====== Charles Worthington (aka 'Charworthy' ) ====== Character Type: Adult Mortal Life Points: 59 (this may be wrong...) Drama Points: 20 Experience Points: 0 ===== Attributes ===== Str: 3/4 (+1 from BG) Dex: 3 Con: 3/4 (+1 from BG) Int: 2 Per: 2 Will: 2 =====Drawbacks===== Mental Problems: Recklessness (Severe) (-2) Mental Problems: (Delusions: "Things will work out the way I want.") (Severe) (-2) Resources: Below Average Antisocial Impulses: Violence (Severe) =====Qualities===== Buff Guy (3-pt.) (-1 to all Mental Tasks and Tests) Natural Toughness Nerves Of Steel Hard To Kill 5 Situational Awareness Good Luck 3 =====Skills===== Acrobatics: 3 Computer: Crime: Getting Medieval: 3 Gun-Fu Influence: 2 Knowledge: Kung-Fu: 3 Notice: 1 Sport 3 (+2 from Buff Guy ) ===== Maneuvers ===== ^ Maneuver ^ Roll ^ Effects ^ | Punch | 3 + 2 | 4 + SL Bash damage | | Knife | 3 + 2 | 8 + SL Slash/Stab damage | | Feint (Get Med) | 3 + 3 | Add SL to next attack against target | | Dodge (Acro) | 3 + 2 | Avoid damage using Acrobatics | | Dodge (Get Med) | 3 + 2 | Avoid damage using Getting Medieval | | Aiming (Gun) | 3 + 2 | Add SL to attack against target; attack occurs at end of round instead of at beginning |