====== CharLoft RPG: Suggestions for New Items ====== This section contains player suggestions for Items, and can be edited by anyone. Nothing here is officially part of the game yet, but may be used for testing purposes by GMs. ====Sledgehammer/Battle Hammer/Mace==== When it comes to blunt weaponry, this makes a baseball bat look like a flimsy twig. Hammers as military weaponry have a rich, even mythological history-- Thor's Mjolnir, for instance. This weapon consists of extrapolations on a simple base design-- a stick, with a blunt metal end of some sort or another. It does 5 x STR damage, bash type. On any hit of more than 4 SLs, roll another d10; a ten also Breaks a Bone, putting the target at a -1 for actions until this is healed. Broken Bones can be cumulative. However, due to the weight of this type of weaponry, an STR of 4 or better is required to wield it effectively. ====Summoning Whistle==== Traditionally given to fledgelings in the AUrelians' world, the summoning whistle is a small, sterling silver whistle, inscribed with the motto: "Flabis Veniam". In times of dire trouble, the possessor should blow the whistle with two short, sharp blasts. This will summon the nearest Aurelian, who will lend their assistance. Note: It is not recommended to use the whistle unless it is a matter of life or death, as some Aurelians, when summoned, may cause a larger problem than the initial problem. Also, it should be noted that it is up to the GM's discretion //which// Aurelian would be summoned. ==== Binoculars ==== A simple set of binoculars to help you see all that you can see. It adds +3 to Notice rolls for distant targets.