====== General Items ====== These are normal items any member of the crew might be carrying around at any given time, and as such they usually aren't suspicious... usually. ^ Item ^ Description ^ | Box | Used to store most objects, and comes in a wide variety of types. One is found in every crewman's backpack or fanny pack containing basic supplies when they start. Very ineffective as a bludgeon, as it's made of cardboard. To add an item into it, click on the box with the item; the reverse (click on item with box) also works. To take it out, click on the box to access its inventory and click on the item of choice, or click-drag it onto a tile to dump everything out. Boxes are often labeled with their contents and used in various places around the ship, station, or outpost. Boxes can also be unfolded into cardboard sheets, which can be used to make cardboard constructions. | | Briefcase | A classy hand-held storage case. Typically carries sheets of paper and a pen by default. Often found in the possession of businessmen and lawyers. Doubles as an excellent bludgeon. | | Secure Briefcase | A briefcase with a lock that works just like a safe. The main difference is that you click on it while it's in your hand to access the keypad lock and potentially enter the code, and once it's unlocked, you click-drag it to yourself to access its contents. Can also be cracked open with same techniques as safes, though there are no chat message outputs. | | Flashlight | Illuminates dark areas. Found in emergency toolboxes and the warehouse, among other places. Small enough to fit in a pocket or on your belt. Multiple light sources on your person will stack, lighting a larger area with greater luminosity. | | Emergency Glowstick | Also illuminates dark areas, almost as brightly as a flashlight but with a sickly green tint. Just click on it in-hand to snap the stick and create light, but don't fuss around with it afterwards. Often found in Emergency Storage. You can get more from Cargo by ordering Emergency Glowsticks Crates; Cargo also offers Assorted Glowsticks Crates which have glowsticks in 7 different colors, red, blue, cyan, orange, yellow, pink, and purple, that produce lights in other colors, naturally. Try dancing while holding one! | | Candle | Like the flashlight, but a little less bright and infinitely more stylish. They also heat the air around them a bit and never go out, which makes them surprisingly good for cleaning up pools of liquid. Can be found in the Chapel and sometimes the Bar, and Cargo can order more of these via Candles Crates. | | Paper | Use a pen on it to write stuff, examine it to read. Click on a noticeboard to pin it there. You can also hold the paper up to a camera to discreetly send messages to the AI. Click on it in-hand to fold it into hat, paper ball, or a paper airplane, click on it again to unfold it! Paper can be found in, unsurprisingly, paper bins. | | Paper Bin | Contains, what do you know, paper. There's two in each office supply closet, which are scattered throughout the map, and they sometimes appear by themselves in vaguely office-like areas. Clicking on a bin takes a paper out of it, while click-dragging its sprite onto yourself lets you pick it up. | | Sticky Notes | Like paper that can stay on a wall, floor tile, or person. Put the sticky note on the surface first, then use a pen/pencil/marker/rubber stamp/whatever to write on it. Messages with ! and ? will show a ! or ? on the note. You can peel a sticky note off by clicking on it with Help intent, applying acetone, or setting the surface on fire. | | Noticeboard | Good old-fashioned corkboards that can be found around a station. You can add papers, sticky notes and camera pictures to it by clicking on the board with the paper. The notes are saved on the board you pin it to through rounds, so you can write a memo to yourself or other players in the future to remember something! | | Pen | Used for writing on said paper/notes, or leaving graffiti on the floor and walls. Variants include the sleepy pen traitor item and infrared pen, used to leave infrared messages that can only be read with the help of Meson Goggles. | | Fancy Pen | A pen that uses blue instead of black ink. Writes letters in cursive. Often found in Offices and the Bridge. | | Pencil | Like pens, but text written with them on paper appears grey and in cursive. Can come in a three different colors, green, blue, and yellow, and can be found in the office supplies closets scattered throughout the map. | | Marker | Also like pens, but writing with them on paper makes thicker, colored text. Comes in many different colors. Regular "marker boxes" have markers in random colors, while "basic marker boxes" have markers in aqua, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. | | Crayons | For writing large letters and symbols on walls and floors, like you used to do in kindergarten! Can be put into clown shoes, depending on certain conditions, to write as you move. Boxes of crayons appear in themed sets of 7 in office supply closets and Office Supply Crates from the QM, and the Head of Personnel's Office has a special unique that writes characters made out of gold. | | Artistic Toolbox | A fun toolbox that includes a variety of different paints inside, along with the fabulous one-and-only Crayon Creation Device! The chaplain's locker will always contain one, and others can be found in random areas such as the Crew Quarters or the Warehouse. | | Hand Labeler | For labeling things, of course. Simply click/activate it in-hand to set the label text, and then click on someone or something to add the label. Putting nothing for the label text lets you remove labels. Whatever you put as the label text will be added to the name of the object, in parenthesis. You can usually find one of these in various office supply closets scattered through the station, the Morgue, the Operating Theater, the Chef's Catering supplies locker, or a Belt Hell station. | | Rubber Stamp | For adding stamps to paper of course. Click on it to set your choice of Approved, Rejected, X, Void, and Current Time, the latter of which will add the current "shift"/round duration in minutes and seconds. Various heads of staff (and the Clown for some reason) come with their own unique stamp with their title available as an option while stamping. | | Stapler | In iconic red! If you have a stapler in your off hand and a piece of paper in your active hand, and click on another piece of paper, you'll join the two pieces of paper together as a booklet, with actual pages and such. Suitable for limb reattachment. | | Folder | Bureaucrats love this! This nifty little thing can hold pieces of paper. Click on it with a piece of paper to store it and click on the folder while its in your hand to open its inventory. You can order some folders through Bureaucracy Supply Crates from Cargo, there's always one folder in every office supply closet, and there're a few folders in random off-station locales that often contain juicy lore bits. | | Scissors | Used for cutting hair, removing unsightly bandages, wrapping things for gifts, and/or shanking people to make them bleed. | | Razor Blade | A glorified knife for trimming (or growing--don't ask how) facial hair. Excellent for shanking people and spilling their blood everywhere. | | Dice | Also known as probability cubes to brobocops. Clicking a die with one or more other dice groups them together, letting you roll them all at once to get a combined sum. Can be seen in the Nerd Dungeon and a few other odd locales and can be found in tabletop gaming kits, dice pouches, and dice boxes. There's a more dangerous version acquirable from certain sources... | | Weighted Dice | A D6 that deals damage on-hit equal to the number it rolls! Collect five for the most violent game of Yahtzee ever. | | Dice Pouch | A cool bag for your dice! They function similarly to boxes, but can only store dice. You can buy them from card machines, and each one contains a four-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, twenty-sided, and hundred-sided die (i.e. your typical tabletop gaming dice), all of one randomly-chosen color. | | Dice Box | Contains 5 six-sided dice, all of one randomly-chosen color. Good for all your favorite dice games, such as Liar's Dice! Can be bought from card machines. | | Dice Cup | From the card machines. Not a drinking cup (it can't hold chemicals), but a cup for dice games, especially Liar's Dice. It has many different functions: Click on the cup while holding a die/dice to load it in. Click a floor tile with the dice in your hand to roll your dice. Click a table or drop the cup on a non-help intent to put it down and flip the cup, concealing your roll. Click on a flipped cup on Help intent to view your hidden roll. If you do this on a cup that belongs to another player, that player will see a red message saying you're peeking at their dice. Click on a flipped cup on any other intent to reveal dice. | | Deck of Tarot Cards | A deck of tarot cards, suitable for performing readings. Will even message the reader with the meanings of cards as they are played. | | Spray Bottle | Versatile liquid-spraying device with a capacity of 100 units. Some of the bottles (such as the janitor's) come filled with space cleaner, a strong cleaning chemical that doesn't leave floors wet. Spray bottles can be used with other liquids as well, and scientists therefore covet these items because they can delivery nasty chemicals into people's faces with them. | | Mousetrap | Sometimes used by jerks to kill the chef's only friend. You can also hide these in containers such as backpacks or emergency boxes to make traps for unsuspecting victims! For the ultimate party gag, try to combine them with certain other items...oh, the possibilities of a single mousetrap! Make sure to arm it by clicking on it in your hand before putting it down! | | Station Bounced Radio | Essentially a handheld transceiver. Less versatile than a regular headset, but it can be clipped to your belt. Found in every emergency toolbox and can be manufactured by robotics fabricators. Cyborgs use these to talk over the radio. | | Audio Log | A retro recording device that holds Audio Tapes. By clicking on one while it's in your active hand (Hotkey: C for Goon WASD, Z for /tg/style WASD) and using its interface, you can record things onto them, play them back (with an option to automatically loop back to the beginning), and clear their memory. What it picks up when recording depends on where it's stored; held in-hand, it records the holder's voice alone, but when placed on its own in a room it records everything said within seven tiles of it. Audio logs can be found in the Detective's Office, Radio Lab, various areas in the Research Wing and/or Research Outpost (which also sometimes feature wall-mounted versions), and some pre-recorded ones can be found in parts of deep space. You can make extras at a science fabricator. | | Audio Tape | A tape that usually starts empty and can be put into an Audio Log to fill with messages, perfect for roleplaying confessions and messages. If you need extra tapes, you can make more with a science fabricator. | | Fire Extinguisher | Useful for firefighting, as an impromptu jetpack and the weapon of choice for seasoned greyshirts. Just remember to disable the safety first and that against any fire which is still being fueled, you won't make much progress. Once emptied, you don't necessarily have to refill it with regular foam either... Remember, click on a tile, with the safety off, to spray out the foam or whatever's inside and apply it on the turf tile. Click on a person, on either setting (it'll automagically turn off the safety if it's on), while on Help intent, to spray them with the extinguisher. Click on them with any other intent, on any other setting, to apply the extinguisher to the face or body area of choice. | | Gas Tank | These large tanks hold up to 1013 kPa of gaseous elements. By default, they contain an air mixture (white), O2 (blue w/ white stripe), N2O (white w/ red stripe) or plasma (special sprite). All can be worn on the back slot. Compatible with the connector port of air pumps, air scrubbers, tank transfer valves and gas canisters. Has roughly a fourteenth the capacity of a gas canister. | | Emergency Oxygen Tank | Works like a regular gas tank with a twelfth of the capacity. While these start off nearly empty, they are small enough to fit in the belt slot or in a jumpsuit pocket. They spawn in emergency closets and occasionally in the boxes of backpacks of new arrivals. | | Fuel Tank | This small tank has been designed specifically for holding flammable compounds. Consequently, they contain welding fuel by default. Essential component of flamethrowers. Often found in the various Pod Bays and Hangars. | | Cigarettes and Joints | Cigarettes come in a couple of different flavours, and you can get them in, naturally, cigarette packets from cigarette machines. You can also make your own cigs by using a sheet of paper on a cannabis leaf or any other herb, which will generate with a euphemism for a herb cigarette like "joint" or "doobie". Using a leaf of tobacco on a sheet of paper will name it "Rolled cigarette" instead. An explosive variety is available to traitors. To smoke: If you need to, take it out of your cigarette packet. Light it. A common method is click on it with a lit lighter, but there are special messages for using a lit welder, a cakehat, a burning person – experiment! Equip it. While most people click on their mask slot to put the cig in their mouth, the cigarette'll still administer its chems if it's in your hand or one of your pockets. In other words, you can smoke five cigs at once. While a cigarette is equipped, you'll INGEST a portion of the chemicals inside every few seconds, unless you have the Smoker trait. Cigarettes in your pockets also won't give you its reagents if you're wearing a gas mask or internals. Equipping a cig in your mask slot, then unequipping it makes you inhale and exhale smoke from your nose, which also does the same thing and reduces the duration of the cigarette. | | Cigarette Packet | Comes in many different flavors, with 6 cigs in each. To take one out, pick it up, switch your active hand (click on your other hand slot or press E), and then click on the packet. You can also click it in-hand to automatically place a cig in your off-hand or the floor if your hands are full. \\ \\ List of Cigarette Packets: \\ Cigarette packet: Regular ol' cigarettes with 40 units of nicotine. Bought from cigarette machines. \\ Nicotine-free cigarette packet: Contains capsaicin instead of nicotine. Bought from, naturally, cigarette machines. \\ Menthol cigarette packet: Contains 20 units of menthol in addition to nicotine. Bought from, guess what, cigarette machines. \\ Packet of Pro Puffs: Each cig also has a random chem pulled from a list of weird/unique chems like diluted fliptonium, lexorin, and chocolate. Bought from, you guessed it, cigarette machines. | | Odd cigarette packet | Each cig is laced with a random reagent. This includes any reagent, including secret chems, chems you can normally only obtain from artifact beakers and injectors, and other rare chems. Can be bought from cigarette machines with hidden items hacked in, and they sometimes show up in locked crates. | | "Cigarette packet" | Contains explosive cigarettes. Can be ordered by traitors. | | Cigarillo | Cheap-ass "cigars" usually laced with questionable chemicals. Same amount of nicotine as cigars, and smoked the same way as cigarettes. You can make your own by click on an herb from herb-type plants with a blunt wrap. The resulting cigarillo will contain all the chemicals from both the blunt and herb used and have a name in the format [chemical]-flavored [herb name] [synonym for cigarillo], the latter of which includes names like "doink" and "brumbpo". | | Blunt Wrap | The result of clicking on a pre-made cigarillo from a cigarillo packet with some sort of cutting instrument, such as a knife. It inherits 20 units of chemicals from the cigarillo it was cut from, with roughly the same ratio, as well as the flavor name of the blunt wrap, e.g. a coffee-flavored cigarillo becomes a coffee-flavored blunt wrap. Use it to make your own cigarillos! | | Cigarillo Packet | Contains two cigarillos. Similar to a cigarette packet, you take a cigarillo from them, pick them up, switch your active hand (click on your other hand slot or press E), then click on the packet to take out the cigarillo. Comes in two varieties: \\ Discount Dan's Last-Ditch Doinks - Bought for dirt-cheap from cigarette machines. Cigarillos from here essentially have cocktail ingredients, as they can include nicotine with a base alcohol, coffee, menthol, or a fruit juice. \\ Juicer Schweet's Rowdy 'Rillos - Bought at a curious price from cigarette machines with "hidden items" hacked in. Contains up to two random reagents into addition to nicotine. | | Cigar | The real deal. Functionally same as cigarettes, but much more stylish. Has 40 units of nicotine. Comes in two varieties: \\ Cigar - Spawns in regular cigar boxes. \\ Golden Cigar - Appears in the deluxe golden cigar boxes. | | Cigar Box | Contains five cigars, which you can extract in the same way as cigarettes from cigarette packets. Comes in two varieties: \\ Cigar Box - Found in cigarette machines at 300 credits each. \\ Deluxe golden cigar box - Spawns in the Bridge and Showroom, can be ordered from Cargo. | | Lighter | For lighting your cigarettes, heating beakers or making a light source by attaching it to your belt or pocket slots. Most certainly ranks cooler than an igniter, and any self-respecting detective would agree. Standard steel ones are sold from cigarette vendors, while snazzy golden ones can be earned as arcade prizes. You can refill them by clicking on a large tank or handheld tank with welding fuel. | | Disposable Lighter | Cheap, nonrefillable lighters sold in some cigarette machines. Not nearly as cool as a Zippo lighter, and doesn't last nearly as long. | | Matchbook | A less reliable, less stylish alternative to lighters, also found in cigarette machines and bundled with every candle crate. To use, pick it up, switch your active hand (click on your other hand slot or press E), and then click on the matchbook to take out a match. Then click on the matchbook or any other surface to attempt to ignite the match; this has a chance to humorously fail. Explosions, sufficiently hot gas, and other flame sources can also light the match. \\ If someone has an unlit cigarette in their mouth, you can click on them with the match to help light it for them. Lit matches can also heat beakers and similar chemical containers, though matches have a limited lifespan. Clicking on a food item with an unlit match makes you sprinkle it over the food, adding a bit of phosphorus into it (if you're into that for some reason), and similar happens with clicking on a beaker and other containers with one. | | E-Cigarette | Creates a roughly 5x5 chemsmoke cloud using 10 units of the chems in the e-cig. By the default, the black ones from the cigarette machines only accept nicotine and THC, while the white MediVapes from hacked NanoMeds share a whitelist with the hypospray. Vape clouds can transmit over phone lines. Don't ask or think about how. | | E-Cigarette Refill Cartridge | Refills an e-cigarette with nicotine, so you can keep vaping. | | Satchel | Miners and botanists have their own type. Drag and drop suitable objects onto a satchel to stuff them inside, for example ore or produce. They also interact nicely with tables (drag & drop), crates, mail chutes and other pieces of machinery. Satchels can be stored on the belt or in jumpsuit pockets. | | Balloon | Comes in many different shapes and colors. Can be filled with helium to make helium balloons, complete with string, and filled with other reagents to make water balloons. Clowns can also use them in-hand to make balloon animals. Boxes of these can be found in the Clown's personal quarters, naturally, and bought from Geoff Honkington, a merchant found in the same area. | | Water Balloon | Water balloons can be filled with helium or any other reagent and burst when thrown at somebody. Endless amusement. | | Wrapping Paper | The means for making presents, available through Party Supplies and, during the Spacemas season, Holiday Supplies crates from the Quartermaster and often found in the Bar or Warehouse. | | Easter Egg | A mysterious rare egg you can open up to receive a RANDOM PRIZE OF SOME SORT! Woo! The list of possible prizes mostly includes toys, instruments, and silly clothes, but on occasion, you might get a box of (raw) bacon, a first aid kit, or a...skull? Or if you're especially lucky, a powerful mystical object or a BFG! | | Gift | A Christmas/Spacemas version of the Easter Egg, found in the Debris Field and in the wake of jolly holiday spirits. You can make your own using wrapping paper and scissors, though it'll just have whatever you wrapped up instead of a random object. | | Googly Eyes | A quaint selection of googly eyes for sticking onto robots and people. Comes in four varieties: Normal, Angry, Crazy, and Angry Crazy. | | Toy Figure | These come in little capsules you can get from the aptly-named capsule vending machine. To free a figure from its capsule, click on it while it's in your active hand to open it, then click on it with an empty hand to remove it. You may even find rare or special editions or ones of characters played by generous Patreon supporters! Collect them all! Try smacking them together on different intents! Try clicking on one while it's in your active hand to make it talk! | | Figurine Case | Stores up to thirty toy figures, saving previous inventory space, and can be bought from capsule machines. To put figures into it, you can click on the case while there's a figure in your hand, as if putting something into a backpack, or drag and drop a figure's sprite onto the case's to stuff all the figures around you into it. To take them out, you can click on case in-hand to drop all the figures out. | | Toy Sword | A replica cyalume saber, available as a arcade machine prize and Spacebux item. It doesn't retract like the real thing, but it spooks paranoid spacemen all the same. In fact, it's so spooky that it's considered minor contraband. | | Plush Toy | An adorable little friend you get from somehow winning the claw machine or, sometimes, an arcade machine. Latter gives out bears, while the former grants kittens, penguins, and many other cute things, with special rare variants of each! Use them inhand to talk through them like a puppet! Attack someone with a plushie while you're on Help intent to make the plushie hug them! | | Foam Dart Weapons | A small collection of Foam Dart products for harmless fun. The normal variant holds 1 dart and has to have it's tab pulled back before firing, Geoff Honkington sells it at the Clown Hole and the Brobocop Module for Cyborgs come with a version that synthesizes darts from the Cyborg's internal battery and degrades the darts after firing. The revolver variant holds 6 darts and requires no cocking before firing, it can be bought from Josh the trader through Cargo's computers. A certain place in the Adventure Zone may contain some Foam Dart guns. | | Russian Revolver | A special gun specifically designed for Russian roulette fun! Click on the gun while it's in your hand to reload it, click on the gun to spin the chamber, and click on yourself or any tile to point it at your head and fire. (No, you can't fire it at others, doofus.) Found in every Bartender's office and Mixology supplies closet. | | Handheld Arcade Games | Handheld versions of the Robustris Pro Cabinet and [Verb] the [Adjective] [Noun] Adventure Cabinet. Experience the frustrating fun of a arcade game without the joy of a prize at the end. Can be found inside special Game Capsules, which are a hidden item in the Capsule Vender. | | Firework | Boom! Click on it to prime it. It might explode in a lovely spray of colors and sparkles...or it might just blow up in your face and ruin the floor. Most spawn as trinkets, but arcade machines can dispense purely-aesthetically different versions called decloaking devices. Clicking on a firework with a knife or similar cutting tool drops some magnesium on the floor, which can be collected with beaker or similar. | | Bootleg Firework | Fireworks of questionable quality sold by a shady NPC merchant. Sometimes, instead of a magnesium payload, they come with flash powder or rarely a combination flash powder and black powder. Works like standard grade fireworks, but priming and cutting one open can be risky. | | Sparkler | Sparkle! Click on it with some sort of flame source, such as a lighter (similar to cigs, there are different messages for each source), and it'll ignite, emitting pretty light and sparks. The sparks and the sparkler itself can heat up and ignite items. Comes in 5 packs in sparkler boxes. | | Sparkler Box | Must be clicked on while it's in your hand to break the seal and access the five sparklers inside. The boxes otherwise works like other boxes, although they can fit only tiny-size items. | | Sticker Box | Open the box, take one out (you'll need two hands for this), and stick on a floor/wall/door/person whatever. It's that simple! Protip: If you find one you don't like, you can put it back into the box and (hopefully) get a different one! Stickers can be removed with fire or acetone. One of these can usually be found somewhere in/near Crew Quarters, and the Captain has a special sticker box in their quarters that has nothing but gold stars. | | 'BioToys' Sponge Capsule Packet | Take a capsule out of the packet, pour some water on it (or put it in a suitably wet place), and an adorable Critter will pop out! Available in Sponge Capsule Crates from Cargo. | | E-Meter | Lets you assess people's "body thetan" levels. As far as anyone knows, this is just a random number generator, a joke item making fun of the pseudoscience of dianetics. It's one of the possible drops for stockings and randomly-generated gifts, and if you see the QM merchant Pianzi Hundan offer "scanning devices", you might receive this. Has a secret use. | | Camera | An instant camera with a replaceable film cartridge (typically good for 10 photos, but can be up to 30). Using it on a person or tile will spit out a picture. The camera can be used in conjunction with thermals to take pictures of cloaked people through the surveillance camera. The Telescience Labs, Captain's Quarters, and Detective's Office all have cameras. The detective has a spare film cartridge in his locker. Spy Thieves spawn with a special camera with a hidden flash function. | | Photo | Produced by a camera, naturally. Examining the picture will show you the names of all people or things on that tile, as well as anything those people are holding in their hands. You can click on it with a pen or other writing instrument to either write something on the bottom on the photo or sign it, putting a huge signature on the photo. Both can be done multiple times, and neither accept fancy formatting. The color of both depends on the the ink/lead of the writing instrument used. | | Lipstick | A tube of lipstick for adding color to your lips or writing rude messages on the walls and floors like a crayon. Click your character (or another person's) and to apply a teensy bit on your lips. Make sure to stay perfectly still, or there'll be a lot more than a teensy bit on your face. You'll have to go to the shower to wash it off. It's possible to craft one if you have access to an oven, and these sometimes show up as possible spawns for stockings, randomly-generated gifts, and heirlooms. | | Discount Dan's Bath Bomb | When inserted into a bathtub by clicking on it with the bomb in-hand, makes an unforgettable bathing experience. Comes in 12 flavors, some rarer than others. Each flavor has different reagents, but each bomb has nicotine, salt, and either barium or potassium, which is why it should not be exposed to water sources. Spawns in various Bathrooms and can be found in hacked MiniMeds and NanoMed Plus machines. | | Baseball Bat | Found, not in the Gym, but somewhere in Maintenance. There's no complimentary baseball, unfortunately, but you play baseball with just about anything with this slugger, because it will deflect anything thrown at you off into a random direction, provided, of course, you can get the timing right. | | Basketball | A super-bouncy ball you use to play Space Basketball, obviously. Careful whom you throw it at though. If they're not ready to catch it (i.e. they're not in throw mode), you might just bonk in them right in the face, taking them out of the game for a while! Has a secret use. | | Basketball Hoop | Mount it somewhere by clicking on a wall or similar with it in-hand, and you're ready to play some Space B-Ball! You can score points by throwing a basketball into it from a distance or getting close enough to simply slam the ball into it. | | Ouija Board | Allows the dead to send messages to the living. When you're a Ghost, you can click on the board and select one of several randomly-selected words from the pop-up menu. The board will then shake and magically spell out the word you picked for the "benefit" of any living or dead person watching. Using the board has a three second cooldown per ghost (not per board), and each use has a 20% chance to send a mildly spooky message about a "disturbance" to any Chaplains, itself on a cooldown of one minute. Great for spooky spectral afterlife pranks. | | Pinpointer | A little device that points in the direction of an object of interest, once it has been configured by clicking on it while it's in your hand. Green arrow means target is 1-8 tiles away, blue 9-16, and red 17 and higher. Black dot means on same tile as target, usually in the context of it being in your inventory, while question mark indicates target has been destroyed/killed or is no longer on the same Z-level as the pinpointer. \\ \\ The Captain has a red one in their quarters for the nuke disk, the Detective gets a modified red version for blood DNA matches, and each loadout from the sec weapons vendor has one for gear provided. The Nuclear Operatives have green ones for their nuclear bomb, and the Infiltrator and Scout loadouts both come with red one for the nuke disk. | | Vendor Restock Cartridge | A tiny little compressed matter cartridge specialized for restocking certain vending machines. When used on a vending machine, it refills all of the items to their original amounts, including any hacked/hidden items. | | Magnifying Glass | Bought from Discount Dan's GTMs. Click on certain books and records with it and you might find some interesting lore bits. | | Printing Press Modules | A variety of modules you can insert into a printing press. They are a color module that lets you use colored text, a cover module which lets you use special covers on your books, and a forbidden module which gives you some more interesting tidbits. | | Ink Cartridge | Contains a bunch of ink. You can't drink it, but you can insert it into your local printing press. | | Space Cash | Formally called "credits". Every station job starts with a stack by default, some places have fat stacks of cash as loot, and you can withdraw cash from and add cash to your account and by using an ATM. \\ Take some cash from a stack: Hold the money stack in one hand, switch hand (Hotkey: E for Goon WASD mode controls, X for tg-style WASD controls), and click it with your other hand. You should get a menu to select the amount. \\ Mass-collect adjacent credits stacks: Click-drag the sprite of any money stack on the floor onto the sprite of a stack in your hand. This will make you collect the nearby stacks on cash on the floor into one big stack. | | Towel | A towel, usually for wiping down things such as noses, glasses, walls and floors. The Bartender, Janitor, and Clown all come with their own towel, and more can be found in and around the station. | =====Large General Items===== | Tank | Rather massive type of container typically often found in the maintenance corridors, tool storage and the warehouse. Depending on their designation, most of them either contain firefighting foam, water, welding fuel, fertilizer or helium. Water fountains come with a limited supply of paper cups, and welding fuel tanks will rupture if heated (so turn off the welder before refueling it!) \\ \\ All tanks support drag & drop functionality for certain targets (beaker or similar receptacle, spray bottle, plant pot, mop bucket) as well as the traditional method of drawing from their contents (using a beaker-type receptacle on the tank). Drag & drop can also be employed to transfer reagents from a beaker-type container to the tank. \\ \\ Finally, you can make water fountains mobile like the other tanks by using a screwdriver on them, and you can remove the plastic bottle by using a wrench. | | Closets and Lockers | Widely used around the station. Can hold almost anything inside them, and may be secured by an ID lock or with the help of a welding tool. If you see one of them shaking like crazy, that means a person is trying to get out of a welded or locked closet. Doing flips has a chance to damage and eventually break them open from the inside, as does setting off a Liquid Dark Matter from within them. Traitors have the option to order a floor closet, which can pass through other objects even when it's closed and which disguises itself as the tile it's on. \\ \\ Fun fact: If you use a welder on it while it's still open, you'll cut some leg holes into it. That way, when some nerd shoves you in and welds it shut, you'll still be able to move... kinda. | | Personal Locker | A common sight in Crew Quarters and Locker Room. Swipe it with your ID (ID in a PDA doesn't work) to unlock and claim it as your own, swipe it again to close it; now only you and you alone can open it. You can then stuff it with items you want to hide, items you REALLY want to hide, and any other item you'd like. By default, you'll find a backpack, which will randomly be grey, red, blue, or green; a satchel, which will also randomly be grey, red, blue, or green; an extra headset; and, for some reason, a remote signaler. | | Coffin | Exactly the same as a closet. These can be found in/around the Chapel and ordered from cargo as Morgue Supplies crates. They are meant to have bodies of the dearly deceased placed in them. It's mostly used for hiding murder victims. Vampires can also use them to regenerate their immortal bodies, and even resurrect from the dead. | | Crate | Another location to store things or bodies. Like closets, they can be welded shut or, if it has a lock, can be locked. Emagging it permanently breaks its lock, allowing anyone to open it and preventing it from being locked again, great for breaking open Armory crates or Cargo opened crates you do not have access to. On a productive day, miners might use them to use a cargo transporter to send ore to the cargo bay, or they will crack open abandoned ones with a multitool for a chance at some sweet loot. If a crate traps you, use drag & drop (your mob onto the crate) to scoot around it. | | Cart | These work exactly like crates, down to click-dragging your mob onto the crate, with two additional functions. First, pulling and pushing a cart with a human, monkey, or other mob in it is faster than pushing and pulling a crate with one. Second, these can be attached to utility tractors/cargo tugs, in some conditions. Various areas on the station/ship get these in departmental colors, sometimes even with relevant supplies, and the Janitor gets one for trash. | | Secure Safe | Lockable storage devices. You lock and unlock it by entering a four digit code that goes from 0 to 9 and A to D. Clicking on the safe brings up the keypad, letting you enter the code or set the combination if it hasn't been set. Click-dragging the safe onto you lets you access the contents once unlocked. Can also be broken open with an Emag or cracked by those in the know. | | Chair | Sometimes haunted piece of furniture. People are effectively immobilized when buckled to the chair if the chair is secured to the floor. Folding chairs can be folded up and carried around, while office chairs moved after unscrewing them from the floor. Both can also be climbed and jumped from by clickdragging your sprite onto them with the grab intent, perfect for wrestlers! | | Bed | Sleepy? Buckle yourself to a bed, click the STAND button on your HUD so that it turns into REST, and wait. To wake up, click the REST button on your HUD so that it turns into STAND, and wait. Beds are movable if you use a screwdriver on them. | | Stool | Small stool for decoration purposes. | | Table | These can either be regular or reinforced, and can additionally be a corner piece, face a certain direction or stand-alone. There also glass versions, in both regular and reinforced versions, that are more fragile than regular ones, and all these types can be made from different materials. The Chemistry Lab gets a special version of these that can store loads of items. Tables have surprising combat utility, if you know how to "table" someone or throw them into one. Certain critters can freely move under tables. | | Display Case | These can be built using 3 sheets of glass, and can hold and showcase any object by clicking on the completed display case with the object. Be thoughtful in your displays, though, because to remove an object from the case, you're going to have to break it. A Wrench can be used to break apart an already destroyed display case. | | Shrub | Decorative plant that comes in a variety of forms and species. Shake it, and you might find some nice clothes or useful tools! (or smack whoever's hiding behind it). You can try to destroy them by hitting them with something; they have 50 "health", and every object, even those that do no damage, can harm them. | | Light Switch | Turns on/off lights in an area. If the lights are off, but are otherwise still receiving power, these will glow red in the dark to aid in searching. Surprisingly, these can interface with MechComp machinery. These used to have a chance of breaking all the lights in the room, but that was removed. | | Fire Alarm | When it detects a fire, these pull firelocks over doors into an area. Clicking on the fire alarm will open/closed them. It's possible to disable these with a pair of wirecutters, and they can be affected by MechComp devices. | | Phone | More zeerust. To call another phone, click on the phone to pick up the handset and choose one of the locations listed to magically dial it. The phone on the other end will ring and vibrate until someone picks up. Once that happens, you can talk over phone so long as you have the handset in your active hand. To end your call, put the handset back on the phone or just walk away to let the phone cord magically pull it back. | | Intercom | Fixed wall-mounted communication devices supplementing the crew's headsets that come in various colors. Some are tuned in to the general channel, others are set to a department-specific frequency. Whichever they are tuned to, they can have the microphone turned on - which automatically picks up on nearby speech and transmits it - and the speaker on - which is needed if you want to hear what's going on on the channel. If you preface a message with ":" in while nearby an intercom, you'll automatically talk into it, even if the microphone is off. | | Cell Charger | The most convenient way to recharge power cells. It will recharge high-capacity batteries (7500+ PUs) much faster than the APC's built-in version. | | Recharger | This handy device is capable of replenishing the battery of almost any energy weapon, stun baton, small power cell and certain mining tools. Located in security, the cargo bay, the mining outpost and other places. For obvious reasons, access to one of these is usually critical for traitors. | | Credit Transfer Device | So, you want to sell harmless goods at the market? Forget paper money! Just swipe the target (i.e. your) ID first and ask the customer to do the same. He or she will then be prompted to enter the desired amount of credits to transfer. No PIN required! (For better or for worse...) If you need to move to better business locations, simply click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to anchor/unanchor it. | | ATM | If that isn't an option, one of the automated teller machines can be used to withdraw money directly from your account. Your PIN can be set from the character set-up menu and is otherwise randomly generated at the start of every round; type "notes" to retrieve your PIN. Shooting it with a lethal bullet or smacking with a sufficiently powerful melee weapon enough can destroy it, making it spit out a tiny amount of cash! | | Slot Machine | Take a break and relax! Surprisingly profitable too. To start your path to the high roller life, click on the machine with your card, enter your PIN (use the Notes command to check what it is), select Cash In on the slot machine's interface, set the amount of money you want to put into the machine for bets, and play! Once you're done, you can transfer your earnings to your bank account by either clicking Cash Out and specifying the amount of money you want to take out or simply clicking on the button for your ID on the interface to eject it, which transfers out the whole amount automatically. \\ \\ The odds are 10/9, and the possible outcomes include getting nothing, earning 3x your bet, 5x, 10x, or 50x, with some additional prizes depending on wager amount. Bet more than 250 credits, and there's a small chance of earning 100x or even 300x your wager. Bets lower than 250 can roll "Small Winner" prizes (i.e. bets higher than 250 can't roll Small Winner) that give your wager amount back, so while small bets don't earn the super big bucks, you do stand a chance of breaking even. Emagging the machine actually decreases your odds for each prize and makes rolling for the 300x prize impossible. | | Arcade Machine | Found in the Arcade. Defeat treacherous monsters, win prizes such as toy swords and plush bears! Lead on, adventurer, your quest awaits! | | Robustris Pro Cabinet | A cabinet in the Arcade that you can click on to play a surprisingly well-built Tetris clone. As the Examine text says: \\ Arrow Left/A & Arrow Right/D move the piece left and right \\ Arrow Down/S moves the piece down \\ Arrow Up/W rotates the piece. \\ \\ Upcoming pieces are displayed on the right, with topmost being the next immediate piece. Your current score is in the top right, with the game speed current & high score above it. When you get a high score, it'll prompt you a name, which will be prominently displayed in the cabinet's Examine text! A slower, less colorful, and generally inferior version with an inexplicable pause button is included with every PDA. | | Claw Machine | Just as frustrating as the real life ones, found in either the Arcade or the Bar. No money or keyboard input needed; just click on it and if you're lucky, you might get a cute and adorable plush toy... or just randomly flub up. But if you have the Claw School Graduate trait, your schooling will ensure you never fail your claw machine attempts! | | Fabricator | A variety of different fabricators exist, each type serving a particular department. See Making and Breaking for more information. | | Portable Reclaimer | Processes ores and other items into raw bars/blocks of material. See Making and Breaking for more information. | | Vending Machine | These automated shopkeepers dispense everything from soda to monkeys - as long as you have enough money or a discount, of course. Attacking it may cause it to tip over, resulting in huge BRUTE and a long stun. A fallen machine can be turned back upright by clicking on it with a crowbar. | | Oxygen Vendor | The pinnacle of capitalism. This vending machine will refill your air tanks with a set amount pure O2 -- provided you have the cash, of course. Cost of fill-up depends on both the amount of O2 you want and the size of the container. | | Emergency Pod Fabricator | Creates an emergency pod in about 30 seconds. Despite what the Examine text may imply, these things do not require materials and can create pods ad infinitum as long as they are powered. | | Canister | Large storage containers of gas. Smaller tanks can be attached to them, to either draw or put in their contents. They can also be fixed to appropriate connector ports with a wrench. | | Meteor Shield Generator | Drag it near a window or external wall and turn it on. It'll create a small energy barrier around that area, which busts up incoming meteors. Depending on the settings, the shield may have a radius of one to six tiles. It normally runs on battery power, but if you screwdriver open the cover, take out the cell, and wrench over it a wire, it can use the station's power grid! They are usually stored in emergency storage and other places around the station. | | Ship Alert Button | The obligatory big red button. Click on it to take out the tiny hammer, then click on it again to break the glass. Press the button to officially declare a ship/station emergency, which will activate all the emergency lights and send a server-wide announcement with a goddamn annoying and surprisingly loud klaxon. Found exclusively in the Bridge. | | Communications Dish | A big and flashy radar dish used for external communications. If not connected to a communications console you will be unable to send messages to neighboring stations, send messages to central command and most importantly be unable to call and recall the shuttle without the use of an AI. | | Cyborg Docking Station | Found in robotics and sometimes other places. Used by cyborgs to recharge their power and make repairs. Also allows people to change the cyborg's name, appearance, module and power cell, and lets the cyborg install upgrades and put on certain pieces of clothing. | | Disposal Unit | As the name implies, they are connected to the pipe network and usually lead to waste disposal, though some of them have been repurposed for deliveries to the morgue, crematorium, and elsewhere instead. If in doubt, check the label on the device, or just jump into every disposal unit you see without thinking twice! You even conveniently get the interface popup when you climb into one. Fun fact: chutes pull air from the room and eject it out on the other side. It'll take forever to actually empty a room this way though. | | Transportation Chute | A special pneumatic chute deliberately designed for transporting people. Just click-drag your sprite onto the chute's to ride. No awkward interface, no waiting for it to re-pressurize, just a fast and easy ride to your destination. | | Mail Chute | The local pneumatic post system extends to every department plus several public areas of the ship/station. You cannot climb into mail chutes without wearing the special suit or being a Monkey or Ghost Drone. A few other special critters, such as the hivemind critters created by a changeling, can ride them too. | | Mass Driver | Launches any items, crates, and/or people placed on it at high velocities, often with the aid of an automatic mass driver loader (AMDL). The Cargo Bay uses these to receive and send crates, the Chapel often has one to send off corpses for burial in space, and Belt Hell systems integrate several of these for intra-station transport. | | Washing Machine | While you can remove visible stains from clothes by washing them in the sink, you need this machine to remove those ugly piss/vomit/blood/gib/urine-stained modifiers. Just open the door, load your clothes in, and start the machine. You'll have clean clothes within a few minutes or so. Since it's a space washing machine, it also dries them for you. Convenient! | | Toilet | Swirlie machine. You can put in and take out objects into this thing by click-dragging its sprite onto yours. Don't try to put in more than 7 items at a time though--you might clog it! Stand over this and use the *pee emote or type say "*pee into the chat command bar to relieve your bladder. | | Bathtub | Basically a really big chemical beaker with a 400 unit capacity. The taps fill this with water, but you can fill it with chemical reagents just fine provided you've a suitable container to fill it from. You also click-drag your character sprite onto the tub's to climb into it, thus applying its chemicals' TOUCH effects. Once you're done, just click on the tub to get out, then click on it again with an empty hand to pull the plug and flush out its contents. Click on it again to insert the plug back in and start another bath. Most of these are unfortunately stationary, but legends tell of a mobile one somewhere in the Adventure Zone... | | Showerhead | Sprays water onto whatever/whoever's under it, washing away any visible blood stains, removing paint (including that from paint marker rounds), cleaning up any lipstick, boosting hygiene, and creating puddles. If there's no power, it won't work. You can also load showerheads with reagents to give people an unpleasant surprise. | | Tanning Bed | A little machine that lets you change skin color. You use the computer to activate it (shame you can't use it while in the bed) as well as set much time you'll be in there and whether it'll wait a while before activating. By default, it makes you a little bit darker, but you can also pry out the tubes with the crowbar and replace them with funky colored ones to get all sorts of Technicolor skin tones. Just remember to wear the appropriate eye protection for the UV rays and dress...very lightly (good thing there's usually tanning glasses and swimsuits nearby this thing.) | | Industrial Cryogenic Sleep Unit | Safe place for AFK people, formerly called the "industrial cryogenics unit". Click on it to climb in if you have to be away from the game for 5 minutes or more--that's how long you must wait to get out of the unit. You can also leave the round entirely and become an observer ghost by hopping in and using the ghost command; this frees up a slot for your job. In addition, you can put braindead players to keep them safe till they get back into the game; they'll be able to instantly leave rather than having to wait. Cyborgs can simply click-drag the person inside to put them in, while humans need to click on the person with Grab intent and then click on the unit. People who join after roundstart also spawn from here (they obviously don't have to wait 5 minutes). | | Player Piano | Automatic music maker found in the Chapel. When left-clicked with an empty hand, you can select either Choose Notes to add notes for it to play or Play Song to actually play music. Examples of songs in the piano's format are on the Piano Song Dump. You also can right-click it and choose the Claim Items verb to receive the in-game guide Your Player Piano and You, which describes several other functionalities not mentioned here, and a piano key that'll let you reset the piano and adjust its looping and timing. | | Photocopier | A machine found in office areas that can make exact copies of papers and camera pictures. It runs on paper which is inserted while the lid is down either one sheet at a time or by using paper bins. If the lid is open, clicking the photocopier with a sheet of paper or a picture will scan it into memory. Clicking on a photocopier with an empty hand will open up a menu where you can either set an amount of copies to make, print copies of whatever's stored in memory, reset memory (which only holds 1 document/picture) or toggle the lid. | | Filing Cabinet | A bureaucrat's best friend! This technological marvel is found in every map in rotation in either Customs or the Head of Personnel's Office. Clicking on it with an empty hand will open up a list of all of the filing cabinets' contents. Click on the dashed blue line to add something to the cabinet, and click on an item in the cabinet to remove it. A filing cabinet isn't only for holding paper though, it can hold folders too. And folders can be labelled... and it doesn't have any practical storage limitations... so let your inner paper pusher run wild! | | Printer | Ah, the humble printer. Bulky, heavy and quite ugly. What would we do without you? Well actually quite a bit since most computers that need it already have a printer module built into them. But hey, at least you can always try connecting to one using TermOS or ThinkDOS and print stuff there, probably. Can be found around the station in the Bridge, Security, the Research Sector, the Net Cafe, the Information Office, and occasionally a few other places. | | VR Pod | The cutting edge of space technology, the VR Pod is your portal to a virtual dimension of wonder, joy, and bloodshed. You can usually find these at any Arcade worth its salt. Be careful not to overindulge. | | Printing Press | A robust machine. Load in paper and ink cartridges, configure the settings, author, title, and contents, and then print out a bunch of books! | | Bookshelf | Furniture that can be found around the station. On each station, there is one persistent bookshelf where you are able to store books for reading during later rounds. | ----- General Items Contents [hide] 1 Items 1.1 Identification Card 1.1.1 Types 1.3 Proximity Sensor 1.7 Racks 1.9 Duct Tape 1.10 Paper 1.11 Remote Signaling Device 1.12 Water Tank 1.13 Fuel Tank 1.14 Bible 2 Janitorial Supplies 2.1 Mop 2.2 Space Cleaner 2.3 Bucket 2.4 Light Bulb 3 Storage 3.1 Crates 3.1.1 Give Unto the QM his Dues 3.1.2 Of Locks and Access 3.2 Closets 3.2.1 Of Locks and Access 4 Vending Machines 4.1 BODA (soviet soda machine) 4.2 Booze-O-Mat 4.3 Cigarette Machine 4.4 Dinnerware 4.5 Getmore Chocolate Corp 4.6 Hot Drinks Machine 4.7 MagiVend 4.8 Seed Storage 4.9 Emergency NanoMed 4.10 NanoMed 4.11 NanoMed Plus 4.12 NutriMax 4.13 Robust Softdrinks 4.14 SecTech 4.15 Vendomat 4.16 YouTool Items | Proximity Sensor | Strategy: Used for making bombs, grenades, or devices that activate when people get near them. A small sensor that beeps when it (or something next to it) moves. Is not set off by walking. | | Racks | Used for equipment storage in the station. Not used for torturing suspected traitors. Racks can be made with a single sheet of metal. They are flat and wide, incapable of being walked over, and are bolted together. It can hold any number of items, but it holds them stacked on top of each other like a table. They are most common in maintenance tunnels and EVA, or Armories. | | Station Bounced Radio | A simple to use radio: click it, set the frequency, and turn on the microphone to talk. It will pick up any sounds from surrounding areas. The station bounced radio will function similarly to a standard earpiece radio if you put it in your pocket or in your hand; thus you can use the "say ;radio message" function as normal without turning on the microphone to broadcast. You can also "say :l" or "say :r" to speak into a station-bounced radio in your left or right hand respectively, which will send your voice to whichever channel that radio is tuned to, again without needing to turn the microphone on. Be wary of accidentally leaving the microphone on: this can cause your messages to "echo" if the speaker is also on, or make you accidentally broadcast whatever you happen to be blabbing about with the person next to you to the station at large. This is the only portable radio that will correctly function in electrical storms, or when the Telecommunications satellite is damaged. \\ \\ Some radios are especially tuned to a clandestine network where unmentionable contraband may be obtained. These also have an emergency detonation button that can do some serious damage. | | Duct Tape | Apply Duct Tape to a paper then attach the paper to a wall. To remove tape from a paper, remove it from the wall and click on the paper. Can also be used to tie up people and muzzle them, but it is not very effective. | Remote Signaling Device RemoteSignalingDevice.png Remote Signaling Device Found in: Tool Storage, Research Division Used for: Signaling remotely. Strategy: Attach it to something, go somewhere else, and activate it remotely! Description Signals things remotely. Used for remote hacking, bombs, and grenades. You can right-click them and activate a type of 'Dead Man's Switch', which has an 80% chance of triggering if you are shot. Water Tank Watertank.png Water Tank Found in: Maintenance, Hydroponics Used for: Holding water. Strategy: Use it to refill on water when your bucket or fire extinguisher runs out of it. Description Used to fill something with water. Has 1000 units of water to start. Fuel Tank Fueltank.png Fuel Tank Found in: Maintenance, Engineering Used for: Filling things with fuel. Strategy: Refill your welder with it. Turn your welder off beforehand. Description Use a welder on them to refuel. Make sure it's turned off! Has 1000 units of welding fuel. Fuel is extremely flammable and may be ignited with matches or cigarettes/other smoking implements. Caution is advised. Bible Bible.png Bible Found in: Chapel Used for: Being religious. Strategy: Preach the word of your religion. Thump the cover in emotes while emphasizing points during your sermons. Refrain from hitting people with it. Description Used by the Chaplain. Hitting people with it used to perform special actions, but this is no longer the case. It's just a regular book now, although you can store small items inside it. Janitorial Supplies Main article: Janitorial Supplies Mop Mop.png Mop Found in: Janitor's Closet, Cargo Bay Used for: Mopping up dirty messes. Strategy: Be the janitor the station deserves. Description Cleans the floor when wet. Must be wet with the mop bucket. The Janitor starts with one. Wet floors make people that are running slip. Be sure to put down a Wet Floor Sign. Space Cleaner Space Cleaner.png Space Cleaner Found in: Janitor's Closet, Cargo Bay, Chemistry Laboratory Used for: Cleaning blood off the walls. Strategy: Spray it onto something to make it clean and shiny. Description A better cleaner than water. Doesn't cause people to slip. Bucket Bucket.png Bucket Found in: Janitor's Closet, Cargo Bay, Hydroponics, Robotics and Mech Bay Used for: Holding liquids. Strategy: Fill it with water, or any other liquid. Description A bucket holds liquid only, most commonly water. It holds up to 70 units. They can be used by several different jobs as part of their actual duties. Light Bulb Light bulbs combined.png Light Bulb or Tube Found in: Janitor's Closet, Cargo Bay, Emergency Storage, Engineering Used for: Lighting dark areas. Strategy: Replace any broken or burnt out lights around the station with these. Description There are two kinds of light bulbs. The first kind is a small bulb which are mostly used in maintenance tunnels, smaller areas where not as much lighting is needed, and on the Mining Asteroid. The second kind is the light tube, which can be found everywhere on the station from the hallways all the way to the Bridge. Both kinds of light bulbs can be made with an Autolathe, Protolathe, and can be ordered in boxes from the QM. They also spawn in a few places at the start of the round, like Emergency Storage. Storage GrayCrate.pngCrates Main article: Supply Crates Crates are containers for items. Especially large items, such as corpses, lockers, and certain robots or equipment cannot fit inside them. Confusingly, some crates that can be ordered by the Quartermaster contain objects that will not go back into the crates once they are taken out. Give Unto the QM his Dues Crates are worth 5 supply points to a Quartermaster, which can be used to get more supplies for the station's whole benefit. Of Locks and Access Just like the rest of the station, even crates have variable levels of access. The Quartermaster can't unlock anything that is locked by default, for various reasons. Security crates can be opened by security personnel and those with higher access, and so on. An emag can get into locked crates regardless of access, however. Closet.pngClosets Also knows as wardrobes or lockers, closets are among the most common and arguably the most useful of containers on the station. Nearly anything can fit inside, barring other closets, crates, and certain especially large objects like racks and Mulebots. Coffins in the Chapel also count as lockers. Of Locks and Access Besides being welded shut, some closets can be locked with the appropriate ID. Several levels of access exist, such as security, captain, and private-level access. These can be opened with the proper level ID, emag item, or a few good laser blasts. If you yourself are inside a locker, you can still see your surroundings. Normally you can move in any direction to exit the locker, but if the locker is locked or welded you will be unable to. At that point, if you try to move around, you will instead throw yourself against the sides of the locker, making a loud BANG BANG sound that can be heard. Vending Machines BODA (soviet soda machine) BODA (soviet soda machine) Vendsovietsoda.gif Found at: Derelict Station Sells 30x Soda Hacked 20x Cola Booze-O-Mat Booze-O-Mat Vendboozeomat.gif Found at: Bar Sells 5x Griffeater Gin 5x Uncle Git's Special Reserve 5x Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequilla 5x Tunguska Triple Distilled 5x Goldeneye Vermouth 5x Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum 5x Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine 5x Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac 5x Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur 6x Space Beer 6x Magm-Ale 4x Orange Juice 4x Tomato Juice 4x Lime Juice 4x Milk Cream 8x T-Borg's Tonic Water 8x Space Cola 8x Soda Water 2x flask 2x vacuum flask 30x Glass 10x Ice Cup 2x Emeraldine Melon Liquor 2x Miss Blue Curaco 2x Jailbreaker Verte 5x Briar Rose Grenadine Syrup Hacked 10x Duke Purple Tea Cigarette Machine Cigarette Machine Vendcigs.gif Found at: everywhere Sells Coin Slot: Cigar 10x Cigarette packet 10x Matchbox 4x cheap lighter Hacked 4x Zippo lighter Dinnerware Dinnerware Venddinnerware.gif Found at: Kitchen Sells 6x Tray 4x Fork 2x Kitchen knife 15x Glass 2x Chef's apron Hacked 2x Spoon 2x Knife 2x Rolling Pin 2x Butcher's Cleaver Getmore Chocolate Corp Getmore Chocolate Corp Vendsnack.gif Found at: everywhere Sells 6x Candy (1 Nutriment, 3 Sugar) 6x Cup Ramen (30 Dry Ramen; mix with 10 units water to get 30 units of Hot Ramen) 6x Chips (3 Nutriment) 6x Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky (4 Nutriment) 6x 4no Raisins (6 Nutriment) 6x Space Twinkie (4 Sugar) 6x Cheesie Honkers (4 Nutriment) 6x Tasty Bread Hacked 6x Syndi-Cakes 3x Skrell Snacks Hot Drinks Machine Hot Drinks Machine Vendcoffee.gif Found at: everywhere Sells 25x Robust Coffee 25x Duke Purple Tea 25x Dutch Hot Coco Hacked 10x Ice Cup MagiVend MagiVend Vendmagi.gif Found at: Wizard's Den Sells 1x Wizard Hat 1x Wizard Robe 1x Red Wizard Hat 1x Red Wizard Robe 1x Sandals 2x Wizard's Staff Hacked 1x Wizarditis culture bottle Seed Storage Seed Storage Vendseeds.gif Found at: Hydroponics and Xenoflora Sells 3x Banana Seeds 3x Berry Seeds 3x Carrot Seeds 3x chanterelle spores 3x Chili Seeds 3x Corn Seeds 3x Eggplant Seeds 3x Potato Seeds 3x diona nodes 3x Soybean Seeds 3x Sunflower Seeds 3x Tomato Seeds 3x Tower Cap spores 3x Wheat Seeds 3x Apple Seeds 3x Poppy Seeds 3x sugarcane seeds 3x Ambrosia Vulgaris Seeds 3x White-beet Seeds 3x Watermelon Seeds 3x Lime Seeds 3x Lemon Seeds 3x Orange Seeds 3x Grass Seeds 3x cacao seeds 2x plump helmet spores 3x Cabbage Seeds 3x Grape Seeds 3x Pumpkin Seeds 3x cherry pits 3x plastellium spores 3x rice seeds 3x Tobacco seeds Hacked 2x Fly Amanita spores 2x Glowshroom spores 2x Liberty Cap spores 2x Messa's tear seeds 2x Nettle Seeds 2x reishi spores 2x S'randar's hand seeds Emergency NanoMed Emergency NanoMed Vendwallmed.gif Found at: Medbay Recovery Room and Patient Rooms Sells 2x roll of gauze 2x Ointment 4x autoinjector 1x Health Analyzer Hacked 4x Syringe (Dylovene) 4x Syringe (spaceacillin) 1x Toxins Pill NanoMed NanoMed Vendwallmed.gif Found at: All Around the Station Sells 5x Inaprovaline Syringe 3x Dylovene Syringe 3x roll of gauze 3x Ointment 3x Health Analyzer Hacked 3x Toxin Pills NanoMed Plus NanoMed Plus Vendmed.gif Found at: Medbay Sells 4x Dylovene Bottle 4x Inaprovaline Bottle 4x Soporific Bottle 4x Toxin Bottle 4x Syringe (spaceacillin) 12x Syringe 5x Health Analyzer 4x Beaker 2x Dropper 3x advanced trauma kit 3x advanced burn kit 2x medical splints Hacked 3x Toxin Pill 4x sleeping pill 6x Dylovene Pill NutriMax NutriMax Vendnutri.gif Found at: Hydroponics Sells 35x E-Z-Nutrient 25x Left 4 Zed 15x Robust Harvest 20x Pest-Spray 5x Syringe 5x Plant Bag Hacked (None) Robust Softdrinks Robust Softdrinks Vendcola.gif Found at: everywhere Sells 10x Space Cola 10x Space Mountain Wind 10x Dr. Gibb 10x Star-kist 10x Bottled Water 10x Space-Up 10x Vrisk Serket Iced Tea 10x Grapel Juice Hacked 5x Thirteen Loko SecTech SecTech Vendsec.gif Found at: Security Sells 8x Handcuffs 2x Flashbang 5x Flash 12x Donut Hacked 2x Sunglasses 2x Donut Box Vendomat Vendomat Vendgeneric.gif Found at: Primary Tool Storage Sells 5x Proximity Sensor 3x Igniter 4x Remote Signaling Device 1x Wirecutters 4x Generic Signaler Cartridge Hacked 5x Flashlight 2x Timer YouTool YouTool Vendgeneric.gif Found at: Primary Tool Storage Sells 10x cable coil 5x crowbar 5x welding tool 5x wirecutters 5x wrench 5x analyzer 5x T-ray scanner 5x screwdriver Hacked 2x Upgraded Welding Tool 2x budget insulated gloves Items Paper Paper Found in: Paper Trays and office desks throughout the station Used for: Request forms, Résumés Strategy: Make it look professional! A useful and very over looked feature of paperwork is the [sign] Signature command, as you can't fake someone else's signature Description You write on it with a pen. Medical doctors want it for forms, quartermasters want it for paperwork, even the judges want it for forms. Curators just want it for erotic literature; cultists want it for sinister uses. If you make a mistake, drip some ethanol on it to clear the sheet. You can ask the Chemists for it. See also: Guide to paperwork Pen Pen Found in: Any PDA, Office desks Used for: Changing your trajectory in space. Writing on paper Strategy: Aim for the eyes Description You can write on paper with a pen, but also on robots and bookshelves. This is essential to the Curator but not anyone else -- since they take up a whole pocket or backpack slot, most people throw them out immediately or shove them in their PDAs. See also: Guide to paperwork Epinephrine MediPen Epinephrine MediPen Found in: All internals boxes, First-aid kits (First-aid kit Burn treatment kit Oxygen deprivation treatment kit Box of hugs) Used for: Quickly delivering 10 epinephrine to someone Strategy: Use it on someone, preferably on a person in critical condition Description "A rapid and safe way to stabilize patients in critical condition for personnel without advanced medical knowledge." It stops someone in critical condition from accumulating more oxygen damage past 35dmg, or halts oxygen damage if above 35 already. Crayon Crayon Found in: Art Storage, Crayonboxs Used for: Used for drawing cultist runes or coloring clothing items Strategy: Washing a pair of gloves with a crayon will change their color, allowing you to make fake Insulated Gloves Description Comes in 8 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, mime and rainbow. They come in a Crayonbox.png Crayonbox. Cigarettes Cigarettes Found in: Cigarette machines Used for: To look cool or have medication through it Strategy: Light it with a fire source and put it in your face Description A roll of tobacco and nicotine. You can light and smoke these. Can also be filled with 15 units of any chemical. A nicer, and much rarer, variation of these is the Cigar.png Cigar. It can hold up to 30 units of any chemical. There are several kinds of cigars, some even more sophisticated than others. Zippo Zippo Found in: Matchbooks inside the Cigarette machines Used for: Lighting things up Strategy: Use it to make fire Description The zippo. A cheaper version of this is the Cheap Lighter.png Cheap Lighter, which comes in four different colors. A more primitive version of these is the Match.png Match, which can be found in Matchbook.png Matchbooks inside the Cigarette machines. Make fire with the match by using it on the matchbook. Flashlight Flashlight Found in: Emergency Toolbox, Hacked Vendomat, all over Maintenance Used for: Lighting up the darkness Strategy: If you're using one of these, someone probably fucked up the power system Description It sheds light when you click on it, even if it's on your belt or in your pocket. The light sources stack to create brighter light sources, so if you have a flashlight in your belt, a flashlight in both pockets, and a flashlight in each hand, along with a safety helmet on your head, you will SHINE LIKE THE SUN, LEAVING EVERY DARK CORNER EXPOSED TO TRUTH! no longer shine like the sun because coders hate direct sunlight, but produce somewhat more light. Can be used to tell if non-human creatures are dead or not, with a simple flash of the eyes. Power goes off every round, so real pros just turn these on and leave them everywhere. Also of note are Lantern.png Lanterns (found in Mining Dock), which are brighter than flashlights because Cargonia. Hand Labeler Hand Labeler Found in: Chemistry, Art Storage, Toxins Lab, Conference Room, Cargo Loading Area Used for: Used for labeling items for easier recognition Strategy: Useful for when making multiply kinds of grenades or bottles and wanting to keep track of which is which Description Used to stick a label onto something's name. E.g., Cuban Pete (HONK). Can not be used on people. Can be turned on/off by clicking it in your hand. Camera Camera Found in: Art Storage, Library Used for: Taking pictures Strategy: Steal their souls with this! Everyone (that doesn't have a brain) know that cameras steal souls Description Can take 10 pictures before having to get a new roll of Film.png film. Pictures can then be attached to news reports created on a newscaster console. Universal Recorder Universal Recorder Found in: Detective's Office, Library Used for: Recording and translating speech Strategy: Apply it to start recording, apply again to stop Description A device that can record to cassette tapes, and play them. It automatically translates the content in playback. Can be loaded with a new Tape.png tape after the previous one is full. Mop Mop Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Used to clean the floor, angering the entire crew when the halls are wet Strategy: Fits nicely in a backpack. Dip in the Janitorial Cart, Bucket or in a sink to make it wet. Try mixing ammonia with the water to make a nonslip cleaner. Description The Janitor starts with one. Space Cleaner Space Cleaner Found in: Custodial Closet, Medbay Used for: A better cleaner than water. Doesn't cause people to slip. Spray to clean up to three tiles or to remove a cobweb. Can also be used to clean clothing Strategy: Use it in your hand to switch it to smaller pressure for conserving the Space Cleaner Description Not to be confused with the liquid created in Chemistry. This is in the end just a spray bottle, and can be filled with anything. You can make more by combining one part ammonia with one part water. Bucket Bucket Found in: Custodial Closet, Hydroponics, can be made in an Autolathe Used for: They can be used by several different jobs as part of their actual duties Strategy: Fill with water and splash on the floor and make everyone fall Description A bucket holds liquid only, most commonly water. It holds up to 70 units. Light Replacer Light Replacer Found in: Custodial Closet, can be made in a Protolathe Used for: Replacing broken light bulbs or making evil traps for people that can't see in the dark Strategy: Fill with light bulbs or glass sheets and just start replacing those broken lights Description An item which uses magnets to easily replace lights. Perfect for the lazy janitor! Lightreplacer1.pngCan be emagged to unlock mischievous features. Light Tube Light Tube Found in: Custodial Closet, Emergency Storages, Maintenance, can be made in an Autolathe Used for: Replacing broken lights Strategy: Apply it to a new light fixture or an old one if its light is broken. Description A replacement light tube. Light Bulb.png Bulbs are the lesser used light-source on the station. Mousetrap Mousetrap Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Used for pest control and Grenade construction Strategy: Place them everywhere in Maintenance, fill a backpack containing the nuke disk with them Description Click it in your hand to activate it, then drop it on the floor. Station Bounced Radio Station Bounced Radio Found in: Emergency Toolbox Used for: Used for emergency communication, if when telecomms goes down Strategy: If the singularity is loose, it may very likely take out the telecommunications room. Other causes of telecommunications failures could be power loss or sabotage. So have one of these handy or find one quick if when shit goes down Description The station bounced radio will function similarly to a standard radio headset if you put it in your pocket or in your hand; thus you can use the say ";radio message" function as normal without turning on the microphone to broadcast. Using multiple radios can be done with say ":l message" for left hand and say ":r' message" for right hand depending on the hand used to hold each radio. Turning on the microphone will pick up all sounds from the surrounding area and broadcast them. Can be hacked. Timer Timer Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Chemistry, Conference Room, Hacked Vendomat Used for: Used mostly for making bombs and Grenades Strategy: ? Description A timer... it counts down... 3... 2... 1... boom? Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Proximity Sensor Proximity Sensor Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Robotics, Vendomat Used for: Used mostly for making bombs/Grenades or robots Strategy: Screwdriver it, attach it to whatever you want to react to people's presence Description This is used to detect people getting close. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Remote Signaling Device Remote Signaling Device Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Research Division, Vendomat Used for: Can be attached to Igniters for Grenade construction, bomb construction, and a lot less commonly, wires on doors Strategy: Can be attached to wires on anything with a panel and work like a remote Multitool. If used right, two of these can be used in place of an Multitool Description Sends a pulse when it receives a signal with the right code and frequency. Can be attached to a Proximity Sensor to make a simple alarm system. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between sending and receiving/attaching mode. Hitting a Remote Signaling Device with another one will copy its frequency to it. Igniter Igniter Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Chemistry, Vendomat Used for: Used mostly for starting fires making bombs/Grenades, or stunprods. Strategy: ? Description Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Voice Analyzer Voice Analyzer Found in: Hacked Vendomat Used for: Password controlled doors, and Grenade construction Strategy: Click it to configure trigger word and then attach to nuclear device door bolt wire Description A small electronic device able to record a voice sample, and send a signal when that sample is repeated. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Use a Multitool.png Multitool to toggle between the four modes of use. Inclusive Exclusive Recognizer Voice Sensor Infrared Emitter Infrared Emitter Found in: ? Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: ? Description Emits a visible or invisible beam and is triggered when the beam is interrupted. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode. Grenade Casing Grenade Casing Found in: Chemistry, Made from 1 Metal Used for: Grenade construction Strategy: Attach a (trigger)-Igniter Assembly and insert payload Description Can hold two Bottles or Beakers. See the Grenade page for more details. Bedsheet Bedsheet Found in: Dorms, Medbay, Brig, Prison Wing Used for: Use it as a cape or in ghetto surgery Strategy: For cape, put it on your back, for ghetto surgery, see instruction Description A surprisingly soft linen bedsheet. Comes in many different colors for different places and for each head of department! Flare Flare Found in: Emergency toolboxes Used for: Source of light Description A red Nanotrasen issued flare. There are instructions on the side - "pull cord, make light". A DIY-version of this a Torch.png Torch, you can make one by combining a log with a dried wheat or ambrosia. Containers Mechanical Toolbox Mechanical Toolbox Found in: Engineering, Primary Tool Storage and many places around the station including tool storage and the locker room Used for: Contains that which are needed whenever you want to construct or deconstruct something. Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains the tools all engineers need to have Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wrench.png Welder.png Crowbar.png Analyzer.png Wirecutters.png This toolbox contains many tools needed in the day-to-day lives of engineers and traitors alike. If you want a reliable way to break into an area, then this toolbox has just about all the tools you'll need. If your job is to repair damage, the tools will be needed when you'll have to fix the inevitable mistakes you'll make. Electrical Toolbox Electrical Toolbox Found in: Engineering, Primary Tool Storage, Tech storage Used for: Contains tools which you'll need when fixing or breaking electrical equipment Strategy: The electrical toolbox is good to have when traitoring. Although you'll likely also need a weldingtool and multitool to be an effective traitor Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wirecutters.png T-ray.gif Crowbar.png CableCoils.png CableCoils.png CableCoils.png The electrical toolbox's contents are intended to help fix (and break) electrical equipment. Insulated gloves are a must when dealing with electricity though. Yellow toolboxes have a small chance of containing a pair of insulated gloves. Emergency Toolbox Emergency Toolbox Found in: emergency lockers and storage areas Used for: Contains tools which are useful in emergencies Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a flashlight which is very useful as well as a crowbar Contents Description Flashlight.png or a Flare.png Station Bounced Radio.png MiniFE.png Crowbar.png Emergency welding tool.png The toolbox contains a flashlight (50% chance of a flashlight, or a flare), a crowbar, a station bounced radio, a fire extinguisher, and an emergency welding tool, all of which are useful tools to have when the situation inevitably spirals out of control. Artistic Toolbox Artistic Toolbox Found in: Maintenance Used for: Contains art supplies. Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a lot of wires, useful for zipties. Contents Description Crowbar.png Crayonbox.png CableCoils.pngx8 This toolbox provides you with art supplies similar to those you get in art storage. A crayon box, wires for wire art, and a crowbar to remove the tiles so that you can lay cable. All wires have a fixed color, as opposed to the random colors in art storage and the vending machines. The colors are: red, yellow, darkblue, green, purple, brown, cyan, white. Box Box Found in: Cargo Loading Area, Atmospherics Office, Everyone start out with an internals box Used for: The box is a container that can hold seven items and be stored inside of a backpack Strategy: Commonly used as a place to store syndicate items as Security will often neglect to search them. It is a terrible melee weapon Description Can be folded flat for cardboard by clicking it in your hand when it's empty. It can only hold tiny and small items. Everyone starts with a box that contains a breath mask, an emergency oxygen tank and a medipen, commonly referred to as your "internals box". Boxes can come in many forms, some can only have specific items in them. Box.pngLightBox.pngImplantbox.pngHandcuffsbox.pngSrybox.pngFlashbangbox.png A Crayonbox.png Crayonbox holds Crayons. Briefcase Briefcase Found in: Law Office Used for: A briefcase is a bulky item that can hold up to seven tiny items. Strategy: Stuff it with whatever and carry it around. Description By default it is filled with one pen and six sheets of paper. They are very sturdy, so make a decent weapon (blurs vision when it hits heads). The lawyer and detective get one. Clothing Backwear Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Clothing Backwear Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Clothing Belt Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Clothing Belt Items with Additional Storage Capabilities Equipment Sink Sink Found in: Medbay, Kitchen, Hydroponics, Garden, Research Division access, most bathrooms/restrooms Used for: Cleaning your hands and face or other equipment Strategy: Have empty hands, click on sink to wash yourself, or have a tool in hand and click on sink to wash it Description If you have nothing in your active hand, you will wash your face (if targeting the head, eyes or mouth) or your hands (if targeting anywhere else). Suggested uses include washing stun batons, along with other medical items. Some sinks have a cosmetically different appearance (e.g. Sink alt.png) but all of them work identically. Shower Shower Found in: Medbay, Dormitory, Research Division access, Prison Wing, Captain's Quarters Used for: Cleaning yourself, extinguishing people on fire, creating slip hazards Strategy: You can wash blood-stained items and clothes under a shower as well as yourself. Use a wrench to set a shower for ghetto cryo. Description The HS-451. Installed in the 2550s by the Nanotrasen Hygiene Division. Switch the shower on and off with an empty hand. Use a wrench to adjust the shower water temperature from normal to freezing, from freezing to boiling or from boiling to normal. Use an analyzer to identify the shower's water temperature without risking burns. A shower with freezing water can provide a suitable environment for cryoxadone, which will heal more than the burn damage caused by the freezing temperature. Mirror Mirror Found in: Medbay, Dormitory, Locker Room Used for: Personal grooming Strategy: Click it to change your hairstyle. Only male characters can change their facial hair but any spaceman can attempt to change the hair on their head. Description If broken, you can repair it with a welding tool. Toilet Toilet Found in: Restrooms and bathrooms: Locker Room, Dormitory, Captain's Quarters, Prison Wing Used for: Sanitation, secret storage Strategy: Use a container on a toilet to fill it with water. Use a crowbar on it to loudly pry off the cistern lid and store up to 2 items in the cistern. Description The HT-451, a torque rotation-based, waste disposal unit for small matter. Paper Tray Paper Tray Found in: Office desks Used for: Supplies you with all your paper needs. Strategy: Take Paper and set your paper-cutting master plans in motion. Description Paper Paper Paper. Click it to take a piece of paper, or drag it to your sprite to pick the whole thing up. Janitorial Cart Janitorial Cart Found in: Custodial Closet Used for: Wetting the Mop and transporting the Garbage Bag, Mop, Space Cleaner, Light Replacer and Signs around. Strategy: If you're the Janitor, fill this with your stuff and drag it around while feeling lightweight. Description This is the alpha and omega of sanitation. The container inside can be filled with Space Cleaner instead of plain water. Intercom Intercom Found in: One is found in every room Used for: The same as headsets and Station Bounced Radios, but mostly only if when you don't have access to either of those Strategy: When a crewman's headset is lost or comms are down and a Station Bounced Radio is nowhere to be found, wall radios are essential to talking with the station at large Description Intercom wall radios are an immobile version of headset radios with the same number of frequencies and functions. The AI can use them to publicly broadcast a clandestine conversation or use it to discreetly spy on the talk around the station themselves. Use say ":i message" to operate these hands-free. Can be hacked. Water Tank Water Tank Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Engineering, Atmospherics, Custodial Closet, Xenobiology, Hydroponics Used for: Used to fill something with water Strategy: Use a container (syringe, beaker, bottle, bucket) on it to get water. Description Starts with 1000 units of water. High-capacity watertanks (Watertank high.png) start with 10000 units of water. These are found in Hydroponics and Atmospherics. Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Found in: Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Engineering, Atmospherics, Mining Station, Mining Dock Used for: Refill welding tools with this Strategy: DO NOT use a lit welder on this. Or do, if you want boom. Causes minor toxin damage when ingested. Description Starts with 1000 units of welding fuel. Filing Cabinet Filing Cabinet Found in: Most areas with 'Office' in its name, Security Posts, Vault, Robotics, Testing Lab, Telecommunications Used for: Store papers, folders and photos in these Strategy: Store forms (requisition forms and others) and printed forensics scans in these. Description The Law Office contains the crew's employment contracts. Drawers (ChestDrawer.png) are a cosmetic variation of the filing cabinet. Supply Crate Supply Crate Condiment DispenserCondiMaster Neo Condiment Dispenser CondiMaster Neo Found in: Kitchen Used for: Dispensing condiments Strategy: Make a mix of condiments and dispense a packet or bottle of it. Description Condiment packets and bottles are used in cooking. Very useful if you need sugar to fight off a Cortical Borer, but want it in a hidden form. Condiments produced: See here for a list of condiments. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/General_items https://wiki.yogstation.net/wiki/General_items | Backpack | Your primary method of carrying items around. Worn on the back slot. Can store objects up to normal size. | | Satchel | Functionally identical to the backpack, excepting that you can wear it over a shoulder and it's a bit more cumbersome. Still, additional storage for items is not to be ignored. | | Fanny Pack | A backpack for your waist, effectively. Less capacity, but can still fit objects up to normal size. |