====== The Owlery ====== The Owlery is many things, but mostly it is an interdimensional trading conglomerate managed by a family of humanoid owl-people that sells all manner of odds and ends, medieval and otherwise. The Owlery outpost within the Black Rose Inn is managed by Ricky, who is pleased to provide adventurers and travelers with everything they need and a few things they don't yet know they need. Other owlets -- pardon, outlets -- are found in major cities, out-of-the-way locations, or in the vestcoats of traveling Owlery salesowls. ===== Outlet Notices ===== ==== Ordering Instructions ==== Owlery sales staff have a broad selection of available items in stock, and can place orders to be delivered to the Owlery within two to three days for anything they do not currently have in stock, including items from across the omniverse. Typically, orders are processed in the order they are received, although in circumstances of disaster relief, orders for necessary supplies to a ravaged region are filled first. Any Owlery outlet can provide order forms, which require a 25% deposit when the order is placed, or for certain specific items, payment in full when ordering - items that require such will be noted in their description. Deposits are refundable if out of stock or if the item is not deemed satisfactory upon inspection. Outlets hold orders for 14 days unless prior arrangement is made, and deposits for orders sent back to the supply center are not refundable, as are refunds or exchanges for items once they have left the premises. As the Owlery has staff throughout the known omniverse, if you don't see something, ask! There's a better-than-good chance they can deliver anything you might desire given a few days and payment. Rush Delivery: If you require same-day delivery on merchandise that is not currently in stock at your Owlery outlet, there is a nonrefundable surcharge of 15% added to the cost of your order. Owlery staff will inform you if this is available. ==== Substitutions ==== The Owlery may choose to substitute merchandise; if the exact item requested is unavailable, a similar item may be shipped. Customers always have the right to examine and refuse such items. ==== Color Selections ==== When purchasing clothing, fabrics, or some other materials, Owlery staff will have a swatch booklet with colors you can choose from. For materials not normally made in that color, you may choose to have it customized to order for an additional 10% fee; add 3 to 5 extra days for custom orders. ==== Work for Hire ==== The Owlery maintains its own notice board for job postings for the following general tasks: * Mages or clerics for mundane spellcasting of utility spells * Hired muscle for escorting caravans to or from an Owlery outpost * Adventurer teams to hunt down lost shipments or locate obscure or unique items Pay typically depends on the danger and difficulty of a task. ===== Common Stock - Most Outlets ===== Aside from the options available in the Player's Handbook, the following items are available in stock or for purchase from Owlery outlets. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:weapons_armor|Weapons and Armor]]: Weapons and armor made by Arcydean craftsmen or * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:wilderness|Wilderness Survival]]: Supplies for rangers and others that make their living in the wilderness. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:rogues|Rogues' Kit]]: Useful tools for rogues and skulkers. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:bards|Bardic Tools]]: Instruments and tools of the trade for bards in particular. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:priests|Priests' Alcove]]: Tools for religious observations and concerns. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:wizards|Wizards' Laboratory]]: Supplies for a wizard's laboratory. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:adventurers|Adventurers' Nook]]: General tools for adventurers to make use of. * [[:rpg:arcydea:places:owlery:magical_items|Magical Items]]: Various magical items usable by all stripes of life. ==== Common Stock - Black Rose Inn ==== Climbing Kits: Perfect for the adventurer on the go, a climber's kit includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. You can use the climber's kit as an action to anchor yourself; when you do, you can't fall more than 25 feet from the point where you anchored yourself, and you can't climb more than 25 feet away from that point without undoing the anchor. Only 25 gold pieces! Lightweight Manacles: We're sure you've wanted to chain up a villain but don't trust them not to escape from your crude knots and wrappings. Well, these lightweight manacles are perfect for your needs! (Lightweight manacles can be escaped on a DC 20 Dexterity roll or broken on a DC 20 Strength roll, and the chain connecting them to each other can be broken on a DC 15 Strength roll. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the lock on one of the manacles with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check. Manacles have 10 hit points.) They cost only 1 gold piece for a set, weigh two pounds, and include one key free of charge! Ornate Wooden Spyglass: Behold the majesty! This spyglass allows you to see far things from closer up! Magnify your ambitions and see your enemies before they can see you! (Spyglass can magnify by 2 to 4 times and takes an action to change focus. It has 4 hit points and is worthless if destroyed. Its case has 8 hit points and takes damage first if struck.) Only 50 gold pieces for this spyglass including a magnificent wooden case. Samson and Sisters Spidersilk Weave Armor: Yes, the rumors are true -- a collaboration between Avalon artisans and Krytar spidersilk manufacturers has resulted in this unique suit of spidersilk weave armor! Stronger and lighter than leather and a steal at only five times the price! (Spidersilk Weave Armor is light armor that provides an AC of 11 plus Dexterity modifier, but has a DR of 2 against cutting, bludgeoning, and force damage. It can also be worn under other armor (its defense bonus is overridden if the other armor is higher.) It weighs 5 pounds and costs 50 gold pieces.) Greatcloak: This Malone favorite has reached the common market! The Greatcloak is a long cloak with an equally long tapered hood that can be draped low to partially conceal the features of the wearer without significantly impeding field vision. Our Greatcloaks are waterproofed, made from a combination of treated spidersilk exterior for superior water resistance and minor personal protection, and treated wool interior for comfort and warmth in all but the worst conditions. (Greatcloaks provide an effective DR of 1 and AC bonus of 1 if worn tightly around the body; however, a user with a greatcloak wrapped tightly around them is considered to have their hands occupied and cannot use standard attacks or gestures. Greatcloaks can assist in disguising peculiar creatures or maintaining privacy; such Disguise rolls are at advantage if the Greatcloak's hood can be kept in place.) Available in a number of colors for only 5 gold pieces! Munition-Quality Equipment: Let's be honest, sometimes you need to outfit a militia in a hurry and you aren't interested in quality so much as making sure they have a weapon that's slightly better than a piece of wood. For that, you need rapidly-produced equipment that skimps on quality and saves significantly on price. (Armor that is munition quality loses 1 AC whenever struck for more than 5 points of damage; munition-quality weapons break whenever a 1 is rolled on damage.) Cost is half of normal cost. Budget Healing Potion: This potion costs only 20 gold pieces and is sufficient for emergency healing. However, users occasionally report side effects such as nausea, so use responsibly. (This potion heals 1d4+1 hit points. However, drinking it requires a Constitution saving throw vs DC 5; failure induces the Poisoned condition for one hour. DC increases by 5 for each Budget Healing Potion drunk after the first in one day.) Budget Alchemist's Fire: This vial of sticky, flammable liquid costs only 20 gold pieces, and explodes into flames when exposed to the air. However, it takes some time to ignite, which can prove fortunate or unfortunate depending on your desired application. (This variant of alchemist's fire inflicts the same 1d4 damage per round, Dex save vs DC 10 to self-extinguish once ignited, but has a delay of 1d4 rounds before it ignites.) Rainbowfire: This clay pot contains one application of rainbowfire, a mixture of components that burns in multiple colors and is extremely difficult to extinguish, as it requires no air and burns even underwater. It only extinguishes when the mixture itself has thoroughly burned, and will ignite anything even remotely flammable that touches its flames. User discretion is advised. 200 gold per flask. (This is the nightmare version of Alchemist's Fire -- a small pot of this will set a five foot square or a targeted person thoroughly ablaze, inflicting 2d6 damage per turn and requiring a Dex save vs DC 25 to scrape off the flammable substance if directly splashed with it. It will burn as long as it is exposed to fuel, plus one minute, and will completely immolate most creatures and things that are even remotely flammable given time. Anyone set on fire but not coated in the mixture will suffer this damage while in the flames, and 1d6 damage per turn once removed until they are extinguished or make a Dex save vs DC 15 to self-extinguish.) Rainbowfire Arrow / Rainbowfire Bolt: This is an otherwise ordinary arrow or bolt tipped with a small vial of rainbowfire. Useful when you want your fire arrows to REALLY burn. 50 gold pieces per arrow or bolt, not aerodynamically suitable for hand crossbow bolts. (This shatters on impact, inflicting 1d4 bludgeoning damage on impact, plus 1d4 fire damage per turn to the target; however, it requires a Dex save vs DC 20 to extinguish (DC 10 if willing to remove armor and clothing.) Lemonator: When life gives you lemons, juice them and spray them into your enemies' eyes, is the wisdom behind this self-defense weapon which contains enough lemon juice for three sprays. Each spray generates a fog of lemon mist that burns the eyes, allowing the holder to make a hasty escape. A steal at 5 gold pieces. Can be reloaded with one pint of lemon juice, available from lemons. (This handy contraption generates a five foot cone of lemon juice spray, which is irritatingly painful when sprayed into injuries (DC 12 Con save to resist missing their next turn due to pain if sprayed in wounds), and blinding if sprayed into the eyes (target is blinded for one round and misses their next turn due to pain, plus must make a DC 12 Con save per turn until vision is regained.) Typical use would involve an action to spray the offender, then a move action to start a getaway.) Fluffy Cotton Towel: This is a perfectly ordinary, large, fluffy cotton towel, available in a variety of colors for only two silver pieces apiece, or as part of a set (two towels, two hand towels, two washcloths) for only six silver pieces. Wherever you go, don't forget to bring a towel. Trauma Kit: This advanced healer's kit contains twenty uses of refillable supplies (bandages, salves, splints, thread, etc), as well as a full suite of surgical tools capable of expedient field surgery and wound dressing. Costs 25 gold pieces. [Use of Trauma Kit allows surgical treatment of some maladies that cannot be readily cured with magic.] Padded Training Suit: This is a heavy padded suit with a mesh helmet, allowing the user to engage in monster training with a limited amount of self-harm. It provides full protection against most minor beasts (DR 4 vs one targeted damage type - piercing, bludgeoning, or cutting are available options), as well as providing armor as a standard suit of padded armor. However, the extra padding makes the user unable to Dash. 10 gold pieces per suit. Swift Training Suit: This is a padded suit with a mesh helmet, allowing the user to engage in monster training with a limited amount of self-harm. It provides the same protection as the training suit above, but instead of removing the user's ability to Dash, it removes 10 feet from their standard move, as it is less weighty and constricting. 50 gold pieces per suit. Sunshine Farms Alchemy Jug: This ceramic jug is a replica of a popular design of alchemy jug, normal except for its ability to produce lemon juice (one quart) and lemonade (one gallon) in addition to the normal liquids available. 625 gold pieces. Hose of Endless Water: This hose ends in a valve; as an action, you may turn the valve in order to increase or decrease the current velocity of water flowing through it. The water is fresh water regardless of your wishes, and continues flowing until you turn the valve off. * Off: No water flows. * Stream: 1 gallon of water flows per round. * Fountain: 5 gallons of water flow per round. * Geyser: 30 gallons of water flow per round that gushes forth in a geyser 30 feet long and 1 foot wide. As a bonus action while holding the decanter, you can aim the geyser at a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or take ld4 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. Instead of a creature, you can target an object that isn't being worn or carried and that weighs no more than 200 pounds. The object is either knocked over or pushed up to 15 feet away from you. If submerged in water, the hose ceases to produce more water and will turn off. 300 gold pieces. Peridot's Pocketknife: This small tool has a peridot in the handle and opens into various multipurpose tools; it effectively acts as an acceptable artisan's kit for any mechanical specialty, without penalties. It also includes a pocketknife which can inflict d3 damage. 200 gold coins. Styptic Powder: A vial of reddish powder that, when poured into a wound, helps seal it, restoring 1 hit point. Cost is 10 gold pieces per dose, available in small tubes that carry ten doses each. ===== Current Specials - Black Rose Inn ====== //Most items are bought at standard PHB prices, or sold at half price if intact, or variable prices if damaged, rusty, etc. The following are special 'bargain' items available for sale for a limited time, and may include items from other regions.// Meshmail Bodysuit: Once commonly fielded by Inquisitors of the Church of the Traveler during combat operations, the meshmail bodysuit provides advanced full-body protection against the blades and arrows of the battlefield without weighing you down. However, adventurers have noted that the bodysuit requires repairs after it takes sufficient damage. (The meshmail bodysuit is medium armor that provides AC 14 + Dex modifier (max 2). It also provides DR 3 against cutting and piercing damage, but loses this protection after three hits until repaired with Tinker's Tools or similar, an hour's work, additional fine-gauge wire, and a DC 13 skill check.) A steal at 250 gold pieces, and includes refitting costs! Only one available! Oasis Revolver (Heirloom): Tired of the inconsistencies of poorly manufactured strings that break under the pressures of combat? Want a reliable solution to your problems? Don't mind that this was confiscated from an outlaw in Avalon and later sold on the common market? Want to put a new spin on combat? Then this 'revolver' is for you! The revolver uses a revolutionary (hah) firing chamber that stores six paper or metal cartridges. When the trigger is pulled, the cartridge is activated through an internal ignition system, propelling the included bullet at high velocity until it puts a very neat hole through the target. This heirloom piece has been functional for at least fifty years and will probably remain so, certainly longer than your old bow. (The Revolver is a Frontier (+1) Tech item; attempts to service it using Tinker Tools by standard characters are at a -1 until they get used to the foibles of the weapon. It inflicts 2d8 damage on a successful hit, has Range 40/120/360, Reload 6, Misfire 1, Pierce 3, Light, Cartridge ammo.) Only 2,000 gold pieces and this fine heirloom piece can be yours, and for a mere 40 gold pieces, you can purchase 100 cartridges for use with this weapon! Copperfield: This ugly device is a piece of unexploded ordnance from Milochian street warfare during the Wanderer's Rebellion. It consists of a small core of black powder inside a wooden canister, with copper coins adhered to the sides with rivets or glue. A fuse runs into the top, ignited by a mechanical assembly when the trigger mechanism of the assembly is squeezed. While certainly not pretty, it's definitely lethal to anyone within a blade's reach of the blast and hurls shrapnel at up to 30 feet. (This crude grenade can be thrown up to 20 feet or placed on the ground. Anyone within five feet of the device one turn after it is thrown or placed suffers 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 piercing damage, or half that on a successful DC 13 Dexterity save; anyone up to 30 feet of the blast must make a similar Dexterity save or take 1d6 piercing damage. Because this particular device is made of wood, when thrown, a die roll of 1 results in the grenade shattering on the ground and inflicting no damage.) This alchemical nightmare can be yours for 30 gold pieces. Resuscitator: This device can revive the very recently departed, if it can be deployed in time. Typically recommended for use within one minute of death, though positive results can be had up to five minutes beyond the time of passing. Consists of two round paddles with rubber handles; must be pressed together to energize the paddles, then touched to the deceased individual to revive them. 300 gold pieces. [Effectively allows the user to cast Revivify without other components, with some differences; it can be used beyond the normal 1 minute time inherent in Revivify's spell description, but the deceased must make a DC 10 Constitution check to respond, with a -2 per minute and no chance of success after five minutes; it also leaves the patient at 1 HP but unconscious and with a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks (reduced by 1 per long rest until removed), and cannot restore to life someone who was instantly killed. Can also be used to cast shocking grasp by using paddles on a living target. Has d4+2 charges, and regains one charge per eight hours; if totally discharged, on a 1 on d20 the paddles lose their ability to revive and is reduced to one maximum charge but can still be used for shocking grasp touch attacks.] Microwave Beam Emitter: This dangerous contraption looks like it has been put together from scrap metal, batteries, coils of wire and magnets, and has a dish-shaped aperture that generates a powerful, short beam of red light that severely burns the target or any combustibles it is aimed at. 500 gold pieces. [This is treated as an Advanced Firearm. It has 10 charges and cannot be recharged without an artificer or technician's assistance, costing 200 gold pieces. Inflicts 6d6 damage on a hit, weighs 4 lbs, and has a range of 30/60/120.] Bug Sprayer: This portable assemblage is basically a canister with a pump and sprayer attached to it. The canister contains ten gallons of poison gas, and sprays one gallon per spray. Costs 20 gold pieces, and can be refilled by any alchemist for 5 gold pieces. [This effectively is an assemblage that allows the casting of Poison Spray ten times, using the Use Item action rather than the Cast Spell action. It is cast at first level, inflicting 1d12 damage on a failed Constitution saving throw vs DC 12. Despite the name, this sprayer works equally well against insects and other creatures.] Pencil Set: This is an inexpensive set of ten wooden pencils with graphite-lead cores, along with a self-contained sharpener. A steal at only one gold piece. Shoulder Pads of Strength: These unimposing cloth shoulder pads actually have a significant magical power; they increase Strength by 1 when worn with armor. Costs 500 gold pieces, and requires occasional maintenance. Elbow Bands of Spiking: A peculiar set of arm bands designed to allow unarmed attacks to be cutting in nature. 5 gold pieces each while supplies last. Knee Pads of Dexterity: These unimpressive cloth knee pads actually have a significant magical power; they help the user to become more graceful, increasing Dexterity by 1 when worn with armor. Costs 500 gold pieces, and requires occasional maintenance. Backpack of Holding: This looks like an ordinary traveler's backpack, but opens to hold so much more. It can hold a massive 1000 pounds of items (or 64 cubic feet, whichever is met first); retrieving an item from the pack successfully requires an action. It is otherwise similar to a bag of holding. 1,250 gold pieces. Boots Made for Walking: These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do. Against any enemy that is in your path, you can attempt to overrun them (a contest of Strength / Athletics), and if you do, they are knocked prone and take d4 damage as you walk on through. You can also inflict d4 damage on unarmed attacks made with your feet (or +d4 if you already have unarmed damage from some other source.) 400 gold pieces. Spidersilk Weave Armor of Persistence: As regular spidersilk weave armor, but as a reaction, you may heal 1 hit point whenever you are reduced to zero hit points. Can be worn under other armor. Nicknamed the "Undershirt", the "Lifesaver", or the "Bloodless." 550 gold coins. ===== Current Specials - Halford ===== Budget Healing Potion: This potion costs only 20 gold pieces and is sufficient for emergency healing. However, users occasionally report side effects such as nausea, so use responsibly. (This potion heals 1d4+1 hit points. However, drinking it requires a Constitution saving throw vs DC 5; failure induces the Poisoned condition for one hour. DC increases by 5 for each Budget Healing Potion drunk after the first in one day.) Budget Alchemist's Fire: This vial of sticky, flammable liquid costs only 20 gold pieces, and explodes into flames when exposed to the air. However, it takes some time to ignite, which can prove fortunate or unfortunate depending on your desired application. (This variant of alchemist's fire inflicts the same 1d4 damage per round, Dex save vs DC 10 to self-extinguish once ignited, but has a delay of 1d4 rounds before it ignites.) Budget Tanglefoot Glue: This vial is filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When it shatters on a target, it entangles the target and then becomes tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a –2 Penalty on attack rolls and a –4 Penalty to Dexterity saves and must make a DC 12 Dex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Glue lasts 2d4-1 rounds and can be broken with a DC 15 Str save. 20 gold per bag. Scaleitch Powder: This powder is made specifically to counter the population of lizardfolk threatening the town, and is thrown over the walls at them. When a bag of scaleitch powder lands, any scalekind within ten feet has to make a Con save vs DC 15 or suffer from uncontrollable itching that forces them to do nothing but scratch for one minute. Scratching inflicts one point of damage per round. 20 gold per bag. Taxidermy Kit: This artisan's kit allows the interested party to engage in the fine arts of adventuring taxidermy, mostly focused around looting monster body parts for potential profit. The kit includes a book with suggestions on beasts (magical and nonmagical), vermin and monstrosities that might have some value, and explanations of common techniques for extracting useful materials, tanning hides, preserving parts, and so on. 50 gold pieces per kit.