==== Wilderness Survival ==== Animal Call: An animal call allows hunters to attract prey by emulating mating calls. It is made at time of creation to imitate a specific creature with the Beast type. Animal calls grant advantage on survival checks made to attract the beast the item is modeled after. 10 gp, neg. weight. Axe, Woodsman's: Among the simplest and most versatile tools of the woodsman is the axe. Whether used to cut firewood or to cleave hobgoblins, a keen axe can be a lifesaver. Our full-size woodsman’s axe (3 gp) comes with a leather case, as does our hatchet (2 gp). [Woodsman's axe weighs 6 lb, and inflicts d6+1 slashing damage, hatchet weighs 3 lb and inflicts d4+1 slashing damage; neither is throwable.] Body Sleigh: Whether you need an easy way to haul a slain deer back to camp or a fast method for taking a wounded friend from the fray, you will want to be carrying our body sleigh. The durable canvas sleigh wraps in moments about a downed creature, and the leather harness straps easily to your shoulders. When in your rucksack, the body sleigh weighs a mere 8 pounds, and when hauling a body, it allows you to move rapidly. 8 gold pieces. [Allows you to push or drag weight in pounds equal to twice your Carrying Capacity (30 times your Strength score) at a speed of 15 feet, or equal to five times your Carrying Capacity (75 times your Strength score) at a speed of 5 feet.] Dagger Boots: Originally meant for tree climbing, these sharp-toed boots have become popular weapons as well. Constructed of fine grain leather and well-tempered steel, dagger boots provide a sure toehold on even the smoothest bark. Dagger boots have also proven useful in scraps and street brawls. Because the claw-shaped blade of these boots is raised from the ground, dagger boots do not impair movement. [Dagger boots weigh 3 lbs and inflict d4 piercing damage if used as a weapon; they provide a +2 equipment bonus to Climb checks against wooden surfaces. Their heavy tread reduces effective Stealth for tracking purposes by 2.] Equipment Frame: A well hung pack can make the difference between stamina and fatigue. Our equipment frame (10 gp) is a light (5 lb) steel harness that centers weight upon the hips rather than the shoulders. Bristling with one-way hooks, the frame can be loaded with rucksack, waterskins, weaponry, map scrolls, and all manner of equipment in easy reach. For an added 3 sp, we supply a canvas fly that drapes over the frame, protecting equipment and body alike from even torrential rains. Field Glass: A classic approach to long-range vision, manufactured by craftspeople in Rosa Noir. A tapered piece of leather contains pockets that hold specially ground pieces of glass. When removed from their pockets, fitted in the clips at the ends of the leather, and encased by the buttoned leather roll, these pieces of glass work an odd magic: they make distant things appear close. Though this oddity might seem useless at first glance, imagine the application on the battlefield or when spying on an enemy camp. Yours for only 25 gold pieces. [This field glass provides 2x optics, allowing you to effectively double your visual range.] Firegrate: When you’ve come to the end of a long hike, and are ready for a hot meal, this miniature firegrate is perfect. It is a simple iron rack, about 6 inches by 12 inches, with a set of hinged legs on both ends. Simply swing the legs away from the rack, and it looks like a table, ready to hold your cookpot while it stands over the fire. Includes an iron prod for moving hot pots. 3 gold pieces. Fire Starters: These contain a small flint and steel, wrapped in oiled cloth that also contains wood shavings and a cube of charcoal. Touch a spark to it, and it'll do the rest. 3 gold pieces for one dozen. Fishing Tackle: Those who do not like fish do not live near water. Fish fried within the hour of its capture is among the most luscious meals to be had. Our fishing tackle kit (10 gp) includes a birchwood rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet lures, narrow netting, and any other items you might need for individual fishing. We also supply lobster traps (5 gp) for those who live close to the oceans, and eel traps (3 gp) designed for placement in rivers. [Tool-based proficiency requires most items within the kit; not needed for spear fishing.] Folding Saw: Tree-felling tools are commonly quite bulky. Few adventuring woodsmen can carry an axe and saw upon the trail. However, with our folding saw, woodsmen can have a sharp and sturdy blade on hand at any time. Merely by removing the retaining band, opening the hinged blade, and locking it in place with the flat band, the woodsman can have a blade ready. 2 gold pieces. [Cuts through 4 in sq of soft wood per round, 2 in sq of hardwood; ineffective as a weapon.] Hammock: On those comfortable nights, when it’s not too cold, you can tie your hammock up between two trees. Woven from hemp rope, this sturdy sleeper comes with a drawstring carrying satchel. Also good for keeping packs and food up off the ground, away from scavengers. 5 gold pieces. Herbal Repellent: Keep insects away from your campsite with these special repellents. We have candles with oil of citronella that will chase them away (3 gp for a dozen), or a special oil of pennyroyal, which can be rubbed on exposed skin to keep them at bay (5 gp for a flask, 50 uses) Hunting Knives: Our set of five hunting knives includes a 7-inch fullbellied blade for quick kills, a 5-inch serrated blade for tough hides, a 4-inch blade for cutting bone and wood, a hooked blade for opening bellies without knicking guts, and another blade for quick skinning. All these knives come with their own sheath, which buttons into a leather carrying pack. 12 gold pieces. [7 and 5 inch blades inflict d4 damage if used in combat; other blades inflict d3 damage.] Insect Netting: From lush jungles to dense forests, biting insects are a problem, especially if it's too hot to sleep in a bedroll or tent. This material from Nexus City lets you set up a canopy to protect yourself from constant aggravation, without losing the benefit of the breeze. Netting is available in 72" length for 4 gold pieces per yard of width (minimum two yards), or you can buy a single-person net 'tent' for 30 gold pieces. Provision Bag: After a long day’s hike, nothing tastes better than a venison steak, a cup of cold wine and a slice of cheese. Unfortunately, the other forest inhabitants could not agree more. However, our leather provision bag not only holds smells in, but also allows victuals to be hung from tree branches, well out of the reach of dangerous animals. By cinching the mouth tight, casting the rope over a tree-limb and hoisting the bag, food can be stored safely away from roving animals. 3 gold pieces. Rope Ladder: Not a device typically needed by fleet-footed rangers, rope ladders become most useful when a ranger’s camp entertains nonadventurers. Our rope ladders are also useful as bridges. We use only 3/4 inch hemp with 2-inch board slats, for loads up to 800 pounds. Our rope ladders are sold in two-foot increments, minimum of 8 feet, maximum of 60 (1 sp per 4 ft). [Does not require a Climb check; weight equals one pound per foot of length.] Rucksack: This is a smaller version of the typical backpack, and can be used as an auxiliary pack for additional items. It can be carried over a shoulder, or worn around the waist like a belt, and comes with a special buckling strap for this purpose. 2 lbs, 1 gold piece. Stakes, Steel: Of course you can cut your own wooden stakes, but not if there's no wood. These stakes are made of high impact steel, so you can drive them into almost any surface (ice, rock, etc.), and have a hole for looping rope directly through the stake. Eight stakes for 1 gold piece. Targets: As the saying goes, "No sword is ever sharp enough." So too, no archer’s aim is ever perfect enough. Those who can hit the bullseye should learn to split the shaft. We offer a number of targets to aid users of missile weapons. Our 2' diameter circular target (1 sp) is made of linen and straw and marked at its exact center with a black X. Our 1' diameter circular target (3 sp) is made of 2" thick cork. We also offer a pair of 1' targets mounted on a pivoting board and stand (5 gp). By pulling a long cord, the archer can set the targets to spinning, adding a new challenge to the task. [This counts as equipment needed for practicing weapon proficiencies as per Downtime.] Tree Bed: Sleeping unprotected on the ground is not only dangerous, but also uncomfortable. We therefore offer a tree bed (8 gp). This contraption stretches a canvas sheet across a wooden frame that can be lashed in place upon most any tree. The tree bed provides a comfortable sleep removed from the dirty earth and away from the notice of roaming beasts. For an added 2 gp, we will include a pitched roof, turning the tree bed into a private tent for times of cold or rain. [Weighs eight pounds; only useful in areas with trees.] Tree Seat: Those unfamiliar with the ways of the wilderness commonly do not realize that a fortress lies in every tree. Our tree seat provides rangers a high and inconspicuous vantage for guarding in forested areas. Modeled after the crow’s nests aboard ships, the tree seat is the watchtower of the wood. A ranger in a tree seat almost invariably gets off the first shot or sends out the first warning call, and such folk are never garrotted. Assembled and mounted in minutes, the tree seat is constructed of sturdy black-oak and its steel claws will not slip. Not to be used on treants. 15 gold pieces. [Requires a Dex check (DC 10) to assemble correctly; provides potential spotters disadvantage on Perception to spot unless specifically looking up in trees; doubles range of vision.]