==== Priest's Alcove ==== === Items === Altar Case: For many of the established and churchly faiths of Arcydea, altars (when sanctified) act as powerful tools for priests. When setting off on adventures, however, clerics must commonly leave this tool behind. In response to this dilemma, we have commissioned artisans of fine wood and stone to create altar cases—narrow boxes that open up to form traveling altars. Within each box is room for small holy implements and vessels, an altar cloth, and a compact prayer book. By blessing these boxes and properly provisioning them, priests can take their temple with them. Spruce: 15 gp; Granite: 40 gp. [When blessed and assembled, provides a +1 bonus to turn/control undead DC; wood weights 5 lb, stone weighs 40 lb.] Altar Cloths: As powerful tools of faith, altars deserve fitting adornment. We offer a 6' by 14' altar cloth that can drape or be folded to fit smaller altars. Our altar cloths are white and come in the following materials: linen (15 gp), velvet (30 gp), silk (35 gp), and gold brocade (40 gp). For an additional 5 gp, any material but the brocade can be dyed red, blue, yellow, green, or brown. We also supply a 2' by 2' cloth for our altar cases (3 gp). Aspergillis: One common means by which priests dispense the power of their god is through the sprinkling of holy water. Our chambered aspergill can carry up to one pint of holy water. By swinging or whirling the aspergill on its chain, a priest can disperse holy water farther than with a vial, whether doing so in the sanctuary or on the battlefield. Gold: 45 gp; Silver: 20 gp. [Increases by 10 yards the radius affected by spells using holy water.] Braziers: As ancient as faith itself, braziers serve the trifold role of providing heat, supplying light, and consuming incense and other aromatics cast into them. We offer traditional 6-foot-diameter temple braziers and 4-foot-diameter chapel braziers, as well as field braziers, which are 18 inches in diameter. Though not ornate like the large and mid-sized braziers, the field brazier can be easily strapped to a pack and even double as a buckler for fighting priests. Large: gold—110 gp, silver—70 gp, bronze—30 gp; Medium: gold—70, silver—30 gp, bronze—17 gp; Field: silver—15 gp; bronze—4 gp. [Field braziers can indeed be used as bucklers, providing +1 to AC if the cleric is not already using a shield.] Candles: Though most folk use candles merely for light, priests use them as powerful tools of faith. Our altar candles are 3 inches in diameter and come in lengths from 1 to 6 feet (4 gp per foot). As well as accenting holy sites, the 6-foot altar candles can burn for weeks on end. We also offer 8-hour vigil candles (10 gp each) which, when burned through the night beside an injured person, work medicinal effects through their incense. Our 12-hour candles (4 sp each) sell more than any other variety and, for an additional gp can be inscribed to indicate the passage of hours and half-hours. [Temples use two 6-foot altar candles per fortnight on average. A vigil candle allows 1 extra point of healing to creatures in a 10-foot radius if tended for 8 hours by a wakeful priest.] Candlesticks: Among the most prominent and ubiquitous of the temple’s accoutrements are candlesticks, of all varieties and types. Our gold (20 gp) and silver (12 gp) foot-tall candlesticks are crafted by Crommelian smiths and can accommodate candles from 1 to 3 inches in diameter. For gods who love light, we carry 6-candle candelabra in gold (35 gp) and silver (20 gp), as well as 12 -candle versions (gold—45; silver—25 gp). Finally, we offer hand-held candlesticks (gold—3 gp; silver—5 sp) and glass-hooded candlesticks for use in windy conditions (gold—7 gp; silver—1 gp). [Hooded candlesticks provide a 90% chance per round to stay lit in strong winds, 50% in gales.] Censer: The censer is a portable incense burner common to priests of both temple and trail. Our censers come in gold (5 gp), silver (3 gp), and brass (1 gp), all of which are ornamentally inlaid and can burn up to 6 ounces of incense at a time. While the portable brazier provides the adventuring priest with a stable base for incense burning, the censer allows that base to move. [+10 yards (if applicable) to range of any incense-using spell; when carried burning, gives party -3 penalty to Perception and negates NPC/monster surprise.] Holy Symbols: Most every faith has its symbol of divinity, a physical reminder of a power that transcends the physical. These symbols are critical to most priest spells, and undead of all sorts recognize their power when presented by a believing hand. The following holy symbols, though of fine craftsmanship, are neither blessed nor authorized by the corresponding church. Even so, those church officials who have contacted us have expressed only appreciation for making their symbols available among the people. All our holy symbols come in 8 ounce gold (10 gp), silver (4 gp), or bronze (1 gp) sizes that attach easily to garments or may be hand-held for presentation. Specify faith when ordering. [Must be blessed in order to use as a spell focus.] Snuffing Bell: A common sight in temples and churches, our snuffing bells are large enough to douse even the largest altar candles. The tip also holds an oiled wick for lighting candles, and the small blade positioned between the wick and bell arms even the youngest acolyte to defend the faith. (6 gp) [Can be used as an improvised weapon, 4 lb, 1d4 piercing damage.] === Incenses === Far more than merely the perfume of the gods, incense has countless roles to play in the priestly lifestyle—not the least of which is to bear the prayers of the faithful to their god. We offer both combustible and non-combustible incense in the following varieties. All prices are for a bundle of 12 sticks, the equivalent of 12 oz of non-combustible incense; each stick lasts about half an hour. [Sticks can be burned simultaneously unless otherwise noted; no game effects are cumulative.] AIR: Facilitates casting of all air elemental spells. (12 gp) [4 sticks burned during casting add 1d4 rounds or minutes (DM’s option) to duration (where applicable)] CHANCE: When burned beside a gaming table, improves odds of believers. (9 gp) [while burning and named PC remains in 10-foot radius apply +2 bonus to gaming kit proficiency] CHARISMA: Improves a believer’s perceived appearance and sociability. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by named PC apply +1 bonus to Char for 1d4 minutes] CONSTITUTION: Improves a believer’s endurance. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by named PC apply a +1 bonus to Con for 1d4 minutes] DEXTERITY: Improves a believer’s manual facility. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by named PC apply +1 bonus to Dex for 1d4 minutes] DIVINATION: Improves chances of magically gaining knowledge. (15 gp) [divination chaos rolls increase by 5% in caster's favor; not cumulative] DREAM: When burned beside the bed of a sleeping priest, provides dream-answers to questions. (12 gp) [8 sticks burned while the priest sleeps function as a divination at a 40% base; useless to those below 4th level] EARTH: Facilitates casting of all earth elemental spells. (12 gp) [4 sticks burned during casting add 1d4 rounds or minutes (DM’s option) to spell duration (where applicable)] FIRE: Facilitates casting of all fire elemental spells. (12 gp) [4 sticks burned during casting add 1d4 rounds or minutes (DM’s option) to spell duration (where applicable)] GENERAL: Useful for all non-elemental spells. (2 gp) HEALING: Aids in healing the wounded. (3 gp) [16 sticks burned sequentially (8 hours) add 1 point of healing to any within 10 foot radius] HONORS: Burned to honor guests and friends. (8 gp) [4 sticks burned improve Diplomacy checks against monsters/NPCs above semi-intelligent in 10-foot radius] INTELLIGENCE: Aids in the quickness of wit and in problem solving. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by named PC provide a +1 to Int for 1d4 minutes] LOVE: Aids amorous believers in the art of wooing. (20 gp) [While burned and subject remains in 10-foot radius, functions as charm person, but only in regard to amorous statements/acts] LYCANTHROPY: Helps to suppress the full-moon transformation of true lycanthropes. (8 gp) [While burned and subject remains in 10-foot radius has 50% chance to suppress transformation; if offered at an altar of Shaya, 100% chance; check only once] PROTECTION: Wards off evil creatures while it burns. (15 gp) [While burning, functions as protection from evil within 10 feet.] PSIONIC: Facilitates the use of mind powers. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled reduce the cost of powers for 1d4 minutes] PURIFICATION: Cleanses the minds and hearts of companions. (15 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled function as a bless spell centered on incense in a 20-foot cube] RAIN: Brings rain to parched lands. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned function as a Control Weather spell that only produces rain; useless for those below 4th level] STRENGTH: Improves the power of muscles and health of bones. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by named PC provide a +1 bonus to Str for 1d4 minutes] STUDY: Aids in the research work of priests and wizards. (12 gp) [while burning, provides a +2 bonus to Arcana, History, or Religion being used in study] TEMPLE: Common to altars and temple braziers throughout the land. (5 gp) VISION: Enhances the facility of the eyes. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by a named PC provide double normal vision range and darkvision (if not already possessed) for 1d4 minutes (DM determines).] WATER: Facilitates water elemental spells. (12 gp) [4 sticks burned during casting add 1d4 rounds or minutes (DM’s option) to duration (where applicable).] WISDOM: Empowers native intuition, common sense, and experience. (10 gp) [4 sticks burned and inhaled by named PC provide a +1 bonus to Wis for 1d4 minutes (determined by DM)]