{{:guests:sheets:600full-lacey-chabertl.jpg?200|}} ===== Meredith Louise Delany ===== ==== Character Sheet ==== === Vital Statistics === PB: Lacey Chabert Height: 5' 3" - Weight: 115 lbs - Eyes: Brown - Hair: Brown - Age: 16 Life Points: 32 Drama Points: 21 Experience Points: 3 xp 1 banked XP toward driving Citizenship: 2 === Attributes === Strength: 2 Dexterity: 4 Constitution: 2 Intelligence: 2 Perception: 4 (+1 from Artist) Willpower: 3 (+1 from Artist) === Qualities === (10) Attractiveness +3 Artist +2 * Artists get a +1 to any two mental Attributes (Intelligence, Perception, or Willpower); the bonuses cannot be stacked onto one Attribute, and the limit remains six for humans. They also get a +1 to (what else?) the Art skill. Artists tend to be a bit sensitive and emotional, though; they have a -1 penalty to Willpower rolls to resist fear or losing their temper, or otherwise letting their emotions rule. Hard to Kill +2 Contacts +1 (High school friends) Resources +1 Good Luck +1 === Drawbacks === (7) Clown -1 Covetous (Lechery) -1 Mental Problems (Reckless) -1 Teenager -2 Minority -1 (Female) Secret -1 (Bisexual) === Skills === (15 + 7 from Drawbacks) Acrobatics: 2 Art: 5 (+1 from Artist Quality) Computers: 0 Crime: 2 Doctor: 1 Driving: 1 Getting Medieval: 1 Gun Fu: 0 Influence: 3 Knowledge: 2 Kung Fu: 1 Languages: 0 Mr. Fix-It: 2 Notice: 3 Occultism: 0 Science: 0 Sports: 0 ==== Background Summary ==== Mere was born to Jack and Louise Delany, but Louise took off when Mere was two, leaving Jack to raise the baby on his own with some help from his parents. What ended up happening was that Mere was raised in what some would call a 'chaotic' household. She thinks that it's perfect, though. Her father is a musician that plays for local (and some big city) clubs, and, once she was old enough to pass for eighteen or so, he started to bring her along, teaching her how to set up equipment and, when he felt that she was good enough, singing and playing along with the band. ==== Mindset ==== Mere is a free spirit raised by free spirits (her father and grandparents). In ten years, she'd likely be a leading member of the hippie movement. She doesn't take well to authority and is likely to blow off anything that she doesn't want to do. ==== Quirks ==== Mere is goofy, a little hyperactive, and a little oversexed for someone her age. ==== Housing ==== Mere lives with her father in a smallish two bedroom home. Any money that either of them earn (he gives her 'her cut' when she performs with him) is usually more likely to go into instruments and the like rather than something more 'normal' like a bigger home. ==== NPC Relationships ==== Jack Delany (father)