====== About the CharLoft: Interior ====== ==== General Information ==== The interior layout of the CharLoft is surprisingly spacious, meant to be capable of housing hundreds should the occasion call for it. The CharLoft resembles a barn that has been converted to serve as a hangout. While it does not provide lodgings for people, there are couches for those who want a short-term rest, and the CharLoft does sell tents for those who would rather get some privacy and sleep outside. (The pitching of tents indoors is frowned on, where 'frowned on' usually translates to 'they are set on fire while the occupants are asleep and then extinguished with boiling water from the coffeemaker'.) The cafe seems to have wireless internet access and excellent cell phone reception, although phones and computers from a particular dimension will only work perfectly when contacting other elements of their homeworld; attempting to access other dimensions' systems is (at best) a touch-and-go experience without an interdimensional router. There are several ordinary power outlets (American standard) that guests are free to use to recharge personal appliances. Additional supplies such as converters and batteries are available at the counter. ==== Ground Level ==== The ground level serves as a large cafe, with several of its walls lined with bookshelves, and the central area decorated with evenly spaced tables. Underneath the overhanging loft area is a counter, where a barista always works and serves drinks, as well as several doors - one leads to the unisex restroom and shower, and the other leads to the back area, commonly known as the Internal, where the kitchen and other accommodations of the staff are presumably located, and where hallways leading to other establishments are found. The front door is located in the west wall, and is very sturdy-looking, despite being clearly built to open both inwards and outwards. In the southeast corner, a mechanical arm supports a television set with front-mounted A/V ports. Occasionally, this television is connected to a DVD player or game system, although customers tend to be hard on the equipment and therefore are often required to bring their own. In one corner, a jukebox has been set up; peculiarly, it seems to have an amazingly diverse assortment of songs, as practically anyone can find practically any song they want, even songs not native to all homeworlds. The cost of operation is one quarter per song. A clear space near the stairs is frequently used as an impromptu stage by performers and customers; there is a microphone stand, speakers, and soundboard set up for use by bands and karaoke night singers. In the north wall, a dartboard has been placed for customers to practice their accuracy. A small sign nearby reads, 'Darts: $2 LC, ask at counter.' ==== Upper Level ==== At the north wall is a staircase that curves upwards to the upper 'loft' area, including an overhanging balcony with two tables and chairs so that people can watch the festivities below while they eat. There are also couches and chairs arranged for lounging, and several arcade and pinball machines, including one custom-built job that seems to serve as an emulator for various games and game systems. A cue rack is mounted on one wall, so that customers can make use of the billiards table. A change machine accepts American dollars and Loftian currency, and dispenses Loftian quarters in change. Among the machines is a Sinistar cabinet, and a 'Torture Me Spike' cabinet (which contains a realistic-looking doll of Spike that customers can pummel and torment for only $1 LC per 30 seconds.) Near the back, several musical instruments have been placed - a drum set, a guitar, and a piano - and are free for use by customers. ==== The Doors ==== There are several 'doors' that actually serve as entrance points for interdimensional visitors. The most commonly used is the front door, built in the side as an ordinary wooden door. A secondary entrance is located on the upper level, through a door that usually serves as a coat closet but occasionally serves as an entrance point. A third entrance is a sliding door built into the ventilation system, which leads to three passages - one passage leads to the unisex restroom, one leads to a sealed metal grate with nothing but blackness beyond through which air flows, and one leads to a hidden space with a small desk, chair, lamp, and computer system. The computer system does not appear to be directly accessible, as turning it on and off does nothing visible; however, it has been mentioned that electronic entities are given visible form in the Loft through its projector. A staff door is located behind the counter, and leads back to the rat's warren of dimensional hallways collectively known as The Internal. According to the staff, these hallways provide access to various other locations depending on how much access a particular individual is allowed to have - two people who enter the same door at different times may see wildly different results. This is not particularly surprising, given the nature of things, but is worth noting. There are also two large barn doors in the west wall of the cafe, but they have never been opened (and in fact, usually seem to be barred shut with a heavy iron bar and a series of rusty old locks.) ==== Signs and Posters ==== Frequently, customers, staff, or management post various signs and posters around the inside, either for decoration or informative purposes. Some examples include: * A sign that reads "No Damaging The Furnishings", perhaps the most important rule of CharLoft (aside from "No Bleeding on the Floor"). * A hand-written sign by an anonymous patron regarding 'That Which Should Not Be Discussed' (see below) * A placard that reads, "KEEP YOUR GUNS STOWED" * A fantasy pin-up poster of an elf girl armed with two longswords, entitled 'To Save The World or Destroy It?' * A fairly accurate, if sketchy and caricaturish, drawing of Victor, complete with ginger hair and faintly pompous expression. The drawing states, "MISSING! Victor Maguire, aged 24 height: 6 ft Weight: I dunno, skinny Hair: Ginger Eyes: Green". It appears to be some sort of handmade 'missing persons' poster. Doodled in one corner is a note that reads, "Found. Sort of." along with a picture of a stick figure with fangs marching on a leash in front of a stick figure in red robes. * A calendar, with St. George's Day marked on it. * A list of handwritten rules made up by patrons. === That Which Should Not Be Discussed === A list of Things Which Should Not Be Discussed in CharLoft. Current listings... * Nazis. * Hunting sentient species. * The Holocaust. * President Sarah Palin. * How to kill a vampire. * Whether vampire sex is necrophilia or diablophilia (or both). * Anjulian politics (meetings to discuss battle strategy can be held downstairs) ==== The Work Board ===== A small, inconspicuous board located next to the counter contains listings of various jobs emissaries of Char Loft have posted for their employees or others to pick up on. * [[:rpg:charloft:about:workboard|Check Work Board Listings]] ==== The Counter and Pocketspace ==== The counter of CharLoft takes advantage of extradimensional principles - in short, looking behind the counter, one will note several empty spaces that look suspiciously dark. These spaces are actually portholes into the Void, where the baristas can reach to find objects not normally in stock, as well as to make change. (Money and other items not kept on a barista's person is traditionally kept in a special personalized Void known as their pocketspace, where they can access it but pickpockets and other undesirables cannot.) Attempts by non-staff members to reach into a Voidspace typically result in the offending appendage being eaten by a devouring monster, vivisected, painted pink, or other unfortunateness. ==== The Collection Jug ==== There is currently a collection jug set up on the counter with a small slot for inserting money; it is currently labeled 'Door Maintenance Fund', although commonly it is used for any variety of collections. It contains: * $0.01 in cash and change. ==== Trophies ==== Various trophies around the Char Loft record the deeds of its heroes and troublemakers. Such includes: * A cracked golden egg, with the engraving: //Valentine, Ellis, Janie, Dot, Spike, Katie, and Victor: Saved the world from the machinations of Zombie Jesus and his Disciples.// * An shield with a pickaxe logo, with engraving on the reverse: **Dungeon Delver** - Participant. * A trophy shaped like a firebright (a large butterfly with odd tendrils), with engraving: ** Jungle Expedition ** //Valentine, Ellis, Spike, Angelus, Katie, Dot//