* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ======Guide to Security Procedures====== =====A Notice About Working Security===== Congratulations. You have chosen the most challenging position on most ships/stations/outposts. Not only is the entire station immediately going to have a grudge against you for no other reason than wearing a red uniform, but EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is going to be against you. The only bond you have in this job is between you and your other redsuits. You have committed to a job with absolutely no reward and with a high probability of being jobbanned, or in worst case scenarios, permanently banned from the server due to unleashing your inner sadist to cope with the stress of dealing with incompetent or malicious assholes. No one will bat an eye when you do something right, and everyone will be eager to call you shit the MOMENT you fuck up. Nobody is going to help you. Give up. If you are perfectly fine with the above and capable of handling the situation of being one of the Gestapo, seek medical help, you madman. Also, you are to adhere to the server rules as well as maintain Space Law in order to be held high amongst the legends who came before you. You will suffer. We salute you, soldier. You are a braver man than most of us. Right. =====A Word on Shitcurity===== There are three types of people you'll run into when playing Security. The first knows what he's doing, knows if he's done anything wrong, and knows when you do something wrong. Generally the more experienced players, this guy won't cause you any trouble if you do your job right. He might be argumentative, he might claim innocence. Ignore him, but don't treat them like a greytider. For all you know, they could have just been in a mixup. Follow Space Law according to all verifiable evidence and there will be no trouble. The second kind is the one that will fight you. He's done something wrong, and he knows you can find proof to put him away for good. He might be an antag, he might just be a member of the greytide, or he could just have nothing better to do except start shit - it doesn't matter. As long as you start with non-lethals and don't escalate unless he does you'll be fine. Once you've got him cuffed to a bed, alert medical to any trauma he may have suffered. If you're good, he shouldn't have any. NOTE: If you feel your life is in danger, and you feel that you cannot deal with this guy, call for backup, (e.g. ":s Help dorms [attacker name here]!" Make sure your suit sensors are on maxed (like you SHOULD have) and try to take down your attacker lethally. Harm intent stun batons work well, as they stun your target while also doing damage. If you feel that the situation is back under control, alert medical of the damage to you and your victim suspect and brig that fucker. Lethal force is always valid for confirmed enemies of the corporation, but not recommended for crew. Use common sense, don't shoot some prisoner with a shotgun if they try to escape a cell, or your fellow redsuits will look down upon you, and you'll get a ban. The third type is the one that's going to give you the most trouble: the willfully ignorant "innocent", a.k.a. the "DINDU NUFFIN". In addition to everything that applies to the second kind of lawbreaker mentioned above, he hasn't read Space Law (or if he has, he doesn't think it applies to him or perceives it to be unfair), doesn't know how escalation works, and will probably force you to take his headset off because he'll scream about how Security is murdering him in an attempt to incite a riot otherwise. What makes this guy dangerous isn't that he's robust. He's not - otherwise you wouldn't have been able to arrest him in the first place. It's because he's probably going to adminhelp you out of spite in an attempt to get you banned. Anything you did wrong while arresting him is going to be in the server logs, so don't give him anything that'll stick. This guy firmly believes he's innocent even if he's got an IED in his backpack, an e-mag that he stripped from a dead traitor in his pocket, and a bloodstained crowbar in his hands. No matter how bad he's asking for a robusting, just follow Space Law or you'll be the one on the chopping block. The worst part? He's not done when his timer's up. Instead, he'll simply act even worse than he did before just to fuck with you. Depending on how bad he gets, you'll probably have to put him away periodically before the round's over or outright permabrig him if he's particularly troublesome. Remember: following Space Law to the letter is the best way to handle this sap. He's going to call you "Shitcurity" as often as he can, because that's all he CAN do. No matter what you do, he's going to think he's right even when the entire station tells him otherwise, so the least you can do is avoid doing anything that might prove him right. In the best case scenario, his ahelps will backfire on him and get him banned instead- especially if you can prove that he was lying in said ahelps. The Adminbus has very little tolerance for shitters of this type, so being the better man is the best course of action. Don't succumb to your urge to just beat the ever loving crap out of these shitters, be the better man and follow Space Law. If you do, you've got nothing to fear. Knowing how to deal with these three types will ensure that no matter how much you get called shitcurity, they're the ones in the wrong. So let them run their mouths, they're just upset that they got caught breaking the law and have no other way of getting revenge when they're behind a locked cell door. =====The Hierarchy===== The Head of Security commands the Security Officers, the Warden and the Detective. No ifs, no buts. The Warden has an authority over the brig and the armoury and can authorize some equipment, but he is not authorized to order Security Officers around outside of the Brig. The chain goes: Security Officers, Detective < Warden < Head of Security < Captain Also, if the Head of Personnel comes into the brig and starts barking orders, you can tell him to "fuck off and die please return to their desk." The Head of Personnel DOES replace the captain if there is no captain present, but you should listen to your Head of Security before that. Hopefully the Head of Personnel will NOT act like security and let you do your job. And remember, you are NOT command's personal tool! If they say for example, "Hey security I saw a break-in, can you send someone down here?" you should follow their order and investigate, but if they say for example, "KILL THAT ONE GUY I DON'T LIKE THEM!" tell them to shut up. You follow Space Law. Keep it that way. =====The Law===== Space Law is a summary of most crimes with some suggested sentence times. Otherwise the Head of Security determines what is lawful and what isn't (within reason), with the Captain having the final say (again, within reason). =====Standard Procedure===== ====For Non-Security Personnel==== * Do not attempt to apprehend criminals. Call for security, that's their job. * Self-defense is acceptable if escape is not possible and danger to life or limb is present. * Do not break police tape without good reason. Having to walk slightly further than normal is not a good reason. ====For Prisoners==== * Don't be stupid. You're in there for a reason, don't just try to break out. * Hitting your shoes against the windows is really dumb and will make your sentence longer. Don't do it. * Suiciding or killing yourself just because you were brigged is also dumb, even as an antagonist. * Do not demand a trial for minor or medium crimes. You will be denied and it's just annoying. ====Questioning==== * Questioning should be done in the brig, preferably with a recorder. * If the person is not a suspect, handcuffing, stunning, or flashing them is not okay. * If person remains uncooperative, seek advice from the Head of Security or Captain. ====Arrest==== For wanted criminals: * Set record to arrest on console. * Announce intentions over radio. For minor, medium or only suspected major crimes: * Announce intention to arrest and charges vocally. * Ask the person to come peacefully without handcuffs. * If rejected, attempt to handcuff. If they refuse announce again and attempt handcuffing again. * If they fight back or run, flash or stun (flash preferred), and add a charge of resisting arrest. * Take to brig for processing. For witnessed major crime: * Immediate flashing or stunning and handcuffing, with charges read out on sec channel when suspect is secured. * Take to brig for processing. ====Processing==== Take subject to brig and perform a search while they are handcuffed. If they are uncooperative or repeat offenders, buckle to a chair. * For minor crimes and no contraband, a warning may be given instead of a brig sentence. * Confiscate contraband (items they should not have access to) and give possessions back to place in brig locker, excluding headset, PDA, and ID (as long as ID does not open brig doors). * Remove headset for repeat offenders or those abusing it. ====Jailing==== For minor, medium or only suspected major crime: * Take criminal to cell. * Adjust timer to make the door close. * Lock possessions in cell locker. * Unhandcuff prisoner and then readjust timer to appropriate time (time spent processing does not count towards sentence). * If at flight risk, ask to lie down, or buckle to bed, then remove cuffs. If uncooperative flash/stun and remove cuffs. * If attempted escape, stun or flash, and add charge of escaping from brig (reset timer to original sentence or add a minute). * Update records. For repeat offenders or major crimes: * Take prisoner to cell * Adjust timer to make the door close. * Strip of possessions while still handcuffed. * Lock possessions in cell locker. * Dress in appropriate prison wear. * Unhandcuff prisoner and adjust timer appropriately (time spent processing does not count towards sentence). * If at flight risk, ask to lie down, or buckle to bed, then remove cuffs. If uncooperative flash/stun and remove cuffs. * If attempted escape, stun or flash, and add charge of escaping from brig (reset timer to original sentence or add a minute). * Update records. For convicted major crimes: * Take to secure holding cell and strip of possessions. * Dress in prison wear. * Lock possessions in secure area. * Unhandcuff prisoner. * Update records. ====Release==== * If prisoner has cooperated add 'cooperation with prosecution or security' and take off 25% of time for minor or medium crimes. * When timer expires, an officer should always be present to give the prisoner back non-contraband items and release from the brig. * For repeat offenders, chemical or tracking implants may be used. ====Holding until trial==== * Follow jailing procedures above. * Use holding cell near Courtroom. * Keep them secure until trial can be run. * For proven dangerous criminals, handcuffs may be kept on, and shackles may be used. ====Collecting Evidence==== * Crime scene must be sealed off for evidence to be valid. * Detective/Forensic Technician is in charge of evidence gathering. All evidence handling must be done by them, unless there is none present. * All evidence handling must be done with security gloves on. * Items that can be, must be held in evidence bags for transportation or use in trials. * Crime scene must be preserved until all evidence is collected. * After evidence is collected, bodies may be taken away and area may be cleaned up. =====Tips===== * Killing is bad. Just don't do it. * You are a protector of Space Law, you're not The Law. * Use minimal force, unless you're in danger. * Be wary of people with harmful intentions, you should use minimal force, but not at the risk of your own life. * Respond to calls for help. * Talk first, stun second. =====Security controlled locations===== ====Security and armory==== Arrivals Checkpoint: This checkpoint is near the arrival shuttle. It has an ID computer which the HoP can man as well as other security computers. There is also a locker with security gear. If you're a late-joining security officer it might be a good idea to take the equipment from here. The Brig: The Warden runs this. If you're here or the armoury, he has authority over you. The Brig itself has cells and cell timers. A separate cell is located to the right for people awaiting court hearings. Security Office and Armory: Your home base. The armory contains additional weapons and armor which the HoS and Warden have access to. They should hand out these weapons in case of increased danger, such as a confirmed revolution. The area also contains the HoS' office and your lounge. The security lockers with your equipment are found here. (And for the love of god lock your damn locker) Tip: Set Beepsky on them! Beepsky is all but forgotten until you hear his cold, cruel voice shout out to you. Beepsky models have been documented to capture even the most hardened criminals where security fails. A word on Security robots though. While beepsky's rudimentary AI can be accessed from security computers, Securitron Cyborgs are not within the normal chain of command. They are subject the AI and follow the same laws. ====The Escape Shuttle==== So the escape shuttle has been called. Your job will be to ensure that everyone proceeds on the shuttle in an orderly fashion. No foul play. Any dangerous behavior should be treated as such. Prisoners in the brig should only be help in the security area of the shuttle. This also causes traitor objectives to fail.