====== The Law ====== While most legal codes are written in onerous detail about how you aren't allowed to stab your neighbor in the head with a screwdriver excepting when he's a zombie and not on public property, the laws of World End boil down to some very simple concepts. 1) Don't wreck the Boss's property. This includes the Loft, World's End, and most everything within it, including people. Yes, even the ones who don't work for him. If they aren't currently being a threat to others, you're probably not entitled to smash them for fun. Wrecking the Boss's property is likely to annoy the Boss. 2) Do work to keep the peace. That said, if you see someone else causing havok, it is your right to stop it, and to intervene using force if necessary. "Necessary use of force" is negotiable, as long as it brings less harm to the Boss's property than the perpetrator would. Killing someone in self-defense or defense of another is perfectly acceptable. Blowing up ten people to stop one jaywalker is not. Beating a mugger into a quivering, sobbing pulp for snatching a purse is gratuitous, but tolerable. Failure to understand the difference may annoy the Boss. 3) The Loft resurrects people to preserve their safety and right to life; it is not a toy for testing your spiritual beliefs. If you attempt to abuse this privilege in order to annoy your chosen deities, do not expect the Loft to protect you unless you have obtained specific assurances from the Boss. Exploiting the resurrection clause for personal gain may annoy the Boss. 4) If you don't think the Boss would like you doing it, don't. Consider him the benevolent deity that watches over his town and his businesses, and consider how wrathful deities can become if forced to anger. Failure to consider the ramifications of your actions may annoy the Boss. 5) The Loft, and World's End, is to be considered a neutral territory. Those with animosities from other dimensions - whether racially motivated, as part of acts of war, or personal disagreements - are expected to remain at least non-violent while within territories managed and created by the Boss, although they are not required to be courteous. Repeated failure to do so may result in annoying the Boss. 6) Theft of the Boss's property is strongly frowned upon. Yes, even if you don't have money. Yes, even if you're a diamond-in-the-rough street rat with remarkably perfect teeth. If you need some sort of assistance, ask for it - some things are even free. Ignoring this and just picking up whatever isn't currently attended may annoy the Boss. 7) Annoying the Boss may result in the forfeiture of goods, services, personal property, rights, life, existence, or control of one's own destiny; incarceration; incineration; annihilation; rehabilitation and repurposing; violation; defenestration; occupation; dimensional abandonment; banishment; punitive fines; forcible job placement; and/or interrogations, as well as anything else the Boss or his representatives may think of as appropriate. Please don't annoy the Boss. 8) While nobody, not even the Boss, is truly omnipotent and omnipresent across all multiverses, it is wise to assume that if it's worth knowing, someone within World's End will know, or at least know how to find out. It is also worth knowing that activities performed on the Boss's property are definitely known to him. As such, don't annoy the Boss. 9) You will know the Boss when you see him, although you may not always recognize his representatives. If you don't recognize the Boss, that is no excuse for annoying the Boss. 10) You will know the Lady when you see her. Annoying her is //worse// than annoying the Boss. You have hereby been warned.