====== Wanted: Ghost Cleaning Crew ====== **Summary:** \\ The Boss is interested in obtaining an amusement park located in Reeling, Illinois and is looking for applicants to clear out a supposed ghost infestation on the premises. He requires that the applicants meet with the current owner of the premises and investigate the premises as potential buyers acting in the Boss's name. Completion of the assignment will require removing all supernatural presence from the property. The nearest functional Door to your destination is a supply closet within Benson Airport in Reeling. **Applicant Requirements:** \\ Ideal applicants will be at least passingly familiar with the supernatural and prepared to think on their feet. Applicant must be able to at least pass as a property inspector and purchasing agent, although extensive knowledge of architecture, real estate, or amusement park maintenance is not required. Applicant must be or pass as human for a period of at least three days while investigating the situation; temporary humanity can be bestowed if necessary. **Payment Upon Acceptance:** $100 LC (or equivalent exchange) per applicant. **Supplies Provided To Applicant:** \\ The following supplies will be provided to each applicant: \\ * One flashlight, dynamo powered (one minute's cranking will power the light for one hour). * Five business cards for [[:rpg:charloft:worlds:postatlantic:start|Post-Atlantic Acquisitions, Inc.]], embossed with applicant's name. * One reservation at the Blackwood Hotel for three days, starting from the first day on assignment. * One map of the Reeling, Illinois region, with points of interest marked, including: * Jubilee Island. Located in the center of Cavell Lake, this island park closed down on August 15, 1955, and has been up for sale ever since. * Wenthrop Plaza. Thomas Burgess, CPA, is the current owner of the property, and an appointment will be made for him to show the property to visitors. * Captain Willy's Tattoo Parlor. William Marks worked as the tattooed man in the Jubilee sideshow when it closed down. He now runs a small tattoo parlor in Reeling. * Blackwood Hotel. A series of four rooms will be reserved for three days for the applicants. * One map of Jubilee Island, 1955 summer edition: {{:about:workboard:jubilee-island-map.jpg?100|Jubilee Island 1955 Summer Map}} **Supplies Required By Applicant:** \\ The applicant will be expected to dress in business casual or business formal wear, and will not be reimbursed for damages incurred to personal property as part of this assignment. **Payment Upon Completion:** $1500 LC (or equivalent exchange) per applicant. **Bonuses Upon Completion:** * Minimal Property Damage to Park: If the park is not severely damaged during the assignment and maintains its property value, applicants will receive a $500 LC bonus. **Status:** Completed with Bonuses **Paid Positions:** 8 **Agents on Assignment:** Angelus William Fritz Imogene Valentine Taiki Ellis Alice **Additional Information:** * [[:rpg:charloft:about:workboard:carnival:clipping|Excerpt from the Reeling Daily, Tuesday, August 16, 1955]] * [[http://charloft-rpg.livejournal.com/12087.html|Library Research - CharLoft RPG LJ Thread]] * [[http://charloft-rpg.livejournal.com/15499.html|What We Know - Val's Notebook]] **To Apply:** Please contact Amber Savonne in Resource Allocations for more information and to apply to work this assignment.