====== Research Items ====== ===Equipment=== ^ Item ^ Description ^ | Basic Laboratory Tools | See Chemistry. | | Reagent Scanner | See Chemistry. | | Spectroscopic Scanner Goggles | See Chemistry. | | Hand Teleporter | Using the hand teleporter will open a temporary portal. It can either lead to a random location within a 10 tile radius, or a tracking beacon or tracking implant locked on to by a teleport computer. Hand teleporters have a 100u power cell built in, and opening a portal will cost 25u. When out of charge the hand teleporter will need to be recharged at a recharger. The RD and Captain have one of these at their disposal, and they are sometimes a traitor objective. | | Tank Transfer Valve | Used to link two tanks of gas together. The valve can also accept attachments such as remote signalers, timers, and wire. | | Remote Signaler | Sends out a radio signal of a given code on a set frequency, and when attached to something, will activate when it receives that signal. For an overview of the various assemblies, see Construction. | | Proximity Sensor | When armed, it will activate whenever it detects motion adjacent to it. | | Timer | Activates once the timer hits 0. | | Igniter | If used as an attachment, igniters heat the beaker or other assembly when activated. Can also be used to light cigarettes, or manually heat reagent containers. | | Timer/Igniter Assembly | One of the various assemblies you can build and attach to beakers as well as bombs. | | Pressure Crystal | Plop these around a bomb, and it'll change color based on how strong the explosion was and how far it was from its epicenter. As you'd might expected, darker and redder colors mean higher power. Put it in a pressure sensor for a more quantitative measure of explosion strength. Found in Vendomats. | | Pressure Sensor | A tool for measuring and, more importantly, comparing strength of bomb explosions, found in Vendomats. Simply insert a pressure crystal into it, activate it, and it'll tell you the energy of the explosion in kilojoules, based on the damage to the crystal. Found in Vendomats. | | Electropack | Goes on the back slot of a monkey or other victim; it cannot be removed by the wearer. Set a remote signaler and the pack to the same frequency and code, then turn it on. When a signal is received, the pack delivers a debilitating jolt of electricity to whomever is wearing it. You can also make an electric chair out of it with some gear from mechanics and security. | | Space GPS | Using it will bring up a menu of a few functions and a list of other active GPS devices. Any GPS in distress mode will be highlighted in red. You can use it to get your local coordinates or send out a distress signal. You can also input a set of coordinates to you want to go to, and the GPS will point in general direction you need to go to get there. | | Tracking Beacon | Allows someone using the teleporter to safely lock onto it as a destination. A few spawn at the start of a round in key locations and cannot be picked up unless unanchored with a screwdriver. For some reason, arcade machines occasionally dispense these as prizes, except they're renamed "electronic blink toy game". | | Clipboard | Makes you look like you're taking notes or something productive instead of melting people's faces off. You can also use it to store paper and a pen. | | Implant | Comes in a variety of different flavors. While they often come in a glass case, you do not need to remove it to insert the implant into an implanter or implant gun. | | Implanter | Instantly adds the implant to your target. To insert an implant into it, click on it with the implant of choice in your active hand. Can be made at medical and robotics fabricators, and each SecTech has one too. | ===Machinery=== ^ Item ^ Description ^ | Lab Counter | Surprisingly functional science storage! Has a whopping thirteen slots for your beakers, bottles, pills, syringes, tools, and other small- and tiny-size items in its table drawer. Click-drag its sprite onto yours or click on the counter with an empty hand to access them. You can sometimes find parts for them in Furnishings Crates from Cargo. | | Chem Dispenser | Dispenses a whole slew of chemicals. Use a beaker (or similar liquid-bearing containers - however, you cannot insert some such as drinking glasses) on it to insert it, then use the machine to pick chemicals. You can choose to remove unwanted chemicals (isolate removes all chemicals BUT the selected one). When you're done, eject the beaker from the menu. Can be figured to automatically dispense certain chems using chem groups/bookmarks. | | Reagent Extractor | Converts certain items (usually food items or plants but not always) into chemical reagents that are stored into one of two internal tanks or an inserted container. The two internal chemical tanks hold 500 units of chemicals, helpful when you need to store a large amount of automender refills. | | Reagant Heater/Cooler | Used to chill or heat containers. Use the menu to set a target temperature (Tip: click the number itself to punch in a number instead of clicking + and - over and over again.), and press Activate to start the heating/cooling process. | | CheMaster 3000 | Used to turn chemicals into pills, medical patches, medicine bottles, canned drinks, or ampoules, though it can also isolate or remove reagents from the inserted beaker. If you need more information, click the Analyze option next to the reagent name, and the CheMaster will briefly describe what it does or at least what it is (which may or may not be helpful). The Analyze option can also conduct blood tests if you lack other tools (reagent scanner, upgraded health analyzer): draw blood and analyze it with the CheMaster in the pharmacy. \\ \\ When creating pills, patches, or ampoules, you'll be prompted to choose how many units are in each one (multiple pill/patch options only), as well as the label (which will show up as " pill/patch" or "ampoule()"). Pill bottles and patch boxes work slightly differently from other containers. To get a pill or patch, click on the bottle resp. box with an empty hand while it is in your other hand. Pill bottles can be emptied by clicking the bottle with the hand holding it, dumping all pills on the floor. Patch boxes have to be opened before you can manipulate the contents. | | ChemiCompiler | A complicated chemistry device, which uses a programming language derived from Brainfuck. It features 5 registers, 1024 bytes of RAM and 10 reagent reservoirs - to add beakers, click on the r[number] slots. The machine generates a pill or vial if they are targeted and can send reagents out an ejection port. There exists a handheld version used by the Syndicate that behaves identically but has only 6 reservoirs. For instructions on how to use it, see the dedicated ChemiCompiler guide. | | ValuChimp | Dispenses monkeys, a valuable commodity for the modern scientist. This can be hacked to also offer 1 to 20 bananas and 1 to 2 vocal translators. | | Port-A-Sci | Intended to safely send telescientists and loot back to the station, though the device is experimental and may malfunction occasionally with unpleasant results. Can be controlled with the RD's PDA or the separate remote it comes with. If necessary, the Port-a-Sci's home turf can be changed by click-dragging the machine onto an adjacent floor tile. | | Science Teleporter | See Telescience. | | Quantum Telescope | The quantum telescope is yet another fancy device at your disposal! It provides coordinates to the Experimental long-range teleporter. Its mechanics are very simple. Imagine Marco Polo, but instead of sound volume, it's circle size and circle overlap. \\ \\ Once you've homed in on the right location, you can click on its name in the list, and it'll automatically add the coordinates for you, if it can, to the long-range teleporter! You can then click on the long-range teleporter and simply click Send or Receive to teleport anybody (but not anything) to/from the teleporter. \\ \\ That's if it's an actual place you can teleport into though. If it's an asteroid, it goes to the mineral magnet controller, where the Miners can pull it into the station's mineral magnet via the Activate telescope location option. That's why a second telescope/the only telescope is securely located in the Mining Department: because it's so darn cool. | | Long-Range Teleporter | The companion piece to the Quantum Telescope, this allows you to teleport via quantum tunnelling to certain locations only visible through the Quantum Telescope. These are generally considered Adventure Zones and are often highly dangerous. | | Research Apparel | Contains clothing used by Scientists and other steely-eyed practitioners of SCIENCE!. Besides spare Scientist uniforms (brown shoes, scientist jumpsuit, lab coat, etc. plus Scientist PDAs and headsets for some cash) and a couple of alternative outfits/clothing items, it also contains some personal protective equipment, including extra gas masks and biohood and biosuit sets. | ---- Items necessary for conducting research. ===== Chemistry Items ===== Chemistry Items This article is a stub. You can help Baystation 12 by expanding it. Contents [hide] 1 Items 1.1 Grenade 1.2 Dropper 1.3 Science Glasses 1.4 Pill Bottle 1.5 Bottle 1.6 Beaker 1.7 Syringes 1.8 Pills 2 Machines 2.1 Chem Dispenser 2.1.1 Chemicals produced 2.2 ChemMaster 3000 2.3 Reagent Grinder Items Grenade.pngGrenade A grenade assembly is the bread and butter of a chemist, from super cleaning grenades, to explosive grenades, always look for timer/ igniters to attach to grenade shells. Eyedropper.pngDropper For quick application of a chemical to some one, usually for self defense. Also good for transferring single units of silicate and thermite to your "splashing" beaker. Choral Hydrate and acids are useful to drip on people with this tool. See here for medical uses Chem Glasses.pngScience Glasses Standard eyewear for the chemist; protects the eyes against chemicals. Pill Bottle Box.pngPill Bottle.pngPill Bottle This little container can hold 14 pills. Make sure to label it to remember what it contains. Bottles.gifBottle Especially made for holding liquids. They can be made by a chemist from a beaker and are mostly used to fill syringes. A bottle holds up to 60 units of liquid. Beaker.pngLarge Beaker.pngBeaker Useful for mixing in, or for splashing chemicals with. This is a container specifically for holding liquids. They are most commonly found in Medical and the Chemistry Lab. It is ill-advised to splash whatever you find in a beaker onto your face and neck, or to inject it straight into your veins with a syringe. Standard glass beakers hold 60 units of liquid. Large beakers hold 120 units. Srybox.pngSyringes.pngSyringes A syringe is a container especially used for holding liquids. They have two modes -- inject and draw. While in draw mode, a syringe takes liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers and even people 5 mg at a time. While in inject mode it will push its contents 5 mg at a time into a target, including other containers. A syringe can hold up to 15 mg of liquid and will survive reactions happening inside of it. They are most often found inside syringe boxes in the open around medbay or in medical lockers or in medical crates ordered from the Quartermasters. Medical dispensers also provide a number of empty syringes. Specialised pre-filled syringes can also found in medical kits, such as Dylovene and inaprovaline, and spaceacillin syringes are also in medical dispensers. Emptying inaprovaline syringes and filling them up with something nasty to inject into people is a good way to assassinate or incapacitate someone under the guise of helping them. Pills.gifPills Pills can be swallowed as a medical treatment; each one can contain up to 60 units of chemicals. Machines Chem dispenser.pngChem Dispenser Contains 100 regenerating energy points. Each reagent you wish to use costs one energy point. This machine provides the chemist with most of the raw materials to ply his trade. The machine needs a beaker inserted into it to dispense chemicals. Chemicals produced See Guide to Chemistry. Pandm.gifChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes tablets out of the chemical you loaded inside. Just select the amount of each chemical you with to work with. Ejecting a beaker while working on a chemical will make the chemical go to waste. You can make up to 60 unit pills and 60 unit bottles this way. Blender.pngReagent Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. Works on: Refined sheets of mined minerals (phoron, gold, uranium, silver, etc.) Grown foods (bananas, liberty caps, corn, carrots, chilis, etc.) Other grown items (nettles, death nettles, etc.) ===== Robotics Items ===== Guide to Robotics For the aspiring Roboticist, this guide will explain the creation and of cyborgs, bots, and exosuits. For repairing these, see the guide to robot repair Contents [hide] 1 Cyborgs 1.1 Making a Cyborg 1.2 Extract a brain for the Cyborg 1.2.1 So You Decapitated Your Patient 2 Cyborg Maintenance 2.1 Upgrading the Power Cell 2.2 Resetting Modules 2.3 Modifications 3 IPCs 3.1 IPC revival 4 Bots 4.1 Medibot 4.2 Cleanbot 4.3 Floorbot 4.4 Farmbot 4.5 Securitron 4.6 ED-209 4.7 Spiderbot 5 Mechs 5.1 Ripley APLU 5.2 Firefighter APLU 5.3 Odysseus 5.4 Gygax 5.5 Durand 5.6 Marauder 5.7 Hoverpod 6 Mech Equipment 7 Mech Weapons 8 Mech Maintenance 8.1 Replacing Batteries 8.2 Repair 8.3 Removal of jammed user 9 Misc. items 9.1 TV camera Cyborgs See also Cyborgification Contracts. These contracts are important - without a signed, stamped contract, making a man into a machine is technically murder - no matter how much he wants it! The Cyborg is the Roboticist's primary creation and upkeep. They are tasked with helping the station's inhabitants in their daily life and trying to kill everyone when the AI is insane. Each cyborg is required to follow the AI's laws, and may choose one of the AIs in the event that more than one exists. Making a Cyborg Fill the Exofab.png Exosuit Fabricator with as much Metal.png metal as it will hold. Click on the Exosuit Fabricator to open its menu. Select Add all parts to queue beside the Cyborg option, and then click Process Queue in the right sidebar (with a recent update, please note that adding "all parts" will print four extra components that are only used for repair, not construction). Wait for a few minutes for the pieces to be built. You will likely need to add additional metal to the Fabricator in order for it to finish. When putting the parts together, use the Cyborg endoskeleton.png Cyborg Endoskeleton as a base. The Cyborg Head will need 2x Flash.png Flash. The Cyborg Torso will need 1x CableCoils.png wires and 1x Powercell.png power cell. The arms and legs can be done easily by simply picking them up and placing them on the Cyborg Endoskeleton. Extract a brain for the Cyborg Note: Check with the Chief Medical Officer before agreeing to perform a brain extraction on a living human. Medbay has anesthetics, which are optimal when someone is cutting into your skull with a circular saw. Additionally, it will clear up bookkeeping problems regarding the addition of a new cadaver in the morgue. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery. Aim for the organ's location in the Damage zone.png Damage Zone. (Head for brain/eyes, chest for heart/liver/lungs, groin for appendix/kidney) Use a Scalpel.png scalpel to cut back the flesh. Use the Hemostat.png hemostat to stop any potential bleeding. Use your Retractor.png retractors to lift up the skin. Use the Saw.png saw to cut through the bones. Use the Retractor.png retractor to separate the bones. Use the Scalpel.png scalpel. This will open up a window asking you which organ you'd like to cut loose. Select the Brain. Use the Hemostat.png 'hemostat. This will open up a window asking you which loose organ you'd like to remove. Select the Brain again. Place the brain in an MMI empty.png MMI. (Optional) Before you give the Cyborg a new brain, you can name it anything you or your client wants. Grab a Pen.png pen and use the pen on the Cyborg to rename it. Once you place the brain in the Cyborg, this step will not be completable. Carry the MMI.png MMI over to your finished Cyborg construct that you made before, and click on it to add the brain into the Cyborg. You can also use a normal table instead of an operating table, but this has a chance of missing one third of the time. So You Decapitated Your Patient Don't panic just yet! You can still complete the brain extraction by placing their head on the operating table and following the same steps as above. You should probably apologize to them after putting their brain in an MMI, though. Cyborg Maintenance You'll often have Cyborgs run up to you with any number of problems. Here's how to deal with them most of the time. Occasionally a robot will be so damaged that only the brain is salvageable, or perhaps it's volunteering for an AI core. You can remove the brain by following these steps. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. This takes a moderate amount of time. Power cell.png Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand. Screwdriver tool.png Use a screwdriver to expose the wires. Wirecutters.png Cut all five wires with wirecutters. Crowbar.png Use a crowbar to remove the MMI. Upgrading the Power Cell Cyborgs that start when the game starts will likely come straight to you for an upgrade in the first few minutes of the game. Help them out by upgrading their power cell, which will lessen the amount of time they need to visit the recharging station. Click on the Cyborg with the following items (in order): Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Click on the Cyborg with an Empty hand.png empty hand to take out the Powercell.png power cell and replace it with the higher-capacity power cell. Note: The default power cell capacity in Cyborgs is 7,500. All of the power cells you find in your office should be at least 15,000, and the Science Department can research power cells that exceed 30,000. Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel shut. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover. Resetting Modules Once a player Cyborg chooses a module (Engineer, Janitor, Security, etc) they cannot change the module without your help. You can manually reset its module to allow it the option of choosing a new one by following this order: Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Robotics reset module circuit.png Print out a reset upgrade in the fabricator, and insert it into the cyborg. Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel shut. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover. Modifications Cyborgs that have had their programming tampered with can be repaired by resetting their AI connection and LawSync status, by manually pulsing the wiring. In the unlikely event that an AI goes crazy, a trained Roboticist or other technician should be able to sever the connection to the AI entirely by cutting the correct wire. There are three lights in the cyborg with three corresponding wires: LawSync: If this light is on, it means that any laws uploaded to the AI are also uploaded to the cyborg. The cyborg cannot be given different laws to the AI as long as this is on. This light will turn off if the AI Link light is off, regardless of wire status. Pulsing does nothing. Cutting will do nothing, as long as the AI link light is on. If the AI link light is off, cutting and then turning the AI link back on will cause the cyborg to be slaved to an AI, but not synced with it's laws. Mending this wire will turn the LawSync light back on as long as the AI link light is also on. The cyborg will then resume syncing with the AI's laws. If the AI link light is off, mending this will turn the light on, only for it to turn off again. AI Link: If this light is on, it shows that the Cyborg is slaved to an AI and must follow that AI's orders. Pulsing this wire allows you to pick an AI for the cyborg to be slaved to if there are multiple AIs. If there is only one AI, pulsing this will simply turn it on and slave the cyborg to it, if it is off. Cutting this wire will cause the Cyborg to be unslaved from the AI and bound only by it's laws. This also turns off LawSync, as the cyborg has no AI to sync to. Mending this wire does nothing. You need to pulse it to reconnect it to an AI. Module Lock: If this light is on, the module of the cyborg cannot be changed. Pulsing this will reset the module of a cyborg and allow it to pick a new one. Cutting this wire will cause the cyborg to be locked to the standard module and be unable to change or use any items. They can still remote control devices however. Mending this wire will allow the cyborg to change modules. An emagged cyborg will have no LawSync or AI link and cannot be reset. Remember, cyborgs are very expensive! Do not destroy them unless the cyborg is completely out of control, and resetting the AI and LawSync status doesn't work. IPCs Sometimes, you will need to repair synthetics other than Cyborgs, such as IPCs. The procedures for repairing an IPC are quite different from that of cyborgs, and are as follows: IPC revival IPCs can be revived much like their biological counterparts, as follows: While targeting the chest: Screwdriver tool.png Open the chest's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Multitool.png Decouple either the Positronic brain or the cell using a multitool. Hemostat.png Remove the chosen organ with the hemostat Crowbar.png (If chest was damaged) Close and secure the hatch using a crowbar. CableCoils.png|Welderon.gif Repair the IPC chassis (at least until it wouldn't immediately die if revived). Screwdriver tool.png (If chest was damaged) Open the chest's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png (If chest was damaged) Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Insert the chosen organ by clicking on the IPC with it in your hand. Screwdriver tool.png (Cell only) reattach the chosen organ using a screwdriver Crowbar.png Close and secure the hatch using a crowbar. Bots As a Roboticist, you serve another important purpose, making NPC robots. Robots can benefit the station in many ways, and are really easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows: Medibot.gif Medibot Will inject people with chemicals when they are damaged more than the set healing threshold. By default, they will synthesise and inject tricordrazine for brute, burning, toxic, and suffocation damage, and spaceacillin for viral damage. If set to use a beaker, and a beaker with a chemical is put in them, they will inject that chemical into patients. If emagged, they will synthesise and inject anyone with harmful chemicals, damaged or not. Combine the following ingredients in order: Cyborg Right or Left Arm. Empty SMed.png Medkit. Note: Differently coloured medkits will also change the resulting colour of your Medibot. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Healthanalyzer.png health analyzer. Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. (Optional) Beaker.png Insert beaker filled with the medicine of your choice. Note: When skipped, medibot will synthesize tricordrazine and spaceacillin on their own. Cleanbot.gif Cleanbot Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor. Even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything! Bucket.png bucket (Grab it from the Janitor or make with Autolathe) Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Cyborg Right or Left Arm. Floorbot.gif Floorbot Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station. They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles. To make: Empty Btoolbox.png toolbox (Must be a blue one) Floor Tiles.png Floor tile (click on a stack of metal while it's in your hand to open a menu for making these) Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Cyborg Right or Left Arm. Keep in mind that Floorbots have a limited number of floor tiles. This number can be observed by popping up their control panel. Farmbot.png Farmbot A relatively useful bot that helps with the mundane aspects of Hydroponics and Xenobotany. To make one: Attach a robot arm (cyborg right or left arm) to a Watertank.png water tank. Attach a plant analyzer. Attach a Bucket.png bucket. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Attach a mini-hoe. Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. I AM THE LAW Securitron Basically, Officer Beepsky without the personality. You usually won't need to build any of these, but they can be hilariously helpful for traitors whom have invested in a Electromagnetic Card, as they tend to run around stunning and cuffing everyone in sight. Problem is, any of these that report a Level 10 Infraction when spotting people are obviously hacked. To make: Use a Screwdriver on a Remote Signaling Device Combine with a Helmet (Get these from Security) Hand Welder them together Add a Proximity Sensor and a Robot Arm Toss in a Stun Baton Note that destroying a Securitron or Officer Beepsky with a melee weapon is all but impossible by yourself; striking them causes them to immediately stun and cuff you. If you work with another person you can get several hits in while it is cuffing the other person, which is often enough to destroy it outright. ED209.png ED-209 Beepsky's bigger brother. Has all of the abilities of a standard Securitron with the addition of a ranged attack. To make: Use a metal sheet on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it. Add two Robot Legs and a security armour vest, which can be found in the back of the armoury. Weld everything together Add in a security Helmet Attach a Proximity Sensor to the assembly Insert wires Add a Taser and attach it with a Screwdriver Insert a Power cell. Your own mecha is complete! An emagged ED-209 fires deadly lasers AND attacks anyone on sight. Spiderbot Spiderbots are temporary bodies for brains. They can carry around small items, zap things, move through vents and generally act like pests. Combine the following: Robot head. Manipulator. Occupied MMI or positronic brain. Mechs Construction of mechs are restricted by ID, so they are typically the product of roboticists and the Research Director. These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the Quartermaster or the Research and Development console. The current list of mechs is as follows. Ripley.png Ripley APLU Requires 78 x Metal sheets, 7 x Glass sheets, 5 x Plasteel sheets, 1 x Ripley central control, 1 x Ripley peripherals control The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a slow moving, decently protected mech. Generally, it can take down a Gygax because of the sheer power of the drill, but it does not make a good combat mech because it is slow and has no range. Best used against Spess carp invasions, blobs, Changelings, and for Revs (using it to breach high security areas) [Expand] Construction: Optimal Loadouts Mining: Hydraulic Clamp, Drill Firefighter.png Firefighter APLU Requires 85 x Metal sheets, 8 x Glass sheets, 15 x Plasteel sheets, 1 x Firesuit, 1 x Ripley central control, 1 x Ripley peripherals control [Expand] Construction: Optimal Loadouts Hull Repairs: Clamp, RCD, Cable Layer Firefighting: Clamp, Extinguisher, Repair Droid Mecha odysseus.png Odysseus Requires 51 x Metal sheets, 5 x Glass sheets, 5 x Plasteel sheets, 1 x Odysseus central control, 1 x Odysseus peripherals control [Expand] Construction: Optimal Loadouts: 3 Mounted Sleepers 2 Mounted Sleepers, 1 Syringe Gun Gygax.png Gygax Requires 143 x Metal sheets, 15 x Glass sheets, 5 x Diamonds, 1 x Gygax central control, 1 x Gygax peripherals control, 1 x Gygax weapon control and targeting, 1 x Advanced scanning module, 1 x Advanced capacitor Rather fast security exosuit with good overall protection. Very low battery life, so be sure to watch it. Requires diamond sheets to complete. Leg Actuators Overload Function (Movement speed doubled and small amount of damage dealt with each step. Disables when Gygax integrity drops below 2/3) [Expand] Construction: Durand.png Durand Requires 153 x Metal sheets, 15 x Glass sheets, 13 x Silver sheets, 5 x Uranium sheets, 1 x Durand central control, 1 x Durand peripherals control, 1 x Durand weapon control and targeting, 1 x Advanced scanning module, 1 x Advanced capacitor A Durand is more powerful than Gygax, it has more health and better armoured, but slower. Requires silver sheets to complete. Defence Mode Function (Boosts Durand armour with the penalty of not being able to move or turn) [Expand] Construction: Mecha marauder.png Marauder Used by the Deathsquad Emergency Response Team or Nanotrasen Asset Protection if the Admins want them to. A Marauder is equipped with: Heavy Pulse Rifle Missile launcher (8 missiles) Zoom Function (Allows you to see twice as far with the penalty of not being able to move or turn) Thrusters for EVA use Internal Airtank Pod.png Hoverpod Orderable by cargo, hoverpods are handy for space exploration, and are a necessary part of any adventurer's quest. A hoverpod has three attachment slots and five cargo slots, and comes pre-equipped with: A passenger compartment A hydraulic clamp Thrusters for EVA use Internal Airtank Mech Equipment Various tools and weapons can be attached to mechs, providng them with ability to perform different tasks. Mech Equipment is built by Mech Fabricator ("Exosuit Equipment" menu). To attach a tool or weapon, simply click with it on mecha. Most mechs can hold no more than three equipment pieces. Drill The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) in a few seconds. Using the drill on someone will gib them in a few seconds. So don't do that unless you're a traitor. When used for mining, targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. If Ripley exosuit is equipped with Hydraulic Clamp and has an Ore Box in cargo, all mined ore will be moved to Ore Box. (Can be attached to: RIPLEY) Diamond Drill Essentially an upgraded drill. Isn't any stronger, but it is faster (all you need for mining really). Bug R&D to sync their servers and in no time mining can obliterate the asteroid (provided that they bring you diamonds first) (Can be attached to: RIPLEY) Hydraulic Clamp Gives it an ability to load objects into cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it. (Can be attached to: Any Non-medical mech) Extinguisher Mecha-mounted extinguisher. Can be refilled by clicking on the Water Tank. (Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech) Teleporter Mecha-mounted teleporter. Can teleport mecha to any location in view. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 10, Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 5. Currently only adminspawnable due to the high research level - don't bother, really. Or steal it from the Centcomm mechs. You know you want to just hijack the deathsquad shuttles after taking their IDs off their burnt corpses, charge out the doors with your stolen weapons in hand, hack your way through the multitudinous doors as more security rushes in with murder in mind and pulse cannons and power armour at hand, until you finally get to your prizes, the mech bay - only to steal the teleporters mounted on them and scarper back to the station to use them in the destructive analyser. You know it's what you want to do. Do it. Do it. Do it.) (Can be attached to: Any mech) Gravitational Catapult Can be used to throw objects around (S mode) or move them away from target (P mode). Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 2; Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 3; Engineering 3). (Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech) Wormhole Generator As the name implies, Wormhole Generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned at Space-Time Anomalies event) at target location. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 4). (Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech) Mounted RCD An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device. (Can be attached to: Any mech) Armour Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry) Boosts exosuit armour against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate. (Can be attached to: Any mech) Armour Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry) Boosts exosuit armour against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate. (Can be attached to: Any mech) Repair Droid Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage. (Can be attached to: Any mech) Energy Relay Wirelessly drains energy from any available power channel in area. The performance index is quite low. (Can be attached to: Any mech) Phoron Generator Generates power using solid phoron as fuel. Pollutes the environment. (Can be attached to: Any mech) ExoNuclear Reactor Generates power using uranium. Pollutes the environment. (Can be attached to: Any mech) Cable Layer (Can be attached to: Any mech) Syringe Gun Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur. (Can be attached to: Any medical mech (Odysseus)) Mounted Sleeper Acts exactly like a sleeper, but with free rides! (Can be attached to: Any medical mech (Odysseus)) Mech Weapons CH-PS "Immolator" Laser Fires a Laser bolt, identical to the "laser gun". (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon Fires a Heavy Laser bolt, identical to the "laser cannon". (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon Fires a Ion bolt, identical to the "Ion rifle". (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) eZ-13 mk2 Heavy pulse rifle Fires a heavy pulse laser. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) PBT "Pacifier" Mounted Taser Fires a taser bolt, identical to the security taser. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" Fires a medium sized bullet, similar damage as the Mini-UZI. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) Ultra AC 2 Fires a weak bullet, similar damage as the Submachine Gun. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) SRM-8 Missile Rack Fires a missile which will explode on impact. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) SGL-6 Grenade Launcher Shoots out a flashbang at medium range. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Marauder and Phazon)) Mech Maintenance Replacing Batteries Make sure the ID upload panel is closed. Hit the mech with your ID card or PDA with one inside. Wrench Crowbar Screwdriver Replace cell. Screwdriver Crowbar Wrench ID Note: The default capacity of a power cell in any of the civilian mechs is 15,000. To have any effectiveness, replace with Super Capacity Cells (20,000) or Hyper Capacity Cells (30,000). The power cells in military mechs cannot be removed or replaced. Repair Equip a WeldingHelmet.png welding helmet on your head. Note: Be sure to remember this step or you could go blind! Place a Welderon.gif welder in your hand, click on it while it's in your hand to light it, then click on the Mech repeatedly to repair it. Removal of jammed user If the driver of a mecha is unconscious in his mech; you are able to remove him/her by following a series of steps. Make sure maintenance protocols are enabled. Wrench Crowbar Multitool Misc. items TV camera Bring the news of the station directly to the screens of the crew. The journalist will thank you for providing him with this piece of entertainment technology. Get Robot head Infrared sensor -> Makes the assembly. Looks like robot head. Add robot camera Add Tape recorder Add 3 CableCoils.png wires Use Wirecutters.png wirecutters on assembly Add 1 Metal sheets steel plate ==== Repairing Robots ==== Guide to Robot Repair (Redirected from Guide to robot repair) Contents [hide] 1 Tools 2 Diagnosis 2.1 Examination 2.2 Analyzer 3 Bot Repair 4 Cyborg Repair 4.1 Damage 4.2 Components 5 Prosthetic and IPC Repair 5.1 Limbs 5.2 Repair 5.3 Surgery Entities which may require robotic repair include cyborgs, bots, IPCs, and humans with prosthetic limbs or organs, including full-body prosthetics. Tools Most of the tools you require to perform your job can be found in the robotics lab. Nanopaste, however, must be requested from the medical department. [Collapse] List of Tools: Robotanalyzer.png Robot Analyzer Welderon.gif Welding Tool CableCoils.png Cable Coil Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver Crowbar.png Crowbar Id regular.png Robotics Access ID Multitool.png Multitool Hemostat.png Hemostat Nanopaste.png Nanopaste Diagnosis When you suspect that a robotic entity is damaged, the first step should be to diagnose the problem. While you should use a robot analyzer, it is also possible to diagnose damage with visual inspection. Examination To visually inspect your patient, simply examine them. The results should give you a basic understanding of the type of damage they have received and its location. For simple damage, this will often be enough. [Collapse] Cyborg Examination: Damage Severity Brute Damage Burn Damage Light Damage "It looks slightly dented." "It looks slightly charred." Severe Damage "It looks severely dented!" "It looks severely burnt and heat-warped!" [Collapse] Prosthetic/IPC Examination: Damage Severity Brute Damage Burn Damage Light Damage "some dents" "some burns" Severe Damage "a lot of dents" or "severe denting" "a lot of burns" or "severe melting" Analyzer Using the robot analyzer gives more in-depth information about the damage your patient has sustained, including exact numbers and internal organ damage. Note that it is not possible to use the analyzer on a bot, and amusingly you will receive the message "You can't analyze non-robotic things!" [Collapse] Cyborg Analysis: Analyzing Results for : Overall Status: % functional Key: Electronics/Brute" Damage Specifics: - Localized Damage: : - - - : DESTROYED - - - (5% chance if emagged:) ERROR: INTERNAL SYSTEMS COMPROMISED Interpreting Results: Name: Name of the cyborg. Overall health: Total health of the cyborg out of 200. Burn damage: Total burn damage to the cyborg. Brute damage: Total brute damage to the cyborg. Damaged organ: An internal component that has been damaged. Organ burn damage: Burn damage to the component. Organ brute damage: Brute damage to the component. Organ toggled on/off: ? Organ power on/off: ? Destroyed organ: An internal component that has been destroyed. [Collapse] Prosthetic/IPC Analysis: Analyzing Results for : System instability: Key: Electronics/Brute External prosthetics: : *** Internal prosthetics: : Name: Name of the subject. Instability: Unused (?). Limb name: Name of a robotic limb. Limb brute damage: Brute damage to the limb. Limb burn damage: Burn damage to the limb. Organ name: Name of a robotic organ. Organ damage: Damage to the organ. Bot Repair Bots are incredibly simple, and do not have specific damage types or locations. Any damage that they have survived can be repaired with an active welding tool. [Collapse] Bot Repair: Use a valid Id regular.png identification card on the bot to unlock its controls. For most bots, robotics access will suffice. For security robots, security or forensics access is required. Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the bot to open its maintainance panel. Use an active Welderon.gif welding tool on the bot to repair it. You may need to do this several times. Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the bot to close its maintainance panel. Use a valid Id regular.png identification card on the bot to lock its controls. Cyborg Repair Random damaged components will be repaired until there is no damage. Destroyed components cannot be repaired this way, and the bot will continue to show damage as long as the destroyed component is installed. It may be wise to remove or replace destroyed components before repairing damaged components in order to more quickly be sure when you can stop. Damage [Collapse] Brute Damage: Use an active welding tool on the cyborg. You may need to do this several times. [Collapse] Burn Damage: Use a valid Id regular.png identification card on the cyborg to unlock its interface. The ID card must have robotics access. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar on the cyborg to open its cover. Use an empty hand on the cyborg to remove its Powercell.png power cell. Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the cyborg to expose its wires. Use a CableCoils.png cable coil on the cyborg to repair it. You may need to do this several times. Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the cyborg to unexpose its wires. Use its Powercell.png power cell on the cyborg to replace its power cell. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar on the cyborg to close its cover. Use a valid Id regular.png identification card on the cyborg to lock its interface. Components [Collapse] Component Replacement: Use a valid Id regular.png identification card on the cyborg to unlock its interface. The ID card must have robotics access. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar on the cyborg to open its cover. Use an empty hand on the cyborg to remove its Powercell.png power cell. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar on the cyborg to remove the component. Use a new Robot component motor.png component on the cyborg to replace the component. Use its Powercell.png power cell on the cyborg to replace its power cell. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar on the cyborg to close its cover. Use a valid Id regular.png identification card on the cyborg to lock its interface. Prosthetic and IPC Repair Limbs For IPCs and human prosthetics, damage will be associated with specific limbs. Repairing this damage will require targeting that limb before performing treatment. For cyborgs and bots, damage will not be specific to limbs, and you do not need to worry about targeting. Repair For light damage, IPCs and external prosthetics can be repaired by using an active welding tool (for brute damage) or a cable coil (for burn damage) on the area in question. For more extensive damage, repair surgery will be required. Surgery Surgeries can only be carried out while the subject is on a surgery table. You may wish to read "Prepping for Surgery" before you begin. Robotics surgeries can only be performed when the target limb is robotic (rather than the organs), so for surgeries involving prosthetic organs in organic bodies, see surgery. [Collapse] Brute Damage Repair: Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the subject to unscrew its maintenance hatch. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to pry open its maintenance hatch. Use an active Welderon.gif welding tool on the subject to repair it. You may need to do this several times. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to close and secure its maintenance hatch. [Collapse] Burn Damage Repair: Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the subject to unscrew its maintenance hatch. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to pry open its maintenance hatch. Use a CableCoils.png cable coil on the subject to repair it. You may need to do this several times. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to close and secure its maintenance hatch. [Collapse] Internal Organ Repair: Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the subject to unscrew its maintenance hatch. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to pry open its maintenance hatch. Use Nanopaste.png nanopaste on the subject to repair all internal organs in the targeted area. In a pinch, you may use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver instead, which will have a 30% chance of failure, resulting in damage to the area and organs in the area (including organic organs). Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to close and secure its maintenance hatch. [Collapse] Organ Transplant/Replacement: Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the subject to unscrew its maintenance hatch. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to pry open its maintenance hatch. Use a Multitool.png multitool on the subject to detach the organ. Use a Hemostat.png hemostat on the subject to remove the organ. Use an Heart prosthetic.png organ on the subject to replace the organ. Use a Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver on the subject to reattach the organ. Use a Crowbar.png crowbar or Retractor.png retractor on the subject to close and secure its maintenance hatch. Research items Contents [hide] 1 Stock Parts 2 Mining Designs 3 Medical Designs 4 Electronics 5 Bluespace Designs 6 Equipment 7 Weapons 8 Other 9 Machinery Stock Parts Capacitor Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A basic capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices. Advanced Capacitor Advanced Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description An advanced capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices. Super Capacitor Super Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A super-high capacity capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices. Quadratic Capacitor Quadratic Capacitor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description An extremely high capacity capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices. Scanning Module Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact scanning module used in the construction of certain devices. Advanced Scanning Module Advanced Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact, high resolution scanning module used in the construction of certain devices. Phasic Scanning Module Phasic Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact, high resolution phasic scanning module used in the construction of certain devices. Triphasic Scanning Module Triphasic Scanning Module Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A compact, high resolution triphasic scanning module used in the construction of certain devices. Micro Manipulator Micro Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed. Nano Manipulator Nano Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, advanced manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed. Pico Manipulator Pico Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, very precise manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed. Femto Manipulator Femto Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, extremely precise manipulator used in the construction of certain devices. A better manipulator inside of a machine increases its speed. Micro-Laser Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency. High-Power Micro-Laser High-Power Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, high power laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency. Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser Ultra-High-Power Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, ultra-high-power laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency. Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A tiny, quad-ultra-high-power laser used in certain devices. A better laser inside a machine increases its efficiency. Matter Bin Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space. Advanced Matter Bin Advanced Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A large container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space. Super Matter Bin Super Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A very large container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space. Bluespace Matter Bin Bluespace Matter Bin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build or upgrade certain machines. Description A bluespace container for holding compressed matter used for production. A better matter bin in a machine increases its material storage space. Subspace Treatment Disk Subspace Treatment Disk Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A compact micro-machine capable of stretching out hyper-compressed radio waves. Subspace Ansible Subspace Ansible Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A compact module capable of sensing extradimensional activity. Hyperwave Filter Hyperwave Filter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A tiny device capable of filtering and converting super-intense radio waves. Subspace Amplifier Subspace Amplifier Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A compact micro-machine capable of amplifying weak subspace transmissions. Subspace Wavelength Analyzer Subspace Wavelength Analyzer Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A sophisticated analyzer capable of analyzing cryptic subspace wavelengths. Ansible Crystal Ansible Crystal Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A crystal made from pure glass used to transmit laser databursts to subspace. Subspace Transmitter Subspace Transmitter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Machine construction Strategy: Use it to build telecommunications machines. Description A large piece of equipment used to open a window into the subspace dimension. Alien Alloy Alien Alloy Found in: Protolathe Used for: Building advanced-looking walls. Strategy: Use it to make floor tiles or walls. Description This is the same material abductor ships are made of. Pimp out science with these! Mining Designs Upgraded Resonator Upgraded Resonator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine. Description Like a normal resonator, it will create fields that will blow up after a bit, destroying rock under it; this version can hold 5 fields at a time instead of 3. Sonic Jackhammer Sonic Jackhammer Found in: Protolathe Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine, or to break into any secure area. Description Cracks rocks with sonic blasts, perfect for killing cave lizards. Can knock down walls instantly, and reinforced walls with a delay. Mining Drill Mining Drill Found in: Protolathe Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine or dig sand. Description My drill is.. My soul! Diamond Mining Drill Diamond Mining Drill Found in: Protolathe Used for: Mining Strategy: Use it to mine or dig sand. Description Your drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens! Plasma Cutter Plasma Cutter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Mining, unwelding walls. Strategy: Use it to mine. Also works in place of a welder for cutting open walls, and doesn't require eye protection! Description A rock cutter that uses bursts of hot plasma. You could use it to cut limbs off of xenos! Or, you know, mine stuff. Charge it with plasma, either in ore or in smelted form. Advanced Plasma Cutter Advanced Plasma Cutter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Mining, unwelding walls. Strategy: Use it to mine really fast. Also works in place of a welder for cutting open walls, and doesn't require eye protection! Description Basically, the plasma cutter, but with longer range, higher charge and a better look! Charge it with plasma, either in ore or in smelted form. Kinetic Accelerator Range Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Range Modkit Found in: Protolathe Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will increase its range by 1. Kinetic Accelerator Damage Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Damage Modkit Found in: Protolathe Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will increase its damage by 10. Kinetic Accelerator Cooldown Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Cooldown Modkit Found in: Protolathe Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will reduce its cooldown by 0.25 seconds. Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Modkit Found in: Protolathe Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will make the explosion dig in a 3x3 area around the target. It won't do any AoE damage to mobs. Kinetic Accelerator Trigger Guard Modkit Kinetic Accelerator Trigger Guard Modkit Found in: Protolathe Used for: Upgrading Kinetic Accelerators Strategy: Use it on any Kinetic Accelerator Description Upgrading a Kinetic Accelerator with this will allow races that can't normally use guns to use it. Medical Designs Man-Machine Interface Man-Machine Interface Found in: Protolathe, Robotics Lab Used for: Creating cyborgs or talking with the bodyless Strategy: Guide to robotics Description This device is used to give cyborgs life. The roboticist starts with a few empty ones, and its low research requirements mean more can easily be built in the protolathe. As a brain in an MMI has no limbs, it is, of course, not capable of interacting with anything; but at least it can talk. They can also talk over the common radio channel. Man-Machine Interface with a brain in it: px50 Positronic Brain Positronic Brain Found in: Protolathe, Exosuit Fabricator Used for: Creating a brain for cyborgs, mechs and AIs. Strategy: Wait for it to activate, then put it wherever you would put an MMI. Description This artificial brain can be possessed by the dead, making it an alternative to getting someone's brain to operate cyborg shells, mechs or AI cores. Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Found in: Protolathe Used for: Analyzing reagents in blood samples. Strategy: Put a syringe of blood in it. Description This device will read blood samples and inform you of which reagents are contained inside. Usually outclassed by the health analyzer, since it can scan reagents without requiring lengthy injections. Advanced Mass Spectrometer Advanced Mass Spectrometer Found in: Protolathe Used for: Analyzing reagents in blood samples. Strategy: Put a syringe of blood in it. Description This device will read blood samples and inform you of which reagents are contained inside, plus their amount. Usually outclassed by the health analyzer, since it can scan reagents without requiring lengthy injections. Bluespace Beaker Bluespace Beaker Found in: Protolathe Used for: Containing reagents Strategy: Use it to contain large quantities of reagents; useful for grenades. Description A bluespace-enhanced beaker which can store 300u of any reagent. Cryostasis Beaker Cryostasis Beaker Found in: Protolathe Used for: Preventing reagents from reacting when in contact with eachother. Strategy: Useful for preventing unwanted reactions when working with dangerous chemicals. Description A cryostasis beaker that allows for chemical storage without causing reactions. Can hold up to 50 units. Bluespace Syringe Bluespace Syringe Found in: Protolathe Used for: Injecting large quantities of chemicals. Strategy: Put it on a syringe gun. Description A bluespace-enhanced syringe that can hold 60u of chemicals, and injects 20u at a time. Cryo Syringe Cryo Syringe Found in: Protolathe Used for: Injecting reactive chemicals. Strategy: Put it on a syringe gun. Description A modified syringe, whose contents will not react until injected. Holds 20u of chemicals. Piercing Syringe Piercing Syringe Found in: Protolathe Used for: Syringe guns. Strategy: Put it on a syringe gun, shoot it at armored victims. Description A diamond-tipped syringe that will pierce through anything that would stop a normal syringe when shot by a syringe guns. It only holds 10 units. Bluespace Bodybag Bluespace Bodybag Found in: Protolathe Used for: Holding bodies. Strategy: Load tons of victims bombs other bodybags corpses in it to carry them in your backpack. Description Works like a normal bodybag, but can hold up to 15 bodies instead of the usual 2. It can also be folded while containing something, allowing the user to pocket several mobs. To fold it, click-drag the bodybag onto your sprite. Plasmaman Jumpsuit Refill Plasmaman Jumpsuit Refill Found in: Protolathe Used for: Refilling plasmaman jumpsuits. Strategy: Use it on a plasmaman jumpsuit. Description Refills the plasmaman jumpsuit's autoextinguisher. Welding Shield Implant Welding Shield Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Protecting eyes from welders and flashes. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will protect the user from flashes and prevents welding blindness. Breathing Tube Implant Breathing Tube Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Allowing use of internals. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the mouth. Description This implant will allow the user to use gas tanks for internals, even if he is not wearing a mask. Toolset Arm Implant Toolset Arm Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Having tools always at hand. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on an arm. Description This implant will allow the user to extend and retract any tool from its hand. When emagged it also adds a knife to the available tools. Medical HUD Implant Medical HUD Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Having the Medical HUD. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will show healthbars above living creatures, informing the user of their health status. Security HUD Implant Security HUD Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Having the Security HUD. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will show job icons and mindshield implants above crewmembers. X-Ray Implant X-Ray Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing over walls. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will give the user full x-ray vision, ignoring line of sight restrictions. It will also give night vision. Thermals Implant Thermals Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing living beings over walls. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the eyes. Description This implant will give the user thermal vision, showing living beings even when not in line of sight. It will also give night vision, but increases vulnerability to bright lights. Anti-Drop Implant Anti-Drop Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Not dropping items. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the head. Description This implant will allow the user to tighten their grip on command, basically making any item they're holding in their active hand unremovable by any means but amputation. It can be deactivated at will. CNS Rebooter Implant CNS Rebooter Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Limiting stuns. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the head. Description This implant will reboot the Central Nervous System of the user in case of stuns, reducing the duration of stuns to a maximum of two seconds. Nutriment Pump Implant Nutriment Pump Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Preventing starvation. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will give enough nutrition to the user to prevent falling below the starving level. Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS Found in: Protolathe Used for: Staying well fed. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will give enough nutrition to the user to prevent hunger and keep a good metabolism. Reviver Implant Reviver Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Staying alive. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will heal you whenever you fall into critical health status; it will go on cooldown after each revival. Thrusters Set Implant Thrusters Set Implant Found in: Protolathe Used for: Moving in zero gravity. Strategy: Implant it via surgery, on the chest. Description This implant will work like a normal jetpack, but it will take air from the environiment if there is any, and cannot stabilize. Implanter Implanter Found in: Protolathe Used for: Injecting implants. Strategy: Use it on an implant case, then on the person you want to implant. Description This can load any implant that is stored on an implant case, such as mindshield implants, tracking implants, traitor implants, and so on. Implant Case Implant Case Found in: Protolathe Used for: Storing implants. Strategy: Put an implant in it. Description This case can store injectable implants from loaded implanters. Adrenal Implant Case Adrenal Implant Case Found in: Protolathe Used for: Canceling stuns. Strategy: Implant it with an implanter, use it when stunned. Description This implant is a copy of the one in the traitor uplink; on use, it will wake the user up from any stun, and reduce further stuns while slightly healing the user over time. Has 3 uses. Freedom Implant Case Freedom Implant Case Found in: Protolathe Used for: Breaking free of cuffs. Strategy: Implant it with an implanter, use it when cuffed. Description This implant is a copy of the one in the traitor uplink; on use, it will destroy any restraint that is blocking the user. Has 4 uses. Sad Trombone Implant Case Sad Trombone Implant Case Found in: Protolathe Used for: Clowning around. Strategy: Implant it with an implanter, wait until you die, be commiserated by a trombone. Description This implant makes the sad trombone sound when the user dies. Clowns start with this. Electronics Component Design Disk Component Design Disk Found in: Protolathe Used for: Research Strategy: Save designs on this disk for use with an unsynced protolathe or autolathe. Description A disk for storing device design data for construction in lathes. Technology Disk Technology Disk Found in: Protolathe Used for: Research Strategy: Store research levels on the disk for safe keeping or to set up a new research server. Or give it to cargo to sell. Description A disk for storing technology data for further research. Plant Data Disk Plant Data Disk Found in: Protolathe Used for: Botany. Strategy: Store plant traits on it with the Plant DNA Manipulator. Description A disk for storing plant data, that can be applied to othe plants. IntelliCard IntelliCard Found in: Bridge, Tech Storage, Research Director's Office Used for: Stealing Restoring or transporting the AI Strategy: Use it on the AI's core to download it onto the IntelliCard. Description Also known as an IntelliCard AI Transportation System. A functional AI is a possible Traitor objective. Personal AI Device Personal AI Device Found in: Dormitory, Research Director's Office, Derelict Shuttle Used for: Downloading your new best friend! Strategy: Use it in your hand to open the interface, load personalities and wait for a pAI personality to become available. Description This is a personal AI device. You can download a personal AI from an online pAI server, if someone has decided to play one. pAI's are chosen from dead players. Bluespace Designs Bag of Holding Bag of Holding Found in: Protolathe Used for: Holding items usually too large to fit in backpacks, such as backpacks. Strategy: This item holds bulkier items, including normal backpacks. WARNING: The fabric of Bluespace is fragile. Attempting to put a Bag of Holding inside another Bag of Holding will make fun things happen. Description A backpack that opens into a localized pocket of bluespace. Mining Satchel of Holding Mining Satchel of Holding Found in: Protolathe Used for: Holding large quantities of raw ore. Strategy: Use it to bypass the need for ore boxes. Description Works like a normal mining satchel, but it has no ore limit. Tracking Beacon Tracking Beacon Found in: Protolathe, key locations around the station Used for: Teleportation Strategy: Place it somewhere and use the teleporter hub to teleport to it. Description A beacon used by the Teleporter. They can be moved around, meaning you can change the location of where the teleporter goes! This can have several sneaky applications. Global Positioning System Global Positioning System Found in: Protolathe, Mining Used for: Finding out where in space you are. Strategy: Guide to telescience Description Transmits the universal coordinates to other GPS devices. The name incorrectly suggests that it tracks position on a planet, when in reality, it does not. Bluespace Crystal Bluespace Crystal Found in: Xenobiology, Research and Development Lab Used for: Research, upgrading the Telepad Strategy: Guide to telescience Description A bluespace crystal with mystical properties. When crushed in your hand it will teleport you a short distance. When thrown at someone it will make them teleport as well. Can be placed into the Telepad Control Console to upgrade the power of the Telepad. You can create bluespace crystals through Bluespace Slimes, or you can create synthetic ones through research. They are also found on lavaland. Equipment Welding Gas Mask Welding Gas Mask Found in: Protolathe Used for: Shielding your eyes from bright lights while still functioning as a gas mask Strategy: Wearing it allows you to use internals and a welding mask without having to change your hat. You can drink and eat with this on, without interrupting internals. Description A gas mask with built in welding goggles and face shield. Looks like a skull, clearly designed by a nerd. Health Scanner HUD Health Scanner HUD Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing the health status of creatures. Strategy: Wearing it shows you healthbars for any living being in sight. Description These glasses show a summary reading of the health status of surrounding living beings. It will also show if they are infected with viruses or parasites. Security HUD Security HUD Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing the job of crewmembers. Strategy: Wearing it shows you job icons, wanted status and eventual implants of crewmembers in sight. Description These glasses link to crewmembers id cards and show their job, will check security records to see if they are wanted, and will show if they have a mindshield implant. Diagnostic HUD Diagnostic HUD Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing the status of silicons. Strategy: Wearing it shows you the health and power of silicons in sight. Description These glasses can give a detailed reading of integrity and power of nearby robotic entities. Optical Meson Scanners Optical Meson Scanners Found in: Protolathe, Mining, Engineering Used for: Seeing wall layouts. Strategy: Use these to check for breaches or secret rooms. Description Wearing these will let you see walls and floors outside of your line of sight. Science Goggles Science Goggles Found in: Protolathe, Chemistry Used for: Analyzing items and machines, checking chemicals at a glance. Strategy: Use these when you want to know how valuable an item is when analyzed, or when doing chemistry. Description These glasses will show you the research values of items by examining them; they will also show which parts are inside of machinery, and will give a detailed readout of chems inside containers. Optical T-Ray Scanners Optical T-Ray Scanners Found in: Protolathe Used for: Looking at wiring and piping under tiles. Strategy: Use them when you want to see how the station is wired without deflooring everything. Description These glasses will pulse T-Rays, showing you what's under floor tiles. Engineering Scanner Goggles Engineering Scanner Goggles Found in: Protolathe, Engineering Used for: Anything mesons and T-Rays can do Strategy: Use them when repairing station damage. Description These goggles have both a meson and T-Ray function; use the active button on your HUD to switch modes. Night Vision Health Scanner HUD Night Vision Health Scanner HUD Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing the health status of creatures, in the darkness. Strategy: Wearing it shows you healthbars for any living being in sight, and will see in the dark. Description These glasses show a summary reading of the health status of surrounding living beings. It will also show if they are infected with viruses or parasites. It can also see through darkness. Night Vision Security HUD Night Vision Security HUD Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing the job of crewmembers, in the darkness. Strategy: Wearing it shows you job icons, wanted status and eventual implants of crewmembers in sight, and will see in the dark. Description These glasses link to crewmembers id cards and show their job, will check security records to see if they are wanted, and will show if they have a mindshield implant. It can also see through darkness. Night Vision Diagnostic HUD Night Vision Diagnostic HUD Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing the status of silicons, in the darkness. Strategy: Wearing it shows you the health and power of silicons in sight, and will see in the dark. Description These glasses can give a detailed reading of integrity and power of nearby robotic entities. It can also see through darkness. Night Vision Optical Meson Scanners Night Vision Optical Meson Scanners Found in: Protolathe Used for: Seeing wall layouts, in the darkness. Strategy: Use these to check for breaches or secret rooms. Also useful for miners. Description Wearing these will let you see walls and floors outside of your line of sight. Also lets you see through darkness. Portable Seed Extractor Portable Seed Extractor Found in: Protolathe Used for: Botany. Strategy: Store plants in it, activate it to convert them into seeds. Description This is a portable but less efficient version of the stationary seed extractor. Creates one seed per plant. Magnetic Boots Magnetic Boots Found in: Protolathe, EVA Storage Used for: Moving in no gravity or strong wind. Strategy: Activate them when on low gravity. Description These heavy boots will let you walk when others must float; they will slow you down if you activate them while gravity is still on, but they'll prevent slipping and space wind. Advanced Mop Advanced Mop Found in: Protolathe Used for: Cleaning. Strategy: Wet it them use it on dirty floor. Description An upgraded version of the janitor's mop, it is faster and holds more water. Can be activated in-hand to generate its own water for free. Trashbag of Holding Trashbag of Holding Found in: Protolathe Used for: Storing trash or small items. Strategy: Put trash in it, or use it as a more versatile toolbelt. Description An upgraded version of the janitor's trashbag, holds much more trash. Floor Buffer Upgrade Floor Buffer Upgrade Found in: Protolathe Used for: Upgrading the janicart. Strategy: Use it on the janitor's pimpin' ride. Description When applied to the janitor's cart, it will instantly clean any floor it passes over, much like janiborgs. Holographic Sign Projector Holographic Sign Projector Found in: Protolathe Used for: Signaling wet floors. Strategy: Use it near wet floors to warn people. Description When used on the ground it will project a holographic "walk" sign, warning people of wet floors. Experimental Welding Tool Experimental Welding Tool Found in: Protolathe Used for: Welding. Strategy: Use it in place of a normal welder. Description This prototype welder regenerates fuel over time, and welds extremely quickly compared to normal ones. It is also less harmful to the eyes. Weapons Test Range Firing Pin Test Range Firing Pin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Testing guns. Strategy: Use it on guns you want to try out in the testing range, or emag it to make it work like a normal pin. Description A region-locked pin that will only fire the gun if you're in the test range. Mindshield Firing Pin Mindshield Firing Pin Found in: Protolathe Used for: Shooting guns without fear of them being used against you. Strategy: Use it on guns for security, or to prevent revolutionaries or gangsters from using them. Description A special pin that will check for a mindshield implant before firing. Large Grenade Casing Large Grenade Casing Found in: Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Insert a Silver Slime Core and some Plasma and you have a instant party grenade! Description Makes it possible to use Slime Cores in grenades. Also spreads chemicals slightly farter than normal grenades. Advanced Release Grenade Advanced Release Grenade Found in: Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Use it to lube a hallway for a long, long time. Description This grenade, instead of mixing two whole beakers, mixes them a few units at a time, basically having a multi-use grenade. It will keep going until it is out of reagents. To configure the amount mixed each time, use a multitool on a completed grenade. Pyro Grenade Pyro Grenade Found in: Protolathe Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Use it with stabilized explosive mixes. Description This grenade works like a normal one, but will add 500 degrees to the chemicals' temperature. Floral Somatoray Floral Somatoray Found in: Protolathe Used for: Botany Strategy: Mutate plant genes or yield rate easily. Description A tool that discharges controlled radiation which induces mutation in plant cells. Note that the somatoray cannot mutate plant species. Advanced Energy Gun Advanced Energy Gun Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it as a self-charging taser/disabler/laser. Description This gun can switch to taser, disabler and laser shots, and will charge by itself over time. Cannot be manually charged, though. Tesla Revolver Tesla Revolver Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it to shock your enemies. Description This gun shoots a small energy ball that will shock nearby entities, stunning and hurting them. Insulated gloves and hardsuits will prevent shocks. Accelerator Laser Cannon Accelerator Laser Cannon Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it to kill from far away Description This gun shoots a laser shot that gets more powerful with distance travelled; useful for shooting down hallways. Rapid Syringe Gun Rapid Syringe Gun Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Load it with syringes, shoot at victims. Description This is an upgraded version of the Syringe Gun; it holds 6 syringes that can be shot without reloading. Temperature Gun Temperature Gun Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Shoot it at something you don't particularly want dead. Description This gun can heat up or cool down targets, although it won't reach really dangerous levels unless you cool down someone in a hardsuit. Decloner Decloner Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it on targets that might heal from normal wounds. Description This gun deals cellular damage instead of brute or burn; this type of damage is really hard to heal from and usually requires cryogenic treatment. Energy Crossbow Energy Crossbow Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat. Strategy: Use it to stun and poison people. Description This crossbow is a larger version of the one traitors use. Works in the same way, needing to reload after each shot. Ion Carbine Ion Carbine Found in: Protolathe Used for: Combat against silicons and mechs. Strategy: Use it to deal high damage to robotic entities. Description This carbine is a smaller version of security's Ion Rifle; it will cause a 3x3 ion blast on hit. Perfect for dealing with cyborgs, mechs, and closed lockers. Bluespace Wormhole Projector Bluespace Wormhole Projector Found in: Protolathe Used for: Teleporting around. Strategy: Use it to get into normally secure places by shooting through windows. Description This gun creates two linked portals when shooting walls; walking into or clicking on a portal will lead you to the other one. When shooting mobs it will teleport them to a random direction, much like a bluespace crystal. One-point Bluespace-Gravitational Manipulator One-point Bluespace-Gravitational Manipulator Found in: Protolathe Used for: Knocking things around. Strategy: Use it to create confusion, or to knock people into space. Description This gun has three modes: pull, push or chaos. Push will push things away from the langing point, pull will do the opposite, and chaos will pull and push things randomly. X-Ray Laser Gun X-Ray Laser Gun Found in: Protolathe Used for: Shooting beyond walls. Strategy: Use it to kill things from beyond walls, or to kill blobs extremely quickly. Description This advanced gun will hit any target, no matter how many walls are between. Also deals heavy radiation damage. Stun Shell Stun Shell Found in: Protolathe Used for: Stunning with a shotgun. Strategy: Load it in a shotgun. Description This shell works like a taser shot, stunning the first target hit for a few seconds. Unloaded Technological Shell Unloaded Technological Shell Found in: Protolathe Used for: Making advanced shotgun ammo. Strategy: Craft advanced ammo with it. Description This shell is the base for some advanced shotgun shells: Meteorshot Shell: A single powerful projectile, deals heavy damage and stuns. Requires 2 micro manipulators and an RCD cartridge. Pulse Slug: Works like one of the deathsquad's pulse rifle shots. Heavy damage, knocks down walls. Requires 2 advanced capacitors and 1 ultra-high-power micro-laser. Dragonsbreath Shell: Fires 4 incendiary pellets, which leave a trail of fire behind them. Requires 5 phosphorus. FRAG-12 Slug: An explosive shell that knocks down targets and causes an explosion where it hits. Requires 5 glycerol, 5 sulphuric acid and 5 fluorosulphuric acid. Ion Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 ion bolts, each of which ions a 3x3 area. Requires 1 ultra-high-power micro-laser and 1 ansible crystal. Laser Slug: Shoots a laser similar to a normal laser gun shot. Requires 1 advanced capacitor and 1 high-power micro-laser. Other Slime Extract Slime Extract Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Special applications when mixed with certain reagents Strategy: Use a Syringe to inject Plasma, blood or water into it. Description Also known as a Slime Core. Each kind of Slime has different effect that can be found here. Unused Slime Extract is a possible Traitor objective. They can also be used in large Grenades for interesting effects. Slime Scanner Slime Scanner Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Analyzing slimes Strategy: Use it on a living slime. Description This scanner shows you a slime's characteristics: current mass and mass needed to grow/split, electric charge, health, potential mutations and mutation chance. Monkey Cube Monkey Cube Found in: Xenobiology, Getmore Chocolate Corp Vending Machine, Monkey Cube Box Used for: Making Monkeys! Strategy: Splash water on it using a Beaker or a Fire Extinguisher, or load it in a Slime Management Console. Description A Monkey Cube Box can hold up to 8 Monkey Cubes. Monkey Cube Box: px50 Tank Transfer Valve Tank Transfer Valve Found in: Toxins Lab Used for: Making bombs Strategy: Guide to toxins Description Should not be confused with manual valves, even though they look (almost) totally the same. This is the central part of a Toxins bomb: to use it, load it with two gas tanks and a trigger (which can be, for example, a signaller or a voice analyzer). When the trigger is activated, the two gas tanks will mix, usually creating a large explosion if loaded with the right mix. To remove gas tanks or the trigger from it, use it in your hand; it's important to do it when you want to disarm it. Additional Tank Transfer Valves can be ordered from Cargo. A finished bomb: px50 Machinery Slime Management Console Slime Management Console Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Managing slimes. Strategy: Guide to xenobiology Description The main tool for xenobiology. Can pick up up to five slimes at a time and drop them anywhere in xenobiology. Can dispense monkeys when loaded with monkey cubes, and recycle dead monkeys. Renaming an area "Xenobiology Lab" will allow the console to work in that area. Slime Processor Slime Processor Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Creating Slime Extract from dead baby Slimes. Strategy: Guide to xenobiology Description Grinds up slimes for their cores! Upgrading this will greatly help xenobiology. Monkey Recycling Machine Monkey Recycling Machine Found in: Xenobiology Used for: Recycling of dead Monkeys, will produce a Monkey Cube when full Strategy: Guide to xenobiology Description Recycles monkeys through horrible means. More efficient than the slime console, but it takes longer to load it. Telepad Telepad Found in: Must be built. Used for: Teleporting victims stuff around the station Strategy: Guide to telescience Description Controlled by the Telepad Control Console. Can be used to teleport anything that isn't bolted to the floor to or from the destination defined by the Telepad Control Console. Guide to building a Telepad. Protolathe Protolathe Found in: R&D Lab Used for: Manufacturing items from materials. Strategy: Load it with materials and pick the item you want to make. Description Similar to an Autolathe, you load raw materials such as glass and metal sheets into it to create things. The protolathe is operated via the R&D console. Manufacturing list can be found here. Guide to building a Protolathe. Circuit Imprinter Circuit Imprinter Found in: R&D Lab Used for: Manufacturing circuit boards. Strategy: Fill it with Sulphuric Acid and select the circuit board you want to print. Description Prints out all kinds of different circuit boards, depending on your research levels. Uses of these boards include building mechs, building machines or computers, and changing the AI's laws. Manufacturing list can be found here. Guide to building a Circuit Imprinter. Exosuit Fabricator Exosuit Fabricator Found in: Robotics Used for: Manufacturing parts for use in robotics. Strategy: Load it with materials and pick the items you want to make. Use the "add to queue" function to build multiple things in a row. Description Creates cyborg or mech parts from materials. Can be synchronized with the R&D research levels for new cyborg/mech components. They cannot be hacked and require robotics access to operate. If upgraded with better components, the Exosuit Fabricator will construct parts more quickly and efficiently. Manufacturing list can be found here. Guide to building an Exosuit Fabricator. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Research_items