====== 5th Age Data Repository ====== A land caught in a timeloop, where the gods attempt to save the world before the creators can start over. * [[:rpg:arcydea:pcs|Characters]]: Player characters, great heroes, and villains. Theoretically, this is where characters staying in the area long-term should go. * [[:rpg:arcydea:npcs|Important NPCs]]: Important allies and enemies. * [[:rpg:arcydea:allies|Ally Encyclopedia]]: A brief synopsis of allies the PCs have worked with. * [[:rpg:arcydea:enemies|Enemy Encyclopedia]]: A brief synopsis of the enemies the PCs have personally fought. * [[:rpg:arcydea:church|The Church of the Traveller]]: The most antagonistic organization in Arcydea, devoted to redefining the planet and all within in their image and for their pleasure. * [[:rpg:arcydea:pantheon|The Pantheons of Arcydea]]: The various major gods of Arcydea. * [[:rpg:arcydea:powers|The Powers of Arcydea]]: Lesser gods and greater entities. * [[:rpg:arcydea:politics|The Politics of Arcydea]]: The current political climate and nations of Arcydea. * [[:rpg:arcydea:languages|The Languages of Arcydea]]: The languages spoken by Arcydeans. * [[:rpg:arcydea:sentients|Sentient Races of Arcydea]]: The various sentient races known to exist (or have existed) in Arcydea. * [[:rpg:arcydea:creatures|Creatures of Arcydea]]: Less civilized races known to exist in Arcydea. * [[:rpg:arcydea:plants|Plants of Arcydea]]: Useful plantlife known to exist in Arcydea. * [[:rpg:arcydea:nexus-city-specials|Nexus City Specials]]: Assorted notes on Nexus City, including examples of technology. * [[:rpg:arcydea:unfamiliar-tech|Unfamiliar Technology]]: The DnD 5th edition rules on figuring out unfamiliar technology. * [[:rpg:arcydea:zanon|Zanon's Mystical Emporium]]: Assorted magical items commonly available in Arcydea, including costs, failure chances and other quirks and caveats. * [[:rpg:arcydea:pills_potions|Pills and Potions]]: Magical, pharmaceutical, and alchemical consumables and their effects. * All Natural Ingredients: Items used in various alchemical and pharmaceutical products and where to scavenge them in the wild. * Modern Armor: Modern and futuristic body armor that provides DR or other benefits along with AC bonuses. * Aim for the Weak Spot: Notes on rules for bypassing resistances/immunities/DR/etc. ===== Locations in Play ===== * [[:rpg:arcydea:malone:start|City-State of Malone]] * [[:rpg:arcydea:rosanegra:start|Territory of Rosanegra]] * [[:rpg:arcydea:rosanegra:jesterfield|Capital of Jesterfield]] * [[:rpg:arcydea:bloodrose:start|Kingdom of Bloodrose]]: Towns and cities formerly of Grenadine, Tarnica, and Rosa Noir that are now part of the Kingdom of Bloodrose as opposed to destroyed outright. * [[:rpg:arcydea:the_reach:start|The Traveler's Reach]]: The various towns, cities, and capitals encompassing The Reach, including the former countries of Avel'Nikash, Davalance, and Miloch, and some Backwaters. * [[:rpg:arcydea:fmv|Fair Market Value]]: A guide for exchanging various currencies, costs of living, etc. * ===== Territory of Malone ===== * [[:rpg:arcydea:malone:housing|Housing Costs]] * [[:rpg:arcydea:malone:economy|Economic Status]] * [[:rpg:arcydea:malone:demographics|Demographics]] ===== Homebrew Stuff ===== * [[:rpg:arcydea:spells|New DnD Spells]]: Spells for Arcydea in specific. * [[:rpg:arcydea:multiclassing|Arcydean Multiclassing]]: Wanderer-style multiclassing, D&D5e adapted version. * [[:rpg:arcydea:downtime|Downtime Development]]: Things you can learn during downtimes. * [[:rpg:arcydea:divinity|Arcydean Divinity]]: Divine Ranks for Arcydean divinity, including rules for Local Divine Rank as opposed to Divine Rank back home for visiting divinities. ===== Unconverted Content ===== This is various materials originally written up for older variants of Arcydea that has not been properly converted for use in DnD 5e, or DnD 5e homebrew content not adjusted for Arcydea yet. * [[:rpg:arcydea:highball|DnD Highball House Rules]] * [[https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UAMystic3.pdf|Mystic Class]]: Psionicists. * [[https://thetrove.net/Books/Dungeons%20&%20Dragons/5th%20Edition%20(5e)/Adventure%20League/S6%20-%20Tales%20from%20the%20Yawning%20Portal/DDAL6-01%20-%20A%20Thousand%20Tiny%20Deaths.pdf|a]]