* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ======Guide to Shortcuts====== =====General Shortcuts===== ====Universal Shortcuts==== ^ Shortcut ^ Action ^ | F1 | Adminhelp | | F2 | Screenshot | | F3 | IC Text | | F4 | Emote | | F6 | Switch Gun Mode | | Home, Ctrl+D | Drop Held Object | | End, Ctrl+W | Toggle Throw Object On/Off | | Page Down, Ctrl+A | Activate Held Object | | Delete | Stop Pulling Object | | Crtl+E/Q, Insert | Switch Intents | Middle Mouse Click, Page Up, Ctrl+S Switch Hands Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down Scroll previously entered text Hotkey Mode actions Hotkey Action Tab Toggle Hotkey Mode W, A, S, D Move Z, Y Use Active Held Item X Switch Active Hand E Equip/Stash Active Held Item Q Drop Active Held Item T IC Speech M IC Emote R Toggle Throw Intent G Cycle Intents 1, 2, 3, 4 Switch to Specific Intent (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm) 5 Toggle Kick Intent 6 Toggle Bite Intent I, J, K, L Change Targeted Body Area (Works directionally akin to WASD) ====Any Object==== Shift+Click: Examine. Shift+Middle Mouse Button: Point to. (If held, uses Show Held Item instead). Alt+Click (while standing next to): Open a new tab listing all objects in the same tile. Some objects have special Alt+Click functionality, if you want to list objects instead, click on the floor. ====Movable Objects==== Ctrl+Click: Start Pulling. Ctrl+Click+Drag onto nearby turf: Nudge one tile in that direction. You can also do this by pulling the desired object and clicking the nearby turf with an empty hand. ====Humanoid==== Alt+Click (while standing next to): Give held item. Click+Drag onto yourself: Open strip menu. ====Storage Items==== Click+Drag onto yourself OR Alt-Click: Open inventory. Works even if you're not holding the item. This is how you use boxes inside your backpack without wanting to die. Click+Drag onto a table: Empty all contents onto the table. ====Reagent Containers==== Alt+Click: Set transfer amount. ====PDA==== Alt+Click: Eject ID. Ctrl+Click: Remove pen (while in inventory). Click+Drag onto Game Screen: Interact with. Works the same as using it in your hand. ====Kicking==== Kicking is a special way of interacting with objects when you have nothing in hand and you select kick intent (near the intent selector). Kicking can do many actions even if the machine in question is not powered. Any Item: Move it away from you. Any Stationary Wall/Structure: Move your roller chair away (if buckled into one). ATM, Computers, etc.: Release ID (50% chance). Fire Alarm: Release inflatable shelter (50% chance). Jukebox: Toggle on/off. Cloning Pod: Release clone (5% chance). Chem Dispenser: Release beaker. Chem Master: Release beaker. Fabricators: Start queue. Arcades: Randomize own stats and enemy stats. Not recommended against Cuban Pete. Vending machine: Damage machine either: dispense free stuff (2%) or turn off for 60 seconds (2%). Enemy: Attack for 0-7 extra damage, but delay next attack 2 seconds. Chefbot: Toggle on/off. Glasses/Pocket Mirror: Smash. Chargers: Release charging gun. Shuttle Computer: 5% chance to send the shuttle to its destination. ====Engineering Shortcuts==== APC Alt+Click: Unlock if you have access. Air Alarm Alt+Click: Unlock if you have access. Emitter Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Prism Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Mirror Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Beam Splitter Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Particle Accelerator Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Starscreen Capacitor Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Gyrotron Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. Fuel Injector Alt+Click: Rotate Clockwise. ====Medbay Shortcuts==== Cryo.gifCryo Cell Scanner.gifDNA Scanner Sleeper.gifSleeper Bscanner.gifBody Scanner Click+Drag Patient into Machine: Puts the patient into the machine, if applicable. Works the same as grabbing the patient. Automatically unbuckles from rollerbeds. Click+Drag Machine onto the floor: If a patient is loaded inside the machine, ejects the patient into the tile you dragged on to. If a rollerbed is present on that tile, automatically buckles the patient to it. Sleeper.gifSleeper Alt+Click: Begin wake-up cycle (if occupied). OpTable.gifOperating Table Click+Drag Patient onto the Table: Puts the patient on the table. Chem dispenser.pngChem Dispenser ChemMaster.pngChemMaster 3000 Alt+Click: Ejects loaded beaker. Blender.pngReagent Grinder Alt+Click: Open radial menu. Ctrl+Click: Grind contents. Bunsen-Burner.gifBunsen Burner Alt+Click: Open radial menu. Clone.gifCloning Pod Click+Drag Machine onto the floor: Eject occupant (when unlocked via ID). IVdrip.pngIV drip Alt+Click: Toggle injecting/taking blood. Body Bag.pngBody Bag Rollerbed.png Roller Bed Click+Drag onto yourself: Collapse/Fold up. ====Service Shortcuts==== Microwave.PNG Microwave Alt+Click: Open radial menu. Ctrl+Click: Begin cooking. Watertank.png Fueltank.png Reagent Dispensers Alt+Click: Set transfer amount. Biogenerator.png Biogenerator Alt+Click: Eject produce. Ctrl+Click: Grind produce. ====Miscellaneous Shortcuts==== Autolathe.png Any Fabricator or Lathe Alt+Click: Insert the entire stack of held materials. If capped, inserts up to the cap. Extinguisher empty.pngExtinguisher Cabinet Alt+Click: Open/Close. Janicart.gifJani-Cart Alt+Click: Remove trash bag. Jumpsuit Grey.pngJumpsuits Alt+Click: Set Suit Sensors. Paper.pngPaper Alt+Click: Fold. PortablePump.gifPortableScrubber.gif Portable Atmos Machinery Alt+Click: Eject held tank. SecureCloset.pngSecure Closet Alt+Click: Lock/Unlock (with proper access). SecureCrate.pngSecure Crate Alt+Click: Lock/Unlock (with proper access). MiceBrown.pngSmall Animals Click+Drag onto yourself (while in grab intent): Scoop up. Switchblade.gifSwitchtool.gifSwisstool.gifSurgeonswitchtool.gifHolotoolallcolours.gifSwitchtool Shift+Scroll Quick-swap to the next or previous module. Scrolls back to the top when reaching the bottom. Washingmachine.gifWashing Machine Alt+Click: Start washing (while loaded and closed).