* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ====== Guide to Hydroponics ====== ===== Plants and Potency ===== Most plants are measured by potency. Plants typically are listed as having a % of reagent; for example, 10% vitamins. This means that a plant with 100 Potency would have 10 Vitamins, whereas a plant with 10 Potency would have 1 Vitamin. Potency also occasionally affects special effects (the slipperiness of bananas, for example). =====Basics of Botany===== Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the ship will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, import supplies at premium prices, or starve to death. ====Your Area==== Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big southern section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutriments and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the ship. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutriment and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right: Green: Ready to harvest. Red: Low health. Red: Weeds/pests/toxins. Yellow: Low nutriment. Blue: Low water. ====Tools that are of use in botany==== Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer. Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a very robust tool that can be placed in backpacks. Shovel: Digs up grass floors and cleaning the dirt. Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Portable Seed Extractor: Found in the lockers of the back room, this can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. ====Seed Extractor Plants 101==== Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Make sure to keep them weeded with a cultivator and watered. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Sometimes these and other stats of a plant are effected if you ignore them after the light warns you of their status. You have a choice of 5 nutriment sources depending on if you hacked your machine or not. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor. ====Biogenerators==== The bio-generator makes items out of the nutriment in plants, such as watermelons and pumpkins which have a 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it then put your growns inside. Open its interface and process the plants. If you somehow run out of nutriment in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard nutriments here. You can recycle any plant, though if they don't have nutriment like bananas, the efficiency is very low. ====DNA Extractor==== A recent addition, this allows you to extract genes and stats from seeds. This is a very useful machine for mass producing plants, saving time and is super easy. How to use: * 1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks * 2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice * 3. Extract seeds to the disk (seed will be destroyed) or extract a gene * 4. Put in another seed * 5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's in the plant data disk ====Useful seeds for maxing production==== There's wheat on the table at round start; this wheat has 50 potency and 1 production speed. Treecaps have naturally high endurance and resistance and 50 potency. The tobacco in the seed vendor has 10 yield. The wheat in the seed vendor has 1 production speed. At the start the DNA modifier can only store 50 potency on a disk, pester science to upgrade it as soon as you can so you can use 95 potency on a disk ====Plants==== There are three types of plants. The biggest category is "normal plants". The much smaller ones are mushrooms and weeds. They are a little different from the normal plants: * Mushrooms need less light, and suffer less from lack of it. * Mushrooms don't need water to grow. They still use it, though. * Weeds don't suffer from high weed level. * Mushrooms and weeds can't be overtaken by weeds in a tray. * Mushrooms' yield can't drop to 0. It will always be at least 1. * Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include: * 1/6 chance for Reishi. * 1/9 chance for Nettle. * 1/9 chance for Harebell. * 1/9 chance for Amanita. * 1/9 chance for Chanterelle. * 1/9 chance for Tower Cap. * 1/9 chance for Plump Helmets. * 1/6 chance for Starthistle. Here's a chart for reference on what you can grow. [Expand] Plant Chart (mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description) ====Chemicals==== ===Fertilizers=== * E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and has no effect on the yield. * Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but it will only produce one plant at most - if the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another fertilizer to harvest the normal yield of the plant. * Robust Harvest: Makes your plant produce twice as much, and will never mutate it. Useful if you already have good stats, are using unstable mutagen and don't want random mutations to interfere, or simply don't want to bother with mutating at all. * Nutriment: A fertilizer. You can get it from the Chef, or by using your own plants. Heals the plant. * Ammonia: Also a fertilizer, same effect as nutriment. Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this. * Diethylamine: A very powerful fertilizer. Twice as effective, meaning 1 unit diethylamine adds 2 units nutrient. Heals the plant AND also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia. ===Pest Removal=== * Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity. * Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds. ===Stats=== * Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants without harming them directly with toxins. Only use 1 or 2 units for optimized results. * Radium and Uranium: Same chance to mutate plants, but you need 10 units, they also damage the plant and add toxicity. * Saltpeter: Ask the chemists for this, this increases potency and has a chance to increase yield as well ===Plant Meds=== * Charcoal: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay. * Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles. Also lowers toxicity. Get it from the Chemist, or find a nice doctor to steal some from cryogenics. * Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit. * Ash: Heals your plant and adds nutriment. Also kills weeds. * Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. ===Plant Killers=== * Plant-B-Gone: Seriously damages the plant. Also lowers toxicity by magic and kills weeds. * Toxins, Acids, Fluorine, Chlorine: Damage the plant. * Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use some mutagen to unleash giant spiders upon the station, it's of no use. * Phosphorus: Damages plant, drains water, kills weeds and, surprisingly, adds nutriment. If you manage to get your hands on a lot of it, you can use it to kill useless plants without hurting the next plant. ====Advanced Botany==== Maybe you want to grow something more impressive than the tiny potatoes your plants probably produced. Or perhaps you got unlucky and harvested only one of each. A plant's stats determine all this and more, and true botanists are unafraid to PLAY GOD and change them! ===Stats=== Use your plant analyzer on a growing plant. You should get something like this: * Plant Age: 5 * Plant Endurance: 15 * Plant Lifespan: 25 * Plant Yield: 4 * Plant Production: 1 * Plant Potency: 5 * Weed level: 2/10 * Pest level: 3/10 * Toxicity level: 0/100 * Water level: 86/100 * Nutrition level: 7/10 You can also scan the growns: * Plant type: Normal plant * Potency: 5 * Yield: 4 * Maturation speed: 6 * Production speed: 1 * Endurance: 15 * Nutritional value: 1 * Other substances: 0 And seeds (you can also see these stats from inside the seed extractor storage): * Plant Endurance: 15 * Plant Lifespan: 25 * Species Discovery Value: 0 * Plant Yield: 4 * Plant Production: 1 * Plant Potency: 5 These names may be confusing at first. Here is what they all mean: * Age: Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat. * Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. * Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Not important at all in plants that can only be harvested once, unless they die before harvest. Barely useful for the other ones, because you can always plant it again. * Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything. * Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed). * Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10 -- the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest. * Potency: The most important stat. Between 0 and 100. Basically, this determines plant power. Mostly affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency. ===Traits=== Some plants have special traits, that can be transferred through the Plant DNA Manipulator. * Slippery Skin: Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds. * Liquid Contents: Causes the plant to squash when thrown, applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant. * Hypodermic Prickles: Plants with this trait will sting when thrown, transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target. * Capacitive Cell Production: Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge. * Electrical Activity: Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when used; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents. * Bluespace Activity: Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. * Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency. * Strong Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency. * Separated Chemicals: Makes plant reagents not react until squashed. * Densified Chemicals: Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant. * Perennial Growth: Plants with this trait can be harvested more than once. * Weed Adaptation: The plant acquires weed-like properties, making it not need nutrients and immune to weeds in the tray. * Fungal Vitality: The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, making it not need light or water. * Gaseous Decomposition: Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. ===Mutations=== To change the stats, you need to mutate your plant. Keep in mind that mutations are completely random, but you can do a more efficient job depending on how much you're willing to cooperate with other departments. Of your starting fertilizers, E-Z Nutriment makes the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but you'll have to replace the nutriment to actually harvest something! Finally, regular nutriment has a very small chance to mutate the plant into a different species. You can speed up the process by asking the chemist for some unstable mutagen. The effects of mutagen depend on how much you use. Best applied after transferring it to an empty fertiliser bottle, for greater control over amount used (Right-click > Set transfer amount). Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for... * 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this. * 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the plants table for the information on these mutations. * 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing. * 15% chance of normal stat mutation. * 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. * 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random mutated weed. * 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, three spiderlings are spawned. Shout for help and try to explain to security why you didn't use pest spray. Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, but you need a dropper for this. You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. R&D can also make a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray with sufficient research. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. Replica Pod Cloning Replica pods are very special plants. It can be used to grow dead people back to life, in the case that genetics is destroyed. To clone someone, follow these simple steps: * Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe. * Inject it into the bag of seeds. * Plant the seeds. * Let the plant grow and harvest it. * A cloned person will become a fully grown diona. If you grow a replica pod without any blood, there's a chance that it will produce more than one seed, and this chance depends on both luck and the plant's yield. Cabbage can be mutated into a replica pod. ====Other Notes==== ===Kudzu=== Usual plant stats affect active kudzu in these specific ways: * Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread, the chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10] * Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick [20 * (production / 50)] Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed on its place with all the mutations of the piece saved in the seed, so if you reactivate it new first piece will have all the same mutations the seed has and will spread it to all the progenitors. Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them: * CO2 consumption - positive mutation, consumes CO2 from the air * Space covering - positive mutation, makes vines grow vine floors over space * Light - positive mutation, about 40% of the vines with this mutation emit light slightly more powerful than PDA flashlight * Transparency - positive mutation, makes vines look-through * Toxins consumption - positive mutation, absorbs plasma from the air * Bluespace vines - minor negative mutation, makes vines be able to grow through anything * Explosive - minor negative mutation, on death vines with this mutation explode with a 0,0,2 power, clusters of this vine will chain-explode one after another * Fire resistant - minor negative mutation, makes vines ignore fire damage, be it plasma fires or welders * Vine eating - minor negative mutation, vines with this mutation will eat vines without it * Toxicity - negative mutation, eating vine with this mutation or walking thought it will cause you toxin damage * Aggressive spreading - negative mutation, on spreading vines will cause effect of mini-explosion on the tile they spread to, mobs buckled by this vine will also experience effects akin to minor explosion * O2 consumption - negative mutation, absorbs O2 from the air around * N2 consumption - negative mutation, absorbs N2 from the air * Thorns - negative mutation, makes mobs touching or going through vines recieve physical damage * Hardening - negative mutation, makes vines not die fast from sharp objects, but makes non-sharp objects (hands included) be more effective against them, on the full maturation blocks the passage. * Flowering - negative mutation, makes vines very entangly and spawns harmful flowers occasionally, flowers after destruction spawn flower mob that is aggressive and attacks Adding special chemicals to the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations: * Adding 5u of welding fuel will remove random positive mutation with a 20% probability * Adding 5u of phenol will remove a random minor negative mutation with a 20% probability * Adding 5u of sterilizine will remove a random negative mutation with a 20% probability * Adding 15u of blood will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 * Adding 5u of amatoxin will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 * Adding 5u of plasma will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 * Adding 10u of holy water will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 ===Sandstone and Soil=== If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Ambrosia Gaia leaves can be added to soil plots to make them self sustaining, the same way you can make hydroponics trays self sustaining. ===Wood and Drying Racks=== First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. ====Unique things to do with plants==== * Add some cable to a plant with Capacitive Cell Production to make a plant battery, add the electrical activity gene for an even better battery. * Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. * You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. * You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. * You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. * Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. * Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. * Novaflowers ignite people you hit them with and deal burn damage depending on potency. * Ambrosia Gaia will make trays self sustaining, removing the need for water or nutriment. * Comfrey and Aloe can be crushed to make healing poultices for brute and burn damage respectively * Combustible lemons are basically grown IEDs, be responsible with them. Flower Power Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important people on the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants, obviously. Without plants, the Chef cannot make many types of food. Without those types of food, the denizens of the station will either have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Now that you understand why this is important, let's get started! Plants Here is a chart with the types of plants you can grow, in case you forgot. Name Seed Plant Product Reagents; Notes Base Stats Source Ambrosia Deus Ambrosiadeusseed.png Ambrosiadeusplant.gif Ambrosiadeus.png 1 Plant Matter, 1 Styptic Powder (+1 per 8 potency), 1 Synaptizine (+1 per 8 potency), 1 Methamphetamine (+1 per 10 potency), 1 THC (+1 per 10 potency) Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 6 Yield, 5 Potency, 40 Rarity Mutates from Ambrosia Vulgaris Ambrosia Vulgaris Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png 1 Plant Matter, 1 THC (+1 per 8 potency), 1 Silver Sulfadiazine (+1 per 8 potency), 1 Styptic Powder (+1 per 10 potency), 1 Toxin (+1 per 10 potency) Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 6 Yield, 5 Potency Seed Dispenser Apple Appleseed.png Appleplant.png Apple.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 potency) Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 5 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Golden Apple Gappleseed.png Gappleplant.gif Gapple.gif 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 potency), 1 Gold (+1 per 5 potency) Repeat Harvest, 10 Maturation, 10 Production, 3 Yield, 10 Potency, 40 Rarity Mutates from Apple Bananas Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png 10 Banana Juice (+1 per 10 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 1 Potency Seed Dispenser Berries Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Blood Tomato Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png 1 Protein (+1 per 10 Potency), 1 Blood (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 10 Potency, 20 Rarity Mutates from Tomatoes Bluespace Tomato Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.gif Bluespacetomato.gif 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency), 10 Singulo (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, Bioluminescence, Teleporting, 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 10 Potency, 50 Rarity Mutates from Blue Tomatoes Blue Tomato Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency), 1 Space Lube (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 10 Potency, 20 Rarity Mutates from Tomatoes Cabbages Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 3 Maturation, 5 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Carrots Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency), 3 Oculine (+1 per 5 Potency) 10 Maturation, 1 Production, 5 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Chanterelle Mushrooms Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 25 Potency), 1 Space Fungus (+1 per 10 Potency) 7 Maturation, 1 Production, 5 Yield, 1 Potency Seed Dispenser Cherries Cherryseed.png Cherryplant.png Cherry.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 15 Potency), 1 Sugar (+1 per 15 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 3 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Chili Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png 3 Capsaicin (+1 per 5 Potency), 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 25 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 4 Yield, 20 Potency Seed Dispenser Cacao Pod Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodplant.png Cocoapod.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency), 4 Coco Powder (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Corn Cornseed.png CornPlant.png Corn.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency), 3 Corn Starch (+1 per 5 Potency). Can be used to make corn pipes. 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 20 Potency Seed Dispenser Death Berry Deathberryseed.png Deathberryplant.png Deathberry.png 1 Plant Matter, 3 Toxin (+1 per 5 Potency), 1 Lexorin (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 3 Yield, 50 Potency, 30 Rarity Mutates from Poison Berries Death Nettles Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 50 Potency), 0 Fluorosulfuric Acid (+1 per 1 Potency). Can be used as a weapon; will sting and poison you if held without gloves. Repeat Harvest, Stinging, 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency, 10 Rarity Mutates from Nettles Destroying Angels Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 50 Potency), 13 Amanitin (+1 per 3 Potency), 1 Psilocybin (+1 per 25 Potency) 12 Maturation, 1 Production, 2 Yield, 35 Potency, 30 Rarity Mutates from Fly Amanitas Eggplants Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 2 Yield, 20 Potency Seed Dispenser Egg-plants Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Egg.png Produces Eggs. Doesn't actually seem to exist. N/A Mutates from Eggplants Fly Amanitas Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png 1 Plant matter, 3 Amanitin (+1 per 3 Potency), 1 Psilocybin (+1 per 25 Potency) 10 Maturation, 5 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Hacked Seed Dispenser; Spawns as a weed Glowberry Glowberryseed.png Glowberryplant.png Glowberry.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency), 3 Uranium (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Spreads, Bioluminescent, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency, 20 Rarity Muatates from Berries Glowshrooms Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png 1 Radium (+1 per 20 Potency) Spreads, Bioluminescent, 15 Maturation, 1 Production, 3 Yield, 30 Potency, 20 Rarity Hacked Seed Dispenser; Mutates from Reishi Grapes Grapeseed.png Grapeplant.png Grape.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency), 3 Sugar (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 3 Maturation, 5 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Grass Grassseed.png Grassplant.png Grasstile.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 potency) Repeat Harvest, 2 Maturation, 5 Production, 5 Yield, 1 Potency Seed Dispenser Green Grapes Greengrapeseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrape.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency), 3 Silver Sulfadiazine (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 3 Maturation, 5 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Mutates from Grapes Harebell Harebellseed.png Harebellplant.png Harebell.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency) 7 Maturation, 1 Production, 2 Yield, 1 Potency Spawns as a weed. Ice Peppers Icechiliseed.png Icechiliplant.png Icechili.png 3 Frost Oil (+1 per 5 Potency), 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 50 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 4 Maturation, 4 Production, 4 Yield, 20 Potency, 20 Rarity Mutates from Chili Killer Tomato Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png Harvesting spawns Killer Tomato mobs, which are incredibly hostile animals. Letting those free might end in serious consequences. Self-harvests, 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency, 30 Rarity Mutates from Blood Tomato Kudzu Kudzupodseed.png Kudzupodplant.png Kudzupod.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 50 Potency), 1 Charcoal (+1 per 25 Potency). Invasive species; vines will spread to cover anything they can reach. Spreads Virulently, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency, 30 Rarity Hydroponics Crate from Cargo Lemon Lemonseed.png Lemonplant.png Lemon.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, Can make a Battery, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 4 Yield, 15 Potency Seed Dispenser Liberty Cap Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png 1 Plant Matter, 3 Morphine (+1 per 3 Potency), 1 Space Drugs (+1 per 25 Potency) 10 Maturation, 1 Production, 4 Yield, 15 Potency Hacked Seed Dispenser; Mutates from Reishi Lime Limeseed.png Limeplant.png Lime.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 4 Yield, 15 Potency Seed Dispenser Nettles Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png 1 Plant matter (+1 per 50 Potency), 0 Sulphuric Acid (+1 per 1 Potency). Can be used as a weapon; will sting and poison you if held without gloves. Repeat Harvest, Stinging, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Hacked Seed Dispenser Orange Orangeseed.png Orangeplant.png Orange.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 4 Yield, 15 Potency Seed Dispenser Plastellium Plastelliumseed.png Plastelliumplant.png Plastellium.png 1 Plasticide (+1 per 10 Potency) 5 Maturation, 6 Production, 6 Yield, 20 Potency Seed Dispenser; mutates from Fly Amanita Plump Helmet Mushrooms Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png 2 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency) 8 Maturation, 1 Production, 4 Yield, 0 Potency HackedSeed Dispenser; spawns as a weed Poison Apple Appleseed.png Appleplant.png Apple.png 1 Cyanide (+1 per 5 potency) (Look the same as normal apples) Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 5 Yield, 10 Potency Mutates from Apple Poison Berry Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberryplant.png Poisonberry.png 1 Plant Matter, 3 Toxin (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 5 Maturation, 5 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency Mutates from Berries Poppies Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency), 1 Styptic Powder (+1 per 10 Potency) 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 6 Yield, 20 Potency Seed Dispenser Potatoes Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Potato.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency) Can Make a Battery, 10 Maturation, 1 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Pumpkin Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 6 Potency). Can be carved. Repeat Harvest, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Reishi Reishiseed.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 50 Potency), 3 Psilocybin (+1 per 5 Potency) 10 Maturation, 5 Production, 4 Yield, 15 Potency Hacked Seed Dispenser; Spawns as a weed. Replicant pod (Diona Nodes) Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png Diona Botany.PNG Will generate a diona nymph when harvested. The nymph may not survive. Cannot be Genetically Modified. Harvests by itself, 8 Health, 5 Maturation, 10 Production, 1 Yield, 30 Potency Seed Dispenser Rice Ricestalkseed.png Ricestalkplant.png Ricestalk.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 25 Potency) 6 Maturation, 1 Production, 4 Yield, 5 Potency Seed Dispenser Soybeans Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency), 1 Soy Bean Oil (+1 per 20 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 4 Maturation, 4 Production, 3 Yield, 5 Potency Seed Dispenser Sugarcane Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png 4 Sugar (+1 per 5 Potency) Repeat Harvest, 3 Maturation, 6 Production, 4 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Sunflowers Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png Mostly decorative, but can be used as a weak weapon, and has a couple mutations 6 Maturation, 0 Production, 0 Yield, 1 Potency Seed Dispenser Tomatoes Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 10 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 8 Maturation, 6 Production, 2 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Tower Caps Tower-capseed.png Tower-capplant.png Tower-cap.png 10 Wood Pulp (+1 per 1 Potency). Chop into planks with a Hatchet. 15 Maturation, 1 Production, 5 Yield, 1 Potency Seed Dispenser, spawns as weeds Walking Mushrooms Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png Harvesting creates a Walking Mushroom, a peaceful animal mob that has a blood-lust for its own kind. Self Harvests, 5 Maturation, 1 Production, 1 Yield, 0 Potency, 30 Rarity Mutates from Plump Helmet Mushrooms Watermelon Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 6 Potency) Repeat Harvest, Juicy, 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 3 Yield, 1 Potency Seed Dispenser Wheat Wheatseeds.png Wheatplant.png Wheat.png 1 Plant Matter (+1 per 25 Potency) 6 Maturation, 1 Production, 4 Yield, 5 Potency Seed Dispenser White Beet Plants Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png 0 Plant Matter (+1 per 20 Potency), 1 Sugar (+1 per 5 Potency) 6 Maturation, 6 Production, 6 Yield, 10 Potency Seed Dispenser Growing The Afforementioned Plants These are some pots. You grow stuff in them. First, locate the hydroponics trays, sometimes referred to as "planting pots". this is where you will be planting the seeds. Take a seed in your hand, and click the pot. You will then get a message saying "you plant the seed in the pot.", or something along those lines. You can only plant one seed per pot. If you click the pot with an empty hand, you will get a basic analysis of the plant, and the nutrient and water level of the pot. Here is an example: This pot has [plant] planted. Water: 75/100 Nutrients: 8/10 This is an easy way to identify the plant, if you are not familiar with what they look like. It is also a good way to check on new species that have found their way into the "farm". If this happens, you will get a red message that says soemthing like "hydroponics tray has been overtaken by [plant]!". This can be good, bad, or a combination of both. Best case: a few Liberty Cap spores lodge themselves in the tray, and you get super duper high. Worst case: generic weeds. These grow very fast and serve no purpose as of now. All they do is take up space (get it? cause you're growing stuff on a space station?). An example of a useful weed (not the smokable kind), is the humble nettle. Nettles are a very useful plant, and a powerful weapon if grown properly. If you play the Botanist and get picked to be a Traitor, then do not fret. Just wait for some nettles to show up in your garden and kill those targets with FLOWER POWER! nettles are poisonous to begin with, but with skillful harvesting and increases of the Potency level, the nettles can deal a lot of damage, and have a very high knockout chance. This is a Nettle. nettles are your friends. Caring for your Vegetable Friends Mushrooms: Just feed these fertilizer, don't need to water them. Weeds: Just water them, they don't need plant food. Nettles are considered weeds. Everything else: Feed them water AND Fertilizer. If you plan to do something else on the station, give all of your plants some water. Plants whose trays are extremely low on water (<30 units) will have a blue exclamation point on their tray. Plants who are low on nutrients (<4 units) will have an orange exclamation point on their tray. If a pot is overrun with weeds (these weeds don't show up as a sprite), a glowing red triangle will appear on the pot. If the plant is dying or dead, a red symbol (it sorta looks like a "do not enter" sign) will appear on the pot. To fix the water problem, take your bukkit, fill it with water at one of the water tanks inside the farm, and pour the appropriate amount of water onto the plant. If a pot is full of water, you will not be able to add any more and the excess will splash onto the floor. To fix the nutrients, replace the solution using the nutrient dispenser, then taking the vial and clicking on the tray. Only do this if the tray needs nutrients. The easiest way to be a Failmer (Fail Farmer) is to replace the solution when there are 9 units left. The excess fertilizer dissapears forever, and the dispenser has a finite supply. Weeds can be removed by clicking on the tray while holding a mini-hoe in your hand. Keep clicking until you see the message "This plot is completely devoid of weeds. It doesn't need uprooting.". If a plant is dead, a single click will empty it from the tray. If your tray decides to sprout some annoying harebell or unwanted crops, a few sprays with the Plant-Be-Gone will kill it, albeit rather slowly. A very, very, dead plant. Notice the pretty warning signs. This plant is still growing. This plant is ready to harvest, as noted by the green "H". The triangle means that the tray is full of weeds. Chemicals, Wonderful Chemicals Certain chemicals do special effects on plants and mushrooms. Either it kills, heals, feeds, or mutates the plant. Keep in mind: Mutation chance only comes into effect once the plant actually mutates; the only things capable of initiating a mutation are doses of Radium/Unstable Mutagen, or a Floral Somatoray from RnD. Chemical Water Nutrient Health Yield Mutation chance Weeds Pests Toxins Mutation Anti-Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Fluorine -0.5 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 2.5 0 Chlorine -0.5 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 1.5 0 Sulfuric Acid 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 0 1.5 0 Polytrinic Acid 0 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 3 0 Plantbgone 0 0 -2 0 0.2 -8 0 3 0 Cryoxadone 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 -3 0 Radium 0 0 -1.5 0 0.2 0 0 2 8 Milk 0.9 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beer 0.7 0.25 -0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phosphorous -0.5 0.1 -0.75 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Sugar 0 0.1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 Soda Water 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ammonia 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diethylamine 0 2 1 0 0 0 -2 0 0 Nutriment 0 1 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Adminordrazine 1 1 1 1 1 -5 -5 0 0 EZnutrient 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robustharvest 0 1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Left4Zed 0 1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 Water 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unstable Mutagen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Go Forth and Procreate This section is about making new plants from existing ones. Remember, the seed dispenser is best used to start a new set of plants, or as a backup in case you do something dumb, and lose all your stock of a plant. So, to make more seeds, you will need the help of the Seed Extractor, to the northwest of your chamber, located next to the NutriMax. To extract seeds from a plant, take its produce and place it in the Seed Extractor, which will yield 1-4 bags of seeds. Then, dump out the contents of one of those shiny hydroponics crates you have, and put the extra seeds inside. This will keep them neat and organized. If a new species sprouts in your farm, keep it alive so you can make seeds from it and grow more. Soil Soil is an alternative to trays. Get some sand, use it to make sandstone, then take three sandstones to make soil. Sand can be dug by Shaft Miners on the Asteroids, alternatively you can grow grass in your existing hydroponics trays, then plant the grass tiles and dig them up with the spade (found in the back room), this will dig up some sand. Congratulations, you are no longer restricted to trays for growing now. Be warned though, it is not the most efficient method of planting, as there are no lights to indicate needs for water, fertilizer, etc. Removing soil is done with a shovel or spade. Analyzing the Analysis Upon selecting the Botanist, you will find that your apron contains a handy-dandy Plant Analyzer. You use this to get a highly detailed analysis of the targeted plant. The readout looks like this: PlantAnalyzerReadout.PNG Age How old the plant is. When a plant's age equals it's lifespan, it dies. Endurance The higher this is, the lower the water and nutrient levels can get before the plant dies. Lifespan How long the plant will live. Yield How much the plant will produce per harvest. Production How long between harvests, for a multi-harvest plant Potency The FLOWER POWER the plant posesses. For most cases, this increases the amount of chemicals within, as listed above. For wielded plants, this influences special effects, such as damage for death nettles. For electrical fruits, this increases the charge from a cell made with them. Also, if you send the seed packet to cargo, and later send one with higher potency, cargo will earn the difference in potencies as supply points. The analyzer also shows you the status of the pot. Weeds and pests can be remedied by hoeing or a few squirts of Pest Spray. Toxicity is generally bad, meaning the plant currently has poisins in its environment, which you in most cases want to dilute out with water. The water and nutrition levels are self-explanatory. Guide to Botany Jump to navigationJump to search Your dream garden awaits! Contents 1 Keeping it Green 2 1986 Blue Ribbon Winner: Biggest Weed Harvest 3 Tools & Machinery 3.1 Nutrient Formulas 4 Available Crops 5 Crop Mutations 6 Advanced Gardening for Dummies 6.1 Extraction 6.2 Infusions 6.3 Tray Chemistry 6.4 Gene Strains 6.5 Splicing 6.6 Dominance 7 Hotboxing 8 Out of this World Keeping it Green When you click on a plant pot with an empty hand, you can check the plant to see how it is doing. Various indicators will appear when you do so, which describe the condition of the plant and soil - red indicators are bad, blue indicators are good: Message Meaning The soil is completely dry. The soil has run out of water. This will quickly kill the plant. The plant is dying. Maltreatment or harmful chemicals are killing the plant. The soil looks rich and fertile. Indicates the presence of compost in the soil. Remember, this dries out the soil quicker. The plant glistens with good health! Judicious compost and water use has resulted in a healthy plant! The plant is flourishing! The plant has extremely high health. Expect good harvests! The plant looks strange... You have managed to grow a rare mutant strain of plant. This could be good or bad! Weeds have infested the soil. This pot has been infested with a weed-type plant. You will have to take special measures to get rid of it. In addition, you will receive a report of any chemical in the plant pot. Hopefully, there's at least water in it, but chemicals may also include stuff you've added like plant formula or compost. Some plants may produce nectar, a delightful treat for space bees. Harmful chemicals like toxic slurry may also appear, which usually require you to clean out the pot. If you click and drag a plant pot onto yourself, you will completely clear out the pot. This not only empties any plant out of it, but completely cleans out all soil water, nutrients, everything. However, this will not work on pots infested with weeds! You must find a way to kill the weeds before emptying the pot if you want to get rid of them. Weeds will occasionally appear in unoccupied plant pots and may have various effects or even produce items, but remember - these are weeds and thus are useless and annoying at best, and downright dangerous at worst! Get rid of them when you can. 1986 Blue Ribbon Winner: Biggest Weed Harvest Plants carry genes which affect various things relating to their growth and crops. While plant seeds are easy enough to come by from the dispenser or ordering crates of them from the Cargo Bay, these seeds start out completely plain and devoid of any particular genetic fluctuations. Every time a seed is planted, it mutates a bit. Any seeds harvested from this plant will carry those genes, which will mutate again when planted. This way, you can breed plants for particular qualities. Genes can degrade as well as improve, however, so be careful not to end up with completely useless seeds which produce no crops or die instantly. To get even more in-depth with planting you have the plant analyzer, which can scan a plant, fruit, or seed for genetic variables. For each variable, higher is better. Species Tells you what kind of plant it is. Generation How many times this breed of plant has gone through a full lifecycle. Incremented by 1 whenever a seed is planted. Maturation Rate How fast the plant grows from a sprout to a crop-producing plant. Production Rate How fast the plant becomes harvestable. Lifespan How many harvests the plant will produce before dying. This has no effect on plants that are harvestable only once. Yield How many crops the plant will produce besides its normal amount. Potency How powerful items produced by this plant are. Higher generally means more reagents inside. Affects crop quality. Endurance How high the maximum health of the plant is, which affects how much it can resist dehydration, poison, and fire. Affects crop quality. With these, you can tell how much of a certain plant you can harvest, or how long it will live, or what you need to do to keep it alive. Some plants aren't just one-off harvests: for example, you can tend tomatoes for multiple harvests if you want! In fact, should you keep the plant happy (with blue indicators above - rich and fertile, and very healthy), you will likely have a chance at harvesting MORE than you would if you had just plain watered it. Some plants may even inherit a special genetic mutation giving them indefinite life, as long as you tend to it. It pays to keep an eye on your plants! It's just a matter of knowing when to add water, or fertilizer, etc. Plants work the same way in real life - to an extent. Don't water your plants? They'll die. Overwater? Same deal. Be careful with your plants, they are fragile little angels~ Crop quality is affected by potency, endurance, and, to a limited and lesser extent, plant health. Just like life, higher quality plants taste better and thus heal more HP when you eat them, and their crops have more quality prefixes, like "good", "supreme", and "prime". Better also means bigger, for higher quality also means the crops have larger sprites. There's a limit as to how huge crops can get, but it's quite high; with some effort, you can get harvests that are almost as big as a person! You reap what you sow, and if you sow potency and endurance, you'll reap the rewards. Apart from plain compost, botany starts with several plant formulas tailored to altering a plant's specific traits (all explained in the next section). If you want to experiment, call in the scientist or grab some Discount Dan's and test the effects of various chemicals in the soil. Tools & Machinery The fancy stuff you use to enhance your plants or extract useful chemicals. The Chef and Bartender also have various culinary gadgets at their disposal for making with fancy foods and drinks with your favorite plants. Feel free to check Foods & Drinks for a full list of recipes. Icon Name Description PlantAnalyzerV2-32x32.gif BotanistPDAV2-32x32.png Plant Analyzer Provides you with a report of a plant's genes, its current condition, the presence of any mutations and other information. This functionality is also built into your PDA. ReagentScannerV2-32x32.png BotanistPDAV2-32x32.png Reagent Scanner Click on a person, container, fluid puddle or other object with this, and it'll list the chemicals inside it. Only the hand-held version has a memory function. This functionality is also built into your PDA. WateringCanV2-32x32.png Watering Can Actually just a glorified beaker with a maximum capacity of 120 units. Often requested by Scientists and other people working in Chemistry. There are a few purely cosmetically different variants unlocked via earning Botanist XP. GoldenWateringCan-32x32.png Golden watering can WeedWateringCan-32x32.png Weed watering can RainbowWateringCan-32x32.gif Rainbow watering can WateringCan.png Antique watering can ProduceSatchel.png Produce Satchel This spacious satchel makes the life of every chef or botanist much easier. Almost any type of food-related item (dishes, bottles, seeds etc.) can be stored in them, and they also interact nicely with tables (drag & drop), crates, the food processor, mail chutes and other objects. Interacting with a satchel while on grab intent will allow you to remove a specific item from its contents. ElectricChainsaw.png Chainsaw An electric chainsaw to keep weeds in check. Passable emergency weapon. HydroponicsTrayV2.png Hydroponics Tray The seeds go in here, obviously. You can plant them manually or by using drag & drop. The bar on the right tracks water level, and the tray has various indicators for the status of the plant: HydroponicsTrayLowHealthV2.gif - Plant has poor health. Could use some compost. HydroponicsTrayReadyToHarvestV2.gif - Plant is ready to be harvested. Click with a bare hand or with a produce satchel to gather its fruits and seeds. HydroponicsTrayLowWaterV2.gif - Plant is dangerously low water. Water it with a watering can, obviously. HydroponicsTrayOverwaterV2.gif - Plant has too much water. HydroponicsTrayDeadPlantV2.gif - Plant is dead and should be cleared. You can also click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to secure it to the floor, so that it doesn't move when you bump into it. Clicking on it with a screwdriver or wrench again will unsecure it, allowing you to move it around again. SeedVendingMachine2.png PortableSeedFabricator-32x32.png Seed Fabricator To unlock the more interesting seeds (notably cannabis), you'll have to mess with the wires (and for the record, this is a fabricator, not a vending machine, so you'll have to toggle a white light.) The required tools can be found in Tool Storage. A hand-held version may be acquired by hacking the GardenGear vendor. GardenGearV4-32x32.png GardenGear Most basic tools and plant formulas are available from this vending machine. PlantMaster2.png PlantMaster Mk3 Have a special or even new species in mind? This clever machine allows you to infuse seeds with certain reagents (drawn from an inserted beaker) and splice them together, or in other words tweak the desired genetic traits. It can also extract seeds from fruits or vegetables, which is great if you have a certain strain you want to grow more of. The PlantMaster supports drag & drop for the following objects: seeds, produce, beakers/bottles, produce satchels. ReagentExtractor2.png Reagent Extractor Processes certain produce into reagents. Comes with two built-in storage tanks capable of holding up to 500 units each. You may then transfer said reagents to an inserted receptacle. The extractor supports drag & drop for the following objects: produce, beakers/bottles, produce satchels. CheMaster.png CheMaster 3000 See Chemistry. CompostTankV3-32x32.png Compost Tank Converts unwanted or excess produce as well as seeds into compost. Use drag & drop to stuff them into the tank. Similar to trays, you can click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to anchor it down; doing it again unanchors it. HCWaterTankV3-32x32.png HC Water Tank This high-capacity tank holds 100000 units of water. If you don't have a watering can, you can use drag & drop to transfer water directly to a hydroponics tray. You can anchor it down by clicking on it with a screwdriver or wrench, so it stays still when you bump into it. Clicking on it a screwdriver or wrench again will unanchor it. UVLamp.png UV Grow Lamp Makes all plants within two tiles (i.e. a 5x5 square-shaped area of effect) grow faster. Click it to turn it on and off. Click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to secure it, so it doesn't move when people bump into it; click on it again with a screwdriver or wrench to make it movable again. FogMachine.png Botanical Mister Adds a few units of whatever reagents stored inside it into any surrounding trays within two tiles. By default, it contains 1000 units of water, so it'll effectively water your plants for you, but it'll accept all kinds of chemicals. It's not in Hydroponics at roundstart, except on Destiny and Clarion, but you might find one of these in an semi-abandoned satellite not too far from the Mining Outpost. PlantPotV2.png Plant Pot For decoration. Plants in clay pots don't grow and can't be harvested, but luckily don't need water or nutrients and can't die, making them ideal for sprucing up places or showing off your favorite plants. You can transfer plants to it with a garden trowel. Similar to the tray, you can click on the pot with a screwdriver or wrench to secure the pot, so it stays in place, and unsecure it, so you can move it around. Plant pots are obtained from the GardenGear. GardenTrowel.png GardenTrowelFull.png Garden Trowel Click a plant in a hydroponics tray with this in your active hand to uproot it, allowing you to transfer it to a clay plant pot. You unfortunately cannot use this to transfer plants to hydroponics trays, and you can uproot the plant at any stage in its growth, from just planted to fully matured and ready to harvest. You can find trowels in the GardenGear. WaterpipeV2.png Water Pipe A special container that's definitely not for drug usage that allows you to smoke reagents placed into it. Can be found in the GardenGear's hidden items menu. [TBA] Smoke-Shield Generator A shield generator specifically for use of smoking herbs responsibly without them getting in the way of other crewmembers. Simply put it down, power it up along with your herbs of choice inside the shield and light away. Remember to use responsibly. Nutrient Formulas In addition, there are a number of plant formulas at your disposal, in a variety of bottles. Icon Name Description WeedkillerBottle.png Weedkiller Also known as atrazine. As the name implies, it will quickly spell the end for any uninvited guest like lashers or space grass. NewCompostBag32x32.png Compost This basic additive improves the plant's health over time. Can be refilled at, you guessed it, the compost tank. AmmoniaPlantFormula.png Ammonia Some plants grow slowly, so a bit of ammonia can speed up the process. Just be prepared to water them more often. PotashPlantFormula.png Potash This is the chemical to go for if you want large harvests, but it will likely shorten the plant's lifespan. SaltpeterPlantFormula.png Saltpetre Saltpetre tends to have a good effect on the crop potency and is particularly useful for medical herbs, cannabis and chili. MutagenicPlantFormula.png Mutagenic Dumping unstable mutagen into the tray is an easy option to grow all kinds of crazy stuff, however you have little actual control. If a species has multiple possible mutations, it will probably be difficult to get the one you desire. MutadonePlantFormula.png Mutadone As seen in medbay, but mutadone also works on plants. Mutating them wildly often damages their DNA and therefore this formula may be required to address some of the genetic problems. Unfortunately, mutadone slows down plant growth significantly as long as it is present in the tray. Available Crops Most of these seeds are readily available from the Seed Fabricator, but a few require a little hacking to access. The game categorizes plant seeds into a couple of categories: Fruit & Vegetable: Can typically be eaten by themselves as snacks, often conferring some sort of buff, in addition to being used in dishes. There is no mechanical difference between fruit and vegetable plants SS13, merely an difference in categorization, based roughly on botanical rather than culinary definitions. Herb: Can be made into cigarettes and cigarillos, as well as burned in a practice called hotboxing. Weed: These plants can survive and grow without water, but are vulnerable to weedkiller/atrazine. Flower: Are flowers. Looks pretty. Miscellaneous: Encompasses a couple of plants that, while edible, are designed to be put to a kitchen processor and made into ingredients for various dishes. This also has a few plants that yield raw resources for materials science. Name Crop Icon Plant Icon Type Harvests Time Genome Notes Grape GrapesV2.png GrapePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 20 Orange OrangeV3.png OrangePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 21 Contains orange juice. Melon MelonV2.png MelonsPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Contains watermelon juice, surprisingly. Carrot CarrotV3.png CarrotPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 16 Contains carrot juice and oculine. Lemon LemonV3.png LemonPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 21 Contains lemon juice. Clearly. Lime LimeV3.png LimePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 21 Contains lime juice, as you'd expect. Apple AppleV3.png ApplePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Contains apple juice. Heals 1 unit of TOX, BURN, BRUTE, OXY, and BRAIN per bite. Deals 5 damage when thrown at a doctor (or anyone with the medical training trait), because an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Banana BananaV2.png BananaPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 15 Contains potassium. Yummy. Strawberry StrawberryV2.png StrawberryPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Contains strawberry juice. Blueberry BlueberryV2.png BlueberryPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Contains blueberry juice. Raspberry Raspberry.png Raspberry-plant.png Fruit Variable Average 7 Contains raspberry juice. Cherry CherryV4.png CherryPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 20 Contains cherry juice. Not blood, really! Avocado AvocadoV2.png AvocadoPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 18 Pumpkin PumpkinV2.png PumpkinPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Make your own lantern! Eggplant EggplantV3.png EggplantPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Contains nicotine. Cucumber CucumberV2.png CucumberPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 19 Garlic GarlicV3.png GarlicPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 13 Contains holy water. Not recommended for vampires. Onion OnionV3.png OnionPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 13 Lettuce LettuceLeafV2.png LettucePlantV2.png Vegetable Once Slow 12 Potato PotatoV3.png PotatoPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 16 Makes great French fries, batteries and captains. Also spawns as a trinket. Coconut CoconutV2.png CoconutPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 19 Contains coconut milk, which is distinct from regular space milk. Crack it open with some sort of cutting tool or a chairflip! Pineapple PineappleV2.png PineapplePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 21 Contains pineapple juice. Don't get in it your eyes. Coffee berries CoffeeBerriesV3.png CoffeePlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 6 Extracts into...coffee. Synthmeat SynthmeatV2.png SynthmeatPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 7 Contains synthetic flesh. If you could make it into patches, Medbay will love you. Corn CornCobV2.png CornPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Average 10 Processes into popcorn. You can also just heat it (such as with a welder's special attack or similar) to make popcorn. Contains corn starch. Soybean SoybeanPodV2.png SoybeanPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 7 Processes into milk. Conveniently contains space soybean oil. Chili ChiliPepperV2.png ChiliPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 17 Processes into hot sauce. Contains capsaicin. Tomato TomatoV3.png TomatoPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Processes into ketchup. Contains tomato juice. Not blood. Peanut PeanutsV3.png PeanutPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Average 6 Processes into peanut butter. Wheat Foodwheat.png WheatPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Fast 10 Processes into flour. Oats Oats.png OatPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Fast 10 Processes into oatmeal. Sugar Cane/Sugar SugarcaneV2.png SugarPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Fast 8 Processes into sugar. Contains, you guessed it, sugar. (What else would it contain?) Rice Sprig Rice.png RicePlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Fast 8 Processes into rice. Beans BeanPodV2.png BeanPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Fast 6 Contains nitrogen. Eating it allows fart propulsion in Space! Peas Pea pod.png Pea plant.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 8 Plain peas. There's not much in them. Perhaps the Rancher could use these? Pear PearV2.png PearPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Can be fermented into cider. Peach PeachV2.png PeachPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 17 Contains peach juice. May contain The Presidents of the United States of America song references. Cotton CottonWadV2.png CottonPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 5 Processes into fabric when used in a material processor. Tree WoodenLogV2.png TreePlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Slow 20 Chainsaw the resulting log to get your very own barricade. Bamboo BambooStalkV2.png BambooPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Slow 10 Produces bamboo stalks, which can be cut down to produce edible shoots. Contusine ContusineLeafV2.png ContusinePlantV2.png Herb Once Average 3 Contains salicylic acid. Asomna AsomnaBarkV3.png AsomnaPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 3 Contains ephedrine. Can be distilled into tea. Nureous NureousLeafV3.png NureousPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 3 Contains potassium iodide. Commol CommolRootV2.png CommolPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 16 Contains silver sulfadiazine. Ipecacuanha IpecacuanhaRoot.png IpecacuanhaPlant.png Herb Once Average 16 Crop is ipecacuanha root, which contains space ipecac. Venne VenneFiberV2.png VennePlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Contains charcoal. Mint MintPlant.png MintPlantTrayV2.png Herb Once Fast 1 Contains, as you'd expect, mint. Tobacco TobaccoLeaf.png TobaccoPlantV2.png Herb Once Fast 11 Contains nicotine, naturally. Catnip/Nepeta cataria CatnipV2.png NepetaPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Extract catonium to synthesize cat drugs. Poppies PoppyFlowerV2.png PoppyPlantV2.png Herb Once Fast 1 Extracts into morphine. Cannabis CannabisLeafV2.png CannabisPlantV2.png Herb Once Fast 2 Make your own joints by combining a leaf with a sheet of paper. Aconite AconiteV3.png AconitePlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Contains aconitum. Wards aways and smites werewolves. Rose RoseFlowerV2.png RosePlantV2.png Flower Once Fast 7 Every rose has its thorn, and the ones on these might prick you if you pick them up. To protect yourself, wear gloves or augment your arms into ones made out of metal; use wirecutters to remove the thorns. Every rose has a name too; Examine it to find it! Space Fungus MushroomV3.png FungusPlantV2.png Weed Infinite Slow 30 Contains, as you'd expect, space fungus, which is great for boosting endurance. Grass GrassLeaf.png GrassPlantV2.png Weed Once Average 4 Harvested leaves can be extracted into Grass Gro, which makes lovely grass grow when poured onto floor tiles. Creeper N/A CreeperPlantV2.png Weed N/A Fast 8 Attacks other plants and spreads into adjacent empty pots. Lasher N/A LasherPlantV2.png Weed N/A Fast 5 Will lash out at nearby people with its thorns. Radweed N/A RadweedPlantV2.gif Weed N/A Slow 40 "Contains" radium, although this plant never creates produce. Emits radiation, affecting nearby plants and people. Slurrypod SlurrypodV2.png SlurrypodPlantV2.png Weed Once Average 45 Will explode if not quickly harvested, spreading toxic goop. Contains toxic slurry Man Eater ManEater.png ManeaterPlantV2.png Critter Once Variable 0 Will climb out of the pot once grown enough. Houttyunia Cordata HouttuyniaCordataV2.png HCordataPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Fish mint, contains mercury. Rafflesia Rafflesiahat.png Rafflesia.png Flower Once Slow 9 Corpse lily. It produces the largest flower there is; so large that you can use it as a hat! Every now and then it smokes miasma and other chemicals it might include. The amount smoked is based on yield and potency, and the more endurance it has the more often it smokes its contents. Crop Mutations Sometimes, whenever a plant's genes would normally mutate, i.e. when planted, when exposed to mutagen, and when infused in the gene manipulator, the plant might become a variant of itself, called a mutation. Some only occur due to random chance. Others don't appear unless the certain plant stats (usually either endurance or potency) are within certain thresholds or the seed is infused with certain chemicals. Even then, the plant doesn't always automatically mutate upon meeting those prerequisites, for it still has to randomly mutate into the variant. The requirements only ensure the plant has a possibility of becoming that mutation. There are many different mutations, each with different effects depending on the species! Feel free to experiment or pester more experienced botanists. The following is an extensive but quite possibly incomplete table of possible mutations: Mutations are not secret, so they do not fall under the secret content policy. That means, among other things, you can freely explain how to get them to someone in-game (or in the Goonstation Discord, or the forums, or other public communications channels) without needing to get their explicit consent or prefacing it as spoilers. Mutant Crop Icon Plant Icon Original Species Prerequisites Info Seething Tomato TomatoV3.png SeethingTomatoPlantV2.gif Tomato Infusion with one of the following: chlorine trifluoride, phlogiston, pyrosium, sorium Seethers, tomatoes with hot flavor. When thrown, makes a 3x3 fireball and inflicts BURN upon the person, which scales with potency and can be reduced by heat resistance. Tomato fireballs can ignite other seethers, causing them to erupt after a delay. Contains welding fuel. Use with caution. Suspicious Tomato KillerTomatoV2.png SuspiciousTomatoPlantV2.png Tomato Infusion with strange reagent. Crikey, aggressive vegetables. Killer tomatoes try to attack any non-Botanists in sight. They can bite people for 4 BRUTE, with a 10% chance of 6 BRUTE, and can also charge at people for 4-6 BRUTE and a 20% to stun the victim for 2 seconds. They have very poor health however and splat into messy stains easily. It goes without saying that you should be careful with these if you're not an Antagonist. Green Grape GreenGrapesV2.png GreenGrapePlantV2.png Grape Heals twice the amount of regular grapes and contains insulin. Ricin Rice Rice.png RicePlantV2.png Rice Infusion with insulin and >=60 Potency Contains space ricin. RIC-e + insul-IN = RIC-IN. Grapefruit GrapefruitV2.png GrapefruitPlantV2.png Grape Get it? Contains grapefruit juice. Blackberry Blackberry.png Blackberry-plant.png Raspberry Contains blackberry juice. Blue Raspberry Blueraspberry.png Blueraspberry-plant.png Raspberry Contains blue raspberry juice. Blood Orange OrangeV3.png BloodOrangePlantV2.gif Orange Contains changeling blood in addition to orange juice. Peculiar. Clockwork Orange ClockworkOrangeV4.gif ClockworkOrangePlantV2.gif Orange >=30 Endurance An orange that is also a chronometer, how practical. Hurts to eat though. Extracts into iron. Rainbow Weed RainbowWeed.gif RainbowWeedPlantV2.gif Cannabis Gets you extremely high. Deathweed DeathWeedV2.png DeathweedPlantV2.png Cannabis 10-30 Endurance, <=30 Potency Gets you extremely dead. Lifeweed LifeWeedV2.png LifeweedPlantV2.png Cannabis 30-50 Endurance, >=30 Potency Contains omnizine. Omega Weed OmegaWeedV2.gif OmegaWeedPlantV2.png Cannabis >=420 Potency Gets you extremely high and extremely dead due to the massive amount of poisons and drugs in it. Specifically it contains: atropine, bath salts, capsaicin, cat drugs, crank, ectoplasm, hairgrownium,haloperidol, histamine, itching powder, krokodil, lithium, LSD, methamphetamine, mercury, psilocybin, space drugs, Suicider, and THC. Chilly Pepper ChillyPepperV2.png ChillyPepperPlantV2.png Chili Infusion with cryoxadone or cryostylane (optional). Quite...chilling. Both the chemicals listed can give chilly peppers, but cryostylane has a higher chance of inducing the mutation. In addition to containing cryostylane, eating the pepper directly lowers your body temperature. These are both affected by Potency. Fiery Chili GhostlierChiliV3.gif GhostPepperPlantV2.gif Chili >=75 Potency OR Infusion with El Diablo chili reagent or phlogiston (optional). Also known as ghost chilis and ghostlier chilis. Both chems can cause the mutation, but you're more likely to get it with phlogiston. Contains extremely spicy ghost chili juice! If the the GCJ doesn't warm you up, the act of eating one of these directly raises your body temperature, with the amount scaling to Potency. Magic Mushroom MagicMushroomV2.png MagicMushroomPlantV3.png Space Fungus Contains psilocybin, a potent hallucinogen. White Mushroom WhiteMushroomV3.png WhiteMushroomPlantV3.png Space Fungus >=30 Potency, <=10 Endurance Contains a potent mycotoxin. Cloaked Panellus CloakedPanellusMushroom.png CloakshroomPlantV2.gif Space Fungus >=25 Yield, <=10 Potency Cute. Also known as "cloakshroom". Contains cloaked panellus extract. Omega Slurrypod GlowingSlurrypodV2.gif OmegaSlurrypodPlantV2.gif Slurrypod Variously called omega slurrypod and glowing slurrypod. Contains two toxins for the price of one. You really shouldn't eat this... Synthbrain SynthbrainV2.png SynthbrainPlantV2.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with mannitol Grows synthetic brains Synthheart SynthheartV2.png SynthheartPlantV2.gif Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with blood Grows synthetic hearts Syntheye Syntheye.png SyntheyePlantV2.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with oculine Grows synthetic eyes Synthlimb LooseSythlimbs.png SynthlimbPlantV2.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with synthflesh Grows synthetic arms and legs. Synthbutt SyntheticButtV2.png SynthbuttPlantV2.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with simethicone Grow your own hat! Synthbuttbot ButtBot.png SynthbuttbotPlantV2.gif Synthmeat Infusion of synthbutt seed with a bot chemical. Grow your own buttbot! Synthlung SynthlungsBloom.png SynthlungsPlantG4.gif Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with salbutamol Grows synthetic lungs. Synthstomach SynthstomachBloom.pngSynthintestineBloom.png SynthstomachPlantG4.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with charcoal Grows synthetic stomachs and synthetic intestines. Synthliver SynthliverBloom.png SynthliverPlantG4.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with ethanol Grows synthetic livers. Synthspleen SynthspleenBloom.png SynthSpleenG4.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with proconvertin Grows synthetic spleens. Synthpancreas SynthpancreasBloom.png SynthpancreasPlantG4.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with sugar Grows synthetic pancreata. Synthkidney Synthkidneysbloom.png SynthKidneysPlantG4.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with urine Grows synthetic kidneys. Synthappendix SynthappendixBloom.png SynthappendixPlantG4.png Synthmeat Low chance for random mutation from Synthmeat plant OR Infusion with compost Grows synthetic appendices. Free-range Egg-Plant EggV2.png FreeRangeEggplantPlantV2.png Eggplant Infusion with eggnog.(optional) Steel Wheat SteelWheat.png SteelWheatPlantV2.png Wheat, Oats Infusion with iron reagent. (optional) Use the food processor to convert the ears into iron fillings. Use a reclaimer/material processor on the produce to get...steel. Durum Wheat Foodwheat.png WheatPlantV2.png Wheat A hardy wheat for a hardy palatte, fit for processing into spaghetti Clear Corn ClearCornCobV2.png ClearCornPlantV2-32x48.png Corn Contains ethanol. Rainbow Melon RainbowMelonV2.png RainbowMelonPlantV2.png Melon The ideal party snack! Full of melonium and fun to throw at people! Bowling Melon Bowling Melon V2.png BowlingMelonPlantV2.png Melon >=12 Endurance, see notes. A melon that you can also use as a bowling ball! Damage scales with more endurance up to a point. 20% chance to occur when plant can mutate when endurance threshold is met. Balloon Melon Balloon.png BalloonMelonPlantV2.gif Melon Infusion with either hydrogen or helium. Not a melon at all, just a regular balloon. Filled with whatever reagents the plant produces. Endurance can help you increase its capacity. Discounting the custom versions made through splicing, they come in two varieties, one with helium, one with hydrogen (aka "hindenballoons" or "hindenmelons"). Delicious-looking Apple DeliciousAppleV3.png DeliciousApplePlantV2.png Apple >=40 Endurance Contains capulettium. "Napples" if you will. Peanutbutter Sandwich PlainPBSandwich.png PeanutButterSandwichPlantV2.png Peanut Infusion with bread reagent. Strange Soybean SoylentChartreuseV2.png StrangeSoybeanPlantV2.png Soybean This "soylent chartreuse" contains high-energy plankton, promised! Money Tree CreditsOneBillV2-32x32.png MoneyTreePlantV2.png Tree In space, money does grow on trees. Money grown scales to Potency. Handy shortcut to know: click-dragging a stack of cash on the floor onto a stack of cash in your hand lets you collect all the cash around you and puts it into the stack you're holding. Rubber Tree Synthrubber.png RubberTreePlantV2.png Tree Contains rubber, the reagent. Where all the synthrubber for the wires comes from. Sassafras SassafrasRootV2.png SassafrasPlantV2.png Tree Contains safrole. Makes sarsaparilla when put into a still. Dogwood Tree N/A DogwoodTreePlantV2.png Tree Bark Bark Awoo. Paper Tree Paper2.png PaperTreePlantV2.png Tree Creates paper. How direct! Shivering Contusine ContusineLeafV2.png ShiveringQuiveringContusinePlantV2.gif Contusine Contains salbutamol in addition to salicylic acid. Quivering Contusine ContusineLeafV2.png ShiveringQuiveringContusinePlantV2.gif Contusine Contains Histamine in addition to salicylic acid. Robust Asomna RobustAsomnaV3.gif RobustAsomnaPlantV2.gif Asomna Contains synaptizine in addition to ephedrine. Fuzzy Nureous FuzzyNureousLeafV3.png FuzzyNureousPlantV2.png Nureous Contains hairgrownium in addition to potassium iodide. Burning Commol CommolRootV2.png BurningCommolPlantV2.gif Commol Contains phlogiston in addition to silver sulfadiazine. Bilious Ipecacuanha BiliousIpecacuanhaRoot.png BiliousIpecacuanhaPlant.png Ipecacuanha Harvests into ipecacuanha roots, which contain vomit, sewage, and bitters in addition to ipecac. Can be distilled into vomit. Invigorating Ipecacuanha InvigoratingIpecacuanhaRoot.png InvigoratingIpecacuanhaPlant.png Ipecacuanha Harvests into ipecacuanha roots, which contain methamphetamine in addition to ipecac. Black Venne BlackVenneFiberV2.png BlackVennePlantV2.png Venne Contains atropine in addition to charcoal. Dawning Venne SunsetVenneFiberV2.png DawningVennePlantV2.png Venne Also known as Sunrise Venne. Contains mannitol and mutadone in addition to charcoal. Twobacco TwobaccoLeaf.gif TwobaccoPlantV2-AnimatedPNG.png Tobacco >=30 Potency Get it? Contains nicotwaine. Blooming Lasher LashberryV2.png BloomingLasherPlantV2.png Lasher Tough to harvest, but worth it since the resulting lashberries contain booster enzyme! But because the presence of the enzyme is tied to the plant's Enzymatic gene rather than to the plant itself or the fruit, you need to harvest it first before splicing in order to get hybrids containing the chem. Smoldering Radweed N/A SmolderingRadweedPlantV2.gif Radweed Extracts into ClF3. Since it bears no fruit, you need splicing to obtain a fruit bearing the fiery compound. White Radweed N/A WhiteRadweedPlantV2.gif Radweed Completely harmless. Extracts into pentetic acid, though splicing is required to actually get fruit bearing the medicine. Wholetuna Cordata NewFish32x32.gif WholetunaCordataPlantV2.png Houttyunia Cordata Literal fish mint. Jelly Bean JellyBeanV2-32x32.png JellybeanPlant.png Bean Grows magical jelly beans that can contains VHFCS and either tasty food related chemicals or something absolutely awful and unsavoury. Golden Pea Pod GoldenPeaPod-32x32.png GoldenPeaPlant-32x48.png Pea Pod Grows golden pea pods that can contain Ammonia. Leaker OrangeGoop-32x32.gif LeakerPlant-32x48.png Dripper Contains ???? and oil. Mocha Coffee MochaBerry-32x32.png MochaCoffee-32x48.png Coffee >=20 Potency Contains chocolate. Latte Coffee LatteBerry-32x32.png LatteCoffee-32x48.png Coffee >=10 Endurance Contains milk. Advanced Gardening for Dummies Plants are more than just big dumb objects that get thirsty and give you crops. They're complex systems with their own genetics system, complete with splicing, and are intimately affected by chemicals in different ways. Read on to learn about some of the more complicated things you can do with botany. Extraction Most plants will give you seeds when harvested, but some don't. Lack of seeds is naturally a problem, because some advanced botanical techniques involve manipulating seeds, and seeds are essential to passing on traits from your agriculturally-engineered plants. Fortunately, in these cases, you can still get the seeds by inserting some fruits (one or two will do) into the PlantMaster, clicking on it to bring up its computer interface, switching to the "Seed Extraction" page, and clicking "Extract" for the fruit of choice. It's that simple--you even get to see the stats of the fruit. Note that it is important that you insert an actual fruit. You can't, for example, get cannabis seeds from a cannabis leaf, because the leaf doesn't have seeds. Infusions Infusion allows you to directly modify plant traits by adding a chemical reagent to a plant seed, rather than waiting for Mother Nature and the Father Random Number to slowly evolve your seeds. For some seeds, infusing certain plants also has chance to induce a special mutation. Note that infusing a certain reagent doesn't make that plant produce that reagent, e.g. infusing water won't make the fruit of the resulting plant contain water. Infusions are performed at a PlantMaster Mk3. Click on the PlantMaster with your seed of choice, then a container with the chemicals you want to infuse the seed with, and click on the PlantMaster. (Click-dragging also works.) Go to the "Seed List" page, scroll to your seed of interest and choose "Infuse"; if you have multiple chemicals that could be infused, you get to choose. You should see the effects immediately. Note you need at least 10 units of a chemical to infuse it, and effects don't scale by volume, not that it matters much since you always infuse 10 units at a time. Each chem does a range of damage to the seed on infusion, increases the chance of failed splicings and reducing the health of the resulting plant. If you try to infuse past 100% damage your plant seed will be destroyed. Let's take saltpetre, for example. You put your seed in the PlantMaster Mk3, and on infusion the plant will be dealt a range of damage from 3 to 7. It also will increase the potency in a range of +2 to +8. It has a chance to increase the yield by up to 2 as well or not at all. Meanwhile, mutadone is a little more interesting in the fact that it will try to raise all stats to zero if they are below zero. Most of the Reagents available from the GardenGear machine can boost different stats, experiment and see what you like best. If you're interested, here's a table below you can expand to see all the chems you can infuse that actually have an effect, where to get them, and what they do. Reagent Source Mat. Rate Prod. Rate Lfspn. Yld. Potency Endurance Seed Dmg. Notes & Additional Effects Ammonia Ammonia Plant Formula +5 – +10 +2 – +5 - - - - +13 – +27 Good at speeding up plant growth. Has 5% chance to also give Accelerator gene Potash Potash Plant Formula - - -2 – 0 +1 – +4 - - +3 – +7 Increases size of harvests at cost of plant lifespan. Saltpetre Saltpetre Plant Formula - - - 0 – +2 +2 – +8 - +3 – +7 Increases amount of chemicals inside each crop and boosts amount of crops you get too a bit. Space Fungus Use a beaker or similar on fungus stains in maintenance or extract from Space Fungus. - - - - - +1 – +3 +3 – +7 In addition, has 3% chance of giving Damage Resistance gene. The go-to for increasing Endurance, which makes plants more hardy and is essential for certain mutations. Mutadone Mutadone Plant Formula If < 0, +1 If < 0, +1 If < 0, +1 If < 0, +1 If < 0, +1 If < 0, +1 +3 – +7 Essentially attempts to reset stats back to zero, indirectly reversing the effects of chems like unstable mutagen. Radium Chem Dispenser -10 – +10 -10 – +10 33% chance to -1 – +1 -2 – +2 -5 – +5 -3 – +3 +8 – +22 Basically, randomizes plant stats! Also attempts to grant new gene and induce a plant mutation. Uranium Discount Dan's food products, NPC merchants. -10 – +10 -10 – +10 33% chance to -1 – +1 -2 – +2 -5 – +5 -3 – +3 +8 – +22 Makes plant stats go up and down by random amounts and also attempts to grant new gene and induce a plant mutation. Stable Mutagen See Chemicals -10 – +10 -10 – +10 33% chance to -1 – +1 -2 – +2 -5 – +5 -3 – +3 +3 – +7 Also attempts to grant new gene and induce a plant mutation, with separate 2% chance of granting Unstable gene. One of the safer options for messing with plant genetics and randomizing stats. Unstable Mutagen Mutagenic Plant Formula -20 – +20 -20 – +20 33% chance to -2 – +2 -4 – +4 -10 – +10 -6 – +6 +3 – +7 Also attempts to grant new gene and induce a plant mutation, with separate 5% chance of granting Unstable gene. Offers mostly minimal seed damage and the highest stat randomization ranges, but with risk of a potentially bad gene. Blood Ask Medbay for some, Stab yourself and scoop up blood with beaker or similar. +5 – +10 +5 – +10 - - - +10 – +30 +3 – +7 Hastens growth and makes Man-Eater stronger, but otherwise has no effect on other seeds. Toxic Slurry Extract from slurrypods. - - - - - +4 – +8 Resets to 0 Toxic stuff is good for Slurrypod seeds! And only those seeds. Green Vomit See Chemicals - - - - - +4 – +8 Resets to 0 Fixes seed damage and boosts endurance of Slurrypod seeds, and only slurrypod seeds. Weird Cheese Extract from weird cheese. - - - - - +4 – +8 Resets to 0 Yet another gross chem that clears seed damage and raises endurance of Slurrypod seeds, and only slurrypod seeds. Charcoal Extract from venne, ask Medbay for some. - - - - - - Sets to 100 Only applies if seed is Slurrypod Pryosium See Chemicals - - - - - - +83 – +107 Firey chems hurt plants. Phlogiston Extract from Burning Commol or see Chemicals. - - - - - - +83 – +107 Liquid fire is bad for seeds. What else is new? Chlorine Triflouride See Chemicals - - - - - - +83 – +107 ClF3 hates scientists and firefighters, and it hates plant seeds too. Sorium See Chemicals - - - - - - +83 – +107 Fun for sending objects flying, but hurts seeds a lot when infused. Fluorosulfuric Acid See Chemicals - - - - - - +78 – +87 This powerful acid hurts seeds a lot. Who knew? Sulfuric Acid See Chemicals - - - - - - +43 – +57 This common acid is bad for seeds. Were you expecting something else? Atrazine Weedkiller bottles - - - - - - +53 – +67 Weedkiller harms weed seeds too (and only weed seeds), less if it has the Toxin Immunity Gene. Plasma Chem Dispenser - - - - - - +18 – +37 Turns out plasma is not good for seeds. Damage is reduced if seed has Toxin Immunity Gene. Toxin Rancid milk, certain insect bites. - - - - - - +18 – +37 Naturally, toxin is bad for seeds. It's not so bad if it has the Toxin Immunity Gene. Mercury Extract from fishmint or get from Chem Dispenser - - - - - - +18 – +37 Bad for soil, bad for people, bad for seeds too. Toxin Immunity Gene reduces most of the damage. Oil See Chemicals - - - - - - +18 – +37 Oil hurts the seed. Less damage if it has the Toxin Immunity Gene. Space Cleaner Ask the Janitor for some. - - - - - - +18 – +37 There is less damage if seed has Toxin Immunity Gene. Chlorine Chem Dispenser - - - - - - +18 – +37 Chlorine hurts you a bit, and it hurts seeds a bit too. Less damage if seed has Toxin Immunity Gene. Fluorine Chem Dispenser - - - - - - +18 – +37 Fluorine damages seed less if it has the Toxin Immunity Gene. Welding Fuel Get from handheld fuel tanks and big tanks. - - - - - - +18 – +37 Less seed damage if it has the Toxin Immunity Gene. Tray Chemistry Certain chemicals have certain effects that occur every few seconds when they're in inside plant tray. Whilst infusion effects are immediate, tray effects can add up. Due to the funny way BYOND uses numbers, a plant absorbs roughly half the reagents in its tray every while or so, but never actually runs out, like some sort of chemical Zeno's motion paradox. Since chems in trays don't actually scale by unit (e.g. 0.25 units of saltpetre is the same as 250 units in the tray), then given enough time, a batch of chemicals in a tray can have a greater effect than infusing it into a seed. Different chemicals affect different statistics. Besides the self-explanatory health and the previous discussed Maturation Rate, Production Rate, Lifespan, Yield, Potency, and Endurance, some plants also boost a hidden "Growth" stat that tracks how mature a plant is. Some chemicals also damage the plant, taking away health, and there are different types of damage. This is less like how humans take BRUTE and BURN damage and more like how toolboxes and knives both inflict BRUTE but the first causes it through blunt trauma while the second stabs. RAD and POISON damage can by negated by certain genes, but ACID and FIRE damage cannot be resisted. While most chemicals don't affect plants that much, many others do. Don't be afraid to experiment and find out for yourself. If you're impatient, pathologically curious, or don't mind being spoiled, expand the table below. Reagent Source Growth Health Mat. Rate Prod. Rate Lfspn. Yld. Potency Endurance Dmg. (Type) Notes & Additional Effects Phosphorus Chem Dispenser 66% chance of +1 - - - - - - - - Slightly boosts plant growth speed, not as good as other chems though. Ammonia Ammonia Plant Formula +4 66% chance of +1 - - - - - - - Removes 4 units of chems from tray every few seconds. Specifically it removes a bit from each different chem, but the general ratio of chems will be preserved, and it can't remove all of a certain chem. End-all-be-all for accelerating growth speed. Diethylamine Ammonia Plant Formula + Ethanol + Heat 66% chance of +2 - - - - - - - - Midtier plant growth speed booster. Potassium Extract from bananas or get from Chem Dispenser 40% chance of +1 40% chance of +1 - - - - - - - Low-tier growth speed and health booster. Ash Heat up paper or oil in a beaker or similar container. 80% chance of +1 80% chance of +1 - - - - - - - Passable for healing plants and speeding up growth, but there're definitely better options. Compost Compost Bag - 66% chance of +1 - - - - - - - Okay at restoring plant health, but ammonia offers same benefits and more. But it's pretty common. Potash Potash Plant Formula 50% chance of +1 50% chance of +1 - - If > 1, 24% chance of -1 24% chance of +1 - - - If plant dies after one harvest, separate 66% chance of -2 GROWTH if GROWTH > 2. More crops per harvest, but plant doesn't live as long. Saltpetre Saltpetre Plant Formula 80% chance of +3 80% chance of +3 - - - If >1, 24% chance of -1 50% chance of +1 - - Gives crops bigger volume of chems, but you get less crops per harvest. Also surprisingly good at healing plants and making them grow faster. Space Fungus Use a beaker or similar on fungus stains in maintenance or extract from Space Fungus. - - - - - - - 50% chance of +1 - Probably your best choice for boosting Endurance to get specific mutations or make plants more robust. Water Sink, water tank - - - - - - - - - Essential for plant growth to occur at all. Mutadone Mutadone Plant Formula If >5, 80% chance of -5 GROWTH - If <0, 50% chance of +1 If <0, 50% chance of +1 If <0, 50% chance of +1 If <0, 50% chance of +1 If <0, 50% chance of +1 If <0, 50% chance of +1 - Attempts to restore plant stats to 0 if they're negative, but inhibits growth. Charcoal Extract from venne, ask Medbay for some. - - - - - - - - - Removes 2 units of these harmful chemicals: chlorine, mercury, plasma, radium, sulfuric acid,toxin, toxic slurry, welding fuel Blood Ask Medbay for some, stab yourself and scoop up blood with beaker or similar. +3 - - - - - - - - Growth speed boost occurs only if plant is man-eater Radium Chem Dispenser - - 16% chance of -10 – +10 16% chance of -10 – +10 16% chance of -1 – +1 16% chance of -2 – +2 16% chance of -5 – +5 16% chance of -3 – +3 80% chance of +3 RAD 16% chance to attempt to give plant new gene and transform plant into a mutation. Damage does not occur if plant has Radiation Immunity gene. Radioactive stuff hurts plant growth and randomizes plant stats, naturally. Uranium Discount Dan's food products, NPC merchants. - - 24% chance of -10 – +10 24% chance of -10 – +10 24% chance of -1 – +1 24% chance of -2 – +2 24% chance of -5 – +5 24% chance of -3 – +3 +2 RAD 24% chance to attempt to give plant new gene and transform plant into a mutation. Damage does not occur if plant has Radiation Immunity gene. It makes sense a radioactive element would scramble plant stats and sometimes induce new genes and mutations. Polonium Traitors' poison bottles, pill bottles marked ???? - - 25% chance of -10 – +10 25% chance of -10 – +10 25% chance of -1 – +1 25% chance of -2 – +2 25% chance of -5 – +5 25% chance of -3 – +3 80% chance of +5 RAD 25% chance to attempt to give plant new gene and transform plant into a mutation. Damage does not occur if plant has Radiation Immunity gene. This radioactive substance is a little better than other elements at scrambling plant stats and causing genes and mutations, but causes more damage. Stable Mutagen See Chemicals 80% chance of -3 – -1 - 16% chance of -10 – +10 16% chance of -10 – +10 16% chance of -1 – +1 16% chance of -2 – +2 16% chance of -5 – +5 16% chance of -3 – +3 - 16% chance to attempt to give plant new gene and transform plant into a mutation. Unstable mutagen is better in almost every way. Unstable Mutagen Mutagenic Plant Formula If >1, 40% chance of -1 - 24% chance of -10 – +10 24% chance of -10 – +10 24% chance of -1 – +1 24% chance of -2 – +2 24% chance of -5 – +5 24% chance of -3 – +3 - 24% chance to attempt to give plant new gene and transform plant into a mutation. Like its name suggests, it scrambles plant stats and sometimes causes new genes and mutations. Glowing Slurry Extract from omega slurrypods. -2 – -1 - -10 – +10 -10 – +10 -1 – +1 -2 – +2 -5 – +5 -3 – +3 - Attempt to give plant new gene and transform plant into a mutation. Arguably best of its kind for randomizing plant stats and inducing genes and mutations, with a relatively low growth penalty. Atrazine Weedkiller bottles -3 - - - - - - - 2 POISON Damages plant and inhibits growth only if plant is a weed and does not have Toxin Immunity. Plasma Chem Dispenser - - - - - - - - 2 POISON Turns out plasma hurts plants, for the most part. No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene. Acetaldehyde See Chemicals page. - - - - - - - - 4 POISON This chemical precursor hurts the plant if it does not have Toxin Immunity gene. Formaldehyde Ask Chaplain or Medbay, see Chemicals page. - - - - - - - - 4 POISON Embalming fluid hurts plants. No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene. Toxin See Chemicals page - - - - - - - - 1 POISON Toxin hurts you a little, and it hurts plants a little too. No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene. Miasma See Chemicals page - - - - - - - - 1 POISON Miasma is harmful for both plants and people. No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene. Acetic Acid See Chemicals page - - - - - - - - 1 ACID It's a weak acid, but it still hurts plants. Fluorosulfuric Acid See Chemicals page -5 - - - - - - - 10 ACID As with people and items, this nasty acid wrecks plant health and severely stunts growth. Did you expect anything else? Sulfuric Acid See Chemicals page -3 - - - - - - - 5 ACID Not as bad as its fluoro- version, but still hurts plant health and slows growth. Phlogiston Extract from Burning Commol or see Chemicals page -12 - - - - - - - 8 FIRE To nobody's surprise, adding phlogiston destroys most plants and acutely stunts growth. Phlogiston Dust See Chemicals page -12 - - - - - - - 8 FIRE Just like regular phlogiston, the dust form hurts plant health and growth. Napalm Goo See Chemicals page or notes. - - - - - - - - 1 POISON Unsurprisingly, napalm is bad for plants, though you might be surprised it poisons them rather than burns them. No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene. It's also possible to make this if you make some clever splices with seething tomatoes. Welding Fuel Get from handheld fuel tanks and big tanks. - - - - - - - - 1 POISON Damages plant if it does not has Toxin Immunity gene. Chlorine Chem Dispenser - - - - - - - - 3 POISON Hurts people, hurts plants too, if plant lacks Toxin Immunity gene. Fluorine Chem Dispenser - - - - - - - - 3 POISON No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene Mercury Chem Dispenser - - - - - - - - 1 POISON Mercury hurts plants, who knew? No damage if plant has Toxin Immunity gene Gene Strains Also known as "traits" or just "genes" or "strains", plant gene strains also affect plants in ways beyond just simple stat boosts. Certain plants can develop certain gene strains whenever they have a chance to mutate, whether naturally or induced through certain chemicals, and some chemicals can induce specific gene strains. Chemicals such as Unstable Mutagen increase the chance of a plant acquiring random gene strains, be it positive or negative. Gene strains can be passed on through splicing as detailed below. Gene Strain Source Effect Toxin Immunity Can develop in Bean, Carrot, Coffee, Chili, and Pea plants. True immunity to many poisonous chems. Having certain toxic chemicals in the tray does not hurt the plant, and infusing certain toxic chems does not damage the seed, though it still suffers the usual seed damage due to splicing. Radiation Immunity Can develop in Cotton, Nureous, and Rose plants. No damage from any radioactive chemicals polluting a plant tray, but other effects can still occur. Radioactive chemicals, specifically polonium, radium, and uranium, cannot harm the plant when the plant's in the tray. However, those chems can still affect the plant's stats/alleles and cause it to mutate, both when they're infused with the seed or sitting in the plant's tray. This also doesn't affect similar chems that emit radiation, e.g. unstable mutagen. Unstable Can develop in Apple and Synthmeat plants OR Infusing seed with stable or unstable mutagen has a small chance of inducing this gene. Plant's genetics sometimes randomly changes, with the effect basically like having glowing slurry in the tray. Every so often, the plant has a 18% to potentially acquire a new gene strain (if available from its 'natural' pool), mutate into another form, and/or have its alleles/stats go up and down by certain ranges (specifically: Maturation Rate & Production Rate: -10 to 10, Lifespan: -1 to 1, Yield -2 to 2, Potency -5 to 5, and Endurance -3 to 3). Unstable also randomly lowers and raises quality, and for fungi (and its two mutations) specifically, it can also increases/decreases amount of mushrooms harvested and the amount of health directly healed when eaten by random amounts. Accelerator Infusing seed with ammonia has small chance of inducing this gene. Plant matures and bears fruit faster with no strings attached. Every few seconds, the plant has a 10% chance to boost its both Maturation Rate and Production Rate by 1. Drought Resistance Can develop in Cannabis, Commol, Ipecacuanha, Tobacco, and Tree plants. Less damage from wilting, indirectly. As in real life, when the tray runs out of water, plants take damage from lack of water every so often. This gene makes it so the plant takes damage less frequently. Fast Metabolism Can develop in Soybean, Tree, Grape, and Cherry plants. Doubles the growth rate of the plant. Also doubles nutrient consumption (including water). Slow Metabolism Can develop in Bean, Cotton, Pea, Tree, and Coffee plants. Greatly decreases the growth rate of the plant, but reduces nutrient consumption rate (including water). Rapid Growth Can develop in Bamboo, Wheat, Oat, and Garlic plants. Increases growth rate without drawbacks. Stunted Growth Can develop in Chili and Banana plants. Decreases growth rate of the plant. In fact, it can cause a plant to un-grow! Enhanced Yield Can develop in Rice and Synthmeat plants. Increases plant yield without drawbacks. Stunted Yield Can develop in Commol, Ipecacuanha, Cannabis, and Tobacco plants. Decreases plant yield. Superior Quality Can develop in Apple, Pear, Peach, and Sugar plants. Items harvested from the plant will be of higher quality. This increases the amount of reagent the harvested item can hold and synergizes with the potency allele. Inferior Quality Can develop in Tomato and Soybean plants. Items harvested from the plant will be of lower quality, decreasing the amount of reagent the harvest item can hold. Splice Enabler Can develop in Tomato, Orange, and Onion plants. Seeds with this gene strain are spliced more easily, i.e. have a higher splice success chance. The splice chance increase is additive, meaning that this may enable some splices that are otherwise impossible. Splice Blocker Can develop in Lime and Corn plants. Seeds with this gene strain have a lower splice success chance. Damage Resistance Can develop in Cucumber, Potato, and Pumpkin plants OR Has a small chance to arise in any plant upon injection with Space Fungus. The plant takes less damage from harmful things, such as toxins and chainsaws. Vulnerability Can develop in Lettuce, Rose, Orange and Nureous plants. The plant takes more damage from harmful things. Mutagenic Can develop in Eggplant plants. The plant has a higher chance of randomly mutating (see Crop Mutations). It works by increasing the mutation chance during new mutation checks, which trigger upon infusion with certain chemicals and upon planting of the seed. Anti-Mutagenic Can develop in Carrot plants. The plant has a lower chance of randomly mutating. Poor Health Can develop in Bamboo, Wheat, Oat, Rice and Grass plants. The plant continually receives damage from frailty. This damage is not mitigated by e.g. toxin resistance. Seedless Can develop in Grape, Cherry, and Melon plants. This plant will not produce any seeds, either from harvesting or from extraction. 'Tis a dead end! Immortal Can develop in Banana and Melon plants. This plant can be harvested an infinite number of times. This does not mean that the plant cannot die by other means, such as toxin damage or chainsawing! Terminator Can develop in Garlic, Sugar, and Eggplant plants. This plant has a small chance to spontaneously die. How rude. Stabilizer Can develop in Cucumber, Potato, and Pumpkin plants. This gene strain prevents plants from randomly mutating. This also protects it against mutation by other sources, such as the Unstable gene strain or mutagenic reagents. On the flip side the plant's stats can no longer be influenced with tray chemistry (infusing seeds still works though). Advanced Photosynthesis Can develop in Corn and Lime plants. This plant grows much faster in general. However, if you provide it with enough light, it will grow even faster. Hyperaquacity Can develop in Lettuce plants. Produce from this plant contains (more) water, scaling with potency. Makes your lettuce even less nutritious. Just kidding, stay hydrated! Toxic Can develop in Onion plants. Produce from this plant contains Toxin, scaling with potency. A favorite for the chefs and ogres. Enzymatic Can develop in Blooming Lasher plants. Produce from plants with this gene contains booster enzyme, scaling with Potency. Splicing Splicing allows you to combine two individual plant genomes together into a entirely new hybrid plant, with the interesting side effect of the resulting hybrid extracting into whatever the parent plants extracted into. This results in things like superherbs that heal burns, fix genetic defects, and remove toxin damage simultaneously; "prank" bananas that explode when eaten; and peanuts so sugary that they put people in diabetic comas. The resulting seed packet will be an average of the color of the two parent seed packets. The splicing process also combines the names of the plants spliced, potentially yielding Amusing & Entertaining (TM) results. The actual splicing process is pretty simple. To start, click on an PlantMaster with two of your seeds of choice, or click-drag them onto the machine. Then click on the PlantMaster, go to the "Seed List" page, scroll to your seeds of interest, and click on "Splice" for both. You'll get a number describing how likely it is the splicing will go through, and once you confirm you want to proceed with the splicing, you should get a new seed, with a name along the lines of "Hybrid [roughly half of name of one plant][roughly half of name of other plant]. Meanwhile, the mechanics of splicing, especially regarding splicing chance, are considerably more complicated than a few mouse clicks and are described below. Adapted from a forum post by ISaidNo Each plant species has a variable called "Genome" which is used to track how similar two species are to one another. Generally two species from the same group (eg fruit, veg, herbs) will have genomes which are close to each other, and thus easier to splice. When splicing, the formula for your chances is worked out like so: Start Splicing Chance at 100% Compare the genomes of the two seeds, subtract the lower one from the higher one Multiply the sum of step 2 by 10, then subtract that from the splicing chance If either seed has damage from infusing, subtract damage amount from splicing chance Cap splicing chance between 0 and 100 to prevent bugs Perform the check to see if splicing succeeds or not So, an example. You're trying to splice Weed (genome 2) with Synthmeat (genome 7). You start with 100% splicing chance. Subtract low genome from high genome: 7 - 2 = 5 Multiply that by 10: 5 * 10 = 50 Subtract that from the splicing chance: 100 - 50 = 50 Assuming you haven't damaged either seed with infusion, you have a 50/50 chance for this splice to succeed. That's not so good odds, of course. So how can we improve them? When seeds are successfully spliced, the hybrid has a new genome which is the average of the two, calculated by adding the two plant's genomes together and then halving it. Assuming you successfully spliced Weed and Synthmeat, the new genome would be (from (2 + 7) / 2) 4.5. What you need to do is chain. The genomes are generally done by group: Herbs have very low genomes, grasses and veg are in the middle, and fruit has very high genomes. Alien plants and weeds have genomes that are all over the place. This isn't a general rule either, there are exceptions here and there! Commol has a genome that's more in the vegetable group than the herb group with it being a root rather than a leaf, for example. Dominance All plant seeds have a dominance allele, which determines whether the given seed is dominant or recessive. Dominant seeds have bolded names in the splicing screen, whilst recessive seeds do not. During splicing, one of the two seeds is always picked as the dominant splice seed and the other one as the recessive splice seed. If both seeds are initially dominant or recessive, this is picked at random. The seed resulting from the splice inherits most of its physical properties from the dominant seed, i.e. a dominant potato spliced with a recessive coconut still looks like a potato, distills into vodka, and inherits its alleles (growth rate, potency, etc.) from the potato seed. However, its name will be a combination of 'potato' and 'coconut', any gene strains will be combined into the resulting seed, and any reagents in the coconut plant will also appear in the resulting spliced plant. If both original seeds are dominant or both are recessive, the resulting splice's alleles will be averaged between the two seeds. Hotboxing Crops of plants in the "Herb" category can be burnt to release smokepowder-based clouds made from the reagents inside, a process called hotboxing. Generally, this is considered a bad practice without being contained with a device such as a Smoke-Shield Generator or being contained to a private area. This may also get you yelled at if not contained properly, especially if the herbs are filled with harmful chemicals. Under normal circumstances, the number of reagents per burned herb that can become smoke is 20 units. For example, if you burn 13 leaves of cannabis with 50 units of chems inside each one, the resulting cloud has 260 units of chems, not 650; the other 390 units disappear. The Syndicate hotbox lighter bypasses this limit. Additionally, hotboxing herbs is disabled on the shuttle on the RP servers. Out of this World Strangeseeds32x32.png On planets, in trader's inventory, in various Adventure Zones, and even in the depths of space, you can find strange, truly alien seeds (though, despite the similar appearance and name, they are not man-eater seeds), or even plants in bloom. Experiment! They are the source of many of the rarest acquisitions for Botany out there. ---------- Goal-Oriented Growth Growing for the Chef Core Three: Flour, Tomatoes, Potatoes: About 70% of the Chef's recipes use flour, which comes from wheat (5 units per stalk) or breadfruit (more potency means more flour, but good luck getting seeds if there's no Vox Trader). Suffice to say, you should be growing at least three plots of wheat at all times if there is a chef to keep up a constant flow of flour. Wheat can also be used to feed chickens for more eggs. Typical chef requests also include tomatoes (in many recipes, and also used for ketchup) and potatoes (many popular dishes including fries and soups). Fruit: Many of these are functionally the same, but apples and bananas appear the most commonly in recipes. Banana peels can also be used as a defensive weapon as a slip, or traded to the Clown for favors. Sugar: Self explanatory. A chef who is busy may need a refill, but if a Mechanic is willing to produce you a chem dispenser, you will not need to grow sugar any more, as you can simply dispense it. Milk: You can milk a cow or goat for more milk. If you do not have one, you can order it from Cargo, or simply Biogenerate it (see below). Meat: A ranching crate from Cargo will help you quickly produce large quantities of raw chicken. Alternately, getting Clonexadone will allow you to create synthmeat by injecting some blood. Finally, failing either of those, use the Biogenerator (see below). Cheese: You can provide milk to be processed with enzyme into cheese wheels containing 20u Nutriment. Alternatively, the biogenerator can make full cheese wheels at a slightly more expensive rate (20 extra biomass) than the milk needed to make a wheel. Butter: You can provide the milk to be reacted into cream then into butter. Alternatively, the biogenerator can make butter sticks at a slightly more expensive rate (70 extra biomass) than the milk needed to make cream. Eggs: Feed your chickens to get more eggs laid, or invest in mutating eggplants into egg-plants. Biogenerator: The biogenerator confers 9 biomass points per nutriment contained within a food. Eggplants contain 3 nutriment (27 points) but only yield 2 per harvest. Pumpkins contain 2 nutriment (18 points) but contain 3 per harvest. Both options will generate 54 points per harvest. The biogenerator is a good source of butter, cheese, meat, milk, and the ever-important cardboard which is used in many recipes. Fancy Condiments: Beside of easy condiments such as ketchup, sugar, and cinnamon, the chef might ask you for honey (from bees), coldsauce (mutate chili peppers into ice peppers), or soy sauce (extract sulphuric acid from nettles and grow soy beans). Growing to Feed This may seem paradoxical: after all, growing for the chef will usually feed the crew. However, sometimes there will not be a chef, and you'll want easy ways to get nutriment so that people stop smashing down your windows to steal your food. It takes around 8 nutriment to get from starving to well-fed. Low effort: Start growing potatoes. As they come out, normal potatoes will provide 2 nutriment each. Put a potato in the kitchen's processor and click it to turn it on. This creates Space Fries, which have double nutriment (4). High efficiency: Order a ranching crate from Cargo. Once it arrives, build a machine frame from metal, insert wires, then the circuitboard, then the parts. Finish it with the screwdriver. If you can, get a mechanic or scientist to upgrade the incubator. Now you can insert eggs to rapidly grow them into chickens (default, one at a time; upgraded, three at a time). Once a chick grows into a chicken, you can butcher it twice for two raw chickens. Dump some grown food, such as eggplants, into the biogenerator, and make cardboard. Insert 2 raw chicken and 1 cardboard into the microwave and turn it on. This produces chicken buckets with a staggering 21 nutriment. Just a few chicken buckets can fend off the hungry crew for a long time. Growing to Heal Usually, the medical doctor is better suited for healing injuries, but you can improve the chef's food with healing garnishes or heal yourself if you get hurt and there are no doctor's around. Poppy: This easy-to-grow plant contains Opium, which is like Bicardine but not, and it stacks with Bicardine. Because it is available right away with no setup, growing poppy is a great way to help the crew in a nuclear emergency or if there is a dangerous blob. Ambrosia: Vulgaris contains both Opium, which heals brute and Tannic Acid, which heals burns. However, it also contains mescaline which behaves similar to space drugs. Deus, on the other hand, contains Phytocarisol and Kathalai, both of which very strong brute and burn healing chemicals respectively. It also contains cocaine, which behaves like hyperzine. Honey: Requires a considerable time investment to set up, involving ordering crates from Cargo. Honey heals any damage type but suffocation, and it can be useful in medbay because it stacks with other healing chemicals. Peridaxon: This amazing chemical can heal organs without surgery. It can't be made by the chemist and can't be found in any plants by default. The only way to access it is to experiment with exotic seeds ordered in from Cargo to see if any contain this chemical. Rezadone: A chemical that treats genetic damage which generally comes from being glomped by a slime or being cloned. You can either find it on exotic seeds or manufacture it with Carpotoxin extracted from Koibeans. Growing for Science Research chemicals: Glowshrooms contain radium, which allow you to mutate your own plants. Nettles contain sulphuric acid, which allow you to solder your own circuit boards! Ghetto mining: You can mutate diamond carrots (diamond), glowberries (uranium, from berries), rocknuts (iron, from peanuts), silver pears (silver) and gold apples (gold), then give the dust to the scientists along with a big beaker of coldsauce (from chilly peppers) and they can solidify them into sheets! Guide to Xenobotany Growing for Materials Plastellium: Lusted after by the Mechanic for flatpack production. Grind up some for plasticide then mix with some polytrinic acid or phenol from death nettles to get plastic. Diamond Carrots: A Scientist's wet dream. These carrots can be ground to acquire some diamond dust which can be solidified into a pure diamond sheet. Plasma Cabbages: Nanotrasen's only reason for botany work. These cabbages can be processed to extract pure plasma which can be solidified into plasma sheets. Golden Apples: The Shaft Miner's favourite treat. They can be ground to get some gold dust which can be solidified into pure gold. Silver Pears: A sister fruit to Golden Apples. Can be ground to make silver powder, which can be solidified into silver sheets. Glowberries: The Station Engineer's chosen. Can be ground to make uranium salt which can then be solidified into uranium. Rocknuts: A tough nut to crack GET IT. Great source of iron to treat blood loss. If ground, they can be solidified into metal sheets. Bananas: The Clown's favourite! If you somehow get your hand on some phazon salt, you can use it to catalyze the solidification of bananium. Lord help us all. Grass: A botany staple, the humble grass patch is the fastest way to acquire tons of sand. Harvest the grass, turn the harvest into grass tiles, install said tiles then use a shovel to extract precious sand from them. Use the sand in hand to acquire sandstone. Take the sand to recycling to get glass. Consider that producing via these is far slower than mining, but will save science's ass if there are no miners. If you go all the way you can indefinitely replace miners as the materials source and can use different plants in specific ways to make the composite materials via recycling. Solidify some Plasma and Metal, recycle the sheets and process into some plasteel. Solidify some plasma and throw the plasma sheet along with some sand into recycling for some plasma glass. Add in some metal as well for reinforced plasma glass. phazon plants when Growing for Fun Blunts: Once you start producing paper from your biogenerator, any plant can be rolled into a blunt. Although ambrosia blunts (especially the "godblunts" produced by ambrosia deus) are the most popular for the drug effect, you can easily create healing, knockout, or pain blunts. You can also inject chemicals into other blunts with a syringe. Note that the rate chemicals enter the body from blunts is so slow that people will usually not get high, even with very potent drugs. Grass: Grass can be used in place of floor tiles, and use of a spade on grass tiles can create 2 sand (see below). Grass can also be used on wooden table parts to make casino table parts. Sand: Sand can be cooked with water to make pots for your plants, or to make sandstone if used in hand. Sandstone can be used to make new soil plots to grow additional plants in, a key strategy for small stations or impromptu hydroponic setups. Lighting: Glowshrooms, Nova Flowers, Moon Flowers, Glow Berries, and some alien plants glow! Each grow brighter as you increase their potency. Keeps your plants alive when power is cut! Biogenerator: Often overlooked, the Biogenerator is a source of crayons, special floor tiles, toolbelts, gloves, bags, and all sorts of useful items. Chemistry of Plantlife EZ-Nutriment: The standard fertilizer, keeps plants alive. Weeds don't need fertilizer. Robust Harvest: A very potent hormone that gradually increases your plant's potency, but can occasionally reduce it's yield as a side effect. It will also make weeds and pests more robust, making their levels rise faster. Left-4-Zed: Makes your plant more susceptible to mutagenic chemicals, so that you need to use less of them for the same effect. How big of an effect Left-4-Zed will have on your plant is rather unpredictable, so be prepared for potentially dangerous mutations. Ammonia: Available by hacking your NutriMax or from the Chemist. A fertilizer with a .5 bonus to plant health. Diethylamine: Available by hacking your NutriMax or from the Chemist. A miracle compound that will make all plants grow faster, fruit faster, gradually improve their lifespan and endurance, AND will also remove weeds. Plant-B-Gone: Deals a huge amount of damage to a plant, killing it almost instantly. Useful for removing weeds or if you need to free up a tray. Insecticide: Extremely toxic to any insectoid life, including bugmen. Removes all worms on a tray and kills bees. Unstable Mutagen: A very potent mutagenic compound. Read the Guide to Xenobotany and GMOs before experimenting. Radium: Available from grinding glowshrooms or the Chemist. A noxious mutagenic compound about 40% less potent than Unstable Mutagen. Will raise the toxin level in the tray, and generally damage your plant's health, but can be a half-decent replacement if you can't get Unstable Mutagen. Slightly more manageable than Mutagen. Anti-Toxin: Available from the Chemist. Heals plants that are sick or unhealthy. Cryoxadone: Available from the Chemist. Works much like Anti-Toxin, but has a much stronger effect. Clonexadone: Available from the Chemist. The best and fastest acting compound to heal your plant, with the curious side effect of rapidly reverting the plant's aging process! Can be effectively used to keep a plant young and healthy forever (effectively making it immortal), but be careful to not use more than 1u a time or it'll de-age your plant into being a seed again. Sugar: Pests and weeds both love sugar. Not something you usually want in your tray, but some parasitic or carnivore plants may benefit from this. Table Salt: Highly toxic to all life in the tray. Rapidly drains water, raises toxin level, and kills pests, weeds, and plants alike. Might be just what it takes to get a rapidly spreading vine to abandon it's tray. Diona Dionaea are a sort of plant creature that can be grown from Diona pods. Once harvested, a Diona Nymph will begin to move around somewhat until either a player ghost possesses it to become a new character, or it dies of braindeath (which leaves behind new diona seeds). You can get more diona nodes from Exotic Seed Crates, or a recharge pack for your seed vendor. You can also use plant clippers on your growing diona to produce more seeds, though it may die from even one sampling. Dionaea can be meat-spiked just like a monkey to produce meat! It's worth noting that it is valid to kill nymphs that haven't become sentient, but once they become player-controlled, they're not valid anymore. Some nymphs may be grateful for your harvests, and assist you in growing or even help you accomplish other goals. Others may just become the mildly irritating "greentide". Traitor Nettles and Novaflowers can be used to injure other players with burn damage, but their force is so low that they usually aren't good choices for sustained damage. Death Nettles, however, almost always stun on the very first hit with their acid, and one guaranteed stun that fits in a pocket is more than many jobs can ask for. With easy access to bananas and soap, you're rivaled only by the janitor in ability to slip. Set up ambush points by hiding banana peels under large sprites such as toolboxes to slip unsuspecting crewmen in the hallways, then strike with a harm-syringe full of sleep toxin or feed your victim the deadly cyanide of poison apples that kills quicker than anything the chemist can dream of brewing up. Your traitor item, Ambrosia Cruciatus, looks like simple Ambrosia Vulgaris but in fact contain Spiritbreaker Toxin, which deals around 200 brain damage rather quickly and causes horrible hallucinations that can even persist past death. The hallucinations are so severe they can literally break a space man's spirits. Use your grinder and ChemMaster to separate out the spiritbreaker and inject it into food with the syringe or make it into blunts that someone will inevitably pick up and smoke, but don't expect to stay undetected for long after you do this (unless you somehow pin the blame on the Chef, at least). On the other hand, anyone so affected will be functionally incapacitated for the rest of the round anyway. Botanists are one of the jobs with the easiest excuse for owning a chem dispenser, use these to make extra things with plant chemicals ranging from glycerol bombs that do more damage than potassium and water but less than the ones those science nerds make, to more semi-useless things like untable mutagen, which instantly removes any tables it's applied on. If you release vines, expect to be lynched. Try to hide the starting point if this is your plan. While the normal thorns/hematophage vines are very deadly if people get caught, vines spliced with deathnettles will breach to space. It's second only to Lord Singuloth in its destructive potential. You can grow rocknuts (mutate peanuts) and glowberries (mutate berries) to make iron and uranium, which means you have incredibly simple access to EMPs. ---- Basics of Botany Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Your Area Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutrients and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutrients (fertilizer) and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right - Green: Ready to harvest. Red: Low health, caused by weeds/pests/toxins/end of lifespan. Yellow: Low nutrients. Blue: Low water. Tools that are of use in botany - Plant Analyzer: Shows detailed detailed plant statistics. Very useful for growing fragile plants like Ambrosia Deus. Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Useful for moving those into the fridge or biogenerator. Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer. Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a robust tool that fits in pockets. Shovel: Digs up grass floors and cleaning the dirt. Spade: Removes and destroys plants in a tray. All-In-One Grinder: This is how you extract reagents from plants - throw them in and hit the "grind" button. Portable Seed Extractor: This can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Less efficient than the machine. Seed Extractor Plant growing 101 Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Now, take a look at the tray with a plant analyzer. For now, you only need to pay attention to the bottom five stats - Water/Nutrition and Weeds/Toxic/Pest levels. Now, fill a bucket from the water tank and grab fertilizer from the vending machine. You get rid of weeds with the cultivator and remove pests with pest spray. Chemistry can give you better chemicals for this, which will be explained later in the guide. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor. You can click seeds with a pen to change the name of the plant, the seed's description, or the plant's description. After planting in a hydroponics tray the tray updates with the name and description of the plant inside it. Bio-generator Biogenerator The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside. If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard fertilizers here. Keep in mind that you can craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator creates. Plant dna manip.gifDNA Extractor The DNA extractor allows you to extract and modify seed stats and traits. This machine is what lets you become a Chemist on speed. This is a little complex, so look at: Advanced Botany Stats, reagents and traits Three things determine how your plant will turn out: Their stats, reagents and traits. Stats Stats determine whether your plants are small and grow slowly, or are big and fast-growing. Click expand to see what stats do: Potency: The most important stat (0 to 100). This affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency. Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything. Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10 -- the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest. Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed). Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Only important for plants with the Perennial Growth trait. Age: Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat. Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. Weed growth rate: Determines how quickly weeds grow in the plant tray. Only relevant with very high values. Weed vulnerability: The higher, the more easily a plant is overtaken by weeds. Only relevant with very high values. Reagents/Content This determines what chemicals are present in a grown plant - the DNA extractor lets you extract and splice these. With a bit of creativity, you can mix your own mutagen, produce unique healing chemicals or turn tomatoes into napalm grenades. Solid Chemistry knowledge will help you out immensely. For a detailed list, check out: Plant reference chart Traits Traits give your plants unique properties. There are plenty - Perennial Growth for example lets you harvest plants multiple times. These can be transferred, just like reagents. Click expand to see a list of traits: Trait name Properties Bioluminescence Causes the plant to yellow glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency. Varieties include Shadow Emission and Red Electrical Glow. Strong Bioluminescence Causes the plant to white glow that is similar to standard lights, emitting light equal to 20% of potency. Bluespace Activity Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. Max radius is determined by potency. Capacitive Cell Production Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge. Carnivory Makes the plant heal from pests instead of taking damage from them. Densified Chemicals Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant. Keep in mind that reagent traits will still add a fixed amount to the plant (this just increases how much can fit in it). Electrical Activity Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when eaten; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents. Fire Resistance Makes the seeds and produce fireproof. Fungal Vitality The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, removing the need for water and greatly reducing damage from lack of light. Minimum yield is always 1 and the tray can't be overtaken by weeds. Gaseous Decomposition Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Only available through Strange seeds. Hypodermic Prickles Plants with this trait will sting when thrown (or slipped on with Liquid Contents), transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target. Invasive Spreading Plants with this trait will invade adjacent trays and destroy other plants growing there. Will not overwrite plants of the same species. Liquid Contents Causes the plant to squash when thrown or slipped on (Slippery Skin), applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant. Perennial Growth Plants with this trait don't die on harvest (and can be harvested multiple times). Separated Chemicals Makes plant reagents not react with each other until squashed. Otherwise, they will mix on harvest. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Removed January 2019. Slippery Skin Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds. Triggers Hypodermic Prickes and Liquid Contents when combined with them. Weed Adaptation The plant acquires weed-like properties, removing the need for nutrients. Plant growth doesn't get slowed by weeds and the tray can't be overtaken by them. Sunflower.png Plant reference chart All you need to know about plants - their reagents, traits and what they can mutate into. Plant Chart (mouse over (some of) the reagents to have a brief effect description) Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Traits Available from Mutates into Ambrosia deus Normal Ambrosia deus seed.png Ambrosia deus stage harvest.gif Ambrosia deus.png 5% nutriment, 15% omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia Ambrosia gaia Normal Ambrosia gaia seed.png Ambrosia gaia stage harvest.gif Ambrosia gaia.png 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Mutate Ambrosia deus Ambrosia vulgaris Normal Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png 5% nutriment, 10% bicardine, 10% kelotane, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus Apple Normal Appleseed.png Appletree.png Apple.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Hard cider Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Gold apple Bamboo Normal Bambooseed.png Bambooplant.png Bamboo.png Harvesting results in bamboo logs. Cut these logs with a hatchet to produce stackable bamboo cuttings. Use the bamboo cuttings in hand to craft a either a punji stick trap (paralyzes and hurts those who step on it) or a blow gun (makeshift syringe gun that takes time to fire and deals stamina and suffocation damage to the user). Perennial Growth Mutate Sugarcane, Exotic Seeds Crate Banana Normal Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment. Fermentation: Banana Honk Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Blue-space banana Berry Normal Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Gin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry Blood tomato Normal Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% blood, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Bloody Mary Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space banana Normal Bluespacebananaseed.png Bluespacebananaplant.png Bluespacebanana.png 20% singulo, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana Blue-space tomato Normal Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.png Bluespacetomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% singulo, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Laughter Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato Blue cherry Normal Bluecherryseed.png Bluecherrytree.png Bluecherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry Blue tomato Normal Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space tomato Blumpkin Normal Blumpkinseed.png Blumpkinplant.png Blumpkin.png 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% nutriment Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Pumpkin Bungo Tree Normal Bungotreeseed.png Bungotreeplant.png Bungo fruit.png Harvest will yield both a fruit and a pit. Bungo fruit.png Fruit: 10% nutriment, 10% Enzyme. Bungo pit.png Pit: 10% Bungotoxin, 4% nutriment. Only the fruit can have other chems from manipulated genes, but both the fruit and pit can have additional plant traits (such is Hypodermic Prickles). Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Cabbage Normal Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Replica pod Cannabis Normal Cannabisseed.png Cannabisplant.png Cannabis.png 15% space drugs, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Deathweed, Lifeweed, Omega weed Carpet Normal Carpetseed.png Growncarpet.png Carpet.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth Mutate Grass Carrot Normal Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip Chanterelle Mushroom Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png 10% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Cherry Normal Cherryseed.png Cherrytree.png Cherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry Cherry Bomb Normal Cherrybombseed.png Cherrybombtree.png Cherrybomb.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology Chili Normal Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png 4% nutriment, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Ice Pepper Cocoa Normal Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodtree.png Cocoapod.png 10% nutriment, 25% cocoa. Fermentation: Creme de Cacao Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla, Bungo Tree Coffee arabica Normal Coffeearabicaseed.png CoffeearabicaTree.png Coffeearabica.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Kahlua Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta Coffee robusta Normal Coffeerobustaseed.png CoffeerobustaTree.png Coffeerobusta.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica Combustible Lemon Normal Firelemonseed.png Firelemontree.png Firelemon.png 5% nutriment (can be thrown like an IED) Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon Corn Normal Cornseed.png CornPlant.png Corn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Whiskey MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn Corpse Flower Normal Corpse flowerseed.png Corpse flowerplant.png Right before it blooms, it starts producing miasma until harvested. Miasma production only works around normal pressure. Potency determines how high the pressure must be for miasma production to work. 50-60 potency is needed in standard pressure. Yield determines the output rate of the miasma. Harvesting does not yield any fruits. Mutate Starthistle Cotton Normal Cottonseed.png Cottonplant.png Cotton.png None. Can be turned into fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. MegaSeed Servitor Durathread Death berry Normal Deathberryseed.png Deathberrytree.png Deathberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 8% coniine, 10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry Death nettle Weed Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png 50% fluorosulphuric acid, 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation Deathweed Normal Deathweedseed.png Deathweedplant.png Deathweed.png 35% cyanide, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Destroying angel Mushroom Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png 10% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 20% amanitin Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita Durathread Normal Durathreadseed.png Durathreadplant.png Durathread.png None. Can be turned into durable fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. Mutate Cotton Eggplant Normal Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant Egg-plant Normal Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Begg.png 10% nutriment, egg inside. Fermentation: Eggnog Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate Embershroom Normal Mycelium-ember.png Ember-grow3.png Mushroom stem.png 4% tinea luxor, 2% vitamin, 2% space drugs Fungal Metabolism, Bioluminescence, Fire Resistance Lavaland Extradimensional orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Extradimensional orange.gif 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Triple Sec Perennial Growth Mutate Orange Fly amanita Mushroom Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png 35% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 10% growth serum Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel Fruiting Cactus Normal Seed-cactus.png Cactus-harvest.png Cactus-fruit.png 2% vitamin, 2% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth Fire Resistance Lavaland Galaxythistle Weed Galaxythistleseed.png Galaxythistleplant.png Galaxythistle.png 5% nutriment, 10% silibinin Weed Adaptation, Invasive Spreading Mutate Starthistle Garlic Normal Garlicseed.png Garlicplant.png Garlic.png 15% garlic juice, 10% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor Gatfruit Normal Gatfruitseed.png Gatfruittree.png Gatfruit.png 10% sulfur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium, a goddamn .357 revolver Perennial Growth Xenobiology Geranium Normal Geraniumseed.png Geraniumplant.png Geranium.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicardine Mutate Poppy Glow-berry Normal Glowberryseed.png Glowberrytree.png Glowberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. Luminosity: 20%. Strong Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth, Separated Chemicals Mutate Berry Ghost chili Normal Chillighostseed.png Chillighosttree.png Chillyghost.png 4% nutriment, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili Glowshroom Mushroom Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Glow: 10% Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Glowcap Glowcap Mushroom Glowcapseed.png Glowcapplant.png Glowcapshroom.png 10% teslium. Glow: 10%. Electrical Activity, Red Electrical Glow, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom Gold apple Normal Goldappleseed.png Goldappletree.png Goldapple.png 10% nutriment, 20% gold, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Apple Grapes Normal Grapesseed.png Grapeplant.png Grapes.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Wine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes Grass Normal Grassseed.png Growngrass.png Grass.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet Green grapes Normal Greengrapesseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrapes.png 10% nutriment, 20% kelotane, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Cognac Mutate Grapes Harebell Weed Harebellseed.png Harebellplant.png Harebell.png 4% nutriment. Fermentation: Vermouth Weed Adaptation Can overtake a a tray Holymelon Normal Holymelonseed.png Holymelonplant.png Holymelon.png 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment. Has anti-magic properties when held in hand. Has limited anti-magic charges. Will block 1 spell per 20 potency. Perennial Growth Mutate Watermelon Ice Pepper Normal Icepepperseed.png Icepepperplant.png Icepepper.png 2% nutriment, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili Inocybe Mushroom Normal Mycelium-inocybe.png Inocybe-grow3.png Mushroom cap.png 4% mindbreaker toxin, 8% entropic polypnium, 4% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland Killer tomato Normal Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, can be awoken. Fermentation: Demon's Blood Liquid Contents Mutate Tomato Koibean Normal Koibeanseed.png Koibeanplant.png Koibeans.png 5% nutriment, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean Kudzu Weed Kudzuseed.png Kudzuplant.png Kudzu.png 2% nutriment, 4% multiver Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Mutagen weed mutation Special, see this. Lemon Normal Lemonseed.png Lemontree.png Lemon.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon Liberty-cap Mushroom Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png 2% nutriment, 25% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation Lifeweed Normal Lifeweedseed.png Lifeweedplant.png Lifeweed.png 35% omnizine, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Lily Normal Lilyseed.png Lilyplant.png Lily.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicardine Perennial Growth Mutate Poppy Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lime Normal Limeseed.png Limetree.png Lime.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange Meatwheat Normal Meatwheatseeds.png Meatwheatplant.png Meatwheat.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. When harvested, you can get "meat" and blood from this. Mutate Wheat Mimana Normal Minanaseed.png Minanatree.png Minana.png 10% nothing, 10% mute toxin, 2% nutriment. Fermentation: Silencer Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Banana Moonflower Normal Moonflowerseed.png Moonflowerplant.png Moonflower.png 2% nutriment, 2% vitamin, 20% moonshine. Fermentation: Absinthe Mutate Sunflower Nettle Weed Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle Novaflower Normal Novaflowerseed.png Novaflowerplant.png Novaflower.png 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 4% nutriment Mutate Sunflower Oat Normal Oatseed.png Oatplant.png Oat.png 4% nutrient. Fermentation: Ale Mutate Wheat Omega weed Normal Omegaweedseed.png Omegaweedplant.gif Omegaweed.gif 30% space drugs, 30% mindbreaker toxin, 15% mercury, 15% lithium, 15% atropine, 15% haloperidol, 15% methamphetamine, 15% capsaicin, 15% barber's aid, 15% bath salts, 15% itching powder, 15% crank, 15% krokodil, 15% histamine, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Onion Sprouts Normal Seed-onion.png Onion-harvest.png Onion.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Red Onion Sprouts Orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Orange.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Triple Sec Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime Parsnip Normal Parsnipseed.png Parsnipplant.png Parsnip.png 5% vitamin, 5% nutriment Mutate Carrot Plump helmet Mushroom Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Manly Dorf Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom Pineapple Normal Pineappleseeds.png Pineappleharvest.png Pineapple.png 20% nutriment, 4% water, 2% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Poison-berry Normal Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberrytree.png Poisonberries.png 10% nutriment, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry Poisoned apple Normal Appleseed.png Appletree.png Apple.png 50% cyanide, 4% vitamin, 1% nutriment Xenobiology Polypore Mushroom Normal Mycelium-polypore.png Polypore-grow3.png Mushroom shavings.png 6% sugar, 4% ethanol, 6% stabilizing agent, 2% mint. You can craft mushroom bowls from this. Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland Poppy Normal Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicardine. Fermentation: Vermouth MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily Porcini Mushroom Normal Mycelium-porcini.png Porcini-grow3.png Mushroom leaf.png 6% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth, 4% nicotine Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland Potato Normal Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Potato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Can be turned into a potato battery by using cable coil CableCoils.png on it. Increase potency and add the Electrical Activity trait for higher capacity. Fermentation: Vodka Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato Pumpkin Normal Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png 20% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin Rainbow weed Normal Rainbowweedseed.png Rainbowweedplant.gif Rainbowweed.gif 15% mindbreaker toxin, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Redbeet Normal Redbeetseed.png Redbeetplant.png Redbeet.png 5% nutriment, 5% vitamin Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet Red Onion Sprouts Normal Seed-onionred.png Onion red-harvest.png Onion red.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment, 5% tear juice Mutate Onion Sprouts Rice Normal Riceseed.png Riceplant.png Rice.png 4% nutrient. Fermentation: Sake MegaSeed Servitor Reishi Mushroom Reishiseeds.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png 35% multiver, 35% morphine Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray Replica pod Normal Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png Special MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Cabbage Shadowshroom Normal Mycelium-shadowshroom.png Shadowshroom-grow4.png Shadowshroom.png 20% radium, 4% nutriment Shadow Emission, Fungal Metabolism Mutate Glowshrooms Snapcorn Normal Snapcornseed.png SnapcornPlant.png Snapcorn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin Mutate Corn Soybean Normal Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean Space tobacco Normal Spacetobaccoseed.png SpacetobaccoTree.png Spacetobacco.png 3% nutriment, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Mutate Tobacco Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Normal Spacemantrumpetseed.png Spacemantrumpetplant.png Spacemantrumpet.png 5% nutriment, 15% Polypyrylium Oligomers (unextractable gene) Mutate Lily Starthistle Weed Weedsplant.png None Weed Adaptation Can overtake a tray Corpse Flower, Galaxythistle Steelcap Mushroom Steelcapseed.png Steelcapplant.png Steelcap.png None. You can harvest metal rods from this. Fungal Vitality Mutate Towercap Strange seeds Normal Seed-x.png File:Question.gif File:Question.gif Random, read this. Fermentation: Wine with 10-150 boozepower, and tiny chance of 200. Random Hacked vending machine, cargo crates Sugarcane Normal Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png 25% sugar. Fermentation: Rum Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Bamboo Sunflower Normal Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png 8% corn oil, 4% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower Sweet Potato Normal Sweetpotatoseed.png Sweetpotatoplant.png Sweetpotato.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin. Fermentation: Sbiten Mutate Potato Tea aspera Normal Teaasperaseed.png TeaasperaTree.png Teaaspera.png 10% tea powder, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra Tea astra Normal Teaastraseed.png TeaastraTree.png Teaastra.png 10% tea powder, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera Tobacco Normal Tobaccoseed.png TobaccoTree.png Tobacco.png 3% nicotine, 3% nutriment. Fermentation: Creme de Menthe MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco Tomato Normal Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Enzyme Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood, Blue or Killer tomato Towercap Mushroom Towercapseed.png Towercapplant.png Towercap.png None. You can harvest wood from this. Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steelcap Vanilla Normal Vanillaseed.png Vanillaplant.png Vanilla.png 25% vanilla, 10% nutriment. Fermentation: Vanilla Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Walking mushroom Mushroom Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet Watermelon Normal Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png 20% nutriment, 20% water, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Holymelon Wheat Normal Wheatseeds.png Wheatplant.png Wheat.png 4% nutriment. Fermentation: Beer MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat Whitebeet Normal Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png 5% nutriment, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet Vendnutri.gif Chemicals A lot of chemicals influence plants - get these from the vending machine, Chemistry or by growing your own! Click expand to see a list of chemicals: Fertilizers Nutriment: A fertilizer that adds 1 nutrient to the tray and heals the plant 0.5 health per unit added. You can get it by putting your plants and regular food in the grinder. Ammonia: Similar to nutriment, but also increases yield (25u to increase 1 yield). Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this. Diethylamine: Adds 2 nutrient to the tray, heals the plant 1 health per unit added and increases yield (50u to increase 1 yield). Also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia. Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient to the tray. Robust Harvest: Adds 1 nutrient to the tray per unit, and permanently increases plant yield of the tray 30% (without mutating the plant). Doesn't work on plants with 0 yield. A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Pest Removal Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity. Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds. Mutation E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and resets the tray's yield modifier to x1 (if another special fertilizer had previously been used on the tray). A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but the yield will permanently be 1 at best. If the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another mutagen to harvest the normal yield of the plant. A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants - 5u for a chance to change the plant type, 1u/2u to only change stats. Radium and Uranium: Also usable for mutation (10u for plant type, 2u/5u for stats), but damages plants and adds toxicity. Radium is more damaging. Plant Meds Ash: Adds 0.5 nutrient to the tray, heals the plant 0.25 health per unit added and kills weeds. Multiver: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay. Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles science. Also lowers toxicity. Don't expect the Chemist to give this to you, but the medbay probably has extra beakers of this. Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit. Unorthodox chemicals Soda Water: Mostly adds water, but also heals the plant and adds nutrient to the tray by a tiny amount. Milk: Adds some water and a tiny but of nutrient to the tray. Beer: Adds a bit of water and nutrient to the tray, but damages the plant a little. Blood: Feeds both your plant and pests. Virus Food: Adds nutrient to the tray while damaging the plant. Nicotine: Kills pests while adding toxicity. The bad stuff Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use unstable mutagen to unleash giant spiders or Kudzu upon the station, it's of no use. Toxin: Increases toxicity. Good job! Plant-B-Gone, Sulphuric Acid, Fluorosulfuric Acid: Damages the plant, adds toxicity and kills weeds. What do you think would happen? Fluorine, Chlorine: Same as above, but also drains water. Phosphorus: Same as Flourine/Chlorine, but adds nutrients to the tray instead of toxicity. Just use a spade. Napalm: Kills weeds, hurts plant and adds toxicity. This is just going downhill. Unless your plant has the fireproof trait, you might as well space the whole tray. On fireproof plants it will just kill weeds. Strange Reagent: Is supposed to spawn hostile plant creatures but currently doesn't work. Beekeeping Beekeeping Bees greatly increase plant yield, potency and the probability of you getting lynched. Great stuff, and very useful even if you're no traitor! Bee.gif For more info, click here for the guide on beepeeking. Bee.gif Advanced Botany This is where you get to PLAY GOD and mess with the stats, reagents and traits of plants. Using the DNA manipulator 1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks. 2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice. 3. Extract any gene, this will destroy the seed and save it to the disk. 4. Put in another seed. 5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's on the plant data disk. Obviously, this can be quite powerful in the right hands, and even for more basic tasks it can be a major boon. It is worth noting, however, that the DNA manipulator has an upper limit on how high a stat can be when you try to extract it and save it to disk, and any stats higher than that will be brought down to that cap. Though these caps can be lowered or eliminated if you can get RnD to upgrade your machine, at round-start the caps are very bad, with certain stats like production speed being capped at a level worse than what nearly every plant has initially. Traits, on the other hand, can be extracted just fine no matter what parts are used. Useful genes from default seeds: Wheat has a production speed of 1, the fastest possible. Tower-caps have very long lifespans (around 80), as well as potency and endurance stats of 50. Tobacco plants have a yield of 10, the cap for that stat. Apples have the perennial growth trait, which allows for you to get multiple harvests from a single plant. Watermelon has an endurance nearly on par with tower-caps, making it a good substitute when starting out so you can avoid using up all of your starting tower-cap seeds. Some genes are unextractable. Mutations You can mutate plants to A) change stats or B) mutate them into a different subspecies. To do this in a timely manner, you'll need to work with the Chemistry department. The agonizingly slow way is using E-Z Nutriment to make the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but kills the yield! You can speed up the process to bearable levels by asking your local Chemist for a few bottles of Unstable Mutagen. Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for... 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the Plant reference chart for information on these mutations. 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing. 15% chance of normal stat mutation. 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random, special mutated weed (Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap). 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, spiderlings are spawned. This is bad. If the spiderlings escape, they'll grow big and you'll likely get lynched. Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, and you can use a bottle for it. You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. R&D can also research a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. Fixing awful stats Mutating plants has a chance of really ruining stats. Luckily, there are a few ways to fix them: Unstable Mutagen. Using 1u slightly changes stats, 2u has more drastic effects. Saltpetre. Increases potency and decreases production time. Ammonia. Increases yield. Floral Somatoray. Increases yield and works as a substitute for Unstable Mutagen. Dude weeds Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include: 1/6 chance for Reishi/Starshittle. 1/9 chance for Nettle/Harebell/Amanita/Chanterelle/Tower Cap/Plump Helmets Using 5u of unstable mutagen on high weed level trays results in different plants: Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap Other Notes Bottle.png Growing your own mutagen Not robust enough to steal a chem dispenser? Try this out. First, plant pumpkins and mutate them into blumpkins. Now, insert their Chlorine production trait into glowshrooms and remove the Nutriment one. That's it! You now have a plant that grows unstable mutagen - just pop the produce into the grinder. You might want to add Densified Chemicals from Redbeets as well as Perennial Growth to optimize your harvest. Dispenser.png Other ways to mutagen Chemistry is busy curing the plague too high to help you out? Bad idea: Steal a chem dispenser. This will start a blood feud and is one of the biggest reasons why Botanists are hated by some. Think of it as someone stealing all your plant trays. Better: Ask Medbay to print you a spare chem dispenser board. After very basic research (Biological Technology), the medical protolathe is able to print chem dispenser boards. Or: Grab the spare chem dispenser board from tech storage. The AI, silicons and all members of the Engineering department can let you in. For stock parts: Print them from a public autolathe (if such has been built) or ask RnD/Engineering for a part replacer with stock parts. The parts are: 2 matter bins, 1 capacitor, 1 micro-manipulator, 1 power cell, 1 glass sheet. For stock parts you can also disassemble a hydroponics tray and a cell charger. A cell can then be found or gotten from disassembling a cyborg recharger. Ambrosia gaia.png Upgrading plant trays Composting enough plants that contain Earthsblood (for example Ambrosia Gaia) into a tray will give it a golden shine. Now it will no longer require water, fertilizer or weed/pest removal. This is great in combination with plants that have the Perennial Growth trait! A lot of Botanists will upgrade their trays before getting started with actual hydroponics. Upgraded trays permanently contain the last fertilizer you used before the upgrade. Robust Harvest is usually the best choice. Instead of keeping the original Gaia plant that most likely has gimped stats - insert the Earthsblood production trait into a more robust plant. If your DNA extractor hasn't been upgraded yet: Wheat has a production speed of 1 and good overall stats. If you're lucky, your station will have 50 potency Wheat bushels just lying around at roundstart. You can speed up the process by removing all contents but Earthsblood production and adding the Densified Chemicals (Redbeet) trait. Replicapodplant.png Replica Pod Cloning Replica pods can be used to grow dead people back to life - even when their brain and head are missing. To clone someone, follow these simple steps: Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe. Inject it into the bag of seeds. Plant the seeds. Let the plant grow and then harvest it. If the ghost of the corpse is still online, and did not turn on "Do not Resuscitate", that person will be cloned as a Podman. If there was no ghost available, the resulting harvest will simply produce a new pack of seeds. The podmen are a little different from normal humans. E.g. they regenerate in light but suffer in darkness and don't get attacked by bees. Cabbage can be mutated into Replica Pod. Strange Seeds Strange seeds (from hacked vendors or cargo crates) have completely random reagents and traits. Notable examples are: Gaseous Decomposition Nitroglycerin Microbes (Fungal Tuberculosis) Any drink, like Gin Tonic or Beepsky Smash Glitter Plasmaman Mutation Toxin Hell Water Of course, this is pretty gimmicky and unreliable. Kudzuplant.png Kudzu Kudzu is a weed that can appear when adding 5u Unstable Mutagen to a tray with a weed level of 5 or above. The tray version of kudzu will grow normally in its tray. When harvested it will produce kudzu pods Kudzu.png. The kudzu pod is like any other fruit/vegetable and can be eaten or grinded. To create wild-spreading kudzu, you must put a kudzu pod into a seed extractor, which will create packs of kudzu seeds Kudzuseed.png. Then activate a kudzu seed in your hand to start planting wild-spreading kudzu on the floor. Some plant stats will affect the wild-spreading version of kudzu in specific ways: Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread, the chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10] Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick [20 * (production / 50)] Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed in its place with all the ackumulated mutations saved in the seed. So if you reactivate it, the new kudzu on the floor will have all the same mutations the seed had, and will spread it to all its progenitors. You can examine a wild kudzu to see what mutations it has. When mutating it typically changes color. Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them: Click expand to see Kudzu traits and mutations: CO2 consumption - positive mutation, consumes CO2 from the air Space covering - positive mutation, makes vines grow vine floors over space Removed as of August 23 2017. Light - positive mutation, about 40% of the vines with this mutation emit light slightly more powerful than PDA Transparency - positive mutation, makes vines look-through Toxins consumption - positive mutation, absorbs plasma from the air Bluespace vines - minor negative mutation, makes vines be able to grow through anything Removed as of August 23 2017. Explosive - minor negative mutation, on death vines with this mutation explode with 0,0,2 power, so clusters of this vine will chain-explode one after another Fire resistant - minor negative mutation, makes vines ignore fire damage, be it plasma fires or welders Vine eating - minor negative mutation, vines with this mutation will eat vines without it Toxicity - negative mutation, eating vine with this mutation or walking thought it will cause you toxin damage Aggressive spreading - negative mutation, on spreading vines will cause effect of mini-explosion on the tile they spread to, mobs buckled by this vine will also experience effects akin to minor explosion O2 consumption - negative mutation, absorbs O2 from the air around N2 consumption - negative mutation, absorbs N2 from the air Thorns - negative mutation, makes mobs touching or going through vines recieve physical damage Hardening - negative mutation, makes vines not die fast from sharp objects, but makes non-sharp objects(hands included) be more effective agaisnt them, on the full maturation block the passage Flowering - negative mutation, makes vines very entangly and spawns harmful flowers occasionally, flowers after destruction spawn flower mob that is agressive and attacks Adding special chemicals to the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations: Adding 5u of welding fuel will remove random positive mutation with a 20% probability Adding 5u of phenol will remove a random minor negative mutation with a 20% probability Adding 5u of sterilizine will remove a random negative mutation with a 20% probability Adding 15u of blood will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Adding 5u of amatoxin will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Adding 5u of plasma will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Adding 10u of holy water will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Sandstone and Soil If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Wood and Drying Racks First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. Wooden barrel.png Fermentation Barrel You can craft wooden barrels with the crafting menu (under tribal), which requires 30 wood planks Planks.png. Clicking it will toggle it between open and closed. When open you can insert plants or liquid. When closed you can draw liquid by using a container on it. Inserting a plant into the barrel will ferment the plant after a few seconds (even if not closing it). This will grind the plant, adding all the plant's contained reagents to the barrel. But it can also add an additional reagent depending on plant used. Most plants will create a special wine with varied boozepower depending on plant used. Some plants will create other reagents than wine, and some plants will not work at all. Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants Separated Chemicals + Liquid Contents lets you grow grenades. Glow-berry Uranium + Towercap Iron = EMP. Watermelon Water + Banana Potassium = Boom. Separated chems trait removed january 2019. Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. Botany cells have potential to be better than bluespace cells. Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. You can also grind them and put the liquid in an e-cig. ----- ===== Gernharts alternative, practical, long ass guide to hydroponics ===== While the normal "Guide to Hydroponics" is an excellent collection of information I still often encounter Botanists which don't really know what they should do with it. So here is a in-depth step-by-step guide that tells you how your shift should usually go. You should still totally read the guide on the wiki first though, it will make things easier to understand. DON'T BE SPOOKED. While I do write down many steps here they don't take long - as long as you know what you're doing. ==== 1. PREPARE FOR HACKING YOUR VENDORS ==== You just spawned as a Botanist. Here is what you do first: RUN TO PUBLIC TOOL STORAGE. It's usually in the north-west of the map. You need to grab a Multitool and a Screwdriver. Ideally you also want to grab the insulated gloves, if you can't take the budget ones. Also take a wrench, you'll see why. Then hack one of the vendors there by using the screwdriver and then the multitool on it. Pulse all the wires until you find the one that activates the green light. Remember that wire. If you find the shock-wire remember that instead and avoid it, there is only one so one of the others has to be the green light. Later you'll hack your vendors with that knowledge. You test-hack here so that you don't disable one of your vendors for a while by accidentally hitting its shock wire. If the greysuits were faster than you and you didn't get a multitool you can ask Cargonia, R&D or Robotics for one. They will usually be cool about it. You can also print them at the autolathe but this early in the shift it probably won't have enough resources. ==== 2. ACQUIRING MUTAGEN - THE FEDERAL FUCKING ISSUE ==== Mutating your plants and increasing their potency is extremely important. For that you'll need strange mutagen, and a LOT of it. There are slow ways and fast ways to get it. If you can't get it you'd be forced to use fertilizer for mutation, which, depending on your luck, is usually so slow that you might as well not bother. BOTANY IS A RACE AGAINST TIME. You can produce a lot of strong things, but you need to work effectively. This is why we try to save time whereever we can - thus we want to mutate fast, so we need fast access to a LOT of mutagen - and also saltpetre - while having to leave hydroponics as little as possible. === 2.A. ACCESS TO A CHEMISTRY DISPENSER === Go to the Head of Personnel and ask him for chemistry access. HoPs are usually experienced and will agree that this makes sense for a Botanist. If not show him this guide, I guess. Or explain to him that, if you were to bother the chemist with each of your requests instead of making the stuff yourself, he'd do nothing else and while you wait for it, your plants will die. This is not a lie. You are not doing this for selfish reasons. The point is that there are TWO chemistry dispensers, so while the chemist uses one you can use the other, and even if there are two chemists they usually don't use both dispensers at the same time. Very rarely will the chemists get pissed at you, just greet them and be friendly. Maybe explain it to him. Or send him this damn guide if he doesn't understand. THE NEXT "2.X" PARTS ARE ALL ALTERNATIVES TO EACH OTHER, BECAUSE THINGS DON'T ALWAYS GO AS PLANNED. SKIP THEM IF YOU GOT YOUR DISPENSER! === 2.B. THERE IS NO HoP / HE DOESN'T WANT TO HELP? === That happens. So here is Plan B: Ask the chemist if you can have a dispenser. Explain to him that otherwise you'd need him to make about about 400 units of mutagen and saltpetre (mutation is RNG based so it can be more or less). Yes, you can produce your own, but you need to first get one mutation, then have that grow, then manipulate another plant with the DNA of that plant and then grow that new one. This takes a lot of time and during this time you'll still want to be able to mutate stuff. He will agree 50% of the time, in my experience. Of course this only really works if there is just one chemist. If he agrees, use a wrench on one of the dispensers and take it home to hydroponics. === 2.C. BUT THERE IS NO CHEMIST EITHER / HE'S BEING A CUNT. === Alright then. If there is no chemist, ask the AI to open the doors to chemistry for you and just quickly take one of the dispensers before the doors close again. If the chemist is being a cunt just wait until he's not home and then do this, maybe - this can get you into trouble if this goes wrong, so be smart about your timing. However, this situation is very rare. But IF you do it, make sure to ask the AI via the PDA, not in public comms, so the chemist doesn't notice. Also, always hide the dispenser in your little storage room in the back; you don't want to wake sleeping dogs. === 2.D. BUT THERE IS ALSO NO AI! === Ok, fuck. Now you COULD attempt to hack yourself through maintenance into the lab and steal it that way - good luck not getting caught. But there is a more elegant solution: Ask R&D, they can build chemistry dispensers. Make sure to offer to grow glowshrooms, glowcaps and ambrosia in return, they need that stuff. To build a dispenser you need a circuit board for it, metal, wires and some other stuff R&D has usually lying around. Hopefully they will agree, else we'll have to do this the slow way. === 2.E R&D WON'T HELP EITHER === This is getting ridiculous. Alright, we got no other choice: We'll have to actually ask the chemist for the stuff. There are two reasons we tried to avoid this so much: First, while you stand at the desk waiting for the chemist to finally do your request your plants will die as no one competent will take care of them (coworkers who actually keep plants alive are very, very rare). And also the sheer amount of both saltpetre and mutagen you'll need is a crazy amount of work for a chemist who also has other shit to do. He'll become very annoyed when you want 3 bottles of unstable mutagen for the third time. Because of that you'll have to MAKE YOUR OWN MUTAGEN: Grow and mutate Blumpkins ASAP in this case, then turn it into seeds, put those in the DNA manipulator, extract the ammonia and put it into glowshroom seeds while removing nutrition from them and also adding the perennial growth trait (you can get that from all sort of plants, anything that regrows naturally). Grow those growshrooms and grind them to get your mutagen. This will take quite a while, so it sucks, but it's all you can do at this point. ==== 3. HACKING & THE STRANGE SEED LOTTERY ==== So hopefully you got your dispenser in the backroom now. Next step: Hack your vendors. Again, use the screwdriver on them and then pulse the wire for the green light with the multitool. This unlocks very important seeds and fertilizers. Most importantly you can now get two strange seed packages from each vendor. Grab them, then grab the disk boxes from your storage and make a pile of empty disks in front of the DNA manipulator. I recommend putting disks you program on the desk next to it. You use those to download/upload stats, chemicals and traits from/into plants. That way you can basically cross-breed them, creating really crazy and useful stuff. Now, throw the strange seeds into the DNA manipulator. This is where the fun starts: Those seeds have completely random chemicals in them, completely random traits and completely random stats. From them you can get stuff you usually can't produce, including mutagens for different species, crayon powder (dyes), special chemicals for special recipes, cocktails, super strong toxins and much more. Make sure to keep a tab of the chemistry guide open so you know what's what ([[:games:sc13:guides:chemistry|Guide to Chemistry]]), Ctrl+F the name of the chemical). Extract all the good stuff onto disks by also putting an empty disk into the manipulator, if you find the Gaseous Decomposition trait or other useful traits you usually get through mutation you're especially lucky. If you find a chemical that turns people into skeletons, shadowpeople or whatever it is a sign from the gods and your holy duty to transform the entire ship with mutation gas (at least, if you're an antagonist or people actually want to change). But if you find nothing interesting, don't worry, there are still a lot of possibilities for both mischief and saving the ship. ==== 4. GEAR UP ==== Lets get to work. First get your equipment and put it in your backpack: * Cultivator to kill weeds * Pest spray to kill pests, * Bucket to water your plants (set it to 70 units and also use it as a hat), * Plant bag to carry your harvests around, * Spade to kill bad plants * Diethylamine as its the best fertilizer for the beginning, later use Robust Harvest. Diethylamine is twice as potent as other fertilizers, 5 units give 10 nutrition so set it to that. It also keeps pests away and even HEALS your plant. Once you got something you want to actually mass produce instead of growing it for their contents / mutating it, you'll want to use Robust Harvest instead. This prevents natural mutation (protecting your plant's stats) and increases yield by 30%. Now we will make some more plant disks. Unless your ship has gone to complete shit, you'll find some wheat on your desks. Turn it into seeds by putting it into the seed extractor, put those seeds and an empty disk into the manipulator. It should have 50 potency and 4 yield. Make a disk for each. Then grab apple seeds and extract the "perennial growth" trait from them, it makes stuff regrow after harvest. You will need those disks later. ==== 5. YOUR FIRST PLANT, FINALLY ==== Grab seeds for Ambrosia Vulgaris. Plant them, then take your beaker out of the grinder. Put it in the chemistry dispenser, be it at chemistry or in the backroom of your department. Set it to 30 units, then add Phosphorus, Radium and Ammonia. That's how you make unstable mutagen. Take out the beaker with the mutagen in it, set it to 5 units and use it on the Ambrosia until it turns into Ambrosia Deus. Then do the same thing with the Deus; keep using the beaker on it until it turns into Ambrosia Gaia. You might have to refill the beaker if you get bad luck; mutations are random, each 5 units gives a 10% chance for a species mutation. Afterwards you'll probably see some lights blinking on the tray: * RED means the plant is damaged; you can heal it with Diethylamine. * BLINKING RED means either weeds or pests. Use the cultivator on it, and if that doesn't help use pest spray. * YELLOW means it needs nutrition, again, give it some Diethylamine (or later: Robust Harvest). * BLUE means it needs water; set your bucket to 70u, fill it at the sink or the water canister, then use it on the plant. * GREENS means its ready to be harvested. However, use a plant analyzer on the tray to check the stats: If the yield is 0, take a bottle of EZ-Nutrient, Left 4 Zed or Robust Harvest, empty it on an empty tray or with harmful intent and fill the mutagen into the bottle. Set it to 2u, use it on the plant, scan again, repeat until the yield isn't 0, then you can harvest it. By using 2u you guarantee a stat mutation and also waste less mutagen. Watch your Gaia like an eagle. It HATES weeds and will quickly be overtaken by them, so as soon as they appear, use the cultivator on it. Don't leave the Gaia alone even for a minute. You should also use this time to grab some white beet seeds, plant those and mutate them into red beets; those have an extremely important trait. You can also use this time to grow some stuff for the chef; ask him what he wants, just make sure Gaia and red beet stay a priority. Once both the Gaia and the red beet are harvested, turn them into seeds. Also buy some nettle seeds. Take them all to the DNA manipulator; it's time for some science. Turn the red beet into a Densified Chemicals disk. That trait DOUBLES potency, basically, and you want it in all of your plants. Then extract Weed Adaptation from the nettles. This makes plants immune against weeds and will prevent them from being overtaken by them, which is extremely useful. Now we put a lot of disk data into our Gaia seeds: We want them to have at least 50 Potency, 4 Yield, Densified Chemicals, Weed Adaptation and Perennial Growth. Also, important: Remove Nutrition and Vitamins from it; we want the pure Earthsblood inside the Gaia, and lots of it. Why? Because it can be used to upgrade trays. ==== 6. AMBROSIA GAIA, YOUR BEST FRIEND ==== Plant the modified Gaia. Now we pimp it even further. Grab your beaker, empty it, then put it in the chem dispenser again. Set it to 20u, then add 1x Potassium, 1x Nitrogen and 3x Oxygen. Set the dispenser to 10u and repeat. That way you get Saltpetre. We need it to increase Potency. Again, put it in an empty bottle of one of the basic fertilizers, set it to 2u, then spam it on the Gaia until you use it all up. This will raise the Potency to 95. If you want you can make a little bit more and even raise it to 100 that way, but 95 is good enough. Also use Robust Harvest on this new Gaia instead of Diethylamine, now we want to keep the stats and a high yield. When it's ready to be harvested turn some of it into seeds and plant those again until you got around 4 plants. Grind the rest up in your grinder, then use the pure earthsblood from your beaker on one of your trays with the Gaia in it. After adding 20 units of pure Earthsblood it turns golden and now it will never again need to be cultivated, fertilized, de-pested or watered; it is completely self-sustaining. Use the extra Gaia you planted in the same way and upgrade all your trays with it. Use Robust Harvest on the trays before you upgrade them though, as it keeps the 30% yield bonus that way. This will make your life so much easier. That way you can actually leave without your goddamn plants dying. Also, Earthsblood is the strongest healing reagent in the game. However, it deals some brain damage, so you can't use too much of it without healing that brain damage, too. So Medbay will appreciate it if you deliver some of the Gaia to them. Tell people to only take one bite if they take damage so they don't roast their brain. ==== 7. LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS ==== The true power of Botany lies in the crazy DNA-manipulated plants it can create. No matter the situation of the station, Botany can grow a plant for it. Chemicals react with each other within the plant so if you put the chems from one plant into another you can get crazy results. Here is an example so you get the idea: Let's say you want to make the good old EXPLODING BANANA. All you need for that is potassium, which is already in bananas, and water, which you can of course get from watermelons. So you put the water-DNA into the banana seeds, grow them, harvest them and BOOM, you just exploded upon harvest since the chemicals mixed upon harvest, releasing the explosion. Well that sucks. We want them to be grenades, not a suicide button. There is a trait for that: Separated Chemicals. That way the chems DON'T mix upon harvest. You can get this very important trait by mutating berries into glow-berries. By the way, those also contain the Strong Bioluminesance trait which can also be very useful. Anyway, so you add that to the bananas, too, throw them at the fucking chemist and... nothing. Damn. Wait, is he picking it up to eat it? Naw, he doesn't trust you. Ok, we'll have to add another trait: Liquid Contents. You can get that from tomatoes, EZ PZ. So we add that to the bananas too, throw one at the chemist and FINALLY he explodes. Doesn't even destroy the station, just hurts the chemist. Neat. So basically whenever you want to make a grenade, you have to add Seperated Chemicals and Liquid Contents. What you want to grow after you upgraded the trays depends on the situation. Here are the most common examples, you can look up the plants at the official guide for Hydroponics above. Also for all those recipes you should always add Perennial Growth and Densified Chems, of course. === A LOT OF PEOPLE GET HURT === Make a better Ambrosia Gaia. Take the one you already made and add to it: * Omnizine (Ambrosia Deus) (another strong healing reagent that heals everything, but slower than earthsblood) * Bicaridine and Kelotane (Ambrosia Vulgaris) (heals brute and burn damage) * Sugar (White-Beet) + Water (Watermelon) + Hydrogen (Grass) = Mannitol, heals the brain damage from the earthsblood If you want to try REALLY hard you can even add Oculine from Carrots, it heals eye-damage, and vitamins from Sweet-Potatoes. === THERE IS NO COOK === Watermelons have 20% nutrition and can be sliced into yummy pieces, you can add Densified Chems (Red Beet) and vitamins (Sweet-Potato). === PEOPLE ARE DEAD AND CLONING IS FUCKED === You can clone people by injecting their blood into replica pods and then grow those. But if you're ROBUST you'll make "Strange Reagent" instead which REVIVES THE DEAD (unless their bodies are completely fucked): Omnizine (Ambrodis Deus) + Holy Water (Holy Melons) + Ammonia (Blumpkins) + Radium and Phosphorous (Glowshrooms) === I WANT TO GAS PEOPLE === Be it in a good way or bad way. You can make the Gaseous Decomposition trait yourself by adding together: Sugar (White-Beet) + Potassium (Bananas) + Phosphorous (Glowshrooms) + Seperated Chemicals (Glow-Berry) + Liquid Contents (Tomato) You can combine that with other chemicals / recipes as long as those three chemicals won't react with what's already in them and thus cause problems. Remember: If you forget the Separated Chemicals it will explode into gas upon harvest. Give pure gas grenades with nothing else in them to the chemist; they can inject their own stuff and make their own special grenades, might make them like you more. === THE LIGHTS WENT OUT === Take Glowshrooms (remove Radium) or Glowcaps, ideally add Strong Bioluminescence (Glow-Berry) and Densified Chemicals (Red Beet), then plant them everywhere (activate them in hand). They spread relatively quickly. You can also carry one in your pocket to always glow. Higher Potency means stronger glow. (If you want to spread darkness instead use Shadowshrooms.) === I / SECURITY / MILITARY NEEDS WEAPONS === Ohhh boy. So the classic choice here would be the Deathnettle. But you can also take its traits and acids and add those to the Novaflower so when you hit people they also start to burn. Maybe also add some poisons from Poison- or even Deathberries or Destroying Angels. If you add mute toxin from Mimanas your enemy can't even scream for help. And there is lots of other stuff you can add too, creating the ultimate melee-weapon. Another personal favorite of mine would be the Tesla-Shroom. Add Water to Glowcaps + Seperated Chems + Liquid Contents. When thrown it will release a thunderbolt to the nearest target, shocking it and usually making it fall down, turning it into an easy target. Since you don't even have to aim a whole lot it's one of the most overpowered weapons you can make. === THERE IS A BLOB === Take the acids from Deathnettle and add them to a gas grenade plant (see above). If it's immune against acid try some combustible gas instead (corn oil) and throw a lighter into it. Or bomb it with exploding Bananas. === THERE IS A CULT === Add Holy Water from Holymelons to a gas grenade. Bonus points if you also add concentrated capsaicin from Ghost Peppers, that stuff is basically teargas and makes sure the cultists stay in the gas long enough. (Always add that stuff to offensive gas grenades.) === TOO MANY LIZARDS === Add unstable mutagen from the Blumpkin-Glowshroom-Combo to gas, when people breathe it in their race will change. === THE STATION IS A FUCKING MESS === Again, take gas, this time add Ammonia (Blumpkin) and Water (Watermelon) to create Space Cleaner. Throw them at messes and when the fog lifts there will be cleanliness. === PEOPLE SHOULD JUST FUCKING CHILL === Add Frostoil from Ice Peppers to gas. It's basically Freon. Freezes the ground, super annoying. Make sure you don't accidentally freeze yourself to death though. === I WANT SOMETHING LESS PERMANENT THAN ICE === Then use space lube from Blue Tomatoes or Blue-Space Tomatoes instead of Frostoil. Also a great present for the Clown. === I WANT CARPET EVERYWHERE AND GROWING IT TAKES TOO LONG === Mutate Blood Tomatoes and add Space Drugs from Cannabis to it, then add gas. This gas will then spread carpet. === HOW DO I MAKE PEOPLE GROW HUGE? === Fly Amanitas, they contain the famous growth serum. === I NEED AN ARMY === Turn yourself into a Podperson using a Replica Pod. Then grow Killer Tomatoes. Activate them to spawn them as a mob. They won't attack Podpeople so they are on your side. Remove Liquid Contents from them. === I WANT TO RANDOMLY TELEPORT MYSELF AND OTHERS === Check out Blue-Space Tomatoes or Blue-Space Bananas. Doesn't work in gas, sadly. You can also use this to break into rooms by teleporting into them with a little bit of trial and error. === GOTTA GO FAST! === Speedboost drugs are: Ephedrine (Coffee Robusta), Meth (Omega-Weed) and Morphine (Reishi Mushrooms). === YOU NEED WOOD === You can grow your own wood by planting Towercaps. You need wood for drying racks, in case you want to smoke something, or to build wooden objects. === Conclusion === That's all I can think of right now, but there is far more, especially because of the strange seeds. Read the [[:games:sc13:guides:chemistry|Guide to Chemistry , check which chemicals are available through botany, maybe you'll get another sweet idea. Remember, a robust Botanist analyzes the situation before he decides his daily little science project. It's a huge waste of time to get strange reagent when there is not a lot of death. No point in making lots of weapons when you're no antag and there isn't much security to work with. You get the idea. After you got your earthsblood-upgrades always ask yourself: What would help the most right now? (Unless you're an Antag in which case the answer is Killer-Tomatoes.) ==== 8. STEPPING UP YOUR GAME ==== R&D can upgrade your DNA-Manipulator, raising the cap for stat-disks like Potency or Yield. This can be extremely helpful if you don't want to spam Saltpetre all the time so ask them. In return give them some Glowshrooms, Glowcaps and Ambrosia Gaia for research (stats don't matter for that). You can create lots of useful stuff with the biogenerator. Simply add a beaker and throw stuff with lots of nutrition into the generator and then you can produce stuff like monkey cubes and leather for those sweet leather jackets, if you don't want to bother the Rancher or raise animals yourself. One last tip: Always start by using the trays at the back of Hydroponics. That way people who pass by don't see you. It never hurts to stay under the radar - especially if there is a chemist looking for his dispenser... ===== A Farmer’s guide to the Wild Wasteland, 2nd Edition ===== Written by Daniel Robertsson Introduction “You should write a book (…), call it ‘Wild Wasteland’.” - Forgotten Namesake. You’ve found yourself glaring through the contents of this book, and for that- I thank you. This is one of the oddest tasks I’ve found myself working upon, to write down my own thoughts and tips that I’ve given others in the past, so I thank you for what I hope will be your patience and your curiosity. It’s placed in shaky hands, but as I’ve tended crops, I’ll treat your time as best as I can. All of us have a reason for practicing farming, be it feeding oneself and their loved ones, to serve a purpose in the market and fill in a niche, or to develop the very act of farming into a fruitful endeavour. For these, and only these, I will write onto you what I know. For those that seek power in the plants, I will not share such power within this book, so you will find yourself wasting your time. ==== Basics of Farming ==== There are many parts of farming to go over, and before I share with you those, there are some basic premises that I must explain to you. First and foremost: Percentages – You most likely didn’t expect this when you started farming, and I was shook when I found out myself that there was a specific pattern of mathematics within farming. To explain to those that don’t know, percentages are effectively how much of something you’ll receive. If I were to write ‘1’, in this context, I’d say you will receive 100% of something. If I were to write ‘0,5’; you’ll receive 50% of something, 0,05 means 5%, and this is key to understanding potency. Statistics – This term is used somewhat loosely, but it’s meaning is narrow and straight to the point. Stats in a plant means number of things, but to go over the ones that you’ll see when you’re out farming: Plant Age – This is a measurement for how long a plant has been alive. I am ill-certain in how it’s actually done for our world and theirs, as plants seems to age quicker than us, a boon certainly for those who just want to do farming for a few days a week as oppose to forever be bound by it. The rough estimate that I have is that one plant age is equivalent to thirty seconds. Soil’s starting stats – Every soil in the world starts off all the same: 100/100 Water, 10/20 Nutrients (of which they are EZ Nutriment). Lighting – It might seem obvious, but some don’t entirely know this, so I will try and help clarify this part as best as I can. Depending on how well the area you’re working within is lit, your plants will either suffer or prosper. Depending on if you’re doing a mushroom or a regular plant, it needs some form of a light, either by the sun or by torches. An obvious solution can also be to plant a decent potency glowshroom next to other soils to illuminate them, setting up tribal torches is another effective solution, or if you have access to a workshop: flashlights. Plant Stats 1. Potency This determines the size and amount of contents you will find in a fruit. It’s used to figure out how much you’ll receive of a plant- 100 is the highest value you can have, and 0 is the lowest value you can have. 100 means that based on the percentage content within a plant, you’ll receive a certain amount of that chemical or nutrients, or vitamins based on the product of potency and percentage of that specific plant. 100 potency on a 50% plant will mean your plant will contain 50% of whatever it produces within that plant and will be much larger than its normal counterparts. The value can range from 0-100, with 100 being the best. Example: Pluck a fresh Xander root from the Wastes and compare it with most of your harvests of xander. Its size will most likely be larger, due to it having a higher potency value. 2. Yield This determines the amount of something you receive when you harvest. It’s straight forward, with 0 being the worst value you can have (meaning no harvest), and 10 being the best value you can have. If it says 5, you’ll receive 5 fruits from your plant. The value can range from 0-10, with 10 being the best. Example: Some plants may produce 3 fruits, while others produce 10 naturally. Tobacco is a great example, as it naturally has 10 yield. 3. Production Rate This determines the amount of time in plant age you will have to wait before you can harvest a plant. It normally ranges from 1-10, but exceptions exist. After you’ve harvested, the production rate will determine how much you have to wait, but on your first harvest, it’s the sum of maturation rate and production rate that will determine when you can harvest for the first time. Example: Wheat has the fastest production rate, in comparison to apples and oranges, which are leaning more on the slower side. 4. Maturation Rate This determines the amount of time in plant age you will have to wait before you can harvest a plant for the first time if it possesses the plant trait perennial growth. Otherwise, you can just add this onto the production time for any plant if it’s only single time harvesting. What does it mean? – If I have a production rate of 5, and a maturation rate of 4, it’s just 5+4, equals 9. Meaning when the plant has reached the plant age of 9, or you’ve waited 4,5 minutes: it’ll be ready for harvest. 5. Endurance This determines the maximum health your plant can have. While this stat isn’t exactly ‘necessary’, it can actually have some great implications in what your plant will be capable of performing for duties, and what you can expect to do with it. It’ll impact how long it can stay alive and how much toxins the plant is going to be able to take. The value can range from 10-100, with 100 being the best. Example: Tower Caps have a naturally high endurance, pour weed killer on it and compare the amount you can pour on that in regards to other plants. 6. Life span This determines how old your plant can be before suffering. This is key for plants that require longer waiting periods before you get your fruits. Much like us, when plants reach a certain age, they will start to deteriorate and lose their ‘strength’ that they once possessed, until at last, they themselves pass away. The values can range from 10-100, with 100 being the best. Example: Not entirely certain. I’d gander tree-based plants like apples would have a high value, while wheat would have a lower value. Plant something and apply nutrients and water: and then just wait for a long time. Watching the grass grow… 7. Instability This determines how unstable your plant is. This value varies from plant to plant. To explain this stat here would take a long amount of time. Depending on the level of instability your plant has, an effect will come as a result of that level. It does not have to be irradiated to become unstable, using fertilizers like E-Z Nutriment and Left-4-Zed will increase it, but so will uranium. These values can range from 0-100, with 100 being the most instable. Example: Corn is highly unstable to begin with, a value of 50 - if you plant corn and succesfully harvest it (assuming you haven't added new fertilizers to the soil), you'll get the effects found within the 41-60 instability range. Flowers, on the other hand, tend to have a much lower instability, around 0-5, meaning you won't see any effect. Reffer to the Instability chapter for more information. 8. Weed Growth This determines the amount of weed your soil will have a chance of being subjugated to every 30 seconds. This is a concept that I have battled with a lot, as knowing the exact time when you must clear out plants of weed is crucial, as waiting too long and your plant may be overwhelmed. It appears that every time your plant ages, it has a chance of being subjugated by weeds proportional to your plant’s weed vulnerability. The values can range from 0-10, with 0 being the best. Example: Gaia for instance is a plant that is notorious for it's incredibly high weed growth and being overtaken by weeds in a matter of seconds, while other plants you can live be for minutes and be completely fine with. This means that Gaia has a high weed growth and high weed vulnerability, which will be described below. 9. Weed Vulnerability This determines the chance for weeds to amass in your soil and the chance for your plant to be overwhelmed and replaced by the weeds. Weed vulnerability is worked in percentages once more. If your plant has a vulnerability value of 50, it means that every 30 seconds, there’s a 50% chance that X amount of weed will spawn in your soil, and if it reaches 9-10 weed value in the soil, it will calculate again 50% whether or not your soil gets overwhelmed by weeds and replace the plant on it. Example: You may notice how sometimes, even though you have a seed with high weed growth, the weed growth itself doesn't happen regularly like other plants, but instead happens on a semi-rare occurence, this means that your seed has a low weed vulnerability score. Part 0: The Right Preparation To start off farming, you’ll want to retrieve the right tools and equipment you’ll be using for your farm, these will be relatively simple to start off with, but can become advanced based on which are you’re working for. This will assume you belong to the Wasteland, and the limitations of technology that exist there: Soils – Without a soil, your seed packet can’t become a plant. To tilt soils, you’ll need sand, and using sand to make into sandbricks, you can then at a cost of 3 sandbricks per soil tilt the land to become suitable for planting. Pick a good spot with sufficient access to nutrients and water, or you will find yourself in dire need for bottled supplies. · Important Note on Soils: Soils have a few more important statistics to just let you know about. 1. Water (0>100) The hydration of the soil, this stat is important for regular plants and those classified as weeds. If this value goes down to 0, those plants will start taking damage, while fungi can continue existing without concerns. 2. Nutriments (0>20) The nutrients that the plant can use in the soil. This is important for regular plants and fungus, and key to improving your plants depending on what fertilizers you've used. If this value goes down to 0, those plants will start taking damage, while weeds can continue existing without concerns. 3. Pest Growth (0>10) This is a hard one in particular to talk about. Pest Growth is a measurement on the amount of worms or parasitic insects that’s inside your soil and draining your plants. They will constantly deal a set amount of damage to your plants, starting miniscule and ending horrendously if you allow it to persist. My personal guess would say that pest growth happens around once every six-seven minutes, but can be countered with the use of compost, diethylamine or pest killer. The Cultivator will not work. 4. Weed Growth (0>10) Weed Growth, most farmers that have actively worked will know the suffering this value can cause you. When the value is either 5 or higher, your eyes will be able to spot their roots and devilish thorns come up and try to establish themselves in your soil. Unless you know that your plant has weed growth 0, you'd best remove it. 5. Toxins Levels (0>100) Depending on what you pour into the soil, ranging from weed killer, pest killer, radium/uranium, etc… You’ll cause the toxicity of the soil to rise depending on what you poured in. This will also deal damage increasing depending on the amount of toxins levels you currently have against the plant that's within, some plants being able to endure without problems, while those that have an endurance score less than the toxins levels will rapidly decay. Part 0,5. The amount matters Something that has come up now is how to improve the plants. No more do you wait for the plant to become harvestable to see changes, rather, you actively change it depending on the fertilizer you've put on it. For instance, if I describe something that'll increase yield or potency of a plant, you can usually assume that by pouring more of that stuff on a soil, it'll increase the amount you improve it by per plant age. This also gives you the ability to make mixes of fertilizers, for instance, if you want to improve potency and yield; blend equal parts of EZ-Nutriment or Saltpetre with Robust Harvest or Diethylamine. Example - Suppose that I have a soil with 10u EZ-Nutriment. Suppose also that for every unit of EZ-Nutriment in a soil, the potency goes up by 0.1 and the yield goes up by 0.05 for every plant age that passes, while draining 1u of nutriments from the soil. This means that if we assume it's 10u EZ-nutriment in a soil, it'll increase the potency by 1 for every plant age that passes, while yield gets increased by 0.5 for every plantage - or by a solid 1 for every 2 plant ages that pass. Part 1. The Right Tools I’ll go over the tools of the trade, ranging from spades and cultivators, the three types of fertilizers you can use upon nutriment-providing thing that I want that'll be capable of adding stats better than the base amount in it. So, I add 20u of Saltpetre instead of the 10u EZ-Nutriment. And Saltpetre increases potency by a 1 for every amount in it. That means after 1 plant age, the potency'll go up by 20, and the production speed will be decreased by 1 (0.05/amount).et of eyes, and the most crucial tool of all: the plant analyser. Spades, unlike the shovel, is a tool that’s designed for removing weeds and plants you no longer want from your soils, allowing you to plant new seeds. It’ll take a few seconds to get the roots of the offending plant out, but it’s a lot better than using a shovel. Shovels will cause you to dig up the entire soil, rendering it unable to be worked upon and needing replacement. Spades can also be used to dig up the ground to retrieve more sand to convert into sandstone, which will allow you to produce more soils to work upon. Cultivators are key for managing the weed growth. Weed growth will be what you curse the gods for allowing to exist, as they can hit vulnerable plants faster than you’ll have a chance to rescue them, so try to your best degree to maintain the weed levels within your soil by cleaning up with a cultivator- it’s your best bet for a healthy plant and a healthy life, and it doesn’t cost you much aside from calories. Plant Analyzer is the most important tool that you have for high end farming. It will allow you to investigate the stats of a plant and get a view of what you will receive upon harvesting a plant. It’ll also give you sight into different traits a plant will have. Three common fertilizers exist, that all have a special, unique property to them, and purpose for existing: EZ-Nutriments – Most basic of all the nutriment increasing substances you can pour upon a plant. At the start of a week, most soil will have 10u of this stuff already on it. What it does is that it gently increases potency, yield and instability over time. Left-4-Zed – Causes a plant to increase it's instability over time, be it by a large amount or small amount depending on the concentration of it within a soil. Other than that, it does not much else. Robust Harvest - Causes a plant to increase it's yield over time, while lowering a plant's instability. Part 2. Different types of agents that can be poured on a soil, and their effects. There’s a lot of different types of agents that can be used while farming that’ll produce benefits to it. From healing to removing toxins, all the way to something as simple as hydration. I’m intending on going through some examples here, but not all: Water – The most basic of liquids, this will hydrate your soil in a 1:1 ratio. 10 units of water poured on, means 10u of water added to the water levels. However, it also has a unique ability of diluting out toxins in your soil. For every unit of water, you apply to a soil, you’ll remove 0,2 toxins levels: meaning, if you dunk 100u of water on a soil, you’ll remove 20u of toxins. Compost – Most places that I have seen that’re genuinely organized will have one compost bin available to them. You can put your seeds in to generate 3u of compost, or 10u of compost if you put in fruits or vegetables from a plant bag, otherwise it'll be too messy to put in. For the time being, compost does nothing. Sugar – Sugar doesn’t really do much for plants, and instead causes pests to move in. Do not pour sugar on your plants unless you’re intending on getting rid of the soil or create a breeding nest. Ash – This will heal up plants while removing weeds. Add this to plants that are succeptible to weed growth if you cannot be around to constantly clear the harvests. Diphenhydramine – This is a powerful yield increasing agent, that'll over time increase the yield much faster than Robust Harvest. It'll also lower instability quite tremendously. Apply this if you're growing corn and don't desire the whackery that comes with it, or if your plants are reaching instability levels you don't desire. Saltpetre – A powerful potency increasing agent. It is unique because of it's ability to improve production speed, meaning that if you pair this up with a fertilizer that'll increase yield, you'll always max out your plants in terms of harvests. Ammonia – A significantly less effective version of diphenhydramine. This has a chance to heal your plant and increase the yield. From what I've seen, it's about 10%. Uranium – Radium and Uranium are interesting beasts. They will harm your plant and increase the toxins levels in your soil, so you have to be varied of pouring too much on a plant without healing it once it looks wounded. But, if you want to actively mutate your plants, this is a necessity. Holy Water – Believe it or, the plants seems to be believers, and they will be healed by the water blessed by a priest. This also, however, has the ability to increase instability. There’s plenty more things you can use that aren't mentioned in this guide. It's down to you to explore and see what can be poured on it, as I am only capable of sharing what I've seen work. If you find any other chemicals with effects upon soils, please do tell me and I'll update the list while crediting you. Part 3: Instability and mutations When I initially wrote this guide, the winds of change hadn't come across Yuuma. Now, farming as we previously knew it is no more. Instead, the plants that once would react instantly upon the application of radium, or the changes that'd come upon a plant being ready for harvest, is not how you now improve or change plants. Instead, the plants now have an instability among them. Some plants have an extremely low instability value, flowers or wasteland plants I have found to be incredibly stable, whereas corn for instance has an obscenely high instability to begin with. Depending on what you pour onto a soil, be it E-Z Nutriment or Left-4-Zed, a plant's instability may increase or decrease over time. If it increases, new changes and such may be observed from the plants, while if it decreases, the plant will be less inclined to suddenly change out it's own stats or start producing noxious substances. Instability is a hard phenomenon, even for me to grasp. These are general notes I've made so far: Instability levels Description 0-19 At this level of instability, the plant will not change itself as it ages, unless you've added a fertilizer with the ability to do so. Keep a plant at this level if you desire to keep it consistent, and you're satisfied with what you have. 20-39 The plant is starting to gestate oddly, either growing larger, smaller, plentiful or scarce as it ages. At this level, it can be maintained with the aid of fertilizers to take it to a specific direction. It is past this point where the absurdity begins. 40-59 Plants will begin to actively shift it's harvest - with each harvest, you may find what looks like a blue pea amidst a plentiful harvest of green fresh ones, or a banana that appears bleached by the sun. The stats of the plant will also shift more violently at this stage, come here should you desire new plants to grow while maintaining the old one. Shifts in traits seems to happen around this stage: with it being more likely the higher the value is to the maximum threshhold. 60-79 The plant itself starts to metamorph, changing into either long since extinct relatives of it's own, or creating it's own lineage. Reach here should you desire to mutate a plant into something completely different while not maintaining the old plant. The higher the value, the more likely it'll change. 80-100 Something... happens. Plants will start to actively shift- move, in the soil. Their makeup will change with every passing plant age, sometimes, the ground itself yawns - a probing tube has come out and felt it's surroundings. The contents of the plants will make less and less sense with each passing plant age, while the plants develop more and more traits and- eventually if left unabated- invade the soils around. Once you've reached this stage, either a panacea or Pandora's Box will be reached. And pray that you do not manage the latter. It appears that if manage to go beyond one instability level (example: from 41-60 to 81-100) you will inherit the benefits of the previous instability levels, with the exception being the instability levels 60-79. For instance, your plants will not mutate into a new species if you reach instability level 90, but you will receive special harvests if you harvest a plant at instability level 73. A plant will also NOT mutate into a new species if you have the Gaia Blessing on your soil or auto-grow on your Hydroponics Trays. Part 4. The Grind. Grinding down reagents from plants is a key feature in farming that I would consider to be underused. Most plants contain great chemicals for both recreational use and for saving lives. For instance, the Rainbow Weed produces mindbreaker toxin; which can be used to treat those with reality dissociation disorder or be taken recreationally if you’re a masochist. Other plants that are more common amongst us, such as the Broc Flower, will produce Saline Glucose and Bicaridine, Saline Glucose and Bicaridine being great for treating brute damage. Xander root, on its side, contains antitoxins and saline glucose as well, meaning it can treat some of your brute, but it’s best used for getting rid of toxins in your system. Of course, most people would convert Broc Flower and Xander root into Healing Powder, good on them if they intend to fight nasties with lasers and bullets, but those who fight natures toxins will be left stumped by it as Healing Powder doesn’t work against toxins. For this reason, you should attempt to grind up a few xander root and keep them in bottles for anti-toxin purposes. We have more common ideas, such as grinding razorgrain into flour, but there’s another plant that can be used for that exact purpose, and if you let it mature, can even produce more flour than razorgrain: it’s called Pine Nuts. Part 5. Making things out of what blooms. “Anything if in the correct dosage, can be deadly, even incorrect dosage!” – Yes Ma’am. In this part, I intend to go over a few recipes that I have personally used in regard to self-treatment and treating others that are in severe pain. Most of it is relatively basic, and you can go deeper into it depending on what you know. Recipe List Mannitol – Grass, Sugar (White Beet, Sugarcanes), Water. Yes, as a Tribesman or Wastelander, you must not walk around with brain damage, waiting for a doctor to come along. The recipe is simple in nature, grind up around 5:1 ratio of grass for every sugarcane you intend to add, mix in with water, and you’ll get a gritty brew that tastes not that great, but will keep your mind healthy. Had to use this recipe a lot while I had a friend in my head. Gold Bars – Golden Apples, Ice Peppers, Metal. Unbelievably, you can make your own gold bars following this simple recipe. Just grind up a few ice peppers with golden apples, and mix metal in at a steady dosage and you’ll be capable of retrieving gold bars. Usefulness is not guaranteed. Wasteland Soap – Liquid gibs, ash, water, and a lighter. This one hasn’t been as useful since the vendors came that allows you to purchase soap bars, but you might still find some use for it, which is why I’m mentioning it. Scoop up about six piles of liquid gibs and burn a piece of paper to retrieve ash. With this ash, mix with water in the same beaker and then heat up the solution until you produce your soap bar. If it fails, you’re probably lacking in gibs. Synthflesh – Wood Planks, Blood, Aluminum can, nettles, grass, and a lot of sticklights. Believe it or not, if you dedicate enough time to a task, you may prosper still. Synthflesh will be capable of mending the wounds that death beyond death has marked someone with, and by that I mean- they shot your friend to the point an open casket funeral's out of the option. Important Note: To get Carbon out of Wood Planks, you must grind it and then burn the container with a lighter until a dark substance is formed. Pax – Ambrosia Deus + Rainbow Weed + Water. A powerful agent that seizes up all violent thoughts in the person who has this liquid within them. It can be used to sedate those who are insane or used to break up fights if placed within gas grenades. Part 6. The Plant DNA Manipulator I would argue that the most powerful tool within farming for anyone to possess, is the Plant DNA Manipulator. A machine that takes up the space of a chem-dispenser, alcohol-dispensery or vending machine, it’s capable of rewriting the makeup of plants to suit your needs, should you have the parts for it. This can be entirely skipped, should you not be a farmer who possesses one. For some easy points as to how you can use it, I will bring up: Razorgrain On its own, razorgrain at 100 potency only produce 5 nourishment that you can convert into flour. But, if you should use a Plant DNA Analyzer, you can use it to extract from a high-nourishment containing plant (Pineapples, Watermelon) and take that gene, and place it within Razorgrain. This will increase the yield of flour per razorgrain by upwards of 20%, so instead of 5 flour, you will receive 20 flour per razorgrain at 100 potency. Chemical-creations In the previous chapter, I mentioned Pax, and you might’ve noticed that the contents it required was Rainbow Weed, Ambrosia Deus, and Water. We can take from A. Deus synaptizine, and from Rainbow Weed mindbreaker toxin, and alas- from Watermelons we can take water production to instantly make Pax within a plant, ready for harvest and use. Boosting and unlocking the power of farming I will not go into too much details here, but certain traits when combined together will unlock new, awesome powers that few would be capable of grasping what it is you're actually doing. Try it out amongst yourselves, and see what trickery you can succeed in creating. What plants can I use to extract powerful stats from? To give you a good overall view, here's a few suggestions: Tower caps for Potency. Tobacco plant for Yield. Razorgrain for Production Speed. Part 7. The Composts of the Frontier There appears to be new composts that have come to existance, first noticed when I was mutating plants and seeing composts such as 'alacritous' or 'stabilizing'. After having examined the plants, spoken with the Wayfarer's Tribes and the Legion Camp, I've come to realize that there does exist new composts that can be made using specific juices from the plants of the Wastelands. While I do not know entirely their effects, I will write down what I've discovered: Stabilizing Compost - Mix equal parts compost, honey and milk until a sweet smelling scent comes from the mixture. Use to restore stability to a plant at the expense of potency. Reactive Compost - Mix equal parts compost, mutjuice and datura tea until a noxious scent develops. Use to raise instability in a plant at the cost of health. Alacritous Compost - Mix equal parts compost, punga juice and ashes until a heinous aroma bursts forth. Use to raise potency, yield and reduce harvest time. Fortifying Compost - Mix equal parts compost, yucca juice and potato juice until an earthy smell seeps from the liquid. Use to raise endurance, lower weed chance while healing the plant. Part 8. Traits Traits are certain special features that can be found in plants. Traits change how plants and their contents react with their environment, and can be used to create some things of extreme usefulness, and others can be used to create deadly weaponry. I will describe to you all the traits that you should be aware of, and with a good warning: do not abuse them. There exists more with unique combos to them, those I leave up to you to find out. Hypodermic Needles - Needles grow along the outer layer of the plant- hypo meaning low, dermic meaning skin. It's needles you can barely see, but they are there. If you don't wear gloves you can sting yourself on these, and if you do get stung, a portion of the plant's contents will be transfered into you. Liquid Contents - Means that the plant's insides are mostly composed of liquids. If you throw a tomato for instance, it'll splat on contact with anyone or any surfaces. This is what it means. Densified chemicals - Normally, a plant can only hold 50u of any reagent within it - but if the plant has densified chemicals, it can hold a total of 100u instead. Really nifty if you want to do research. Perennial Growth - You can harvest a plant multiple times without destroying the plant. For instance, apple trees or orange trees. Or more locally, a banana yucca tree are good examples. Electric Activity - The plant has a slight current going on within it. This trait is incredibly useful actually, as if you have a plant with this trait, and you eat it, it'll actually recharge your batteries by a proportion of it's potency. At 100 potency, it'll recharge all your batteries. Just be careful about eating a plant you don't know the contents inside of it. Capacitive Cells - The cells within the plant have the ability to store electricity. If you somehow get a plant with both Electric Activity and Capactive Cells, you can make plants that have an enormous power-cell capacity within, capable of competing with technologies that doesn't exist within the Wasteland normally.' Fungal Metabolism - The plant's a mushroom more than a normal plant. This means it can survive with nutrients alone, doesn't require as much light as other plants and cannot be overwhelmed by other weeds. Weed Metabolism - The plant's a weed more than a normal plant. This menas it can survive with water alone, and cannot be overwhelmed by other weeds. Part 9 - Ambrosia Gaia This is a topic that's been around for a long time. Before I wrote this guide, I'd use Radium and Uranium to mutate Ambrosia Vulgaris into Deus, and Deus into Gaia. Gaia's a unique plant in that, atleast as I believe it, it was the original plant that the gods used to fertilize the soils all around us and give the ability for life to blossom. Within the plant there exists a unique liquid called Earthsblood. It's the Earthsblood that lets a soil become immortal, glowing, a warmth spills from it while sustaining any plants lucky enough to be planted within it while removing pests and weeds to it's best ability. Now, you can do that once again. By composting 7 Gaia leafs into a soil, you can be blessed by it as well. It'll stop all nutrient drains, refresh the water, kill off pests and weeds (-5) and radiate it's own light. A plant in these soils can survive for weeks without any help from the outside, meaning if you want to walk away from your farm without it being infested or dying off plants, you can if you grow Gaia and impregnate the soil with it's quality. Part 10 - Soils VS Hydroponic Trays An argument for the millenia: Should I use a Hydroponics Tray, or a soil? When faced with this question, you must think to yourself personally: What will I use the soil for, how much will it be used, and what's my overall plan? Hydroponics Trays have a few massive benefits over soils - primarily, a hydroponics tray can be upgraded to have more nutriments and water. Secondarily, instead of needing Gaia blessing to turn the tray into an auto-growing heaven, it can just enter Autogrow (Ctrl+Click). The added nutriments, as discussed in the previous parts of amount matters (Part 0.5) means that a plant's instability can be increased alot faster, a plant's stats can be increased faster and the whole ordeal. The fact you don't need Gaia also means you can just get down to business. The main benefit of soils however, is the amount you can place out. If you do not have access to, say, a plant DNA manipulator, so you cannot insert the perennial growth trait and such just infinitively harvest xander and broc from the same plant, you can just replace that by farming a bunch of them at the same time in multiple soils. Soils you can easily make with just some sandstone, whereas Hydroponic trays require a multiple components to build. Soils I would argue is also better for customizing a farm to get the layout you want to grow a certain plant in - either abunch of clumps or stretched out, whereas Hydroponic trays you can shift around with a wrench, but you have overall fewer of them. Truth be told, like usual with farming: a mixture of the two is usually the best: The plants you want to increase the stats on, in Hydroponics Trays, the plants that are just one-time harvest or you're happy with their stats, in the soils. Parting Words Well, you've made it to the very end of this guide. In reflection of it all, I've mentioned alot of what I know: but not everything. Because, I believe, that the best way to train up new people, is to allow them to explore and dedicate time to find the way that they personally love farming. This is merely the tips and tricks that I would give, have given, and used personally. ----- Basics of Botany Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Your Area Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big southern section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutriments and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutriment and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right - Green: Ready to harvest. Red: Low health. Red: Weeds/pests/toxins. Yellow: Low nutriment. Blue: Low water. Tools that are of use in botany - Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer. Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a very robust tool that can be hit in backpacks. Spade: Used to remove unwanted or dead plants from your trays. Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Portable Seed Extractor: Found in the lockers of the back room, this can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Seed Extractor Plants 101 Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Make sure to keep them weeded with a cultivator and watered. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Sometimes these and other stats of a plant are effected if you ignore them after the light warns you of their status. You have a choice of 5 nutriments depending on if you hacked your machine or not. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor. Bio-generator Biogenerators The bio-generator makes items out of the nutriment in plants, such as watermelons and pumpkins which have a 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it then put your growns inside. Open its interface and process the plants. If you somehow run out of nutriment in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard nutriments here. You can recycle any plant, though if they don't have nutriment like bananas, the efficiency is very low. Plant DNA manipulator.gifDNA Extractor This allows you to extract genes and stats from seeds. This is a very useful machine for mass producing plants, saving time and is super easy. How to use: 1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks. 2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice. 3. Extract seeds to the disk (seed will be destroyed) or extract a gene. 4. Put in another seed. 5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's in the plant data disk. Useful seeds for maxing production: On some maps, there's wheat on the table, this wheat has 50 potency and 1 production speed. Treecaps have naturally high endurance and resistance and 50 potency. The tobacco in the seed vendor has 10 yield. The wheat in the seed vendor has 1 production speed. At the start the DNA modifier can only store 50 potency on a disk, pester science to upgrade it as soon as you can so you can use 95 potency on a disk. Don't forget that you can rename seed packs with a pen to keep track of your modified seeds! Bananatree.png Plants There are three types of plants. The biggest category is "normal plants". The much smaller ones are mushrooms and weeds. They are a little different from the normal plants: Mushrooms need less light, and suffer less from lack of it. Mushrooms don't need water to grow. They still use it, though. Weeds don't suffer from high weed level. Mushrooms and weeds can't be overtaken by weeds in a tray. Mushrooms' yield can't drop to 0. It will always be at least 1. Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include: 1/6 chance for Reishi. 1/9 chance for Nettle. 1/9 chance for Harebell. 1/9 chance for Amanita. 1/9 chance for Chanterelle. 1/9 chance for Tower Cap. 1/9 chance for Plump Helmets. 1/6 chance for Starthistle. Here's a chart for reference on what you can grow. Plant Chart (mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description) Chemicals Certain chemicals can effect your plants in various ways; from healing your plants, changing its stats, or just killing it outright. Unless you can get your own Chem Dispenser 5000, you'll likely need to ask Chemistry for help in obtaining some of these chemicals. Chemical Chart; Effects are per unit. Hover over the names of chemicals to find where they are obtained. Advanced Botany Maybe you want to grow something more impressive than the tiny potatoes your plants probably produced. Or perhaps you got unlucky and harvested only one of each. A plant's stats determine all this and more, and true botanists are unafraid to PLAY GOD and change them! Stats Use your plant analyzer on a growing plant. You should get something like this: Plant Age: 5 Plant Endurance: 15 Plant Lifespan: 25 Plant Yield: 4 Plant Production: 1 Plant Potency: 5 Weed level: 2/10 Pest level: 3/10 Toxicity level: 0/100 Water level: 86/100 Nutrition level: 7/10 You can also scan the growns: Plant type: Normal plant Potency: 5 Yield: 4 Maturation speed: 6 Production speed: 1 Endurance: 15 Nutritional value: 1 Other substances: 0 And seeds (you can also see these stats from inside the seed extractor storage): Plant Endurance: 15 Plant Lifespan: 25 Species Discovery Value: 0 Plant Yield: 4 Plant Production: 1 Plant Potency: 5 These names may be confusing at first. Here is what they all mean: Age: Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat. Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Not important at all in plants that can only be harvested once, unless they die before harvest. Barely useful for the other ones, because you can always plant it again. Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything. Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed). Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10—the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest. Potency: The most important stat. Between 0 and 100. Basically, this determines plant power. Mostly affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency. Traits Some plants have special traits, that can be tranferred through the Plant DNA Manipulator. Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency. Bluespace Activity: Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. Capacitive Cell Production: Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge. Densified Chemicals: Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant. Electrical Activity: Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when used; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents. Fungal Vitality: The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, making it not need light or water. Gaseous Decomposition: Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Hypodermic Prickles: Plants with this trait will sting when thrown, transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target. Liquid Contents: Causes the plant to squash when thrown, applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant. Perennial Growth: Plants with this trait can be harvested more than once. Shadow Emission: Causes the plant to emit slightly purple shadows. Slippery Skin: Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds. Strong Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency. Weed Adaptation: The plant acquires weed-like properties, making it not need nutrients and immune to weeds in the tray. Mutations To change the stats, you need to mutate your plant. Keep in mind that mutations are completely random, but you can do a more efficient job depending on how much you're willing to cooperate with other departments. Of your starting fertilizers, E-Z Nutriment makes the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but you'll have to replace the nutriment to actually harvest something! Finally, regular nutriment has a very small chance to mutate the plant into a different species. You can speed up the process by asking the chemist for some unstable mutagen. The effects of mutagen depend on how much you use. Best applied after transferring it to an empty fertiliser bottle, for greater control over amount used (Right-click > Set transfer amount). Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for... 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the plants table for the information on these mutations. 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing. 15% chance of normal stat mutation. 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random mutated weed. 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, three spiderlings are spawned. Shout for help and try to explain to security why you didn't use pest spray. Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, but you need a dropper for this. You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. R&D can also make a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. Replica Pod Cloning Replica pod is a very special plant. It can be used to grow dead people back to life, in the case that genetics is destroyed. To clone someone, follow these simple steps: Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe. Inject it into the bag of seeds. Plant the seeds. Let the plant grow and harvest it. A cloned person will become a fully grown diona. If you grow a replica pod without any blood, there's a chance that it will produce more than one seed, and this chance depends on both luck and the plant's yield. Cabbage can be mutated into a replica pod. Beekeeping So, you want to keep those little flying demons and extract their sweet honey? First you need to request a Beekeeping starting kit from your local cargo bay. The starter kit will contain the items that you will need to create a happy bee colony from scratch. We'll get through all of them later. Before we begin, keep in mind that when a starter kit is ordered from cargo you are expected to have complete responsibility for the bees in your future colony, so don't fuck up! Preparing Your New Colony Now that your crate has arrived it's time to get your hands dirty! Take your crate and head to the desired place where your colony will reside and open it there. Of course, as a botanist, the obvious place will be at hydroponics. Lets set up the apiary. Apiary.png Put the beekeeper suit and hat on. (Optional for now, it's more useful for bigger colonies.) Beekeepersuit.png Beekeeperhat.png Pick up the queen bee and place it comfortably in the apiary. Queenbee.gif Place the honey frames in the apiary respectively. Honeyframe.png Aaand... Your first colony is ready! Apiary Management If you right-click and examine your apiary, it'll show some stats. The resource supply represents the amount of honey contained in the apiary. You need to have plants around your apiary so the bees can produce resources. While the bees fly around the plants the resource supply will rise, simple as that. When you check the apiary, it'll show the amount of resources needed to create a new honeycomb or a new bee in the moment that you checked it. A new bee costs 50 resources, while a new honeycomb costs 100 resources. Honey.png These honeycombs can be ground up into honey, a sweet substance that has minor healing properties, and can be used to make certain foods and drinks. Genetic Manipulation The queen bee can also be injected with chemicals to cause the resulting bees to have special properties. To do so, simply use a syringe with the chemical of your choice on the queen bee before putting it in the apiary. You can change the queen's chemical as many times as you want. When a bee is created from an altered queen, it'll carry the same chemical that the queen was injected with. When a honeycomb is created by an altered bee, half of its chemical content will be the same as the chemical injected in the bee, with the other half being honey. This creates an easy method of 'farming' chemicals that may be hard to get. The last effect that the chemical will have is the bee sting. When stung, a small amount of chemical will be delivered in the sting. Although not an ideal method, this can be used to inject people with healing chemicals, or possibly harmful chemicals for those traitors looking to cause chaos. Keep'em Tame Better protect your apiary, a single greytide can disrupt the bees and throw them in a rampage. That said, desrupting a colony can be done by attacking the apiary or attacking the bees directly. Keep the bees in their assigned space and don't let them roam around the station, they'll 100% cause trouble if that happens. Although, with the overpopulation problem there is no way you will be able to control ALL the bees. Expect the crew to see the insects at least one time flying around outside Hydroponics. Equip the beekeeper suit and hat in case they get angry! Other Notes Kudzu Kudzu is a special plant that can appear as a random event or you can grow it by adding Unstable Mutagen to a tray filled with weeds. (That might result in other weed-type plants, too.) It is a type of space vine that grows and mutates on its own. Usual plant stats affect active kudzu in the specific way: Potency: The higher the potency, the more the kudzu will mutate on spread. The chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10]. Production Speed: It determines how fast the kudzu spreads. By default, it spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30. Production Speed changes the cap by [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick by [20 * (production / 50)]. Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed on its place with all the mutations of the piece saved in the seed, so if you reactivate it, the new first piece will have all the same mutations the seed has and will spread it to all the progenitors. Kudzu can gain mutations on spread or by adding special chemicals to it while the seed is growing (see below). Mutations Positive Color Name Description Glassy Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a glass sheet upon destroying it. Glimmering Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a diamond, gold, or silver sheet upon destroying it. Light Makes the kudzu emit light. Metallic Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a metal sheet upon destroying it. Plasticine Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a plastic sheet upon destroying it. Space Protective Makes the kudzu grow in space. Transparency Makes the kudzu transparent. Wooden Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a wood sheet upon destroying it. Minor Negative Color Name Description Bluespace Makes the kudzu grow through walls and objects. Fireproof Makes the kudzu resistant to every kind of fire (including plasma fire). Vine-Eating Makes the kudzu eat every non-vine-eating kudzu tiles. Virulently Spreading Makes the kudzu spread thicker. Negative Color Name Description Aggressive Spreading Makes the kudzu deal a small explosion upon spreading, destroying windows and other weak objects. It cannot get through reinforced walls. Explosive Makes the kudzu explode upon death. It induces a chain reaction. Flowering Makes the kudzu occasionally spawn aggressive flower buds. Every tile can snare passersby. Hardened Makes the kudzu resistant to sharp objects (halves their damage). Every hardened tile has doubled health. Thorny Makes the kudzu deal brute damage to whoever passing its tiles or dealing damage to it. Toxic Makes the kudzu deal toxic damage to whoever passing its tiles or eating it. Mutating Kudzu Adding special chemicals to the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations: Adding 5u of welding fuel will remove random positive mutation with a 20% probability Adding 5u of phenol will remove a random minor negative mutation with a 20% probability Adding 5u of sterilizine will remove a random negative mutation with a 20% probability Adding 15u of blood will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Adding 5u of amatoxin will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Adding 5u of plasma will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Adding 10u of holy water will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Notes Scythes, sharp objects, and fire deals four times more damage to kudzu. Crossing kudzu can snare the crosser, but it doesn't deal damage. Unless it has the Thorny or Toxic mutations. Only destroying every vine tile stops the kudzu from spreading. The Chef's goat can destroy vines rapidly. Vines cannot spread diagonally. One tile can only capture one person. Glyphosate can wither kudzu with a 50% chance. You can find it in Plant-B-Gone bottles or make it with a Chem Dispenser. Aliens do not slash vines upon attacking them but eat them. Sandstone and Soil If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Ambrosia Gaia leaves can be added to soil plots to make them self sustaining, the same way you can make hydroponics trays self sustaining. Wood and Drying Racks First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. Helping other departments Apart from cooking, plants are also useful for Research & Development, selling rare plants at Cargo, providing Medical department and chemists with ready-to-use reagents (especially omnizine). Also, sometimes plants are needed for the DNA Vault station goal, in which case many different plants should be grown to be scanned. Scientists at R&D can use plants in the Destructive Analyzer to get tech levels. Notable plants that help in that are: Tomato (biotech=5) Bluespace Tomato (bluespace=5) Killer-Tomato (combat=5) Bluespace Banana (bluespace=5) Glowcap (powerstorage=6, plasmatech=4) Glowshroom (plasmatech=6) Shadowshroom (plasmatech=4, magnets=4) Walking Mushrooms (programming=5) Glow-Berry Bush (plasmatech=6) Gatfruit Tree (combat=6) Death Nettle (combat=5) Ghost Chili (magnets=5) Golden Apple (materials=5) Ambrosia Gaia (biotech=6, materials=5) Cargo Bay department can sell a number of rare plants for supply points. Most of the mutated species of plants are considered rare. Plant analyzer tells you if a plant is rare and it rarity score when used on a growing plant or its product (if the plant is not rare, there is no corresponding line). Only one sample of a plant is needed to gain point, more is unnecessary. Points are awarded for two different things: discovering a rare plant and getting better potency for the rare plant. The more potency obtained, the better reward. This means that to sell plant samples for the most price, you should first ship the new plant with the poorest potency possible (first shipment does not reward for potency). Then you should sell the same plant but with as much potency as you can get since the subsequent shipment rewards scale based on the difference between the biggest potency shipped before. Unique things to do with plants Add some cable to a plant with Capacitive Cell Production to make a plant battery, add the electrical activity gene for an even better battery. Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. Wheat can be used to feed chickens in the Hydroponics near the kitchen (just give them wheat directly) for them to lay eggs. You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. Make different wines by fermenting plants in a barrel. Novaflowers ignite people you hit them with and deal burn damage depending on potency. Ambrosia Gaia will make trays self sustaining, removing the need for water or nutriment. Comfrey and Aloe can be crushed to make healing poultices for brute and burn damage respectively. Combustible lemons are basically grown IEDs, be responsible with them. ------ Flower Power The Hydroponics or "Botanists" who work there are important people on the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants, obviously. Without plants, the Chef cannot make many types of food. Without those types of food, the denizens of the station will either have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Now that you understand why this is important, let's get started! Plants Here is a chart with the types of plants you can grow, in case you forgot. Name Seed Plant Product Reagents; Notes Source Ambrosia Deus 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Bicaridine, 1 Synaptizine, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Space drugs Mutates from Ambrosia Vulgaris Ambrosia Vulgaris 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Space drugs, 1 Kelotane, 1 Bicaridine, 1 Toxin Xenoflora Seed Storage Apple 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage Apple 50px 50px 50px 3 Cyanide (These apples look identical to normal apples, but are extremely poisonous.) Mutates from Apple Bananas 50px 50px 50px 1 Banana Juice. Drops a slippery peel once eaten. Seed Storage Berries 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 2 Berry Juice Seed Storage Blood Tomato 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 Blood Mutates from Tomatoes Bluespace Tomato 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 3 Singulo Mutates from Blue Tomatoes Blue Tomato 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 3 Space Lube Mutates from Tomatoes Cabbages 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage Carrots 50px 50px Carrot.png 1 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline, 1 Carrot Juice Seed Storage Chanterelle Mushrooms 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment Seed Storage Cherries 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 sugar, 1 Cherry Jelly Seed Storage Chili 50px 50px 50px 7 Capsaicin Oil, 1 Nutriment Seed Storage Cacao Pod 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 6 coco powder Seed Storage Corn 50px 50px 50px 3 Nutriment, 3 Corn Oil. Can be used to make corn pipes. Seed Storage Death Berry 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 19 Toxin, 11 Lexorin Mutates from Poison Berries Death Nettles 50px 50px 50px 9 Polytrinic Acid. Can be used as a weapon; will sting and poison you if held without gloves. Mutates from Nettles Destroying Angels 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 24 amatoxin, 2 psilocybin Mutates from Fly Amanitas Eggplants 50px 50px 50px 3 Nutriment Seed Storage Egg-plants 50px 50px Egg.png Produces Eggs. Mutates from Eggplants Fly Amanitas 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 6 amatoxin, 1 psilocybin Xenoflora Seed Storage; spawns as a weed Glowberry 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 5 Uranium Muatates from Berries. Fruit can be planted anywhere. Glowshrooms 50px 50px 50px 2 Radium Xenoflora Seed Storage; Mutates from Reishi. Fruit can be planted anywhere. Golden Apple 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 Gold Mutates from Apple Grapes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 sugar, 2 Grape Juice Seed Storage Grass 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment. Harvested grass can be made into tiles for flooring. Seed Storage Green Grapes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 5 Kelotane, 2 Grape Juice Mutates from Grapes Harebell 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment Spawns as a weed. Ice Peppers 50px 50px 50px 7 Frost Oil, 1 Nutriment Mutates from Chili Killer Tomato 50px 50px 50px Harvesting spawns Killer Tomato mobs, which are non-hostile animals. Mutates from Blood Tomato Kudzu 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Dylovene. Invasive species; vines will spread to cover anything they can reach. Fruit can be planted anywhere. Hydroponics Crate from Cargo Lemon 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Lemon Juice Seed Storage Liberty Cap 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 8 soporific, 1 space drugs Xenoflora Seed Storage; mutates from Reishi Lime 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Lime Juice Seed Storage Messa's Tear leaves 50px 50px 50px Tajaran plant containing 2 honey and 5 Kelotane. Seed Storage Nettles 50px 50px 50px 9 Sulphuric Acid. Can be used as a weapon; will sting and poison you if held without gloves. Xenoflora Seed Storage Orange 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Orange Juice Seed Storage Peanuts 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage Plastellium 50px 50px 50px 3 Plasticide Xenoflora Seed Storage; mutates from Fly Amanita Plump Helmet Mushrooms 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage; spawns as a weed Poison Berry 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 5 Toxin, 5 Poison Berry Juice Mutates from Berries Poppies 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 Bicaridine Seed Storage Potatoes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 2 Potato Juice Seed Storage Pumpkin 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment. Can be carved. Seed Storage Reishi 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 6 psilocybin Xenoflora Seed Storage; Spawns as a weed. Replicant pod (Diona Nodes) 50px 50px 50px Will generate a diona nymph when harvested. The nymph may not survive. Seed Storage Rice 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 10 Rice Seed Storage S'randar's Hand leaves 50px 50px 50px Tajaran plant containing 1 Bicaridine. Seed Storage Soybeans 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Soy Milk Seed Storage Sugarcane 50px 50px 50px 6 Sugar Seed Storage Sunflowers 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment. Mostly decorative, but can be used as a weak weapon. Seed Storage Tomatoes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 2 Tomato Juice Seed Storage Tower Caps 50px 50px 50px 11 Wood Pulp. Chop into planks with a Hatchet. Seed Storage, spawns as weeds Walking Mushrooms 50px 50px 50px Harvesting creates a Walking Mushroom, a peaceful animal mob. Mutates from Plump Helmet Mushrooms Watermelon 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Watermelon Juice Seed Storage Wheat 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 15 Flour Seed Storage White Beet Plants 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 3 Sugar Seed Storage Growing The Afforementioned Plants File:HydroponicsTraysRow.PNG These are some pots. You grow stuff in them. First, locate the hydroponics trays, sometimes referred to as "planting pots". this is where you will be planting the seeds. Take a seed in your hand, and click the pot. You will then get a message saying "you plant the seed in the pot.", or something along those lines. You can only plant one seed per pot. If you click the pot with an empty hand, you will get a basic analysis of the plant, and the nutrient and water level of the pot. Here is an example: This pot has [plant] planted. Water: 75/100 Nutrients: 8/10 This is an easy way to identify the plant, if you are not familiar with what they look like. It is also a good way to check on new species that have found their way into the "farm". If this happens, you will get a red message that says soemthing like "hydroponics tray has been overtaken by [plant]!". This can be good, bad, or a combination of both. Best case: a few Liberty Cap spores lodge themselves in the tray, and you get super duper high. Worst case: generic weeds. These grow very fast and serve no purpose as of now. All they do is take up space. An example of a useful weed (not the smokable kind), is the humble nettle. Nettles are a very useful plant, and a powerful weapon if grown properly. If you play the Botanist and get picked to be a Traitor, then do not fret. Just wait for some nettles to show up in your garden and kill those targets with FLOWER POWER! nettles are poisonous to begin with, but with skillful harvesting and increases of the Potency level, the nettles can deal a lot of damage, and have a very high knockout chance. File:Nettle.PNG This is a Nettle. nettles are your friends. Caring for your Vegetable Friends Mushrooms: Just feed these fertilizer, don't need to water them. Weeds: Just water them, they don't need plant food. Nettles are considered weeds. Everything else: Feed them water AND Fertilizer. The hydroponics tray will warn you of any issues with your plants with colored lights. Green Light: Ready for harvest Blue Light: Low water Yellow Light: Low nutrients Red Light: Low health Red/Blue Flashing Light: Alert: Weeds/Pests/Toxins To fix the water problem, take your bucket, fill it with water at one of the water tanks inside the farm, and pour the appropriate amount of water onto the plant. If a pot is full of water, you will not be able to add any more and the excess will splash onto the floor. To fix the nutrients, replace the solution using the nutrient dispenser, then taking the vial and clicking on the tray. Only do this if the tray needs nutrients. One should avoid replacing the solution while there is still plenty left. Excess fertilizer disappears forever, and the dispenser has a finite supply. Weeds can be removed by clicking on the tray while holding a mini-hoe in your hand. Keep clicking until you see the message "This plot is completely devoid of weeds. It doesn't need uprooting.". If a plant is dead, a single click will empty it from the tray. If your tray decides to sprout some annoying harebell or unwanted crops, a few sprays with the Plant-Be-Gone will kill it, albeit rather slowly. Hacking at a plant with a Hatchet will gradually kill it, allowing you to remove the plant from the tray and replant. File:AllHydroWarningIcons.PNG A very, very, dead plant. Notice the pretty warning signs. File:GrowingPlant.PNG This plant is still growing. File:HarvestPlant.PNG This plant is ready to harvest, as noted by the greem "H". File:PlantWeeds.PNG The triangle means that the tray is full of weeds. Chemicals, Wonderful Chemicals Certain chemicals do special effects on plants and mushrooms. Either it kills, heals, feeds, or mutates the plant. Chemical Water Nutrient Health Yield Mutation chance Weeds Pests Toxins Mutation Anti-Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Fluorine -0.5 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 2.5 0 Chlorine -0.5 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 1.5 0 Sulfuric Acid 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 0 1.5 0 Polytrinic Acid 0 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 3 0 Plantbgone 0 0 -2 0 0.2 -8 0 3 0 Cryoxadone 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 -3 0 Radium 0 0 -1.5 0 0.2 0 0 2 8 Milk 0.9 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beer 0.7 0.25 -0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phosphorous -0.5 0.1 -0.75 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Sugar 0 0.1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 Soda Water 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ammonia 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diethylamine 0 2 1 0 0 0 -2 0 0 Nutriment 0 1 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Adminordrazine 1 1 1 1 1 -5 -5 0 0 EZnutrient 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robustharvest 0 1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Left4Zed 0 1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 Water 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unstable Mutagen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Go Forth and Procreate This section is about making new plants from existing ones. Remember, the seed dispenser will run dry very early into the round. And if you ask the CEO for a seed crate, he will most likely laugh in your face and kick you in the dick for being stupid. So to make more seeds, you will need the help of Mr. Seed Extractor. This little box (located next to the NutriMax) is your best friend in long rounds. It is possible to use your leet Hacking skills on the seed dispenser to get more, but these are all either poisonous or full of space drugs. To extract seeds from a plant, pick up a plant product (Fruit, Vegetables, Shrooms, etc.). Then, click the seed extractor. You will then get 1-4 bags of seeds or mycellium from the product. Then, dump out the contents of one of those shiny hydroponics crates you have, and put the extra seeds inside. This will keep them neat and organized. If you don't want to waste one of your pretty green boxes, steal a crate from the Cargo Bay, or those pointless rooms right next to the mining dock. If a new species sprouts in your farm, keep it alive so you can make seeds from it and grow more. Soil Soil is an alternative to trays. Get some sand, use it to make sandstone, then take three sandstones to make soil. Sand can be dug by Shaft Miners on the Asteroids, alternatively you can grow grass in your existing hydroponics trays, then plant the grass tiles and dig them up with the spade (found in the back room), this will dig up some sand. Congratulations, you are no longer restricted to trays for growing now. Be warned though, it is not the most efficient method of planting, as there are no lights to indicate needs for water, fertilizer, etc. Removing soil is done with a shovel or spade. Analyzing the Analysis Upon selecting the Botanist, you will find that your apron contains a handy-dandy Plant Analyzer. You use this to get a highly detailed analysis of the targeted plant. The readout looks like this: File:PlantAnalyzerReadout.PNG Age How old the plant is. When a plant's age equals it's lifespan, it dies. Endurance The higher this is, the lower the water and nutrient levels can get before the plant dies. Lifespan How long the plant will live. Yield The maximum amount of product it will produce in it's lifespan. Production How many products it will produce at once. Potency The FLOWER POWER the plant posesses. If it is a chili, this equals hotness or coldness (for ice peppers). For shrooms, this equals toxicity. For drugs, this equals how long it gets you high. For Nettles, this equals damage dealt. The analyzer also shows you the status of the pot. Weeds and pests can be remedied by hoeing or a few squirts of Pest Spray. Toxicity is important for shrooms, because it tells you how deadly it is. The water and nutrition levels are self-explanatory. -------- Basics of Botany Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Your Area Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big southern section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutriments and tools for your job, are available where you grow plants. The bio-generator can be used to recycle plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutriment and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Hydrotray flashing.gif Hydroponics Trays come equipped with alerts that show specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right: ▮Green: Ready to harvest. ▮Red: Low health. ▮Red (flashing): Weeds/pests. ▮Yellow: Low nutriment. ▮Blue: Low water. Tools that are of use in botany: Wrench.png Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Wirecutters.png Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like unstable mutagen. Hatchet.png Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks. This is also a very robust tool that can be put in backpacks. Spade.png Spade: Digs up grass floors and removes all plants and weeds from a tray. Cultivator.png Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant analyzer.png Plant Analyzer: Determine stats of plants and produce. Plantbag.png Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Portable Seed Extractor: Can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Seed Extractor Plants 101 Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Make sure to keep them weeded with a cultivator and watered. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Sometimes these and other stats of a plant are effected if you ignore them after the light warns you of their status. You have a choice of 5 nutriments depending on if you hacked your machine or not. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert a harvested plant into the seed extractor. Bio-generator Biogenerators The bio-generator makes items out of the nutriment in plants, such as watermelons and pumpkins which have a 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it then put your harvest plants inside. Open its interface and process the plants. If you somehow run out of nutriment in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard nutriments here. You can recycle any plant, though if they don't have nutriment like bananas, the efficiency is very low. DNA Extractor A recent addition, this allows you to extract genes and stats from seeds. This is a very useful machine for mass producing plants, saving time and is super easy. How to use Go to a locker in the back room and take out the box of plant data disks. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed packet of your choice. Extract a seed trait to the disk, the seed packet will be destroyed (Note: Not all seed packets will have traits). Put in another seed packet. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's in the plant data disk. Useful seeds for maxing production Potency: 50 for Tower-cap mycelium and Cotton Yield: 10 for Tobacco Production Speed: 1 for Wheat Endurance: 50 for Lime Lifespan: 60 for White-beet Plants There are three types of plants. The biggest category is "normal plants". The much smaller ones are "mushrooms" and "weeds". They are a little different from the normal plants: Mushrooms need less light, and suffer less from lack of it. Mushrooms don't need water to grow. They still use it, though. Mushrooms' yield can't drop to 0. It will always be at least 1. Weeds don't suffer from high weed level. Empty trays can be occasionally overtaken by a weed. Possible plants include: 1/6 chance for Reishi. 1/6 chance for Starthistle. 1/9 chance for Nettle. 1/9 chance for Harebell. 1/9 chance for Fly Amanita. 1/9 chance for Chanterelle. 1/9 chance for Tower Cap. 1/9 chance for Plump Helmets. Chemicals Fertilizers E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and has no effect on the yield. Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but it will only produce one plant at most - if the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another fertilizer to harvest the normal yield of the plant. Robust Harvest: Makes your plant produce twice as much, and will never mutate it. Useful if you already have good stats, are using unstable mutagen and don't want random mutations to interfere, or simply don't want to bother with mutating at all. Nutriment: A fertilizer. You can get it from the Chef, or by using your own plants. Heals the plant. Ammonia: Also a fertilizer, same effect as nutriment. Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this. Diethylamine: A very powerful fertilizer. Twice as effective, meaning 1 unit diethylamine adds 2 units nutrient. Heals the plant AND also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia. Pest Removal Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity. Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds. Stats Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants without harming them directly with toxins. Only use 1 or 2 units for optimized results. Radium and Uranium: Same chance to mutate plants, but you need 10 units, they also damage the plant and add toxicity. Saltpetre: Ask the chemists for this, this increases potency and has a chance to increase yield as well. Plant Meds Charcoal: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay. Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles. Also lowers toxicity. Get it from the Chemist, or find a nice doctor to steal some from cryogenics. Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit. Ash: Heals your plant and adds nutriment. Also kills weeds. Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Plant Killers Plant-B-Gone: Seriously damages the plant. Also lowers toxicity by magic and kills weeds. Toxins, Acids, Fluorine, Chlorine: Damage the plant. Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use some mutagen to unleash giant spiders upon the station, it's of no use. Phosphorus: Damages plant, drains water, kills weeds and, surprisingly, adds nutriment. If you manage to get your hands on a lot of it, you can use it to kill useless plants without hurting the next plant. Advanced Botany Maybe you want to grow something more impressive than the tiny potatoes your plants probably produced. Or perhaps you got unlucky and harvested only one of each. A plant's stats determine all this and more, and true botanists are unafraid to PLAY GOD and change them! Stats Use your plant analyzer on a growing plant. You should get something like this: Plant Age: 5 Plant Endurance: 15 Plant Lifespan: 25 Plant Yield: 4 Plant Production: 1 Plant Potency: 5 Weed level: 2/10 Pest level: 3/10 Toxicity level: 0/100 Water level: 86/100 Nutrition level: 7/10 You can also scan the growns: Plant type: Normal plant Potency: 5 Yield: 4 Maturation speed: 6 Production speed: 1 Endurance: 15 Nutritional value: 1 Other substances: 0 And seeds (you can also see these stats from inside the seed extractor storage): Plant Endurance: 15 Plant Lifespan: 25 Species Discovery Value: 0 Plant Yield: 4 Plant Production: 1 Plant Potency: 5 These names may be confusing at first. Here is what they all mean: Age: Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat. Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Not important at all in plants that can only be harvested once, unless they die before harvest. Barely useful for the other ones, because you can always plant it again. Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything. Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed). Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10 -- the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest. Potency: The most important stat. Between 0 and 100. Basically, this determines plant power. Mostly affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency. Traits Some plants have special traits, that can be transferred through the Plant DNA Manipulator. It is a well-known strategy to make a plan of which plants to grow to extract the traits you need to mass murdering the whole crew supporting others. Lighting Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 4% of potency. Available in multiple colors. Strong Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 6% of potency. Shadow Emission: Causes the plant to reduce lighting by 24% of potency. Growth Fungal Vitality: The plant behaves like a mushroom: It needs neither water nor light. Weed Adaptation: The plant behaves like a weed: It does not need nutrients and is immune to weeds. Perennial Growth: Makes the plant be harvastable more than once, time for the products to be harvested again is determined by the production speed. Does nothing on replica pods. Electricity Electrical Activity: Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries of devices on the consumer when fully consumed by the plant's potency as a percent; it will also have up to a 20% chance depending on potency to electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents. Capacitive Cell Production: Enables you to create a battery from the plant by adding 5 cables. Maximum capacity is dependent on potency. Capacity is multiplied further if Electrical activity is also present in the plant, making it competitive with powercells. Reagent-application Liquid Contents: Allows the plant to be squashed when thrown or slipped on, leaving a colored mess and trash behind. Also splashes everything in targets tile with reagents and applies other trait effects (teleporting, etc) to the target. Hypodermic Prickles: Will inject its contents on the target on throw hit and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. The exact amount 1-20u depends on the plant's potency. Gaseous Decomposition: The plant will emit it reagents as a cloud when squashed (Liquid Contents). Size of smoke cloud depends on potency. Other Slippery Skin: Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The slip time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum slip time is 7 seconds. Bluespace Activity: Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. This usually destroys the plant, but there's a 50% chance for it to teleport randomly instead if the effect is activated via slipping. Potential teleport radius depends on potency, with 10 tiles being the maximum. Densified Chemicals: Doubles the reagent-capacity (that is 100u instead of 50u for most plants), allowing more reagents genes to be effective in a single plant. Fire Resistance: Protects lavaland-plants from fire. Mutations To change the stats, you need to mutate your plant. Keep in mind that mutations are completely random, but you can do a more efficient job depending on how much you're willing to cooperate with other departments. Of your starting fertilizers, E-Z Nutriment makes the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but you'll have to replace the nutriment to actually harvest something! Finally, regular nutriment has a very small chance to mutate the plant into a different specie. You can speed up the process drastically by using unstable mutagen (Use your biogenerator or ask the Chemist). The effects of mutagen depend on how much you use. Best applied after transferring it to an empty spray- / condiment-bottle, for greater control over amount used (Right-click -> Set transfer amount). Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for... 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this. 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the plants table for the information on these mutations. 15% chance of heavy stat mutation. 15% chance of normal stat mutation. 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is mostly safe (if a plant mutates weed growth rate 10 its tray can be instantly overtaken) even if you don't have backup seeds, but you need a dropper/fertilizer bottle for this. You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. Make sure the plant has a yield of at least 1 before harvest, in case the yield has been changed to 0 by repeated mutations. R&D can also make a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: Increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. Replica Pod Cloning The Replica Pod is a very special plant. It can be used to grow dead people back to life, in the case that genetics is destroyed. To clone someone, follow these simple steps: Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe. Inject it into the bag of seeds. Plant the seeds. Let the plant grow and harvest it. The cloned person will become a podman. They are a little different from normal humans (They regenerate in light but suffer in darkness). If you forgot to inject blood, you will get seeds. There's a chance that it will produce more than one seed, and this chance depends on both luck and the plant's yield. If you ran out of seeds, remember that cabbage can be mutated into a replica pod. Hydrotray upgraded.png Upgrading your trays Fertilizing trays with earthsblood (grow Ambrosia Gaia)will slowly upgrade them. You can check the progress by examining the tray. Upgraded trays will glow, need no water / nutrients and be resistant to pests and weeds. They will keep the effect of the last fertilizer, so you might want to use robust harvest before fully upgrading them. Other Notes Kudzu Usual plant stats affect active kudzu in the specific way: Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread (The chance to mutate on each new piece is potency / 10). Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap (30 * production / 50) and the percent of processed pieces per tick (20 * (production / 50)). Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed on its place with all the mutations of the piece saved in the seed, so if you reactivate it new first piece will have all the same mutations the seed has and will spread it to all the progenitors. Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them: Mutation Rating Effect CO2 consumption positive Consumes CO2 from the air Space covering positive Makes vines grow vine floors over space Light positive About 40% of the vines with this mutation emit light slightly more powerful than PDA Transparency positive Makes vines look-through Toxins consumption positive Absorbs plasma from the air Bluespace vines minor negative Makes vines be able to grow through anything Explosive minor negative On death vines with this mutation explode with a 0,0,2 power, clusters of this vine will chain-explode one after another Fire resistant minor negative Makes vines ignore fire damage, be it plasma fires or welders Vine eating minor negative Vines with this mutation will eat vines without it Toxicity negative Eating vine with this mutation or walking thought it will cause you toxin damage Aggressive spreading negative On spreading vines will cause effect of mini-explosion on the tile they spread to, mobs buckled by this vine will also experience effects akin to minor explosion O2 consumption negative Absorbs O2 from the air around N2 consumption negative Absorbs N2 from the air Thorns negative Makes mobs touching or going through vines recieve physical damage Hardening negative Makes vines not die fast from sharp objects, but makes non-sharp objects(hands included) be more effective against them, on the full maturation block the passage Flowering negative Makes vines very entangly and spawns harmful flowers occasionally, flowers after destruction spawn flower mob that is agressive and attacks Adding special chemicals to the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations: Adding 5u of welding fuel will remove random positive mutation with a 20% probability Adding 5u of phenol will remove a random minor negative mutation with a 20% probability Adding 5u of sterilizine will remove a rangom negative mutation with a 20% probability Adding 15u of blood will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Adding 5u of amatoxin will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Adding 5u of plasma will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to 5 Adding 10u of holy water will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to 15 Sandstone and Soil If you grow some grass seeds, harvest it and then pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare grass tiles. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place grass tiles in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Wood and Drying Racks First you need to get some tower-cap seeds, grow them and harvest them. You can then use a hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: You can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks or find the ones in the botany back room (through maintenance). Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: You can dry any plant and smoke it to consume all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. Use the harvested plant in-hand to plant them on any surface. You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. Dried plants are able to be smoked from rolling paper, found in smoking vending machines or the biogenerator. ----- Guide to Hydroponics How to grow plants and stuff PAGE CONTENTS TAGS LAST EDITED BY rootoo 05/05/2022 Guide to Hydroponics Hydroponics or Botany, is the area where the growing of poisonous edible plants is carried out on board. Not to be confused with the more exotic Xenobotany, regular hydroponics is primarily concerned with growing plants for practical uses such as food or medicine. The botanist is the individual primarily responsible for working in here, but if no botanist is available then the Steward is responsible for growing their own produce. Hydroponics Workplace This is Hydroponics - everyone can access it. The hydroponics bay is located within the mess hall, towards the back. Connected to the main hydroponics bay is a small room that leads to the kitchen, this is the hydroponics storage room, and serves as a prep area for the botanist. This room contains some botany lockers, which contain botanist satchels, work gloves, and a few tools that can also be found in the hydroponics bay. The lockers also contain the important plant analyzer, its uses will be discussed later. This room also has a drying rack, a fridge, seed extractor, and biomass generator. Here are some of your most basic tools of the trade in hydroponics: Tool Icon Description Hydroponics Trays These are the trays which you use to grow your plants and fungi in! They're water filled basins with LED sensors that light up to tell you about your plants. Seed Storage This stores the seeds for the various plants that can be grown. Hydroponics Vending Machine A vending machine that dispenses the various chemicals/tools needed proper plant care. Bucket For watering the plants. Water Tank For filling your watering bucket. CondiMaster Neo Used to separate chemicals from a reagent container into bottles. Now you can turn your tomatoes into ketchup! Hoe For weed removal and plant maintenance. Hatchet Used to take samples from your plants, and kill unwanted plants (on harm intent only). Bee Farm You'll have three of these in hydroponics - use them to cultivate your own bee hives! Growing Plants Growing plants can be a lengthy, but rewarding process. First, locate the hydroponics trays, they are the basins filled with water that can be seen in the photo above; this is where you will be planting the seeds. Take a seed in your hand, and click the tray. You will then get a message saying "you plant the (plant's name) seed". Note, you can only have one seed per tray until that plant is finished growing, so choose wisely while filling up your trays! If you examine the tray, it will give you a small analysis which includes the water and nutrient levels, whether it's dead, as well as the tray's temperature and 'lumens' (we'll get to this later!) - this is what it should look like: That's a tray (Apple). Apples are growing here. Water: 100/100 Nutrient: 10/10 The tray's sensor suite is reporting a light level of 4.82439 lumens and a temperature of 292.642K. This is an easy way to identify the plant, if you are not familiar with what they look like - and gives you quick access to the information that allows you to gauge how your plant is doing. If you've become comfortable with the process of watering and fertilizing your plants, you can trade in examining them for looking at their sprite - the trays have built in lights that can give you important information at a glance: Green Light: Ready for harvest Blue Light: Low water Yellow Light: Low nutrients Red Light: Low health Flashing Red Light: Weeds Plant Chart Traits Yi = Yield. Determines how many products per harvest. Ma = Maturation time. A lower number means faster maturation time. Pr = Produce time. A lower number means faster product growth. Po = Potency. Determines the amount of reagents, and strength of special effects. (Needs confirmation) Name Seed Icon Traits Reagents Temp/Light Other Source Mutations Affelerin Yi: 6 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 20 10u Nutriment 10 Affelerin Nectar 293K 6 Seed Storage Aghrassh Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 10u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Algae Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 4u Bromide 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Ambrosia Vulgaris Yi: 6 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 5 1u Nutriment 1u Bicaridine 1u Kelotane 1u Toxin 1u Space Drugs 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Ambrosia Deus Ambrosia Deus Yi: 6 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 5 1u Nutriment 1u Bicaridine 1u Synaptizine 1u Hyperzine 1u Space Drugs 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Mutate Ambrosia Vulgaris Apple Yi: 5 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 11u Apple Juice 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Poison Apple. Golden Apple. Poison Apple Yi: 5 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 3u Cyanide 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Mutate Apple Golden Apple Yi: 3 Ma: 10 Pr: 10 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 3u Gold 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Mutate Apple Bamboo Yi: 5 Ma: 5 Pr: 1 Po: 1 6u Bamboo Pulp 298K 6 Seed Storage Banana Yi: 3 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 10u Banana Juice 2u Potassium 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Berry Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 11u Berry Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage. Mutate Blueberry or Iridast. Glowberry. Poison Berry. Blueberry. Glowberry Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 5u Uranium 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Bio-lum-inescent. Juicy. Mutate Berry, Blueberry, or Iridast Poison Berry Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 5u Toxin 12u Poison Berry Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Berry, Blueberry, or Iridast Death Berry Death Berry Yi: 3 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 19u Toxin 11u Lexorin 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Poison Berry Blueberry Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 11u Berry Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage. Mutate Berry or Iridast. Glowberry. Poison Berry. Berry. Cabbage Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Cacao Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 6u Coco Powder 298K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Carrot Yi: 5 Ma: 10 Pr: 1 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 5u Imidazoline 10u Carrot Juice 293K 5 Seed Storage Chanterelle Yi: 5 Ma: 7 Pr: 1 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 293K 5 Seed Storage Fly Amanita. Plump Helmet. Reishi. Cherry Yi: 3 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 1u Sugar 10u Cherry Jelly 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Chili Yi: 4 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 20 1u Nutriment 7u Capsaicin Oil 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Chilly Pepper Chilly Pepper Yi: 4 Ma: 4 Pr: 4 Po: 20 1u Nutriment 7u Frost Oil 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Mutate Chili Cinnamon Yi: 5 Ma: 7 Pr: 5 Po: 10 10u Cinnamon 293K 7 Seed Storage Coconut Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 15 1u Nutriment 10u Coconut Water 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Corn Yi: 3 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 20 3u Nutriment 3u Corn Oil 298K 6 Seed Storage Coffee Yi: 3 Ma: 4 Pr: 4 Po: 4 10u Coffee 293K 7 Seed Storage Diona Yi: 1 Ma: 5 Pr: 10 Po: 30 293K 5 Cannot alter or isolate genes. Seed Storage Eggplant Yi: 2 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 20 3u Nutriment 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Fly Amanita Yi: 4 Ma: 10 Pr: 5 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 6u Amatoxin 1u Psilocybin 288K 5 Seed Storage. Mutate Chanterelle. Destroying Angel. Plastellium. Destroying Angel Yi: 2 Ma: 12 Pr: 5 Po: 35 1u Nutriment 24u Amatoxin 2u Psilocybin 288K 5 Mutate Fly-Amanita Garlic Yi: 5 Ma: 10 Pr: 1 Po: 12 1u Nutriment 11u Garlic Juice 293K 5 Seed Storage Glowshroom Yi: 3 Ma: 15 Pr: 1 Po: 30 2u Radium 288K 5 Bio-lum-inescent. Seed Storage. Mutate Reishi. Grape Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 3u Sugar 11u Grape Juice 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage. Mutate Green Grape or White Grape. Green Grapes Green Grape Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 5u Kelotane 11u Green Grape Juice 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage. Mutate Green Grape or White Grape. Grapes. White Grapes. White Grape Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 3u Sugar 11u White Grape Juice 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage. Mutate Green Grape or White Grape. Grapes. Green Grapes. Grass Yi: 5 Ma: 2 Pr: 5 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Gukhe Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 3u Sugar 10u Capsaicin 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Gummen Beans Yi: 3 Ma: 4 Pr: 4 Po: 10 10u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Harebell Yi: 2 Ma: 7 Pr: 1 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 293K 5 Seed Storage Hrukhza Yi: 5 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 5u Nutriment 10u Hrukhza Extract 299K 7 Seed Storage Iridast Berries Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 10 Iridast Berry Juice 3u Psilocybin 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Berry. Glowberry. Poison Berry. Blueberry. Kuzdu Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 1u Dylovene 293K 5 Dangerous vine. Seed Storage Lavender Yi: 5 Ma: 7 Pr: 5 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 1u Bicaridine 293K 7 Seed Storage Lemon Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 15 1u Nutriment 10u Lemon Juice 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Outputs power. Juicy. Seed Storage Liberty Cap Yi: 4 Ma: 10 Pr: 1 Po: 15 1u Nutriment 8u Soporific 1u Space Drugs 288K 5 Seed Storage. Mutate Reishi. Lime Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 15 1u Nutriment 10u Lime Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Lettuce Yi: 4 Ma: 5 Pr: 2 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 2u Lettuce Juice 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Melon Yi: 3 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 10u Melon Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Messa's Tear Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 2u Honey 5u Kelotane 283K 5 Seed Storage Nettle Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 10u Sulphuric Acid 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Stinging spines. Seed Storage Death Nettle Death Nettle Yi: 2 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 10u Polytrinic Acid 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Strong stinging spines. Mutate Nettle O'krri Mushroom Yi: 5 Ma: 7 Pr: 1 Po: 1 10u Nutriment 3u Sugar 3u Psilocybin 288K 4 Seed Storage Olives Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 5u Nutriment 10u Olive Oil 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Onion Yi: 4 Ma: 10 Pr: 1 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 11u Onion Juice 293K 5 Seed Storage Orange Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 15 1u Nutriment 10u Orange Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Peanut Yi: 6 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Pear Yi: 5 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 5u Nutriment 10u Pear Juice 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Peppercorn Yi: 3 Ma: 4 Pr: 4 Po: 5 10u Black Pepper 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Pineapple Yi: 2 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 5u Enzyme 10u Pineapple Juice 293K 7 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Plastellium Yi: 6 Ma: 5 Pr: 6 Po: 20 3u Plasticide 288K 5 Seed Storage. Mutate Fly Amanita. Plump Helmet Yi: 2 Ma: 8 Pr: 1 Po: 2 2u Nutriment 288K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage. Mutate Chanterelle. Towercap. Walking Mushroom. Walking Mushroom Yi: 1 Ma: 5 Pr: 1 Po: 2 288K 5 Multiple harvests. Mutate Plump Helmet. Poppy Yi: 6 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 20 2u Nutriment 3u Tramadol 293K 6 Seed Storage Potato Yi: 4 Ma: 10 Pr: 1 Po: 10 2u Nutriment Potato Juice 293K 5 Can provide power. Seed Storage Pumpkin Yi: 6 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Qokk'Loa Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 5u Space Drugs 3u Sugar 10 Qokk'Loa Extract 285K 5 Multiple harvests. Extremely lethal to humans. Seed Storage Reishi Yi: 4 Ma: 10 Pr: 5 Po: 15 1u Nutriment 6u Psilocybin 288K 5 Seed Storage. Mutate Chanterelle. Liberty Cap. Glowshroom. Rice Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 1 Po: 5 1u Nutriment 10u Rice 293K 5 Seed Storage S'randar's Hand Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 5 Po: 10 1u Bicaridine 283K 5 Seed Storage Soybean Yi: 3 Ma: 4 Pr: 4 Po: 5 1u Nutriment 10u Soy Milk 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Sugarcane Yi: 4 Ma: 3 Pr: 6 Po: 10 6u Sugar 298K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Sunflower Yi: 2 Ma: 6 Pr: 1 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 293K 7 Seed Storage Tobacco Yi: 5 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 10u Tobacco 299K 7 Seed Storage Low-Grade Tobacco. Fine Tobacco. Succulent Tobacco. Low-Grade Tobacco Yi: 5 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 10u Terrible Tobacco 299K 7 Mutate Tobacco. Fine Tobacco Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 10u Fine Tobacco 299K 7 Mutate Tobacco. Succulent Tobacco Yi: 3 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 10u Nicotine 299K 7 Juicy. Mutate Tobacco. Tomato Yi: 2 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 11u Tomato Juice 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Blood Tomato. Blue Tomato. Blood Tomato Yi: 3 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 2u Nutriment 3u Blood 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Tomato Killer Tomato Killer Tomato Yi: 2 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Blood Tomato Blue Tomato Yi: 2 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 3u Cryoxadone 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Tomato Bluespace Tomato Bluespace Tomato Yi: 2 Ma: 8 Pr: 6 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 12u Singulo 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Bio-lum-inescent. Juicy. Teleports user/target when thrown. Mutate Blue Tomato Tower Cap Yi: 5 Ma: 15 Pr: 1 Po: 1 11u Wood Pulp 288K 5 Seed Storage. Mutate Plump Helm. Vanilla Yi: 3 Ma: 5 Pr: 5 Po: 10 10u Nutriment 5u Vanilla 293K 7 Seed Storage Watermelon Yi: 3 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 1 1u Nutriment 10u Watermelon Juice 298K 6 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Wheat Yi: 4 Ma: 6 Pr: 1 Po: 5 1u Nutriment 15u Flour 293K 6 Seed Storage White-beet Yi: 6 Ma: 6 Pr: 6 Po: 10 1u Nutriment 3u Sugar 293K 5 Seed Storage Ximi'koa Yi: 5 Ma: 7 Pr: 5 Po: 1 2u Nutriment 5u Sugar 293K 7 Seed Storage Plant care and maintenance This is a report from the plant analyzer, after scanning a growing apple tree. As mentioned above, plants can have a variety of issues affecting their growth if you're not tentative to their needs. What exactly does a plant need? Well, that depends on the plant! As a general rule fungus-type plants (reishi, chanterelle, plump helmet, fly amanita) only need nutrients, weed-type plants (nettles) only require water and true plants will require a mixture of both depending on their species. Nutrients (also called fertilizer) can be retrieved from the Hydroponics Vending Machine - there are multiple types that each have their own effects, these will be covered later - and will vend in the form of a bottle, just pour some of this into the tray and examine your plant, once it's at a level the plant will be happy with, you're good! To water your plants, just take a bucket and fill it by clicking on a water tank or sink until you get a message that the bucket is full, then pour it into the tray until it's at a comfortable water level. Along with nutrient and water, plants also have a requirement for light and temperature preferences too. All of the plants you'll be growing in hydroponics will thrive at a temperature of 293 kelvin, which is room temperature - don't worry about this! Light is still relevant to you however, and is measured in 'lumens', which demonstrate how much visible light is being emitted. While being at the wrong lumen level won't kill plants, correctly lighting their trays will make them grow faster and stay healthier overall. So how do you know how many lumens your plants need? With your trusty plant analyzer! The plant analyzer is an important tool because it allows you to know what temperature, lumens, nutrient and water your plants need, as well as gives you general information on the plant's reagents (if any), and stats. The only stats that are relevant to you are a plants requirements and maturation time - these tell you what your plant needs to be healthy and how long it'll take to grow! To the side you can see an example of a scan from the analyzer for an apple tree. An apple tree should be kept at room temperature, given four lumens, have roughly the same level of water for the duration of it's growth, and 10/10 nutrients at all times to be the healthiest it can be. To set a plant's lumen level, all you have to do is CTRL-Click on the tray which will lower the tray's lid which has built in hydroponics lights. Right-clicking a tray with a closed lid will give you the option to 'set lights', at which point you can select how many lumens you would like the tray to receive. Make sure you raise the lid when you go to harvest the plant, as you can't harvest from a closed tray! Now, what if your plant becomes infested with weeds - or worse, unhealthy! Don't fear, you're given (almost) all the tools you need to keep your plants in peak condition. If a tray becomes infested with weeds all you have to do is click on it with your gardening hoe, but what about if they become unhealthy? You have a couple options for improving their health all of which are liquid/chemical in nature, the most basic treatment however is nutriment (not to be confused with nutrients), which is found in all food stuffs, so start grinding up those pizzas or tomatoes and pouring the juice into your tray! If your plants die they'll go an off-grey colour and have to be removed from the tray with a single click. Before re-planting, make sure you top up the tray's nutrients and water (lack of these probably killed the plant). If you want or need to kill your plants - you can use your hatchet to hack it down after a few swings or you can spray Plant-B-Gone into the tray. Plant-B-Gone can be found in the botany lockers, but kills more slowly unless you spray a lot onto the plant. If you didn't kill of your plants by now, you probably have a lot of produce on your hands! Go ahead and use your plant bag on any trays with green lights, and load the bag into the kitchen fridge! Advanced Hydroponics Bedsides simply planting seeds and growing them, there are several other things you can do within hydroponics that will supplement your farming work. This includes becoming an apiarist, generating various items from plant-matter, and further propagating your plants. Hydroponics Machines Machine Icon Description Seed Extractor The seed storage only has a finite amount of seeds, thirty per plant type to be exact, as such the seed extractor is used to gain more seeds. To use the seed extractor you must take a fully grown plant and with it in your hand click on the seed extractor. Once placed in the seed extractor, the plant will be replaced with multiple packets of seeds of the same plant type. Using the seed extractor means you can have a virtually infinite supply of seeds, as long as you always have at least one of said fully grown plant. Make sure you don't let the chef use your last potato! Biogenerator The biogenerator is a machine which takes fully grown plants and raw meats, and turns them into biomass. Biomass can then be converted into food, plant nutrients, or various leather products. To use the biogenerator just place a slab of meat or a grown plant into the machine and then open up the interface. The interface will tell you how many biomass points are currently in the generator, and how much biomass various items will require to produce. CondiMaster Neo The CondiMaster Neo is the latest and greatest condiment technology. Or, it's just a relabeling of chemistry's chemical sorting machine. Regardless, you use this to separate chemicals that have been ground up in the kitchen's grinder. This means you can make things like ketchup, without the added nutriment - and put it into a snazzy bottles at the same time. This might not see use too often, but a good chef will be happy if you make them some condiments to serve with their food. Drying Rack Not exactly a machine, but the drying rack is simple and useful nonetheless. It works by exposing plants to the air and over a short period of time, they dry out. Using this, you can make plants smoke-able in pipes. If you dry tobacco, you can roll the dried leaves into cigarettes with rolling papers. Just click on it with any grown plant in hand, and in a few minutes, you can open the interface back up and take out the dried product. Apiculture Apiculture, or 'beekeeping' is a fun additional activity you can carry out while working in hydroponics. Bees provide a double benefit, they generate wax and honey in their combs and they increase the health of all nearby plants. But how do you start a colony? At the entrance to the hydroponics bay on the right is a crate of beekeeping supplies. In here, you'll find a hive assembly, a single queen bee packet, five beehive frames, a crowbar, and a smoking device. To start, crowbar open the hive and place the five frames into one of the pre-built beehives (there are three of these), then place in the queen by clicking the hive with the queen bee packet. Congratulations, you've started your beehive! As your bees develop honey and wax, the colour of the viewing ports will change! Once they've all changed over, crowbar the top of the beehive and use the smoking device on it. Now you can reach inside and remove the frames, this will take about a minute. Once you have the frames, you can take them over to the honey extractor. Only one frame can fit into the extractor at a time but the machine works fast, so in a minute you should have some wax bars and honey! To get the honey, use a beaker (or any reagent container) on the extractor. If you're not interested in using the pre-built hives, you can also take the beehive assembly and place it into one of the empty trays. There's no frames for these hives, so you'll harvest honeycombs directly from them! This is a little more dangerous and these hives tend to be a little more active. There also is no way to know when the honey is done, as there's no visual indicator. Chemicals: The Good and The Bad A variety of chemicals will have different effects on your plants if you inject them or pour them into a tray. Some of them will have beneficial effects such as healing them, increasing their nutrient count or making them more potent, but others will mutate, damage or kill your plants! The two primary chemicals a botanist should be concerned with however are ammonia, and diethylamine. Ammonia and diethylamine are both effective fertilizers, better than the three standard nutrients you have available to you in the Hydroponics Vending Machine. To get these chemicals however, you'll need to ask chemistry - as none is available to you at round start. If you're going to be growing a lot, these chemicals can be helpful. But if there's no chemists, a few other chemicals can also keep your plants healthy on top of using nutrients. Below is a chart of both beneficial, and harmful chemicals that interact with plants in various ways - some of them are blatantly obvious, while others may not be. Chemical Water Nutrient Health Yield Mutation chance Weeds Pests Toxins Mutation Anti-Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Fluorine -0.5 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 2.5 0 Chlorine -0.5 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 1.5 0 Sulfuric Acid 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 0 1.5 0 Polytrinic Acid 0 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 3 0 Plant-b-gone 0 0 -2 0 0.2 -8 0 3 0 Cryoxadone 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 -3 0 Radium 0 0 -1.5 0 0.2 0 0 2 8 Milk 0.9 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beer 0.7 0.25 -0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phosphorous -0.5 0.1 -0.75 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Sugar 0 0.1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 Soda Water 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ammonia 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diethylamine 0 2 1 0 0 0 -2 0 0 Nutriment 0 1 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Adminordrazine (Admin Only) 1 1 1 1 1 -5 -5 0 0 EZnutrient 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robustharvest 0 1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Left4Zed 0 1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 Water 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unstable Mutagen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 --------- Guide to Farming Being a grower of crops is an important role. You farm both food and cash crops. Growing food is vital for a nation to increase in wealth and power. Tools To farm, you will require some basic tools. Knife Used for harvesting crops. Can be made out of Wood, Bone, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold and Diamond (metal knives are made via casting in the knife molds. Plough A plough is made out of wood and used to plough fields for farming! Used once on the grass and once on the dirt underneath the grass. You can also plough snowy dirt and flooded plains dirt (found along the jungle rivers). In case of snowy grass, you will have to shovel the snow first. Lastly, there are places where you cannot plough: infertile soil, permafrost etc. You can also make an iron plough out of iron ingots to plough land faster. Trench shovel A trench shovel is made out of iron ingots and a wooden handle. A trench shovel, as the name suggests, digs trenches. To dig a trench, simply click a dirt tile twice. If you dig a trench next to water tiles, the trench will get flooded, providing crops wtih water and serving as an extra barrier. Shovel Made with either 2 bone pieces or a cast shovel head, plus a wooden handle. Used to dig irrigation channels that water crops and do not hinder your movement, unlike flooded trenches. TO dig an irrigation channel, hold a shovel in the active hand and click it, or press Ctrl-Z or Z in the hotkeys mode, then choose the respective option. Seeds Some sort of seeds to plant and grow. You may find seeds simply lying on the ground, but you can also collect them in the wilderness by using any type of knife on bushes and small bushes. Seed collector Made out of leather. Very useful for picking up seeds during large-scale farming. Have a seed collector in your active hand, stand over the seeds on the ground, then click the collector or press Ctrl-Z, and you will put the seeds in the bag. Just do not misplace it. Farming Just plough a plot of land by yourself or by attaching the plough to a cow or bull for quicker soil disruption, surround said plot of land with trenches with a trench shovel (Cant be walked over easily) or with irrigation channels with a basic shovel (can be walked over easily) filled with fresh water or plough near a river, put some seeds in the ground and watch them grow! Well, it is a bit more nuanced. Watering Plants need water, some more, others less. Weather conditions and climate also affect the crops in this regard. Each crop has a maximum water level when planted. Normally, the water level decreases at the rate of 15 per minute, and when it reaches zero, the plants wither away. However, in the hot climates of the Desert and Semi-Arid biomes, water consumption is 25 per minute. On top of that, in the event of a heatwave, plants will require more water than usual - additional 10 per minute. There are a few ways to provide the crops with water: Plough land within two tiles of fresh water, which is any water, except for the saltwater. The plants will have all the water they need without any extra labor. Dig a flooded trench from the nearest fresh water to irrigate remote fields. For this a trench shovel is required, which becomes available at the 14 industrial research mark. Dig the first trench on a lakeshore or on a riverbank, then the second trench next to the first one and so on. Farming fields should be within two tiles of the water channel as well. A trench could be removed by filling it with 2 piles of dirt. Dig an irrigation channel from the nearest fresh water, which could be done with any shovel. It functions just like flooded trenches, without the drawback of being a barrier. An irrigation channel could be removed by filling it with 1 pile of dirt. Water the plants manually. Bring the fresh water in buckets and barrels and splash it on the ploughed field (the ground, not the plant). Pray for the eternal rain. Rain will water the fields (at the rate of 15 per minute), but may create other inconveniences. Fertilizing Many kinds of animals leave manure on the ground, which could be used to fertilize a ploughed field. Fertilizing one tile will affect all adjacent tiles or nine tiles in total. Plants that grow on the fertilized soil produce twice as much harvest. The compost bin (10 wood, “economy and production” section) also turns food scraps, plant matter (seeds, some plants) and something unpleasant else into fertilizer. Just place it in the bin and wait for a while. Fertilizer could also be used to refuel ovens etc. Severe weather Be aware that blizzards will freeze the plants and kill them. A heatwave, as noted in the Watering section, will cause the crops to consume more water than usual. Sandstorms will also destroy the plants. You can try to cover them during the winter with tents, however, be sure to remove them in spring or they won’t keep growing! Skill Every time you make a ploughed field and plant seeds you gain more insight into the business of agriculture. When your farming skill reaches 1.6, examining a plant will, in general terms, tell you whether it has enough water. At 2.2, you will be able to determine the exact water level of a plant. Biomes and seasons Different biomes have different plants that could be cultivated in them. Take notice, that some plants grow only in certain seasons. Biome restriction applies only to the largest maps: Continents, Pangea, Europe and New World. Wet (winter and spring) and dry (summer and fall) seasons apply to the Desert, Savanna and Jungles biomes. Crop catalogue The table is sortable - click the headers to sort the column’s contents. X - grows; O - doesn’t grow. Crop Tundra Taiga Temperate Sea Semi-Arid Desert Savanna Jungle Season Max Water Level Description Rice O O O X O O X X All 30 Used as food and to make sake. Apricot O O X O O X X X All 40 Used as food. Cherry O O X O O X X X All 40 Used as food. Banana O O O O O O X X All 45 Used as food. Barley O X X X X O O O Spring, Summer, Fall, Wet 50 Used as food and to make beer. Beans O X X X X X X O All 50 Used as food. Cotton O O X X X X O O Spring, Summer, Wet, Dry 50 Used to make cloth. Oat X X X X O O O O Spring, Summer, Fall, Wet 50 Used as food. Wheat X X X X X X O O Spring, Summer, Fall, Wet 50 Used to feed cattle, make flour and beer. Tea O O O X X O X X All 50 Drinkable, used to cure illnesses and treat toxin damage. Tomato O O X X X X X X Spring, Summer, Wet, Dry 55 Used as food. Tobacco O O O O X X X X All 55 Used to make cigars and cigarettes. Mushroom X X X X O O X X Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Wet 55 Used as food. Also, the only crop that grows underground and in caves. Flax X X X O O O O O All 60 Used to make retted fabric. Hemp O O O X X X X X Spring, Summer, Fall, Wet, Dry 60 Used to make rope, retted fabric and joints. Sugarcane O O O X O O X X All 60 Used to make sugar. Grapes O O X X X X O O Spring, Summer, Fall, Wet, Dry 65 Used as food and to make wine. Corn O X X X X X X X Spring, Summer, Wet, Dry 70 Used as food. Cabbage X X X X X O O O All 70 Used as food. Olives O O X X X X O O All 70 Used as food and to make olive oil. Carrot X X X X X X X X All 75 Used as food. Potato O X X O X O O O All 75 Used as food and to make vodka. Poppy O O O O O X X X All 75 A painkiller. Lime O O X X X X O X All 75 Used as food. Lemon O O X X X X O X All 75 Used as food. Apple X X X X X O O O All 75 Used as food. Orange O O X X X X O X All 75 Used as food. Coca O O O O O O X X All 75 Used to make cocaine. Bamboo O O O X O O O X Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Wet 80 A construction material. Coffee O O O O X X X X All 80 A stimulant, temporarily increase movement speed. Tree X X X X X X X X Spring, Summer, Fall, Wet, Dry 80 Cultivated to obtain wood. Melon O O O O X X O X Spring, Summer, Wet 90 Used as food. Pumpkin X X X O O O O O All 90 Used as food. Peyote O O O O O X O O All 100 A painkiller, slowly heals brain damage. Coconut O O O X O O O X All 100 Used as food. ------ Guide to Hydroponics Jump to navigationJump to search Hydroponics or Botany, is the area where the growing of poisonous edible plants is carried out on board. Hydroponics is primarily concerned with growing plants for practical uses such as food or medicine. The Botanist is the individual primarily responsible for working in here, but if no Botanist is available then the Line Cook is responsible for growing their own produce. Contents 1 Hydroponics workplace 2 Growing plants 2.1 Plant care and maintenance 3 Advanced hydroponics 3.1 Hydroponics machines 3.2 Apiculture 3.3 Chemicals: the good and the bad Hydroponics workplace This is Hydroponics, everyone can access it! Hydroponics aboard the Ishimura is rather disconnected from the Mess Hall and, to some extent, the more active parts of the ship. It's tucked away on the Port side of the ship, past maintenance on the first deck: Hydroponics Trays - These are the trays which you use to grow your plants and fungi in! They're water filled basins with LED sensors that light up to tell you about your plants. File:Hydrotray.gif Seed Storage - This stores the seeds for the various plants that can be grown.File:Seedvend.png Hydroponics Vending Machine - A vending machine that dispenses the various chemicals/tools needed proper plant care. File:Nutrivend.png Water tank and Bucket - These are for watering the plants. File:Watertank.pngFile:Bucket.png CondiMaster Neo - Used to separate chemicals from a reagent container into bottles. Now you can turn your tomatoes into ketchup! File:Condimentmx.png Hatchet and Hoe - For weed removal and plant maintenance. File:Hatchet.pngFile:Hoe.png Bee Farm - You'll have three of these in hydroponics - use them to cultivate your own bee hives! File:Beehive.pngFile:Beehive2.png Growing plants Growing plants can be a lengthy, but rewarding process. First, locate the hydroponics trays, they are the basins filled with water that can be seen in the photo above; this is where you will be planting the seeds. Take a seed in your hand, and click the tray. You will then get a message saying "you plant the (plant's name) seed". Note, you can only have one seed per tray until that plant is finished growing, so choose wisely while filling up your trays! If you examine the tray, it will give you a small analysis which includes the water and nutrient levels, whether it's dead, as well as the tray's temperature and 'lumens' (we'll get to this later!) - this is what it should look like: That's a tray (Apple). Apples are growing here. Water: 100/100 Nutrient: 10/10 The tray's sensor suite is reporting a light level of 4.82439 lumens and a temperature of 292.642K. This is an easy way to identify the plant, if you are not familiar with what they look like - and gives you quick access to the information that allows you to gauge how your plant is doing. If you've become comfortable with the process of watering and fertilizing your plants, you can trade in examining them for looking at their sprite - the trays have built in lights that can give you important information at a glance: Green Light: Ready for harvest Blue Light: Low water Yellow Light: Low nutrients Red Light: Low health Flashing Red Light: Weeds Plant Chart Mouse over any white-box text to view that trait's corresponding gene for Xenobotany. Yi = Yield. Determines how many products per harvest. Ma = Maturation time. A lower number means faster maturation time. Pr = Produce time. A lower number means faster product growth. Po = Potency. Determines the amount of reagents, and strength of special effects.(Needs confirmation) Name Seed Product Yi. Ma. Pr. Po. Reagents Temp/Light Other Source Mutations Affelerin 6 8 6 20 10u Nutriment 10 AFfelerin Nectar 293K 6 Seed Storage Algae File:SeedAlgae.png File:Algae.png 4 3 5 10 2u Nutriment 4u Bromide 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Ambrosia Vulgaris File:SeedAmbrosiaVulgaris.png File:AmbrosiaVulgaris.png 6 6 6 5 1u Nutriment 1u Bicaridine 1u Kelotane 1u Toxin 1u Space Drugs 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Ambrosia Deus Ambrosia Deus File:SeedAmbrosiaDeus.png File:AmbrosiaDeus.png 6 6 6 5 1u Nutriment 1u Bicaridine 1u Synaptizine 1u Hyperzine 1u Space Drugs 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Mutate Ambrosia Vulgaris Apple File:Seed Apple.png File:Apple.png 5 6 6 10 2u Nutriment 11u Apple Juice 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Poison-Apple. Golden-Apple. Poison Apple File:SeedPoisonApple.png File:PoisonApple.png 5 6 6 10 3u Cyanide 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Mutate Apple Golden Apple File:SeedGoldenApple.png File:GoldenApple.png 3 10 10 10 2u Nutriment 3u Gold 293K 4 Multiple harvests. Mutate Apple Banana File:SeedBanana.png File:Banana-K.png 3 6 6 1 10u Banana Juice 2u Potassium 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Berry File:SeedBerry.png File:BerrySprite.png 2 5 5 10 2u Nutriment 11u Berry Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Glow-Berry. Poison-Berry. Glowberry File:SeedGlowBerry.png File:GlowBerrySprite.png 2 5 5 10 2u Nutriment 5u Uranium 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Bio-luminescent. Juicy. Mutate Berry Poison Berry File:SeedPoisonBerry.png File:PoisonBerrySprite.png 2 5 5 10 1u Nutriment 5u toxin 12u Poison Berry Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Berry Death-Berry Death Berry File:SeedDeathBerry.png File:DeathBerrySprite.png 3 5 5 10 1u Nutriment 19u toxin 11u Lexorin 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Mutate Poison-Berry Blueberry File:SeedBlueberry.png File:BlueberrySprite.png 2 5 5 10 2u Nutriment 11u Berry Juice 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Cabbage File:SeedCabbage.png File:CabbageSprite.png 4 3 5 10 2u Nutriment 293K 6 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Cacao File:SeedCacao.png File:CacaoSprite.png 2 5 5 10 2u Nutriment 6u Coco Powder 298K 5 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Carrot File:SeedCarrot.png File:CarrotSprite.png 5 10 1 10 1u Nutriment 5u Imidazoline 10u Carrot Juice 293K 5 Seed Storage Chanterelle File:SeedChanterelle.png File:ChanterelleSprite.png 5 7 1 1 1u Nutriment 293K 5 Seed Storage Cherry File:SeedCherry.png File:CherrySprite.png 3 5 5 10 1u Nutriment 1u Sugar 10u Cherry Jelly 293K 5 Multiple harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Chili File:SeedChili.png File:ChiliSprite.png 4 5 5 20 1u Nutriment 7u Capsaicin Oil 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Seed Storage Ice Pepper File:SeedIcePepper.png File:IcePepperSprite.png 4 4 4 20 1u Nutriment 7u Frost Oil 298K 7 Multiple harvests. Mutate Chili. Cinnamon 5 7 5 10 10u Cinnamon 293K 7 Seed Storage Corn File:SeedCorn.png File:CornSprite.png 3 8 6 20 3u Nutriment 3u Corn Oil 298K 6 Seed Storage Coffee 3 4 4 4 10u Coffee 293K 7 Seed Storage Diona File:SeedDiona.png File:DionaNymphSprite.png 1 5 10 30 293K 5 Cannot alter or isolate genes. Seed Storage Eggplant File:SeedEggplant.png File:EggplantSprite.png 2 6 6 20 3u Nutriment 298K 7 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Fly Amanita File:SeedFlyAmanita.png File:FlyAmanitaSprite.png 4 10 5 10 1u Nutriment 6u Amatoxin 1u Psilocybin 288K 5 Seed Storage Destroying Angel Destroying Angel File:SeedDestroyingAngel.png File:DestroyingAngelSprite.png 2 12 5 35 1u Nutriment 24u Amatoxin 2u Psilocybin 288K 5 Mutate Fly-Amanita Garlic File:SeedGarlic.png File:GarlicSprite.png 5 10 1 12 1u Nutriment 11u Garlic Juice 293K 5 Seed Storage Glowshroom File:SeedGlowshroom.png File:GlowshroomSprite.png 3 15 1 30 2u Radium 288K 5 Bio-luminescent. Seed Storage Grape File:SeedGrape.png File:GrapeSprite.png 4 3 5 10 2u Nutriment 3u Sugar 11u Grape Juice 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Green Grapes White Grapes Green Grape File:SeedGreenGrape.png File:GreenGrapesSprite1.png 4 3 5 10 2u Nutriment 5u Kelotane 11u Green Grape Juice 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage/Mutations Grapes White Grapes White Grape File:SeedGrape.png File:GrapeSprite.png 4 3 5 10 2u Nutriment 3u Sugar 11u White Grape Juice 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Grapes Green Grapes Grass File:SeedGrass.png File:GrassSprite.png 5 2 5 1 1u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Gummen Beans 3 4 4 10 10u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Harebell File:SeedHarebell.png File:HarebellSprite.png 2 7 1 1 1u Nutriment 293K 5 Seed Storage Iridast Berries 2 5 5 10 2u Nutriment 10 Iridast Berry Juice 3u Psilocybin 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Berries Glow Berries Poison Berries Blue Berries Kuzdu File:SeedKudzu.png File:KudzuSprite.png 4 6 6 10 1u Nutriment 1u Dylovene 293K 5 Dangerous Vine. Seed Storage Lavender File:SeedLavender.png File:LavenderSprite.png 5 7 5 1 1u Nutriment 1u Bicaridine 293K 7 Seed Storage Lemon File:SeedLemon.png File:LemonSprite.png 4 6 6 15 1u Nutriment 10u Lemon Juice 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Outputs Power. Juicy. Seed Storage Liberty Cap File:SeedLibertyCap.png File:LibertyCapSprite.png 4 10 1 15 1u Nutriment 8u Soporific 1u Space Drugs 288K 5 Seed Storage Lime File:SeedLime.png File:LimeSprite.png 4 6 6 15 1u Nutriment 10u Lime Juice 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Melon 3 6 6 1 1u Nutriment 10u Melon Juice 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Messa's Tear File:SeedMessasTear.png File:MessasTearSprite.png 4 3 5 10 2u Honey 5u Kelotane 283K 5 Seed Storage Nettle File:SeedNettle.png File:NettleSprite.png 4 6 6 10 1u Nutriment 10u Sulphuric Acid 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Stinging Spines. Seed Storage Death Nettle File:SeedDeathNettle.png File:DeathNettleSprite.png 2 8 6 10 1u Nutriment 10u Polytrinic Acid 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Strong Stinging Spines. Seed Storage Olives 4 3 5 10 5u Nutriment 10u Olive Oil 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Onion File:SeedOnion.png File:OnionSprite.png 4 10 1 10 2u Nutriment 11u Onion Juice 293K 5 Seed Storage Orange File:SeedOrange.png File:OrangeSprite.png 4 6 6 15 1u Nutriment 10u Orange Juice 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Peanut File:SeedPeanut.png File:PeanutSprite.png 6 6 6 10 2u Nutriment 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Pear 5 6 6 10 5u Nutriment 10u Pear Juice 293K 4 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Peppercorn File:SeedPeppercorn.png File:PeppercornSprite.png 3 4 4 5 10u Black Pepper 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Pineapple 2 5 5 10 1u Nutriment 5u Enzyme 10u Pineapple Juice 293K 7 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Plastellium File:SeedPlastellium.png File:PlastelliumSprite.png 6 5 6 20 3u Plasticide 288K 5 Seed Storage Plump Helmet File:SeedPlumpHelmet.png File:PlumpHelmetSprite.png 2 8 1 2 2u Nutriment 288K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Walking Mushroom. Walking Mushroom File:SeedWalkingMushroom.png File:WalkingMushroomSprite.png 1 5 1 2 288K 5 Multiple Harvests. Mutate Plump Helmet. Poppy File:SeedPoppy.png File:PoppySprite.png 6 8 6 20 2u Nutriment 3u Tramadol 293K 6 Seed Storage Potato File:SeedPotato.png File:PotatoSprite.png 4 10 1 10 2u Nutriment Potato Juice 293K 5 Can provide power. Seed Storage Pumpkin File:SeedPumpkin.png File:PumpkinSprite.png 6 8 6 10 2u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Reishi File:SeedReishi.png File:ReishiSprite.png 4 10 5 15 1u Nutriment 6u Psilocybin 288K 5 Seed Storage Rice File:SeedRice.png File:RiceSprite.png 4 6 1 5 1u Nutriment 10u Rice 293K 5 Seed Storage S'randar's Hand File:SeedSrandarsHand.png File:SrandarsHandSprite.png 4 3 5 10 1u Bicaridine 283K 5 Seed Storage Soybean File:SeedSoybean.png File:SoybeansSprite.png 3 4 4 5 1u Nutriment 10u Soy Milk 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Sugarcane File:SeedSugarcane.png File:SugarcaneSprite.png 4 3 6 10 6u Sugar 298K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Sunflower File:SeedSunflower.png File:SunflowerSprite.png 2 6 1 1 1u Nutriment 293K 7 Seed Storage Tobacco File:SeedTobacco.png File:TobaccoSprite.png 5 6 6 1 1u Tobacco 299K 7 Seed Storage Fine Tobacco. Fine Tobacco File:SeedFineTobacco.png File:FineTobaccoSprite.png 4 6 6 1 1u Fine Tobacco 299K 7 Mutate Tobacco. Succulent Tobacco. Succulent Tobacco File:SeedSucculentTobacco.png File:SucculentTobaccoSprite.png 3 6 6 1 1u Nicotine 299K 7 Juicy. Mutate Fine Tobacco. Tomato File:SeedTomato.png File:TomatoSprite.png 2 8 6 10 2u Nutriment 11u Tomato Juice 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Blood Tomato. Killer Tomato. Blue Tomato. Blood Tomato File:SeedBloodTomato.png File:BloodTomatoSprite.png 3 8 6 10 2u Nutriment 3u Blood 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Mutate Tomato. Killer Tomato File:SeedKillerTomato.png File:KillerTomatoSprite.png 2 8 6 10 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Mutate Tomato. Blue Tomato File:SeedBlueTomato.png File:BlueTomatoSprite.png 2 8 6 10 1u Nutriment 3u Space Lube 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Mutate Tomato. Bluespace Tomato. Bluespace Tomato File:SeedBluespaceTomato.png File:BluespaceTomatoSprite.png 2 8 6 10 1u Nutriment 12u Singulo 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Bio-luminescent. Juicy. Teleports user/target when thrown. Mutate Blue Tomato. Tower Cap File:SeedTowerCap.png File:TowerCapSprite.png 5 15 1 1 11u Wood Pulp 288K 5 Seed Storage Vanilla 3 5 5 10 10u Nutriment, 5u Vanilla 293K 7 Seed Storage Watermelon File:SeedWatermelon.png File:WatermelonSprite.png 3 6 6 1 1u Nutriment 10u Watermelon Juice 298K 6 Multiple Harvests. Juicy. Seed Storage Wheat File:SeedWheat.png File:WheatSprite.png 4 6 1 5 1u Nutriment 15u Flour 293K 6 Seed Storage White-beet File:SeedWhitebeet.png File:WhitebeetSprite.png 6 6 6 10 1u Nutriment 3u Sugar 293K 5 Seed Storage Gukhe 4 3 5 10 2u Nutriment 3u Sugar 10u Capsaicin 293K 6 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage Hrukhza 5 6 6 5u Nutriment 10u Hrukhza Extract 299K 7 Seed Storage Aghrassh 4 3 5 10 10u Nutriment 293K 5 Multiple Harvests. Seed Storage O'krri Mushroom 5 7 1 1 10u Nutriment 3u Sugar 3u Psilocybin 288K 4 Seed Storage Ximi'koa 5 7 5 2u Nutriment 5u Sugar 293K 7 Seed Storage Qokk'Loa 4 3 5 10 5u Space Drugs 3u Sugar 10 Qokk'Loa Extract 285K 5 Multiple Harvests. Extremely lethal to humans. Seed Storage Plant care and maintenance File:Plantscan.png This is a report from the plant analyzer, after scanning a growing apple tree! As mentioned above, plants can have a variety of issues affecting their growth if you're not tentative to their needs. What exactly does a plant need? Well, that depends on the plant! As a general rule fungus-type plants (reishi, chanterelle, plump helmet, fly amanita) only need nutrients, weed-type plants (nettles) only require water and true plants will require a mixture of both depending on their species. Nutrients (also called fertilizer) can be retrieved from the Hydroponics Vending Machine - there are multiple types that each have their own effects, these will be covered later - and will vend in the form of a bottle, just pour some of this into the tray and examine your plant, once it's at a level the plant will be happy with, you're good! To water your plants, just take a bucket and fill it by clicking on a water tank or sink until you get a message that the bucket is full, then pour it into the tray until it's at a comfortable water level. Along with nutrient and water, plants also have a requirement for light and temperature preferences too. All of the plants you'll be growing in hydroponics will thrive at a temperature of 293 kelvin, which is room temperature - don't worry about this! Light is still relevant to you however, and is measured in 'lumens', which demonstrate how much visible light is being emitted. While being at the wrong lumen level won't kill plants, correctly lighting their trays will make them grow faster and stay healthier overall. So how do you know how many lumens your plants need? With your trusty plant analyzer! File:Plantanalyzer.png The plant analyzer is an important tool because it allows you to know what temperature, lumens, nutrient and water your plants need, as well as gives you general information on the plant's reagents (if any), and stats. The only stats that are relevant to you are a plants requirements and maturation time - these tell you what your plant needs to be healthy and how long it'll take to grow! To the side you can see an example of a scan from the analyzer for an apple tree. An apple tree should be kept at room temperature, given four lumens, have roughly the same level of water for the duration of it's growth, and 10/10 nutrients at all times to be the healthiest it can be. To set a plant's lumen level, all you have to do is CTRL-Click on the tray which will lower the tray's lid which has built in hydroponics lights. Right-clicking a tray with a closed lid will give you the option to 'set lights', at which point you can select how many lumens you would like the tray to recieve. Make sure you raise the lid when you go to harvest the plant, as you can't harvest from a closed tray! Now, what if your plant becomes infested with weeds - or worse, unhealthy! Don't fear, you're given (almost) all the tools you need to keep your plants in peak condition. If a tray becomes infested with weeds all you have to do is click on it with your gardening hoe, but what about if they become unhealthy? You have a couple options for improving their health all of which are liquid/chemical in nature, the most basic treatment however is nutriment (not to be confused with nutrients), which is found in all food stuffs, so start grinding up those pizzas or tomatoes and pouring the juice into your tray! If your plants die they'll go an off-grey colour and have to be removed from the tray with a single click. Before re-planting, make sure you top up the tray's nutrients and water (lack of these probably killed the plant). If you want or need to kill your plants - you can use your hatchet to hack it down after a few swings or you can spray Plant-B-Gone into the tray. Plant-B-Gone can be found in the botany lockers, but kills more slowly unless you spray a lot onto the plant. If you didn't kill of your plants by now, you probably have a lot of produce on your hands! Go ahead and use your plant bag on any trays with green lights, and load the bag into the kitchen fridge! Advanced hydroponics File:Hydroroom.PNG This is the Hydroponics Storage room! Bedsides simply planting seeds and growing them, there are several other things you can do within hydroponics that will supplement your farming work. This includes becoming an apiarist, generating various items from plant-matter, and further propagating your plants. Hydroponics machines Seed Extractor File:Seedex.gif The seed storage only has a finite amount of seeds, thirty per plant type to be exact, as such the seed extractor is used to gain more seeds. To use the seed extractor you must take a fully grown plant and with it in your hand click on the seed extractor. Once placed in the seed extractor, the plant will be replaced with multiple packets of seeds of the same plant type. Using the seed extractor means you can have a virtually infinite supply of seeds, as long as you always have at least one of said fully grown plant. Make sure you don't let the chef use your last potato! Biogenerator File:Biogen.gif The biogenerator is a machine which takes fully grown plants and raw meats, and turns them into biomass. Biomass can then be converted into food, plant nutrients, or various leather products. To use the biogenerator just place a slab of meat or a grown plant into the machine and then open up the interface. The interface will tell you how many biomass points are currently in the generator, and how much biomass various items will require to produce. CondiMaster Neo File:Condimentmx.png The CondiMaster Neo is the latest and greatest condiment technology. Or, it's just a relabeling of chemistry's chemical sorting machine. Regardless, you use this to separate chemicals that have been ground up in the kitchen's grinder. This means you can make things like ketchup, without the added nutriment - and put it into a snazzy bottles at the same time. This might not see use too often, but a good chef will be happy if you make them some condiments to serve with their food. Drying Rack Not exactly a machine, but the drying rack is simple and useful nonetheless. It works by exposing plants to the air and over a short period of time, they dry out. Using this, you can make plants smoke-able in pipes. If you dry tobacco, you can roll the dried leaves into cigarettes with rolling papers. Just click on it with any grown plant in hand, and in a few minutes, you can open the interface back up and take out the dried product. Apiculture File:Centrifuge.pngFile:Beehive.pngFile:Beehive2.png Apiculture, or 'beekeeping' is a fun additional activity you can carry out while working in hydroponics. Bees provide a double benefit, they generate wax and honey in their combs and they increase the health of all nearby plants. But how do you start a colony? At the entrance to the hydroponics bay on the right is a crate of beekeeping supplies. In here, you'll find a hive assembly, a single queen bee packet, five beehive frames, a crowbar, and a smoking device. To start, crowbar open the hive and place the five frames into one of the pre-built beehives (there are three of these), then place in the queen by clicking the hive with the queen bee packet. Congratulations, you've started your beehive! As your bees develop honey and wax, the colour of the viewing ports will change! Once they've all changed over, crowbar the top of the beehive and use the smoking device on it. Now you can reach inside and remove the frames, this will take about a minute. Once you have the frames, you can take them over to the honey extractor. Only one frame can fit into the extractor at a time but the machine works fast, so in a minute you should have some wax bars and honey! To get the honey, use a beaker (or any reagent container) on the extractor. If you're not interested in using the pre-built hives, you can also take the beehive assembly and place it into one of the empty trays. There's no frames for these hives, so you'll harvest honeycombs directly from them! This is a little more dangerous and these hives tend to be a little more active. There also is no way to know when the honey is done, as there's no visual indicator. Chemicals: the good and the bad A variety of chemicals will have different effects on your plants if you inject them or pour them into a tray. Some of them will have beneficial effects such as healing them, increasing their nutrient count or making them more potent, but others will mutate, damage or kill your plants! The two primary chemicals a botanist should be concerned with however are ammonia, and diethylamine. Ammonia and diethylamine are both effective fertilizers, better than the three standard nutrients you have available to you in the Hydroponics Vending Machine. To get these chemicals however, you'll need to ask chemistry - as none is available to you at round start. If you're going to be growing a lot, these chemicals can be helpful. But if there's no chemists, a few other chemicals can also keep your plants healthy on top of using nutrients. Below is a chart of both beneficial, and harmful chemicals that interact with plants in various ways - some of them are blatantly obvious, while others may not be. Chemical Water Nutrient Health Yield Mutation chance Weeds Pests Toxins Mutation Anti-Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Fluorine -0.5 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 2.5 0 Chlorine -0.5 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 1.5 0 Sulfuric Acid 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 0 1.5 0 Polytrinic Acid 0 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 3 0 Plantbgone 0 0 -2 0 0.2 -8 0 3 0 Cryoxadone 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 -3 0 Radium 0 0 -1.5 0 0.2 0 0 2 8 Milk 0.9 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beer 0.7 0.25 -0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phosphorous -0.5 0.1 -0.75 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Sugar 0 0.1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 Soda Water 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ammonia 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diethylamine 0 2 1 0 0 0 -2 0 0 Nutriment 0 1 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Adminordrazine (Admin Only) 1 1 1 1 1 -5 -5 0 0 EZnutrient 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robustharvest 0 1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Left4Zed 0 1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 Water 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unstable Mutagen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 ------ Guide to hydroponics Jump to navigationJump to search Hydroponics. This is your home. Contents 1 Basics of Botany 1.1 Your Area 1.2 Plant growing 101 1.3 Biogenerator 1.4 DNA Extractor 2 Stats, reagents and traits 2.1 Stats 2.2 Reagents/Content 2.3 Traits 3 Plant reference chart 4 Chemicals 4.1 Fertilizers 4.2 Pest Removal 4.3 Mutation 4.4 Plant Meds 4.5 Unorthodox chemicals 4.6 The bad stuff 5 Beekeeping 6 Advanced Botany 6.1 Using the DNA manipulator 6.2 Mutations 6.3 Fixing awful stats 6.4 Dude weeds 7 Other Notes 7.1 Growing your own mutagen 7.2 Other ways to mutagen 7.3 Upgrading plant trays 7.4 Replica Pod Cloning 7.5 Strange Seeds 7.6 Kudzu 7.7 Sandstone and Soil 7.8 Wood and Drying Racks 7.9 Fermentation Barrel 7.10 Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants 8 Todo list for this guide 9 Another guide Basics of Botany Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Your Area Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutrients and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutrients (fertilizer) and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right - Green: Ready to harvest. Red: Low health, caused by weeds/pests/toxins/end of lifespan. Yellow: Low nutrients. Blue: Low water. Tools that are of use in botany - Plant Analyzer: Shows detailed detailed plant statistics. Very useful for growing fragile plants like Ambrosia Deus. Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Useful for moving those into the fridge or biogenerator. Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer. Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a robust tool that fits in pockets. Shovel: Digs up grass floors and cleaning the dirt. Spade: Removes and destroys plants in a tray. All-In-One Grinder: This is how you extract reagents from plants - throw them in and hit the "grind" button. Portable Seed Extractor: This can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Less efficient than the machine. Seed Extractor Plant growing 101 Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Now, take a look at the tray with a plant analyzer. For now, you only need to pay attention to the bottom five stats - Water/Nutrition and Weeds/Toxic/Pest levels. Now, fill a bucket from the water tank and grab fertilizer from the vending machine. You get rid of weeds with the cultivator and remove pests with pest spray. Chemistry can give you better chemicals for this, which will be explained later in the guide. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor. You can click seeds with a pen to change the name of the plant, the seed's description, or the plant's description. After planting in a hydroponics tray the tray updates with the name and description of the plant inside it. Bio-generator Biogenerator The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside. If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard fertilizers here. Keep in mind that you can craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator creates. Plant dna manip.gifDNA Extractor The DNA extractor allows you to extract and modify seed stats and traits. This machine is what lets you become a Chemist on speed. This is a little complex, so look at: Advanced Botany Stats, reagents and traits Three things determine how your plant will turn out: Their stats, reagents and traits. Stats Stats determine whether your plants are small and grow slowly, or are big and fast-growing. Click expand to see what stats do: Reagents/Content This determines what chemicals are present in a grown plant - the DNA extractor lets you extract and splice these. With a bit of creativity, you can mix your own mutagen, produce unique healing chemicals or turn tomatoes into napalm grenades. Solid Chemistry knowledge will help you out immensely. For a detailed list, check out: Plant reference chart Traits Traits give your plants unique properties. There are plenty - Perennial Growth for example lets you harvest plants multiple times. These can be transferred, just like reagents. Click expand to see a list of traits: Sunflower.png Plant reference chart All you need to know about plants - their reagents, traits and what they can mutate into. Plant Chart (mouse over (some of) the reagents to have a brief effect description) Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Traits Available from Mutates into Ambrosia deus Normal Ambrosia deus seed.png Ambrosia deus stage harvest.gif Ambrosia deus.png 5% nutriment, 15% omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia Ambrosia gaia Normal Ambrosia gaia seed.png Ambrosia gaia stage harvest.gif Ambrosia gaia.png 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Mutate Ambrosia deus Ambrosia vulgaris Normal Ambrosia vulgaris seed.png Ambrosia vulgaris stage harvest.png Ambrosia vulgaris.png 5% nutriment, 10% Bicardine, 10% Kelotane, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus Apple Normal Appleseed.png Appletree.png Apple.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Hard cider Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Gold apple Bamboo Normal Bambooseed.png Bambooplant.png Bamboo.png Harvesting results in bamboo logs. Cut these logs with a hatchet to produce stackable bamboo cuttings. Use the bamboo cuttings in hand to craft a either a punji stick trap (paralyzes and hurts those who step on it) or a blow gun (makeshift syringe gun that takes time to fire and deals stamina and suffocation damage to the user). Perennial Growth Mutate Sugarcane, Exotic Seeds Crate Banana Normal Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment. Fermentation: Banana Honk Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Blue-space banana Berry Normal Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Gin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry Blood tomato Normal Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% blood, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Bloody Mary Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space banana Normal Bluespacebananaseed.png Bluespacebananaplant.png Bluespacebanana.png 20% singulo, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana Blue-space tomato Normal Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.png Bluespacetomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% singulo, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Laughter Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato Blue cherry Normal Bluecherryseed.png Bluecherrytree.png Bluecherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry Blue tomato Normal Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space tomato Blumpkin Normal Blumpkinseed.png Blumpkinplant.png Blumpkin.png 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% nutriment Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Pumpkin Bungo Tree Normal Bungotreeseed.png Bungotreeplant.png Bungo fruit.png Harvest will yield both a fruit and a pit. Bungo fruit.png Fruit: 10% nutriment, 10% Enzyme. Bungo pit.png Pit: 10% Bungotoxin, 4% nutriment. Only the fruit can have other chems from manipulated genes, but both the fruit and pit can have additional plant traits (such is Hypodermic Prickles). Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Cabbage Normal Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Replica pod Cannabis Normal Cannabisseed.png Cannabisplant.png Cannabis.png 15% space drugs, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Deathweed, Lifeweed, Omega weed Carpet Normal Carpetseed.png Growncarpet.png Carpet.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth Mutate Grass Carrot Normal Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip Chanterelle Mushroom Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png 10% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Jupiter Cups Cherry Normal Cherryseed.png Cherrytree.png Cherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry, Cherry Bulb Cherry Bulb Normal Cherrybulbseed.png Cherrytree.png Cherrybulb.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth, Pink Bioluminescence Mutate Cherry Cherry Bomb Normal Cherrybombseed.png Cherrybombtree.png Cherrybomb.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology Chili Normal Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png 4% nutriment, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Ice Pepper Cocoa Normal Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodtree.png Cocoapod.png 10% nutriment, 25% cocoa. Fermentation: Creme de Cacao Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla, Bungo Tree Coffee arabica Normal Coffeearabicaseed.png CoffeearabicaTree.png Coffeearabica.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Kahlua Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta Coffee robusta Normal Coffeerobustaseed.png CoffeerobustaTree.png Coffeerobusta.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica Combustible Lemon Normal Firelemonseed.png Firelemontree.png Firelemon.png 5% nutriment (can be thrown like an IED) Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon Corn Normal Cornseed.png CornPlant.png Corn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Whiskey MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn Corpse Flower Normal Corpse flowerseed.png Corpse flowerplant.png Right before it blooms, it starts producing miasma until harvested. Miasma production only works around normal pressure. Potency determines how high the pressure must be for miasma production to work. 50-60 potency is needed in standard pressure. Yield determines the output rate of the miasma. Harvesting does not yield any fruits. Mutate Starthistle Cotton Normal Cottonseed.png Cottonplant.png Cotton.png None. Can be turned into fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. MegaSeed Servitor Durathread Death berry Normal Deathberryseed.png Deathberrytree.png Deathberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 8% coniine, 10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry Death nettle Weed Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png 50% fluorosulphuric acid, 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation Deathweed Normal Deathweedseed.png Deathweedplant.png Deathweed.png 35% cyanide, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Destroying angel Mushroom Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png 10% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 20% amanitin Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita Durathread Normal Durathreadseed.png Durathreadplant.png Durathread.png None. Can be turned into durable fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. Mutate Cotton Eggplant Normal Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant Egg-plant Normal Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Eggyharvest.png 10% nutriment, egg inside. Fermentation: Eggnog Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate Embershroom Normal Mycelium-ember.png Ember-grow3.png Mushroom stem.png 4% tinea luxor, 2% vitamin, 2% space drugs Fungal Metabolism, Bioluminescence, Fire Resistance Lavaland Extradimensional orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Extradimensional orange.gif 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Triple Sec Perennial Growth Mutate Orange Fly amanita Mushroom Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png 35% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 10% growth serum Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel Fruiting Cactus Normal Seed-cactus.png Cactus-harvest.png Cactus-fruit.png 2% vitamin, 2% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth Fire Resistance Lavaland Forget-Me-Not Normal ForgetMeNotseed.png ForgetMeNotplant.png ForgetMeNot.png 5% nutriment, 20% Kelotane Corruption Detected Mutate Geranium Fairygrass Normal Fairyseed.png Fairygrassplant.png Fairygrass.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen, 15% space drugs Perennial Growth, Blue Bioluminescence Mutate Grass Galaxythistle Weed Galaxythistleseed.png Galaxythistleplant.png Galaxythistle.png 5% nutriment, 10% silibinin Weed Adaptation, Invasive Spreading Mutate Starthistle Garlic Normal Garlicseed.png Garlicplant.png Garlic.png 15% garlic juice, 10% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor Gatfruit Normal Gatfruitseed.png Gatfruittree.png Gatfruit.png 10% sulfur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium, a goddamn .357 revolver Perennial Growth Xenobiology Geranium Normal Geraniumseed.png Geraniumplant.png Geranium.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicaridine Mutate Poppy Forget-Me-Not Glow-berry Normal Glowberryseed.png Glowberrytree.png Glowberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. White Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Ghost chili Normal Chillighostseed.png Chillighosttree.png Chillyghost.png 4% nutriment, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili Glowshroom Mushroom Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Glow: 10% Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Glowcap, Shadowshroom Glowcap Mushroom Glowcapseed.png Glowcapplant.png Glowcapshroom.png 10% teslium, 4% nutriment. Glow: 10%. Electrical Activity, Red Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom Gold apple Normal Goldappleseed.png Goldappletree.png Goldapple.png 10% nutriment, 20% gold, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Apple Grapes Normal Grapesseed.png Grapeplant.png Grapes.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Wine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes Grass Normal Grassseed.png Growngrass.png Grass.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet, Fairygrass Green grapes Normal Greengrapesseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrapes.png 10% nutriment, 20% kelotane, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Cognac Mutate Grapes Harebell Weed Harebellseed.png Harebellplant.png Harebell.png 4% nutriment. Fermentation: Vermouth Weed Adaptation Can overtake a a tray Holymelon Normal Holymelonseed.png Holymelonplant.png Holymelon.png 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment. Has anti-magic properties when held in hand. Has limited anti-magic charges. Will block 1 spell per 20 potency. Perennial Growth, Yellow Bioluminescence Mutate Watermelon Ice Pepper Normal Icepepperseed.png Icepepperplant.png Icepepper.png 2% nutriment, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili Inocybe Mushroom Normal Mycelium-inocybe.png Inocybe-grow3.png Mushroom cap.png 4% mindbreaker toxin, 8% entropic polypnium, 4% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland Jupiter Cups Mushroom Jupiter cupmycelium.png Jupiter cupplant.png Jupiter cup.png 10% nutriment, 10% Liquid Electricity (unextractable gene) Fungal Metabolism, Carnivory (unextractable gene) Mutate Chanterelle Killer tomato Normal Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, can be awoken. Fermentation: Demon's Blood Liquid Contents Mutate Tomato Koibean Normal Koibeanseed.png Koibeanplant.png Koibeans.png 5% nutriment, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean Kudzu Weed Kudzuseed.png Kudzuplant.png Kudzu.png 2% nutriment, 4% charcoal Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Mutagen weed mutation Special, see this. Lemon Normal Lemonseed.png Lemontree.png Lemon.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon Liberty-cap Mushroom Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png 2% nutriment, 25% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation Lifeweed Normal Lifeweedseed.png Lifeweedplant.png Lifeweed.png 35% omnizine, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Lily Normal Lilyseed.png Lilyplant.png Lily.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicaridine Perennial Growth Mutate Poppy Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lime Normal Limeseed.png Limetree.png Lime.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange Lavaland Tobacco Mushroom LavaTobacSeed.png LavaTobacPlant.png LavaTobacco.gif 10% salbutamol, 8% nicotine, 4% lipolicide Fungal Vitality Lavaland Meatwheat Normal Meatwheatseeds.png Meatwheatplant.png Meatwheat.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. When harvested, you can get "meat" and blood from this. Mutate Wheat Mimana Normal Minanaseed.png Minanatree.png Minana.png 10% nothing, 10% mute toxin, 2% nutriment. Fermentation: Silencer Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Banana Moonflower Normal Moonflowerseed.png Moonflowerplant.png Moonflower.png 2% nutriment, 30% morphine, 20% moonshine. Fermentation: Absinthe Purple Bioluminescence Mutate Sunflower Nettle Weed Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle Novaflower Normal Novaflowerseed.png Novaflowerplant.png Novaflower.png 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 4% nutriment Mutate Sunflower Oat Normal Oatseed.png Oatplant.png Oat.png 4% nutrient. Fermentation: Ale Mutate Wheat Omega weed Normal Omegaweedseed.png Omegaweedplant.gif Omegaweed.gif 30% space drugs, 30% mindbreaker toxin, 15% mercury, 15% lithium, 15% atropine, 15% haloperidol, 15% methamphetamine, 15% capsaicin, 15% barber's aid, 15% bath salts, 15% itching powder, 15% crank, 15% krokodil, 15% histamine, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth, Green Bioluminescence Mutate Cannabis Onion Sprouts Normal Seed-onion.png Onion-harvest.png Onion.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Red Onion Sprouts Orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Orange.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Triple Sec Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime, Extradimensional orange Parsnip Normal Parsnipseed.png Parsnipplant.png Parsnip.png 5% vitamin, 5% nutriment Mutate Carrot Plump helmet Mushroom Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Manly Dorf Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom Pineapple Normal Pineappleseeds.png Pineappleharvest.png Pineapple.png 20% nutriment, 4% water, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Apple Poison-berry Normal Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberrytree.png Poisonberries.png 10% nutriment, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry Poisoned apple Normal Appleseed.png Appletree.png Apple.png 50% cyanide, 4% vitamin, 1% nutriment Xenobiology Polypore Mushroom Normal Mycelium-polypore.png Polypore-grow3.png Mushroom shavings.png 6% sugar, 4% ethanol, 6% stabilizing agent, 2% mint. You can craft mushroom bowls from this. Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland Poppy Normal Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicaridine. Fermentation: Vermouth MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily Porcini Mushroom Normal Mycelium-porcini.png Porcini-grow3.png Mushroom leaf.png 6% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth, 4% nicotine Fungal Metabolism, Fire Resistance Lavaland Potato Normal Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Potato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Can be turned into a potato battery by using cable coil CableCoils.png on it. Increase potency and add the Electrical Activity trait for higher capacity. Fermentation: Vodka Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato Pumpkin Normal Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png 20% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin Rainbow weed Normal Rainbowweedseed.png Rainbowweedplant.gif Rainbowweed.gif 15% mindbreaker toxin, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Redbeet Normal Redbeetseed.png Redbeetplant.png Redbeet.png 5% nutriment, 5% vitamin Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet Red Onion Sprouts Normal Seed-onionred.png Onion red-harvest.png Onion red.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment, 5% tear juice Mutate Onion Sprouts Rice Normal Riceseed.png Riceplant.png Ricestalk.png 4% nutrient. Fermentation: Sake MegaSeed Servitor Reishi Mushroom Reishiseeds.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png 35% charcoal, 35% morphine Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray Replica pod Normal Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png Special MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Cabbage Shadowshroom Normal Mycelium-shadowshroom.png Shadowshroom-grow4.png Shadowshroom.png 20% radium, 4% nutriment Shadow Emission, Fungal Metabolism Mutate Glowshrooms Snapcorn Normal Snapcornseed.png SnapcornPlant.png Snapcorn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin Mutate Corn Soybean Normal Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png 5% nutriment, 3% cooking oil, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean Space tobacco Normal Spacetobaccoseed.png SpacetobaccoTree.png Spacetobacco.png 3% nutriment, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Mutate Tobacco Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Normal Spacemantrumpetseed.png Spacemantrumpetplant.png Spacemantrumpet.png 5% nutriment, 15% Polypyrylium Oligomers (unextractable gene) Mutate Lily Starthistle Weed Starthistleseed.png Weedsplant.png None Weed Adaptation Can overtake a tray Corpse Flower, Galaxythistle Steelcap Mushroom Steelcapseed.png Steelcapplant.png Steelcap.png None. You can harvest metal rods from this. Fungal Vitality Mutate Towercap Strange seeds Normal Seed-x.png Strangeplant.png Strangeseed.png Random, read this. Fermentation: Wine with 10-150 boozepower, and tiny chance of 200. Random Hacked vending machine, cargo crates Sugarcane Normal Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png 25% sugar. Fermentation: Rum Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Bamboo Sunflower Normal Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png 8% corn oil, 4% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower Sweet Potato Normal Sweetpotatoseed.png Sweetpotatoplant.png Sweetpotato.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin. Fermentation: Sbiten Mutate Potato Tea aspera Normal Teaasperaseed.png TeaasperaTree.png Teaaspera.png 10% tea powder, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra Tea astra Normal Teaastraseed.png TeaastraTree.png Teaastra.png 10% tea powder, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera Tobacco Normal Tobaccoseed.png TobaccoTree.png Tobacco.png 3% nicotine, 3% nutriment. Fermentation: Creme de Menthe MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco Tomato Normal Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fermentation: Enzyme Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood, Blue or Killer tomato Towercap Mushroom Towercapseed.png Towercapplant.png Towercap.png None. You can harvest wood from this. Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steelcap Vanilla Normal Vanillaseed.png Vanillaplant.png Vanilla.png 25% vanilla, 10% nutriment. Fermentation: Vanilla Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Walking mushroom Mushroom Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet Watermelon Normal Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png 20% nutriment, 20% water, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Holymelon Wheat Normal Wheatseeds.png Wheatplant.png Wheat.png 4% nutriment. Fermentation: Beer MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat Whitebeet Normal Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png 5% nutriment, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet Rainbow Bunch Normal Rainbowbunchseed.png Rainbowbunchplant.png Rainbowflower.png 5% nutriment. Perennial Growth Exotic Seeds Crate Vendnutri.gif Chemicals A lot of chemicals influence plants - get these from the vending machine, Chemistry or by growing your own! Click expand to see a list of chemicals: Fertilizers Nutriment: A fertilizer that adds 1 nutrient to the tray and heals the plant 0.5 health per unit added. You can get it by putting your plants and regular food in the grinder. Ammonia: Similar to nutriment, but also increases yield (25u to increase 1 yield). Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this. Diethylamine: Adds 2 nutrient to the tray, heals the plant 1 health per unit added and increases yield (50u to increase 1 yield). Also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia. Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient to the tray. Robust Harvest: Adds 1 nutrient to the tray per unit, and permanently increases plant yield of the tray 30% (without mutating the plant). Doesn't work on plants with 0 yield. A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Pest Removal Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity. Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds. Mutation E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and resets the tray's yield modifier to x1 (if another special fertilizer had previously been used on the tray). A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but the yield will permanently be 1 at best. If the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another mutagen to harvest the normal yield of the plant. A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants - 5u for a chance to change the plant type, 1u/2u to only change stats. Radium and Uranium: Also usable for mutation (10u for plant type, 2u/5u for stats), but damages plants and adds toxicity. Radium is more damaging. Plant Meds Ash: Adds 0.5 nutrient to the tray, heals the plant 0.25 health per unit added and kills weeds. Charcoal: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay. Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles science. Also lowers toxicity. Don't expect the Chemist to give this to you, but the medbay probably has extra beakers of this. Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit. Unorthodox chemicals Soda Water: Mostly adds water, but also heals the plant and adds nutrient to the tray by a tiny amount. Milk: Adds some water and a tiny but of nutrient to the tray. Beer: Adds a bit of water and nutrient to the tray, but damages the plant a little. Blood: Feeds both your plant and pests. Virus Food: Adds nutrient to the tray while damaging the plant. Nicotine: Kills pests while adding toxicity. The bad stuff Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use unstable mutagen to unleash giant spiders or Kudzu upon the station, it's of no use. Toxin: Increases toxicity. Good job! Plant-B-Gone, Sulphuric Acid, Fluorosulfuric Acid: Damages the plant, adds toxicity and kills weeds. What do you think would happen? Fluorine, Chlorine: Same as above, but also drains water. Phosphorus: Same as Flourine/Chlorine, but adds nutrients to the tray instead of toxicity. Just use a spade. Napalm: Kills weeds, hurts plant and adds toxicity. This is just going downhill. Unless your plant has the fireproof trait, you might as well space the whole tray. On fireproof plants it will just kill weeds. Strange Reagent: Is supposed to spawn hostile plant creatures but currently doesn't work. Beekeeping Beekeeping Bees greatly increase plant yield, potency and the probability of you getting lynched. Great stuff, and very useful even if you're no traitor! Bee.gif For more info, click here for the guide on beepeeking. Bee.gif Advanced Botany This is where you get to PLAY GOD and mess with the stats, reagents and traits of plants. Using the DNA manipulator 1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks. 2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice. 3. Extract any gene, this will destroy the seed and save it to the disk. 4. Put in another seed. 5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's on the plant data disk. Obviously, this can be quite powerful in the right hands, and even for more basic tasks it can be a major boon. It is worth noting, however, that the DNA manipulator has an upper limit on how high a stat can be when you try to extract it and save it to disk, and any stats higher than that will be brought down to that cap. Though these caps can be lowered or eliminated if you can get RnD to upgrade your machine, at round-start the caps are very bad, with certain stats like production speed being capped at a level worse than what nearly every plant has initially. Traits, on the other hand, can be extracted just fine no matter what parts are used. Useful genes from default seeds: Wheat has a production speed of 1, the fastest possible. Tower-caps have very long lifespans (around 80), as well as potency and endurance stats of 50. Tobacco plants have a yield of 10, the cap for that stat. Apples have the perennial growth trait, which allows for you to get multiple harvests from a single plant. Watermelon has an endurance nearly on par with tower-caps, making it a good substitute when starting out so you can avoid using up all of your starting tower-cap seeds. Some genes are unextractable. Mutations You can mutate plants to A) change stats or B) mutate them into a different subspecies. To do this in a timely manner, you'll need to work with the Chemistry department. The agonizingly slow way is using E-Z Nutriment to make the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but kills the yield! You can speed up the process to bearable levels by asking your local Chemist for a few bottles of Unstable Mutagen. Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for... 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the Plant reference chart for information on these mutations. 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing. 15% chance of normal stat mutation. 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random, special mutated weed (Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap). 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, spiderlings are spawned. This is bad. If the spiderlings escape, they'll grow big and you'll likely get lynched. Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, and you can use a bottle for it. You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. R&D can also research a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. Fixing awful stats Mutating plants has a chance of really ruining stats. Luckily, there are a few ways to fix them: Unstable Mutagen. Using 1u slightly changes stats, 2u has more drastic effects. Saltpetre. Increases potency and decreases production time. Ammonia. Increases yield. Floral Somatoray. Increases yield and works as a substitute for Unstable Mutagen. Dude weeds Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include: 1/6 chance for Reishi/Starshittle. 1/9 chance for Nettle/Harebell/Amanita/Chanterelle/Tower Cap/Plump Helmets Using 5u of unstable mutagen on high weed level trays results in different plants: Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap Other Notes Bottle.png Growing your own mutagen Not robust enough to steal a chem dispenser? Try this out. First, plant pumpkins and mutate them into blumpkins. Now, insert their Chlorine production trait into glowshrooms and remove the Nutriment one. That's it! You now have a plant that grows unstable mutagen - just pop the produce into the grinder. You might want to add Densified Chemicals from Redbeets as well as Perennial Growth to optimize your harvest. Dispenser.png Other ways to mutagen Chemistry is busy curing the plague too high to help you out? Bad idea: Steal a chem dispenser. This will start a blood feud and is one of the biggest reasons why Botanists are hated by some. Think of it as someone stealing all your plant trays. Better: Ask Medbay to print you a spare chem dispenser board. After very basic research (Biological Technology), the medical protolathe is able to print chem dispenser boards. Or: Grab the spare chem dispenser board from tech storage. The AI, silicons and all members of the Engineering department can let you in. For stock parts: Print them from a public autolathe (if such has been built) or ask RnD/Engineering for a part replacer with stock parts. The parts are: 2 matter bins, 1 capacitor, 1 micro-manipulator, 1 power cell, 1 glass sheet. For stock parts you can also disassemble a hydroponics tray and a cell charger. A cell can then be found or gotten from disassembling a cyborg recharger. Ambrosia gaia.png Upgrading plant trays Composting enough plants that contain Earthsblood (for example Ambrosia Gaia) into a tray will give it a golden shine. Now it will no longer require water, fertilizer or weed/pest removal. This is great in combination with plants that have the Perennial Growth trait! A lot of Botanists will upgrade their trays before getting started with actual hydroponics. Upgraded trays permanently contain the last fertilizer you used before the upgrade. Robust Harvest is usually the best choice. Instead of keeping the original Gaia plant that most likely has gimped stats - insert the Earthsblood production trait into a more robust plant. If your DNA extractor hasn't been upgraded yet: Wheat has a production speed of 1 and good overall stats. If you're lucky, your station will have 50 potency Wheat bushels just lying around at roundstart. You can speed up the process by removing all contents but Earthsblood production and adding the Densified Chemicals (Redbeet) trait. Replicapodplant.png Replica Pod Cloning Replica pods can be used to grow dead people back to life - even when their brain and head are missing. To clone someone, follow these simple steps: Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe. Inject it into the bag of seeds. Plant the seeds. Let the plant grow and then harvest it. If the ghost of the corpse is still online, and did not turn on "Do not Resuscitate", that person will be cloned as a Podman. If there was no ghost available, the resulting harvest will simply produce a new pack of seeds. The podmen are a little different from normal humans. E.g. they regenerate in light but suffer in darkness and don't get attacked by bees. Cabbage can be mutated into Replica Pod. Strange Seeds Strange seeds (from hacked vendors or cargo crates) have completely random reagents and traits. Notable examples are: Gaseous Decomposition Nitroglycerin Microbes (Fungal Tuberculosis) Any drink, like Gin Tonic or Beepsky Smash Glitter Plasmaman Mutation Toxin Hell Water Of course, this is pretty gimmicky and unreliable. Kudzuplant.png Kudzu Kudzu is a weed that can appear when adding 5u Unstable Mutagen to a tray with a weed level of 5 or above. The tray version of kudzu will grow normally in its tray. When harvested it will produce kudzu pods Kudzu.png. The kudzu pod is like any other fruit/vegetable and can be eaten or grinded. To create wild-spreading kudzu, you must put a kudzu pod into a seed extractor, which will create packs of kudzu seeds Kudzuseed.png. Then activate a kudzu seed in your hand to start planting wild-spreading kudzu on the floor. Some plant stats will affect the wild-spreading version of kudzu in specific ways: Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread, the chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10] Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick [20 * (production / 50)] Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed in its place with all the ackumulated mutations saved in the seed. So if you reactivate it, the new kudzu on the floor will have all the same mutations the seed had, and will spread it to all its progenitors. You can examine a wild kudzu to see what mutations it has. When mutating it typically changes color. Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them: Click expand to see Kudzu traits and mutations: Sandstone and Soil If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Wood and Drying Racks First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. Wooden barrel.png Fermentation Barrel You can craft wooden barrels with the crafting menu (under tribal), which requires 30 wood planks Planks.png. Clicking it will toggle it between open and closed. When open you can insert plants or liquid. When closed you can draw liquid by using a container on it. Inserting a plant into the barrel will ferment the plant after a few seconds (even if not closing it). This will grind the plant, adding all the plant's contained reagents to the barrel. But it can also add an additional reagent depending on plant used. Most plants will create a special wine with varied boozepower depending on plant used. Some plants will create other reagents than wine, and some plants will not work at all. Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants Separated Chemicals + Liquid Contents lets you grow grenades. Glow-berry Uranium + Towercap Iron = EMP. Watermelon Water + Banana Potassium = Boom. Separated chems trait removed january 2019. Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. Botany cells have potential to be better than bluespace cells. Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. You can also grind them and put the liquid in an e-cig. Flower Power The Hydroponics or "Botanists" who work there are important people on the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants, obviously. Without plants, the Chef cannot make many types of food. Without those types of food, the denizens of the station will either have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Now that you understand why this is important, let's get started! Plants Needs updating with server-specific plants. Nadyr (talk) 18:10, 10 November 2019 (CST) Here is a chart with the types of plants you can grow, in case you forgot. Name Seed Plant Product Reagents; Notes Source Ambrosia Deus 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Bicaridine, 1 Synaptizine, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Space drugs Mutates from Ambrosia Vulgaris Ambrosia Vulgaris 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Space drugs, 1 Kelotane, 1 Bicaridine, 1 Toxin Xenoflora Seed Storage Apple 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage Apple 50px 50px 50px 3 Cyanide (These apples look identical to normal apples, but are extremely poisonous.) Mutates from Apple Bananas 50px 50px 50px 1 Banana Juice. Drops a slippery peel once eaten. Seed Storage Berries 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 2 Berry Juice Seed Storage Blood Tomato 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 Blood Mutates from Tomatoes Bluespace Tomato 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 3 Singulo Mutates from Blue Tomatoes Blue Tomato 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 3 Space Lube Mutates from Tomatoes Cabbages 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage Carrots 50px 50px Carrot.png 1 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline, 1 Carrot Juice Seed Storage Chanterelle Mushrooms 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment Seed Storage Cherries 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 sugar, 1 Cherry Jelly Seed Storage Chili 50px 50px 50px 7 Capsaicin Oil, 1 Nutriment Seed Storage Cacao Pod 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 6 coco powder Seed Storage Corn 50px 50px 50px 3 Nutriment, 3 Corn Oil. Can be used to make corn pipes. Seed Storage Death Berry 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 19 Toxin, 11 Lexorin Mutates from Poison Berries Death Nettles 50px 50px 50px 9 Polytrinic Acid. Can be used as a weapon; will sting and poison you if held without gloves. Mutates from Nettles Destroying Angels 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 24 amatoxin, 2 psilocybin Mutates from Fly Amanitas Eggplants 50px 50px 50px 3 Nutriment Seed Storage Egg-plants 50px 50px 50px Produces Eggs. Mutates from Eggplants Fly Amanitas 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 6 amatoxin, 1 psilocybin Xenoflora Seed Storage; spawns as a weed Glowberry 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 5 Uranium Muatates from Berries. Fruit can be planted anywhere. Glowshrooms 50px 50px 50px 2 Radium Xenoflora Seed Storage; Mutates from Reishi. Fruit can be planted anywhere. Golden Apple 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 Gold Mutates from Apple Grapes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 sugar, 2 Grape Juice Seed Storage Grass 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment. Harvested grass can be made into tiles for flooring. Seed Storage Green Grapes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 5 Kelotane, 2 Grape Juice Mutates from Grapes Harebell 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment Spawns as a weed. Ice Peppers 50px 50px 50px 7 Frost Oil, 1 Nutriment Mutates from Chili Killer Tomato 50px 50px 50px Harvesting spawns Killer Tomato mobs, which are non-hostile animals. Mutates from Blood Tomato Kudzu 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Dylovene. Invasive species; vines will spread to cover anything they can reach. Fruit can be planted anywhere. Hydroponics Crate from Cargo Lemon 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Lemon Juice Seed Storage Liberty Cap 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 8 soporific, 1 space drugs Xenoflora Seed Storage; mutates from Reishi Lime 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Lime Juice Seed Storage Messa's Tear leaves 50px 50px 50px Tajaran plant containing 2 honey and 5 Kelotane. Seed Storage Nettles 50px 50px 50px 9 Sulphuric Acid. Can be used as a weapon; will sting and poison you if held without gloves. Xenoflora Seed Storage Orange 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Orange Juice Seed Storage Peanuts 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage Plastellium 50px 50px 50px 3 Plasticide Xenoflora Seed Storage; mutates from Fly Amanita Plump Helmet Mushrooms 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment Seed Storage; spawns as a weed Poison Berry 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 5 Toxin, 5 Poison Berry Juice Mutates from Berries Poppies 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 3 Bicaridine Seed Storage Potatoes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 2 Potato Juice Seed Storage Pumpkin 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment. Can be carved. Seed Storage Reishi 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 6 psilocybin Xenoflora Seed Storage; Spawns as a weed. Replicant pod (Diona Nodes) 50px 50px 50px Will generate a diona nymph when harvested. The nymph may not survive. Seed Storage Rice 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 10 Rice Seed Storage S'randar's Hand leaves 50px 50px 50px Tajaran plant containing 1 Bicaridine. Seed Storage Soybeans 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Soy Milk Seed Storage Sugarcane 50px 50px 50px 6 Sugar Seed Storage Sunflowers 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment. Mostly decorative, but can be used as a weak weapon. Seed Storage Tomatoes 50px 50px 50px 2 Nutriment, 2 Tomato Juice Seed Storage Tower Caps 50px 50px 50px 11 Wood Pulp. Chop into planks with a Hatchet. Seed Storage, spawns as weeds Walking Mushrooms 50px 50px 50px Harvesting creates a Walking Mushroom, a peaceful animal mob. Mutates from Plump Helmet Mushrooms Watermelon 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 1 Watermelon Juice Seed Storage Wheat 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 15 Flour Seed Storage White Beet Plants 50px 50px 50px 1 Nutriment, 3 Sugar Seed Storage Growing The Afforementioned Plants File:HydroponicsTraysRow.PNG These are some pots. You grow stuff in them. First, locate the hydroponics trays, sometimes referred to as "planting pots". this is where you will be planting the seeds. Take a seed in your hand, and click the pot. You will then get a message saying "you plant the seed in the pot.", or something along those lines. You can only plant one seed per pot. If you click the pot with an empty hand, you will get a basic analysis of the plant, and the nutrient and water level of the pot. Here is an example: This pot has [plant] planted. Water: 75/100 Nutrients: 8/10 This is an easy way to identify the plant, if you are not familiar with what they look like. It is also a good way to check on new species that have found their way into the "farm". If this happens, you will get a red message that says soemthing like "hydroponics tray has been overtaken by [plant]!". This can be good, bad, or a combination of both. Best case: a few Liberty Cap spores lodge themselves in the tray, and you get super duper high. Worst case: generic weeds. These grow very fast and serve no purpose as of now. All they do is take up space (get it? cause you're growing stuff on a space station?). An example of a useful weed (not the smokable kind), is the humble nettle. Nettles are a very useful plant, and a powerful weapon if grown properly. If you play the Botanist and get picked to be a Traitor, then do not fret. Just wait for some nettles to show up in your garden and kill those targets with FLOWER POWER! nettles are poisonous to begin with, but with skillful harvesting and increases of the Potency level, the nettles can deal a lot of damage, and have a very high knockout chance. This is a Nettle. nettles are your friends. Caring for your Vegetable Friends Mushrooms: Just feed these fertilizer, don't need to water them. Weeds: Just water them, they don't need plant food. Nettles are considered weeds. Everything else: Feed them water AND Fertilizer. The hydroponics tray will warn you of any issues with your plants with colored lights. Green Light: Ready for harvest Blue Light: Low water Yellow Light: Low nutrients Red Light: Low health Red/Blue Flashing Light: Alert: Weeds/Pests/Toxins To fix the water problem, take your bucket, fill it with water at one of the water tanks inside the farm, and pour the appropriate amount of water onto the plant. If a pot is full of water, you will not be able to add any more and the excess will splash onto the floor. To fix the nutrients, replace the solution using the nutrient dispenser, then taking the vial and clicking on the tray. Only do this if the tray needs nutrients. One should avoid replacing the solution while there is still plenty left. Excess fertilizer disappears forever, and the dispenser has a finite supply. Weeds can be removed by clicking on the tray while holding a mini-hoe in your hand. Keep clicking until you see the message "This plot is completely devoid of weeds. It doesn't need uprooting.". If a plant is dead, a single click will empty it from the tray. If your tray decides to sprout some annoying harebell or unwanted crops, a few sprays with the Plant-Be-Gone will kill it, albeit rather slowly. Hacking at a plant with a Hatchet will gradually kill it, allowing you to remove the plant from the tray and replant. File:AllHydroWarningIcons.PNG A very, very, dead plant. Notice the pretty warning signs. File:GrowingPlant.PNG This plant is still growing. File:HarvestPlant.PNG This plant is ready to harvest, as noted by the greem "H". File:PlantWeeds.PNG The triangle means that the tray is full of weeds. Chemicals, Wonderful Chemicals Certain chemicals do special effects on plants and mushrooms. Either it kills, heals, feeds, or mutates the plant. Chemical Water Nutrient Health Yield Mutation chance Weeds Pests Toxins Mutation Anti-Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 Toxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Fluorine -0.5 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 2.5 0 Chlorine -0.5 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 1.5 0 Sulfuric Acid 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 0 1.5 0 Polytrinic Acid 0 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 3 0 Plantbgone 0 0 -2 0 0.2 -8 0 3 0 Cryoxadone 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 -3 0 Radium 0 0 -1.5 0 0.2 0 0 2 8 Milk 0.9 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beer 0.7 0.25 -0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phosphorous -0.5 0.1 -0.75 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Sugar 0 0.1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 Soda Water 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ammonia 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diethylamine 0 2 1 0 0 0 -2 0 0 Nutriment 0 1 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 Adminordrazine 1 1 1 1 1 -5 -5 0 0 EZnutrient 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robustharvest 0 1 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Left4Zed 0 1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 Water 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unstable Mutagen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Go Forth and Procreate This section is about making new plants from existing ones. Remember, the seed dispenser will run dry very early into the round. And if you ask the QM for a seed crate, he will most likely laugh in your face and kick you in the dick for being stupid. So to make more seeds, you will need the help of Mr. Seed Extractor. This little box (located next to the NutriMax) is your best friend in long rounds. It is possible to use your leet hacking skills on the seed dispenser to get more, but these are all either poisonous or full of space drugs. To extract seeds from a plant, pick up a plant product (Fruit, Vegetables, Shrooms, etc.). Then, click the seed extractor. You will then get 1-4 bags of seeds or mycellium from the product. Then, dump out the contents of one of those shiny hydroponics crates you have, and put the extra seeds inside. This will keep them neat and organized. If you don't want to waste one of your pretty green boxes, steal a crate from the Cargo Bay. If a new species sprouts in your farm, keep it alive so you can make seeds from it and grow more. Soil Soil is an alternative to trays. Get some sand, use it to make sandstone, then take three sandstone to make soil. Sand can be dug by Shaft Miners on the Asteroids, alternatively you can grow grass in your existing hydroponics trays, then plant the grass tiles and dig them up with the spade (found in the back room), this will dig up some sand. Congratulations, you are no longer restricted to trays for growing now. Be warned though, it is not the most efficient method of planting, as there are no lights to indicate needs for water, fertilizer, etc. Removing soil is done with a shovel or spade. Analyzing the Analysis Upon selecting the Botanist, you will find that your apron contains a handy-dandy Plant Analyzer. You use this to get a highly detailed analysis of the targeted plant. The readout looks like this: File:PlantAnalyzerReadout.PNG Age How old the plant is. When a plant's age equals it's lifespan, it dies. Endurance The higher this is, the lower the water and nutrient levels can get before the plant dies. Lifespan How long the plant will live. Yield The maximum amount of product it will produce in it's lifespan. Production How many products it will produce at once. Potency The FLOWER POWER the plant possesses. If it is a chili, this equals hotness or coldness (for ice peppers). For shrooms, this equals toxicity. For drugs, this equals how long it gets you high. For Nettles, this equals damage dealt. The analyzer also shows you the status of the pot. Weeds and pests can be remedied by hoeing or a few squirts of Pest Spray. Toxicity is important for shrooms, because it tells you how deadly it is. The water and nutrition levels are self-explanatory. ----- Basics of Botany Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Your Area Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big southern section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutrients and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutrients (fertilizer) and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right - Green: Ready to harvest. Red: Low health, caused by weeds/pests/toxins/end of lifespan. Yellow: Low nutrients. Blue: Low water. Tools that are of use in botany - Plant Analyzer: Shows detailed detailed plant statistics. Very useful for growing fragile plants like Ambrosia Deus. Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Useful for moving those into the fridge or biogenerator. Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer. Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a robust tool that fits in pockets. Shovel: Digs up grass floors and cleaning the dirt. Spade: Removes and destroys plants in a tray. All-In-One Grinder: This is how you extract reagents from plants - throw them in and hit the "grind" button. Portable Seed Extractor: This can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Less efficient than the machine. Seed Extractor Plant growing 101 Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Now, take a look at the try with a plant analyzer. For now, you only need to pay attention to the bottom five stats - Water/Nutrition and Weeds/Toxic/Pest levels. Now, fill a bucket from the water tank and grab fertilizer from the vending machine. You get rid of weeds with the cultivator and remove pests with pest spray. Chemistry can give you better chemicals for this, which will be explained later in the guide. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor. Bio-generator Biogenerator The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside. If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard fertilizers here. Keep in mind that you can craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator creates. Plant dna manip.gifDNA Extractor The DNA extractor allows you to extract and modify seed stats and traits. This machine is what lets you become a Chemist on speed. This is a little complex, so look at: Advanced Botany Stats, reagents and traits Three things determine how your plant will turn out: Their stats, reagents and traits. Stats Stats determine whether your plants are small and grow slowly, or are big and fast-growing. Click expand to see what stats do: Potency: The most important stat (0 to 100). This affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency. Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything. Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10 -- the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest. Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed). Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Only important for plants with the Perennial Growth trait. Age: Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat. Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. Weed growth rate: Determines how quickly weeds grow in the plant tray. Only relevant with very high values. Weed vulnerability: The higher, the more easily a plant is overtaken by weeds. Only relevant with very high values. Reagents/Content This determines what chemicals are present in a grown plant - the DNA extractor lets you extract and splice these. With a bit of creativity, you can mix your own mutagen, produce unique healing chemicals or turn tomatoes into napalm grenades. Solid Chemistry knowledge will help you out immensely. For a detailed list, check out: Plant reference chart Traits Traits give your plants unique properties. There are plenty - Perennial Growth for example lets you harvest plants multiple times. These can be transferred, just like reagents. Click expand to see a list of traits: Perennial Growth: Plants with this trait can be harvested more than once. Weed Adaptation: The plant acquires weed-like properties, making it not need nutrients. Plant growth doesn't get slowed by weeds and it can't be overtaken by them. Fungal Vitality: The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, making it not need light or water. Minimum yield of 1. Separated Chemicals: Makes plant reagents not react until squashed. Otherwise, they will mix on harvest. Liquid Contents: Causes the plant to squash when thrown or slipped on, applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant. Gaseous Decomposition: Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Only available through Strange seeds. Densified Chemicals: Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant. Slippery Skin: Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds. Hypodermic Prickles: Plants with this trait will sting when thrown, transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target. Capacitive Cell Production: Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge. Electrical Activity: Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when eaten; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents. Bluespace Activity: Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. Max radius is determined by potency. Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency. Varieties include Shadow Emission and Red Electrical Glow. Strong Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency. Fire Resistance: Makes the seeds and produce fireproof. Sunflower.png Plant reference chart All you need to know about plants - their reagents, traits and what they can mutate into. Plant Chart (mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description) Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Traits Available from Mutates into Ambrosia deus Normal File:Ambrosia deus seed.png File:Ambrosia deus stage harvest.gif Ambrosia deus.png 5% nutriment, 15% omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia Ambrosia gaia Normal File:Ambrosia gaia seed.png File:Ambrosia gaia stage harvest.gif Ambrosia gaia.png 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Mutate Ambrosia deus Ambrosia vulgaris Normal File:Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png File:Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png 5% nutriment, 10% bicaridine, 10% kelotane, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus Apple Normal File:Appleseed.png File:Appletree.png Apple.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Gold apple Banana Normal File:Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Blue-space banana Berry Normal File:Berryseed.png File:BerryTree.png Berry.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry Blood tomato Normal File:Bloodtomatoseed.png File:Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% blood, 4% vitamin Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space banana Normal File:Bluespacebananaseed.png File:Bluespacebananaplant.png Bluespacebanana.png 20% singulo, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana Blue-space tomato Normal File:Bluespacetomatoseed.png File:Bluespacetomatoplant.png Bluespacetomato.gif 10% nutriment, 20% singulo, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato Blue cherry Normal File:Bluecherryseed.png File:Bluecherrytree.png Bluecherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry Blue tomato Normal File:Bluetomatoseed.png File:Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space tomato Blumpkin Normal File:Blumpkinseed.png File:Blumpkinplant.png Blumpkin.png 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% nutriment Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Pumpkin Cabbage Normal File:Cabbageseed.png File:Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Cannabis Normal File:Cannabisseed.png File:Cannabisplant.png Cannabis.png 15% space drugs, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Deathweed, Lifeweed, Omega weed Carpet Normal File:Carpetseed.png File:Growncarpet.png Carpet.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth Mutate Grass Carrot Normal File:Carrotseed.png File:Carrotplant.png Carrot.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip Chanterelle Mushroom File:Chanterelleseed.png File:Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png 10% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Cherry Normal File:Cherryseed.png File:Cherrytree.png Cherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry Cherry Bomb Normal File:Cherrybombseed.png File:Cherrybombtree.png Cherrybomb.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology Chili Normal File:Chiliseed.png File:ChiliTree.png Chili.png 4% nutriment, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Ice Pepper Cocoa Normal File:Cocoapodseed.png File:Cocoapodtree.png Cocoapod.png 10% nutriment, 25% cocoa Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla Coffee arabica Normal File:Coffeearabicaseed.png File:CoffeearabicaTree.png Coffeearabica.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta Coffee robusta Normal File:Coffeerobustaseed.png File:CoffeerobustaTree.png Coffeerobusta.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica Combustible Lemon Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 5% nutriment (can be thrown like an IED) Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon Corn Normal File:Cornseed.png File:CornPlant.png Corn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn Death berry Normal File:Deathberryseed.png File:Deathberrytree.png Deathberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 8% coniine, 10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry Death nettle Weed File:Deathnettleseed.png File:Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png 50% fluorosulphuric acid, 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation Deathweed Normal File:Deathweedseed.png File:Deathweedplant.png Deathweed.png 35% cyanide, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Destroying angel Mushroom File:Angleseeds.png File:Angleplant.png Angle.png 10% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 20% amanitin Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita Eggplant Normal File:Eggplantseed.png File:Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant Egg-plant Normal File:Eggyseed.png File:Eggyplant.png Begg.png 10% nutriment, egg inside Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate Embershroom Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 2% tinea luxor, 1% vitamin, 1% space drugs Fungal Metabolism, Bioluminescence Fly amanita Mushroom File:Amanitaseeds.png File:Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png 35% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 10% growth serum Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel Fruiting Cactus Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 2% vitamin, 2% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth Gatfruit Normal File:Gatfruitseed.png File:Gatfruittree.png Gatfruit.png 10% sulfur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium, a goddamn .357 revolver Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology Geranium Normal File:Geraniumseed.png File:Geraniumplant.png Geranium.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicaridine Mutate Poppy Glow-berry Normal File:Glowberryseed.png File:Glowberrytree.png Glowberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. Luminosity: 20%. Strong Bioluminescence, Separated Chemicals, Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Ghost chili Normal File:Chillighostseed.png File:Chillighosttree.png Chillyghost.png 4% nutriment, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili Glowshroom Mushroom File:Glowshroomseed.png File:Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Glow: 10% Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Glowcap Glowcap Mushroom File:Glowcapseed.png File:Glowcapplant.png Glowcapshroom.png 10% teslium. Glow: 10%. Restores up to 100% battery charge. Electrical Activity, Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom Gold apple Normal File:Goldappleseed.png File:Goldappletree.png Goldapple.png 10% nutriment, 20% gold, 4% vitamin Mutate Apple Grapes Normal File:Grapesseed.png File:Grapeplant.png Grapes.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes Grass Normal File:Grassseed.png File:Growngrass.png Grass.png 1% nutriment, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet Green grapes Normal File:Greengrapesseed.png File:Greengrapeplant.png Greengrapes.png 10% nutriment, 20% kelotane, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin Mutate Grapes Harebell Weed File:Harebellseed.png File:Harebellplant.png Harebell.png 4% nutriment Weed Adaptation Can overtake a a tray Holymelon Normal File:Holymelonseed.png File:Holymelonplant.png Holymelon.png 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Perennial Growth Mutate Watermelon Ice Pepper Normal File:Icepepperseed.png File:Icepepperplant.png Icepepper.png 2% nutriment, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili Inocybe Mushroom Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 2% mindbreaker toxin, 4% entropic polypnium, 2% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Metabolism Koibean Normal File:Koibeanseed.png File:Koibeanplant.png Koibeans.png 5% nutriment, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean Kudzu Weed File:Kudzuseed.png Kudzuplant.png Kudzu.png 2% nutriment, 4% charcoal Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Mutagen weed mutation Special, see this. Lemon Normal File:Lemonseed.png File:Lemontree.png Lemon.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon Liberty-cap Mushroom File:Libertycapseed.png File:Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png 2% nutriment, 25% mushroom hallucinogen Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation Lifeweed Normal File:Lifeweedseed.png File:Lifeweedplant.png Lifeweed.png 35% omnizine, 15% space drugs, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Lily Normal File:Lilyseed.png File:Lilyplant.png Lily.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicaridine Perennial Growth Mutate Poppy Lime Normal File:Limeseed.png File:Limetree.png Lime.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange Meatwheat Normal File:Meatwheatseeds.png File:Meatwheatplant.png Meatwheat.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. When harvested, you can get "meat" and blood from this. Mutate Wheat Mimana Normal File:Minanaseed.png File:Minanatree.png Minana.png 10% nothing, 10% mute toxin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Blue-space banana Moonflower Normal File:Moonflowerseed.png File:Moonflowerplant.png Moonflower.png 2% nutriment, 2% vitamin, 20% moonshine Mutate Sunflower Nettle Weed File:Nettleseed.png File:Nettleplant.png Nettle.png 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle Novaflower Normal File:Novaflowerseed.png File:Novaflowerplant.png Novaflower.png 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 4% nutriment Mutate Sunflower Oat Normal File:Oatseed.png File:Oatplant.png Oat.png 4% nutrient Mutate Wheat Omega weed Normal File:Omegaweedseed.png File:Omegaweedplant.gif Omegaweed.gif 30% space drugs, 30% mindbreaker toxin, 15% mercury, 15% lithium, 15% atropine, 15% haloperidol, 15% methamphetamine, 15% capsaicin, 15% barber's aid, 15% bath salts, 15% itching powder, 15% crank, 15% krokodil, 15% histamine, 15% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Onion Sprouts Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Red Onion Sprouts Orange Normal File:Orangeseed.png File:Orangetree.png Orange.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime Parsnip Normal File:Parsnipseed.png File:Parsnipplant.png Parsnip.png 5% vitamin, 5% nutriment Mutate Carrot Plump helmet Mushroom File:Plumphelmetseed.png File:Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom Poison-berry Normal File:Poisonberryseed.png File:Poisonberrytree.png Poisonberries.png 10% nutriment, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry Poisoned apple Normal File:Appleseed.png File:Appletree.png Apple.png 50% cyanide, 4% vitamin, 1% nutriment Xenobiology Polypore Mushroom Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 3% sugar, 2% ethanol, 3% stabilizing agent, 2% mint. You can craft mushroom bowls from this. Fungal Metabolism Poppy Normal File:Poppyseed.png File:Poppyplant.png Poppy.png 5% nutriment, 20% bicaridine MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily Porcini Mushroom Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 3% nutriment, 2% vitrium froth, 2% nicotine Fungal Metabolism Potato Normal File:Potatoseed.png File:Potatoplant.png Potato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato Pumpkin Normal File:Pumpkinseed.png File:Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png 20% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin Rainbow weed Normal File:Rainbowweedseed.png File:Rainbowweedplant.gif Rainbowweed.gif 15% mindbreaker toxin, 35% lipolicide Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Redbeet Normal File:Redbeetseed.png File:Redbeetplant.png Redbeet.png 5% nutriment, 5% vitamin Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet Red Onion Sprouts Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment, 5% tear juice Mutate Onion Sprouts Rice Normal File:Riceseed.png File:Riceplant.png Rice.png 4% nutrient MegaSeed Servitor Reishi Mushroom File:Reishiseeds.png File:Reishiplant.png Reishi.png 35% charcoal, 35% morphine Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray Shadowshroom Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png 20% radium, 4% nutriment Shadow Emission, Fungal Metabolism Mutate Glowshrooms Snapcorn Normal File:Snapcornseed.png File:SnapcornPlant.png Snapcorn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin Mutate Corn Soybean Normal File:Soybeanseeds.png File:Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean Space tobacco Normal File:Spacetobaccoseed.png File:SpacetobaccoTree.png Spacetobacco.png 3% nutriment, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Mutate Tobacco Starthistle Weed File:Weedsplant.png None Can overtake a tray Steelcap Mushroom File:Steelcapseed.png File:Steelcapplant.png Steelcap.png None. You can harvest metal rods from this. Fungal Vitality Mutate Towercap Strange seeds Normal Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Brokenbottle.png Random, read this Random Hacked vending machine, cargo crates Sugarcane Normal File:Sugarcaneseed.png File:Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png 25% sugar Perennial Growth Seeds Crate Sunflower Normal File:Sunflowerseed.png File:Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png 8% corn oil, 4% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower Sweet Potato Normal File:Sweetpotatoseed.png File:Sweetpotatoplant.png Sweetpotato.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin Mutate Potato Tea aspera Normal File:Teaasperaseed.png File:TeaasperaTree.png Teaaspera.png 10% tea powder, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra Tea astra Normal File:Teaastraseed.png File:TeaastraTree.png Teaastra.png 10% tea powder, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera Tobacco Normal File:Tobaccoseed.png File:TobaccoTree.png Tobacco.png 3% nicotine, 3% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco Tomato Normal File:Tomatoseeds.png File:Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood or Blue tomato. Towercap Mushroom File:Towercapseed.png File:Towercapplant.png Towercap.png None. You can harvest wood from this. Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steelcap Vanilla Normal File:Vanillaseed.png File:Vanillaplant.png Vanilla.png 25% vanilla, 10% nutriment Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Walking mushroom Mushroom File:Walkingmushroomseed.png File:Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet Watermelon Normal File:Watermelonseed.png File:Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png 20% nutriment, 20% water, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Holymelon Wheat Normal File:Wheatseeds.png File:Wheatplant.png Wheat.png 4% nutriment MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat Whitebeet Normal File:Whitebeetseed.png File:Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png 5% nutriment, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet Vendnutri.gif Chemicals A lot of chemicals influence plants - get these from the vending machine, Chemistry or by growing your own! Click expand to see a list of chemicals: Fertilizers Nutriment: A fertilizer that adds 1u of nutrient and heals plants. You can get it by putting your plants and regular food in the grinder. Heals the plant. Guide_to_Chemistry: Similar to nutriment, but also increases yield. Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this. Guide_to_Chemistry: Even better than Ammonia - this adds 2u of nutrient, increases yield even more, heals the plant AND also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia. Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient. Robust Harvest: Increases plant yield by 30% without mutating it. Doesn't work on plants with 0 yield. Pest Removal Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity. Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds. Mutation E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and has no effect on the yield. Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but the yield will be 1 at best - if the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another mutagen to harvest the normal yield of the plant. Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants - 5u for a chance to change the plant type, 1u/2u to only change stats. Radium and Uranium: Also usable for mutation (10u for plant type, 2u/5u for stats), but damages plants and adds toxicity. Radium is more damaging. Plant Meds Ash: Heals your plant and kills weeds, but adds only half a unit of nutrient. Charcoal: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay. Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles science. Also lowers toxicity. Don't expect the Chemist to give this to you, it's always needed at Medbay and requires precious Plasma to mix. Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit. Unorthodox chemicals Soda Water: Mostly adds water, but also heals and adds nutrient by a tiny amount. Milk: Adds some water and a tiny but of nutrient. Beer: Adds a bit of water and nutrient, but damages the plant a little. Blood: Feeds both your plant and pests. Virus Food: Adds nutrient while damaging the plant. The bad stuff Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use unstable mutagen to unleash giant spiders or Kudzu upon the station, it's of no use. Toxin: Increases toxicity. Good job! Plant-B-Gone, Sulphuric Acid, Fluorosulfuric Acid: Damages the plant, adds toxicity and kills weeds. What do you think would happen? Fluorine, Chlorine: Same as above, but also drains water. Phosphorus: Same as Fl/Cl, but adds nutrients instead of toxicity. Just use a spade. Napalm: This is just going downhill. Unless your plant has the fireproof trait, you might as well space the whole tray. Strange Reagent: Spawns something hungry. Apiary.png Beekeeping Bees are gentle, hard-working animals that help plants pollinate and produce sweet honey to survive the long cold winters. Bees in space, on the other hand, are far more aggressive, but all the more useful: since there is no winter in space (as far as we know) all honey produced by bees can be harvested, making beekeeping really easy. They have also outgrown carrying pollen, a largely obsolete task given the small quarters and relatively strong air currents on space stations, and have since evolved to help plants in their fruition phase, granting boost to the potency of their products. They are a great addition to any hydroponic farm that can afford them. The birds and the bees To start keeping your bees, you will need to procure yourself a queen bee Beequeen.gif. They can be obtained from the special beekeper starter pack crate, available at Cargo for 1500 points. The crate contains: The queen bee.Beequeen.gif An Apiary Apiary.pngfor the bees to live in, as well as 3 honeycomb frames Honey frame.png. A beekeeper suit, which will protect one person from bee stings. A flyswatter, a very robust tool against small, fast insects. Additional suits can be ordered for 1000 points a pair. Additional apiaries can be built for 40 wooden planks each, and additional frames for 5 planks. Each apiary can carry maximum 3 frames. BEE careful: the Apiary from a crate will deploy as soon as the crate is opened. You will need to unwrench the bolts if you want to move it. Once you have deployed your Apiary, pick up the queen bee and gently intruce her to her new home. Assuming some plants are around to sustain a hive, she will get right to work. Bee.gifSweet slave labourBee.gif the sugar mine Once your queen bee is at home producing the workforce and there is plenty of plants to procure nectar from, it's time to reap the benefits. Examining an apiary will present you with information regarding the colony: Resources: goes from 0 to 100, and reflects how much nectar the bees have currently stored. Resources towards a cell: in percentage points, reflects how much of the needed nectar for honeycomb production has been harvested. Resources towards a bee: in percentage points, reflects how much of the needed nectar for a new bee has been harvested. Always half of a honeycomb. Total honeycombs: How many honeycombs are currently in the Apiary. If this line isn't present, there are none. Bees are half as cheap for an hive to produce than a honeycomb, and though their production is based on chance, it is very likely for a hive to overproduce bees as long as they have room for more. The maximum number of bees a hive can support is half the maximum number of honeycombs. Since each honeycomb frame can support 10 honeycomb clusters, and each apiary can house 3 frames, the maximum number of bees is either 5, 10 or 15, and the maximum number of honeycombs is 10, 20 or 30. For early honey production, it is advised to put just one frame in the apiary. To harvest honey, simply remove a honeycomb frame. Each honeycomb cluster provides 5 units of honey once processed in a grinder. The fruits of our labour So, what CAN you do with honey? Mead.gif Mead, a fermented drink from honey produced with universal enzymes. Good alcohol content. Honeybun.png Honeybun, a pastry. Honeybar.png Honey nut bar, a healthy snack made with oats, nut free. Eating honey heals you twice as fast as Omnizine, without the risk of a deadly overdose! You can still go into a diabetic (sugar) coma, but you'd have to eat absurd amounts. More bees, MORE BEES Once you have a Queen Bee, you don't need to order more from cargo - you can force them to reproduce by mitosis! To do so, you need Royal Bee Jelly, made from 40u of honey and 10u of Unstable Mutagen (resulting in 5u). Injecting the queen with at least 5u will make her split into two bees, allowing you to expand your bee empire. You can then build more Apiaries out of wood to house them. Miracles of biology What separates Space Bees from normal bees is that they can bio-synthesize any reagent! By simply injecting a queen bee with 5u of the desired chemical, the queen will transfer the mutation to all its bees; they will then inject a small amount of that chemical when stinging people, and their honeycombs will contain 5u of it on top of the honey. Advanced Botany This is where you get to PLAY GOD and mess with the stats, reagents and traits of plants. Using the DNA manipulator 1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks. 2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice. 3. Extract any gene, this will destroy the seed and save it to the disk. 4. Put in another seed. 5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's on the plant data disk. Useful genes to extract at roundstart: The wheat in the seed vendor has 1 production speed Tower Caps have naturally high endurance and resistance and 50 potency The tobacco in the seed vendor has 10 yield Apples have perennial growth NOTE:Not all stats are readily transferable: potency for example is capped at 50% on the standard machine. To up your potency cap, upgrade the machine with the help of RnD: each of its three components (manipulator, scanner, laser) will up the cap by 5% multiplied by their research tier; Machine base is 35%, all T1 components net +(5%x1)x3= 15% total, and all T4 components net +(5%x4)x3=60% total, making the maximum cap 95%. Mutations You can mutate plants to A) change stats or B) mutate them into a different subspecies. To do this in a timely manner, you'll need to work with the Chemistry department. The agonizingly slow way is using E-Z Nutriment to make the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but kills the yield! You can speed up the process to bearable levels by asking your local Chemist for a few bottles of Unstable Mutagen. Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for... 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the Plant reference chart for information on these mutations. 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing. 15% chance of normal stat mutation. 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random, special mutated weed (Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap). 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, spiderlings are spawned. This is bad. If the spiderlings escape, they'll grow big and you'll likely get lynched. Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, and you can use a bottle for it. You can use radium and uranium, but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. R&D can also make a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. Fixing awful stats Mutating plants has a chance of really ruining stats. Luckily, there are a few ways to fix them: Unstable Mutagen. Using 1u slightly changes stats, 2u has more drastic effects. Saltpetre. Increases potency and decreases production time. Floral Somatoray. Increases yield and works as a substitute for Unstable Mutagen. Dude weeds Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include: 1/6 chance for Reishi/Starshittle. 1/9 chance for Nettle/Harebell/Amanita/Chanterelle/Tower Cap/Plump Helmets Using 5u of unstable mutagen on high weed level trays results in different plants: Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap Other Notes Bottle.png Growing your own mutagen Not robust enough to steal a chem dispenser? Try this out. First, plant pumpkins and mutate them into blumpkins. Now, insert their Chlorine production trait into glowshrooms and remove the Nutriment one. That's it! You now have a plant that grows unstable mutagen - just pop the produce into the grinder. You might want to add Densified Chemicals from Redbeets as well as Perennial Growth to optimize your harvest. Ambrosia gaia.png Upgrading plant trays Composting enough plants that contain Earthsblood (for example Ambrosia Gaia) into a tray will give it a golden shine. Now it will no longer require water, fertilizer or weed/pest removal. This is great in combination with plants that have the Perennial Growth trait! A lot of Botanists will upgrade their trays before getting started with actual hydroponics. Upgraded trays permanently contain the last fertilizer you used before the upgrade. Robust Harvest is usually the best choice. Instead of keeping the original Gaia plant that most likely has gimped stats - insert the Earthsblood production trait into a more robust plant. If your DNA extractor hasn't been upgraded yet: Wheat has a production speed of 1 and good overall stats. If you're lucky, your station will have 50 potency Wheat bushels just lying around at roundstart. You can speed up the process by removing all contents but Earthsblood production and adding the Densified Chemicals (Redbeet) trait. Strange seeds Strange seeds (from hacked vendors or cargo crates) have completely random reagents and traits. Notable examples are: Gaseous Decomposition Nitroglycerin Microbes (Fungal Tuberculosis) Any drink, like Gin Tonic or Beepsky Smash Glitter Plasmaman Mutation Toxin Hell Water Of course, this is pretty gimmicky and unreliable. Kudzuplant.png Kudzu Usual plant stats affect active kudzu in the specific way: Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread, the chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10] Production will affect how fast the kudzu can spread, usual kudzu spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30, production changes the cap [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick [20 * (production / 50)] Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed on its place with all the mutations of the piece saved in the seed, so if you reactivate it new first piece will have all the same mutations the seed has and will spread it to all the progenitors. Kudzu can gain mutations only on spread, here is the list of all of them: Click expand to see Kudzu traits and mutations: Sandstone and Soil If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Wood and Drying Racks First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants Separated Chemicals + Liquid Contents lets you grow grenades. Glow-berry Uranium + Towercap Iron = EMP. Watermelon Water + Banana Potassium = Boom. Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. You can also grind them and put the liquid in an e-cig. ------ Keeping it Green When you click on a plant pot with an empty hand, you can check the plant to see how it is doing. Various indicators will appear when you do so, which describe the condition of the plant and soil - red indicators are bad, blue indicators are good: Message Meaning The soil is completely dry. The soil has run out of water. This will quickly kill the plant. The plant is dying. Maltreatment or harmful chemicals are killing the plant. The soil looks rich and fertile. Indicates the presence of compost in the soil. Remember, this dries out the soil quicker. The plant glistens with good health! Judicious compost and water use has resulted in a healthy plant! The plant is flourishing! The plant has extremely high health. Expect good harvests! The plant looks strange... You have managed to grow a rare mutant strain of plant. This could be good or bad! Weeds have infested the soil. This pot has been infested with a weed-type plant. You will have to take special measures to get rid of it. In addition, you will receive a report of any chemical in the plant pot. Hopefully, there's at least water in it, but chemicals may also include stuff you've added like plant formula or compost. Some plants may produce nectar, a delightful treat for space bees. Harmful chemicals like toxic slurry may also appear, which usually require you to clean out the pot. If you click and drag a plant pot onto yourself, you will completely clear out the pot. This not only empties any plant out of it, but completely cleans out all soil water, nutrients, everything. However, this will not work on pots infested with weeds! You must find a way to kill the weeds before emptying the pot if you want to get rid of them. Weeds will occasionally appear in unoccupied plant pots and may have various effects or even produce items, but remember - these are weeds and thus are useless and annoying at best, and downright dangerous at worst! Get rid of them when you can. 1986 Blue Ribbon Winner: Biggest Weed Harvest Plants carry genes which affect various things relating to their growth and crops. While plant seeds are easy enough to come by from the dispenser or ordering crates of them from the Cargo Bay, these seeds start out completely plain and devoid of any particular genetic fluctuations. Every time a seed is planted, it mutates a bit. Any seeds harvested from this plant will carry those genes, which will mutate again when planted. This way, you can breed plants for particular qualities. Genes can degrade as well as improve, however, so be careful not to end up with completely useless seeds which produce no crops or die instantly. To get even more in-depth with planting you have the plant analyzer, which can scan a plant, fruit, or seed for genetic variables. For each variable, higher is better. Species Tells you what kind of plant it is. Generation How many times this breed of plant has gone through a full lifecycle. Incremented by 1 whenever a seed is planted. Maturation Rate How fast the plant grows from a sprout to a crop-producing plant. Production Rate How fast the plant becomes harvestable. Lifespan How many harvests the plant will produce before dying. This has no effect on plants that are harvestable only once. Yield How many crops the plant will produce besides its normal amount. Potency How powerful items produced by this plant are. Higher generally means more reagents inside. Affects crop quality. Endurance How high the maximum health of the plant is, which affects how much it can resist dehydration, poison, and fire. Affects crop quality. With these, you can tell how much of a certain plant you can harvest, or how long it will live, or what you need to do to keep it alive. Some plants aren't just one-off harvests: for example, you can tend tomatoes for multiple harvests if you want! In fact, should you keep the plant happy (with blue indicators above - rich and fertile, and very healthy), you will likely have a chance at harvesting MORE than you would if you had just plain watered it. Some plants may even inherit a special genetic mutation giving them indefinite life, as long as you tend to it. It pays to keep an eye on your plants! It's just a matter of knowing when to add water, or fertilizer, etc. Plants work the same way in real life - to an extent. Don't water your plants? They'll die. Overwater? Same deal. Be careful with your plants, they are fragile little angels~ Crop quality is affected by potency, endurance, and, to a limited and lesser extent, plant health. Just like life, higher quality plants taste better and thus heal more HP when you eat them, and their crops have more quality prefixes, like "good", "supreme", and "prime". Better also means bigger, for higher quality also means the crops have larger sprites. There's a limit as to how huge crops can get, but it's quite high; with some effort, you can get harvests that are almost as big as a person! You reap what you sow, and if you sow potency and endurance, you'll reap the rewards. Apart from plain compost, botany starts with several plant formulas tailored to altering a plant's specific traits (all explained in the next section). If you want to experiment, call in the scientist or grab some Discount Dan's and test the effects of various chemicals in the soil. Tools & Machinery The fancy stuff you use to enhance your plants or extract useful chemicals. The Chef and Bartender also have various culinary gadgets at their disposal for making with fancy foods and drinks with your favorite plants. Feel free to check Foods & Drinks for a full list of recipes. Icon Name Description PlantAnalyzerV2-32x32.gif BotanistPDAV2-32x32.png Plant Analyzer Provides you with a report of a plant's genes, its current condition, the presence of any mutations and other information. This functionality is also built into your PDA. ReagentScannerV2-32x32.png BotanistPDAV2-32x32.png Reagent Scanner Click on a person, container, fluid puddle or other object with this, and it'll list the chemicals inside it. Only the hand-held version has a memory function. This functionality is also built into your PDA. WateringCanV2-32x32.png Watering Can Actually just a glorified beaker with a maximum capacity of 120 units. Often requested by Scientists and other people working in Chemistry. There are a few purely cosmetically different variants unlocked via earning Botanist XP. GoldenWateringCan-32x32.png Golden watering can WeedWateringCan-32x32.png Weed watering can RainbowWateringCan-32x32.gif Rainbow watering can WateringCan.png Antique watering can ProduceSatchel.png Produce Satchel This spacious satchel makes the life of every chef or botanist much easier. Almost any type of food-related item (dishes, bottles, seeds etc.) can be stored in them, and they also interact nicely with tables (drag & drop), crates, the food processor, mail chutes and other objects. Interacting with a satchel while on grab intent will allow you to remove a specific item from its contents. ElectricChainsaw.png Chainsaw An electric chainsaw to keep weeds in check. Passable emergency weapon. HydroponicsTrayV2.png Hydroponics Tray The seeds go in here, obviously. You can plant them manually or by using drag & drop. The bar on the right tracks water level, and the tray has various indicators for the status of the plant: HydroponicsTrayLowHealthV2.gif - Plant has poor health. Could use some compost. HydroponicsTrayReadyToHarvestV2.gif - Plant is ready to be harvested. Click with a bare hand or with a produce satchel to gather its fruits and seeds. HydroponicsTrayLowWaterV2.gif - Plant is dangerously low water. Water it with a watering can, obviously. HydroponicsTrayOverwaterV2.gif - Plant has too much water. HydroponicsTrayDeadPlantV2.gif - Plant is dead and should be cleared. You can also click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to secure it to the floor, so that it doesn't move when you bump into it. Clicking on it with a screwdriver or wrench again will unsecure it, allowing you to move it around again. SeedVendingMachine2.png PortableSeedFabricator-32x32.png Seed Fabricator To unlock the more interesting seeds (notably cannabis), you'll have to mess with the wires (and for the record, this is a fabricator, not a vending machine, so you'll have to toggle a white light.) The required tools can be found in Tool Storage. A hand-held version may be acquired by hacking the GardenGear vendor. GardenGearV4-32x32.png GardenGear Most basic tools and plant formulas are available from this vending machine. PlantMaster2.png PlantMaster Mk3 Have a special or even new species in mind? This clever machine allows you to infuse seeds with certain reagents (drawn from an inserted beaker) and splice them together, or in other words tweak the desired genetic traits. It can also extract seeds from fruits or vegetables, which is great if you have a certain strain you want to grow more of. The PlantMaster supports drag & drop for the following objects: seeds, produce, beakers/bottles, produce satchels. ReagentExtractor2.png Reagent Extractor Processes certain produce into reagents. Comes with two built-in storage tanks capable of holding up to 500 units each. You may then transfer said reagents to an inserted receptacle. The extractor supports drag & drop for the following objects: produce, beakers/bottles, produce satchels. CheMaster.png CheMaster 3000 See Chemistry. CompostTankV3-32x32.png Compost Tank Converts unwanted or excess produce as well as seeds into compost. Use drag & drop to stuff them into the tank. Similar to trays, you can click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to anchor it down; doing it again unanchors it. HCWaterTankV3-32x32.png HC Water Tank This high-capacity tank holds 100000 units of water. If you don't have a watering can, you can use drag & drop to transfer water directly to a hydroponics tray. You can anchor it down by clicking on it with a screwdriver or wrench, so it stays still when you bump into it. Clicking on it a screwdriver or wrench again will unanchor it. UVLamp.png UV Grow Lamp Makes all plants within two tiles (i.e. a 5x5 square-shaped area of effect) grow faster. Click it to turn it on and off. Click on it with a screwdriver or wrench to secure it, so it doesn't move when people bump into it; click on it again with a screwdriver or wrench to make it movable again. FogMachine.png Botanical Mister Adds a few units of whatever reagents stored inside it into any surrounding trays within two tiles. By default, it contains 1000 units of water, so it'll effectively water your plants for you, but it'll accept all kinds of chemicals. It's not in Hydroponics at roundstart, except on Destiny and Clarion, but you might find one of these in an semi-abandoned satellite not too far from the Mining Outpost. PlantPotV2.png Plant Pot For decoration. Plants in clay pots don't grow and can't be harvested, but luckily don't need water or nutrients and can't die, making them ideal for sprucing up places or showing off your favorite plants. You can transfer plants to it with a garden trowel. Similar to the tray, you can click on the pot with a screwdriver or wrench to secure the pot, so it stays in place, and unsecure it, so you can move it around. Plant pots are obtained from the GardenGear. GardenTrowel.png GardenTrowelFull.png Garden Trowel Click a plant in a hydroponics tray with this in your active hand to uproot it, allowing you to transfer it to a clay plant pot. You unfortunately cannot use this to transfer plants to hydroponics trays, and you can uproot the plant at any stage in its growth, from just planted to fully matured and ready to harvest. You can find trowels in the GardenGear. WaterpipeV2.png Water Pipe A special container that's definitely not for drug usage that allows you to smoke reagents placed into it. Can be found in the GardenGear's hidden items menu. Smokeshield.png Smoke-Shield Generator A shield generator specifically for use of smoking herbs responsibly without them getting in the way of other crewmembers. Simply put it down, power it up along with your herbs of choice inside the shield and light away. Remember to use responsibly. Nutrient Formulas In addition, there are a number of plant formulas at your disposal, in a variety of bottles. Icon Name Description WeedkillerBottle.png Weedkiller Also known as atrazine. As the name implies, it will quickly spell the end for any uninvited guest like lashers or space grass. NewCompostBag32x32.png Compost This basic additive improves the plant's health over time. Can be refilled at, you guessed it, the compost tank. AmmoniaPlantFormula.png Ammonia Some plants grow slowly, so a bit of ammonia can speed up the process. Just be prepared to water them more often. PotashPlantFormula.png Potash This is the chemical to go for if you want large harvests, but it will likely shorten the plant's lifespan. SaltpeterPlantFormula.png Saltpetre Saltpetre tends to have a good effect on the crop potency and is particularly useful for medical herbs, cannabis and chili. MutagenicPlantFormula.png Mutagenic Dumping unstable mutagen into the tray is an easy option to grow all kinds of crazy stuff, however you have little actual control. If a species has multiple possible mutations, it will probably be difficult to get the one you desire. MutadonePlantFormula.png Mutadone As seen in medbay, but mutadone also works on plants. Mutating them wildly often damages their DNA and therefore this formula may be required to address some of the genetic problems. Unfortunately, mutadone slows down plant growth significantly as long as it is present in the tray. Available Crops Most of these seeds are readily available from the Seed Fabricator, but a few require a little hacking to access. The game categorizes plant seeds into a couple of categories: Fruit & Vegetable: Can typically be eaten by themselves as snacks, often conferring some sort of buff, in addition to being used in dishes. There is no mechanical difference between fruit and vegetable plants SS13, merely an difference in categorization, based roughly on botanical rather than culinary definitions. Herb: Can be made into cigarettes and cigarillos, as well as burned in a practice called hotboxing. Weed: These plants can survive and grow without water, but are vulnerable to weedkiller/atrazine. Flower: Are flowers. Looks pretty. Miscellaneous: Encompasses a couple of plants that, while edible, are designed to be put to a kitchen processor and made into ingredients for various dishes. This also has a few plants that yield raw resources for materials science. Alien: Alien plants you get from strange seeds and Botany rewards. Name Crop Icon Plant Icon Type Harvests Time Genome Notes Grape GrapesV2.png GrapePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 20 Orange OrangeV3.png OrangePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 21 Contains orange juice. Melon MelonV2.png MelonsPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Contains watermelon juice, surprisingly. Carrot CarrotV3.png CarrotPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 16 Contains carrot juice and oculine. Lemon LemonV3.png LemonPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 21 Contains lemon juice. Clearly. Lime LimeV3.png LimePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 21 Contains lime juice, as you'd expect. Apple AppleV3.png ApplePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Contains apple juice. Heals 1 unit of TOX, BURN, BRUTE, OXY, and BRAIN per bite. Deals 5 damage when thrown at a doctor (or anyone with the medical training trait), because an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Banana BananaV2.png BananaPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 15 Contains potassium. Yummy. Strawberry StrawberryV2.png StrawberryPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Contains strawberry juice. Blueberry BlueberryV2.png BlueberryPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Contains blueberry juice. Raspberry Raspberry.png Raspberry-plant.png Fruit Variable Average 7 Contains raspberry juice. Cherry CherryV4.png CherryPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 20 Contains cherry juice. Not blood, really! Avocado AvocadoV2.png AvocadoPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 18 Pumpkin PumpkinV2.png PumpkinPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Make your own lantern! Contains pumpkin juice! Eggplant EggplantV3.png EggplantPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Contains nicotine. Cucumber CucumberV2.png CucumberPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 19 Garlic GarlicV3.png GarlicPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 13 Contains holy water. Not recommended for vampires. Onion OnionV3.png OnionPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 13 Lettuce LettuceLeafV2.png LettucePlantV2.png Vegetable Once Slow 12 Potato PotatoV3.png PotatoPlantV2.png Vegetable Once Average 16 Makes great French fries, batteries and captains. Also spawns as a trinket. Coconut CoconutV2.png CoconutPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 19 Contains coconut milk, which is distinct from regular space milk. Crack it open with some sort of cutting tool or a chairflip! Pineapple PineappleV2.png PineapplePlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 21 Contains pineapple juice. Don't get in it your eyes. Coffee berries CoffeeBerriesV3.png CoffeePlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 6 Extracts into...coffee. Synthmeat SynthmeatV2.png SynthmeatPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 7 Contains synthetic flesh. If you could make it into patches, Medbay will love you. Corn CornCobV2.png CornPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Average 10 Processes into popcorn. You can also just heat it (such as with a welder's special attack or similar) to make popcorn. Contains corn starch. Soybean SoybeanPodV2.png SoybeanPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 7 Processes into milk. Conveniently contains space soybean oil. Chili ChiliPepperV2.png ChiliPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 17 Processes into hot sauce. Contains capsaicin. Tomato TomatoV3.png TomatoPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Average 18 Processes into ketchup. Contains tomato juice. Not blood. Peanut PeanutsV3.png PeanutPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Average 6 Processes into peanut butter. Wheat Foodwheat.png WheatPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Fast 10 Processes into flour. Oats Oats.png OatPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Fast 10 Processes into oatmeal. Sugar Cane/Sugar SugarcaneV2.png SugarPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Once Fast 8 Processes into sugar. Contains, you guessed it, sugar. (What else would it contain?) Rice Sprig Rice.png RicePlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Fast 8 Processes into rice. Beans BeanPodV2.png BeanPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Fast 6 Contains nitrogen. Eating it allows fart propulsion in Space! Peas Pea pod.png Pea plant.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 8 Plain peas. There's not much in them. Perhaps the Rancher could use these? Pear PearV2.png PearPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 19 Can be fermented into cider. Peach PeachV2.png PeachPlantV2.png Fruit Variable Slow 17 Contains peach juice. May contain The Presidents of the United States of America song references. Cotton CottonWadV2.png CottonPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Average 5 Processes into fabric when used in a material processor. Tree WoodenLogV2.png TreePlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Slow 20 Chainsaw the resulting log to get your very own barricade. Bamboo BambooStalkV2.png BambooPlantV2.png Miscellaneous Variable Slow 10 Produces bamboo stalks, which can be cut down to produce edible shoots. Contusine ContusineLeafV2.png ContusinePlantV2.png Herb Once Average 3 Contains salicylic acid. Asomna AsomnaBarkV3.png AsomnaPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 3 Contains ephedrine. Can be distilled into tea. Nureous NureousLeafV3.png NureousPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 3 Contains potassium iodide. Commol CommolRootV2.png CommolPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 16 Contains silver sulfadiazine. Ipecacuanha IpecacuanhaRoot.png IpecacuanhaPlant.png Herb Once Average 16 Crop is ipecacuanha root, which contains space ipecac. Venne VenneFiberV2.png VennePlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Contains charcoal. Mint MintPlant.png MintPlantTrayV2.png Herb Once Fast 1 Contains, as you'd expect, mint. Tobacco TobaccoLeaf.png TobaccoPlantV2.png Herb Once Fast 11 Contains nicotine, naturally. Catnip/Nepeta cataria CatnipV2.png NepetaPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Extract catonium to synthesize cat drugs. Poppies PoppyFlowerV2.png PoppyPlantV2.png Herb Once Fast 1 Extracts into morphine. Cannabis CannabisLeafV2.png CannabisPlantV2.png Herb Once Fast 2 Make your own joints by combining a leaf with a sheet of paper. Aconite AconiteV3.png AconitePlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Contains aconitum. Wards aways and smites werewolves. Rose RoseFlowerV2.png RosePlantV2.png Flower Once Fast 7 Every rose has its thorn, and the ones on these might prick you if you pick them up. To protect yourself, wear gloves or augment your arms into ones made out of metal; use wirecutters to remove the thorns. Every rose has a name too; Examine it to find it! Space Fungus MushroomV3.png FungusPlantV2.png Weed Infinite Slow 30 Contains, as you'd expect, space fungus, which is great for boosting endurance. Grass GrassLeaf.png GrassPlantV2.png Weed Once Average 4 Harvested leaves can be extracted into Grass Gro, which makes lovely grass grow when poured onto floor tiles. Creeper N/A CreeperPlantV2.png Weed N/A Fast 8 Attacks other plants and spreads into adjacent empty pots. Lasher N/A LasherPlantV2.png Weed N/A Fast 5 Will lash out at nearby people with its thorns. Radweed N/A RadweedPlantV2.gif Weed N/A Slow 40 "Contains" radium, although this plant never creates produce. Emits radiation, affecting nearby plants and people. Slurrypod SlurrypodV2.png SlurrypodPlantV2.png Weed Once Average 45 Will explode if not quickly harvested, spreading toxic goop. Contains toxic slurry Man Eater ManEater.png ManeaterPlantV2.png Critter Once Variable 0 Will climb out of the pot once grown enough. Houttyunia Cordata HouttuyniaCordataV2.png HCordataPlantV2.png Herb Once Average 1 Fish mint, contains mercury. Rafflesia Rafflesiahat.png Rafflesia.png Flower Once Slow 9 Corpse lily. It produces the largest flower there is; so large that you can use it as a hat! Every now and then it smokes miasma and other chemicals it might include. The amount smoked is based on yield and potency, and the more endurance it has the more often it smokes its contents. Dripper Yuckpurple.gif Dripper plant.gif Alien Variable Average 0 Contains plasma. Puker N/A PukerV2.png Alien N/A Average 0 Once fully grown, it will occasionally vomit. Lite Lotus Glowberry.gif LitelotusV2.gif Alien Once Slow 0 Contains luminol. Goldfish Goldfishcracker.png GoldfishV2.png Alien Variable Fast 0 Produces goldfish crackers, which contain Enriched MSG. Synthetic Cat Catsynth.gif AliencatV2.gif Alien Once Average 0 Grow your own pet cat today! Rock Plant Material rock.png RockplantV2.png Alien Variable Slow 0 Produces rocks. Crystal GlassShard.png CrystalplantV2.png Alien Variable Slow 0 Produces plasma glass shards, which causes people to fall over! Peeker N/A PeekerV2.gif Alien N/A Slow 0 A plant with an intense stare. Thankfully if you planted it, it won't hurt you! Can't say the same about the other botanists, however. Turmeric Turmeric root.png Turmericplant.png Vegetable Once Slow 13 Produces turmeric root, which can be processed into curry powder, and contains turmeric powder. Tea Tealeaves.png Teaplant.png Herb Once Fast 1 Produces tea leaves, contains tea, and can be processed or distilled into matcha. Crop Mutations Sometimes, whenever a plant's genes would normally mutate, i.e. when planted, when exposed to mutagen, and when infused in the gene manipulator, the plant might become a variant of itself, called a mutation. Some only occur due to random chance. Others don't appear unless the certain plant stats (usually either endurance or potency) are within certain thresholds or the seed is infused with certain chemicals. Even then, the plant doesn't always automatically mutate upon meeting those prerequisites, for it still has to randomly mutate into the variant. The requirements only ensure the plant has a possibility of becoming that mutation. There are many different mutations, each with different effects depending on the species! Feel free to experiment or pester more experienced botanists. The following is an extensive but quite possibly incomplete table of possible mutations: Mutations are not secret, so they do not fall under the secret content policy. That means, among other things, you can freely explain how to get them to someone in-game (or in the Goonstation Discord, or the forums, or other public communications channels) without needing to get their explicit consent or prefacing it as spoilers. Mutant Crop Icon Plant Icon Original Species Prerequisites Info Seething Tomato TomatoV3.png SeethingTomatoPlantV2.gif Tomato Infusion with one of the following: chlorine trifluoride, phlogiston, pyrosium, sorium Seethers, tomatoes with hot flavor. When thrown, makes a 3x3 fireball and inflicts BURN upon the person, which scales with potency and can be reduced by heat resistance. Tomato fireballs can ignite other seethers, causing them to erupt after a delay. Contains welding fuel. Use with caution. Suspicious Tomato KillerTomatoV2Animated.gif SuspiciousTomatoPlantV2.png Tomato Infusion with strange reagent. Crikey, aggressive vegetables. Killer tomatoes try to attack any non-Botanists in sight. They can bite people for 4 BRUTE, with a 10% chance of 6 BRUTE, and can also charge at people for 4-6 BRUTE and a 20% to stun the victim for 2 seconds. They have very poor health however and splat into messy stains easily. It goes without saying that you should be careful with these if you're not an Antagonist. Green Grape GreenGrapesV2.png GreenGrapePlantV2.png Grape Heals twice the amount of regular grapes and contains insulin. Ricin Rice Rice.png RicePlantV2.png Rice Infusion with insulin and >=60 Potency Contains space ricin. RIC-e + insul-IN = RIC-IN. Grapefruit GrapefruitV2.png GrapefruitPlantV2.png Grape Get it? Contains grapefruit juice. Blackberry Blackberry.png Blackberry-plant.png Raspberry Contains blackberry juice. Blue Raspberry Blueraspberry.png Blueraspberry-plant.png Raspberry Contains blue raspberry juice. Blood Orange OrangeV3.png BloodOrangePlantV2.gif Orange Contains changeling blood in addition to orange juice. Peculiar. Clockwork Orange ClockworkOrangeV4.gif ClockworkOrangePlantV2.gif Orange >=30 Endurance An orange that is also a chronometer, how practical. Hurts to eat though. Extracts into iron. Rainbow Weed RainbowWeed.gif RainbowWeedPlantV2.gif Cannabis Gets you extremely high. Deathweed DeathWeedV2.png DeathweedPlantV2.png Cannabis 10-30 Endurance, <=30 Potency Gets you extremely dead. Lifeweed LifeWeedV2.png LifeweedPlantV2.png Cannabis 30-50 Endurance, >=30 Potency Contains omnizine. Omega Weed OmegaWeedV2.gif OmegaWeedPlantV2.png Cannabis >=420 Potency Gets you extremely high and extremely dead due to the massive amount of poisons and drugs in it. Specifically it contains: atropine, bath salts, capsaicin, cat drugs, crank, ectoplasm, hairgrownium,haloperidol, histamine, itching powder, krokodil, lithium, LSD, methamphetamine, mercury, psilocybin, space drugs, Suicider, and THC. Chilly Pepper ChillyPepperV2.png ChillyPepperPlantV2.png Chili Infusion with cryoxadone or cryostylane (optional). Quite...chilling. Both the chemicals listed can give chilly peppers, but cryostylane has a higher chance of inducing the mutation. In addition to containing cryostylane, eating the pepper directly lowers your body temperature. These are both affected by Potency. Fiery Chili GhostlierChiliV3.gif GhostPepperPlantV2.gif Chili >=75 Potency OR Infusion with El Diablo chili reagent or phlogiston (optional). Also known as ghost chilis and ghostlier chilis. Both chems can cause the mutation, but you're more likely to get it with phlogiston. Contains extremely spicy ghost chili juice! If the the GCJ doesn't warm you up, the act of eating one of these directly raises your body temperature, with the amount scaling to Potency. Magic Mushroom MagicMushroomV2.png MagicMushroomPlantV3.png Space Fungus Contains psilocybin, a potent hallucinogen. White Mushroom WhiteMushroomV3.png WhiteMushroomPlantV3.png Space Fungus >=30 Potency, <=10 Endurance Contains a potent mycotoxin. Cloaked Panellus CloakedPanellusMushroom.png CloakshroomPlantV2.gif Space Fungus >=25 Yield, <=10 Potency Cute. Also known as "cloakshroom". Contains cloaked panellus extract. Omega Slurrypod GlowingSlurrypodV2.gif OmegaSlurrypodPlantV2.gif Slurrypod Variously called omega slurrypod and glowing slurrypod. Contains two toxins for the price of one. You really shouldn't eat this... Synthbrain SynthbrainV2.png SynthbrainPlantV2.png Synthmeat Infusion with mannitol Grows synthetic brains Synthheart SynthheartV2.png SynthheartPlantV2.gif Synthmeat Infusion with blood Grows synthetic hearts Syntheye Syntheye.png SyntheyePlantV2.png Synthmeat Infusion with oculine Grows synthetic eyes Synthlimb LooseSythlimbs.png SynthlimbPlantV2.png Synthmeat Infusion with synthflesh Grows synthetic arms and legs. Synthbutt SyntheticButtV2.png SynthbuttPlantV2.png Synthmeat Infusion with simethicone Grow your own hat! Synthbuttbot ButtBot.png SynthbuttbotPlantV2.gif Synthmeat Infusion of synthbutt seed with a bot chemical. Grow your own buttbot! Synthlung SynthlungsBloom.png SynthlungsPlantG4.gif Synthmeat Infusion with salbutamol Grows synthetic lungs. Synthstomach SynthstomachBloom.pngSynthintestineBloom.png SynthstomachPlantG4.png Synthmeat Infusion with charcoal Grows synthetic stomachs and synthetic intestines. Synthliver SynthliverBloom.png SynthliverPlantG4.png Synthmeat Infusion with ethanol Grows synthetic livers. Synthspleen SynthspleenBloom.png SynthSpleenG4.png Synthmeat Infusion with proconvertin Grows synthetic spleens. Synthpancreas SynthpancreasBloom.png SynthpancreasPlantG4.png Synthmeat Infusion with sugar Grows synthetic pancreata. Synthkidney Synthkidneysbloom.png SynthKidneysPlantG4.png Synthmeat Infusion with urine Grows synthetic kidneys. Synthappendix SynthappendixBloom.png SynthappendixPlantG4.png Synthmeat Infusion with compost Grows synthetic appendices. Free-range Egg-Plant EggV2.png FreeRangeEggplantPlantV2.png Eggplant Infusion with eggnog.(optional) Steel Wheat SteelWheat.png SteelWheatPlantV2.png Wheat, Oats Infusion with iron reagent. (optional) Use the food processor to convert the ears into iron fillings. Use a reclaimer/material processor on the produce to get...steel. Durum Wheat Foodwheat.png WheatPlantV2.png Wheat A hardy wheat for a hardy palatte, fit for processing into spaghetti Clear Corn ClearCornCobV2.png ClearCornPlantV2-32x48.png Corn Contains ethanol. Rainbow Melon RainbowMelonV2.png RainbowMelonPlantV2.png Melon The ideal party snack! Full of melonium and fun to throw at people! Bowling Melon Bowling Melon V2.png BowlingMelonPlantV2.png Melon >=12 Endurance, see notes. A melon that you can also use as a bowling ball! Damage scales with more endurance up to a point. 20% chance to occur when plant can mutate when endurance threshold is met. Balloon Melon Balloon.png BalloonMelonPlantV2.gif Melon Infusion with either hydrogen or helium. Not a melon at all, just a regular balloon. Filled with whatever reagents the plant produces. Endurance can help you increase its capacity. Discounting the custom versions made through splicing, they come in two varieties, one with helium, one with hydrogen (aka "hindenballoons" or "hindenmelons"). Delicious-looking Apple DeliciousAppleV3.png DeliciousApplePlantV2.png Apple >=40 Endurance Contains capulettium. "Napples" if you will. Peanutbutter Sandwich PlainPBSandwich.png PeanutButterSandwichPlantV2.png Peanut Infusion with bread reagent. Strange Soybean SoylentChartreuseV2.png StrangeSoybeanPlantV2.png Soybean This "soylent chartreuse" contains high-energy plankton, promised! Money Tree CreditsOneBillV2-32x32.png MoneyTreePlantV2.png Tree In space, money does grow on trees. Money grown scales to Potency. Handy shortcut to know: click-dragging a stack of cash on the floor onto a stack of cash in your hand lets you collect all the cash around you and puts it into the stack you're holding. Rubber Tree Synthrubber.png RubberTreePlantV2.png Tree Contains rubber, the reagent. Where all the synthrubber for the wires comes from. Sassafras SassafrasRootV2.png SassafrasPlantV2.png Tree Contains safrole. Makes sarsaparilla when put into a still. Dogwood Tree N/A DogwoodTreePlantV2.png Tree Bark Bark Awoo. Paper Tree Paper2.png PaperTreePlantV2.png Tree Creates paper. How direct! Shivering Contusine ContusineLeafV2.png ShiveringQuiveringContusinePlantV2.gif Contusine Contains salbutamol in addition to salicylic acid. Quivering Contusine ContusineLeafV2.png ShiveringQuiveringContusinePlantV2.gif Contusine Contains Histamine in addition to salicylic acid. Robust Asomna RobustAsomnaV3.gif RobustAsomnaPlantV2.gif Asomna Contains synaptizine in addition to ephedrine. Fuzzy Nureous FuzzyNureousLeafV3.png FuzzyNureousPlantV2.png Nureous Contains hairgrownium in addition to potassium iodide. Burning Commol CommolRootV2.png BurningCommolPlantV2.gif Commol Contains phlogiston in addition to silver sulfadiazine. Bilious Ipecacuanha BiliousIpecacuanhaRoot.png BiliousIpecacuanhaPlant.png Ipecacuanha Harvests into ipecacuanha roots, which contain vomit, sewage, and bitters in addition to ipecac. Can be distilled into vomit. Invigorating Ipecacuanha InvigoratingIpecacuanhaRoot.png InvigoratingIpecacuanhaPlant.png Ipecacuanha Harvests into ipecacuanha roots, which contain methamphetamine in addition to ipecac. Black Venne BlackVenneFiberV2.png BlackVennePlantV2.png Venne Contains atropine in addition to charcoal. Dawning Venne SunsetVenneFiberV2.png DawningVennePlantV2.png Venne Also known as Sunrise Venne. Contains mannitol and mutadone in addition to charcoal. Twobacco TwobaccoLeaf.gif TwobaccoPlantV2-AnimatedPNG.png Tobacco >=30 Potency Get it? Contains nicotwaine. Blooming Lasher LashberryV2.png BloomingLasherPlantV2.png Lasher Tough to harvest, but worth it since the resulting lashberries contain booster enzyme! But because the presence of the enzyme is tied to the plant's Enzymatic gene rather than to the plant itself or the fruit, you need to harvest it first before splicing in order to get hybrids containing the chem. Smoldering Radweed N/A SmolderingRadweedPlantV2.gif Radweed Extracts into ClF3. Since it bears no fruit, you need splicing to obtain a fruit bearing the fiery compound. White Radweed N/A WhiteRadweedPlantV2.gif Radweed Completely harmless. Extracts into pentetic acid, though splicing is required to actually get fruit bearing the medicine. Wholetuna Cordata NewFish32x32.gif WholetunaCordataPlantV2.png Houttyunia Cordata Literal fish mint. Jelly Bean JellyBeanV2-32x32.png JellybeanPlant.png Bean Grows magical jelly beans that can contains VHFCS and either tasty food related chemicals or something absolutely awful and unsavoury. Golden Pea Pod GoldenPeaPod-32x32.png GoldenPeaPlant-32x48.png Pea Pod Grows golden pea pods that can contain Ammonia. Leaker OrangeGoop-32x32.gif LeakerPlant-32x48.png Dripper Contains ???? and oil. Mocha Coffee MochaBerry-32x32.png MochaCoffee-32x48.png Coffee >=20 Potency Contains chocolate. Latte Coffee LatteBerry-32x32.png LatteCoffee-32x48.png Coffee >=10 Endurance Contains milk. Syreline Plant SyrelineOreV2.gif RockplantV2.png Rock Plant Produces syreline. Bohrum Plant BohrumOreV2.png RockplantV2.png Rock Plant Produces bohrum. Mauxite Plant MauxiteOreV2.png RockplantV2.png Rock Plant Produces mauxite. Uqill Plant UquillV2.png RockplantV2.png Rock Plant Produces uqill. Holo Rose Holo rose.gif Holorose plant.gif Rose Infusion with luminol Even though these roses are holographic, they can still hurt! Be sure to protect your hands when handling them. These ones like to be named after cyborgs, ghost drones, and AI units. Give one to your local silicon to show your appreciation! Advanced Gardening for Dummies Plants are more than just big dumb objects that get thirsty and give you crops. They're complex systems with their own genetics system, complete with splicing, and are intimately affected by chemicals in different ways. Read on to learn about some of the more complicated things you can do with botany. Extraction Most plants will give you seeds when harvested, but some don't. Lack of seeds is naturally a problem, because some advanced botanical techniques involve manipulating seeds, and seeds are essential to passing on traits from your agriculturally-engineered plants. Fortunately, in these cases, you can still get the seeds by inserting some fruits (one or two will do) into the PlantMaster, clicking on it to bring up its computer interface, switching to the "Seed Extraction" page, and clicking "Extract" for the fruit of choice. It's that simple--you even get to see the stats of the fruit. Note that it is important that you insert an actual fruit. You can't, for example, get cannabis seeds from a cannabis leaf, because the leaf doesn't have seeds. Infusions Infusion allows you to directly modify plant traits by adding a chemical reagent to a plant seed, rather than waiting for Mother Nature and the Father Random Number to slowly evolve your seeds. For some seeds, infusing certain plants also has chance to induce a special mutation. Note that infusing a certain reagent doesn't make that plant produce that reagent, e.g. infusing water won't make the fruit of the resulting plant contain water. Infusions are performed at a PlantMaster Mk3. Click on the PlantMaster with your seed of choice, then a container with the chemicals you want to infuse the seed with, and click on the PlantMaster. (Click-dragging also works.) Go to the "Seed List" page, scroll to your seed of interest and choose "Infuse"; if you have multiple chemicals that could be infused, you get to choose. You should see the effects immediately. Note you need at least 10 units of a chemical to infuse it, and effects don't scale by volume, not that it matters much since you always infuse 10 units at a time. Each chem does a range of damage to the seed on infusion, increases the chance of failed splicings and reducing the health of the resulting plant. If you try to infuse past 100% damage your plant seed will be destroyed. Let's take saltpetre, for example. You put your seed in the PlantMaster Mk3, and on infusion the plant will be dealt a range of damage from 3 to 7. It also will increase the potency in a range of +2 to +8. It has a chance to increase the yield by up to 2 as well or not at all. Meanwhile, mutadone is a little more interesting in the fact that it will try to raise all stats to zero if they are below zero. Most of the Reagents available from the GardenGear machine can boost different stats, experiment and see what you like best. If you're interested, here's a table below you can expand to see all the chems you can infuse that actually have an effect, where to get them, and what they do. Reagent Source Mat. Rate Prod. Rate Lfspn. Yld. Potency Endurance Seed Dmg. Notes & Additional Effects Tray Chemistry Certain chemicals have certain effects that occur every few seconds when they're in inside plant tray. Whilst infusion effects are immediate, tray effects can add up. Due to the funny way BYOND uses numbers, a plant absorbs roughly half the reagents in its tray every while or so, but never actually runs out, like some sort of chemical Zeno's motion paradox. Since chems in trays don't actually scale by unit (e.g. 0.25 units of saltpetre is the same as 250 units in the tray), then given enough time, a batch of chemicals in a tray can have a greater effect than infusing it into a seed. Different chemicals affect different statistics. Besides the self-explanatory health and the previous discussed Maturation Rate, Production Rate, Lifespan, Yield, Potency, and Endurance, some plants also boost a hidden "Growth" stat that tracks how mature a plant is. Some chemicals also damage the plant, taking away health, and there are different types of damage. This is less like how humans take BRUTE and BURN damage and more like how toolboxes and knives both inflict BRUTE but the first causes it through blunt trauma while the second stabs. RAD and POISON damage can by negated by certain genes, but ACID and FIRE damage cannot be resisted. While most chemicals don't affect plants that much, many others do. Don't be afraid to experiment and find out for yourself. If you're impatient, pathologically curious, or don't mind being spoiled, expand the table below. Reagent Source Growth Health Mat. Rate Prod. Rate Lfspn. Yld. Potency Endurance Dmg. (Type) Notes & Additional Effects Gene Strains Also known as "traits" or just "genes" or "strains", plant gene strains also affect plants in ways beyond just simple stat boosts. Certain plants can develop certain gene strains whenever they have a chance to mutate, whether naturally or induced through certain chemicals, and some chemicals can induce specific gene strains. Chemicals such as Unstable Mutagen increase the chance of a plant acquiring random gene strains, be it positive or negative. Gene strains can be passed on through splicing as detailed below. Gene Strain Source Effect Toxin Immunity Can develop in Bean, Carrot, Coffee, Chili, and Pea plants. True immunity to many poisonous chems. Having certain toxic chemicals in the tray does not hurt the plant, and infusing certain toxic chems does not damage the seed, though it still suffers the usual seed damage due to splicing. Radiation Immunity Can develop in Cotton, Nureous, and Rose plants. No damage from any radioactive chemicals polluting a plant tray, but other effects can still occur. Radioactive chemicals, specifically polonium, radium, and uranium, cannot harm the plant when the plant's in the tray. However, those chems can still affect the plant's stats/alleles and cause it to mutate, both when they're infused with the seed or sitting in the plant's tray. This also doesn't affect similar chems that emit radiation, e.g. unstable mutagen. Unstable Can develop in Apple and Synthmeat plants OR Infusing seed with stable or unstable mutagen has a small chance of inducing this gene. Plant's genetics sometimes randomly changes, with the effect basically like having glowing slurry in the tray. Every so often, the plant has a 18% to potentially acquire a new gene strain (if available from its 'natural' pool), mutate into another form, and/or have its alleles/stats go up and down by certain ranges (specifically: Maturation Rate & Production Rate: -10 to 10, Lifespan: -1 to 1, Yield -2 to 2, Potency -5 to 5, and Endurance -3 to 3). Unstable also randomly lowers and raises quality, and for fungi (and its two mutations) specifically, it can also increases/decreases amount of mushrooms harvested and the amount of health directly healed when eaten by random amounts. Accelerator Infusing seed with ammonia has small chance of inducing this gene. Plant matures and bears fruit faster with no strings attached. Every few seconds, the plant has a 10% chance to boost its both Maturation Rate and Production Rate by 1. Drought Resistance Can develop in Cannabis, Commol, Ipecacuanha, Tobacco, and Tree plants. Less damage from wilting, indirectly. As in real life, when the tray runs out of water, plants take damage from lack of water every so often. This gene makes it so the plant takes damage less frequently. Fast Metabolism Can develop in Soybean, Tree, Grape, and Cherry plants. Doubles the growth rate of the plant. Also doubles nutrient consumption (including water). Slow Metabolism Can develop in Bean, Cotton, Pea, Tree, and Coffee plants. Greatly decreases the growth rate of the plant, but reduces nutrient consumption rate (including water). Rapid Growth Can develop in Bamboo, Wheat, Oat, and Garlic plants. Increases growth rate without drawbacks. Stunted Growth Can develop in Chili and Banana plants. Decreases growth rate of the plant. In fact, it can cause a plant to un-grow! Enhanced Yield Can develop in Rice and Synthmeat plants. Increases plant yield without drawbacks. Stunted Yield Can develop in Commol, Ipecacuanha, Cannabis, and Tobacco plants. Decreases plant yield. Superior Quality Can develop in Apple, Pear, Peach, and Sugar plants. Items harvested from the plant will be of higher quality. This increases the amount of reagent the harvested item can hold and synergizes with the potency allele. Inferior Quality Can develop in Tomato and Soybean plants. Items harvested from the plant will be of lower quality, decreasing the amount of reagent the harvest item can hold. Splice Enabler Can develop in Tomato, Orange, and Onion plants. Seeds with this gene strain are spliced more easily, i.e. have a higher splice success chance. The splice chance increase is additive, meaning that this may enable some splices that are otherwise impossible. Splice Blocker Can develop in Lime and Corn plants. Seeds with this gene strain have a lower splice success chance. Damage Resistance Can develop in Cucumber, Potato, and Pumpkin plants OR Has a small chance to arise in any plant upon injection with Space Fungus. The plant takes less damage from harmful things, such as toxins and chainsaws. Vulnerability Can develop in Lettuce, Rose, Orange and Nureous plants. The plant takes more damage from harmful things. Mutagenic Can develop in Eggplant plants. The plant has a higher chance of randomly mutating (see Crop Mutations). It works by increasing the mutation chance during new mutation checks, which trigger upon infusion with certain chemicals and upon planting of the seed. Anti-Mutagenic Can develop in Carrot plants. The plant has a lower chance of randomly mutating. Poor Health Can develop in Bamboo, Wheat, Oat, Rice and Grass plants. The plant continually receives damage from frailty. This damage is not mitigated by e.g. toxin resistance. Seedless Can develop in Grape, Cherry, and Melon plants. This plant will not produce any seeds, either from harvesting or from extraction. 'Tis a dead end! Immortal Can develop in Banana and Melon plants. This plant can be harvested an infinite number of times. This does not mean that the plant cannot die by other means, such as toxin damage or chainsawing! Terminator Can develop in Garlic, Sugar, and Eggplant plants. This plant has a small chance to spontaneously die. How rude. Stabilizer Can develop in Cucumber, Potato, and Pumpkin plants. This gene strain prevents plants from randomly mutating. This also protects it against mutation by other sources, such as the Unstable gene strain or mutagenic reagents. On the flip side the plant's stats can no longer be influenced with tray chemistry (infusing seeds still works though). Advanced Photosynthesis Can develop in Corn and Lime plants. This plant grows much faster in general. However, if you provide it with enough light, it will grow even faster. Hyperaquacity Can develop in Lettuce plants. Produce from this plant contains (more) water, scaling with potency. Makes your lettuce even less nutritious. Just kidding, stay hydrated! Toxic Can develop in Onion plants. Produce from this plant contains Toxin, scaling with potency. A favorite for the chefs and ogres. Enzymatic Can develop in Blooming Lasher plants. Produce from plants with this gene contains booster enzyme, scaling with Potency. Splicing Splicing allows you to combine two individual plant genomes together into a entirely new hybrid plant, with the interesting side effect of the resulting hybrid extracting into whatever the parent plants extracted into. This results in things like superherbs that heal burns, fix genetic defects, and remove toxin damage simultaneously; "prank" bananas that explode when eaten; and peanuts so sugary that they put people in diabetic comas. The resulting seed packet will be an average of the color of the two parent seed packets. The splicing process also combines the names of the plants spliced, potentially yielding Amusing & Entertaining (TM) results. The actual splicing process is pretty simple. To start, click on an PlantMaster with two of your seeds of choice, or click-drag them onto the machine. Then click on the PlantMaster, go to the "Seed List" page, scroll to your seeds of interest, and click on "Splice" for both. You'll get a number describing how likely it is the splicing will go through, and once you confirm you want to proceed with the splicing, you should get a new seed, with a name along the lines of "Hybrid [roughly half of name of one plant][roughly half of name of other plant]. Meanwhile, the mechanics of splicing, especially regarding splicing chance, are considerably more complicated than a few mouse clicks and are described below. Adapted from a forum post by ISaidNo Each plant species has a variable called "Genome" which is used to track how similar two species are to one another. Generally two species from the same group (eg fruit, veg, herbs) will have genomes which are close to each other, and thus easier to splice. When splicing, the formula for your chances is worked out like so: Start Splicing Chance at 100% Compare the genomes of the two seeds, subtract the lower one from the higher one Multiply the sum of step 2 by 10, then subtract that from the splicing chance If either seed has damage from infusing, subtract damage amount from splicing chance Cap splicing chance between 0 and 100 to prevent bugs Perform the check to see if splicing succeeds or not So, an example. You're trying to splice Weed (genome 2) with Synthmeat (genome 7). You start with 100% splicing chance. Subtract low genome from high genome: 7 - 2 = 5 Multiply that by 10: 5 * 10 = 50 Subtract that from the splicing chance: 100 - 50 = 50 Assuming you haven't damaged either seed with infusion, you have a 50/50 chance for this splice to succeed. That's not so good odds, of course. So how can we improve them? When seeds are successfully spliced, the hybrid has a new genome which is the average of the two, calculated by adding the two plant's genomes together and then halving it. Assuming you successfully spliced Weed and Synthmeat, the new genome would be (from (2 + 7) / 2) 4.5. What you need to do is chain. The genomes are generally done by group: Herbs have very low genomes, grasses and veg are in the middle, and fruit has very high genomes. Alien plants and weeds have genomes that are all over the place. This isn't a general rule either, there are exceptions here and there! Commol has a genome that's more in the vegetable group than the herb group with it being a root rather than a leaf, for example. Dominance All plant seeds have a dominance allele, which determines whether the given seed is dominant or recessive. Dominant seeds have bolded names in the splicing screen, whilst recessive seeds do not. During splicing, one of the two seeds is always picked as the dominant splice seed and the other one as the recessive splice seed. If both seeds are initially dominant or recessive, this is picked at random. The seed resulting from the splice inherits most of its physical properties from the dominant seed, i.e. a dominant potato spliced with a recessive coconut still looks like a potato, distills into vodka, and inherits its alleles (growth rate, potency, etc.) from the potato seed. However, its name will be a combination of 'potato' and 'coconut', any gene strains will be combined into the resulting seed, and any reagents in the coconut plant will also appear in the resulting spliced plant. If both original seeds are dominant or both are recessive, the resulting splice's alleles will be averaged between the two seeds. Hotboxing Crops of plants in the "Herb" category can be burnt to release smokepowder-based clouds made from the reagents inside, a process called hotboxing. Generally, this is considered a bad practice without being contained with a device such as a Smoke-Shield Generator or being contained to a private area. This may also get you yelled at if not contained properly, especially if the herbs are filled with harmful chemicals. Under normal circumstances, the number of reagents per burned herb that can become smoke is 20 units. For example, if you burn 13 leaves of cannabis with 50 units of chems inside each one, the resulting cloud has 260 units of chems, not 650; the other 390 units disappear. The Syndicate hotbox lighter bypasses this limit. Additionally, hotboxing herbs is disabled on the shuttle on the RP servers. Out of this World Strangeseeds32x32.png Out in the Debris Field, Adventure Zone, and Trench, you can find several strange, truly alien seeds (though, despite the similar appearance and name, they are not man-eater seeds) Experiment! =====Vox Hydroponics===== So you're a Vox Trader, or perhaps just an enterprising Botanist who traded for seeds. Welcome to the wonderful world of Vox Hydroponics. VoxSeedVendor.png Your Garden, Your Grocer The Vox Seed 'n' Feed is host to a number of exotic plants, though some may be familiar. They are categorized here by accessibility. Contraband seeds are accessed by hacking the vendor. Premium seeds are accessed by inserting a coin. Basic Seeds Seed Potting Product Notes Breadfruit BreadfruitSeed.png BreadfruitTree.png Breadfruit.png Contains flour. Wheat's flour is only made when the wheat gets processed, while Breadfruit's flour is an actual chem inside the fruit. Reharvestable. Woodapple WoodappleSeed.png WoodappleTree.png Woodapple.png Contains sugar. Slice to receive wood planks. Reharvestable. Chicken-of-the-Stars ChickenshroomSeed.png ChickenshroomTree.png Chickenshroom.png A good source of nutriment. Garlic GarlicSeed.png GarlicTree.png Garlic.png Contains some nutriment, allicin and holy water. Cultists and Vampires hate this! Aloe Vera Aloeseed.png Aloeplant.png Aloevera.png Known for its healing properties. Contains Kathalai! Pitcher Plant Pitcherseed.png Pitcherplant.png Pitcher.png A carnivorous plant that feeds on pests. Slippery, contains acid, and bursts on impact. Vapor Sac Vaporsacseed.png Vaporsacplant.png Vaporsac.gif An alien plant with large blooms that can be popped on people to stun them (and yourself) unless wearing magboots. Contain Vapor Salt, which can transform reagents like Oxygen, Nitrogen or Plasma into gasses, clean tiles of space lube, and be turned into Simpolinol to heal animals. Contraband Seeds Seed Potting Product Notes Egg-Plants Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Egg.png Makes actual eggs! Earth chickens don't survive well without oxygen, though. Reharvestable. New seeds can only be obtained with plant clippers. No-Fruit NofruitSeed.png NofruitTree.png Nofruit.png Once harvested, pick off the stem and it will begin cycling through grown foods. Hit it with something to stop. Your fastest source of human crops/produce. Glowshrooms Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png Contains Radium, useful for mutating plants. Can be planted on tiles for lighting. Premium Selection Insert Machine Output Notes Box Ranching Kit Mimicmeat.png Fleshcloner.gif BoxAnimal.png After building a flesh cloner, insert meat to clone new boxen. Feed boxen chicken-of-the-stars or simply wait to let them grow for more meat before slaughter. Microwave.PNG Birdfood These recipes are for Vox cuisine, although some may require trading with the station to get all the ingredients... Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes Cooking Adds: Gravy.png Gravy 10 units Water, 1 Chicken-of-the-Stars Not a food on its own, but a condiment used in other recipes. Produces 10 units. Gravy works as Dylovene on Vox. Gravy.png Big Gravyboat 50 units Water, 5 Chicken-of-the-Stars As above. Produces 50 units. Voxbiscuit.png Rise 'n' Shiny 10 units Flour, 5 units Gravy Your core food for hunger. Easy to cook, and high in nutriment. Small amount of gravy. 6 Nutriment, 2 Gravy Voxmush.png Mush 'n' Slush 5 units Gravy, 1 Chicken-of-the-Stars Preferred dish for recovering after a toxic trade. High in gravy content. 2 Nutriment, 4 Gravy Voxpie.png Breadfruit Pie 10 units Flour, 1 Breadfruit Filling but tasteless. Throw it for comedy. Produces pie tin trash when eaten. 6 Nutriment Voxjam.png Woodapple Jam 20 units Sugar, 1 Woodapple Gets you moving fast! Contains Hyperzine. 1 Nutriment, 4 Hyperzine Candiedwoodapple.png Candied Woodapple 5 units Sugar, 5 units Water, 1 Woodapple Celebrate a fine trade with one of these - it'll get you drunk! 4 Sugar, 20 Wine Voxstew.png Vox Stew 10 units Gravy, 1 Woodapple, 2 Chicken-of-the-Stars, 1 Breadfruit, 1 Garlic A big dish with everything in it. Also helps fix eye damage. 15 Nutriment, 5 Imidazoline Voxroast.png Sunday Roast 10 units Gravy, 1 unit Salt, 1 unit Pepper, 1 Raw Chicken, 2 Garlic An even larger dish which requires cooking a primitive Earth chicken. Very filling. 20 Nutriment, 4 Corn oil, 4 Gravy Garlicbread.png Garlic Bread 10 units Flour, 1 Garlic Somewhat filling garlic snack. Shoos away vampires. 4 Nutriment, 2 Holy Water Flammkuchen.png Flammkuchen 10 units Flour, 3 Cheese Wedge, 2 Garlic Big, pizza-like dish that absolutely disgusts vampires. 30 Nutriment, 10 Holy Water Welcomepie.png Friendship Pie 10 units Flour, 1 Pitcher Plant Contains sulfuric acid - a nasty trick to play on an unsuspecting guest. 2 Nutriment, 6 Sulphuric Acid Zhulongcaofan.png Zhu Lóng Cao Fàn 10 units Rice, 1 Pitcher Plant Rich with iron - good for recovering from bloodloss. Carefully steamed to remove acid! 6 Nutriment, 6 Iron Hoboburger.png Hobo Burger 1 Box Meat, 1 Pitcher Plant, 1 Cheese Wedge An extremely filling meal, too much for anyone to eat on their own. Purified of acid! 14 Nutriment Bacon.png Bacon 1 Box Meat A filling source of nutrition. 6 Nutriment Porktenderloin.png Pork Tenderloin 10 units Gravy, 1 Box Meat A very-filling dish that contains gravy. 10 Nutriment Sweetsourpork.png Sweet-and-Sour Pork 10 units Soy Sauce, 10 units Sugar, 1 Box Meat May cause some brief confusion of movement and toxicity, but helps you recover from stuns. Best served with gravy to offset toxins. 2 Lithium, 1 Synaptazine Vaporstew.gif Vapor Stew 5 units Vapor Salts, 2 Chicken-of-the-Stars A good dish for showing off, but not very filling. 3 Nutriment Poachedaloe.png Poached Aloe 5 units Water, 1 Aloe Not very filling, but at least it's something. 2 Nutriment Mint.png Mint 1 unit Sugar, 1 Aloe Harmless to normal people, but gibs fat people upon consumption. 1 Mint Toxin Bruisepack.png Gauze 1 Aloe Not edible! Apply to wounds to stop bleeding. Ointment.png Ointment 5 units Dermaline ---- Welcome to Hydroponics. I know what you are thinking, you think that growing plants, harvesting them and throwing them at the Chef so that he can make food isn't hard. You may be right, but in the hands of a competent and sometimes malevolent Botanist this little green spot of the station can quickly become a force to be reckoned with. It is time to show the station the power of plants! Green Power Despite what many crewmen may think, the Botanist and the Chef are some of the most important jobs on station, since they are in charge with keeping the crew from going hungry. A valid-hunting army marches on their stomach, and neither Donk pockets nor the snack machines will keep those stomachs full for very long. Unless you are the Chef and "re-arranged" your workplace, you will be on the growing side of things and you can let the Chef muck around in the Kitchen for the time being. Now, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the seed selection and all the tools you have at your disposal, both those you start with and will discover later, so let's start from the beginning. Let's grow some plants like your grand-grand-grand-grand-grandfather and his father used to do, and then let's see what the 26th century brings to the table. How to live from the soil You will usually start in the main part of Hydroponics, namely where the hydroponics trays, water tanks and all your dispensers start. The Kitchen should be in view and you can get started immediately, but for now you should walk into the backroom. There, you'll need to open your personal locker. This is the equipment you'll be expected to carry along with you and use, so let's review it : The Plant Analyzer. This thing is what differentiates you from medieval peasants, defend it with your life and keep it handy at all times. When applied to a hydroponics tray, you will get all the information you will ever need about your plant's genetics. This is good for bragging rights, and even better when you finally get around to doing Botany Research. The Plant Bag. This thing is also precious, but not because of how high-tech it is. If you are worth anything and get bountiful harvests, your trays will likely vomit piles of fruits and crops just waiting to be stashed in the Smart Fridge, ground or eaten. Outside of the later, this thing will allow you to easily scoop everything up by applying it to a stack of grown items and easily shove them in the Grinder or the Fridge. Remember to give a spare to the Chef, he'll be grateful. Also remember you can right-click a plant-bag to change it's color, useful if you need ton keep track of which bag is meant for bananas and which for death nettles, and don't want to accidentally dump the later into the fridge. The Mini-Hoe. Small, handy, fits in your pocket. This allows you to claw away all those weeds that will usually overtake the trays after long periods without maintenance and turn Botany into a jungle. You will usually always want to remove weeds when growing stuff, but it can't hurt to keep a few trays on the side growing weed for the off-chance that they grow something useful and rare, or just allow you to get more biomass easily. The Mini-Hatchet. Small, handy, fits in your pocket, can split hands and heads very easily. During common operation it is solely used to cut Tower-cap trunks into planks and can be used to cut slice-able items into parts (note that there will be a net loss compared to using a decent item like an actual knife or a scalpel). Once you are done cutting planks and breaking watermelons, you will also realize it is a stupidly robust tool and can easily cut through windows and crewmen alike much like the Chef's butcher cleaver. Just don't throw it like all the cool kids out there, it's a bad idea, scalp people you don't like the good old way. The Botany Belt. It can store all your tools, from the plant analyzer to the RnD Flora-Gun, even fish eggs, fish tools, bee nets and syringes. The Apron. You will usually start with one. Allows you to keep one of your tools handy in your suit storage slot, usually your precious Plant Analyzer. The Shovel. Used to dig up grass tiles and sandstone to make more planting spots, and thus usually completely useless a very useful tool to mass produce soil. Can be used to bash heads in pretty reliably though. The Bucket. Used to add water to the trays effectively. Fill at the water tanks or the sink. Try not to splash that water everywhere. The Plant-B-Gone Spray. This is what you use when you get a plant you don't want and want it gone. Usually a bad idea to use it on a plant you actually want. Can be used fairly effectively against kudzu, and shouldn't be applied to other crewmember's faces. It is very toxic to dionae. The Insecticide Bottles. Pests and vermin might build up in your tray. While this usually has no direct consequences, this can lead to your trays becoming unhealthy and harmful to plants. Pour a bit if the situation gets out of hand, but remember that it will increase toxicity for a bit. Very, very toxic to insectoids, bees, spiderlings and cockroaches. The Condiment Bottles. You can get them from the Condimaster 3000 in the Kitchen's Backroom. They allow for small dose pouring (1u) of chemicals, making controlled pouring far easier than the dropper-bottle combo you normally use. This is, for now, all your starting gear that will actively matter. With that in mind, let's move on to the rest of your equipment The MegaSeed Servitor. This is where you get the seeds you are going to plant. All seed packs varieties available come in quantities of three, and hacking it allows you to get even more seeds, usually illegal stuff (duh). The NutriMax. This is where you'll get fertilizers. When nutrients in your trays run low (as in, empty), dump a bottle in here. One bottle is 10 nutrients, one full refill. You can use a syringe or dropper if you're not a wasteful fucker, too. The Biogenerator. Dump any growns you do not need, activate the grinder and get pure biomass. You can then use said biomass to make all sorts of fun things, from meat, cheese and milk to belts and wallets. You'll usually want to plant something with the sole purpose of fueling this machine at some point in the shift. The Seed Extractor. Apply any grown item to the machine, and it will readily spit out packs of seeds for you. It also doubles a high-tech seed storage that will sort seeds for you, use it like you would a computer. This is how you are supposed to keep seeds handy. The first thing you should do when you are done growing your starting seed packs or growing a new variety is extracting seeds pack, preferably two to three of them, and stashing them away. Note that there are two more weird science-y machines in the back. These have more advanced uses and you probably shouldn't worry about them for now. When you feel ready to have at 'em, see Guide to Xenobotany. Tending to your garden A botanist mutating Ambrosia Vulgaris into Ambrosia Deus by giving it Unstable Mutagen early in its lifespan. A botanist transplanting an apple tree into a clay pot, for decoration purposes. Now, let's plant some seeds. What could possibly go wrong? Not much. However, you'll have to learn how to grow things right. More often than not you'll have mere minutes to feed the ravenous Chef with tons of usable crops before he busts down the window and hacks you into pieces, and only a hour or two to turn mistakes into miracles before everything explodes and you have to leave in a hurry. Surprisingly enough, despite how exposed it is, Hydroponics is relatively insulated from most problems that may befall the station. Just remember that the shuttle will leave with or without you. Now, here's how you plant and grow something if you are too much of a mouth-breather to figure out: Take your seed packs and throw them in a hydroponics tray. If you haven't figured yet, that's where you're going to grow your crops. Slap the tray with your plant analyzer. We'll get back to the results in depth later on, but this is a step you'll have to get used to. This is where you know what's good and what isn't and get ready to either rejoice, mutate your plant or bite the bullet. Tend to your other crops, plant more crops and wait. Hopefully not too long, hydroponics trays can grow anything in minutes. Not taking proper care of your plant will make it grow slower as well as make it gradually lose health. If any fancy lights start flashing, examine the tray closely to know what is wrong and solve it: If you have a weed problem (middle, red flashing light), use your Mini-Hoe on the tray and then carry on. If you have a pest problem (middle, red flashing light), dump some 1u insecticide in there (you'll find it in the NutriMax). If you want weeds or pests for some reason (such as a Voracious plant), dump some sugar inside to quickly raise both levels. Salt on the other hand will very quickly kill anything on the tray, eventually including the plant itself. If you have a nutrient problem (right, yellow flashing light), dump in a bottle of nutrients from the NutriMax or use a nutriment rich plant as compost. If you have a water problem (right-most, blue indicator), take your bucket, fill it and dump it into the tray you window-licking asshat If your plant looks unhealthy (left, red blinking indicator), then it could be one of many things. Examine the tray closely to see what kind of alert it's throwing. If the tray's toxicity is too high/too low for your plant, it will quickly lose health. If the plant has a high toxin affinity it will prefer a toxic tray and will get hurt by water. If the plant has a low toxin affinity it will behave as normal, preferring a non toxic tray and get hurt by toxins. Plants have an ideal light level that they thrive at, if the room is too dark for your plant or if you're mucking about with an exotic plant that doesn't like bright lights, you'll have to get a little creative to fix it. Use your Plant Analyzer to see which level of light your plant prefers, then compare it to the display in your tray when you examine it. If the tray is bitching at you about improper temperature, pressure, or gas environment, then holy shit kid, either you're trying to grow an alien plant out of its native environment, or something in the room is fucked up big time and you have bigger problem than your plants, now. You can fix small temperature differences by touching the room's thermostat, special gas and temperature needs require wrenching your tray to an atmospherics connector and a canister of the proper gas. Ask the Atmospheric Technician, or splice better genes into it if you know how to. Your plant might have simply just grown too old. If this is the case, there's not much to be done about it. Make sure you have replacement seeds for when it dies of old age, or you could ask your friendly neighborhood Chemist for some Clonexadone, but be wary not to use too much. 1u of Clonexadone will send the seed back to a "baby". More than 1u will literally unplant the seed back into a packet. If there's nothing noticeably wrong with your plant's needs but it still looks unhealthy, then it's probably still recovering from something that was already solved. Provided that all of its needs are being tended to properly, it will just regain health on its own, or you can speed up the process with Cryoxadone, Anti-Toxin, or Clonexadone. Once you have hopefully managed to not massacre your plant, a green light should flash (left-most). Click on your plant and you'll rip all those good grown goodies and have them ready for use. Depending on the nature of your plant, this will either clear the tray or leave the plant behind to grow a new set of fruit, if its lifespan and production time allow it to. You can now use your grown items and then plant new seeds into the tray. Don't forget to extract seeds and give the grown goods to the Chef before he gets uppity. If your plant isn't single harvest, it will yield more fruit and will eventually die. For now, all you need to know is that once it dies it will take a very obvious decayed appearance and you'll simply rip it out of the tray at interaction. Repose in pieces. If you feel more like a gardener and want to fill the station with your awesome plants, that's what clay pots are for. They halt the aging of the plant, allowing it to remain pretty (or not) forever. You CANNOT get the plant back from the pot though, so make sure you've taken a sample first. Clay pots are produced in a microwave. Advanced Hydroponics So, you know how to grow wheat, potatoes, tomatoes and chili ? Perfect, you're better than your average Assistant at least. Now, you could go on and grow every single seed in your dispenser, and in fact there's no reason not to spare from time or boredom, but you're far, far from knowing everything about plants. Most people think Hydroponics is for drooling idiots, but you're going to show them what plants and a bit of practical science can do! Plant Statistics Now, if you followed this guide this far, or if you are about as curious as your average crewman, you have likely slapped your plant analyzer on a tray at least once and have been left drooling by the massive amount of information on screen. None of it, or at least almost none of it, is fluff. All of it is important, so let's start weeding out this flow of data : Endurance : This is your plant's health points. This indicates how much shit it can take before it tosses. Plants lose health points when nasty shit is applied to them (plasma, toxins, acids, etc.) or when their current age exceed their lifespan (if they have high endurance, they can cheat death for a long while which can counterbalance shitty lifespan stats). There's no real 'average', but higher is nice and lower means you'll get less out of the plant Yield : How much you will get out of every harvest, in case you couldn't tell. 4 means you're getting four fruits every time you pick the plant dry. Getting seeds is the priority, especially with rare crops that can only be harvested once. High yields (above 5) will get you all the bitches and are prime candidates to turn into seeds. Lifespan : How long your plant will stay planted before starting to lose health. All living things stand the test of time, and plants are no exception. Plants die as quickly as they grow and you'll want to squeeze the most out of them before they do. Irrelevant for crops that can only be harvested once unless both their lifespan and endurance are garbage, and decent for crops that can be harvested multiple times. Can counterbalance any yield that isn't 0 if you are patient enough. Maturation Time : How much time the plant will take to grow into starting to produce fruits. Naturally, Maturation Time on Lifespan ratio can be important, and lower is always better. Production Time : How much time the plant will take to grow and regrow once picked clean or mature. Lower is always better, and this is relatively irrelevant on single harvest plants unless Maturation Time + Production Time are clearly over the Lifespan and Endurance is trashy. It is time to start making connections! Potency : Kind of an oddball, but extremely important for most crops. In general, this is your "quality" rating and will tell how much nutrients you are getting out of the crop and out of any food cooked/processed with it. It will also cause the fruit to contain more unique reagents if any and strengthen any miscellaneous purposes (Nettle/Novaflower damage, Bluespace Tomato teleporting range and plank yield being the most notable ones). You will also get to know if the plant you're working with is single harvest or not, if it produces fruit (if it doesn't, apply Plant-B-Gone immediately), how nutrient and water intensive it is (ranking from none to very heavy), if it has subspecies mutations, what temperature and light it thrives into (usually 8 lumens and 293.25 K, so room temperature and regular lighting), how resilient it is to changes in pressure, temperature and lighting, and it will warn you of any and all bizarre traits your plant might have, such as thorns, carnivorous tendencies, chemical stingers, spatial instability... Now, you'll usually want to maximize all of those, but how do you do so outside of dumb luck when planting seeds? And what if your precious seed packs yield literal trash? I'm glad you asked! Xenobotany and GMOs Now the real fun begins. You see, growing crops is fun, but growing super crops is where Hydroponics is at! And we are going to grow some zany crops together with the use of science and your local Chemist. Odds are Research and Development are either still trying to figure their shit out or are waiting for minerals from the Miners (for our purposes, they'll need Uranium). If they don't, skip ahead a bit, you're in luck! Otherwise we'll do it the hard way, stay with me. Plants can be mutated in various ways using botanical mutagenic chemicals, which are explained in more detail on the Guide to Xenobotany. Unstable Mutagen and Untable Mutagen mutate Phytochemistry; Radium mutates Morphology; Uranium mutates Bioluminescence; Bicaridine and Opium mutate Ecology; Kelotane and Tannic Acid mutate Ecophysiology; Hyperzine and Cocaine mutate Metabolism; Creatine mutates Development and Dexalin and Thymol mutate Xenophysiology. Take the large beaker out of your grinder (if you can't locate it, get a bucket, if you can't locate that, just fucking go) and head towards Chemistry. If someone is at the desk and Medbay isn't busy trying to fix up half of the station as usual, knock at the window, put the large beaker on the table and ask for the mutagen you want to use. If no-one is at the window, either call someone up if you think they're not being busy or wait a bit and grow more shit for the Chef. Bring your filled container to the Chef's condimaster and turn it into a condiment bottle. This will let you drop individual units to species change without risking unwanted mutations. Find the plant you want to fuck with, preferably a plant you have spare seeds for and don't mind fucking up to oblivion. Slap it with a Plant Analyzer to get an idea of what you're working on. If you are mutating Phytochemistry, Development, Metabolism or Xenophysiology, use the 1u doses you can drop thanks to the condiment bottle then check if you have the mutation you want. Be careful when mutating these, you can very easily nuke your plant to oblivion or fuck something up so hard the shuttle gets called. If you are mutating the other genes, just dump your desired mutagenic chemical onto the plant, since those mutations are flat stat changes with no risk. Occasionally, your plant will develop bizarre trait mutations, which are not necessarily a statistic: your Plant Analyzer will usually be descriptive and give you a good idea of what's going on. Baby plants (usually less than 60 seconds of life or so) will react very different to mutagenic exposure: They're still too young to have their genes improved, so they will mostly only have adverse reactions. However, some plant species have a high degree of potential subspecies mutations: that means they have a possibility to mutate into a new species entirely! The only way to perform species mutations is on baby plants, so keep bottle-feeding them your mutagenic of choice or replant them if they've grown too old. When they mutate, you'll know. The species change mutation can be triggered with any of the aforementioned mutagenic chemicals. Be aware that you might accidentally mutate the plant after it changes species, so choose which chem you'll use for species change wisely or drop the chemical in 1u doses. Hyperzine and Cocaine carry the least risk, since you will overwrite the metabolism with xenobotany anyway. Let it grow and harvest. If it's a brand new species, make some seeds and then grow more normally to enjoy the benefit. If you don't want to wait for it to grow, you can use your plant clippers to gain a sample, but beware that this hurts your plant a bit. Note that mutationwork is a complex and sometimes unpredictable process. You don't know what you're gonna get. This is why you'll want to bug Research and Development for a Floral Somatoray whenever possible: the Floral Somatoray can mutate any gene group without chemical use and can be used reliably to species change. Get one whenever possible! It also has a secondary mode that will improve your plant's harvest, meaning that it will give up to double the amount of produce. However, the effect is temporary, so you'll have to shoot your plant again after harvesting it. Note that you can change the strength of the Somatoray mutation by right-clicking the gun. "What the fuck do the machines in the backroom do?" See Guide to Xenobotany. Practical Hydroponics Eating food is so last century. If you are anything like a competent Botanist, you'll want to know all the ways food can be used outside of crewmen's bellies and microwaves ! In general, all food can be ground into nutrients. That's what makes you not hungry and allows you to slowly regenerate. Usually, you won't get to redeem the nutrients, but in a pinch you can just inject them directly or swallow a pill or bar of nutrients. Certainly not as tasty as fries or a pie, but it works. Make sure not to go overweight though. For all intents and purposes, nutrients also works as compost for plant nutrition. Take paper and use it on Ambrosia. You now have a new blunt for your personal use. Smoke weed everyday! Tower Caps and Plastellium are the only thing Mechanics and Engineers will need from you. When grown, they produce wood or plastic, as in literal wood or plastic. Grow a few of them and drop the planks and plastic sheets at your desk, everyone will be thankful. You can make a surprising amount of medicine and minerals using a grinder and grown items. Golden Apples give Gold, Glowberries give Radium, Carrots give Zeaxanthin (eye medicine), Poison Berries give Solanine, Death Berries give Coriamyrtin (violent poison that blocks respiration and causes suffocation) and Liberty Caps give Psilocybin (powerful hallucinogen without the really bad effects of Mindbreaker), and exotic seeds can give you just about any chemical including the rare Peridaxon (which heals damage to organs which would otherwise require surgery). If you get a little bit crafty with an Electrolyzer, you can get pretty much any chemical in the game, including stuff that you can only get through plants. Ambrosia gives a bunch of assorted chemicals. You have a Chemmaster in your backroom that can be used to separate the chemicals from one another. Vulgaris has some basic stuff, and Deus has some really potent medicine, as well as Cocaine. Nettles can be used to shred people (Death Nettles with very high potency will put energy swords to shame) and can be ground to get cheap access to Formic Acid or Phenol (Regular and Death Nettles respectively). Bananas give banana juice. The Clown will love you forever if you give his Clown Cart a good topping (usually done by applying the items directly, don't grind them even though it seems to be the logical thing to do). Tomatoes can be ground into Tomato Sauce and Chili can be ground into Capsaicin (Hot Sauce). The former can be used to make the Janitor cry a lot and the later can be used to give unsuspecting crewmen the ulcers of their life (and keep them warm if it really boils down to this) and may also be used to refill Security's peppersprays. If you manage to get those, Ice Peppers can make Cold Sauce (no seriously, and it works just like you can imagine, good for plasma fires) and Blood Tomatoes will cause extra tears from the Janitor. Quite a few crops can be juiced to make drinks and alcohols (take it as fermentation), notably lemons, oranges, watermelons, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, potatoes, wheat and limes. The Bartender will be thankful. Potatoes make the Chef really happy. Applied to their Food Processor, it makes fries. Greasy, nutritious and ready for serving straight out of the processor. Sugar Beets are processed into Sugar (who would have thought), Cocoa Pods can be made into chocolate bars for the exploring Chef and Wheat can be ground into Flour. The later is extremely important, not growing Wheat when a Chef is active is asking to be hacked into pieces, gibbed and used to make steaks with ! Eggs are made with Wheat and a chicken, one of which starts off in Hydroponics. Feeding wheat to a chicken will cause them to lay some eggs over the course of a couple minutes. More chickens can be hatched by placing eggs in an incubator, which is built from a circuit board from a Ranching Crate or Science. If you'd rather not jack with building an incubator, you can instead order a Chicken Crate with six live chicks. Additionally, 10% of naturally laid eggs will hatch if left on the ground. Cows are ordered via the Cargo Bay and make Milk when a bucket is used on their udder and Soy Milk can be made from grinding soy. Now the Chef will never run out of anything ever! If the crew is being selfish and refuse to give monkeys, bodies or cows to the Chef, be the hero the Kitchen needs and crank some Meat and Milk out of your Biogenerator. Pretty costly, but hopefully it's not hard to get some biomass going when you focus some of your production on the machine. Diona nodes grow into Dionae, sentient plants that can't speak or understand Sol Common at first but can ventcrawl and have some handy abilities that make them good helpers for a Botanist (I.E. you). Once they finish stinging everyone to sample their blood, they'll become able to speak and understand Sol Common and gain the opportunity to grow into an adult Diona. As adults, Dionaea can use all items that a human can, but move very slowly and can't heal burn damage without medical help. Make good use of your starting seeds, since you'll likely only get three shots at it without ordering an exotic seeds crate. You'll want to plant them later in the round, since there's going to be more ghosts to take control of one by that point. Meet the Plants Station-bound Plants Now, you're looking at all those plants, and you are most likely wondering what you can do with those. Immediately, almost all of those have either a direct use or can be refined into food by the Chef, and for the few that don't have direct uses, you can most likely grind them in the Biogenerator to get some sweet stuff going. This is what you're going to be planting or mutating, so pay attention. Name Seed Potting Product Reagents Notes Mutates To P IH HT IL LT LP HP TA PT WT L E N F PR M Y Chili Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png Capsaicin (Hot Sauce) Potency determines capsaicin levels. Used in making your own pepperyspray or feeding to Assistants to watch them catch on fire. Ice Peppers, Ghost Peppers 20 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 20 100 10 3 5 5 4 Ice Peppers Icechiliseed.png Icechiliplant.png Icechili.png Frost Oil (Cold Sauce) The polar opposite of Chili. Great for standing in plasmafires or feeding to Assistants to watch them freeze to death. 20 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 20 100 10 3 4 4 4 Ghost Peppers Ghostchili-seed.png Ghostchili-harvest.png Ghostchili.png Concentrated Capsaicin, Curare The dangerously concentrated cousin of regular chili peppers. Ghosts can eat these from beyond the grave. 20 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 20 100 10 3 3 5 4 Plastellium Plastelliumseed.png Plastelliumplant.png Plastellium.png Plastic Attempting to fabricate Lego will not only result in a copyright claim but plenty of sore feet. 20 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 15 100 10 3 6 5 6 Grapes Grapeseed.png Grapeplant.png Grape.png Sugar, Wine The food of emperors, Space France inhabitants (usually as wine) and soccer moms. Used in wine production for the bartender if he ever runs out. Green Grapes 10 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 2 3 5 3 4 Green Grapes Greengrapeseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrape.png Tannic Acid Can be processed into burn medicine or just eaten to cure your own burns. Little use outside of such. 10 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 2 3 5 3 4 Cabbages Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png Borscht Absolutely disgusting. Can be turned into Borscht for the Soviet enthusiast. Plasma Cabbages 10 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 2 6 5 3 4 Plasma Cabbages Plasmacabbageseed.png Plasmacabbageplant.png Plasmacabbage.png Plasma The forbidden salad. NanoTrasen's most hidden crop, the Syndicate would love to have some of these. 10 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 2 6 6 3 4 Berries Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png Nutriment A savant mix of a large spectrum of berry varieties. Tastes pretty good and mutates very easily. Glow Berries, Poison Berries 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 20 100 2 6 5 5 2 Glow Berries Glowberryseed.png Glowberryplant.png Glowberry.png Uranium The glow is as warm as it is radioactive. An Engineer's favorite, and also used in some Bartender cocktails and Chef dishes. 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 3 3 5 5 2 Poison Berries Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberryplant.png Poisonberry.png Solanine The less desirable but still savant mix of some common and mildly poisonous berries. No real reason to keep or eat these. Death Berries 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 20 100 2 6 5 5 2 Death Berries Deathberryseed.png Deathberryplant.png Deathberry.png Solanine, Coriamyrtin, Cytisine The deadliest berries in the sector in one easily harvestable plant. Worth every bite. 50 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 20 100 2 6 5 5 3 Bananas Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png Banana Juice and Banana Juice accessories, Potassium Carbonate, Banana Peels The Clown's favorite. If you can't find out what he uses those for, he will be happy to give you some insight. Slip range based on potency, with an average of potency/15 distance in tiles. Bluespace Bananas 1 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 6 6 6 3 Bluespace Bananas Bluespacebananaseed.png Bluespacebananatree.png Bluespacebanana.png Banana Juice, Honk Serum, Bluespace Banana Peels Clown's favorite. If you can't find out what he uses those for, he will be happy to give you some insight.(Removes and teleports the shoes of whomever slips on its peels). Slip range based on potency, with an average of potency/15 distance in tiles. 1 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 6 6 6 3 Eggplants Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png Nutriment Has nothing to do with eggs. Clearly tastes worse than eggs Egg-Plants 20 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 3 6 6 2 Egg-Plants Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Egg.png Eggs Actual eggs. For when your chicken gets murdered turned into chicken nuggets at roundstart. 20 25 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 75 100 10 3 12 6 2 Tomatoes Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png Tomato Sauce Commonly used to make the Janitor cry and pelt anyone who tries to act. Preponderant in the Chef's recipes, ignore with extreme caution. Blood Tomato, Blue Tomato 10 25 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 3 6 6 8 2 Blood Tomatoes Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png Blood Do you think the Janitor was pissed yet? Killer Tomato 10 25 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 3 6 6 8 1 Killer Tomatoes Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png Harm, in theory Will bore people to death with their inactivity and look scary in general. 10 25 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 3 6 6 8 2 Blue Tomatoes Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png Space Lube Makes things very slippery. An upgrade to Tomatoes for ballistic purpose and Janitor suicides. Bluespace Tomatoes 10 25 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 3 6 6 8 2 Bluespace Tomatoes Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.gif Bluespacetomato.gif Singulo For when you hate an actor, and an entire room in general, enough to teleport everything away into deep space teleport range depends on potency, will teleport to space eventually, but reasonably nearby. The Singulo also gets people drunk as hell. 10 25 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 3 6 6 8 2 Corn Cornseed.png CornPlany.png Corn.png Corn Oil Corn Cobs are fun. Nitroglycerin is even funnier. The Chemist will love you if you bring a beaker of Corn Oil to him. 20 25 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 6 6 8 3 Poppies Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png Opium Used to produce the namesake Opium. Usually refined into Heroin, but the raw stuff will do. For those old-fashioned highs. 20 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 2 0.5 6 8 6 Potatoes Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Newpotato.png Vodka, French Fries Wake up the inner Russian within you, or make some French Fries. Attempting to create potato human hybrids is now banned by NT ethical law. Preponderant in the Chef's recipes, ignore with extreme caution. 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 10 6 1 10 4 Soybeans Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png Soy Milk, Soy Sauce For the losers who can't stand seeing good old meat. Can be used for Soy Sauce too, which is a bit more manly. Koibeans 5 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 3 4 4 3 Koibeans Koibean-seed.png Soybeansplant.png Koibeans.png Carpotoxin Toxin valuable in exotic poisons and medicine. 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 3 4 4 3 Wheat Wheatseeds.png Wheatplany.png Wheat.png Flour, Eggs (Chicken), Spaghetti, Beer The grain to forever symbolize food and wealth. Preponderant in the Chef's recipes, ignore with extreme caution. 5 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 2 3 1 6 4 Rice Ricestalkseed.png Ricestalkplant.png Ricestalk.png Rice, Sake Goes well with pudding and sake. 5 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 2 6 1 6 4 Carrots Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png Zeaxanthin Cures eye damage, does not grant better night vision. Diamond Carrot 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 6 1 10 5 Diamond Carrots Diamondcarrotseed.png Diamondcarrotplant.png Diamondcarrot.png Diamond Not a good idea to eat these unless you fancy a shredded stomach. 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 6 10 10 3 Reishi Reishiseed.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png Valerenic Acid, Mescaline Not a good idea to eat those. Unless you feed them to your enemies. Glowshrooms, Liberty Caps 15 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 35 100 10 6 5 10 4 Fly Amanitas Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png Amanita Toxin, Psilocybin Magic Mushrooms. Will not cure your height problem, you manlet. Destroying Angels, Plastellium 10 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 6 5 10 4 Destroying Angels Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png Nutriment, Alpha-Amanatin Like death berries, only less fruity. The amanatin imitates mescaline for about 30 seconds, then if they ingested >6u kills them stone dead after 10 minutes. 15 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 6 5 12 2 Liberty Caps Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png Psilocybin Liberty or Death! Pretend Security cares about you getting completely wasted in your little magical garden. 1 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 35 100 10 6 1 7 5 Chanterelle Mushrooms Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png Mushroom Pizza Good for Mushroom Stews and Pizzas. For lightweights who can't stomach the more dangerous mushrooms. Reishi, Fly Amanita, Plump Helmet 1 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 35 100 10 6 1 7 5 Tower Caps Tower-capseed.png Tower-capplant.png Tower-cap.png Wood Botanist's Got Wood! Save the Engineer's and MoMMI's day! 1 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 80 100 10 6 1 15 5 Glowshrooms Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png Radium Glowing mushrooms. Not a good idea to eat, but makes for some bad-ass ambient lighting. 30 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 120 100 10 6 1 12 3 Plump Helmet Mushrooms Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png Nutriment Delicious and nutritious! Great for feeding entire colonies of people! Walking Mushrooms, Tower Caps 0 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 6 1 8 4 Walking Mushrooms Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png Cute harm Great for cock fights when you run out of chickens. Feeds on the body and souls of the mushrooms it slays. Grows up to murder everyone once it eats enough of its own kind and awakens its lust for blood. Keeping one as pet is fine though. 0 15 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 10 6 1 5 1 Nettles Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png Formic Acid Causes some serious burns when picked up without gloves. Better potency means more bio-warrior potential! Death Nettles 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 10 3 6 6 4 Death Nettles Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png Phenol Nettles on steroids. Fear them for they are the bringers of pain and destruction. They halve in damage potential after every hit. 10 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 10 3 6 8 2 Sunflowers Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png Decoration Looks nice. Like, really nice. Good comical relief when a person holding gets brutally murdered, too. Novaflowers, Moonflowers 1 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 2 6 1 6 2 Novaflowers Novaflower-seed.png Novaflower.png Novaflower.png Capsaicin (Hot Sauce) Glows orange with brightness based on potency, and weapon with damage based on potency. 30 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 2 6 1 6 2 Moonflowers Moonflower-seed.png Moonflower.png Moonflower.png Moonshine Glows purple with brightness based on potency, and edible! 30 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 2 6 1 6 2 Mustard Plants Mustard seed.png Mustard plant.png Mustard flower.png Mustard Sweet smelling and used for making mustard powder for mustard condiments. 1 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 40 100 0 6 1 6 2 Apple Appleseed.png Appleplant.png Apple.png Nutriment Light snack, can be used to make some fantastic pies. Poison Apple, Golden Apple 10 20 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 6 6 5 Poison Apple Appleseed.png Appleplant.png Apple.png Cyanide Laced with cyanide, which causes the rapid and unavoidable death of anyone who consumes too much. Can be bred for better potency. 10 20 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 6 6 5 Golden Apple Gappleseed.png Gappleplant.gif Gapple.gif Gold A divine snack and a Miner's wet dream. 10 20 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 10 10 3 Pear Pearseed.png Peartree.png Pear.png Nutriment The inferior but still delicious alternative to apples. Can be used to make sweet desserts. Silver Pear 10 20 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 6 6 5 Silver Pear Silverpearseed.png Silverpeartree.png Silverpear.png Silver Silver might be inferior to gold, but the scientists will still like it all the same. 10 20 20 6 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 10 10 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png Mescaline, Tannic Acid, Opium Space Weed. If you're going to roll it, it can't be refined, otherwise a cheap way to obtain basic medicine. Ambrosia Deus 5 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 60 100 10 3 6 6 6 Ambrosia Cruciatus Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png Mescaline, Tannic Acid, Opium, Spiritbreaker Toxin Syndicate-acquired plant. Visually identical to Ambrosia Vulgaris. The Toxin takes a while to metabolize and its effects are so strong they continue after death. 5 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 60 25 10 3 6 6 6 Ambrosia Deus Ambrosiadeusseed.png Ambrosiadeusplant.gif Ambrosiadeus.png Mescaline, Kathalai, Phytocarisol, Cocaine The Elite's Drugs. For when "godlike" blunts won't cut it. Has fantastic brute and burn healing potential, to the same degree as Synthocarisol and Dermaline. 5 20 20 8 5 25 200 4 50 50 60 100 10 3 6 6 6 White Beet Plants Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png Borscht, Sugar The most boring plant in your MegaSeed Servitor 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Sugarcane Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png Sugar Can be used to make good old Sugar, or used as a cane. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Watermelon Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png Nutriment Round green object that you can slice and eat. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Pumpkin Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png Carved Pumpkins Wear on head, more stylish than a bucket. Can be made into pies and cakes too but who would waste it like that? 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Lime Limeseed.png Limeplant.png Lime.png Lime Juice Cures Space Scurvy, allows you to act like a Space Pirate. Sour. Silicate Citrus 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Lemon Lemonseed.png Lemonplant.png Lemon.png Lemon Juice Sour, but less sour than the Librarian's latest erotic fanfiction. Silicate Citrus 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Orange Orangeseed.png Orangeplant.png Orange.png Orange Juice Healthy, very orange. Silicate Citrus 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Silicate Citrus Silicatecitrusseed.png Silicatecitrusplant.png Silicatecitrus.png Silicate Solidify everything! 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Shardlime Shardlimeseed.png Shardlime.png GlassShardSmall.pngGlassShardMedium.pngGlassShard.png Glass Shards You'd be surprised at what you can do with these. Glows white and is thorny. Purple Shardlime 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 70 100 10 3 4 5 5 Purple Shardlime Purpleshardlimeseed.png Purpleshardlime.png PlasmaGlassShardSmall.pngPlasmaGlassShardMedium.pngPlasmaGlassShardLarge.png Plasmaglass Shards You'd be surprised at what you can do with these. Glows pale purple and is thorny. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 70 100 10 3 4 5 5 Peanuts Peanutseed.png Peanutplant.png Peanut.png Peanut Butter. Nuts, nuts. Who doesn't love peanuts? Rocknuts 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Rocknuts Rocknutseed.png Rocknutplant.png Rocknut.png Iron Very, VERY hard, can and will break teeth, a good source of consumable iron otherwise. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Grass Grassseed.png Grassplant.png Grass.png Grass Tiles, Sand, Sandstone, Dirt Patches. For making a grass field coated in blood. Or a love nest for Dionae. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Cocoa Pods Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodplant.png Cocoapod.png Cocoa Powder, Chocolate Bars Makes the psychopaths on the station happier and a little bit more mellow. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Cherries Cherryseed.png Cherryplant.png Cherry.png Earrings Can be used for everything, from candy to lube flavoring! Can be used as earrings. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Kudzu Kudzupodseed.png Kudzupodplant.png Kudzupod.png Kudzu Pods, Infinite Pain, Fancy Interior Lighting, Camouflage, Allicin An extremely invasive plant as soon as it matures. It is highly recommend to have a Weed Control crate handy if you value your life, and the station. Sourced from exotic seed crates. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Diona Node Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png Nymph.png Dionae, Annoying Prompts for Ghosts Used to spawn the green tide, a source of unlimited fertiizer, or a faithful companion to wear as a hat. More can be obtained from exotic seed crates. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 No-Fruit NofruitSeed.png NofruitTree.png Nofruit.png 'Nothing', Crops Once harvested, pick off the stem and it will begin cycling through grown foods. Hit it with something to stop! Nanotrasen provides some in Exotic Seeds Crate, but they are also available to Traders. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Avocado Avocado seeds.pngAvocado pit.png Avocado tree.png Avocado.pngAvocado cut.pngAvocado pitted.png Nutriment Before you can cook with it, you need to cut it in half with something sharp, which produces two halves. Before you can use the half with the seed in it, you'll need to remove the seed with something sharp. The seed can be planted afterward. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Clover Cloverseeds.png Cloverplant.png Clover0.pngClover1.png Clover2.pngClover3.png Clover4.pngClover5.png Clover6.pngClover7.png Nutriment, Good/Bad Luck depending on leaves. 0 leaf clovers will doom you to the worst outcomes every time, while 7 leaf clovers will ensure your success. Odds to get more or less than 3 leaves per clover depend on luck and potency. 1 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 0 0 Gravy.png Vox Hydroponics Main Article: Guide to Vox Hydroponics Vox Traders start the shift with a special vendor containing a radically different, albeit much smaller, selection of seeds. You don't get direct access to the seeds and grown goods the station gets, but in return the station doesn't get access to the seeds and grown goods in your vendor. So it's a good occasion to get some friendly bartering ongoing to kickstart both Kitchens. Of course, the humans might also try to get access to these seeds by "borrowing access" to your Botanical Gardens, so be prepared to keep the hummies out of your little botanical cove. Note that handing out raw grown goods is equivalent to handing out seeds, so if you want to keep a monopoly on your seed selection, only sell actual dishes. This goes both ways obviously, and you can trick humans into giving you "plain tomatoes, potatoes and wheat" at an awful price to extract some seeds out of them. Be aware that growing Chicken-of-the-Stars on the vox outpost sucks nitrogen out of the room. Name Seed Potting Product Reagents Notes P IH HT IL LT LP HP TA PT WT L E N F PR M Y Breadfruit BreadfruitSeed.png BreadfruitTree.png Breadfruit.png Flour While Wheat's flour production is linked to the produce itself and potency (so a wheat morphology splice can still make flour), Breadfruit has flour as an actual spliceable reagent on the fruit, which can be harvested multiple times. A good way to obtain large amounts of bread-based dishes rapidly. Vox plants are typically descended from Earth plants which they brought with them and cultivated to suit their interests, and the Breadfruit is no exception, having its origins in Earth's Artocarpus Altilis. 30 26 20 9 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 6 6 6 3 Woodapple WoodappleSeed.png WoodappleTree.png Woodapple.png Wood, Sugar Inferior to sugar canes for sugar and tower caps for wood (slice to obtain), but can be harvested again. Makes for an awful meal in and out of itself too. A descendant of Earth's Limonia Acidissima. 20 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 0 100 10 3 0 4 4 Chicken-of-the-Stars ChickenshroomSeed.png ChickenshroomTree.png Chickenshroom.png Gravy Grows extremely fast, good development genes. A staple of Vox cuisine, as every dish is helped along with a hearty dose of gravy. The plant alone is famous and is the Vox equivalent of wheat. A descendant of Earth's Laetiporus Aulphureus fungus. 0 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 10 3 0 4 3 Garlic GarlicSeed.png GarlicTree.png Garlic.png Holy Water, Allicin Very powerful against all unholy things, optionally against diseases and cancer. Easy export if any of the former are currently plaguing the station. A descendant of Earth's Allium Sativum plant. 15 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 200 100 10 3 6 4 4 Aloe Vera Aloeseed.png Aloeplant.png Aloevera.png Kathalai Used to make extra gauze and ointment. Starts with the thorny gene. Although most Vox plants are merely modified descendants of Earth plants, Aloe Vera remains relatively unchanged from its earthbound days. 20 37 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 30 100 10 3 6 6 4 Pitcher Plant Pitcherseed.png Pitcherplant.png Pitcher.png Formic Acid Gives more Formic Acid than nettles, which is useful to make Soy Sauce. Otherwise an overall strange leaf. Starts with the carnivorous and juicy genes. Descended from Earth's Nepenthes Rafflesiana plant. 10 37 20 7 5 25 200 4 100 50 50 25 10 6 1 12 3 Vapor Sac Vaporsacseed.png Vaporsacplant.png Vaporsac.gif Vapor Salt Contains a special salt that reacts with oxygen, nitrogen or plasma, causing it to violently release in gas form. Can be used to rapidly repressurize a room. Avoid using it in massive doses unless you know what you are doing. Vapor sacs have no natural equivalent on Earth, and were perhaps found on some distant world. 30 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 3 1 6 1 Xenoarch-plant.png Fossilized Plants Main Article: Guide To Xenoarchaeology Xenoarcheology can possibly allow you to get access to extremely rare, fossilized xeno plants. If inserted into the seed extractor, they can then be turned into seeds and planted. Their unusual appearance alone makes for good interior decoration, but they usually yield rare reagents. Note that they usually need lighting and atmosphere conditions almost as exotic as their produces, and that the secret of xeno dishes has been completely lost to time, meaning they can't be used to cook anything useful. Better used to refine the reagents they contain, or as potted plants. Name Seed Potting Product Reagents Notes P IH HT IL LT LP HP TA PT WT L E N F PR M Y Amauri Amauri-seed.png Amauri-harvest.png Amauri.png Smoke Amauri has the unique property of preventing reactions within its fruit. It contains potassium, sugar, and phosphorus, meaning smoke will come out when you bite into it. You can also gene mod other interesting reactions in by ensuring that the amauri fruit is the product but with different chems. 30 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 3 1 10 3 Gelthi Gelthi-seed.png Gelthi-harvest.png Gelthi.png Nutriment Gelthi has the unique property of self-harvesting, meaning its fruit will pop off on its own when it's ready to harvest. This can be combined with other plants to massive effect, or simply farmed for easy nutriment to feed the biogenerator or stuff into food. 20 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 5 6 3 Jurl'mah Jurlmah-seed.png Jurlmah-harvest.png Jurlmah.png Clonexadone Contains clonexadone, which makes it an excellent source of synthmeat when combined with blood. Try splicing in blood tomatoes or drawing blood from dead diona nymphs. 30 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 25 100 10 3 1 6 3 Surik Surik-seed.png Surik-harvest.png Surik.png Karmotrine An otherwise unremarkable alcohol, but prized by bartenders for its key role in several very special bar drinks. 20 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 55 100 10 3 6 7 5 Telriis Telriis-seed.png Telriis-harvest.png Telriis.png Diethylamine Telriis is a rich source of high quality plant fertilizer that can speed up plant growth and promote plant longevity. 20 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 60 100 10 3 4 6 4 Thaadra Thaadra-seed.png Thaadra-harvest.png Thaadra.png Frost Oil (Cold Sauce) Cold sauce is used in a few recipes, and is useful for offsetting the spiciness of some foods. Thaadra in particular has an excellent starting potency (90). 90 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 50 100 10 3 3 3 5 Vale Vale-seed.png Vale-harvest.png Vale.png Sports Drink, Thymol A rich source of sport drink, prized by sports fans. This liquid has what plants crave, therefore it can turn off all alert lights in a hydroponics tray. It also improves output when running on a treadmill. It has electrolytes! Thymol has similar applications to dexalin in treating suffocation. 20 20 20 7 5 25 200 4 50 50 100 100 10 3 6 6 4 Guide to hydroponics (Redirected from Biogenerator) Jump to navigationJump to search Hydroponics. This is your home. Contents 1 Basics of Botany 1.1 Your Area 1.2 Plant growing 101 1.3 Biogenerator 1.4 DNA Extractor 2 Stats, reagents and traits 2.1 Stats 2.2 Reagents/Content 2.3 Traits 3 Discovery Value 4 Plant reference chart 5 Chemicals 6 Beekeeping 7 Advanced Botany 7.1 Plant Grafts 7.2 Crosspollination 7.3 Mutations 7.3.1 Instability 7.3.2 Mutating with unstable mutagen 7.3.3 Floral Somatoray 7.3.4 Botanogenetic Shears 7.4 Fixing awful stats 7.5 Dude weeds 8 Other Notes 8.1 Autogrow Mode 8.2 Automation with Plumbing 8.2.1 Connecting Trays 8.3 Replica Pod Cloning 8.4 Strange Seeds 8.5 Kudzu 8.6 Sandstone and Soil 8.7 Wood and Drying Racks 8.8 Fermentation Barrel 8.9 Other ways to get fertilizers 8.10 The Toiletbong (Getting high with style) 8.11 Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants 9 Old guides Basics of Botany Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially on longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the food choices will be limited. Latest video tutorial can be found here (made in May, 2020). Your Area Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutrients and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany. Plants require nutrients (fertilizer) and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant. From left to right - Green: Ready to harvest. Red: Low health, caused by toxins/lack of nutrients/low water/end of lifespan. Red (middle): High weed, pest or toxicity levels. Yellow: Low nutrients. Blue: Low water. Tools that are of use in botany - Plant Analyzer: Leftclick.png Shows detailed plant statistics. Rightclick.png Shows plant and tray chemical contents and production traits. (also works on crops) Cultivator: Kills Weeds. Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest. Useful for moving those into the fridge or biogenerator. Wrench: Used to move your trays around. Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a robust tool that fits in pockets. Shovel: Digs up grass floors and cleans the dirt. Spade: Removes and destroys plants in a tray. Secateurs: Can be used on a fully grown and harvest-able plant once to obtain a plant graft. All-In-One Grinder: This is how you extract reagents from plants - throw them in and hit the "grind" button. Portable Seed Extractor: This can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Less efficient than the machine. Tools that require techs for use in botany - Floral Somatoray: A gun that requires the botany tech in order to produce. It has 3 modes, which can increase plant yields, mutate a plant's stats, or mutate a plant's species. With a full charge, using it on a tray in close range can limit its mutations to a single product, but requires at least 20 plant endurance. Botanogenetic Shears: A tool that requires the Experimental Tools tech. These can remove a gene, chemical, or trait from a plant when used on a tray, but the plant must have a plant health or endurance higher than 15. Seed Extractor Plant growing 101 Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Now, take a look at the tray with a plant analyzer. For now, you only need to pay attention to the bottom five stats - Water/Nutrition and Weeds/Toxic/Pest levels. Now, fill a bucket from the water tank and grab fertilizer from the vending machine. You get rid of weeds with the cultivator and remove pests with pest spray. Chemistry can give you better chemicals for this, which will be explained later in the guide. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor. You can click seeds with a pen to change the name of the plant, the seed's description, or the plant's description. After planting in a hydroponics tray the tray updates with the name and description of the plant inside it. Bio-generator Biogenerator The Biogenerator makes items out of the nutriment in plants. As a rule of thumb: More nutriment = more biomass. Watermelons and pumpkins are commonly used due to their 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it, then use the plant bag to put fruits inside. If you somehow run out of fertilizer in the vendors, remember you can produce more here. Reagents produced will be poured into the inserted bucket. You can also craft a whole bunch of useful items from the leather/cloth sheets the biogenerator can create. Plant dna manip.gifDNA Extractor The DNA extractor allows you to extract and modify seed stats and traits. This machine is what lets you become a Chemist on speed. This is a little complex, so look at: Advanced Botany Removed as of April 3rd, 2020. Stats, reagents and traits Three things determine how your plant will turn out: Their stats, reagents and traits. Stats Stats determine whether your plants are small and grow slowly, or are big and fast-growing. Click expand to see what stats do: Potency: The most important stat (0 to 100). This affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. The amount of a reagent a plant will produce is reagent% x potency x plant capacity. Almost all plant have 100 capacity by default, so for example 10% nutriment in a 50 potency plant with 100 capacity will produce 5 units of nutriment. Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything. Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10 -- the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest. Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed). Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Only important for plants with the Perennial Growth trait. Age: Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat. Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Instability: The higher a plant's instability, the plant will passively recieve stat changes over time. Between 20-59, the plant will have it's stats mutate randomly. Above 60, but below 80, the plant will have a chance to mutate to one of it's possible mutations every time it ages. Above 80, the plant has a chance to gain random traits over time. Weed growth rate: Determines how quickly weeds grow in the plant tray. Relevant above 0, but only relevant with high vulnerability value. Weed vulnerability: The higher, the more easily a plant is overtaken by weeds. Only relevant with very high values. Weeds: Reduces plant potency and yield. Remove with a cultivator. Pests: Reduces plant potency and yield. Toxicity: Hurts health. Can be reduced by overwatering the plant, which replaces water. Discovery Value: How rare the species is, the higher this value is, the more money Centcom is willingly to pay for it. Reagents/Content This determines what chemicals are present in a grown plant - New reagents can be transferred between plants with the use of cross-pollination, while reagents can be removed with botanogenetic shears.. With a bit of creativity, you can mix your own mutagen, produce unique healing chemicals or turn tomatoes into napalm grenades. Solid Chemistry knowledge will help you out immensely. For a detailed list, check out: Plant reference chart "Fragile" chemicals are unable to be removed via gene shears, but can be cross-pollinated (or even grafted in some cases) like normal chemical genes. Traits Traits give your plants unique properties. There are plenty - Perennial Growth, for example, lets you harvest plants multiple times. These can be transferred, just like reagents. "Immutable" traits are unable to be removed via gene shears or grafted from any plant. Likewise, "Essential" traits are unable to be removed via shears, but can be grafted in some cases. List of traits: Trait name Properties Auto-Distilling Composition Causes the plant's food reagents to ferment instead. In practice it replaces the plant's nutriment and vitamins with half as much of its fermentated reagent. Mutually exclusive with Auto-Juicing composition. Auto-Juicing Composition Causes the plant's food reagents to become that plant's juice instead. Similar to auto-distilling composition, but with replaces the food with juice instead. Mutually exclusive with Auto-Distilling composition. Bioluminescence Causes the plant to glow, emitting light based of potency. Varieties include Shadow Emission, White Bioluminescence, Red Bioluminescence, Yellow Bioluminescence, Green Bioluminescence, Blue Bioluminescence, Purple Bioluminescence and Pink Bioluminescence. Bluespace Activity Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin. Max radius is determined by potency. Capacitive Cell Production Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge. Carnivory Makes the plant heal from pests instead of taking damage from them. Densified Chemicals Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant (usually from 100 to 200), which in turn doubles the amount of reagents produced. Halves the maximum yield of the plant, to five. Electrical Activity Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries (in hand, worn container or pocket) when eaten, depending on potency. It also has potency/5 %chance to electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents. Endothermic Activity On harvest, consumes the plant's nutrients to cool the other chemicals inside. Cools the plant's reagents for 5 kelvin per 1 unit of nutriment consumed. Mutually exclusive with Exothermic Activity. Halves the maximum yield of the plant, to five. Exothermic Activity Similar to endothermic activity, but instead consumes the plant's nutrients to heat the other chemicals inside. Heats the plant's reagents for 25 kelvin per 1 unit of nutriment consumed. Mutually exclusive with Endothermic Activity. Halves the maximum yield of the plant, to five. Fire Resistance Makes the seeds and produce fireproof. Fungal Vitality The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, removing the need for water and greatly reducing damage from lack of light. Minimum yield is always 1 and the tray can't be overtaken by weeds. This is a plant type, and is incompatible with other plant types. Gaseous Decomposition Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Only available through Strange seeds, high instability mutations, or the rare maintenance plant Odious Puffballs. Hallucinatory Feedback Plants (or plant trash, such as banana peels) with this trait will play a laughter sound effect when slipped on. Hypodermic Prickles Plants with this trait will sting when thrown (or slipped on with Slippery Skin), transferring up to 20u (at 100 potency) of their chemicals to the target. Does not pierce hardsuits. Mutually exclusive with Liquid Contents trait. Invasive Spreading Plants with this trait will invade adjacent trays and destroy other plants growing there. Will not overwrite plants of the same species. Liquid Contents Causes the plant to squash when thrown or slipped on (Slippery Skin), applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant. Mutually exclusive with Hypodermic Prickles and Prickly Adhesion traits. Natural Insecticide The harvested plant will not attract ants or decompose. Oculary Mimicry The plant gains a pair of googly eyes. Perennial Growth Plants with this trait don't die on harvest (and can be harvested multiple times). Prosophobic Inclination Prevents the plant from mutating species. Does not stop wild mutation from harvest or Floral Somatoray revolution mutation. Separated Chemicals Makes plant reagents not react with each other until squashed. Otherwise, they will mix on harvest. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful. Removed January 2019. Symbiotic Resilience Prevents stat mutations resulting from instability. Prickly Adhesion When thrown at people plants will non-harmfully embed. If combined with Hypodermic Prickles they will harmfully embed instead. Plants are also set to have 5 throw damage (at max potency). Mutually exclusive with Liquid Contents trait. Slippery Skin Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The knockdown time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum knockdown is 7 seconds. Triggers Hypodermic Prickes and Liquid Contents when combined with them. Weed Adaptation The plant acquires weed-like properties, removing the need for nutrients. Plant growth doesn't get slowed by weeds and the tray can't be overtaken by them. This is a plant type, and is incompatible with other plant types. Plants can also have core plant traits. These are irremovable traits that cannot be randomly mutated, but affects how that plant acts at its core. Many of these traits require 'plant protection' to be picked up and used safely. Plant protection can be gained by using proper leather botanical gloves or a hardsuit / biosuit. Podpeople naturally have plant protection, as well. List of core traits: Trait name Unique Plant Properties Anti-Magic Vacuoles Holymelon.png Holymelons The plant acts as anti-magic when held in hand, stopping spells from affecting you. Has 1use per 20 potency, up to 5. Heated Petals Novaflowerplant.png Novaflowers The plant acts as a weapon, increasing its force up to 25 (at 100 potency) and sets targets on fire. Degrades with every hit, lowering its force until it falls apart. Burning Stem Novaflowerplant.png Novaflowers The plant burns people who pick it up or use it without proper plant protection. dealing moderate burn damage to the hand. Bright Petals Sunflowerplant.png Sunflowers The plant displays a unique message when hitting people with it. Rose Thorns Rose.png Roses The plant pricks people who pick it up or use it without proper plant protection, causing minor brute damgae. Stinging Stem Nettle.png Nettles The plant burns people who pick it up or use it without proper plant protection, causing moderate burn damage. Aggressive Stinging Stem Deathnettle.png Death Nettles The plant stuns and burns people who pick it up or use it without proper plant protection, causing high burn damage and a chance to stun. Sharpened Leaves Nettle.png Nettles The plant acts as a weapon, increasing its force up to 25 (at 100 potency). Degrades with every hit, lowering its force until it falls apart. Aggressive Sharpened Leaves Deathnettle.png Death Nettles The plant acts as a weapon, increasing its force up to 45 (at 100 potency). Degrades with every hit, lowering its force until it falls apart. Active Capsicum Glands Chillyghost.png Ghost Chilis The plant slowly heats the body temperature of people who pick it up without proper plant protection. Bluespace Volatility Bluespacetomato.png Bluespace Tomatos The plant randomly teleports whoever picks it up or uses it without without proper plant protection. Dormant Ferocity Walkingmushroom.png Killertomato.png Multiple Plants The plant awakens and becomes a monster when used in hand. If not handled with plant protection, they may awaken pre-emptively and attack you. Large Bites Apple.png Potato.png Multiple Plants The plant is always eaten in one bite. Dank Vesicles Omegaweed.gif Omega Weed The plant has a maximum reagent volume of 420 units. Powder-Filled Bulbs Cherrybomb.png Cherry Bomb The plant has a maximum reagent volume of 125 units. Explosive Contents Cherrybomb.png Cherry Bomb The plant's reagents are heated to maximum reagent temperature when used in hand, potentially triggering explosive reactions (such as gunpowder). Explosive Nature Firelemon.png Combustible Lemons The plant explodes like a grenade when used in hand, the explosive power scaling with potency. Miasma Gas Production Corpse flowerplant.png Corpseflower (plant) The plant expells miasma from its tray shortly after maturing. Discovery Value Some unusual plants can have a Discovery Value in their stats, which means their seeds can be sent via the cargo shuttle to be categorized by Centcom. If you can improve upon the plant's potency and send another seed packet, Centcom will reward you handsomely. Remember to send a low potency version first and then the high potency seed on a second trip, gotta show the big boss you are working hard on those vegetables! This process has a bit of price inelastic/quantity elastic, only need to export a few samples, Centcom doesn't need 200 packets of bluespace tomatoes! TIP: Some plants have 3 levels of mutations, the third one usually has a higher Discovery Value. Sunflower.png Plant reference chart Gavel.png Important note This section needs to be moved to a better place. hydroponics is not the only job that can plant and grow plants so this section should be moved to its own page and expanded. All you need to know about plants - their reagents, traits and what they can mutate into. Traits that can be copied with GRAFTING are underlined. If a plant does not have an underlined trait, it will default to Perennial Growth, even if the plant traditionally does not have it by default. Plant Chart (mouse over (some of) the reagents to have a brief effect description) Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Fermentation Traits Available from Mutates into Aloe Normal Aloe seed.png Aloe plant.png Aloe.png 5% nutriment, 5% vitamin. Can be microwaved to create aloe cream. Tequila MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus Normal Ambrosia deus seed.png Ambrosia deus stage harvest.gif Ambrosia deus.png 5% nutriment, 15% omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia Ambrosia gaia Normal Ambrosia gaia seed.png Ambrosia gaia stage harvest.gif Ambrosia gaia.png 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Fruit wine (70 strength) Mutate Ambrosia deus Ambrosia vulgaris Normal Ambrosia vulgaris seed.png Ambrosia vulgaris stage harvest.png Ambrosia vulgaris.png 5% nutriment, 10% Libital, 10% Aiuri, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (30 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus Apple Normal Appleseed.png Appletree.png Apple.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Always eaten in one bite. Hard cider Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Gold apple Bamboo Normal Bambooseed.png Bambooplant.png Bamboo.png Harvesting results in bamboo logs. Cut these logs with a hatchet to produce stackable bamboo cuttings. Use the bamboo cuttings in hand to craft a either a punji stick trap (paralyzes and hurts those who step on it, even with shoes on) or a blow gun (makeshift syringe gun that deals stamina and suffocation damage to the user). Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Sugarcane, Exotic Seeds Crate Banana Normal Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png Drops peels when eaten or destroyed. 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment. Grind banana peels for (20% of potency) units of pulped banana peel. Banana Honk Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Blue-space banana Barrelmelon Normal Barrelmelonseed.png Barrelmelonplant.png Barrelmelon.png 20% ale, 10% nutriment. Antihol Auto-Distilling Composition Mutate Watermelon Bell Pepper Normal Bell pepper seed.png Bell pepper plant.png Bellpepper.png 8% vitamin, 4% nutriment. Can be baked into roasted bell peppers. Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Berry Normal Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Gin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry Blood tomato Normal Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% blood, 4% vitamin. Bloody Mary Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space banana Normal Bluespacebananaseed.png Bluespacebananaplant.png Bluespacebanana.png 20% bluespace dust, 20% liquid dark matter, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Banana Honk Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana Blue-space tomato Normal Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.png Bluespacetomato.png 20% bluespace dust, 20% space lube, 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fruit wine (80 strength) Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato Blue cherry Normal Bluecherryseed.png Bluecherrytree.png Bluecherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar, 7% oxygen. Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry Blue tomato Normal Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png 10% nutriment, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Laughter Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Blue-space tomato Blumpkin Normal Blumpkinseed.png Blumpkinplant.png Blumpkin.png 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% nutriment Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Pumpkin Bungo tree Normal Bungotreeseed.png Bungotreeplant.png Bungo fruit.png Harvest will yield a fruit. Grinding or eating the fruit yields a pit. Bungo fruit.png Fruit: 10% nutriment, 10% Universal Enzyme. Bungo pit.png Pit: 10% Bungotoxin, 4% nutriment. Only the fruit can have other chems from manipulated genes, but both the fruit and pit can have additional plant traits (such is Hypodermic Prickles). Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Cabbage Normal Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Replica pod Cannabis Normal Cannabisseed.png Cannabisplant.png Cannabis.png 15% cannabis Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Deathweed, Lifeweed, Omega weed Carbon Rose Normal Carbonroseseed.png Carbonroseplant.png Carbonrose.png 10% carbon, 5% plastic polymers. Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Natural Insecticide Mutate Rose Carpet Normal Carpetseed.png Growncarpet.png Carpet.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen. Use the product in hand to create carpet tiles. Perennial Growth Mutate Grass Carrot Normal Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine. Can be carved into a shiv Carrotshiv.png. Fruit wine (30 strength) MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip Chanterelle Mushroom Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png 10% nutriment Fruit wine (40 strength) Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Jupiter Cups Cherry Normal Cherryseed.png Cherrytree.png Cherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Fruit wine (30 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry, Cherry bulb Cherry bomb Normal Cherrybombseed.png Cherrybombtree.png Cherrybomb.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 70% Gunpowder Fruit wine (80 strength) Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology Cherry bulb Normal Cherrybulbseed.png Cherrytree.png Cherrybulb.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth, Pink Bioluminescence Mutate Cherry Chili Normal Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png 4% nutriment, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Chilly Pepper Cocoa Normal Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodtree.png Cocoapod.png 10% nutriment, 25% cocoa. Creme de Cacao Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla, Bungo tree Coffee arabica Normal Coffeearabicaseed.png CoffeearabicaTree.png Coffeearabica.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin, 5% nitrogen. Kahlua Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta Coffee robusta Normal Coffeerobustaseed.png CoffeerobustaTree.png Coffeerobusta.png 10% coffee powder, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Kahlua Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica Combustible lemon Normal Firelemonseed.png Firelemontree.png Firelemon.png 5% nutriment, 5% Welding Fuel (can be thrown like an IED) Fruit wine (70 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon Corn Normal Cornseed.png CornPlant.png Corn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin. Whiskey MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn Corpse Flower Normal Corpse flowerseed.png Corpse flowerplant.png n 10% Formaldehyde, 10% fluorine. Right before it blooms it starts producing miasma until harvested. Miasma production only works around normal pressure. Potency determines how high the pressure must be for miasma production to work. 50-60 potency is needed in standard pressure. Yield determines the output rate of the miasma. Harvesting does not yield any fruits. Mutate Starthistle Cotton Normal Cottonseed.png Cottonplant.png Cotton.png None. Can be turned into fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. Fruit wine (10 strength) MegaSeed Servitor Durathread Cucumber Normal 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Death berry Normal Deathberryseed.png Deathberrytree.png Deathberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 8% coniine, 10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry Death nettle Weed Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png 50% fluorosulphuric acid, 50% sulphuric acid. Hurts if you pick it up without botanist's leather gloves, but is a powerful weapon at high potency. You must be on Combat Mode Combat 32.png to hit people, or you'll try to forcefeed them instead. Repeatedly attacking with the same nettle will reduce damage each hit and eventually cause it to wither away. Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation Deathweed Normal Deathweedseed.png Deathweedplant.png Deathweed.png 35% cyanide, 15% cannabis Fruit wine (40 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Destroying angel Mushroom Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png 10% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 20% amanitin Fruit wine (60 strength) Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita Durathread Normal Durathreadseed.png Durathreadplant.png Durathread.png None. Can be turned into durable fabrics by using a loom, buildable with planks. Fruit wine (10 strength) Mutate Cotton Eggplant Normal Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant Egg-plant Normal Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Eggyplant fruit.png 10% nutriment, egg inside. Eggnog Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate Embershroom (numerous mushrooms) Normal Mycelium-ember.png Ember-grow3.png Mushroom stem.png Yields mushroom stems. 4% tinea luxor, 2% vitamin, 2% space drugs Fruit wine (60 strength) Fungal Vitality, Bioluminescence, Fire Resistance Lavaland Extradimensional orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Extradimensional orange.gif 15% haloperidol, 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Mindbreaker Toxin Perennial Growth Mutate Orange Fairy grass Normal Fairygrassseed.png Fairygrassplant.png Fairygrassclump.png 15% space drugs, 5% hydrogen, 2% nutriment. Use the product in hand to create fairy grass tiles. Fruit wine (15 strength) Blue Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Mutate Grass Fire blossom Normal Fireblossomseed.png Fireblossomgrown.png Fireblossomharvest.png 4% Tinea luxor, 5% Carbon, 3% Nutriment. Fruit wine (40 strength) Fire Resistance, Yellow Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Lavaland Fly amanita Mushroom Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png 35% amatoxin, 4% mushroom hallucinogen, 10% growth serum Fruit wine (40 strength) Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel Fraxinella Normal Fraxinellaseed.png Fraxinellaplant.png Fraxinella.png 5% nutriment, 5% oil. Ash Natural Insecticide Mutate Geranium Fruiting cactus Normal Seed-cactus.png Cactus-harvest.png Cactus-fruit.png 2% vitamin, 2% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth Fruit wine (50 strength) Fire Resistance Lavaland Star cactus Galaxythistle Weed Galaxythistleseed.png Galaxythistleplant.png Galaxythistle.png 5% nutriment, 10% silibinin Fruit wine (35 strength) Weed Adaptation, Invasive Spreading Mutate Starthistle Garlic Normal Garlicseed.png Garlicplant.png Garlic.png 15% garlic juice, 10% nutriment Fruit wine (10 strength) MegaSeed Servitor Gatfruit Normal Gatfruitseed.png Gatfruittree.png Gatfruit.png 10% sulfur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium, a goddamn .357 revolver Fruit wine (90 strength) Perennial Growth Xenobiology Geranium Normal Geraniumseed.png Geraniumplant.png Geranium.png 5% nutriment, 20% libital Vermouth Natural Insecticide Mutate Poppy Fraxinella Glow-berry Normal Glowberryseed.png Glowberrytree.png Glowberrypile.png 10% nutriment, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. Luminosity: 20%. Fruit wine (60 strength) White Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Ghost chili Normal Chillighostseed.png Chillighosttree.png Chillyghost.png 4% nutriment, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth, Exothermic Activity Mutate Chili Glowshroom Mushroom Glowshroomseed.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Fruit wine (50 strength) Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Glowcap, Shadowshroom Glowcap Mushroom Glowcapseed.png Glowcapplant.png Glowcapshroom.png 10% teslium, 4% nutriment. Fruit wine (40 strength) Electrical Activity, Red Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom Gold apple Normal Goldappleseed.png Goldappletree.png Goldapple.png 10% nutriment, 20% gold, 4% vitamin. Always eaten in one bite. Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Apple Grapes Normal Grapesseed.png Grapeplant.png Grapes.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Wine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes Grass Normal Grassseed.png Growngrass.png Grass.png 2% nutriment, 5% hydrogen. Use the grass in hand to create grass tiles. Fruit wine (15 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet, Fairy Grass Green beans Normal Green bean seeds.png Green bean mature.png Green bean.png 4% vitamin, 4% multiver Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Prosophobic Inclination MegaSeed Servitor Jumping beans Green grapes Normal Greengrapesseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrapes.png 10% nutriment, 20% aiuri, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin. Cognac Mutate Grapes Bundle of Herbs Weed Herb seed.png Herbs plant.png Herbs.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Fernet Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Harebell Weed Harebellseed.png Harebellplant.png Harebell.png 4% nutriment. Vermouth Weed Adaptation, Natural Insecticide Can overtake a tray with weeds. Holymelon Normal Holymelonseed.png Holymelonplant.png Holymelon.png 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment. Has anti-magic properties when held in hand. Has limited anti-magic charges. Will block 1 spell per 20 potency. Fruit wine (70 strength) Perennial Growth, Yellow Bioluminescence Mutate Watermelon Chilly Pepper Normal Icepepperseed.png Icepepperplant.png Icepepper.png 2% nutriment, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Fruit wine (30 strength) Perennial Growth, Endothermic Activity Mutate Chili Inocybe mushroom (tall mushrooms) Normal Mycelium-inocybe.png Inocybe-grow3.png Mushroom cap.png Yields mushroom caps. 4% mindbreaker toxin, 8% entropic polypnium, 4% mushroom hallucinogen Fruit wine (70 strength) Fungal Vitality, Fire Resistance Lavaland Jumping beans Normal Jumping bean seeds.png Jumping bean mature.png Jumping bean.png 5% nutriment, 10% ants Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Symbiotic Resilience Mutate Green Beans Jupiter cups Mushroom Jupiter cupmycelium.png Jupiter cupplant.png Jupiter cup.png 10% nutriment, 10% Liquid Electricity (unremovable gene) Fruit wine (40 strength) Carnivory (unremovable gene), Fungal Vitality Mutate Chanterelle Killer tomato Normal Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, can be awoken by using it in hand. Demon's Blood Liquid Contents Mutate Tomato Koibean Normal Koibeanseed.png Koibeanplant.png Koibeans.png 5% nutriment, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (40 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean Korta Nuts Normal Kortaseed.png Kortanutplant.png Korta nut.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Grinds into Korta Flour, juices into Korta Milk. Kortara Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Sweet Korta Nut Sweet Korta Nuts Normal Sweetkortaseed.png Kortanutplant.png Korta nut.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 10% korta nectar. Grinds into Korta Flour, juices into Korta Milk. Kortara Perennial Growth Mutate Korta Nuts Kudzu Weed Kudzuseed.png Kudzuplant.png Kudzu.png 2% nutriment, 4% multiver. Special, see this. Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Mutagen weed mutation Kronkus Vines Normal Kronkusseed.png Kronkusplant.png Kronkus.png 5% nutriment Kronkus Extract (used in making Kronkaine) Maintenance Odious Puffball Mushroom Puffballseed.png Puffballplant.gif Puffball.png 20% spore toxin, 4% nutriment. Fruit wine (50 strength) Gaseous Decomposition, Fungal Vitality, Liquid Contents Maintenance Laughin' peas Normal Laughinpea seed.png Laughinpeas harvest.png Laughinpeas.png 7% nutriment, 5% sugar, 5% Laughter. Can be juiced for laughin' syrup. Fruit wine (90 strength) Perennial Growth, Purple Bioluminescence, Hallucinatory Feedback Mutate Peas World peas Lemon Normal Lemonseed.png Lemontree.png Lemon.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (30 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon Liberty-cap Mushroom Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png 2% nutriment, 25% mushroom hallucinogen Fruit wine (80 strength) Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation Lifeweed Normal Lifeweedseed.png Lifeweedplant.png Lifeweed.png 35% omnizine, 15% cannabis Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Lily Normal Lilyseed.png Lilyplant.png Lily.png 5% nutriment, 20% libital Vermouth Natural Insecticide Mutate Poppy Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lime Normal Limeseed.png Limetree.png Lime.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (30 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange Meatwheat Normal Meatwheatseeds.png Meatwheatplant.png Meatwheat.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. When harvested, you can get "meat" from this by using it in hand. Mutate Wheat Mimana Normal Minanaseed.png Minanatree.png Minana.png 10% nothing, 10% mute toxin, 2% nutriment. Silencer Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Banana Moonflower Normal Moonflowerseed.png Moonflowerplant.png Moonflower.png 2% nutriment, 2% vitamin, 20% moonshine. Absinthe Purple Bioluminescence, Natural Insecticide Mutate Sunflower Nettle Weed Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png 50% sulphuric acid Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle Novaflower Normal Novaflowerseed.png Novaflowerplant.png Novaflower.png 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 5% sulfuric acid, 4% nutriment. Can deal burn damage. Fruit wine (10 strength) Natural Insecticide Mutate Sunflower Oat Normal Oatseed.png Oatplant.png Oat.png 4% nutrient. Ale Mutate Wheat Olive Normal Olive seed.png Olive harvest.png Olive sprite.png 4% vitamin. 1% nutriment Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth Can be Ground into Olive paste which if water is added becomes Quality Oil Omega weed Normal Omegaweedseed.png Omegaweedplant.gif Omegaweed.gif 30% cannabis, 30% mindbreaker toxin, 15% mercury, 15% lithium, 15% atropine, 15% methamphetamine, 15% bath salts, 15% krokodil, 15% lipolicide, 10% nicotine Fruit wine (90 strength) Perennial Growth, Green Bioluminescence Mutate Cannabis Onion sprouts Normal Seed-onion.png Onion-harvest.png Onion.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Fruit wine (30 strength) Red onion sprouts Orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Orange.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Triple Sec Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime, Extradimensional orange Parsnip Normal Parsnipseed.png Parsnipplant.png Parsnip.png 5% vitamin, 5% nutriment, 5% aluminium Fruit wine (35 strength) Mutate Carrot Peanut Normal 4% vitamin, 1% Nutriment Fruit wine (10 strength) Can be ground into peanut butter Peas Normal Pea seed.png Peas harvest.png Pea.png 10% vitamin, 5% nutriment, 5% water Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Laughin' peas Plum Normal Plum seeds Plum seeds Plum seeds 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 4% rosenol. Always eaten in one bite. Plum wine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Plumb Plumb Normal Plum seeds Plum seeds Plum seeds 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 4% lead. Always eaten in one bite. Fruit wine (50 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Plum Plump helmet Mushroom Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Manly Dorf Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom Pineapple Normal Pineappleseeds.png Pineappleharvest.png Pineapple.png 20% nutriment, 4% water, 2% vitamin Fruit wine (40 strength) Perennial Growth, Auto-Juicing Composition MegaSeed Servitor Poison-berry Normal Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberrytree.png Poisonberries.png 10% nutriment, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (35 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry Polypore mushroom (large mushrooms) Normal Mycelium-polypore.png Polypore-grow3.png Mushroom shavings.png Yields mushroom shavings. 6% sugar, 4% ethanol, 6% stabilizing agent, 2% mint toxin. You can craft mushroom bowls from this. Fruit wine (20 strength) Fungal Vitality, Fire Resistance Lavaland Poppy Normal Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png 5% nutriment, 20% libital. Vermouth Natural Insecticide MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily Porcini mushroom (leafy mushrooms) Normal Mycelium-porcini.png Porcini-grow3.png Mushroom leaf.png Yields mushroom leaf. 6% nutriment, 4% vitrium froth, 4% nicotine Fruit wine (40 strength) Fungal Vitality, Fire Resistance Lavaland Potato Normal Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Potato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Can be turned into a potato battery by using cable coil CableCoils.png on it. Increase potency and add the Electrical Activity trait for higher capacity. Always eaten in one bite. Vodka Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato Pumpkin Normal Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png 20% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin Rainbow flowers (Rainbow Bunch seeds) Normal Seed-rainbowbunch.png Rainbowbunch-harvest.png Rainbow flower.png 5% nutriment, 3u color powder of type depending on flower color. Harvest yields flowers of random colors. Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Natural Insecticide Exotic Seeds Crate Rainbow weed Normal Rainbowweedseed.png Rainbowweedplant.gif Rainbowweed.gif 15% lipolicide, 10% mindbreaker toxin, 10% happiness, 5% colorful reagent, 3% psicodine Fruit wine (60 strength) Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Redbeet Normal Redbeetseed.png Redbeetplant.png Redbeet.png 5% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fruit wine (60 strength) Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet Red onion sprouts Normal Seed-onionred.png Onion red-harvest.png Onion red.png 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment, 5% tear juice Fruit wine (60 strength) Mutate Onion Sprouts Rice Normal Riceseed.png Riceplant.png Ricestalk.png 4% nutriment. Sake MegaSeed Servitor Reishi Mushroom Reishiseeds.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png 35% multiver, 35% morphine Fruit wine (40 strength) Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray Replica pod Normal Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png Special. Yields max 2 seeds on harvest. Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Cabbage Rose Normal Roseseed.png Roseplant.png Rose.png 5% nutriment, 10% granibitaluri, 5% oil. Can prick you if you aren't wearing gloves. Can be made into bouquets. Fruit wine (10 strength) Perennial Growth, Natural Insecticide Carbon Rose Seraka Mycelium Normal Serakaseed.png Serakaplant.png Seraka.png 10% mushroom powder, 2% seraka extract Fruit wine (40 strength) Fungal Vitality, Fire Resistance Lavaland Shadowshroom Normal Mycelium-shadowshroom.png Shadowshroom-grow4.png Shadowshroom.png 20% radium, 4% nutriment Fruit wine (60 strength) Shadow Emission, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshrooms Shrub Normal Shrubseed.png Shrubplant.png Shrub.png Use in hand to plant on the ground to grow a hedge. Hedges block sight but can be trimmed with a sharp implement if you have the hedge trimming skillchip. Fruit wine (10 strength) Exotic seeds crate Snapcorn Normal Snapcornseed.png SnapcornPlant.png Snapcorn.png 10% nutriment, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin. Use in hand to pick a snap pop Spappop.png from the cob. Fruit wine (10 strength) Mutate Corn Soybean Normal Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png 5% nutriment, 4% vitamin, 3% cooking oil. Grind for soy milk. Fruit wine (20 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean Space tobacco Normal Spacetobaccoseed.png SpacetobaccoTree.png Spacetobacco.png 3% nutriment, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Fruit wine (50 strength) Mutate Tobacco Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Normal Spacemantrumpetseed.png Spacemantrumpetplant.png Spacemantrumpet.png 5% nutriment, 15% Polypyrylium Oligomers (unremovable gene) Fruit wine (10 strength) Natural Insecticide Mutate Lily Star cactus Normal Starcactusseed.png Starcactusplant.png Starcactus.png 5% nutriment, 5% helbital, 8% water Tequila Prickly Adhesion, Hypodermic Prickles, Fire Resistance Mutate Fruiting cactus Starthistle Weed Weedsplant.png None Weed Adaptation Can overtake a tray Corpse Flower, Galaxythistle Steel Cap Mushroom Steelcapseed.png Steelcapplant.png Steelcap.png 5% iron, 5% cellulose fibers. Can't be ground. Fungal Vitality Mutate Tower Cap Strange seeds Normal Seed-x.png Question.png Question.png Random, read this. Fruit wine (10-200 strength) Hacked vending machine, cargo crates Sugarcane Normal Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png 25% sugar. Rum Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Bamboo Sunflower Normal Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png 8% corn oil, 4% nutriment Fruit wine (10 strength) Natural Insecticide MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower Sweet potato Normal Sweetpotatoseed.png Sweetpotatoplant.png Sweetpotato.png 10% nutriment, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin. Always eaten in one bite. Sbiten Mutate Potato Tea aspera Normal Teaasperaseed.png TeaasperaTree.png Teaaspera.png 10% tea powder, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra Tea astra Normal Teaastraseed.png TeaastraTree.png Teaastra.png 10% tea powder, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera Tobacco Normal Tobaccoseed.png TobaccoTree.png Tobacco.png 3% nicotine, 3% nutriment. Creme de Menthe MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco Töchtaüse Berries Normal Toechtause seed.png Toechtause plant.png Toechtause.png 10% Töchtaüse Juice, 4% Itching Powder. Itching Powder Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tomato Normal Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin. Enzyme Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood, Blue or Killer tomato Tower Cap Mushroom Towercapseed.png Towercapplant.png Towercap.png 5% cellulose fibers. Can't be ground. Yields logs. Turn logs into planks with a hatchet. Fruit wine (10 strength) Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steel Cap Vanilla Normal Vanillaseed.png Vanillaplant.png Vanilla.png 25% vanilla, 10% nutriment. Vanilla Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa Walking mushroom Mushroom Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin. Can be awoken by using it in hand. Oculary Mimicry, Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet Watermelon Normal Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png 20% nutriment, 20% water, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (40 strength) Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Barrelmelon, Holymelon Wheat Normal Wheatseeds.png Wheatplant.png Wheat.png 4% nutriment. Beer MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat Whitebeet Normal Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png 5% nutriment, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin Fruit wine (40 strength) MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet World peas Normal Worldpea seed.png Worldpeas harvest.png Worldpeas.png 15% nutriment, 10% Happiness, 10% Pax. Extremely slow maturation speed (20). Can be juiced for laughin' syrup. Fruit wine (100 strength) Blue Bioluminescence Mutate Laughin' peas Vendnutri.gif Chemicals A lot of chemicals influence plants when in their trays or dirt piles. Some reagent effects scale with amount of units stored in the hydroponics tray's or dirt pile's container. This means using more units can cause faster stat changes. These are listed per unit. Reagents with random stat changes will have their average (avg) effects listed. These typically do not scale with amount, and require at least 1 unit in the tray. Effects without randomness and without scaling are listed as a simple number. They need at least 1 unit in the tray to work. All reagents count as "nutrient" for the dark yellow tray lights to go away. Reagents will be consumed over time. Remember to refill. The listed effects in this table happen (tick) about every 20 seconds. Name How to get Description Potency Yield Production speed (lower is better) Health Instability Pests Weeds Toxicity E-Z-Nutrient Vendor or biogenerator Trays and dirt piles start with this fertilizer by default. 0.3 per unit 0.1 per unit 0.2 Left 4 Zed Vendor or biogenerator Raises instability but does little else. Heals the plant. 0.1 per unit 0.2 per unit Robust Harvest Vendor or biogenerator Potent nutriment for increasing yield. Slowly decreases instability. Good for maintaining a plant when you don't want more mutations. 0.1 per unit 0.2 per unit -0.25 Ammonia 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen 10% chance to increase yield and instability by 1. Heals the plant. 0.1 avg 0.12 per unit 0.1 avg Diethylamine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol Quickly maxes yield and health. Removes instability and 1-2 pests. 1 per unit 1 per unit -1 per unit -1.5 avg Saltpetre 3 parts Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen Quickly increases potency and can improve production speed. Heals the plant. 1 per unit -0.05 per unit avg 0.18 per unit Ash 1 part Oil Temperature 480K Heals plant and kills weed. 1 per unit -1 Multiver 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Removes toxicity. -2 per unit Unstable Mutagen 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Special and slightly toxic. Each roll causes one of the following: A 50% chance to increase the plant's instability by 5. A 10% chance to mutate weeds into their more dangerous counterparts (needs high 'weeds' stat for effect). A 10% chance to mutate pests to create spiderlings from the tray (needs high 'pests' stat for effect). A 10% chance to damage the plant -10 health. Visible message "plant starts to wilt and burn". -1 avg 2.5 avg 3 Uranium Grind uranium sheets Causes the same special rolls as unstable mutagen but also hurts health by 1 (per unit) and adds toxicity by 2 (per unit). -1 avg and -1 per unit 2.5 avg 2 per unit Enduro Grow Biogenerator A specialized nutriment, which decreases product quantity and potency, but strengthens the plant's endurance. Increases endurance by 0.35 per unit. -0.1 per unit -0.075 per unit Liquid Earthquake Biogenerator A specialized nutriment, which increases the plant's production speed, as well as it's susceptibility to weeds. Increases weed rate (0.1 per u) and weed chance (0.3 per u). -0.075 per unit Special Stabilizing Agent 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen Stabilizes. -1 Cryoxadone 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Stable Plasma Heals plant and removes toxicity. 3 per unit -3 per unit Honey Beekeeping 20% chance to pollinate nearby plants and 80% chance to feed weeds and pests. 1.2 avg 1.2 avg Blood Crew and monkeys Helps pests grow. 2.5 avg Sugar Chemistry or Bar Helps pests and weeds grow. 1.5 avg 1.5 avg Soda Water Bar Keeps plant watered and slightly heals it. 0.1 per unit Holy Water Chaplain Heals the plant and keeps it watered. Raises instability. 0.1 per unit 0.15 per unit Strange Reagent 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water Spawns either a killer tomato or an angry tree. (Other requirements?) Nutriment Food Slightly heals plant. 0.2 per unit Chlorine Chemistry Kills all plant life in the tray. Even drains water. -1 per unit -2 avg 1.5 per unit Fluorine Chemistry Quickly kills all plant life in the tray. Even drains water. -2 per unit -2.5 avg 2.5 per unit Phosphorus Chemistry Hurts plants and drains water. -0.75 per unit -1.5 avg Radium Chemistry Hurts the plant and increases toxicity. -1 per unit 1 per unit Toxin Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxic. Most other toxins have same effect. 2 per unit Plant-B-Gone 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water Harmful toxic mixture to kill plantlife. -10 per unit -6 avg 6 per unit Weed Killer 4 parts Ammonia 1 part Toxin Harmful toxic mixture to kill weeds. -1.5 avg 0.5 per unit Pest Killer 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Harmful toxic mixture to kill pests. -1.5 avg 1 per unit Natural Pest Killer Biogenerator Harmful toxic mixture to kill pests. Organic version with much lower side effects. -1.5 avg 0.1 per unit Nicotine Cigarettes Toxic. -1.5 avg 1 per unit Sulphuric Acid Chemistry Harmful. -1 per unit -1.5 avg 1.5 per unit Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfuric Acid Temperature 380K Harmful. -2 per unit -2.5 avg 3 per unit Napalm 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol Has no ill effects if the plant has the fireproof trait. Effective against weeds. -6 per unit -7 avg 7 per unit Milk Cows Waters plant and reduces potency. -0.5 per unit Beer Bar Waters plant and hurts it. -0.05 per unit Virus Food 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk Plants aren't viruses. Hurts plant. -0.5 per unit Beekeeping Beekeeping Bees greatly increase plant yield, potency and the probability of you getting lynched. Great stuff, and very useful even if you're no traitor! Bee.gif For more info, click here for the guide on beepeeking. Bee.gif Advanced Botany This is where you get to PLAY GOD and mess with the stats, reagents and traits of plants. Plant Grafts Plant Grafts Plant Grafts Once any plant has fully grown, it can now be grafted. Grafting a plant costs a small amount of plant health, but it will produce a plant graft. Plant grafts can be be scanned with a plant analyzer to keep track of what traits have been grafted off. Grafting a trait onto a plant freely integrates that trait into the plant. Plant grafts are always physical traits, and can only be grafted once for every instance of the plant grown. Plant grafts can also be used to average another plant's stats together. It will add 2/3rds of the difference between the two plants, or the graftee's stats, whichever is the higher of the two. This will affect the plant's Lifespan, Endurance, Production, Yield, Weed Production Rate, as well as Weed Vulnerability. This Grafting is good for health related stats and yield, but typically damaging for weed stats and plant production speed. Crosspollination Turbotanypollination.png Crosspollination is available for any two trays who have plants placed right next to each other (including diagonally). When any 2 plants are adjacent to each other, they will slowly average their potency, yield, and instability off into each other, at a rate of 1/10th of their difference every time the plant grows older (1/2 for yield), either upwards or downwards. This allows for using extra plants with high potency or yield to be planted next to plants with signifigantly lower starting stats, in order to either raise up, or drain off stats to where you would want them. If trying to increase potency or yield, plants like watermelons or Tea Aspera are typically the best for this purpose. If trying to increase instability, Corn is one of the best for improving a plant's instability (In real life, corn was originally a kind of wheat grass, until it was crossbred for centuries into growing larger and larger wheat kernels, eventually growing into maize). The best plants to grow to decrease a plant's instability are any of the flowers, all with a natural instability of 1. When a plant has over 20 instability, it will begin to accept chemical traits from adjacent plants at random. As a result, this can mean that having plants meant for the chef, like wheat, tomatoes, etc. should be grown next to similar, stable plants if that's your goal. It can also enable you to create chemical mixes within plants, given enough time. Extra chemicals can be removed from a plant through the use of Gene Shears at the cost of health, so if planning to make pure chemical mixes through your plants, you should also plan on improving the plant's endurance to enable them to lose more unwanted chemicals like nutriment faster. A receiving plant can have a chemical production trait upgraded if a sender has the same production with higher percentage. Mutations Many plants can be mutated to change species, change stats or add random new traits or chemical traits. Instability For each new threshold of instability in a plant, a different effect is added. These effects stack on each other. For 0-19 instability, the plant will not be affected by mutations, and will not accept reagent genes from other plants. This is where you want your plant to be if you're happy with its current reagents/traits/stats, and you want to keep it that way. At 20+ instability, the plant will casually mutate. Their stats will mutate up and down randomly over time, and can lead to very lopsided stats if left alone. At 30+ instability, each of the plant's harvested produce has a chance to be a wild mutation, becoming the produce of one of the possible species mutations instead. The chance is (instability/3)%, so a minimum of 10% and maximum of 33~%. Wild mutations will carry over traits from the parent plant. At 40+ instability, the plant will mutate much more strongly, and can result in a larger change in stats than the 20-39 range. At 60+ instability, every time they age they have a chance to hard mutate into one of their possible species mutations. This chance is their (instability/2)%, so a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 50% every time the plant ages. At 80-100 instability the plant will roll a 5-25% chance every time it ages to gain a new random trait or reagent, similar to what strange seeds can get. Starts at 5% chance at 80 instability and scales to 25% at 100 instability. The agonizingly slow way to raise instability is using E-Z Nutriment to make the plant gain it at a static rate. Left 4 Zed is a faster alternative, which improves the plant's instability based on the amount of it within the tank! Mutating with unstable mutagen You can speed up the process by asking your local Chemist for a few bottles of Unstable Mutagen. Having at least 1u mutagen in a tray has the following effects as of current, with odds and effects rolled every time the plant increases in age: A 50% chance to increase the plant's instability by 5, useful for statically increasing a plant's instability without the use of other reagents. A 10% chance to mutate weeds into their more dangerous counterparts. A 10% chance to mutate pests, and create spiders within the tray. A 10% chance to harm the plant inside, damaging the plant's health. Due to how the effects work, using mutagen on a plant tray should be used in combination with other reagents to produce the best results. Floral Somatoray.pngFloral Somatoray R&D can also research a wonderful thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has three options: randomly increase yield, mutate the plant stats and force a species mutation. Print it from the service techfab after research. Gene shears.gifBotanogenetic Shears R&D can produce gene shears after researching Experimental Tools, which will allow you to remove plant genes from a plant. This can be useful when mutating a plant, and whittling down their available reagents to what you need for crosspollination. Print it from the service techfab after research. Fixing awful stats Mutating plants has a chance of really ruining stats. Luckily, there are a few ways to fix them. Check the chemical table for the stats you want. Examples: Saltpetre. Increases potency and decreases production time. Ammonia. Increases yield. Floral Somatoray. Can increase yield and can randomize stats. Dude weeds Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include: 1/6 chance for Reishi/Starthistle. 1/9 chance for Nettle/Harebell/Amanita/Chanterelle/Tower Cap/Plump Helmets Having unstable mutagen in high weed level trays can result in different plants: Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap Other Notes Golden tray.png Autogrow Mode On any non-dirt tray, ctrl-clicking it will give it a golden shine, activating autogrow. Now it will generate its own water, self-tend weed/pest removal, and consume less nutrients if the tray is upgraded, but at the cost of a large amount of power. This is good for high maintenance plants that require a lot of tending if you need to leave botany for a few moments. Autogrow also prevents species mutations, but does not prevent stat/trait/chem mutations. This is great in combination with plants that have the Perennial Growth trait, if you can manage the power drain! Upgraded trays can hold more nutrients, water, and will consume less nutrients every time chemicals are processed. This makes upgrades for individual trays much more valuable, especially when using difficult to produce chemicals. If possible, growing glowcaps to power your APC can heavily offset the cost of using autogrow on a tray. You'll need a lot of power output in order to generate enough electricity to have all your trays on autogrow, so it's best to individually manage only 1-2 using this feature. Plumbing Constructor.png Automation with Plumbing Plumbing allows the creation of several systems to assist you in your work. For example: Feeding the trays reagents and possibly water, replacing the autogrow as long as there are reagents in input. Creating an automated grinding and/or filtering system for harvests. You will need fluid ducts Nduct n w.png, a plumbing constructor Plumbing Constructor.png, and potentially a plunger. Those can be found in the Chemistry Lab, or constructed on the medical Techfab. Alternatively, you may use Cytology (Science) equipment, if they're not using them. Hydroponics tray.png Connecting Trays Hydroponics trays can be connected to plumbing pipe-networks and machinery. Plumbing hydroponics example.png The trays possess a pipe input facing southward, but you may rotate them by unwrenching the tray and alt-clicking it; simply remember to wrench it back in place. If you're using machinery, the red pipe is the input, while the blue one is the output. You may add reagents to the pipe network using Inputs, fed manually using containers (beakers, bottles, ...). You may also produce some through plumbing machinery (e.g., synthesizersPlumbing synthesizer.png, grinders Plumbing grinder.png) and link it to the network. A plumbing tankPlumbing tank.gif might be a useful addition. Beware that using a plumbing system may fill the reagent tanks to the maximum, disallowing you from manually and individually adding reagents. Since the pipe input leads to the trays' reagent tanks before being sorted out, adding water to the network is nearly guaranteed to provoke said 'clogs.' To add water to the network, you may transform one of the water tanks into a plumbing-compatible one, using iron sheets, or use a synthesizer configured on water production. [to confirm] Note that the plumbing water tanks may suffer from a bug and not connect on the first wrenching attempt. Subsequent attempts should work, assuming the pipe output is oriented properly. Replicapodplant.png Replica Pod Cloning Replica pods can be used to grow dead people back to life - even when their brain and head are missing. To clone someone, follow these simple steps: Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe. Inject it into the bag of seeds. Plant the seeds. Let the plant grow and then harvest it. If the ghost of the corpse is still online, and did not turn on "Do not Resuscitate", that person will be cloned as a Podman. If there was no ghost available, the resulting harvest will simply produce up to two new packs of seeds. The podmen are a little different from normal humans. E.g. they regenerate in light but suffer in darkness and don't get attacked by bees or plants. Cabbage can be mutated into Replica Pod. Per this PR, Podepeople can now have different chemicals for their blood. The chemical trait with the highest % will be their blood. If there are no chemical traits then their blood is water. While this may sound fun, you have to keep in mind that Controlling the chemical traits on the replica pod to get your desired trait is a long and time consuming process, reliant on RNG and getting the botanical sheers. Its only one chem so no you cant make a mixture of potassium+water so everytime you bleed there is an explosion Having omnizine blood sounds cool, but you are immune to the chemical that makes up your blood. Bloodloss will be dangerous, as the only way to replenish it will be injecting more of the chemical into yourself or waiting to naturally regenerate it. If you're at 50% blood loss though its probably a death sentence. Strange Seeds Strange seeds (from hacked vendors or cargo crates) have completely random reagents and traits. Notable examples are: Gaseous Decomposition Nitroglycerin Any drink, like Gin Tonic or Beepsky Smash Glitter Plasmaman Mutation Toxin Hell Water Of course, this is pretty gimmicky and unreliable. Kudzuplant.png Kudzu Kudzu is a weed that can appear when having Unstable Mutagen in a tray with a weed level of 5 or above. The tray version of kudzu will grow normally in its tray. When harvested it will produce kudzu pods Kudzu.png. The kudzu pod is like any other fruit/vegetable and can be eaten or ground. To create wild-spreading kudzu, you must put a kudzu pod into a seed extractor, which will create packs of kudzu seeds Kudzuseed.png. Then activate a kudzu seed in your hand to start planting wild-spreading kudzu on the floor. Some plant stats will affect the wild-spreading version of kudzu in specific ways: Potency of the seed will make kudzu mutate more on spread. The chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10]. Production speed will affect how fast the kudzu will spread. Better (lower) production speed stat speeds up the process. Production speed used to have inverse effect on kudzu spread until a fix in July, 2020. Fastest kudzu spread is now achievable with a production speed stat of 1. Production speed also affects how far a single kudzu piece can spread, with production speed stat of 1 providing the largest range. Severity points scale linearly based on potency (0 potency = 10 max severity, 50 potency = 17.5 max severity, 100 potency = 25 max severity) Event kudzu gets a +10 max severity bonus. Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed in its place with all the accumulated mutations saved in the seed. So if you reactivate it, the new kudzu on the floor will have all the same mutations the seed had, and will spread it to all its progenitors. You can examine a wild kudzu to see what mutations it has. Color is decided by the last mutation gained. Kudzu traits have been significantly changed recently. There is now a maximum severity value which is [potency * 0.15 + 10]. Each mutation carries a severity, and you can only combine up to the severity limit. In addition, the Timid and Transparent traits can be used to create truly beneficial Kudzu. A chart with all the traits and mutations is also to the right. In addition, Kudzu also stops spreading unless it has the Cold-proof mutation if the tile its on is under 100K in temperature, discouraging malicious actors from venting the area to space. List of core traits: Trait Severity Points Quality Description Light Trivial 1 Positive Emits a small amount of light Toxic Average 4 Negative 10% chance of causing 20 toxin damage when stepped on Explosive Major 10 Negative Causes a small light explosion when destroyed Fire-proof Above Average 7 Minor Negative Makes vine (and spawned venus human traps) heat resistant and fire-proof Cold-proof Average 4 Minor Negative Makes vine (and spawned venus human traps) cold resistant, allowing spreading in low temperatures Temperature Stabilization Minor 2 Positive Heats or cools tile on top of to be 20C, same efficacy as space heater Vine-eating Minor 2 Minor Negative Destroys any vine on spread-target's tile Agressive Spread Major 10 Negative On spreading onto a tile with a person or when a person gets entangled, applies aggressive spread effect Transparency Trivial 1 Positive Kudzu no longer blocks light and is semi-transparent Oxygen-consuming Average 4 Negative Kudzu removes (up to 6 when fully grown) moles of O2 per process tick Nitrogen-consuming Average 4 Negative Kudzu removes (up to 6 when fully grown) moles N2 per process tick CO2-consuming Minor 2 Positive Kudzu removes (up to 6 when fully grown) moles of CO2 per process tick Plasma-consuming Average 4 Positive Kudzu removes (up to 6 when fully grown) moles of plasma per process tick Thorns Average 4 Negative 10% chance of doing 15 brute damage when stepped on or when hit by someone (with a non-ranged weapon) Hardened Above Average 7 Negative When fully grown, becomes unpassable (dense), maximum integrity set to 100, non-sharp items do half damage Timid Minor 2 Positive Kudzu only covers floors (hidden by items) and cannot entangle people anymore Flowering Major 10 Negative Increases entanglement chance to 25%, also has a 10% chance of creating venus human trap pods when fully grown Space Covering Makes vines grow vine floors over space Removed as of August 23, 2017 Bluespace Vines Makes vines be able to grow through anything Removed as of August 23, 2017 Note on Aggressive Spread effect: For non-carbons (silicons) it does 75 brute damage flat For carbons (humans) picks a random bodypart and its armor to damage 80% chance of doing 60 (sharp) brute damage and 2 seconds knockdown 20% chance of doing 60 (non-sharp) brute damage, 3 seconds knockdown, and throwing player away from the vine If vine has thorns, an additional 40% chance of doing 50% armour-piercing (point-wounds) 50 brute damage and 1 second stun Click expand to see chemicals that affect Kudzu mutations: Having special chemicals in the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations: Having 5u of welding fuel will remove random positive mutation with a 20% probability Having 5u of phenol will remove a random minor negative mutation with a 20% probability Having 5u of sterilizine will remove a random negative mutation with a 20% probability Having 15u of blood will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Having 5u of amatoxin will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Having 5u of plasma will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5 Having 10u of holy water will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15 Soil.png Sandstone and Soil Gavel.png Important note This section needs to be moved to a better place. Dirt plots are not hydroponics If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place. In addition to looking nice, it can be used to get some sand. Just dig it with your spade and you'll get two piles. Now, pick up the sand and use it; you will make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks. Science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray. Drying rack.png Wood and Drying Racks First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. Note: you can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them. Wooden barrel.png Fermentation Barrel You can craft wooden barrels with the crafting menu (under tribal)( or by using planks in hand), which requires 8 wood planks Planks.png. Clicking it will toggle it between open and closed. When open you can insert plants or liquid. When closed you can draw liquid by using a container on it. Inserting a plant into the barrel will ferment the plant after a few seconds (even if not closing it). This will grind the plant, adding all the plant's contained reagents to the barrel. But it can also add an additional reagent depending on plant used. Most plants will create a special wine with varied boozepower depending on plant used. Some plants will create other reagents than wine, and some plants will not work at all. Dispenser.png Other ways to get fertilizers Chemistry exploded too busy to help you out? Bad idea: Steal a chem dispenser. This will start a blood feud and is one of the biggest reasons why botanists are hated by some chemists. Think of it as someone stealing half your plant trays. Better: Grab the spare chem dispenser board from tech storage. The AI, silicons and all members of the Engineering department can let you in. Later: Ask Medbay to print you a spare chem dispenser board. After very basic research (Biological Technology), the medical protolathe is able to print chem dispenser boards. For stock parts: Print them from a public autolathe (if such has been built) or ask RnD/Engineering for a part replacer with stock parts. For stock parts you can also disassemble a hydroponics tray and a cell charger. A cell can then be found or gotten from disassembling a cyborg recharger. The Toiletbong (Getting high with style) Are your personal high standards keeping you from enjoying a fine smoke? Fear not, for you will no longer have to use rolling paper like an animal. The toiletbong can be crafted with a flamethrower, a wrench and a toilet. Refer to the Toiletbong Construction Guide for more information on how to build it. Fill the toiletbong with produce or food of your choice and turn those items into smoke, one at a time. There is a 5% chance of something coming up the pipes. Is it good, is it bad? Depends on you. The smoke radius is always 1 (or 2) and cannot be increased further. Since the toiletbong is literally a flamethrower attached to a toilet, it will definitely ignite plasma in the air during usage, just like any other heat source. Deconstructing the toiletbong will always yield a flamethrower with an empty plasma tank. This is due to balancing reasons you being high while deconstructing it. Engineers may give out toiletbongs freely without having to worry about assistants running around with flamethrowers shortly after. The toiletbong can be emagged for the following two effects: The smoke radius is increased from 1 to 2 Instead of smoking one item at a time, all held items are turned into smoke at once. (Your victim might overdose) Things You Can Make Out of Your Plants Add some cable to a potato to make a potato battery. It starts completely charged, and capacity depends on its proficiency (x20) and the Electrical Activity trait (additional x20 if present). The maximum capacity is that of Bluespace cells—40,000 Beware: If the potato has plasma in it, the resulting cell will be likely to explode on use. Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow. You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light. You can make a cob-pipe out of a corn cob. You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things. Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch. Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines. You can also grind them and put the liquid in an e-cig. Old guides CLICK EXPAND FOR OLD MUTATING METHOD FOR SERVERS NOT RUNNING THE APRIL 2020 HYDROPONICS REWORK: Repeatedly click the plant with 5 units of unstable mutagen and prepare for... 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the Plant reference chart for information on these mutations. 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing. 15% chance of normal stat mutation. 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens. 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random, special mutated weed (Kudzu, Deathnettle, Destroying Angel, Liberty Cap). 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, spiderlings are spawned. This is bad. If the spiderlings escape, they'll grow big and you'll likely get lynched. You can use radium or uranium, but they require double amounts compared to mutagen and cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen. Using 1u mutagen slightly changes stats, 2u has more drastic effects. You can use this to randomize stats until yield and potency are maxed, but you will need a way to heal the plant repeatedly. CLICK EXPAND FOR OLD CHEMICAL LIST FROM BEFORE THE APRIL 2020 REWORK: Fertilizers Nutriment: A fertilizer that adds 1 nutrient to the tray and heals the plant 0.5 health per unit added. You can get it by putting your plants and regular food in the grinder. Ammonia: Similar to nutriment, but also increases yield (25u to increase 1 yield). Get it from the Chemist or hack the Nutri-Vend to get this. Diethylamine: Adds 2 nutrient to the tray, heals the plant 1 health per unit added and increases yield (50u to increase 1 yield). Also kills pests. Get it the same way you get Ammonia. Saltpetre: Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient to the tray. Robust Harvest: Adds 1 nutrient to the tray per unit, and permanently increases plant yield of the tray 30% (without mutating the plant). Doesn't work on plants with 0 yield. A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Pest Removal Pest Killer: Kills pests, and adds a small amount of toxicity. Weed Killer: Same as above, but for Weeds. Mutation E-Z-Nutrient: Makes your plant mutate once every time it's ready for harvesting, and resets the tray's yield modifier to x1 (if another special fertilizer had previously been used on the tray). A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Left 4 Zed: Makes your plant mutate twice, but the yield will permanently be 1 at best. If the plant's yield is 0, then nothing is produced! You'll have to use another mutagen to harvest the normal yield of the plant. A tray can only have the modifiers of one of the three special fertilizers at a time (Robust Harvest, E-Z-Nutrient and Left 4 Zed). Unstable Mutagen: Used to randomly mutate plants - 5u for a chance to change the plant type, 1u/2u to only change stats. Radium and Uranium: Also usable for mutation (10u for plant type, 2u/5u for stats), but damages plants and adds toxicity. Radium is more damaging. Plant Meds Ash: Adds 0.5 nutrient to the tray, heals the plant 0.25 health per unit added and kills weeds. Multiver: Makes your plant less toxic. You can get it by whining to anyone who works in Medbay. Cryoxadone: Heals your plant, via miracles of science. Also lowers toxicity. Don't expect the Chemist to give this to you, but the medbay probably has extra beakers of this. Holy water: If you can get the Chaplain's attention and make him bless your water, it will heal your plant a bit. Unorthodox chemicals Soda Water: Mostly adds water, but also heals the plant and adds nutrient to the tray by a tiny amount. Milk: Adds some water and a tiny bit of nutrient to the tray. Beer: Adds a bit of water and nutrient to the tray, but damages the plant a little. Blood: Feeds both your plant and pests. Virus Food: Adds nutrient to the tray while damaging the plant. Nicotine: Kills pests while adding toxicity. The bad stuff Sugar: Makes pests and weeds grow stronger. Unless you plan to use unstable mutagen to unleash giant spiders or Kudzu upon the station, it's of no use. Toxin: Increases toxicity. Good job! Plant-B-Gone, Sulphuric Acid, Fluorosulfuric Acid: Damages the plant, adds toxicity and kills weeds. What do you think would happen? Fluorine, Chlorine: Same as above, but also drains water. Phosphorus: Same as Flourine/Chlorine, but adds nutrients to the tray instead of toxicity. Just use a spade. Napalm: Kills weeds, hurts plant and adds toxicity. This is just going downhill. Unless your plant has the fireproof trait, you might as well space the whole tray. On fireproof plants it will just kill weeds. Strange Reagent: Spawns either a killer tomato or an angry tree.