===== George "Georgio" Davis, teen beatnik ===== {{:guests:sheets:georgionew.jpg|}} ==== Character Sheet ==== === Vital Statistics === Height: 5' 6" - Weight: 120 lbs - Eyes: blue - Hair: brown and curly, a little goatee Life Points: 45 Drama Points: 20 Experience Points: 2 Banked XP (constitution): 1 Citizenship: 2 === Attributes === Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Constitution: 3 Intelligence: 2 Perception: 4 ( +1 from art) Willpower: 3 (+1 from art) === Qualities === Artist - +1 to any two mental Attributes, +1 to Art skill, -1 penalty to Willpower rolls to resist fear or losing their temper -2 Situational Awareness - 2 Hard to Kill - 5 Good Luck - 4 Light Sleeper - 2 Resources - OK - 0 Big Damn Hero - 3 === Drawbacks === 10 Addiction - cigarettes, alcohol, the occasional bit of marajuana - 1 Advesary - Biff Hunter, star quarterback - likes to stuff Georgio in lockers - 1 Clown - 1 Covetous (Conspicuousness) -mild - 1 Cowardace - mild - 1 Delusion - mild -1 (I'm hep, and I'm a fabulous part of the Beatnik movment) Misfit - beatnik - 2 Teenager - 2 === Skills === 10 Acrobatics: 2 Art: 2 Computers: Crime: 1 Doctor: 0 Driving: 0 Getting Medieval: 1 Gun Fu: 1 Influence: 0 Knowledge: 1 Kung Fu: 1 Languages: 0 Mr. Fix-It: 0 Notice: 2 Occultism: 0 Science: 0 Sports: 0 Wild Card: Beatnik Culture - 2 ==== Background Summary ==== {{:guests:sheets:geogionew2.jpg|}} George Davis was an awkward kid through elementary school. His peers mostly didn't notice him very much, except for the jocks who liked to pick on him as he was kind of scrawny. The summer before high school, George discovered the beat movement. He dyed his hair black, begged his parents for bongo drums and a copy of Howl, and joined the subterranian movement by writing his own epic poetry. Well epic, that is, in his own mind. He's not a TERRIBLE poet-- but he ain't good either. The problem is he thinks he's terrific-- and also that he's very, very hep and subversive. His parents are really hoping this is a phase. Georgio is just happy his goatee has finally started growing in so he can stop penciling it on. Georgio is 17, but he's in a lower grade than his age would indicate, having been held back twice. Once in elementary school for being a paste eater who didn't know all his letters (who fails kindergarden?!) and his first year of high school when he decided he was Too Cool to Study (his parents set him straight on that score). Georgio hangs out with his friends Nica, Lynn and Mere, and tries to avoid Biff and his buddies. Being shoved into lockers and toilets is not cool, daddy-o. ==== Mindset ==== Georgio can be sort of a proto-hipster, wanting to be on the cutting edge of what is subversive and cool. He hasn't figured out yet whether or not this means he should be gay like Ginsberg, or just go on a road trip like Keruoac. He's cheerful and friendly and always willing to read you (or write you) a poem. ==== Quirks ==== Always carries a notebook for writing. Frequently carries bongo drums. Sometimes wears a beret. ==== Housing ==== Lives in an apartment with his parents and older brother. ==== Possessions ==== well-worn copy of Howl and other Beat works bongo drums beret lots of black clothes sunglasses pocket knife ==== NPC Relationships ==== David Davis is Georgio's older brother. He's a clean-cut kid with a good attitude who did well in high school and is now attending Pleasant university. Personality wise, they're as different as night and day. But Georgio loves his brother, and his brother loves George -- though he doesn't often humor him by adding in the extra O. Mom and Dad Davis (Artie and Bette) are Georgio's parents. His father works in a factory, and his mother is a homemaker. They aren't quite middle class, but they're not destitute at least. The family lives in an apartment, with Georgio and David sharing a room.