====== Sopio "Sophie" ====== Original Sheet: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/17803856/ | Character Level 1 | HP: 10/10 | HD: 1/1 | Proficiency: +2 | Walk Speed: 30 feet | Initiative +0 | Armor Class 11 | | STR: -1 (8) | DEX: +0 (11) | CON: +2 (15) | INT: +2 (15) | WIS: +1 (12) | CHA: +2 (14) | ^ Proficiencies and Languages ^ | ARMOR | Light Armor | | WEAPONS | Crossbow, Hand; Longsword; Rapier; Shortsword; Simple Weapons | | TOOLS | Horn, Lyre, Pan Flute | | LANGUAGES | Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Primordial | | PROF | MOD | SKILL | BONUS | | | DEX | Acrobatics | +0 | | | WIS | Animal Handling | +1 | |*| INT | Arcana | +4 | | | STR | Athletics | -1 | | | CHA | Deception | +2 | INT * History + 4 WIS Insight + 1 CHA Intimidation + 2 INT * Investigation + 4 WIS Medicine + 1 INT Nature + 2 WIS * Perception + 3 CHA Performance + 2 CHA * Persuasion + 4 INT Religion + 2 DEX Sleight of Hand + 0 DEX * Stealth + 2 WIS Survival + 1 ==== Spells ==== Cantrips: Blade Ward, Light 1st Level (2 Bard slots): Disguise Self, Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Hideous Laughter ==== Equipment ==== INVENTORY ACTIVE NAME WEIGHT QTY COST (GP) LOCATION NOTES -- Case, Map or Scroll GearAdventuring Gear 2lb. 2 2 -- Container -- Chest GearAdventuring Gear 25lb. 1 5 -- Container -- Clothes, Common GearAdventuring Gear 3lb. 1 0.5 Social, Outerwear -- Clothes, Fine GearAdventuring Gear 6lb. 1 15 Social, Outerwear Dagger Dagger 1lb. -- 2 Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range (20/60) -- Ink (1 ounce bottle) GearAdventuring Gear -- 2 20 -- Communication, Social, Utility, Consumable -- Ink Pen GearAdventuring Gear -- 1 0.02 -- Communication, Social, Utility -- Lamp GearAdventuring Gear 1lb. 1 0.5 -- Utility, Exploration Leather Light ArmorLeather 10lb. -- 10 AC 11 -- Lute GearTool 2lb. 1 35 -- Instrument -- Oil (flask) GearAdventuring Gear 2lb. 2 0.2 -- Damage, Utility, Combat -- Paper (one sheet) GearAdventuring Gear -- 5 1 -- Communication, Social, Utility, Consumable -- Perfume (vial) GearAdventuring Gear -- 1 5 -- Social, Utility, Consumable Rapier Rapier 2lb. -- 25 Martial, Finesse -- Sealing Wax GearAdventuring Gear -- 1 0.5 -- Communication, Social, Utility, Consumable -- Small Knife GearAdventuring Gear -- 1 -- -- Utility -- Soap GearAdventuring Gear -- 1 0.02 -- Social, Utility, Consumable