* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ======Guide to Teleportation====== =====Teleportation Machines and You===== ====Bluespace==== NovusCorp is an industry leader in Bluespace technology and its many ways of transporting, or teleporting, things from A to B without crossing the space between. As such, you'll find several types of teleportation machines and might wonder how they work and what they are good for. ====The Dangers of Bluespace==== Teleportation is no toy. Improperly used, it is easy to miss your destination by a few meters. When you work on a vessel in space, that can mean ending up in space or, even worse, in engine containment. Always ensure all machines are properly calibrated before use and all coordinates are correct. A space suit may be recommended for cautious scientists. In addition, wearing any kind of bluespace storage item, such as a bluespace bag, can and will interfere with teleportation. Some facilities also employ teleportation jamming which disallows unauthorized teleporting. =====The Machines===== ====Teleporter Gates==== * Teleporter Control Console: This is the control console that lets you choose your destination. * Teleporter Station: This is the teleporter station. It connects the console and the hub and must always be between them. * Teleporter Hub: This is the hub which actually generates the gate. Probably the most used of all teleportation machines, these stationary teleporters are set to target special beacons. These beacons can be found throughout the ship/station, or on specific places located planetside or drifting in space, or constructed from scratch. ===Usage=== Use the console and chose a destination. Then click calibrate hub. Without calibration, the teleport will be very imprecise and might strand you in space. Once calibration is complete, click on the station itself to activate the hub. Then walk through the gate to get to your destination. ===Setup=== This is only necessary if repairing a damaged setup or setting up your own. After construction of the console, station and gate (see Guide to Advanced Construction), open up the teleport station with a screwdriver and use wirecutters to link it to the adjacent console and gate, then close it up again. Your teleporter should now be ready for use. ====Teleporter Pad==== * Teleporter Control Console: This is the control console that lets you choose your destination. * Teleporter Station: This is the teleporter station. It connects the console and the hub and must always be between them. * Teleporter Pad: This is where the teleportee stands when being teleported out, and where anything being teleported in appears. A secondary machine to the mostly-safe teleporter gates, this allows you to teleport out to anywhere you can figure out the coordinates for, or teleport in anything you know the coordinates of. Often used in ship-to-ship boarding, planetary teleportation to and from the surface, and the like. ===Usage=== Use the console and choose a destination. Typical destinations include teleport beacons, locations currently being orbited, and adjacent ships and stations. Then click calibrate hub. Without calibration, the teleport will be very imprecise and might strand you in space. Once calibration is complete, click on the station itself to activate the pad, sending anyone on it to the target destination. ===Setup=== This is only necessary if repairing a damaged setup or setting up your own. After construction of the console, station and pad (see Guide to Advanced Construction), open up the teleport station with a screwdriver and use wirecutters to link it to the adjacent console and pad, then close it up again. Your teleporter should now be ready for use. You can add bluespace crystals to extend the range of a teleporter pad, or boost the size of what can be transported. ====Hand Teleporters==== A handy little device that can be found in the teleporter room and the captain's quarters, it is coveted by many and often stolen. ===Usage=== Activate the device in your hand to bring up a menu. Here, you'll see a list of all currently active teleporter gates, see above. The hand teleporter works by using their connection and target setup. As such, you can only jump to destinations that are currently being targeted by a stationary teleporter, aside from attempting a blind jump which has a high risk of just ending in space. For this reason, it is useful to memorize which number represents which teleporter and what it is targeting. After use a short lived portal is generated next to the user. ====Quantum Pads==== Not to be confused with telepads, despite the visual similarity. These devices are linked with one another and allow instant travel from one to the other. Sometimes used to link several areas of the station together for instant travel with little risks. ===Usage=== Simply stand on the pad and click it to use it. You will instantly be teleported to the linked pad. Keep in mind the pads have a cooldown, so you might have to wait a bit if it was used previously. ===Setup=== After constructing a pair of quantum pads that you want to link (see Guide to Advanced Construction), open a quantum pad with a screwdriver, use a multitool on it to save the quantum pad's data in the multitool buffer. Then use the multitool on the (unopened) quantum pad you'd like to link it to to set it as a destination. Repeat this process the other way around to enable return trips or create more creative links of quantum pads. ====Cargo Telepads==== A variant of the normal quantum pads that are present at roundstart at cargo, engineering, and R&D. These pads are the destinations of Rapid Crate Senders used by cargo. Crates and lockers can be instantly transported to these pads. ===Usage=== Click a crate or locker with the RCS, then chose a destination from the list that pops up. ===Setup=== After building a new telepad (or finding an old telepad that isn't connected), access it and name it, and add the 8-digit hex code of the Cargo Telepad network (which can be viewed on existing Telepads) to add it to the Rapid Crate Senders' list of destinations. ====Portal Gun==== An extremely advanced piece of technology, this gun, also called the 'Bluespace Wormhole Projector' creates linked, orange and blue portals. Anything entering one portal is teleported to the other. Definitely not stolen from Aperture Science. ===Usage=== Click somewhere to shoot a portal projectile. It will create a portal when it hits a wall or other obstacle. Alternates portal colors it creates. The sprite of the gun is of the same color as the portal it will create on the next use. Alternatively, using it in hand toggles between which portal to create next. Has unlimited charges, somehow. ====Telegun==== A Syndicate spin on bluespace technology, this traitor item can be locked onto the same teleportation beacons as stationary teleporters and then sends people shot with it to said beacon. ===Usage=== Use it in hand to pick a destination. Then click on people to shoot the teleportation projectile at them. Does not work on inanimate objects. Can be recharged at a recharger like other guns.