* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] ====== Ship Locations ====== A general listing of sections of your typical NARV, organized by deck, along with the machinery commonly associated with it. [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_A|Solar Deck ("Deck A")]]: * Port Solar Array ("West"): The solars are designed to retract into a defensive position when planning an FTL jump, and may require repairs after an FTL flight or, more likely, after the ravages of space combat. * Starboard Solar Array ("East"): The solars each have an SMES near them, which stores the output of the solar panels and outputs towards the Substation. * Fore Solar Array ("North"): Each solar is protected by metal shutters that close around them when the ship is raising shields, particularly when going into FTL drive. * Aft Solar Array ("South"): The shutters can be manually lowered by the Bridge Console, if recharging while defending is required. * Deck Guns: The external component of the Naval Artillery Cannons, deck guns that can punch holes in most any ship. There are two deck guns, the South and North. Each must be loaded separately from below. * Deck A Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck A Maintenance Lobby: A small lobby with the ladder downwards and a few useful items for those planning on working the solars. * Deck A Custodial Closet: A small cleaning closet, though there's not much to clean up here. * Deck A Substation: The power substation that processes the solar's charge. [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_B|Bridge Deck ("Deck B")]]: * Main Bridge: The Bridge, where the ship is normally directed from, the commanders command from, and so forth. Notably there are two other 'Bridge' locations, used as fallback points should things become too open to space, but the main bridge is the most spacious. * AI Upload Chamber: The place to upload new laws to the AI. Perform with caution. * AI Module Storage (Bridge): A place to store AI modules until they are needed. * AI Core Chamber: The home of the AI, who can do anything any crewman can do - which becomes most important when something Bad happens to an important crewman and there are no immediate replacements. * Battle Bridge: A cramped, small room tucked in the heart of Deck B which holds all of the vital computers required to conduct a battle from; personnel are still required to operate them, though! * Captain's Quarters: The luxuriously appointed Captain's Quarters, with his assortment of special Captain gear. * Commander's Quarters: The comfortable Commander's Quarters, with some special equipment. * Executive Officer's Quarters: A utilitarian Quarters for the Executive Officer, including some important machines to help him do his job. * Conference Room: A place for the department heads, diplomats, inspectors, SolGov officials, and other important people to meet to discuss the business of the ship. * Personnel Office: The official workspace of the Head of Personnel, south of the Bridge. * Munitions Bay: Where the ship's primary weapons are maintained by Weapons Technicians and the Munitions Officer. All weapons are listed below for convenience, whether they're in the Munitions Bay or otherwise. * Hypervelocity Railguns (Deck B; Munitions Bay) * Autonomous Missile System (AMS) (Deck B; Munitions Bay) * Phase Cannons (Deck B; Phase Cannon Rooms) * MAC Torpedo Tubes (Deck B; Phase Cannon Rooms) * Naval Artillery Cannons (Deck B; NAC Loading Rooms) * Superliminal Bluespace Artillery Cannon (Deck B; Munitions Bay) * Autonomous Missile Factory (Deck B; Munitions Bay) * Autonomous Ammo Factory (Deck B; Munitions Bay) * Orbital Cannon (Deck E; Orbital Loader Room) * Flak Cannons (four total on deck D; Flak Cannon Rooms) * Gauss Guns (eight total on decks C and E; Gauss Gun Rooms) * Flight Deck: Where fightercraft are launched and legends are born. * Air Traffic Control Office: Where fightercraft are coordinated and enemies are spotted. * Phase Cannon Rooms A and B: Where phase cannons are installed, configured, and if necessary manually fired. Also the home of the ship's primary Torpedo Tubes. * NAC Loading Rooms A and B: The NAC loading area for the deck guns. Speed of projectile is dependent on the amount and type of explosive used to launch the projectile. * Teleporter: Located near the Captain's Quarters, a powerful long-range teleporter that can teleport objects and people short distances (ship-wide) or long distances (to other ships or planets) if maintained properly. * Vault: A place for securing valuables aboardship that don't belong elsewhere; objects in the Vault (or the Shuttle Vault) at round end will be found in the Vault next round. * Corporate Showroom: A showroom and museum for displaying examples of NovusCorp scientific advancements and achievements. * Drone Service Depot: A manufacturing, repair, and recharging facility for Drones and automated bots, connected to the Showroom for educational purposes. * Deck B Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck B Maintenance Tunnels: The maintenance tunnels. Includes ladders for climbing to Deck A or Deck C. * Deck B Custodial Closet: A custodial closet for Deck B's cleaning needs. * Deck B Substation: The power station that stores power from the Thermoelectric Engine and transfers it as needed. [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_C|Science Deck ("Deck C")]]: * Particle Scoop: A device that sits on the front of the ship and scoops particles. This usually provides information to the DRADIS system, but also can collect gases or chemicals when the ship is parked on or flying through an atmosphere. * Obstruction Field Disperser: A bulky device that generates blast effects that can clear certain obstacles in advance of the ship encountering them, such as ion storms and meteor showers. * Dimensional Gateway: A complex Precursor device that links to other Gateways throughout the known universe and elsewhere. Gateway destinations are found through research, xenoarchaeology, and other work. * R&D Lab: Where science goes to advance. * R&D Chem Lab: Where scientists make the chemicals that advance science. * Testing Lab: Where R&D can test all of its wonderful toys. * Nanites Lab: Where people can download the latest crew-protection nanites from the cloud, or program those nanites. * Ordnance Research Lab: Where R&D works on more powerful explosives for the good of the Science and Military departments. * Research Director's Office: The private workspace of the Research Director. * Experimental Lab: Experiments on artifacts discovered during normal ship operations to determine their function and other information that benefits Science via advanced experimentation techniques, or the old-school artifact lab method of trial and error. * Research Storage: A storage area for research tools and equipment. * Robotics Lab: A fully stocked surgical room and robotics workspace, for creating cyborgs, building positronic brains, constructing robots, and researching and building Mechs. * Xenobiology Lab: The place for experiments on unusual fauna found while exploring; currently used to hold slimes. * Gourmonger Containment Area: A storage location for the Gourmonger if used. * Cytology Lab: A place to grow creatures from cells; useful for food or supplying more creatures for the Xenobiology Lab. * Xenobotany Lab: Where unusual plant life is housed and tended. * Xenoarchaeology Lab: Where the Xenoarchaeologist works from when not planet-side. * Xenotechnology Lab: Where out-of-this-galaxy technologies are studied and made. * Gauss Gun Rooms A through D: Ball turrets operated by Munitions Technicians or other crewmembers. * Nanites Lab: Where nanites are prepared and programmed for distribution. * Medbay: Where you go when injured or sick. * Waiting Area: The front lobby where patients are processed and triaged. * Treatment Center: A room for basic treatment of non-critical cases and connection to more specialized care areas. * Recovery Ward: An area with beds for patients to recover. * Psych Ward: Where people who've temporarily lost sanity can recover. * Surgical Ward / Operating Theatre: The area where surgeries are performed. * Operating Theatre Viewing Area: An area for people to observe surgeries from. * Sleeper Ward: The room where the sleepers are housed. * Cryogenic Ward: The room where recuperative cryogenic tubes are kept. * Pharmacy Storage: An area for the Pharmacist to store and make medicines. * Pharmacy: Where crew can fill prescriptions, doctors can acquire medicines, and the Pharmacist works. * Medical Storage: A locked room where Medbay supplies are kept. * Quarantine Ward: A special isolated area for patients suffering from a disease or virus to recover. * Examination Rooms: Where non-emergency patients are examined. * Clean Area: Where surgeons and doctors can clean themselves and their tools. * Chemistry Lab: A chemist's paradise. Remember to test dangerous mixes in the Testing Lab. * Genetics Lab: Where crew can be brought back to life via cloning. * Morgue: Where dead bodies are stored until they are no longer needed. * Virology Lab: Where viruses are cured (or created). * Chief Medical Officer's Office: The workplace of the Chief Medical Officer. * Supermatter Engine: Home to the Supermatter Engine, which generates power via the radiation of an excited supermaterial. * Deck C Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck C Maintenance Tunnels: The maintenance tunnels. Includes ladders for climbing to Deck B or Deck D. * Deck C Custodial Closet: A custodial closet for Deck C's cleaning needs. * Deck C Substation: The power station that stores power from the Thermoelectric Engine and transfers it as needed. [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_D|Engineering Deck ("Deck D")]]: * SMES Core: The 'brain' of the ship's power system. * Auxiliary Bridge: An auxiliary bridge for operating the ship should the primary bridge be disabled. * Server Room: The home of the ship's primary non-AI computer systems. * Atmospherics: The station that controls the ship's gas pipe network. * Phoron Storage Chamber: A storage chamber for the ship's phoron reserves. * Port Thruster: Reaction thrusters fueled by powerful gases. * Starboard Thruster: Reaction thrusters fueled by powerful gases. * Chief Engineer's Office: The office of the Chief Engineer. * Construction Area: An area for building modular-purpose space. * Drop Base Construction Area: An area for building drop bases for planetary exploration. * Engineering Secure Storage: Secure storage of dangerous electronics. * Power Storage Room: Stores generators, batteries, and rechargers not deployed elsewhere. * Power Transmission Laser: Transmits power to microwave batteries in distant space for money. * Singularity Engine: An engine that gathers radiation from an active gravitational singularity. * Tesla Engine: An engine that gathers electricity from an activated Tesla ball of energy. * Engine Control Room: A central room for accessing the controls to the various engines. * Telecommunications: The room that controls communications throughout the ship and beyond. * Technical Storage: Stores technical components and tools. * Gravity Generator Room: Provides gravity to the ship when active. * FTL Drive Room: Requires massive reserves of power, allows the ship to move at FTL speeds. * Shield Generator Room: Requires massive reserves of power, protects the ship with shields. * ArmorPump Superstructure Room: Requires massive reserves of power, rebuilds damaged sections of the hull. * Engineering Lobby: Central lobby for engineering. * Electrical Maintenance * Vacant Office: An abandoned office. * Secondary Robotics Lab * Telecomms Storage * Deck D Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck D Maintenance Tunnels * Deck D Custodial Closet * Deck D Substation * Power Distribution Center: The control room for the spinal power system of the ship. [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_E|Personnel Deck ("Deck E")]]: * Chelsea Ramsey's IntergalactiPub: The Pub for short, for ordering custom drinks and food. * Theatre: Where entertainment is arguably performed. * The Cafeteria: Where food is arguably served. * The Kitchen: Where the chefs define what is food. * Dormitories: Places for people to sleep. * Crew Berths: Rotating berths for crewmembers on duty to sleep when necessary. * Passenger Cabins: Cabins assigned to passengers. * Executive Suites: Expensive cabins assigned to special passengers and dignitaries. * Fitness Room: A small exercise area. * Shower Room: An area to take showers. * Restrooms: When you've gotta go. * Cryosleep Chambers: Where most of the crew goes into long-term stasis between shifts. * Lifepod Launchers: When you've gotta go because the ship is exploding. * Exercise Room: A larger exercise area. * Locker Room: Where employees can designate personal lockers. * Bathrooms: Places to go when you need to go. * Laundromat: An ideal place to wash your clothes. * Pool: A place to go swimming. * Sauna: Where you go when you're feeling steamed. * Holodeck: The video games you can play inside a video game! * Hydroponics: A place to grow fresh plants for people's consumption. * Ranch: A place to raise live animals for people's consumption. * Radio Room * TV Room * Green Room * Interview Room * Bioconverter * Library * Chapel * Barbershop * Art Storage * Garden * Gauss Gun Rooms E through H * Ion Drive Maintenance Room * Security Locations * Security Armory * Brig * Prison Wing * Detective's Office * Head of Security's Office * Security Offices * Law Office * Security Posts * Arrivals Checkpoint * Military Armory * Requisitions Office * Military Dormitories * Military Cryosleep Chambers * Microfusion Reactor Bay * Alternate Reactor Bay * Deck E Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck E Maintenance Tunnels * Deck E Custodial Closet * Deck E Substation [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_F|Cargo Deck ("Deck F")]]: * Docking Shuttle Bay * Launch Hangar * Pod Bays * Market * Emergency Storage * Escape Arm * Primary Tool Storage * Auxiliary Tool Storage * Waste Disposal * Plasma Arc Reactor * Incinerator / Furnace * Cargo Bay * Quartermaster's Office * Supply Office * Delivery Office * Cargo Warehouse * Expedition Bay * Expedition Room * Mineral Magnet * E.V.A. Bay * Primary Custodial Closet * Maintenance * Deck F Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck F Maintenance Tunnels * Deck F Substation [[:games:sc13:ship_locations:deck_G|Cargo Hold ("Deck G")]]: * Military Cargo Hold * Military Shuttle Bay * OrdnanceBot Drone Builder * Deck G Thermoelectric Engine: A device that generates power via the thermodynamic differential between a hot loop (heated via a burn chamber or other sources of intense heat) and a cold loop (routed through space to chill). Each deck has a Thermoelectric Engine should other means of power fail. * Deck G Maintenance Tunnels * Deck G Custodial Closet * Deck G Substation [[:games:sc13:offship_locations:novuscorp|Off Ship - NovusCorp Controlled]]: * Labor Camp [[:games:sc13:offship_locations:solgov|Off Ship - SolGov Controlled]]: [[:games:sc13:offship_locations:other|Off Ship - Other Locations]]: