====== Singularity Generator ====== The Singularity Generator is a series of devices that work in concert to create, stabilize, and hold in place a gravitational singularity, which releases bursts of radiation as it receives input. These bursts of radiation, in turn, are collected by Radiation Collectors that convert them into power to operate the vessel in question. Singularity Engines are incredibly dangerous -- if field containment fails, the singularity may get loose and destroy the ship! ==== The Basics ==== The singularity engine is a complicated device that creates and contains a compact gravitational singularity in order to harvest the radiation pulsing from it as it froths in its dimensional fury while being struck by high-energy particles. However, the containment systems require energy, and if the gravitational singularity receives too much input it can grow to the point where the containment systems fail. A wandering gravitational singularity quickly becomes a significant threat to life and hull integrity, which leads some to wonder why anyone would use such a dangerously unstable thing on anything but an outpost in deep space. However, if carefully managed a singularity engine can generate phenomenal power and can make an excellent matter disposal system in the process. Just make sure it never, ever, ever gets out. ==== Proper Equipment ==== Before starting, put on your engineering hardsuit and magnetic boots, and enable your internals. This setup requires working in space, as atmosphere tends to be sucked into the singularity just like anything else. The engineering hardsuit has shielding against radiation, and you can die quickly if you are using an atmospherics hardsuit (or other departmental suits). Also put on a pair of Optical Meson Scanners, which will prevent being stunned by the singularity. When in space, you should have your magboots enabled to prevent slipping at all times. If you slip, you may die. ==== Setting Up a Prefabrication ==== These major steps can be performed at the same time in tandem with other engineers. Make sure each of the three has been completed before turning on the engine. === Containment Fields === After suiting up, enabling internals and magboots, exit through one of the external airlocks. Click on each of the 4 × emitters to enable them. Objects in front of the emitter, including engineers, will be blasted with a high power laser. (Optional) You can lock emitters with your ID to prevent tampering. Repeat the process with the 8 × field generators, being careful to not bump into them. Objects which touch active field generators or containment fields will be flung at maximum speed in the other direction. This may result in death. === Radiation Collectors === Find the tank dispenser and remove 6 × plasma tanks. Fill the tanks with a Plasma canister.png plasma canister. This step is required, as the Singularity will not produce enough power without the canister. For details on how to fill a canister, and how to cool it for better plasma, read Cooling Plasma. (A really easy way to cool plasma on box station is to use the TEG cooling loop.) Use the now-filled tanks on each of the Collector Arrays and then click one additional time on each to turn it on. You will see the plasma tank slide into place. (Optional) Use your ID on the radiation collector to lock it, preventing the tanks from being removed by unauthorized personnel. === Particle Accelerator === The parts of this multi-tile machine will be located in the central chamber already placed into their proper positions. If they were accidentally moved, move them back into position. Wrench each of the six pieces and the Particle Accelerator Control Computer into place. Add cables to each to wire the machinery. Use the screwdriver on each to close the panels. On the computer itself, click "Run Scan". Do not toggle power yet. ==== Power: On ==== Once the above steps have been completed and the singularity area is clear of engineers, return to the Particle Accelerator's computer. Set the intensity to 2 and toggle the power on. Do not stand too close to the PA while it is on, as it will blast everything in front of it with radiation. Observe the singularity with your Optical Meson Scanners on until it reaches the third size and turns purple. It will take a couple minutes to form and grow in side. If you can see the singularity when it reaches stage three, it will announce: The gravitational singularity grows to a reasonable size. Set the intensity to 0, but leave the accelerator on. Failure to lower the intensity will result in the release of the singularity, which will result in mass death and destruction. You may be banned from Engineering if you allow this to happen by mistake. Press the shutters button near the control room to close the blast doors so that it cannot be tampered with. Configure the SMES. If your output is particularly low, you may have not filled the plasma tanks enough. Crowbar out those tanks and follow the guide on Cooling Plasma to produce better tanks. ==== Personal Safety ==== Exposure to the singularity can cause a small amount of radiation poisoning. Consult with a doctor to be healed when you have time. The singularity emits electromagnetic pulses. Among other things, these can damage prosthetics, disable headsets, break personal AIs, and damage silicons. After working with the Singularity, remove your headset and use it in your hand to ensure that all channels are still enabled. Toggle them back on if they were shut off. Do not work on the Singularity if you have prosthetic body parts. ==== Maintenance Notes ==== The singularity can fluctuate somewhat in size on its own. If it grows to size 4, toggle off the power and let it shrink. If it shrinks to size 2, raise the intensity to 2 and let it grow again. Remember, at stage 5 it will start to destroy the field generators and break loose. If the singularity appears to be missing, alert the crew immediately. Check in regularly to ensure that it has not been sabotaged. About once an hour, replace the plasma tanks to renew output strength. Use a crowbar on the radiation collector and refill the tank as per Cooling Plasma. Turning off the engine is as simple as toggling the power off on the particle accelerator. It will eventually shrink down to a harmless 1x1 singularity, which cannot move on its own. The Particle Accelerator's computer can be hacked to disable it (if you do not want it to be used) or to increase the intensity rate to three. Use extreme caution at intensity level three, as the singularity will grow very rapidly. If the power to the Engineering APC fails, such as due to a power sink, tampering, or lack of any power sources, the emitters that support the containment field will also fail, causing the singularity to be released. The singularity will be forced to shrink if it consumes a bag of holding. In theory, throwing enough bags of holding into the singularity will destroy it entirely. The singularity can actually reach a sixth stage dubbed the "super gravitational singularity" if it somehow manages to consume a supermatter crystal (the full-sized one, not shards). If this happens, it will grow to an extremely large size and rapidly consume the entire station in mere minutes. Bags of holding can't shrink it if it reaches this state, so don't bother throwing them in. If this happens, PANIC, TRAMPLE EVERYONE IN YOUR WAY, AND PRAY THAT LORD SINGULOTH ON STEROIDS DOESN'T HAVE YOU ON HIS LIST OF PEOPLE TO FUCK UP. Some say that feeding a full-size supermatter crystal to a supergravitational singularity will cause it to grow even larger, but that's likely just a rumor. Wormholes If there are two singularities in the world simultaneously, they have a 1% chance to link and form a one directional wormhole on creation. You can force this reaction by throwing natural (10% chance) or flawless (100% chance) telecrystals inside. The outwards facing singularity will start repelling items instead of attracting, and teleporting items to it from the inward facing one instead of them being consumed.