====== Hans Varner ====== {{http://www.labarc.com/L/Graphics/Val/HansYellow.jpg}} **Character Type:** Master Champion **Life Points:** 46 **Drama Points:** 10 **Experience Points:** 5 **Banked Experience Points** **Willpower** 4 (6 needed for the next level)\\ **Influence** 1 (9 needed for the next level)\\ **Art: 2 (Ballroom Dance)\\ **WC: Vampire Politics: 4\\ **WC: Trusty Funded: 4\\ **Jealousy rating** 4 ===== Basic Attributes ===== **Strength:** 4 **Dexterity:** 4 **Constitution:** 5 **Intelligence:** 3 **Perception:** 4 **Willpower:** 5 ===== Qualities ===== Hans' Curse [6] Unique Kill [5]: Hans can only finally die if he truly redeems himself for the atrocities he has committed. While this may be open to interpretation (making up for partial responsibility for the Holocaust is awfully hard to measure), a Heroic Sacrifice will probably do the job, if it is big enough and if Hans is not specifically doing it to kill himself. Regeneration per Minute [3]: Hans regains 5 Life Points per minute. If 'killed' by something that does not qualify as his Unique Kill, normal weapon damage is regenerated over time unless the body is destroyed; for effects that cause slow death (such as freezing or poison) or destruction of the body (such as cremation), Hans will return to life (naked) somewhere in the vicinity approximately one day after his 'demise'. Immortal [0]: Hans does not age normally while the curse is in effect. Recurring Nightmares (Extended) [-2]: Hans is haunted in his sleep by memories of past atrocities committed, committed in his vicinity, or even vaguely related to him. This generally makes peaceful slumber for long periods difficult. Likewise, he ALWAYS has a nightmare during time spent between death and revival. His reflection is also cursed - if he looks in any mirror or mirrored surface for a significant amount of time, he sees himself in a German uniform, hands and sleeves drenched with blood; likewise, if he looks at his bare hands, they always appear to be drenched in blood. Either of these gruesome visions tends to unnerve him to the point of effectively having suffered a nightmare. Whenever a nightmare has taken place for -any- of the above reasons, Hans is at -1 to all rolls for the next day due to stress and exhaustion. (This effect is not cumulative for any purpose other than Fear Tests. If Hans has a nightmare, and then accidentally looks in the mirror, he will be at -1 to most rolls, but -2 to Fear Tests for the duration of the day.) Aside from by fulfilling the conditions of the Unique Kill, the curse can also be lifted by the originators of the curse or of their descendents. This requires a ritual of significant power with objects connected to Hans, but does not require the presence of Hans himself. It is mostly included as insurance that Hans does not use this curse against -them-. Multimillionaire [10]: Hans owns roughly $5,000,000 in property and earns roughly $200,000 per month from his investments. Hero [1]: Once per game session, Hans can give someone else a +10 on a roll by giving up his Turn and assisting; he must declare what he is doing to help, though. Attractiveness +2 [2] Contacts: Helpful Allies [3] Nerves of Steel [3] Situational Awareness [2] Fast Reaction Time [2] Rank (CharLoft): Regular Customer [1] ===== Drawbacks ===== Emotional Detachment [-1]: Hans tries to remain emotionally detached from everything, which can put a serious damper on friendships and love interests, and negatively affect Influence rolls and any roll where Hans is attempting to convince someone of his feelings one way or another. Mental Problems - Phobia: Nazi Items (Mild) [-1]: Hans cannot tolerate Nazi memorabilia, and tends to react violently when forcefully confronted with it, or to be discomfited by its presence. Mental Problems - Phobia: Mirrors (Severe) [-2]: Due in part to his curse, Hans has become strongly avoidant of mirrors, refusing to own them or keep them in his home, and refusing to look in them even when they are not angled towards him. (This can make driving problematic, amongst other things.) Mental Problems - Obsession: Compulsive Cleaning (Severe) [-2]: Hans compulsively keeps his living environment as clean and tidy as possible, to the point of obsessing over it. Dependent: Val [-2]: Val is likely to become a target for anyone trying to get to Hans personally. Minority: Gay [-1]: Hans is gay. While that is more socially acceptable in 2012, it's still the sort of thing that gets conservatives riled. Honorable: Minimal [-1]: Hans is generally honest and decent in his dealings, although he may make an exception for his enemies. ===== Skills ===== **Acrobatics:** 0 **Art:** 2 **Computers:** 1 **Crime:** 1 **Doctor:** 1 **Driving:** 0 **Getting Medieval:** 2 **Gun Fu:** 2 **Influence:** 4 **Knowledge:** 4 **Kung Fu:** 3 **Languages:** 3 (English, French, Spanish) **Mr. Fix-It:** 3 **Notice:** 3 **Occultism:** 1 **Science:** 0 **Sports:** 0 **Wildcard: ?:** 0