====== Bert Maguire ====== **Character type:** Journeyman Vampire **Age:** 28 years undead **Appearance:** Bert is fairly tall for a Victorian- about 5 ft 10, and a slightly stocky 160 pounds. He has dark hair and a 'trustworthy' face, which stand him in good stead in his duties. Prior to being vamped, Bert was in the British Army, and served time in India, where he picked up knowledge of the building of tiger traps, a knack for handling firearms and gambling, and a fondness for curries, as well as learning a smattering of Hindi. Bert carries an Army-issue revolver loaded with silver bullets, a 'pig-sticker' with a six-inch blade, and an Army issue knife-and-brass knuckles combo, as well as a stake, a packet of cigarettes and matches on his person at all times. **Drama Points:** 10 **Life points:** 62 + (5 levels HTK) = 77 **Experience Points:** ===== Attributes ===== **Strength:** 3 + 3 = 6 + 1^ = 7* **Dexterity:** 4 + 2 = 7* **Constitution:** 3 + 2 = 5* **Intelligence:** 3 **Perception:** 4 **Willpower:** 3 + 1^ = 4 *Bonus due to Vampire quality ^ Bonus due to Commando quality ===== Qualities ===== **Vampire** +15 **Immortal** +0 **Commando [Minion] [4]** +1 to any two physical Attributes, to a maximum level of six (the bonuses cannot be stacked on a single Attribute); Fast Reaction Time or Situational Awareness (pick one); three levels of Hard to Kill (an additional two levels can be acquired by spending points during character creation); and a 3-point Obligation (or, if they quit under … unfortunate circumstances, a 3-point Adversary or 3-point Secret). **Hard to Kill** 3^+2 =5^* **Fast Reaction Time** +2 **Natural Toughness** +2^ **Nerves of Steel** +3 **Resistance, Pain** +3 **Situational Awareness** +2 *Bonus due to Vampire quality ^Bonus due to Commando quality ===== Drawbacks ===== **Antisocial Tendencies** **Cruelty** -1 **Deceit** -1 **Violence** -1 **Covetousness** -1 **Honourable** (Mild) -1 **Dependent** -1 **Obligation** (Aurelian minion/Commando) -3 ===== Skills ===== **Acrobatics** +3 **Crime** +2 **Getting Medieval** +5 **Gun Fu** +4 **Influence** +1 **Knowledge** +2 **Kung Fu** +3 **Mr. Fix-It** +3 **Notice** +2 ===== Miscellanea ===== - Has a +2 bonus to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood) (**Vampire**) - Takes only one-fifth damage from bullets (**Vampire**) - Recovers from injuries at the rate of six Life Points every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of six Life Points per day) (**Vampire**) - Is vulnerable to sunlight, holy symbols, stakes through the heart, and beheading. (**Vampire**) - Has a a bonus of +1 on Willpower Tests to resist fear. (Due to **Fast Reaction**) - Is immune to fear except when confronting the strangest supernatural manifestations, and gains a +4 bonus to rolls even then. (**Nerves of Steel**) - Has a bonus for Initiative purposes (+5 if using dice to 'roll for initiative'), modified by common sense (**Fast Reaction**). - Has a +5 bonus to Survival Tests (**Hard to Kill**). - Has 4 points of Armor Value against blunt attacks (**Natural Toughness**). - Gains a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on him (**Situational Awareness**). - Has a +1 to Consciousness Tests (**Pain Resistance**). - As an Aurelian minion, falls under the definition of **Major Obligation**: The welfare of the organization is placed above that of himself. He is always on call, and does not have time to pursue a normal job (unless it’s a cover for the real assignment) or much of a personal life. The penalties for disobedience or selfishness are severe, and may include death.