* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ====== Guide to Hyposprays ====== =====How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Hypospray===== ====What you will get if you use the hypo==== * Less frustration after running after a marine and still not healing him * Ability to quickly heal minor damage for multiple marines * Not running out of chems mid-operation on longer rounds * Ability to fine-tune your mixes on demand ====What is a "Hypospray"?==== Why should you use the hypospray over injectors and pills? Let's see what a hypospray is. It's basically a bigger injector which accepts pills. So what? Pros: * Quick to use - overall faster * Quick to use - immunity to push-interrupts, can just run past a marine and inject * Custom dosage - allows effective reagent use * Custom dosage - allows large injects at once, or microdoses for abuse * Can be refilled - allows custom mixes on-the go Cons: * Relatively low volume (60u or 120u for big) * Needs to be refilled * Required medical skill to use instantly Overall, hypospray is a midway between a pill bottle and an injector, with best of both worlds and some drawbacks. * Bigger than injector and can be easily refilled * Faster than pills * Allows mixes and dosage changes on-the-go * Contrary to both, cannot be quickly applied to himself by a common marine =====How to use it effectively===== ====Healing the frontline==== As a Corpsman, SL or FC, you always want to have your squad strong and healthy. One good way is to use the hypospray, and fill it with a mix of reagents - 15u of each Bicaridine, Kelotane, Tricordrazine, Tramadol/Oxycodone. This can be easily done via putting one of each pill into it. Oxy inject will give a nice bonus - the marine will get BIG WORDS saying he had been healed! Set the transfer amount to 10u. This way, your hypospray is a go-to tool to run around and poke damaged marines. Each use will heal 2.5*(1+0.8)*5 = 22.5 of Brute and Burn damage, 5 Tox, and 6 Oxy damage, working over 25 seconds (and giving painkiller effect in the meantime). Let's see how it compares to giving pills: * The marine has minor burn damage (about 20, scattered) * Hypospray - immediately apply, the marine fully heals over 25 sec using 10u of reagents, and gets painkiller. * Pills scenario 1 - use HF2 analyzer, see that marine has 20 burn damage. Give him Kelotane. The marine heals fully over 40 sec + time for analysis and pill use. Uses 15u reagents. * Pills scenario 2 - give Tricord immediately. The marine heals fully over 50 sec + time for pill use. Uses 15u reagents. * In this scenario, hypo works best, and allows to avoid running after the marine while he continuously resets pill feed action. Also injects painkiller, which would require you to spend extra 15u in pill scenario. * The marine has minor brute damage (30 to chest) * Hypospray - immediately apply, the marine heals 22.5 HP over 25 sec using 10u of reagents, and gets painkiller. Some damage is healed via regen. * Pills - use HF2 analyzer, see that marine has 20 burn damage. Give him Kelotane. The marine heals fully over ~50 sec + time for analysis and pill use. Uses 15u reagents. * Membrane - heals 15 HP (50% damage) immediately. Can combine with hypospray. * In this scenario, hypo works well, but best to combine with membrane. Focused damage is always best treated with membranes, but hypo still provides cost and time-effective heal with added painkiller effect. * The marine has significant overall damage (30 brute to chest, 20 burn scattered) * Hypospray - immediately apply, the marine almost fully heals over 25 sec using 10u of reagents. * Pills - use HF2 analyzer, see the damage. Give him Kelo+Bica, or tricord. Either way the marine heals fully but slower and using more reagents. * The marine has large overall damage (80 brute to chest and head, 40 burn scattered) * Hypospray - immediately apply 3 doses, the marine almost fully heals over 75 sec using 30u of reagents, without pain penalties. * Pills - use HF2 analyzer, see the damage. Give him Kelo+Bica+Trama (45u), or Kelo+Bica+Trico+Trama (60u). Either way the marine heals fully, but slower and using more reagents. In each case, hypospray is better in terms of speed and efficiency. It's not groundbreaking, but gives an edge. Don't forget - in each case, you can just walk by and inject! For pills or membranes, you need to use the analyzer, and then make sure marine doesn't run away when you give the pill! Also, you can add MeraDerm instead of Tramadol to significantly increase the healing rate. 15u of each Bicaridine, Kelotane, Tricordrazine, and 15u of MeraDerm, at 10u per inject, will heal 35 damage over 25 seconds. For only 10u and no need to scan! ====Using specialized hypospray mixes==== Another good way to utilize hypospray is to prepare a mix that will be used for a specific purpose without a chem lab. For example, you can add Alkysine, Imidazone and Dylovene and set transfer amount to 10u to have a quick solution against neurotoxin spits. This way the toxin will be purged, and head will be healed all at once, without you spending time. Also you will avoid effects of having >10u of Dylovene, which damages stamina. This is more resource-effective, and quick to use, so you can run around and spam it. And lastly, it requires only having the pills and the hypospray, without having to go to chem lab. Another mix is Inaprovaline (30u) + Russian Red (20u) + Oxycodone (10u). Set transfer amount to 30u. Use it on people in crit, when the situation is dire - it will heal 44% of their BRUTE and BURN, as well as give enormous regen and painkiller to escape to safety. There is a side-effect of 10 cloneloss, which can only be treated by Cryo or Sleep emote. But the short-term save is very strong. =====Protips===== * Injector is just a small hypospray. * You can add pills directly to hypospray even if it's empty. They'll liquify. * Using hypospray on a pill bottle will make it swallow a single pill from the bottle. Faster than inserting. * You can microdose chemicals. Just note that sometimes it won't work. * You can mix reagents inside hyposprays. Add Dylo to Ina for Trico. * Don't forget you can still overdose marines. Don't try to repeatedly inject everybody with 30u of Trico. * Big hypospray is good. You can joke about having something BIG below your waist. * You can steal hyposprays from MedPlus or whatever that is. * You can check the dosage per inject for each reagent by shift-clicking.