Vann -- level 2 paladin of the Traveler HP 18 AC 13 / AC 16 Str 16 (+3) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1) Int 14 (+2) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 18 (+4) Fort: +2+1 Ref: +0+2 Will: +2+2 Aura of Good Detect Evil (at will): At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range. Lay On Hands: Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. Smite Evil 1/day +4 (Cha) to hit evil, +1 (lvl) to damage BAB +2 +3 melee, +2 +3 ranged Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +3 Craft/Leatherworking+2+4 Craft/Carpentry +2+4+1 Diplomacy +3+4 Heal +3+4+1 Profession/Sailor +3+0+1 Acrobatics +0+0+2+1 Bluff +0+0+4+1 --- Traits: Ship's Surgeon: Fully stocked healer's kit, +1 trait bonus on Craft/Carpentry and Heal checks, Heal is a class skill. Weapon Finesse: You can use Dex instead of Str for attack rolls. Reckless: You gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics checks, and Acrobatics is always a class skill for you. Witty Repartee: You gain a +1 bonus on Bluff checks and Bluff is a class skill for you. Drawbacks: Overprotective: If one of your allies should fall unconscious from hit point damage, you take a -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks if farther than 10 feet away from fallen ally. Original Equipment: Studded leather armor (+3 AC, max +5 dex bonus) Buckler (+1 AC) Journal book Inkpen Vial of ink Map case The Adventurer's Chronicle - Tales of the Traveler: +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge/Geography checks Bedroll Blanket Small tent Backpack Change of clothes Dagger Shortsword with handmade leather sheath Compass (+2 circumstance bonus to survival or DUngeoneering checks to avoid being lost) Leatherworking kit Current Equipment: Healer's Kit (10 uses; +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks) Ex It is an Apprentice's Whetstone. Sharpening your blade with this for 10 minutes keeps it sharp (+1 damage) for 8 hours, whether or not the weapon is magical And the reminder of Vann's stuff - around his neck is the Petrified Thorn which can once per day cast Thorn Javelin. He's wearing Noah's Raincoat which gives him +1 deflection bonus to his AC and when he buttons it up and ties the hood in place will allow him to breathe underwater without limit. On his feet are Boots of the Mire. He carries 2 weapons. First is the Tidewater Cutlass which is a masterwork weapon that once per day casts Hydraulic Push. The other is the Corundum Estoc. This is a crystalline weapon which is Good Aligned and Magical Beast Bane. This is an exotic weapon and will cause a -4 on attack rolls until you become proficient. In his pack are the Travellers Multi Tool, a Standard Wayfinder, and an Apprentices Whetstone which will give a weapon, magic or otherwise, +1 damage for 8 hours with 10 minutes of sharpening. Diablo takes said hammer and concentrates. "Interesting. This claims to be called a Mallet of Building. Each day you may use it to create 100 copper nails, 100 iron spikes, 100 iron pitons, 100 wooden fence posts, or any combination up to 100 items. You tell the hammer which one you want and hit the surface. The items will be driven perfectly into whatever at the rate of one per full round action. You must hit the surface with the hammer. Nails into wood, spikes or pitons into wood, stone or earth, fenceposts into earth. They are all of "normal" size. The fence posts stick 4 feet out of the ground. Removing the item from where you put it destroys it, but otherwise they act as usual. Fancy." This is a Type 2 Bag of Holding. It is made of a a whole seal. It will hold 500lbs and only weigh 25lbs. However, the head of the seal which is still attached is programmed to bite anybody trying to reach in. Detaching the head is possible but requires an appropriate Craft check, else the magic will be lost and it's just a bag. Being sealskin, it is waterproof. You can pull back the head, by the back of it, to untie it and pour out whatever is in it. The glass marbles glow red and the jaw chomps several times, but Hennah is holding it by the back of the head and pulling that back. She gets the leather strip untied and pours out the contents. There are 8 vials, labeled. 2 each of Potion of Shield, Potion of Enlarge Person, Potion of Adhesive Spittle, and Oil of Grease. There is also a wand of rowan wood set with a piece of rose quartz and some decorations that make it pretty obvious it is a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.