====== Angelus Aurelius ====== **Character type:** Master Vampire **Age:** 150 years undead **Appearance:** From his shoulder-length glossy auburn hair to his impeccably manicured fingernails, to his bespoke suits, Angelus Aurelius is the embodiment of a respectable, upper-middle-class Victorian gentleman. The subtle air of menace he exudes beneath the surface veneer of polite charm and benevolence is just your imagination. Angelus carries a stake, a Webley RIC 1883 model revolver loaded with six silver bullets, a set of discrete but very sharp throwing daggers, a silver flask, a lighter, a money clip and money, a 2 foot long leather strap, a pocket watch, and a small leatherbound memorandum book and pen upon his person at all times. **Drama Points:** 9 **Life Points:** 70 + (3x4 HTK) = 82 LP (currently at 41 LP- Skald/68 LP - Egypt) **Experience Points:** 0 **Banked Experience:** \\ Getting Medieval: 4 (10 more needed for next level)\\ Knowledge: 2 (10 needed for next level) \\ WC: Sign Language: 2 (5 needed for next level) \\ WC: Tactics: (4 more needed for next level)\\ Science: 1 (4 more needed for next level)\\ WC: Vampire Politics (6 more needed for the next level)\\ Influence: 4 (6 more needed for the next level)\\ Occultism: 6 (4 more needed for the next level)\\ Willpower: 6 (19 more needed for the next level)\\ Acrobatics: (10 more needed for the next level)\\ Notice: (10 more needed for next level)\\ WC: Trusty Funded 4 (1 more needed for next level)\\ WC: Card Sharp 4 (1 more needed for next level)\\ WC: Rake (4 more needed for next level)\\ WC: Desert Survival [4 needed for next level]\\ ===== Attributes ===== **Strength :** 5 + 3= 8* **Dexterity:** 5 +2 = 7* **Constitution:** 5 + 2 = 7* **Intelligence:** 4 **Perception:** 4 +1 = 5^ **Willpower:** 3 +1 = 4^ *Bonus due to Vampire quality ^Bonus due to Artist quality ===== Qualities ===== Immortal 0 Vampire 15 Age 2 Artist 2 Nerves of Steel 3 Pain Resistance 1 Hard to Kill 4 Eidetic Memory 2 (Photographic Memory) Occult Library 3 ===== Drawbacks ===== **Anti social impulses** **Cruelty** 2 **Deceit** 1 **Covetousness** 1 **Dependant** 3 **Obsession** 2 **Recklessness** 1 **Adversary** ===== Skills ===== **Acrobatics** 4 **Art** 2 +1 = 3 ^Bonus due to Artist quality **Crime** 2 **Getting Medieval** 6 **Gun Fu** 2 **Influence** 3 **Knowledge** 4 **Kung Fu** 4 **Languages** 3 (Latin, Greek, French) **Notice** 4 **Occultism** 4 **WC: Wilderness Survival** 1 **WC: Tactics** 2 **WC: Vampire Politics** 2 **WC: Rake** 1 **WC: Desert Survival 1 ===== Equipment ===== -1 phial of Elixir which when drunk will restore the drinker to complete health. (1 time use) -Reward from The Lady for successful completion of the Vamphater Island adventure ===== Miscellanea ===== - Has a +2 bonus to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood) (**Vampire**) - Takes only one-fifth damage from bullets (**Vampire**) - Recovers from injuries at the rate of seven Life Points every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of seven Life Points per day) (**Vampire**) - Is vulnerable to sunlight, holy symbols, stakes through the heart, and beheading. (**Vampire**) - Receives -1 penalty to Willpower rolls to resist fear or losing his temper, or otherwise letting his emotions rule. (**Artist**) - Is immune to fear except when confronting the strangest supernatural manifestations, and gains a +4 bonus to rolls even then-- making most of the 'fear' bits above irrelevant anyway. (**Nerves of Steel**) - Has a +4 bonus to Survival Tests (**Hard to Kill**). - Has a +1 to Consciousness Tests (**Pain Resistance**). - Has a +4 to Survival Tests (**Hard to Kill**). -Charloft Rank '2'- 'Lifetime Customer' -Adversary drawback cost of Age quality, does not add any drawback benefits to Skills ^ Maneuver ^ Roll ^ Effects ^ | Punch | 7+4 | 12 + SL Bash damage | | Kick | 7+4- 1 | 14 + SL Bash damage | | Pick Locks | 7+2 | Used to attempt to open locks | | Feint (Kung Fu) | 4+4 | Feint with bare fists; add SL to next attack if not resisted | | Feint (Get Med) | 4+6 | Feint with a melee weapon; add SL to next attack if not resisted | | Aim (Gun Fu) | 5+1 | Aim a gun; add SL to gun attack, but attack occurs at end of round | | Gun Shot | 7+1 | Fire a gun; semi-automatic fire uses one roll (each extra bullet uses roll -1 cumulative) | | Knife | 7+4 | 12 + SL Slash damage | | Parry | 7+4 | Defend against attacks; also inflicts damage on HTH attackers if successful | | Dodge | 7+4 | Get out of the way of attacks | | Groin Shot | 7+4 | | Head Butt | 7+4-2 | 12 + SL Bash damage; attacker takes damage if failed | | Spin Kick | 7+4-2 | 16 + SL Bash damage | | Slam Tackle | 7+0 | Cannot be Parried; target takes 12 + SL damage and is knocked down if they fail to resist w/Str (not doubled) roll; can automatically grapple torso or legs if successful | | Grapple | 7+4+2 | Body grapple gives -1 to all actions; limb grapple gives -2 to use limb; neck grapple sets up for Choke/Break Neck | | Break Neck | 8+4 | Opponent must be successfully grappled first; Resist with Str + Con | | Choke | 8+4 | Opponent must be successfully grappled first; Resist with Str + Con | | Sweep Kick | 8+4-1 | Str points Bash damage | | Takedown | 8+4 | Target takes Str points Bash damage if they fail to parry or dodge | | Toss | 16-4 | Target must be Grappled first, if attack succeeds it does Str points of Bash damage (base type); target is tossed 1 yard for each SL in the roll, and knocked down automatically. Resist using Str roll. If attack fails, target remains Grappled but is not tossed. | | Wall Smash | 8+4 | Target must first be grappled; if successful, target takes 3 x Str Bash damage | | Decapitation | 7+6-5 | Damage is multiplied by five after Success Level bonuses are added and armor effects and other special modifiers are subtracted, instead of the usual modifier for damage type | | Vampire Bite | 7+4 | Victim must be Grappled; If successful, inflicts 2 x Strength Slash/Stab damage; after a hit, the vampire can choose to automatically inflict 3 x Strength damage (unaffected by type modifiers) per round from draining without an attack roll, and the opponent must make a Willpower (not doubled) roll to take any action while being drained. Vampires regain 1 LP for every five LP of damage inflicted through draining. Vamp must make a Willpower (doubled) roll to stop feeding in a timely manner if they have a reason to be hungry (severe injury, general starvation, etc), and some may not choose to stop even if they have a reason to. | | Axe | 7 + 6 | Long-handled axes can be wielded two-handed (add +1 to the effective Strength of the character). Does base damage of 5 x Strength points (Slash/stab type). This drops to 4 x Strength points of base damage when the axe is thrown. Most axes are Unbalanced Medium Weapons. | | Quarter-Staff | 7+6 | Basically a long stick, very nifty for attack and defense. A pool cue can double as a quarterstaff, and the narrow end makes a decent stake substitute (use Stake damage for the “sharp” end). Used with both hands (damage bonus already factored in). Base damage is 3 x (Strength + 1) points (Bash type). | | Spear | 7+6 | Used two-handed (damage bonus already factored in). Base damage is 3 x (Strength + 1) points (Slash/stab type). This drops to 3 x Strength points when the spear is thrown. (Note: long spears are treated as pole arms and cannot be thrown.) | | Broadsword | 7+6 | Can be used two-handed; in that case, add +1 to the effective Strength of the wielder. Base 4 x Strength points of Slash/stab damage. | For Monty's Haul Egyptian Adventure: The party has found the following books in The Loft: Ritual Magic and Mumification in Ancient Egypt The book looks fairly thick and poorly indexed. It may take some study for specifics. But it will tell you about The Book of the Dead, and some of the prayers that the deceased had to recite to safely make it in to the afterworld, as well as the process of making a mummy and what spells and rituals were performed at the time of mummy making. Hanging on to the book and taking it with you will gain you a +1 on related rolls. Poisoning for Dummies (no bonus) Enginering and Construction of Ancient Pyramids and other Egyptian Monuments Bringing the construction book will grant you +1 to relevant rolls Angelus- +4 camel (muscular) Name: Sanaam (endurance)