====== Shane "Shay" Bryant ====== ==== Basic Information ==== "...I came all the way out here for this?" {{:guests:sheets:shay2.jpg}} **Character Type**: Adult Mortal (Human) **Drama Points:** 10 **Life Points:** **Experience Points:** **Banked Experience:** \\ ==== Attributes === **Strength:** 2 **Dexterity:** 4 (+1 point from vehicle specialist) **Constitution:** 2 **Intelligence:** 5 (+2 from brainiac) **Perception:** 4 (+1 from brainiac) **Willpower:** 2 ==== Qualities ==== Civilian Vehicular Specialist: 5 points If someone else can name it, you can pilot it. Whether it's got wheels, treads, jets, or rockets, you've either been certified on it, run a simulator of it, or could pick it up if you had a few minutes. Forklifts, pallet stackers, cars, buses, trains, jets, shuttles – you name it, and you can operate it. You receive a +1 to Dexterity; +2 to Driving; and +2 to Wild Card (Piloting). Shay has a zero point obligation to ITO Adventure Corp, who have hired him as a consultant to scope out Titan's existing transport conditions and what would need to be done to have an ITO Extreme Titan Adventure take place there. Photographic memory - 2 points Hard to Kill 2 Attractive -2 Brainiac 5 +2 to Intelligence +1 to Perception +4 to Knowledge Mental Problems: Obsession [from Brainiac: obsessed with design, particularly that of spacecraft] Charisma -2 Good Luck - 2 ==== Drawbacks ==== Love - 2 The love of Shay's life is Zachariah C. Bryant (Zach), his partner in everything from marriage to consultancy. They live and work together, as they have for the past 12 years. Habitual drinking - 1 Though not (yet, at least) an alcoholic, Shay does enjoy drinking on a regular basis. Ambitious (mild) - 1 Shay wants to move up in the world. Anger - 2 Shay has the unfortunate combination of a low frustration tolerance and a bad temper when irritated. Honorable (serious)- 2 Shay's word is his bond. He would never go back on a promise. Deep sleeper - 2 Good luck waking Shay up once he's asleep. ==== Skills ==== 20 **Acrobatics:** **Art:** 3 **Computers:** 2 **Crime:** 0 **Doctor:** 0 **Driving:** 4 (2 from pilot) **Getting Medieval:** 2 **Gun Fu:** 1 **Influence:** 3 **Knowledge:** 6 (4 from brainiac) **Kung Fu:** 1 **Languages:** 0 **Mr. Fix-It:** 2 **Notice:** 2 **Occultism:** 0 **Science:** 0 **Sports:** 0 **Wild Card: Piloting** 2 ===== Equipment ===== ITO samples case Corporate ID and clearance badge Heavy leather duty coat, and thick soled boots Various changes of clothing and a suitcase backpack belt pouch uplink / communicator earbud with direct channel to Zach tablet/surface computer to take notes on / read books / play games on / reach home corp etc Holographic projector earrings. Shay has plugs in his earlobes, fairly large holes. In those sockets, a tiny hologram projector projects various things - the ITO logo, little planets orbiting, flames dancing, etc. according to whether he is working or wearing them for personal enjoyment. He can also project an image onto a wall with them by poking his finger in the hole (poke and play projection!) titanium wedding ring matching Zach's medication kit including tabs for spacesickness, headache tabs, and other such mild problems one might encounter while travelling, including some antibiotics and painkillers just in case. small repair and tool kit ===== Maneuvers =====