====== Cyborg ====== {{:guests:sheets:tumblr_m85qqfeyyj1r57fg3o1_1280.jpg?200|}} ===== Appearance ===== *Age: ??? *Gender: Male *Race: Human (Cyborg) *Height: ??? *Weight: ??? *Eyes: Grey/Red *Hair: None ===== Statistics ===== Type: Champion - Journeyman *AP: 22 *QP: 20 *DBP: 10 *SP: 25 *DP: 10 *Str: 3 (+5) *Dex: 3 (+2) *Con: 4 (+2) *Int: 5 (+1) *Per: 3 *Wil: 4 (+1 Wil Vs Fear) *LP: 38 ===== Qualities (26/20) ===== * Fast Reaction Time (+2) * +5 Initiative * +1 Wil Vs Fear * Hero (+1) * +10 Ally Test * Tool Man (+3) * +1 Sonic Cannon * Can't drop Sonic Cannon * Athlete (+4) * +1 Str/Dex/Con * +2 Sports * -1 Int Rolls except Sports * Coat (+3) * +1 Int * +1 FIx It * +1 Science * Robot (+5) * +4 Str * +1 Dex * +2 Con * 3 Sci reqired to restore LP * 1LP/Con = SL = 1d10+Sci+Int * Superscientist (+5) * Iron Mind (+3) * Immune to Telepathy * Immune to Super. Senses (GM) * Immune to Mind Reading Spells * Immune to Mind Altering spells ===== Drawbacks (6/10) ===== * Attractivness (-0) * -2 Influence except intimidation * Minority: Cartoon (-1) * Obligation: Important (-1) * Teenager/Youth (-2) * Supernatural Form (-2) ===== Skills (25/25) ===== * Acrobatics: 0 * Art: 0 * Computers: 2 * Crime: 0 * Doctor: 1 * Driving: 2 * Medieval: 0 * Gun Fu: 3 * Influence: 2 * Knowledge: 1 * Kung Fu: 3 * Language: 0 * Mr. Fix-It: 2 (+1) * Notice: 3 * Occultism: 0 * Science: 4 (+1) * Sports: 0 (+2) * WC-Artillery: 1 * WC-E.Survey: 1 ===== Maneuvers ===== ^ Name | Modifier | Damage | Type | ^Bite |Dex+Kung/C |2xStr |S/S | ^B.Neck |Str+Kung/M |4xStr |Ba | ^Choke |Str+Kung/M |Str-1 |Ba | ^D.Kata |Dex+Kung-4/C-4 |2xStr |Ba | ^DJ.Kick|Dex+Acro/C | | | ^ |Dex+Kung-4/C-4 |3xStr+1|Ba | ^Garrote|Dex+Crime/B | | | ^ |Dex+Kung | | | ^ |Str+Kung/M |Str |Ba/S/S | ^Grapple|Dex+Kung+2/C+2 | | | ^H.Butt |Dex+Kung-2/C-2 |2xStr |Ba | ^J.Kick |Dex+Acro/C | | | ^ |Dex+Kung-3/C-3 |3xStr+1|Ba | ^Kick |Dex+Kung-1/C-1 |2xStr+1|Ba | ^Punch |Dex+Kung/C |2xStr |Ba | ^Tackle |Str+Sport/M |2xStr |Ba | ^Sp.Kick|Dex+Kung-2/C-2 |2xStr+2|Ba | ^Sw.Kick|Dex+Kung-1/C-1 |Str |Ba | ^T.Down |Str+Kung/M |Str |Ba | ^Toss |2xStr-4/M-4 |Str |Ba | ^UDisarm|Dex+Kung-3/C-3 | | | ^UFeint |Int+Kung/B | | | ^W.Flip |Dex+Acro-3/C-3 | | | ^W.Smash|Str+Acro/M |3xStr |Ba | ^W.Hold |Str+Kung-2/M-2 | | | ^Aiming |Per+Gun | | | ^BowShot|Dex+Medi-2/C-2 |4xStr |S/S | ^CBShot |Dex+Medi/C |16 |S/S | ^F.Draw |Dex+Gun-3/C-3 | | | ^GunShot|Dex+Gun/C |Dam |Bu | ^GAkimbo|Dex+Gun-2 |2xDam | | ^RDisarm|Dex+Medi-3/C-3 | | | ^RReload|2xDex | | | ^TWeapon|Dex+Medi-1/C-1 |Dam | | ^CWeapon|Dex+Kung-5/C-5 | | | ^Dodge |Dex+Acro/C | | | ^OHBlock|Dex+Kung | | | ^Parry |Dex+Kung/C | | | ===== Inventory ===== * Comcam * Rocket Launcher (100/35/19 Fire Dam., 5 (4 With Artillery) turns to reload) * Plate Armor (20 AV, 10 AV vs Bullet) * BioScanner * Night Vision Goggles * Blaster Rifle: Arm Cannon (20 Beam, x3 vs living flash, 1/2 vs armor, 40s) * Mindjack * Optical Replacements * Analyzer ===== Spells ===== ===== Notes ===== * Sheeted by Zander490