====== Arcydean Technology: Modern (+3): Guns and Gunpowder ====== ==== Firearms Rules Terminology ==== Note: The rules for Guns and Gunpowder are cadged in part from the [[https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/788cld/the_gunpowder_codex_v11_updated_rules_for/|Gunpowder Codex]], with modifications to fit the Arcydean world. Where differences between the Gunpowder Codex and this wiki arise, this wiki is considered authoritative. Proficiency: Firearms are defined as Simple, Martial, or Advanced. Simple Firearms can be used by anyone, regardless of class, who has general familiarity with firearms; Martial Firearms require martial weapons proficiency; and Advanced Firearms require either the Advanced Gunner feat, a firearms class archetype, or special requirements defined by the DM. Familiarity: Those not proficient in firearms for whatever reason can develop familiarity with a specific model of weapon through practice (time spent at the rifle range). This requires 10 days of downtime training (20 days if not being taught by a proficient teacher), and gives them a flat +1 to use a particular weapon instead of a proficiency bonus. For more information on improving proficiency during downtime, see [[https://labarc.com/arcwiki/doku.php?id=rpg:arcydea:downtime|the Downtime section]]. === Firearm Properties === For the purpose of rules text, firearms count as both ranged weapons and firearms, and are eligible for most abilities that include ranged weapon attacks. For the full list of properties, review [[https://labarc.com/arcwiki/doku.php?id=rpg:arcydea:tech:general:guns_beams|Guns and Beams]]. Weapons from Standard or Frontier age can be made and sold at 25% of the price due to advancing technology; weapons from Industrial age can be made and sold at 50% of the price. ==== Modern Tech Firearms ==== ^ Name ^ Value ^ Damage ^ Weight ^ Properties ^ Ammunition ^ | //Simple Melee Weapons// | | Bayonet | 5 gp | 1d6 piercing | 1 lb | Versatile (1d8), special | -- | | Gun Butt | -- | 1d4 bludgeoning | -- | Improvised (club); for striking with the firearm as a blunt instrument. | -- | | //Simple Firearms// | | //Martial Firearms// | | //Advanced Firearms// | ==== Ammunition ==== ^ Name ^ Value ^ Weight ^ Properties ^ | 2mm Needle | ? | ? | Needles for a tranquilizer rifle. | | CO2 Rifle Cartridge | 20 gp | 0.25 lb | Can be recharged with suitable equipment; service providers typically charge 10 gp. | | CO2 Pistol Cartridge | 1 gp | 0.1 lb | Can be recharged with suitable equipment; service providers typically charge 5 sp. | | .175 BB | ? | ? | Ball bearings used primarily in BB rifles. | ====Simple Melee Weapons==== Bayonet. A bayonet is a knife, spike, or similar piece of metal designed to fit on the muzzle of a firearm. Its purpose is to serve as a last resort melee weapon in instances where taking the time to switch weapons is impractical or impossible. Usage of a bayonet is important in determining its damage - if attached to a one-handed weapon, it may only use the listed one-handed damage. If attached to a two-handed firearm, it can be used as a versatile weapon. If used on its own, unattached to a firearm, a bayonet uses the statistics of a dagger. ====Simple Firearms==== Handguns, non-automatic rifles, and shotguns are considered Simple Firearms for modern and higher weaponry. GSS Tranquilizer Rifle. A bullpup, smoothbore air gun firing darts for animal control, employed by wildlife conservationists and zoo vets around the world. It features a 4x scope. It’s powered by a CO2 Rifle cartridge under the barrel, containing 40 charges. The 11mm dart consists of a feather-finned, 0.05-fl. oz. syringe fitted with a sturdy 2mm needle intended to puncture the skin of large animals such as lions or elephants. Typically used with tranquilizing chemicals; when an appropriate dose is used (between one to six doses depending on the size of the target - one for Small, two for Medium, three for Large, etc), the target must make a DC 15 Constitution check, suffering 1d6 nonlethal damage for every point by which the roll is failed; this can render a victim unconscious, but not kill them, assuming an appropriate dose is used. An overdose raises the DC by 5 points per dose, and may kill them if the Constitution check is failed badly enough. Can also be used with other drugs and deliver up to six man-sized doses at once. 1d8 piercing + drug effect; 1,950 gp; 6.5 lbs; Range 45/90/150, Reload 1, Pierce 0, Misfire 1/2, Accuracy 2, Scope 4x, Carrier as drug, Two-Handed, Loading. Fires 2mm Needles, uses CO2 Rifle Cartridge for 40 shots. SIN Ballistics Red Ryder Air Rifle: A lever-action air rifle that contains 1,000 steel pellets in the tube below the barrel. Cocking the lever compresses a spring and loads a bullet. When the trigger is pulled, the spring compresses the air behind the bullet and forces it down the barrel. Don’t shoot your eye out! 1 damage; 50 gp; 3 lb; Range 25/50/140, Reload 1000, Pierce 0, Misfire 1/2, Accuracy 0, Two-Handed, Loading. Fires .175 BBs. Lancaster Arms Marker Pistol. Based on smoothbore marking pistols, this dedicated paintball game pistol is powered by a CO2 Pistol cartridge, containing 30 charges. Paintballs are loaded into the tube magazine above the barrel using a 10-round speedloading tube. The gun must be manually cocked after each shot. The paintballs – usually filled with colored paint or alchemical pastilles – leave a 3"-diameter splat on impact. 1d2 bludgeoning damage; 140 gp; 2 lb; Range 5/15/30, Reload 10+1, Pierce -2, Misfire 1/2, Accuracy 0, Light, Loading. Fires .68 Paintballs. KMS Guardian Riot Gun. This smoothbore air gun was developed for use by security and military forces in antiriot situations. It attaches under the barrel of an assault rifle, but can be fitted with a shoulder stock (add 1/2 lb) for use as a standalone weapon. It uses a CO2 Rifle cartridge, containing 110 charges, and fires from a detachable 15-round drum magazine. Options include baton rounds (damage as noted), paintballs in washable or permanent paint (1 damage, Pierce -2, leaves a 3" mark), and pepper projectiles (as paintball, plus treats the target to a dose of pepper spray.) 1d2 bludgeoning damage (baton); 1,100 gp; 4.5 lb; Range 25/50/110, Reload 15, Pierce -1, Misfire 1/2, Accuracy 0, Two-Handed, Loading. Fires .68 Riot ammo or paintballs. Nexus City Special. A common sight in the dregs of Nexus City, a zip-gun is basically any handmade firearm that is not professionally manufactured. One common design uses a piece of wire-reinforced car-radio antenna as the barrel; scrap wood as the grip; a nail as the firing pin; and a rubber band as the mainspring. It suffers from poor accuracy, power, and reliability, but it can still kill. 1d8 piercing damage; 20 gp; 0.5 lb; Range 70/210/800, Reload 1, Pierce 1, Misfire 5, Accuracy 0, Light, Covert, Loading. Fires .22 ammo. SIN Ballistics Taser. This offworld treat is known as the Tasertron TASER TE-76, but most people just call it the Taser. It resembles a large flashlight, and incorporates an integral flashlight with a 15 foot beam. It uses firearm propellant cartridges to launch its charged darts, costing 16 gold per reload, and has an integral battery that powers the darts for 100 seconds. 1d2 piercing damage plus carrier; 350 gold; 2 lb; Range 15 feet, Reload 1, Pierce -1, Misfire 1, Accuracy 0, Carrier DC 15 Con save vs paralysis 1 turn and save each turn to recover, Light, Covert, Loading. Fires TASER cartridges. VBL E-10 Pistol. This pistol is for civilian use, and resembles a black plastic pistol, with batteries in the grip (40 second charge), two CO2 Pistol cartridges in the muzzle (each capable of one shot), and an integral targeting laser (+1 Accuracy) that switches on automatically when the safety is disengaged. An onboard computer stores the time and date of each firing, for accountability, as well as basic information about the weapon. Without air cartridges, it can still be used as a stun gun in close combat. 1d2 piercing damage plus carrier; 350 gold; 2 lb; Range 15 feet, Reload 1, Pierce -1, Misfire 1, Accuracy 0, Carrier DC 20 Con save vs paralysis 1 turn and save each turn to recover, Light, Covert, Loading. Fires using CO2 Pistol cartridges. VBL E-12 Pistol. This pistol is for law enforcement use, and has similar features to the E-12; the major difference is the range extension to 20 feet. 1d2 piercing damage plus carrier; 400 gold; 2 lb; Range 15 feet, Reload 1, Pierce -1, Misfire 1, Accuracy 0, Carrier DC 20 Con save vs paralysis 1 turn and save each turn to recover, Light, Covert, Loading. Fires using CO2 Pistol cartridges. VBL E-16 Pistol. This pistol is for animal control use, and is slightly larger in size; it is meant for use on Large creatures, and use on humanoids is not recommended! 1d3 piercing damage plus carrier; 500 gold; 3 lb; Range 25 feet, Reload 1, Pierce -1, Misfire 1, Accuracy 0, Carrier DC 25 Con save vs paralysis 1 turn and save each turn to recover, Light, Covert, Loading. Fires using CO2 Pistol cartridges. TCA Ballistics Target Pistol. This accurate, single-shot, break-open target/hunting pistol fires .223 rifle ammunition from a 10" barrel. Barrels can be easily and readily changed in less than 30 seconds to allow it to fire dozens of different types of ammunition. Conversion kits generally run 250 gold apiece. 4d8 damage; 560 gold; 3.5 lb; Range 420/1200/2600, Reload 1, Pierce 1, Misfire 1/2, Accuracy 1, Loading. Fires .223 Rifle cartridges. ====Martial Firearms==== Automatic rifles, SMGs, and exceptionally large or peculiar handguns and shotguns are considered Martial weapons. Electric Stunner. First known under the brand name TASER, the electric stunner uses compressed air to launch its darts. It resembles a black plastic pistol, with batteries in the grip, two air cartridges in the muzzle, and an integral targeting laser which switches on when the safety is disengaged. When used, they have a carrier effect - the target must pass a DC 18 Constitution check or be paralyzed for one turn, and can save thereafter to attempt to end the paralyzation and act normally. Magnum Revolver. Made famous by a certain Harry Callahan, this revolver has all the power one needs ====Advanced Firearms==== Antitank weapons, rocket or grenade launchers, miniguns and other heavy weapons are considered Advanced Firearms.