* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ======General Controls====== These are a list of general controls. Interface keys Key Description Tab Hotkey Toggle F1 Adminhelp F2 Talk in OOC Shift+F2 Screenshot F3 Say F4 Me F5 aSay (Admin only) F6 Player panel view (Admin only) F7 Admin-PM (Admin only) F8 Invismin (Admin only) F12 Hide inventory Ctrl + Shift Show options In-game keys Key Description ↑ OR w Move north ↓ OR s Move south → OR d Move east ← OR a Move west ↑ + Ctrl Face north ↓ + Ctrl Face south → + Ctrl Face east ← + Ctrl Face west J Toggle gun mode H Holster 1 Help intent 2 Disarm intent 3 Grab intent 4 Harm intent ctrl + Left click Drag object / mob shift + Left click Examine object / mob Left-click + Drag to a tile/table Crawl while on the floor and climb onto tables. Shortcuts Key Shortcuts Keys Description Shift + Click Used to examine things when you are a mob. AI uses it to interact with some objects. Alt + Click Used to check the things on a turf when you are a mob. AI uses it to shock doors. Ctrl + Click Used to drag objects as a mob. AI uses it to bolt doors. Middle Mouse Switches active hand. Ctrl + Alt + Click Used to quickly interact with certain objects as a mob. , . Go up and down Z-levels respectively. Communication commands Languages To speak a language, prefix your message with ',' or '#' (by default, you can change this in global settings.) Then after that prefix, add a language key, and then your message. For example, if you wanted to say "Hello World!" in Freespeak, you'd say ",3 Hello World!" or "#3 Hello World!" It is also possible to whisper by typing 'Whisper "Hello."' or for short, say ":w Hello." In-chat Key Description ,0 (Default) Ceti Basic ,1 Sol common ,2 Tradeband ,3 Freespeak ,s Sign Language ,q Rootsong (Dionaea) ,o Sinta'Unathi (Unathi) ,p Sinta'Azaziba (Unathi) ,k Nral'malic (Skrellian) ,j Siik Maas (Tajaran) ,w Siik Tajr (Tajaran) ,i Nal'rasan (Tajaran) ,9 Hivenet (Vaurcae) ,6 Encoded Audio Language (All Synths) ,d Drone (Only Drones) ,b Robot Talk (Only Cyborgs & AI) ,g Changeling (Antagonist) ,f Cult (Antagonist) ,x Cortical Link (Antagonist) ,a Hivemind (They do not exist, Xenomorph, Antagonist) For more information on the many Aurora languages, go here. Radio To speak on a radio channel, type in the corresponding radio prefix, then your message. For example, to say "Help I'm being attacked!" on common, you'd type in ";Help I'm being attacked!" Likewise, if you wanted to say "Security to maint!" on the security channel, you'd say ":s Security to maint!" You can also use voiced emotes or languages over the radio by placing the correct prefix or language key after the radio prefix. So ":c,1 Hello World!" would say "Hello World!" over the Command channel, in the Sol Common language. Likewise, ";! screams!" would show "Urist McYourname screams!" over the common channel. It is possible to sing using '% tra la laaaa', which will insert musical note symbols around your speech for you. In-chat Prefix Description ,b Robot Talk (Private Station-bound Synth channel) :c Command :s Security :u Supply :e Engineering :m Medical :n Science :v Service :h Headset's Default Department ; General radio