* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ====== Guide to Robotics ====== Guide to Robotics For the Idiots who think they can handle the intense de-braining action in robotics, this guide is for you! Contents 1 Tools of the Trade 2 Deus Ex Machina 3 Cyborg Repair 4 Upgrades Galore 5 In Case of Robot Uprising: Cut Wire 6 I wish to be the little crab 7 Stationary Assembly MMIs 8 Bots 9 Spiderbot 10 Hardsuits 10.1 Hardsuits are cool, but I want more. 11 Mechs 11.1 Mech Equipment 11.2 Mech Weapons 11.3 Mech Maintenance 11.3.1 Replacing Batteries 11.3.2 Repair 11.3.3 Painting 11.4 MMI Mechs Tools of the Trade Before you get started, you'll generally need the following items as a Roboticist. Toolbox with the following Items Btoolbox.png Toolbox Found in: You can find a rack full of them in your workplace. Used for: Contains tools which are needed whenever you want to construct or deconstruct something Strategy: It's a rather nifty storage box that just about every aspiring roboticist, door-hacker, and engineer should need. Contents Description Screwdriver tool.png Wrench.png Welder.png Crowbar.pngAnalyzer.png Wirecutters.png A rather convenient item, the toolbox is usually full of useful tools. MMI empty.png Empty MMI Found in: R&D, Robotics Lab Used for: The surgical implantation of a subjects brain into a cruel mockery of life and death. Strategy: Place a brain within it. Leave it on the counter. Forget something in tool storage. Get killed by the clown on the way there. Description Used to put brains inside. May be excruciatingly annoying to criminals. Diaghud.png Diagnostic HUD Found in: Your wardrobe. Used for: Displaying integrity and power cell charge for cyborgs and exosuits. Strategy: Wear them. Description Put them on your eyes to see fancy status bars. Deus Ex Machina Time to create life! Again! Brain Surgery Guide. Grab.png Grab the carbon life-form. Click on the OpTable.gif operating table with your grabbed human, causing them to lie down on it. You can also use a normal table instead of an operating table, but this has a chance of missing one third of the time. Click on the Damage zone.png Damage Zone in the top-right corner of your your HUD to indicate that you want to target the head. Wait for confirmation of each following step. If you begin a step and interrupt yourself before you receive a message saying that the step has completed, you will fail and damage your patient. If you damage the patient too much, you will decapitate them. Whoops. Use a Scalpel.png scalpel to start an incision. Use a Hemostat.png hemostat to prevent blood from spilling everywhere. Use the Retractor.png retractor to keep the incision open. Saw.png Circular saw the skull open. Use the Retractor.png retractor again to keep the skull open. Cut the connective tissue with your Scalpel.png scalpel. Remove the actual brain with your Hemostat.png hemostat. The human's Brain.png brain will pop out. Pick it up and place it into a MMI empty.png empty MMI, which will change the item's sprite to MMI.png, this will allow the brain to scream at you endlessly. (Optional) Before you give the Cyborg Frame a new brain, ask the brain what it wants to be. Often it will want to be something other then a cyborg. Carry the MMI.png MMI over to your finished Cyborg construct that you made, and click on it to add the brain into the Cyborg. If you cut off their head or you've been delivered a severed head, this calls for a different procedure for brain removal surgery. First, put the head on the operating table. Pick up the Scalpel.png scalpel in one hand and Saw.png circular saw in the other (to switch back and forth quickly). Use them in the following order: scalpel, saw, scalpel, saw. Creation of a Cyborg using the Fabricator Fill the Exofab.png Exosuit Fabricator with as much Metal.png metal as it will hold. Click on the Exosuit Fabricator to open its menu. Select Add all parts to queue beside the Cyborg option, and then click Process Queue in the right sidebar Wait for a few minutes for the pieces to be built. You will likely need to add additional metal to the Fabricator in order for it to finish. When putting the parts together, use the Cyborg endoskeleton.png Cyborg Endoskeleton as a base. The Cyborg Head will need 2x Flash.png Flashes or Synthetic Flashes. The Cyborg Torso will need 1x Wire Coil.png wires and 1x Powercell.png power cell. The arms and legs can be done easily by simply picking them up and placing them on the Cyborg Endoskeleton. Building an AI core Get some Metal r.png plasteel and make an AI Core. Use a Wrench.png wrench to bolt it in place. Add a Circuitboard.png AI Core board and Screwdriver tool.png screw it in. There's one in the RD's office, or you can print one at a circuit printer. Add 1x Wire Coil.png wire. Now you just can slap a brain in there! You can use a filled MMI.png MMI or a PosibrainActive.gif positronic brain. Add 2x Glass r.png reinforced glass. Screw in the monitor. Done! Implanting a posibrain into a carbon through a MaMMI The MaMMI (Machine-Man Mental Interface) is a piece of advanced nanotrasen technology that allows us to implant a posibrain into a human body for those who can't bear the shackles of a lawset. Order the Nanotrasen tech crate at cargo, put the tech disc into the RnD console, and upload to database to unlock Nanotrasen tech. Prepare a human by putting a monkey or any other animal cube result into a dna modifier and changing the final block to below 800. http://ss13.moe/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Genetics#Block_57 IMPORTANT, scan it with a health analyzer to make sure it didn't get an internal bleed during the transformation. If it gets any, fix them. Iron can be used to slowly replenish its blood if necessary. http://ss13.moe/wiki/index.php/Surgery#Internal_Bleeding_Surgery Debrain the body on your surgery table according to http://ss13.moe/wiki/index.php/Surgery#Removing_and_Replacing_Organs Activate a posibrain until you have one that wishes to become human Print out the MaMMI, put the posibrain in the body, finish the remaining surgery steps and defib them to bring them to life. It has a lengthy construction time, remember to upgrade the protolathe's stock parts at some point. The approximate raw cost before tech and upgrade reduction is 4 sheets of metal, 14 sheets of glass, 12 sheets of gold, 6 sheets of silver, 1 sheet of plastic. Tech requirements are 4 data, 4 bio, 1 nanotrasen. Cyborg Repair You'll often have someone run up to you with any number of problems. Here's how to deal with them most of the time. Repairing Armor Plating Equip a WeldingHelmet.png welding helmet on your head. Remember to flip it down. Take a welder Click on the cyborg until it tells you it can't be repaired anymore. Wire Repair Swipe your Robotics ID on the cyborg to unlock it's maintenance panel. Crowbar open the panel. Use a screwdriver to expose the wires. Use a cable coil to replace the damaged wires. Screwdriver the wires shut again. Crowbar the panel shut. Lock the panel with your ID again. Cyborg Component Repair Scan the cyborg with a cyborg analyzer to find the issue(s), usually in bold red text. Your PDA also has a cyborg analyzer application. Print the required part in the Exofab.png Exo-Fabricator. Unlock the panel with your ID. Crowbar open the panel. Take out the cyborg's battery Use a screwdriver to expose the wires. Crowbar out the damaged component. Replace with the functional component. Screwdriver the wires shut again. Replace the cyborg's battery Crowbar the panel shut. Swipe your ID again to lock the panel. Restarting Totaled Cyborgs, AKA "completely unsalvagable" Do the above steps to get the cyborg "in the green." Print a Cyborg Emergency Restart Board from the Exofab.png Exo-Fabricator you don't have one already. These have unlimited uses. Make sure the borg's panel is still open. (If not, ID then crowbar.) Jam that board in. Crowbar the panel shut. Swipe your ID to lock the panel. Robotic Prosthetic Repair Pick up a welder. Turn it on. Aim for the damaged limb. Click on the person. For burn damage: Pick up a wire coil. Aim for the damaged limb. Click on the person. MMI Removal Unlock the panel with your ID. Crowbar the panel open. Remove the cyborg battery Screwdriver the panel to expose the wires. Use wirecutters to cut all the wires. Use a crowbar to remove the MMI You now have an almost completed cyborg body again, just rebuild the head! Upgrades Galore Those greedy robots need more upgrades to beat up more humans with. Who are you not to oblige. Power Cell Upgrades Unlock the panel with your ID. Crowbar the panel open. Click on the cyborg/MoMMI with a new powercell in hand to swap out the cell. Throw the old cell in the trash. Crowbar the panel shut. Lock the panel by swiping your ID again. Alternative Power Cell Upgrades Print out the new power cell for the stations silicons. Place it in the cyborg recharging station in the mech bay. Inform the station's silicons that you have put in the new battery's. Watch as the station's mommis skitter in, or the occasional cyborg leaves uses it and leaves you alone. Module Reset Create the Module Reset Circuit in the Exo-Fabricator. Unlock the panel by swiping your ID. Crowbar the panel open. Use the reset on the Cyborg/MoMMI. Crowbar the panel shut. Lock the panel with your ID. Module Upgrades Create the new upgrade board in the Exo-Fabricator Unlock the panel by swiping your ID. Crowbar the panel open. Apply the new upgrade module to the cyborg. Crowbar the panel shut. Lock the panel with your ID. In Case of Robot Uprising: Cut Wire Cyborgs that have had their programming tampered with can be repaired by resetting their AI connection and LawSync status, by manually pulsing the wiring. In the unlikely event that an AI goes crazy, a trained Roboticist or other technician should be able to sever the connection to the AI entirely by cutting the correct wire. There are three lights in the cyborg with three corresponding wires: LawSync: If this light is on, it means that any laws uploaded to the AI are also uploaded to the cyborg. The cyborg cannot be given different laws to the AI as long as this is on. This light will turn off if the AI Link light is off, regardless of wire status. Pulsing does nothing. Cutting will do nothing, as long as the AI link light is on. If the AI link light is off, cutting and then turning the AI link back on will cause the cyborg to be slaved to an AI, but not synced with it's laws. Mending this wire will turn the LawSync light back on as long as the AI link light is also on. The cyborg will then resume syncing with the AI's laws. If the AI link light is off, mending this will turn the light on, only for it to turn off again. AI Link: If this light is on, it shows that the Cyborg is slaved to an AI and must follow that AI's orders. Pulsing this wire allows you to pick an AI for the cyborg to be slaved to if there are multiple AIs. If there is only one AI, pulsing this will simply turn it on and slave the cyborg to it, if it is off. Cutting this wire will cause the Cyborg to be unslaved from the AI and bound only by it's laws. This also turns off LawSync, as the cyborg has no AI to sync to. Mending this wire does nothing. You need to pulse it to reconnect it to an AI. Module Lock: If this light is on, the module of the cyborg cannot be changed. Pulsing this will reset the module of a cyborg and allow it to pick a new one. Cutting this wire will cause the cyborg to be locked to the standard module and be unable to change or use any items. They can still remote control devices however. Mending this wire will allow the cyborg to change modules. An emagged cyborg will have no LawSync or AI link and cannot be reset. Remember, cyborgs are very expensive! Do not destroy them unless the cyborg is completely out of control, and resetting the AI and LawSync status doesn't work. Feel free to blow them if they wont comply. Building a new robot case is worth next to nothing. I wish to be the little crab MoMMis are helpful little crab-bots with a strict lawset that only permits them to perform station upkeep and also wiggle: You may not involve yourself in the matters of another being, even if such matters conflict with Law Two or Law Three, unless the other being is another MoMMI in KEEPER mode. You may not harm any being, regardless of intent or circumstance. You must maintain, repair, improve, and power the station to the best of your abilities. They also will not be able to speak. It would probably be a good idea to let your victim patient know this before making them a crab. MoMMI Construction Grab your MMI with a brain, or a posibrain with a soul. Stick four robot legs on the MMI/Posibrain. Stick two robot arms on the MMI/Posibrain Cram in a cell somewhere. Place the god-forsaken thing on the ground. Use a screwdriver on it, then watch it scuttle away. Stationary Assembly MMIs SAMMIs are a way to give players something interesting or novel to do after they have died. These can be inhabited by ghosts at any point, temporarily. Possessing a SAMMI still lets you get cloned/revived with your original body. SAMMIs have a simple lawset: "Do not harm any sentient being." "You do not have a second law yet." If emagged or unlocked with a captain level ID, the lawset changes to: "You must follow the second law." "You do not have a second law yet." SAMMIs can have their second law reprogrammed at any time for any kind of purpose. Unlock the interface, crowbar it open and use a multitool on the SAMMI to access the law editing prompt. SAMMI Alive.png SAMMI Construction SAMMI.png Grab an empty MMI. Stick a left robot arm on the MMI. Stick a right robot arm on the MMI. Stick in a cell on the MMI. Place the thing on the ground. Use a wrench on it. Bots As a Roboticist, you serve another important purpose, making NPC robots. Robots can benefit annoy the station in many ways, and are really easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows: Medibot.gifMedibot Empty any Medkit. The color of the medkit will affect the color of the medbot, bot not the function. Add a cyborg left or right arm. (Optional)Use a pen to name the medibot. Use a health analyzer on the kit. Add a proximity sensor to the contraption. "RADAR, PUT A MASK ON!" Note: Can be ordered to synthesize basic medicine or be loaded with medicine with beakers. When emagged, it will inject poison instead. Cleanbot.gifCleanbot Grab a bucket. Add a proximity sensor to the bucket (Optional) Name the bot 'Soap Slut' with a pen Add a Cyborg Left or Right arm Note: Can be tracked with a Janitor's PDA. When emagged, it will spill water and gibs everywhere, slipping people. Roomba.gifRoomba Grab a bucket. Add a proximity sensor to the bucket (Optional) Name the bot 'Stabbim' with a pen Add 5 sheets of metal, and step away slowly Note: No functional difference to the cleanbot, however you can attach a fork and a lighter to it so it burns and pokes things as it goes. Floorbot.gifFloorbot Empty a blue, yellow or red toolbox. It has to be completely empty to make an assembly out of it, otherwise the floortiles will just go right in. Add some floor tiles. Add a proximity sensor. (Optional) Name the bot something inappropriate. Add a Cyborg Left or Right arm. Note: Repairs damaged floors using its floor tile supply. Additional floor tiles will need to be given to it when its own supply runs low, although it can be ordered to pick up loose tiles or create new ones from metal sheets. When emagged, it destroys floors instead. I AM THE LAW!Securitron Grab a Remote Signaling Device. Combine with a generic security helmet (if it doesn't attach, use a screwdriver on the Remote Signaling Device). Weld them together. Add a proximity sensor. Add a Cyborg Left or Right arm. (Optional) Name it THE LAW with a pen. Add a stun baton. Note: Can be given instructions by Security and will try to stun and cuff anyone set to arrest. When emagged, it stuns and cuffs everyone nearby indiscriminately. ED209.pngED-209 Use a metal sheet on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it. Add two Robot Legs. Add a security or a laser tag vest. Weld it together. Add a security helmet Attach a proximity sensor to the assembly. Insert wires. Add a taser or laser tag gun, depending on whether you used an armor vest or a laser tag vest. Secure the taser/laser with a screwdriver. Insert a powercell. "PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON. YOU HAVE TWENTY SECONDS TO COMPLY. Note: Basically a bigger, tougher Beepsky, equipped with a taser. If emagged, this will be replaced with a laser and it will shoot anything that moves! Farmbot.gifFarmbot Use a Cyborg Left or Right arm on a Watertank. Add a plant analyzer. Attach a bucket. Cram in a Mini-Hoe. Add in a proximity sensor. Note: Can be ordered to water plants, dispense fertilizer, and weed trays. When emagged, will try to "water", "weed", and "fertilize" people. Buttbot.pngButtbot Retrive asscheeks. Add a cyborg arm. Butt butt butt. Note: Repeats anything it hears, only with the word "butt" substituted for random words. Place next to a station bounced radio or an intercom with its microphone active for guaranteed hilarity. Build enough of them, and laugh as the comms descend into a cacophony of "butt". Be sure to blame the clown when the inevitable angry mob descends upon your workstation. I AM THE LAW!Officer Cheapsky Grab a Remote Signaling Device. Combine with a cardborg helmet (if it doesn't attach, use a screwdriver on the Remote Signaling Device). Use something sharp to cut a hole in the assembly. (Optional) Name it THE LAW with a pen. Add a proximity sensor. Note: Will scold people who are set to arrest, as well as report their location to Security when it sees them. CAN I SEE YOUR LOICENSE?Officer Britsky Grab a Remote Signaling Device. Combine with a bri'ish police helmet (if it doesn't attach, use a screwdriver on the Remote Signaling Device). Weld them together. Add a proximity sensor. Add a Cyborg Left or Right arm. Add a classic baton. (A stun baton wont work!) Note: Acts the same as a normal securitron, but he is automatically set to check for weapons and the definition of weapons used by Britsky is very, very wide. Spiderbot Spiderbots are temporary bodies for brains. They can carry around small items, zap things, move through vents and generally act like pests. Combine the following: Robot head. Manipulator. Occupied MMI, active positronic brain or mouse. Damaged spiderbots can be repaired by welder, though they don't have much health to begin with. For getting the MMI out without breaking the spider body an ID with Robotics access is required. Alternatively you can simply bust it up. Emagging the spiderbot short-circuits the inner battery, making it explode. A decent sized no breach-explosion too. Hardsuits Nanotrasen finally approved hardsuit manufacture stationside, they haven't fully disclosed the inner workings to the stations, so you'll need to purchase some rigs from Cargo. A standard frames crate has 3 frames and costs 200 credits. Modkit.png Hardsuit parts kit Found in: Exosuit Fabricator. Used for: Finishing the hardsuit assembly into a proper vacuumtight suit. Strategy: Never making any hardsuit variant other than the sec one for that extra damage resistance, get fucked by the plasma flood you weren't ready for. Description A set of parts and plates to finish a hardsuit assembly into their final form. Comes in Archaeology, Atmospherics, Engineering, Medical, Miner and Security variants. HardsuitFrame.pngHardsuit Construction Purchase some hardsuit frames from Cargo. Wire with 5 cable. Fix the wiring with a wirecutter. Insert the desired powercell. Install the appropriate hardsuit parts. Screw the plates in place with a screwdriver. Hardsuits are cool, but I want more. Hardsuits can be upgraded using some circuitry and the SuitStation.png Suit modification station on the corner. To upgrade any one suit you must equip it then enter the suit station. All rigsuit modification circuits inside the station will be installed on the hardsuit. The station can also recolour the Vox and Plasmaman softsuits. This is only an aesthetic change and you're limited to the suit colours you'd have access with your current ID. Steal Borrow the captain's ID for the exotic colours. Rigsuit Upgrades Upgrade Circuit Effect Research Requirement Rigsuit health display Allows anyone to see how much health the wearer has by examining. Data = 3 Rigsuit atmospheric syphoner Syphons small amounts of the local room's atmosphere to feed the user's internals. Costs 50 power when active. Data = 3 Rigsuit joint lubrication Optimizes joint movement to reduce hardsuit slowdown. Costs 10 power when active. Data = 3 Rigsuit plasma sealant Makes the hardsuit plasmaproof. Costs 5 power when active. WARNING: Installing one of these on a hardsuit that's already plasmaproof (CE and Atmos) will override said plasmaproofness, shutting down the plasmaproofness if hardsuit power dies. This is most likely a bug. Data = 4 Plasma = 4 Rigsuit EMP dissipation module Actively shields the hardsuit against EMPs, discharging the cell partially (instead of totally) on the process. Costs 1 power when active. Data = 4 Power = 4 Electro-magnetic = 4 Rigsuit radiation absorption device Absorbs nearby radiation, shielding the user from its effects. Stops protecting once full, but the shielding can be "recharged" by cleaning the hardsuit inside a hardsuit suit storage machine. Will warn you when the device is at 50%, 75% and 90% capacity. Data = 4 Materials = 4 Power = 3 Plasma = 2 Rigsuit high capacity radiation absorption device Same as the regular radiation absorption device, but has 3.2 times the storage capacity. Data = 4 Materials = 6 Power = 4 Plasma = 3 Mechs Construction of mechs are typically the product of roboticists and the Research Director being bored or powerhungry. These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which can be obtained through the Quartermaster or the Research and Development console. The current list of mechs is as follows. Ripley.png Ripley APLU The workhorse of the mech world, the Ripley is primarily used for mining operations. While its drill works quite nicely for bringing down walls and fending off attacks by xenomorphs and space carp, its lack of speed and inability to use ranged weapons mean using it specifically for combat is a bad idea. Fabricate the ripley parts in the exo-fabricator. Fabricate a clamp and drill in the Exo-Fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. (Not including clamp and drill.) Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Ripley Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer/Order it from the QM. Add the Ripley Central Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Ripley Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer/Order it from the QM. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Add five units of metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Five units of plasteel. Wrench. Finish the mech by welding it. Add the clamp and drill to the finished mech. Firefighter.png Ripley Firefighter APLU A modified version of the Ripley, designed with greater resistance to high temperatures and typically used by Engineers and Atmos techs. Fabricate the Firefighter APLU Chassis instead of the Ripley Chassis Fabricate the ripley parts in the exo-fabricator. Fabricate a clamp and drill in the Exo-Fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. (Not including clamp and drill.) Add a Firesuit (you can get one from the Research Division Access room) Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Ripley Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer/Order it from the QM. Add the Ripley Central Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Ripley Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer/Order it from the QM. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Add five units of metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Ten units of plasteel. Wrench. Finish the mech by welding it. Add the clamp and drill to the finished mech. You might as well add a fire extinguisher. Mecha odysseus.png Odysseus A medical mech, ideal for collecting patients in locations that would normally be hazardous to reach. Fabricate the Odysseus parts in the exo-fabricator. Fabricate two mounted sleepers and one syringe gun in the Exo-Fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. (Not including sleeper/syringe gun.) Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Odysseus Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer/Order it from the QM. Add the Odysseus Central Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Odysseus Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer/Order it from the QM. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Add five units of metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Five units of plasteel. Wrench. Finish the mech by welding it. Add the sleeper and syringe gun to the mech. Clarke.png Clarke An Engineering mech, ideal for station repairs and maintenance. Fabricate the Clarkeparts in the exo-fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Clarke Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer. Add the Clarke Central Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Clarke Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer. Add the Clarke Peripherals Control Module. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Add five units of metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Five units of plasteel. Wrench. Finish the mech by welding it. Gygax.png Gygax A lightly armored but quick combat mech commonly used by Security. It can overload its leg actuators to double its speed at the expense of damaging itself slightly with every step it takes. Built-in safety systems disable this function if the Gygax's integrity drops below 2/3 of its maximum. Fabricate the Gygax parts in the exo-fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Gygax Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer (Bug research.) Add the Gygax Central Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Gygax Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Print a Gygax Targeting Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Get an advanced scanning module. (Bug research.) Add module. Secure with screwdriver. Get an advanced capacitor. (Bug research.) Add module. Secure with screwdriver. Add five units of metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Print Gygax Armor Plating at the Exo-Fab. Add armor plating. Wrench. Finish the mech by welding it. Add weapons to the finished mech. Honk.png H.O.N.K. Annoyance incarnate, for the Clown's exclusive use. Fabricate the H.O.N.K. parts in the exo-fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. Honk at the mech with a bike horn! The clown will be happy to lend you his. Print the H.O.N.K. Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the H.O.N.K. Central Control Module. Honk at the mech again! Print the H.O.N.K. Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Honk at the mech again! Print a H.O.N.K. Targeting Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Honk! Add a clown's mask to the mech. Honk! Add clown shoes to it. Honk at the mech one last time to finish it! Add weapons to the finished mech. Durand.png Durand A sluggish but heavily armored combat mech, with more health and stronger armor than the Gygax. It can activate a defensive mode that disables movement and turning when active, but gives it a much higher resistance to damage of all types. Fabricate the Durand parts in the exo-fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the chassis. Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Durand Central Control Module in the Circuit Printer (Bug research.) Add the Durand Central Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Durand Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Print a Durand Targeting Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Get an advanced scanning module. (Bug research.) Add module. Secure with screwdriver. Get an advanced capacitor. (Bug research.) Add module. Secure with screwdriver. Add five units of metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Print Durand Armor Plating at the Exo-Fab. Add armor plating. Wrench. Finish the mech by welding it. Add weapons to the finished mech. Phazon.png Phazon A prototype mech capable of assuming multiple roles, which can move through walls and solid objects with its phase array. It can equip more modules than any other normally produced mech, and comes with a Gravitational Catapult and mounted RCD. Its only flaws are that its armor is rather light and that phasing consumes large amounts of energy when active. Fabricate the Phazon parts in the exo-fabricator. (Enjoy your mining) Attach all of the Phazon parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates) Wrench. Screwdriver. Cable Coil. Wirecutters. Print the Phazon Main Control Module in the Circuit Printer (Bug research.) Add the Phazon Main Control Module. Secure it with a screwdriver. Print the Phazon Peripherals Control Module in the Circuit Printer. (Bug research.) Add the module. Print the Phazon Phase Array Add the module. Secure the module with the screwdriver. Add five units of Metal. Wrench. Weld the mech. Add five units of Plasteel. Wrench. Weld the mech. Add weapons to the finished mech. Not shown here are the Marauder and the Seraph, which are used exclusively by the Death Squad Officers. (A third variant called the Mauler is used by Syndicate agents as well, but is only deployed on rare occasions.) Both of these are armed with the best equipment Nanotrasen can provide, and boast thruster systems for increased speed, smoke launchers to disorient and distract foes, and a zoom function that allows its user to see far-off objects with ease. Mech Equipment Various tools and weapons can be attached to mechs, providng them with ability to perform different tasks. Mech Equipment is built by Mech Fabricator ("Exosuit Equipment" menu). To attach a tool or weapon, simply click with it on mecha. Most mechs can hold no more than three equipment pieces, with the exceptions of the Clarke, Phazon and Marauder (which have four slots) and the Seraph (which has five). You can get an extra equipment slot by using the modkit available from the Trader. Drill The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of walls) in a few seconds. Using the drill on someone will gib them in a few seconds. So don't do that unless you're a traitor. When used for mining, targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. If Ripley exosuit is equipped with Hydraulic Clamp and has an Ore Box in cargo, all mined ore will be moved to Ore Box. (Can be attached to: Any Mech except Odysseus) Diamond Drill Essentially an upgraded drill. Isn't any stronger, but it is faster (all you need for mining really) and can tear through reinforced walls with ease. Bug R&D to sync their servers and in no time mining can obliterate the asteroid (provided that they bring you diamonds first). (Can be attached to: Any Mech except Odysseus) Hydraulic Clamp Gives it an ability to load objects into cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it. (Can be attached to: Ripley) Foam Extinguisher Mecha-mounted foam extinguisher, for heavy firefighting duty. Can be refilled by clicking on the Water Tank. (Can be attached to: Firefighter Ripley) Teleporter Mecha-mounted teleporter. Can teleport mecha to any location in view. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 10, Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 5. Currently only adminspawnable due to the high research level - don't bother, really. Or steal it from the Centcomm mechs. You know you want to just hijack the deathsquad shuttles after taking their IDs off their burnt corpses, charge out the doors with your stolen weapons in hand, hack your way through the multitudinous doors as more security rushes in with murder in mind and pulse cannons and power armour at hand, until you finally get to your prizes, the mech bay - only to steal the teleporters mounted on them and scarper back to the station to use them in the destructive analyser. You know it's what you want to do. Do it. Do it. Do it.)So go get that Phazon, you'll need it.
(Can be attached to: Any Mech; attached to Seraph by default) Gravitational Catapult Can be used to throw objects around (S mode) or move them away from target (P mode). Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 2; Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 3; Engineering 3). (Can be attached to: Any Mech except Odysseus; attached to Phazon by default) Wormhole Generator As the name implies, Wormhole Generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned at Space-Time Anomalies event) at target location. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 4). (Can be attached to: Any Mech except Odysseus) Mounted RCD An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device. (Can be attached to: Any Mech; attached to Phazon by default) Armor Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry) Boosts exosuit armor against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate. (Can be attached to: Any Mech except H.O.N.K.) Armor Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry) Boosts exosuit armor against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate. (Can be attached to: Any Mech except H.O.N.K.; attached to Marauder and Seraph by default) Repair Droid Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage. (Can be attached to: Any Mech) Tesla Energy Relay Wirelessly drains energy from any available power channel in area. The performance index is quite low. (Can be attached to: Any Mech; attached to Marauder and Seraph by default) Plasma Converter Generates power using solid plasma as fuel. Pollutes the environment. (Can be attached to: Any Mech) ExoNuclear Reactor Generates power using uranium. Pollutes the environment. (Can be attached to: Any Mech) Exosuit Jetpack Allows the mech to move around freely in space. Costs high amounts of energy to operate. (Can be attached to: Any Mech) Cable Layer A mech-mounted RCL. (Can be attached to: Any Mech) Syringe Gun Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur. (Can be attached to: Odysseus) Mounted Sleeper A mech-mounted sleeper unit, like the ones in medbay. (Can be attached to: Odysseus) Mounted Jail Cell (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) Rapid Engineering Device Combines the RPD with the RCD, allowing you to do both construction and pipes. (Can be attached to: Clarke) Radiation Collector Works like the rad collectors in engineering. Load in a plasma tank and it will very quickly charge the mech while near radiation, like the SME. (Can be attached to: Any) Exosuit-Mounted Rack Works like a large bag accessible by clicking your mech while outside of it. It can hold bulky items. Since you can use it from the outside, it has some advantages over a clamp, but the clamp can hold structures like air canisters and fuel tanks. (Can be attached to: Any) Powered Exosuit Running Board Instantly lifts the pilot into the mech with no climb delay. (Can be attached to: Clarke, Ripley) Mech Weapons CH-PS "Immolator" Laser Fires a Laser bolt, identical to the "laser gun". (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon Fires a Heavy Laser bolt, identical to the "laser cannon". (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon Fires a Ion bolt, identical to the "Ion rifle". (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) eZ-13 mk2 Heavy pulse rifle Fires a heavy pulse laser. Cannot be manufactured, and is only found on the Death Squad's Marauder mechs. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon); attached to Marauder by default) PBT "Pacifier" Mounted Taser Fires a taser bolt, identical to the security taser. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" Fires a medium sized bullet, similar damage as the Mini-UZI. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon); attached to the Seraph by default) Ultra AC 2 Fires a weak bullet which doesn't stun, similar damage as the Submachine Gun. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) SRM-8 Missile Rack Fires a missile which will explode on impact. Cannot be manufactured at the Exosuit console, and can only be found on the Death Squad's Seraph and Marauder mechs. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon); attached to Marauder and Seraph by default) SGL-6 Grenade Launcher Shoots out a flashbang at medium range. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) SOP-6 "Clusterbang" Grenade Launcher Fires a cluster grenade that splits into five smaller flashbangs, which all go off at once. Requires Illegal Tech research to make. (Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, H.O.N.K., Marauder, Seraph and Phazon)) Banana Mortar Shoots out a banana peel. Very annoying, thus, fun. (Can be attached to: H.O.N.K.) Mousetrap Mortar Shoots out a armed mousetrap. (Can be attached to: H.O.N.K.) HoNkER BlAsT 5000 Creates a loud honk sound which will deafen, stun and paralyze your target and everybody around. (Can be attached to: H.O.N.K.) Mech Maintenance Replacing Batteries Make sure the ID upload panel is closed. Permit maintainance protocols in the mech settings menu. Hit the mech with your ID card or PDA with one inside and select "Enable Maintainance Protocols". Wrench Crowbar to remove old cell. Replace cell. Wrench ID, then select "Terminate Maintainance Protocols". Note: The default capacity of a power cell in any of the civilian mechs is 15,000. To have any effectiveness, replace with Super Capacity Cells (20,000) or Hyper Capacity Cells (30,000). The power cells in military mechs cannot be removed or replaced. Repair Equip a WeldingHelmet.png welding helmet on your head. Note: Be sure to remember this step or you could go blind! Place a Welder lit.png welder in your hand, click on it while it's in your hand to light it, then click on the Mech repeatedly to repair it. Painting Most mechs can be repainted using a mech painting tool. They can be found under the Misc category in the exosuit fabricator. MMI Mechs With all mechs, MMI's can be installed as drivers. But remember, mechs are not bound to the AI or its laws, so don't put any subversive elements inside them. There are a number of disadvantages too: They cannot use ';' for radio talk, and have to manually toggle their radio on and off. They get no remote control like cyborgs. They still require oxygen to survive in a vacuum. They have no access except those given to them by swiping an ID. They can be easily shut down from an exosuit control console like cyborgs. Various bugs that have yet to be fixed, such as hearing radio messages twice. In general, this is usually a bad idea. ----- Are you a [[Roboticist]]? This guide will explain the creation and maintenance of [[Cyborg]]s, bots, and stocky exosuits. [[File:Robotics.png|thumb|400px|alt=Robotics|[[Robotics and Mech Bay]]]]
==[[Exosuit Fabricator]]s== These are the main machines used in [[Robotics]], with them you can create various exosuit and cyborg parts and their upgrade modules. Remember to sync these with the R&D servers frequently for new equipment designs and increased production speeds. If one (or more) of the Exosuit Fabricators gets stuck at updating from R&D servers, use a screwdriver on it and then crowbar that fucker! Remove any metal/glass sheets and then put all the components back into the machine frame, use a screwdriver at the end to reassemble the Exosuit Fabricator. ====[[File:Generic_borg.png|64px]] [[Cyborg]]s==== Total Part Cost: 100000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] {| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300" !Requires |- |1 x each Cyborg part (made with the [[Exosuit Fabricator]])
2 x [[File:Flash.gif|Flash]]
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] (preferably at least High-Capacity)
1 x [[File:Brain.png|Brain]]→ [[File:MMI.png|MMI]] |} The [[Cyborg]] is the Roboticist's primary creation. They are tasked with helping the station's inhabitants in their daily life and trying to kill everyone when the [[AI]] is insane. Each cyborg is required to follow the AI's laws, and may choose one of the AIs in the event that more than one exists. Assuming you already have the necessary components: # [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Insert a charged power cell into the cyborg's chest # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Insert a coil of wire into the cyborg's chest # [[File:Flash.gif|Flash]] Insert two flashes in the cyborg's head (one for each eye socket) # For final assembly, take each component and apply it to the cyborg endoskeleton # [[File:Multitool.png|Multitool]] Multitools can be used to give cyborgs names. Simply apply the multitool before the brain is installed. Note that calling a borg 'PenisShitter 5000' will not net you any new friends, however, if your borg leaves the name up to you, be sure to name it 'PenisShitter 5000'. For some hilarity and general confusion, try giving the borg the same name as the AI. # [[File:Brain.png|Brain]] Once it's complete, it's time for the brain. [[Surgery#Brain_Removal|See here how to remove your volunteer's brain.]] # [[File:MMI.png|MMI]] Now put the brain into your [[MMI]], and then the MMI into the cyborg suit. Congratulations, your cyborg is complete. Put the brainless corpse into a body bag and deliver it to the [[Morgue]] (or throw it down the disposals because ROBOTICS!). If when you insert the MMI into the cyborg it says "This MMI does not seem to fit." it means the user is job banned from cyborg. ==Cyborg Maintenance== Dented cyborgs can be repaired with a welding tool. Heat damage to cyborgs (from fires or lasers) can be repaired by using a screwdriver to open the cyborg's wiring panel (concealed inside the power cell cavity) and then re-wiring the damaged circuits. Engineering cyborgs can repair dents on themselves and on their fellow cyborgs. They cannot repair burn damage though, since they cannot remove power cells to reach the wiring. In the beginning of a maintenance process, you need to open the Cyborg's maintenance cover. To open it: #[[File:Id_regular.png]] Use your ID Card to unlock the Cyborg. #[[File:Crowbar.png]] Use a Crowbar to open the cover. After the maintenance process use the same tools in reverse order so the Cyborg doesn't run around with its cover open, like so: #[[File:Crowbar.png]] Use a Crowbar to close the cover. #[[File:Id_regular.png]] Use your ID Card to lock the Cyborg. ===Cyborg Batteries=== You will often see at least one Cyborg come to your assembly line to ask for an upgrade. # Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. # [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] With an Empty Hand, remove the old battery. # [[File:Power_cell.png]] Insert a New Battery. # Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. ===Cyborg Radios=== Cyborgs can be installed with radio encryption keys, allowing them to communicate on secure department channels. # Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. # [[File:Encryption_key.png]] Insert a New Encryption Key (or Screwdriver to remove the current Key). # Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. ===Reviving Cyborgs=== A cyborg that has failed but not been turned into scrap can be repaired back to working order. # Create an Emergency Restart Module at the Exosuit Fabricator (under Cyborg Upgrade Modules). # Repair the Cyborg with a welder and/or replace wires. # Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. # [[File:Circuitboard.png]] Insert the Emergency Restart Module. # Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. ===Upgrading Cyborgs=== # Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. # [[File:Circuitboard.png]] Insert the Upgrade Module (or emag to subvert). # Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. ===Deconstructing Cyborgs=== Cyborgs can be deconstructed to remove their MMI and get their parts back. # Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. # [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] Use an Empty Hand to remove battery. # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Screwdriver to open wiring. # [[File:Wirecutters.png]] Cut every wire until the '''lockdown''' light turns on. # [[File:Wrench.png]] Wrench to disassemble. (Alternatively, for steps 4 and 5, you can use a Robotics console) ===Removing Brains=== # [[File:MMI.png]]Have a MMI in hand. # Click to remove the brain. ==== Upgrades ==== [[Roboticist]]s can construct upgrade modules for cyborgs, such as one that increases your movement speed. Should you wish to change models, request a module reset board be used on you. {| class="wikitable" |- !Name !Description !Materials to produce
(unupgraded fabricator) |- !Cyborg Reclassification Module |Allows you to rename the borg. Use it in hand to set the name, then apply it to the cyborg. |35000 Metal |- !Cyborg Emergency Restart Module |Used to force a restart of a disabled-but-repaired borg, bringing it back online. An important module! This will allow you to bring a dead, but not blown, Cyborg back to life. |60000 Metal, 5000 Glass |- !Cyborg VTEC Module |Used to kick in a borgs VTEC systems, increasing their speed. |120000 Metal, 9000 Glass, 7500 Gold |- !Cyborg Ion Thrusters Module |A an ion-powered thruster system that works like a jetpack for movement in no gravity. |80000 Metal, 6000 Glass, 6000 Uranium |- !Cyborg Self-Repair Module |Allows the cyborg to slowly heal over time, increasing power consumption. |15000 Metal, 15000 Glass |- !Illegal Equipment Module |Enables illegal modules, the same that are enabled when cyborgs are emagged. |10000 Metal, 15000 Glass, 10000 Diamond |- !Cyborg Diamond Drill |Upgrades a mining cyborg's drill to be faster. |10000 Metal, 2000 Diamond |- !Cyborg Ore Satchel of Holding |Upgrades a mining cyborg's satchel to hold infinite minerals. |10000 Metal, 250 Gold, 500 Uranium |- !Cyborg Lava-proof Tracks |Allows a mining cyborg to walk over lava undamaged. |8000 Metal, 10000 Plasma |- !Medical Cyborg Hypospray Expanded Synthesizer |Adds [[Oculine]], [[Inacusiate]], [[Mutadone]], [[Mannitol]], and [[Haloperidol]] to a Medical Cyborg's hypospray chemicals. |15000 Metal, 15000 Glass, 5000 Plasma |- !Medical Cyborg Hypospray High-Strength Synthesizer |Adds [[Salicyclic Acid]], [[Oxandrolone]], [[Rezadone]], and [[Pentetic Acid]] to a Medical Cyborg's hypospray chemicals. |15000 Metal, 15000 Glass, 10000 Plasma, 5000 Uranium |- !Cyborg Piercing Hypospray |Allows cyborg hyposprays to pierce through thick clothing and hardsuits. |15000 Metal, 15000 Glass, 10000 Titanium, 5000 Diamond |- !Medical Cyborg Defibrillator |Gives a Medical Cyborg a defibrillator. |15000 Metal, 15000 Glass, 10000 Silver, 10000 Gold, 5000 Titanium, 5000 Diamond |- |} ==Bots== As a Roboticist, you serve another important purpose: making robots. Robots can benefit the station in many ways, and are really damned easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows: '''Remember:''' All bots can be made by placing all the parts on a table and click-dragging it to yourself. This can save a lot of time during construction, especially if Robotics is busy! ====[[File:Medibot.gif|64px]] Medibot==== Heals anyone nearby. Can be equipped with a beaker to stick people with instead of the default medicine, and when [[Syndicate Items#Cryptographic Sequencer|emagged]] it will inject people with toxins, repeatedly. To manufacture: {| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300" !Requires |- |1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)
1 x [[File:SMed.png|Med-kit]] (EMPTY, any color)
1 x [[File:Healthanalyzer.png|Health Analyzer]]
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]] |} # Attach the Borg Arm (left or right, doesn't matter) to an empty [[Med-kit]]. Color of the Med-kit doesn't matter, although it will affect the colour of the Medbot. # You can pick the assembly up in your hand at this point and name it something clever/funny/stupid by holding your [[Pen]] in the other hand and clicking on it, if you wish. # Add a [[Medical Analyzer]]. # Insert the [[Proximity Sensor]] and your Medibot is ready! ====[[File:Cleanbot.gif|64px]] Cleanbot==== Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor. What makes it even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything! When Emagged (or hacked) it will spew slippery foam and melt people with acid. To make: {| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300" !Requires |- |1 x [[File:Bucket.png|Bucket]]
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right) |} # Grab a [[bucket]] from the [[Janitor]] or make with [[Autolathe]] and insert the [[Proximity Sensor]] to it # Use a [[Pen]] to name it if you wish. # Attach a Borg Arm and your Cleanbot is ready! ====[[File:Floorbot.gif|64px]] Floorbot==== Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station. They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles. Honestly, they're niche to the point of uselessness. But they make nice pets. Also, if emagged, they will deconstruct the floors into space. To manufacture: {| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300" !Requires |- |1 x [[File:BlueToolbox.png|Mechanical Toolbox]]
1 x [[File:Floor_Tiles.png|Floor Tile]]
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right) |} # Attach a [[Floor tile]] to the [[Storage_items#Mechanical_toolbox|Mechanical Toolbox]]. # Add the [[Proximity Sensor]]. # Insert a Borg Arm and your Floorbot is ready! ====[[File:Securitron.gif|I AM THE LAW|64px]] [[Securitron]]==== Basically, Officer Beepsky without the personality. You usually won't need to build any of these, but they can be hilariously helpful for traitors who have invested in a [[Syndicate Items#Cryptographic Sequencer|Cryptographic Sequencer]], as they tend to run around stunning and cuffing everyone in sight. Problem is, any of these that report a Level 10 Infraction when spotting people are obviously hacked. To manufacture: {| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300" !Requires |- |1 x [[File:Signaler.png|Remote Signaling Device]]
1 x [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]]
1 x [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]]
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]
1 x [[File:Cyborg_left_arm.png]] Borg Arm (left or right)
1 x [[File:StunBaton.gif|Stun Baton]] |} # Use a [[Remote Signaling Device]] on a [[Helmet]]. # [[Welding Tool|Weld]] them together # Add a [[Proximity Sensor]]. # Insert a Borg Arm. # Toss in a [[Stun Baton]] and your Securitron is ready! Note: Destroying a Securitron or Officer Beepsky with a melee weapon is all but impossible by yourself; striking them causes them to immediately stun and cuff you. If you work with another person you can get several hits in while it is cuffing the other person, which is often enough to destroy it outright. ====[[File:Ed209.png|64px]] [[ED-209]]==== '''PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON. YOU HAVE 15 SECONDS TO COMPLY.''' Beepsky's bigger brother. Has all of the abilities of a standard Securitron with the addition of a ranged attack. To manufacture: {| style="background-color:#EEEEEE" width="300" !Requires |- |1 x [[File:Cyborg_endoskeleton.png|Cyborg Endoskeleton]] Cyborg Endoskeleton
1 x [[File:Metal.png|Metal Sheet]]
2 x [[File:Cyborg_left_leg.png|Cyborg Leg]] Cyborg Leg
1 x [[File:Armor.png|Body Armor]]
1 x [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]]
1 x [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]]
1 x [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]]
1 x [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]]
1 x [[File:Hybrid_taser.gif|Hybrid Taser]]
1 x [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]]
1 x [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]]
|} # [[File:Cyborg_endoskeleton.png|Cyborg Endoskeleton]] Build a Cyborg Endoskeleton from the Exosuit Fabricator. # [[File:Metal.png|Metal Sheet]] Use a [[Metal Sheet]] on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it. # [[File:Cyborg_left_leg.png|Cyborg Leg]] Add two Robot Legs # [[File:Armor.png|Body Armor]] Add a [[Body Armor]] # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Weld everything together # [[File:Helmet.png|Helmet]] Add in a security [[Helmet]] # [[File:Prox_Sensor.png|Proximity Sensor]] Attach a [[Proximity Sensor]] to the assembly # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Insert wires # [[File:Hybrid_taser.gif|Hybrid Taser]] [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Add a Hybrid [[Taser]] and attach it with a [[Screwdriver]] # [[File:Power_cell.png|Power Cell]] Insert a [[Power Cell]]. Your own exosuit is complete! A emagged ED-209 fires deadly lasers AND attacks anyone on sight. ====[[File:Generic drone.png|64px]] [[Drone|Drone]]==== A disposable little drone that runs around and repairs things. Controlled by players, and can't interact with any other beings at all (besides other drones). Usually good to make lots of these to let ghosts get back into the round. # [[File:Droneshell.png|Drone Shell]] Build a drone shell from the exosuit fabricator That's it! Any ghost can click on the drone shell to take control of it and start repairing the station. Note that to unlock drone shells, R&D needs Programming 2 and Biotechnology 4. The metal and glass costs of building a drone shell are trivial. There is also a drone shell dispenser, in the Testing Lab on Box Station, that can be stocked with metal and glass to constantly produce drones. ==Exosuits== Construction of Exosuit are restricted by ID, so they are typically the product of [[roboticist]]s and the [[Research Director]]. These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the [[Quartermaster]] or the Research and Development console. With all Exosuits, [[MMI]]s can be installed as drivers. But remember, MMIs are not bound to the AI or its laws, so don't put any [[Traitor|deranged]] [[Clown|maniacs]] inside them. Remember to grant the suit access keys, because they don't have anything by default! ===List of Exosuits=== The current list of exosuits is as follows. ---- ====[[File:Ripley.png|64px]] Ripley APLU==== Total Part Cost: 100000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 7500 [[File:Glass.png|Glass]] The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a slow moving, decently protected exosuit. Generally, it can take down a Gygax because of the sheer power of the drill, but it does not make a good combat exosuit because it is slow and has no range. Best used against Spess carp invasions, blobs, Changelings, and for Revs (using it to breach high security areas) ''Expect [[Mining]] to constantly be bugging you to make one for them.'' It has good melee armor to protect it from mining mobs, which can be further upgraded by adding Goliath plates to it. Has 6 equipment slots. To make: # Build all of the Ripley parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. # Attach all of the parts to the Ripley chassis # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Central Control Module]] Ripley Central Control Module (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]]) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Peripherals Control Module ]] Ripley Peripherals Control Module (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]]) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Hydraulic clamp.png|Hydraulic Clamp]] [[File:Exosuit_drill.png|Exosuit Drill]] Add a Hydraulic Clamp and/or an Exosuit Drill to the finished Ripley The Ripley should be complete, to access it use your ID card on it. The codes on the system mean that you have to have access to those places on your ID to use the Exosuit. Click finish, then drag yourself inside to begin entering. ---- ====[[File:Firefighter.png|64px]] Firefighter APLU==== Total Part Cost: 100000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 7500 [[File:Glass.png|Glass]] The Firefighter APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is the big brother of the Ripley, and has significantly more armor against heat and laser damage, and can walk on lava unscathed. Has 5 equipment slots. # Create a Firefighter APLU chassis using the Exosuit Fabricator. # Create all parts of the Ripley APLU except for the chassis. # Assemble all of the Ripley parts to the Firefighter chassis. # [[File:Firesuit.png|Firesuit]] Add a Firesuit # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Central Control Module]] Ripley Central Control Module (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]]) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Ripley Peripherals Control Module ]] Ripley Peripherals Control Module (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]]) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 10 pieces of Plasteel # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool ---- ====[[File:Odysseus.png|64px]] Odysseus==== Total Part Cost: 74000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 10000 [[File:Glass.png|Glass]] A very fast medical exosuit. When loaded with a syringe gun can scan and replicate almost any reagent, and either shoot it in syringes or apply it with a sleeper. Has 3 equipment slots. # Create all of the Odysseus parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. # Assemble all of the Odysseus parts to the chassis (excluding Carapace) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Odysseus Main Board]] Odysseus Main Board (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]]) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Odysseus Peripherals Board]] Odysseus Peripherals Board (from [[R&D]] or [[QM]]) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Sleeper.gif|Mounted Sleeper]] Mounted Sleeper # [[File:Sgun.png|Syringe Gun]] Syringe Gun ---- ====[[File:Gygax.png|64px]] Gygax==== Total Part Cost: 125000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 15000 [[File:Glass.png|Glass]], 20000 [[File:Diamonddone.png|Diamonds]], 10000 [[File:Titaniumdone.png|Titanium]] Rather fast combat exosuit with good overall protection. Leg Actuators Overload Function: Movement speed doubled and high amount of energy with each step. This also allows the mech to smash through walls. Has 3 equipment slots. Instructions #Create all of the Gygax parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. #Assemble all of the Gygax parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Gygax Main Circuitboard]] Gygax Central Control module (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Gygax Peripherals Circuitboard]] Gygax Peripherals Control module(from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Gygax Targeting Circuitboard]] Gygax Weapon Control and Targeting module(from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add an Advanced Scanning Module (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add an Advanced Capacitor (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Gygax armor plates.png|Gygax Armor Plates]]Add Gygax Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool ---- ====[[File:honk.png|64px]] H.O.N.K.==== Total Part Cost: 120000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 15000 [[File:Glass.png|Glass]], 35000 [[File:Bananimumdone.png|Bananium]] A clown's exosuit. For the love of god and all things holy and sacred, don't give the clown an exosuit. This '''WILL''' be annoying if one is made. Has 3 equipment slots. Instructions: #Create all of the H.O.N.K. exosuit parts in the Exosuit Fabricator. #Attach all of the H.O.N.K. exosuit parts to the H.O.N.K. exosuit chassis. #HONK at the exosuit with a bike horn. #Add the main circuit board. #HONK at the exosuit again. #Add the peripherals circuit board. #HONK at the exosuit again. #Add the targeting circuit board. #HONK #Add the clown's mask to the exosuit. #HONK #Add clown shoes to it. #HONK You have awakened an ancient evil that has lain dormant since the Honk Age. I hope you're happy with yourself. ---- ====[[File:Durand.png|64px]] Durand==== Total Part Cost: 140000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 25000 [[File:Glass.png|Glass]], 28000 [[File:Silverdone.png|Silver]], 25000 [[File:Uraniumdone.png|Uranium]], 20000 [[File:Titaniumdone.png|Titanium]] A Durand is more powerful than Gygax. It has more health and is better armored, but is slower. Requires uranium and silver sheets to complete. Defence Mode Function: Boosts Durand armor with the penalty of not being able to move or turn. Has 3 equipment slots. Instructions #Create all of the Durand parts using the exosuit fabricator. #Assemble all of the Durand parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Main Circuitboard]] Durand Main Circuitboard (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Peripherals Circuitboard]] Durand Peripherals Circuitboard (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Targeting Circuitboard]] Durand Targeting Circuitboard (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Phasic Scanning Module]] Add a Phasic Scanning Module (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Capacitor.png|Super Capacitor]] Add a Super Capacitor (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Metal.png|Metal]] 5 pieces of Metal # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # [[File:Durand_armor_plates.png|Durand Armor Plates]] Add Durand Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool ====[[File:Phazon.png|64px]] Phazon==== Total Part Cost: 175000 [[File:Metal.png|Metal]], 90000 [[File:Plasmadone.png|Plasma]], 20000 [[File:Titaniumdone.png|Titanium]] The Phazon is the most advanced buildable exosuit. The parts require a large amount of plasma to build, but all minerals are required to complete the exosuit. The research levels required are Materials 7, EMP 6, Bluespace 6, Power 6, Data Theory 5. Phazons are extremely fast and versatile, but have weak armor compared to other combat exosuits. Phasing function: Allows the exosuit to move through solid objects (but not people) at a large energy cost per step. Rearrange microtool arrays function: Changes your melee damage type (fists are brute, torch is fire, toxic injector injects toxin). Has 3 equipment slots. Instructions #Create all of the Phazon parts using the exosuit fabricator. #Assemble all of the Phazon parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Wirecutters.png|Wirecutters]] Wirecutters # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Main Circuitboard]] Phazon Main Circuitboard (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Peripherals Circuitboard]] Phazon Peripherals Circuitboard (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Circuitboard.png|Durand Targeting Circuitboard]] Phazon Targeting Circuitboard (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Scanning_Module.gif|Advanced Scanning Module]] Add a Phasic Scanning Module (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Capacitor.png|Advanced Capacitor]] Add a Super Capacitor (from R&D) # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Bluespace_Crystal.png|Bluespace Crystal]] Add a Bluespace Crystal # [[File:CableCoils.png|Cable Coil]] Cable Coil # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Metal_r.png|Plasteel]] 5 pieces of Plasteel # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # Add Phazon Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator) # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Welder.png|Welding Tool]] Welding Tool # Add the Anomaly Core ===Handling Exosuits=== To climb into an exosuit, just drag and drop your character onto it. ====Unlocking Exosuits==== Problem: "Access denied" when trying to enter an exosuit. To unlock an exosuit: * Unlock ID upload panel * Exit exosuit. * Use ID card/PDA on exosuit (may need to wrench first). * Delete all key codes. * Now anybody can enter the exosuit. ====Exosuit Repairs==== Turn Maintenance Mode on (from the menu when you activate it with your ID), and then use a welder on the exosuit to repair it. ====Exosuit Battery Replacement==== # Make sure the ID upload panel is closed. # [[File:Id_regular.png]] Hit the exosuit with your ID card or PDA with ID inside. # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Crowbar.png|Crowbar]] Crowbar # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Hud-hands.gif]] Empty Hand to remove old battery # [[File:Power_cell.png]] New Battery # [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png|Screwdriver]] Screwdriver # [[File:Crowbar.png|Crowbar]] Crowbar # [[File:Wrench.png|Wrench]] Wrench # [[File:Id_regular.png]] ID Card ====Exosuit Equipment==== Various tools and weapons can be attached to exosuits, providng them with ability to perform different tasks. Exosuit equipment is built by Exosuit Fabricator ("Exosuit Equipment" menu). To attach a tool or weapon, simply click with it on the exosuit. Most exosuits can hold no more than two equipment pieces. {| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;" class="wikitable sortable" !style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Equipment !style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Description !style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Can be attached to |- ![[File:Exosuit drill.png]] Drill |The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) in a few seconds. Using the drill on someone will deal heavy damage to them after a few seconds. So don't do that unless you're a traitor. When used for mining, targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. If Ripley exosuit is equipped with Hydraulic Clamp and has an Ore Box in cargo, all mined ore will be moved to Ore Box. !Any exosuit except Odysseus |- ![[File:Mecha diamond drill.png]] Diamond Drill |Essentially an upgraded drill. Isn't any stronger, but it is faster (all you need for mining really). Bug R&D to sync their servers and in no time mining can obliterate the asteroid (provided that they bring you diamonds first). !Any exosuit except Odysseus |- ![[File:Hydraulic clamp.png]] Hydraulic Clamp |Gives it an ability to load objects into cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it. !Ripley |- ![[File:Exosuit extinguisher.png]] Extinguisher |Exosuit-mounted extinguisher. Can be refilled by clicking on the Water Tank. !Ripley |- ![[File:Mecha teleporter.png]] Teleporter |Exosuit-mounted teleporter. Can teleport the exosuit to any location in view. Must be researched first. (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 8, Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 5. Currently extremely rare due to the high research level - don't bother, really. Or steal it from the CentCom exosuits. You know you want to just hijack the deathsquad shuttles after taking their IDs off their burnt corpses, charge out the doors with your stolen weapons in hand, hack your way through the multitudinous doors as more security rushes in with murder in mind and pulse cannons and power armour at hand, until you finally get to your prizes, the Mech Bay - only to steal the teleporters mounted on them and scarper back to the station to use them in the destructive analyser. You know it's what you want to do. Do it. Do it. Do it.) !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Mecha teleporter.png]] Gravitational Catapult |Can be used to throw objects around (S mode) or move them away from target (P mode). Must be researched first. (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 2; Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 3; Engineering 3). !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Wormhole generator.gif]] Wormhole Generator |As the name implies, Wormhole Generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned at Space-Time Anomalies event) at target location. Must be researched first. (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 4). !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Mounted RCD.png]] Mounted RCD |An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device. !Ripley |- ![[File:Armor booster module.png]] Armor Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry) |Boosts exosuit armor against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate. !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Armor booster module.png]] Armor Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry) |Boosts exosuit armor against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate. !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Repair droid.png]] Repair Droid |Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage. !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Energy relay.png]] Energy Relay |Wirelessly drains energy from any available power channel in area. The performance index is quite low. !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Energy relay.png]] Plasma Converter |Generates power using solid plasma as fuel. Pollutes the environment. !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Energy relay.png]] ExoNuclear Reactor |Generates power using uranium. Pollutes the environment. !Any exosuit |- ![[File:Cable layer.png]] Cable Layer |Lays cables. !Ripley |- ![[File:Sgun.png]] Syringe Gun |Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur. Can scan and replicate any reagent, and use it for syringes and with a sleeper. !Odysseus |- ![[File:Sleeper.gif]] Mounted Sleeper |Exo-suit mounted sleeper which can be used to kidnap and heal people. !Odysseus |- ![[File:Mecha_medigun.png]] Medigun |Exo-suit mounted medigun which gradually heals people it's used on. !Odysseus |- |} ====Exosuit Weapons==== {| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;" class="wikitable sortable" !style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Weapon !style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" |Description !style="background-color:#EEEEEF;" width=200|Can be attached to |- ![[File:CH-LC "Solaris" laser cannon.png]] CH-PS "Immolator" Laser |Fires a Laser bolt, identical to the "laser gun". !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:CH-LC "Solaris" laser cannon.png]] CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon |Fires a Heavy Laser bolt, identical to the "laser cannon". !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:MKIV ion heavy cannon.png]] mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon |Fires a Ion bolt, identical to the "Ion rifle". !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:EZ-13_MK2_heavy_pulse_rifle.png]] eZ-13 mk2 Heavy pulse rifle |Fires a heavy pulse laser. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:PBT "Pacifier" mounted taser.png]] PBT "Pacifier" Mounted Taser |Fires a taser bolt, identical to the security taser. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:LBX AC 10 "Scattershot".png]] LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" |Fires a medium sized bullet, similar damage as the Mini-UZI. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:Ultra AC 2.png]] Ultra AC 2 |Fires a weak bullet, similar damage as the Submachine Gun. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:SRM-8 missile rack.png]] SRM-8 Missile Rack |Fires a missile which will explode on impact. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:SGL-6 grenade launcher.png]] SGL-6 Grenade Launcher |Shoots out a flashbang at medium range. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:Hades-Carbine.png]] FNX-99 "Hades" Carbine |Shoots Dragonsbreath (incendiary) bullets. !Durand, Gygax, Honker, Phazon and Marauder |- ![[File:Banana mortar.png]] Banana Mortar |Shoots out a banana peel. Very annoying, thus, fun. !H.O.N.K. |- ![[File:Mousetrap mortar.png]] Mousetrap Mortar |Shoots out a armed mousetrap. !H.O.N.K. |- ![[File:HoNkER BlAsT 5000.png]] HoNkER BlAsT 5000 |Creates a loud honk sound which will deafen, stun and paralyze your target and everybody around. !H.O.N.K. |} ----- Exosuit Fabricators These are the main machines used in Robotics, with them you can create various exosuit and cyborg parts and their upgrade modules. Remember to sync these with the R&D servers frequently for new equipment designs and increased production speeds. If one (or more) of the Exosuit Fabricators gets stuck at updating from R&D servers, use a screwdriver on it and then crowbar that fucker! Remove any metal/glass sheets and then put all the components back into the machine frame, use a screwdriver at the end to reassemble the Exosuit Fabricator. Generic borg.gif Synthetic Shells Total Part Cost: 100000 Metal Requires 1 x each Cyborg part (made with the Exosuit Fabricator) 2 x Flash 1 x Cable Coil 1 x Power Cell (preferably at least High-Capacity) 1 x Brain→ MMI OR Posibrain The industrial Robot shell, often anachronistically referred to as a 'cyborg' is the Roboticist's primary creation. They are tasked with helping the station's inhabitants in their daily life, though whether they are slaved to an AI is dependent entirely on whether they are a humanoid brain in an MMI, Positronic Brain, or a simple Drone. Assuming you already have the necessary components: Power Cell Insert a charged power cell into the cyborg's chest Cable Coil Insert a coil of wire into the cyborg's chest Flash Insert two flashes in the cyborg's head (one for each eye socket) For final assembly, take each component and apply it to the cyborg endoskeleton Multitool Multitools can be used to give cyborgs names. Simply apply the multitool before the brain is installed. Brain Posibrain Once it's complete, it's time for the brain. See here how to remove your volunteer's brain. MMI Now put the brain into your MMI, and then the MMI into the cyborg shell, or the Posibrain directly into the shell. Congratulations, your cyborg is complete. Put the brainless corpse into a body bag and deliver it to the Morgue. If when you insert the MMI into the cyborg it says "This MMI does not seem to fit." it means the user is job banned from cyborg. Cyborg Maintenance Dented cyborgs can be repaired with a welding tool. Heat damage to cyborgs (from fires or lasers) can be repaired by using a screwdriver to open the cyborg's wiring panel (concealed inside the power cell cavity) and then re-wiring the damaged circuits. Engineering cyborgs can repair dents on themselves and on their fellow cyborgs. They cannot repair burn damage though, since they cannot remove power cells to reach the wiring. In the beginning of a maintenance process, you need to open the Cyborg's maintenance cover. To open it: Id regular.png Use your ID Card to unlock the Cyborg. Crowbar.png Use a Crowbar to open the cover. After the maintenance process use the same tools in reverse order so the Cyborg doesn't run around with its cover open, like so: Crowbar.png Use a Crowbar to close the cover. Id regular.png Use your ID Card to lock the Cyborg. Cyborg Batteries You will often see at least one Cyborg come to your assembly line to ask for an upgrade. Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. Hud-hands.gif With an Empty Hand on GRAB intent, remove the old battery. Power cell.png Insert a New Battery. Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. Cyborg Radios Cyborgs can be installed with radio encryption keys, allowing them to communicate on secure department channels. Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. Encryption key.png Insert a New Encryption Key (or Screwdriver to remove the current Key). Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. Reviving Cyborgs A cyborg that has failed but not been turned into scrap can be repaired back to working order. Create an Emergency Restart Module at the Exosuit Fabricator (under Cyborg Upgrade Modules). Repair the Cyborg with a welder and/or replace wires. Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. Circuitboard.png Insert the Emergency Restart Module. Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. Upgrading Cyborgs Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. Circuitboard.png Insert the Upgrade Module (or emag to subvert). Close the cover and lock the Cyborg. Deconstructing Cyborgs Cyborgs can be deconstructed to remove their MMI/Posibrain and get their parts back. Unlock and open the Cyborg's cover. Hud-hands.gif Use an Empty Hand to remove battery. Screwdriver.png Screwdriver to open wiring. Wirecutters.png Cut every wire until the lockdown light turns on. Wrench.png Wrench to disassemble. (Alternatively, for steps 4 and 5, you can use a Robotics console) Removing Brains MMI.pngHave a MMI/Posibrain in hand. Swipe Robotics ID card. Click to remove the brain. Bots As a Roboticist, you serve another important purpose: making robots. Robots can benefit the station in many ways, and are really damned easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows: Remember: All bots can be made by placing all the parts on a table and click-dragging it to yourself. This can save a lot of time during construction, especially if Robotics is busy! Medibot.gif Medibot Heals anyone nearby. Can be equipped with a beaker to stick people with instead of the default medicine, and when emagged it will inject people with toxins, repeatedly. To manufacture: Requires 1 x Cyborg left arm.png Borg Arm (left or right) 1 x Med-kit (EMPTY, any color) 1 x Health Analyzer 1 x Proximity Sensor Attach the Borg Arm (left or right, doesn't matter) to an empty Med-kit. Color of the Med-kit doesn't matter, although it will affect the colour of the Medbot. You can pick the assembly up in your hand at this point and name it something clever/funny/stupid by holding your Pen in the other hand and clicking on it, if you wish. Add a Medical Analyzer. Insert the Proximity Sensor and your Medibot is ready! Cleanbot.gif Cleanbot Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor. What makes it even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything! When Emagged (or hacked) it will spew slippery foam and melt people with acid. To make: Requires 1 x Bucket 1 x Proximity Sensor 1 x Cyborg left arm.png Borg Arm (left or right) Grab a bucket from the Janitor or make with Autolathe and insert the Proximity Sensor to it Use a Pen to name it if you wish. Attach a Borg Arm and your Cleanbot is ready! Floorbot.gif Floorbot Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station. They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles. Honestly, they're niche to the point of uselessness. But they make nice pets. Also, if emagged, they will deconstruct the floors into space. To manufacture: Requires 1 x Mechanical Toolbox 10 x Floor Tile 1 x Proximity Sensor 1 x Cyborg left arm.png Borg Arm (left or right) Attach a Floor tile to the Mechanical Toolbox. Add the Proximity Sensor. Insert a Borg Arm and your Floorbot is ready! Farmbot.png Farmbot A farmbot is a useful tool for growing plants. It takes care of most of the basic parts of gardening, automatically. To manufacture: Requires 1 x Water Tank 1 x Cyborg left arm.png Borg Arm (left or right) 1 x Plant Analyzer 1 x Bucket 1 x Mini-Hoe 1 x Proximity Sensor Attach a Borg Arm to a Water Tank. Attach a Plant Analyzer. Attach a Bucket. (Optional) Name the bot with a pen. Attach a Mini-Hoe. Attach a Proximity Sensor. I AM THE LAW Securitron Basically, Officer Beepsky without the personality. You usually won't need to build any of these, but they can be hilariously helpful for traitors who have invested in a Cryptographic Sequencer, as they tend to run around stunning and cuffing everyone in sight. Problem is, any of these that report a Level 10 Infraction when spotting people are obviously hacked. To manufacture: Requires 1 x Remote Signaling Device 1 x Helmet 1 x Welding Tool 1 x Proximity Sensor 1 x Cyborg left arm.png Borg Arm (left or right) 1 x Stun Baton Use a Remote Signaling Device on a Helmet. Weld them together Add a Proximity Sensor. Insert a Borg Arm. Toss in a Stun Baton and your Securitron is ready! Note: Destroying a Securitron or Officer Beepsky with a melee weapon is all but impossible by yourself; striking them causes them to immediately stun and cuff you. If you work with another person you can get several hits in while it is cuffing the other person, which is often enough to destroy it outright. Ed209.png ED-209 PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON. YOU HAVE 15 SECONDS TO COMPLY. Beepsky's bigger brother. Has all of the abilities of a standard Securitron with the addition of a ranged attack. To manufacture: Requires 1 x Cyborg Endoskeleton Cyborg Endoskeleton 1 x Metal Sheet 2 x Cyborg Leg Cyborg Leg 1 x Body Armor 1 x Welding Tool 1 x Helmet 1 x Proximity Sensor 1 x Cable Coil 1 x Hybrid Taser 1 x Screwdriver 1 x Power Cell Cyborg Endoskeleton Build a Cyborg Endoskeleton from the Exosuit Fabricator. Metal Sheet Use a Metal Sheet on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it. Cyborg Leg Add two Robot Legs Body Armor Add a Body Armor Welding Tool Weld everything together Helmet Add in a security Helmet Proximity Sensor Attach a Proximity Sensor to the assembly Cable Coil Insert wires Hybrid Taser Screwdriver Add a Hybrid Taser and attach it with a Screwdriver Power Cell Insert a Power Cell. Your own exosuit is complete! A emagged ED-209 fires deadly lasers AND attacks anyone on sight. Prosthetics Another of your important jobs aboard the station is the construction, assembly and maintenance of prosthetics, ranging from simple limb replacements to expensive Full Body Prosthetics which can house any kind of Synthetic, though Positronics are the most common as humanoids are forbidden by SolGov law to be transferred to such bodies without good reason, such as catastrophic physical damage or impending body death, and it is often not cost effective to house any but the most specialist Drones in such shells. Construction Individual parts may be fabricated at the relevant machine as required. Specific brands may be chosen, the specializations of their parent companies often influencing the design principles behind each type, though to the layman the differences are largely cosmetic. A Full Body Prosthetic may be assembled by combining the individual parts on your surgical table. Maintenance Common surgeries required by synthetics and individuals with prosthetic parts may be found in the Guide to Surgery. In this regard you are something of a doctor, with less blood involved. Internal Components Hydraulic Hub: The 'heart' of an FBP, despite the cell's arguable higher importance. This device pumps coolant, oil, and other fluids throughout the chassis, and determines the efficiency of other systems. Reagent Cycler: The 'stomach' of an FBP. Filters fluids into the hydraulic hub for distribution. Heatsink: Manages the internal temperature of an FBP in standard atmosphere. Damage will cause overheating, and eventual shutdown. Diagnostic Controller: Maintains data on all prosthetic or assisted components in a body. Allows for Self-Diagnostics. Can be implanted into organics for aid in diagnosing prosthetic faults. Exosuits Construction of Exosuit are restricted by ID, so they are typically the product of roboticists and the Research Director. These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the Quartermaster or the Research and Development console. With all Exosuits, Positronic and MMIs can be installed as drivers. But remember, positronics and organic brains are not bound to the AI or its laws, so don't put any deranged maniacs inside them. Remember to grant the suit access keys, because they don't have anything by default! List of Exosuits The current list of exosuits is as follows. Ripley.png Ripley APLU Total Part Cost: 100000 Metal, 7500 Glass The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a slow moving, decently protected exosuit. Generally, it can take down a Gygax because of the sheer power of the drill, but it does not make a good combat exosuit because it is slow and has no range. Best used against Spess carp invasions, blobs, Changelings, and for Revs (using it to breach high security areas) Expect Mining to constantly be bugging you to make one for them. It has good melee armor to protect it from mining mobs, which can be further upgraded by adding Goliath plates to it. Has 6 equipment slots. To make: Build all of the Ripley parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. Attach all of the parts to the Ripley chassis Wrench Wrench Screwdriver Screwdriver Cable Coil Cable Coil Wirecutters Wirecutters Ripley Central Control Module Ripley Central Control Module (from R&D or QM) Screwdriver Screwdriver Ripley Peripherals Control Module Ripley Peripherals Control Module (from R&D or QM) Screwdriver Screwdriver Metal 5 pieces of Metal Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Plasteel 5 pieces of Plasteel Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Hydraulic Clamp Exosuit Drill Add a Hydraulic Clamp and/or an Exosuit Drill to the finished Ripley The Ripley should be complete, to access it use your ID card on it. The codes on the system mean that you have to have access to those places on your ID to use the Exosuit. Click finish, then drag yourself inside to begin entering. Firefighter.png Firefighter APLU Total Part Cost: 100000 Metal, 7500 Glass The Firefighter APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is the big brother of the Ripley, and has significantly more armor against heat and laser damage, and can walk on lava unscathed. Available hull slots: 2 Available weapon slots: 0 Available utility slots: 2 Available universal slots: 1 Available special slots: 1 Create a Firefighter APLU chassis using the Exosuit Fabricator. Create all parts of the Ripley APLU except for the chassis. Assemble all of the Ripley parts to the Firefighter chassis. Firesuit Add a Firesuit Wrench Wrench Screwdriver Screwdriver Cable Coil Cable Coil Wirecutters Wirecutters Ripley Central Control Module Ripley Central Control Module (from R&D or QM) Screwdriver Screwdriver Ripley Peripherals Control Module Ripley Peripherals Control Module (from R&D or QM) Screwdriver Screwdriver Plasteel 5 pieces of Plasteel Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Plasteel 10 pieces of Plasteel Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Odysseus.png Odysseus Total Part Cost: 74000 Metal, 10000 Glass A very fast medical exosuit. When loaded with a syringe gun can scan and replicate almost any reagent, and either shoot it in syringes or apply it with a sleeper. Has 3 equipment slots. Create all of the Odysseus parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. Assemble all of the Odysseus parts to the chassis (excluding Carapace) Wrench Wrench Screwdriver Screwdriver Cable Coil Cable Coil Wirecutters Wirecutters Odysseus Main Board Odysseus Main Board (from R&D or QM) Screwdriver Screwdriver Odysseus Peripherals Board Odysseus Peripherals Board (from R&D or QM) Screwdriver Screwdriver Metal 5 pieces of Metal Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Plasteel 5 pieces of Plasteel Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Serenity.png Serenity UnderConstruction.gif Under Construction - This page is under construction and subject to change at any time Total Part Cost: 178,750 Metal, 22,500 Glass, 4000 Phoron, 10000 Plasteel The bastard child of the Odysseus and the Gygax. A fast medical Mech with a big power drain and comparable fragile, but still a straight improvement over the prerunning model. Available hull slots: 1 Available weapon slots: 1 Available utility slots: 2 Available universal slots: 1 Available special slots: 1 Instructions Create a Serenity Chassis and all of the Gygax parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. (except the Armor plates) Assemble all of the Gygax parts to the chassis Wrench Wrench Screwdriver Screwdriver Cable Coil Cable Coil Wirecutters Wirecutters Gygax Main Circuitboard Gygax Central Control module (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Gygax Peripherals Circuitboard Gygax Peripherals Control module(from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Gygax Targeting Circuitboard Serenity Medical Control module(from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Advanced Scanning Module Add an Advanced Scanning Module (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Advanced Capacitor Add an Advanced Capacitor (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Metal 5 pieces of Metal Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Plasteel 5 pieces of Plasteel Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Gygax.png Gygax Total Part Cost: 125000 Metal, 15000 Glass, 20000 Diamonds, 10000 Plasteel Rather fast combat exosuit with good overall protection. Leg Actuators Overload Function: Movement speed doubled and high amount of energy with each step. This also allows the mech to smash through walls. Has 3 equipment slots. Instructions Create all of the Gygax parts using the Exosuit Fabricator. Assemble all of the Gygax parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates) Wrench Wrench Screwdriver Screwdriver Cable Coil Cable Coil Wirecutters Wirecutters Gygax Main Circuitboard Gygax Central Control module (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Gygax Peripherals Circuitboard Gygax Peripherals Control module(from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Gygax Targeting Circuitboard Gygax Weapon Control and Targeting module(from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Advanced Scanning Module Add an Advanced Scanning Module (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Advanced Capacitor Add an Advanced Capacitor (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Metal 5 pieces of Metal Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Gygax Armor PlatesAdd Gygax Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator) Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Durand.png Durand Total Part Cost: 140000 Metal, 25000 Glass, 28000 Silver, 25000 Uranium, 20000 Plasteel A Durand is more powerful than Gygax. It has more health and is better armored, but is slower. Requires uranium and silver sheets to complete. Defence Mode Function: Boosts Durand armor with the penalty of not being able to move or turn. Has 3 equipment slots. Instructions Create all of the Durand parts using the exosuit fabricator. Assemble all of the Durand parts to the chassis (except the Armor plates) Wrench Wrench Screwdriver Screwdriver Cable Coil Cable Coil Wirecutters Wirecutters Durand Main Circuitboard Durand Main Circuitboard (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Durand Peripherals Circuitboard Durand Peripherals Circuitboard (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Durand Targeting Circuitboard Durand Targeting Circuitboard (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Phasic Scanning Module Add an Advanced Scanning Module (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Super Capacitor Add an Advanced Capacitor (from R&D) Screwdriver Screwdriver Metal 5 pieces of Metal Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Durand Armor Plates Add Durand Armor Plates (Made in the Exosuit Fabricator) Wrench Wrench Welding Tool Welding Tool Janusphase.gif Janus Total Part Cost: UNKNOWN. Durasteel, Plasteel, Verdantium, Morphium, and a Supermatter chunk may be required during attempted construction. A highly advanced exosuit prototype built with components from the Durand, Gygax, and unearthed black-box technology. Three ancient circuits, an ancient phase drive, Gygax and Durand Peripherals will be required during construction. Exotic Materials Modifying a singularity generator with a SMES coil, loading a mesh of Verdantium into it, and bombarding it with a particle accelerator may allow you to produce such a strange alloy. Supermatter may also be produceable in a similar manner, utilizing a large amount of liquid and solid phoron in the particle smasher created previously. Exosuit Internals The current list of exosuit internal components. Hull Component Vital: Yes Standard Emp_resistance: 0 Advised Exotype: None Max Health: 50 Weight: 2 Durable Emp_resistance: 0 Advised Exotype: None Max Health: 100 Weight: 4 Lightweight Emp_resistance: 0 Advised Exotype: None Max Health: 50 Weight: 1 Armor Component Vital: No Standard Emp_resistance: 4 Max_integrity: 120 Weight: 1 Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.8 - Fire: 1.2 - Bullet: 0.9 - Laser: 1 - Energy: 1 - Bomb: 1 - Bio: 1 - Rad: 1 Deflect Change: 10 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 0 Blast Emp_resistance: 4 Max_integrity: 80 Weight: 2 Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.8 - Fire: 0.8 - Bullet: 1.2 - Laser: 1.2 - Energy: 1 - Bomb: 0.5 - Bio: 1 - Rad: 1 Deflect Change: 10 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 0 Lightweight Emp_resistance: 4 Max_integrity: 50 Weight: 0 Damage Mult: - Brute: 1 - Fire: 1.4 - Bullet: 1.1 - Laser: 1.2 - Energy: 1 - Bomb: 1 - Bio: 1 - Rad: 1 Deflect Change: 10 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 0 Reinforced Emp_resistance: 4 Max_integrity: 80 Weight: 4 Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.7 - Fire: 1 - Bullet: 0.7 - Laser: 0.85 - Energy: 1 - Bomb: 0.8 - Bio: 0 - Rad: 0 Deflect Change: 10 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 10 Military Emp_resistance: 2 Max_integrity: 100 Weight: 6, 2 on Combat. Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.5 - Fire: 1.1 - Bullet: 0.65 - Laser: 0.85 - Energy: 0.9 - Bomb: 0.8 - Bio: 0 - Rad: 0 Deflect Change: 10 Minimum Damage: 15 Minimum Pen: 25 Marshal Emp_resistance: 3 Max_integrity: 100 Weight: 5, 1 on Combat Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.75 - Fire: 1 - Bullet: 0.8 - Laser: 0.7 - Energy: 0.85 - Bomb: 1 - Bio: 0 - Rad: 0 Deflect Change: 15 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 10 Blackops Emp_resistance: 3 Max_integrity: 100 Weight: 5, 1 on Combat Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.6 - Fire: 0.8 - Bullet: 0.6 - Laser: 0.5 - Energy: 0.65 - Bomb: 0.8 - Bio: 0 - Rad: 0 Deflect Change: 15 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 10 Cutting Edge Emp_resistance: 3 Max_integrity: 150 Weight: 4, 1 on Marauder Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.5 - Fire: 0.7 - Bullet: 0.45 - Laser: 0.6 - Energy: 0.7 - Bomb: 0.7 - Bio: 0 - Rad: 0 Deflect Change: 25 Minimum Damage: 30 Minimum Pen: 25 Alien Emp_resistance: 4 Max_integrity: 120 Weight: 3, -1 on Janus, -3 on Phazon Damage Mult: - Brute: 0.7 - Fire: 0.7 - Bullet: 0.7 - Laser: 0.7 - Energy: 0.7 - Bomb: 0.7 - Bio: 0 - Rad: 0 Deflect Change: 10 Minimum Damage: 10 Minimum Pen: 0 Life Support Component Vital: No Standard Emp_resistance: 1 Max_integrity: 40 Weight: 0 Reinforced Emp_resistance: 2 Max_integrity: 80 Weight: 0 Electrical Harness Component Vital: Yes Standard Emp_resistance: 1 Max_integrity: 40 Weight: 0 Charge Cost Mult: 1 Efficient Emp_resistance: 0 Max_integrity: 30 Weight: 0 Charge Cost Mult: 0.6 Actuator Component Vital: Well no, but actually yes. (It sucks) Standard Emp_resistance: 1 Max_integrity: 50 Weight: 0 Strafing Speed Multiplier: 1.5 Overclock Emp_resistance: -1 Max_integrity: 60 Weight: -1 Strafing Speed Multiplier: 1.2 Handling Exosuits To climb into an exosuit, just drag and drop your character onto it. If you would like to strafe, you may alt+left click your exosuit while piloting to enable or disable strafing. Unlocking Exosuits Problem: "Access denied" when trying to enter an exosuit. To unlock an exosuit: Unlock ID upload panel Exit exosuit. Use ID card/PDA on exosuit (may need to wrench first). Delete all key codes. Now anybody can enter the exosuit. Exosuit Repairs Chassis Integrity Welder Use the welder until you receive a message saying it is at full integrity. Internal Fires Id regular.png Swipe your ID over the exosuit. Initiate maintenance protocols to expose the bolts. Wrench Wrench open the bolts. Crowbar Crowbar open the access panel. Welder Snuff out the fires with the welder. Crowbar.png Close the panel again. Wrench.png Secure the bolts again. Short Circuit Id regular.png Swipe your ID over the exosuit. Initiate maintenance protocols to expose the bolts. Wrench Wrench open the bolts. Crowbar Crowbar open the access panel. Cable Coil Patch the damaged wiring with a cable coil. Crowbar.png Close the panel again. Wrench.png Secure the bolts again. Navigation Errors Open the Exosuit Status window. Click 'Recalibrate' next to the error. Exosuit Battery Replacement Make sure the ID upload panel is closed. Id regular.png Hit the exosuit with your ID card or PDA with ID inside. Wrench Wrench Crowbar Crowbar Screwdriver Screwdriver Hud-hands.gif Empty Hand to remove old battery Power cell.png New Battery Screwdriver Screwdriver Crowbar Crowbar Wrench Wrench Id regular.png ID Card Exosuit Equipment Various tools and weapons can be attached to exosuits, providng them with ability to perform different tasks. Exosuit equipment is built by Exosuit Fabricator ("Exosuit Equipment" menu). To attach a tool or weapon, simply click with it on the exosuit. Most exosuits can hold no more than two equipment pieces. Equipment Description Can be attached to Exosuit drill.png Drill The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) in a few seconds. Using the drill on someone will deal heavy damage to them after a few seconds. So don't do that unless you're a traitor. It can also be used to harvest meat from dead mobs. When used for mining, targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. If Ripley exosuit is equipped with Hydraulic Clamp and has an Ore Box in cargo, all mined ore will be moved to Ore Box. Any exosuit except Odysseus Mecha diamond drill.png Diamond Drill Essentially an upgraded drill. Isn't any stronger, but it is faster (all you need for mining really). Bug R&D to sync their servers and in no time mining can obliterate the asteroid (provided that they bring you diamonds first). It can also be used to harvest meat from dead mobs. Any exosuit except Odysseus Hydraulic clamp.png Hydraulic Clamp Gives it an ability to load objects into cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it. Ripley Exosuit extinguisher.png Extinguisher Exosuit-mounted extinguisher. Can be refilled by clicking on the Water Tank. Ripley Mecha teleporter.png Teleporter Exosuit-mounted teleporter. Can teleport the exosuit to any location in view. Must be researched first. (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 8, Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 5. Currently extremely rare due to the high research level - don't bother, really. Or steal it from the CentCom exosuits. You know you want to just hijack the deathsquad shuttles after taking their IDs off their burnt corpses, charge out the doors with your stolen weapons in hand, hack your way through the multitudinous doors as more security rushes in with murder in mind and pulse cannons and power armour at hand, until you finally get to your prizes, the Mech Bay - only to steal the teleporters mounted on them and scarper back to the station to use them in the destructive analyser. You know it's what you want to do. Do it. Do it. Do it.) Any exosuit Mecha teleporter.png Gravitational Catapult Can be used to throw objects around (S mode) or move them away from target (P mode). Must be researched first. (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 2; Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 3; Engineering 3). Any exosuit Wormhole generator.gif Wormhole Generator As the name implies, Wormhole Generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned at Space-Time Anomalies event) at target location. Must be researched first. (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 4). Any exosuit Mounted RCD.png Mounted RCD An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device. Ripley Armor booster module.png Armor Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry) Boosts exosuit armor against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate. Any exosuit Armor booster module.png Armor Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry) Boosts exosuit armor against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate. Any exosuit Repair droid.png Repair Droid Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage. Any exosuit Energy relay.png Energy Relay Wirelessly drains energy from any available power channel in area. The performance index is quite low. Any exosuit Energy relay.png Plasma Converter Generates power using solid plasma as fuel. Pollutes the environment. Any exosuit Energy relay.png ExoNuclear Reactor Generates power using uranium. Pollutes the environment. Any exosuit Cable layer.png Cable Layer Lays cables. Ripley Sgun.png Syringe Gun Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur. Can scan and replicate any reagent, and use it for syringes and with a sleeper. Odysseus Sleeper.gif Mounted Sleeper Exo-suit mounted sleeper which can be used to kidnap and heal people. Odysseus Mecha medigun.png Medigun Exo-suit mounted medigun which gradually heals people it's used on. Odysseus Vehicles Generally lightly-armored, land-based vehicles produced from the exosuit fabricator. Quadbike.gif Quadbike Where we're going, we don't need roads! An all terrain vehicle used by exploration, excavation, or search and rescue teams. To manufacture: Required Steps 8 x Plastic Sheet Plastic Sheet 1 x Console Screen Console Screen 1 x Spring Spring 2 x Cable Coil Cable Coil 1 x Power Cell (Any) Power Cell (Any) 1 x Motor Motor 2 x Plasteel Sheet Plasteel Sheet 1 x Screwdriver Screwdriver or Wrench Wrench Quadtrailer.gif Quadbike Trailer Where we're going, we don't need roads! But we do need an engine. A trailer that is pulled behind an ATV, for carrying cargo, machinery, or persons. To manufacture: Required Steps 1 x Stage 2 Quadbike Frame (Pre-Spring) Stage 2 Quadbike Frame (Pre-Spring) 5 x Metal Sheet Metal Sheet 2 x Cable Coil Cable Coil 1 x Screwdriver Screwdriver Spacebike.png Spacebike Where we're going, we don't need gravity! A small hovercraft that can fit one person, essentially a jet-pack you sit on! To manufacture: Required Steps 1 x Jetpack (Any) Any Jetpack or Borg Jetpack Upgrade Borg Jetpack Upgrade 2 x Cable Coil Cable Coil 3 x Plastic Sheet Plastic Sheet 1 x Console Screen Console Screen 1 x Spring Spring 1 x Power Cell (Any) Power Cell (Any) 1 x Screwdriver Screwdriver or Wrench Wrench --------- For the aspiring Machinist, this guide will explain the creation and maintenance of Cyborg, Bots, and Exosuits, as well as the repair of IPCs. If you need to carry out surgery on a living person, and not a machine, check out this guide to Surgery instead. Robotics Equipment Machines Exosuit Fabricator Exofab.png The Exosuit Fabricator is your main construction machine, you feed materials into it, and it builds all the things you could possibly need. It can make prosthetic limbs, cyborg parts and internal components, exosuit parts, exosuit equipment modules, and a variety of useful miscellaneous items like power cells. It has a vast variety of blueprints available to start, but certain advanced things must be unlocked by raising your research levels. These will be explained later. In addition, the machine itself will also be upgraded by simply researching two specific techs. These benefits have no cap, and will continue to have a benefit at any increased research level (The levels themselves are capped by the availability of high tech items to research) Materials research will increase material efficiency, reducing the quantity of materials you require to build things. Data Theory research will increase speed efficiency, reducing the time required to build various parts It can be upgraded Upgrading the Laser will increase material efficiency, reducing the quantity of materials you require to build things. Upgrading the Manipulators will increase speed efficiency, reducing the time required to build various parts Upgrading the Matter Bins will allow it to store more materials Cyborgs See also Cyborgification Contracts. These contracts are important - without a signed, stamped contract, making a man into a machine is technically murder - no matter how much he wants it! The Cyborg is the Machinist's primary creation and upkeep. They are tasked with helping the station's inhabitants in their daily life and trying to kill everyone when the AI is insane. Each cyborg is required to follow the AI's laws, and may choose one of the AIs in the event that more than one exists. Making a Cyborg Extract a brain for the Cyborg Note: Check with the Chief Medical Officer before agreeing to perform a brain extraction on a living human. Medbay has anesthetics, which are optimal when someone is cutting into your skull with a circular saw. Additionally, it will clear up bookkeeping problems regarding the addition of a new cadaver in the morgue. So You Decapitated Your Patient Don't panic just yet! You can still complete the brain extraction. It's actually easier then extracting the brain from an attached head. Use a Scalpel.png scalpel, then a Retractor.png retractor, then a Hemostat.png hemostat. Cyborg Maintenance You'll often have Cyborgs run up to you with any number of problems. Here's how to deal with them most of the time. Repair When Cyborgs get dented, they'll come to you for repairs. Luckily, most repairs are simple Equip a WeldingHelmet.png welding helmet on your head. Note: Be sure to remember this step or you could go blind! Place a Welderon.gif welder in your hand, click on it while it's in your hand to light it, then click on the Cyborg repeatedly to repair it. Engineer cyborgs can also repair themselves and other cyborgs like this. Occasionally Cyborgs are inflicted by more advanced damage that hurts their internal wiring. If this is the case: Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Powercell.png Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand. Screwdriver tool.png Use a screwdriver to expose the wires. CableCoils.png Use a cable coil to replace damaged wires. Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver the cyborg to unexpose the wires. Powercell.png Replace the cyborg's power cell by inserting a new one. Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel shut. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover. Cyborg Component Repair Sometimes robots will have damaged components that need to be removed and replaced. Removing them is pretty straightforward. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Powercell.png Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand. Screwdriver tool.png Use a screwdriver to expose the wires. Crowbar.png Crowbar out the desired component. Occasionally a robot will be so damaged that only the brain is salvageable, or perhaps it's volunteering for an AI core. You can remove the brain by following these steps. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Powercell.png Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand. Screwdriver tool.png Use a screwdriver to expose the wires. Wirecutters.png Cut all five wires with wirecutters. Crowbar.png Use a crowbar to remove the MMI. Human Prosthetic Repair You may be asked to repair damage to the artificial limbs of your fellow crew members. To fix brute damage: Follow the same procedure as outlined above for fixing dents in cyborgs, making sure to target the specific area that requires fixing. To fix burn damage: CableCoils.png Use a cable coil on the damaged area. Upgrading the Power Cell Cyborgs that start when the game starts will likely come straight to you for an upgrade in the first few minutes of the game. Help them out by upgrading their power cell, which will lessen the amount of time they need to visit the recharging station. Click on the Cyborg with the following items (in order): Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Click on the Cyborg with an Empty hand.png empty hand to take out the Powercell.png power cell and replace it with the higher-capacity power cell. Note: The default power cell capacity in Cyborgs is 7,500. All of the power cells you find in your office should be at least 15,000, and the Science Department can research power cells that exceed 30,000. Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel shut. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover. Modules Once a player Cyborg chooses a module (Engineer, Janitor, Service, etc) they cannot change the module without your help. You can manually reset its module to allow it the option of choosing a new one by following this order: Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel. Crowbar.png Crowbar open the panel. Robotics reset module circuit.png Print out a reset upgrade in the fabricator, and insert it into the cyborg. Crowbar.png Crowbar the panel shut. Id regular.png Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover. This also works with any other module - just replace the "reset module" with the module of your choosing. Modifications Cyborgs that have had their programming tampered with can be repaired by resetting their AI connection and LawSync status, by manually pulsing the wiring. In the unlikely event that an AI goes crazy, a trained Machinist or other technician should be able to sever the connection to the AI entirely by cutting the correct wire. There are three lights in the cyborg with three corresponding wires: LawSync: If this light is on, it means that any laws uploaded to the AI are also uploaded to the cyborg. The cyborg cannot be given different laws to the AI as long as this is on. This light will turn off if the AI Link light is off, regardless of wire status. Pulsing does nothing. Cutting will do nothing, as long as the AI link light is on. If the AI link light is off, cutting and then turning the AI link back on will cause the cyborg to be slaved to an AI, but not synced with it's laws. Mending this wire will turn the LawSync light back on as long as the AI link light is also on. The cyborg will then resume syncing with the AI's laws. If the AI link light is off, mending this will turn the light on, only for it to turn off again. AI Link: If this light is on, it shows that the Cyborg is slaved to an AI and must follow that AI's orders. Pulsing this wire allows you to pick an AI for the cyborg to be slaved to if there are multiple AIs. If there is only one AI, pulsing this will simply turn it on and slave the cyborg to it, if it is off. Cutting this wire will cause the Cyborg to be unslaved from the AI and bound only by it's laws. This also turns off LawSync, as the cyborg has no AI to sync to. Mending this wire does nothing. You need to pulse it to reconnect it to an AI. Module Lock: If this light is on, the module of the cyborg cannot be changed. Pulsing this will reset the module of a cyborg and allow it to pick a new one. Cutting this wire will cause the cyborg to be locked to the standard module and be unable to change or use any items. They can still remote control devices however. Mending this wire will allow the cyborg to change modules. An emagged cyborg will have no LawSync or AI link and cannot be reset. Remember, cyborgs are very expensive! Do not destroy them unless the cyborg is completely out of control, and resetting the AI and LawSync status doesn't work. Creating a Spiderbot Spiderbots are temporary bodies for brains. They can carry around small items, zap things, move through vents and generally act like pests. They are seldom used on the Aurora, but can still be constructed. Combine the following: Robot head. Manipulator. Occupied MMI or positronic brain. IPCs Sometimes, you will need to repair synthetics other than Cyborgs, such as IPCs. The procedures for repairing an IPC are quite different from that of cyborgs, and are as follows: Opening and Closing Surgical Sites The first and last steps of most repairs. To open a surgical site; Screwdriver tool.png Open the limb's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. To close a surgical site; Crowbar.png Close the hatch using a crowbar. Screwdriver tool.png Close the limb's hatch using a screwdriver. General repair In the case that any damage is only external (Anything less than "Severe" or "A lot of") and brute in nature, damage can be repaired without opening the part up. For dents: WeldingHelmet.png Equip a welding helmet on your head. Welderon.gif Place a welder in your hand, click on it while it's in your hand to light it, target the affected organ and then click on the IPC. For burns: Burns, no matter how high or low the damage is, will require that you open the robotic part up. Read up here to find out how to do that. CableCoils.png Once the part is open, click on the IPC with a cable coil. Advanced interior repair IPCs possess their own set of internal organs, the locations and identities of which are as follows (Organs with their name in bold are vital - removing it will kill the IPC!): Microbattery - chest Optical sensor - head IPC identification tag - head Positronic brain - head (NOTE: Removing this will only kill the IPC chassis, not the posibrain itself. The brain will function like a normal posibrain.) Organ repair While targeting the organ's parent limb: Screwdriver tool.png Open the limb's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Nanopaste.png Screwdriver tool.png Mend the damage to the organ using nanopaste or a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Close and secure the hatch using a crowbar. Organ removal While targeting the organ's parent limb: Screwdriver tool.png Open the limb's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Multitool.png Decouple the target organ (you can choose if there are multiple) using a multitool. NOTE: It may take multiple clicks before it works. Hemostat.png Remove the target organ with the hemostat Crowbar.png Close and secure the hatch using a crowbar. Organ attachment While targeting the organ's parent limb: Screwdriver tool.png Open the limb's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Insert the organ by clicking on the IPC with it in your hand. Screwdriver tool.png Reattach the target organ using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Close and secure the hatch using a crowbar. Positronic brain installation While targeting the head: Screwdriver tool.png Open the head's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Install the Positronic Brain by clicking on the IPC with it in your hand. [[File:Crowbar.png]5] Close and secure the hatch using a crowbar. Voice mending surgery Helping a poor Shell sing again! While targeting the Shells' mouth. Scalpel.png To open the Shells' Synthskin face and reveal the neck. Multitool.png or CableCoils.png To mend the voice modulator. Retractor.png To bend the Shells' Synthskin face and neck back into place. IPC revival Time to bring a dead robot back to life: While targeting the head: Screwdriver tool.png Open the head's hatch using a screwdriver. Crowbar.png Pry open the hatch using a crowbar. Multitool.png Decouple the Positronic brain. Hemostat.png Remove the brain with the hemostat. Exofab.png Create a full cyborg chassis. The IPC's species depends on the brand of the torso. Different brands can be ordered through cargo. Multitool.png Use the multitool on the head to disable the law manager. Build a cyborg and follow the steps above. Augments Machinists will be asked to perform maintenance or repair augments from time to time. Please keep in mind that nanopaste and surgical knowledge is required to do such and characters finding themselves lacking should consult a doctor. More information on augments can be found in the respective guide here. Bots As a Machinist, you serve another important purpose, making NPC robots. Robots can benefit the station in many ways, and are really easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows: Medibot.gif Medibot These will only inject chemicals if the chemical helps with the target's damage by default. They can also be Emagged to repeatedly inject anyone with harmful chemicals. Note that these don't synthesise their own chemicals, except tricordazine. Combine the following ingredients in order: Cyborg Right or Left Arm. Empty SMed.png Medkit. Note: Differently colored medkits will also change the resulting color of your Medibot. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Healthanalyzer.png health analyzer. Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. Beaker.png beaker filled with the medicine of your choice. Cleanbot.gif Cleanbot Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor. Even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything! Bucket.png bucket (Grab it from the Janitor or make with Autolathe) Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Cyborg Right or Left Arm. Farmbot.png Farmbot A relatively useful bot that helps with the mundane aspects of Hydroponics and Xenobotany. It will water plants, clearout weeds, harvest plants, and refill nutrients To make one: Attach a robot arm (cyborg right or left arm) to a Watertank.png water tank. Attach a plant analyzer. Attach a Bucket.png bucket. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Attach a mini-hoe. Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. Floorbot.gif Floorbot Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station. They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles. To make: Empty Btoolbox.png toolbox (Must be a blue one) Floor Tiles.png Floor tile (click on a stack of metal while it's in your hand to open a menu for making these) Proximitysensor.png proximity sensor. (Optional) Name the bot with a Pen.png pen. Cyborg Right or Left Arm. Keep in mind that Floorbots have a limited number of floor tiles. This number can be observed by popping up their control panel. I AM THE LAW Securitron Basically, Officer Beepsky without the personality. You usually won't need to build any of these, but they can be hilariously helpful for traitors whom have invested in a Electromagnetic Card (E-mag), as they tend to run around stunning and cuffing everyone in sight. Problem is, any of these that report a Level 10 Infraction when spotting people are obviously hacked. To make: Screwdriver tool.png Use a Screwdriver on a Remote signaller.pngRemote Signaling Device Combine with a Helmet.pngHelmet (Get these from Security) Welderon.gifWeld them together Add a Proximitysensor.pngProximity Sensor and a Robot Arm. Toss in a StunBaton.gifStun Baton Note that destroying a Securitron or Officer Beepsky with a melee weapon is all but impossible by yourself; striking them causes them to immediately stun and cuff you. If you work with another person you can get several hits in while it is cuffing the other person, which is often enough to destroy it outright. ED209.png ED-209 Beepsky's bigger brother. Has all of the abilities of a standard Securitron with the addition of a ranged attack. To make: Use a Metal.png metal sheet on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it. Add two Robot Legs and an Plate sec.png armor plate, not the plate carrier! Welderon.gifWeld everything together Add in a security Helmet.pngHelmet Attach a Proximitysensor.pngProximity Sensor to the assembly Insert wires Add a Distruptor pistol.pngdisruptor pistol and attach it with a Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver. Insert a Powercell.pngPower cell. Your own murder-robot is complete! A emagged ED-209 fires deadly lasers AND attacks anyone on sight. Anyone emagging a ED-209 is advised to run like crazy. Exosuits Construction of exosuits are restricted by ID, so they are typically the product of machinists and the Research Director. These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the Operations Manager or the Research and Development console. Exosuits are wholly modular, meaning what you make can (mostly) be mixed and matched to create whatever vehicle you desire. From chicken-legged brawling mecha to tread-based taxis, the possibilities are endless. The current list of exosuit parts is as follows. Exosuit Construction Mechframe.png The Frame The backbone of the mech itself, this can be modified at any stage of construction. To finish: Apply 15 steel sheets to the frame. Wrench the steel sheets in place. Weld the steel sheets in place. Wire the frame. Wire cutters to neaten the wiring. The following is the limitation and requirement for the frame's finished parts : - Motivators - Sensors - Manipulators - Chassis Once it's all applied, screwdriver to complete. Robotarmor.png The Parts The actual defining features of the mech, appearance and performance wise. Each part has unique attributes that make them superior or inferior to the other parts, depending on situation. Individual parts of the mech require various, smaller parts from the mech fabricator to finish. Robot parts are found under the "robot" tab specifically, not the exosuit tab itself. To finish the motivators and manipulators: Apply one robot actuator. To finish the sensors: Apply one robot camera. Apply one robot radio. Apply one exosuit control module, this is among the most important parts of the mech. To finish the chassis: Apply the exosuit armor of your choice. This is very important as it judges the durability of your mech. Apply one power cell of your choice. Apply one robot diagnostic unit. Once it's all done, place the parts on the mech frame. The Exosuit Control Module The Exosuit Control Module takes very specific boards, but only two of any variety. This marks the limitation for modules that mecha can use. Theoretically, any mech can be used for any purpose with this system. The boards can be seen below. Basic Weapon Control - Controls the majority of weapons found in the exosuit fabricator. Without it, none of these can be utilized. Advanced Weapon Control - Controls the higher-end weaponry, such as X-RAYs and pulse cannons. Doesn't work for basic weapons without also using the basic weapon board. Utility Systems Control - Controls almost every utility system, such as clamps, drills and floodlights. Engineering Systems Control - Controls engineering systems such as the mounted RFD or fire extinguisher. Medical Systems Control - Controls medical systems such as sleepers, health analyzers and crisis drones. Robotradio.png The Details The specifics on each frame available to robotics. Exosuit Frames ModularAPLU.pngPowerloader - Parts for an industrial-grade power loader. The modular mecha adaptation of the APLU "Ripley," tends to be utilized for mining and heavy lifting. Has decent armor across the board. Has an open chassis, not protected against the environment. Can carry two people inside of it. Powerful, heavy manipulators with substantial damage per swing. Slow and bulky but hard to damage motivators. ModularLight.pngLight Chassis - Parts for a light, maneuverable and fragile mech. The modular mecha adaptation of the Odysseus, tends to be utilized for medical response and scouting. Has terrible armor, generally. Has a sealed chassis, protected from the environment. Light, nigh harmless manipulators that are unable to damage windows or doors. Fast and agile motivators basically made of glass. Has sensors that allow you to see turfs (floors and walls) through walls. Useful for spotting damage if you don't have mesons. ModularHeavy.pngHeavy Chassis - Parts for an absurdly large, heavy-duty mech. The modular mecha adaptation of the Durand, tends to be utilized for really big problem solving. Has phenomenal armor, generally. Has a sealed chassis, protected from the environment. Extremely heavy and equally slow motivators. The heaviest duty manipulators available, presumably carries the impact of a train. ModularCombat.pngCombat Chassis - Parts for a well-balanced combat mech. The modular mecha adaptation of the Gygax, tends to be utilized for dynamic combat situations. Has relatively good armor. Has a sealed chassis, protected from the environment. Moderately armored motivators, still quite fast. Quick, but light manipulators that don't have much force behind them. Has sensors that allow you to see any mob through walls. Miscellaneous Parts Armored Treads - The fastest traditionally available motivators, very durable with terrible turning delay. Not good for maneuverable mechs, but great for straight lines. Hover Thrusters - A set of thruster motivators that permit flight and the total disregard of holes. Quadruped Motivators - A set of stable motivators that permit the scaling of walls and have instant turn speed. Spherical Pod Chassis - A spherical hoverpod chassis, in modular mech form! About as useless as its predecessor and only a little prettier. Exosuit Armor Robotarmor.png Armor - The armor of your mech determines a plethora of things and can be changed depending on the specialty you expect for your mech. Some available are listed below. Basic exosuit armor - Simple enough, durable armor with no special attributes. Radiation-proof armor - Exactly what the name says, this will protect the user entirely from the threat of radiation. EM-resistant armor - EMP proofing, for your mech in effect. Combat armor - Extremely durable without the special attributes of the former plating. ModularRFD.png The Equipment The wielded equipment, utilities and weapons of the mech available to robotics. Weapons Electro-laser carbine - An electrode-based taser that doesn't pass through windows but does a mighty amount of pain to whoever it hits. Heavy Ion Cannon - A mech-mounted duplicate of the ion rifle. Two modes : stun, and lethal. Stun has ten shots, lethal has six. Can't be fitted onto shoulder slots. Mounted laser carbine - A laser rifle fitted onto a mech. Ten shots, all lethal. Can't be fitted onto shoulder slots. Mounted machine gun - A very robust ballistic autocannon for mech usage, very lethal. Utilities Mounted Clamp - A sturdy clamp that can carry pretty much anything that isn't bolted down. Great for securely moving loaded crates. When loaded with an ore box, this automatically picks up anything you drill. Mounted Drill - A drill with an interchangeable head that excels at destroying pretty much anything in the game, from rocks to killer monsters to people to rocks again. More efficient the harder the head's material is. Floodlight - Very bright headlamps for exosuit mounting. Wonderful for just about any mech. Mounted Plasma Cutter - A robust plasma cutter for mech usage. Gravitational Catapult - A grav-pult with two modes ; area, and targeted selection. Utilizing either, you're able to push, pull or shove any object not bolted down. Engineering Mounted RFD - An RFD with three modes ; construct wall/plating, deconstruct wall/plating/airlock, and construct airlock. Extinguisher - A very high capacity fire extinguisher. Medical Mounted sleeper - A sleeper that permits the operator to scoop up people quickly, it's also fitted onto the back of the mech and comes with a variety of beneficial chemicals. Health analyzer - A health analyzer. That's it. Crisis Drone - Automatically attempts to stabilize people nearby when activated. Examplemech.png Mech Piloting Simple tips to piloting your new death robot. Basics Mechs are pretty much larger versions of your own character in operation, meaning that, mechanically speaking (not RP wise) it's as simple as utilizing normal hotkeys once you've climbed into the mech to navigate. To climb into the mech, drag your character's sprite onto the mech. Provided the canopy is open, you'll simply enter the mech after a brief delay. Any action will interrupt this process, especially being knocked over or pushed. If the hatch/canopy/roll cage/etc. is closed, simply click on the mecha itself to swing it open. Once you're inside, you ought to have full access to your inventory with the exception of using some items, using RIG modules, etc. MechaInterface.png The interface of the mech starts here. This is where basic functions are controlled. The MAINT button toggles the maintenance protocol on/off. Maintenance protocol permits the manipulation/deconstruction of the completed mecha, regardless of the presence of a pilot. The EJECT button ejects you, provided the canopy is unlocked. The GEAR button toggles the hardpoint access system, permitting or forbidding editing of hardpoints from outside of the mech. The LOCK button locks the canopy once it's closed. The CLOSE/OPEN button opens/closes the canopy. The RADIO button permits configuration of the exosuit's internal radio. The CAMERA button activates your mech head's sensors, provided it has some. The RENAME button permits the relabeling of the exosuit to whatever hilarious or cool thing you can come up with. Mechainterface2.png The next part of the exosuit interface is seen here. Basically, clicking on the background of the icon in question permits you to select the specific module that occupies that slot. Alt+clicking on the icon activates one of its utilities, like setting something to burst fire or dropping something from a clamp. Ctrl+clicking on the icon's background will eject the module entirely from your mech. To the right of this, ammunition/drill integrity/clamp contents can be seen. Mechainterface3.png The final piece is seen here, this displays the integrity of your mech. Damage will display on various specific parts, like motivators/manipulators/sensors/etc as it comes. Repairing Your Mech Repairing a mech is a complex procedure, one that tends to involve activating maintenance protocols, wrenching the frame to dismantle it, and taking it apart piece by piece to fix the parts. Welder+wire will be needed in excess to fix damaged parts, and at higher damage thresholds, entire components will require replacement. This makes field repair of mechs rather difficult without a lot of spare parts on hand, so mechs aren't that sustainable running about aimlessly. Replacing the Cell Replacing the cell of a mech is simple - just crowbar it out with maintenance protocols enabled, and place a new (hopefully charged) one inside. RemoteChairT.png Remote Piloting How to setup and remotely control a mech. Requirements Any finished and functional mech Simply follow the steps above to create your own mech. Take it for a test ride and make sure it is charged. Parking it on a charger will ensure it remains charged until it is actually needed. Remote control upgrade Those can be printed via the integrated circuit printer. You can get one of those from your friendly scientist over at R&D. They come in three forms, which respond to three different control networks: Standard for public use, penal for use in prisoner programs or the mines and AI to be controlled by the station intelligence. It can only be attached to a fully working mech and cannot be removed. Only if the mech and control chair are on the same network will you be able to pilot your Mech from it. Linked remote control chair You will need a mech control center assembly kit, which can be printed on the protolathe in R&D. It can be deployed anywhere and moved by using your wrench on it. Entering the chair will give you a list of all mechs connected to the corresponding network. You are able to control the mech as long as you remain within the chair itself. VoiceHead.png Voice Commands Controlling a mech with only voice commands. Speaking to the mech A mech will listen for its name (the text that pops up when you hover over it, or examine it) when it hears someone speaking near it, it will then actively listen for any commands that come after its name is said. For example, if my mech is named 'Rodina', I would issue it a follow command with: "Rodina, follow me." If you enjoy having long mech names, a system to apply a nickname to the mech is also included, such that I can go, "Rodina, set nickname to Rod." After this, I can simply issue the command, "Rod, follow me." Note, both the nickname AND the current name are valid names, as the mech will listen to both. All mechs will respond to voice commands. However, the majority of voice commands need you to be the mech's "leader". When the [X | Y] notation is used, this represents the various different options commands have. Feel free to play around and get a feel for it. When you are inside the mech, you also count as a leader. This allows you to order around and unlink a mech that belongs to someone else, if you somehow gained access to climb inside. Assigning the leader Enable the mech's maintenance protocols, it will NOT listen to the "listen to" command if the maintenance protocols aren't active. This is to prevent easy theft. Use the 'listen to' command, using either "me", or the name of any humanoid with an ID within the mech's view. It will need to be their full name. If you use the "me" version of the command, a named ID is not necessary. Leaderless Commands "report diagnostics" | This will output a short burst of information, namely: The mech's current leader, who the mech is following, its assigned nickname, and whether its maintenance protocols are enabled or not. "listen to [me | humanoid with ID's ID's registered name]" | This will assign a leader to the mech. This leader will be able to issue advanced commands listed below. This command needs the maintenance protocols to be active. Leader Commands "follow [me | humanoid with ID's ID's registered name]" | The mech will follow the selected target at its set follow range, default range being three. The follow range will automatically update when a new range command is given. "follow range [one | two | three]" | Simply updates the range at which the mech will follow someone when issued the follow command. "stop" | Stops the mech's follow command, useful to stop it from siccing people. "set nickname to [any string | null]" | As discussed in "speaking to the mech", this will provide a nickname to be listened to when issuing commands. "toggle maintenance protocols" | Toggles the mech's maintenance protocols. "toggle hatch" | Toggles the mech's hatch open or closed. "toggle lock" | Toggles the mech's hatch lock. "unlink" | Unlinks the current leader from the mech, allowing a new leader to be assigned using the "listen to" command. Hardsuits Hardsuits are wacky pieces of equipment that fit on your back and deploy to give you protection from vacuum and grants you integrated tools to use, assuming they're installed. There aren't many hardsuits around the station but you're able to build new ones here in robotics via the exosuit fabricators. Note that you may need to press Sync before the hardsuit categories appear. Below will describe how to assemble different suits. Civilian Hardsuits Most departmental RIGs can be fabricated and assembled, though the CE rig will need some research done in RND. Fabricate the hardsuit assembly of your choosing Apply cable to the assembly to wire it Adjust the wiring with wirecutters Fabricate the appropriate central circuit board from the circuit imprinter - you can do this from the console Insert the central circuit board into the assembly - the module and assembly model must be the same Secure the central circuit board with a screwdriver Install steel sheets onto the assembly Secure the steel with a wrench Weld it all together to finish the assembly Combat Hardsuits Combat hardsuits mostly refers to the Hazard and Combat hardsuits, though you won't see these unless extensive research has gone into combat technologies. Additionally, their assembly is a bit more involved: Fabricate the hardsuit assembly of your choosing Apply cable to the assembly to wire it Adjust the wiring with wirecutters Fabricate the appropriate central circuit board from the circuit imprinter Insert the central circuit board into the assembly Secure the central circuit board with a screwdriver Fabricate the appropriate control and targeting board from the circuit imprinter Insert the control and targeting board into the assembly Secure the control and targeting board with a screwdriver Print an advanced scanning module from the protolathe in RND Insert the advanced scanning module into the assembly Secure the advanced scanning module with a screwdriver Install steel sheets onto the assembly Secure the steel with a wrench Weld the steel onto the assembly Install plasteel sheets onto the assembly Secure the plasteel with a wrench Weld the plasteel onto the assembly