====== About the Staff: The Lady ====== Although it doesn't usually come up in conversation, all baristas know of The Lady -- and while the intricacies of her relationship with the Boss are not clearly specified (wife? consort? partner in destruction?), all employees give her a healthy margin of respect, as she is certainly a devil when angered, if not at all times. The Lady appears to be in her mid-twenties, of Chinese descent, with long black hair and dressed in ornate traditional patterns. She carries no visible weapons, but handles herself as though entirely unconcerned about the need for them, as unpleasant things tend to befall those who actively seek to do her harm. A few visitors to the Char Loft claim to recognize the Lady as a woman named Ming, but whether this is true or merely a matter of resemblance is questionable. Staff tend to refer to her simply as 'The Lady', a term of respect.