===== Fred Morris, Taxidermist ===== {{:guests:sheets:fredmorris.jpg|Fred Morris, PB Kevin Bacon}} [[http://the-survivalist.dreamwidth.org/tag/fred+morris+pleasantdale|The Survivalist - Character Journal]] [[http://pleasantdale.dreamwidth.org/tag/fred+morris+pleasantdale|The Survivalist - Pleasantdale]] ==== Character Sheet ==== === Vital Statistics === Height: 5' 10" - Weight: 205 lbs - Eyes: Brown - Hair: Black Life Points: 42 Drama Points: 22 Citizenship: +3 Experience Points: 2 Banked XP: Gun Fu: 1 === Attributes === Strength: 3 Dexterity: 3 Constitution: 2 Intelligence: 2 Perception: 3 Willpower: 2 === Qualities === Skill Specialty: Wilderness Survival [1] Hard to Kill 4 [4] Resources: Well Off (General Electric stock portfolio) [4] Situational Awareness [2] === Drawbacks === Recklessness (Mild) [-1] === Skills === Acrobatics: 0 Art: 0 Computers: 0 Crime: 1 Doctor: 2 Driving: 0 Getting Medieval: 2 Gun Fu: 4 Influence: 0 Knowledge: 3 Kung Fu: 1 Languages: 0 Mr. Fix-It: 2 Notice: 2 Occultism: 0 Science: 0 Sports: 0 WC: Wilderness Survival: 3 ==== Background Summary ==== Fred Morris lives on the outskirts of town and is what one might charitably consider a harmless flake. After being called into service -- and summarily rejected -- during World War II due to his weight and poor fitness at the time, Fred has always taken the fact that he was denied the right to serve his country personally. He actually put serious effort into getting into shape to re-take the fitness test, but the war ended before he had an opportunity. Rumor has it that before the War, he was actually a respected investor, but years of being on the edges of society have helped people forget thinking of him as anything but 'that guy who lives out in the woods'. ==== Mindset ==== Fred is currently an active member of the town's Civil Defense committee, and will happily help teach anyone who might be interested in how to handle a firearm in preparation should the Red Menace come banging down their doors. He is an avid hunter and fisherman, and a passable taxidermist (and enthusiastically offers his services to anyone who might want a deer head for their wall); he also operates a rifle range to instruct the youth of Boy Scout Troop 401 in particular, which is built on his property. ==== Quirks ==== While Fred isn't always present at town functions or church events, this is usually more because he misses the town bus than because of any active disinterest on his part. He usually walks to where he needs to go, and usually pays for goods with change. ==== Housing ==== Fred's house is a shack that looks home-built (and probably is); surprisingly enough, he actually owns the land on which he hunts, and while his shack looks run-down, it does receive electric power and has modern conveniences such as television and radio. Furthermore, he is working on a private fallout shelter, following the advice given by the Federal Civil Defense Administration, just in case... ==== Possessions ==== Fred legitimately owns the territory he hunts on, and has an impressive assortment of firearms for hunting purposes. He also has a taxidermy workshop and bench reloading setup in his basement, and a sub-basement that he is currently working on making into a private fallout shelter. His firearms collection includes: An assortment of Sig P210s (9x19mm, 8-round box magazine), used for target shooting {{:guests:sheets:sig-p210.jpg?200|Sig P210}} Several Colt M1911s (.45 ACP, 7-round box magazine) for sidearm or personal defense {{:guests:sheets:colt-m1911.jpg?200|Colt M1911}} An assortment of Savage 24Cs (.22 LR over 20 gauge - rear-loaded, holds 10 .22LR and 2 20-gauge) with weapon sling (holds 5 shells and 50 .22 LR) ([[http://www.beartoothbullets.com/tech_notes/archive_tech_notes.htm/1|more info]]), used for target shooting or for hunting varmints; shotgun barrel loaded with slug for deer hunting {{:guests:sheets:savage-24-packed.jpg?200|Savage 24C broken down}} Twenty Winchester Model 75 bolt-action rifles (single-shot), used for target practice {{:guests:sheets:winchester-model-75.jpg?200|Winchester Model 75}} Winchester Model 1912 Trench Gun with bayonet lug (pump-action, no trigger disconnector / can be fired as quickly as it can be pumped; 12-gauge, six-shell tubular magazine), for personal use {{:guests:sheets:winchester-model-1912-trench.jpg?200|Winchester Model 1912 Trench Gun}} Two Ithaca 37 20-Gauge shotguns (pump action, holds five shells each), for personal use {{:guests:sheets:ithaca-37-20-gauge.jpg?200|Ithaca 37 20-Gauge}} ==== Military Surplus ==== Fred has a special cache of military surplus supplies that he acquired after the war - in his heart, he still wishes that he'd obtained them fighting as a soldier, and while he may have at one point thought of marching about wearing them, they simply sit in his basement, unused. M1 Carbine: The standard line weapon of WW2, with a 30 round detachable box magazine that takes .30-06 Springfield ammunition. {{:guests:sheets:m1-carbine.jpg?200|}} An ammunition belt, meant to hold magazines for the M1 Garand. {{:guests:sheets:m1-garand-ammo-belt.jpg?200|}} An M1 US army helmet, surplussed from the war. {{:guests:sheets:m1-helmet.jpg?200|}} A US army pistol belt, surplussed from the war. {{:guests:sheets:m1936-pistol-belt.jpg?200|}} Two M1 Garands in working order; each takes an 8-round box magazine of .30-06. Clip automatically ejects once emptied. {{:guests:sheets:m1-garand.jpg?200|}} One M1D Garand, the sniper version of the M1 Garand with a scope; actually occasionally used by Jeff for hunting at extreme ranges on rare occasions alone. Takes the same .30-06 as the normal M1 Garands. {{:guests:sheets:m1d-garand.jpg?200|}} An assortment of M1 Garand clips in various conditions, kept in an ammo case. {{:guests:sheets:m1-garand-clips.jpg?200|}} One of the ammo cases Fred has sitting around - some full of ammo, some full of assorted junk, some full of spent shells or handloaded rounds. {{:guests:sheets:ammo-can.jpg?200|}} An M1918 trench knife with brass knuckles. {{:guests:sheets:trench-knife.jpg?200|}} ==== Fred's Basement ==== {{:guests:sheets:taxidermyshop.jpg|Taxidermy Shop}} ==== Fallout Shelter ==== Fred is quietly working on building his own fallout shelter. Unfortunately for him, he's not finished with it yet. However, he does have some supplies stored in the hollowed-out area he's fortifying: * Gamma Radiation Detector (Geiger Counter) CDV-717 {{http://store.colemans.com/cart/images/3463.gif|Gamma Radiation Detector (Geiger Counter) CDV-717}} * Several battery-operated flashlights. * A large first-aid kit. * A battery-powered radio with CONELRAD 640 and 1240 pre-marked. * An assortment of spare batteries, sealed in a pickle jar. * Two pickle jars filled with water. * A locker stocked with canned meat and vegetables. * A small hand fire extinguisher. * A pair of heavy leather work gloves. * Two sets of woolen blankets. * Two pairs of denim coveralls. * Two pairs of high boots. * A toolbox, containing a hand axe, a shovel, a saw, two hammers, a pair of pliers, a screwdriver, a crowbar, and a trowel. * Two thick steel doors. This is currently propped against one wall, and will eventually be used as the doors separating the shelter from the basement via a small antechamber in between. * A pile of parts that eventually will serve as ventilation ductwork. * A CD V-750 Dosimeter Charger Model 2: {{http://www.orau.org/ptp/collection/civildefense/750mod2jordan.jpg?200|Dosimeter Charger}} * Three spare CD V-740 pocket dosimeters that measure radiation exposure from zero to 20 roentgens. ==== Fred's Backpack ==== Fred keeps a lot of 'interesting' things in his backpack and on his person: * A CD V-740 pocket dosimeter that measures total rad exposure from zero to 20 roentgens, which he occasionally checks 'just in case': {{http://www.orau.org/ptp/collection/civildefense/cdv7402.jpg?200|Dosimeter}} * A pickle jar filled with change, which he uses to pay for most things ==== NPC Relationships ==== === The Good Old Boys === Fred regularly goes hunting and fishing with a group of good old boys with similar interests. Earl, Frank, Joe, and Will are all fringe-folk like him; although Earl and Joe are both married (and Earl has three kids), they all manage to hang out to hunt and fish and drink beer at least once or twice a week. === Troop 401 === While Fred is a bit scattered now and then, he is actually very responsible when it comes to gun safety and marksmanship, and is responsible for training the Boy Scouts of Troop 401 how to operate and fire BB guns and bolt-action hunting rifles (with their parents' permission, of course.) {{:guests:sheets:boy-scout-01.jpg?300|Boy Scout Troop 401}} ==== In the mood for Fred's attitude? ==== === Links about guns and gun pictures === * [[http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/guns]] * [[http://www.firepowerunlimited.com]] * [[http://www.nosler.com]] * [[http://www.luckygunner.com]] * [[http://libertygunsandarmor.com]] * [[http://www.policestore.com]] * [[http://cosmolineandrust.blogspot.com/|The Arms Room]] - A blog analyzing various historical weapons. * [[http://www.shotgunworld.com|Shotgun World]] - A gun lover forum, good for informational purposes. * [[http://www.ar15.com|AR15.com]] - Has very detailed gun forums.