====== Dominica [Nica] Marchese [Pleasantdale] ====== ==== Basic Information ==== {{http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/jasonbeast/43169/16671/600.jpg}} **Character Type**: Teen Mortal (Human) **Drama Points:** 20 **Life Points:** 24 (Hard to Kill) **XP:** 3 **Banked XP, Gun-Fu:** 1 **Banked XP, Con:** 1 **Citizenship:** 3 ==== Attributes ==== **Strength:** 1 **Dexterity:** 4 **Constitution:** 1 **Intelligence:** 4 **Perception:** 4 **Willpower:** 1 ====Qualities==== Artist package: +2, adds +1 to 2 mental attributes, +1 Art, -1 Willpower to resist strong emotion Attractive +3 Big Damn Hero +3 Fast Reaction Time +2 Good Luck +1 Hard to Kill +2 Bullseye +1 Resources +1 ====Drawbacks==== Addiction, heavy drinking -2 Secret -1 [lesbian] Minority -1 [female] ====Skills==== Acrobatics: 0 Art: 5 Computers: 0 Crime: 2 Doctor: 0 Driving: 1 Getting Medieval: 1 Gun Fu: 2 Influence: 0 Knowledge: 2 Kung Fu: 1 Languages: 1 Mr. Fix-It: 1 Notice: 1 Occultism: 0 Science: 0 Sports: 0 ==== Background Information ==== === Background Summary === //"I have no idea what's happening, but I could really use a martini."// Dominica Marchese grew up in NYC and is a new arrival in Pleasantdale. She got into some trouble in school and her family sent her to stay with her bachelor cousin, Vito, to keep house for him and get an education outside the city's distractions. Dominica is an aspiring artist and if she is resentful over being shipped off to live in Jersey, she hides it well. Outwardly, she is cheerful and loquacious, with a busy intellect and a sharp sense of humor. She can also make a mean plate of spaghetti, and that's what really matters, am I right? Dominica sometimes runs the cash register at Marchese's Texaco, Body and Motor. === Mindset === Nica, as she calls herself, feels very out-of-place and misses the nightlife in the Village. She had made a number of friends in the Beat movement and has adopted some of the slang, but dresses like other girls her age in mid-length skirts, bobby socks and saddle shoes. She usually wears her hair up in a ponytail and almost always has a piece of bubblegum in her mouth. She smokes, but only at home or around people she trusts, which are few, and her drinking is excessive. Vito tries to keep her down to two drinks a night, but Nica has a hard time falling asleep unless she is pretty much wasted. Fortunately, this behavior only happens at home, for now. === Quirks === Nica has no interest in the opposite sex and admires Ginsberg for his openness regarding this aspect of his personality. She knows how much trouble she and Vito would be if this secret got out, so she keeps it to herself. She has a sketch pad she carries around with her and she draws and doodles and caricatures while talking or doing homework or hanging at the malt shop. Her talent is considerable and has drawn the attention of a few prominent schools, but she is noncommittal and not even sure she wants to go to college. She has a substantial comic book collection and loves watching Superman and Rocky Jones in the afternoons after school. Because of the nature of the business and Nica's time spent as a cashier there, Vito has taught her how to shoot, using targets set up at the rear of the property. As it turns out, Nica is an extremely good shot as long as she takes the time to aim. Vito has her sit up in the window of the apartment with a hunting rifle during his "business deals," providing cover, and she has access to a .32 caliber revolver under the counter. === Housing === Nica lives with Vito in the two-bedroom apartment above the garage. She maintains a messy, but productive kitchen. Her cooking style is mostly Southern Italian with a lot of tomato sauce and basil involved. === Possessions === Easel and several unfinished and blank canvases; Art supplies including oil paints, pastels and pencils; Schwinn bicycle, red; Purse with cosmetics, gum, mints, nail polish, files, more pencils and a sharpener; .30-06 hunting rifle w/scope and two boxes of ammunition (under bed), roll of cash, approximately $1,000 (mattress); small pistol and 1 box of ammo (under cash register)