====== Michael Malone: 104 points ====== 4 points remaining. {{:rpg:shepherd-michael.jpg?400|}} //**Attributes:**// ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 10 [0] //**Secondary Characteristics:**// Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [5]; Per 11 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]. ===Advantages=== Common Sense: Conscious [15] Contact: Arthur Malone [1] (12 or less; skill 9; Somewhat Reliable) Contact: Fred Williams [1] (12 or less; skill 9; Somewhat Reliable) Danger Sense [15] Empathy [15] Energy Reserve 2 (Magic) [6] Magery 0 [5] Skill Bonus (Fortune Telling; Preparation Required: 1 Hour) 2 [2] ===Perks=== Honest Face [1] Good with Dogs [1] (Animal Empathy: Dogs only) Compact Frame [1] Disarming Smile [1] (In any sticky situation where Diplomacy is a possible solution, you can just smile and shrug by way of an Influence roll.) SOP: Check the Crowd [1] (Whenever you’re in a crowded area, you’re constantly using skills like Body Language and Observation to look for trouble. The GM will always roll for you if there’s something worth noticing.) Obscure True Name [1] (In settings where names have magical power, having a name unknown to anybody but the gods is a small but potent advantage.) ===Disadvantages=== Poor [-15] Charitable (15 or less) [-7] Compuslve Generosity (12 or less) [-5] Curious (12 or less) [-5] Honesty (12 or less) [-10] Pacifism: Reluctant Killer [-5] Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) [-5] Shyness (Mild) [-5] ===Quirks=== Admiration: Wolf [-1] "No dog or cat shall remain unpetted" [-1] Can't Read Music [-1] Careful [-1] Dorky [-1] ===Skills=== Animal Handling (Sheep) [IQ/A][1]: 10 Animal Handling (Dogs) [IQ/A][1]: 10 Animal Handling (Equines) [IQ/A][1]: 10 Area Knowledge (Homestead) [IQ/E][1]: 11 Hobby Skill (Knitting) [DX/E][1]: 11 Body Language [Per/A][1]: 10 Brawling [DX/E][1]: 11 Carpentry [IQ/E][1]: 11 Climbing [DX/A][1]: 10 Cooking [IQ/A][1]: 10 Diplomacy [IQ/H][1]: 9 (-1 Oblivious, -1 Shyness) Dreaming [Will/H][1]: 9 Farming [IQ/A][1]: 10 First Aid [IQ/E][1]: 11 Fortune-Telling (Dream Interpretation) [IQ/A][1]: 10 + 2 Games (Card) [IQ/E][1]: 11 Games (Dice) [IQ/E][1]: 11 Gardening [IQ/E][1]: 11 Housekeeping [IQ/E][1]: 11 Knot-Tying [DX/E][1]: 11 Lasso [DX/A][1]: 10 Literature [IQ/H][1]: 9 Staff [DX/A][1]: 10 Musical Instrument (Lute) [IQ/H][1]: 9 Observation [Per/A][1]: 10 Professional Skill (Shepherd) [IQ/A][2]: 11 Riding (Horse) [DX/A][1]: 10 Survival: Woodland [Per/A][1]: 10 Singing [HT/E][1]: 10 Throwing [DX/A][1]: 10 ====Spells==== Sense Life [IQ/H][1]: 9 Drama [IQ/A][1]: 10 Ember [IQ/A][1]: 10 Oven Mitts [IQ/A][1]: 10 Ignite Fire [IQ/H][1]: 9 Seek Fire [IQ/H][1]: 9 Create Fire [IQ/H][1]: 9 Extinguish Fire [IQ/H][1]: 9 Light [IQ/H][1]: 9 Continual Light [IQ/H][1]: 9 Goggles [IQ/A][1]: 10 Phosphorescence [IQ/A][1]: 10 Insect Repellent [IQ/A][1]: 10 Sense Danger [IQ/H][1]: 9 Minor Healing [IQ/H][1]: 9 ====Background==== Michael was born and raised in Homestead. He currently lives with Alexander Wolf and Jennifer Lee in a small house near the edge of town. His parents are Arthur and Felicity Malone. His mother left town with a traveling merchant when he was a teen. His father still lives in town; he's the tax collector. Michael is self taught. He spends time reading when watching the sheep. He has a natural gift for magic, although he hasn't yet had an opportunity to express it. Michael's current occupation is as a shepherd; he got the job when the old shepherd died. Before that he was a sheep shearer and farm hand. He works for Bruce the Bruce, in that Bruce owns the sheep (and pays the Lord his share). His closest people are Wolf and Jenny and the sheepdog Hal. He doesn't have any enemies yet; he's on mostly friendly terms with the rest of the townspeople. Regarding Michael's familiarity with magic, he can do some basic spells, and he's seen clerical magic when they tried to heal then did funeral rights for the old shepherd (who everyone just called Shep). He knows his magic is different. The merchant his mother left with had a mage in his caravan. Arthur, Michael's dad, is distrustful of magic. Likes: Wolf and Jenny. Dogs. Sheep. Being outdoors. Hobbies: Reading. Spinning and knitting sheep wool. Playing the Lute. Morals: be kind to others unless they are trying to hurt you or your sheep or the village. Believes in the gods but doesn't have a particular favorite. Dislikes: Crowds, mean people. The merchant his mom left with. Curious: About the world; he asks Jenny to tell him stories about the other places and people she encounters, although he's a bit nervous about it. ==== Inventory ==== * $210 in gold * $20 in silver * $11 in copper * 15 ancient silver coins Wooden staff (sw+2 cr, R 1,2; thr+2 cr, R 1,2), parry +2, $10, weight 4 lbs. Lantern: Eliminates darkness penalties in a two-yard radius. Requires a hand. 24 hours on one pint of oil. $20, 2 lb 2 pints oil, 2 lb. Candles, 2: Lasts 24 hours, sufficient to read by. $5 each. 2 lb. Sufficient to read by. Lasts 24 hrs. Rope, 3/8": Supports 300 lbs. 20 yd, 3 lb. $10 Book Wool cloak Wool clothes Yarn Knitting needles Cheap lute ($75) Stones for light/throwing Glowing Stone (5 days remaining) Rations, 7 meals (3.5 lb) Cheap small knife 1/2 lb Cloak of Umbrella Potion Belt: Belt with four slots, each of which can carry one “grenade” bottle or two potion vials. Wearer can reach them with Ready or Fast-Draw. Padding removes risk of accidental breakage and gives containers +2 DR vs. deliberate attacks. [1 lb] Minor Healing Potion: Heals 1d HP. 0.5 lb. Leather armor (DR 2 torso/groin, 10 lb) Leather helm (DR 2 skull/face, 1/2 lb) Leather gloves (DR 2 hands, neg. wt.) Leather boots (DR 2 feet, 3 lb) Quick-Release Backpack (free action to drop) (3 lb) Spyglass ([[https://gurps4e.fandom.com/wiki/Spyglass|4 lb]]) ===Hal the Sheepdog=== ST 9 DX 11 IQ 4 HT 12 Will 10 Per 12 Spd 5.75/Move 10 Dodge 8 DR 0 SM 0; 90 lbs. 1d-3 cut bite. Brawling-13; Tracking-13.