====== Cargo/Landing Deck ("Deck F") ====== This is where the launch hangar and cargo bay are, as well as the emergency escape arm and disposals. ===== Docking Shuttle Bay ===== The docking platform for NovusCorp Intership Transport Shuttles to connect to the NARV proper, allowing delivery of crewmembers and other direct support supplies. New players joining the round late may choose to be delivered to the NARV via the next NIT Shuttle, as opposed to falling fully grown out of a Vat. There is a nearby Security Checkpoint to clear people entering the NARV from the shuttle bay area, as well as a Cargo Processing area to process any bonus shipping crates brought by shuttle. There are also emergency closets to provide tools and vacuum gear in the event that the power is out or atmosphere is gone upon arrival, an arcade machine for bored arrivals who are awaiting an official welcome, and a Recruitment Office that is usually used by the NovusCorp Recruiter when on duty. Aside from transporting crewmembers and passengers, the Shuttle Bay can be used to deliver cargo or provide rescue and evacuation in times of crisis; however, it can also serve as an avenue for boarding from enemy ships. It's also worth noting that there are external airlocks that lead to space, although they are proper airlocks with a two-door system and are thus difficult to simply throw someone out through. ==== Get Ready for a Surprise! ==== Although cargo shuttles generally go to the more populated cargo bay, occasionally CorpComm will announce that a shuttle is making its way towards your ship. Shuttles announced by CorpComm will arrive here at the Docking Shuttle Bay instead. Some of these shuttles will contain crewmembers, as noted above, and some of these shuttles will contain valuable cargo crates or pallets that should be moved to Cargo Processing until a Cargo Tech can bring them to a more appropriate location. However, sometimes these shuttles contain more interesting problems, and usually the message will give information so that you can prepare properly for their arrival. === Incoming Crew === "A dispatch of new crewmembers is being sent to your location. Your crew manifest is being updated to reflect this." Carries any new players who have joined the round within the last three minutes, which may include Ghosts who have chosen the Respawn option to respawn in a new identity and job or have agreed to take an antagonist role. These late-joins have a chance of being an antagonist. CorpComm may also include crates of extra supplies at its discretion. Payroll budget is increased based on the salary of the new crewmembers. === Visit from the Brass === (pencil in later, but these are the various visits from CC Officials, dignitaries, and the like, probably with separate announcements based on who, what, and why the visit is occurring.) === Syndicate Strike Team === "Your Supply Shuttle has been commandeered by a Syndicate strike team and is preparing to land at the Docking Shuttle Bay. Security or Marine personnel are to neutralize the threat and safely confiscate any weapons they may be bringing." The Supply Shuttle Console may choose to initiate this event by loaning their shuttle to CorpComm; otherwise it is a random low-frequency event that occurs after a normal Supply order. Either way, you have five minutes to prepare a proper greeting for them. The ship also receives 2000 bonus credits to the Cargo budget if they initiated the event. The shuttle contains 4 to 6 Syndicate mobs, as well as roughly 40 TC of traitor gear (usually weapons), and whatever cargo had been previously ordered, if any. === Angry USSPs === "Your Supply Shuttle has been commandeered by an angry group of pro-USSP agitators and is preparing to land at the Docking Shuttle Bay. CorpComm requests that they be neutralized for the good of SolGov." This is similar to the Syndicate Strike Team, except that this is 4 to 6 Russians armed with specifically Russian equipment, basically, plus one or two bears for good measure. The ship receives 1000 bonus credits to the Cargo budget if they agreed to this, whatever cargo had been previously ordered, and occasional Russian souvenirs. The shuttle always contains a keg filled with vodka and six shotglasses, in addition. === Gift from the Spider Clan === "Your Supply Shuttle has been commandeered by the Spider Clan with a present for NovusCorp. We have shipped it to you to see what's inside from a safe distance." This is one 'gift' that can go one of three ways. Regardless of what's inside, if Cargo triggered this event, they gain 1000 bonus credits to their budget as well as whatever cargo was previously ordered, and one of the following surprises in the shuttle: * The shuttle is filled with 5 to 10 giant spiders! Ack! A prepared Security team can easily neutralize this threat, though. Occasionally the shuttle also contains an invisible Space Ninja antagonist, so be careful! * The shuttle contains a Space Ninja emissary who brings a Spider Clan crate as a gift. Crates can contain tame giant spiders, artifacts, a briefcase full of space cash, research data disks, or other fun surprises. Just hope the Spider Clan is in a good mood. * The shuttle contains a Space Ninja on assignment and a Spider Clan crate with additional Ninja supplies. The Ninja has time to prepare himself before arrival, so they may decide to pretend to be an emissary to get people to lower their guard, go invisible and stealth past searching Security personnel, or handle things in whatever ninja way they desire. They may even offer to trade their cool Ninja supplies for better technological advances if the ship has them. === CDC Research Project === "Your ship has been chosen for an epidemiological research project. Your research samples will be delivered to the Docking Shuttle Bay shortly." You know how you can put in a request with the CDC via the Supply Console to do your Virology work for you if nobody onboard can manage it (or if you just can't wait for them to figure it out)? The CDC also conducts research studies and recruits research vessels such as yours to help in their analysis. The next shuttle comes with human corpses ridden with various viruses, to be used for the benefit of science or traitoring. May also include virus culture bottles. Your Medical budget will also be increased by 2000 credits whether or not you requested to provide this service, and Cargo will receive 1000 credits if they did. Create and ship vaccines back to the CDC for more Cargo and Medical credits. === Unexpected Supplies === "Some extra department resupply packages are arriving via Docking Shuttle Bay. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." This one doesn't give bonus credits whether Cargo approved it or not, because instead it provides a variety of free goodies such as vending machine restocks for various departments and equipment generally in short supply on most ships. You're welcome. The shuttle also contains any supplies ordered. === Free Pizza === "You have a delivery from Pizza Galaxy that will be docking at the Docking Shuttle Bay in five minutes." A Pizza Galaxy delivery representative has arrived with a bunch of free pizzas for you! Sometimes this is a reward for work well done, sometimes this is an accident, and sometimes this is Cargo taking advantage of an opportunity. No bonus credits are awarded either way, but free pizza is its own reward. The Pizza Galaxy delivery also includes a Soda Dispenser which dispenses a variety of soft drinks from amongst the galaxy's favorites. The Pizza Galaxy deliveryman isn't obligated to return to the shuttle, either, and can choose to deploy to the ship; after unloading his pizzas, he can deliver them wherever he wants if given proper temporary access, and work on setting up a local Pizza Galaxy franchise. He has no access at first, so this is a roleplay-heavy role. Think 'Merchant' but with a particular set of skills involving the manufacture, sale and delivery of pizzas. === Franchise Opportunity === "Congratulations on your decision to become an authorized franchiser of [companyname]! Your franchise opportunity supplies, as well as two franchise specialists, will be arriving shortly." Another RP-heavy role, this one initiated by Command approval. Approving a particular company's franchise gives them the rights to set up their franchise as a permanent installment in one of your market booths, and delivers two franchise employees to help set up and run the franchise. These roles are whitelisted and require Ghosts who have signed up as potential Franchise Employees for the company in question; the option to open a Franchise becomes available when two Ghosts for the role are available. Franchises can also hire people from the ship, with the approval and support of the Head of Personnel and NovusCorp Recruiter; now you can live your dreams of being a burger cook IN SPACE! It's also not a bad way to pick up some of the basics of being a Chef for food-service roles, Merchant for cashier positions, Mechanic for manufacturing positions, etc. Franchises: * Galactiburger, home of the Galactiburger(tm) * Pizza Galaxy, the foremost in pizza delivery throughout the galaxy * RobCo Robots, robot researchers and developers * More to follow. ==== Security Checkpoint ==== This is a small outpost where security officers can idle between checking in visiting spacecraft and making sure new arrivals are properly addressed. The Customs Officer works out of here when available, and has a Customs Office that includes storage lockers for contraband awaiting transfer to Security. The Checkpoint has security lockers that are a prime target for people seeking security gear, if nobody is attending the entrance. ==== Cargo Processing ==== This room connects to the Cargo Bay, and allows workers to bring goods out of the unsecured bay into an area that at least has Cargo ID access restrictions. In most cases, ID locked crates are delivered first to Cargo Bay and then sent to their destination, after which other crates are transferred to wherever they need to go. The crate's manifest paperwork should include the original supply request, making it convenient to direct it to the appropriate location. ==== Recruitment Office ==== Used by the NovusCorp Recruiter, and less commonly by the Head of Personnel or others with ID Machine access, to welcome newcomers and give them the access appropriate to their new workplace. The Recruitment Office includes the machines necessary to produce appropriate uniforms, PDAs, and other job-specific items, although as a general rule they are only given freely to those who haven't yet been recruited as employees as part of their recruitment process (typically Civilians looking for work). ===== Public Market ===== As might be guessed from the title, this area is designed for merchantry to foster, allowing visiting merchants to use the marketplace to come sell their wares to interested crewmembers, and also providing space for enterprising crewmembers to sell visitors and each other the interesting fruits of their labors if they are so inclined. To this end, access to various commercial opportunities such as the Galactic Stock Exchange, ATMs, credit transfer systems, and such are provided. ===== Stock Market Room ===== The Stock Market Room is a special place in the Public Market dedicated to stock broking, the fine art of watching numbers go up and down. It's lot like slots but for the wealthy and well-to-do. That's why all the hallmarks of a stockbroker's high-roller life are here: quality upholstery, a penthouse-esque view of outer space, monopoly hats, and a closet of impossibly fancy formalwear, for both the broker and their personal maid/butler. There are also stock market consoles in Cargo, in case they get the urge to play the market. ===== Launch Hangar ===== This large hangar bay is where the shuttles used by the NARV are docked when not in use. NARVs can use their profits to purchase shuttles to replace any that are damaged, but they also come with a few standard shuttles. The complement of a fully-supplied NARV includes: * A medium-range combat-capable Skyrunner-class craft for planetary, space, and boarding operations, called the Falcon; * A General Purpose Flyer shuttle, used for short-range space travel and planetary landfall, but not intended for major operations; * A Hazardous Research Chamber, for conducting, well, you guessed it... hazardous research that might otherwise annihilate the ship. It is generally advised that those planning on using the Chamber have a full brainscan and genetic profile update before departure. The HRC detaches from a ship before experiments begin, and reattaches once experiments are complete and the scientists aboard are ready to transmit their findings. The hangar's exterior has two walkways that provide docking services for visiting shuttles, cargo or otherwise. The hangar also acts as a primary pod bay for building and repairing spacepods in service for the ship, and as such has a few small pods docked and awaiting use. There is a fuel canister here for refueling shuttles when not in use; the Quartermaster or Deck Officer is responsible for attending to this when not handling other duties. ==== Available Shuttles ==== === The Falcon === The Falcon is a medium-range craft that can be used for everything from shuttling cargo to ferrying teams of Marines, depending on what is needed. The craft has twelve chairs, though there is standing room for an urgent military deployment if necessary, and a pilot's seat at the Shuttle Console, which is basically a limited Helm Console meant for controlling the shuttlecraft it is installed in. === What The GPF === The GPF is a very small craft that has the benefit of being able to land safely most anywhere, which makes it useful as a rescue craft for holding larger numbers of crew (albeit in cramped conditions) for very brief windows of time. The GPF does not have defensive weaponry, although it does have an emergency barrier system. It can be flown to land at a Subspace Beacon (such as the ones used in emergencies by the Exploration Team.) === Party in the HRC === The Hazardous Research Chamber is designed to survive most of what science can throw at it, and is often called upon for testing things so dangerous that the onboard explosion test chamber is insufficient. === The Drop Pods === There are also four pods in the hallway leading to the Launch Hangar. These pods can be jettisoned from the craft in order to make planetfall if necessary or to wait in outer space for rescue by the Rescue Ship. Once deployed, they have basic life support and minimal helm control, so it is important to recover them if they are jettisoned from a ship not currently in orbit. However, these can also be used as drop pods to forcibly board a hostile ship. More are located throughout the ship, particularly on Personnel Deck. These pods are a one-way trip, though they can be replaced. === The Shipyard === An enterprising spaceship might find itself with some extra money to spend. The Quartermaster can use this wealth to buy a variety of shuttles to supplement their initial offerings. There is room for one Skyrunner-class shuttle and two GPF-class shuttles aboard the ship at any given time. In order to make room, the QM can sell existing shuttles at 25% of their buy price. Falcon: The standard Skyrunner-class shuttle, useful for boarding missions and major expeditions. 1000kC. GPF: The standard GPF shuttle for basic commerce and exploration needs. 200kC. Research Shuttle: Skyrunner-class. A refurbished research vessel repurposed as a transport shuttle, with the research labs still intact. An ideal replacement if the Hazardous Research Chamber has been destroyed. 5000kC. ===== Pod Bays ===== The Pod Bays are various locations around the ship where short-range spacepods can be docked. These pods are adequate for spaceflight or mining operations but are not recommended for atmosphere entry as their engines are typically not designed to break atmosphere. Aside from the Launch Hangar, there are several smaller bays: Battle Pod Bay: A small bay with two heavy pods for ship-to-ship or pod-to-pod combat. Cargo Pod Bay / Launch Hangar: A large bay provided for the quartermaster and his crew. The cargo bay has its own side repair and storage room. Engineering Pod Bay: A small bay below the engine room. Contains two industrial miniputts and an additional escape pod. Catering Pod Bay: A small bay just north of catering. Contains a supply delivery dock as well as request console and some basic tools. Science Pod Bay: A small bay below the artifact lab. Contains a mechanical toolbox and a cargo router. Ostensibly intended for artifact delivery. Escape Arm: There are always at least two escape pods found here, in addition to the evacuation shuttle docking area. Due to the low number of escape pods versus the large crew count, they are in high demand when the time comes to evacuate. ===== Emergency Storage ===== Distinctive because of the green stripes on the airlock, and always set to all-access. Contains emergency supplies including an air canister, water tank, space heater, replacement light tubes and light bulbs, fire extinguisher, two oxygen tanks, and two breath masks. They're generally intended so that anyone can address a fire, survive a hull breach, or do basic light replacement maintenance if the Janitor isn't around. ===== Escape Arm ===== When the ship is set on fire, blown to pieces and/or covered in corpses, the heads of staff or the AI will hopefully call the escape shuttle. The shuttle will then arrive in roughly ten minutes, automatically dock with the ship at the escape arm, and leave three minutes after that, taking the surviving crew to relative safety provided they aren't ejected from the shuttle during the two minutes or so it spends in transit. One of the most dangerous spots to be due to the high population density and tendency for antagonists to arrive as everyone's waiting for the shuttle. ==== Security Checkpoint ==== Located adjacent to the Escape Arm is a secured security checkpoint, where Security can maintain order as people await for the arrival of the escape shuttle, or if necessary maintain guard over prisoners who are awaiting transfer. As such, it has a locker with security supplies in the very likely case that maintaining order requires a few taser blasts through the windows. ==== Escape Shuttle ==== The Escape Shuttle, in theory, is designed to allow the ship's crew to exit en masse in the event that a catastrophic incident is occurring aboardship that requires outside assistance. In practice, any disaster severe enough to justify use of the NovusCorp Escape Shuttle System is probably severe enough that all sense of order will go out the window. The fact that most people can be reconstituted from corporate backups is of little condolence to people who are seeing an active rift in spacetime tearing the ship apart behind them, after all. The Escape Shuttle takes roughly ten minutes to prepare, stock, program, launch, and travel to the NARV, although times may vary depending on the NARV's current location. The emergency call procedure can be cancelled within five minutes if the NARV crew thinks they have contained the problem that caused them to issue the call; chances are that if they haven't, another five minutes won't help. Times may be increased due to distance or competing traffic, or decreased because of urgent situations - a Red Alert where the crew is desperately trying to fend off a corporate raiding party and escape with important technology will get priority over someone hitting the Escape alarm because all of the engines are out of fuel and nobody knows how to set up the solar panels. In some circumstances, the Escape Shuttle will arrive with an Asset Retention Crew to assist in neutralizing whatever threat is critically endangering the ship, or at least to salvage as much as possible from the ship. The Escape Shuttle has four major sections. === Main Area === This is the main body of the escape shuttle, and has chairs to seat whatever members of the crew manage to get aboard in time. Also of note are the lockers with emergency supplies, presumably in case the shuttle's emergency hyperwarp system goes awry or people are in desperate need by the time the shuttle arrives. Long-range shuttles may instead contain sleeper units, allowing the individuals inside to rest, recover, and heal up from whatever disaster doomed their prior accommodations. Two doors on the port side of the craft connect to the escape arm when docked properly. === Shuttle Medbay === The Shuttle's Medbay contains various emergency medical supplies as well as at least one sleeper for providing emergency first aid. Typically, any medical staff set up operations to treat the wounded here, but anyone can access this area if necessary. === Shuttle Brig === Dangerous criminals that are in security custody are to be housed in the brig for later transfer to NovusCorp Internal Affairs operatives, at least in theory. Only Security officers have the right to be in here without being treated like criminals, and Security tends to be a bit jumpy during evacuation procedures, so it is generally wise to stay out and let them do their jobs. There is a direct door to the Brig for loading prisoners separately from normal crew. === Shuttle Cargo === This small holding area contains some lockers and crates, and is generally used for storing valuable cargo that must leave the station intact (useful artifacts, strange xenobiology samples, and so on.) More commonly, it's used as a hiding place from the general chaos of evacuation. === Shuttle Bridge === The Shuttle Bridge can only be accessed by individuals with Bridge access to their station, Heads of Staff, or others with NovusCorp Executive Access. This gives them access to the tools and medical supplies in the forward bridge, but more importantly, allows access to the Emergency Launch Console. By default, the Escape Shuttle docks with (or parks near, in extreme cases) the craft in need for a period of three minutes before warming up the hyperwarp drive to return to a command outpost. Three authorized Heads of Staff can simultaneously insert their command ID cards to set the timer to ten seconds instead, which is typically only used if death or destruction of vital research data is otherwise imminent. The Root Access Disk does NOT unlock this console. ===== Primary Tool Storage ===== An all-access area used to store tools, surprisingly enough. Named both because it connects to the Primary Hallway via an all-access entrance and because it has ToolVend vendomat machines to vend tools and another vending machine that sells devices like proximity sensors and remote signaling devices, as well as a variety of basic tools for making repairs or modifications to the vessel. There are 'budget' insulated gloves here, which are a bit of a gamble to use, as well as a toolbelt and some batteries. ===== Auxiliary Tool Storage ===== A smaller area that requires Maintenance access to enter, and contains a variety of prefabricated building materials, tools, and supplies. The lockers may contain toolbelts, insulated gloves, work gloves, or other useful objects. ===== Waste Disposal ===== This maintenance area is typically worked by Cargo Technicians or the Janitor. All items tossed into the disposal system end up here after passing screening at the Delivery Office. A separate chamber catches the output of toilets and sinks (ew), filtering out nonbiodegradable items to add to the Waste Disposal Line, while converting sewage and biodegradable materials (food, for example) into biomass bricks (perfect for loading into a Biogenerator) for the Supply Line. A Water Tank here holds 10,000 units and is refilled with any water wrung out of the system for reclamation, while other chemicals (ammonia in particular) are placed in a 10,000 unit holding tank to be redistributed or disposed of via space vent. Materials on the Waste Disposal Line proceed down a conveyor belt to the intake for the Plasma Arc Reactor. ===== Plasma Arc Reactor ===== The Plasma Ar Reactor is an experimental series of devices that converts garbage into power and recycles materials where available, before disposing of the rest in the Incinerator. ==== Major Components ==== ===Manual Intake=== This is where smaller individual objects such as bags of garbage can be directly fed into the shredder. It has a safety scan to prevent living organisms from being inserted. An emag can override this safety scan, allowing for a very messy ride. ===Intake Belt=== This belt feeds objects into the standard intake to be sorted before reduction. Typically, disposal chutes empty their cargo directly on the intake belt to be processed. There is a safety scan on the belt that shuts it down when living organisms are detected. ===Standard Intake=== This belt-fed automated processor sorts objects into the shredder (for items that are small enough to be shredded) or the compactor (for objects too large to be reasonably shredded). === Shredder === The shredder is a device which uses rapidly spinning gears and blades to crush and tear items to pieces that can be processed. The Shredder has three lights: Power, which tells you that the shredder is sufficiently powered to operate; Safety Alert, when the Safety Mode is on and the shredder detects a living organism entering its range, or an item that cannot be shredded; and Safety Active, which shows whether the Safety Mode is on. Notably, it is possible to disable safeties if you need something shredded that isn't normally acceptable to the system. There is also a Lockdown lever that can be set when you need to service the shredder and don't want anyone to somehow turn it on while you're in there, or shut down the entire thing so you can review it when you get back. Living organisms, aliens, cyborgs, and anything else can be shredded when the Shredder's safety is turned off; this is exceedingly violent and often very messy, but is one guaranteed way to kill most creatures if you can get them into the thing. Anything on their person will be destroyed as well, just as if it had passed through the shredder on its own. (There are some exceptions that the shredder can't shred, which will jam the shredder; do not attempt to remove the obstruction without turning the shredder off and setting the Lockdown lever so that it can't be activated, or you may have a bad time!) Once they have passed through the shredder, the remaining refuse, gore, sludge and garbage (condensed into an Unrecognizable Mass) continues onwards towards the Pre-Heat Chamber. ===Compactor=== A compression system crushes larger objects that do not pass through the shredder feeder down to size. ===Pre-Heat Chamber=== After passing through the shredder or compactor, objects then are dropped into the pre-heat chamber, which brings them up to an optimum preparation temperature. This reduces basic materials immediately, and pressure vents capture released gases to process for storage or other use. ===Arc Reaction Chamber=== Remaining items are then dropped into the primary reactor chamber where electrical arcing superheats the environment to the point of plasma gasification, reducing materials to component gases, metals, or black glass that can be recycled efficiently into new objects. ===Separator=== This extracts materials from the reaction chamber and produces ingots and sheets that can be used in autolathes and similar machinery to produce new raw goods. The separator extracts usable metals, glass, and other materials and converts them into sheets or ingots that are then shunted offwards back into the system towards the Supply Line, hopefully to be turned into usable items. The remaining nonrecyclable material makes its way to its final destination, the Incinerator. ===Capacitance Banks=== These store excess energy generated by the reactor, solar paneling, power grid, etc, in order to provide sufficient energy to start the plasma reaction from a cold start when necessary. Excess power is bled off into the power grid or additional capacitance banks. ===Heat Energy Storage Tank=== This stores heat energy for long periods when necessary to make restarting the reactor easier - and to make delivering hot water easier as well. ===Solar Panels=== The original design for this reactor includes solar panels for use in a stationary planetary environment. ===Gas Turbines=== These generate power from the flow of gas attempting to escape the reactor core, providing power in order to continue the reaction. ===Condensation Chambers=== These recollect gases that escape the chambers at various temperatures and condense them in preparation for pressurization. ===Pressurization Chambers=== These collect gases from the condensation chambers and pressurize them in preparation for use elsewhere. ===== Incinerator ===== Hidden away in the maintenance tunnels, the incinerator is a room accessible only by maintenance access-ways. It's meant for burning unreclaimable refuse, but it's also an ideal place to dispose of things that can't be dealt with in other ways, like Changelings. It acts in all other ways like an ordinary furnace. The Incinerator's exit pipe routes towards Engineering, where reclaimable gases can be reclaimed and heat can be transferred. ==== Using the Incinerator ==== Operation of the incinerator is relatively simple. The burn chamber has ports for feeding two gases into the room, and an exit pipe to transfer the hot gases therein (preferably to power the Gas Turbine, or route via valves into the Thermoelectric Engine's hot loop). There is also an output valve on the exit pipe so that you can store the output gases in a canister instead, for instance if the exit pipe would otherwise vent gases into the ship because of combat damage. By attaching an oxygen canister to one input port and a plasma canister to the other input port, you can prepare the incinerator for use - or, if you're feeling daring, you can set up the pipes from Atmospherics to pipe in gases from the main supply, meaning you don't need to change canisters. Setting up both intake and output pumps to 4500 kPa will ensure that gases flow smoothly in and out of the chamber to maintain a constant burn rate. ==== Legitimate uses ==== The incinerator is quite useful for getting rid of garbage, as well as the storage/destruction of dangerous objects and creatures. For instance, the nuclear authentication disk cannot be burned, so placing it inside of a lit incinerator is a good way of keeping it out of syndicate hands if it needs to be stored somewhere. The amount of time it takes to cool will give the crew ample opportunity to fight off any syndicate agents who are trying to get in. It is also one of the only places that changelings can safely be stored without risk of escape. Should the changeling get uppity, you can light it on fire and instantly kill it every time it tries to regenerate. This may be the only way of permanently disabling a changeling if the crematorium and gibber are both destroyed. When properly operated, most of what goes into the Incinerator will be what's left after Waste Disposal has filtered out the reusable materials, and what's left will be annihilated during the Incinerator's burn cycle. ==== Use in bomb construction ==== As noted above, the incinerator has an output for charging gas canisters and air pumps. This makes it a fantastic place to create bombs as all of the other components with the exception of tank transfer valves can be easily sourced. How you are going to get those tank transfer valves in the first place is a mystery, but a crafty atmos tech or engineer can get the AI to let them in without too much fuss. You can treat the incinerator in much the same way as the ignition chamber in the Explosive Labs, except that you don't have to premix the plasma and oxygen in a canister; you can simply set the plasma tank to output twice the pressure of the oxygen tank for a 2:1 plasma:oxygen mix in the incinerator. You will, however, need to pump the breathable air out of the incinerator that is there to begin with as it will otherwise dampen the reaction and make the resulting bomb less effective. ===== Cargo Bay ===== The work area of Cargo Technicians under the watchful eye of the Quartermaster, this area connects to the Cargo Processing area as well as the Launch Hangar and serves as a storage place for incoming or outgoing supplies before final transfer, with methods to efficiently transfer goods to other areas of the ship using transport pipes, the cargo loader, cargo mechs, or good old-fashioned pallet jacks. There are also equipment lockers for the workers, and some Magboots for ensuring safety while working in the bays. One conveyer belt draws objects in from Cargo Processing, and another transfers processed goods to the Warehouse. ===== Quartermaster's Office ===== The Quartermaster's Office overlooks the Supply Office, Cargo Bay and Expedition Bay, and gives him a central place to keep signed forms and approve or deny supply requests. It also has a Cargo Camera Computer which can view the various bays and supply areas as well as the Helmet Cameras used by Mining, a control/comm console for the primary mining shuttle, and some basic equipment useful to the Quartermaster such as his rubber stamp. It also contains the all-important Supply Management Console, which allows him to place orders for common requests from NovusCorp Supply Office, as well as check what local vendors are buying and selling when the ship is in an amenable location. ===== Supply Office ===== This foyer is the area where the Supply Department interacts with the crew as a whole, and where various crewmembers can place orders for supplies using the nearby Supply Order Console. Note that Cargo is not obligated to fill these orders, especially for materials you aren't cleared for, and may (and should) require you to have forms stamped, signed, and approved by appropriate Heads of Staff for peculiar requests. ===== Delivery Office ===== This office allows Cargo to ship tagged packages and crates around the station. There is also a connection to Waste Disposal, allowing Cargo Techs to work in reclamations when not getting their supplies from away teams or traders. It also serves as a de facto break area for the Cargo Techs when not busy (which should be never, in theory); it has vending machines for drinks and snacks, an Order Request Console, a Stock Market Console for making personal investments, a Photocopier for making copies of forms, an Ore Converter for dealing with those rocks Mining sends back up, and an Autolathe for manufacturing various commonly needed items when possible instead of ordering them. A medkit is also here for dealing with warehouse injuries. ==== Waste Management ==== Most of the waste disposals around the station will send their contents to the outlet in the back of the Delivery Office. Use the conveyor to drag it out and sift through the mess for that rare valuable mistake. Send on the actual trash to Waste Disposal with the top conveyor. Toilets route directly to Waste Disposal without entering the Delivery Office (thankfully). ==== Postman Pat ==== The package wrappers in the room can be used to wrap any box as well as a variety of other items. The Destination Tagger marks a wrapped package with a destination tag that tells the mail conveyor where to deliver the package and allows you to add a note to the printed label. Once done, toss the package onto the mail conveyor and it will deliver your package in seconds! There is also a mail desk and a corridor conveyor belt on the off chance that someone actually wants to mail a package. You can wrap up some items as gifts with giftwrap paper, but you'll need wirecutters to cut the paper. Have them in your other hand and click with the object you want to wrap. You can turn the gift into a package and mail it but why not deliver it for the personal touch? ==== Corpses and Crimes ==== While a well-run ship shouldn't have corpses turning up in disposals, most killers don't expect anyone to be working in here, and they are usually right. Make sure you are wearing gloves when working the disposals (for personal safety as well as to avoid contaminating potential evidence), and call the Detective if you find signs of foul play. ==== Hate Mail ==== It should probably be noted that you can use the mailing system to mail many things, including corpses and bombs. Why anyone would do that is a mystery, but do bear this in mind if someone sends a peculiarly shaped package to -you-. ===== Cargo Warehouse ===== The Warehouse is a central area for storing pallets, crates, and other goods until they are actually needed. A small sub-section with reinforced walls acts as the Warehouse Secure Storage area, for storing potentially dangerous things like virology research crates or armory or military supplies until the appropriate party arrives to take responsibility for them. The Cargo Warehouse also has a Pallet Dispenser, shrinkwrap (for sealing your own pallets), pallet jacks, a forklift, and a connection to Maintenance for wheeling pallets of goods to their appropriate departments. Pallets allow you to store multiple crates on one tile, and the forklift can stack pallets three high in the special pallet racks. There is a small Freezer and Cooler area for temporary storage of items that need to be kept cold until they can be delivered to appropriate departments. This is also the base of operations for the MULEbots, automated cargo transports that can carry pallets of goods autonomously to departments. (Don't forget to bring a pallet jack with you to help you unload it easily.) ==== Warehouse Secure Storage ==== This reinforced area is locked by the Quartermaster and is used to store potentially dangerous items like virology research crates or armory supplies until the appropriate party arrives to take responsibility for them. ==== Warehouse Cooler ==== This small cooler keeps refrigerated items cold; it is almost never used unless Cargo Techs can't be arsed to bring the goods in question to the appropriate department and the MULEbots are out, so it's sometimes used for more nefarious activities, but it's also useful for storing cooled goods until they can be shipped out. ==== Warehouse Freezer ==== This small freezer keeps the contents at very low temperatures, perfect for ensuring that frozen goods stay frozen. Slightly more commonly used, but only just. ==== MULEBot Station ==== This control station has two MULEBots which recharge here when not otherwise in use. It has a MULEBot control console and some basic maintenance supplies. ==== Cardboard Baler ==== This converts a large number of cardboard boxes or pieces into a single large cardboard bale. It's worth noting that the baler can potentially crush anything else put inside, if packed full enough, and even entities not killed by this can be entrapped in such a manner. Of course, this is not recommended. ==== Trash Compactor ==== This is where large amounts of garbage are converted into more compact chunks of garbage before being run through Waste Disposals. Aside from allowing the ship to reclaim valuable resources and dispose of unsightly trash, it is not unknown for some ships to dispose of boarders in much the same manner when incarceration is insufficient or wildly impractical. ===== Expedition Bay ===== This is where an expedition crew gears up before setting off in the Pelican medium-class shuttle to a large asteroid or planet with the hopes of digging up something good. For related reasons, this is commonly also where boarding parties gear up before boarding another vessel, with comparable preparations involved; Salvagers gear up here and occasionally they are joined by Miners, Explorers, and Marines to make sure the work goes quickly. The Expedition Bay connects directly to the Launch Hangar, should one of the other shuttles be needed. ===== Expedition Room ===== The Expedition Room is where people preparing for an expedition -- whether it's a simple mining operation, a boarding raid to gather supplies and disassemble a formerly operational hostile craft, or an excursion onto a foreign planet. It contains six lockers and several racks full of gear for Explorers, Salvagers, and Miners to use, including the following items: * Shortwave Radios: Allows you to contact other expedition members. These radios automatically connect to headsets being worn. Radios have a planetary range, but cannot reach orbital communications by themselves. * Explorer's Belts: A belt with six slots that can quickly holster or unholster a machete. * Web Vests: Attaches to your uniform, provides four extra slots of storage, accessible within a voidsuit. * Analyzers: This allows you to check the composition of the planet's atmosphere. * Explorer's Bowman Headset: A headset that muffles loud noises and operates hands-free. * Binoculars: Allows you to look into the distance to see at longer ranges. * Duct Tape: The universal repair tool for voidsuits, machinery, and everything else. * Flashlights: A secondary light to illuminate things more than your voidsuit's light can. * Explorer Suits: A jumpsuit that is warmer than usual, good for cold planets and provides modest armor. * Explorer Hoods: Part of the Explorer Suit, good for keeping the rain at bay. * Explorer Gas Mask: For breathing in untenable environments. Note that certain environments may require a full softsuit or hardsuit; check out the E.V.A. room if needs be or borrow a Mining rig. The racks in this room contain additional supplies: * Pickaxes: Basic tools for miners, soon supplanted by much better tools. * Titanium Machete: Ideal bushwhacking tool for explorers; make sure you have one if you are heading out onto a foreign planet. Sheathes in the machete belt. * Mineral Analyzer: Usable on planets to determine what minerals are available in the general area, ideal for setting up a mining expedition. The survey data disk for a planet is also worth money to Cargo. * Botanical Satchel: Stores seeds and crops picked while on expedition. * Xenobiology Scanner: Provides information about a species, including what it breathes, its ideal temperature, et. * Xenobotany Analyzer: Displays information about plants. Technically useful for non-xeno botany as well. * Camera: For making visual documentations. Adjust focus to wide angle for larger images. * Geiger Counter: Tells you the current level of radiation in an area. * Analytical Goggles: Tells you the tech levels required for an examined item. Generally valuable to bring items with high levels back for analysis. * Subspace Beacon: These special beacons provide a target area for landing craft, typically the GPF or the Falcon. * Subspace Radio Transmitter: This backpack-mounted transmitter has a range long enough to reach orbit, and is vital for staying in communication with the ship. One Explorer should carry this at all times. * Helmet Camera: A standard-issue helmet camera that mounts on the user's head, allowing those tuned to the same frequency to watch what they are up to. The Lead Explorer should wear this at all times. There are also six lockers with Mining gear, containing the following: * Engineering Space Suit Sets: Perfect for typical space jaunts. * Engineering Diving Suit Sets: Makes it possible to survive high-pressure, toxic, or otherwise untenable to life environments, including in acidic climates. * Flippers: Technically unnecessary for mining, but makes moving in underwater or extremely thick atmosphere much easier. * Jetpacks: The ones in here are Full of oxygen to start with. * Mining Belts: Holds most of the gear and equipment you will need to mine. * Geological Scanners: Use the scanner in your active hand to scan all rocks in view. The scanner will spit out a report and put symbols on rocks with something out of the ordinary in them. Using it on a piece of asteroid will tell you specifically what ore is present, its toughness, any danger conditions, and the presence of any foreign items. * Geiger Counters: Upon encountering something radioactive while holding this in your hands or pocket (but not backpack), the dial moves back and forth, and the device clicks, just like in the movies. The further the dial goes, and the faster the clicking, the more intense the radiation detected. Every Miner equipment locker comes with one, the mining fabricator can make one, and Cargo's Radioactive Emergency Supplies crate has two of them. * Ore Satchels: Holds up to 50 units of ore. To quickly pick up ore, click and drag one piece onto the satchel and you will automatically begin grabbing all ore of that type in every space surrounding you. Clicking the satchel in your active hand will dump its contents onto the ground. Use it on a fabricator or crate to empty it into that container. * Ore Scoops: This very useful utensil allows you to collect ore by merely walking over it. Simply insert an ore satchel, hold the scoop in your active hand and you're good to go. Click on the scoop to unload the satchel, or anywhere else to dump the ore on the floor. * Meson Goggles: Also allows you to see the composition of asteroids. * Breath Masks: Required for full spacesuit gear. * Mining Headsets: Stay in touch and coordinate with your colleagues. Type say :e to talk over the engineering channel. If landing planetside, you may need to borrow some Shortwave Radios from the Explorers or nag the QM for some. The machines in here do the following: * Ore Silo: This is where you can insert ingots, blocks, and clumps of processed materials for use in fabricators, lathes, circuit printers and other devices. Cannot take custom alloys until Material Science is properly advanced, but is a great place for dumping existing blocks of material salvaged off of ships or already processed by other methods. * RockBox(tm): A device for more mercenary miners that accepts ores, ingots, blocks, and clumps of material made by Mining, and allows them to set a sale price for individuals to pay for using the various manufacturing methods around the ship. The Quartermaster purchases ores to then sell to other trading partners. * Ore Redemption Machine: Smelts ores directly and awards mining points based on the amount smelted, then adds it directly to Ore Silo supplies. * Material Processor: This is where you can insert ores, gems, and other various raw materials, and get ingots, blocks, and clumps of processed materials for use in the smelter or nano-fab. Note that there is a portable version that operates more quickly but does not connect to Ore Silos. * Material Analyzer: The hand-held devices can scan and tell you all sorts of info about a material such as its hardness, electric conductivity, etc. You can use it on most materials as well as most things made with the smelter and fabricators. * Slag Shovel: Occasionally used to clean out furnaces. In early smelter tech, mixing stuff in the smelter would create slag, and too much slag would adversely effect an alloy's quality. You'd then have to clean it out with this shovel. It also works as a substitute for the power shovel when digging holes (it can't mine though) and as a decent bludgeon. * General Manufacturer: Can be found in most ships' refineries, as well as in cargo and in other random places. They create basic items like metal and glass sheets, tools, and a few other odd things like power cells and chemical patches. They start with a bit of copper, glass, and steel already loaded. * Arc Smelter: This giant contraption in the back of the room is where dreams are made. Insert two materials into the arc smelter and interact with it to combine them, then click the resulting product to take it out. The combined material will have the material type of both of its components, so a combination of a crystal and a fabric will make a material that works as both a crystal and a fabric. * Nano-Fabricator: This is where you insert your alloy bars to make stuff. Most schematics require either metal alloys, fabrics, rubber, leather or crystals. A single bar can be made to fill all needs. At the top of the interface, there are 3 tabs. Blueprints: A list of items the fabricator can make. Materials: This is where you can see all the components and supplies that are in the machine, available for your arts and crafts. Setting: Not much to it, but you can set it to automatically store crafted items into the Materials tab. This is useful when making components for more complex items. * Quantum Telescope: A computer used for finding particularly ore-rich asteroids and planets, discussed more in the [[:games:sc13:guides:mining|Guide to Mining]]; a matching computer is on the Bridge, should the Captain be interested in locating places himself for the crew to work. ===== Mineral Magnet ===== This large magnet allows the ship to 'pull' in asteroids and smaller wrecked ships for mining and salvaging. While asteroids are not inherently as hazardous as planetary excursions, there are still hazards for explorers, but occasionally fantastic treasures as well. ===== E.V.A. ===== The EVA Room connects to the Shuttle Bay, and has additional supplies for those planning a departure, including six Exploration Voidsuit Storage Units, and six ATVs for driving around a planet's surface directly when the NARV is landed. E.V.A. stands for Extra-Vehicular Activity, which means, in this case, spacewalking, or using the ATVs to roam about a planet your ship has landed on. The room can be accessed from the starboard hallway, and is located just a bit east from dorms. Heads of Departments, who may not have their own space suit immediately available or may not wish to share with others, have access to come and get space suits from here. ==== Lobby Area ==== This section contains basic supplies and materials one might need if seeking to repair a hull breach or work in an unpowered section of the ship. ==== Suit Storage Area ==== This area has six suit storage units, which each use an ultraviolet cleaning system to disinfect and sterilize suits between spacewalks. Each storage unit contains one space suit, one space helmet, and a breath mask; air tanks must be acquired separately. It's worth noting that if the contents are removed, a person can just fit inside, giving them a chance to hide from a pursuing adversary... but it is very easy for someone to activate the UV cleaning system, which can be harmful or even fatal to occupants. There is also an RCD with three matter cartridges, two jetpacks loaded with carbon dioxide, and two sets of magboots, as well as a few toolboxes. ==== ATV Hangar ==== The ATV Hangar holds six ATVs and a key locker with keys for each of them. It also has a blast door, allowing the ATV to exit the ship (although it's highly recommended to do so when the ship has landed on a planet.) ===== Primary Custodial Closet ===== There is a custodial closet on every interior deck, usually near the area most prone to messes. However, the Janitors spawn in the Primary Custodial Closet, which is slightly larger and holds more supplies for them to do their job. Two janicarts are parked here; in the event that there are more janitors than janicarts, the rest have to make do with what they can carry with them from the below supplies. In the event that the supplies here are exhausted, Janitors can check the other Custodial Closets or Maintenance Tunnels for additional supplies; generally there's at least one spare set of equipment per Closet, and bits and pieces of maintenance supplies (as well as other things...) in the Maintenance Tunnels. The janicarts each have a mop, a bucket, and a garbage bag loaded on them. There are three lockers here, each of which contains: * One pair of no-slip galoshes. * One janitorial belt, which hold six tools or items. * One light replacer, which replaces light bulbs. * One box of garbage bags, for waste disposal needs. * One biosuit, for cleaning dangerous spills. * One spare Janitor jumpsuit * One box of purple nitrile gloves for cleaning up messy spills * One pair of leather work gloves for replacing hot lightbulbs * One purple Janitor cap There are also racks and shelves which contain: * Four mops * One spare bucket * A tank filled with water for refilling buckets * A tank filled with space cleaner for refilling spray bottles * Two boxes of replacement lights (more can be printed) * A box of mousetraps, for small pest problems * Two bear traps, for large pest problems * Five cleaner grenades (spread foam that will clean and make everyone slip in a wide radius; sought after by lazy janitors and practical jokers) ===== Thermoelectric Engine ===== Usually not the primary energy generator of the ship, the Thermoelectric Generator gets its power from the thermal difference of the two pipes going through it. The left side is the cold side, and the right side the hot side. Typically, the cold pipe is filled with CO2 cooled through heat exchangers set up in space, while the hot pipe is super hot CO2 warmed up with a mixture of 2:3 air + plasma that has been ignited in a localized burn chamber, or through piping in or through any other hot gases that might be generated from other engines or activities, such as the Incinerator or Crematorium. Here's the guide for setting up the Burn Chamber if you need to use the Thermoelectric Engine by itself: * To the top right is a room full of canisters; to the bottom there is a room full of pipes. * Connect C02 canisters to the pipe room's top connector ports. * Connect 3 plasma and 2 oxygen canisters to the bottom ports of the pipe room. * Turn on all the pumps and valves in the room except for the one connected to the yellow pipe and red pipe; no adjustments to the pump strength needed. * Look into the camera monitor to see the burn chamber. When it is full of plasma, press the igniter button to start the burn. * Setup the SMES cells and set an input of half the max, and an output that is half the input; or use the staggered charging profile recommended below. Well done, you should have a functioning generator generating power. If the right side of the generator stops working, it means there is too much pressure and you need to turn on the pump that is connected to the red and yellow pipes to release the pressure. Make sure you don't take out too much pressure though. === Hot & Cold Loops === Because of how gas mixtures work, instead of using two canisters on each loop, you can try the following setup: * 1 Canister on the hot loop: This will ensure that the pressure will remain reasonable and that the pump won't jam from over-pressure. * 2 to 3 Canisters on the cold loop: The cold loop is exposed to space temperature and will contract a lot, allowing you to add more gas to it. === SMES Setup === Due to how the TEG power output fluctuates over time, you can either baby-sit the SMES charging rates, or use a staggered charging profile; the SMESes are prioritized from left to right, so one optimal setup can be achieved by setting the charge rates (from left to right) to: 120 000 W, 60 000 W and 30 000 W. This will ensure that, for any TEG output over 30 kW, we will always have at least one SMES charging, with priority given to the leftmost SMES. This charging setup means that we have charging at: 30 kW (0-0-1) 60 kW (0-1-0) 90 kW (0-1-1) 120 kW (1-0-0) 150 kW (1-0-1) 180 kW (1-1-0) 210 kW (1-1-1) Which covers the entire output rampdown of the TEG, assuming maximum power achieved is above 210 kW. Modify to fit if you manage to generate higher power scales. === Some Like It Hot === The hot loop of this engine runs through a local burn chamber or source of heat, while the cold loop runs through a series of coolant pipes in space. If either of these pipe networks are disrupted, the TEG will generate less and less power. The hot loop may stop working due to breaks in the piping or more likely due to overpressurizing the loop (too much pressure and the loop clogs up and won't linger in the TEG long enough to exchange heat); the cold loop usually only stops working when something has hit the exterior heat exchangers that cool the loop using the frigid temperatures of space. The Deck F TEG runs its hot loop through the Plasma Arc Reactor and the Incinerator, which both regularly run at high temperatures. As the Incinerator's burn chamber in particular is larger than others elsewhere, it is likely to generate the most power (assuming the entire thing doesn't clog up.) ===== Deck F Turbolifts ===== This is a set of four fancy elevators that lift passengers from floor to floor (in game, they vanish in a blur and reappear at their chosen floor). Individuals are discouraged from using the elevators longer than necessary. ===== Deck F Maintenance Tunnels ===== All of the tunnels outside of the main halls are probably maintenance tunnels. This is the most common access on the ship, though not completely ubiquitous, and the area is marked by its proximity to every other area, its poor lighting, and its exposed pipes. This connects to other decks' maintenance tunnels via ladders, so you can easily reach other decks without using the turbolifts. ==== Hide and Seek ==== The maintenance tunnels are usually safe, and full of gear that would otherwise be hard to come by like sunglasses, gas masks and even backpacks. Some roles start out with full maintenance access by default, some can access the maint doors connected to their workplaces, and some can't access it at all. Maintenance is also where you'll find certain external airlocks, and the ladders between every deck. If you see something in the maintenance tunnels that doesn't look right (i.e. BLOOD IS EVERYWHERE), inform the Detective (or Security, which should inform the Detective), so they can do proper forensic investigations before the Janitor cleans things up. It is possible to disappear on purpose in the tunnels, but hiding requires you to go really deep into the ship's bowels to escape the eyes of roaming security and crew. The AI will often kill people in maintenance when rogue and, if need be, hide the bodies with a Cyborg; thankfully there aren't many cameras in Maintenance. In the event of a radiation storm, being in maintenance will shield you from harmful effects, and maintenance will become all-access for the duration. One last note, just hope it isn't GARBAGE DAY! ===== Deck F Substation ===== The Incinerator is the only source of power (and a major source of heat) for Deck F, which means that unless there is a continuous supply of things to burn, it will continually draw power from upper decks. Fortunately, Deck F has limited power requirements most of the time.