====== The Black Rose Inn ====== ===== Inn Layout ===== The Black Rose Inn is located in an interdimensional pocket of space along with the surrounding parcel of land. People come and go from the Inn by walking down either of the directions of the road that passes by the inn, or by using the technomagical portal, a mirror with overlay control elements designed by the ATTN Corporation. The rooms are comfortable and magically enhanced, the lights are warm, the drinks are cold, and the food is delicious... and through the extradimensional exits, one can reach most any place in Arcydea one has a mind to. The Black Rose Inn is three floors tall with a basement. The first floor includes the common room with a bar, tables (including one in a corner without a light that is marked as 'Rogues Gallery' on a small metal plaque along the side, and a stage area (and backstage area) for performers and entertainers. A small placard nearby lists the most recent playbills from prior or upcoming performances. Off to the side of the common room is the lounge, a more subtly-lit enclosed space with windows to the common area that can be shaded, a large central table and chairs, couches to lounge upon, and a grand piano. Next to the door leading to the lounge is a fireplace, and a table with three normal chairs and one metal folding chair facing it. Down on their luck adventurers often pay a nominal fee to sleep in the lounge at night when they cannot afford private accommodations upstairs. Behind the bar, a door can be seen to lead to the kitchen, where a dark elven cook seems to work during the mornings, a gnomish cook works during the afternoon, and a dwarven cook works during the evenings, often with assistants. To the right of the bar, there seems to be another door that leads to some sort of back area for other businesses that operate within the inn's rooms: there are six rooms marked, but only three franchise businesses registered at the moment: the House of Healing, Lost and Foundry Arms and Armaments, and the Owlery. A set of spiral stairs leads upwards to the second floor, which contains a public library space and a small workbench with basic tools for a number of professions as well as medium-sized rooms; and the third floor, which has more sumptuous suites usually reserved by adventuring parties or particularly wealthy guests. Access to the inn involves one of two methods: the first is a peculiar mirror located on the eastern wall of the common room, large and with some sort of interface visible to those who examine the center right portion closely. The mirror allows people to enter from other locations on the network as well as those who inadvertently wander in, and as such, the common room is often populated with a diverse assortment of outlanders and Arcydeans alike on any given evening. A more prosaic method of reaching the Inn is to become lost on a road far from civilization, and hope that you end up on the road leading to the Inn instead of a giant's stewpot. (Either way is how new characters enter the area -- so when you're ready, introduce your character arriving to the inn through one of these entranceways, and let's see how characters sound and how the soon-to-be-groups get along with themselves.) ===== Food ===== ^ Type ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Something Awful | 1 cp | Scraps from the kitchen. Generally Squalid fare depending on how recent the scraps are, usually purchased for animal companions. | | Something Cheap | 4 cp | Mixed leftovers of not quite successful cooking, generally a Poor quality meal for the adventurer on an extreme budget. | | Something | 1 sp | The special of the chef on duty, typically a Modest meal for the adventurer on a budget. | | Something Interesting | 2 sp | A specialty choice prepared especially for the customer, appropriate to a Comfortable lifestyle. | | Something Elaborate | 3 sp | An elaborate multi-course meal for the Wealthy customer. | | Something Grand | 8 sp | A fabulous meal fit for Aristocratic diners. | | Loaf of Bread | 2 cp | Baked fresh daily. | | Chunk of Cheese | 1 sp | A generous chunk of cheese that is perfect for satisfying the peckish persona. | | Fresh Fruit | 5 cp | Apples, oranges, pears, or lemons, harvested fresh from the orchards. | | Preserved Fruit | 1 sp | Apples, oranges, pears, lemons, and other fare preserved while in season, perfect for spreading. | | Meat. Just Meat. | 3 sp | A big haunch of well-cooked meat to satisfy the meat cravings of meat eaters. | | Noodle Cup | 4 cp | A cupful of noodles in broth for the frugal customer, these are surprisingly tasty. | ===== Drinks ===== ^ Drink ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Absinthe, Viridian Sprite | 1 gp | Absinthe is a distilled and highly alcoholic green, anise-flavored beverage derived from wormwood and other botanicals. At one point, this drink was favored by artists and writers as a chemical in absinthe was said to have caused hallucinations. 2 oz shot. | | Ale, Black Rose | 1 sp | An ale flavored with black rose essence that has a floral taste to it. 16 oz tankard. | | Ale, Cheap | 4 cp | A watery ale best drunk amidst likeminded companions. 16 oz tankard. | | Ale, Dragon's Breath | 2 sp | A strong, spicy ale that burns the tongue. An acquired taste but popular amongst adventurers. 16 oz tankard. | | Beer, Low-Alcohol | 2 cp | Less than 1% alcohol by volume, typically bought by 'non-drinkers' who don't trust water. Commonly flavored with ginger or other ingredients. 16 oz tankard. | | Brandy, Fortune's Favored | 10 gp | Fortune's Favored Brandy is a very rare and expensive liquor considered good luck by gamblers. Perhaps they buy it to show off their good fortune, perhaps they get good fortune when drinking it, perhaps the house profits either way. 2 oz. shot. | | Cider | 1 sp | An alcoholic beverage made from fermenting apples. Sometimes cider can be bought spiced, usually in the winter. 16 oz tankard. | | Cider, Golden Apple | 1 gp | A spiced alcoholic beverage that is a particular favorite of halflings. 16 oz tankard. | | Gin, Skull Isle | 2 gp | Skull Isle Gin is a special type of gin infused with Skull Isle Mint and other botanicals. 2 oz shot. | | Grog | 4 cp | Popular amongst pirates, or down-on-their-luck people who want a change from ale. 16 oz. tankard. | | Mead | 5 cp | Mead is a form of fermented honey wine that was commonly consumed throughout history. | | Mead, Spiced | 1 sp | This mead has several warming spices infused with it: popular during the winter. | | Megahol | 100 gp | A bright orange liquor, roughly 400 proof by volume, considered ideal for alcohol-resistant individuals. 2 oz shot. | | Port, Seventh Sea | 3 gp | Seventh Sea port is a wine made with Seventh Sea Grapes and fortified with rather expensive brandy. | | Rum, Mermaid's Tears | 2 gp | A spiced rum infused with exotic flower petals and fruits. | | Soda | 1 sp | A carbonated soft drink, available in eight flavors: Cola, Orange, Root Beer, Lemon-Lime, Grape, Cherry Cola, Diet Cola, and Ginger Ale. 16 oz glass. | | Tea | 3 cp | Select leaves steeped in water. Tea is both a drink for commoners as well as the upper class. | | Tea, Black Rose | 3 sp | Tea leaves with a rose-like flavor, popular at the inn. | | Tea, Royal Purple | 3 gp | Exquisite tea made from a blend of tea leaves, popular among the upper classes. | | Water | Free | An ordinary glass of water. 16 oz glass. | | Whiskey, Black Dragon | 2 gp | A dwarven-made whiskey infused with several spices, making it bitter and strong. | | //more...// | | //Wines// | | //Liqueurs// | | //Vodka// | | Bloodwyne | 2 gp | A glass of special wine that is suitable for consumption by sanguivorous individuals as a form of sustenance. Available in regular, chocolate, cherry, orange, licorice, and rose flavors. It also restores 1 HP lost to bleeding when consumed by non-sanguivores. | | Spirit Wine | 5 gp | A glass of special wine that is suitable for consumption by those who consume souls or soul energy. Available in Original Sin, Sweet Innocence, Sour Disposition, Bitter Regret, and Caramellow. Restores 1 HP lost to soul drain or necrotic effects when consumed by non-auravores. | | Blue Fairy | ? | A cocktail of spiritberries and energy supplements that restore the body and spirit. | | //Red Fairy - bloodmelon healing cocktail// | | //Yellow Fairy - revitalizing energy mead// | | //Green Fairy - mind-altering refreshing absinthe// | | //White Fairy Queen// | | //Healing Draught// | | //Spirit Tincture// | | //Antitoxin// | ===== Services ===== ^ Type ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Lounge Couch | Free | Resting on the inn's lounge couches is free, but there's a limited number of them, and frequent customers wanting to play the piano. | | Shared Room | 1 gp | A dormitory-style room with two bunkbeds, so up to four people can share a room. | | Private Room | 2 gp | A comfortable room with a double bed, in-house bath and toilet, and other comfortable conveniences. | | Suite Room | 10 gp | A large suite suitable for honeymooners or adventuring parties. | | Welcome Basket | Free | Given to each person who arrives at the inn for the first time. Contains: \\ four different types of dried sliced fruit: apples, lemons, bananas, and bloodmelon;\\ a short informational pamphlet on Arcydea and its nations;\\ an advertisement for the Owlery ("Ricky, Proprietor and Owl of Repute" -- offers fair market value for all goods magical and mundane) along with a free feather token keychain (can be squeezed to illuminate, extremely dimly);\\ a coupon for a free night's stay at the Black Rose Inn, as well as five free drink coupons, each for a different drink (Strawberry Mead, Dragon's Breath Ale, Stonegnome Brew, Jester's Vine Wine, and Bloodmelon Berry Burst); \\ a small folding knife (d3 damage if used as a weapon, can function as improvised tools);\\ a coupon for 50% off a new soulphone at the Artifacts and Crafts sales outlet in Malone;\\ a pamphet explaining ATTN Portal System Operation;\\ a fresh lemon, with "Sunshine Acres Farms" printed on the side;\\ and a coupon for 10% off any order, redeemable at any Lost and Foundry location. |