====== Computers ====== ===== Modular Computer Consoles (MCC) ===== (Possibly add notes and options for servers and PDAs?) Most computer systems aboard a NARV allow some degree of customization, allowing them to download programs from the ship's server, to the limit of the computer's memory, and can run a number of programs based on the unit's CPU power. They are designed to be easy to assemble and customize even for a non-technical user, and come in three frame types, each with its own advantages: * The console is a static structure, and can house the most powerful components, as well as a wired connection to the network. * The laptop is a compromise between portability and power, capable of all but the most intensive operations in exchange for its mobility. * The tablet is a pocket-sized supercomputer, capable of potentially replacing most outdated computers still littering the ship even with its moderate power. Just like a normal computer, every frame requires a power supply, processing unit, drive and of course, programs to run. All hard drives initially come with NOS installed, which grants basic functionalities and UI. Programs can be downloaded from the NET as long as you have a network card installed; programs not stored locally on the NET can be downloaded if the NET has a quantum relay connected. If for some reason you do not, or the quantum relay is off or the network is down, you can also install directly from disks or datacards. If your desired power source is a battery module, you will need to install a power cell controller. Computers can hold both area/wire power connections and a power cell as a backup. Network cards vary in signal based on the location of the user and the range of the card; as a general rule, the most basic network cards only provide a moderately decent signal when aboard ship or in range of an open network they can access. Better cards can connect to the ship's telecommunications relay in order to operate from planetside to an orbiting ship, and even sometimes to the depths of space! Consoles can also use wired processing to connect directly as long as they are wired into the network and have the proper card. ==== Components ==== === Processors === ^ Name ^ Max Programs ^ Console? ^ Laptop? ^ Tablet? ^ Power Drain in Watts ^ | Microprocessor | 2 programs | Y | Y | Y | 25W | | Photonic Microprocessor | 3 programs | Y | Y | Y | 75W | | Processor Board | 3 programs | Y | Y | N | 50W | | Photonic Processor Board | 5 programs | Y | Y | N | 250W | === Drives === ^ Name ^ Capacity ^ Console? ^ Laptop? ^ Tablet? ^ Power Drain in Watts ^ | Micro Solid State Drive | 32 GQ | Y | Y | Y | 2W | | Solid State Drive | 64 GQ | Y | Y | Y | 10W | | Hard Disk Drive | 128 GQ | Y | Y | Y | 25W | | Advanced Hard Disk Drive | 256 GQ | Y | Y | Y | 50W | | Super Hard Disk Drive | 512 GQ | Y | Y | Y | 100W | | Cluster Hard Disk Drive | 2048 GQ | Y | Y | Y | 500W | === Power Supplies === ^ Name ^ Charge held ^ Console? ^ Laptop? ^ Tablet? ^ Power Drain in Watts ^ | Nano-Battery | 300 wH | Y | Y | Y | N/A | | Micro-Battery | 500 wH | Y | Y | Y | N/A | | Standard Battery | 750 wH | Y | Y | Y | N/A | | Advanced Battery | 1500 wH | Y | Y | N | N/A | | Super Battery | 2000 wH | Y | Y | N | N/A | | Area Power Connector | As APC | Y | Y | N | 100 | | Wired Power Connector | As wire | Y | N | N | 100 | === Power Cell Controllers === These manage the power of the device, and allow it to recharge. (These values may need to be adjusted.) ^ Name ^ Charge Rate ^ Console? ^ Laptop? ^ Tablet? ^ Power Drain in Watts ^ | Basic Cell Controller | 100 Wh/s | Y | Y | Y | 10 | | Advanced Cell Controller | 300 Wh/s | Y | Y | Y | 20 | | Super Cell Controller | 500 Wh/s | Y | Y | N | 30 | === Network Access Systems === Network Access Systems are rated from zero to five in terms of signal strength (and therefore speed); a zero means it won't work. The wired network card works faster than wireless access, and is commonly added along with wired power connector to most consoles. ^ Name ^ Local Signal Strength ^ Orbit Signal Strength ^ Hyperspace Signal Strength ^ Console? ^ Laptop? ^ Tablet? ^ Power Drain in Watts ^ | Basic Network Card | 3 | 0 | 0 | Y | Y | Y | 50 | | Advanced Network Card | 5 | 3 | 1 | Y | Y | Y | 100 | | Wired Network Card | 10 | 0 | 0 | Y | N | N | 100 | === Miscellaneous === Additional options you can add to a device to make it more useful. ^ Name ^ Function ^ Console? ^ Laptop? ^ Tablet? ^ Power Drain in Watts ^ | ID Slot | Grants access to non-public resources. Some functions may require two or more ID Slots. | Y | Y | Y | 10 | | Card Slot | Allows you to run programs stored on datacards. | Y | Y | Y | 20 | | Intellicard Slot | Allows you to access an intellicard (and allows the intellicard to access the network). | Y | Y | N | 100 | | Mini UDT Port | Allows you to connect a peripheral device such as a disk drive or printer. Can transfer data at significantly reduced speeds (effectively signal 1). | Y | Y | Y | 20 | | Miniprinter | A miniature printer that allows you to print up paperwork on the fly without connecting a separate device. Holds ten sheets of paper and prints slowly. | Y | Y | Y | 50 | | Printer | A directly installed printer that allows you to print up paperwork without connecting a separate device. Holds 50 sheets of paper. | Y | N | N | 100 | ==== Programs and Files ==== All programs occupy a certain amount of space on the drive (shown below in brackets). Typically a standard hard drive should be sufficient for most power users. === Default Programs === These come preloaded with NOS when it is installed, and allow you to do basic functions. * NDownload (4GQ): Lets you download programs from the NET, and provides ID-based authentication for some downloads if you have an ID Slot attached. * FBrowse (8GQ): A file browser that lets you manage files and create text files (essentially, paper without the paper.) * Config (4GQ): Lets you manage running processes, programs, and components of your frame. === Net Programs === * NRCCli (8GQ): A network relay chat client that connects to NRCSrv. In some ways, this is more private than PDA messaging, but RD access gives sysadmin privs, including the ability to see who's on, kick or ban users, be invisible, and enter password-protected channels forcefully. * NTrans (7GQ): A P2P file transfer system that lets you send and receive files between other computers on the network. * NMonitor (12GQ): Monitors the NET itself, requires RD access. Can shut down various NET functions such as NRC, Downloader, P2P File Transfer, Station Functions, or everything, and can block specific users from said functions. === Station Equivalents === These programs perform the same duties as relevant dedicated terminals, but allow you to do so from the comfort of your personal terminal. PowerMan (9GQ): Monitoring the power grid, same as the power management console. AirAlarm (5GQ): Monitors where air alarms on the station go off. Same as air alarm console. RConsole (12GQ): Remotely control various ship functions, particularly related to the power grid, similar to the AI's abilities. AIReset (12GQ): Restores an AI that was critically damaged. Same as AI restorer console in the RD's office. IDAuth (8GQ): Reads and modify access on IDs, open and close job position. Same as ID machine in HoP's office. ===SYNDICATE SPECIALS=== These programs would be moderately useful, if only anyone relied on the NET. DoSCrash (20GQ): Launches a DoS attack on a NET's quantum relay. Relies as much on connection quality as processing power. Revelation (13GQ): This program, once run, fries a computer's inner drives and PSU with a moderate shower of sparks. Its biggest strength is being able to change its name to anything and allow for acts of delayed sabotage. ===== Simple Computers ===== Non-modular machines that typically only have a single purpose. ===== Normal Computers ===== Built around a circuit board which has the software hardcoded into it. ===== Heavy Computers and Terminals ===== Built around a mainboard and usually some modules available from special vending machines. Either can run ThinkDOS or TermOS just fine, but OEM terminals tend to use TermOS, while heavy computers run ThinkDOS. =====CompTech===== The vending machine in Tech Storage, which dispenses much of the equipment needed to build more complex computers, such as ones that can use ThinkDOS. When hacked, will also provide prize vending modules and wireless modules. ===== Dedicated Computers ===== This is a list of the more common dedicated computer terminals. If you are searching for a very specific Terminal you can not find here, it may be worth to check the appropriate Job page. ====Command==== ===Communications Console=== Or short Comms Console; can be found on the Bridge, and in the Captain's Quarters. This is where CentCom sends every important announcement. In most cases, these will be updates about the Traitor or general reports that indicate the game mode, but also Admin-sent (CentCom) reports will be printed here. You can look up the reports under: Received Messages. This is also, where the Emergency Evacuation Procedure is initiated or canceled that will call the escape shuttle after a countdown, effectively ending the round. The station Command Staff can also use this computer to send emergency messages to Central Command, provided that the Bluespace Relay on telecomms is present and powered, or to make announcements to the station. ===ID Modification Console=== This computer allows you to change all the properties of an ID Card, provided you have the HoP or the Captain's ID. You can change what rooms it has access too, what job it is, and what is the name on it. You can also see the crew manifest and print it, which does not require any card. ===Accounts Uplink Console=== This computer allows the Head of Personnel to view, lock, and revoke payroll (moves cash into station account) of all departmental accounts and personnel accounts on station. It resembles a particularly fancy ATM. ====Security==== ===Security Records=== This computer allows you to access the criminal records of everyone in the station, provided you have a valid ID. That allows to see the fingerprints of people which allows you to compare it with evidence. You can set someone to arrest here, and any security bot will stun and arrest him if they happen to cross paths. ===Security Console=== This console allows you to access all of the camera feeds, and switch from any cameras that are still connected. They are found strictly in areas with security-only access. ===Prisoner Management Console=== Warden can use this computer see location of implanted prisoners. If they have chemical implant, he can also remotely control it. ===Forensic Scanner=== Detective can use this to scan evidence for fingerprints and DNA, as well as just insert the data from handheld scanner. It has a dossier management system which will let you label individial files (each file containing all evidence for one particular DNA of fingerprint hash). ====Medical==== ===Medical Records=== Here you can see the medical details of the crew, and see their DNA. That may be usable by the Detective to compare with samples of DNA taken from evidence. You can also set their mental status to Insane and Security bots will arrest them if they cross paths. ===Crew Monitoring Computer=== The most important computer for medical. You can use it to monitor crew members according to their sensors setting (None, Binary - living or dead, Vitals - showing damage, Tacking Beacon - showing all + position). ====Engineering==== ===Solars Control=== This console allows, when configured, manipulation of solar panels to track the local star that is nearby to the Exodus. ===Station Alert Computer=== Monitors the station's alert systems for power, atmospheric, and fire alarms. Reports the location of an alarm when it is triggered. ===Atmospheric Alert Computer=== Monitors the station's atmospheric alarms. Reports the location and status of an alarm when it is triggered. ===Central Atmospherics Computer=== Allows an Atmospheric Technician to control atmospheric alarms remotely. ===Power Monitoring Computer=== Monitors power consumption and distribution throughout the station. ===Tank Monitor=== Monitors the level of gas within an atmospherics tank. ====Synthetics Management==== ===AI System Integrity Restorer=== This console has two primary functions- to heal damaged AIs, and to revive dead ones. There is one located in the Research Director's office, and a second in the AI Upload. ===AI Upload=== This console allows you to modify the current station AI's laws, depending on which AI module insert. It is located in the AI Upload. ===Cyborg Upload=== This console allows you to modify the law of all cyborgs on the station, assuming that their lawsync is still active. Only AI modules can be inserted. It is located in the AI Upload. ====Other==== ===Arcade Machines=== The easiest way to waste time on the station. ===Guest Pass Terminal=== A terminal that allows crew members to issue guest passes to areas of the station that they have access to. Guest passes expire automatically after a set amount of time. For example, a medical doctor would be able to issue a guest pass with Medbay access (but not Brig or Security Office access) that is valid for 30 minutes. ====Miscellaneous==== The latest and greatest in NovusCorp technology, these modular consoles get their programs from the cloud, and can hold as many as they have memory for, as well as run multiple simultaneously depending on their CPU power. Laptop and tablet frames can be built on an autolathe, while a console can be built directly from metal. Components are usually printed at the lab, or found in the elusive laptop vendor. Every modular machine requires at least: * one power source * one hard drive * one processing unit * access to a network to download programs OR disks loaded with said programs ===Requests Console=== Can be found in every room where someone is supposed to work. The Requests Consoles can be used to request low/high urgency assistance, request supplies with low/high priority, relay anonymous information or view sent and received messages. All of these produce a message to the selected Request Console and can be swiped with an ID to confirm the identity of the sender. Can be hacked to enable the 'EXTREME' priority for your requests. The Bridge and Heads' Offices have special Requests Consoles which can send station-wide announcements if swiped with an authorized ID. ===Newscaster=== Newscasters are the most widespread type of the computers, thanks to NanoTrasen wanting to keep you up to date on the latest news. You can view newsfeeds other crewmembers have made, or make your own! You can attach photos to the news. Every Newscaster can print out 15 newspapers for people who enjoy reading stuff from the paper. Security Newscasters can be found in Brig and can make "Wanted" Issues, censor out harmful newsfeed stories, or lock down a whole channel with a D-Notice. ===Library Computer=== A computer located over the librarian's desk, one in the library amongst shelves and the prison wing. The one located over the librarian's desk is different from others, since it's the only one which can add a new book into the database and print out books. The other computers are able to access the database and only search for the names of the books. ===Holodeck Control Console=== Controls the holodeck. Can be emagged to disable safety protocols. ===Arcade Machines=== The easiest way to waste time, Arcade Machines can be found all over the station including Arrivals, the bar and escape. There are two different games: an RPG, which may go by several different names, or the Orion Trail, which is definitely not a cute ripoff of an ancient educational video game. * Defeat the Dark Lord: While all of these games may have different names, they all play the same way: namely, like an RPG. Basically, you and your CPU-controlled opponent take turns attacking. You can also heal (at the cost of MP) or recharge MP (at the cost of a turn). Defeating your opponent nets you a prize of some sort. You lose if your HP or MP is zero or less. Your attacks do 2-8 damage, healing restores 6-14 health for 1-4 MP, and charging regains 4-11 points. But none of that really matters. Although you can't see the enemy stats it's not too difficult to just whittle it down. It will attack doing 3-9 damage for some time. Eventually when its health is low enough it will start healing instead of attacking (4 points at a time), and shortly after when it runs out of MP it will steal yours. It won't ever steal more than 5 per turn, but you'll lose instantly if that puts you below 0. Charging so you have at least 6 MP, healing so you have at least 10 HP and attacking otherwise is bound to work eventually, but there are faster methods. Emagging this machine turns it into Outbomb Cuban Pete, which is harder and has higher stakes! * The Orion Trail: You start out with four people, 80 food, 60 fuel, and one each of engine parts, hull panels and electronics. Your goal is to make it to Orion. Your goal in reality is to crunch a bunch of numbers and hope the RNG favors you. The more people you have and the more time you spend, the more food you use up. Every person consumes 2 food per day, and a normal leg of your journey takes 1 day. The more detours you take, the more fuel you use up. A normal leg of your journey takes 5 fuel. Raiders will sometimes steal a random amount of food and fuel, and collisions may vent it out into space. Certain events will use up engine parts or kill crew members, or offer you a risky option or a safe option that uses more food/fuel. You will probably not make it to Orion if all of you live! There is not enough food unless you get really lucky with the black hole. Hope for death. * List of Prizes: The prize selected is random, unless the machine is emagged. They're all annoying, useless or dangerously similar to illegal items. Have fun! * Snap-pop box * Blink toy * Tacticool Turtleneck * Toy sword * Cap gun & ammo * Foam-dart crossbow * Replica red spacesuit and helmet * Box of crayons * 'Singularity' spinning toy * Toy AI * Nuclear Fission Device toy (oh god) * Windup tool box (oh GOD) * One of eleven toy mech figurines. * Emagged prizes: You get both of these, GUARANTEED! The arcade machine resets after, so you'll have to emag it again and win again to get more. It's probably faster to just go make a bomb yourself. * Syndicate bomb * Collectable Cuban Pete hat ====Supply==== ===Supply Shuttle Console=== The Supply Shuttle Console allows you to order and approve already ordered items, plus call or send the supply shuttle. Can be hacked to order contraband. ===Order Request Console=== The Order Request Console lets you request things from the greedy bastards. ===Outpost Cameras=== The Outpost Cameras terminal allows you to access all of the mining station's cameras. ===Mining Shuttle Console=== The Mining Shuttle Console lets you to operate the mining shuttle, calling it to the Mining Dock or sending it to the Mining Station. ====Medical==== ===Crew Monitoring Console/Operating Computer=== The Crew Monitoring Console reports the location and vital statistics of the crew via their suit sensors. The downside is that it's entirely dependent on the crew bothering to turn those sensors on. Usually only the Heads and AIs have access to it. The Operating Computer reports the vital statistics of the patient during surgery. ===Medical Records Console=== Contains the records of all NovusCorp employees, a virus information database, and updates on the station's medbots. It has a lot more personal information than the Crew Monitoring computer, but most of it is never important and none of it updates automatically. DNA search function may be very useful for the Detective to compare with samples of DNA taken from evidence. You can also set a person's their mental status to Insane and Security bots will arrest them if they cross paths. ===Cloning Console/DNA Scanner Access Console=== Cloning Console is used for cloning someone in the DNA Scanner next to it. It shows if the body inside the Scanner is cloneable or not, and can also be used to take "backups" of people. "View Records" shows who are backuped and if they're dead, they can be cloned instantly. DNA Scanner Access Console uses radiation through a nearby DNA Scanner to manipulate the genes of a person inside. It has a Radiation Emitter Menu for manipulating and a Buffer Menu for saving the manipulated genes and/or making injectors out of them so they can be spread around. ===PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200=== This computer is used in virology to work with viruses. ====Engineering==== ===Solars Control=== The Solars Control computer allows, when configured, manipulation of solar panels to track the local star that is nearby. ===Power Monitoring Console=== The Power Monitoring Console shows you the station's detected APC's, their current cell power charge, current power load, and ship's overall power output and power input (from the SMES's). ===Power/Atmospheric Alert Console=== The Power Alert Console shows you the power problem areas on the station. It shows a power alarm wherever the APC doesn't have enough cell-charge. The Atmospheric Alert Console shows you where the atmospheric alerts are located on the station. ===Tank Monitor/Distribution and Waste Monitor/Gas Supply Control=== Tank Monitor shows the pressures inside each tanks (the huge things in outer space right outside Atmospherics. Distribution and Waste Monitor shows more in-depth information about the Mixed In Tank's status and the Distribution and Waste Loops. Gas Supply Controls are located near the atmos tanks, one for each, and control the input and output pressure of those tanks, while also showing pressure and temperature information. ===Area Air Control Console=== This computer can be found in Science Toxin Storage. It controls the huge scrubbers nearby. ===Gas Turbine Control Computer=== Controls the Power turbine. ===Telecommunications Monitoring Console=== Read-only access to Telecoms machine settings. ===Telecommunications Server Monitoring Console/Messaging Monitor Console=== Access logs from the Telecoms Servers. ===Telecommunications Traffic Control Console=== Put your NTSL Scripts in here. ====Research==== ===Core R&D Console/Robotics R&D Console/R&D Server Controller=== Core R&D Console and Robotics R&D Console show current research levels and is able to do various things concerning the research levels, like syncing and disconnecting them from research network. It also controls Protolathes, Circuit Printers and Destructive Analyzers, and are necessary to use an E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR. The R&D Server Controller can be used to set research data uploading access rights for R&D Computers. Can also be used to reset tech levels or remove certain items from the manufacturing list. ===Mech Bay Power Control Console=== Controls the Mechbay Power Port (that recharges Mechs). Shows the amount of charge left in the mech. ===AI System Integrity Restorer=== Used to restore a dead AI back to life. Just use the InteliCard to collect the dead AI and insert it into the computer, then activate it. ===Robotics Control=== This console allows you to remotely lock down those pesky borgs if they start acting up. It can also blow up drones remotely if they're being annoying. ===Exosuit Control=== Used for tracking and locking down exosuits. Exosuits need to have a tracking beacon (built from Exosuit Fabricators) on them to appear on this console. EMPing mechs with this will destroy the tracking beacon. ===Telepad Control Console=== Controls the Telepad. Can receive coordinates from GPSs. ====Security==== ===Security Records Console=== Security records computers keep a digital log of everything Security is keeping track of, plus a fingerprint database which is extremely useful for the Detective. While Security can edit the records to keep very specific data about criminal history, sentencing, parole hearings, and other information, mostly the records are used to keep track of who is set to arrest. Persons of interest will have their names brightly lit up on a red background, while people who are incarcerated or have been released will have other colors as well. Anyone who can get into the record system can freely edit it once it is unlocked, and can set anyone else to arrest without needing a Security HUD. ===Security Cameras=== This console allows you to access all of the station's camera feeds, and switch into any camera that is connected. They are found strictly in areas with security-only access. ===Prisoner Management Console=== For locating persons implanted with a tracking implant. Shows location and an option to send a message straight into their minds. It is also used to give Prisoner IDs goals in the Labor Camp, to buy their freedom. You can also use it to track the amount of points the prisoner has collected. ===Prisoner Shuttle Console/Labor Shuttle Console=== Controls the Prisoner Shuttle. ====Command==== ===Communications Console=== Or short Comms Console; can be found on the Bridge, and in the Captain's Quarters. This is where CentCom sends every important announcement. In most cases, those will be updates about the traitor or general reports that indicate the game mode, but also Admin-sent CentCom reports will be printed here. You can look up the reports under: Received Messages. This is also where the Emergency Evacuation Procedure is initiated or canceled that will call the escape shuttle after a countdown, effectively ending the round. The Captain can also send transmissions to CentCom and change the security level of the station. ===Emergency Shuttle Console=== Controls the Emergency Shuttle. The Shuttle departure timer can be shortened to 10 seconds by emagging or using 3 Head ID on the console. ===Identification Console=== The Identification Console allows you to change all the properties of an ID Card, provided you are a Head of Staff. You can change what rooms it has access too, what job it is, and what is the name on it. You may also open and close non-command positions for new crewmates to join as. While only the HoP and Captain has access all it's functions, the other heads can still use it to manage access to their departments, and demote their subordinates. You can also see the crew manifest and print it, which does not require any card. ===Teleporter Control Console=== Locks the teleporting destination into any possible tracking beacon (or tracking implant). ===AI Upload/Cyborg Upload=== The AI Upload terminal allows you to upload laws to the AI, using AI modules. It is located in the AI Upload. The Cyborg Upload terminal allows you to modify the laws of any cyborg not linked to an AI. It is also located in the AI Upload. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Computers