newsnet, Cerebellum, Filterfly, BizarreNet, ClearNews, JustNews, Clamor, Talkbright, and a multitude of lesser companies. * Lifesystems: Designers of life support systems and building ventilation, etc. * Ludimages (Cannes, France): Major producer of interactive VR entertainment, emphasizing strategy and roleplaying games. ===== M ===== * Manticore Biotech (San Diego, United States): An American tissue-engineering firm famous (or infamous) for its bioroid and bioshell designs. Also produces a number of innovative biomod implants. * Markavy Shipyards: Builds, refits, and repairs spacefaring vessels. * Mars Academy of Space Technology (MAST): MAST, based on Phobos, is a major research-and-development firm for Chinese spacecraft and fusion drives. It is run as a corporation, but its majority owner is the Chinese government. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:mars_interplanetary|Mars Interplanetary]]: The system's biggest interplanetary carrier, this Chinese company is based at Taiko Station with major offices on Mars. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:marwari_digital|Marwari Digital and TEN]]: A huge media conglomerate that resulted from a merger between Marwari Infinity (one of the largest Indian entertainment corporations) and the successful InVid production company Eon Digital. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:McDonalds|McDonald's]]* * Mercedes* * Metal Storm*: Manufacturers of the 'Storm' and related lines of extreme-ROF firearms, based out of Australia as a subsidiary of DefendTex, an Australian research and development company. 'Storm' weapons typically are preloaded-barrel weaponry with electronic firing triggers, including MAUL (MultiShot Accessory Underbarrel Launchers, an electronically fired 12-gauge shotgun as an accessory or self-contained weapon), the 3GS (a semiautomatic grenade launcher with three preloaded grenades per barrel), and the Storm Volley, a multi-barrel stacked projectile weapon meant for suppressive fire, with each barrel generating an RPM of 27,777 with a distance of 1/10th meter per followup projectile for the duration. * Métapparences (Montreal): A company which operates biosculpt and implant clinics throughout North America and the European Union. * Microdracon: Processor manufacturers ('fueled with the power of the dragon!') * Micrometals Ltd. (Edinburgh, Scotland): Research firm experimenting with the construction of “smart sapphire” nanotech computers. * Military Industries Corporation*: A government owned Saudi Arabian corporation, MIC manufactures Saudi Arabian firearms, ammunition, and armored vehicles used by the military. * Morgan-Richards: Genetic research and development, pharmacy manufacturers. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:morpheum|Morpheum Entertainments]]: Entertainment media empire. * Morisson Engineering: Makes planetary exploration vehicles. * Motel 6: Low-cost chain of rent-by-the-night motels. Reasonably reputable. * Motivo: Vertol and small astronautics manufacturers, made popular by Space Racer championships. * Myrtle: Fuel production specialists focusing on hydrogen and related products. ===== N ===== * Nabisco* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:nanodynamics|Nanodynamics]]: Nanodynamics grew rapidly in the early 21st century and is now one of the world's largest corporations. Its biocybernetics division pioneered many uploading, cybershell, and brain-implant technologies. The company's many subsidiaries manufacture all forms of nanomachines and microbots, as well as nanofabrication tools, precision-engineered carbon nanotubes, and cutting-edge molecular computers. * Nanosan Umweltsysteme AG (Darmstadt, Germany): New (but extremely successful) firm which produces nanosystems for environmental cleanup projects. * Neurorez: Bionic and neural-interface technology supplier. * Nippon Uchuukaihatsu Kaisha (NUK): The Japanese Space Development Corporation operates a large number of robot factories in Earth orbit and at L4, and is a major producer of industrial microbots. NUK is headquartered in Tokyo, and also runs Tanegashima spaceport. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:NovusLabs|Novus Laboratories]] * Nyeri Viwandazito (Nairobi, Kenya): Major producer of heavy industrial equipment. Currently bidding aggressively for contracts on the Olympus Project. ===== O ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:orion_industries|Orion Industries]]: Orion Industries is one of the world’s largest arms manufacturers and dealers. Based in Sydney, Australia, the firm develops and sells weapons systems on a global scale. The PRA nations are naturally its foremost customers, but it has dealings in almost every country on Earth (except for the TSA bloc). ===== P ===== * Pepsi-Cola* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Piccatta|Piccatta Combat Solutions]] * Portcullis General Security Systems, Inc. (Baltimore, United States): Data security consultancy known for its innovative use of lowsentience software agents. * ProtECO, based in Brasilia. Jointly owned by Nanodynamics and the National University of Brasilia, ProtECO claims to be the only environmental defense firm to deploy a nanoformer “immune system” against ecoterror. * PT Bintang Bumi Bulan (Djakarta, Indonesia): An Indonesian mining firm, which has escaped most trade sanctions by locating its main business offices in Singapore. Very busy throughout Southeast Asia and Oceania. * PT Manfasi (Djakarta, Indonesia): An Indonesian firm specializing in solar-energy installations. Currently suffering the effects of trade sanctions being imposed on Indonesia. * PT Nolsatu (Djakarta, Indonesia): The largest software-engineering house in Southeast Asia. Has a robust research division, which earns plenty of income from state subsidies. * PT Nusantara Biotek (Djakarta, Indonesia): Premier Indonesian genetic-engineering firm. Suspected of operating an elaborate industrial-espionage branch. ===== Q ===== * Quantech: Specializing in computer and communications equipment. * Quiggley: Robotics and heavy machinery. ===== R ===== * Rayin: Military / civilian aeronautics and astronautics contractors, specializing in large craft. * Rite Aid* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Rizon|Rizon Electronics]] * Robust Life Sustainment Systems: Life support systems. * Royale: Stylish robotics / machine design. * RV Interorbital Ltd. (Manchester, United Kingdom): A transport firm, providing suborbital flights worldwide as well as regular service to low Earth orbit. ===== S ===== * Saiyochin: High-end home appliances. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Seburo|Seburo Ballistics]] * SegFault Inc. (Spokane, United States): Specializes in cheap distributed-processing systems and “evolved” software agents. * Shell*: Energy production company that got its start in the petrochemicals industry, and still holds a major market share in vehicle fueling stations. * Shuttlecab: Shuttle services for the busy businessman (1% shuttle base cost, per day available.) * Sig Sauer Inc*: SIG Sauer is currently one of the largest firearms manufacturing entities in the world, with one-third of US police using SIG firearms. Based in New Hampshire, SIG mostly makes handguns and rifles, including energy weapons. * SkyTek: A multinational pharmaceutical corporation based in Australia with chemical laboratories in orbit (hence the name), as well as sizable interests in agriculture, cloning, bioroid production and brainscanning. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Slade|Slade Imports]] * Sony* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:solar_express|Solar Express]]: The yellow-and-purple SOLEX courier ship is a common sight throughout the system. Solar Express delivers packages anywhere beyond Earth's atmosphere. * SpaTek: SpaTek began as a manufacturer of personal trainer software and biomonitors, but the SpaTek brand name is now found on many items including health products, performance-enhancing biomods, nootropic drugs, sportswear, and sporting goods. It owns a chain of offworld health spas, such as Moonshadow on Luna. Its HQ is in Luna City, with major Earthside offices in Helskini. * Splitbit: Computer and cybernetic systems and services. * Springfield Armory Inc.*: A firearms manufacturer and importer based in Geneseo, Illinois, and one of the largest firearms companies in the world. Responsible for the M1A series of rifles and the M1911 pistol, as well as clones of various other commercial firearms. * Sprint*: A communications giant with its fingers in a variety of other tech industries. * Staples* * Subway*: Fast food restaurant franchiser with a focus around sandwiches and soups. * Sudan Military Industry Corporation*: The Sudan Military Industry Corporation is the state-run defense corporation of Sudan and one of the largest weapon manufacturers in Africa. It is responsible for the production of a wide range of defense equipment, such as main battle tanks, ammunition and electronics. The MIC have advertised a wide range of products that appears to be versions of equipment originally supplied to Sudan or licensed by China, Russia and Iran, as well as many unlicensed copies of Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and German weapons. * Supernova: Racing coordinator, also manufactures and sells vehicle parts (10% above standard costs) and collectibles. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:system_technologies|System Technologies AG]]: This vast transnational has interests in space resource extraction, robotics, fusion and antimatter power, and space habitat construction. System Technologies founded the Lunar He-3 mining business, helped build Islandia and the E.U.'s Mercury colony, and is still the largest corporation on the moon. ===== T ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:TacoBell|Taco Bell]]* * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Taiko|Taiko Computing]] * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:corporations:TalkBright|TalkBright]] - Publishers of various industry periodicals, including [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:periodicals:Science_Global|Science Global]], [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:periodicals:Bioroid_Review|Bioroid Review]], [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:periodicals:Urban_Jungle|Urban Jungle]], [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:periodicals:Miltech_Today|Miltech Today]], [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:periodicals:Virtual_Tomorrow|Virtual Tomorrow]], and [[:tower:worlds:granitecity:periodicals:Cybernetics_Now|Cybernetics Now]], most available in standard digital format. * T/Cell: Currently the largest memetic debunking agency, T/Cell is based in Portland, Oregon, but does thriving business around the world. They call themselves a “Memetic Immune System,” and employ hundreds of memeticists as paid consultants to undermine “irrationality, sloppy thinking, and belief in the supernatural.” They produce networked verification software called Memetophage (Complexity 2), which provides a +1 bonus to Research rolls. A subscription to T/Cell runs $200/month. * Telefonix: Focuses on building planetary comm systems and Net connection equipment. * Tenzan Heavy Industries: Tenzan was formed from a coalition of Japanese aerospace, mining, and electronics firms but has since become a true multinational. Tenzan made its fortune in Lunar He-3 and near-Earth asteroid mining, but has since diversified into a wide range of space-related businesses. Tenzan is a pioneer in mass driver engines, space construction techniuqes, space-worker cybershells, vacc-suit designs, and asteroid-mining technology. A subsidiary, Tenzan Defense Systems, is a leading supplier of aerospace craft for the Pacific Rim Alliance. Tenzan's head offices are jointly located in Osaka, Japan and in Luna City. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Teralogos|Teralogos]]: Teralogos is the leading player in the global information market, dominating the news industry and holding a significant position in the entertainment business as well. * Time-Warner*: Media empire with hands deep in Net infrastructure and digital rights management. * Titan: Currency information and financial services. * Titan Consortium: An alliance of several companies (mainly American and South American) and governments for the purpose of settling Titan and mining helium-3 from the atmosphere of Saturn. Its major activities include He-3 gas mining, chemical refining, and fusion-power research. It exercises a vast amount of influence on and around Titan, which is virtually a corporate state. Leading members of the Consortium are Columbia Aerospace and Nanodynamics. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Tortion|Tortion Body Armor]] * Toshiba*: Manufacturer of lightweight computers and computer peripherals. * Toyota* * Trans-Union: Specializes in large transport vehicles and shipping containers; its flagship, the TransU, is no longer in production but still in frequent use as a LEO (low-earth-orbit) cargo hauler. * Transplanet Shippers: Postal services big and small, with outreach 'to the limits of known space', as they like to boast, and the best express service available. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Trilton|Trilton Custom Arms]] * Triplanetary Lines: Along with Mars Interplanetary, this company dominates interplanetary passenger and cargo services. It specializes in Earth-Mars-Saturn trade. Its crews are Farhaulers' Guild members. Its main offices are at Islandia. * Tritech: Energy weapon R&D; supplies military and civilian concerns. ===== U ===== * United Aerospace Corporation*: A major Russian corporation with the majority stake being owned by the Russian government, the UAC manufactures a variety of aircraft and low-orbit spacecraft for commercial and private use. * United States Postal Service*: Still one of the major leaders in international mail delivery, but is planetary-based only, and has the worst bureaucratic restrictions on shipments. About as secure for shipping as handing your package to a government clerk and asking him not to look inside while hand-carrying it to the address, and often about as fast - money makes things go faster and more smoothly and helps ensure it gets there at all. * United Parcel Service*: Delivers to practically anywhere, given the proper payment. Unlike the USPS, UPS has little interest in policing the world's packaging, although they do perfunctory screening to make sure bombs and other such unpleasantries aren't being sent. Has offplanet delivery routes, drone-based shipping drops, and a variety of other options. * Ultor Industrial: A megacorporation if ever there was one, doing everything from home appliances to bounty hunting. ===== V ===== * Veloss: Guns, ammunition, and weapon accessories. * Verizon*: A long-time leader in the telecommunications industry, with satellite uplinks worldwide as well as orbiting Mars and Luna and maintaining a presence on all seven continents. * Virgin*: Has a huge number of subdivisions (Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines, Virgin Mobile, Virgin Armaments), sponsored by the estate of Richard Bronson, the company's original founder. * Visio*: Display systems and screens. * Vitalife: Biotech company that produces lab-grown food products and performs cosmetic biosculpting operations through its NewU subsidiary. * Voltrek: Expensive (but effective) hunting and survivalist supplies. * Vosper-Babbage: One of the system's oldest space-based corporations, Vosper-Babbage specializes in the construction of spacecraft and space-operations cybershells, but also has strong asteroid-mining interests. On Earth, it is also a major marine shipbuilder, as well as making aquatic cybershells. It manufactures products for both civilian and military customers, and is one of the European Union's largest defense contractors. It was originally based in the United Kingdom, and still has a cozy relationship with the British government. System Technologies and newcomer Hawking Industries own much of the company's stock. ===== W ===== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:WalMart|Wal-Mart Inc.]]*: Retail consumer goods. * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:corporations:Wensel|Wensel Quality Manufactory]]: Low quality and knock-off electronics, weapons, power supplies, etc. * Willowind: Clothing manufacturers (low-end.) ===== X ===== * Xarxa Enllaç SL (Barcelona, Catalonia): One of the largest telecommunications and networking firms in Europe. * Xeolith: Advanced software and vehicle control systems. * Xiao Chu: A giant Chinese corporation specializing in industrial nanotechnology, microtechnology, genetic engineering, and space systems. An early investor and major power on Mars, it is one of the largest and most successful space-based industrial firms, rivaled only by System Technologies AG. Xiao Chu's signature products include the Mars space elevator and the manufacture of numerous bioroids. It also builds industrial and agricultural microbots. The Chinese government is a significant shareholder in Xiao Chu, and the company has been described as 'Rust China, Inc.' Its headquarters is New Shanghai on Mars. ===== Y ===== * Yamato Omnigenetics (Nagasaki, Japan): A firm specializing in rejuvenation technology and other forms of geriatric medicine. Also has a division investigating germ-line engineering for longevity. ===== Z ===== * Zastava Arms*: Zastava Arms is a Serbian manufacturer of firearms and artillery, based in Kragujevac, Serbia. It was founded in 1853 when it cast its first cannons. It is the leading producer of firearms in Serbia and is a large contributor to the local defense industry. Zastava Arms produces and exports a wide variety of products to over forty countries. Zastava produces a broad range of rifles, shotguns, pistols, machine guns, SMGs, grenade launchers, antitank rifles, and energy weapons. * Zolgan: Pharmaceuticals company, specializing in pain management.