====== Nexus City Specials ====== Nexus City, in short, is an ever-changing city made up of pastiches of an infinite variety of worlds, and as such, sells everything from stone axes to antimatter rifles, occasionally in the same store. It is also extremely chaotic and at times highly dangerous, and is one of the few things in Arcydea guaranteed to be different no matter what and when you visit. ===== Common Features ===== While nothing is ever really consistent in Nexus City, there are some common features that one can notice given time. Among the more common features: ==== Surviving the City ==== Trying to find your way around, or evade regional dangers, generally requires a Survival check, at Disadvantage if you are unfamiliar with urban environments (rogues are almost always familiar with urban environments, others may vary.) Anyone with the Nexus City background receives Advantage on any Nexus-based Survival check, and any roll of 10 or less is considered a 10 when making these checks. ==== Schizo Tech ==== As part of its existence in multiple places and times, Nexus City has everything from ultra-futuristic cybernetics clinics and gene splicing parlors to hand-fletched arrows, and has stores of all tech levels to meet the needs of all customers. ==== Nexus City Mall ==== The Nexus City Mall is a nine-level shopping plaza with an assortment of high-end stores for everything from banking to housing to greasy food. You can find literally anything here, as long as you're willing to pay handsomely for it. The Food Court is the most chaotic place, as there are frequent food fights between members of Nexus City University, visitors, and the Nexus City Police Department. ==== Nexus City Police Department ==== The Nexus City Police Department is heavily armed, heavily armored, heavily corrupt and heavily in need of manpower, as the turnover amongst new officers is extremely high. Most officers carry handcuffs, a stun baton, an automatic pistol, and wear full riot armor, and usually this is the minimum recommended armament for an average day on the streets. ===== Nexus City Equipment ===== Most items are priced in dollars, the currency of Nexus City (although visitors will find that these aren't American or Canadian dollars). Typical exchange rate is roughly $20 per gold piece ($10 + 3d6, varying from day to day). ^ Item Name ^ Cost ^ Effect ^ Weight ^ Properties ^ | Stun Baton | $75 | 1d6 + 1d4/1d8 electric | 2 | A baton that can be used to infllict either lethal or nonlethal damage, without penalty. It can also deliver a non-lethal or lethal electrical shock (d4 for nonlethal, d8 for lethal) upon striking; if successful, make a Con check vs DC (10 + electric damage) or be paralyzed due to pain; check every turn until recovered. Can deliver 50 shocks on a full charge, requires eight hours of charging before use. | | Automatic Pistol | $600 | 2d6 ballistic | 3 | A standard automatic pistol used by everything from law enforcement to street criminals. Ammo 15, Loading, 3 Round Burst, Range 50/150. | | Riot Suit | $1250 | AC 18 | 20 | Provides resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, and ballistic damage, and damage reduction 2 against all sources. | | Handcuffs | $25 | Restraints | 1 | These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping handcuffs requires a successful DC 22 Dexterity check; breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Police handcuffs use a common handcuff key; without one, a creature proficient with Thieves' Tools can pick the manacles' lock with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Handcuffs have 20 Hit Points and Damage Threshold 10. | | Zip Ties | $25 | Restraints | 0.5 per 25 | These single-use disposable ties are used for quick restraints; they have only 4 Hit Points and a break DC of 18, but otherwise must be cut off to remove them. | 3 Round Burst: Can be set to fire a 3 round burst instead of a single shot; this causes a -2 to hit, but increases damage by +2 dice. 5 Round Burst: Can be set to fire a 5 round burst instead of a single shot; this causes a -4 to hit, but increases damage by +3 dice. Automatic Fire: Can be used to spray a 10 foot by 10 foot area with shots (AC 10 to hit; if successful, all occupants must make a Dexterity save vs DC 15 or suffer the weapon's damage; can also be used to fire 5 Round Bursts against a single target.) This has a -4 to hit if not proficient in the weapon.