Lord Ruthven **Drama Points:** 2 **Lifepoints:** 58+9 (Hard to Kill) **Experience Points:** 9 **Banked XP:** WP: 3 Influence: 2 WC: Card Sharp 4 Attributes ^ Attribute ^ Level ^ | STR | 4+3 | | DEX | 6+2 | | CON | 3+2 | | INT | 5 | | PER | 4 | | WILL | 2 | QUALITIES ^ Quality ^ Level ^ | Attractiveness | 3+2 (suit)| | Hard to Kill | 1+2 | | MP: Cruelty | 3 | | Nerves of Steel | 1 | | Situational Awareness | 1 | | Immortal | 0 | | Dual Shape | 2 | | Vampire/Monster | | Vampiric Regeneration |1 | SKILLS (30) ^ Skills ^ Level ^ | Art - Dance | 3 | | Crime | 4 | | Getting Medieval | 4 | | Influence | 4 +2 (suit)| | Knowledge | 3 | | Kung Fu | 4 | | Notice | 3 | | Occultism | 4 | | Good Luck | 1-3 (suit, depending on Obligation | | Obligation | -2 | | WC: Vampire Politics | 2 | | WC: Rake | 2 | Item: Infernally tailored suit * +2 Attractiveness * +2 Influence * +1-3 Good Luck (While wearing suit, depending on how recently/well Obligation was met) * -2 Obligation If the suit is not fed with blood every fortnight, the owner will take a -1 to WP and -1 to Perception for every round that passes until the suit is fed. The penalties to WP and Perception are cumulative and the player must do a Perception and WP roll every turn, or as GM dictates. Failed Perception rolls will result in auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia and self destructive impulses, to be dictated by GM