* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ====== Grenade Construction ====== Grenades are made of three things: Chemicals, trigger assemblies, and a crunchy candy coating (usually made of metal). When you arm them, the trigger sits there, waiting patiently for an excuse to go off, until finally the grenade primes, the chemicals mix, and whatever happens, happens. ===== Construction ===== * Obtain a Grenade Casing (regular or large), one to two bottles or beakers full of your payload (see below for ideas), and a Cable Coil. * You can create a slime core grenade by substituting a slime core for one of the bottles, but only when using a Large Grenade Casing obtained from R&D. Be sure you have another bottle with the necessary reagent, or the slime core won't do anything! * Attach the Cable Coil to the Grenade Casing. * The Cable Coil can be replaced by a trigger if another kind of bomb is desired. * Open the control panel on your trigger and adjust settings as desired. * Possible triggers: Timer, Proximity Sensor, Health Sensor, Mousetrap, Remote Signaling Device or Voice Analyzer. * Use the grenade to open the wire panel. * Hold the trigger in your active hand. * Press "Attach" to add the trigger. * Insert the bottles or breakers with your payload into the Unsecured Grenade. * Use Screwdriver on the Unsecured Grenade to finish the Grenade. * A Wrench can be used to extract the payload from an Unsecured Grenade. If the Wrench is used on an empty Unsecured Grenade the trigger will be removed and leave it to be just a Grenade Casing. For a list of possible chemical reactions, see the [[:games:sc13:guides:chemistry|Guide to Chemistry]]. Note that some reactions go off immediately when mixed, and must be separated into two bottles. Also note that slime cores are volatile, and when used in grenades, some reagents may be lost. =====Obtaining the Materials===== * Standard Grenade Casings can be made by using a Metal Sheet * Large Grenade Casings are made by R&D after some research * Pyro Grenades and Advanced Release Grenades are made by RnD as well * Cable Coils can be found in chemistry, Artist's Coven, Engineering, and many other places * Most triggers can be found in R&D, and in Vendomat vending machines * Autolathes can produce Timers, Remote Signaling Devices, Proximity Sensors, Health Sensors, and Voice Analyzers. * Slime Cores can only be obtained through Xenobiology * Bottles and Beakers can be found in Chemistry * The chemicals necessary for the most interesting grenades can only be produced in Chemistry. =====Legal Payload Ideas==== * Metal Foam: * Bottle: 30x Iron/Aluminium * Bottle: 10x Foaming Agent, 10x Fluorosulfuric Acid * Cleaner: * Beaker: 40x Foam Surfactant * Beaker: 40x Water, 10x Space Cleaner * Tear Gas: * Beaker: 25x Condensed Capsaicin, 25x Potassium * Beaker: 25x Phosphorus, 25x Sugar =====Illegal Payload Idea===== * Lethal Knockout Smoke: * Bottle: 10x Phosporous, 10x Potassium, 10x Chloral Hydrate * Bottle: 10x Sugar, 20x Chloral Hydrate * Small Explosive: * Bottle: 30x Potassium * Bottle: 30x Water * Lethal Meth grenade * Beaker: 10x Phosphorous, 10x Potassium, 30x Meth * Beaker: 10x Sugar, 40x Meth =====Triggers===== The grenade will be work differently depending on the trigger used in it's construction: * Cable: Goes off after 5 seconds by default, a screwdriver can be used to toggle between 3 and 5 seconds while a Multitool can choose any value between 3 and 5 seconds. * Timer: Goes off after a certain time has elapsed, the timer must be set before attaching. * Mousetrap: Primed when whatever container it's in is opened. * Proximity Sensor: Primed when something moves within the sensor's set range, a screwdriver or multitool can be used to set a time between 3 and 5 seconds. * Remote Signaling Device: Primed when another remote signaler pulses the same frequency, a screwdriver or multitool can be used to set a time between 3 and 5 seconds. * Voice Analyzer: Primed when the trigger word is said out loud, a screwdriver or multitool can be used to set a time between 3 and 5 seconds. * Health Sensor: Goes off whenever the holder is in critical condition or dead. =====Use===== Use a grenade in hand to activate it in case of a Cable trigger. If any other kind of trigger is used, the trigger's default menu will open and allow for its settings to be changed and activated. Use a multitool on the grenade to set delays precisely. When the grenade goes off, the chemical beakers/bottles inside will mix their contents. If the mixture causes an effect (Smoke, an explosion, etc), it will happen at this time; otherwise, the resultant chemicals will be spread over everything in range. A grenade filled with Space Lube, for instance, will coat every nearby floor surface with slippery goop; a grenade filled with Mindbreaker Toxin will cause everyone unlucky enough to be in range to trip fucking balls. =====Disarming===== If you use Wirecutters on a Grenade, you will unsecure it and thereby stop its timer. A Wrench can then be used to remove the payload to prevent anyone from rearming it.