Name: Aralyn Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human Height: 5'5" Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Ocean blue Hair: Red LJ: [[|suzakutimemage]] ---- Attribute Points: 20 Quality Points: 20 Drawback Points: Up to 10 Skill Points: 20 Drama Points: 10 Life Points: 44 ---- Str: 4 Dex: 5 Con: 3 Int: 2 +1 Per: 4 +2 (Acute Sight) Wil: 2 +2 ---- Qualities: (26 Points total) FF Time Mage Quality Package: Willpower +2, Intelligence +1, Occultism +2, Sorcery 2 (Limited Use: Time Aspect), Limit Breaker (stats can exceed human maximum if bought normally) [14 CP]. Must spend at least two points in Occultism skill beyond the bonus. Acute Sight: 2 Iron Mind: 3 Ambidexterity: 3 Attractive: 1 Hard to Kill: 2 Drawbacks: (6 points total) Teenager: -2 Fear of Rejection: -1 (From anyone, but Trey especially) Obligation(Major): -2 (To her school) Honorable(Minimal): -1 ---- Skills: ACROBATICS: 3 ART: 2 DOCTOR: 3 GETTING MEDIEVAL: 2 KNOWLEDGE: 2 KUNG FU: 2 NOTICE: 2 OCCULTISM: 2 +2 Wild Card(Crossbow): 2