* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:guides|Return to the SC13 Guides Page]] ====== Guide to Chemicals ====== For more information on the generailities of how chemicals work, check out the [[:games:sc13:guides:chemistry|Guide to Chemistry]]; this section will cover the specifics of chemicals and their interactions with each other and the body. ===== Known Chemical Formulas ===== This is a list of all known chemical reagents according to NovusCorp's time-bluespace research department. Please be advised that some information may not be perfectly accurate to your native timeline, and ask questions if you're confused - before anything explodes! Chemical Research improves your chances of maintaining a chemical reaction. Many reagents can also be overdosed and/or cause addiction, leading to a negative outcome. An overdose/addiction will happen when moment the bloodstream (not stomach) gets the exact listed amount of units or above in it. If an overdose occurs, the negative effects will keep being applied every tick until that chemical is completely out of the bloodstream. If an addiction occurs, the negative effects will only start occurring some time after the chemical is out of the system, and can be negated by keeping taking it. You can usually only remove an addiction by waiting it out. Be sure to monitor how many units someone have in their bloodstream. ==== Base Compounds ==== Locations that are not supplied with a ChemiSynth use cartridges with specific chemical reagents to operate a dispenser unit. These dispensers are commonly used in the bar (for the soda dispenser and liquor dispenser) and have large quantities of chemicals, but are not unlimited. Cartridges hold 1000 units of chemical (or beverage). In addition, Extractors can extract certain elements from atmos or plumbing pipes, such as water, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, etc. This includes plumbing pipes connected to a Particle Scoop. ==== Basic Synthesis Compounds ==== These common elements can be synthesized with the ChemiSynth: aluminum, bromine, carbon, chlorine, copper, flourine, hydrogen, iodine, iron, lithium, mercury, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, radium, silicon, silver, sodium, sugar, sulfur and water. ==== Advanced Synthesis Compounds ==== These elements and compounds can be synthesized with the ChemiDispenser: aluminum, bromine, carbon, chlorine, copper, ethanol, fluorine, hydrogen, iodine, iron, lithium, mercury, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, radium, silicon, silver, sodium, stable plasma, sugar, sulfur, sulfuric acid, water and welding fuel. ==== Replicator Compounds ==== Provided with a sample, a replicator can replicate any chemical compound, expending energy based on its chemical complexity. ==== Table Index ==== * Reagent: Name of the chemical reagent. * Formula / Source: What ingredients are required to make the reagent, or where it can be found naturally. * Depreciation Rate: How rapidly the chemical metabolizes in the body, and what it metabolizes into, if applicable. * Penetrates Skin: If splashed onto skin, how much of it penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream, in addition to any touch effects. * Per Life Cycle: Effects while in the bloodstream per life cycle (BLOOD). * Immediate Effect: Immediate effects on INGEST, BREATHE, TOUCH, and/or CREATE. * Addiction: The amount of chemical that can cause addiction, and what category of addiction it counts as. When above the addiction threshold, you begin accumulating addiction units of that category, which decay over time (and decay faster when you are undergoing withdrawal or are in a good mood). When you pass 600 addiction units in a particular addiction type, you become addicted, experiencing withdrawal symptoms when that category of chemicals isn't in your system. * Overdose: The amount of chemical that causes an overdose, and what the effects of an overdose in your bloodstream are. * Notes: Any other notes about the reagent that might be relevant. Metals available in sheets are marked, and grinding them generates 50 units of the relevant material. Write more tag is for items that need more explanation written. ==== Basic Synthesis Chemicals ==== These basic chemicals are the root of most chemical interactions, and can be used to make more complex chemical compounds. Most of them can be synthesized by the ChemiSynth or ChemiDispenser, or are readily available through other sources. ^ Reagent ^ Formula / Source ^ Depreciation \\ Rate ^ Penetrates \\ Skin ^ Per Life Cycle ^ Immediate Effect ^ Addiction ^ Overdose ^ Notes ^ | Aluminum | Can be synthesized. | 0.4 | No | | | | Or aluminium for the Space British. One of the accepted chems for foamed metal. Can also be found in pills from "designer drug"/"cyberpunk" pill bottles, those bottles that show up as "pill bottle (???)" that appear in sketchy places. Available in sheets. | | Barium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Explodes when mixed with water (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. Most people won't bat an eye when they see plain old water, though, so it makes for an interesting stealth explosive. | | Bromine | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Nowhere near as reactive as in real life (but just be glad this game doesn't simulate its horrid stench.) | | Carbon | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | Clears space lube when applied to floor tiles. 5+ UNITS: Creates dirt when applied to floor tiles. | | | | | Calcium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | | Write more. Found in milk, helps bones heal? | | Chlorine | Can be synthesized | 0.6 | Yes (0.33 per 1 unit splashed) | +1 BURN | | | Can be extracted from Chlorine Gas in atmosphere. | | Chromium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | | | | Copper | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Can be extracted from wires, unless it can't and pharosium is being used as the sci-fi equivalent of copper. Write more. In addition to the chem dispenser, copper can also be obtained by breaking down hemolymph. | | Ethanol | Can be synthesized | 0.05 | No | 15+ UNITS: Slurred speech/stuttering, 10% chance for confused movement, 20% chance for dizziness. 10% chance for hiccupping, burping, mumbling, and grumbling. \\ 25+ UNITS: Another 10% chance for more stuttering and another 10% chance for hiccupping and burping. \\ 45+ UNITS: 15% chance of even more stuttering. 8% chance for confused movement. Another separate 10% chance for hiccupping and burping. \\ 55+ UNITS: 10% chance to fart, hiccup, mumble, or grumble, 6% chance to vomit. Still more stuttering. 33% chance of blurred vision, 15% chance of confused movement, 4% of misstep, 15% of dizziness. \\ 60+ UNITS: Blurred vision, 6% chance of more drowsiness 5% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | 40-54+ UNITS: volume/2% chance of 0.25 liver damage \\ 55+ UNITS: volume/2% chance of 0.4 liver damage \\ \\ OVERDOSE (100) - Ethanol poisoning! 10% chance of extra 1-3 damage to the liver, 15% chance of 1-3 damage to left kidney, and 35% chance of 1-3 to right kidney. 1% chance of causing heart disease. \\ \\ But also: drunken boxing. 40% chance to completely shrug off a punch (and only punches). Separate 40% chance to also give your punches 3-5 extra damage. | 4% | Ethanol, it messes up your speech and movement, and sometimes even your vision or organs at high enough doses. The Alcohol Resistance gene blocks most of these effects, and you do not receive the respective organ damage if you have cyberkidneys or a cyberliver, which also has healing benefits related to ethanol. \\ \\ Every single brand of alcohol decays into this. The more potent the alcohol, the more ethanol it builds up in you. \\ \\ It's also possible to get this chemical by putting clear corn into a still. | | Fluorine | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | Yes (0.33 per 1 unit splashed) | +0.75 BURN, +0.75 TOX | | | Can be extracted from Flourine Gas. | | Gold | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | | A precious metal, less precious in the space age. | | Helium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | Does what you'd expect. | Harmless. | | Can be obtained from helium tanks. Extracted from Helium Gas. | | Hydrogen | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Useful in burn chambers and required by some reaction engines. Nowhere near as flammable or reactive in real life. Still good in balloons. Can also be found in some Discount Dan's food products (seems someone at DD didn't quite understand hydrogenation). Extracted from Hydrogen Gas. | | Iodine | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | The mineral of choice in Decirprevo Bottled Water. Helps chelate radiation. (Write more.) | | Iron | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | Regenerates blood half a unit a time, 10% chance of -1 OXY \\ \\ OVERDOSE (20) Causes +1 TOX; 5% chance of vomiting, stun, and a further +10 TOX. | | | Basically a shittier version of Filgrastim with more side effects. Available in sheets, called 'metal sheets'. | | Lithium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | Drooling and confused movement. | Used as a component of some psychotherapeutic drugs. Can also be extracted from omega weed. | | Magnesium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | 10+ UNITS: Creates piles of magnesium when applied to floor tiles. | | Piles ignite when exposed to a temperature higher than 747 K, but the fire isn't hot enough to set alight non-flammable materials or burn through the floor. They do, however, also ignite nearby piles, so you could make a line of magnesium and use it as a fuse for other pyrotechnic reagents. \\ \\ In addition to the chem dispenser, it is also possible to get it from fireworks. Cut it open with a knife or similar, then use a beaker or similar to scoop up the resulting magnesium pile. | | Mercury | Can be synthesized | 0.2 | Yes (0.2 per 1 unit splashed) | 70% chance of +1 BRAIN | 5% chance to cure space plague. | | Can also be extracted from omega weed. | | Nickel | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Stands in for a catalyst in a handful of reactions. If you had one of these for every time you... | | Nitrogen | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | An inert gas that makes up 80% of the air people normally breathe. Also used in some recipes. Can be extracted from Nitrogen Gas. | | Oxygen | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Necessary to breathe for most people, also required for most fires. This might seem amazingly inert for a substance that is vital to your life, but think of it this way: What is the effect of this oxygen over the oxygen already in your blood? Once there is none in your bloodstream, you start to suffocate. Breathing pure oxygen will put more oxygen in your bloodstream, allowing you to stave off suffocation a while longer. Extracted from Oxygen Gas. | | Phosphorus | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | An essential ingredient for a few recipes, but not terribly exciting on its own. \\ \\ In addition to chem dispensers giving this element, you can also get phosphorus by clicking on a beaker or similar with a unlit match, yielding one unit of it. | | Phoron | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | +1 TOX. Increases depletion rate of epinephrine by 2. | Cannot be applied to floor tiles. \\ TOUCH - If already on fire: +30 BURNING | | When it reaches 374 K, it ignites, creating small to large fireball that scales with volume (up to 8x8). \\ \\ Basic ingredient in chems with more fantastical effects. Available in sheets. | | Platinum | Can be synthesized | | No | | | | In the far future, platinum is as readily available as hydrogen. But not THAT shiny. | | Potassium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | Explodes when mixed with water (1x1, low severity). | | | Does not scale with volume. Most people won't bat an eye when they see plain old water, though, so it makes for an interesting stealth explosive. Can also be extracted from bananas. | | Radium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | Yes (0.5 per 1 unit splashed) | +3 seconds of "Irradiated" | Temporarily creates an eerie green glow when applied to floor tiles. | | Radiation status is cumulative and depletes one per cycle. As it ramps up, it starts doing TOX in increasing amounts related to the radiation total, causes random mutations (often disabilities) and triggers a bunch of other nasty radiation sickness effects. A sleepy pen full of radium is pretty lethal over a few minutes. | | Silicon | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Not something you need to extract from your silicon friends (AI, Cyborg, Robot, or Drone); a conductive metal used in circuit boards. | | Silver | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | You can dip a pair of handcuffs in this to make silver handcuffs and coat certain bullets in silver to make silver bullets. | | Sodium | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | Surprisingly does not react at all with water. | | Sugar | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | Jitteriness, +2 Stamina Regeneration. Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, and Paralyzed debuffs by 6%, 4% chance to produce a unit of epinephrine. \\ OVERDOSE (200) - hyperglycaemic shock, 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | | | Having a bit of sugar in you gives you a small stun reduction and stamina buff. Can also be extracted from sugarcane. | | Sulfur | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | | | | In addition to the chem dispensers, you can also get it from Spooky Dan's Horrortastic Cola and pills from pill bottles marked "pill bottle (???)". Also good for concrete. | | Water | Can be synthesized | 0.4 | No | Explodes when mixed with potassium (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. 10% of healing 1 kidney damage (for both kidneys). | 3+ UNITS: Temporarily creates a slippery surface when applied to floor tiles. | TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. | | Freezes when cooled (0° C), boils away when heated (100 °C). \\ \\ Helps plants grow more quickly. Available in sheets (as Ice). | ==== Basic Chemical Compounds ==== These basic chemicals are the root of most chemical interactions, and can be used to make more complex chemical compounds. ^ Reagent ^ Formula / Source ^ Depreciation \\ Rate ^ Penetrates \\ Skin ^ Per Life Cycle ^ Immediate Effect ^ Addiction ^ Overdose ^ Notes ^ | Acetaldehyde | 1 part Acetone, 1 part Formaldehyde, 1 part Water, Temperature 450K | | | Acetone | (1) Oil + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Acetone | 0.4 | No | +1.5 TOX | TOUCH - Destroy one sticker for every 10 units applied. Unglues people/objects stuck together with space glue, in any amount. \\ \\ Common ingredient in other recipes. Useful for removing glue, whether from stickers or space glue. | | Acetone Oxide | 2 parts Acetone, 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 part Oxygen | Burns people badly on touch. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) | | Ammonia | (1) Urine + (1) Water @ 354 K -> (1) Ammonia \\ OR \\ (3) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen -> (3) Ammonia \\ OR \\ Extract from golden pea pods. | 0.4 | No | Fertilizer, and an ingredient in a lot of other chems. | | Ash | 1 part Oil, temperature 480 K \\ OR \\ Light a piece of paper on fire, and scoop up the resulting ashes with a beaker. | Basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. | | Carpet | (1) Space Drugs + (1) Blood -> Carpet | | No | Creates a dirty carpet on the floor. | | Char | N/A. Obtained from char ore. 1 rock unit of Char equals 50 units of Char when put into the Grinder. | 0.2 | No | Decays into 1 unit of Carbon. | Used in petrochemical operations as the sci-fi equivalent of coal. Used as fuel for furnaces. | | Diethylamine | (1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol @ 374 K -> (2) Diethylamine | | No | Used for certain medical recipes and as fertilizer. | | Exotic Stabilizer | (1) Hyper-Plasmium Oxide + (1) Stabilizing Agent -> (1) Exotic Stabilizer | | No | Stabilizes most things that standard stabilizing agent won't. | | Hydrogen Peroxide | 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Water | | No | Burns people on touch in its pure form (+1 BURN). Diluted (roughly eight parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide), it makes a good antiseptic. | | Hyper-Plasmium Oxide | Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. | | No | Planetary geysers have a very small chance to produce this. Does nothing, but can be used to make Exotic Stabilizer. | | Lye | 1 part Sodium, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen \\ OR \\ 1 part Ash, 1 part Water | | No | Useful in the manufacturing of wax items like soap, crayons, and candles. | | Oil | (1) Carbon + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Welding Fuel -> (3) Oil \\ OR \\ Extract from orange goop, which comes from leaker plants. | No | Creates a streak of slippery oil when applied to floor tiles. | TOUCH - Lubricates cyborg joints and temporarily make them move faster. At 474 K, ignites, creating small to large fireball that scales with volume (up to 8x8). \\ Used as a stand-in for benzene, toulene, napthalene and a bunch of other heavier hydrocarbons for a ton of the organic chem recipes. Also used as a basic lubricant. | | Pentaerythritol | 1 part Acetaldehyde, 3 parts Formaldehyde, 1 part Water | | No | Results in 2 units instead of 5. A building block for the synthesis and production of explosives, plastics, paints, appliances, cosmetics, and many other commercial products. | | Phenol | (1) Oil + (1) Chlorine + (1) Water -> (3) Phenol | No | Used for certain medical recipes. | | Saltpetre | 1 part Potassium, 1 part Nitrogen, 3 parts Oxygen | | No | Ingredient for Bath Salts and Black Powder (results in 3 units instead of 5). Increases potency of plants. | | Sodium Chloride (Salt) | (1) Sodium + (1) Chlorine | No | Commonly known as table salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Special uses include messing with Revenants - they can't jaunt through salt piles. | | Stabilizing Agent (Stabilizer) | (1) Iron + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (2) Stabilizing Agent | No | Keeps unstable chemicals stable. This does not work on everything. | | Wittel | Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. | | No | Planetary geysers have a very small chance to produce Wittel. Does nothing, but can be used to make Gravitum. | ====Medical Chems==== Medical chems are, generally, chemicals used by doctors to treat patients for a variety of ailments, from simple cuts and bruises to massive organ failure to extreme burns to psychiatric problems. Some generic medicines have special suffixes to specify which damage types they are meant to treat: * Brute = -ibital * Burn = -uri * Oxy = -mol * Tox = -iver * Organ = -rite ^ Reagent ^ Formula / Source ^ Depreciation \\ Rate ^ Penetrates \\ Skin ^ Per Life Cycle ^ Immediate Effect ^ Addiction ^ Overdose ^ Notes ^ | Ammonium Bicarbonate (Smelling Salts) | (1) Ammonia + (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen @ 374 K -> (3) Ammonium Bicarbonate | 0.4 | No | 30% chance of -1 RAD, 5% of +1 TOX. +2 Stamina Regeneration boost. \\ \\ If below -5 to -30 health: -1 TOX, -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN \\ \\ Increases depletion rates for the following depressant/knockout drugs by 3: \\ Neurotoxin \\ Capulettium \\ Sulfonal \\ Ketamine \\ Sodium Thiopental \\ Pancuronium \\ \\ Inferior to epinephrine and potassium iodide, but offers a surprisingly significant stamina regeneration buff. Also flushes several debilitating knockout drugs. | | Antihol | (1) Ethanol + (1) Charcoal -> (2) Antihol | 0.4 | No | Raises ethanol depletion rates by 8. \\ \\ If below +25 health: -2 TOX \\ \\ Sober someone up in a hurry. Nefarious people sometimes spike other poisons with ethanol or booze reagents to sabotage charcoal treatments. | | Atropine | (1) Ethanol + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Acetone + (1) Phenol + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (4) Atropine \\ OR \\ Extract from black venne or omega weed. | 0.2 | No | Dizziness, confused movement, -20 Max Stamina, warms you up slightly when cold. \\ \\ Attempts to cap OXY at 65 and LOSEBREATH at 5. Rolls a chance to fix cardiac failure. Increases depletion rate of sarin by 20. \\ \\ If below -25 health: -1 TOX, -3 BRUTE, -3 BURN, -2 BRAIN \\ \\ If above 15 health AND TOX damage < 70: +1 TOX \\ \\ Reduces the chance of death when used with synaptizine. Boosts chance of CPR curing cardiac arrest to 5%. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (25) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX | Fairly similar to epinephrine but will rapidly push deep-crit damage levels towards shallow crit levels. Use this if you find someone who is right at the edge of death. Flushes sarin extremely rapidly. Atropine alone doesn't really kill people but it's a pretty decent debilitating poison if you wanna use it that way. | | Calomel | (1) Mercury + (1) Chlorine @ 374 K -> (1) Calomel | 0.8 | No | Increases all depletion rates by 5. \\ \\ If above +20 health: +5 TOX \\ \\ Aggressive purgative. It'll do a lot of TOX damage itself but it cannot kill you, as the damage only applies while you are above the health threshold. Use for emergencies to handle the really aggressive poisons that would definitely kill you if they remain active for long. | | Charcoal | (1) Ash + (1) Salt @ 374 K -> (2) Charcoal \\ OR \\ Extract from venne. | 0.4 | No | -1.5 TOX. -2 kidney, stomach, intestines, and liver damage. | 50% chance of increasing the depletion rate of all other chems by 1. | Good baseline thing for detoxifying someone, but won't always keep up with the hellpoisons. | | Cryoxadone | (1) Cryostylane + (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Phoron + (1) Acetone -> (3) Cryoxadone | 0.4 | No | If body temp below 210 K: -10 OXY, -3 TOX, -12 BRUTE, -12 BURN, -2 all organ damage. \\ Warms you up depending on damage healed. More specifically it's (damage healed/37) * 25, excluding organ damage, meaning the max increase is 25 degrees. | Requires cooling the target before it kicks in, and recooling to offset the heating, but heals incredibly well. The cryo tanks in medbay use this. | | Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine) | (1) Oil + (1) Carbon + (1) Bromine + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Ethanol -> (4) Diphenhydramine | 0.4 | No | Reduces jitteriness, -3 Stamina Regeneration. Increases depletion rates of histamine and itching powder by 3. 3% chance of stunning briefly and causing drowsiness. | 10% | Mostly used as a precursor to a couple of the illegal drugs. Might be needed for bee stings, histamine poisonings or itching powder. Mildly debilitating. | | Ephedrine | (1) Sugar + (1) Oil + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Diethylamine -> (3) Ephedrine \\ OR \\ Extract from asomna or omega weed. \\ OR \\ Find in Grife-O soda. | 0.3 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 15%, +2 Stamina Regeneration, causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness, warms you up slightly. \\ \\ Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 3. Heals 1 OXY if OXY damage > 75. \\ If above 0 health: 33% chance of -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 8% of -1 TOX \\ \\ If below 0 health: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 25% of -1 TOX | OVERDOSE (35) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 15% of extra +1/+2 TOX. 5% of stunning briefly and causing dizziness. | 25% | It's pretty much just a weaker analogue of medbay's epinephrine, but it's addictive and has a few more side effects. | | Epinephrine | (1) Phenol + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Acetone + (1) Diethylamine -> (4) Epinephrine | 0.2 | No | Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 3 and OXY at 35. 5% chance of -1 BRAIN. Rolls a chance to fix cardiac failure. \\ \\ Increases depletion rate of histamine by 2 and reduces overdose severity. Warms you up by 7 Kelvin. Slows down progression of sarin by 20%. \\ \\ Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 10%. +3 Stamina Regeneration buff. Reduces drowsiness, 5% chance to remove all sleepiness. 10% chance to cause jitteriness. Partially negates movement slowdown from damage, making you move as if you had 15 more health. \\ \\ If health is between -10 to -65, heals 1 TOX, 1 BRUTE, 1 BURN. \\ \\ Boosts chance of CPR curing cardiac arrest to 5% | OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 5% of stunning briefly and causing dizziness. | Very useful for stabilizing someone who is in mid-crit damage, standard emergency shot to buy yourself some time. If things are really bad, go for atropine instead. Can make you pretty sick in overdoses. Counters histamine / allergic reactions, but won't resolve a severe reaction on its own. Can function as a minor stimulant, roughly on par with coffee. | | Ether | (1) Ethanol + (1) Hydrochloric Acid + (1) Oxygen -> (1) Ether | 0.4 | No | -3 Stamina Regeneration, reduces jitteriness. Will knock you out on 36th cycle. Removes 7.5 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. | OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | 50% | Behaves almost exactly the same as morphine, minus the speed bonus and with a bigger stamina penalty. But since this knockout chem has a recipe, and a fairly simple one too, it's lot easier to come by. | | Filgrastim | (1) Blood + (1) Stable Mutagen + (1) E.Coli + (1) Spaceacillin -> (2) Filgrastim | 0.2 | No | +2u blood. | A granulocyte colony stimulating factor analog, which helps the body create more blood. | | Glaucogen | N/A. Find in the blood of patients with a cyberpancreas. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1.2 units of sugar. Functionally identical to Corn Syrup. A cyberpancreas will produce this automatically to maintain a low level of sugar. An emagged one gets a little carried away. | | Hairgrownium | (1) Synthflesh + (1) Ephedrine + (1) Carpet -> (3) Hairgrownium \\ OR \\ Extract from fuzzy nureous or omega weed. | 0.4 | Yes | 10% chance of growing a full set of hair. | Great cure for baldness. | | Haloperidol | (1) Chlorine + (1) Fluorine + (1) Aluminium + (1) Potassium Iodide + (1) Oil -> (4) Haloperidol \\ OR \\ Find in haloperidol bottles from restricted medical cabinets and Restricted Medicine Shipments, syringes (anti-psychotic), and Dr. Pubber bottles. \\ OR \\ Extract from certain popsicles and omega weed \\ OR \\ Distill omega weed. \\ OR \\ Randomly appears in Rowdy 'Rillos and pills from ???? bottles. | 0.4 | No | Reduces druggy effects and jitteriness, causes drowsiness. -5 Stamina Regeneration. 20% chance of +1 BRAIN. 5% of curing space madness and berserker. 10% of causing drooling. \\ \\ Removes 15 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. Increases depletion rates for the following stimulating/hallucinogenic drugs by 5: \\ Bath Salts \\ Cat Drugs \\ Crank \\ Ephedrine \\ Epinephrine \\ LSBee \\ LSD \\ Methamphetamine \\ Psilocybin \\ Space Drugs \\ THC \\ Synaptizine \\ \\ Treat it like a general anti-psychotic. Severe stamina regen penalty, drowsiness, and drug depletion rate acceleration makes useful for treating/neutralizing drugged-up maniacs. | This is the secret behind tranq rifle darts. WardBuddies, fermids, and the humanoid "emagged medibots" found in certain derelicts also inject this. One of the Lawbringer's modes shoots darts containing this. | | Helbital | (1) Carbon + (1) Flourine + (1) Sugar -> (3) Helbital | | Heparin | (1) Sugar + (1) Blood + (1) Phenol + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (2) Heparin | 0.4 | No | Will cause any bleeding to become worse, but will try to cure heart disease, dislodge blood clots, and will reduce the effects of hypertension. Removes 2u of cholesterol as well. | OVERDOSE (20) - Spontaneous bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth, inflicting BLEED damage even if not bleeding from a wound. | An anticoagulant. | | Insulin | N/A. Available in bottle from the NanoMed Plus. \\ OR \\ Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets \\ OR \\ Extract from green grapes. | 0.4 | No | Raises sugar depletion rates by 5. | Handles hyperglycaemic coma. | | Lexorin | N/A. Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. | 0.2 | No | +1 TOX, removes the need to breathe. | A more dangerous version of perfluorodecalin that allows you to talk in space without using internals, but deals TOX damage over time. | | Libital | (1) Phenol + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Libital | 0.4 | No | -3 BRUTE, causes 0.3 liver damage. | Effective at treating injuries, but your liver won't like it. | | Mannitol | (1) Sugar + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Water -> (2) Mannitol \\ OR \\ Extract from dawning venne. | 0.4 | No | -3 BRAIN | Use to treat concussions, changeling stings, bible beatings, flatline brain damage, bath salts, etc. | | Menthol | (1) Mint + (1) Ethanol @ 324 K -> (2) Menthol \\ OR \\ Put mint into a still. | 0.1 | Yes | Tries to return high body temps towards normal, 55% chance of -2 BURN. | Use for minor burn damage. | | Morphine | N/A. Extract from poppies. \\ OR \\ Obtain from NanoMed Plus vendors, Dr. Pubber, and Medical: Medical Reservoir Crates. | 0.4 | No | Dramatically counters movement reduction from severe injury, -3 Stamina Regeneration, reduces jitteriness. Will knock you out on 36th cycle. Removes 7.5 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. | OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | 50% | Low doses are useful for the painkiller, but high doses can knock someone out for a while. Be careful with the severe stamina regen penalty. | | Mugwort | N/A. Wizard shuttle or Dan's Quik-Noodles - Katchup Flavor noodle cups. | 0.4 | No | If target is wizard: Removes 5 units of sarin. | INGEST - If target is wizard: 85% chance of -1 LOSEBREATH. 45% chances for each of -1 OXY, -1 TOX, -6 BRUTE and -6 BURN. | Can patch up minor injuries of magic users. | | Mutadone | (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Acetone + (1) Bromine -> (3) Mutadone \\ OR \\ Extract from dawning venne. | 0.4 | No | Removes one genetic bioeffect. Some mutations cannot be cured by mutadone, however. | Did someone turn you into a gibbering chavish deaf dwarven lunatic? Take this. Giving this to someone with superpowers will really ruin their day. | | Oculine | (1) Atropine + (1) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Spaceacillin -> (4) Oculine \\ OR \\ Extract from carrots. | 0.4 | Yes | 80% chance of reducing blurred vision as well as eye and ear damage by 1, 50% of curing nearsightedness, 30% of curing blindness \\ If ear damage is less than 25: 30% chance of healing deafness | Not typically needed unless some jerk is using a lot of flashbangs. It's a rare situation, but giving them oculine might be their saving grace. | | Omnizine | N/A. Extract from white weed. \\ OR \\ Eat some warm donk pockets and/or spaghetti arrabbiata and draw out your blood. \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.2 | No | -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN, -1 TOX, -1 OXY, -1 all organ damage. 50% chance of -1 LOSEBREATH. Regenerates 1 unit of blood if you're under 500 units, 10% of -1 BLEEDING. | OVERDOSE (30) - Stuttering, dizziness, jitteriness, random stuns and confused movement. 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | 5% | Slightly addictive, but is otherwise an amazing cure-all. Medbay will love the botanists if they supply them with it. Omnizine-laced Pro Puffs and the two dishes deliver a small dose of omnizine when used. Less ideal than botany, but it could save you in a pinch. | | Pentetic Acid | (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Chlorine + (1) Ammonia + (1) Formaldehyde + (1) Sodium + (1) Cyanide -> (6) Pentetic Acid \\ OR \\ "Extract" from white radweed plants. | 0.4 | No | -7 RAD, increases all depletion rates by 5. \\ \\ -2 kidney, stomach, intestines, and liver damage. \\ \\ 75% chance of -4 TOX, 33% of +1 BRUTE, +1 BURN. | Apex anti-tox/anti-rad treatment. | | Perfluorodecalin | (1) Hydrogen + (1) Fluorine + (1) Salicylic Acid @ 374 K -> (2) Perfluorodecalin | 0.4 | No | -25 OXY, -2 lung & spleen damage, 33% chance of -1 BRUTE and -1 BURN. \\ \\ Increases LOSEBREATH to and caps it at 6. Prevents any suffocation damage from racking up despite that. | 20% | Fantastic for pretty much negating all the accumulative damage from being in critical, will give you a really wide window of time to deal with other health problems. In theory, you could stay in flatline for quite awhile with this stuff handling tissue oxygenation, but you might need mannitol too. Can make spacewalking without internals possible. | | Potassium Iodide | (1) Potassium + (1) Iodine -> (2) Potassium Iodide \\ OR \\ Extract from nureous. | 0.4 | No | 80% chance of -1 RAD \\ \\ -1 TOX. 33% chance of -1 kidney and liver damage. | Radiation is cumulative and causes TOX and BURN. Simple and weak, but can help counter radiation events and radium somewhat. | | Proconvertin | (1) Blood + (1) Stable Mutagen + (1) Mannitol + (1) Salt -> (2) Proconvertin | 0.3 | No | 90% chance of -1 BLEEDING. 2% chance to cause a blood clot. Increases blood pressure and can worsen existing blood clots. | A coagulant. | | Robustissin | (1) Menthol + (1) Morphine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Acetone -> (4) Robustissin \\ OR \\ (1) Antihistamine + (1) Oil + (1) Salicylic Acid + (1) Menthol -> (4) Robustissin \\ OR \\ Find inside randomly-named space cola. | 0.4 | No | Separate 25% chances of curing the common cold, both regular flu and avian flu, and food poisoning. | OVERDOSE (30) - Pretty colors, occasional giggling, yawning, and smiling. Chance of inflicting TOX damage, brief bouts of confused movement, and/or moderately long (<10 seconds) knock-down. | Space Robitussin (aka dextromethorphan), complete with fun overdose effects! | | Salbutamol | (1) Oil + (1) Lithium + (1) Ammonia + (1) Aluminum + (1) Bromine -> (5) Salbutamol \\ OR \\ Extract from shivering contusine. | 0.2 | No | -6 OXY, -4 LOSEBREATH, -2 lung & spleen damage. | OVERDOSE (50) - Has a chance to damage the kidneys. The severity of the damage increases considerably with the severity of the overdose. | Speeds up recovery from suffocation damage, but more importantly, it'll help counter suffocating/losebreath poisons and the suffocation that ramps up in critical health. Often underused emergency med that makes dealing with critical-health people a lot easier since OXY damage is usually what kills in-crit patients in the end. | | Salicylic Acid (Painkiller/Analgesic) | (1) Sodium + (1) Phenol + (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (5) Salicylic Acid \\ OR \\ Extract from contusine. | 0.1 | No | Tries to return high body temps towards normal, counters walkspeed loss from being hurt fairly well. \\ \\ 55% chance of -2 BRUTE. | OVERDOSE (25) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | Got beat up a bit and don't want to crawl the whole way to medbay? Pop one of these. Won't help severe damage, but it'll keep you moving at top speed so you can rush for the better healing chems. Slow depletion rate will keep it in your blood for awhile. | | Saline-Glucose Solution | (1) Salt + (1) Water + (1) Sugar -> (3) Saline-Glucose Solution \\ OR \\ (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Meat Slurry + (1) Spaceacillin + (1) Copper + (1) Denatured Enzyme | 0.15 | Yes | 33% chance of -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN. 33% chance of regenerating 1 unit of blood. Rolls a chance to fix shock. | Decent med for healing a respectable amount of BRUTE/BURN damage over time and for stabilizing low-crit patients. | | Silver Sulfadiazine | (1) Silver + (1) Sulfur + (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Ammonia -> (5) Silver Sulfadiazine \\ OR \\ Extract from commol. | 3 | No | -2 BURN. | TOUCH - Heals 1 BURN per unit applied. (up to 10 units per application) | INGEST - Causes 0.5 TOX per unit ingested. (up to 10 units per application) | The go-to BURN medication. It depletes rapidly in the blood, so most of your healing will come upfront from a topical application. Ingesting it doesn't work nearly as well and even causes a fair bit of TOX damage, so don't do that. | | Simethicone | (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Silicon -> (3) Simethicone | 0.4 | No | Makes the victim unable to fart. Fiendish. | Truly fiendish. | | Space ipecac | N/A. Extract from ipecacuanha roots or the bilious and invigorating variations. \\ OR \\ Comes in pill form from NanoMed Plus machines. | 0.8 | No | 25% chance to induce vomiting. \\ \\ IF HEALTH > 25: +1 TOX damage. \\ \\ 5% chance to cause food poisoning. | Think the last thing you just ate was poisoned? Take this to vomit it out as a half-digested food chunk containing a portion of whatever reagents were in it. Naturally, this'll stop you from ingesting whatever poisons were in said meal. If you've eaten multiple things, the most recent item (i.e. what you ate last) is vomited out. | | Spaceacillin | (1) Space Fungus + (1) Ethanol -> (2) Spaceacillin \\ OR \\ (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (1) Spaceacillin + (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Copper + (1) Denatured Enzyme | 0.2 | No | Rolls a chance to cure some specific diseases, such as MRSA and grave fever. | You probably won't use this much unless some Vampire is giving people grave fever. Space fungus, which mostly grows in maintenance tunnels, is acquired by scraping it off walls with your beaker. | | Strange Reagent | (1) Omnizine + (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Holy Water -> (2) Strange Reagent \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.2 | No | 10% chance of +2 BRUTE and +2 TOX | 1+ UNIT - Can reanimate the dead. An electric shock (such as one from a defibrillator) is required to revive the body. If the corpse is rotten or has more than 150 combined BRUTE+BURN, the body will be gibbed, and a corpse with too much BRAIN damage will immediately drop dead again. | TOUCH - Resurrects critters. | While SR can revive players, it will only heal their OXY damage upon successful revival. Actual doctoring is still necessary after they come back to life. | | Styptic Powder | (1) Aluminium + (1) Oxygen + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (4) Styptic Powder | 3 | No | -2 BRUTE | TOUCH - Heals 1 BRUTE per unit applied (up to 10 units per application). Has a chance to reduce BLEEDING slightly. | INGEST - Causes 0.5 TOX per unit ingested. (up to 10 units per application) | The BRUTE damage equivalent of silver sulfadizine, so the same application methods still apply: only go for topical doses. | | Super Hairgrownium | (1) Hairgrownium + (1) Methamphetamine + (1) Iron -> (3) Super Hairgrownium \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | Yes | Grows tremendous hair and a fake moustache that instantly regrows when removed. | | Synaptizine | N/A. Available in bottle form from NanoMed dispensers. \\ OR \\ Extract from Robust asomna, spaghetti w/ meatballs and arrabbiata. \\ OR \\ Eat Syndicate donk pockets, and draw out your blood with a syringe or IV bag. | 0.4 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 31%, +4 Stamina Regeneration buff, reduces drowsiness. -10 BRAIN while brain damage is more than 90, otherwise 50% chance of -1 BRAIN. \\ \\ Reduces the chance of death when used with atropine. | OVERDOSE (40) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be dizziness, stuns, up to 2 units of rajaijah, or extra +1 TOX. | Similar to ephedrine in regards to stun reduction, but with less severe overdose effects and a better stamina benefit. Will prevent braindeath pretty effectively, but you'll still need Mannitol to fix your brain the rest of the way. In addition to the bottles of synaptizine in the NanoMed, there's also auto-injectors of it in the Port-a-NanoMed. | | Synthflesh | (1) Blood + (1) Carbon + (1) Styptic Powder -> (3) Synthflesh | 0.4 | No | 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery gibs when applied to floor tiles. | TOUCH - Heals 1.5 BRUTE and 1.5 BURN per unit applied (up to 10 units per application). Instantly heals all BLEEDING. | An excellent fixer of BRUTE, BURN and BLEEDING; it's a surprise that it isn't used more. The doctors will love you if you supply medbay with patches full of this. | | Teporone | (1) Silicon + (1) Acetone + (1) Phoron -> (2) Teporone | 0.4 | No | Attempts to return body temp to normal in ten degree increments. \\ \\ Causes jitteriness. | OVERDOSE (50) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | 20% | Not really ever used much, but spacewalking cocktails might need it. | | Triple Citrus | (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lemon juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Triple Citrus | 0.4 | No | INGEST - Heals 1-2 TOX damage | A basic TOX-healer a Bartender or clever Botanist could easily/readily make. | | Yobihodazine | N/A. Spaced rum. | 0.4 | No | Attempts to return body temp to normal in ten degree increments. Clears all OXY damage (but not LOSEBREATH). Deals BRAIN equal to 1/40th of oxy damage cleared. | 20% | Another legacy spacewalking chem. | ====Poisons and Toxins==== The bad stuff. This is where you'll learn the fine art of poisoning, and there is no shortage of poisons to use. ^ Reagent ^ Formula / Source ^ Depreciation \\ Rate ^ Penetrates \\ Skin ^ Per Life Cycle ^ Immediate Effect ^ Addiction ^ Overdose ^ Notes ^ | Acetaldehyde | (1) Chromium + (1) Oxygen + (1) Copper + (1) Ethanol @ 549 K -> (3) Acetaldehyde | 0.6 | Yes (0.33 per 1 unit splashed) | +1 BURN | Basic poison. | | Aconitum | N/A. Extract from aconite flowers. | 0.4 | No | +2 TOX. 10% chance of stun and extra +2 TOX, 8% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH | Toxic + suffocation, behaves like a weaker coniine. | | Amanitin | N/A. Syndicate sauce, poison bottles, mutant mushrooms. | 0.4 | No | Keeps track of a damage_counter variable that starts at 0. Each tick it's in you, that variable increases by 2-4. On the last cycle that it's in you, it hits you with a stack of damage_counter + 2-3 TOX damage. | This is a delayed stealth poison that's dose-dependent. The more you use, the longer it takes before anything happens, but the harder it hits when it does. With large doses your target can consume something poisoned, walk around for a few minutes minding their own business, and then abruptly die with no real warning. Very devious to use. | | Ants | N/A. It accumulates on floor tiles that foodstuffs have been left on, indicated with a animated sprite. | 0.4 | No | +2 BRUTE | 1+ UNITS AND TOUCH/INGEST - Does 4 BRUTE damage | Use a beaker on the sprite to collect ants. | In the blood stream, the victim takes BRUTE damage every cycle, so it can be slow and lethal if you have the patience to collect enough ants. A mostly harmless prank chem overall. | | Atrazine (Weedkiller) | (1) Chlorine + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Hydrogen -> (3) Atrazine | 0.4 | No | +2 TOX. Removes 1 unit of CBD and 1 unit of THC if they're also in the person's bloodstream. | A generic poison with a punny twist. Like in real life, this chem is used to kill weeds in plant trays and hurts when ingested. Unlike in real life, it also kills the weed byproducts inside people. Botany has a bunch of it right away. | | Capulettium | (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Chlorine + (1) Hydrogen -> (1) Capulettium | 0.4 | No | Causes blurred vision and drowsiness. On the 19th cycle, the victim gets knocked over into a state of near paralysis. They are unable to speak louder than the slightest whisper, and cannot move, however, they are aware of their surroundings. This applies until the chemical depletes from their system. | Compared to something like ketamine and similar knockout chems, it's relatively easier to obtain, and its lower depletion rate means people stay down for relatively longer, but it takes longer to knock out the victim and if someone gets close enough to them, they may be able to ask for help. Very fun to use for villain monologues. Could be used to non-lethally down an attacker, but remember that forcefully feeding/injecting people with it just for kicks is considered Grief. | | Capulettium plus | (1) Capulettium + (1) Ephedrine + (1) Methamphetamine -> (3) Capulettium Plus | 0.4 | No | Causes blurred vision and drowsiness. On the 19th cycle, victim falls to floor (they can still get back up) with a false "seizes up and falls limp..." message. Makes the victim appear dead if they're laying down or sleeping. Prevents emotes, causes speech to appear as whispers. | This essentially lets you play possum. You can only whisper, but you can make yourself appear dead in a pinch. Know someone is hunting you? Inject yourself with this just before they find you, lay down and they'll mistake you for a corpse! You retain full consciousness and control of your body, unlike capulettium, so you can get back up and ambush them when they least suspect it. Unlike capulettium, you simply need to lay down to appear dead, rather than being unconscious. | | Coniine | N/A. Poison bottles. | 0.05 | No | +2 TOX, +5 LOSEBREATH | A small dose can kill in under a minute. LOSEBREATH makes the victim unable to talk - they'll take suffocation rapid damage and be unable to say anything over the radio. | | Curare | N/A. Poison bottles. | 0.2 | Yes | +1 TOX, +1 OXY, blurred vision. Causes drowsiness and permastuns the victim on 11th cycle, 8% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH | It won't knock them out, but it will make them unable to move. Could be used to kidnap people or just disable them and scare the hell out of them. | | Cyanide | (1) Ammonia + (1) Oil + (1) Oxygen @ 374 K -> (1) Cyanide \\ OR \\ Extract from deathweed. | 0.1 | Yes | +1.5 TOX. \\ \\ 15% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH \\ \\ Chance of stun that scales with how long it's been in you (up to 25%) and up to extra 1.5 TOX | A couple of common chem recipes can produce this if poorly mixed, and production of cyanide will dose nearby people if they aren't wearing gas masks. Also a fairly easy poison. Balanced to be mostly a slow and scary killer, but if they get to medbay, it's not that hard to deal with. Suffocation damage can rack up faster than TOX depending on how the RNG rolls. | | Formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid) | (1) Ethanol + (1) Oxygen + (1) Silver @ 424K -> (2) Formaldehyde \\ OR \\ Find inside embalming fluid bottles. | 0.4 | Yes (0.5 per 1 unit splashed) | +1 TOX, 10% chance of decaying into 5 to 15 units of histamine | Inject into a corpse to prevent decomposition. The high chance of decaying into histamine makes it a really mean poison if you want to use it that way. This is the secret behind the Rotbusttec implants. \\ \\ Just about every Morgue has a bottle of this, as a "embalming fluid bottle". Cargo's Morgue Supplies also has a bottle. | | Glitter | (1) Itching Powder + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Paper + (1) Silver -> (4) Glitter \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.1 | Yes | Glitter particle effect. 10% chance of +1 BRUTE, 5% of +2 BRUTE. 1% of decaying into 1 unit of histamine | 5+ UNITS: Creates glitter when applied to floor tiles. | Makes your mob glitter. Not completely harmless: it causes occasional BRUTE damage from scratching, similar to itching powder, so be careful. | | Glowing Slurry | N/A. Extract from Omega slurrypods. | 0.4 | No | +2 RAD. 15% chance of bad mutation, 3% of good mutation | TOUCH - 50% of bad mutation \\ INGEST - 100% of bad mutation | Scrambles your genes to hell and back. | | Histamine | N/A. Bee/wasp stings, Omega weed, contusine mutation, byproduct of certain reagents. | 0.2 | Yes (Capped at 10 units) | 10% chance of blurred vision with message about how "your eyes itch", along with blinking or sneezing. 10% chance of +1 BRUTE and grumbling, with messages about how someone "scratches at an itch" and. 5% of up to +2 BRUTE, described as them "getting a rash". \\ \\ IF HYPERALLERGIC TRAIT: Creates 2 + ((amount of histamine)/10) additional units of histamine, i.e. more histamine means even more units created. This caps at having 120 units in your bloodstream at once. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (40) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Large doses have rapidly fatal effects simulating anaphylaxis and ramp up BRUTE, TOX and OXY damage across the board Causes jitteriness. | TOUCH - Transfer is capped at 10 units regardless of amount splashed. \\ \\ NOT TOUCH - Drooling, message about a "burning sensation in your throat". | Dose-dependent, ranges from annoying to incredibly lethal. Diphenhydamine and epinephrine will counteract it as targeted meds, but they are often not enough for hyperallergic trait people who've passed the overdose threshold. | | Initropidril | Secret! \\ OR \\ Get from poison bottles. | 0.4 | No | +33 Stamina Regeneration. 33% chance of medium-duration stun OR up to +25 TOX. 10% each of +10 OXY and +1 LOSEBREATH OR immediate cardiac arrest. | RNG-based poison with a big stamina buff, can either kill you ridiculously fast or agonizingly slowly. | | Itching Powder | (1) Ammonia + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Space Fungus -> (4) Itching Powder \\ OR \\ Extract from omega weed. | 0.3 | Yes | Lots of annoying random effects like jitteriness and stuns. 2-15% chances of up to +5 BRUTE. 6% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of histamine. | Prank chem but can be mildly debilitating in large doses. A low source of histamine. | | Ketamine | N/A. Sleepy pens and poison bottles. | 0.8 | Yes | -20 Maximum Stamina. Causes blurred vision, KOs on 11th cycle. | Sleepy pens and Snoozebuddies come pre-loaded with this knockout drug with a major stamina penalty. A typical dose from one should last 6-8 minutes. | | Lipolicide | (1) Ephedrine + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Mercury -> (2) Lipolicide | 0.2 | No | +1 TOX unless the victim keeps eating food. | Deals massive damage to blob lipid cells. | Mostly just annoying, but easy to get from weight-loss shakes. | | Miasma | N/A. Corpses have a 90% chance of emitting a smoke-powder-based cloud of this when decay. | 0.4 | No | Causes "Miasma" status effect. More details in Decomposition. | Miasma makes you sick; it causes vomiting and TOX, with more drastic effects the more you're exposed. Practice proper corpse disposal or medbay can get stunk up with this! | | Neurotoxin | (1) Space Drugs @ 674 K -> (1) Neurotoxin | 1 | No | Reduces jitteriness, causes dizziness, drowsiness and confused movement. +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN if total brain damage is less than 80 (10% chance otherwise). \\ \\ Delayed poison. Ill effects will not be felt until the 5th cycle, and completely KO the victim on the 18th cycle. | One of the most debilitating chems in the game due to applying brain damage, confusion and constant knockouts all at once. Someone given a large dose will be lucky to be able to do anything. Its delayed effects make it one of the quickest and stealthiest knockout chems around. It's also one of the horrible things that changelings and queen bees can sting you with. | | Neurodepressant | (2) Neurotoxin + (1) Acetone + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 724 K -> (2) Neurodepressant | 0.2 | No | Remains dormant until the 5th cycle, then starts causing drooling and missteps, after the 10th cycle, causes constant drowsiness and amped up missteps. \\ \\ After the 18th cycle, causes even more missteps and messages about feeling numb and dizzy, with extra random slowness and muted effects taking place. | The main compound behind neurotoxin's dizziness effects, it's not dangerous on it's own, but the missteps and drowsiness can be quite debilitating, and it mimicks neurotoxin's early symptoms. \\ \\ Somewhat useful as a way to subdue someone or just scare the shit out of them. | | Pancuronium | N/A. Poison bottles, hacked NanoMeds, and derelict/emagged medibot injections. | 0.2 | No | -30 Maximum Stamina. Will permastun on 11th cycle. \\ \\ If permastunned: 10% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH, 7% of +3 LOSEBREATH | A very nasty disabling poison for traitors to make use of, basically a much meaner curare that also comes with a severe stamina penalty. Also one of the reasons to run from derelict or emagged medibots, as they will inject you with it constantly if they catch you. | | Polonium | N/A. Poison bottles. | 0.1 | Yes | +8 RAD 80% chance of +5 RAD, 25% of a random mutation | Lasts a long time and ramps your cumulative radiation (causes TOX and mutations) way the hell up, very deadly. | | Rajaijah (Madness toxin) | Secret! \\ OR \\ Randomly find in poison bottles and artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.1 | No | +0.5 BRAIN, jitteriness, +100 Stamina Regeneration. KOs, then an AI takes over your mob on the 29th cycle, forcing you to attack people nearby (and occasionally yourself). Lots of scary text messages. | You may have fought against monkeys or even Syndicate NPCs randomly summoned by Telescience. Rajaijah makes use of the same AI, which is quite robust. It can pick up, attack with and throw items from off the floor, can use firearms effectively, and is hard to pacify thanks to the huge stamina buff. Injecting somebody with this poison will KO them briefly after a couple of cycles. Once they wake up, the AI assumes control of the mob, turning the victim into an involuntary murder machine. They'll be unable to do anything about it until the poison wears off. \\ \\ Note: Slapping a straight jacket on someone poisoned with rajaijah will neutralize them, letting you flush the poison safely. | | Royal Initrobeedril | Secret! \\ OR \\ Randomly find in poison bottles. | 0.2 | No | +1 TOX, turns the victim yellow. 10-33% chances of stuns, +1 LOSEBREATH and up to +5 OXY. Gibs the victim on 26th cycle and leaves a queen bee behind. | Royal initro essentially turns the victim's heart into a monstrous bee bearing their name. A very reliable killing method, though at least 5 units are required for a guaranteed kill and the giant red bee bearing the name of the victim is a huge red flag for the crew. The only cure is to inject something that forces it to deplete before it hits cycle 26. | | Sarin | Secret! \\ OR \\ Randomly find in poison bottles. | 0.1 | Yes | +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN, +1 BURN. 5% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH, randomly causes stuns, blurred vision, jitteriness, confused movement and other effects. Permastuns on 60th cycle. \\ \\ If permastunned: additional +5 LOSEBREATH, +1 BRAIN and +1 TOX \\ \\ 25+ UNITS: 8% chance of additional +1/+2 TOX | Bombards the victim with a lot of scary messages and can kill surprisingly quickly if left unchecked. Atropine rapidly depletes it, epinephrine can slow it down so the permastun occurs later, and wide-spectrum meds can counter the damage triad. Nuclear operatives start with a few grenades of this on the shuttle. \\ \\ Be sure to have your biosuit hood when producing it, lest you huff up the cloud of sarin it creates upon synthesis. Cloud sizes scales with volume being created--perhaps you could weaponize this...? | | Sodium Thiopental | N/A. Poison bottles. | 0.7 | No | -30 Maximum Stamina, reduces jitteriness. Random stuns, confused movement, drowsiness. 10% chance of +1 BRAIN. KOs the victim on 6th cycle. | Like an incredibly fast-acting ketamine, but with slightly slower depletion and a worse total stamina penalty; it also doesn't knock out for nearly as long once the chem wears off. The secret of Safari Kit darts. | | Space Ricin | N/A. (???) pills and Ricin Rice \\ OR \\ Randomly find in poison bottles. | 0.025 | No | Remains dormant for the first 75 cycles, then has a 15% chance to cause food poisoning as well as a 15% chance per cycle of applying +1 TOX and +1 BRUTE to a random organ. \\ \\ On the 125th cycle, has a 25% chance per cycle of applying +1 TOX and +1 BRUTE to a random organ, causes random drowsiness and blurriness. \\ \\ On the 175th cycle, the damage chance ramps up to a 50% chance per cycle of applying +1 TOX and +1 BRUTE to a random organ, causes blood puking, constant drowsiness, random stuns and slowness. | Very small lethal dose and depletion makes this a good weapon for a silent delayed murder, but it acts extremely slowly and can be easily dealt with if found out before the damage starts to rank up. \\ \\ Directly damaging organs makes it so it's harder to treat and notice in time, as the victim's health counter is not affected by organ damage. \\ \\ Flusher chemicals are only 15% effective at flushing it, so it might take a while to completely get rid of in large amounts. | | Sparkles | (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Paper + (1) Platinum -> (1) Sparkles | 0.1 | Yes | Glitter particle effect. 5+ UNITS: Creates glitter when applied to floor tiles. Makes your mob glitter. Sometimes called safe glitter or harmless glitter, because it's basically glitter without the itching effects. | | Spiders | Ingest ants + unstable mutagen and use the *dance emote \\ OR \\ See the recipe hint. \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | 50% chance of +1 BRUTE. 10% chance of +2 BRUTE OR +5 BRUTE and brief stun OR 10% of +4 BRUTE and barfing up some spiders | 5+ UNITS: Creates a "spiders" decal when applied to floor tiles, similar to vomit piles. Has a flat chance to create a spider, can very rarely be aggressive if poured on an existing spider decal. \\ \\ 1+ UNITS AND TOUCH/INGEST - You get spiders all over you! You also take +2 BRUTE. | Spider friends! Sometimes they're a bit grumpy, though. | | Stable Mutagen | (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Lithium + (1) Acetone + (1) Bromine -> (3) Stable Mutagen \\ OR \\ (3) Mutadone + (1) Lithium -> (4) Stable Mutagen | 2 | No | If used in conjunction with blood, it will result in the person taking on the appearance and DNA of the blood's owner on the 10th cycle. This includes fingerprints, Blood DNA, and mutations, both activated and unactivated, but not Traits. | The changeling's DNA Sting works like this, for instance. | | Sulfonal | (1) Acetone + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Sulfur -> (2) Sulfonal | 0.1 | No | +1 TOX. -10 Maximum Stamina, drowsiness, reduces jitteriness. 20% chance of KO'ing the victim briefly after the 22th cycle. Removes 10 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. | Puts someone out while slowly poisoning them to death. While it doesn't do a good job at keeping someone out until the chem has depleted, and the stamina penalty is rather minor, sulfonal is still very debilitating. | | Strychnine | (10) Carbon + (10) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Water -> (1) Strychnine | 0.2 | No | Gives you +75 Max Stamina. On the 25th cycle stops boosting stamina and instead gives -50 Max Stamina and -2 Stamina Regeneration. On the 36th cycle begins to inflict Losebreath and OXY damage eventually followed by scary messages and brute damage. The intensity and frequency of damage ramps up linearly per tick. | A crunchy and dramatic death. An amazing performance enhancer up until your muscles crush you like paper. | | Toxic Slurry | N/A. Slurrypods. | 0.4 | No | 10% chance of up to 4 TOX, 7% of stunning briefly | Mostly just annoying, but it can be deadly over time if the RNG cooperates. | | Toxin | N/A. Bee/wasp stings, rancid milk. \\ OR \\ Extracted from harvest from plants with Toxic gene. | 0.4 | No | +2 TOX | The old generic toxin, still kicking around in few places. | | Unstable Mutagen | (1) Radium + (1) Phoron + (1) Chlorine -> (3) Unstable Mutagen \\ OR \\ (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Epinephrine -> (2) Unstable Mutagen | 0.3 | No | +2 RAD, 4% chance of a bad mutation | TOUCH - ((3 * volume) + 2)% chance of a bad mutation \\ \\ INGEST - 100% of a bad mutation | Another solid, easy-level poison, though it's usually used as a precursor to other chems. | | Uranium | N/A. Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | +2 RAD | Some vending machine junk contains this. | | Venom | N/A. Randomly find inside in Syndicate poison bottles. \\ OR \\ Get bitten by certain spiders. Extract your blood using a syringe or blood bag. | 0.2 | No | +1 TOX, +1 BRUTE. 25% chance of decaying into 5 to 10 units of histamine. \\ \\ 20+ UNITS: +2 TOX and up to +2 BRUTE (total, not additionally) 8% chance to vomit. \\ \\ 40+ UNITS: 4% chance of gibbing the victim outright | Some of the unfriendly spider critters can inject you with this. | | Viper Venom | N/A. Get bitten by space rattlesnakes. Extract your blood using a syringe or blood bag. | 0.3 | No | +1 TOX, +1 BRUTE, messages about being in pain. 25% chance of decaying into 5 to 10 units of histamine. \\ \\ 10% chance of getting a 5 second stun and bleeding a lot, 10% chance of being slowed for 10 seconds and +8 TOX | Overall very painful and mildly debilitating, disregarding a ratttlesnake's personal space will get lots of this in you. | ====Disease Reagents==== Nastier stuff than most chemical poisons, these will leave a medical condition behind even after they fully deplete. They require a certain amount of units to infect someone, and the depletion rate must also be taken into account when administering a dose. To this end, all entries have been adjusted accordingly for easy reference. Note that in reality, due to real-time reagent processing's lag compensation system, depletion rate can vary, and it can often be higher than listed. When in doubt, round the number listed under "ideal units to infect" up. For example: nanomachines: 1.5 (threshold) + (2 [ Multiplier ] x 0.4 [typical depletion rate] ) = 2.4 (infection on the next life tick). ^ Reagent ^ Recipe ^ Pen. skin? ^ Ideal units to infect (adj.) ^ Application effects ^ Notes ^ | Banana Peel | N/A. Can appear through artifact injectors. | No | 5.3 | Inflicts victim with Monkey Madness. | Transforms victim into a monkey. | | Bee | N/A. Space bee eggs. | No | 1.2 | Infects the host with a space bee larva, which will eventually be coughed up (causing some TOX damage) unless removed surgically. Not implicitly a deadly disease, this instead gives you a bee pet! Bees are quite protective of their owners and will come to the rescue when they're under attack if you show them some TLC. It can take either a moment or a while for the bee to emerge depending on the RNG. | Concentrated initropidril | N/A. Poison bottles. | No | 5.3 | Causes cardiac arrest when threshold to infect is reached. | Liquid heart attack! This reagent lets you skip cardiac failure (and thus its RNG) entirely for a faster death. | | Corrupted nanomachines | N/A. Rare find in Farty Snott jelly beans. \\ OR \\ Can appear through artifact injectors. | No | 2.4 | Causes nano-infection when threshold to infect is reached. | Or just corrupted nanites for the lazy. This technohorror monstrosity turns people into horrific hybrids of machines and flesh that are helpless and yearn to die. For monkeys though, it just makes the NPC robots. | | E.Coli | (1) Compost + (1) Bacterial Medium -> (1) E.Coli | No | 5.3 | 100% chance to cause food poisoning. | Food poisoning is annoying, but not very dangerous. You can sleep it off or drink some chicken soup. | | Feather Fluid | Secret! | No | 5.3 | Infects host with Avian Flu. | Once stage 4 is complete, turns the infected into a space bird. Spread your wings and... this is space, how would you fly? Hmm... | | Gibbis | N/A. Poison bottles. | No | 3.3 | Infects the victim with a non-contagious version of GBS. | Another evil disease reagent. Unless countered quickly with cryoxadone, death is inevitable and permanent without a backup copy of the victim's DNA. | | Grave dust | N/A. Find inside certain ???? pill bottles. | No | 5.3 | Infects victim with grave fever. | Stuns, suffocation, weakness, and toxin damage that just gets worse and worse with each stage. Incredibly deadly if they can't get someone to administer spaceacillin (they'll likely be too weak/unable to get it themselves). | | Liquid Phoron | N/A. Can appear through artifact injectors. | No | 5.3 | Inflicts victim with Phorontoid. | Do not confuse with regular Phoron reagent. Eventually renders victim more tolerant of Phoron gas but much less able to breathe oxygen. | | Liquid spacetime | Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | No | 4.9 | Infects the victim with teleportitis. | Teleportitis repeatedly warps your character to random nearby tiles, so long as the target tile has flooring. It also causes sparks to fly from the destination, which can be very bad if you land on something ignitable. | | Loose screws | N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. \\ OR \\ Eat viscerite, extract your blood via syringe or IV | No | 5.3 | Inflicts victim with Space Madness. | Space madness gives you hallucinations, and not the mushroom samba kind. You might see monkeys or monsters from a completely different game attack you, get fake messages in your chat about nearby people threatening or insulting you, and/or hear gunshots, explosions, and more... unusual sounds. It might not ravage your body, but it does mess with your head, if only because it can get pretty annoying. | | Mewtini | (1) Cat Drugs + (1) Mutini + (1) Milk + (1) Catonium -> (2) Mewtini | No | 5.3 | Infects the victim with toxoplasmosis. | Slowly turns victim into a playable cat. | | Mucus | N/A. | Put a Little Danny's Legally-Distinct Creme-Filled Snack Loaf in a still and collect the results. \\ OR \\ One of the possible Juicer Schweet's Rowdy 'Rillo adulterants. One way to extract it is to click on a beaker or similar with the 'rillo. | No | 0.8 | Infects victim with the common cold. | Causes a cold. Surprisingly, you don't get mucus from anything living, but instead...something else. | | Tailored Nanomachines (Nanites) | N/A. Extract from roburgers, cheeseborgers, and meatal. \\ OR \\ One of the possible selections for Syndicate poison bottles. | No | 2.4 | Infects the victim with robotics transformation. The transformation is obvious and a slow process. Rather tricky poison to use effectively, but an easy option for borging yourself or turning a bunch of monkeys into NPC robots, if you need that for some reason. | | Painbow fluid | N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | No | 5.3 | Infects victim with Cluwneing Around Disease, a special version of Clowning Around, if they're not a Clown. | Victim slowly falls from grace as they become an extremely clusmy Cluwne, in mind and body. Fortunately, a Bible applied to the face by a holy one can cleanse the unholy cluwne spirits possessing the victim. Nonlethal, but highly annoying and actually debilitating. | | Prions | N/A. Poison bottles, Brainburgers. | No | 5.9 | Infects the victim with kuru. | Kuru is incurable and will paralyze somebody within seconds of injection. Death will follow within a couple of minutes. | | Pubbie tears | N/A. Rare find in Farty Snott jelly beans. \\ OR \\ Can appear through artifact injectors. | No | 5.3 | Infects victim with Berserker. | While "pubbie" is a Something Awful term for someone outside of the SA community, pubbie tears makes you embody people getting mad on the internet in general. You swear and twitch a lot, which in later stages might cause you to drop whatever you're holding or hit someone nearby. This is curable. | | Pure bacon grease | N/A. Poison bottles. | No | 5.3 | 100% chance to cause cardiac failure. | Cardiac failure can be a very serious condition without easy access to epinephrine or another stimulant. | | Rainbow fluid | N/A. Rare random find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | No | 5.3 | Infects victim with Clowning Around Disease if they're not a Clown. Victim slowly becomes a clumsy Clown, complete with clown gear (that constantly grows back if they can somehow can it off) and weird honking sounds. Nonlethal but permanent and fairly debilitating if the victim isn't very experienced at clowning. | | Rat venom | N/A. Randomly find in poison bottles. | No | 5.3 | Infects the victim with Space Plague. | It's not the plague itself that kills; it's the chance of suddenly catching one of those nasty, incurable diseases. Despite what the analyzer readout says, you can cure it by drinking mercury (a reference to a folk cure for the Black Plague). | | Rotting | Secret! | No | 5.3 | Infects host with Tissue Necrosis. | Gradually turns the infected into a spooky skeleton. This prevents them from being cloned (but not preventing borging), unless you have a special cloning module. | | Space heartworms | N/A. Rare find in Farty Snott jelly beans and odd cigarette packets. \\ OR \\ Can appear through artifact injectors. | No | 5.3 | Instantly destroys the heart. Causes cardiac abscondment. | Generally lethal without an immediate heart transplant. | | Spider eggs | N/A. Randomly find in poison bottles and artifact beakers/watering cans. | No | 3.3 | Infects the victim with parasites. | Each successful infection rips the host apart and spawns a couple of baby ice spiders, which are extremely aggressive and will attack nearby humans and monkeys. By doing so, they in turn mature and become even more dangerous. This chain reaction can be devastating and quite often depopulates entire stations. | | Too Much | N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans. | No | 5.3 | Infects victim with high fever. | Makes the host's body temperature very hot and eventually gives them arms that melt things and sometimes burn people. It's also possible to extract them from "sickly pears", an admin-spawn-only item. | | Vampire serum | N/A. | Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans and artifact beakers/watering cans. | No | 5.3 | Infects host with Draculaculiasis. | Slowly turns host in a Vampire with the associated powers, but not the actual Antagonist status. Blehh! | | Werewolf serum | N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans and artifact beakers/watering cans. | No | 3.8 | Infects host with Lycanthropy. Slooowly turns host in a Werewolf with the associated passives, but not the abilities or Antagonist status. Howl about it! | ====Acids==== Good old acid. Primarily used to destroy items for good. ^ Reagent ^ Formula ^ Dep. rate ^ Pen. skin? ^ Per life cycle ^ Immediate effect upon application ^ Addict prob. ^ Notes ^ | Acetic Acid | (1) Acetaldehyde + (1) Oxygen + (4) Nitrogen -> (3) Acetic Acid | No | | TOUCH - Does not melt items. \\ <50 UNITS: Up to +5 BURN \\ 50+ UNITS: 75% chance of +10 BURN and disfiguring the victim's face. | INGEST - 25+ UNITS: +2 BURN | | It's basically raw vinegar. It can even be used to make cheese, like in real life. Otherwise, it behaves like a much weaker sulfuric acid. | | Fluorosulfuric Acid | (1) Sulfuric Acid + (1) Fluorine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Potassium @ 374 K -> (3) Fluorosulfuric Acid | No | +1 TOX, +1 BURN | TOUCH - Always melts items. \\ <10 UNITS: Up to +10 BURN, 20% chance of melting headgear, 10+ UNITS: always melts headgear it is not acidproof, otherwise up to 50 BURN and disfigures the victim's face \\ \\ INGEST - 5+ UNITS: Scales with dose, up to +50 BURN | Was once called Polytrinic acid, and still is internally. The go-to acid if you want to melt items and faces. Note that some items are resistant to acid and cannot be melted. | | Hydrochloric Acid | (1) Hydrogen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Water -> (3) Hydrochloric Acid | No | See notes. | Behaves exactly the same as sulfuric acid and nitric acid, but used as a precursor for different chems. | | Nitric Acid | (1) Water + (3) Nitrogen Dioxide -> (2) Nitric Acid | No | See notes. | Behaves exactly the same as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, but used as a precursor for different chems. | | Sulfuric Acid | (1) Sulfur + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (2) Sulfuric Acid | No | +1 BURN | TOUCH - 40% chance of melting items. \\ <25 UNITS: Up to 5 BURN, \\ 25+ UNITS: +10 BURN and has a 75% chance of disfiguring the victim's face (blocked by headgear) \\ \\ INGEST - 10+ UNITS: Scales with dose, up to +20 BURN | A precursor to many other chemicals. Note there are some items that this acid cannot melt. The contact damage of this and similar acids (Nitric, Hydrochloric) is reduced by 50% for each acid after the first if used together (So using all 3 acids at once would do double damage instead of triple) | ====Pyrotechnic Chems==== The flashy stuff. If you have a hankering for fire and explosions, this is the section for you. Reagents that increase a mob's BURNING var also have an effect on BURN damage - the longer the duration and intensity of the fire, the more BURN damage you will take per cycle. ^ Reagent ^ Formula ^ Dep. rate ^ Pen. skin? ^ Ignition ^ Per life cycle ^ Immediate effect upon application ^ Addict prob. ^ Notes ^ | Ammonium Chloride | (1) Ammonia + (1) Hydrochloric Acid | 0.4 | No | 374 K | A surprisingly stable compound that ignites with a green flame when ignited. Strongly acidic; inflicts BURN damage as Sulfuric Acid and stacks with it normally. Diluted with 19 units Water per 1 unit Ammonium Chloride, makes a passable Cough Syrup and food additive to add salty licorice flavor. Isn't science weird? | | Aerosol Propellant | N/A. artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) | Does what the old smoke powder did. Turns into smoke, the maximum size of which scales with the amount of powder, for example 5 units for 3x3 and 10 units for 5x5. Size caps at 50u. | Applies the TOUCH reaction of all the chems that were mixed with it whenever someone walks into the smoke cloud. Unlike foam, the reagents penetrate skin (via inhaling) if they couldn't before. Good for getting chemicals into people who won't stand still for injections. \\ \\ Note: Wearing active internals or a gas mask will prevent you from inhaling chemical smoke. Even if an acid is employed in the smoke to destroy the active internals or gas mask, the victim still won't suck in anything from that specific cloud of smoke. | | Argine | N/A. Magical beans, artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | 272 K | Medium-sized explosion (4x4, high severity). Does not scale with volume. \\ Cannot be applied to floor tiles. \\ Explodes at low temperatures, for instance when mixed with cryostylane. When used in a mob, body temperature alone can be sufficient to set argine off. | | Black Powder | (1) Charcoal + (1) Sulfur + (1) Saltpetre -> (3) Black Powder \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.05 | Yes | 474 K | Sparks, then blows up a second or two later. Damage scales with volume. \\ \\ < 160 UNITS: Minor explosion (up to 2x2, low severity) \\ 161+ UNITS: Medium-sized explosion (6x6, medium severity) \\ 301+ UNITS: large explosion (12x12, medium severity) | 5+ UNITS: Creates black powder residue when applied to floor tiles. | A lot of it in one spot can be very deadly. Slow depletion means you can poison someone with it and then wait for then to encounter a heat source awhile later. Splashing 10 or more units onto someone makes them appear on forensic scanners to have gunshot residue on their person. | | Chlorine Azide | Secret! | N/A | N/A | Instant (474 K with Exotic Stabilizer) | Small explosion (4x4, low severity). Does not scale with volume. | | | Dumping too many basic chems into a container might accidentally cause this unstable and highly explosive reaction. The explosion from this can destroy objects like the chem dispenser you make it from. The explosion is not prevented by stabilizing agent, but can be prevented with exotic stabilizer. | | Chlorine Trifluoride (CLF3) | (1) Chlorine + (3) Fluorine @ 424 K -> (2) Chlorine Trifluoride \\ OR \\ "Extract" from smoldering radweed plants. | 4 | No | N/A (with ff-foam: instant) | Makes a 1x1 fireball when it comes into existence. \\ \\ When mixed with fire-fighting foam: small explosion (2x2, low severity). Does not scale with volume. If already on fire: +5 BURNING. Sets objects and turfs alight, even stuff that otherwise wouldn't burn. Has a chance of burning through floor tiles. | TOUCH / INGEST - Sets you alight, +50 BURNING. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +90 BURN. | A very popular starting deathchem, but be careful when mixing. | | Cryostylane | (1) Nitrogen + (1) Phoron + (1) Water -> (3) Cryostylane \\ OR \\ Extract from chilly peppers. | 0.4 | No | Mix with oxygen | Comes into existence at 20 °C. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents and objects on its tile down towards 0 K, regardless of current surface or container. | Reduces body temperature by 10 degrees. -10 BURNING. \\ 3+ UNITS: Creates a layer of slippery ice when applied to floor tiles, reduces the temperature of Phoron fires. \\ \\ TOUCH - Sets BURNING to 0. Cools mob down by 2 * amount of cryostylane used. Freezes anybody in a large block of ice, see notes for more info. While frozen in an ice cube, you are immune to most outside dangers, though you will still take damage from active poisons and can perform any actions short of speaking or breaking out. The ice cube also cools you down by 40°C every few seconds, slightly damaging it in the process. \\ \\ You can break out if you move in random directions or if someone kicks your cube (i.e. clicks on it) enough times. Explosions, melee weapons, and bullets can also destroy the cube. Kinetic bullets do double damage against them, while energy ones do only a fourth of their damage and armor-piercing ones half. \\ \\ How much health the cube has (i.e. how much effort you need to break out) depends on volume of cryostylane used, scaling to (0.75 * volume used)/5. | | FOOF (Dioxygen Difluoride) | N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 1.8 | No | N/A | N/A (oxidizer, breaks down and makes certain things instantly ignite when it's out of its container) | +50 BURNING | Creates a super-hot fireball (up to 8x8, scales with volume) that ignites and melts through walls, floors, grilles, and windows alike. \\ TOUCH/INGEST: +90 BURNING \\ INGEST: Up to 90 BURN damage, scales with volume. Horrifying and thankfully rare hellchem with a funny name. | Flash Powder | (1) Aluminium + (1) Potassium + (1) Sulfur + (1) Chlorine (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (5) Flash Powder | 0.4 | Yes | Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) | Stuns anyone within five tiles of the source and causes blurred vision (blocked by sunglasses etc), stun amount relative to distance. Can cause permanent eye damage and blindness. Flashbangs contain this. | | Fluorosurfactant | (1) Fluorine + (1) Oil + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (3) Fluorosurfactant | 0.4 | No | Mix with water Turns into foam when combined with water, causes people to slip on it if they're running. The amount of foam made (up to 7x7) depends on how much fluorosurfactant and water are used, but every tile is capped at 5 units (per reagent carried with the foam) and a total of 25 units for total volume. | When foam propagates, it drags all of the other reagents in the container with it, applying their TOUCH and (if they have it) Penetrates Skin effects to anyone that walks on it, or is standing in it as it finishes flowing away. Very, very deadly in the wrong hands. | Note: Most non-backbreaking methods of creating foam require you to do it by hand and thus be in the middle of the reaction, so unless you're trying to die, take appropriate measures to survive your own disaster. | | Butane | (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Carbon + (2) Hydrogen @ 374 K | A clean-burning liquid used to refill lighters, mostly. Combined with propane, it makes aerosol propellant. | | Propane | (1) Oil + (1) Carbon + (2) Hydrogen @ 374 K | A flammable gas that is in liquid form at high pressure, used to power low-emission propane generators and gas grills. Burns brightly when lit, creates explosions if released in large quantities. | | Give liquid nitrogen current cryostylane powers and restore cryostylane's original healing powers? | | Sonic Powder | (1) Oxygen + (1) Cola + (1) Phosphorus (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (2) Sonic Powder | 0.4 | Yes | Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) | Deafens and stuns within five tiles (blocked by earmuffs etc), causes confused movement. Can cause ear damage and permanent deafness. | 70% chance of +1 BRAIN | Flashbangs contain this. | | Kerosene | (1) Char + (1) Oil + (1) Ammonium Chloride -> (1) Kerosene | 0.4 | No | 874 K | Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 8x8). Melts steel walls when ignited, thanks to memetic properties. Also used to fuel some vehicles. | | Liquid Dark Matter | (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Carbon (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Liquid Dark Matter | 0.4 | No | Instant (stabilizer: 474 K) | Sucks everything into the detonation point. Range (up to 4x4) and throw-force scale with volume. If it was detonated inside a "container" (e.g. a locker or a Space Pod), instead of sucking things, deals BRUTE damage to everybody inside it. Damage scales with volume, and high volumes can destroy the container. | | 25% chance of being applied to floor tiles. | Far more dangerous than you'd think, getting sucked in and hit by a hundred different objects can easily do crit-levels of BRUTE damage. Like CLF3, also a popular deathchem and commonly paired with it, devastating entire rooms if the RNG cooperates. | | Magnesium Explosion | (1) Magnesium + (1) Copper + (1) Oxygen -> BOOM! | N/A | N/A | Instant | Small explosion (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. | | | The explosion is not prevented by stabilizing agent. | | Napalm Goo | (1) Sugar + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Ethanol -> (3) Napalm Goo | 0.4 | No | 374 K | Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 8x8). Cannot melt floors. | If already on fire: +(1.5 * volume) BURNING. Can directly make BURNING more severe (independent of more time = stronger burn relationship) based on volume. Removes itself. TOUCH - If already on fire: Does BURN damage based on severity of fire. Low severity does 7, medium ("very much on fire") does 14, and high ("extremely on fire") does 21. | Fire accelerant that's the secret behind the Vega flamethrower. Deadly to people on fire because it causes direct damage and makes the fire even stronger, but mostly harmless to people who aren't. | | Phlogiston | (1) Phosphorus + (1) Phoron + (1) Sulfuric Acid (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Phlogiston \\ OR \\ Extract from Burning Commol. | 0.4 | No | Instant (stabilizer: 224 K) | Small fireball (without stabilizer), scales with volume (up to 8x8). | If reagent temperature is above 224 K: +2 BURNING, sets you alight. \\ If 224+ K: creates a fireball (up to 8x8) when applied to floor tiles (can burn through them all well), scales with volume. \\ \\ TOUCH / INGEST (224+ K) - Does +33 BURNING, sets you alight. \\ \\ INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +45 BURN. Don't be deceived by that meager +2, having phlogiston in the bloodstream can be very dangerous without a fire extinguisher or firebot, and even then they can't prevent you from spontaneously igniting every cycle. | | Phlogiston Dust | (1) Phlogiston + (1) Charcoal + (1) Phosphorus + (1) Sulfur -> (2) Phlogiston Dust | 0.4 | No | N/A | | | If reagent temperature is above 224 K: +2 BURNING, sets you alight. \\ If 224+ K: creates a fireball (up to 8x8) when applied to floor tiles, scales with volume. \\ \\ TOUCH / INGEST (224+ K) - Does +15 BURNING, sets you alight. \\ \\ INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +45 BURN. | Burns less intensely than pure phlogiston and thus cannot melt floor tiles, but most other properties are similar. | | Pyrosium | (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Phosphorus -> (3) Pyrosium | 0.4 | No | Mix with oxygen | Comes into existence at 20 °C. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents and objects on its tile up towards 1000 K, regardless of current surface or container. | | | Can make non-flammable things incredibly hot, but so can a welder or lighter. Not all hot things are good for you to stand around though, so using this for self-heating reactions can be fun if you can get the timing right. Pyrosium cannot be smoked. | | Silver fulminate | (1) Silver Nitrate + (1) Nitric Acid + (1) Ethanol -> (1) Silver Fulminate | 0.4 | No | Instant | Plays a pop-like gunshot sound similar to a revolver firing, heating up any mix it's present in. Volume/temperature/loudness scales with volume. | | | Will not detonate from running/walking if less than 25% concentrated. As in real life, make in small batches... or not. | | Smoke Powder | (1) Potassium + (1) Sugar + (1) Phosphorus (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (3) Smoke Powder | 0.4 | No | Instant (stabilizer: 300 K) | Turns into a smoke cloud carrying other reagents, the initial size of which scales with the amount of the powder. The cloud behaves mostly like fluids and expands based on the amount of the other smoked reagents. | | | Applies the TOUCH reaction of all the chems that were mixed with it whenever someone walks into the smoke cloud. Unlike foam, the reagents penetrate skin (via inhaling) if they couldn't before. Good for getting chemicals into people who won't stand still for injections. \\ \\ Note: Wearing active internals or a gas mask will prevent you from inhaling chemical smoke. | | Sorium | (1) Mercury + (1) Carbon + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Oxygen (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Sorium | 0.4 | No | Instant (stabilizer: 474 K) | Sends everything flying from the detonation point. Range (up to 3x3) and throw-force scale with volume. | 25% chance of being applied to floor tiles. | | Pretty much the inverse of liquid dark matter, this knocks away anything that isn't bolted down. Ironically less deadly than its cousin, but lots of explosions going off at once can still be a huge pain. | | Sea4 | Sea-cret! | 0.05 | No | 474 K | Sparks and then explodes. Damage scales with volume. \\ \\ < 14 UNITS: Smoke, minor damage. \\ 15-40 UNITS: Tiny explosion (1 tile hole, mild damage to surroundings). \\ 41-100 UNITS: Modest explosion (3x3 hole), creates a sea bee, very adorable. \\ > 101 UNITS: Moderate explosion (5x5 hole), creates multiple sea bees, so cute and adorable. | | 5+ UNITS: Creates some Sea4 residue when applied to floor tiles. Clicking on it with a container will scoop it up. \\ \\ Can also be applied to walls and then ignited, destroying the wall (and usually only the wall). | Makes bees and booms, what more can you want? Well, on top of being an awful pun, Sea4 makes booms that can be precisely scaled and usually do not damage the surroundings much. It can also go onto walls, like a low-grade thermite, and you can then use an igniter or pour pyrosium and oxygen on it to ignite it. | | Thermite | (1) Aluminium + (1) Iron Oxide -> (3) Thermite | 0.4 | No | 374 K (floor/wall only) | Can burn through floor tiles as well (not guaranteed). \\ \\ IF 15+ UNITS: 100% chance of burning through walls. | | TOUCH - If already on fire: +100 BURNING | You'll generally be using an igniter or other heat source, and may have to heat the wall 5-10 times to ignite the thermite. | | Welding Fuel | N/A. Find in large and handheld-size fuel tanks found across the station. \\ OR \\ Extract from seething tomatoes. | 0.6 | No | 474 K | Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 7x7). \\ \\ IF 100+ UNITS: Small explosion (up to 4x4, low severity). | If already on fire: +2 BURNING. \\ \\ 1% chance to cause vomiting. If health is above 20, 33% chance of 1 TOX. | TOUCH - If already on fire: +30 BURNING | Used as a stand-in for lighter hydrocarbons in a lot of the organic chem recipes. Not safe to drink, even if the fuel can might tempt you into doing otherwise. | ====Drugs==== 420 smoke weed errydayy Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes | Aranesp | (1) Atropine + (1) Epinephrine + (1) Insulin -> (3) Aranesp \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | +15 Stamina Regeneration, +25 Maximum Stamina. 8% chance of encouraging messages about feeling buff and "made of steel". \\ \\ 90% chance of +1 TOX, 5% of a stun alongside +15 OXY and +1 LOSEBREATH | | | While aranesp grants a significant, almost unrivaled stamina bonus, it's also a danger to the user. There is no overdose threshold per se, however doses of 10+ units can be lethal due to escalating OXY and TOX damage. | | Bath Salts | (1) Monosodium Glutamate + (1) ???? + (1) Denatured Enzyme + (1) Saltpetre + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Mercury + (1) Mugwort @ 374 K -> (6) Bath Salts \\ OR \\ Extract from omega weed \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.6 | No | +3 Stamina Regeneration, 60% chance of canceling out all stuns, i.e. Paralysis, Stunned, and Weakened. 8-20% chances of bad side-effects: growing a tramp beard, confused movement, +5 BRUTE, up to 5 units of either meth/crank/neurotoxin, hallucinations and scary text messages. | OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, blurred vision, jitteriness, stuns, contracting non-contagious berserker, extra +2 TOX, +1 BRAIN, +5 BRUTE. | INGEST - Does +5 RAD, +5 TOX, +10 BRAIN 80% Dump all the Discount Dan's flavors into a bathtub and heat it with a welder, you'll probably find it. Makes you nearly impervious to stuns, on top of a above-average stamina buff, but you'll be a nearly uncontrollable tramp-bearded raving lunatic. Overdose will likely kill you from a half dozen different types of escalating damage, even taking too many occasional doses can easily be lethal. | | Cannabidiol (CBD) | N/A. Extract from cannabis or cannadanish pastries. The former only works with regular cannabis, not any of its mutations. \\ OR \\ Put cannabis in a still and collect the results. This only works with regular cannabis, not any of its mutations. | 0.4 | No | Yawning, sighing, feelings of peace, occasional drowsiness, 10% chance of causing confused movement and weakened status effect. | | Cat Drugs | (1) Catonium + (1) Psilocybin + (1) Ammonia + (1) Welding Fuel @ 374 K -> (3) Cat Drugs \\ OR \\ Extract from omega weed \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans \\ OR \\ Distill from Catnip/Nepeta cataria. | 0.4 | No | Causes you to meow, hiss, and hallucinate. Amusing text messages. | | | Gimmick drug, good for laughs or confusing the hell out of people. | | Crank | (1) Diphenhydramine + (1) Ammonia + (1) Lithium + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 374 K -> (5) Crank \\ OR \\ Extract from omega weed \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 60%. 8% chance of decaying into up to 2 units of meth, 6% of increasing body temperature, 4% of causing jitteriness and +1 TOX. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, jitteriness, stuns, contracting non-contagious berserker, additional body temperature increase, up to extra +5 TOX, up to +8 BRAIN, +5 BRUTE. | 50% | Warms you up, makes you jittery as hell. Very addictive, but the stun reduction effect is pretty nice for fighting. \\ \\ Note: Mixing crank comes with an explosion (2x2, low severity), which cannot be prevented by stabilizing agent. | | Jenkem | (1) Urine + (1) Compost -> (2) Jenkem | 0.4 | No | Causes dizziness. 10% chance of +1 TOX | | 30% | Low-quality sewage drug. Mostly harmless, but the constant screen-shaking is irritating and makes it hard to click on objects. | | Krokodil | (1) Morphine + (1) Diphenhydramine + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Phosphorus + (1) Potassium + (1) Welding Fuel @ 374 K -> (5) Krokodil \\ OR \\ Extract from omega weed. | 0.4 | No | Reduces jitteriness. 25% of +1 BRAIN, 15% of reducing body temperature, 5% of short stun and +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN, 2% of +2 BRUTE. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be additional body temp reduction, stuns, up to extra +3 TOX, up to +3 BRAIN, up to +25 BRUTE. Can even make all your skin rot off. | 50% | Overdose can be very lethal and leave you looking like a half-rotten corpse, but can potentially heal back from that and just wander around being terrifying. | | LSBee | N/A. Get stung by a psychedelic space bee. | 0.4 | No | Messages about a buzzing sound in your ears. Hallucinate swarms of angry bees. | | | Pretty much a weaker LSD that causes bee hallucinations. | | Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) | (1) Diethylamine + (1) Space Fungus -> (3) LSD \\ OR \\ Extract from rainbow weed or omega weed. | 0.4 | No | Pretty lights and hallucinations. Imaginary monsters start chasing you around. | | | The changeling's hallucinogenic sting injects this. | | Methamphetamine | (1) Ephedrine + (1) Phosphorus + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Iodine @ 374 K -> (3) Methamphetamine \\ OR \\ Extract from invigorating ipecacuanha roots or omega weed \\ OR \\ Obtain from Robust-Eez. | 0.6 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 50%, +3 Stamina Regeneration, increases movement speed. \\ \\ Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 50% chance of +1 BRAIN. \\ \\ Quickly purges Mannitol and Synaptizine at a rate of 5 units per cycle. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be jitteriness, stuns, confused movement or chance of dropping items hold in either hand. | 60% | Extremely addictive and overdose can make you flail around uncontrollably and drop your stuff, but it's the best thing short of bath salts for shrugging off stuns, KOs and paralysis. People will have a hard time containing you. \\ \\ Meth inhibits the effects of triple meth, causing triple meth to cause no effect and thus preventing you from combining the two. \\ \\ There is a syndicate version of this chem. | | Nicotine | N/A. Cigs, nicotine patches, eggplants, and tobacco. \\ OR \\ Put tobacco leaves into a still and collect the results. | 0.4 | No | +1 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 8%. 50% chance of causing jitteriness. \\ OVERDOSE (35) - Does +1 TOX, 8% chance of extra +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, stuns, body temperature increase, jitteriness, up to +6 TOX (additional), up to +20 OXY. | | 70% | Slight stimulant best bundled with other minor stimulants. Slapping a whole bunch of nicotine patches on someone can kill them with escalating TOX and OXY damage. | | Nicotwaine | N/A. Extract from twobacco leaves. \\ OR \\ Put twobacco leaves in a still and collect the results. | 0.4 | No | +3 to Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 11%, 10% chance of +2 TOX, 5% chance to remove all stuns & do +4 TOX. Jittering, shivering, and mildly ominous messages about how fast your heart is beating. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (70) - Does +2 TOX. Moderate overdoses cause twitching, confused movement, body temperature rises in 30-60 degrees, and up to +5 TOX. Severe overdoses can cause stuns, paralysis, up to +20 OXY, and up to +5 TOX and is characterized by drooling, gasping, jittering, and/or messages about your heart pounding and needing help. | 100% | Nicotine, but better -- sort of. It stun reduction is better than nicotine and coffee, but not as good as meth, though it has comparable stamina regen boost and more manageable side effects. | | Omegazine | N/A | 0.4 | No | IF 5+ UNITS: Blocks all incoming Stunned, Paralysis, and Weakened debuffs, cancels out all stuns, +500 Max Stamina, +500 Stamina Regeneration. Removes misstep, sleepiness, Disorient, and Slowed debuffs. Reduces misstep, dizziness, and drowsiness. -5 OXY/TOX, -10 BRUTE/BURN. \\ \\ IF < 5 UNITS: +2 TOX, +1 BRUTE, 10% chance of 4 seconds of Stunned. Formerly known simply as "stimulants", this divine healing and anti-stun chemical only works while volume is greater than five units. As it wears off to under five units, it hits you with some nasty side-effects. \\ \\ Essentially an admin-only chemical. This is one of the handful of chems that is blacklisted from things like artifact chemical bombs, artifact cell leaks, and other things that can pull from all the chemicals in the game. | | Psilocybin | N/A. Mushroom and cannabis mutation. | 0.4 | No | Pretty lights and hallucinations, occasionally a short stun. | | | Can make you hallucinate stuff like gunshots and attack messages. Might freak someone out if they don't know what's going on. | | Space Drugs | (1) Mercury + (1) Sugar + (1) Lithium -> (3) Space Drugs \\ OR \\ (1) Safrole + (1) Salbutamol + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Water -> (1) Space Drugs \\ OR \\ Extract from omega weed. | 0.2 | No | Pretty lights, confused movement. | 65% | Heat it to create neurotoxin. Otherwise, it just makes the screen shift colors. Alt. recipe involving safrole is a loose take on MDMA and is designed to facilitate a clever splice. | | Syndicate Methamphetamine | Eat a syndicate donk pocket and draw out your blood with a syringe or blood bag. | 0.6 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 50%, +3 Stamina Regeneration, increases movement speed. \\ \\ Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 50% chance of +1 BRAIN. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be jitteriness, stuns, confused movement or chance of dropping items hold in either hand. | | 60% | It shows up as just "methamphetamine" on reagent scanners and similar devices, but unlike regular meth, this blend does not purge synaptizine or mannitol, giving it better synergy when taken with those chems. It also has a different color, but otherwise, it acts just like regular meth. \\ \\ Since it's meant to imitate the effects of a syndie donk, the Field Medic's donk-injector also administers this. | | Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) | N/A. Extract from regular cannabis, lifeweed, deathweed, omega weed, or cannadanish treats. \\ OR \\ Put regular cannabis, lifeweed, deathweed, or omega weed leaves in a still and collect the results. 0.4 No Giggling, stuttering, occasional drowsiness, 4% chance of causing confused movement. Doubles duration of buffs gained from food. | | | Doesn't really do a whole lot besides causing the munchies, but people are usually pretty happy to smoke any joints you leave laying around. | | Triple Meth | Secret! \\ OR \\ Find inside artifact beakers/watering cans. \\ OR \\ Rarely shows up in Juicer 'Rillos. | 0.2 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis debuffs by 98%. +1000 Stamina Regeneration. Removes sleepiness and any Disorient debuffs. Causes jitteriness, dizziness, and severe misstep. +1 BRAIN damage. 50% chance of shivering, rapid blinking, and twitching. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (20) - Effects scale with dose. Dropping items, messages about hands flipping and flailing. Severe misstep, jitteriness, up to 10 seconds of Weakened debuff, messages about inability to control legs. | | | Hardcore stimulant that's basically meth on steroids. The stun resistance essentially blocks most stuns, and the insane stamina regeneration ensures you'll get right back up afterwards if you're rendered unconscious. However, the severe misstep chance means it'll hard to move in any specific direction, making escape difficult, and the brain damage can be a major issue. \\ \\ None of these effects occur if you have regular meth in you! In other words, you can't combine the two. | ====Food and Drink==== All manner of chems related to foods, drinks, and things that go in them or can be created from them. While all chems can be ingested, these are specifically meant to be consumed... just not always with beneficial effects. | ???? | N/A. Extract from Purple goop, orange goop from leaker plants, ???? (food), smoldering messes, physical manifestations of the very concept of fried foods, and low-quality botany crops. \\ OR \\ Put a Little Danny's Snack Cake in a still and collect the results. | 0.4 | No | | INGEST - Causes food poisoning, stuns and weakens the consumer for a brief 2 seconds. | | Also called "yuck", which is also the name used in the source code. Whether you call it, it's of course a bad idea to put it in your body. While it might not ding your health, the vomiting and stuns incurred by food poisoning can still give you a bad time. | | Beer | N/A. Dispense from alcohol dispensers. \\ OR \\ Find in beer bottles \\ OR \\ Distill from wheat. Works with regular wheat and both the durum wheat and steel wheat mutations. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.07 units of ethanol. INGEST & Below 280K - Heals 5 TOX damage. At this temperature, the beer is named "Chilled Beer". | | Name changes to "Chilled Beer" when below 280K and "Warm Beer" above when 280. Chilled Beer only heals immediately after it's ingested, not when it's in your bloodstream, so an IV drip (which constantly supplies chems in small increments) of it is better than a pill (which supplies it all in one go). | | Beepskybräu Security Schwarzbier | (1) Beer + (1) Nanomachines -> (2) Beepskybräu Security Schwarzbier \\ OR \\ Distill from roboburgers or cheeseborgers. \\ OR \\ Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.1 units of ethanol. \\ \\ IF IN A VEHICLE: 2 seconds of Weakened, 10 seconds of Stunned. Victim is ejected from vehicle. Drunk driving is a crime, you know! | | | The "shock" you get from attempting drunk driving with this can cure certain diseases and damage cyberhearts. The reason it doesn't burn you is because it's coming straight from your liver. | | Beff | (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil + (1) Phoron -> (4) Beff | 0.4 | No | 8% chance of decaying into 0.8 units of either partially hydrogenated space-soybean oil/toxic slurry/synthflesh/changeling blood/corn syrup/porktonium. 5% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol. | | | | Bilk | (1) Milk + (1) Beer -> (2) Bilk | 0.075 | No | Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 10 and OXY at 85. \\ \\ If total health and LOSEBREATH are less than 0, -1 TOX, -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN | | | Essentially, a weaker version of ephedrine that can act like a weak omnizine if you're at low health. | | Bitters | N/A. Dispense from an alcohol dispenser. \\ OR\\ Extract from bilious ipecacunha roots. | 0.4 | No | | On INGEST - If consumed alone, stuns and has a 25% chance to cause vomiting. | | Used in several cocktails. Don't consume it alone! | | Blue Milk | (1) Milk + (1) Blueberry Juice -> (2) Blue Milk | 0.4 | No | If total TOX damage is less than 25: -1 TOX. \\ \\ IF SKELETON: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 15% chance of amusing misspelling of "bones". \\ Removes Capsaicin 5 units at time. Removes all Dragon's Breath and Ghost Chili Juice, completely consuming the milk. | | | Like in Star Wars. Blue milk is pretty much regular milk but in a different color. | | Bo Jack Daniel's | N/A. Find in bottles of Bo Jack Daniel's. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 5 units of ethanol. \\ \\ 8% chance to give you a beard if you're a male and don't already have one. Sensations of manliness. \\ \\ 8% chance to say a "drunktalk" line, randomly picked from a set unique to this drink. | INGEST - Puts 0.75 * volume of Bo Jack Daniel's ingested units of ethanol in you. \\ \\ If volume of Bo Jack Daniel's drunk > 10 units, makes you vomit it all out and paralyzes you for 3 seconds. Does not occur if you have alcohol resistance. | | Makes you quite drunk, sometimes makes you say something rather depressing. Can absolutely devastate your liver. | | BOOrbon | (1) Bourbon + (1) Ectoplasm -> (2) BOOrbon | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.6 units of ethanol. | | | Makes a spooky sound upon mixing. | | Brave Bull | (1) Tequila + (1) Coffee -> (2) Brave Bull | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.35 units of ethanol. \\ \\ Reduces incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis debuffs by 8%. | | | Surprisingly stimulating drink, though rather mildly so. 8% stun resistance might not sound like much, but it's higher than the ones for coffee, sugar, and nicotine, although it comes with no stamina boosts, and there definitely are better options, such as meth. | | Bread | N/A. Use a loaf or slice of bread (any type listed here, save baguette) on a beaker. \\ OR \\ Extract from a loaf or slice of bread (any type listed here, save baguette) or fairy bread. | 0.4 | No | 5+ UNITS: Creates bread slices when applied to floor tiles. | | Literally liquid bread. In case you're wondering, garlic bread and cheesy garlic bread don't have this. | | Butter | N/A. Extract from... well, butter. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1 unit of cholesterol. | Makes floors slippery upon application. | | Caledonium | N/A. Extract from haggis. | 0.4 | No | Grants the "Scottish accent" mutation for exactly three minutes, giving you the peculiar vocabulary and accent of tartan-wearing highlanders. Higher doses don't change the "three minutes" part but do still extend the duration of the accent, simply due to being in your system for longer. | TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. | | Basically a Scots trait you can turn on and off. Even the smallest doses will give you the accent for at least three minutes, so you only need a little bit at a time to get your accent back. | | Capsaicin | N/A. Spaghetti arrabbiata. Extracted from any chili and omega cannabis leaves. | 0.4 | No | Stuttering, increases body temperature slightly. 10% chance of stunning briefly. | 20+ UNITS: 10% of up to +10 OXY. TOUCH - Causes blurred vision, confused movement, short stun (blocked by masks). 50% chance of temporary blindness. | INGEST - Stuttering. 80+ UNITS: medium-duration stun 1% Crowd dispersal grenades contain this. | | Cheese | (1) Milk + (1) Vomit -> (1) Cheese \\ OR \\ (1) Milk + (Any, not consumed) Acetic Acid -> (1) Cheese \\ OR \\ Extract from cheesy garlic bread or cheese sandwiches made with spooky bread. | 0.4 | No | 3% chance to create 1-2 units of cholesterol. | 5+ UNITS: Creates a slice of cheese when applied on the floor. | Fun to mix with smoke powder and a great way to replenish the kitchen's cheese stocks. | | Cheese Substitute | N/A. Extract from magical jelly beans and certain Discount Dan's burritos. | 0.4 | No | OVERDOSE (50) - 8% chance of 1 to 2 TOX damage. | 10% | | | Chicken Soup | N/A. Find in chicken soup cups from coffee machines. | 0.2 | No | 10% chance each of curing the common cold, influenza, avian flu, and food poisoning. | | Safe remedy for minor diseases. | | Chocolate | N/A. Extract from Chocolate ice-cream, chocolate chip cookies, chocolaty drinks, Hetz Cups, and chocolate bars. | 0.4 | No | Raises body temperature very slightly. Decays into 0.8 units of sugar. Removes any Freeze. | 3+ UNITS: Creates a chocolate bar on the floor. Grody. | | | | Cholesterol | N/A. Extracted from many meat dishes. | 0.4 | No | -10 Maximum Stamina. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (25) - Scales with dose. \\ 25+ UNITS: ~5% chance of up to +2 TOX, odd feelings in chest. \\ 45+ UNITS: ~7% of up to +4 TOX, chest pains & aches. \\ 125+ UNITS: ~2% of medium-duration stun and cardiac failure, painful burning sensation in chest. \\ Turns a non-special blob tile into a lipid cell | Not very dangerous in low quantities, though it does have fun overdose messages. A side-effect of consuming too many meaty dishes. | | Cola | (1) Soda Water + (1) Sugar -> (2) Cola \\ OR \\ Find in any kind of soda. \\ OR \\ Dispense from the soda fountain. | 0.4 | No | Reduces drowsiness. | If current body temperature is above base body temp (37C/310K), i.e. hotter than should be, lowers body temperature by 5 degrees until it reaches base body temp (37C/310K). | | | Call it pop, call it soda, call it coke, it's a refreshing beverage that actually helps cool you down all the same. | | Coffee | N/A. Obtain from robust coffee and coffeemakers. | 0.4 | No | +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 7%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. | | 5% | Safe and easy to obtain stimulant with minor stamina regeneration buff. | | Corn Starch | N/A. Extract from corn and bee kibble. | 0.4 | No | Corn-related precursor. | | Corn Syrup | (1) Corn Starch + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 374 K -> (2) Corn Syrup | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1.2 units of sugar. | | | A sufficiently high dose can easily lead to hyperglycaemic shock. | | Curacao | N/A. Find inside Curacao Liqueur bottles, natch. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 2 units of ethanol. \\ \\ 5% chance to drunkenly say a random line unique to this drink. | | | This surprisingly strong, distinctly blue liqueur is used in a couple of tropical drinks. You can find a bottle of it in Alcohol Resupply Crates, and at certain bars. | | Death Spice | N/A. Find inside pills from (????) pill bottles. | 0.4 | No | 0.0001% (i.e. one in a million) chance to straight up kill you. | | | Feel lucky? | | Dragon's Breath | Secret! | 1 | No | Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 50% chance of 2 seconds of Stunned, 8% chances of various funny text messages. \\ \\ Severe effects scale with volume: [0.2% * volume] chance of +99 BURNING if victim is already on fire, [0.1% * volume] chance of burning them up completely (fire-gibbed) | INGEST - If already on fire: 20% chance of +30 BURNING | | Neutralized by milk. You need hundreds of units for the instadeath chance to be noticeable, but a sleepy pen's worth still has disastrous effects on the liver. \\ \\ A reference to a similarly fiery drink from Hero's Quest. | | Decaf Espresso | N/A. Dispense from espresso machine. | 0.4 | No | +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 2.5%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. | | 1% | Espresso, but with less cafffine, so it provides smaller stamina and stun resistance boosts, and it's not as addictive. This makes it not too different from coffee. | | Ecto Cooler | (1) Orange Juice + (1) Ectoplasm + (1) Uranium -> (3) Ecto Cooler \\ OR \\ Randomly find inside artifact beakers/watering cans, fancy beer, and hobo wines. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1 unit of VHFCS. 10% chance to also decay into 1 unit of strange green goop. | | | The strange green goop can let you see Ghosts. Watch out for the VHFCS though, or the pancreas damage might make you into one of them. | | Egg | N/A. Use an egg or space bee egg on a drinking glass. \\ OR \\ Find inside certain Hungry Dan's TV Dinners. \\ OR \\ Randomly find in pills from ???? pill bottles. | 0.4 | No | 8% chance of farting, 3% of decaying into up to 2 units of cholesterol. | | | Ask the Botanists for space bee eggs, or buy them from Bombini, a bee merchant (in more ways than one) who usually resides in the Space Diner. | | Egg Nog | (1) Egg + (1) Milk + (1) Sugar -> (3) Egg Nog | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1.6u sugar. On TOUCH or INGEST: Feel filled with Christmas Spirit, which heals small amounts of OXY, TOX, BURN, and BRUTE, heals all organs a bit of organ damage, reduces bleeding, and replenishes blood. | | You'll be jolly after finding out how useful of a medical chem this seasonal treat is. | | El Diablo Chili | N/A. Extract from El Diablo chili or Devil Dan's Quik-Noodles - Brimstone BBQ Flavor noodle cups. | 0.4 | No | Causes stuttering, gasping, and choking. \\ \\ Raises body temperature. \\ \\ 25% chance of causing the oxygen deprivation effect, restricting speech. | INGEST - Stuns and has a 20% chance to set you on fire. | | Not for the faint of heart! | | Energy drink | Secret! \\ OR \\ Obtain from Brotein Shake Dragon Balls and artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | +3 Stamina Regeneration, increased movement speed, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 25%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. \\ \\ Upon depleting, causes blurred vision, slowed movement, and dizziness, duration is based on how long the chem was in your system. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (25) - Chance to induce heart failure based on how long the chem was in your system. | 8% | Imagine coffee, but with a movement speed buff and a meaner crash and overdose. | | Espresso | N/A. Dispense from espresso machine. | 0.4 | No | +3 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 10%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. | | 5% | Coffee, but better, due to the extra caffeine, though also harder to obtain. | | Essence of Elvis | N/A. Extract from foods containing Elvis bread, namely: \\ Slices of Elvis bread \\ Elvis toast \\ Cheesy Elvis toast \\ Bacon-y Elvis toast \\ Elvis toast with EGGS \\ Cheese elviswiches \\ Peanut butter elviswiches \\ PB & honey elviswiches \\ Monkey elviswiches \\ Elvismanwiches \\ Synthmeat elviswiches \\ Hounddogs \\ Herbal hounddogs \\ Hounddogs-on-a-sticks. | 0.4 | No | Grants the Elvis's accent for exactly three minutes. Higher doses do not change the "three minutes" part, but do still extend the duration of accent, simply due to being in your system for longer. | TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. | | Elvis lives through the power of chemistry! The best part is that you only need a little bit of Elvis each time you want to extend the duration, since even the smallest of doses grant Elvis's accent for at least three minutes. | | Expresso | (1) Espresso + (3) Methamphetamine -> (3) Expresso | 0.4 | No | If BRAIN < 60, +2 BRAIN damage. +4 Stamina Regneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 25%. \\ \\ Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. | | 5% | The dimwitted brother of espresso. Grammar is not exactly its strong suit, but inflicting brain damage is. Also a rather risky stun-resist drink. | | Fleur-de-lys | N/A. Extract from pizza-ghetti | 0.4 | No | Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Q. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (30) - 5% chance of 1-2 BRAIN damage. Message about destruction of culture. | TOUCH / INGEST - Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Q. | 10% | Essentially, so long as it's in your system, and then a few minutes after it leaves, you have a French-Canadian/Quebecois accent. | | Freeze | Secret! | 1 | No | Decays into 3 units of ethanol, lowers body temperature by 10 Kelvin. 40% chance of 2 BURN damage, 20% chance of setting Stunned to 30 seconds, 15% chance of coughing, sneezing, and/or gasping, 10% chance of "chilling" messages. \\ \\ [0.2% * volume] chance of freezing up into an ice statue. | | | Chocolate neutralizes freeze, removing all traces of it in the body. Like Dragon's Breath, it's fun to put in a sleepy pen. Try combining the two! | | Freshly Brewed Coffee | N/A. Brew up some coffee at a coffeemaker. | 0.4 | No | +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 7%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. | | Identical to regular joe, but with a key difference: freshly brewed coffee is better at satisfying thirst than plain coffee, to incentivize using coffeemakers. | | George Melonium | N/A. Rainbow melons. | 0.4 | No | INGEST - Random effect, can be an explosion (1x1, low severity), spawning up to 40 units of random drugs or poisons, -30 of OXY/TOX/BRUTE/BURN/BRAIN or a long-duration stun. | | Surprisingly weaponizable. | | Ghost Chili Juice | N/A. Ghostlier chili. | 0.4 | No | 50% chance of stunning briefly. 33% of throwing up, removing the remaining amount of GCJ from the bloodstream. 10% of setting the victim alight, 5% of burning them up completely (fire-gibbed). | | | Neutralized by milk. Can be effective in a sleepy pen if the RNG is on your side. | | Gin and Chronic | (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) THC -> (2) Gin and Chronic | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol \\ 10% chance of decaying into 1 to 10 units of THC. | | | Duuuuuuuuuuuude. | | Gin and Sonic | (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) Meth -> (2) Gin and Sonic | 0.4 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis by 6%. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. \\ \\ 8% chance to decay into 1.2 units of meth, turn the icon for your current shoes into the one for red shoes (this does not actually change your shoes), and then either make you say something about going fast or just output it into your chat (50-50 chance of either). \\ \\ Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. | | | Yes, it's a reference to that platformer series (among other things) with the blue hedgehog. One of the few alcoholic drinks with stun resistance, though arguably worse than just meth by itself. | | Ginger Ale | N/A. Obtain from Delightful Dan's Ginger Ale from GTMs and from fancy cola. | 0.4 | No | 4% chance to burp. | | | Bubbly soda that can be used for Moscow Mule. | | Grapefruit juice | N/A. Extract from grapefruits and grapefruit wedges. \\ OR \\ Put a grapefruit in a still and collect the results. | 0.4 | No | Removes 0.5 units of every medical chem in bloodstream. \\ TOUCH - Juice in your eye, ouch! 75% chance to cause blurriness, blocked by wearing any mask and/or head slot item. | | Per life effect references grapefruit juice reducing effectiveness of some medicines in real life. | | Grasshopper | (3) Crème de Menthe + (1) Chocolate + (1) Vanilla -> (5) Grasshopper \\ OR \\ (1) Mint + (1) Vodka + (1) Sugar + (1) Chocolate + (1) Vanilla -> (5) Grasshopper | 0.4 | No | | | | Once it runs out, turns you into a roachperson for an amount of time proportionate to how long it was in your system. | | Gravy | (1) Porktonium + (1) Milk + (1) Corn Starch @ 373K -> (3) Gravy | 0.4 | No | | | | The perfect companion to mashed potatoes. | | Grog | Secret! \\ OR \\ Find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 15% chance of +1 TOX. \\ Makes you a pirate captain complete with dreadlocks, full beard, eyepatch and matching name. | TOUCH - 75% chance of +25 BRUTE and disfiguring the victim's face, 25% of +5 BRUTE. 20% chance of melting items. | More of a gimmick chem than legitimately destructive. | | Guacamole | N/A. Extract from the guacamole dish and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. \\ OR \\ Find inside Pro Puff cigarettes. | 0.4 | No | | | | | Hard Punch | (1) Apple Juice + (1) Sangria + (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Pineapple Juice -> (2) Hard Punch | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.07 units of ethanol. | INGEST - What a kick! Has a 20% chance to knock you back, similar to the effect of a pulse rifle. | | Honey | N/A. Extract from honey globs. \\ OR \\ Eat said globs, draw out your blood with a syringe or IV. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.4 units of sugar. | 5+ UNITS: Creates honey globs when applied to floors. | | Honey are horked up by space bees and are often found in few bee-themed areas. | | Honey Tea | (1) Honey + (1) Tea -> (2) Honey Tea | 0.4 | No | Shows messages about being calmed and relaxed. \\ \\ Seperate 5% chance to cure the common cold, 3% chance to cure the flu, and a 3% chance to cure food poisoning. | | 1% | | Honky Tonic | (1) Tonic Water + (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Space Lube -> (4) Honky Tonic | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1 unit of ethanol. \\ \\ 10% chance to cause 2 seconds of Stunned and Weakened, make you laugh, and produce a honking noise. \\ \\ 4% chance to procedurally generate a silly string of word salad, in the general format of introductory phrase + adjective + noun + ending remark. | | | Essentially, a cocktail for Clowns! Tonic water can be obtained from the alcohol dispensers in the Bar. | | Hunchback | (1) Bourbon + (1) Cola + (1) Tomato Juice -> (3) Hunchback | 0.4 | No | Increases all depletion rates by 8. \\ \\ 10% chance of contracting food poisoning. \\ \\ If above +10 health: +2 TOX | | | Flushes other chemicals more rapidly than calomel, but does so at significant risk to the consumer. Aside from constant and violent vomiting, the health cap and depletion rate are significantly lower. | | Ketchup | N/A. Extract from ketchup packets or grind tomatoes. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates ketchup splotches when applied to floor tiles. | | | Lemon Juice | N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Extract from lemons, certain popsicles, key lime pie, and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. \\ OR \\ Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - Juice in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. | | Frequently used in various cocktails and other drinks. | | Lemonade | (3) Lemon Juice + (1) Sugar -> (4) Lemonade \\ OR \\ Find inside Dan's Tonic. Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, and fancy beer. | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - Citrus in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. \\ \\ INGEST - Makes you visibly pucker if you don't drink it with enough sugar (enough sugar is <33% sugar by volume)! Purely cosmetic effect. | | Just like real life, the ingredient ratio can be somewhat finicky, and it's best enjoyed with lots of sugar. | | Lime Juice | N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Extract from limes, certain popsicles, lemon meringue pie, and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. \\ OR \\ Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - Juice in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. | | Just like in real life, a common ingredient in several mixed drinks. | | Limeade | (3) Lime Juice + (1) Sugar -> (4) Limeade \\ OR \\ Extract from flockburger. | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - Citrus in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. \\ \\ INGEST - Makes you visibly pucker if you don't drink it with enough sugar (enough sugar is <33% sugar by volume)! Purely cosmetic effect. | | Lemonade's lesser-known but nevertheless well-enjoyed sister. | | Ling Island Iced Tea | (1) Long Island Iced Tea + (1) Neurotoxin @ 374K -> (2) Ling Island Iced Tea | 0.4 | No | Keeps track of a alchohol counter variable that starts at 0. Each tick it's in you, that variable increases by 0.2-0.3. On the last cycle that it's in you, it hits you with a stack of alchohol counter + 2-3 ethanol. | | | The alcoholic version of amanitin - gets you drunk all at once. If you keep drinking, you can stave off the ethanol dump! | | Mashed Potatoes | N/A. Extract from the mashed potatoes dish. | 0.4 | No | | | | The perfect companion to gravy. | | Matcha | N/A.Distills or processes from tea leaves. | 0.4 | No | | | | | Matcha Tea | (1) Matcha + (1) Water -> (2) Matcha Tea | 0.4 | No | Removes 3 units of cholesterol at a time. | | 1% | | Mate | N/A. Found in mate gords after adding a yerba mate packet along with water. | 0.2 | No | +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 3%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. | | 5% | Mate is a common drink commonly found within South America, now imported to space. Functions similarly to a slightly weaker coffee. | | Meat Slurry | (1) Blood + (1) Corn Starch -> (2) Meat Slurry \\ OR \\ (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (1) Meat Slurry + (1) Spaceacillin + (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Copper + (1) Denatured Enzyme | 0.4 | No | 4% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol. | 5+ UNITS: 10% chance of creating slippery gibs when applied to floor tiles. | | | Milk | N/A. Found in milk bottles, milk jugs, and certain Discount Dan's products. Can be milked from cows and goats. | 0.4 | No | If total TOX damage is less than 25: -1 TOX. \\ \\ IF SKELETON: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. \\ \\ Removes Capsaicin 5 units at time. Removes all Dragon's Breath and Ghost Chili Juice, completely consuming the milk. | | | Milk is good for your bones, especially if you're a skeleton. | | Mint | N/A. Extract from mint. | 0.4 | No | Attempts to lower body temp to 0° C in 5 degree increments. | | | An essential ingredient in mint-based cocktails. | | Mint Julep | (1) Mint + (1) Bourbon + (1) Sugar -> (3) Mint Julep | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.15 units of ethanol. \\ \\ Attempts to cool you down to about 7 degrees Celsius/280 Kelvin in 5 degrees increments. Does nothing if you're already below that temp. | | | Essentially, mint as an alcoholic drink. | | Mint Tea | (1) Mint + (1) Tea -> (2) Mint Tea | 0.4 | No | Cools down body temperature to 7C/280K in 5 degree increments. | | | | Monosodium glutamate (MSG) | N/A. Extract from most Discount Dan's products | 0.2 | No | BLOOD TYPE NOT A+: 10% chance of 2-4 TOX damage, 7% chance of short- to medium-duration stun \\ \\ BLOOD TYPE A+: Same as above, but much less often. | INGEST: Messages about food tasting amazing. | | The secret of Discount Dan's: migraine-inducing salt that discriminates by blood type! | | Moonshine | N/A. Find in jugs of syndie moonshine, pills from (????) pill bottles, and artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.2 | No | Decays into 5 units of ethanol and multiplies the effects of ethanol by sevenfold. | INGEST & IF Traitor OR Spy Thief: Gives omnizine, scales with double amount ingested. | | Potent brew that heals traitors and spy thieves and makes nontraitors absolutely smashed. Beware of omnizine overdose. \\ \\ Since most bottles (including the "jug of moonshine" bottle it often comes in) and glasses give 5 units when drunk, in practice moonshine gives 10 units per sip, but it may vary with other containers and methods, e.g. shotglasses, pills. | | Mutini | Secret! | 1 | No | Each lifetick, grants a random genetic mutation - including unlisted ones normally impossible to acquire - then takes it away a few seconds later. | | | Lovely-colored drink that can give you many different powers. | | Mustard | N/A. Squirt a mustard bottle into a container. | 0.4 | No | | | | | Nicotini | (1) Martini + (1) Nicotine -> (2) Nicotini | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.3 units of ethanol. \\ \\ Decays into 1 unit of nicotine. | | | Get your fix of ethanol AND nicotine at the same time! Perfect for a Detective. | | Orange Juice | N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Extract from oranges and certain popsicles. \\ OR \\ Find inside Orange-Aid, natch. Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - OJ in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Luckily, this does not actually cause any eye damage, and you can prevent it by wearing something in your mask and/or head slots. \\ \\ INGEST - OJ and mouthwash don't mix, yuck. Makes you grimace if you have menthol in you. Purely cosmetic effect. | | An essential ingredient in many different cocktails. | | Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil | (1) Space-Soybean Oil + (1) Hydrogen @ 524 K -> (2) Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil \\ OR \\ Extract from Discount Dan's burritos, noodles, TV dinners, and snack cakes | 0.2 (75+ UNITS: 0.4) | No | 15% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol, 8% chance of decaying into 5 units of porktonium. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (75) - 10% chance of +5 OXY, 5% of +25 OXY and a medium-duration stun | | | Potentially, a sufficiently large dose of soybean oil could be used as a delayed stealth poison if the RNG cooperates. | | Peach Juice | N/A. Extract from peaches and peach rings. \\ OR \\ Find inside Delightful Dan's Peachy Punch. | 0.4 | No | 6% chance to decay into 2 units of VHFCS. \\ \\ 8% chance to decay into 2 units of apple juice. | | | Not real peach juice, but a mixture made to resemble it. Fairly bad for your pancreas because of the VHFCS decay product, which tends to break down into lots of sugar, but less so than the drinks that directly contain VHFCS. | | Peach Schnapps | (1) Vodka + (1) Peach Juice -> (2) Peach Schnapps | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. \\ \\ 4% chance to decay into 2 units of VHFCS. | | | Peachy. Nothing like hurting your pancreas and your liver with the dual prong ethanol & VHFCS attack. | | Pepper | N/A. Shake a pepper shaker into a container. | 0.4 | No | | | | | Pepperoni | (1) Beff + (1) Synthflesh + (1) Saltpetre -> (2) Pepperoni \\ OR \\ Extract from pepperoni logs and slices | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - Funny text messages, 50% chance of +1 BRUTE (blocked by headgear). | | | Pickle juice | N/A. Extract from pickles | 0.4 | No | 15% chance to decay into antihol \\ \\ Separate 15% chance to decay into charcoal | | | A poor man's antihol, courtesy of Hydroponics and the Chef. | | Pizza | N/A. Find in Soft Soft Pizza drinks. \\ OR \\ Extract from pizzaghetti. | 1 | No | Fills you with 0.25 units of each of the following: tomato juice, cheese, bread, and pepperoni. \\ \\ 22% to make you burp. | 5-9 UNITS+ (number chosen is random each time): When applied on items or flooring, turns them into a pizza version that can be eaten. | | Liquid pizza. Really. 10 units of it with smoke powder/aerosol propellant can yield entertaining--and delicious--results. | | Porktonium | N/A. Extracted from everything that contains bacon. | 0.2 | No | OVERDOSE (133) - 15% chance of metabolizing into up to 3 units of cholesterol, 8% of metabolizing into 15 units of radium and 10 units of cyanide | | | Porktonium depletes fairly slowly and an overdose can be very lethal. | | Port | (1) Wine + (1) Sugar + (1) Iron + (1) Vodka -> (2) Port | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. \\ \\ 15% chance to teleport you. | | | | Prairie Fire | (1) Tequila + (1) Capsaicin -> (2) Prairie Fire | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. \\ \\ 20% chance to decay into 10-20 units of capsaicin. \\ \\ 10% chance to decay into 1-5 units of histamine. | | | Just as bad for you here as in real life. | | Refried Beans | N/A. Extract from refried beans or certain Discount Dan's products. | 0.4 | No | | 10% chance to *fart. | | | Romulale | (1) Blueberry Juice + (1) Blue Raspberry Juice + (2) Beer -> (4) Romulale | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.8 units of ethanol. | | | Heavily inspired by Romulan ale from Star Trek: The "medicinal" taste refers to how one character jokingly says he uses it for "medicinal purposes". The description is a nod to how the drink is said to be banned in some jurisdictions. To represent Romulan ale on the show, the film crew mixed Glacier Gatorade, a blue, berry-flavored drink, with seltzer; hence this drink's color and its inclusion of blue fruit juices. | | Royal Jelly | N/A. Extract from royal jelly globs. \\ OR \\ Eat said glob, extract your blood with a syringe or an IV. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.8 units of sugar. | | | Don't be greedy! There's another use for the royal jelly from Bombini. If you feed the glob to a larva rather than extract it for this, you can get a queen bee. | | Safrole | N/A. Extract from sassafras roots. | 0.4 | No | | | | An otherwise unremarkable precursor to space drugs. | | Sangria | (2) Planter's Punch + (1) Tonic Water + (1) Lemonade -> (4) Sangria \\ OR \\ (1) Wine + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Rum -> (4) Sangria | 0.4 | No | Raises you to body temp 127C/400K in 5 degree increments. \\ \\ Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. | | | | Salt | (1) Chlorine + (1) Sodium + (1) Water -> (2) Salt | 0.4 | No | OVERDOSE (100) - 70% chance of inflicting +1 BRAIN and creating 1 unit of diluted fliptonium. \\ 10+ UNITS: Creates a salt pile when applied to floor tiles. | | Useful as a weapon against wraiths and as an easy poison. | | | | Sarsaparilla | N/A. Distill from sassafras roots. | 0.4 | No | Lowers you to base body temp 37C/310K in 5 degree increments every few seconds. | | | Basically cola that is renewable and comes without the rather minor drowsiness reduction. | | Screwdriver | (1) Vodka + (1) Orange juice -> (2) Screwdriver | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. | Screws/unscrews stuff when poured onto something, like the other screwdriver. | | | | Sewage | N/A. Put Discount Dan's burritos, Little Danny's Snack Cakes, or Little Danny's Legally-Distinct Creme-Filled Snack Loaf in a still and collect the results. \\ OR \\ Extract from bilious ipecacunha roots. \\ OR \\ Recover from the waste disposal system. | 0.4 | No | 7% chance of 1 TOX damage. | TOUCH/INGEST - Makes you vomit. Blarrgh. | | Of course it makes you vomit. What else were you expecting? | | Soy Sauce | N/A. Extract from soy sauce packets, bowls of ramen, and bowls of udon. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.5 units of salt. | | | Soy sauce is salty! | | Space-Soybean Oil | N/A. Extract from soybeans and Discount Dan's burritos, noodles, TV dinners, and snack cakes | 0.4 | No | 8% chance to decay into 5 units of porktonium, separate 10% chance to decay into 1-3 units of cholesterol | | | | Squeeze | (3) Bread + (2) Welding Fuel -> (2) Squeeze | 0.4 | No | Decays into 1 unit of ethanol. \\ Deals 1 TOX. | On INGEST - If consumed alone, stuns and has a 10% chance to induce vomiting. | | | Sun Tea | (3) Tea + (1) Sugar + (1) Orange Juice -> (5) Sun Tea | 0.4 | No | Removes 1 unit each of Toxin and Toxic Slurry. | | 1% | Sun tea is basically like regular tea but with a different name and color. | | The Satisfaction of Making Spaghetti | N/A. As a skeleton, add tomato sauce or hot sauce to plain spaghetti and extract your blood with a syringe or IV. | 0.4 | No | OVERDOSE (35) - 5% chance of +5 BRUTE, amusing message about bones hurting. | | 100% | Or, just the Satisfaction. While you probably could use this as a poison, it's more of a silly little joke chem that references the Undertale meme of skeletons making spaghetti. And yes, you could get addicted to the satisfaction of making spaghetti--and it's very easy to. | | Strange green goop | (1) Ash + (1) Ectoplasm + (1) Salt -> (3) Strange Green Goop \\ OR \\ Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. \\ OR \\ Decays from Ecto Cooler. | 0.8 | No | Lets you see GHOSTS! | | | | Suomium | N/A. Sometimes administered by artifact injectors | 0.4 | No | Grants the Finnish accent mutation for three minutes. | TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. | | As long as this reagent's in you, and for a few minutes afterwards, you have a Finnish accent. | | Swedium | N/A. Extract from swedish meatballs. | 0.4 | No | Grants the Swedish accent mutation for three minutes at any dose level. | TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. | | As with reversium, while the three minutes part doesn't change with dose level, larger doses do mean the accent lasts longer than with smaller doses, due to the simple fact that the swedium's in your bloodstream for longer. | Innitium | N/A. Extract from chip butties. | 0.4 | No | Grants the Chav accent mutation for three minutes at any dose level. | TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. | | Functionally the same as Swedium and Reversium. | | Tea | N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Find in cups of tea from coffee machines. | 0.4 | No | Removes 1 unit each of Toxin and Toxic Slurry. | | 1% | Its name changes to "iced tea" when it goes below 7C/280K and "hot tea" when above 40C/313K, and the CheMaster Analyze descriptions change to reflect the temperatures, but it remains functionally the same. | | Tonic Water | N/A. Dispense from alcohol dispenser. | 0.4 | No | | | | Freezes when cooled (0° C), boils away when heated (100 °C). | | Triple Triple | (1) Triple Citrus + (1) Triple Meth + (1) Triplepiss -> (1) Triple Triple | 0.6 | No | +3333 Stamina Regeneration. Blocks incoming Stunned, Weaken, and Paralysis effects. Removes all drowsiness, Disorient, Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis effects. Inflicts jitteriness, dizziness, and massive misstep chance. Causes twitching, rapid blinking, and shivering. \\ \\ +1 BRAIN damage. \\ \\ 15% chance of cause vomiting, with a 33% chance to vomit a lemon, 33% an orange, 33% a lime, and a 1% to vomit all three. Amusing messages about citrus obsession. \\ \\ 10% chance to urinate. \\ \\ Unique visual effects. \\ \\ OVERDOSE (33) - +3 TOX damage. +9 BRAIN damage. Inflicts severe dizzyness. Causes screaming. \\ \\ 25% chance to vomit a lemon, lime, and orange. \\ \\ Fruit hallucinations. | INGEST - Heals 9 TOX damage. Sensation of feeling refreshed. | | Really better seen than explained. \\ \\ No, that +3333 is not a typo. This is meant to be like triple meth, but with more insane downsides and benefits. | | Turmeric Powder | N/A. Extract from turmeric \\ OR \\ Extract from a recipe that includes curry powder. | 0.4 | No | Has a 10% chance to cure the flu, colds, or food poisoning. | TOUCH - Will stain skin yellow. | | An aromatic chemical from turmeric root used to give flavor to culinary dishes. Also good as an anti-inflammatory agent. | | Vanilla | N/A. Dispense from the soda dispenser. \\ OR \\ Extract from vanilla ice cream and Discount Dan's strudel. \\ OR \\ Randomly find inside Discount Dan noodles, Little Danny's Twinkies, fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, Wired Dan's Kafe Kick, Pro Puffs, and Discount Dan cigarillos. | 0.4 | No | | INGEST - 4% chance to remove all genetic powers. \\ \\ TOUCH - Same as ingest, but it's 1.32% chance. | | A common flavorant. It's completely unreliable to weaponise or use reliably, but once in a while vanilla's plainness will rub off on you. | | Very-High-Fructose Corn Syrup (VHFCS) | (1) Corn Syrup + (1) Denatured Enzyme -> (1) VHFCS + (1) Denatured Enzyme \\ OR \\ Find inside any soda that isn't Grones or Orange-Aid \\ OR \\ Extract from botany jelly beans. | 0.4 | No | Decays into 2.4 units of sugar. | | | A more potent form of corn syrup that can more easily induce hyperglycaemic shock. | | Weird Cheese | (1) Milk + (1) Green Vomit -> (1) Weird Cheese \\ OR \\ Extract from weird cheese. | 0.4 | No | 5% chance of adding 1-3 units of cholesterol. | 5+ UNITS: Creates a slice of weird cheese when applied to floor tiles. | 5% | Essentially the SS13 version of Limburger and other stinky cheeses. Fun to make chemsmoke with. | | Wellerman | (2) Sweet Tea + (1) Rum -> (3) Wellerman | 0.4 | No | Decays into 0.7 units of ethanol. | | | A reference to the song "Soon May the Wellerman Come", which, strictly speaking, is a sea song/ballad, not a sea shanty. | | Worcestershire Sauce | N/A. Extract from toast sandwich | 0.4 | No | Grants Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Y. | TOUCH / INGEST - Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Y. | 10% | So long as it's in your system, and then a few minutes after it leaves, you have a Space Yorkshire accent. Worcestershire sauce is not actually from Space Yorkshire, but it grants its accent nonetheless. | ==== Regular Drinks ==== All of the following drinks have no particular special properties, despite what their ingredients might imply. They all have a depletion rate of 0.4 and alcoholic drinks decay into ethanol. ^ Drink ^ Recipe ^ Pen. skin? ^ Ethanol decay ^ | Apple Juice | N/A. Extract from apples. | No | N/A | | Appletini | (1) Vodka + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Cider -> (3) Appletini | No | .3 | | Bee's Knees | (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Honey -> (3) Bee's Knees | No | 0.3 | | Blackberry Bramble | (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Blackberry Juice -> (3) Blackberry Bramble | No | .14 | | Blackberry Juice | N/A. Extract from blackberries. | No | N/A | | Black Russian | (1) Vodka + (1) Coffee -> (2) Black Russian | No | .15 | | Bloody Mary | (1) Vodka + (1) Tomato Juice -> (2) Bloody Mary | No | .25 | | Bloody Scary | (1) Vodka + (1) Changeling Blood -> (2) Bloody Scary | No | .3 | | Blueberry Juice | N/A. Extract from blueberries. | No | N/A | | Blue Hawaiian | (3) Piña Colada + (1) Curacao + (1) Ice -> (5) Blue Hawaiian \\ OR \\ (1) Rum + (1) Curacao + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Coconut Milk + (1) Ice -> (5) Blue Hawaiian | No | .18 | | Blue Lagoon | (1) Vodka + (1) Curacao + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Blue Lagoon | No | .1 | | Blue Raspberry Juice | N/A. Extract from blue raspberries. | No | N/A | | Bourbon | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. \\ OR \\ Put corn into a still. | No | 0.45 | | Brass Monkey | (1) Rum + (1) Vodka + (1) Orange Juice -> (3) Brass Monkey | No | .3 | | Cafe Gele | (6) Freshly Brewed Coffee + (1) Sugar + (1) Vanilla -> (8) Cafe Gele | No | N/A | | Carrot Juice | N/A. Extract from carrots. | No | N/A | | Catamount | (4) Ginger Ale + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Grenadine + (2) Ice -> (8) Catamount | No | N/A | | Champagne | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. | No | 0.12 | | Cherry Juice | N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Extract from cherries. | No | N/A | | Chocolate Milk | (1) Milk + (1) Chocolate -> (2) Chocolate Milk | No | N/A | | Coconut Milk | N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. | No | N/A | | Cider | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. \\ OR \\ Put apples or pears into a still. | No | 0.06 | | Cosmopolitan | (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Cosmopolitan \\ OR \\ (2) Vodka Gimlet + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (3) Cosmopolitan | No | .1 | | Cranberry Juice | N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. | No | N/A | | Crème de Menthe | (1) Mint + (1) Vodka + (1) Sugar -> (3) Crème de Menthe | No | .4 | | Daiquiri | (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Daiquiri \\ OR \\ (1) Rum + (2) Limeade -> (2) Daiquiri | No | .25 | | Derby | (1) Gin + (1) Bitters + (1) Mint -> (3) Derby | No | .4 | | Diesel | (1) Snakebite + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (2) Diesel | No | .25 | | Duck Fart | (1) Bourbon + (1) Milk + (1) Coffee -> (3) Duck Fart | No | 0.6 | | Espresso Martini | (1) Vodka + (1) Chocolate + (1) Sugar + (1) Espresso -> (4) Espresso Martini | No | .1 | | Fluffy Critter | (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (4) Fluffy Critter | No | .2 | | French 75 | (1) Lemonade + (1) Gin + (1) Champagne -> (3) French 75 | No | .15 | | French Martini | (1) Vodka + (1) Raspberry Juice + (1) Pineapple Juice -> (3) French Martini | No | .14 | | Fruit Punch | (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Ginger Ale -> (5) Fruit Punch | No | N/A | | Gimlet | (1) Gin + (1) Lime Juice -> (2) Gimlet | No | .25 | | Gin | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. | No | 0.4 | | Gin and Tonic | (1) Gin + (1) Tonic Water -> (2) Gin and Tonic | No | .25 | | Gin Fizz | (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Water -> (3) Gin Fizz | No | .25 | | Grenadine | N/A. Dispense from a soda fountain. | No | N/A | | Gunfire | (1) Tea + (1) Rum -> (2) Gunfire | No | .1 | | Half and Half | (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Sweet Tea -> (2) Half and Half \\ OR \\ (1) Lemonade + (1) Sweet Tea -> (2) Half and Half \\ OR \\ (1) Lemonade + (1) Tea -> (2) Half and Half | No | N/A | | Horse's Neck | (1) Bourbon + (1) Bitters + (1) Ginger Ale -> (3) Horse's Neck | No | .5 | | Hot Buttered Rum | (1) Rum + (1) Cider + (1) Butter -> (3) Hot Buttered Rum | No | .3 | | Hot Toddy | (1) Sweet Tea + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Bourbon -> (3) Hot Toddy \\ OR \\ (2) Half and Half + (1) Bourbon -> (3) Hot Toddy | No | .4 | | Irish Coffee | (1) Coffee + (1) Bourbon + (1) Milk + (1) Sugar -> (4) Irish Coffee | No | .1 \ | Jazzberry Hard Lemonade | (1) Blue Raspberry Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Vodka | No | .14 | | Jean Harlow | (1) Rum + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Jean Harlow | No | .6 | | Kalimoxto | (1) Cola + (1) Wine -> (2) Kalimoxto | No | .3 | | Laura Palmer | (1) Coffee + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Laura Palmer \\ OR \\ (1) Freshly Brewed Coffee + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Laura Palmer | No | N/A | | Lemon Drop | (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Vodka -> (4) Lemon Drop \\ OR \\ (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Lemon Juice + (2) Screwdriver -> (4) Lemon Drop | No | .3 | | Long Beach Iced Tea | (1) Tequila + (1) Bliss on the Beach + (1) Rum + (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice -> (5) Long Beach Iced Tea | No | .4 | | Long Island Iced Tea | (1) Tequila + (1) Screwdriver + (1) Rum + (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Cola -> (6) Long Island Iced Tea | No | .4 | | Mai Tai | (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Orange Juice -> (4) Mai Tai | No | .3 | | Manhattan | (1) Bourbon + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters -> (3) Manhattan | No | .3 | | Margarita | (1) Tequila + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Margarita | No | .2 | | Martini | (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Martini | No | .3 | | Mead | N/A. Dispense from a Booze-O-Mat. \\ OR \\ Put honey into a still. | No | 0.3 | | Michelada | (1) Beer + (1) Tomato Juice + (1) Capsaicin -> (3) Michelada | No | .1 | | Milk Punch | (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Milk -> (6) Milk Punch \\ OR \\ (5) Fruit Punch + (1) Milk -> (6) Milk Punch | No | N/A | | Mind Eraser | (1) Vodka Tonic + (1) Coffee -> (2) Mind Eraser | No | .3 | | Mimosa | (1) Orange Juice + (1) Champagne -> (1) Mimosa | No | .05 | | Mojito | (3) Daiquiri + (1) Mint -> (4) Mojito \\ OR \\ (1) Mint + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Rum + (1) Sugar -> (4) Mojito | No | .2 | | Moscow Mule | (2) Vodka Gimlet + (1) Ginger Ale -> (3) Moscow Mule \\ OR \\ (1) Vodka + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Moscow Mule | No | .15 | | Murdini | (1) Martini + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Suicider -> (3) Murdini | No | 1.1 | | Necroni | (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters + (1) Ectoplasm -> (4) Necroni \\ OR \\ (2) Negroni + (1) Ectoplasm -> (3) Necroni | No | .5 | Negroni | (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters -> (3) Negroni \\ OR \\ (2) Martini + (1) Bitters -> (3) Negroni | No | .6 | | Old Fashioned | (1) Bourbon + (1) Bitters + (1) Water + (1) Sugar -> (4) Old Fashioned | No | .5 | | Paloma | (1) Tequila + (1) Grapefruit Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Paloma | No | .1 | | Peach Bellini | (2) White Wine + (1) Peach Juice -> (3) Peach Bellini | No | 0.14 | | Phil Collins | (1) Vodka Tonic + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Phil Collins | No | 0.3 | | Pineapple Caipirinha | (2) Vodka + (2) Pineapple Juice + (1) Sugar + (1) Ice -> (5) Pineapple Caipirinha | No | .25 | | Piña Colada | (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Rum + (1) Coconut Milk -> (4) Piña Colada | No | .2 | | Pineapple Juice | N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Extract from pineapples | No | N/A | | Pine-Ginger | (2) Pineapple Juice + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Ice -> (4) Pine-Ginger | No | N/A | | Pink Gin and Tonic | (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) Bitters -> (2) Pink Gin and Tonic | No | .3 | | Pisco Sour | (1) Egg + (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Bitters + (1) Lime Juice + (1) White Wine -> (5) Pisco Sour | No | .4 | | Pink Lemonade | (1) Grenadine + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Pink Lemonade | No | N/A | | Planter's Punch | (1) Rum + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Planter's Punch | No | .4 | | Radler | (1) Beer + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Radler | No | .1 | | Raspberry Juice | N/A. Extract from raspberries. | No | N/A | | Rice Wine | N/A. Put rice into a still. | No | 0.15 | | Rose | (1) Vermouth + (1) Cherry Juice + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (3) Rose | No | .3 | | Rossini | (2) White Wine + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (3) Rossini | No | 0.14 | | Rum | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. \\ OR \\ Put sugarcane or sugar into a still. | No | 0.6 | | Rum and Cola | (1) Rum + (1) Cola -> (2) Rum and Cola | No | .7 | | Sail Boat | (1) Lime Juice + (4) Ginger Ale + (1) Ice -> (6) Sail Boat | No | N/A | | Sea Breeze | (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Grapefruit Juice -> (3) Sea Breeze | No | .2 | | Bliss on the Beach | (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Orange Juice -> (3) Bliss on the Beach \\ OR \\ (2) Screwdriver + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (2) Bliss on the Beach | No | .1 | | Simple Syrup | (1) Sugar + (1) Water @ 353 K -> (2) Simple Syrup | No | N/A | | Snakebite | (1) Cider + (1) Beer -> (2) Snakebite | No | .15 | | Soda Water | (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen + (1) Water -> (2) Soda Water | No | N/A | | Space-Cuba Libre | (2) Rum and Cola + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Space-Cuba Libre | No | .1 | | Spiced Rum | (1) Rum + (1) Capsaicin -> (2) Spiced Rum | No | 0.6 | | Strawberry juice | N/A. Extract from, naturally, strawberries, strawberry pies, and Delectable Dan's Scrumptious Strudel. | No | N/A | | Strawberry Milk | (1) Milk + (1) Strawberry juice -> (2) Strawberry Milk | No | N/A | | Suicider | (1) Cider + (1) Vodka + (1) Epinephrine + (1) Welding fuel -> (4) Suicider \\ OR \\ Extract or distill from omega weed. | No | 1 | Sweet Tea | (1) Sugar + (1) Tea -> (2) Sweet Tea | No | N/A | | Three Mile Island Iced Tea | (1) Vodka + (1) Gin + (1) Tequila + (1) Cola + (1) Curacao -> (5) Three Mile Island Iced Tea | No | .6 | | Tequila | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. | No | 0.6 | | Tequila Sunrise | (1) Tequila + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Grenadine -> (3) Tequila Sunrise | No | .22 | | Tequini | (1) Tequila + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Tequini | No | .4 | | Tomato Juice | N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. \\ OR \\ Extract from tomatoes | No | N/A | | Tom Collins | (1) Gin + (1) Tonic Water + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Tom Collins \\ OR \\ (2) Gin and Tonic + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Tom Collins | No | .18 | | Vermont Breeze | (4) Lemonade + (1) Grenadine + (1) Tonic Water -> (6) Vermont Breeze | No | N/A | | Vermouth | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser. | No | 0.15 | | Vodka | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. \\ OR \\ Put potatoes into a still. | No | 0.5 | | Vodka Gimlet | (1) Vodka + (1) Lime Juice -> (2) Vodka Gimlet | No | .25 | | Vodka Martini | (1) Vodka + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Vodka Martini | No | .3 | Vodka Tonic | (1) Vodka + (1) Tonic Water -> (2) Vodka Tonic | No | .25 | Whiskey Sour | (1) Bourbon + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Whiskey Sour \\ OR \\ (1) Bourbon + (2) Lemonade -> (2) Whiskey Sour | No | .2 | | White Russian | (1) Vodka + (1) Coffee + (1) Milk -> (3) White Russian \\ OR \\ (2) Black Russian + (1) Milk -> (3) White Russian | No | .3 | | White Wine | N/A. Put green grapes into a still. | No | 0.13 | | Wine | N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. \\ OR \\ Put grapes or cherries into a still. | No | 0.13 | ==== Miscellanea ==== A section for the stranger chems in the game that are hard to classify anywhere else. Reagent | Recipe | Dep. rate | Pen. skin? | Per life cycle | Immediate effect upon application | Addict prob. | Notes Ash | Burn paper, collect the ash with a beaker. OR (1) Paper @ 424K -> (1) Ash | 0.4 | No | | | | Fertilizer, and basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. You'll get 5 units of ash per 10 units of oil. Blood | N/A. Draw blood from somebody with a syringe or IV drip. | 0.4 | No | See stable mutagen. | 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery blood stains when applied to floor tiles. INGEST - Provides nourishment for vampires. | | Changeling blood reacts to heat (324 K), which can be used to identify them. Booster Enzyme | Secret! OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. OR Extract from harvests from plants with the Enzymatic gene. | 0.4 | No | For each of the following reagents, creates 2 units of it, if there are less than 20 units of said reagent in your bloodstream: Charcoal Epinephrine Mannitol Methamphetamine Menthol Oculine Omnizine Pentetic Acid Perfluorodecalin Potassium Iodide Salbutamol Salicylic Acid Saline-Glucose Solution Silver Sulfadiazine Styptic Powder Synaptizine Synthflesh Teporone Every time it duplicates a chemical, it leaves behind 1 unit of enzymatic leftovers. Essentially, keeps meth and certain medical chem levels at around 20 units within your bloodstream, at the cost of clogging your bloodstream with garbage. It won't trigger overdoses for any chems that have them at 20 units or higher, but it can trigger the ones with OD thresholds lower than that, although none of the chems it can duplicate have that. Useful for farming omnizine and other somewhat rare reagents, if you extract them from the bloodstream with a syringe or an IV bag. Could also help fuel a meth-powered rampage or a heal-chem-mix for the dying. Be wary of the enzymatic leftovers; they might not harm you directly, but if you let them accumulate, you might hit the 330u reagent cap, and then you'll have very little space left for any other chemicals, e.g. more booster enzyme or chems to get rid of the enzymatic leftovers. Calcium Carbonate | (1) Calcium + (2) Chlorine + (2) Sodium + (1) Carbon + (3) Oxygen -> (1) Calcium Carbonate + (2) Salt | 0.4 | No | Creates salt on reaction. | | | Calcium Sulfate | (1) Sulfuric Acid + (1) Calcium Carbonate -> (1) Calcium Sulfate | 0.4 | No | Creates Water on reaction. | | | Carbon Tetrachloride (Firefighting Foam) | (1) Chlorine + (1) Sulfur + (1) Carbon -> (3) Carbon Tetrachloride | 0.4 | No | See CLF3. | TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. | | Carpet | (1) Space Fungus + (1) Blood -> (2) Carpet | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates a dirty carpet when applied to floor tiles. | | Catonium | N/A. Extract from Catnip/Nepeta cataria | 0.4 | No | | | | A cat drugs precursor that makes cats purr, roll about, and do weird cat things. Chalk | (4) Calcium Sulfate + (1) Oil -> (5) Chalk | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates a stick of chalk when applied to floor tiles. | | Cloaked Panellus Extract | N/A. Extract from cloaked panellus mushrooms. | 0.1 | No | | | | If there are 5+ units of this in a container or mob, it is impossible to assess the chemical contents of it with a reagent scanner or similar. Instead, scanning outputs the message "ERR: SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF THIS SUBSTANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE." Colorful Reagent | (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Stabilizing Agent + (1) Space Drugs + (1) Cryoxadone + (1) Triple Citrus -> (6) Colorful Reagent OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | | INGEST - Changes your blood to a random color. TOUCH - Paints almost everything it touches with a random color. | | Foaming or smoking this can be fun. Coagulated Gnesis | N/A. Use a beaker or similar on puddles of teal fluid or weird stringy fibers. | 0.25, see Notes | No | 40+ UNITS: Converts your blood into more coagulated gnesis, at 0.7 units converted to 0.7 units of gnesis per second. Ominous messages about various body parts changing. Hearing flockdrone beeping. 100+ UNITS: Beeping and messages occur more often, small chance every cycle to replace one of your organs with a solid shard of gnesis. 200+ UNITS: Flat 10% chance of gibbing into an AI (i.e. non-controllable) flockbit. | ON TURF: 10+ UNITS: Creates either a scrap of gnesis or shard of transparent gnesis 50+ UNITS: If possible, converts furniture item into its flock equivalent, such as tiles into flocktile and chairs into flockchairs. TOUCH: Paints item/mob a rather dark shade of teal, adds "teal-stained" if possible. People splashed with gnesis get a fun message about how the chem feels like oil paint and a less fun one about it permanently staining them, which is misleading since showers and such still remove it. INGEST: Amusing message about the gnesis tasting like children's modeling clay. | | It eats your blood from the inside out--grisly! To delay such a cruel and unusual fate, refill your blood with packs or filgrastim, saline, and other blood-restoring chems. To avoid it, drink a Tealquila Sunrise, or take lots of calomel or other flushing chems to flush it out faster than it can convert it. Converts other reagents in the container into more gnesis, at a max of 0.7 units of gnesis for 0.7 units of non-gnesis reagent, per second, per reagent. It can convert multiple different reagents at a time, increasing total gnesis created every second, but this otherwise does not affect conversion speed for each reagent. If there are no other reagents, it decays, losing 0.7 units per second. Both occur in any and all containers, e.g. beakers, glasses, pills, patches, ampoules, food, etc. Compost | N/A. Stuff produce into a compost tank. | 0.4 | No | | | | Fertilizer. Copper Nitrate | (1) Copper + (3) Oxygen + (1) Nitrogen -> (1) Copper Nitrate | 0.4 | No | | | | Precursor to other chems. Used to create Nitrogen Dioxide. Denatured Enzyme | (1) Booster Enzyme @ 424 K -> (1) Denatured Enzyme OR (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (1) Denatured Enzyme + (1) Spaceacillin + (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Copper OR Extract from certain Discount Dan's products OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | | | | An otherwise completely useless chem that's a precursor to many other chems, secret and non-secret. Diluted Fliptonium | (1) Fliptonium + (2) Water -> (3) Diluted Fliptonium | 0.1 | No | Makes you flip off nearby people. OVERDOSE (30) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | | 5% | Ectoplasm | N/A. Obtain from Spooky Dan's Horrotastic Cola. OR Extract from ectoplasm globs; slices of dread; terror toast; "killed" cheese sandwiches; spooky peanut butter sandwiches; killer beenut butter sandwiches; "scare wich project" sandwiches; murderwiches; synthmeat steinwiches; spookies; and full moon pies. | 0.4 | No | Ominous but ultimately harmless sensations of something that isn't there, i.e. the heebie-jeebies. | 10+ UNITS: Creates a surprisingly edible blob of ectoplasm. | | As a blob, it's surprisingly malleable when processed. Enzymatic Leftovers | N/A. Have booster enzyme duplicate a chemical, extract it from your blood using a syringe or an IV bag. | 0.01 | No | | | | Enzymatic leftovers are the byproducts created when booster enzyme duplicates a chemical. Not harmful it of itself, but it depletes very slowly and takes up space that could be used for more useful chemicals. Fartonium | (1) Egg + (1) Refried Beans + (1) ???? + (1) Cheese Substitute -> (2) Fartonium OR Extract from buttburgers OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | 66% chance of farting. If simethicone is present: funny text messages, 5-25% chances of up to +4 BRUTE | | | Non-stop farty party. Flaptonium | (1) Egg + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Chicken Soup + (1) Strange Reagent + (1) Blood @ 374 K -> REACTION | N/A | N/A | | | | Makes a parrot upon synthesis, similar to life. Squawk! Fliptonium | (1) Gin and Sonic + (1) Liquid Dark Matter + (1) Chocolate + (1) Ephedrine -> (4) Fliptonium OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.2 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 9%, +2 Stamina Regeneration buff. Spins your mob constantly. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. OVERDOSE (15) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, stuns, drop items hold in either hand, jitteriness | | 10% | Increases your stamina regen and stun resistance somewhat and makes you spin, whoa. Foamed Metal | (3) (Aluminium or Iron) + (1) Fluorosurfactant + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> REACTION | N/A | N/A | | | | Reacts immediately upon mixing. After a short delay, the foam will turn into weak metal walls (and floors, if there isn't one on the tile), which can be destroyed with a few whacks of a blunt object. A silly chem that can be as helpful or as harmful as you want it to be, you can either plug up holes in the station or inconvenience people with huge metal obstructions. Unlike other foams, this one can't be slipped on (since it doesn't use water). Fog | N/A | 0.4 | No | | | | The secret of fog grenades. Smoke powder clouds made from fog block line of sight. X-Ray Vision counteracts it, letting you see what's lurking inside and outside the fog, while mesons only let see the walls and floors beyond. Glowing Fliptonium | Secret! OR Rare, random find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.1 | No | Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 60%, +4 Stamina Regeneration. Makes you jittery, reduces drowsiness by 12. Makes you spin a random direction. Starts fast and becomes slower the longer it's in you. OVERDOSE (15) - Same as fliptonium | When applied a mob or object, makes it spin a random direction and speed. No effects on turfs. Effects do not change with dose. | 1% | Basically, fliptonium but even more powerful. Don't go too crazy or you'll ruin your eyes. Once upon a time (as in, before April 22nd, 2021), glowing fliptonium could spin flooringtoo. You can probably imagine how bizarre (and perhaps disorienting) this looked. Grass Gro | N/A. Extract from grass leaves. | 0.4 | No | | When applied on floor tiles, creates a tile of grass. There are many purely aesthetic variations of these tiles, and they can be removed by prying out the tile with a crowbar and placing it back on the plating. | | Pretty. A viable alternative to carpet. Green vomit | N/A. Put bilious ipecacunha roots in a still. OR Click on a green vomit pile with a beaker or similar container. OR Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates a slippery glob of green vomit. Grody. | | When you collect this from a green vomit pile, anyone who sees you may vomit from sheer disgust. Green vomit piles often result from ingesting toxic slurry, and they can be found in a few disgustingly ill-kept places and occasionally around a Port-a-Puke. Hemolymph | N/A. Draw blood from a roachperson with a syringe or IV drip. | 0.4 | No | See stable mutagen. | 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery blood stains when applied to floor tiles. INGEST - Provides nourishment for vampires. | | Essentially, blue-green bug blood, found in roachpeople, cockroaches, butterflies, and scorpions. Behaves much like regular blood, and while it doesn't work for recipes that require blood, it does have a unique reaction where heating it alongside acetone and space cleaner makes meat slurry, spaceacillin, copper, saline-glucose solution, and denatured enzyme, a nod to how horseshoe crab hemolymph in real life is used to detect bacteria. Holy Water | (1) Water + (1) Wine + (1) Mercury -> (3) Holy Water OR Extract from garlic, garlic bread, or cheesy garlic read. OR Find in holy water vials from the Chapel office. | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. -10 BRAIN if person does not have Atheist trait, 1% chance of curing diseases. TOUCH/INGEST - If target is vampire: +1.25 BURN and -1.25 blood per unit applied, to a max of 110. | | Will be displayed as simply "water" in the chem dispenser and reagent scanner. Honkfartium | (1) Simethicone + (1) Fartonium@ 374 K -> (1) Honkfartium | 0.4 | No | Changes your fart sounds into honking noises. | | | Farty party clown style. Ice | (1) Water @ 273 K -> (1) Ice | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates a solid, non-slippery chunk of ice when applied to floor tiles. | | The frozen state of water. The reagent turns to water when brought to a temperature higher than 0° C. Iron Oxide | (1) Iron + (1) Oxygen + (1) Acetic Acid + (1) Salt @ 373 K -> (4) Iron Oxide OR Click on a rust stain with a beaker or similar container. | 0.4 | No | | | | Artifically rusted iron. Used to make thermite. Invisible Organic Superlubricant | N/A. Slip and Sign starts with this inside its removable bucket reservior. | 0.4 | No | | When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an invisible extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals BRUTE damage to people who slip. | | The secret behind the Slip and Sign. Invislube if you will. Unlike regular superlubricant, there is no overlay indicating the tile has been lubed when applied onto a floor. Hence, the "invisible" moniker. Life | (5x) Synthflesh + (2x) Blood + (x) Strange Reagent @ 374 K -> REACTION | N/A | N/A | | | | Creates a random NPC immediately upon synthesis for you to play with. Be careful though, not all of them are friendly! Note that you have to get the reagent numbers exactly right, otherwise you'll just produce a critter or meat cube - while the ratio is provided, you need to have a certain "x" multiplier to get a good result. Note: Spamming this in a public area as a non-antag isn't advised, as you could end up with a bunch of the violent mobs that will attack the crew. Liquified Space Rubber | Secret! | 0.4 | No | When you come in contact with a mob, both you and the mob bounce off of each other. The bouncing itself does not hurt, but you can take damage if you collide into something, moreso if it's something like a glass table. | | | Also known as flubber or LSR. People can be flung more than a screen length away by this chem, quite far. Being on Help intent does not prevent being bounced, but wearing magboots does, for both sides. Luminol | (1) Oxygen + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Carbon -> (3) Luminol OR Extract from glowing fruits. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Shows blood stains that might have been removed. | | Add hydrogen and nitrogen last so you don't make ammonia. Highly useful for Detectives! Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride | (1) Magnesium Chloride + (6) Ammonia @ 303K -> (1) Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride | 0.4 | No | | | | Magnesium Chloride | (1) Magnesium + (2) Hydrochloric Acid -> (1) Magnesium Chloride + (2) Hydrogen OR (1) Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride @ 423K -> (1) Magnesium Chloride + (6) Ammonia | 0.4 | No | | | | Nectar | Automatically produced by some plants in their hydroponics tray; use Propellant to smoke it out. | 0.4 | No | | | | Doesn't really do anything or get used for anything except attract bees to the hydroponics trays - leave it in there! Nitrogen Dioxide | (1) Copper Nitrate @ 453.15 K -> (2) Nitrogen Dioxide + (2) Oxygen OR (1) Silver + (1) Nitric Acid -> (1) Nitrogen Dioxide + (1) Water + (1) Silver Nitrate | 0.4 | No | +1 TOX | | | Common ingredient in other recipes. Organic Superlubricant | (1) Space Lube + (1) Helium -> (1) Organic Superlubricant | 0.4 | No | | When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals BRUTE damage to people who slip. | | Space Lube's meaner counterpart. Paper | N/A. Use a sheet of paper on a beaker. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates ripped up paper when applied to floor tiles. | | Potash | (1) Ash + (1) Water @ 354 K -> (1) Potash OR (1) Potassium + (1) Chlorine + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (2) Potash | 0.4 | No | | | | Fertilizer. Pure hugs | N/A. Hug a cute and adorable friend and get hugged back. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | | | | Dawwww. Pure Love | (1) Pure hugs + (1) Chocolate -> (2) Pure Love OR Extract from heartburgers. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. | 0.4 | No | Sets your intent to Help intent if you were on Harm intent, gives you feel-good messages, and makes you semi-awkwardly *hug people next to you. | | | What is love? It's sweetness and kindness. Potentially useful, if tricky to administer, against someone trying to beat you up. Reversium | Secret! | 0.4 | No | Grants the 'reversed speech' mutation for 3 min, making you say everything backwards. | TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. When poured on insulated gloves, makes them into unsulated gloves, removing their electrical protection. | | Harmless though somewhat annoying fun. The duration can be extended by having excess reversium in your bloodstream. Rubber | N/A. Deep-fry and extract a sheet of rubber. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates a sheet of rubber when applied to floor tiles. | Sakuride | (1) Pure Love + (1) Tea + (1) Colorful Reagent -> (3) Sakuride | 0.4 | No | | 1+ UNITS: Creates sakura petals when applied to turf. | | Petal overlays are a cleanable mess. Saltpetre | (1) Urine + (1) Compost + (1) Potash -> (3) Saltpetre | 0.4 | No | | | | Fertilizer. Silicate | (1) Aluminium + (1) Silicon + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Silicate | 0.4 | No | | Reinforces windows up to a maximum durability of 500. Every application makes the window twice as strong. | | A standard reinforced window has about 80 durability. Silver Nitrate | (1) Silver + (2) Nitric Acid @ 374K -> (1) Silver Nitrate + (1) Water + (1) Nitrogen Dioxide | 0.4 | No | | TOUCH - On volume >= 10 lowers bleeding by 1 and deals 2 BURN per splash. | | Used to create Silver Fulminate. Space Cleaner | (1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol + (1) Water -> (3) Space Cleaner | 0.4 | No | OVERDOSE (5) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. | TOUCH - Removes cleanable messes and forensic evidence when splashed onto people, objects or turfs. Clears "Dripping with Paint" status if you have it from paint marker rounds. | | Cleans stuff. Space Fungus | N/A. Extract from mushrooms from botany OR Click on patches of fungus growing on walls with a beaker or similar container. | 0.4 | No | | INGEST - 50% chance of contracting food poisoning, 10% of up to 5 units of toxin (reagent). | | Space fungus is acquired by scraping it off walls with your beaker. It mostly grows in maintenance tunnels, so you might need to request appropriate access to get at it. Space Lube | (1) Water + (1) Silicon + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Space Lube | 0.4 | No | | When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals no damage to people who slip, but people can take still take damage from slipping into walls and other solid objects. More space lube the turf stays slippery for longer, to a maximum of 80 seconds. | | Has a damaging variant. Space Glue | (1) Phoron + (1) Phenol + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen + (1) Formaldehyde -> (5) Space Glue | 0.6 | No | After 20 cycles, causes pretty lights and missteps. | When applied to floortiles, causes the tile to become sticky and slow anyone who passes on it down. When splashed on a mob, it will slow them down for up to 10 seconds depending on amount splashed. | | It's glue. You can make the floor not be slippy anymore with it (or get high). You can remove the glue by pouring acetone onto any of the attached people/objects. Urine | N/A. Fill your stomach with water, then use the *piss emote or pee in a drinking glass or beaker. OR Click on a urine puddle with a beaker or similar. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Temporarily creates slippery puddles of urine when applied to floor tiles. | | Vomit | N/A. Use a beaker on a puddle of vomit. OR Extract from bilious ipecacunha roots. | 0.4 | No | | 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery pools of vomit when applied to floor tiles. | | You can vomit by getting drunk and puking all over the floor or by ingesting sewage or space ipecac. There's also a green variant of vomit, which can be scooped in a beaker to make others vomit. ===== Core Healing Medicines ===== | Helbital | (1) Carbon + (1) Flourine + (1) Sugar => (3) Helbital | 0.2 | Heals brute faster the more base damage you have. No side effects if in hardcrit. \\ If not in crit: Heals (dmg/50) brute and deals 2 suffocation. \\ If in softcrit: Heals (dmg/47) brute and deals 1 suffocation. \\ If in hardcrit: Heals (dmg/45) brute and has no side effects. 0.0001% chance to make you play a game of rock-paper-scissors against the reaper for your life, potentially dusting you or healing you to full. \\ Overdose (35+) applies a semi-blinding curse. | | Probital | (2) Acetone + (1) Copper + (1) Phosphorus | 0.2 | Heals 2.25 brute per tick but also deals (decreasing) stamina damage. If ingested by mouth it also creates a special enzyme in your system (bloodstream) (1.25u per 5u ingested), which turns the 'Food' portion of any food you eat into healing peptides. These peptides heal an additional 3 brute and 1 burn with a 50% chance every tick. \\ Overdose (20+) deals 3 stamina AND: \\ \\ If stamina dmg over 80: Causes drowsiness. \\ If stamina dmg over 100: Removes 100 stamina damage and puts you to sleep for 10 seconds. | Commonly sold under the brand name Trophazole. | | Aiuri | 1 part Ammonia 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Burn Medicine for treating burn damage. Each tick heals 2 burn and causes 0.25 eye damage. 0.2 units per tick N/A Lenturi▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn Used to treat burns but slows you down and hurts stomach while it's in your system. Each tick heals 3 burn and deals 0.4 stomach damage. 0.2 units per tick N/A Hercuri▮ 3 parts Cryostylane 1 part Lye 1 part Bromine Temperature under 47K Burn Heals burn damage and can cool you to unsafe levels. If applied with vapor such as with a spray bottle it also removes some firestacks (extinguishes you). If burn is over 50: Heals 2 burn. If burn is under 50: Heals 1.25 burn. Overdose cools you down even more. Was originally named Rhigoxane. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Granibitaluri▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Carbon 1 part Sulphuric Acid 5 parts Iron (catalyst) Brute and Burn Heals a small amount of brute and burn each cycle. The maximum healing you can get is 0.5 per cycle, and this decreases by 0.1 for every 10 combined brute and burn you have. At 50 or more combined damage, it heals nothing. Overdose deals 0.2 liver and toxin damage. 0.2 units per tick 50 Units Synthflesh▮ 1 part Libital 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon Brute, burn Instantly heals 1.25 brute and burn damage per unit of the chemical applied, but also instantly deals toxin damage equal to 66% of brute and burn damage healed. Can be used to prepare corpses for defibrillation (needs under 180 brute and burn). Touch and vapor application only. If a husked corpse has at least 100u and under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. 0.2 units per tick N/A Multiver▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Toxin A chem purger that purges chems from bloodstream (3u per tick) and heals toxin damage faster the more unique medicines there are in the body (0.5 per med, max 1.5). Also causes 0.5 lung damage each tick. Having 3+ unique meds (2+multiver) will make it not purge medicines. 0.2 units per tick N/A Seiver▮ 1 part Aluminum 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium Radiation or Toxin Heals radiation or toxin depending on the temperature of the chem when it's in the body. If the chem is cold it heals up to 45 radiation (plus bonus 10-25% of current rads if very cold). If the chem is hot it heals toxin damage (the hotter the faster). Deals a scaling amount of heart damage based on rads and toxin healed. 0.2 units per tick N/A Syriniver▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Toxin 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sulfur Toxin tl;dr: Put 20% of this and 80% water into a beaker and inject it with an IV-drip, and it will heal toxin damage and purge reagents from bloodstream pretty fast. Click expand for long description. When injected (syringe or IV-drip), the following happens: Instantly heals toxin damage equal to 1.5x the injected amount, up to 3 toxin. A minimum of 0.6u must be injected for any effect. Transforms up to 80% of the drug into the much safer Musiver, depending on how healthy your liver is. The more damaged liver the patient has, the lower amount will be turned into Musiver. You get the max transformation rate as long as your liver has more than 80 hp. Each tick heals 1 point of toxin damage, purges 0.4u reagents and deals 0.8 points of liver damage. This works even if the chem was taken with other methods than injection. Should ideally be diluted for safety and used in an intravenous medicine bag or beaker attached to an IV (injects 5u at a time): Injecting a 40% solution of syriniver with an IV will heal about 5 toxin per cycle (plus 1+1 passive healing from syriniver + Musiver), but is unsafe since it makes Musiver overdose very likely. Having more than 40% will not heal faster. Injecting a 20% solution with an IV is pretty safe and will heal about 3 toxin per cycle (plus 1+1 passive healing from syriniver + Musiver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. Was originally named Thializid. 0.3 units per tick 6 Units Tirimol▮ 2 parts Acetone 3 parts Nitrogen 1 part Sulphuric Acid (Catalyst) Suffocation Emergency oxygen deprivation medication that causes fatigue and can make you fall asleep. Heals 3 suffocation and deals 2 stamina damage per tick. Causes drowsiness after 15 seconds, and then every 45 seconds. If it was in your system longer than 20 cycles, you will fall asleep for 10 seconds when it's out. 0.2 units per tick N/A Convermol▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:1 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle and deal toxin damage equal to 0.2 of suffocation healed. Will always deal at least 0.1 toxin damage, even without suffocation healed. Overdose causes toxin damage as if you always healed max suffocation, and quickly purges the chem. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units ^ Name ^ Recipe ^ Treatment for ^ Description ^ Metabolism Rate ^ Overdose Threshold ^ Addiction Threshold ^ | Silver Sulfadiazine | 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Silver, 1 part Sulfur, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Chlorine | Burn | On touch, quickly heals burn damage. Basic anti-burn healing drug. \\ On ingestion, deals minor toxin damage. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Styptic Powder | 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sulfuric Acid | Brute | On touch, quickly heals brute damage. Basic anti-brute healing drug. \\ On ingestion, deals minor toxin damage. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Saline-Glucose Solution | 1 part Sodium Chloride, 1 part Water, 1 part Sugar | Brute, burn | Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal brute and burn damage. Can be used as a substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. | 0.2 units per tick. | 60u | N/A | | Synthflesh | 1 part Blood, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Styptic Powder | Brute, burn | Has a 100% chance of instantly healing brute and burn damage. Touch based only (no INGEST/BREATHE/BLOOD effects). | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Charcoal | 1 part Ash, 1 part Sodium Chloride, temperature 380 K | Toxin | Slowly heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, will also slowly remove any other chemicals. | 0.2 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Salbutamol | 1 part Salicyclic Acid, 1 part Lithium, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Bromine, 1 part Ammonia | Suffocation | Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! | 0.1 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Bicaridine | 1 part Carbon, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar | Brute | Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed inflicts 2 brute damage per tick. | 0.4 per tick | 30u | N/A | | Kelotane | 1 part Carbon, 1 part Silicon | Burn | Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed inflicts 2 burn damage per tick. | 0.4 per tick | 30u | N/A | | Antitoxin | 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Silicon, 1 part Potassium | Toxin | Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u of other chemicals per tick. If overdosed inflicts 2 toxin damage per tick. | 0.4 per tick | 30u | N/A | | Tricordrazine | 1 part Kelotane, 1 part Bicaridine, 1 part Antitoxin | Brute/Burn/Toxin | Heals 1 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed, inflicts 2 of each damage type per tick. | 0.4 per tick | 30u | N/A | | Cryoxadone | 1 part Stable Phoron, 1 part Acetone, 1 part Unstable Mutagen | All types | Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of normal damage very swiftly, and genetic damage very slowly, but only when in a very cold environment. Is more effective in colder environments. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Clonexadone | 1 part Cryoxadone, 1 part Sodium, 5 units Phoron (Catalyst) | All types | Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It quickly heals genetic/cloning damage, but only when in a cold environment. Is more effective in colder environments. | 0.6 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Mannitol | 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Water, 1 part Sugar | Brain | Quickly heals brain damage - best used in cryo alongside Cryoxadone, but will still heal if taken via other means. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | ===== Superior Healing Medicines ===== These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing drugs, but they are significantly better at healing. Also, many upgraded drugs can be overdosed with, leading to a negative outcome. Be sure to monitor how many units of chemicals someone is injected with. Salicylic Acid▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Sodium 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric acid 5 parts Probital Brute If you have more than 25 brute damage, heals 4 brute. If you have equal to or less than 25 brute damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Oxandrolone▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part Phenol 1 part Hydrogran 1 part Oxygen 5 parts Lenturi Burn If you have more than 25 burn damage, heals 4 burn. If you have equal to or less than 25 burn damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Salbutamol▮ 1 part Salicyclic Acid 1 part Ammonia 1 part Aluminum 1 part Bromine 1 part Lithium Temperature above 776K Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.1 units per tick N/A Regenerative Jelly▮ 1 part Omnizine 1 part Slime Jelly All four basic types Heals 1.5 of each of the four basic damage types without the risk of overdose or damaging jellypeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pentetic Acid▮ 1 part Cyanide 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine Radiation, toxin Reduces high levels of radiation and heals 2 toxin damage per tick while purging 2u of other chemicals from the body. 0.2 units per tick N/A Atropine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sulphuric Acid Crit, all basic types If patient's health is critical it will heal brute/burn/toxin (2 / tick) and oxyloss (5 / tick) damage, as well as stop any further oxyloss. It also causes jitteriness and dizziness, which will shake the screen. Good for quickly getting critical patients back on their feet, but bad for combat because of the screenshake. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and cause extra jitteriness and dizziness. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units Calomel▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374K Purge Quickly purges the bloodstream of toxins (3u per tick). If your health is above 20, 1 toxin damage is dealt. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cryoxadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Stable Phoron All four basic types and cellular Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage swiftly, but only when in a very cold environment. It heals suffocation 3x as fast as most other damage types. Is more effective the colder the person is. If used in unupgraded cryo tubes every cycle will typically heal above 6 suffocation, 2 brute, 2 burn, 2 toxin and 2 cellular damage. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople, despite being cold. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pyroxadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Slime Jelly All four basic types and cellular Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Clonexadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 5 units Phoron (catalyst) Cellular Quickly heals (cellular) damage, but only when in a cold environment. The colder the faster heal. Heals about 5 cellular per tick if used in unupgraded cryo tubes. 0.6 units per tick N/A Rezadone▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Crypobiolin 1 part Copper Cellular Instantly heals all cellular damage while also healing 1 brute and burn damage per tick. If a husked corpse is treated with at least 5u and has under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. If overdosed deals 1 toxin damage per tick and makes you dizzy and jittery. Very good for treating cellular damage on the spot. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units ^ Name ^ Recipe ^ Treatment for ^ Description ^ Metabolism Rate ^ Overdose Threshold ^ Addiction Threshold ^ | Salicyclic Acid | 1 part Sodium, 1 part Phenol, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sulfuric Acid | Brute | If you have more than 50 brute damage, heals 4 units. If you have less than 50 brute damage, heals 0.5 units. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. | 0.2 per tick | 25 units | N/A | | Oxandrolone | 3 parts Carbon, 1 part Phenol, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen | Burn | If you have more than 50 burn damage, heals 4 units. If you have less than 50 burn damage, heals 0.5 units. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. | 0.2 per tick | 25 units | N/A | | Omnizine | Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in heated Meat Pockets | Brute, Burn, Toxin, Suffocation | Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1.5 damage of each damage type per tick. | 0.1 per tick | 30 units | N/A | | Pentetic Acid | 1 part Welding Fuel, 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Formaldehyde, 1 part Sodium, 1 part Cyanide | Radiation, toxin | Reduces massive amounts of radiation and toxin damage while purging other chemicals from the body. Has a chance of dealing brute damage. | 0.2 per tick | N/A | N/A | | Perfluorodecalin | 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Fluorine, 1 part Oil, temperature 370 K | Suffocation | Heals suffocation damage so quickly that you could have a spacewalk, but it mutes your voice. Has a 33% chance of healing brute and burn damage per cycle as well. | 0.1 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Atropine | 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Acetone, 1 part Diethylamine, 1 part Phenol, 1 part Sulphuric Acid | Brute, burn, toxin, suffocation | If patients health is critical it will heal 2 brute, burn and toxin damage per cycle, as well as stop any oxyloss. Good for stabilizing critical patients. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage. | 0.1 units per tick | 35 | N/A | | Calomel | 1 part Mercury, 1 part Chlorine, temperature 374 K | Purgative | Quickly purges the body of all chemicals. If your health is above 20, large amounts of toxin damage is dealt. | 0.2 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Mutadone | 1 part Unstable Mutagen, 1 part Acetone, 1 part Bromine | Genetic | Heals your genetic mutations. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | ===== Unique Healing Medicines ===== These healing drugs perform a unique function that is not commonly used or seen in game. Mutadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Bromine Mutations Instantly removes your genetic mutations. Hulks hate it! 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Mannitol▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brain Heals 2 brain damage per tick. Does not heal traumas. Can be poured directly on brains to heal 2 damage per unit (minimum 10 units). 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Neurine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mannitol 1 part oxygen Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure basic traumas. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Potassium Iodide▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Radiation Reduces low radiation damage very effectively. 0.8 units per tick N/A N/A Saline-Glucose Solution▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brute, burn, blood loss Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 0.5 brute and burn damage. Can be used as a temporary substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become 1u salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. 0.2 units per tick 60u N/A Ephedrine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sugar Stun Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends), increases run speed, regenerates 1 stamina per tick and causes 20% chance to drop held items. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage with a 2% chance to cause a heart attack. If addicted it will deal toxin damage, cause breathing problems, cause increasingly frequent seizures and long term jitteriness. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons File:StunBaton.gif (including stunprods File:Stunprod.png) by 90%. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units 25 Units Diphenhydramine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Bromine 1 part carbon 1 part Ethanol Histamine Overdose Purges bloodstream of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Oculine▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Eye Quickly heals eye damage and has 20% chance per tick to revert blindness. Does not work against genetic blindness, which needs Mutadone. For blindness caused by brain damage you will need surgery or other means. 0.1 units per tick N/A N/A Inacusiate▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Carbon 1 part Water Ear Rapidly repairs damage to the patient's ears to cure deafness, assuming the source of said deafness isn't from genetic mutations, chronic deafness, or a total deficit of ears. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Epinephrine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Crit Prevents oxygen damage from crit state. If the patient is in crit it heals 0.5 oxyloss, toxins, brute, and burn. 20% chance each tick to reduce stun times a bit. Gives a minor stamina regeneration buff. Worse than Atropine at saving critical patients, but better for mid combat use. If overdosed it will randomly deal light toxin and stamina damage, and some suffocation. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Antihol▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol Alcohol Purges 3u alcoholic drinks from someone's bloodstream each tick, as well as eliminating drunkenness, drowsiness, slurring, dizziness and confusion. Heals 0.2 toxin per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Insulin▮ Found in NanoMed Plus Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Synaptizine▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water Hallucination Decrease Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). Helps drowsiness and hallucinations go away much faster. Also purges Mindbreaker Toxin at 5u per tick. 30% chance per tick to cause 1 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Epinepherine 1 part Cryptobiolin Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus in your body. Metabolises very slowly. 0.04 units per tick N/A N/A Miner's Salve▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Iron 1 part Water OR 5 parts Phoron 5 parts Iron 1 part Sugar (Grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal, and a sheet of Phoron) (Results in 15 parts instead of 11) Improvised Patch Healing Chem Helps treat severe burn wounds and heals 0.25 brute and burn per tick, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch, which reduces nutrition by 5. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If applied with touch/patch it increases surgery speed by 10%. 1u heals roughly 1.5 burn+brute. 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A Modafinil▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethlamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 unit Bromine (Catalyst Sleep Slowly-metabolizing medicine. Heals dizziness, drowsiness, sleep (but not unconsciousness) and heats you up if frozen, similarly to Coffee Latte. Reduces stun times slightly. If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, dizziness (later), 50% chance to choke. After 41 cycles 20% chance to stun you. Cycle 82 puts you into endless sleep while constantly dealing 1.5 stamina and oxygen damage. No chance for addiction but very finicky OD. 0.02-0.08 units per tick Random, initially 20 but goes up or down 0.1 each tick. N/A Morphine▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 480K Damage slowdown Allows you to run at full speed even when hurt, even from stamina damage, but does not remove slowdown from wearing a hardsuit. You'll get drowsy after 12 cycles, and fall asleep if it's in your system for 24 cycles. You will not wake up until it's out of your system. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If overdosed or addicted it will cause jitteriness, dizziness and force the victim to drop items in their hands. If addicted it will also eventually deal 1, 2 and later 3 toxin damage per tick. Can be ordered from Cargo, be grown at Botany or be found in a NanoMed Plus. (Results in 2 parts instead of 6) 0.2 units per tick 30 Units 25 Units Haloperidol▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Aluminum 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of some drugs while purging them. Reduces jitteriness and hallucinations. However each tick also causes drowsiness, 2.5 stamina damage and 20% chance for 1 brain damage (up to 50). 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A Leporazine ▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 parts Phoron (Catalyst Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Higadrite▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Liver failure Protects from toxin damage caused by liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Psicodine▮ 2 parts Mannitol 1 part Impedrezene 2 parts Water Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and turns bad mood into neutral mood. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 units N/A Energized Jelly▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Slime Jelly Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Penthrite▮ 1 part Pentaerythritol 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Acetone 1 part Wittel Heart, crit An explosive compound used to stabilize heart conditions. If you are not in crit it stabilizes your heart. If health is under crit threshold it prevents crit, heals you 2 tox/brute/burn, 6 oxy and damages heart 0.1 per unit. If you reach -60 health the penthrite is purged and you get a heart attack. Causes slow stomach damage. Overdose causes instant heart attack. Explodes when mixed with equal amounts Epinephrine (strenghtdiv 5) OR Atropine (strenghtdiv 5, modifier 5) (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 0.2 units per tick 50 units N/A Sanguirite▮ Chemical Research. 2 Ingredients. Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Passively reduces bleeding by 30% while in the bloodstream. Only helps clot whichever wound is currently bleeding the most. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation, with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.1 units per tick 20 units N/A Pulped Banana Peel▮ Grind or juice banana peels Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Exact same effects as Sanguirite except slightly weaker clot coefficiency. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation, with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.4 units per tick 20 units N/A ^ Name ^ Recipe ^ Treatment for ^ Description ^ Metabolism Rate ^ Overdose Threshold ^ Addiction Threshold ^ | Potassium Iodide | 1 part Potassium, 1 part Iodine | Radiation | Reduces low radiation damage very effectively. | 0.8 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Ephedrine | 1 part Diethylamine, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Oil, 1 part Hydrogen | Stun | Reduces stun times, increases run speed, and stabilizes crit. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxyloss damage. | 0.2 units per tick | 45 | 30 | | Diphenhydramine | 1 part Oil, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Bromine, 1 part Diethylamine, 1 part Ethanol | Histamine Overdose | Purges body of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. | 0.2 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Morphine | Can be either ordered from Cargo, grown from Botany or found in a NanoMed Plus. | Movement Speed | Will allow you to walk faster. Will eventually knock you out if you take too much. \\ If overdosed it will cause jitteriness, dizziness, force the victim to drop items in their hands and eventually deal toxin damage. | 0.2 units per tick | 30 | 25 | | Oculine | 1 part Charcoal, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Hydrogen | Eye | Quickly heals eye damage and reverts blindness. | 0.1 per tick | N/A | N/A | | Inacusiate | 1 part Charcoal, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Water | Ear | Instantly removes all ear damage. Results in 2 units instead of 3. | 0.4 per tick | N/A | N/A | | Epinephrine | 1 part Phenol, 1 part Acetone, 1 part Diethylamine, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Hydrogen | Stun + Brute, burn, suffocation and toxin | 20% chance each tick to reduce knockout/stun effects, minor stamina regeneration buff. Prevents oxygen damage from going over 35. If the patient is in crit, slowly heals toxins, brute, and burn. If overdosed will deal toxin and stamina damage, and cause suffocation. | 0.1 per tick | 30 | N/A | | Antihol | 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Charcoal, 1 part Copper | Alcohol | Helps remove alcohol from someone's body, as well as eliminating its side effects. | 0.4 per tick | N/A | N/A | | Stimulants | Stimpacks, traitor adrenals, etc. | Stun | Increases run speed and eliminates stuns, can heal minor damage. \\ If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and stun. | 0.2 units per tick | 60 | N/A | | Insulin | Found in NanoMed Plus | Sugar Dependency | Increases sugar depletion. | 0.2 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Strange Reagent | 1 part Omnizine, 1 part Holy Water, 1 part Unstable Mutagen | Death | A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life! If the corpse has suffered more than 100 brute or burn damage it will fail, however. If used on a living person it will deal Brute and Burn damage. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Life | 1 part Strange Reagent, 1 part Synthflesh, 1 part Blood, temperature 375K | Life | Can create a life form, however, it's not guaranteed to be friendly... May want to have Security on hot standby. Results in 1 unit instead of 3. | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Synaptizine | 1 part Sugar, 1 part Lithium, 1 part Water | Hallucination Decrease | Helps Hallucinations go away much faster, and helps you recover from stuns faster. Also Purges Mindbreaker Toxin very quickly. Mildly toxic. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Rezadone | 1 part Carpotoxin, 1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Copper | Cellular Damage Healing | Instantly heals all cellular damage, while healing brute and burn damage over time. If overdosed deals toxin damage and may cause facemelting if left in the body for a long time. Very good for speedcloning. | 0.4 units per tick | 30 | N/A | | Spaceacillin | 1 part Epinephrine, 1 part Cryptobiolin | Infections | An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus in your body, and has a chance of counteracting active virii. | 0.2 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Miner's Salve | 1 part Iron, 1 Part Oil, 1 Part Water\\OR grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal and a sheet of Phoron | Improvised Patch Healing Chem | Heals over time, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch. | 0.16 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Haloperidol | 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Fluorine, 1 part Aluminum, 1 part Potassium Iodide, 1 part Oil | Anti-Drug and Light Sedative | Helps fight against the effects of most drugs, while purging them. However also causes drowsiness and stamina damage. | 0.16 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Leporazine | 1 part Copper, 1 part Silicon, 5 units Phoron (catalyst) | Body temperature | This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. High doses can allow short periods of unprotected EVA. | 0.4 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Corazone | 2 parts Phenol, 1 part Lithium | Heart attack | Vastly reduces damage from heart attacks. | 0.4 per tick | N/A | N/A | | Dexalin | Found in old medkits and medibots. | Suffocation | Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick (slower than Salbutamol). If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. | 0.4 units per tick | 30u | N/A | ===== Non-Craftable Medicines ===== These healing chems are used in some situations, but are otherwise uncraftable. Changeling Adrenaline▮ Changelings Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends) and regenerates 10 stamina per tick. Can make you dizzy and jittery. If overdosed it will deal 1 toxin damage per tick. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 4u of this. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Changeling Haste▮ Changelings Speed Increases your speed to the maximum possible in most cases. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 2u of this. Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Omnizine▮ Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in lollipops and heated Donk Pockets. OR Chemical Research, 5 ingredients Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Protozine▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.2 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. A weaker omnizine. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Godblood▮ Healing Fountain in Lavaland injects 20u of Godblood on use, Strange Seeds. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation This is Omnizine with 5 times higher overdose threshold. Just like Omnizine, heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick, but that's not really a concern. 0.1 units per tick 150 Units N/A Honey▮ Beekeeping Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation 55% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. Metabolizes very quickly and adds 3u sugar to your system. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Earthsblood▮ Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All damage types The first 25 cycles, each tick heals 1 brute, 1 burn, 0.5 suffocation, 0.5 toxin, 0.1 cellular and 0.5 stamina while dealing 1 brain damage (up to max 150). Cycle 26 and onwards, each tick heals 5 brute, 5 burn, 3 suffocation, 3 toxin, 1 cellular and 3 stamina while dealing 2 brain damage (up to max 150) and giving you jitteriness and drugginess (your character might say some special messages as well!). You will be unable to directly hurt anyone via most means while it's in your body (this effect is similar to that of Pax). Overdosing causes hallucinations, deals no damage before cycle 26, a net of 1 toxin damage per tick from cycles 26 to 100 and a net of 3 toxin damage per tick after cycle 100. Overdosing also gives you the severe traumatic non-violence brain trauma (brain surgery level). The trauma does not go away until cured. 0.4 units per tick (static) 25 Units N/A Silibinin▮ Grow Galaxythistle Liver damage Each tick heals 2 liver damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A N/A Polypyrylium Oligomers▮ Grow Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lung damage A purple mixture of short polyelectrolyte chains not easily synthesized in the laboratory. Each tick heals 0.25 lung damage and 0.35 brute. Stops bleeding (over time). Will color hair and beard purple from touch or vapor. Overdose deals 0.25 lung damage. 0.1 units per tick 50 Units N/A Mitogen Metabolism Factor▮ Eating Probital Brute If this enzyme exists as a catalyst in your body (at least 0.5u), any food you eat turns into healing peptides, which heal brute and some burn. If overdosed the metabolism changes to 2 units per tick and makes you vomit. 0.025 units per tick 10 Units N/A Musiver▮ Injecting Syriniver Toxin Heals 1 toxin per tick while purging 0.2u reagents and dealing 0.1 liver damage (1/8 as much as liver damage as Syriniver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A Muscle Stimulant▮ Strange seeds Slowdown Makes you ignore slowdowns from being hurt. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Cordiolis Hepatico▮ Strange seeds, Abductor's operating table injects this too Heart and liver failure Removes the need for heart and liver 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Stimulants▮ Syndicate uplink Stun Increases movement speed a lot. Reduces stun times by around 90% or less (depends). Recovers 5 stamina per tick. Will heal 1 of each damage type if health is between 0 and 50. If overdosed has 33% chance per tick to deal 2.5 stamina damage, 1 toxin damage and cause loss of breath. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons File:StunBaton.gif (including stunprods File:Stunprod.png) by 90%. Can be bought with syndicate uplink. 0.2 units per tick 60 Units N/A Experimental Stimulants▮ Syndicate adrenal implant Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Each tick recovers 10 stamina but has 30% chance to make you drop held items, 33% chance to make you lose some breath, and can make you dizzy and jittery. Gives a moderate increase to movement speed. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons File:StunBaton.gif (including stunprods File:Stunprod.png) by 90%. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Restorative Nanites▮ Syndicate medical cyborgs All damage types Each tick heals 5 brute/burn/toxin, 15 suffocation, 15 brain and 3 cellular. If overdosed this very quickly purges itself and causes random vomiting. Only available to Syndicate medical cyborgs. This is just a chemical, so don't confuse with the programmable Nanites. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A ===== Removed Medicines ===== These are outdated but no less effective medicines that may yet be found in strange corners of space. Bicaridine▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Bicaridine Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 brute damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Kelotane▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Kelotane Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 burn damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Anti-Toxin▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Anti-Toxin Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u toxin reagents per tick. If overdosed deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Tricordrazine▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Tricordrazine All types Has 80% chance to heal 1 each of the four basic damage types per tick. If overdosed deals an average of 1.2 damage of every type per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Dexalin▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ Aug 2019. Medical cyborg hypospray and other sources Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick. If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. Used by medibots. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Charcoal▮ Was replaced with Multiver Aug 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Charcoal Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, while also removing 1u of any other chemicals. Only works when ingested. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Silver Sulfadiazine▮ Was replaced with Aiuri Aug 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Silver Sulfadiazine Burn On touch, instantly heals 1 burn damage per unit, then heals 2 burn per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 burn damage. Deals minor burn and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Styptic Powder▮ Was replaced with Libital Aug 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Styptic Powder Brute On touch, instantly heals 1 brute damage per unit, then heals 2 brute per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 brute damage. Deals minor brute and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Perfluorodecalin▮ Was renamed Convermol Aug 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Perfluorodecalin Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:2 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle. This means you will take 2 toxin damage for every 5 suffocation damage healed. You will always take at least 0.2 toxin damage per tick, even if you don't heal any suffocation. If overdosed each tick will deal toxin damage equal to 1 times current cycle, regardless of suffocation damage healed. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units N/A Sanguibital▮ Was replaced with Helbital Sept 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Sanguibital Brute One of the first "Cobbychems". Only existed on /tg/ for a short while. Removed by Cobby because it wasn't ever used (except as a poison) and the entire gimmick made it undesirable. Heals brute if you have lower than full blood levels, scaling with missing blood volume. Will heal up to 5(10?) brute per tick if very low on blood. Dilates blood streams, increasing the amount of blood lost by 2 per tick. Overdosing doubles the blood lost from this chem. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units N/A Ichiyuri▮ Was replaced with Lenturi Oct 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Ichiyuri Burn One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by MacBlaze1 with Cobby approval because it was never used and simply wasn't fun to be on. Used to treat serious burns. Prolonged exposure can cause burns to itch. Heals 2 burn per tick, and randomly makes you scratch yourself every few seconds, causing 1-7 brute and bleeding. The itch will happen more often the longer it's been in your system. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Fiziver▮ Was replaced with Seiver Oct 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Fiziver Toxin One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by Cobby because Fiziver didn't see much use and I grew to dislike the overall damage mods. An antitoxin that heals toxin damage but temporarily physically weakens the user, adding a damage modifier making them take extra brute, burn, suffocation and stamina damage. The damage modifier increases the longer it's been in the body (capped to triple damage). Toxin damage healed is 0.3 points per tick multiplied with the damage modifier (so up to 0.6). Overdosing has a 50% chance each tick to deal 0.2 brute and burn damage, which will be amplified by the damage multiplier in effect. 0.1 units per tick 11 Units N/A Corazone▮ Name changed to Higadrite Nov 2019. Template:RecursiveChem/Corazone Liver Nov 2019 it was changed to only work on livers. Since Corazone is Spanish for "heart" it had its name changed to Higadrite (higado = liver). Protects from liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Lavaland Extract▮ Was removed in June, 2020. Brute, burn Survival medipens used to come with 2u of this. Very quickly heals damaged bodyparts. If overdosed it will deal heal about 2 brute/burn but deal 3 toxin damage per tick. Has very low overdose threshold. 0.4 units per tick 3 Units N/A ===== Narcotics ===== Narcotics are highly addictive drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immediate medical attention. Take in moderation. Nicotine▮ Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. Reduces stun times by typically around 20% (depends). Addiction does nothing. If overdosed it will deal 1.1 oxygen and 0.1 toxin damage per tick. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick 15 Units 10 Units Krokodil▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Morphine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 380K Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal 0.25 Brain and Toxin damage per tick. If addicted it will first deal some toxin and brain damage, and later switch to dealing 3 Brute damage, right before the addict's skin falls off, dealing 50 Brute. This turns you into a fake zombie. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 15 Units Crank▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Lithium 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). If overdosed it will deal 2 Brain, 2 Toxin and 2 Brute per tick. If addicted, at the beginning of withdrawal every tick will deal 5 Brain, then 5 Toxin, then 5 Brute, and at the last stage 3 Brain, 5 Toxin and 5 Brute at the same time. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Methamphetamine▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374K (Heat another degree if it doesn't work) Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends), gives a large speed boost, makes you jittery and recovers 2 stamina while dealing 1 to 4 Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from 1 Toxin and 0.5 to 1 Brain damage per tick. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and lose motor control and eventually suffer 5 Toxin damage per tick. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380K. Explosive strength about 0.083 with modifier 5. Can not explode in a body. 0.3 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Bath Salts▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Bad Food 1 part Universal Enzyme 1 part Nutriment 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury Temperature 374K Makes the subject immune to sleep and stuns, grants 5 stamina regeneration and grants the user the psychotic brawling martial art, which makes your interactions with people have certain random effects. However the subject will suffer 4 Brain damage (per tick), constant hallucinations and will lose some motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool, and randomly drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will jitter, suffer 10 Brain damage (per tick), severe hallucinations, dizziness, yet more loss of motor control and eventually 5 Toxin damage (per tick). This drug will melt your brain. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Aranesp▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Morphine The subject will think they are "amped" and get 18 stamina regeneration. However the drug has 50% chance every tick to cause the subject to suffocate (and take 1 oxyloss), while also dealing 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Happiness▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Ethanol 5 units Phoron (catalyst) Suppresses phobias and fills you with ecstatic emotional numbness. Removes jitteriness, confusion and disgust. Causes 0.2 brain damage per tick. Highly addictive. If overdosed causes sudden mood swings and an additional 0.5 brain damage per tick. If addicted it will slowly drive your mood to "insane". 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Space Drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar An illegal compound which induces drugginess, randomly makes you step in any direction and makes you drool, giggle and similar. If overdosed causes hallucinations. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units N/A Pump-Up▮ 2 parts Epinephrine 5 parts Coffee Reduces knockdown times from stunbatons File:StunBaton.gif (including stunprods File:Stunprod.png) by 90%. Doesn't affect stuns from other sources. 15% chance to cause loss of breath, and 5% to cause some jitter. If overdosed has 20% chance of causing loss of breath and 4 stamina damage, 15% to cause 2 toxin, 5% to drop held items, 5% to jitter and can also make you drool. Can be found in maintenance File:Pump up injector.png. (Results in 5 parts instead of 7) 1.2 units per tick 30 Units N/A Maintenance Tar▮ 1 part Organic Slurry 1 part Tea 1 part Welding Fuel or 3 parts Universal Enzyme 1 part Tea 1 part Welding Fuel Raw tar, straight from the floor. It can help you with escaping bad situations at the cost of liver damage. Adjusts stuns by -10 and deals 1.5 liver damage each tick. Overdose deals 5 toxin and an additional 3 liver damage. Addiction will later deal toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 3 parts Maintenance Tar and 1 part Sulphuric Acid, instead of 3 or 5) 0.2 units per tick 30 Units 10 Units Maintenance Sludge▮ 3 parts Maintenance Tar 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 5 units Hydrogen Peroxide (catalyst) Makes you more resistant to wounds but causes toxins to accumulate. Deals 0.5 toxin. Overdose deals 1 extra toxin with 10% chance of 5 toxin and vomit. Addiction will later deal more toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 1 part instead of 4) 0.8 units per tick 25 Units 10 Units Maintenance Powder▮ 6 parts Maintenance Sludge 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Universal Enzyme 5 units Acetone Oxide (catalyst) Enhances your mental ability, making you learn stuff a lot faster. Multiplies skill gain depending on volume, but deals 0.1 brain damage. Overdose deals an additional 3 brain damage. Addiction will later deal toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 1 part instead of 8) 0.2 units per tick 15 Units 6 Units Kronkaine▮ 15 parts Kronkus Extract 10 parts Welding Fuel 5 parts Ammonia Instantly heals 4 * volume stamina damage and halves the time it takes to do most actions while it is in your body while causing 0.3 heart damage. Causes adrenal crisis syndrome if you try and purge it with multiver and haloperidol. Deals significant heart damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(20 points) bLaSToFF▮ 10 parts Cyanide 10 parts Silver 5 parts Lye Causes you to flip randomly based on volume. Every third flip is a superflip that launches you forward. Every third spin is a super spin that causes nausea but throws anyone grabbing you. Also causes trippy visuals, 0.3 lung damage and reduces knockdowns. When overdosed it causes you spin randomly based on volume and additional 0.3 lung damage. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units hallucinogens(15 points) SaturnX▮ 5 parts Lead 5 parts Nothing 10 parts Maintenance Tar Makes the user invisible, although their clothes are still visible. Causes 0.3 liver damage and applies a unique visual effect. When overdosed it causes additional liver damage and causes the user to giggle. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units maintenance drugs(20 points) ^ Name ^ Recipe/Source ^ Description ^ Metabolism Rate ^ Overdose Threshold ^ Addiction Threshold ^ | Nicotine | Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. | Slightly reduces stun times. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxygen damage. | 0.2 units per tick | 35 | 30 | | Krokodil | 1 part Diphenhydramine, 1 part Space Cleaner, 1 part Potassium, 1 part Morphine, 1 part Phosphorus, 1 part Welding Fuel, temperature 390 K | Provides messages of calmness and protection. \\ If overdosed it will deal significant Brain and Toxin damage. \\ If addicted it will begin to deal fatal amounts of Brute damage as the subjects skin falls off. | 0.2 units per tick | 20 | 15 | | Crank | 1 part Diphenhydramine, 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Lithium, 1 part Sulfuric Acid, 1 part Welding Fuel, temperature 390 K | Reduces stun times by about 200%. \\ If overdosed or addicted it will deal significant Toxin, Brute and Brain damage. | 0.2 units per tick | 20 | 10 | | Methamphetamine | 1 part Ephedrine, 1 part Iodine, 1 part Phosphorus, 1 part Hydrogen, temperature 374 k | Reduces stun times by about 300% and allows the user to quickly recover stamina while dealing a small amount of Brain damage. \\ If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from Toxin and Brain damage. \\ If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and losing motor control and eventually suffer heavy toxin damage. \\ A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380 k. | 0.3 units per tick | 20 | 10 | | Bath Salts | 1 part Food Poisoning, 1 part Saltpetre, 1 part Nutriment, 1 part Space Cleaner, 1 part Enzyme, 1 part Tea, 1 part Mercury, temperature 374k | Makes the subject nearly impervious to stuns, however the subject will suffer Toxin and Brain damage, constant hallucinations and will lose motor control. \\ If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool and drop items in their hand. \\ If addicted the subject will suffer very severe Brain damage, severe hallucinations, complete loss of motor control and eventually fatal amounts of Toxin damage. | 0.2 units per tick | 20 | 10 | | Aranesp | 1 part Epinephrine, 1 part Atropine, 1 part Morphine | The subject will think they are "amped", however the drug typically cause the subject to suffocate to death. | 0.2 units per tick | N/A | N/A | | Space Drugs | 1 part Lithium, 1 part Mercury, 1 part Sugar | An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and visual artefacts. Causes hallucinations if overdosed. | 0.2 units per tick | 30 | N/A | ===== Pyrotechnics ===== The manipulation of fire and matter. Explosive Strength For chemicals which are explosive, you may notice an 'explosive strength' listed in the description. This is a multiplier that directly affects how large of an explosion a given quantity of the reagent will produce. A few types of explosion have a 'modifier', which adds a flat amount to the size of the explosion. By default the outer 'light impact' radius of an explosion is equal to √(mod+quantity*strength)*√2, while the heavy impact radius and devastation radius is one half and one quarter of that, respectively. Chemical explosions are not a subject to the standard TTV Bombcap. Eventough it doesn't have a hardcoded maxcap currently the biggest possible explosion is that of 2100u custom made chemical payload bomb. Note that all non-standard explosions or other AoE pyrotechnics, such as Flash Powder or Liquid Dark Matter, do not work like this. The scaling and max size of these effects vary on a case-by-case basis. Stabilizing Agent▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. The stabilizing agent is not consumed when stabilizing explosives, and one unit is enough to stabilize any amount of explosives. This does not work on everything, so be warned! Also turns Phoron into stable Phoron (which can already be dispensed from chem dispenser) if mixed 1:1. 0.4 units per tick Fluorosurfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any floors, objects, people or animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). The less foam used, the more reagent will be delivered into a person's system. Foam is slippery! Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Smoke▮ 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized into Smoke Powder with Stabilizing Agent. N/A Smoke Powder▮ 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar 1 part Stabilizing Agent (catalyst) The stabilized version of Smoke - only one third as effective as the unstabilized chemical reaction. Heat to 374K to activate. Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Flash Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Phlogiston▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Stable Phoron Turns into a spreading Phoron fire if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 6 fire damage every 2 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. 0.4 units per tick Napalm▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer than other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. 0.4 units per tick Sonic Powder▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to heat its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Pyrosium, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does nothing whatsoever without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. In a body 0.5u oxygen will be consumed every tick to increase body temperature by 15. 0.2 units per tick Cryostylane▮ 1 part Water 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Nitrogen When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to cool its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Cryostylane, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does nothing without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. Deals toxin damage to slimes. In a body 0.5u oxygen will be consumed every tick to decrease body temperature by 15. 0.2 units per tick Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 3 parts Fluorine 1 part Chlorine Temperature 424K When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Becomes 1000K when first mixed. A flammable substance so dangerous it can instantly melt floor or floor plating with high amounts. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will deal 6 burn per tick from the inside. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast however. 4 units per tick Sorium▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mercury 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Radium When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Meth Explosion▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 300K Reagents are 300K (room temperature) by default so this will blow up when mixed unless some reagents were cooled. Has an explosive strength of 0.083, with a modifier 5, but results in 1 part instead of 4 so is effectively much weaker than exploding Meth. Can not explode in a body. N/A Gunpowder▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Sulfur When heated to 474K it sparks, and then creates a violent explosion 5-10 seconds later. Causes hallucinations and drugginess in Phoronmen. Has an explosive strength of 0.1 and a modifier of 5. Was originally named Black Powder. 0.05 units per tick Nitroglycerin▮ 1 part Glycerol 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing. Can only be stabilized by having Exotic Stabilizer (at least 1u per 25u nitroglycerin made) in the container on mix. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Has an explosive strength of 0.5. 0.4 units per tick RDX▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Acetone Oxide 1 part Nitric Acid 1 unit Gold (catalyst) Temperature 404K A military grade explosive. Explodes immediately unless stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, explodes on heating to 474k, or when mixed with an equal amount of liquid electricity or teslium. Has an explosive strength of 0.143, or 0.286 if activated electrically . Additionally, when activated electrically it has extra fire range, a modifier of 4, or a modifier of 6 if you use teslium. (200 heated RDX would be same as 100 RDX + 100 teslium if it wasn't for the modifiers. )(Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick TaTP▮ 1 part Acetone Oxide 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Pentaerythritol Temperature between 401K and 499K (randomized at roundstart) Suicide grade explosive. Forms and immediately explodes at a random temperature between 401k and 499k. Can only be stabilized by having Exotic Stabilizer (at least 1u per 50u TaTP made) in the container on mix. If stabilized, explodes at a random temperature between 501k and 599k. The more units you use the stronger the explosive strenght becomes, topping off at 0.67 at around 2100u. (Results in 1 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Penthrite Explosion▮ 1 part Penthrite 1 part Phenol 1 part Acetone Oxide Temperature 315K An explosive reaction involving Penthrite. Explodes on heating to 315k. Has an explosive strength of 0.2 N/A Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Useful in grenade production. Has an explosive strength of 0.05 N/A Holy Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Holy Water This explodes immediately on mixing. If it combined at least 75 of each reagent, it results in a more powerful explosion with an explosive strength of 0.125, which also paralyzes and reveals revenants and sets nearby cultists on fire. Otherwise it behaves like a normal Water-Potassium explosion. N/A EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, creating an electromagnetic pulse which affects electronics nearby; very useful for causing chaos. Has different effects on different things. Turns off headsets, stuns cyborgs, disables security cameras, messes with Cybernetics, randomizes suit sensor settings, burns wearers of some hardsuits and randomly pulses wires. N/A Bee Explosion (Beesplosion) 1 part Honey 1 part Verafore 1 part Radium Creates bees. 1 bee per 5 created volume. If mixed in a beaker or grenade containing other reagents, then every bee will contain one of those reagents. The bees from this reaction have a limited lifespan, and will die after 50 seconds. Doesn't work in grenades. N/A Teslium▮ 1 part Gunpowder 1 part Silver 1 part Stable Phoron Temperature 400K Randomly shocks the victim every 5-30 seconds while it is in their system, ignoring any protection because the shock comes from inside them. Also increases damage taken from normal shocks. Heating this to 474K will create a Tesla Shock 0.2 units per tick Tesla Shock 1 part Teslium 1 part Water OR Heating Teslium to 474K This reacts immediately on mixing, shooting electric bolts at anyone near the reaction, shocking people and disabling/damaging electronics. Teslium amount determines damage and number of bolts. 10u for one bolt, 40u for 2 bolts, and 75u for 3 bolts. Each extra bolt deals more damage than the previous one. N/A Thermite▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that can burn straight through walls or floors when splashed and ignited. Needed amount depends on target structure. A normal wall requires 30u. A reinforced wall requires 50u. One unit of thermite burns for 0.35 seconds and the maximum burn length is 20 seconds. The fire is fake and cosmetic. Does not work on doors or windows. Causes 1 burn damage per tick to humans when ingested. 0.4 units per tick ^ Name ^ Recipe ^ Description ^ | Stabilizing Agent | 1 part Iron, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Hydrogen | When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. This does not work on everything, so be warned! | Foam Surfactant 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any walls, floors, objects, or people and animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). Foam is slippery! Smoke 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Flash Powder 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Phlogiston 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Stable Phoron Turns into a spreading fireball if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 4 fire damage every 3 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. Does not react immediately. Napalm 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer then other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. Sonic Powder 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents in the container up. Useful for delayed reactions. Cryostylane▮ 1 part Water 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Nitrogen Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents in the container down. Useful for delayed reactions. Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 1 part Chlorine 3 parts Fluorine temperature 424k When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Comes into existence at 1000K. A flammable substance so dangerous it can burn through the hull of the station. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will burn you from the inside out. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast, however. Sorium▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Carbon When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Carbon When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Black Powder▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Charcoal 1 part Sulfur Sparks, and then creates a violent explosion when heated to 474K. Nitroglycerin 1 part Glycerol 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing (results in 2 units instead of 3). Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Only useful in grenade production. ===== Other Recipes ===== These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. Baldium▮ 1 part Lye 1 part Radium 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 395K If sprayed or splashed on you, it makes you go bald. Keep away from the Clown! Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Barber's Aid▮ 1part Carpet 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair style. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Bluespace Dust▮ Grind a bluespace crystal Occasionally causes random short distance teleportation. If splashed on someone it teleports them 1 tile per 5 units used. 0.4 units per tick BZ Metabolites▮ Breathe BZ gas Does nothing unless you're a changeling. Slowly drains a changeling's chemical storage, and makes them unable to communicate on the changeling hivemind channel. 0.08 units per tick Concentrated Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen If sprayed or splashed on you it grows your hair very long. Does nothing when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Candle 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Oxygen Temperature 374K Creates a red candle for use in decoration or rituals. Can not react in a body. N/A Carbon Dioxide▮ 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Carbon Temperature 777K Creates CO2 in liquid form. Spilling this will release gas form CO2 into the atmosphere. Has no other effects. 0.4 units per tick Carpet ▮ 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Blood Creates a carpet on the floor. Best used in a smoke machine/grenade or spray bottle. Ingredient in Barber's Aid. Can be mixed 1:1 with other chemicals to create different types of carpet: Template:Tooltip: Black Carpet Template:Tooltip: Blue Carpet Template:Tooltip: Cyan Carpet Green Beer: Green Carpet Orange Juice: Orange Carpet Template:Tooltip: Purple Carpet Liquid Gibs: Red Carpet Some of the above carpet chemicals can be further refined: Black Carpet + Template:Tooltip: Royal Black Carpet Blue Carpet + Template:Tooltip: Royal Blue Carpet 0.4 units per tick Colorful Reagent▮ 1 part Triple Citrus 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium 1 part Stable Phoron Randomly colors floor, items and people. Keep away from the clown. Add this to your smoke grenade for a "rainbow bomb". 0.4 units per tick Condensed Capsaicin▮ 5 parts Ethanol 1 part Capsaicin Oil Also known as "pepper spray". A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work. When a target is sprayed with this, the effects depend on if that person is wearing "pepper proof" gear over both mouth and eyes or not. Unless the target has full protection, they will be affected by 3 seconds of knockdown, 6 seconds of blindness, 10 seconds of blurry eyes, 10 seconds of confusion and 10 seconds of slowdown. Some examples of pepper proof items are: Gas masks, security gas masks, riot or welding helmets with visor down, space helmets, bandanas (mouth only), Phoronman helmets and radiation hoods. Found in pepper spray refillers. (Results in 5 units instead of 6) 0.4 units per tick Life▮ 1 part Verafore 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood Temperature 375K Creates one or multiple pissed off lifeforms. It's a good idea to assume the worst and have Security on hot standby. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Life (Friendly)▮ 1 part Verafore 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Sugar Temperature 375K Creates one or multiple friendly lifeforms. Good for when you want to be surrounded by fluffy Corgis, or for when cargo has a bounty on Corgi pelts. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Cellulose Fibers Grind wood planks A crystaline polydextrose polymer. Plants swear by this stuff. Used for making Medicated Sutures. 0.4 units per tick Cellulose Carbonization 1 part Cellulose Temperature 512K Turns cellulose into carbon. N/A Corgium 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Blood 1 part Nutriment Temperature 374K Creates your own Corgi! N/A Color Powder▮ Grow Rainbow Bunch Colors floor, items and people. There are several different color powder reagents, such as Mundane Powder, Invisible Powder and Blue Powder. There is no reagent with the actual name "color powder". 0.4 units per tick Crayon Powder▮ Grind a crayon A variety of Color Powder that works the same except it can't color mobs. There are several different crayon powder colors. 0.4 units per tick Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. 0.6 units per tick Drying Agent▮ 2 parts Stable Phoron 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Foaming Agent▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Used in Metal Foam production. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) 0.4 units per tick Firefighting Foam▮ 1 part Stabilizing Agent 1 part Fluorosurfactant 1 part Carbon Temperature below 200 When used in a spray or with smoke it creates a non-slippery foam which extinguishes fires and burning creatures, and removes burning Phoron from the air, dumping it on the floor upon dissipation. 0.4 units per tick Glitter▮ Prize from arcade machines White glitter, blue glitter and pink glitter are three different chems which when touching floors turn into fake gases. Used for pranks. Can be cleaned up with the ordinary cleaning tools. 0.4 units per tick Glycerol▮ 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. Used to make Nitroglycerin or FRAG-12 shotgun slugs. Slippery like water. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Gravitum▮ 1 part Wittel 10 part Sorium Makes you completely weightless as long as it's in your system. Can be sprayed on objects to make them weightless aswell, for 1 minute per unit. Metabolizes extremely slowly. Paraplegics and clownophobes swear by this stuff. 0.04 units per tick Growth Serum▮ Fly Amantia Makes you larger as long as it's in your systems. The more you have the bigger you become. Maximum size is achievable by having at least 200 units in your body. 0.4 units per tick Hollow Water▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. Identical to water, but will turn water into holy water when mixed with it. 0.4 units per tick Impedrezene▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 80% chance per tick to cause 2 brain damage and 50% to cause drowsiness. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Quantum Hair Dye▮ 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair color. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Laughter▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Banana Juice Causes you to laugh. (Results in 10 units instead of 2) instant Magillitis▮ Syndicate uplink Turns monkeys and humans into gorillas after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Meat Product 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Nutriment 10 parts Carbon Creates a slab of chemically processed meat. Can not react in a body. N/A Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but are useful for plugging hull breaches or blocking off AI turrets. Can be made with either iron or aluminium for different looks. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Metalgen Randomized every 3 days. Recipe can be found in a ruin. Very rare, very interesting and very abusable. Metalgen, when imprinted with a material, will turn all objects it comes into contact with into that material. See the reaction below for imprinting. Does nothing to people. Make super mood rooms by turnin the whole thing into gold, or just kill everyone by turning the escape shuttle into uranium or Phoron. Can be used for practically limitless resource generation. N/A Metalgen Imprint Any amount of Metalgen 40 parts of any liquid material (Bluespace dust, gold, uranium, silver, iron, silicon and Phoron) 1 part Liquid Dark Matter (add last) When the this reaction happens, the metalgen used will become imprinted with the used material. The remaining metalgen will still have the same name but will convert items and structures into the imprinted material if it touches them. Note that certain materials, like diamonds, don't have a liquid form. Silicon will work for glass. N/A Nanomachines▮ Roburgers from silver slime extracts Inflicts a disease which turns the victim into a cyborg with Asimov laws. The disease can be cured with an injection of copper. 0.4 units per tick Smart Foaming Agent▮ 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron Required to make smart metal foam. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) 0.4 units per tick Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid A "smart" version of metal foam that reacts to tiles exposed to space by forming floors/walls. Usually doesn't encase people or block hallways. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Nitrous Oxide▮ 2 parts Ammonia 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 525K Creates N2O in liquid form.When heated to 575K it throws things away and then explodes. Will cause drowsiness when sprayed on someone. While it is inside of someone, it causes anemia (blood loss), confusion, and loss of breath. Spilling this will release gas form N2O into the atmosphere. 0.6 units per tick Silver Solidification 20 parts Silver 10 parts Carbon Temperature 630K Solidifies a large amount of liquid Silver into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Gold Solidification 20 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Iron Solidifies a large amount of liquid Gold into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Phoron Solidification 20 parts Phoron 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil Solidifies a large amount of liquid Phoron into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Uranium Solidification 20 parts Uranium 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Potassium Solidifies a large amount of liquid Uranium into a sheet. Can not react in a body. N/A Plastic Sheets 5 parts Oil 3 parts Ash 2 parts Sulphuric Acid Temperature 374K Creates Plastic sheets at a rate of 10u per Plastic sheet. Can be used in hand to craft plastic bottles File:Large water bottle.png. N/A Romerol▮ Syndicate uplink Romerol adds a zombie infection tumor (festering ooze) to the victims' heads. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people by clawing them. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the Morgue. Can be applied with both touch and ingestion. The tumor can be removed with surgery. instant Royal Bee Jelly▮ 40 parts Honey 10 parts Unstable Mutagen Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected. (Results in 5 units instead of 50) 0.4 units per tick Serotrotium▮ Strange seeds Makes you randomly twitch, drool, moan and gasp. 0.1 units per tick Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K Creates a bar of soap, 10% faster cleaning than with what you get on the station. Can not react in a body. N/A Space Cleaner▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water This is able to clean almost all surfaces of most things that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Unlike scrubbing tools, this does not clean forensics (fingerprints). 0.4 units per tick Spray Tan▮ 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 part Corn Oil Darkens the skin when sprayed or patched. Ingesting more than 10u overdoses you, which makes you tanned, spiky haired, randomly flex your muscles and spout an old meme. 0.4 units per tick Space Lube▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Space Lube is a high performance lubricant. Splashing it on floor tiles makes them extremely slippery for a very long time. Only way to remove it is to pry out/replace the floor tiles or wait. (Results in 4 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Sterilizine▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol When applied via touch or vapor, increases the speed of surgical steps by 20%. Useful for surgery in less than ideal conditions. 0.4 units per tick Synthmeat 5 parts Blood 1 part Cryoxadone Creates a slab of synthetic meat. N/A File:Medicated suture.png Medicated Suture 20 units Formaldehyde 15 units Polypyrylium Oligomers 10 units Cellulose Creates a Medicated Suture. N/A File:Advanced regenerative mesh closed.pngAdvanced Regenerative Mesh 10 units Sterilizine 20 units Aloe Juice 20 units Cellulose Creates an Advanced Regenerative Mesh. N/A File:Mourning poultice.pngMourning Poultice 20 units Aloe Juice 20 units Bungotoxin 20 units Cellulose Creates a Mourning Poultice. N/A Organic Slurry▮ Dip a dead mouse in at least 3 units of Welding Fuel A mixture of various differently colored fluids. Only works when ingested. If injected, will revert to Welding Fuel. Randomly induces vomiting and later short stuns as well. Rapidly purges itself each vomit when stunning. Results in 4 units instead of 3. 0.4 units per tick Pax▮ 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Synaptizine 1 part Water Pacifies by preventing the victim from using harm intent, certain harmful weapons and only letting them use passive and aggressive grabs. Non-harmful weapons such as disablers still work. 0.1 units per tick Synthpax▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs Same as Pax but metabolises much faster. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Dizzying Solution Peacekeeper Cyborgs Makes the target dizzy and confused. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Tranquility▮ Gondola Meat Induces a virus that creates Pax within the victim's body and slowly turns them into a Gondola. Can be cured with Condensed Capsaicin. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Electricity▮ Ethereal blood, certain foods Periodically electrocutes any non-Ethereals that have this in their system. Insulated gloves do not protect against this. 0.4 units per tick Monkey Powder 2 parts Nutriment 1 part Banana Juice 1 part Liquid Gibs Add 1u water to 50u of this to create a monkey. Gibs monkeys if another monkey spawns inside them. (Results in 5 units instead of 4) N/A Electrolysis 5 units Water 1 unit Liquid Electricity Turns the ingredients into 3u hydrogen and 1.5u oxygen. N/A Scream 5 parts Cream 5 parts Lizard wine 1 part Strange Reagent Temperature 374K When mixed the ingredients are consumed and the solution screams. Bigger reaction causes louder scream. N/A Slime Extractification 30 parts Slime Jelly 5 parts Frost Oil 5 parts Phoron The mixture condenses into a grey slime extract. N/A Name Formula Description Ammonia 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen An effective fertilizer which is better than what is available to the botanist initially, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine (results in 3 units instead of 4). Barber's Aid 1 part Carpet 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs Changes your hair style, useful if you are bald! Concentrated Barber's Aid 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen Grows your hair very long! Chloral Hydrate 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water A powerful sedative which causes death in doses around 30 units (results in 1 units instead of 5). Colorful Reagent 1 part Stable Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Triple Citrus Use this to color EVERYTHING! Keep away from the clown and assistants! Condensed Capsaicin 1 part Capsaicin Oil 5 parts Ethanol A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work (results in 5 units instead of 6). Corgium 1 part Nutriment 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Blood Creates your own Corgi! Cryptobiolin 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. Drying Agent 2 parts Stable Phoron 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetical pulse which affects all electronical thingies; very useful for causing chaos. Foaming Agent 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Used in Metal Foam production. Creates 1 unit instead of 2. Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid temperature 380 K A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Keep away from faces and valuable equipment. Used in some other recipes. Glycerol 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. This is only useful in other reactions (results in 1 unit instead of 4). Slippery like water. Hair Dye 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs Changes your hair color when you apply or spray it! Impedrezene 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage (results in 2 units instead of 3). Lexorin 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Phoron Temporarily stops respiration and causes tissue damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out very quickly. Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Charcoal 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". Mute Toxin 2 part Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. Pest Killer 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Kills pests in hydroponics trays, causes minor toxin damage to humans. Plant-B-Gone 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Causes minor toxin damage to humans. Phoron Solidification 20 parts Phoron 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil Solidifies a large amount of Phoron into a bar. Smart Foaming Agent 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron Used in Metal Foam production. Creates 3 units instead of 5. Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Unlike normal metal foam, this kind conforms to the edges of areas, making it especially great for plugging breaches. Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K Creates a bar of soap, slightly faster cleaning than what you get on the station. Sodium Chloride 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Space Cleaner 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Spray Tan 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 Part Corn Oil Darkens the skin when sprayed or applied. Do not swallow! Space Lube 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Space Lube is a high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment (results in 4 units instead of 3). Sterilizine 1 part Antitoxin 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol Theoretically helps the patient when used during surgery, or decontaminates objects and surfaces that bear pathogens. Currently does nothing whatsoever. Thermite 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited. Causes minor burn damage to humans when ingested. Unstable Mutagen 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany and Virology. Virus Food 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk A chemical which allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Weed Killer 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ammonia Kills weeds, causes minor toxin damage to humans. Mutagenic Agar 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus food Extremely similar to Unstable Mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 3 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar 1 part Mutagenic agar 1 part Sugar Extremely similar to Mutagenic agar. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 4 only. Virus Phoron 1 part Virus food 1 part Phoron Extremely similar to Phoron. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 6 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Weakened Virus Phoron 1 part Virus Phoron 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus Phoron. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 5 only. Virus Rations 1 part Virus food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 1 only. ===== Virology Recipes ===== These chemicals are used to mutate viruses, and have few uses beyond that. Virus Rations▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Virus Food▮ 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk Allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1 or 2. The virologist has a dispenser with this on a wall in the lab. (Results in 15 units instead of 10) Mutagenic Agar▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus Food Used to get a virus symptom of level 3. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar▮ 1 part Mutagenic Agar 1 part Sugar or Saline-Glucose Solution Used to get a virus symptom of level 4. Weakened Virus Phoron▮ 1 part Virus Phoron 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus Phoron. Used to get a virus symptom of level 5. Virus Phoron▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Phoron Used to get a virus symptom of level 6. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Decaying Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 6 or 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Unstable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Phoron 5 parts Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6) Stable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Phoron 10 parts Uranium 10 parts Silver OR Gold Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 8. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Blood Duplication▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Blood Not exactly a recipe or an usual reaction, more of an useful byproduct of virology recipes. When any chemical that mutates viruses is combined with any blood, it increases the amount of blood without the need for it to be removed from someone. With plumbing, this is most useful when used with Unstable Mutagen, as it's easy to produce and allows you to infinitely create blood for use in chemfactories. There are also chemicals that do nothing, which can be found in Strange seeds. Example: Plastic Polymers ===== Mutation Toxin ===== Imperfect Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a random slimeperson subspecies. If you're already a slimeperson this will randomly change your subspecies. Used to be named Slime Mutation Toxin. 0.2 units per tick Lizard Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a lizardperson. 0.2 units per tick Stable Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a human. 0.2 units per tick Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Black slimes Makes the victim contract a disease which slowly morphs them into a slime. The disease can be cured with Frost Oil. 0.2 units per tick ===== Toxins ===== The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals you can mix it. You can get some of these through the traitor uplink. The human liver will quickly purge individual toxins at 3u and under from the bloodstream (1 unit per tick at full liver health). Toxins in the stomach is also taken into consideration, i.e. having 2u in the bloodstream and 10u in the stomach means the purge doesn't happen. The purge threshold lowers with higher liver damage. All toxins deal liver damage at higher volumes in the body. Name Recipe Damage dealt Description Toxin▮ Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser. Experimental Chemistry. 3 Ingredients Toxin Will deal 1.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bad Food▮ From eating poorly made food Toxin Will deal 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick N/A Chloral Hydrate▮ 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water Stun, Toxin A powerful sedative which first confuses and makes you drowsy, and then after 10 cycles puts the victim to sleep. After 51 total cycles, it starts dealing ever increasing toxin damage, until death. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5) 0.6 units per tick N/A Mindbreaker Toxin▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon Hallucinations A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". For people with the Reality Dissociation Syndrome trait, this will instead suppress hallucinations. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mute Toxin▮ 2 parts Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Speech Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mime's Bane▮ 1 part Mute Toxin 1 part Nothing 1 part Radium Gestures Makes the subject unable to gesticulate. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bone Hurting Juice▮ 3 parts Itching Powder 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Milk Stamina Damage Does 7.5 stamina damage per tick. On overdose it has a 4% chance of causing a spike of 20 brute and 200 stamina damage to a random limb, which has a high chance of hurting bones. 0.4 units per tick 50 Units Mulligan Toxin▮ 1 part Slime Mutation Toxin 1 part Unstable Mutagen Identity Randomizes the subject's appearance. Infinite N/A Lexorin▮ 1 part Salbutamol 1 part Phoron 1 part Hydrogen Suffocation Temporarily stops respiration and causes 5 oxyloss damage per tick. Even small doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out quickly. Countered by epinephrine which purges 2u lexorin (and 1u of itself) with 20% chance to add 4u histamines. 0.4 units per tick N/A Initropidril▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray Cardiac Arrest Each cycle deals 2.5 toxin damage, with 25% chance to cause one of the following: 6 second stun, 5-25 oxyloss damage, or cardiac arrest. Combat the latter with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib if available. 0.2 units per tick N/A Tirizene▮ Traitor Sleepypen, Emagged Soda Dispenser/Borg Hypo, Poison/Death Berries Stamina Damage Deals 13 stamina damage per tick, which constantly lowers. Usually harmless. 0.4 units per tick N/A Tiring Solution▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs Stamina Damage Deals 10 stamina damage per tick, slowing you down. Won't go higher than 50 stamina damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Polonium▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray Radiation Cause significant radiation damage over time (4 per tick). It's metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Pancuronium▮ Poison Kit Stun and Suffocation After 10 cycles stuns you with no warning. Randomly causes loss of breath, which can choke you to death. 0.1 units per tick N/A Sodium Thiopental▮ Emagged Borg Hypo, Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray/Syringe/Dart Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 10 cycles, and deals 10 stamina damage per tick. Similar to Chloral Hydrate but longer lasting and can't kill you. 0.3 units per tick N/A Sulfonal▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Knockout and Toxin 0.5 toxin damage every cycle and knocks you out after 22 cycles. Metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Amanitin▮ Destroying Angel Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Deals 3 toxin damage per cycle it was in you. 0.2 units per tick N/A Amatoxin▮ Fly Amanita Toxin Damage Deals 2.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bungotoxin▮ Grow Bungo Tree Heart Damage Deals 3 heart damage per tick. After 12 cycles the victim can randomly start feeling heart spasms, being faint, out of breath, and being in pain. 0.2 units per tick N/A Lead Acetate▮ Party Pods (Hidden tech) Brain and ear damage Deals 1 brain and ear damage per tick. Tiny chance to cause confusion. 0.4 units per tick N/A Unstable Mutagen▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Mutations Causes mutations when injected into/consumed by living people or plants. In people the mutation happens instantly the moment you take the chem, and not from metabolization. The chance to activate a dormant bad mutation is 98%, and good mutation 2%. Causes radiation. High doses are lethal to your liver. Also useful for Virology. Turns into blood if mixed with blood, due to Template:Tooltip. 0.4 units per tick N/A Lipolicide▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Mercury Weight Loss Drains nutrition. Useful for weight loss. Will deal toxin damage if you are starving. 0.2 units per tick N/A Coniine▮ Death Berries, Bioterror Spray/Syringe Toxin and breath loss Each tick does 1.75 toxin damage and refreshes 5 ticks of being unable to breathe. EXTREMELY slow metabolization, but fast acting. Comparable to Lexorin. 0.024 units per tick N/A Curare▮ Poison Kit Paralyzation, Oxygen, and Toxin Paralyzes you after 11 cycles, while dealing 1 oxyloss and 1 toxic damage. Metabolizes slowly; very lethal. 0.05 units per tick N/A Histamine▮ Omega Weed, Poison Kit, Formaldehyde, Venom, Itching Powder Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Has a small chance each tick to cause 2 Brute damage or blur vision. If overdosed it will also deal 2 Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage each tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units Formaldehyde▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 420K Toxin Causes a 1 Toxin damage per tick. Has a 5% chance to turn into 5 to 15 units of Histamine. Preserves corpses from organ decay. 0.2 units per tick N/A Venom▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray, Giant Spider bites Brute, toxin Each cycle will deal 0.2 Toxin and 0.3 Brute damage per volume of venom in the body. Has a 15% chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. 0.1 units per tick N/A Fake Beer▮ Emagged Service Borg Knockout Instantly puts the victim to sleep. Cycle 51 and onwards it will also deal (current cycle - 50) toxin damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Fentanyl▮ 1 part Space Drugs Temperature 674K Toxin, brain Will deal 1 toxin and 3 brain damage, up to 60 points of toxin damage and 150 points of brain damage (brains have 200 points of health). If the drug is not removed before 18 cycles it will make the user fall asleep. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cyanide▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen Temperature 380K Toxin, oxyloss Deals 1.25 toxin damage per tick, with 8% chance to stun for 4 seconds and take 2 additional toxin damage. Also 5% chance to lose breath for a moment. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Carpotoxin▮ Space Carp, Koibeans, Emagged Chem Dispenser. Experimental Chemistry. 3 ingredients Toxin Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. May heal scars when ingested. Can be used to make Rezadone and imitation carpmeat. 0.4 units per tick N/A Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper Fake death, stun If ingested instantly knocks people out (CURRENTLY BUGGED), and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. If taken any other way than ingestion it makes you confused and drowsy cycle 1-5, deals 40 stamina damage cycle 5-8 and causes the fake death cycle 9 and onwards. Deals 0.5 suffocation and toxin damage per tick. (Results in 2 units instead of 15) 0.4 units per tick N/A Ghoul Powder▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Zombie Powder Fake death Slows metabolism to a death-like state, while keeping the patient fully aware and mobile. Deals 1 suffocation and 0.8 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Itching Powder▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing 0.2 Brute damage. Unlike other chems, itching powder will enter your bloodstream from touch, such as from getting splashed with it. Has a 3% chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick N/A Mint Toxin▮ Mints, Emagged Booze Dispenser, Mushroom Shavings (Lavaland) Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. 0.4 units per tick N/A Slime Jelly▮ Must be mixed in a Glowshroom 3 parts Oil 1 part Tinea Luxor 2 parts Radium OR grind an unused slime extract Toxin The base reagent for slime based chemicals. Grinding slime extracts yields 20u slime jelly per use left. 40% chance to heal 5 Brute damage each tick, but also has a 10% chance to deal a burst of 20-60 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A Heparin▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Lithium Bleeding A powerful anticoagulant. All open bleeding wounds on the victim will open up and bleed much faster. Increases bleed flow by 0.5. Doesn't work unless the victim has a bleeding wound. 0.08 units per tick N/A Rotatium▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Fentanyl Toxin After 20 cycles, causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion. Deals 0.5 toxin damage per tick. Was previously refinable into Skewium, but skewium was removed from tgstation Oct 2019 for causing client crashes. 0.24 units per tick N/A Spewium▮ Poison Kit Toxin After 11 ticks, has up to a 50% chance of causing strong vomiting while purging other toxins each tick. After 33 cycles, there is a 15% chance to eject an organ each tick if overdosing. Requires very high doses. 0.4 units per tick 29 Units Anacea▮ 1 part Haloperidol 1 part Impedrezene 1 part Radium OR 1 part Pentetic Acid 1 part Synthflesh Toxin and Purges Medicines Metabolizes very slowly and purges 5u medicines from the victim while dealing 0.15 toxin damage per tick. If the victim also has Pentetic Acid or Calomel, the purging is slowed down to 0.5u per tick. 0.032 units per tick N/A Fluorosulfuric Acid▮ 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 380K Corrosion A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Slowly melts equipment and clothes it touches. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 2 toxin and (current cycle / 15) burn in body. "Acidpower" 42. 0.4 units per tick N/A Nitric Acid▮ 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 480K Corrosion A corrosive and dangerous substance. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 3 toxin and (volume / 10) burn in body. "Acidpower" 5. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Weed Killer▮ 4 parts Ammonia 1 part Toxin Toxin Kills weeds and causes 1 toxin damage per tick to humans. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pest Killer▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Toxin Kills pests in hydroponics trays. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 4 toxin damage to fly people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick. N/A Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water Toxin A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 2 toxin damage to pod people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Hot Ice Slush▮ Grind Hot Ice. 50u per sheet. Toxin Heats you up, deals 3 toxin damage and increases the Phoron volume of xenos. Slowly purges epinephrine. Melts into 12 units of liquid form Phoron if heated to 30°C (303.15 K). 0.4 units per tick N/A Food Poisoning▮ From eating poorly made food Toxin Will deal a minor amount of Toxin damage Initropidril▮ Traitor Uplink Cardiac Arrest 33% chance to hit with 5-25 toxin damage every 3 seconds, and a 5-10% chance to either stun, cause lots of oxygen damage, or cause your heart to stop. Combat it with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib for more reliable methods. Polonium▮ Traitor Uplink Radiation Cause significant Radiation damage over time. Pancuronium▮ Traitor Uplink Paralysis and Suffocation Paralyses you after 30 seconds, with a 7% chance to cause 3-5 seconds of loss of breath. Sodium Thiopental▮ Traitor Uplink Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 30 seconds, and destroys your stamina. Sulfonal▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Knockout and Toxin +1 toxin damage every 3 seconds, knocks you out after 66 seconds. Amanitin▮ Traitor Uplink Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Lipolicide▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Ephedrine Weight Loss +1 toxin damage unless you have nutriment in you. Coniine▮ Traitor Uplink Toxin and breath loss +2 toxin damage and +5 seconds of loss of breath. Curare▮ Traitor Uplink Knockout, Oxygen, and Toxin Does 1 unit of toxin and 1 unit of oxygen damage every 3 seconds, and knocks you out after 33 seconds. Histamine▮ Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Causes a moderatre amount of Brute damage over time, will also impair eyesight If overdosed (30 units) it will also deal a significant amount of Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage. Formaldehyde▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver temperature 420 K Toxin Causes a moderatre amount of Toxin damage over time. Has a chance to turn into 10 to 15 units of Histamine. Venom▮ Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin Will deal scaling amounts of Toxin and Brute damage over time. Has a chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. Neurotoxin▮ 1 part Space Drugs temperature 674 K Toxin, brain Will deal Toxin and Brain damage up to around 60 points of damage each, if the drug is not removed after around 17 cycles it will knock the user unconscious. Cyanide▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen temperature 380 K Toxin, oxyloss Deals random amounts of toxin damage while slowly suffocating its target. Often extremely lethal. Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts CarpoToxin 5 parts Copper Fake death, stun Paralyses people, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. Requires CarpoToxin, which must be harvested from Space Carp (results in 2 units instead of 15). Itching Powder▮ 1 part Fuel 1 part Ammonia 1 part Charcoal Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing slights amount of Brute damage. Has a chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of histamine. Mint Toxin▮ Grind the mint in the kitchen Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. Heparin▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 Part Sodium 1 Part Chlorine 1 Part Lithium Brute, Bleeding Causes bleeding constantly while in the system of the victim. Teslium▮ 1 Part Stable Phoron 1 Part Silver 1 Part Black Powder Temperature 400K Random Shocks Randomly shocks the victim while it is in their system, ignoring any protection cause the shock comes from inside them. Lavaland Chemicals Found primarily in Lavaland flora. Name Found in Type Description Metabolism Rate Entropic Polypnium▮ Mushroom Cap (Inocybe), from tall mushrooms Food 20% chance each tick to deal 4 ticks of breath loss, 2 brain damage (max 150), 3 toxin, 10 stamina and blurry eyes. Knocks you unconcious after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Tinea Luxor▮ Template:RecursiveChem/Tinea Luxor Food Makes the consumer glow. 0.4 units per tick Vitrium Froth▮ Cactus Fruit (Fruiting Cactus), Mushroom Leaf (Porcini) Food 80% chance to heal 1 burn and 1 brute damage each tick. 0.4 units per tick ===== Beyond the Dispenser ===== Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. ====== Unsorted Mess ====== https://bungalowstation.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Guides Chemicals Jump to navigationJump to search Contents 1 Preliminary information that you need to know!! 1.1 The Life Loop 1.2 TOUCH & INGEST Effects 1.3 Botany 1.4 Miscellaneous Effects 2 The Wonderful World of Chemicals 2.1 Base Elements 2.2 Basic compounds 2.3 Medical Chems 2.4 Poisons and Toxic Shit 2.4.1 Disease Reagents 2.5 Acids 2.6 Pyrotechnic Chems 2.7 Drugs 2.8 Food and Drink 2.8.1 Regular Drinks 2.9 Miscellanea 2.10 SECRET CHEMS Preliminary information that you need to know!! Chemicals have a variety of effects depending on where they end up. All chems deplete while they're in a mob, and some chems also do extra effects while they're inside someone. Some chems also do different things depending on how you apply them to someone, e.g. applying them via a patch vs through a pill, and certain chems can also affect plants or flooring. Some chemicals do something special upon reaching a certain temperature, usually they explode. The following sections explain these in further detail. The Life Loop Things that repeat in standard intervals are handled by loop controllers. The mob loop encapsulates most of the things that humans and cyborgs have for repeating code. One of the major things there is the life process. Life process is programmed to run in 4 second intervals governed by the mob loop. Among other things, the life loop governs chems that are inside's person's bloodstream; it essentially models the body metabolizing chemicals. Chemicals usually enter the body via application methods that apply through INGEST and various methods that put chems straight into the bloodstream; the following section explains this in further detail. Every time it runs, each chemical decreases by a certain amount of units per chemical, listed under "Depletion rate", and some chemicals also do some additional effects, such as heal some damage or give a stamina boost, listed under "Per life cycle". However, the life loop doesn't always tick every 4 seconds exactly, sometimes due to the game deliberately slowing itself down when the server is under stress, sometimes due to lag (occasionally itself due to the life loop consuming so much CPU). To compensate for these time fluctuations, the chem's on-life effects are multiplied by a number, logically called a multiplier, which changes based on how much time has actually passed. All chems are coded assuming a 2 second time frame, an artifact of the old system where the life loop ticked every 2 seconds, so the multiplier is usually around 2, but it can and does change, and a few chems' multipliers work somewhat differently. So if a chemical does 2 toxin damage each time life is called, it'll do 4 damage every four seconds. With a depletion rate of 1, it'll deplete 2 units every four seconds, and so on and so on. These values can be and often will be different depending on server lag. Chemicals will last longer if they have a lower depletion rate. Chems that reduce other chems will reduce the listed amount per cycle. If not explicitly stated, chems default to a depletion rate of 0.4 units per cycle. TOUCH & INGEST Effects Some chemicals have one or multiple special effects when applied to a mob, and the difference can be quite significant. You should always pay close attention to the unique properties of the reagent(s) you want to synthesize or use. TOUCH means direct exposure to the body. Acids that burn your face off and topical meds are examples of this. Applied by: chemical smoke, chemical foam, dropper, medical patch, flamethrower, fire extinguisher, spray bottle, splashing chemicals from a beaker-type container, throwing a drinking glass at somebody, cryogenic healing pod, shower, bathtub, fly vomit INGEST reactions are things that happen immediately from consumption. Applied by: syringe, pill, IV drip, cigarette, injector belt and mask, cloth rags, eating or drinking something, ampoule Certain methods of transference bypass both of these and go straight into the bloodstream. Applied by: hypospray, emergency auto-injector, sleepy pen, syringe gun, e-cig, poisoned surgery tools, poisoned arrows, mosquito bite Botany Further information: Seed Infusions and Tray Chemistry Some chemicals can affect plants and their seeds, such as by making it grow faster or boosting plant health. Per plant cycle effects apply when a chemical is in a hydroponics tray. Some chemicals also have different effects when used in a botanical infusion. Miscellaneous Effects If a certain amount of chems are applied onto a turf, such as a steel floor, it creates a fluid puddle. Some chemicals also have unique effects when applied on tiles. For example, carbon makes dirt, while salt makes salt piles that can link up into salt lines, mystical. You can become addicted to certain chemicals, usually drugs, if you have a certain amount of them in your system, based on random chance. Mechanically, every few seconds, the game looks for any addictive chems in your system, and if it does find them, it checks if there's enough of it to potentially cause an addiction and confirms that you're a human and thus actually susceptible to addictions in the first place (as opposed to a Cyborg or Critter). Then it calls a built-in BYOND function named prob(), which has an X% chance to return as "true"; the value of this X is the number listed under the "Addiction probability", shortened to "Addict prob." If prob() returns "true", you become addicted! The Wonderful World of Chemicals Base Elements Not everything that comes out of the chem dispenser or similarly simple sources is inert; some have their own quirks that you should watch out for. Reagent Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes Barium 0.4 No Explodes when mixed with water (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. Most people won't bat an eye when they see plain old water, though, so it makes for an interesting stealth explosive. Bromine 0.4 No Nowhere near as reactive as in real life (but just be glad this game doesn't simulate its horrid stench.) Carbon 0.4 No Clears space lube when applied to floor tiles. 5+ UNITS: Creates dirt when applied to floor tiles. Calcium 0.4 No Chlorine 0.6 Yes (0.33 per 1 unit splashed) +1 BURN Chromium 0.4 No Copper 0.4 No Not to be confused with and cannot be extracted from copper material extracted from wires or pharosium, the sci-fi version of copper. In addition to the chem dispenser, copper can also be obtained by breaking down hemolymph. Ethanol 0.05 No 15+ UNITS: Slurred speech/stuttering, 10% chance for confused movement, 20% chance for dizziness. 10% chance for hiccuping, burping, mumbling, and grumbling. 25+ UNITS: Another 10% chance for more stuttering and another 10% chance for hiccuping and burping. 45+ UNITS: 15% chance of even more stuttering. 8% chance for confused movement. Another separate 10% chance for hiccuping and burping. 55+ UNITS: 10% chance to fart, hiccup, mumble, or grumble, 6% chance to vomit. Still more stuttering. 33% chance of blurred vision, 15% chance of confused movement, 4% of misstep, 15% of dizziness. 60+ UNITS: Blurred vision, 6% chance of more drowsiness 5% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 40-54+ UNITS: volume/2% chance of 0.25 liver damage 55+ UNITS: volume/2% chance of 0.4 liver damage OVERDOSE (100) - Ethanol poisoning! 10% chance of extra 1-3 damage to the liver, 15% chance of 1-3 damage to left kidney, and 35% chance of 1-3 to right kidney. 1% chance of causing heart disease. But also: drunken boxing. 40% chance to completely shrug off a punch (and only punches). Separate 40% chance to also give your punches 3-5 extra damage. 4% Ethanol, it messes your speech and movement, and sometimes even your vision or organs at high enough doses. The Alcohol Resistance gene blocks most of these effects, and you do not receive the respective organ damage if you have cyberkidneys or a cyberliver, which also has healing benefits related to ethanol. Every single brand of alcohol decays into this. The more potent the alcohol, the more ethanol it builds up in you. It's also possible to get this chemical by putting clear corn into a still. Fluorine 0.4 Yes (0.33 per 1 unit splashed) +0.75 BURN, +0.75 TOX Helium 0.4 No Does what you'd expect. Harmless. Can be obtained from helium tanks usually found in the clown hole. Hydrogen 0.4 No Nowhere near as flammable or reactive in real life. Still good in balloons though. Can also be found in some Discount Dan's food products (seems someone at DD didn't quite understand hydrogenation). Iodine 0.4 No The mineral of choice in Decirprevo Bottled Water. Iron 0.4 No Regenerates blood half a unit a time, 10% chance of -1 OXY OVERDOSE (20) Causes +1 TOX, 5% chance of vomiting, stun, and a further +10 TOX Basically a shittier version of Filgrastim with more side effects. Lithium 0.4 No Drooling and confused movement. Can also be extracted from omega weed. Magnesium 0.4 No 10+ UNITS: Creates piles of magnesium when applied to floor tiles. Piles ignite when exposed to a temperature higher than 747 K, but the fire isn't hot enough to set alight non-flammable materials or burn through the floor. They do, however, also ignite nearby piles, so you could make a line of magnesium and use it as a fuse for other pyrotechnic reagents. In addition to the chem dispenser, it is also possible to get it from fireworks. Cut it open with a knife or similar, then use a beaker or similar to scoop up the resulting magnesium pile. Mercury 0.2 Yes (0.2 per 1 unit splashed) 70% chance of +1 BRAIN 5% chance to cure space plague. Can also be extracted from omega weed. Nickel 0.4 No Stands in for a catalyst in a handful of reactions. If you had one of these for every time you... Nitrogen 0.4 No It's not gonna help your plants or anything. Oxygen 0.4 No This might seem amazingly inert for a substance that is vital to your life, but think of it this way: What is the effect of this oxygen over the oxygen already in your blood? Phosphorus 0.4 No An essential ingredient for a few recipes, but not terribly exciting on its own. In addition to chem dispensers giving this element, you can also get phosphorus by clicking on a beaker or similar with a unlit match, yielding one unit of it. Phoron 0.4 No +1 TOX. Increases depletion rate of epinephrine by 2. Cannot be applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - If already on fire: +30 BURNING When it reaches 374 K, it ignites, creating small to large fireball that scales with volume (up to 8x8). Basic ingredient in chems with more fanastical effects. Platinum 0.4 No In the far future of 2053, platinum is as readily available as hydrogen. But not THAT shiny. Potassium 0.4 No Explodes when mixed with water (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. Most people won't bat an eye when they see plain old water, though, so it makes for an interesting stealth explosive. Can also be extracted from bananas. Radium 0.4 Yes (0.5 per 1 unit splashed) +3 seconds of "Irradiated" Temporarily creates an eerie green glow when applied to floor tiles. Radiation is cumulative and depletes one per cycle. As it ramps up, it starts doing TOX in increasing amounts related to the radiation total, causes random mutations (often disabilities) and triggers a bunch of other nasty radiation sickness effects. A sleepy pen full of radium is pretty lethal over a few minutes. Silicon 0.4 No Not something you extract from your silicon friends (AI, Cyborg, and Ghostdrone). Silver 0.4 No You can dip a pair of handcuffs in this to make silver handcuffs and coat certain bullets in silver to make silver bullets. Sodium 0.4 No Surprisingly does not react at all with water. Sugar 0.4 No Jitteriness, +2 Stamina Regeneration. Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, and Paralyzed debuffs by 6%, 4% chance to produce a unit of epinephrine. OVERDOSE (200) - hyperglycaemic shock, 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Having a bit of sugar in you gives you a small stun reduction and stamina buff. Can also be extracted from sugarcane. Sulfur 0.4 No In addition to the chem dispensers, you can also get it from Spooky Dan's Horrortastic Cola and pills from pill bottles marked "pill bottle (???)". Also good for concrete. Water 0.4 No Explodes when mixed with potassium (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. 10% of healing 1 kidney damage (for both kidneys). 3+ UNITS: Temporarily creates a slippery surface when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. Freezes when cooled (0° C), boils away when heated (100 °C). Helps plants grow more quickly. Basic compounds Basic starting recipes. Most are pointless on their own, but they're all ingredients in the vast majority of chemicals in the world of SS13, so it's good to memorize them. Reagent Recipe Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Notes Acetone (1) Oil + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Acetone No +1.5 TOX TOUCH - Destroy one sticker for every 10 units applied. Unglues people/objects stuck together with space glue, in any amount. Common ingredient in other recipes. Useful for removing glue, whether from stickers or space glue. Ammonia (1) Urine + (1) Water @ 354 K -> (1) Ammonia OR (3) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen -> (3) Ammonia OR Extract from golden pea pods. No Fertilizer, and an ingredient in a lot of other chems. Diethylamine (1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol @ 374 K -> (2) Diethylamine No Used for certain medical recipes and as fertilizer. Oil (1) Carbon + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Welding Fuel -> (3) Oil OR Extract from orange goop, which comes from leaker plants. No Creates a streak of slippery oil when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Lubricates cyborg joints and temporarily make them move faster. At 474 K, ignites, creating small to large fireball that scales with volume (up to 8x8). Used as a stand-in for benzene, toulene, napthalene and a bunch of other heavier hydrocarbons for a ton of the organic chem recipes. Phenol (1) Oil + (1) Chlorine + (1) Water -> (3) Phenol No Used for certain medical recipes. Stabilizing Agent (Stabilizer) (1) Iron + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (2) Stabilizing Agent No Keeps unstable chemicals stable. This does not work on everything. Medical Chems A malignant scientist is expected to hurt people. A benevolent one is expected to heal people. If you're the latter, then this chart is your best friend. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes Ammonium Bicarbonate (Smelling Salts) (1) Ammonia + (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen @ 374 K -> (3) Ammonium Bicarbonate 0.4 No 30% chance of -1 RAD, 5% of +1 TOX. +2 Stamina Regeneration boost. If below -5 to -30 health: -1 TOX, -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN Increases depletion rates for the following depressant/knockout drugs by 3: Neurotoxin Capulettium Sulfonal Ketamine Sodium Thiopental Pancuronium Inferior to epinephrine and potassium iodide, but offers a surprisingly significant stamina regeneration buff. Also flushes several debilitating knockout drugs. Antihol (1) Ethanol + (1) Charcoal -> (2) Antihol 0.4 No Raises ethanol depletion rates by 8. If below +25 health: -2 TOX Sober someone up in a hurry. Nefarious people sometimes spike other poisons with ethanol or booze reagents to sabotage charcoal treatments. Atropine (1) Ethanol + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Acetone + (1) Phenol + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (4) Atropine OR Extract from black venne or omega weed. 0.2 No Dizziness, confused movement, -20 Max Stamina, warms you up slightly when cold. Attempts to cap OXY at 65 and LOSEBREATH at 5. Rolls a chance to fix cardiac failure. Increases depletion rate of sarin by 20. If below -25 health: -1 TOX, -3 BRUTE, -3 BURN, -2 BRAIN If above 15 health AND TOX damage < 70: +1 TOX Reduces the chance of death when used with synaptizine. Boosts chance of CPR curing cardiac arrest to 5%. OVERDOSE (25) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX Fairly similar to epinephrine but will rapidly push deep-crit damage levels towards shallow crit levels. Use this if you find someone who is right at the edge of death. Flushes sarin extremely rapidly. Atropine alone doesn't really kill people but it's a pretty decent debilitating poison if you wanna use it that way. Calomel (1) Mercury + (1) Chlorine @ 374 K -> (1) Calomel 0.8 No Increases all depletion rates by 5. If above +20 health: +5 TOX Aggressive purgative. It'll do a lot of TOX damage itself but it cannot kill you, as the damage only applies while you are above the health threshold. Use for emergencies to handle the really aggressive poisons that would definitely kill you if they remain active for long. Charcoal (1) Ash + (1) Salt @ 374 K -> (2) Charcoal OR Extract from venne. 0.4 No -1.5 TOX. -2 kidney, stomach, intestines, and liver damage. 50% chance of increasing the depletion rate of all other chems by 1. Good baseline thing for detoxifying someone, but won't always keep up with the hellpoisons. Cryoxadone (1) Cryostylane + (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Phoron + (1) Acetone -> (3) Cryoxadone 0.4 No If body temp below 210 K: -10 OXY, -3 TOX, -12 BRUTE, -12 BURN, -2 all organ damage. Warms you up depending on damage healed. More specifically it's (damage healed/37) * 25, excluding organ damage, meaning the max increase is 25 degrees. Requires cooling the target before it kicks in, and recooling to offset the heating, but heals incredibly well. The cryo tanks in medbay use this. Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine) (1) Oil + (1) Carbon + (1) Bromine + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Ethanol -> (4) Diphenhydramine 0.4 No Reduces jitteriness, -3 Stamina Regeneration. Increases depletion rates of histamine and itching powder by 3. 3% chance of stunning briefly and causing drowsiness. 10% Mostly used as a precursor to a couple of the illegal drugs. Might be needed for bee stings, histamine poisonings or itching powder. Mildly debilitating. Ephedrine (1) Sugar + (1) Oil + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Diethylamine -> (3) Ephedrine OR Extract from asomna or omega weed. OR Find in Grife-O soda. 0.3 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 15%, +2 Stamina Regeneration, causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness, warms you up slightly. Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 3. Heals 1 OXY if OXY damage > 75. If above 0 health: 33% chance of -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 8% of -1 TOX If below 0 health: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 25% of -1 TOX OVERDOSE (35) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 15% of extra +1/+2 TOX. 5% of stunning briefly and causing dizziness. 25% It's pretty much just a weaker analogue of medbay's epinephrine, but it's addictive and has a few more side effects. Epinephrine (1) Phenol + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Acetone + (1) Diethylamine -> (4) Epinephrine 0.2 No Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 3 and OXY at 35. 5% chance of -1 BRAIN. Rolls a chance to fix cardiac failure. Increases depletion rate of histamine by 2 and reduces overdose severity. Warms you up by 7 Kelvin. Slows down progression of sarin by 20%. Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 10%. +3 Stamina Regeneration buff. Reduces drowsiness, 5% chance to remove all sleepiness. 10% chance to cause jitteriness. Partially negates movement slowdown from damage, making you move as if you had 15 more health. If health is between -10 to -65, heals 1 TOX, 1 BRUTE, 1 BURN. Boosts chance of CPR curing cardiac arrest to 5% OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 5% of stunning briefly and causing dizziness. Very useful for stabilizing someone who is in mid-crit damage, standard emergency shot to buy yourself some time. If things are really bad, go for atropine instead. Can make you pretty sick in overdoses. Counters histamine / allergic reactions, but won't resolve a severe reaction on its own. Can function as a minor stimulant, roughly on par with coffee. Ether (1) Ethanol + (1) Hydrochloric Acid + (1) Oxygen -> (1) Ether 0.4 No -3 Stamina Regeneration, reduces jitteriness. Will knock you out on 36th cycle. Removes 7.5 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 50% Behaves almost exactly the same as morphine, minus the speed bonus and with a bigger stamina penalty. But since this knockout chem has a recipe, and a fairly simple one too, it's lot easier to come by. Filgrastim (1) Blood + (1) Stable Mutagen + (1) E.Coli + (1) Spaceacillin -> (2) Filgrastim 0.2 No +2u blood. A granulocyte colony stimulating factor analog, which helps the body create more blood. Glaucogen N/A. Find in the blood of patients with a cyberpancreas. 0.4 No Decays into 1.2 units of sugar. Functionally identical to Corn Syrup. A cyberpancreas will produce this automatically to maintain a low level of sugar. An emagged one gets a little carried away. Hairgrownium (1) Synthflesh + (1) Ephedrine + (1) Carpet -> (3) Hairgrownium OR Extract from fuzzy nureous or omega weed. 0.4 Yes 10% chance of growing a full set of hair. Great cure for baldness. Haloperidol (1) Chlorine + (1) Fluorine + (1) Aluminium + (1) Potassium Iodide + (1) Oil -> (4) Haloperidol OR Find in haloperidol bottles from restricted medical cabinets and Restricted Medicine Shipments, syringes (anti-psychotic), and Dr. Pubber bottles. OR Extract from certain popsicles and omega weed OR Distill omega weed. OR Randomly appears in Rowdy 'Rillos and pills from ???? bottles. 0.4 No Reduces druggy effects and jitteriness, causes drowsiness. -5 Stamina Regeneration. 20% chance of +1 BRAIN. 5% of curing space madness and berserker. 10% of causing drooling. Removes 15 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. Increases depletion rates for the following stimulating/hallucinogenic drugs by 5: Bath Salts Cat Drugs Crank Ephedrine Epinephrine LSBee LSD Methamphetamine Psilocybin Space Drugs THC Synaptizine Treat it like a general anti-psychotic. Severe stamina regen penalty, drowsiness, and drug depletion rate acceleration makes useful for treating/neutralizing drugged-up maniacs. This is the secret behind tranq rifle darts. WardBuddies, fermids, and the humanoid "emagged medibots" found in certain derelicts also inject this. One of the Lawbringer's modes shoots darts containing this. Heparin (1) Sugar + (1) Blood + (1) Phenol + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (2) Heparin 0.4 No Will cause any bleeding to become worse, but will try to cure heart disease, dislodge blood clots, and will reduce the effects of hypertension. Removes 2u of cholesterol as well. OVERDOSE (20) - you blood fall out An anticoagulant. Insulin N/A. Available in bottle from the NanoMed Plus. OR Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets OR Extract from green grapes. 0.4 No Raises sugar depletion rates by 5. Handles hyperglycaemic coma. Lexorin N/A. Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. 0.2 No +1 TOX, removes the need to breathe. A more dangerous version of perfluorodecalin that allows you to talk in space without using internals, but deals TOX damage over time. Mannitol (1) Sugar + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Water -> (2) Mannitol OR Extract from dawning venne. 0.4 No -3 BRAIN Use for concussions, changeling stings, bible beatings, flatline brain damage, bath salts, etc. Menthol (1) Mint + (1) Ethanol @ 324 K -> (2) Menthol OR Put mint into a still. 0.1 Yes Tries to return high body temps towards normal, 55% chance of -2 BURN. Use for minor burn damage. Morphine N/A. Extract from poppies. OR Obtain from NanoMed Plus vendors, Dr. Pubber, and Medical: Medical Reservoir Crates. 0.4 No Dramatically counters movement reduction from severe injury, -3 Stamina Regeneration, reduces jitteriness. Will knock you out on 36th cycle. Removes 7.5 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 50% Low doses are useful for the painkiller, but high doses can knock someone out for a while. Be careful with the severe stamina regen penalty. Mugwort N/A. Wizard shuttle or Dan's Quik-Noodles - Katchup Flavor noodle cups. 0.4 No If target is wizard: Removes 5 units of sarin. INGEST - If target is wizard: 85% chance of -1 LOSEBREATH. 45% chances for each of -1 OXY, -1 TOX, -6 BRUTE and -6 BURN. Can patch up minor injuries of magic users. Mutadone (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Acetone + (1) Bromine -> (3) Mutadone OR Extract from dawning venne. 0.4 No Removes one genetic bioeffect. Some mutations cannot be cured by mutadone, however. Did someone turn you into a gibbering chavish deaf dwarven lunatic? Take this. Giving this to someone with superpowers will really ruin their day. Oculine (1) Atropine + (1) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Spaceacillin -> (4) Oculine OR Extract from carrots. 0.4 Yes 80% chance of reducing blurred vision as well as eye and ear damage by 1, 50% of curing nearsightedness, 30% of curing blindness If ear damage is less than 25: 30% chance of healing deafness Not typically needed unless some jerk is using a lot of flashbangs. It's a rare situation, but giving them oculine might be their saving grace. Omnizine N/A. Extract from white weed. OR Eat some warm donk pockets and/or spaghetti arrabbiata and draw out your blood. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.2 No -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN, -1 TOX, -1 OXY, -1 all organ damage. 50% chance of -1 LOSEBREATH. Regenerates 1 unit of blood if you're under 500 units, 10% of -1 BLEEDING. OVERDOSE (30) - Stuttering, dizziness, jitteriness, random stuns and confused movement. 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 5% Slightly addictive, but is otherwise an amazing cure-all. Medbay will love the botanists if they supply them with it. Omnizine-laced Pro Puffs and the two dishes deliver a small dose of omnizine when used. Less ideal than botany, but it could save you in a pinch. Pentetic Acid (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Chlorine + (1) Ammonia + (1) Formaldehyde + (1) Sodium + (1) Cyanide -> (6) Pentetic Acid OR "Extract" from white radweed plants. 0.4 No -7 RAD, increases all depletion rates by 5. -2 kidney, stomach, intestines, and liver damage. 75% chance of -4 TOX, 33% of +1 BRUTE, +1 BURN. Apex anti-tox/anti-rad treatment. Perfluorodecalin (1) Hydrogen + (1) Fluorine + (1) Salicylic Acid @ 374 K -> (2) Perfluorodecalin 0.4 No -25 OXY, -2 lung & spleen damage, 33% chance of -1 BRUTE and -1 BURN. Increases LOSEBREATH to and caps it at 6. Prevents any suffocation damage from racking up despite that. 20% Fantastic for pretty much negating all the accumulative damage from being in critical, will give you a really wide window of time to deal with other health problems. In theory, you could stay in flatline for quite awhile with this stuff handling tissue oxygenation, but you might need mannitol too. Can make spacewalking without internals possible. Potassium Iodide (1) Potassium + (1) Iodine -> (2) Potassium Iodide OR Extract from nureous. 0.4 No 80% chance of -1 RAD -1 TOX. 33% chance of -1 kidney and liver damage. Radiation is cumulative and causes TOX and BURN. Simple and weak, but can help counter radiation events and radium somewhat. Proconvertin (1) Blood + (1) Stable Mutagen + (1) Mannitol + (1) Salt -> (2) Proconvertin 0.3 No 90% chance of -1 BLEEDING. 2% chance to cause a blood clot. Increases blood pressure and can worsen existing blood clots. A coagulant. Robustissin (1) Menthol + (1) Morphine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Acetone -> (4) Robustissin OR (1) Antihistamine + (1) Oil + (1) Salicylic Acid + (1) Menthol -> (4) Robustissin OR Find inside randomly-named space cola. 0.4 No Separate 25% chances of curing the common cold, both regular flu and avian flu, and food poisoning. OVERDOSE (30) - Pretty colors, occasional giggling, yawning, and smiling. Chance of inflicting TOX damage, brief bouts of confused movement, and/or moderately long (<10 seconds) knock-down. Space Robitussin (aka dextromethorphan), complete with fun overdose effects! Salbutamol (1) Oil + (1) Lithium + (1) Ammonia + (1) Aluminium + (1) Bromine -> (5) Salbutamol OR Extract from shivering contusine. 0.2 No -6 OXY, -4 LOSEBREATH, -2 lung & spleen damage. OVERDOSE (50) - Has a chance to damage the kidneys. The severity of the damage increases considerably with the severity of the overdose. Speeds up recovery from suffocation damage, but more importantly, it'll help counter suffocating/losebreath poisons and the suffocation that ramps up in critical health. Often underused emergency med that makes dealing with critical-health people a lot easier since OXY damage is usually what kills in-crit patients in the end. Salicylic Acid (Painkiller/Analgesic) (1) Sodium + (1) Phenol + (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (5) Salicylic Acid OR Extract from contusine. 0.1 No Tries to return high body temps towards normal, counters walkspeed loss from being hurt fairly well. 55% chance of -2 BRUTE. OVERDOSE (25) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Got beat up a bit and don't want to crawl the whole way to medbay? Pop one of these. Won't help severe damage, but it'll keep you moving at top speed so you can rush for the better healing chems. Slow depletion rate will keep it in your blood for awhile. Saline-Glucose Solution (1) Salt + (1) Water + (1) Sugar -> (3) Saline-Glucose Solution OR (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Meat Slurry + (1) Spaceacillin + (1) Copper + (1) Denatured Enzyme 0.15 Yes 33% chance of -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN. 33% chance of regenerating 1 unit of blood. Rolls a chance to fix shock. Decent med for healing a respectable amount of BRUTE/BURN damage over time and for stabilizing low-crit patients. Silver Sulfadiazine (1) Silver + (1) Sulfur + (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Ammonia -> (5) Silver Sulfadiazine OR Extract from commol. 3 No -2 BURN TOUCH - Heals 1 BURN per unit applied. (up to 10 units per application) INGEST - Causes 0.5 TOX per unit ingested. (up to 10 units per application) The go-to BURN medication. It depletes rapidly in the blood, so most of your healing will come upfront from a topical application. Ingesting it doesn't work nearly as well and even causes a fair bit of TOX damage, so don't do that. Simethicone (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Silicon -> (3) Simethicone 0.4 No Makes the victim unable to fart. Fiendish. Truly fiendish. Space ipecac N/A.Extract from ipecacuanha roots or the bilious and invigorating variations. OR Comes in pill form from NanoMed Plus machines. 0.8 No 25% chance to induce vomiting. IF HEALTH > 25: +1 TOX damage. 5% chance to cause food poisoning. Think the last thing you just ate was poisoned? Take this to vomit it out as a half-digested food chunk containing a portion of whatever reagents were in it. Naturally, this'll stop you from ingesting whatever poisons were in said meal. If you've eaten multiple things, the most recent item (i.e. what you ate last) is vomited out. Spaceacillin (1) Space Fungus + (1) Ethanol -> (2) Spaceacillin OR (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (1) Spaceacillin + (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Copper + (1) Denatured Enzyme 0.2 No Rolls a chance to cure some specific diseases, such as MRSA and grave fever. You probably won't use this much unless some Vampire is giving people grave fever. Space fungus, which mostly grows in maintenance tunnels, is acquired by scraping it off walls with your beaker. Strange Reagent (1) Omnizine + (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Holy Water -> (2) Strange Reagent OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.2 No 10% chance of +2 BRUTE and +2 TOX 1+ UNIT - Can reanimate the dead. An electric shock (such as one from a defibrilator) is required to revive the body. If the corpse is rotten or has more than 150 combined BRUTE+BURN, the body will be gibbed, and a corpse with too much BRAIN damage will immediately drop dead again. TOUCH - Resurrects critters. While SR can revive players, it will only heal their OXY damage upon successful revival. Actual doctoring is still necessary after they come back to life. Styptic Powder (1) Aluminium + (1) Oxygen + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (4) Styptic Powder 3 No -2 BRUTE TOUCH - Heals 1 BRUTE per unit applied (up to 10 units per application). Has a chance to reduce BLEEDING slightly. INGEST - Causes 0.5 TOX per unit ingested. (up to 10 units per application) The BRUTE damage equivalent of silver sulfadizine, so the same application methods still apply: only go for topical doses. Super Hairgrownium (1) Hairgrownium + (1) Methamphetamine + (1) Iron -> (3) Super Hairgrownium OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 Yes Grows tremendous hair and a fake moustache that instantly regrows when removed. Synaptizine N/A. Available in bottle form from NanoMed dispensers. OR Extract from Robust asomna, spaghetti w/ meatballs and arrabbiata. OR Eat Syndicate donk pockets, and draw out your blood with a syringe or IV bag. 0.4 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 31%, +4 Stamina Regeneration buff, reduces drowsiness. -10 BRAIN while brain damage is more than 90, otherwise 50% chance of -1 BRAIN. Reduces the chance of death when used with atropine. OVERDOSE (40) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be dizziness, stuns, up to 2 units of rajaijah, or extra +1 TOX. Similar to ephedrine in regards to stun reduction, but with less severe overdose effects and a better stamina benefit. Will prevent braindeath pretty effectively, but you'll still need Mannitol to fix your brain the rest of the way. In addition to the bottles of synaptizine in the NanoMed, there's also auto-injectors of it in the Port-a-NanoMed. Synthflesh (1) Blood + (1) Carbon + (1) Styptic Powder -> (3) Synthflesh 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery gibs when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Heals 1.5 BRUTE and 1.5 BURN per unit applied (up to 10 units per application). Instantly heals all BLEEDING. An excellent fixer of BRUTE, BURN and BLEEDING, it's a surprise that it isn't used more. The doctors will love you if you supply medbay with patches full of this. Teporone (1) Silicon + (1) Acetone + (1) Phoron -> (2) Teporone 0.4 No Attempts to return body temp to normal in ten degree increments. Causes jitteriness. OVERDOSE (50) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 20% Not really ever used much, but spacewalking cocktails might need it. Triple Citrus (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lemon juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Triple Citrus 0.4 No INGEST - Heals 1-2 TOX damage A basic TOX-healer a Bartender or clever Botanist could easily/readily make. Yobihodazine N/A. Spaced rum. 0.4 No Attempts to return body temp to normal in ten degree increments. Clears all OXY damage (but not LOSEBREATH). Deals BRAIN equal to 1/40th of oxy damage cleared. 20% Another legacy spacewalking chem. Poisons and Toxic Shit The bad stuff. This is where you'll learn the fine art of poisoning, and there is no shortage of poisons to use. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Notes Acetaldehyde (1) Chromium + (1) Oxygen + (1) Copper + (1) Ethanol @ 549 K -> (3) Acetaldehyde 0.6 Yes (0.33 per 1 unit splashed) +1 BURN Basic poison. Aconitum N/A. Extract from aconite flowers. 0.4 No +2 TOX. 10% chance of stun and extra +2 TOX, 8% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH Toxic + suffocation, behaves like a weaker coniine. Amanitin N/A. Syndicate sauce, poison bottles, mutant mushrooms. 0.4 No Keeps track of a damage_counter variable that starts at 0. Each tick it's in you, that variable increases by 2-4. On the last cycle that it's in you, it hits you with a stack of damage_counter + 2-3 TOX damage. This is a delayed stealth poison that's dose-dependent. The more you use, the longer it takes before anything happens, but the harder it hits when it does. With large doses your target can consume something poisoned, walk around for a few minutes minding their own business, and then abruptly die with no real warning. Very devious to use. Ants N/A. It accumulates on floor tiles that foodstuffs have been left on, indicated with a animated sprite. 0.4 No +2 BRUTE 1+ UNITS AND TOUCH/INGEST - Does 4 BRUTE damage Use a beaker on the sprite to collect ants. In the blood stream, the victim takes BRUTE damage every cycle, so it can be slow and lethal if you have the patience to collect enough ants. A mostly harmless prank chem overall. Atrazine (Weedkiller) (1) Chlorine + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Hydrogen -> (3) Atrazine 0.4 No +2 TOX. Removes 1 unit of CBD and 1 unit of THC if they're also in the person's bloodstream. A generic poison with a punny twist. Like in real life, this chem is used to kill weeds in plant trays and hurts when ingested. Unlike in real life, it also kills the weed byproducts inside people. Botany has a bunch of it right away. Capulettium (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Chlorine + (1) Hydrogen -> (1) Capulettium 0.4 No Causes blurred vision and drowsiness. On the 19th cycle, the victim gets knocked over into a state of near paralysis. They are unable to speak louder than the slightest whisper, and cannot move, however, they are aware of their surroundings. This applies until the chemical depletes from their system. Compared to something like ketamine and similar knockout chems, it's relatively easier to obtain, and its lower depletion rate means people stay down for relatively longer, but it takes longer to knock out the victim and if someone gets close enough to them, they may be able to ask for help. Very fun to use for villain monologues. Could be used to non-lethally down an attacker, but remember that forcefully feeding/injecting people with it just for kicks is considered Grief. Capulettium plus (1) Capulettium + (1) Ephedrine + (1) Methamphetamine -> (3) Capulettium Plus 0.4 No Causes blurred vision and drowsiness. On the 19th cycle, victim falls to floor (they can still get back up) with a false "seizes up and falls limp..." message. Makes the victim appear dead if they're laying down or sleeping. Prevents emotes, causes speech to appear as whispers. This essentially lets you play possum. You can only whisper, but you can make yourself appear dead in a pinch. Know someone is hunting you? Inject yourself with this just before they find you, lay down and they'll mistake you for a corpse! You retain full consciousness and control of your body, unlike capulettium, so you can get back up and ambush them when they least suspect it. Unlike capulettium, you simply need to lay down to appear dead, rather than being unconscious. Coniine N/A. Poison bottles. 0.05 No +2 TOX, +5 LOSEBREATH A small dose can kill in under a minute. LOSEBREATH makes the victim unable to talk - they'll take suffocation rapid damage and be unable to say anything over the radio. Curare N/A. Poison bottles. 0.2 Yes +1 TOX, +1 OXY, blurred vision. Causes drowsiness and permastuns the victim on 11th cycle, 8% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH It won't knock them out, but it will make them unable to move. Could be used to kidnap people or just disable them and scare the hell out of them. Cyanide (1) Ammonia + (1) Oil + (1) Oxygen @ 374 K -> (1) Cyanide OR Extract from deathweed. 0.1 Yes +1.5 TOX. 15% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH Chance of stun that scales with how long it's been in you(up to 25%) and up to extra 1.5 TOX A couple of common chem recipes can produce this if poorly mixed, and production of cyanide will dose nearby people if they aren't wearing gas masks. Also a fairly easy poison. Balanced to be mostly a slow and scary killer, but if they get to medbay, it's not that hard to deal with. Suffocation damage can rack up faster than TOX depending on how the RNG rolls. Formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid) (1) Ethanol + (1) Oxygen + (1) Silver @ 424K -> (2) Formaldehyde OR Find inside embalming fluid bottles. 0.4 Yes (0.5 per 1 unit splashed) +1 TOX, 10% chance of decaying into 5 to 15 units of histamine Inject into a corpse to prevent decomposition. The high chance of decaying into histamine makes it a really mean poison if you want to use it that way. This is the secret behind the Rotbusttec implants. Just about every Morgue has a bottle of this, as a "embalming fluid bottle". Cargo's Morgue Supplies also has a bottle. Glitter (1) Itching Powder + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Paper + (1) Silver -> (4) Glitter OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.1 Yes Glitter particle effect. 10% chance of +1 BRUTE, 5% of +2 BRUTE. 1% of decaying into 1 unit of histamine 5+ UNITS: Creates glitter when applied to floor tiles. Makes your mob glitter. Not completely harmless: it causes occasional BRUTE damage from scratching, similar to itching powder, so be careful. Glowing Slurry N/A. Extract from Omega slurrypods. 0.4 No +2 RAD. 15% chance of bad mutation, 3% of good mutation TOUCH - 50% of bad mutation INGEST - 100% of bad mutation Scrambles your genes to hell and back. Histamine N/A. Bee/wasp stings, Omega weed, contusine mutation, byproduct of certain reagents. 0.2 No 10% chance of blurred vision with message about how "your eyes itch", along with blinking or sneezing. 10% chance of +1 BRUTE and grumbling, with messages about how someone "scratches at an itch" and. 5% of up to +2 BRUTE, described as them "getting a rash". IF HYPERALLERGIC TRAIT: Creates 2 + ((amount of histamine)/10) additional units of histamine, i.e. more histamine means even more units created. This caps at having 120 units in your bloodstream at once. OVERDOSE (40) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Large doses have rapidly fatal effects simulating anaphylaxis and ramp up BRUTE, TOX and OXY damage across the board Causes jitteriness. TOUCH - Transfer is capped at 10 units regardless of amount splashed. NOT TOUCH - Drooling, message about a "burning sensation in your throat". Dose-dependent, ranges from annoying to incredibly lethal. Diphenhydamine and epinephrine will counteract it as targeted meds, but they are often not enough for hyperallergic trait people who've passed the overdose threshold. Initropidril Secret! OR Get from poison bottles. 0.4 No +33 Stamina Regeneration. 33% chance of medium-duration stun OR up to +25 TOX. 10% of +10 OXY and +1 LOSEBREATH OR immediate cardiac arrest. RNG-based poison with a big stamina buff, can either kill you ridiculously fast or agonizingly slowly. Itching Powder (1) Ammonia + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Space Fungus -> (4) Itching Powder OR Extract from omega weed. 0.3 Yes Lots of annoying random effects like jitteriness and stuns. 2-15% chances of up to +5 BRUTE. 6% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of histamine. Prank chem but can be mildly debilitating in large doses. A low source of histamine. Ketamine N/A. Sleepy pens and poison bottles. 0.8 Yes -20 Maximum Stamina. Causes blurred vision, KOs on 11th cycle. Sleepy pens and Snoozebuddies come pre-loaded with this knockout drug with a major stamina penalty. A typical dose from one should last 6-8 minutes. Lipolicide (1) Ephedrine + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Mercury -> (2) Lipolicide 0.2 No +1 TOX unless the victim keeps eating food. Deals massive damage to blob lipid cells. Mostly just annoying, but easy to get from weight-loss shakes. Miasma N/A. Corpses have a 90% chance of emitting a smoke-powder-based cloud of this when decay. 0.4 No Causes "Miasma" status effect. More details in Decomposition Miasma makes you sick; it causes vomitting and TOX, with more drastic effects the more you're exposed. Practice proper corpse disposal or medbay can get stunk up with this! Neurotoxin (1) Space Drugs @ 674 K -> (1) Neurotoxin 1 No Causes jitteriness, dizziness, drowsiness and confused movement. +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN if total brain damage is less than 80 (10% chance otherwise). Delayed poison. Ill effects will not be felt until the 5th cycle, and completely KO the victim on the 18th cycle. One of the most debilitating chems in the game due to applying brain damage, confusion and constant knockouts all at once. Someone given a large dose will be lucky to be able to do anything. Its delayed effects make it one of the quickest and stealthiest knockout chems around. It's also one of horrible things that changelings and queen bees can sting you with. Pancuronium N/A. Poison bottles, hacked NanoMeds, and derelict/emagged medibot injections. 0.2 No -30 Maximum Stamina. Will permastun on 11th cycle. If permastunned: 10% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH, 7% of +3 LOSEBREATH A very nasty disabling poison for traitors to make use of, basically a much meaner curare that also comes with a severe stamina penalty. Also one of the reasons to run from derelict or emagged medibots, as they will inject you with it constantly if they catch you. Polonium N/A. Poison bottles. 0.1 Yes +8 RAD 80% chance of +5 RAD, 25% of a random mutation Lasts a long time and ramps your cumulative radiation (causes TOX and mutations) way the hell up, very deadly. Rajaijah (Madness toxin) Secret! OR Randomly find in poison bottles and artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.1 No +0.5 BRAIN, jitteriness, +100 Stamina Regeneration. KOs, then an AI takes over your mob on the 29th cycle, forcing you to attack people nearby (and occasionally yourself). Lots of scary text messages. You may have fought against monkeys or even Syndicate NPCs randomly summoned by Telescience. Rajaijah makes use of the same AI, which is quite robust. It can pick up, attack with and throw items from off the floor, can use firearms effectively, and is hard to pacify thanks to the huge stamina buff. Injecting somebody with this poison will KO them briefly after a couple of cycles. Once they wake up, the AI assumes control of the mob, turning the victim into an involuntary murder machine. They'll be unable to do anything about it until the poison wears off. Note: Slapping a straight jacket on someone poisoned with rajaijah will neutralize them, letting you flush the poison safely. Royal Initrobeedril Secret! OR Randomly find in poison bottles. 0.2 No +1 TOX, turns the victim yellow. 10-33% chances of stuns, +1 LOSEBREATH and up to +5 OXY. Gibs the victim on 26th cycle and leaves a queen bee behind. Royal initro essentially turns the victim's heart into a monstrous bee bearing their name. A very reliable killing method, though at least 5 units are required for a guaranteed kill and the giant red bee bearing the name of the victim is a huge red flag for the crew. The only cure is to inject something that forces it to deplete before it hits cycle 26. Sarin Secret! OR Randomly find in poison bottles. 0.1 Yes +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN, +1 BURN. 5% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH, randomly causes stuns, blurred vision, jitteriness, confused movement and other effects. Permastuns on 60th cycle. If permastunned: additional +5 LOSEBREATH, +1 BRAIN and +1 TOX 25+ UNITS: 8% chance of additional +1/+2 TOX Bombards the victim with a lot of scary messages and can kill surprisingly quickly if left unchecked. Atropine rapidly depletes it, epinephrine can slow it down so the permastun occurs later, and wide-spectrum meds can counter the damage triad. Nuclear operatives start with a few grenades of this on the shuttle. Be sure to have your biosuit hood when producing it, lest you huff up the cloud of sarin it creates upon synthesis. Cloud sizes scales with volume being created--perhaps you could weaponize this...? Sodium Thiopental N/A. Poison bottles. 0.7 No -30 Maximum Stamina, reduces jitteriness. Random stuns, confused movement, drowsiness. 10% chance of +1 BRAIN. KOs the victim on 6th cycle. Like an incredibly fast-acting ketamine, but with slightly slower depletion and a worse total stamina penalty; it also doesn't knock out for nearly as long once the chem wears off. The secret of Safari Kit darts. Space Ricin N/A. (???) pills and Ricin Rice OR Randomly find in poison bottles. 0.025 No Remains dormant for the first 75 cycles, then has a 15% chance to cause food poisoning as well as a 15% chance per cycle of applying +1 TOX and +1 BRUTE to a random organ. On the 125th cycle, has a 25% chance per cycle of applying +1 TOX and +1 BRUTE to a random organ, causes random drowsiness and blurriness. On the 175th cycle, the damage chance ramps up to a 50% chance per cycle of applying +1 TOX and +1 BRUTE to a random organ, causes blood puking, constant drowsiness, random stuns and slowness. Very small lethal dose and depletion makes this a good weapon for a silent delayed murder, but it acts extremely slowly and can be easily dealt with if found out before the damage starts to rank up. Directly damaging organs makes it so it's harder to treat and notice in time, as the victim's health counter is not affected by organ damage. Flusher chemicals are only 15% effective at flushing it, so it might take a while to completely get rid of in large amounts. Sparkles (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Paper + (1) Platinum -> (1) Sparkles 0.1 Yes Glitter particle effect. 5+ UNITS: Creates glitter when applied to floor tiles. Makes your mob glitter. Sometimes called safe glitter or harmless glitter, because it's basically glitter without the itching effects and because in-game it appeared as just "glitter" before being renamed to "sparkles" on April 26th, 2021. Spiders Ingest ants + unstable mutagen and use the *dance emote OR see the recipe hint. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No 50% chance of +1 BRUTE. 10% chance of +2 BRUTE OR +5 BRUTE and brief stun OR 10% of +4 BRUTE and barfing up some spiders 5+ UNITS: Creates a "spiders" decal when applied to floor tiles, similar to vomit piles. Has a flat chance to create a spider, can very rarely be aggressive if poured on an existing spider deal. 1+ UNITS AND TOUCH/INGEST - You get spiders all over you! You also take +2 BRUTE. Spider friends! Sometimes they're a bit grumpy, though. Stable Mutagen (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Lithium + (1) Acetone + (1) Bromine -> (3) Stable Mutagen OR (3) Mutadone + (1) Lithium -> (4) Stable Mutagen 2 No If used in conjunction with blood, it will result in the person taking on the appearance and DNA of the blood's owner on the 10th cycle. This includes fingerprints, Blood DNA, and mutations, both activated and unactivated, but not Traits. The changeling's DNA Sting works like this, for instance. Sulfonal (1) Acetone + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Sulfur -> (2) Sulfonal 0.1 No +1 TOX. -10 Maximum Stamina, drowsiness, reduces jitteriness. 20% chance of KO'ing the victim briefly after the 22th cycle. Removes 10 seconds of the Stimulants status effect. Puts someone out while slowly poisoning them to death. While it doesn't do a good job at keeping someone out until the chem has depleted, and the stamina penalty is rather minor, sulfonal is still very debilitating. Strychnine Secret! 0.2 No Gives you +75 Max Stamina. On the 25th cycle stops boosting stamina and instead gives -50 Max Stamina and -2 Stamina Regeneration. On the 36th cycle begins to inflict Losebreath and OXY damage eventually followed by scary messages and brute damage. The intensity and frequency of damage ramps up linearly per tick. A crunchy and dramatic death. An amazing performance enhancer up until your muscles crush you like paper. Toxic Slurry N/A. Slurrypods. 0.4 No 10% chance of up to 4 TOX, 7% of stunning briefly Mostly just annoying, but it can be deadly over time if the RNG cooperates. Toxin N/A. Bee/wasp stings, rancid milk. OR Extracted from harvest from plants with Toxic gene. 0.4 No +2 TOX The old generic toxin, still kicking around in few places. Unstable Mutagen (1) Radium + (1) Phoron + (1) Chlorine -> (3) Unstable Mutagen OR (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Epinephrine -> (2) Unstable Mutagen 0.3 No +2 RAD, 4% chance of a bad mutation TOUCH - ((3 * volume) + 2)% chance of a bad mutation INGEST - 100% of a bad mutation Another solid, easy-level poison, though it's usually used as a precursor to other chems. Uranium N/A. Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No +2 RAD Some vending machine junk contains this. Venom N/A. Randomly find inside in Syndicate poison bottles. OR Get bitten by certain spiders. Extract your blood using a syringe or blood bag. 0.2 No +1 TOX, +1 BRUTE. 25% chance of decaying into 5 to 10 units of histamine. 20+ UNITS: +2 TOX and up to +2 BRUTE (total, not additionally) 8% chance to vomit. 40+ UNITS: 4% chance of gibbing the victim outright Some of the unfriendly spider critters can inject you with this. Viper Venom N/A. Get bitten by space rattlesnakes. Extract your blood using a syringe or blood bag. 0.3 No +1 TOX, +1 BRUTE, messages about being in pain. 25% chance of decaying into 5 to 10 units of histamine. 10% chance of getting a 5 second stun and bleeding a lot, 10% chance of being slowed for 10 seconds and +8 TOX Overall very painful and mildly debilitating, disregarding a ratttlesnake's personal space will get lots of this in you. Disease Reagents Nastier stuff than most chemical poisons, these will leave a medical condition behind even after they fully deplete. They require a certain amount of units to infect someone, and the depletion rate must also be taken into account when administering a dose. To this end, all entries have been adjusted accordingly for easy reference. Note that in reality, due to real-time reagent processing's lag compensation system, depletion rate can vary, and it can often be higher than listed. When in doubt, round the number listed under "ideal units to infect" up. For example: nanomachines: 1.5 (threshold) + (2 [ Multiplier ] x 0.4 [typical depletion rate] ) = 2.4 (infection on the next life tick). Reagent Recipe Pen. skin? Ideal units to infect (adj.) Application effects Notes Banana Peel N/A. Can appear through artifact injectors. No 5.3 Inflicts victim with Monkey Madness. Transforms victim into a monkey. Bee N/A. Space bee eggs. No 1.2 Infects the host with a space bee larva, which will eventually be coughed up (causing some TOX damage) unless removed surgically. Not implicitly a deadly disease, this instead gives you a bee pet! Bees are quite protective of their owners and will come to the rescue when they're under attack if you show them some TLC. It can take either a moment or a while for the bee to emerge depending on the RNG. Concentrated initropidril N/A. Poison bottles. No 5.3 Causes cardiac arrest when threshold to infect is reached. Liquid heart attack! This reagent lets you skip cardiac failure (and thus its RNG) entirely for a faster death. Corrupted nanomachines N/A. Rare find in Farty Snott jelly beans. OR Can appear through artifact injectors. No 2.4 Causes nano-infection when threshold to infect is reached. Or just corrupted nanites for the lazy. This technohorror monstrosity turns people into horrific hybrids of machines and flesh that are helpless and yearn to die. For monkeys though, it just makes the NPC robots. E.Coli (1) Compost + (1) Bacterial Medium -> (1) E.Coli No 5.3 100% chance to cause food poisoning. Food poisoning is annoying, but not very dangerous. You can sleep it off or drink some chicken soup. Feather Fluid Secret! No 5.3 Infects host with Avian Flu. Once stage 4 is complete, turns the infected into a space bird. Spread your wings and... this is space, how would you fly? Gibbis N/A. Poison bottles. No 3.3 Infects the victim with a non-contagious version of GBS. Another evil disease reagent. Unless countered quickly with cryoxadone, death is inevitable and permanent without a backup copy of the victim's DNA. Grave dust N/A. Find inside certain ???? pill bottles. No 5.3 Infects victim with grave fever. Stuns, suffocation, weakness, and toxin damage that just gets worse and worse with each stage. Incredibly deadly if they can't get someone to adminster spaceacillin (they'll likely be too weak/unable to get it themselves). Liquid Phoron N/A. Can appear through artifact injectors. No 5.3 Inflicts victim with Phorontoid. Do not confuse with regular Phoron reagent. Eventually renders victim more tolerant of Phoron gas but much less able to breathe oxygen. Liquid spacetime Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. No 4.9 Infects the victim with teleportitis. Teleportitis repeatedly warps your character to random nearby tiles, so long as the target tile has flooring. It also causes sparks to fly from the destination, which can be very bad if you land on something ignitable. Loose screws N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. OR Eat viscerite, extract your blood via syringe or IV No 5.3 Inflicts victim with Space Madness. Space madness gives you hallucinations, and not the mushroom samba kind. You might see monkeys or monsters from a completely different game attack you, get fake messages in your chat about nearby people threatening or insulting you, and/or hear gunshots, explosions, and more...unusual sounds. It might not ravage your body, but it does mess with your head, if only because it can get pretty annoying. Mewtini (1) Cat Drugs + (1) Mutini + (1) Milk + (1) Catonium -> (2) Mewtini No 5.3 Infects the victim with toxoplasmosis. Slowly turns victim into a playable cat. Mucus N/A. Put a Little Danny's Legally-Distinct Creme-Filled Snack Loaf in a still and collect the results. OR One of the possible Juicer Schweet's Rowdy 'Rillo adulterants. One way to extract it is to click on a beaker or similar with the 'rillo. No 0.8 Infects victim with the common cold. Causes a cold. Surprisingly, you don't get mucus from anything living, but instead...something else. Nanomachines (Nanites) N/A. Extract from roburgers, cheeseborgers, and meatal. OR One of the possible selections for Syndicate poison bottles. No 2.4 Infects the victim with robotics transformation. The transformation is obvious and a slow process. Rather tricky poison to use effectively, but an easy option for borging yourself or turning a bunch of monkeys into NPC robots, if you need that for some reason. Painbow fluid N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. No 5.3 Infects victim with Cluwneing Around Disease, a special version of Clowning Around, if they're not a Clown. Victim slowly falls from grace as they become an extremely clusmy Cluwne, mind and body. Fortunately,a Bible applied to the face by a holy one can cleanse the unholy cluwne spirits possessing the victim. Nonlethal, but highly annoying and actually debilitating. Prions N/A. Poison bottles, Brainburgers. No 5.9 Infects the victim with kuru. Kuru is incurable and will paralyze somebody within seconds of injection. Death will follow within a couple of minutes. Pubbie tears N/A. Rare find in Farty Snott jelly beans. OR Can appear through artifact injectors. No 5.3 Infects victim with Berserker. While "pubbie" is a Something Awful term for someone outside of the SA community, pubbie tears makes you embody people getting mad on the internet in general. You swear and twitch a lot, which in later stages might cause you to drop whatever you're holding or hit someone nearby. This is curable. Pure bacon grease N/A. Poison bottles. No 5.3 100% chance to cause cardiac failure. Cardiac failure can be a very serious condition without easy access to epinephrine or another stimulant. Rainbow fluid N/A. Rare random find in artifact beakers/watering cans. No 5.3 Infects victim with Clowning Around Disease if they're not a Clown. Victim slowly becomes a clumsy Clown, complete with clown gear (that constantly grows back if they can somehow can it off) and weird honking sounds. Nonlethal but permanent and fairly debilitating if the victim isn't very experienced at clowning. Rat venom N/A. Randomly find in poison bottles. No 5.3 Infects the victim with Space Plague. It's not the plague itself that kills; it's the chance of suddenly catching one of those nasty, incurable diseases. Despite what the analyzer readout says, you can cure it by drinking mercury (a reference to a folk cure for the Black Plague). Rotting Secret! No 5.3 Infects host with Tissue Necrosis. Gradually turns the infected into a spooky skeleton. This prevents them from being cloned (but not preventing borging), unless you have a special cloning module. Space heartworms N/A. Rare find in Farty Snott jelly beans and odd cigarette packets. OR Can appear through artifact injectors. No 5.3 Instantly destroys the heart. Causes cardiac abscondment. Generally lethal without an immediate heart transplant. Spider eggs N/A. Randomly find in poison bottles and artifact beakers/watering cans. No 3.3 Infects the victim with parasites. Each successful infection rips the host apart and spawns a couple of baby ice spiders, which are extremely aggressive and will attack nearby humans and monkeys. By doing so, they in turn mature and become even more dangerous. This chain reaction can be devastating and quite often depopulates entire stations. Too Much N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans. No 5.3 Infects victim with high fever. Makes the host's body temperature very hot and eventually gives them arms that melt things and sometimes burn people. It's also possible to extract them from "sickly pears", an admin-spawn-only item. Vampire serum N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans and artifact beakers/watering cans. No 5.3 Infects host with Draculaculiasis. Slowly turns host in a Vampire with the associated powers, but not the actual Antagonist status. Blehh! Werewolf serum N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans and artifact beakers/watering cans. No 3.8 Infects host with Lycanthropy. Slooowly turns host in a Werewolf with the associated passives, but not the abilities or Antagonist status. Howl about it! Acids Good old acid. Primarily used to destroy items for good. Reagent Recipe Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Notes Acetic Acid (1) Acetaldehyde + (1) Oxygen + (4) Nitrogen -> (3) Acetic Acid No TOUCH - Does not melt items. <50 UNITS: Up to +5 BURN 50+ UNITS: 75% chance of +10 BURN and disfiguring the victim's face. INGEST - 25+ UNITS: +2 BURN It's basically raw vinegar. It can even be used to make cheese, like in real life. Otherwise, it behaves like a much weaker sulfuric acid. Fluorosulfuric Acid (1) Sulfuric Acid + (1) Fluorine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Potassium @ 374 K -> (3) Fluorosulfuric Acid No +1 TOX, +1 BURN TOUCH - Always melts items. <10 UNITS: Up to +10 BURN, 20% chance of melting headgear, 10+ UNITS: always melts headgear it is not acidproof, otherwise up to 50 BURN and disfigures the victim's face INGEST - 5+ UNITS: Scales with dose, up to +50 BURN Was once called Polytrinic acid, and still is internally. The go-to acid if you want to melt items and faces. Note that some items are resistant to acid and cannot be melted. Hydrochloric Acid (1) Hydrogen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Water -> (3) Hydrochloric Acid No See notes. Behaves exactly the same as sulfuric acid and nitric acid, but used as a precursor for different chems. Nitric Acid (1) Water + (3) Nitrogen Dioxide -> (2) Nitric Acid No See notes. Behaves exactly the same as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, but used as a precursor for different chems. Sulfuric Acid (1) Sulfur + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (2) Sulfuric Acid No +1 BURN TOUCH - 40% chance of melting items. <25 UNITS: Up to 5 BURN, 25+ UNITS: +10 BURN and has a 75% chance of disfiguring the victim's face (blocked by headgear) INGEST - 10+ UNITS: Scales with dose, up to +20 BURN A precursor to many other chems. Note there are some items that this acid cannot melt. The contact damage of this and similar acids (Nitric, Hydrochloric) is reduced by 50% for each acid after the first if used together (So using all 3 acids at once would do double damage instead of triple) Pyrotechnic Chems The flashy stuff. If you have a hankering for fire and explosions, this is the section for you. Reagents that increase a mob's BURNING var also have an effect on BURN damage - the longer the duration and intensity of the fire, the more BURN damage you will take per cycle. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Ign. temp Ignition effect Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Notes Aerosol Propellant N/A. artifact beakers/watering cans. (Recipe removed 04/21/2021) 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) Does what the old smoke powder did. Turns into smoke, the maximum size of which scales with the amount of powder, for example 5 units for 3x3 and 10 units for 5x5. Size caps at 50u. Applies the TOUCH reaction of all the chems that were mixed with it whenever someone walks into the smoke cloud. Unlike foam, the reagents penetrate skin (via inhaling) if they couldn't before. Good for getting chemicals into people who won't stand still for injections. Note: Wearing active internals or a gas mask will prevent you from inhaling chemical smoke. Even if an acid is employed in the smoke to destroy the active internals or gas mask, the victim still won't suck in anything from that specific cloud of smoke. Argine N/A. Magical beans, artifact beakers/watering cans.. 0.4 No 272 K Medium-sized explosion (4x4, high severity). Does not scale with volume. Cannot be applied to floor tiles. Explodes at low temperatures, for instance when mixed with cryostylane. When used in a mob, body temperature alone can be sufficient to set argine off. Black Powder (1) Charcoal + (1) Sulfur + (1) Saltpetre -> (3) Black Powder OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.05 Yes 474 K Sparks, then blows up a second or two later. Damage scales with volume. < 160 UNITS: Minor explosion (up to 2x2, low severity) 161+ UNITS: Medium-sized explosion (6x6, medium severity) 301+ UNITS: large explosion (12x12, medium severity) 5+ UNITS: Creates black powder residue when applied to floor tiles. A lot of it in one spot can be very deadly. Slow depletion means you can poison someone with it and then wait for then to encounter a heat source awhile later. Splashing 10 or more units onto someone makes them appear on forensic scanners to have gunshot residue on their person. Chlorine Azide Secret! N/A N/A Instant Small explosion (4x4, low severity). Does not scale with volume. Dumping too many basic chems into a container might accidentally cause this unstable and highly explosive reaction. The explosion from this can destroy objects like the chem dispenser you make it from. The explosion is not prevented by stabilizing agent. Chlorine Trifluoride (CLF3) (1) Chlorine + (3) Fluorine @ 424 K -> (2) Chlorine Trifluoride OR "Extract" from smoldering radweed plants. 4 No N/A (with ff-foam: instant) Makes a 1x1 fireball when it comes into existence. When mixed with fire-fighting foam: small explosion (2x2, low severity). Does not scale with volume. If already on fire: +5 BURNING. Sets objects and turfs alight, even stuff that otherwise wouldn't burn. Has a chance of burning through floor tiles. TOUCH / INGEST - Sets you alight, +50 BURNING. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +90 BURN. A very popular starting deathchem, but be careful when mixing. Cryostylane (1) Nitrogen + (1) Phoron + (1) Water -> (3) Cryostylane OR Extract from chilly peppers. 0.4 No Mix with oxygen Comes into existence at 20 °C. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents and objects on its tile down towards 0 K, regardless of current surface or container. Reduces body temperature by 10 degrees. -10 BURNING. 3+ UNITS: Creates a layer of slippery ice when applied to floor tiles, reduces the temperature of Phoron fires. TOUCH - Sets BURNING to 0. Cools mob down by 2 * amount of cryostylane used. Freezes anybody in a large block of ice, see notes for more info. While frozen in an ice cube, you are immune to most outside dangers, though you will still take damage from active poisons and can perform any actions short of speaking or breaking out. The ice cube also cools you down by 40°C every few seconds, slightly damaging it in the process. You can break out if you move in random directions or if someone kicks your cube (i.e. clicks on it) enough times. Explosions, melee weapons, and bullets can also destroy the cube. Kinetic bullets do double damage against them, while energy ones do only a fourth of their damage and armor-piercing ones half. How much health the cube has (i.e. how much effort you need to break out) depends on volume of cryostylane used, scaling to (0.75 * volume used)/5. FOOF (Dioxygen Difluoride) N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 1.8 No N/A N/A (oxidizer, breaks down and makes certain things instantly ignite when it's out of its container) +50 BURNING Creates a super-hot fireball (up to 8x8, scales with volume) that ignites and melts through walls, floors, grilles, and windows alike. TOUCH/INGEST: +90 BURNING INGEST: Up to 90 BURN damage, scales with volume. Horrifying and thankfully rare hellchem with a funny name. Flash Powder (1) Aluminium + (1) Potassium + (1) Sulfur + (1) Chlorine (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (5) Flash Powder 0.4 Yes Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) Stuns anyone within five tiles of the source and causes blurred vision (blocked by sunglasses etc), stun amount relative to distance. Can cause permanent eye damage and blindness. Flashbangs contain this. Fluorosurfactant (1) Fluorine + (1) Oil + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (3) Fluorosurfactant 0.4 No Mix with water Turns into foam when combined with water, causes people to slip on it if they're running. The amount of foam made (up to 7x7) depends on how much fluorosurfactant and water are used, but every tile is capped at 5 units (per reagent carried with the foam) and a total of 25 units for total volume. When foam propagates, it drags all of the other reagents in the container with it, applying their TOUCH and (if they have it) Penetrates Skin effects to anyone that walks on it, or is standing in it as it finishes flowing away. Very, very deadly in the wrong hands. Note: Most non-backbreaking methods of creating foam require you to do it by hand and thus be in the middle of the reaction, so unless you're trying to die, take appropriate measures to survive your own disaster. Hootingium (Sonic Powder) (1) Oxygen + (1) Cola + (1) Phosphorus (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (2) Hootingium 0.4 Yes Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) Deafens and stuns within five tiles (blocked by earmuffs etc), causes confused movement. Can cause ear damage and permanent deafness. 70% chance of +1 BRAIN Flashbangs contain this. Occasionally plays HOOT! instead of BANG! Kerosene Secret! 0.4 No 874 K Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 8x8). Has a secret, unlisted property. Liquid Dark Matter (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Carbon (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Liquid Dark Matter 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 474 K) Sucks everything into the detonation point. Range (up to 4x4) and throw-force scale with volume. If it was detonated inside a "container" (e.g. a locker or a Space Pod), instead of sucking things, deals BRUTE damage to everybody inside it. Damage scales with volume, and high volumes can destroy the container. 25% chance of being applied to floor tiles. Far more dangerous than you'd think, getting sucked in and hit by a hundred different objects can easily do crit-levels of BRUTE damage. Like CLF3, also a popular deathchem and commonly paired with it, devastating entire rooms if the RNG cooperates. Magnesium Explosion (1) Magnesium + (1) Copper + (1) Oxygen -> BOOM! N/A N/A Instant Small explosion (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. The explosion is not prevented by stabilizing agent. Napalm Goo (1) Sugar + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Ethanol -> (3) Napalm Goo 0.4 No 374 K Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 8x8). Cannot melt floors. If already on fire: +(1.5 * volume) BURNING. Can directly make BURNING more severe (independent of more time = stronger burn relationship) based on volume. Removes itself. TOUCH - If already on fire: Does BURN damage based on severity of fire. Low severity does 7, medium ("very much on fire") does 14, and high ("extremely on fire") does 21. Fire accelerant that's the secret behind the Vega flamethrower. Deadly to people on fire because it causes direct damage and makes the fire even stronger, but mostly harmless to people who aren't. Phlogiston (1) Phosphorus + (1) Phoron + (1) Sulfuric Acid (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Phlogiston OR Extract from Burning Commol. 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 224 K) Small fireball (without stabilizer), scales with volume (up to 8x8). If reagent temperature is above 224 K: +2 BURNING, sets you alight. If 224+ K: creates a fireball (up to 8x8) when applied to floor tiles (can burn through them all well), scales with volume. TOUCH / INGEST (224+ K) - Does +33 BURNING, sets you alight. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +45 BURN. Don't be deceived by that meager +2, having phlogiston in the bloodstream can be very dangerous without a fire extinguisher or firebot, and even then they can't prevent you from spontaneously igniting every cycle. Phlogiston Dust (1) Phlogiston + (1) Charcoal + (1) Phosphorus + (1) Sulfur -> (2) Phlogiston Dust 0.4 No N/A If reagent temperature is above 224 K: +2 BURNING, sets you alight. If 224+ K: creates a fireball (up to 8x8) when applied to floor tiles, scales with volume. TOUCH / INGEST (224+ K) - Does +15 BURNING, sets you alight. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +45 BURN. Burns less intensely than pure phlogiston and thus cannot melt floor tiles, but most other properties are similar. Pyrosium (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Phosphorus -> (3) Pyrosium 0.4 No Mix with oxygen Comes into existence at 20 °C. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents and objects on its tile up towards 1000 K, regardless of current surface or container. Can make non-flammable things incredibly hot, but so can a welder or lighter. Not all hot things are good for you to stand around though, so using this for self-heating reactions can be fun if you can get the timing right. Pyrosium cannot be smoked. Silver fulminate (1) Silver Nitrate + (1) Nitric Acid + (1) Ethanol -> (1) Silver Fulminate 0.4 No Instant Plays a pop-like gunshot sound similar to a revolver firing, heating up any mix it's present in. Volume/temperature/loudness scales with volume. Will not detonate from running/walking if less than 25% concentrated. As in real life, make in small batches...or not. Smoke Powder (1) Potassium + (1) Sugar + (1) Phosphorus (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (3) Smoke Powder 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 300 K) Turns into a smoke cloud carrying other reagents, the initial size of which scales with the amount of the powder. The cloud behaves mostly like fluids and expands based on the amount of the other smoked reagents. Applies the TOUCH reaction of all the chems that were mixed with it whenever someone walks into the smoke cloud. Unlike foam, the reagents penetrate skin (via inhaling) if they couldn't before. Good for getting chemicals into people who won't stand still for injections. Note: Wearing active internals or a gas mask will prevent you from inhaling chemical smoke. Sorium (1) Mercury + (1) Carbon + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Oxygen (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Sorium 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 474 K) Sends everything flying from the detonation point. Range (up to 3x3) and throw-force scale with volume. 25% chance of being applied to floor tiles. Pretty much the inverse of liquid dark matter, this knocks away anything that isn't bolted down. Ironically less deadly than its cousin, but lots of explosions going off at once can still be a huge pain. Sea4 Sea-cret! 0.05 No 474 K Sparks and then explodes. Damage scales with volume. < 14 UNITS: Smoke, minor damage. 15-40 UNITS: Tiny explosion (1 tile hole, mild damage to surroundings). 41-100 UNITS: Modest explosion (3x3 hole), creates a sea bee, very adorable. > 101 UNITS: Moderate explosion (5x5 hole), creates multiple sea bees, so cute and adorable. 5+ UNITS: Creates some Sea4 residue when applied to floor tiles. Clicking on it with a container will scoop it up. Can also be applied to walls and then ignited, destroying the wall (and usually only the wall). Makes bees and booms, what more can you want? Well, on top of being an awful pun, Sea4 makes booms that can be precisely scaled and usually do not damage the surroundings much. It can also go onto walls, like a low-grade thermite, and you can then use an igniter or pour pyrosium and oxygen on it to ignite it. Thermite (1) Aluminium + (1) Iron Oxide -> (3) Thermite 0.4 No 374 K (floor/wall only) Can burn through floor tiles as well (not guaranteed). IF 15+ UNITS: 100% chance of burning through walls. TOUCH - If already on fire: +100 BURNING You'll generally be using an igniter or other heat source, and may have to heat the wall 5-10 times to ignite the thermite. Welding Fuel N/A. Find in large and handheld-size fuel tanks found across the station. OR Extract from seething tomatoes. 0.6 No 474 K Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 7x7). IF 100+ UNITS: Small explosion (up to 4x4, low severity). If already on fire: +2 BURNING. 1% chance to cause vomiting. If health is above 20, 33% chance of 1 TOX. TOUCH - If already on fire: +30 BURNING Used as a stand-in for lighter hydrocarbons in a lot of the organic chem recipes. Not safe to drink, even if the fuel can might tempt you into doing otherwise. Drugs 420 smoke weed errydayy Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes Aranesp (1) Atropine + (1) Epinephrine + (1) Insulin -> (3) Aranesp OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No +15 Stamina Regeneration, +25 Maximum Stamina. 8% chance of encouraging messages about feeling buff and "made of steel". 90% chance of +1 TOX, 5% of a stun alongside +15 OXY and +1 LOSEBREATH While aranesp grants a significant, almost unrivaled stamina bonus, it's also a danger to the user. There is no overdose threshold per se, however doses of 10+ units can be lethal due to escalating OXY and TOX damage. Bath Salts (1) Monosodium Glutamate + (1) ???? + (1) Denatured Enzyme + (1) Saltpetre + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Mercury + (1) Mugwort @ 374 K -> (6) Bath Salts OR Extract from omega weed OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.6 No +3 Stamina Regeneration, 60% chance of canceling out all stuns, i.e. Paralysis, Stunned, and Weakened. 8-20% chances of bad side-effects: growing a tramp beard, confused movement, +5 BRUTE, up to 5 units of either meth/crank/neurotoxin, hallucinations and scary text messages. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, blurred vision, jitteriness, stuns, contracting non-contagious berserker, extra +2 TOX, +1 BRAIN, +5 BRUTE. INGEST - Does +5 RAD, +5 TOX, +10 BRAIN 80% Dump all the Discount Dan's flavors into a bathtub and heat it with a welder, you'll probably find it. Makes you nearly impervious to stuns, on top of a above-average stamina buff, but you'll be a nearly uncontrollable tramp-bearded raving lunatic. Overdose will likely kill you from a half dozen different types of escalating damage, even taking too many occasional doses can easily be lethal. Cannabidiol (CBD) N/A. Extract from cannabis or cannadanish pastries. The former only works with regular cannabis, not any of its mutations. OR Put cannabis in a still and collect the results. This only works with regular cannabis, not any of its mutations. 0.4 No Yawning, sighing, feelings of peace, occasional drowsiness, 10% chance of causing confused movement and weakened status effect. Cat Drugs (1) Catonium + (1) Psilocybin + (1) Ammonia + (1) Welding Fuel @ 374 K -> (3) Cat Drugs OR Extract from omega weed OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans OR Distill from Catnip/Nepeta cataria. 0.4 No Causes you to meow, hiss, and hallucinate. Amusing text messages. Gimmick drug, good for laughs or confusing the hell out of people. Crank (1) Diphenhydramine + (1) Ammonia + (1) Lithium + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 374 K -> (5) Crank OR Extract from omega weed OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 60%. 8% chance of decaying into up to 2 units of meth, 6% of increasing body temperature, 4% of causing jitteriness and +1 TOX. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, jitteriness, stuns, contracting non-contagious berserker, additional body temperature increase, up to extra +5 TOX, up to +8 BRAIN, +5 BRUTE. 50% Warms you up, makes you jittery as hell. Very addictive, but the stun reduction effect is pretty nice for fighting Note: Mixing crank comes with an explosion (2x2, low severity), which cannot be prevented by stabilizing agent. Jenkem (1) Urine + (1) Compost -> (2) Jenkem 0.4 No Causes dizziness. 10% chance of +1 TOX 30% Low-quality sewage drug. Mostly harmless, but the constant screen-shaking is irritating and makes it hard to click on objects. Krokodil (1) Morphine + (1) Diphenhydramine + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Phosphorus + (1) Potassium + (1) Welding Fuel @ 374 K -> (5) Krokodil OR Extract from omega weed. 0.4 No Reduces jitteriness. 25% of +1 BRAIN, 15% of reducing body temperature, 5% of short stun and +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN, 2% of +2 BRUTE. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be additional body temp reduction, stuns, up to extra +3 TOX, up to +3 BRAIN, up to +25 BRUTE. Can even make all your skin rot off. 50% Overdose can be very lethal and leave you looking like a half-rotten corpse, but can potentially heal back from that and just wander around being terrifying. LSBee N/A. Get stung by a psychedelic space bee. 0.4 No Messages about a buzzing sound in your ears. Hallucinate swarms of angry bees. Pretty much a weaker LSD that causes bee hallucinations. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) (1) Diethylamine + (1) Space Fungus -> (3) LSD OR Extract from rainbow weed or omega weed. 0.4 No Pretty lights and hallucinations. Imaginary monsters start chasing you around. The changeling's hallucinogenic sting injects this. Methamphetamine (1) Ephedrine + (1) Phosphorus + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Iodine @ 374 K -> (3) Methamphetamine OR Extract from invigorating ipecacuanha roots or omega weed OR Obtain from Robust-Eez. 0.6 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 50%, +3 Stamina Regeneration, increases movement speed. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 50% chance of +1 BRAIN. Quickly purges Mannitol and Synaptizine at a rate of 5 units per cycle. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be jitteriness, stuns, confused movement or chance of dropping items hold in either hand. 60% Extremely addictive and overdose can make you flail around uncontrollably and drop your stuff, but it's the best thing short of bath salts for shrugging off stuns, KOs and paralysis. People will have a hard time containing you. Meth inhibits the effects of triple meth, causing triple meth to cause no effect and preventing you from combining the two. There is a syndicate version of this chem. Nicotine N/A. Cigs, nicotine patches, eggplants, and tobacco. OR Put tobacco leaves into a still and collect the results. 0.4 No +1 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 8%. 50% chance of causing jitteriness. OVERDOSE (35) - Does +1 TOX, 8% chance of extra +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, stuns, body temperature increase, jitteriness, up to +6 TOX (additional), up to +20 OXY. 70% Slight stimulant best bundled with other minor stimulants. Slapping a whole bunch of nicotine patches on someone can kill them with escalating TOX and OXY damage. Nicotwaine N/A. Extract from twobacco leaves. OR Put twobacco leaves in a still and collect the results. 0.4 No +3 to Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 11%, 10% chance of +2 TOX, 5% chance to remove all stuns & do +4 TOX. Jittering, shivering, and mildly ominous messages about how fast your heart is beating. OVERDOSE (70) - Does +2 TOX. Moderate overdoses cause twitching, confused movement, body temperature rises in 30-60 degrees, and up to +5 TOX. Severe overdoses can cause stuns, paralysis, up to +20 OXY, and up to +5 TOX and is characterized by drooling, gasping, jittering, and/or messages about your hearting pounding and needing help. 100% Nicotine, but better -- sort of. It stun reduction is better than nicotine and coffee, but not as good as meth, though it has comparable stamina regen boost and more manageable side effects. Omegazine N/A 0.4 No IF 5+ UNITS: Blocks all incoming Stunned, Paralysis, and Weakened debuffs, cancels out all stuns, +500 Max Stamina, +500 Stamina Regeneration. Removes misstep, sleepiness, Disorient, and Slowed debuffs. Reduces misstep, dizziness, and drowsiness. -5 OXY/TOX, -10 BRUTE/BURN. IF < 5 UNITS: +2 TOX, +1 BRUTE, 10% chance of 4 seconds of Stunned. Formerly known simply as "stimulants", this divine healing and anti-stun chemical only works while volume is greater than five units. As it wears off to under five units, it hits you with some nasty side-effects. Essentially an admin-only chemical. This is one of the handful of chems that is blacklisted from things like artifact chemical bombs, artifact cell leaks, and other things that can pull from all the chemicals in the game. Psilocybin N/A. Mushroom and cannabis mutation. 0.4 No Pretty lights and hallucinations, occasionally a short stun. Can make you hallucinate stuff like gunshots and attack messages. Might freak someone out if they don't know what's going on. Space Drugs (1) Mercury + (1) Sugar + (1) Lithium -> (3) Space Drugs OR (1) Safrole + (1) Salbutamol + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Water -> (1) Space Drugs OR Extract from omega weed. 0.2 No Pretty lights, confused movement. 65% Heat it to create neurotoxin. Otherwise, it just makes the screen shift colors. Alt. recipe involving safrole is a loose take on MDMA and is designed to facilitate a clever splice. Syndicate Methamphetamine Eat a syndicate donk pocket and draw out your blood with a syringe or blood bag. 0.6 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 50%, +3 Stamina Regeneration, increases movement speed. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 50% chance of +1 BRAIN. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be jitteriness, stuns, confused movement or chance of dropping items hold in either hand. 60% It shows up as just "methamphetamine" on reagent scanners and similar devices, but unlike regular meth, this blend does not purge synaptizine or mannitol, giving it better synergy when taken with those chems. It also has a different color, but otherwise, it acts just like regular meth. Since it's meant to imitate the effects of a syndie donk, the Field Medic's donk-injector also administers this. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) N/A. Extract from regular cannabis, lifeweed, deathweed, omega weed, or cannadanish treats. OR Put regular cannabis, lifeweed, deathweed, or omega weed leaves in a still and collect the results. 0.4 No Giggling, stuttering, occasional drowsiness, 4% chance of causing confused movement. Doubles duration of buffs gained from food. Doesn't really do a whole lot besides causing the munchies, but people are usually pretty happy to smoke any joints you leave laying around. Triple Meth Secret! OR Find inside artifact beakers/watering cans. OR Rarely shows up in Juicer 'Rillos. 0.2 No Reduces duration of incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis debuffs by 98%. +1000 Stamina Regeneration. Removes sleepiness and any Disorient debuffs. Causes jitteriness, dizziness, and severe misstep. +1 BRAIN damage. 50% chance of shivering, rapid blinking, and twitching OVERDOSE (20) - Effects scale with dose. Dropping items, messages about hands flipping and flailing. Severe misstep, jitteriness, up to 10 seconds of Weakened debuff, messages about inability to control legs Hardcore stimulant that's basically meth on steroids. The stun resistance essentially blocks most stuns, and the insane stamina regeneration ensures you'll get right back up afterwards if you're rendered unconscious. However, the severe misstep chance means it'll hard to move in any specific direction, making escape difficult, and the brain damage can be a major issue. None of these effects occur if you meth in you! In other words, you can't combine the two. Food and Drink All manner of chems related to foods, drinks, and things that go in them or can be created from them. While all chems can be ingested, these are specifically meant to be consumed...just not always with beneficial effects. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes ???? N/A. Extract from Purple goop, orange goop from leaker plants,???? (food), smoldering messes, physical manifestations of the very concept of fried foods, and low-quality botany crops. OR Put a Little Danny's Snack Cake in a still and collect the results. 0.4 No INGEST - Causes food poisoning, stuns and weakens the consumer for a brief 2 seconds. Also called "yuck", which is also the name used in the source code. Whether you call it, it's of course a bad idea to put it in your body. While it might not ding your health, the vomiting and stuns incurred by food poisoning can still give you a bad time. Beer N/A. Dispense from alcohol dispensers. OR Find in beer bottles (duh) OR Distill from wheat. Works with regular wheat and both the durum wheat and steel wheat mutations. 0.4 No Decays into 0.07 units of ethanol. INGEST & Below 280K - Heals 5 TOX damage. At this temperature, the beer is named "Chilled Beer". Name changes to "Chilled Beer" when below 280K and "Warm Beer" above when 280. Chilled Beer only heals immediately after it's ingested, not when it's in your bloodstream, so an IV drip (which constantly supplies chems in small increments) of it is better than a pill (which supplies it all in one go). Beepskybräu Security Schwarzbier (1) Beer + (1) Nanomachines -> (2) Beepskybräu Security Schwarzbier OR Distill from roboburgers or cheeseborgers. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No Decays into 0.1 units of ethanol. IF IN A VEHICLE: 2 seconds of Weakened, 10 seconds of Stunned. Victim is ejected from vehicle. Drunk driving is a crime, you know! The "shock" you get from attempting drunk driving with this can cure certain diseases and damage cyberhearts. The reason it doesn't burn you is because it's coming straight from your liver. Beff (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil + (1) Phoron -> (4) Beff 0.4 No 8% chance of decaying into 0.8 units of either partially hydrogenated space-soybean oil/toxic slurry/synthflesh/changeling blood/corn syrup/porktonium. 5% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol Bilk (1) Milk + (1) Beer -> (2) Bilk 0.075 No Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 10 and OXY at 85. If total health and LOSEBREATH are less than 0, -1 TOX, -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN Essentially, a weaker version of ephedrine that can act like a weak omnizine if you're at low health. Bitters N/A. Dispense from an alcohol dispenser. OR Extract from bilious ipecacunha roots. 0.4 No On INGEST - If consumed alone, stuns and has a 25% chance to cause vomiting. Used in several cocktails. Don't consume it alone! Blue Milk (1) Milk + (1) Blueberry Juice -> (2) Blue Milk 0.4 No If total TOX damage is less than 25: -1 TOX. IF SKELETON: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 15% chance of amusing misspelling of "bones". Removes Capsaicin 5 units at time. Removes all Dragon's Breath and Ghost Chili Juice, completely consuming the milk. Like in Star Wars. Blue milk is pretty much regular milk but in a different color. Bo Jack Daniel's N/A. Find in bottles of Bo Jack Daniel's. 0.4 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 8% chance to give you a beard if you're a male and don't already have one. Sensations of manliness. 8% chance to say a "drunktalk" line, randomly picked from a set unique to this drink. INGEST - Puts 0.75 * volume of Bo Jack Daniel's ingested units of ethanol in you. If volume of Bo Jack Daniel's drunk > 10 units, makes you vomit it all out and paralyzes you for 3 seconds. Does not occur if you have alcohol resistance. Makes you quite drunk, sometimes makes you say something rather depressing. Can absolutely devastate your your liver. BOOrbon (1) Bourbon + (1) Ectoplasm -> (2) BOOrbon 0.4 No Decays into 0.6 units of ethanol. Makes a spooky sound upon mixing. Brave Bull (1) Tequila + (1) Coffee -> (2) Brave Bull 0.4 No Decays into 0.35 units of ethanol. Reduces incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis debuffs by 8%. Surprisingly stimulating drink, though rather mildly so. 8% stun resistance might not sound like much, but it's higher than the ones for coffee, sugar, and nicotine, although it comes with no stamina boosts, and there definitely are better options, such as meth. Bread N/A. Use a loaf or slice of bread (any type listed here, save baguette) on a beaker. OR Extract from a loaf or slice of bread (any type listed here, save baguette) or fairy bread. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates bread slices when applied to floor tiles. Literally liquid bread. In case you're wondering, garlic bread and cheesy garlic bread don't have this. Butter N/A. Extract from... well, butter. 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of cholesterol. Makes floors slippery upon application. Caledonium N/A. Extract from haggis. 0.4 No Grants the "Scottish accent" mutation for exactly three minutes, giving you the peculiar vocabulary and accent of tartan-wearing highlanders. Higher doses don't change the "three minutes" part but do still extend the duration of the accent, simply due to being in your system for longer. TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. Basically a Scots trait you can turn on and off. Even the smallest doses will give you the accent for at least three minutes, so you only need a little bit at a time to get your accent back. Capsaicin N/A. Spaghetti arrabbiata. Extracted from any chili and omega cannabis leaves. 0.4 No Stuttering, increases body temperature slightly. 10% chance of stunning briefly. 20+ UNITS: 10% of up to +10 OXY. TOUCH - Causes blurred vision, confused movement, short stun (blocked by masks). 50% chance of temporary blindness. INGEST - Stuttering. 80+ UNITS: medium-duration stun 1% Crowd dispersal grenades contain this. Cheese (1) Milk + (1) Vomit -> (1) Cheese OR (1) Milk + (Any, not consumed) Acetic Acid -> (1) Cheese OR Extract from cheesy garlic bread or cheese sandwiches made with spooky bread. 0.4 No 3% chance to create 1-2 units of cholesterol. 5+ UNITS: Creates a slice of cheese when applied on the floor. Fun to mix with smoke powder and a great way to replenish the kitchen's cheese stocks. Cheese Substitute N/A. Extract from magical jelly beans and certain Discount Dan's burritos. 0.4 No OVERDOSE (50) - 8% chance of 1 to 2 TOX damage. 10% Chicken Soup N/A. Find in chicken soup cups from coffee machines. 0.2 No 10% chance each of curing the common cold, influenza, avian flu, and food poisoning Safe remedy for minor diseases. Chocolate N/A. Extract from Chocolate ice-cream, chocolate chip cookies, chocolaty drinks, Hetz Cups, and chocolate bars. 0.4 No Raises body temperature very slightly. Decays into 0.8 units of sugar. Removes any Freeze. 3+ UNITS: Creates a chocolate bar on the floor. Grody. Cholesterol N/A. Extracted from many meat dishes. 0.4 No -10 Maximum Stamina. OVERDOSE (25) - Scales with dose. 25+ UNITS: ~5% chance of up to +2 TOX, odd feelings in chest. 45+ UNITS: ~7% of up to +4 TOX, chest pains & aches. 125+ UNITS: ~2% of medium-duration stun and cardiac failure, painful burning sensation in chest Turns a non-special blob tile into a lipid cell Not very dangerous in low quantities, though it does have fun overdose messages. A side-effect of consuming too many meaty dishes. Cola (1) Soda Water + (1) Sugar -> (2) Cola OR Find in any kind of soda. OR Dispense from the soda fountain. 0.4 No Reduces drowsiness. If current body temperature is above base body temp (37C/310K), i.e. hotter than should be, lowers body temperature by 5 degrees until it reaches base body temp (37C/310K). Call it pop, call it soda, call it coke, it's a refreshing beverage that actually helps cool you down all the same. Coffee N/A. Obtain from robust coffee and coffeemakers. 0.4 No +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 7%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. 5% Safe and easy to obtain stimulant with minor stamina regeneration buff. Corn Starch N/A. Extract from corn and bee kibble. 0.4 No Corn-related precursor. Corn Syrup (1) Corn Starch + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 374 K -> (2) Corn Syrup 0.4 No Decays into 1.2 units of sugar. A sufficiently high dose can easily lead to hyperglycaemic shock. Curacao N/A. Find inside Curacao Liqueur bottles, natch. 0.4 No Decays into 2 units of ethanol. 5% chance to drunkenly say a random line unique to this drink. This surprisingly strong, distinctly blue liqueur is used in a couple of tropical drinks. You can find a bottle of it in Alcohol Resupply Crates, and if you're on Oshan, you can also find it at a unique bar in the Trench. Death Spice N/A. Find inside pills from (????) pill bottles. 0.4 No 0.0001% (i.e. one in a million) chance to straight up kill you. Feel lucky? Decaf Espresso N/A. Dispense from espresso machine. 0.4 No +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 2.5%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. 1% Espresso, but with less cafffine, so it provides smaller stamina and stun resistance boosts, and it's not as addictive. This makes it not too different from coffee. Dragon's Breath Secret! 1 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 50% chance of 2 seconds of Stunned, 8% chances of various funny text messages. Severe effects scale with volume: [0.2% * volume] chance of +99 BURNING if victim is already on fire, [0.1% * volume] chance of burning them up completely (fire-gibbed) INGEST - If already on fire: 20% chance of +30 BURNING Neutralized by milk. You need hundreds units for the instadeath chance to be noticeable, but a sleepy pen's worth still has disastrous effects on the liver. A reference to a similarly fiery drink from Hero's Quest, highlighted in this scene. Ecto Cooler (1) Orange Juice + (1) Ectoplasm + (1) Uranium -> (3) Ecto Cooler OR Randomly find inside artifact beakers/watering cans, fancy beer, and hobo wines. 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of VHFCS. 10% chance to also decay into 1 unit of strange green goop. The strange green goop can let you see Ghosts. Watch out for the VHFCS though, or the pancreas damage might make you into one of them. Egg N/A. Use an egg or space bee egg on a drinking glass. OR Find inside certain Hungry Dan's TV Dinners. Randomly find in pills from ???? pill bottles. 0.4 No 8% chance of farting, 3% of decaying into up to 2 units of cholesterol. Ask the Botanists for space bee eggs, or buy them from Bombini, a bee merchant (in more ways than one) who usually resides in the Space Diner. Egg Nog (1) Egg + (1) Milk + (1) Sugar -> (3) Egg Nog 0.4 No Decays into 1.6u sugar On TOUCH or INGEST: Feel filled with christmas spirit, which heals small amounts of OXY, TOX, BURN, and BRUTE, heals all organs a bit of organ damage, reduces bleeding, and replenishes blood. You'll be jolly after finding out how useful of a medical chem this seasonal treat is. El Diablo Chili N/A. Extract from El Diablo chili or Devil Dan's Quik-Noodles - Brimstone BBQ Flavor noodle cups. 0.4 No Causes stuttering, gasping, and choking. Raises body temperature. 25% chance of causing the oxygen deprivation effect, restricting speech. INGEST - Stuns and has a 20% chance to set you on fire. Not for the faint of heart! Energy drink Secret! OR Obtain from Brotein Shake Dragon Balls and artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No +3 Stamina Regeneration, increased movement speed, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 25%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. Upon depleting, causes blurred vision, slowed movement, and dizziness, duration is based on how long the chem was in your system. OVERDOSE (25) - Chance to induce heart failure based on how long the chem was in your system. 8% Imagine coffee, but with a movement speed buff and a meaner crash and overdose. Espresso N/A. Dispense from espresso machine. 0.4 No +3 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 10%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. 5% Coffee, but better, due to the extra caffeine, though also harder to obtain. Essence of Elvis N/A. Extract from foods containing Elvis bread, namely: Slices of Elvis bread Elvis toast Cheesy Elvis toast Bacon-y Elvis toast Elvis toast with EGGS Cheese elviswiches Peanut butter elviswiches PB & honey elviswiches Monkey elviswiches Elvismanwiches Synthmeat elviswiches Hounddogs Herbal hounddogs Hounddogs-on-a-sticks. 0.4 No Grants the Elvis's accent for exactly three minutes. Higher doses do not change the "three minutes" part, but do still extend the duration of accent, simply due to being in your system for longer. TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. Elvis lives through the power of chemistry! The best part is that you only need a little bit of Elvis each time you want to extend the duration, since even the smallest of doses grant Elvis's accent for at least three minutes. Expresso (1) Espresso + (3) Methamphetamine -> (3) Expresso 0.4 No If BRAIN < 60, +2 BRAIN damage. +4 Stamina Regneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 25%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. 5% The dimwitted brother of espresso. Grammar is not exactly its strong suit, but inflicting brain damage is. Also a rather risky stun-resist drink. Fleur-de-lys N/A. Extract from pizza-ghetti 0.4 No Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Q. OVERDOSE (30) - 5% chance of 1-2 BRAIN damage. Message about destruction of culture. TOUCH / INGEST - Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Q. 10% Essentially, so long as it's in your system, and then a few minutes after it leaves, you have a French-Canadian/Quebecois accent. Freeze Secret! 1 No Decays into 3 units of ethanol, lowers body temperature by 10 Kelvin. 40% chance of 2 BURN damage, 20% chance of setting Stunned to 30 seconds, 15% chance of coughing, sneezing, and/or gasping, 10% chance of "chilling" messages. [0.2% * volume] chance of freezing up into an ice statue. Chocolate neutralizes freeze, removing all traces of it in the body. Like Dragon's Breath, it's fun to put in a sleepy pen. Try combining the two! Freshly Brewed Coffee N/A. Brew up some coffee at a coffeemaker. 0.4 No +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 7%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. [data missing] Identical to regular joe, but with a key difference: freshly brewed coffee is better at satisfying thirst than plain coffee, to incentivize using coffeemakers. This mostly matters on the Roleplay servers, which have mechanics for simulating hunger, thirst, and hygiene. The Classic servers (normally) don't have these systems, so this difference means nothing. George Melonium N/A. Rainbow melons. 0.4 No INGEST - Random effect, can be an explosion (1x1, low severity), spawning up to 40 units of random drugs or poisons, -30 of OXY/TOX/BRUTE/BURN/BRAIN or a long-duration stun. Surprisingly weaponizable. Ghost Chili Juice N/A. Ghostlier chili. 0.4 No 50% chance of stunning briefly. 33% of throwing up, removing the remaining amount of GCJ from the bloodstream. 10% of setting the victim alight, 5% of burning them up completely (fire-gibbed) Neutralized by milk. Can be effective in a sleepy pen if the RNG is on your side. Gin and Chronic (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) THC -> (2) Gin and Chronic 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol 10% chance of decaying into 1 to 10 units of THC. Duuuuuuuuuuuude. Gin and Sonic (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) Meth -> (2) Gin and Sonic 0.4 No Reduces duration of incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis by 6%. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 8% chance to decay into 1.2 units of meth, turn the icon for your current shoes into the one for red shoes (this does not actually change your shoes), and then either make you say something about going fast or just output it into your chat (50-50 chance of either). Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. Yes, it's a reference to that platformer series (among other things) with the blue hedgehog. One of the few alcoholic drinks with stun resistance, though arguably worse than just meth by itself. Ginger Ale N/A. Obtain from Delightful Dan's Ginger Ale from GTMs and from fancy cola. 0.4 No 4% chance to burp. Bubbly soda that can be used for Moscow Mule. Grapefruit juice N/A. Extract from grapefruits and grapefruit wedges. OR Put a grapefruit in a still and collect the results. 0.4 No Removes 0.5 units of every medical chem in bloodstream. TOUCH - Juice in your eye, ouch! 75% chance to cause blurriness, blocked by wearing any mask and/or head slot item. Per life effect references grapefruit juice reducing effectiveness of some medicines in real life. Grasshopper (3) Crème de Menthe + (1) Chocolate + (1) Vanilla -> (5) Grasshopper OR (1) Mint + (1) Vodka + (1) Sugar + (1) Chocolate + (1) Vanilla -> (5) Grasshopper 0.4 No Once it runs out, turns you into a roachperson for an amount of time proportionate to how long it was in your system. Gravy (1) Porktonium + (1) Milk + (1) Corn Starch @ 373K -> (3) Gravy 0.4 No The perfect companion to mashed potatoes. Grog Secret! OR Find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 15% chance of +1 TOX. Makes you a pirate captain complete with dreadlocks, full beard, eyepatch and matching name. TOUCH - 75% chance of +25 BRUTE and disfiguring the victim's face, 25% of +5 BRUTE. 20% chance of melting items. More of a gimmick chem than legitimately destructive. Guacamole N/A.Extract from the guacamole dish and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. OR Find inside Pro Puff cigarettes. 0.4 No Hard Punch (1) Apple Juice + (1) Sangria + (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Pineapple Juice -> (2) Hard Punch 0.4 No Decays into 0.07 units of ethanol. INGEST - What a kick! Has a 20% chance to knock you back, similar to the effect of a pulse rifle. Honey N/A. Extract from honey globs. OR Eat said globs, draw out your blood with a syringe or IV. 0.4 No Decays into 0.4 units of sugar. 5+ UNITS: Creates honey globs when applied to floors. Honey are horked up by space bees and are often found in few bee-themed areas. Honey Tea (1) Honey + (1) Tea -> (2) Honey Tea 0.4 No Shows messages about being calmed and relaxed. Seperate 5% chance to cure the common cold, 3% chance to cure the flu, and a 3% chance to cure food poisoning. 1% Honky Tonic (1) Tonic Water + (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Space Lube -> (4) Honky Tonic 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of ethanol 10% chance to cause 2 seconds of Stunned and Weakened, make you laugh, and produce a honking noise. 4% chance to procedurely generate a silly string of word salad, in the general format of introductory phrase + adjective + noun + ending remark. Essentially, a cocktail for Clowns! Tonic water can be obtained from the alcohol dispensers in the Bar. Hunchback (1) Bourbon + (1) Cola + (1) Tomato Juice -> (3) Hunchback 0.4 No Increases all depletion rates by 8. 10% chance of contracting food poisoning. If above +10 health: +2 TOX Flushes other chemicals more rapidly than calomel, but does so at significant risk to the consumer. Aside from constant and violent vomiting, the health cap and depletion rate are significantly lower. Ketchup N/A. Extract from ketchup packets. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates ketchup splotches when applied to floor tiles. Lemon Juice N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. OR Extract from lemons, certain popsicles, key lime pie, and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. OR Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No TOUCH - Juice in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. Frequently used in various cocktails and other drinks. Lemonade (3) Lemon Juice + (1) Sugar -> (4) Lemonade OR Find inside Dan's Tonic. Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, and fancy beer. 0.4 No TOUCH - Citrus in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. INGEST - Makes you visible pucker if you don't drink it with enough sugar (enough sugar is <33% sugar by volume)! Purely cosmetic effect. Just like real life, the ingredient ratio can be somewhat finicky, and it's best enjoyed with lots of sugar. Lime Juice N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. OR Extract from limes, certain popsicles, lemon meringue pie, and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. OR Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No TOUCH - Juice in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. Just like in real life, a common ingredient in several mixed drinks. Limeade (3) Lime Juice + (1) Sugar -> (4) Limeade OR Extract from flockburger. 0.4 No TOUCH - Citrus in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does not actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. INGEST - Makes you visible pucker if you don't drink it with enough sugar (enough sugar is <33% sugar by volume)! Purely cosmetic effect. Lemonade's lesser-known but nevertheless well-enjoyed sister. It enhances the flavor of radio chicken sandwiches! Ling Island Iced Tea (1) Long Island Iced Tea + (1) Neurotoxin @ 374K -> (2) Ling Island Iced Tea 0.4 No Keeps track of a alchohol counter variable that starts at 0. Each tick it's in you, that variable increases by 0.2-0.3. On the last cycle that it's in you, it hits you with a stack of alchohol counter + 2-3 ethanol. The alcoholic version of amanitin - gets you drunk all at once. If you keep drinking, you can stave off the ethanol dump! Mashed Potatoes N/A.Extract from the mashed potatoes dish. 0.4 No The perfect companion to gravy. Matcha N/A.Distills or processes from tea leaves. 0.4 No Matcha Tea (1) Matcha + (1) Water -> (2) Matcha Tea 0.4 No Removes 3 units of cholesterol at a time. 1% Mate N/A. Found in mate gords after adding a yerba mate packet along with water. 0.2 No +2 Stamina Regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 3%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. 5% Mate is a common drink commonly found within South America, now imported to space. Functions similarly to a slightly weaker coffee. Meat Slurry (1) Blood + (1) Corn Starch -> (2) Meat Slurry OR (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (1) Meat Slurry + (1) Spaceacillin + (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Copper + (1) Denatured Enzyme 0.4 No 4% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol. 5+ UNITS: 10% chance of creating slippery gibs when applied to floor tiles. Milk N/A. Found in, well, milk bottles, milk jugs, and certain Discount Dan's products. 0.4 No If total TOX damage is less than 25: -1 TOX. IF SKELETON: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 15% chance of amusing misspelling of "bones". Removes Capsaicin 5 units at time. Removes all Dragon's Breath and Ghost Chili Juice, completely consuming the milk. Milk is good for your bones, especially if you're a skeleton. Mint N/A. Extract from mint. 0.4 No Attempts to lower body temp to 0° C in 5 degree increments. An essential ingredient in mint-based cocktails. Mint Julep (1) Mint + (1) Bourbon + (1) Sugar -> (3) Mint Julep 0.4 No Decays into 0.15 units of ethanol. Attempts to cool you down to about 7 degrees Celsius/280 Kelvin in 5 degrees increments. Does nothing if you're already below that temp. Essentially, mint as an alcoholic drink. Mint Tea (1) Mint + (1) Tea -> (2) Mint Tea 0.4 No Cools down body temperature to 7C/280K in 5 degree increments. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) N/A. Extract from most Discount Dan's products 0.2 No BLOOD TYPE NOT A+: 10% chance of 2-4 TOX damage, 7% chance of short- to medium-duration stun BLOOD TYPE A+: Same as above, but much less often. INGEST: Messages about food tasting amazing. The secret of Discount Dan's: migraine-inducing salt that discriminates by blood type! Moonshine N/A. Find in jugs of syndie moonshine, pills from (????) pill bottles, and artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.2 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol and multiplies the effects of ethanol by sevenfold. INGEST & IF Traitor OR Spy Thief: Gives omnizine, scales with double amount ingested. Potent brew that heals traitors and spy thieves and makes nontraitors absolutely smashed. Beware of omnizine overdose. Since most bottles (including the "jug of moonshine" bottle it often comes in) and glasses give 5 units when drunk, in practice moonshine gives 10 units per sip, but it may vary with other containers and methods, e.g. shotglasses, pills. Mutini Secret! 1 No Each lifetick, grants a random genetic mutation - including unlisted ones normally impossible to acquire - then takes it away a few seconds later. Lovely-colored drink that can give you many different powers. Mustard N/A. Squirt a mustard bottle into a container. 0.4 No Nicotini (1) Martini + (1) Nicotine -> (2) Nicotini 0.4 No Decays into 0.3 units of ethanol. Decays into 1 unit of nicotine. Get your fix of ethanol AND nicotine at the same time! Perfect for a Detective. Orange Juice N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. OR Extract from oranges and certain popsicles. OR Find inside Orange-Aid, natch. Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No TOUCH - OJ in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Luckily, this does not actually cause any eye damage, and you can prevent it by wearing something in your mask and/or head slots. INGEST - OJ and mouthwash don't mix, yuck. Makes you grimace if you have menthol in you. Purely cosmetic effect. An essential ingredient in many different cocktails. Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil (1) Space-Soybean Oil + (1) Hydrogen @ 524 K -> (2) Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil OR Extract from Discount Dan's burritos, noodles, TV dinners, and snack cakes 0.2 (75+ UNITS: 0.4) No 15% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol, 8% chance of decaying into 5 units of porktonium. OVERDOSE (75) - 10% chance of +5 OXY, 5% of +25 OXY and a medium-duration stun Potentially, a sufficiently large dose of soybean oil could be used as a delayed stealth poison if the RNG cooperates. Peach Juice N/A.Extract from peaches and peach rings. OR Find inside Delightful Dan's Peachy Punch. 0.4 No 6% chance to decay into 2 units of VHFCS. 8% chance to decay into 2 units of apple juice. Not real peach juice, but a mixture made to resemble it. Fairly bad for your pancreas because of the VHFCS decay product, which tends to break down into lots of sugar, but less so than the drinks that directly contain VHFCS. Peach Schnapps (1) Vodka + (1) Peach Juice -> (2) Peach Schnapps 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. 4% chance to decay into 2 units of VHFCS. Peachy. Nothing like hurting your pancreas and your liver with the dual prong ethanol & VHFCS attack. Pepper N/A. Shake a pepper shaker into a container. 0.4 No Pepperoni (1) Beff + (1) Synthflesh + (1) Saltpetre -> (2) Pepperoni OR Extract from pepperoni logs and slices 0.4 No TOUCH - Funny text messages, 50% chance of +1 BRUTE (blocked by headgear). Pickle juice N/A. Extract from pickles 0.4 No 15% chance to decay into antihol Separate 15% chance to decay into charcoal A poor man's antihol, courtesy of Hydroponics and the Chef. Pizza N/A. Find in Soft Soft Pizza drinks. OR Extract from pizzaghetti. 1 No Fills you with 0.25 units of each of the following: tomato juice, cheese, bread, and pepperoni. 22% to make you burp. 5-9 UNITS+ (number chosen is random each time): When applied on items or flooring, turns them into a pizza version that can be eaten. Liquid pizza. Really. 10 units of it with smoke powder/aersol propellant can yield entertaining--and delicious--results. Porktonium N/A. Extracted from everything that contains bacon. 0.2 No OVERDOSE (133) - 15% chance of metabolizing into up to 3 units of cholesterol, 8% of metabolizing into 15 units of radium and 10 units of cyanide Porktonium depletes fairly slowly and an overdose can be very lethal. Port (1) Wine + (1) Sugar + (1) Iron + (1) Vodka -> (2) Port 0.4 No Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. 15% chance to teleport you. Prairie Fire (1) Tequila + (1) Capsaicin -> (2) Prairie Fire 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. 20% chance to decay into 10-20 units of capsaicin. 10% chance to decay into 1-5 units of histamine. Just as bad for you here as in real life. Refried Beans N/A. Extract from refried beans or certain Discount Dan's products. 0.4 No 10% chance to *fart. Romulale (1) Blueberry Juice + (1) Blue Raspberry Juice + (2) Beer -> (4) Romulale 0.4 No Decays into 0.8 units of ethanol. Heavily inspired by Romulan ale from Star Trek: The "medicinal" taste refers to how one character jokingly says he uses it for "medicinal purposes" The description is a nod to how the drink is said to be banned in some jurisdictions. To represent Romulan ale on the show, the film crew mixed Glacier Gatorade, a blue, berry-flavored drink, with seltzer; hence this drink's color and its inclusion of blue fruit juices. Royal Jelly N/A.Extract from royal jelly globs. OR Eat said glob, extract your blood with a syringe or an IV. 0.4 No Decays into 0.8 units of sugar. Don't be greedy! There's another use for the royal jelly from Bombini. If you feed the glob to a larva rather than extract it for this, you can get a queen bee. Safrole N/A. Extract from sassafras roots. 0.4 No An otherwise unremarkable precursor to space drugs. Sangria (2) Planter's Punch + (1) Tonic Water + (1) Lemonade -> (4) Sangria OR (1) Wine + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Rum -> (4) Sangria 0.4 No Raises you to body temp 127C/400K in 5 degree increments. Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. Sarsaparilla N/A. Distill from sassafras roots. 0.4 No Lowers you to base body temp 37C/310K in 5 degree increments every few seconds. Basically cola that is renewable and comes without the rather minor drowsiness reduction. Salt (1) Chlorine + (1) Sodium + (1) Water -> (2) Salt 0.4 No OVERDOSE (100) - 70% chance of inflicting +1 BRAIN and creating 1 unit of diluted fliptonium. 10+ UNITS: Creates a salt pile when applied to floor tiles. Useful as a weapon against wraiths and as an easy poison. Screwdriver (1) Vodka + (1) Orange juice -> (2) Screwdriver 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. Screws/unscrews stuff when poured onto something, like the other screwdriver. Sewage N/A. Put Discount Dan's burritos, Little Danny's Snack Cakes, or Little Danny's Legally-Distinct Creme-Filled Snack Loaf in a still and collect the results. OR Extract from bilious ipecacunha roots. 0.4 No 7% chance of 1 TOX damage. TOUCH/INGEST - Makes you vomit. Blarrgh. Of course it makes you vomit. What else were you expecting? Sheltergrog Secret! 0.4 No Makes you into a shelterfrog-person as long as it's in your system. Decays into 1.8 units of ethanol. Imagine the shelterfrog emote from the game Shelter, but as a humanoid! No, really. It's better seen than explained. Soy Sauce N/A. Extract from soy sauce packets, bowls of ramen, and bowls of udon. 0.4 No Decays into 0.5 units of salt. Soy sauce is salty! Space-Soybean Oil N/A. Extract from soybeans and Discount Dan's burritos, noodles, TV dinners, and snack cakes 0.4 No 8% chance to decay into 5 units of porktonium, separate 10% chance to decay into 1-3 units of cholesterol Squeeze (3) Bread + (2) Welding Fuel -> (2) Squeeze 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of ethanol. Deals 1 TOX On INGEST - If consumed alone, stuns and has a 10% chance to induce vomiting. Sun Tea (3) Tea + (1) Sugar + (1) Orange Juice -> (5) Sun Tea 0.4 No Removes 1 unit each of Toxin and Toxic Slurry. 1% Sun tea is basically like regular tea but with a different name and color. The Satisfaction of Making Spaghetti N/A. As a skeleton, add tomato sauce or hot sauce to plain spaghetti and extract your blood with a syringe or IV. 0.4 No OVERDOSE (35) - 5% chance of +5 BRUTE, amusing message about bones hurting. 100% Or, just the Satisfaction. While you probably could use this as a poison, it's more of a silly little joke chem that references the Undertale meme of skeletons making spaghetti. And yes, you could get addicted to the satisfaction of making spaghetti--and it's very easy to. Strange green goop (1) Ash + (1) Ectoplasm + (1) Salt -> (3) Strange Green Goop OR Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. OR Decays from Ecto Cooler. 0.8 No Lets you see GHOSTS! Suomium N/A. Sometimes administered by artifact injectors 0.4 No Grants the Finnish accent mutation for three minutes. TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. As long as this reagent's in you, and for a few minutes afterwards, you have a Finnish accent. Swedium N/A. Extract from swedish meatballs. 0.4 No Grants the Swedish accent mutation for three minutes at any dose level. TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. As with reversium, while the three minutes part doesn't change with dose level, larger doses do mean the accent lasts longer than with smaller doses, due to the simple fact that the swedium's in your bloodstream for longer. Innitium N/A. Extract from chip butties. 0.4 No Grants the Chav accent mutation for three minutes at any dose level. TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. Functionally the same as Swedium and Reversium. Tea N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Find in cups of tea from coffee machines. 0.4 No Removes 1 unit each of Toxin and Toxic Slurry. 1% Its name changes to "iced tea" when it goes below 7C/280K and "hot tea" when above 40C/313K, and the CheMaster Analyze descriptions change to reflect the temperatures, but it remains functionally the same. Tonic Water N/A. Dispense from alcohol dispenser. 0.4 No Freezes when cooled (0° C), boils away when heated (100 °C). Triple Triple (1) Triple Citrus + (1) Triple Meth + (1) Triplepiss -> (1) Triple Triple 0.6 No +3333 Stamina Regeneration. Blocks incoming Stunned, Weaken, and Paralysis effects. Removes all drowsiness, Disorient, Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis effects. Inflicts jitteriness, dizziness, and massive misstep chance. Causes twitching, rapid blinking, and shivering. +1 BRAIN damage. 15% chance of cause vomiting, with a 33% chance to vomit a lemon, 33% an orange, 33% a lime, and a 1% to vomit all three. Amusing messages about citrus obsession. 10% chance to urinate. Unique visual effects. OVERDOSE (33) - +3 TOX damage. +9 BRAIN damage. Inflicts severe dizzyness. Causes screaming. 25% chance to vomit a lemon, lime, and orange. Fruit hallucinations. INGEST - Heals 9 TOX damage. Sensation of feeling refreshed. Really better seen than explained. No, that +3333 is not a typo. This is meant to be like triple meth, but with more insane downsides and benefits. Turmeric Powder N/A. Extract from turmeric OR Extract from a recipe that includes curry powder. 0.4 No Has a 10% chance to cure the flu, colds, or food poisoning. TOUCH - Will stain skin yellow. An aromatic chemical from turmeric root used to give flavor to culinary dishes. Also good as an anti-inflammatory agent. Vanilla N/A. Dispense from the soda dispenser. OR Extract from vanilla ice cream and Discount Dan's strudel. OR Randomly find inside Discount Dan noodles, Little Danny's Twinkies, fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, Wired Dan's Kafe Kick, Pro Puffs, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No INGEST - 4% chance to remove all genetic powers. TOUCH - Same as ingest, but it's 1.32% chance. A common flavorant. It's completely unreliable to weaponise or use reliably, but once in a while vanilla's plainness will rub off on you. Very-High-Fructose Corn Syrup (VHFCS) (1) Corn Syrup + (1) Denatured Enzyme -> (1) VHFCS + (1) Denatured Enzyme OR Find inside any soda that isn't Grones or Orange-Aid OR Extract from botany jelly beans. 0.4 No Decays into 2.4 units of sugar. A more potent form of corn syrup that can more easily induce hyperglycaemic shock. Weird Cheese (1) Milk + (1) Green Vomit -> (1) Weird Cheese OR Extract from weird cheese. 0.4 No 5% chance of adding 1-3 units of cholesterol. 5+ UNITS: Creates a slice of weird cheese when applied to floor tiles. 5% Essentially the SS13 version of Limburger and other stinky cheeses. Fun to make chemsmoke with. Wellerman (2) Sweet Tea + (1) Rum -> (3) Wellerman 0.4 No Decays into 0.7 units of ethanol. A reference to the song "Soon May the Wellerman Come", which, strictly speaking, is a sea song/ballad, not a sea shanty. Worcestershire Sauce N/A. Extract from toast sandwich 0.4 No Grants Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Y. TOUCH / INGEST - Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Y. 10% So long as it's in your system, and then a few minutes after it leaves, you have a Space Yorkshire accent. Worcestershire sauce is not actually from Space Yorkshire, but it grants its accent nonetheless. Regular Drinks All of the following drinks have no particular special properties. They all have a depletion rate of 0.4. Drink Recipe Pen. skin? Eth. Apple Juice N/A. Extract from apples. No N/A Appletini (1) Vodka + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Cider -> (3) Appletini No .3 Bee's Knees (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Honey -> (3) Bee's Knees No 0.3 Blackberry Bramble (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Blackberry Juice -> (3) Blackberry Bramble No .14 Blackberry Juice N/A. Extract from blackberries. No N/A Black Russian (1) Vodka + (1) Coffee -> (2) Black Russian No .15 Bloody Mary (1) Vodka + (1) Tomato Juice -> (2) Bloody Mary No .25 Bloody Scary (1) Vodka + (1) Changeling Blood -> (2) Bloody Scary No .3 Blueberry Juice N/A. Extract from blueberries. No N/A Blue Hawaiian (3) Piña Colada + (1) Curacao + (1) Ice -> (5) Blue Hawaiian OR (1) Rum + (1) Curacao + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Coconut Milk + (1) Ice -> (5) Blue Hawaiian No .18 Blue Lagoon (1) Vodka + (1) Curacao + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Blue Lagoon No .1 Blue Raspberry Juice N/A. Extract from blue raspberries. No N/A Bourbon N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put corn into a still. No 0.45 Brass Monkey (1) Rum + (1) Vodka + (1) Orange Juice -> (3) Brass Monkey No .3 Cafe Gele (6) Freshly Brewed Coffee + (1) Sugar + (1) Vanilla -> (8) Cafe Gele No N/A Carrot Juice N/A. Extract from carrots. No N/A Catamount (4) Ginger Ale + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Grenadine + (2) Ice -> (8) Catamount No N/A Champagne N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. No 0.12 Cherry Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Extract from cherries. No N/A Chocolate Milk (1) Milk + (1) Chocolate -> (2) Chocolate Milk No N/A Coconut Milk N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. No N/A Cider N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put apples or pears into a still. No 0.06 Cosmopolitan (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Cosmopolitan OR (2) Vodka Gimlet + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (3) Cosmopolitan No .1 Cranberry Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. No N/A Crème de Menthe (1) Mint + (1) Vodka + (1) Sugar -> (3) Crème de Menthe No .4 Daiquiri (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Daiquiri OR (1) Rum + (2) Limeade -> (2) Daiquiri No .25 Derby (1) Gin + (1) Bitters + (1) Mint -> (3) Derby No .4 Diesel (1) Snakebite + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (2) Diesel No .25 Duck Fart (1) Bourbon + (1) Milk + (1) Coffee -> (3) Duck Fart No 0.6 Espresso Martini (1) Vodka + (1) Chocolate + (1) Sugar + (1) Espresso -> (4) Espresso Martini No .1 Fluffy Critter (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (4) Fluffy Critter No .2 French 75 (1) Lemonade + (1) Gin + (1) Champagne -> (3) French 75 No .15 French Martini (1) Vodka + (1) Raspberry Juice + (1) Pineapple Juice -> (3) French Martini No .14 Fruit Punch (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Ginger Ale -> (5) Fruit Punch No N/A Gimlet (1) Gin + (1) Lime Juice -> (2) Gimlet No .25 Gin N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. No 0.4 Gin and Tonic (1) Gin + (1) Tonic Water -> (2) Gin and Tonic No .25 Gin Fizz (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Water -> (3) Gin Fizz No .25 Grenadine N/A. Dispense from a soda fountain. No N/A Gunfire (1) Tea + (1) Rum -> (2) Gunfire No .1 Half and Half (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Sweet Tea -> (2) Half and Half OR (1) Lemonade + (1) Sweet Tea -> (2) Half and Half OR (1) Lemonade + (1) Tea -> (2) Half and Half No N/A Horse's Neck (1) Bourbon + (1) Bitters + (1) Ginger Ale -> (3) Horse's Neck No .5 Hot Buttered Rum (1) Rum + (1) Cider + (1) Butter -> (3) Hot Buttered Rum No .3 Hot Toddy (1) Sweet Tea + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Bourbon -> (3) Hot Toddy OR (2) Half and Half + (1) Bourbon -> (3) Hot Toddy No .4 Irish Coffee (1) Coffee + (1) Bourbon + (1) Milk + (1) Sugar -> (4) Irish Coffee No .1 Jazzberry Hard Lemonade (1) Blue Raspberry Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Vodka No .14 Jean Harlow (1) Rum + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Jean Harlow No .6 Kalimoxto (1) Cola + (1) Wine -> (2) Kalimoxto No .3 Laura Palmer (1) Coffee + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Laura Palmer OR (1) Freshly Brewed Coffee + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Laura Palmer No N/A Lemon Drop (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Vodka -> (4) Lemon Drop OR (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Lemon Juice + (2) Screwdriver -> (4) Lemon Drop No .3 Long Beach Iced Tea (1) Tequila + (1) Bliss on the Beach + (1) Rum + (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice -> (5) Long Beach Iced Tea No .4 Long Island Iced Tea (1) Tequila + (1) Screwdriver + (1) Rum + (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Cola -> (6) Long Island Iced Tea No .4 Mai Tai (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Orange Juice -> (4) Mai Tai No .3 Manhattan (1) Bourbon + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters -> (3) Manhattan No .3 Margarita (1) Tequila + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Margarita No .2 Martini (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Martini No .3 Mead N/A. Dispense from a Booze-O-Mat. OR Put honey into a still. No 0.3 Michelada (1) Beer + (1) Tomato Juice + (1) Capsaicin -> (3) Michelada No .1 Milk Punch (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Milk -> (6) Milk Punch OR (5) Fruit Punch + (1) Milk -> (6) Milk Punch No N/A Mind Eraser (1) Vodka Tonic + (1) Coffee -> (2) Mind Eraser No .3 Mimosa (1) Orange Juice + (1) Champagne -> (1) Mimosa No .05 Mojito (3) Daiquiri + (1) Mint -> (4) Mojito OR (1) Mint + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Rum + (1) Sugar -> (4) Mojito No .2 Moscow Mule (2) Vodka Gimlet + (1) Ginger Ale -> (3) Moscow Mule OR (1) Vodka + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Moscow Mule No .15 Murdini (1) Martini + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Suicider -> (3) Murdini No 1.1 Necroni (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters + (1) Ectoplasm -> (4) Necroni OR (2) Negroni + (1) Ectoplasm -> (3) Necroni No .5 Negroni (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters -> (3) Negroni OR (2) Martini + (1) Bitters -> (3) Negroni No .6 Old Fashioned (1) Bourbon + (1) Bitters + (1) Water + (1) Sugar -> (4) Old Fashioned No .5 Paloma (1) Tequila + (1) Grapefruit Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Paloma No .1 Peach Bellini (2) White Wine + (1) Peach Juice -> (3) Peach Bellini No 0.14 Phil Collins (1) Vodka Tonic + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Phil Collins No 0.3 Pineapple Caipirinha (2) Vodka + (2) Pineapple Juice + (1) Sugar + (1) Ice -> (5) Pineapple Caipirinha No .25 Piña Colada (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Rum + (1) Coconut Milk -> (4) Piña Colada No .2 Pineapple Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Extract from pineapples No N/A Pine-Ginger (2) Pineapple Juice + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Ice -> (4) Pine-Ginger No N/A Pink Gin and Tonic (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) Bitters -> (2) Pink Gin and Tonic No .3 Pisco Sour (1) Egg + (1) Simple Syrup + (1) Bitters + (1) Lime Juice + (1) White Wine -> (5) Pisco Sour No .4 Pink Lemonade (1) Grenadine + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Pink Lemonade No N/A Planter's Punch (1) Rum + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Planter's Punch No .4 Radler (1) Beer + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Radler No .1 Raspberry Juice N/A. Extract from raspberries. No N/A Rice Wine N/A. Put rice into a still. No 0.15 Rose (1) Vermouth + (1) Cherry Juice + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (3) Rose No .3 Rossini (2) White Wine + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (3) Rossini No 0.14 Rum N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put sugarcane or sugar into a still. No 0.6 Rum and Cola (1) Rum + (1) Cola -> (2) Rum and Cola No .7 Sail Boat (1) Lime Juice + (4) Ginger Ale + (1) Ice -> (6) Sail Boat No N/A Sea Breeze (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Grapefruit Juice -> (3) Sea Breeze No .2 Bliss on the Beach (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Orange Juice -> (3) Bliss on the Beach OR (2) Screwdriver + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (2) Bliss on the Beach No .1 Simple Syrup (1) Sugar + (1) Water @ 353 K -> (2) Simple Syrup No N/A Snakebite (1) Cider + (1) Beer -> (2) Snakebite No .15 Soda Water (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen + (1) Water -> (2) Soda Water No N/A Space-Cuba Libre (2) Rum and Cola + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Space-Cuba Libre No .1 Spiced Rum (1) Rum + (1) Capsaicin -> (2) Spiced Rum No 0.6 Strawberry juice N/A. Extract from, naturally, strawberries, strawberry pies, and Delectable Dan's Scrumptious Strudel. No N/A Strawberry Milk (1) Milk + (1) Strawberry juice -> (2) Strawberry Milk No N/A Suicider (1) Cider + (1) Vodka + (1) Epinephrine + (1) Welding fuel -> (4) Suicider OR Extract or distill from omega weed. No 1 Sweet Tea (1) Sugar + (1) Tea -> (2) Sweet Tea No N/A Three Mile Island Iced Tea (1) Vodka + (1) Gin + (1) Tequila + (1) Cola + (1) Curacao -> (5) Three Mile Island Iced Tea No .6 Tequila N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. No 0.6 Tequila Sunrise (1) Tequila + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Grenadine -> (3) Tequila Sunrise No .22 Tequini (1) Tequila + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Tequini No .4 Tomato Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Extract from tomatoes No N/A Tom Collins (1) Gin + (1) Tonic Water + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Tom Collins OR (2) Gin and Tonic + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Tom Collins No .18 Vermont Breeze (4) Lemonade + (1) Grenadine + (1) Tonic Water -> (6) Vermont Breeze No N/A Vermouth N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser. No 0.15 Vodka N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put potatoes into a still. No 0.5 Vodka Gimlet (1) Vodka + (1) Lime Juice -> (2) Vodka Gimlet No .25 Vodka Martini (1) Vodka + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Vodka Martini No .3 Vodka Tonic (1) Vodka + (1) Tonic Water -> (2) Vodka Tonic No .25 Whiskey Sour (1) Bourbon + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Whiskey Sour OR (1) Bourbon + (2) Lemonade -> (2) Whiskey Sour No .2 White Russian (1) Vodka + (1) Coffee + (1) Milk -> (3) White Russian OR (2) Black Russian + (1) Milk -> (3) White Russian No .3 White Wine N/A. Put green grapes into a still. No 0.13 Wine N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put grapes or cherries into a still. No 0.13 Miscellanea A section for the stranger chems in the game that are hard to classify anywhere else. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes Ageinium Secret! OR Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. 0.4 No IF AGE < 140: 30% chance to increase age by one. 3% chance of mildly concerning messages about feeling older. 1.2% chance of screaming. Increases your age, indirectly affecting the pitch of the voice clips used for things like talking, gasping, farting, screaming, c-saber swinging, and toy sword swiping in...interesting ways. You might not expect it, but it affects chickens too. Specifically, it makes them age twice as fast if injected into them. Ash Burn paper, collect the ash with a beaker. OR (1) Paper @ 424K -> (1) Ash 0.4 No Fertilizer, and basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. You'll get 5 units of ash per 10 units of oil. Blood N/A. Draw blood from somebody with a syringe or IV drip. 0.4 No See stable mutagen. 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery blood stains when applied to floor tiles. INGEST - Provides nourishment for vampires. Changeling blood reacts to heat (324 K), which can be used to identify them. Booster Enzyme Secret! OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. OR Extract from harvests from plants with the Enzymatic gene. 0.4 No For each of the following reagents, creates 2 units of it, if there are less than 20 units of said reagent in your bloodstream: Charcoal Epinephrine Mannitol Methamphetamine Menthol Oculine Omnizine Pentetic Acid Perfluorodecalin Potassium Iodide Salbutamol Salicylic Acid Saline-Glucose Solution Silver Sulfadiazine Styptic Powder Synaptizine Synthflesh Teporone Every time it duplicates a chemical, it leaves behind 1 unit of enzymatic leftovers. Essentially, keeps meth and certain medical chem levels at around 20 units within your bloodstream, at the cost of clogging your bloodstream with garbage. It won't trigger overdoses for any chems that have them at 20 units or higher, but it can trigger the ones with OD thresholds lower than that, although none of the chems it can duplicate have that. Useful for farming omnizine and other somewhat rare reagents, if you extract them from the bloodstream with a syringe or an IV bag. Could also help fuel a meth-powered rampage or a heal-chem-mix for the dying. Be wary of the enzymatic leftovers; they might not harm you directly, but if you let them accumulate, you might hit the 330u reagent cap, and then you'll have very little space left for any other chemicals, e.g. more booster enzyme or chems to get rid of the enzymatic leftovers. Calcium Carbonate (1) Calcium + (2) Chlorine + (2) Sodium + (1) Carbon + (3) Oxygen -> (1) Calcium Carbonate + (2) Salt 0.4 No Creates salt on reaction. Calcium Sulfate (1) Sulfuric Acid + (1) Calcium Carbonate -> (1) Calcium Sulfate 0.4 No Creates Water on reaction. Carbon Tetrachloride (Firefighting Foam) (1) Chlorine + (1) Sulfur + (1) Carbon -> (3) Carbon Tetrachloride 0.4 No See CLF3. TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. Carpet (1) Space Fungus + (1) Blood -> (2) Carpet 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a dirty carpet when applied to floor tiles. Catonium N/A. Extract from Catnip/Nepeta cataria 0.4 No A cat drugs precursor that makes cats purr, roll about, and do weird cat things. Chalk (4) Calcium Sulfate + (1) Oil -> (5) Chalk 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a stick of chalk when applied to floor tiles. Cloaked Panellus Extract N/A. Extract from cloaked panellus mushrooms. 0.1 No If there are 5+ units of this in a container or mob, it is impossible to assess the chemical contents of it with a reagent scanner or similar. Instead, scanning outputs the message "ERR: SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF THIS SUBSTANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE." Colorful Reagent (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Stabilizing Agent + (1) Space Drugs + (1) Cryoxadone + (1) Triple Citrus -> (6) Colorful Reagent OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No INGEST - Changes your blood to a random color. TOUCH - Paints almost everything it touches with a random color. Foaming or smoking this can be fun. Coagulated Gnesis N/A. Use a beaker or similar on puddles of teal fluid or weird stringy fibers. 0.25, see Notes No 40+ UNITS: Converts your blood into more coagulated gnesis, at 0.7 units converted to 0.7 units of gnesis per second. Ominous messages about various body parts changing. Hearing flockdrone beeping. 100+ UNITS: Beeping and messages occur more often, small chance every cycle to replace one of your organs with a solid shard of gnesis. 200+ UNITS: Flat 10% chance of gibbing into an AI (i.e. non-controllable) flockbit. ON TURF: 10+ UNITS: Creates either a scrap of gnesis or shard of transparent gnesis 50+ UNITS: If possible, converts furniture item into its flock equivalent, such as tiles into flocktile and chairs into flockchairs. TOUCH: Paints item/mob a rather dark shade of teal, adds "teal-stained" if possible. People splashed with gnesis get a fun message about how the chem feels like oil paint and a less fun one about it permanently staining them, which is misleading since showers and such still remove it. INGEST: Amusing message about the gnesis tasting like children's modeling clay. It eats your blood from the inside out--grisly! To delay such a cruel and unusual fate, refill your blood with packs or filgrastim, saline, and other blood-restoring chems. To avoid it, drink a Tealquila Sunrise, or take lots of calomel or other flushing chems to flush it out faster than it can convert it. Converts other reagents in the container into more gnesis, at a max of 0.7 units of gnesis for 0.7 units of non-gnesis reagent, per second, per reagent. It can convert multiple different reagents at a time, increasing total gnesis created every second, but this otherwise does not affect conversion speed for each reagent. If there are no other reagents, it decays, losing 0.7 units per second. Both occur in any and all containers, e.g. beakers, glasses, pills, patches, ampoules, food, etc. Compost N/A. Stuff produce into a compost tank. 0.4 No Fertilizer. Copper Nitrate (1) Copper + (3) Oxygen + (1) Nitrogen -> (1) Copper Nitrate 0.4 No Precursor to other chems. Used to create Nitrogen Dioxide. Denatured Enzyme (1) Booster Enzyme @ 424 K -> (1) Denatured Enzyme OR (5) Hemolymph + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Acetone @ 303.15 K -> (1) Denatured Enzyme + (1) Spaceacillin + (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Copper OR Extract from certain Discount Dan's products OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No An otherwise completely useless chem that's a precursor to many other chems, secret and non-secret. Diluted Fliptonium (1) Fliptonium + (2) Water -> (3) Diluted Fliptonium 0.1 No Makes you flip off nearby people. OVERDOSE (30) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 5% Ectoplasm N/A. Obtain from Spooky Dan's Horrotastic Cola. OR Extract from ectoplasm globs; slices of dread; terror toast; "killed" cheese sandwiches; spooky peanut butter sandwiches; killer beenut butter sandwiches; "scare wich project" sandwiches; murderwiches; synthmeat steinwiches; spookies; and full moon pies. 0.4 No Ominous but ultimately harmless sensations of something that isn't there, i.e. the heebie-jeebies. 10+ UNITS: Creates a surprisingly edible blob of ectoplasm. As a blob, it's surprisingly malleable when processed. Enzymatic Leftovers N/A. Have booster enzyme duplicate a chemical, extract it from your blood using a syringe or an IV bag. 0.01 No Enzymatic leftovers are the byproducts created when booster enzyme duplicates a chemical. Not harmful it of itself, but it depletes very slowly and takes up space that could be used for more useful chemicals. Fartonium (1) Egg + (1) Refried Beans + (1) ???? + (1) Cheese Substitute -> (2) Fartonium OR Extract from buttburgers OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No 66% chance of farting. If simethicone is present: funny text messages, 5-25% chances of up to +4 BRUTE Non-stop farty party. Flaptonium (1) Egg + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Chicken Soup + (1) Strange Reagent + (1) Blood @ 374 K -> REACTION N/A N/A Makes a parrot upon synthesis, similar to life. Squawk! Fliptonium (1) Gin and Sonic + (1) Liquid Dark Matter + (1) Chocolate + (1) Ephedrine -> (4) Fliptonium OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.2 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 9%, +2 Stamina Regeneration buff. Spins your mob constantly. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. OVERDOSE (15) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, stuns, drop items hold in either hand, jitteriness 10% Increases your stamina regen and stun resistance somewhat and makes you spin, whoa. Foamed Metal (3) (Aluminium or Iron) + (1) Fluorosurfactant + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> REACTION N/A N/A Reacts immediately upon mixing. After a short delay, the foam will turn into weak metal walls (and floors, if there isn't one on the tile), which can be destroyed with a few whacks of a blunt object. A silly chem that can be as helpful or as harmful as you want it to be, you can either plug up holes in the station or inconvenience people with huge metal obstructions. Unlike other foams, this one can't be slipped on (since it doesn't use water). Fog N/A 0.4 No The secret of fog grenades. Smoke powder clouds made from fog block line of sight. X-Ray Vision counteracts it, letting you see what's lurking inside and outside the fog, while mesons only let see the walls and floors beyond. Glowing Fliptonium Secret! OR Rare, random find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.1 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 60%, +4 Stamina Regeneration. Makes you jittery, reduces drowsiness by 12. Makes you spin a random direction. Starts fast and becomes slower the longer it's in you. OVERDOSE (15) - Same as fliptonium When applied a mob or object, makes it spin a random direction and speed. No effects on turfs. Effects do not change with dose. 1% Basically, fliptonium but even more powerful. Don't go too crazy or you'll ruin your eyes. Once upon a time (as in, before April 22nd, 2021), glowing fliptonium could spin flooringtoo. You can probably imagine how bizarre (and perhaps disorienting) this looked. Grass Gro N/A. Extract from grass leaves. 0.4 No When applied on floor tiles, creates a tile of grass. There are many purely aesthetic variations of these tiles, and they can be removed by prying out the tile with a crowbar and placing it back on the plating. Pretty. A viable alternative to carpet. Green vomit N/A. Put bilious ipecacunha roots in a still. OR Click on a green vomit pile with a beaker or similar container. OR Find inside Pro Puffs cigarette packets. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a slippery glob of green vomit. Grody. When you collect this from a green vomit pile, anyone who sees you may vomit from sheer disgust. Green vomit piles often result from ingesting toxic slurry, and they can be found in a few disgustingly ill-kept places and occasionally around a Port-a-Puke. Hemolymph N/A. Draw blood from a roachperson with a syringe or IV drip. 0.4 No See stable mutagen. 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery blood stains when applied to floor tiles. INGEST - Provides nourishment for vampires. Essentially, blue-green bug blood, found in roachpeople, cockroaches, butterflies, and scorpions. Behaves much like regular blood, and while it doesn't work for recipes that require blood, it does have a unique reaction where heating it alongside acetone and space cleaner makes meat slurry, spaceacillin, copper, saline-glucose solution, and denatured enzyme, a nod to how horseshoe crab hemolymph in real life is used to detect bacteria. Holy Water (1) Water + (1) Wine + (1) Mercury -> (3) Holy Water OR Extract from garlic, garlic bread, or cheesy garlic read. OR Find in holy water vials from the Chapel office. 0.4 No TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. -10 BRAIN if person does not have Atheist trait, 1% chance of curing diseases. TOUCH/INGEST - If target is vampire: +1.25 BURN and -1.25 blood per unit applied, to a max of 110. Will be displayed as simply "water" in the chem dispenser and reagent scanner. Honkfartium (1) Simethicone + (1) Fartonium@ 374 K -> (1) Honkfartium 0.4 No Changes your fart sounds into honking noises. Farty party clown style. Ice (1) Water @ 273 K -> (1) Ice 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a solid, non-slippery chunk of ice when applied to floor tiles. The frozen state of water. The reagent turns to water when brought to a temperature higher than 0° C. Iron Oxide (1) Iron + (1) Oxygen + (1) Acetic Acid + (1) Salt @ 373 K -> (4) Iron Oxide OR Click on a rust stain with a beaker or similar container. 0.4 No Artifically rusted iron. Used to make thermite. Invisible Organic Superlubricant N/A. Slip and Sign starts with this inside its removable bucket reservior. 0.4 No When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an invisible extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals BRUTE damage to people who slip. The secret behind the Slip and Sign. Invislube if you will. Unlike regular superlubricant, there is no overlay indicating the tile has been lubed when applied onto a floor. Hence, the "invisible" moniker. Life (5x) Synthflesh + (2x) Blood + (x) Strange Reagent @ 374 K -> REACTION N/A N/A Creates a random NPC immediately upon synthesis for you to play with. Be careful though, not all of them are friendly! Note that you have to get the reagent numbers exactly right, otherwise you'll just produce a critter or meat cube - while the ratio is provided, you need to have a certain "x" multiplier to get a good result. Note: Spamming this in a public area as a non-antag isn't advised, as you could end up with a bunch of the violent mobs that will attack the crew. Liquified Space Rubber Secret! 0.4 No When you come in contact with a mob, both you and the mob bounce off of each other. The bouncing itself does not hurt, but you can take damage if you collide into something, moreso if it's something like a glass table. Also known as flubber or LSR. People can be flung more than a screen length away by this chem, quite far. Being on Help intent does not prevent being bounced, but wearing magboots does, for both sides. Luminol (1) Oxygen + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Carbon -> (3) Luminol OR Extract from glowing fruits. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Shows blood stains that might have been removed. Add hydrogen and nitrogen last so you don't make ammonia. Highly useful for Detectives! Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride (1) Magnesium Chloride + (6) Ammonia @ 303K -> (1) Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride 0.4 No Magnesium Chloride (1) Magnesium + (2) Hydrochloric Acid -> (1) Magnesium Chloride + (2) Hydrogen OR (1) Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride @ 423K -> (1) Magnesium Chloride + (6) Ammonia 0.4 No Nectar Automatically produced by some plants in their hydroponics tray; use Propellant to smoke it out. 0.4 No Doesn't really do anything or get used for anything except attract bees to the hydroponics trays - leave it in there! Nitrogen Dioxide (1) Copper Nitrate @ 453.15 K -> (2) Nitrogen Dioxide + (2) Oxygen OR (1) Silver + (1) Nitric Acid -> (1) Nitrogen Dioxide + (1) Water + (1) Silver Nitrate 0.4 No +1 TOX Common ingredient in other recipes. Organic Superlubricant (1) Space Lube + (1) Helium -> (1) Organic Superlubricant 0.4 No When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals BRUTE damage to people who slip. Space Lube's meaner counterpart. Paper N/A. Use a sheet of paper on a beaker. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates ripped up paper when applied to floor tiles. Potash (1) Ash + (1) Water @ 354 K -> (1) Potash OR (1) Potassium + (1) Chlorine + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (2) Potash 0.4 No Fertilizer. Pure hugs N/A. Hug a cute and adorable friend and get hugged back. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No Dawwww. Pure Love (1) Pure hugs + (1) Chocolate -> (2) Pure Love OR Extract from heartburgers. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers/watering cans. 0.4 No Sets your intent to Help intent if you were on Harm intent, gives you feel-good messages, and makes you semi-awkwardly *hug people next to you. What is love? It's sweetness and kindness. Potentially useful, if tricky to administer, against someone trying to beat you up. Reversium Secret! 0.4 No Grants the 'reversed speech' mutation for 3 min, making you say everything backwards. TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. When poured on insulated gloves, makes them into unsulated gloves, removing their electrical protection. Harmless though somewhat annoying fun. The duration can be extended by having excess reversium in your bloodstream. Rubber N/A. Deep-fry and extract a sheet of rubber. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a sheet of rubber when applied to floor tiles. Sakuride (1) Pure Love + (1) Tea + (1) Colorful Reagent -> (3) Sakuride 0.4 No 1+ UNITS: Creates sakura petals when applied to turf. Petal overlays are a cleanable mess. Saltpetre (1) Urine + (1) Compost + (1) Potash -> (3) Saltpetre 0.4 No Fertilizer. Silicate (1) Aluminium + (1) Silicon + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Silicate 0.4 No Reinforces windows up to a maximum durability of 500. Every application makes the window twice as strong. A standard reinforced window has about 80 durability. Silver Nitrate (1) Silver + (2) Nitric Acid @ 374K -> (1) Silver Nitrate + (1) Water + (1) Nitrogen Dioxide 0.4 No TOUCH - On volume >= 10 lowers bleeding by 1 and deals 2 BURN per splash. Used to create Silver Fulminate. Space Cleaner (1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol + (1) Water -> (3) Space Cleaner 0.4 No OVERDOSE (5) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. TOUCH - Removes cleanable messes and forensic evidence when splashed onto people, objects or turfs. Clears "Dripping with Paint" status if you have it from paint marker rounds. Cleans stuff. Space Fungus N/A. Extract from mushrooms from botany OR Click on patches of fungus growing on walls with a beaker or similar container. 0.4 No INGEST - 50% chance of contracting food poisoning, 10% of up to 5 units of toxin (reagent). Space fungus is acquired by scraping it off walls with your beaker. It mostly grows in maintenance tunnels, so you might need to request appropriate access to get at it. Space Lube (1) Water + (1) Silicon + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Space Lube 0.4 No When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals no damage to people who slip, but people can take still take damage from slipping into walls and other solid objects. More space lube the turf stays slippery for longer, to a maximum of 80 seconds. Has a damaging variant. Space Glue (1) Phoron + (1) Phenol + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen + (1) Formaldehyde -> (5) Space Glue 0.6 No After 20 cycles, causes pretty lights and missteps. When applied to floortiles, causes the tile to become sticky and slow anyone who passes on it down. When splashed on a mob, it will slow them down for up to 10 seconds depending on amount splashed. It's glue. You can make the floor not be slippy anymore with it (or get high). You can remove the glue by pouring acetone onto any of the attached people/objects. Triplepiss Secret! OR Find in drugs from ??? pill bottles. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Temporarily creates slippery puddles of urine when applied to floor tiles. References one of the joke responses old admin Popecrunch gave when asked about the recipe for initropidril. Urine N/A. Fill your stomach with water, then use the *piss emote or pee in a drinking glass or beaker. OR Click on a urine puddle with a beaker or similar. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Temporarily creates slippery puddles of urine when applied to floor tiles. Vomit N/A. Use a beaker on a puddle of vomit. OR Extract from bilious ipecacunha roots. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery pools of vomit when applied to floor tiles. You can vomit by getting drunk and puking all over the floor or by ingesting sewage or space ipecac. There's also a green variant of vomit, which can be scooped in a beaker to make others vomit. Yee Nee/yee. Yee yee yee Yee yee. (N/A. Possible reagent for artifact injectors.) 0.4 Nee Yee yee yee yee-yee. Yee yee yee. Yee yee yee yee yee yee yee "Yee" yee yee. Yee yee yee yee yee. (Makes you a lizard-person. Grants yee accent. Causes hallucinations of dinosaurs from the animation "yee" came from. Plays song from same animation.) Yee, yee'yee yee yee yee yee Yee yee. Yee yee yee Yee yee yee. (Yes, it's a reference to the yee meme. Blame former admin Wonkmin for this.) SECRET CHEMS A secret chemical is a chemical whose recipe is secret. Secret means a specific thing on Goonstation, and it's different from the kind of secrecy associated with something like "secret underground bunker" or "effects of substance on corpses is secret". The recipes of secret chems are kept hidden to allow for the joy of discovery, and if you wish to reveal the recipe to someone, you must observe some key principles: The person must explicitly consent to being told the recipe. As with everything in life, silence is not consent. The reveal must take place in private. This is more nuanced than you think. Your options in-game are very limited, because no means of communications is truly private. PDA messages can be snooped on, paper messages can be read by others, phones, whispering, and face-to-face conversation can be eavesdropped, and Ghosts can accidentally see all of these. Radio is definitely not private, and neither are silicon machine talk or similar. Revealing it in-game might as well not be worth it. Adminhelp, prayer, and mentorhelp are not considered appropriate channels for requesting secret chem recipes. Obviously, public Goonstation Discord and forums are definitely not private. On the other hand, Discord DMs, forum private messages, and the Goonstation Discord #imspoiler channel are all considered acceptable ways to reveal secret chems recipes. To be clear, saying the names of secret chems or explaining their effects is not violating secret content policy; those are not what makes them secret. Now with that out of the way: Welcome to the fun section! If you're a scientist who enjoys his job and does it often, then you've probably heard the names of these chemicals thrown around every so often. These are considered the final learning curve before being dubbed an A+ chemist, so if you want to become a true scientific force on the station, taking a stab at these mysteries is within your best interests. Don't be discouraged by their difficulty, you're not the only one! Be diligent, be patient, and use what you've learned from mixing the previous chems on this page. Difficulty ratings assume a fair amount of knowledge, something along the lines of knowing what at least half of the chems on this page do. It is possible to make them as a novice, but most of these chems' recipes were not designed around surface-level knowledge. Reagent Comps Hint Difficulty Effect Notes Ageinium 5 What reminds you of old people? Moderate Gradually increases your age. At the moment this only affects various sounds you make. How far can you go? Anima 5 What's happening to the objects? Take this into consideration. Difficult Brings inanimate objects to life to attack people, gives odd visions when injected. The bigger the object you animate, the more health it has and damage it does, though smaller objects can be harder to click. What Anima actually affects is a bit all over the place, but if it can be dragged, assume it can be animated. The means for mixing this are nonstandard and guaranteed to be harmful, be advised! Note: Fiddling around with this in small doses is fine, but for the love of God, don't throw it at everywhere and everything if you aren't a round antagonist! Bombini 4 Bombini wouldn't bee drinking one of these. A couple shots will leave your ears ringing. Easy (maybe Average) A sweet and tasty drink when enjoyed in moderation. OVERDOSE (20) Fire 8 spikes, take 10 BRUTE damage, deplete 5u. OVERDOSE (40) Fire 16 spikes, take 20 BRUTE, deplete 10u. Multiple spikes can hit a single target and each spike deals 7 BRUTE damage with a chance to slightly bleed Excessive consumption may result in a stinging sensation. Booster Enzyme 7 Do a little research on real life enzymes. Difficult Duplicates certain beneficial chemicals in your bloodstream. Each time booster enzyme decays, it will create 2 units of any beneficial medical chem that's already in your body up to a cap of 20 - note that this does not proc overdose thresholds of 20 or higher (but it will for lower thresholds!). A neat tool for farming rarer medicinal reagents, or for making you nigh-immortal with said reagents. Bubsium 4 What does bubs like? Go bother him to find out. Easy Consumption of this chemical may lead to bubs-like properties. bubs Chlorine Azide 6 How is chlorine azide basically made in real life? Elementary Explodes the moment it's created, stabilizing agent or not. It won't breach through the floor or blow down a wall, but it can certainly take out the chem dispenser. There's a reason the code for its recipe has the comment "death 2 chemists". You might stumble upon it accidentally when mixing lots of random basic chems together. Crabby Party Secret Formula 4 100% Sea Weed Easiest Creates a Party Crab on synthesis He's having a great time. are you having a great time? Crime 5 A bunch of things assistants might like. Average-Hard Allows you to remove things from people five times faster. Wow. Become the world's speediest shoe thief. Deep Fried Dabs 2 It's all in the name. Easy Forces you to dab. Wow. How do you do, fellow kids? Pure Dabs 4 Starts out extremely potent and extra greasy; needs to be cleansed before it's safe to consume. Medium Makes you a master in the art of dabbing. Not that that's anything to be proud of Extreme Dabs 5 EXTREME!! Extreme Your dabs will rock the station. And also likely kill you. It's probably what you deserve, anyways. Disguiseium 5 What chems make things look like other things? Average-Hard A complicated chemical. When made it will make the second most common reagent in a container look like the most common reagent. However, its effects will not be changed. You'll never trust a reagent scanner again. Directed Nanites 4 What would nanites need to help you rather than harm you? Easy Slowly replaces one or more organs with their cyber variants. A good chem for doctors to use! Dragon's Breath 5 Hot chemicals. Easy See Poisons and Toxic Shit. This has a chance of rolling instant death for every cycle it's in your blood, yikes! And if the RNG spares you, you'll still be utterly wasted. This is technically a bartender concoction, but it's dangerous enough to have been thrown into this list. Energy Drink 3 If you can figure out voltagen, the remaining two ingredients should be quite obvious. Easy Stun reduction, minor stamina regeneration buff, speed boost, chance to cause jitteriness. On depletion - slowed movement, dizziness, blurred vision, random chance to KO. OVERDOSE - May cause cardiac failure. Basically the energy drink from the future, with just as mean of a crash. Despite this it's a welcome alternative to methamphetamine since it has next-to-none of its cons... just don't overdose on it. Addictive. Enriched MSG 12 Think of really tasty things. Difficult Heals 1 OXY/TOX/LOSEBREATH and 3 BRUTE/BURN per cycle. Pretty much super-omnizine, with more addiction and custom flavor texts if you overdose. Far and away the best healing chem. Feather Fluid 7 Amnesiac bird. Easy Infects you with the Avian Flu, which will eventually turn you into a bird. Don't overthink the recipe. What do you know already? Note: Don't use this on other people unless you're an antag or they agree! Fermid 4 Consider the name "fermid" and what a fermid looks like. Difficult Creates a hostile fermid at the point of reaction. Fermids are the nasty critters that plagued the (now removed) mining z-level, being stubbornly durable and injecting any human they see with harmful toxins; fortunately they cannot target cyborgs. The recipe used to be laughably easy, but after seeing the harm spontaneous fermid swarms could cause, it was wisely made more difficult and thrown into secrets section. Note: PLEASE don't spam these as a non-antag. This is why the recipe was changed in the first place. Freeze 5 Cold chems. What makes you freeze? Average Decays into ethanol. Lowers your body temperature and inflicts brief stuns and burn damage. Severe effect scales with volume: [0.1% * volume] chance of being turned into an ice statue. Functionally the same as Dragon's Breath, but it freezes you to death instead of frying you. Glowing Fliptonium 4 Spoiler: one of the ingredients is fliptonium! The other three make it spooky, make it more powerful, and a little bit trippy. Difficult (Hopefully?) Works like regular fliptonium, with the exception that it affects mobs and objects on application, as opposed to just mobs. It also gives more stun resistance/stamina buff/etc than normal fliptonium. The recipe is intended to be difficult to make, not to figure out, really. The effect is pretty crazy and does far more to interrupt peoples' rounds than, say, colorful reagent or glitter. Grog 11 Look up the Monkey Island Grog recipe, then find its equivalents in SS13. Grog was created before Kerosene was a thing. Immensely Difficult See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Another horrifying drink from Bartender territory, it ignores biosuits and will always captainize and do some BRUTE face-melting damage on TOUCH (though without destroying the Mask item, strangely). The amount of damage varies wildly depending on the delivery method. Ironically it's actually reasonably safe to drink, though you may want the alcohol resistance mutation before chugging it. Hootagen 6 / 6 What are some things that are alive? What are owls known for? Where can you do more research on Owls? Average / Difficult Has a stable and unstable variant. The stable one gives you an owl suit and mask that you can't take off yourself. The unstable one... well, it's a little more violent. The unstable variant has some utility as a pseudo-deathchem. Also, owl masks don't work as internals. Use that as you will. Initrobeedril 4 The name is a strong hint in and of itself. Notably, this is not found in poison bottles like its bigger cousin. Average Turns your heart into a memorial bee and makes it fly away. You'll know if someone was hit by this if they start turning yellow. For the victim, they'll get big red messages of their heart fluttering in their chest. This is a disease reagent, so it only needs to be in you a certain amount of cycles to infect you, which will eventually lead to the heart-bee evicting itself from your body and leave you with cardiac abscondment. Note: And no, you can't get it back into your body, despite what the examine message says. Get a replacement heart or you'll die. Initropidril 7 The biggest challenge. Only the most worldly spaceman should even attempt it. Requires triplepiss. Heart-stopping See Poisons and Toxic Shit. It can take a while to make, but it's worth the trouble since traitor poison bottles can be a crapshoot. Juggernaut 5 A pain-killing and injury-treating concoction. Easy A potent painkiller that negates a significant amount of walkspeed loss from being hurt, with the additional special effect of absorbing and healing a portion of brute and burn damages taken between life cycles. Hits the user with the absorbed damage as it leaves their system. OVERDOSE - Confused movement, dropping held items, stuns, forgetting how to breathe. The damage-absorbing capabilities get less effective the more damage it has absorbed and the longer it has been present in your system. Has a slightly less-than-average depletion rate but also a low overdose threshold and fairly debilitating overdose effects. Bad side-effects occur if it's in your system for far too long. Kerosene 6 You'll likely need some catalysts and heat for the reaction. Do some research on Thermochemical synthesis and whatever comes to mind first for Synthesis of High Density Aviation Fuel... but maybe take a less organic route. Difficult Makes nice and pretty fireballs, like welding fuel, except without the "small explosion with enough fuel" and "makes people burn more when doused with it" bits. It's SS13 jet fuel. Has an...interesting (and rather memetic) reaction with certain alloys. Marteeny 6 Think of chemicals that are associated with shrinking, stunted growth, and being small. Average Makes you a small, squeaky-voiced mini-person that can squeeze under doors. Watch out, though, you'll take double damage while shrunk! Great for sneaking into/out of places you don't have access to, or just being an overall smol bean. Miasmosa 2 (?) It's all in the name. Sorta. Easy Reverses the effects of rotting in dead bodies, or makes living people spew a cloud of miasma. The rotting corpse of the clown could use a stiff drink. Mimicillium 4 Glamore, Stealth, Teleportation and American Freedom. These were the ingredients used to create Senator Death Badman. Difficult Kinda? A compound that attracts the undying attention of Senator Death Badman, know for his random crotch shots. Death Badman acts almost identically to a Gibshark, except he only gibs your pride. Lumen 5 Think about what makes big lights. Now mix them together. Average A liquid which creates lights attached to whatever it is splashed on. It even changes color depending on what else is in the beaker! No you can't smoke it. The strength of the light scales with the amount of Lumen used. Liquified Space Rubber 5 Requires some botany work. Contains several other griefy and movement-related chems. Average A powerful chem that makes you bounce off of other mobs when it is in your system. Can easily turn a room into a pinball machine. Combined with other chems like liquid dark matter, this can instantly turn a crowd into pure screaming chaos. Medusa 6 A variety of rock-related chems are included. Hard Slowly turns the victim into stone. Be sure to artfully arrange your victims. Open a museum, charge admission. Mutini 5 Every ingredient has its opposite. Keep in mind that and its effect, and most of it should be straight forward. Easy Gets you drunk, gives some brain damage, then cures it. More importantly, mutates you wildly and randomly, then reverses all those mutations - hopefully. Can even give you mutations that are otherwise impossible to get! A cocktail for the aspiring mad scientist and an excellent choice for getting your feet wet in figuring out secret chems. Most of the time it's harmless, but be aware that weird interactions or pure bad luck can potentially leave the imbiber dead or trapped in another dimension. If you find some gamebreaking error or weirdness, don't be afraid to adminhelp it and report via the Bug Report button in the top left! Bugs are bugs, warning or no. Omega Hairgrownium 5 / 5 Gives you trippy and irregular haircuts. Easy Changes your hairstyle. Has a stable and unstable variant. One picks from all possible hairstyles, while the other picks from the pool of special genetics/barber haircuts. Pretty straightforward in effect. Don't use both variants together. Quark-gluon Phoron ? Very chaotic, very fun and last but not least very deadly! Very Difficult Makes you one with the world, what does that mean? Find out! Do not mix this near other people if you are not an antagonist. QGP is the crowning jewel in any aspring chemist's journey, it will kill you and takes a while to make but it can be very fun to show off with. Rajaijah (Madness toxin) 8 Most of the ingredients are bad for your mind. Keep its effects in mind and most of it should be straightforwards. Difficult See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Like initropidril, it can be worth learning how to synthesize rajaijah if you don't trust the RNG of the poison bottle. Reversium 4 One screws with your sprite, one screws with your DNA, one screws with your sprite and DNA, and one...is friendship? Normal See Miscellanea Highly confusing but ultimately harmless fun that lasts for three minutes. Have some mutadone handy if you want to end it early. Rotting 4 Think of horrible food and something else unpleasant. Difficult Infects the victim with tissue necrosis. Gradually turns you into a spooky skeleton, which makes you unclonable without a certain cloning module. Good for keeping people you want to keep down, down. Royal Initrobeedril 5 Again, the hint is in the name. Difficult See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Same mechanics as regular initrobeedril, with the caveat of the heart-bee being so huge that it gibs you upon emerging. Sarin 8 One is a gift from Hydroponics. The other seven reflect how sarin is deployed in real life. Difficult Nasty poison gas that's highly volatile when created. Due to the fact that it penetrates skin, a gas mask alone is not sufficient to protect against sarin when made into chemsmoke. It features an unholy BRAIN-TOX-BURN triad on top of distinct jittering and stuns. If you ever wanted to commit crimes against Space Humanity like the Nuclear Operatives do when they break out the nerve agent grenades, this is your chem. You can think of it as an souped-up Neurotoxin that depletes more slowly and can penetrate the skin but is majorly weak against atropine. Oh, and,uh, try not to end up on some watchlist. Sea4 5 One ingredient is the Sea, one gives Sea4 its blasting power, one gives it a sticky yellow color, and two like to burn. Easy-Average Precision blasting explosive. Explosion scales, similarly to black powder; small amounts create small explosions; higher amounts make larger ones that also create sea bees, how cute! Get it? Sheltergrog 3-99 The first two ingredients are easy. How to get the reaction to happen is the hard part. Average It makes you a frog. Nice. Lovingly sponsored by Zungy. Sheltestgrog 3-99 Like sheltergrog, just be more precise. Average It makes you a frog but more. Nice. :shelterfrog: Spiders 2 Spiders have even more arms to hug with. Easy-Peasy Makes spiders and spider piles when poured onto a tile. Bites people when it's inside them, youch. Get it? Spider has one recipe that's not secret, and one that is, because that one is meant to be a cute joke, similar to Crabby Party Secret Formula. Strychnine 7 Robert Woodward could've taken some shortcuts. Moderate A rather quite unpleasant, crunchy death. Can be used as a performance enhancer! Transparium 5 Can you see me? See through me? Easy Makes you pretty much invisible for a duration proportionate to the time it spends in your bloodstream. This has an overdose threshold of 30 units. You might not wanna go over that! Triple Meth 1 Requires methamphetamine, obviously. The challenge is figuring out what to do with it. Easy Makes you unstunnable, very robust, and very dizzy. Taking this will cause your stamina regeneration to rise to obscene levels. The movement confusion can be limiting, but otherwise there is no better drug for laughing off stuns and stamina loss, and the added movement speed makes you pretty hard to click. Does not combine with regular meth; in fact, having meth in you makes triple meth have no effect. Addictive. Has a secret use. Triplepiss 1 for both methods Short way: Take a piss with something magical in you, take the resultant liquid. Long way: Take a piss with a different magical thing in you, take in (i.e. drink) the resultant liquid, repeat. Piss-Hard Acts like standard piss. Harder to figure out than to actually make. An ancient secret from Goonstation's earliest years, whose very existence was kept hidden. Creation methods reference a beautiful joke story Popecrunch used to tell when asked how to make initropidril. Voltagen (Liquid Electricity) 4 (+ Stabilizer) Think about stuff that could be used to produce power. Average Randomly targets nearby mobs with arc flashes when in the bloodstream (consuming every remaining unit) or instantly if mixed without stabilizing agent. Found in shock grenades and just as useful for crowd control. Arc flashes will stun and damage anyone who aren't wearing insulated gloves, so if you can nab a pair, popping a pill of this can give you a huge advantage when fighting another player. Warp 5 Things that get you around quickly. Average Once injected, it saves your location. When it's out of your system, you teleport back to the start point. Great insurance policy for running into dangerous areas. Duties and Responsibilities Your job is to experiment with chemicals. While many Scientists prefer to work with only Pyrotechnics, there is also the opportunity to create superior healing mixtures, fun concoctions, and better chemicals to improve Service or Security jobs. The Lab The NSS Cyberiad Chemical Research Lab The chemical research lab consists of chem-dispensers, chem-masters, and chemical heaters. This is where you will mix, create, and analyze different chemicals and compounds. The lab is also equipped with a blast test chamber in order to test your grenades. It's very important you know exactly what you're mixing before you mix it because you only get one research lab. A designated test chamber is generally provided in the Research department for testing compounds. Getting Started See also Guide to Chemistry Fire and foremost, scientists should grab a gas mask (for protection when mixing compounds) and set their Suit sensors to max for when they inevitably blow themselves up. Where to begin is up to the imagination and initiative of scientists, it may be beneficial to look through the Guide to Chemistry and see what each chemical does either when combined to make a visible effect or ingested by a monkey test subject to see the effects on it. Once a chemical is discovered that may be useful or interesting, scientists should see how these chemicals could be best utilized either through different types of grenade casings and Assemblies or in application through patches and pills. Unless the compound requires approval from the Research Director, scientists should feel free to distribute these grenades where they may be most beneficial to the station. That being said, this role is about exploration and having fun, so players should not feel pressured to make compounds for the station. However, players should be cognizant of Research and Development and man it when necessary. Chemical Manipulation Since chemical researchers will be working with chemicals mostly, it's important for them to understand the machinery and tools available to them: Chem Dispenser.gif Chem-Dispenser - Allows user to dispense Base Chemicals and clear unwanted chemicals from containers, only one beaker at a time can be inserted. ChemMaster.gif Chem-Master - Allows user to insert a beaker, separate out chemicals, and then turn those chemicals into pills or patches. Chemical heater.png Chemical Heater- Allows user to heat the reagents contained inside of an inserted beaker. All-In-One grinder.png All-In-One Grinder - Allows user to grind/juice inserted items into reagents, useful for Botany plants or food items Using a combination of these machines will allow any scientists to produce what they want. However, there are a few chemicals that are not obtainable through chemistry and must instead be gathered from Botany, the Gateway, or even Space Ruins. Beakers and Chemical Transferring Beakers are container which hold a certain amount of units of any reagents. For better tracking and organization, scientists can use pens on beakers to add a label to it. Unless a scientist is in possession of science goggles, they will not be able to see the contents of the beaker directly and instead will have to insert them into one of the chemistry machines. The contents of beakers can either be warmed/heated by the chemical heater or by using an active welder/lighter on the beaker. Across all beakers, reagents can be transferred from one container to a second container by holding the first container in-hand and then click on the other container. The amount of units transferred can be specified by right-clicking the beaker and clicking set transfer amount. When transferring container-to-container, how much of each specific reagent that is transferred cannot be set and instead a proportional (percentage of reagent's units compared to total units of reagents in container) amount of every reagent will be transferred. Finally, the reagents of a container can be splashed on a surface/object/person by using it with harm intent on said object. There are also tools to help with precise chemical transfers between container or mobs: Syringes.png Syringe - Has two modes, can either inject or draw. Can move up to 15u of chemicals in increments of 5u at once, very useful for injecting mobs with chemicals or drawing blood. Dropper.png Dropper - Precise reagent mover, can transfer 1u, 2u, 3u, 4u, or 5u of reagents. By targeting the eyes, the dropper can be used to drip chemicals into mobs eyes Pipette.png Pipette - Extremely precise reagent mover, can transfer any amount between .1u and 1u (up to the 10th place).By targeting the eyes, the dropper can be used to drip chemicals into mobs eyes. Beaker Unit Capacity Description Beaker Beaker.png 50u The most basic beaker, can be found around the station or created at an Autolathe Beaker Large beaker.png 100u The most basic beaker except two times larger, can be found around the station or created at an Autolathe Bucket Bucket.png 120u Not technically a beaker but holds all the same properties as one with the added benefit of a large unit capacity, can be found around the station or created at an Autolathe Bluespace Beaker Beakerbluespace.gif 300u The beaker with the most unit capacity, can be created at a Protolathe Cryostasis Beaker Beakercryo.gif 50u A beaker that allows for chemical storage without reaction (mixing of chemicals), can be created at a Protolathe While these are the only beakers available, any container such as water bottles, glasses, cans, bottles, etc can be used in the same interactions as beakers. Alternative containers generally come at the cost of having much lower unit capacities. Grenades The main article for this section is Grenade Grenades are assemblies that upon activation, will count down from a timer of either 3 or 5 seconds and upon detonating will mix the contents of two beakers stored within them. All grenades have four components: the type of grenade casing, the trigger, beaker 1, and beaker 2. The amount of chemicals that can be mixed in the grenade is entirely reliant upon the unit capacity of the beakers contained inside. Generally, using a generic grenade casing will accomplish a scientists goal in mixing chems, however, specific grenade assemblies and casing types will allow scientists to perform much more controlled and specific reactions. The limit of chemicals in a grenade is 600, since one can mix two bluespace beakers (300u each). Any beaker can be used for grenades, except for buckets. Grenade timers can be changed between between 3 and 5 seconds by using a screwdriver on it. All grenades (except cryo grenades) will heat the mixture by a minor amount upon detonation. Grenade Types Grenade Description Crafting Generic Grenade Grenade.png General grenade, can hold two beakers. Upon detonation it will mix both mixtures and heat both by 10K. Use metal to craft a Grenade Casing.png Use wires on grenade casing CableCoils.png Apply 1-2 beakers to wired grenade casing Wired Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Cryo Grenade Cryo Grenade.png A cryogenic grenade. It rapidly cools its contents upon detonation. Print a Cryo Grenade Casing at the Protolathe Cryo grenade casing.png Use wires on grenade casing CableCoils.png Apply 1-2 beakers to wired grenade casing Wired Cryo Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Pyro Grenade Pyro Grenade.png A pyrogenic grenade. It rapidly heats its contents upon detonation. Print a Pyro Grenade Casing at the Protolathe Pyro grenade casing.png Use wires on grenade casing CableCoils.png Apply 1-2 beakers to wired grenade casing Wired Pyro Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Large Grenade GrenadeTabun.png A large grenade. It disperses its contents over a larger area than the generic grenade type. Print a Large Grenade Casing at the Protolathe Large Grenade Casing.png Use wires on grenade casing CableCoils.png Apply 1-2 beakers to wired grenade casing Wired Large Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Advanced Release Grenade Advanced Release Grenade.png An Advanced Release Grenade. It can detonated multiple times, only consuming a small amount of its contents each time. Print an Advanced Release Grenade Casing at the Protolathe Advanced grenade casing.png Use wires on grenade casing CableCoils.png Apply 1-2 beakers to wired grenade casing Wired Advanced Release Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Assemblies and Triggers The main article for this section is Assemblies Assemblies are a combination of components that will activate upon receiving a signal or meeting a certain condition. This can come in the form of proximity sensors, health sensors, and even laser triggers. All assembly components can be printed via Autolathe. Grenade casings can be attached to these assemblies to create grenades that will activate once a certain condition is met. Each of the assemblies can be deconstructed once disarmed by using a wrench on them. Grenade Assembly Description Crafting Mouse Trap Grenade Mousetrap Igniter Grenade Assembly.png A grenade assembly with an attached mouse trap and igniter. Upon being armed, stepping on the assembly or opening/checking the contents of the container it is in will immediately detonate the grenade. The grenade will not be set off by opening a crate or closet that it is stored in. Once completed, the assembly can be armed/disarmed by using it in-hand. Use metal to craft a grenade casing or print one at a Protolathe Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to mousetrap Screwdriver tool.png Apply screwdriver to igniter Screwdriver tool.png Hold mousetrap and click on the igniter to create the assembly Igniter.pngMousetrap.png Apply screwdriver to assembly Screwdriver tool.png Use the assembly on the grenade casing Mousetrap Igniter Assembly.pngGrenade Casing.png Apply 1-2 beakers to assembly Beaker.pngBeaker.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Remote Activated Grenade Signaler Grenade Assembly.png A grenade assembly with an attached signaler and igniter. When signaler is activated with the correct frequency and code, the grenade will be detonated. Use signaler or assembly in hand to set the frequency and code. Signaler receiver must be set to On for the grenade to detonate upon receiving the correct frequency and code. Use metal to craft a grenade casing or print one at a Protolathe Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to signaler Screwdriver tool.png Apply screwdriver to igniter Screwdriver tool.png Hold signaler and click on the igniter to create the assembly Igniter.pngRemoteSignalingDevice.png Apply screwdriver to assembly Screwdriver tool.png Use the assembly on the grenade casing Signaler igniter Assembly.pngGrenade Casing.png Apply 1-2 beakers to assembly Beaker.pngBeaker.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Proximity Grenade Proximity Grenade Assembly.png A grenade assembly with an attached proximity and igniter. When armed, the proximity sensory detects movement and then detonates the grenade. The proximity sensor only detects movements in a one tile radius around it. Use assembly in hand to set the proximity sensor to arm. Make sure to set it to arm after a certain amount of time so that it isn't accidently set off when moving away. Use metal to craft a grenade casing or print one at a Protolathe Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to igniter Screwdriver tool.png Hold proximity sensor and click on the igniter to create the assembly Igniter.pngRemoteSignalingDevice.png Apply screwdriver to assembly Screwdriver tool.png Use the assembly on the grenade casing Proximity igniter Assembly.pngGrenade Casing.png Apply 1-2 beakers to assembly Beaker.pngBeaker.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Timer Grenade Timer Grenade Assembly.png A grenade assembly with an attached timer and igniter. When armed, the timer will count down and once finished will detonate the grenade. Allows for much longer timed grenades. Use metal to craft a grenade casing or print one at a Protolathe Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to igniter Screwdriver tool.png Hold timer and click on the igniter to create the assembly Igniter.pngInfraredemitter.png Apply screwdriver to assembly Screwdriver tool.png Use the assembly on the grenade casing Timer igniter Assembly.pngGrenade Casing.png Apply 1-2 beakers to assembly Beaker.pngBeaker.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png Tripwire Grenade Tripwire Grenade Assembly.png A grenade assembly with an attached infrared emitter and igniter. When armed, a laser projects 9 tiles from the grenade. Once this laser is crossed it will detonate the grenade. Due to the weird mechanics of the laser it is ill advised to carry it on your persons while activated as you can walk into the beam. The laser can be set to be invisible and also works through containers and glass. Use metal to craft a grenade casing or print one at a Protolathe Grenade Casing.png Apply screwdriver to infrared emitter Screwdriver tool.png Apply screwdriver to igniter Screwdriver tool.png Hold infrared and click on the igniter to create the assembly Igniter.pngTimer.png Apply screwdriver to assembly Screwdriver tool.png Use the assembly on the grenade casing Tripwire igniter Assembly.pngGrenade Casing.png Apply 1-2 beakers to assembly Beaker.pngBeaker.png Apply screwdriver to finish Screwdriver tool.png This guide will primarily be useful for chemists and scientists but may come in handy to any player and especially traitors. Protip! You can hover over reagents needed in the formula to see how to create them Contents 1 Chemicals 2 Active Pure Chemicals 3 Beyond the obvious 4 Components 5 Medicines 5.1 Core Healing Medicines 5.2 Superior Healing Medicines 5.3 Unique Healing Medicines 6 Narcotics 7 Toxins 8 Pyrotechnics 9 Other Recipes 10 Food Recipes 11 Beyond the Dispenser Chemicals The building blocks of chemistry are aluminium, bromine, carbon, chlorine, copper, ethanol, fluorine, hydrogen, iodine, iron, lithium, mercury, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, radium, silicon, silver, sodium, Phoron, sugar, sulfur, and water. These can be produced from the Chem Dispenser in Chemistry. Grinding minerals from mining will also get you Uranium. You have all sorts of things here, and can make so much. You can make medicines, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, and so much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Mixing these chemicals often requires a device called the Chemical heater.png Chemical Heater. With this, you enter a given temperature (in kelvins) to heat or cool a beaker and its reagents. This can sometimes result in dangerous reactions, so be careful! Oh and there is a welding fuel tank on your wall. Don't go on a trip to steal one from somewhere. All the recipes and reagents listed below are sorted by category and alphabetical order. Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat these. Chemicals unmentioned don't have any effect. All active pure chemicals have a metabolism rate of .4 units per cycle unless stated otherwise. Chlorine: Causes 1 burn damage. Ethanol: The most potent alcoholic "beverage", with the fastest toxicity. Fluorine: Causes 1 toxin and 1 burn damage. Iron: Helps slowly restore blood at a rate of 0.8cl per cycle. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Has a 70% chance to cause 1 brain damage, metabolizes at 0.2u per cycle. Phoron: Causes 1 toxin damage. Heals Phoronmen. Purges 2 units of Epinephrine from the body. Radium: Causes 4 radiation damage up to a cap of 80. Sugar: Gives nutrition, has a chance to reduce stuns, and has a rare chance to decay into a small amount of epinephrine. Overdosing on this will put you into diabetic shock. Toxin: Causes 2 toxin damage. Uranium: Causes 2 radiation damage. Beyond the obvious You can heat up beakers with cheap lighters, welders, et cetera. You can get a cheap lighter at the very start of the shift via enabling it in your loadout (character creation screen), or from a vendomat. Each click heats the beaker up by around 20-30 kelvins, which means you can achieve desired temperatures in 2–3 seconds. This makes chemical heaters entirely redundant. Some chemicals emit toxin vapors upon mixing. If you breath from the atmosphere, wear a gaskmask (no internals needed) or apply internals. You can label beakers with a pen. One is available in your PDA (rightclick -> remove pen). The hand labeller will not work. You can get access to an additional chem (Toxin) by opening the chem dispenser's panel with a screwdriver, multitooling it and then applying the screwdriver again. "Metabolism rate" indicates how much of a substance gets "absorbed" by a body every 2~ seconds (that's called a cycle) to trigger the effect's of a given substance. In majority of the cases, if the substance metabolization rate isn't specified it's most likely 0.4. If you are well-fed, denoted by "Feeling Vigorous", you metabolize chems 25% faster. This does not mean that chemicals work faster on the body, but rather that they are purged at a quicker pace. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Formula Description Acetone 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen Common ingredient in other recipes. Causes toxin damage when ingested. Ammonia 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen An alternative fertilizer for botany and a key component for many common meds (results in 3 units instead of 4). Less effective than Diethylamine. Ash Burn paper with a lighter Basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. You can also create it by heating up Oil to 874K, but if it's 30u of oil or more, this WILL result in a large fire, which if done in chemistry will likely blow the welding tanks and ignite everyone nearby. Burning paper and scooping it up is a much safer method of making ash. Carpet 1 part Fungus 1 part Blood Creates a dirty carpet on the floor. Diethylamine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol Temperature 374 K A very potent fertilizer, and the base component of some medicines. Meat Slurry 1 part Corn Starch 1 part Blood Ingredient in Heparin Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Used to make a variety of different chemicals, including Perfluorodecalin and Ephedrine. Heating less than 30u to 874k will make ash. Heating 30u or more to 874k will make a large fire and likely detonate the nearby welding tank dispenser. Phenol 1 part Water 1 part Chlorine 1 part Oil Used for certain medical recipes. Saltpetre 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen 3 parts Oxygen Ingredient for Bath Salts and Black Powder. Also adds potency to plants as well as increasing production speed. Sulphuric Acid 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen An acid that's utilized as a building block in a lot of medical chemicals (results in 2 units instead of 3). It's also useful for etching circuits....etching permanent scars in your coworker's face. Welding Fuel None! Find it in welding fuel tanks. A highly flammable blend of basic hydrocarbons, mostly Acetylene. Useful for both welding and organic chemistry. Medicines "And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these. See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use when. Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs form the "core" drugs used to heal the most common forms of damage. All other medical drugs outside of this section are either harder to make upgrades, or highly specific forms of healing for rarer situations. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Chance Charcoal 1 part Ash 1 part Sodium Chloride Temperature 380 K Toxin Heals 1.5 points of toxins damage per cycle, and has a 50% chance of removing 1u of all other chems present per cycle. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Cryoxadone 1 part Phoron 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Cryostylane Cellular, Oxygen, Brute, Burn, Toxin Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals, per cycle: 4 points of cellular damage 10 points of oxy damage 12 points of brute and burn damage 3 points of toxin damage However, this functions only when the atmosphere outside the patient is cold like in space or cryotube. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Mannitol 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brain Heals 3 points of brain damage per cycle. Use it in cryo tubes alongside Cryoxadone. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Salbutamol 1 part Salicylic Acid 1 part Lithium 1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Ammonia Suffocation Heals 6 points of oxygen damage per cycle and reduces losebreath by 4 points. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.2 units per cycle N/A N/A Saline-Glucose Solution 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brute, burn Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 2 points of brute and burn damage each. Has another 33% chance per cycle to restore 1cl of blood. Used to treat patients in shock. 0.15 units per cycle N/A N/A Silver Sulfadiazine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn On touch, instantly heals burn damage equal to the volume in units. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion, deals toxins damage equal to half the consumed volume. Heals 2 burn per cycle. 3 units per cycle N/A N/A Styptic Powder 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute On touch, instantly heals brute damage equal to the volume in units. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion, deals toxins damage equal to half the consumed volume. Heals 2 brute per cycle. 3 units per cycle N/A N/A Synthflesh 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon 1 part Styptic Powder Brute, burn On touch, heals 1.5 times the applied volume in brute and burn damage. Touch based only - no effects ingested. When 100u is splashed on a body with under 50 damage, it can un-husk a corpse. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Synth Meat 1 part Cryoxadone 5 parts Blood Synthetic Meat Creates a piece of synthetic meat at location of reaction---largely used to help restock the cloner's biomass. N/A N/A N/A Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing drugs, however they are significantly better at healing. Also, many upgraded drugs can be overdosed with, leading to a negative outcome. Be sure to monitor how many units of chemicals someone is injected with. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Chance Atropine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute, burn and suffocation Heals 10 oxygen damage if above 65, caps loss of breath at 5 cycles, attempts to resolve cardiac failure, but causes dizziness and confusion. If the patient's health is below -25 it will heal 3 brute and burn damage per cycle, but above -25, causes 1 toxin damage per cycle. Good for stabilising critical patients and treating cardiac failure. It also aggressively purges Sarin at a rate of 20 units per cycle. 0.2 units per cycle 25 N/A Calomel 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374 K Purge Purges the body of all chemicals at a rate of 5u per cycle. If your health is above 20, large amounts (5 per cycle) of toxin damage is dealt. 0.8 units per cycle N/A N/A Menthol 1 part Mint 1 part Ethanol Temperature 324 K Burn and high body temperature Has a 55% chance per cycle to heal 2 points of burn damage. Attempts to cool the body's temperature to 280K in 10K decrements. Results in 1 unit instead of 2. 0.1 units per cycle N/A N/A Mutadone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Acetone 1 part Bromine Genetic Heals your genetic defects. Will not alter any gene that a character has at the start of the round, disabilities included. Just 1u is enough - grinding up vendor pills and repackaging them into 1u pills is more efficient than making it from scratch. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Omnizine Found in warm Donk Pockets, rainbow cotton candy, the Chief Medical Officer's hypospray, and Lifeweed. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 1 point each of toxin and suffocation damage, and two of brute and burn damage each cycle, with the side effect of somewhat crippling addiction. Has a 50% chance of reducing losebreath by 1. If overdosed it will deal significant amounts of each damage type. Found in warmed up donk pockets. Simply grinding the donk pockets will not work. You will need to have a person or animal eat them, and then dialysis it out of them using a sleeper. Botany can grow Lifeweed which can then be ground up for omnizine. 0.2 units per cycle 30 Low Pentetic Acid 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Sodium 1 part Cyanide Radiation, toxin Reduces rads by 70 and toxin damage by 4 while purging other chemicals from the body almost as fast as calomel (4u per cycle). Has a 33% chance of dealing 1 brute and burn damage, however it can easily be outhealed by saline-glucose solution which heals at double this rate. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Perfluorodecalin 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Fluorine 1 part Oil Temperature 374 K Suffocation Heals suffocation damage so quickly that you could have a spacewalk, but if 4 or more units are administered it mutes your voice and causes losebreath. Has a 33% chance of healing brute and burn damage per cycle as well. 0.2 units per cycle N/A Medium Salicylic Acid 1 part Sodium 1 part Phenol 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute and painkiller Has a 55% chance per cycle to heal 2 points of brute damage. Deals toxin damage when overdosed. Has a 15% fail rate during surgery. Attempts to cool the body's temperature to 310.15K in 10K decrements. 0.1 units per cycle 25 units N/A Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs preform a unique function that is not commonly used or seen in game. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Chance Antihol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Charcoal Alcohol Helps remove Alcohol from someone's body, as well as eliminating its side effects. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Bicaridine Grown in botany. Brute Heals 2 brute damage per cycle. Overdose deals 4 instead. 0.4 units per cycle 30 N/A Degreaser 1 part Oil 1 part Sterilizine Cleans Residue from IPC's. Basically the IPC version of Charcoal. Purges all chemicals at 1u per cycle, except Space Lube and Ultra-Lube which are removed at 5u per cycle. In addition to that, reduces paralysis, stuns, weakening, and confusion. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Diluted Omnizine Found in lukewarm donk pockets and grown in botany Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type a cycle. If overdosed it will deal 1.5 of each damage type. 0.1 units per cycle 30 Low Diphenhydramine 1 part Oil 1 part Carbon 1 part Bromine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Ethanol Histamine Overdose Purges body of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Low Earthsblood Grown in botany. Brute, Burn, Toxin, Oxygen, Cellular Prevents the user from attacking other people in most ways as long as it is in their system, but heals 0.5 oxygen, 0.5 toxin, 1 brute, 1 burn, 0.1 cellular, and 0.5 stamina damage while dealing 1 brain damage per cycle for the first 25 cycles. Afterwards, the effects accelerate to healing 3 oxygen, 3 toxin, 5 brute, 5 burn, 1 cellular, and 3 stamina damage while dealing 2 brain damage per cycle. In addition, makes the user high, and causes jitteriness after 25 cycles. When overdosed causes hallucinations, and after 25 cycles deals 4 toxin per cycle. This damage increases to 6 toxin per cycle after 100 cycles. 0.4 units per cycle 25 N/A Ephedrine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sugar 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen Stun reduction Caps losebreath at 5 and if oxyloss is above 75, heals 1 oxyloss damage. If patient's health is below 0, heals 1 toxin, 1 brute and 1 burn damage. If patient's health is above 0, has a 33% chance to heal 1 toxin, 1 brute and 1 burn damage. Reduces stun times and stabilises crit. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxyloss damage. 0.3 units per cycle 35 Medium Epinephrine 1 part Phenol 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen Stun, brute, burn, suffocation and toxin If subject's health is below -10 but above -65 it will: Heal 1 toxin, 1 brute and 1 burn damage per cycle. Attempt to cap oxyloss at 35 and losebreath at 3. Also used to treat patients experiencing cardiac failure. Will not heal patients who are almost dead. If overdosed will stun and deal toxin damage. Aggressively purges Histamine. 0.2 units per cycle 20 N/A Ether 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Sedative A non-addictive alternative to morphine. Can be useful when performing surgery on species who require unique breathing equipment such as Vox or Phoronmen. 0.1 units per cycle N/A N/A Haloperidol 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Aluminum 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine 1 part Oil Anti-psychotic and Stimulant Purgative Will rapidly (5u per cycle) purge hallucinogenic and stimulative chemicals while reducing jitteriness and the drugs' various negative effects. Randomly causes drowsiness, drooling, and small amounts of brain damage. This is what is contained within tranquilizer darts. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Heparin 1 part Meat Slurry 1 part Phenol 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Sugar Heart Failure Has a chance to stop heart failures each tick. Will worsen(not cause)any internal or normal bleeding. If overdosed, causes extreme amounts of bleeding. 0.4 units per cycle 20 N/A Hydrocodone 1 part Morphine 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Water 1 part Oil Painkiller An extremely strong painkiller that allows you to ignore almost any amount of pain. Has a 1% fail rate during surgery. 0.3 units per cycle N/A N/A Insulin None: Can be either ordered from Cargo, grown from Botany or found in a NanoMed Plus Sugar overdose Purges 5 units of sugar 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Kelotane Grown in botany. Burn Heals 2 burn damage per cycle. Overdose deals 4 instead. 0.4 units per cycle 30 N/A Lavaland Extract Found in survival medipens. Brute and Burn Heals brute and burn damage at an astounding rate of 5 per cycle. If overdosed, however, deals 3 brute, 3 burn, and 3 toxin in addition to causing confusion. 0.4 units per cycle 3 N/A Liquid Solder 1 part Ethanol 1 part Copper 1 part Silver Temperature 370k Heals Synthetic Posibrain damage. Same thing as Mannitol, but for Synthetics! 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Mitocholide 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Phoron Internal Damage Healing, limb revival Heals internal organ damage by .4 points each per cycle; a slow-acting alternative to surgery. Great in a cryo mix! Also can fix septic or dead limbs and organs if splashed on them. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Morphine None: Can be either ordered from Cargo, grown from Botany or found in a NanoMed Plus Painkiller Will allow you to walk faster. Will eventually knock you out if you take too much. If overdosed it will cause jitteriness, dizziness, force the victim to drop items in their hands and eventually deal toxin damage. Has a 1% fail rate during surgery. 0.4 units per cycle 30 High Nanocalcium Traitor Uplink Broken Bones Causes jitteriness, then weakness and confusion, before stunning the user. Has a 50% chance per cycle to mend a random bone during the stun-phase. Reacts with narcotics and stimulants, causing massive toxins damage and halting bone repair. 0.5 units per cycle N/A N/A Oculine 1 part Atropine 1 part Spaceacillin 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution Eye and Ear Cures blindness and heals eye damage over time, also cures deafness and heals ear damage. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Potassium Iodide 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Radiation Reduces 10 radiation contamination per cycle. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Restorative Nanites Syndicate Cyborg Hypospray Everything A nuclear operative only reagent, injected by their cyborgs' hyposprays; Heals 15 oxygen, 5 tox, 5 brute, and 5 burn, 15 brain, and 3 cellular damage. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Rezadone 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Spaceacillin 1 part Copper Cellular Damage Healing Instantly heals all cellular damage (the only way to heal it besides Cryoxadone or Earthsblood, and much more efficient as even 1u is enough and the effect is immediate), as well as healing 1 brute and burn per tick. 0.4 units per cycle 30 N/A Spaceacillin 1 part Fungus 1 part Ethanol Diseases and Infections A theta-lactam antibiotic. A common and very useful medicine, effective against many diseases likely to be encountered in space. Slows progression of diseases. Treats infections. Fungus can be either scooped off the walls of maintenance with a container, or it be grown by Botany. 0.2 units per cycle N/A N/A Stimulants Traitor uplink Stun A traitor only reagent; it makes the user completely impervious to stuns and heals 5 oxygen, 5 tox, 10 brute, and 10 burn, as well as resets stamina damage to 0; when it wears off (under 5 units remaining) it deals tox and brute damage in addition to a stun. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Stimulative Agent Traitor uplink Stun A traitor only reagent, this is partially what adrenal implants inject; it reduces the duration of stuns, weakening, and paralysis, increases the user's speed, heals 1 of oxygen toxin, brute, and burn damage if below 50 health but above 0, as well as 5 stamina damage regardless of health. If overdosed - which would require more than six adrenals activations - causes 2.5 stamina and 1 tox damage in addition to 1 cycle of loss of breath with 33% probability every cycle. 0.5 units per cycle 60 N/A Strange Reagent 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water 1 part Unstable Mutagen Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life! WARNING: if the corpse has suffered more than 150 points combined of brute, burn, and cellular damage they will instead explode in a shower of gore. Deals gene damage and randomly causes organ and limb necrosis on successful revival, based on how long they have been dead (0% chance within the first minute, up to 40% after 20 minutes). If used on a living person it will deal Brute and Tox damage. 0.2 units per cycle N/A N/A Synaptizine None: Can only be grown in botany. Brain, stimulant Has a 50% chance to heal 1 brain damage every cycle. Reduces the duration of stuns, paralysis, weakening, drowsiness, and sleep. If overdosed, randomly deals toxin damage, causes vomiting, weakening, and dizziness. 0.4 units per cycle 40 N/A Teporone 1 part Acetone 1 part Silicon 1 part Phoron Body temperature stabilization Attempts to return the body's temperature to 310K in 10K increments. 0.4 units per cycle 50 Medium Narcotics Narcotics are highly addicitve drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Chance Aranesp 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Insulin Regenerates a whopping 40 stamina per cycle. However, the drug causes toxin damage in addition to having a chance to induce heavy oxygen damage and a short stun. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Bath Salts 1 part ????? 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Monosodium Glutamate 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Universal Enzyme 1 part Mugwort 1 part Mercury Temperature 374k Makes the subject nearly impervious to stuns, however the subject will suffer Toxin and Brain damage, constant hallucinations and will lose motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool and drop items in their hand, as well as be infected with a disease that causes them to punch people randomly. If addicted the subject will suffer very severe Brain damage, severe hallucinations, complete loss of motor control and eventually fatal amounts of Toxin damage. Hint: If the cook isn't being cooperative, there is a 1/5 chance a cup of ramen will have 3 units of enzyme in it. 0.6 units per cycle 20 High Cannabidiol Grown in botany. Also known as CBD, this is one of the active substances in cannabis, has a 10% chance to reduce weakening and confusion, as well as a 25% chance to heal 2 brute and burn damage. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Crank 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Lithium 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390 K Reduces stun times by about 200%. If overdosed on or addicted to, will deal significant Toxin, Brute and Brain damage. Explodes on mixing, so stay clear of the heater. 0.4 units per cycle 20 High Fliptonium 1 Part Ephedrine 1 Part Liquid Dark Matter 1 Part Chocolate 1 Part Gin and Sonic Causes the imbiber to start spinning! When ingested or applied the sprite starts spinning in circles. Also helps against stuns, paralysis, weakening, drowsiness, as well as heals 1.5 stamina per cycle. If overdosed, causes confusion and makes you drop items. 0.2 units per cycle 20 Low Jenkem 1 part Toilet Water 1 part Water 1 part Ammonia Jenkem is a prison drug made from organic waste. Extremely disgusting. 0.4 units per cycle 20 Medium/High Krokodil 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Morphine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Potassium 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Welder Fuel Temperature 390 K Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal significant Brain and Toxin damage. If addicted to it will begin to deal fatal amounts of Brute damage as the subjects skin falls off. 0.4 units per cycle 20 High Lysergic acid diethylamide 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Fungus Also known as LSD. This is a potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Contrary to what you may believe, this is not an enjoyable chem to be subject to. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Methamphetamine 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 374 k Reduces stun times by about 200% and allows the user to quickly recover stamina while dealing a small amount of Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from Toxin and Brain damage. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and losing motor control and eventually suffer heavy toxin damage. 0.6 units per cycle 20 High Nicotine Can be found in cigarettes and nicotine patches in the vending machines, or made by grinding tobacco grown in botany. Slightly reduces stun times. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxygen damage. 0.4 units per cycle 35 High Psilocybin Grown in botany. A strong psychotropic drug derived from certain species of mushrooms. Causes a large host of symptoms such as stuttering, jitteriness, and visual effects. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Rotatium 1 part Lysergic acid diethylamide 1 part Teslium 1 part Methamphetamine After 20 cycles, causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion. 0.6 units per cycle N/A N/A Space Drugs 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and visual artefacts. 0.2 units per cycle N/A High Surge 3 parts Thermite 1 part Uranium 1 part Fluorosurfactant 1 part Sulphuric Acid A sketchy superconducting gel that overloads processors, causing an effect reportedly similar to opiates in synthetic units. It is very similar to space drugs, with the added fun of being electrocuted and killed in higher doses. 0.4 units per cycle 20 High Tetrahydrocannabinol Grown in botany. One of the active substances in cannabis, causes stuttering, yawning, confusion, and in high doses (over 50 units), drowsiness. 0.4 units per cycle N/A N/A Ultra Lube 2 parts Space Lube 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Cryostylane Ultra-Lube is an enhanced lubricant which induces effect similar to Methamphetamine in synthetic users by drastically reducing internal friction and increasing cooling capabilities. 0.6 units per cycle 20 High Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals you can mix it. If you are not an antagonist, mixing and using these may qualify as self-antagging, and may result in a ban or job ban. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Recipe Damage Dealt Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold ????? From trying to microwave or bake improper food recipes. Food poisoning Causes food poisoning, which is cured by sleeping. Used in several other recipes. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Amanitin Traitor Uplink and Amanita Mushrooms Delayed Toxin Damage Once none remains in your body, instantly deals 2-4 toxin damage multiplied by how many cycles it was in you. Larger doses means a longer waiting period, but more damage. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Ants Found under food left on the floor. Brute Deals 4 brute damage when initially applied, then 2 brute damage every cycle. Causes screaming. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Atrazine 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen Toxin Kills weeds, deals 2 toxin damage, and additional, massive toxin damage to Dionae. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Black Terror Venom Injected 30u at a time by Black Terrors Toxin Under 30 units, deals 1 Toxin damage per cycle. Above 30 but under 60, the damage increases to 2 and eye blur is caused. Above 60 but under 90, the damage increases to 4, and the venom causes confusion. Above 90 units, the venom deals 8 toxin damage per cycle and causes paralysis. 0.1 units per cycle N/A Capulettium 1 part Neurotoxin 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Chlorine Blurry vision, knockout, faked death. Knocks out after 10 cycles and keeps them out for a fixed short while; when they pass out, it makes it look as though they've died to everything including medical HUDs; excellent for faking death and briefly knocking people out. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Capulettium Plus 1 part Capulettium 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Methamphetamine Silences. Allows for faking of death at will via resting while the reagent is in the bloodstream. Also silences. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Carpotoxin Extracted from carp or koibeans. Toxin A deadly neurotoxin produced by the dreaded space carp, which deals 2 toxin damage per cycle. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Coniine Extracted from Death Berries. Toxin and breath loss Deals 2 toxin damage and causes 5 cycles of loss of breath. 0.05 units per cycle N/A Curare Traitor Uplink Knockout, Oxygen, and Toxin Deals 1 toxin damage, 1 oxygen damage, and knocks you out after 11 cycles. 0.1 units per cycle N/A Cyanide 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen Temperature 380 K Toxin, Suffocation Deals 1.5 toxin damage per cycle, randomly causes loss of breath, stuns, and extra toxin damage. 0.1 units per cycle N/A Formaldehyde 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 425 K Toxin Causes 1 Toxin damage per cycle. Has a chance to turn into 10 to 15 units of Histamine. If injected into corpses, it will prevent them from decaying. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Glyphosate 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Ammonia Toxin A herbicide. Removes fungus, kills space vines very quickly and deals huge amounts of Toxin damage to Dionae. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Histamine Traitor Uplink and breakdown of Formaldehyde in a living being Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Randomly causes Brute damage and blurred vision. If overdosed, it will also deal a significant amount of Brute, Toxin and Oxygen damage. 0.2 units per cycle 40 Initropidril Traitor uplink or 1 part Crank 1 part Histamine 1 part Krokodil 1 part Bath Salts 1 part Atropine 1 part Nicotine 1 part Morphine Cardiac Arrest 33% chance to hit with 5-25 toxin damage every 3 seconds, and a 5-10% chance to either stun, cause lots of oxygen damage, or cause your heart to stop. Combat it with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib for more reliable methods. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Itching Powder 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ammonia 1 part Fungus Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing slight amount of Brute damage. Has a chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of histamine. 0.3 units per cycle N/A Ketamine Sleepy Pen Yawning, blurry vision, causes target to fall asleep After 11 cycles, the target falls asleep for as long as it remains in the body. 0.8 units per cycle N/A Lipolicide 1 part Mercury 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Ephedrine Weight Loss 1/3 chance of dealing 1 toxin damage unless you have nutriment in you. It also will help you lose weight if you've overstuffed yourself. 0.2 units per cycle N/A Mint Toxin Found in Mints. Toxin Gibs fat people. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Neurotoxin 1 part Space Drugs Temperature 674 K Toxin, brain Deals 1 Toxin damage every cycle. It additionally deals 1 Brain damage per cycle up to 80 damage, after which the brain damage is significantly decreased. If the toxin is not removed after 14 cycles it will knock the victim unconscious. 1 unit per cycle N/A Pancuronium Traitor Uplink Paralysis and Suffocation Also found in lethal injection syringes from the locker in execution, or a hacked Nanomed Plus. Paralyses you after 10 cycles, with a small chance to cause some loss of breath. 0.2 units per cycle N/A Pest Killer 1 part Toxin 1 part Ethanol Toxin Also found in hydroponics Pest Killer spray bottles. Deals large toxin damage against Kidan. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Polonium Traitor Uplink Radiation Causes 8 Radiation damage every cycle. 0.1 units per cycle N/A Sarin 1 part Acetone 1 part Atrazine 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374 K Toxin, Burn, and Brain Deals 1 Toxin, Burn, and Brain damage every cycle, after 60 cycles weakens you, causes loss of breath, and deals additional 1 Toxin and Brain damage. 0.2 units per cycle N/A Sodium Thiopental Traitor Uplink Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 6 cycles. Might cause slight brain damage. 0.7 units per cycle N/A Spider Venom Injected by some Giant Spiders. Toxin Causes 1.5 Toxin damage per cycle. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Sulfonal 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Knockout and Toxin Deals 1 Toxin damage per cycle and knocks you out after 22 cycles. 0.1 units per cycle N/A Venom Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin Will deal between 1 to 2 Toxin and Brute damage over time depending on volume. Has a chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. If overdosed, it has a chance to gib the person outright. 0.2 units per cycle 40 Tirizene Death berries or poison berries from botany Stamina Deals large amount of Stamina damage initially but the effect diminishes with time. 0.4 units per cycle N/A Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. These are the most obvious candidates for making grenades, but you can see the Guide to Chemical Research for details and creative suggestions. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Recipe Description Azide 1 part Chlorine 1 part Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Ammonia 1 part Sodium 1 part Silver Results in 1 unit. Creates a violent explosion at the source. Cannot be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. Black Powder 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Charcoal 1 part Sulfur Sparks, and then creates a violent explosion when heated to 473.15K. Chlorine Trifluoride 1 part Chlorine 3 parts Fluorine Temperature 424k When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Comes into existence at 1000K. A flammable substance so dangerous it can burn through the hull of the station. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will burn you from the inside out. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast, however. Cryostylane 1 part Water 1 part Phoron 1 part Nitrogen Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents in the container down. Useful for delayed reactions. Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Cannot be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. Only useful in grenade production. Firefighting Foam 1 part Chlorine 1 part Carbon 1 part Sulfur Also known as carbon tetrachloride; this is an excellent reagent for putting out fires; more effective than water---and no slipping. Flash Powder 1 part Aluminium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 373.15K to activate. Fluorosurfactant 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any walls, floors, objects, or people and animals in the area of the foam. Liquid Dark Matter 1 part Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Carbon When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 473.15K to activate. Napalm 1 part Sugar 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer then other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. Nitroglycerin 1 part Glycerol 1 part FluoroSulphuric Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing (results in 2 units instead of 3). Phlogiston 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Phoron Turns into a spreading fireball if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 4 fire damage every 3 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. Phlogiston Dust 1 part Phlogiston 1 part Charcoal 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulfur A more condensed version of Phlogiston. Will burn at a lower heat and will deal less fire damage to mobs but will create a bigger blast when used on a turf. (results in 2 units instead of 4). Pyrosium 1 part Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents in the container up. Useful for delayed reactions. Sonic Powder 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius of 5 tiles. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 373.15K to activate. Smoke 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large puff of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The smoke will transfer the contained reagents into any mobs caught within the smoke puff, and will apply the reagents to the mobs. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 373.15K to activate. Sorium 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Carbon When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 473.15K to activate. Stabilizing Agent 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. It is required only during the exact moment of mixing to inhibit the chem's reaction. As soon as you're done mixing the dangerous substance, you're free to dispose of SA.This does not work on everything, so be warned! Teslium 1 part Phoron 1 part Silver 1 part Black Powder Temperature 400k An unstable, electrically-charged metallic slurry. Increases the conductance of living things and will randomly shock people. Causes an electrical arc if mixed with uranium. Other Recipes These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. - Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Formula Description Acetaldehyde 1 part Chromium 1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 549 K An ingredient for Acetic Acid. Deals small amounts of burn damage over time, and can be absorbed through the skin. Acetic Acid 1 part Acetaldehyde 1 part Oxygen 4 parts Nitrogen A weak acid. Harmless with amounts under 25u; splashing more than 50u deals minor brute and burn damage with a high chance of disfigurement. Bee Explosion 1 part Honey 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Radium Results in 1 bee per 5 units created on reaction. Will round the number of bees created. The bees created will each have a random reagent assigned to them which was available in the reagent holder when the reaction happened. Brassification Splash atleast 1u of Copper onto metal sheets Results in a stack of metal being turned into a stack of brass sheets. Candlefication 1 part Oxygen 1 part Liquid Gibs Temperature 374 K Results in 1 candle. Colorful Reagent 1 part Phoron 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Triple Citrus 1 part Stabilizing Agent When applied to turfs or objects it will color them a random color. Condensed Capsaicin 2 parts Capsaicin Oil 5u Phoron (catalyst) A chemical agent used for self-defence and in police work. (Results in 1 unit of Condensed Capsaicin Oil and does not consume Phoron.) Corgium 1 part Nutriment 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Blood Temperature 374 K Creates a corgi at location of the reaction. D'awwwww. Drying Agent 2 parts Phoron 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Results in 3 units, used to dry wet floors. EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetical pulse which affects all electronical thingies; very useful for causing chaos. Fish Water None: Can be harvested from any fish tank. Smelly water from a fish tank. Gross! Has no use other than to make you to vomit green goo. Flaptonium 1 part Egg 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Chicken Noodle Soup 1 part Blood Temperature 374k Creates a parrot at the location of the reaction. Squawk! FluoroSulphuric Acid 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 380 K A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Keep away from faces and valuable equipment. Used in some other recipes. On contact, each unit deals 2 burn damage. Note that a single body part can accumulate no more than 75 damage this way. Useful for burning pesky horse masks off people's faces. Glycerol 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. This is only useful in other reactions (results in 1 unit instead of 4). Slippery like water. Hairgrownium 1 part Carpet 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Ephedrine When applied topically (on touch), it will give the person it's applied to a random hair style and random facial hair. Holy Water 1 part Water 1 part Mercury 1 part Wine When ingested by a cultist, they will eventually revert back to their old ways and stop following Nar-Sie. For Vampires, having this reagent in them will nullify their powers and slowly flush out their usable blood. Jestosterone 1 part Blood 1 part Banana Juice 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Space Lube Temperature 374K Has the following effects: Makes you squeak when you are hit or when you move. Heals 1.5 points of brute damage per cycle for clowns and honksquad members. Deals 1.5 points of toxin damage per cycle to mimes. In non-clowns and non-honksquad crew, it also induces effects similar to space drugs. Life 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood Temperature 374 K Creates hostile life forms, which will likely result in chaos. Replace the blood with sugar to have them be friendly instead! Liquid Gibs None: Can be found on the floor after a living creature has been gibbed. Useful in recipes requiring animal fat such as candles or soap. Lye 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Also known as sodium hydroxide. Useful in creating homemade soap and candles. Meatification 1 part Nutriment 1 part Carbon 1 part Liquid Gibs Results in 1 slab of meat. Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Fluorosurfactant 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Plastic Polymers 5 parts Oil 2 parts Sulphuric Acid 3 parts Ash Temperature 374 K Creates 1 sheet of plastic at the location of the reaction. Quantum Hair Dye 1 part Hairgrownium 1 part Colorful Reagent When applied topically (on touch), it will color a person's hair a random color. Perfect for coloring those with distasteful hair colors. Royal Bee Jelly 40 parts Honey 10 parts Unstable Mutagen When injected into a Queen Bee, the Queen Bee splits into 2 new Queen Bees. Perfect for those botanists who want to expand their bee empire! Shock Explosion 1 part Teslium 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates an area-of-effect shock that will stun and very very minorly damage all who are not wearing insulated gloves. Soapification 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374 K Results in 1 bar of soap. Sodium Chloride 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Space Cleaner 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water 1 part Ethanol This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Space Lube 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Space Lube is a high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment. Sterilizine 2 parts Antihol 1 part Chlorine Helps the patient when used during surgery, or decontaminates objects and surfaces that bear pathogens. Super Hairgrownium 1 part Hairgrownium 1 part Iron 1 part Methamphetamine When injected this will cause the person to not only grow a huge set of hair, but a fake moustache as well; the fake moustache will continue to grow and regrow as long as it's in the person's system. Synthanol 1 part Phoron 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Space Lube What IPCs can drink to get drunk. Robo-booze. Thermite 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited with a welding tool. Causes minor burn damage to humans when ingested. Toilet Water None: Can be harvested from any toilet. Filthy water scoured from a nasty toilet bowl. Absolutely disgusting. Has no use other than to make you to vomit green goo. Unstable Mutagen 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phoron 1 part Radium Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany and Genetics. Virus Food 1 part Water 1 part Milk 1 part Oxygen A chemical which allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Food Recipes These reactions relate to food and various food products, both tasty and disgusting. Hover over the names of the reagents in the recipe column to see their chemical formulas! Name Formula Description Corn Syrup 1 part Corn Starch 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 374 K Decays into 1.2 units of sugar each cycle—basically a more highly concentrated version of sugar. Mugwort Occasionally found in Duke Purple Tea. A rather bitter herb once thought to hold magical protective properties. 20% proc chance per cycle when drinking Duke Purple Tea. Universal Enzyme 1 part Sugar 1 part Vomit or Green Vomit Temperature 754 K Used for many recipes. Very High Fructose Corn Syrup 1 part Corn Syrup 1 part Universal Enzyme (catalyst) Decays into 2.4 units of sugar each cycle—basically a very highly concentrated version of sugar. Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. You can move beyond beakers too. Bottles, cups, even your own stomach (if you don't have a particularly strong survival instinct) work as beakers! Foreword Please note that this list does not cover every single chem; it's important to keep in mind that the wiki is not always up to date. If you notice that chemicals are missing, or their information is incorrect, as always please contact a wiki maintainer or staff so that it can be corrected, or better yet submit an edit yourself and wait for it to be approved. Chemistry Equipment Chemical Dispenser Dispenser.png The Chemical Dispenser is your go-to device for making everything. It's a reagent dispenser, and works the same way as all other dispensers - You put a container into it, in this case a Beaker of some sort, by holding the container in your hand and clicking the dispenser. Then once a container is in, click the dispenser with an empty hand to bring up the menu The Chemical dispenser can dispense all kinds of elements and chemicals into the beaker. And when you put in the right ingredients for a recipe, they'll automatically react in the beaker and create the result. Some of the things in the dispenser even have effects on their own, without being made into compounds. For a full list of all the things that the dispenser can output, check the dispenser section ChemMaster 3000 Chemmaster.gif The ChemMaster 3000 is your tool for turning your beakerfuls of medicine, into a useable state, without having to give away your lab equipment. It's also used for analysing the contents of beakers, and for carefully removing parts you want to get rid of, to keep your mixtures pure. To start, insert a beaker containing some chemical, and then click it with an empty hand to bring up a menu. In addition to holding a beaker, the ChemMaster can also hold a Pill Bottle (both simultaneously), more on these soon. The Add to Buffer section is where all the juicy info is. It will show you a list of all the reagents inside the beaker, and their quantities. Beside each one are several options. Analyze will just bring up the description of that chemical, to tell you what it is and does. The rest of the buttons (1,5,10,all,custom) just control how much of that chemical you're going to move to the buffer. The Buffer is the section between the horizontal lines. Imagine this as chemicals inside the ChemMaster. Once they're here, you can do several things with them. The Transfer To section shows where chemicals will go when you transfer them out of the buffer, click it to change the destination. They can either go back into the beaker, or they can go into the disposal This doesn't actually put them in the disposal, it just destroys them. Any reagents destroyed this way are gone forever, and cannot be recovered. Chemicals in the buffer will have the same number control options as those in the beaker. This just transfers them to either of the destinations mentioned above. The Create Bottle option will magically create a glass bottle, and put the contents of the buffer into it. The bottle is created outside of the ChemMaster and will appear on top of it. Bottles have a maximum capacity of 60u, so anything over that will still remain in the buffer. By clicking the Icon to the right of this option, you can choose a visual style for the resulting bottle. Note that the bottle is transparent, and will take on the colour of the liquid inside it. You only choose the shape. The Create Pill option will create a single edible pill out of the buffer contents. Again, up to 60u total dosage. If an empty pill bottle is inserted into the ChemMaster, the pill will be created inside that bottle. Otherwise it will appear on top of the machine. The Create Multiple Pills option will create a number of pills that you get to specify. The contents of the buffer will be evenly divided amongst all the pills you make. And if a pill bottle is in the machine, the pills will be created inside it until it's full. Otherwise they appear on top in a big messy pile By clicking the Icon to the right of this option, you can choose a visual style for the resulting pill(s). This will help people to tell your pills apart at a glance, which can be useful when you're making a bottle filled with a mixture of different pills. Once you're done making pills and bottles, you'll probably want to make sure your beaker is empty again so you can make something new, if so be sure to transfer everything to the buffer. Once you eject the beaker, everything left in the buffer is destroyed. If you've made a bottle of pills, don't forget to eject the pill bottle too, and then label it using the Hand Labeller. All-In-One Grinder Blender.png The Grinder is your tool of choice for breaking down objects into reagents. You can put pills in it, to get back the chemicals they're made of. You can breakdown Phoron Crystals into liquid phoron. You can put fruits, vegetables, meals, meat etc into it as well. The results will be outputted into its beaker, which you can extract and stick in the ChemMaster to work with. It's good for undoing your mistakes if you make pills wrong, or for getting rare compounds (like carpotoxin) out of things that contain them. But making liquid phoron is the most common and important thing you'll use it for. Note that it will not break compounds back down into elements, nothing can do that. Refridgerated Medicine Storage Smartfridge.gif A fancy Smart Fridge which exists as a wall block between the chem lab and medicine storage. This fridge is where you should put all the medicines and pills that you make, so that doctors can pick them up for usage. Things can be put in and taken out from all sides of it. It will only accept pills, pill bottles, and glass containers. And it has a nice little interface for dispensing things in quantity. It's also ID locked, and will only allow authorized medical staff to take things out, so anything you place there is safe from the grubby hands of drug-seeking assistants. Tools Smaller, hand-held things that you'll often use in chemistry. Beakers Beakerlarge.png Beaker.png Beakers are the most important tool you have. They come in two sizes, normal and large. Normal beakers hold 60u, large beakers hold 120u. Normal beakers can be found easily all over medical, and you have a box of six in your lab. Large beakers are much less common, you only have three - two on the tables, and one inside the grinder. They are precious, treasure them. Beakers are used for putting into the dispenser to mix things, and then into the ChemMaster to make bottles and pills. Sometimes you'll need to use more than one to mix certain tricky things correctly. If you end up losing them, more beakers can be made at the Autolathe in cargo. Dropper Dropper1.png Droppers are a simple and occasionally used little tool. Their purpose is being one of very few reagent containers in the game which can transfer less than 5u per click. Rightclick it in your hand and choose Set Transfer Amount. You can pick 1/2/3/4/5 units Using it on a beaker when it's empty will draw the set quantity of reagents out of that beaker. Using it on a beaker when it's not empty, will squeeze its contents out into the beaker. The precision this affords is useful for a few complicated recipes, and especially for measuring out tiny amounts of phoron or similar valueable ingredients. Science Goggles ScienceGoggles.png Science goggles are a completely unnecessary fashion accessory that are supplied on your table in the chemistry lab. They have three functions: They protect against acid splashes, halving damage you take from acid to the face. They provide 10% protection against anomalies, which is not relevant to a chemist at all. They can be turned on and off to toggle an obnoxious purple overlay. This does literally nothing except make you see purple. The other two effects work regardless of whether the overlay is on. Advanced Mass Spectrometer Adv spectrometer.png The Advanced Mass Spectrometer is your occasionally used tool for blood toxin testing. Rumour has it there was once a non-advanced Mass Spectrometer, but such a thing is definitely obsolete now. To use it, take a blood sample from your patient with a syringe, and then use the syringe on the spectrometer. Then switch to it and click it in your hand to read the results. It should tell you the chemicals and quantities that are found in their blood. This is the only way to test blood samples, if you inject a blood sample into a beaker and check it in the ChemMaster, it will only show as blood. Note that this tool can only be used for blood, if you have a beaker/bottle/syringe of something mysterious that isn't blood and you want to see what's in it, use the ChemMaster instead. Cryostasis Beaker Noreact.gif The Cryostasis Beaker is an advanced tool that you don't have to begin with. It can only be made in the R&D Lab in science, if you want some you have to ask them for it. The cryostasis beaker holds 60u, and it has the special property of preventing chemical reactions inside it. Any elements or compounds placed into it will not react with each other. If there are any reactions waiting to happen, they'll occur as soon as the contents are transferred into another beaker, or transferred into the buffer of the ChemMaster Bluespace Beaker BluespaceBeaker.gif The Chemist's favourite, a Bluespace Beaker will really make your day. It is another advanced tool that you don't start with, and must request from science. However it's somewhat hard to make, so they may not be able to reliably make them for you. This high-tech beaker uses reality-distorting bluespace technology to create a tiny pocket dimension for storing chemicals, which in practical terms means it can store a tremendous 300u of reagents inside it, making it 250% of the capacity of a Large Beaker. This allows you to easily make much larger batches of medicine - five bottles at a time. Infographic and Information This infographic teaches all of the basic Chems, it is highly recommended you keep it on hand if you're new. A basic Chem infographic will be provided here, it is recommended to keep it on hand for new players; but beware, it only has the basic necessities of Chemistry, for advanced chems you will have to read further. Note: Spaceacillin has been split into multiple anti-microbials. Thetamycin and Cetahydramine. Other than that, this infographic is still up to date. Metabolism and Overdose Most medicines and chemicals designed for use in people have an overdose limit. If a person metabolizes more than this much of the chemical in a short time, they will suffer the overdose effect for that chemical, which is usually a bad thing. Overdose limits vary widely, but the most common value is 20 units. The most common overdose effect is 'Toxins', the patient will suffer 0.2 points of toxins damage per second, as long as the medicine continues metabolizing in their system. This is only dependent on time, not on the quantity of the dose, so overdosing on medicines that metabolize slowly is far more dangerous, they'll keep poisoning the patient for longer. It is important to note that metabolism is not the same as just putting the chemicals into a patient. All chemicals that are injected into, or fed to the patient, are stored harmlessly within their body until they can be properly absorbed, or 'metabolized'. This process happens at a variable rate for each chemical, but the most common metabolic rate is 0.2 units per proc, which works out to 0.1u per second Overdose effects do not trigger until the patient has metabolized enough to reach the overdose limit, which may take several minutes. Whenever this document mentions the word 'dose', it refers to how much has been metabolized into the patient, not how much has been injected into their blood. Whenever a patient has fully metabolized all the volume of a drug that is present in their stomach or blood, the dose is instantly cleared, and the drug's effects are stopped. Even if they had overdosed before, once the dose is cleared its safe to administer more of the same thing. Catalysts Several of the more advanced chemistry recipes take an ingredient (usually phoron) which is marked as (Catalyst) A Catalyst is a chemical which is required to help a chemical reaction, but does not become part of the finished result. Whenever a recipe involves a catalyst, the catalyst will be left over in the beaker, alongside the finished product. You can use the ChemMaster to extract the catalyst, put it in a bottle, and reuse it later. Chemicals Below this heading are multiple tables detailing each chemical that can be synthesized as well as their recipes and effects, among other things. Unless there is additional text in the overdose column, assume that overdosing on the chemical in question - if it can be overdosed on - will deal minor organ damage to the liver, assuming the liver is still alive to absorb the damage. Dispenser Chemicals Unless otherwise stated, all basic chemicals listed below overdose at 20u. They are also all found in the dispenser, and have no recipe. Name Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Acetone Moderately damages organs. Dissolves ink on printed material. A colorless liquid solvent used in chemical synthesis. 0.04u/tick N/A Aluminum Does nothing. A silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements. 0.2u/tick N/A Ammonia Minorly damages organs. A caustic substance commonly used in fertilizer or household cleaners. Poisonous to most lifeforms, lingers for a while if inhaled. 0.1u/tick, 0.05u inhaled N/A Carbon Removes 1u of another reagent per unit, if ingested. Makes turfs dirty if splashed on. A chemical element, the builing block of life. 1u/tick N/A Copper If patient is Skrell: Regenerates blood if ingested. A highly ductile metal. 0.2u/tick N/A Ethanol Dissolves ink on printed material. If injected: Damages organs. If ingested: Causes drugginess. May cause hallucinations. Raises pulse. Damages organs in Unathi and Vaurca patients. A well-known alcohol with a variety of applications. 0.2u/tick, 1u ingested N/A Hydrazine If ingested: Moderately damages organs. Unless they have a fuel cell augment, in which case it converts into nutrition. If inhaled: Minorly damages organs. If touched: Barely damages organs. Covers with flammable fuel. A toxic, colorless, flammable liquid with a strong ammonia-like odor, in hydrate form. 0.04u/tick, 5u touched N/A Hydrochloric Acid Deals moderate brute damage. Deals moderate burn damage. Minorly damages lungs if inhaled. A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula HCl. 0.4u/tick, 50u touched N/A Iron If patient is neither Skrell nor Vaurca: Restores blood if ingested. Pure iron is a metal. 0.2u/tick N/A Lithium Forces the patient to step in a random direction. Causes drooling, among other things. Doesn't actually treat depression. A chemical element, used as antidepressant. 0.2u/tick N/A Mercury Moderately damages the brain. Causes weakness in doses greater than 8u. A poisonous chemical element, one of two that is a liquid at human room temperature and pressure. 0.2u/tick, 0.08u inhaled, 0.02u ingested N/A Phosphorous Does nothing. A chemical element, the backbone of biological energy carriers. 0.2u/tick N/A Potassium Raises pulse. Explodes if put in contact with water, purging all reagents from the container. A soft, low-melting solid that can easily be cut with a knife. Reacts violently with water. 0.2u/tick N/A Radium Irradiates the patient. Significantly increases the chance of curing disease, at the cost of severely damaging organs as a direct result. Spawns glowing goo if thrown onto turfs. Radium is an alkaline earth metal. It is extremely radioactive. 0.2u/tick N/A Silicon Does nothing. A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon. 0.2u/tick N/A Sodium Does nothing. A chemical element, readily reacts with water. 0.2u/tick N/A Sugar Does nothing. The organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. This white, odorless, crystalline powder has a pleasing, sweet taste. 0.2u/tick N/A Sulfur If patient is Vaurca: Restores blood. A chemical element with a pungent smell. 0.2u/tick N/A Sulfuric Acid Deals significant brute damage. Deals significant burn damage. Moderately damages the lungs. A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. 0.4u/tick, 50u touched N/A Tungsten Does nothing. A chemical element, and a strong oxidizing agent. 0.2u/tick N/A Water Quenches thirst. A ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 2u/tick ingested N/A Basic Medicines Basic medicines refers to medications that are either found in first aid kits/around the medbay, or are medicines that are used very, very often, and should be prioritized first-thing. Everything under this heading and beyond - up until the psychiatric medicines section - covers drugs and compounds that are beneficial to the body. Their entries are also color coded: red for brute, yellow for burn, green for toxins, blue for oxygen, lime for radiation, gray for genetic, purple for organs, pink for painkillers! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Bicaridine 1 Carbon, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 units Heals moderate brute damage. Bicaridine is a complex medication which specifically targets damaged tissues and damaged blood vessels by encouraging the rate at which the damaged tissues are regenerated. Overdosing bicaridine allows the drug to take effect on damaged muscular tissues of arteries. 0.1u/tick Causes the following if mixed with Butazoline: Itchiness. Amplified dehydration. Moderate genetic damage. 20u, 2% chance of healing arterial bleeding every two seconds when patient has a dose greater than 30u and is experiencing the overdose. Butazoline 1 Aluminum, 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Bicaridine = 3 units Heals significant brute damage. Causes itchiness. Causes dehydration. Butazoline, a recent improvement upon Bicaridine, is specialised at treating the most traumatic of wounds, though less so for treating severe bleeding. 0.1u/tick See Bicaridine 15u, does not have a chance of healing arterial bleeding Coagzolug 1 Tricordrazine, 1 Cough Syrup = 1 unit Slows down bleeding significantly. Causes dizziness. A medicine that was stumbled upon by accident, coagzolug encourages blood to clot and slow down bleeding. An overdose causes dangerous blood clots capable of harming the heart.. 0.06u/tick N/A 10u, heart damage Dermaline 1 Acetone, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Kelotane = 3 Heals severe burn damage. Causes itchiness. Causes dehydration. Dermaline is a recent improvement of kelotane, working in a similar way, though twice as effective. Dermaline is capable of recovering even the most dire of burnt tissues, being able to treat full-thickness burning. 0.1u/tick See Kelotane. 15u Dexalin 2 Acetone, 0.1 Phoron, 1 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Oxygenates the blood to 50%. Removes Lexorin. If patient is Vaurca: Damages organs. Causes blurry vision. If inhaled: Removes Lexorin twice as fast. Dexalin is a complex oxygen therapeutic and is available OTC. The chemical utilises carbon nanostructures which cling to oxygen and, in pathological conditions where tissues are hypoxic, will oxygenate these regions. 0.2u/tick, 0.1 inhaled N/A 20u, minorly damages the brain, barely damages the eyes Dexalin Plus 1 Carbon, 1 Iron, 1 Dexalin = 3 units Oxygenates the blood to 80% Removes Lexorin If patient is Vaurca: Damages organs. Causes blurry vision. If inhaled: Removes Lexorin twice as fast. Dexalin Plus was a ground-breaking improvement of Dexalin, capable of transporting several times the amount of oxygen, allowing it to have more clinical uses in treating hypoxia. 0.2u/tick, 0.1 inhaled N/A 15u, minorly damages the brain, barely damages the eyes Dylovene 1 Ammonia, 1 Potassium, 1 Silicon = 3 units Minorly heals the liver Minorly heals the kidneys Reduces hallucinations. Reduces drowsiness. Removes Zombie Powder Dylovene is a broad-spectrum over-the-counter antitoxin. It is used in response to a variety of poisoning cases, being able to neutralise and remove harmful toxins from the bloodstream. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, dehydration, hunger. Inaprovaline 1 Acetone, 1 Carbon, 1 Sugar = 3 units Minorly heals the brain if oxygenation is above 85%. Allows patient to breathe even if heart is stopped. Slows all bleeding down by 20%. Prevents heart damage from chemically-induced tachycardia. Attempts to regulate heart beat. Reduces effects of low blood oxygenation. Reduces speed at which brain takes damage from low blood. Lightly kills pain. Inaprovaline is a cardiostimulant which stabilises myocardial contractility, working towards maintaining a steady pulse and blood pressure. Inaprovaline also acts as a weak analgesic. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, chest pain, very small chance of curing organ rejection completely Kelotane 1 Carbon, 1 Silicon = 2 units Heals moderate burn damage. Kelotane is a complex medication which specifically targets tissues which have been lost to severe burning by encouraging the rate at which these damaged tissues are regenerated. 0.1u/tick Causes the following if mixed with Dermaline: Itchiness. Amplified dehydration. Moderate genetic damage. 20u, face disfiguration Tricordrazine 1 Dylovene, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 units Depending on the temperature of the compound: Heals minor brute damage. Heals minor burn damage. Does nothing if inhaled. Tricordrazine is an old, though still useful, medication largely set aside following bicaridine and kelotane’s development. The drug increases the rate at which tissues regenerate, though far slower than modern medications. 0.05u/tick N/A 30u, causes itchiness. Organ Regeneratives Organ regeneratives, as the name implies, refers to medicines that regenerate internal organs specifically. As such their use is a bit niche, but most make for necessary additions to any medbay. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Adipemcina 1 Lithium, 1 Dylovene, 1 Potassium = 3 units Moderately heals the heart. Adipemcina is a complex, organ-regenerative medication that increases the rate at which cells differentiate into myocardial cells. Adipemcina overdoses result in severe liver damage and vomiting. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, minor organ damage, vomiting Alkysine 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Ammonia, 1 Dylovene = 2 units If blood oxygenation is greater than or equal to 85%: If dose is less than 2u: Significantly heals the brain. An IV drip is recommended. If dose is greater than 2u: Moderately heals the brain. Lightly kills pain. Causes dizziness. If blood oxygenation is less than 85%: Does nothing. Alkysine is a complex drug which increases cerebral circulation, ensuring the brain does not become hypoxic and increasing the rate at which neurological function returns after a catastrophic injury. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, hallucinations, paralysis/aphasia/imaginary friends Oculine 1 Carbon, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Moderately heals the eyes. Reduces blurry vision. Removes temporary blindness. Oculine is a complex organ-regenerative medication which increases the rate at which cells can differentiate into those required to recover damage to ocular tissues. Imidazoline 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, hallucinations Peridaxon 1 Bicaridine, 1 Clonexadone, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Minorly heals organ damage, on any organ. Does not heal the brain if it has greater than minor damage. Causes disorientation. Peridaxon is complex, broad-spectrum organ-regenerative medication which increases the rate at which cells can differentiate into organ cells to recover damaged organ tissues. The drug is hard on the body, leading to confusion and drowsiness. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, confusion, pain Pneumalin 1 Copper, 1 Cough Syrup, 1 Pulmodeiectionem = 2 units Slightly oxygenates blood. Moderately heals the lungs. Lowers pulse. Fixes "rescued" lungs. All of this only works if inhaled. Pneumalin is a powerful, organ-regenerative medication that increases the rate at which lung tissues are regenerated. Pneumalin only works when inhaled, and overdosing can lead to severe bradycardia. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u, bradychardia Detox and Side-Effect Antagonists This section covers medicines that help prevent organ damage or other harm, rather than treating it outright. Some of these also just cover medicines that can help a patient back onto their feet. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Arithrazine 1 Hydrazine, 1 Hyronalin = 2 units Removes extreme amounts of radiation. Has a 60% chance of dealing moderate brute damage. Causes itchiness. Deals severe damage to Dionae Arithrazine is a recent improvement of Hyronalin, rapidly destroying any ionised cells, though this often leads to collateral cell damage, resulting in contusions across affected parts of the body. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u, 60% chance of moderate brute damage Asinodryl 3 Water, 1 Cetahydramine, 1 Synaptizine, 5 Tungsten (catalyst) = 3 units Reduces the chance of vomiting. Asinodryl is an anti-emetic medication which acts by preventing the two regions in the brain responsible for vomiting from controlling the act of emesis. 0.05u/tick N/A N/A Cetahydramine 1 Inaprovaline, 1 Cryptobiolin = 2 units Causes drowsiness. Prevents itching. Cetahydramine is a complex antihistamine medication available OTC which blocks the release of histamine, thus making it effective at suppressing allergies and sneezing. Cetahydramine can cause drowsiness in larger doses, making it an effective sleep aid. 0.01u/tick, 0.2 ingested, 0.4 inhaled N/A N/A Ethylredoxrazine 1 Acetone, 1 Carbon, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Neutralizes anything alcohol-related, preferably administered where the alcohol in question is. Reduces dizziness. Reduces drowsiness. Reduces stuttering. Reduces confusion. Ethylredoxrazine is a powerful medication which oxidises ethanol in the bloodstream, reducing the burden on the liver to complete this task. Ethylredoxrazine also blocks the reuptake of neurotransmitters responsible for symptoms of alcohol intoxication. 0.06u/tick N/A 20u Fluvectionem 1 Mercury, 1 Ammonia, 1 Sodium Chloride = 3 units Removes 4u of other reagents per unit. Minorly damages organs Barely damages organs for every unit of reagent purged. All of these effects are doubled if overdosed, and done twice as fast. Fluvectionem is a complex anti-toxin medication that is capable of purging the bloodstream of toxic reagents. The drug is capable of neutralising the most difficult of compounds and acts very fast, however it is inefficient and results in benign waste products that can be damaging to the liver. Calomel 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, see effects Hyronalin 1 Radium, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Removes significant amounts of radiation per unit. Deals severe damage to Dionae. Hyronalin is a complex anti-radiation medication which specifically targets ionised cells, reducing their cell division rate to prevent their growth before gradually destroying these afflicted cells. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u, 60% chance of moderate brute damage Pulmodeiectionem 1 Fluvectionem, 1 Lexorin = 2 units Removes 5u of other reagents in the lungs per unit. Barely damages the lungs. Causes coughing. Reduces oxygenation. Pulmodeiectionem is a complex anti-toxin medication that is capable of purging the lungs of toxic reagents by damaging the mucous lining of the bronchi and trachea, allowing particulate to be coughed out of the lungs. Pulmodeiectionem works only when inhaled and can cause long-term damage to the lungs. 0.4u/tick N/A 10u Synaptizine 1 Lithium, 1 Sugar, 1 Water = 3 units Mildly kills pain. Reduces weakness. Reduces paralysis. Reduces stunning. Removes Mindbreaker Toxin. Removes hallucinations. Removes blurry vision. Removes confusion. Moderately damages organs. Synaptizine is an advanced synaptic stimulant and nootropic which improves synaptic transmission and keeps one alert, giving it many clinical uses in the treatment of paralysis, weakness, narcolepsy and hallucinations. Synaptizine is difficult to metabolise and is hard on the liver. 0.01u/tick N/A 20u, seizures Verunol Syrup 1 Ethanol, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Causes vomiting if ingested. Minorly damages organs if injected. A complex emetic medication that causes the patient to vomit due to gastric irritation and the stimulating of the vomit centres of the brain. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Specialized Medicines Anything semi-common medicine that doesn't really fit into the other categories goes here. These are the niche-est of the niche, and they won't see very frequent use or synthesis. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Inacusiate 1 Dylovene, 1 Carbon, 1 Sulfur = 2 units Heals hearing damage. TODO 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, terrible headaches Leporazine 1 Copper, 1 Silicon, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 units Regulates body temperature. Regulates fevers. Leporazine is a complex medication which improves thermal homeostasis, stabilising and regulating the body’s core temperature. Leporazine often results in hyperventilation which should be monitored. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, lowers body temperature Lipozine 1 Ethanol, 1 Radium, 1 Sodium Chloride = 3 units Quickly burns nutrition. A chemical compound that causes a powerful fat-burning reaction. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Polysomnine 3 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Ethanol, 1 Water = 1 unit Sedates the patient. Minorly damages the liver. Polysomnine is a complex drug which rapidly induces sedation in preparation for surgery. Polysomnine’s sedative effect is fast acting, and sedated individuals wake up with zero amnesia regarding the events leading up to their sedation, however the only downside is how hard the drug is on the liver. 0.1u/tick, 0.05u inhaled N/A 15u Regenerative-Muscular Tissue Supplements 1 Potassium, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 unit Removes slowdown on unassisted Off-Worlders, and their subsequent flavor texts. RMT Supplement is a bioengineered, fast-acting growth factor that specifically helps recover bone and muscle mass caused by prolonged zero-gravity adaptations. It can also be used to treat chronic muscle weakness. 0.04u/tick N/A 30u, aching Rezadone 1 Copper, 1 Cryptobiolin, 1 Carpotoxin = 3 units Heals significant brute damage. Heals significant burn damage. Heals significant gene damage. Slightly improves oxygenation. Restores blood. Minorly heals the liver. If dose is above 3 units: Treats disfiguration. If dose is above 10 units: Causes dizziness. Causes jitteriness. Rezadone is an extremely expensive, ground-breaking miracle drug. The compound is capable of treating all kinds of physical damage, disfiguration, as well as genetic damage. Excessive consumption of rezadone can lead to severe disorientation. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Ryetalyn 1 Carbon, 1 Arithrazine = 2 units Instantly removes all mutations. Only 1 unit is necessary. Does NOT heal gene damage. Ryetalyn is a novel, highly advanced, broad-spectrum medication, developed by Dominian scientists, which has varying clinical uses in treating genetic abnormalities including certain cancers, autoimmune conditions, and Hulk Syndrome. 1u/tick N/A 20u Soporific 4 Sugar, 1 Polysomnine = 5 units Sedates the patient. Soporific is highly diluted polysomnine which results in slower and more gradual sedation. This makes the drug ideal at treating insomnia and anxiety disorders, however is generally not reliable for sedation in preparation for surgery except in high doses. 0.1u/tick, 0.033u inhaled N/A 20u Steramycin 2 Thetamycin, 1 Sterilizine, 1 Radium = 2 units If infection has yet to show: Reduces germ level, the variable that triggers infections once it reaches 100 If infection has manifested: Does nothing A preventative antibiotic that will stop small infections from growing, but only if administered early. Has no effect on internal organs, wounds, or if the infection has grown beyond its early stages. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u, dizziness, minor toxins Thetamycin 1 Cryptobiolin, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Effects at <5u dosage Treats infections, the speed of recovery dependent on the severity of the infection. Effects at >=5u dosage Does the same as the above. Mild - and types of mild - infections are instantly cured. Prevents septic infections from spreading to other limbs. May cause vomiting. Thetamycin is a complex, broad-spectrum antibiotic developed to treat wound infections, organ infections, and septicaemia, even those caused by superbugs with high anti-bacterial resistances. Spaceacillin 0.01u/tick, 0.4u inhaled N/A 20u, dizziness Pain Killers As the name hopefully suggests, these medicines are used to reduce pain in a patient, keeping them conscious and worry-free (for the most part), and able to communicate. There are varying levels of painkiller available, though some may be too powerful to administer. Use discretion! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cough Syrup 1 Tungsten, 1 Carbon, 1 Water = 3 units Lightly kills pain. A complex antitussive medication available OTC which is very effective at suppressing cough reflexes. The medication also acts as a very weak analgesic medication, leading to it being a very cheap recreational drug or precursor to other recreational drugs. 0.2u/tick, 0.4 inhaled N/A 20u, vomiting, twitching, drowsiness, brain damage Perconol 1 Sugar, 1 Water, 1 Mortaphenyl = 3 units Mildly kills pain Does nothing if inhaled. Perconol is an advanced, analgesic medication which is highly effective at treating minor-mild pain, inflammation and high fevers. The drug is available over-the-counter for treating minor illnesses and mild pain. Perconol is not effective when inhaled. Paracetamol 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled N/A 20u, hallucinations Mortaphenyl 1 Acetone, 1 Ethanol, 1 Inaprovaline = 3 units Effectively kills pain. Causes blurry vision. Causes confusion. Does nothing if inhaled. Mortaphenyl is an advanced, powerful analgesic medication which is highly effective at treating mild-severe pain as a result of severe, physical injury. Mortaphenyl is not effective when inhaled. Tramadol 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled Causes hallucinations, the feeling of drugginess, and nausea if BAC is greater than 0.03%, oxygen deprivation at 0.08% 15u, nausea, restricted breathing, hallucinations Oxycomorphine 1 Ethanol, 1 Mortaphenyl, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Ludicrously kills pain. Causes blurry vision. Causes confusion. Does nothing if inhaled. Oxycomorphine is a highly advanced, powerful analgesic medication which is extremely effective at treating severe-agonising pain as a result of injuries usually incompatible with life. The drug is highly addictive and sense-numbing. Oxycomorphine is not effective when inhaled. Oxycodone 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled Causes intense hallucinations, the feeling of drugginess, and restricted breathing if patient's BAC is greater than 0.04% See Neurapan. 10u, hallucinations, drugginess, nausea, restricted breathing Resuscitators If a patient is in some pretty dire straits, and you've already taken care of the other damage, then these medicines will make sure they don't die. Hopefully. Maybe. If you're quick enough? Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Adrenaline 1 Inaprovaline, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Dexalin Plus = 3 units Greatly aids in restarting the heart. Barely damages the heart if successfully resuscitated. Lightly kills pain. Does nothing if inhaled or ingested. Adrenaline is a hormone used as a drug to treat cardiac arrest and other cardiac dysrhythmias resulting in diminished or absent cardiac output. 0.2u/tick See Hyperzine. 20u, pain Saline Plus 2 Water, 1 Sodium Chloride, 0.5 Sugar, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 unit If injected: Hydrates the patient. Restores blood if dose is less than 2u. If ingested or inhaled: Does nothing. Saline Plus is an expensive improvement upon the various saline solutions of old. Saline Plus has wide clinical applications in the treatment of dehydration and hypovolaemia, with no more debates as to whether it is effective or not. 1.5u/tick N/A 5u, confusion, jitteriness Cryogenics Cryo tube-specific medications go here. Anything under here is only effective if the patient's body has been chilled significantly. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cataleptinol 1 Alkysine, 0.1 Phoron, 0.1 Cryoxadone = 1 unit Barely heals the brain. Minorly heals the brain if patient's temperature is below 170K. Causes dizziness. Has a chance to cure the following, compounded by the amount metabolized: Dumbness Cerebral Blindness Cerebral Paralysis Colorblindness Aphasia Cataleptinol is a highly advanced, expensive medication capable of regenerating the most damaged of brain tissues. Cataleptinol is used in the treatment of dumbness, cerebral blindness, cerebral paralysis and aphasia. The drug is more effective when the patient’s core temperature is below 170K. 0.4u/tick N/A 15u, paralysis, aphasia, dumbness, weakness, colorblindness, imaginary friends Cryoxadone 1 Water, 1 Acetone, 1 Dexalin = 3 units Slows pulse. If the body is below 170K: Heals significant gene damage. Heals significant brute damage. Heals significant burn damage. Heals significant hypoxia. Cryoxadone is a ground-breaking and complex medication that, when acting on bodies cooler than 170K, is capable of increasing the rate at which wounds regenerate, as well as treating genetic damage. Cryoxadone, alongside Clonexadone, are the backbones of the cloning industry. 0.1u/tick N/A N/A Clonexadone 1 Sodium, 1 Cryoxadone, 0.1 Phoron, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 units Slows pulse. If the body is below 170K: Heals extreme gene damage. Heals extreme brute damage. Heals extreme burn damage. Heals extreme hypoxia. Clonexadone is a ground-breaking, complex medication that improved upon Cryoxadone. When acting on bodies cooler than 170K, the drug is capable of increasing the rate at which wounds regenerate, as well as treating genetic damage. Clonexadone, alongside Cryoxadone, are the backbones of the cloning industry. 0.1u/tick N/A N/A Psychiatric Medicines These particular drugs are much more niche in their use compared to the medicines above. They almost exclusively impact the mental state of the patient, either for good or ill, depending on how they're used. Do note that many of the effects being suppressed no longer exist, which means a lot of these medicines serve a roleplay purpose rather than a mechanical one, though any medicines that suppress stuttering and hallucinations do still work. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Corophenidate 1 Hydrazine, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = units Removes hallucinations. Suppresses the following: Imaginary friends. Phobias. Corophenidate is a new generation, psychoactive stimulant used in the treatment of ADHD and ADD. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of CNS stimulants. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and disruption of focus. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Emoxanyl 1 Ethanol, 1 Silicon, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Concussions. Phobias. Emoxanyl is a novel, antioxidant medication which increases cerebral circulation and is used to treat anxiety, depression, concussion, and epilepsy. It has fewer side effects than many other forms of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Minaphobin 1 Carbon, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 2 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Monophobias. Minaphobin is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as phobias and social anxiety. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Nerospectan 1 Silicon, 1 Space Drugs, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Monophobia. Imaginary friends. Speech impediments. Muscle spasms. Tourettes. Nerospectan is an expensive, new generation anti-psychotic medication capable of treating a whole spectrum of mental illnesses, including psychoses, anxiety disorders, Tourette Syndrome and depression, and can alleviate symptoms of stress. Nerospectan can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, and withdrawal symptoms are dangerous. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Neurapan 1 Ethanol, 1 Space Drugs, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Split personalities. Imaginary friends. Stuttering. Speech impediments. Monophobia. Hallucinations. Muscle spasms. Tourettes. Neurapan is a groundbreaking, expensive antipsychotic medication capable of treating a whole spectrum of mental illnesses, including psychoses, anxiety disorders, Tourette Syndrome and depression, and can alleviate symptoms of stress. Neurapan can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, and withdrawal symptoms are dangerous. 0.002u/tick If mixed with Oxycomorphine and overdosing: Causes deafness. Causes drowsiness. Causes confusion. Causes derealization 10u, pacifism, blurred vision, derealization Neurostabin 1 Iron, 1 Potassium, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Split personalities. Imaginary friends. Muscle weakness. Neurostabin is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of psychoses, and also has clinical significance in treating muscle weakness. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and the development of phobias. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Orastabin 1 Sodium, 1 Tungsten, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Monophobia. Stuttering. Orastabin is a new generation, complex psychoactive medication used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and speech impediments. It has fewer side effects than many other forms of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Parvosil 1 Aluminum, 1 Potassium, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Parvosil is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as phobias and social anxiety. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Paxazide 1 Parvosil, 1 Truth Serum = 1 unit Suppresses the following: Any intent except help. Attacking with objects. Paxazide is an expensive and unethical, psychoactive drug used to pacify people, suppressing regions of the brain responsible for anger and violence. Paxazide can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, though withdrawal symptoms are scarce. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Truth Serum 1 Synaptizine, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin, 0.1 Phoron = 2 units Suppresses the following: Nothing. Gives many messages about how you should spill the beans. Truth Serum is an expensive and very unethical psychoactive drug capable of inhibiting defensive measures and reasoning in regards to communication, resulting in those under the effects of the drug to be very open to telling the truth. 0.01u/tick N/A 20u Narcotics and Other Drugs Unlike everything above, everything in this heading is more or less harmful to the patient rather than beneficial. Nothing here is outright lethal, but frequent use and high dosages are not recommended! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Hyperzine 1 Sugar, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Sulfur = 3 units Increases running speed. Increases pulse. Hyperzine is a complex cardio-synaptic stimulant drug designed to increase the performance of the body. Downsides include violent muscle spasms and tremors. 0.03u/tick, 0.015u inhaled Starts Hyperzine's OD if Adrenaline is mixed. 15u, hallucinations, moderate brute damage Krok Juice 1 Iron, 1 Welding Fuel, 2 Orange Juice = 4 units Causes malfunctions in prosthetic organs. An advanced Eridanian variant of ancient krokodil, known for causing prosthetic malfunctions. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u Lean 2 Cough Syrup, 2 Space Up, 1 Sugar = 5 units Lightly kills pain. Causes drowsiness. A mixture of cough syrup, space-up, and sugar. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u Nightlife 1 Corophenidate, 1 Nitroglycerin, 1 Synaptizine at 200 Celsius = 3 units Increases running speed. Causes jitteriness. Causes stuttering. Causes drugginess. Causes hallucinations. Removes drowsiness. Damages the heart, depending on dose. A liquid narcotic commonly used by the more wealthy drug-abusing citizens of the Eridani Federation. Works as a potent stimulant that causes extreme awakefulness. Lethal in high doses. 0.04u/tick, 0.02u inhaled, 0.125u ingested N/A 20u Raskara Dust 1 Monoammoniumphosphate, 1 Space Cleaner, 2 Sodium Chloride at 127 Celsius = 3 units If ingested or inhaled: Causes drowsiness. Lightly kills pain. If injected: Causes drowsiness. Mildly kills pain. A powdery narcotic found in the gang-ridden slums of Biesel and Sol. Known for it's relaxing poperties that cause trance-like states when inhaled. Casual users tend to snort or inhale, while hardcore users inject. 0.02u/tick, 0.04u inhaled, 0.06u ingested N/A 20u Red Nightshade 1 Psilocybin, 1 Moonshine = 1 unit Has a chance to moderately damage the brain. Causes jitteriness. Causes berserk, which includes the following: Red screen. Locking to harm intent. Inability to use complex items. Reseting pain. Reduces further pain. Ability to smash windows barehanded. An illegal combat performance enhancer originating from the criminal syndicates of Mars. The drug stimulates regions of the brain responsible for violence and rage, inducing a feral, berserk state in users. 0.4u/tick N/A 20u Space Drugs 1 Lithium, 1 Mercury, 1 Sugar = 3 units Causes drowsiness. Causes hunger. Forces the patient to step in a random direction. Lightly kills pain. Mercury Monolithium Sucrose, or space drugs, is a potent relaxant commonly found in Ambrosia plants. Lasts twice as long when inhaled. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u Poisons Compared to all of the reagents above, these reagents are without a doubt harmful to the body, and their use is highly regulated. Don't get caught with these! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cryptobiolin 1 Acetone, 1 Potassium, 1 Sugar = 3 units Causes dizziness. Causes confusion. Causes hallucinations. Cryptobiolin causes confusion and dizzyness. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u Cyanide N/A, can be found in apples. Rapidly depletes oxygen levels. A highly toxic chemical. 0.4u/tick N/A N/A Dextrotoxin 10 Soporific, 5 Phoron, 3 Carpotoxin = 5 units Paralyzes all limbs. A complicated to make and highly illegal drug that cause paralysis mostly focused on the limbs. 0.04u/tick N/A 20u Impedrezene 1 Acetone, 1 Mercury, 1 Sugar = 2 units Moderately damages the brain. Impedrezene is a narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Lexorin 1 Ammonia, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Tungsten, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 3 units Deals minor hypoxia damage. Lexorin is a complex toxin that attempts to induce general hypoxia by weakening the diaphragm to prevent respiration and also by binding to haemoglobins to prevent oxygen molecules from doing the same. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Mindbreaker Toxin 1 Silicon, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Causes hallucinations. An incredibly potent hallucinogen designed to wreak havoc on the brain, resulting in disturbing hallucinations with long-term impacts on those given the drug - this drug is not pleasant, thus the name, and only hardcore addicts use the drug recreationally. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u Potassium Chloride 1 Potassium, 1 Sodium Chloride = 2 units If >20u is injected: Stops the heart. A delicious salt that stops the heart when injected into cardiac muscle. 0.2u/tick N/A 5u Potassium Chlorophoride 1 Phoron, 1 Potassium Chloride, 1 Polysomnine = 4 units If >5u is injected: Stops the heart. Potassium Chlorophoride is an expensive, vastly improved variant of Potassium Chloride. Potassium Chlorophoride, unlike the original drug, acts immediately to block neuromuscular junctions, causing general paralysis. 0.2u/tick N/A 5u Zombie Powder 5 Copper, 5 Carpotoxin, 5 Soporific = 2 units Deals minor hypoxia damage. Minorly damages organs. Inflicts weakness. Inflicts silence. Gives the autopsy scanner a fake report. A strong neurotoxin that puts the subject into a death-like state. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Experimental Reagents These reagents are wholly experimental in nature, and probably should not see widespread use outside of research. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Stimm 1 Fuel, 5 Rewriter = 6 units Increases running speed. A homemade stimulant with some serious side-effects. 0.6u/tick N/A N/A Unstable Mutagen 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Radium = 3 units Deals radiation damage. May cause mutations. Might cause unpredictable mutations. Keep away from children. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Venenum N/A, obtained through less than legitimate means Randomizes appearance and name for every unit metabolized. Reverts patient back to original appearance once no more Venenum is metabolized. A thick tar like liquid that seems to move around on it's own every now and then. Limited data shows it only works when injected into the bloodstream. 0.3u/tick N/A N/A Weapons Almost everything under this heading will invariably see use in combat of some sort. Synthesizing these reagents without good reason is pretty good grounds to get booted from your job or the server. Name Recipe Effects Description Electromagnetic Pulse 1 Iron, 1 Uranium = 1 pulse Generates an EMP, frying and scrambling electronic equipment. The size of the pulse depends on the amount of reagents used. This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices. Also known as an 'EMP'. Explosion 1 Potassium, 1 Water = 1 explosion Generates an explosion. The size of the explosion depends on the amount of reagents used. This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Flash Powder 1 Aluminum, 1 Potassium, 1 Sulfur = 1 flash Generates a flash. Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing. Napalm 1 Aluminum, 1 Phoron, 1 Sulfuric Acid = 1 large fire Generates a fire surrounding the reagent container. Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. Nitroglycerin 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Glycerol, 1 Polytrinic Acid = 2 units Regulates heart rate. Explodes spectacularly if thrown, dropped, heated, attacked, or splashed on anything. Nitroglycerin is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Polytrinic Acid 1 Potassium, 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Hydrochloric Acid = 3 units Deals severe brute damage. Moderately damages the lungs. Polytrinic acid is a an extremely corrosive chemical substance. Smoke Reaction 1 Phosphorous, 1 Potassium, 1 Sugar = 1 smokey boi Creates smoke around the reagent container. You can mix anything else inside before mixing the last reagent inside to make it smoke out as well. This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Thermite 1 Acetone, 1 Aluminum, 1 Iron = 3 units Melts walls if ignited. Thermite produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction. Can be used to melt walls. Miscellaneous Reagents Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Azosurfactant 1 Sulfuric Acid, 2 Carbon, 2 Hydrazine = 5 units Reacts instantly when mixed with water to spew foam out of the reagent container. You can mix anything else inside before mixing water inside to make it foam out as well. An isocyanate liquid that forms a foam when mixed with water. N/A N/A N/A Cardox 1 Carbon, 1 Platinum, 1 Sterilizine = 3 units Removes phoron from turfs and reagent containers. This includes a Vaurca's phoron reserve. If injected: Damages organs. Cardox is a mildly toxic, expensive, NanoTrasen designed cleaner intended to eliminate liquid phoron stains from suits. 0.3u/tick N/A N/A Coolant 1 Acetone, 1 Tungsten, 1 Water = 3 units Does nothing. Industrial cooling substance. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Cryosurfacant 1 Ice, 1 Sodium, 1 Surfactant = 3 units Cools reagent container contents. Creates oxygen if mixed with Pyrosilicate. A bright cyan liquid consisting of strange self-cooling properties that reacts when exposed to water. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Diethylamine 1 Ammonia, 1 Ethanol = 2 units Fertilizes plants. A secondary amine, mildly corrosive. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Foaming Agent 1 Lithium, 1 Hydrazine = 1 unit Does nothing unless mixed into Metal Foam. An agent that yields metallic foam when mixed with light metal and a strong acid. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Frost Oil 1 Ice Pepper = ~7 units Lowers body temperature. Removes 5u capsaicin per unit. A special oil that chemically chills the body. Extracted from Ice Peppers. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Glycerol 1 Triglyceride, 2 Ethanol, 5 Sulfuric Acid as catalyst = 3 units Does nothing. Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Luminol 2 Ammonia, 2 Carbon, 2 Hydrazine = 6 units If injected/ingested: Does nothing. If sprayed on turfs: Makes blood glow a bright blue. If sprayed on objects: Makes blood glow a bright blue if also used with a UV light. A compound that interacts with blood on the molecular level. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Metal Foam 3 Aluminum/Iron, 1 Foaming Agent, 1 Polytrinic Acid = 5 units Reacts instantly to create a barrier of metal foam, size depending on how many reagents were used. Iron can make stronger walls. Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. N/A N/A N/A Monoammoniumphosphate 1 Ammonium, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Sodium, 1 Sulfuric Acid = 4 units Extinguishes fires. Lowers room temperature if it is too high. Commonly found in fire extinguishers, also works as a fertilizer. 0.2u/tick, 2u touched N/A N/A Plant-B-Gone 4 water, 1 toxin = 5 units Moderately damages organs. Damages Dionae greatly. Kills plants. A toxic mixture designed to kill plant-life. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Plastic 1 Polytrinic Acid, 1 Plasticide = 1 sheet of plastic Makes plastic. A recipe that makes sheets of plastic. You can obtain Plasticide from Plastellium mushrooms. N/A N/A N/A Pyrosilicate 1 Hydrazine, 1 Iron, 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Silicate = 4 units Warms reagent container contents. Creates oxygen if mixed with Cryosurfactant. A bright orange powder consisting of strange self-heating properties that reacts when exposed to sodium chloride. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Silicate 1 Acetone, 1 Aluminum, 1 Silicon = 3 units Reinforces glass. A compound that can be used to reinforce glass. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Sodium Chloride 1 Sodium, 1 Hydrochloric Acid = 2 units If ingested: Causes thirstiness. Absorbs alcohol. If injected: Does the above. Minorly damages organs. A salt made of sodium chloride. Commonly used to season food. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Space Cleaner 1 Ammonia, 1 Water = 2 units Cleans stuff! Including blood! And resetting germ level! Wow!!! A compound used to clean things. Now with 50% more sodium hypochlorite! 5u/tick touched N/A N/A Space Lube 1 Acetone, 1 Silicon, 1 Water = 4 units Makes the floor extremely slippery. Lubricant is a substance introduced between two moving surfaces to reduce the friction and wear between them. N/A N/A N/A Sterilizine 1 Ethanol, 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Cleans blood! Doesn't clean anything else! Resets germ level! Wow!!! It's totally useless! Just use Space Cleaner! Sterilizine is a chemical product composed of bleach and anti-toxins which can thoroughly disinfect wound sites and any biohazardous waste. 5u/tick touched N/A N/A Syntimeat 5 Blood, 1 Clonexadone = 1 syntimeat Not actually a reagent; it is a recipe to create synthetic meat. Synthetic meat. Some call it a tasty alternative to actual meat, not realizing that there is no difference at all. Can be eaten, or used as biomatter for cloning pods. N/A N/A N/A Uranium Solidification 20 Uranium, 1 Potassium, 1 Frost Oil = 1 sheet of uranium Makes solid uranium from liquid uranium. A recipe that makes sheets of uranium. You can obtain Frost Oil from ice peppers. N/A N/A N/A Virus Food 1 Milk, 1 Water, 1 sugar = 5 units If used in the incubator: Increases virus growth rate. If ingested: Functions as regular food. Doesn't make viruses already inside you any nastier, in case you were wondering. Used in Virology as a growth medium for viruses. Available from a wall dispenser in Virology. 0.4u/tick N/A N/A uide to Chemistry Jump to navigationJump to search Note: This page or section of it is following Mechanics. Do not edit this page unless the changes are reflected in the code aswell. Click here for Details Contents 1 Foreword 2 Chemistry Equipment 2.1 Chemical Dispenser 2.2 ChemMaster 3000 2.3 All-In-One Grinder 2.4 Refridgerated Medicine Storage 2.5 Tools 2.5.1 Beakers 2.5.2 Dropper 2.5.3 Science Goggles 2.5.4 Advanced Mass Spectrometer 2.5.5 Cryostasis Beaker 2.5.6 Bluespace Beaker 3 Infographic and Information 3.1 Metabolism and Overdose 3.2 Catalysts 4 Chemicals 4.1 Dispenser Chemicals 4.2 Basic Medicines 4.3 Organ Regeneratives 4.4 Detox and Side-Effect Antagonists 4.5 Specialized Medicines 4.6 Pain Killers 4.7 Resuscitators 4.8 Cryogenics 4.9 Psychiatric Medicines 4.10 Narcotics and Other Drugs 4.11 Poisons 4.12 Experimental Reagents 4.13 Weapons 4.14 Miscellaneous Reagents Foreword Please note that this list does not cover every single chem; it's important to keep in mind that the wiki is not always up to date. If you notice that chemicals are missing, or their information is incorrect, as always please contact a wiki maintainer or staff so that it can be corrected, or better yet submit an edit yourself and wait for it to be approved. Chemistry Equipment Chemical Dispenser Dispenser.png The Chemical Dispenser is your go-to device for making everything. It's a reagent dispenser, and works the same way as all other dispensers - You put a container into it, in this case a Beaker of some sort, by holding the container in your hand and clicking the dispenser. Then once a container is in, click the dispenser with an empty hand to bring up the menu The Chemical dispenser can dispense all kinds of elements and chemicals into the beaker. And when you put in the right ingredients for a recipe, they'll automatically react in the beaker and create the result. Some of the things in the dispenser even have effects on their own, without being made into compounds. For a full list of all the things that the dispenser can output, check the dispenser section ChemMaster 3000 Chemmaster.gif The ChemMaster 3000 is your tool for turning your beakerfuls of medicine, into a useable state, without having to give away your lab equipment. It's also used for analysing the contents of beakers, and for carefully removing parts you want to get rid of, to keep your mixtures pure. To start, insert a beaker containing some chemical, and then click it with an empty hand to bring up a menu. In addition to holding a beaker, the ChemMaster can also hold a Pill Bottle (both simultaneously), more on these soon. The Add to Buffer section is where all the juicy info is. It will show you a list of all the reagents inside the beaker, and their quantities. Beside each one are several options. Analyze will just bring up the description of that chemical, to tell you what it is and does. The rest of the buttons (1,5,10,all,custom) just control how much of that chemical you're going to move to the buffer. The Buffer is the section between the horizontal lines. Imagine this as chemicals inside the ChemMaster. Once they're here, you can do several things with them. The Transfer To section shows where chemicals will go when you transfer them out of the buffer, click it to change the destination. They can either go back into the beaker, or they can go into the disposal This doesn't actually put them in the disposal, it just destroys them. Any reagents destroyed this way are gone forever, and cannot be recovered. Chemicals in the buffer will have the same number control options as those in the beaker. This just transfers them to either of the destinations mentioned above. The Create Bottle option will magically create a glass bottle, and put the contents of the buffer into it. The bottle is created outside of the ChemMaster and will appear on top of it. Bottles have a maximum capacity of 60u, so anything over that will still remain in the buffer. By clicking the Icon to the right of this option, you can choose a visual style for the resulting bottle. Note that the bottle is transparent, and will take on the colour of the liquid inside it. You only choose the shape. The Create Pill option will create a single edible pill out of the buffer contents. Again, up to 60u total dosage. If an empty pill bottle is inserted into the ChemMaster, the pill will be created inside that bottle. Otherwise it will appear on top of the machine. The Create Multiple Pills option will create a number of pills that you get to specify. The contents of the buffer will be evenly divided amongst all the pills you make. And if a pill bottle is in the machine, the pills will be created inside it until it's full. Otherwise they appear on top in a big messy pile By clicking the Icon to the right of this option, you can choose a visual style for the resulting pill(s). This will help people to tell your pills apart at a glance, which can be useful when you're making a bottle filled with a mixture of different pills. Once you're done making pills and bottles, you'll probably want to make sure your beaker is empty again so you can make something new, if so be sure to transfer everything to the buffer. Once you eject the beaker, everything left in the buffer is destroyed. If you've made a bottle of pills, don't forget to eject the pill bottle too, and then label it using the Hand Labeller. All-In-One Grinder Blender.png The Grinder is your tool of choice for breaking down objects into reagents. You can put pills in it, to get back the chemicals they're made of. You can breakdown Phoron Crystals into liquid phoron. You can put fruits, vegetables, meals, meat etc into it as well. The results will be outputted into its beaker, which you can extract and stick in the ChemMaster to work with. It's good for undoing your mistakes if you make pills wrong, or for getting rare compounds (like carpotoxin) out of things that contain them. But making liquid phoron is the most common and important thing you'll use it for. Note that it will not break compounds back down into elements, nothing can do that. Refridgerated Medicine Storage Smartfridge.gif A fancy Smart Fridge which exists as a wall block between the chem lab and medicine storage. This fridge is where you should put all the medicines and pills that you make, so that doctors can pick them up for usage. Things can be put in and taken out from all sides of it. It will only accept pills, pill bottles, and glass containers. And it has a nice little interface for dispensing things in quantity. It's also ID locked, and will only allow authorized medical staff to take things out, so anything you place there is safe from the grubby hands of drug-seeking assistants. Tools Smaller, hand-held things that you'll often use in chemistry. Beakers Beakerlarge.png Beaker.png Beakers are the most important tool you have. They come in two sizes, normal and large. Normal beakers hold 60u, large beakers hold 120u. Normal beakers can be found easily all over medical, and you have a box of six in your lab. Large beakers are much less common, you only have three - two on the tables, and one inside the grinder. They are precious, treasure them. Beakers are used for putting into the dispenser to mix things, and then into the ChemMaster to make bottles and pills. Sometimes you'll need to use more than one to mix certain tricky things correctly. If you end up losing them, more beakers can be made at the Autolathe in cargo. Dropper Dropper1.png Droppers are a simple and occasionally used little tool. Their purpose is being one of very few reagent containers in the game which can transfer less than 5u per click. Rightclick it in your hand and choose Set Transfer Amount. You can pick 1/2/3/4/5 units Using it on a beaker when it's empty will draw the set quantity of reagents out of that beaker. Using it on a beaker when it's not empty, will squeeze its contents out into the beaker. The precision this affords is useful for a few complicated recipes, and especially for measuring out tiny amounts of phoron or similar valueable ingredients. Science Goggles ScienceGoggles.png Science goggles are a completely unnecessary fashion accessory that are supplied on your table in the chemistry lab. They have three functions: They protect against acid splashes, halving damage you take from acid to the face. They provide 10% protection against anomalies, which is not relevant to a chemist at all. They can be turned on and off to toggle an obnoxious purple overlay. This does literally nothing except make you see purple. The other two effects work regardless of whether the overlay is on. Advanced Mass Spectrometer Adv spectrometer.png The Advanced Mass Spectrometer is your occasionally used tool for blood toxin testing. Rumour has it there was once a non-advanced Mass Spectrometer, but such a thing is definitely obsolete now. To use it, take a blood sample from your patient with a syringe, and then use the syringe on the spectrometer. Then switch to it and click it in your hand to read the results. It should tell you the chemicals and quantities that are found in their blood. This is the only way to test blood samples, if you inject a blood sample into a beaker and check it in the ChemMaster, it will only show as blood. Note that this tool can only be used for blood, if you have a beaker/bottle/syringe of something mysterious that isn't blood and you want to see what's in it, use the ChemMaster instead. Cryostasis Beaker Noreact.gif The Cryostasis Beaker is an advanced tool that you don't have to begin with. It can only be made in the R&D Lab in science, if you want some you have to ask them for it. The cryostasis beaker holds 60u, and it has the special property of preventing chemical reactions inside it. Any elements or compounds placed into it will not react with each other. If there are any reactions waiting to happen, they'll occur as soon as the contents are transferred into another beaker, or transferred into the buffer of the ChemMaster Bluespace Beaker BluespaceBeaker.gif The Chemist's favourite, a Bluespace Beaker will really make your day. It is another advanced tool that you don't start with, and must request from science. However it's somewhat hard to make, so they may not be able to reliably make them for you. This high-tech beaker uses reality-distorting bluespace technology to create a tiny pocket dimension for storing chemicals, which in practical terms means it can store a tremendous 300u of reagents inside it, making it 250% of the capacity of a Large Beaker. This allows you to easily make much larger batches of medicine - five bottles at a time. Infographic and Information This infographic teaches all of the basic Chems, it is highly recommended you keep it on hand if you're new. A basic Chem infographic will be provided here, it is recommended to keep it on hand for new players; but beware, it only has the basic necessities of Chemistry, for advanced chems you will have to read further. Note: Spaceacillin has been split into multiple anti-microbials. Thetamycin and Cetahydramine. Other than that, this infographic is still up to date. Metabolism and Overdose Most medicines and chemicals designed for use in people have an overdose limit. If a person metabolizes more than this much of the chemical in a short time, they will suffer the overdose effect for that chemical, which is usually a bad thing. Overdose limits vary widely, but the most common value is 20 units. The most common overdose effect is 'Toxins', the patient will suffer 0.2 points of toxins damage per second, as long as the medicine continues metabolizing in their system. This is only dependent on time, not on the quantity of the dose, so overdosing on medicines that metabolize slowly is far more dangerous, they'll keep poisoning the patient for longer. It is important to note that metabolism is not the same as just putting the chemicals into a patient. All chemicals that are injected into, or fed to the patient, are stored harmlessly within their body until they can be properly absorbed, or 'metabolized'. This process happens at a variable rate for each chemical, but the most common metabolic rate is 0.2 units per proc, which works out to 0.1u per second Overdose effects do not trigger until the patient has metabolized enough to reach the overdose limit, which may take several minutes. Whenever this document mentions the word 'dose', it refers to how much has been metabolized into the patient, not how much has been injected into their blood. Whenever a patient has fully metabolized all the volume of a drug that is present in their stomach or blood, the dose is instantly cleared, and the drug's effects are stopped. Even if they had overdosed before, once the dose is cleared its safe to administer more of the same thing. Catalysts Several of the more advanced chemistry recipes take an ingredient (usually phoron) which is marked as (Catalyst) A Catalyst is a chemical which is required to help a chemical reaction, but does not become part of the finished result. Whenever a recipe involves a catalyst, the catalyst will be left over in the beaker, alongside the finished product. You can use the ChemMaster to extract the catalyst, put it in a bottle, and reuse it later. Chemicals Below this heading are multiple tables detailing each chemical that can be synthesized as well as their recipes and effects, among other things. Unless there is additional text in the overdose column, assume that overdosing on the chemical in question - if it can be overdosed on - will deal minor organ damage to the liver, assuming the liver is still alive to absorb the damage. Dispenser Chemicals Unless otherwise stated, all basic chemicals listed below overdose at 20u. They are also all found in the dispenser, and have no recipe. Name Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Acetone Moderately damages organs. Dissolves ink on printed material. A colorless liquid solvent used in chemical synthesis. 0.04u/tick N/A Aluminum Does nothing. A silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements. 0.2u/tick N/A Ammonia Minorly damages organs. A caustic substance commonly used in fertilizer or household cleaners. Poisonous to most lifeforms, lingers for a while if inhaled. 0.1u/tick, 0.05u inhaled N/A Carbon Removes 1u of another reagent per unit, if ingested. Makes turfs dirty if splashed on. A chemical element, the builing block of life. 1u/tick N/A Copper If patient is Skrell: Regenerates blood if ingested. A highly ductile metal. 0.2u/tick N/A Ethanol Dissolves ink on printed material. If injected: Damages organs. If ingested: Causes drugginess. May cause hallucinations. Raises pulse. Damages organs in Unathi and Vaurca patients. A well-known alcohol with a variety of applications. 0.2u/tick, 1u ingested N/A Hydrazine If ingested: Moderately damages organs. Unless they have a fuel cell augment, in which case it converts into nutrition. If inhaled: Minorly damages organs. If touched: Barely damages organs. Covers with flammable fuel. A toxic, colorless, flammable liquid with a strong ammonia-like odor, in hydrate form. 0.04u/tick, 5u touched N/A Hydrochloric Acid Deals moderate brute damage. Deals moderate burn damage. Minorly damages lungs if inhaled. A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula HCl. 0.4u/tick, 50u touched N/A Iron If patient is neither Skrell nor Vaurca: Restores blood if ingested. Pure iron is a metal. 0.2u/tick N/A Lithium Forces the patient to step in a random direction. Causes drooling, among other things. Doesn't actually treat depression. A chemical element, used as antidepressant. 0.2u/tick N/A Mercury Moderately damages the brain. Causes weakness in doses greater than 8u. A poisonous chemical element, one of two that is a liquid at human room temperature and pressure. 0.2u/tick, 0.08u inhaled, 0.02u ingested N/A Phosphorous Does nothing. A chemical element, the backbone of biological energy carriers. 0.2u/tick N/A Potassium Raises pulse. Explodes if put in contact with water, purging all reagents from the container. A soft, low-melting solid that can easily be cut with a knife. Reacts violently with water. 0.2u/tick N/A Radium Irradiates the patient. Significantly increases the chance of curing disease, at the cost of severely damaging organs as a direct result. Spawns glowing goo if thrown onto turfs. Radium is an alkaline earth metal. It is extremely radioactive. 0.2u/tick N/A Silicon Does nothing. A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon. 0.2u/tick N/A Sodium Does nothing. A chemical element, readily reacts with water. 0.2u/tick N/A Sugar Does nothing. The organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. This white, odorless, crystalline powder has a pleasing, sweet taste. 0.2u/tick N/A Sulfur If patient is Vaurca: Restores blood. A chemical element with a pungent smell. 0.2u/tick N/A Sulfuric Acid Deals significant brute damage. Deals significant burn damage. Moderately damages the lungs. A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. 0.4u/tick, 50u touched N/A Tungsten Does nothing. A chemical element, and a strong oxidizing agent. 0.2u/tick N/A Water Quenches thirst. A ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 2u/tick ingested N/A Basic Medicines Basic medicines refers to medications that are either found in first aid kits/around the medbay, or are medicines that are used very, very often, and should be prioritized first-thing. Everything under this heading and beyond - up until the psychiatric medicines section - covers drugs and compounds that are beneficial to the body. Their entries are also color coded: red for brute, yellow for burn, green for toxins, blue for oxygen, lime for radiation, gray for genetic, purple for organs, pink for painkillers! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Bicaridine 1 Carbon, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 units Heals moderate brute damage. Bicaridine is a complex medication which specifically targets damaged tissues and damaged blood vessels by encouraging the rate at which the damaged tissues are regenerated. Overdosing bicaridine allows the drug to take effect on damaged muscular tissues of arteries. 0.1u/tick Causes the following if mixed with Butazoline: Itchiness. Amplified dehydration. Moderate genetic damage. 20u, 2% chance of healing arterial bleeding every two seconds when patient has a dose greater than 30u and is experiencing the overdose. Butazoline 1 Aluminum, 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Bicaridine = 3 units Heals significant brute damage. Causes itchiness. Causes dehydration. Butazoline, a recent improvement upon Bicaridine, is specialised at treating the most traumatic of wounds, though less so for treating severe bleeding. 0.1u/tick See Bicaridine 15u, does not have a chance of healing arterial bleeding Coagzolug 1 Tricordrazine, 1 Cough Syrup = 1 unit Slows down bleeding significantly. Causes dizziness. A medicine that was stumbled upon by accident, coagzolug encourages blood to clot and slow down bleeding. An overdose causes dangerous blood clots capable of harming the heart.. 0.06u/tick N/A 10u, heart damage Dermaline 1 Acetone, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Kelotane = 3 Heals severe burn damage. Causes itchiness. Causes dehydration. Dermaline is a recent improvement of kelotane, working in a similar way, though twice as effective. Dermaline is capable of recovering even the most dire of burnt tissues, being able to treat full-thickness burning. 0.1u/tick See Kelotane. 15u Dexalin 2 Acetone, 0.1 Phoron, 1 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Oxygenates the blood to 50%. Removes Lexorin. If patient is Vaurca: Damages organs. Causes blurry vision. If inhaled: Removes Lexorin twice as fast. Dexalin is a complex oxygen therapeutic and is available OTC. The chemical utilises carbon nanostructures which cling to oxygen and, in pathological conditions where tissues are hypoxic, will oxygenate these regions. 0.2u/tick, 0.1 inhaled N/A 20u, minorly damages the brain, barely damages the eyes Dexalin Plus 1 Carbon, 1 Iron, 1 Dexalin = 3 units Oxygenates the blood to 80% Removes Lexorin If patient is Vaurca: Damages organs. Causes blurry vision. If inhaled: Removes Lexorin twice as fast. Dexalin Plus was a ground-breaking improvement of Dexalin, capable of transporting several times the amount of oxygen, allowing it to have more clinical uses in treating hypoxia. 0.2u/tick, 0.1 inhaled N/A 15u, minorly damages the brain, barely damages the eyes Dylovene 1 Ammonia, 1 Potassium, 1 Silicon = 3 units Minorly heals the liver Minorly heals the kidneys Reduces hallucinations. Reduces drowsiness. Removes Zombie Powder Dylovene is a broad-spectrum over-the-counter antitoxin. It is used in response to a variety of poisoning cases, being able to neutralise and remove harmful toxins from the bloodstream. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, dehydration, hunger. Inaprovaline 1 Acetone, 1 Carbon, 1 Sugar = 3 units Minorly heals the brain if oxygenation is above 85%. Allows patient to breathe even if heart is stopped. Slows all bleeding down by 20%. Prevents heart damage from chemically-induced tachycardia. Attempts to regulate heart beat. Reduces effects of low blood oxygenation. Reduces speed at which brain takes damage from low blood. Lightly kills pain. Inaprovaline is a cardiostimulant which stabilises myocardial contractility, working towards maintaining a steady pulse and blood pressure. Inaprovaline also acts as a weak analgesic. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, chest pain, very small chance of curing organ rejection completely Kelotane 1 Carbon, 1 Silicon = 2 units Heals moderate burn damage. Kelotane is a complex medication which specifically targets tissues which have been lost to severe burning by encouraging the rate at which these damaged tissues are regenerated. 0.1u/tick Causes the following if mixed with Dermaline: Itchiness. Amplified dehydration. Moderate genetic damage. 20u, face disfiguration Tricordrazine 1 Dylovene, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 units Depending on the temperature of the compound: Heals minor brute damage. Heals minor burn damage. Does nothing if inhaled. Tricordrazine is an old, though still useful, medication largely set aside following bicaridine and kelotane’s development. The drug increases the rate at which tissues regenerate, though far slower than modern medications. 0.05u/tick N/A 30u, causes itchiness. Organ Regeneratives Organ regeneratives, as the name implies, refers to medicines that regenerate internal organs specifically. As such their use is a bit niche, but most make for necessary additions to any medbay. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Adipemcina 1 Lithium, 1 Dylovene, 1 Potassium = 3 units Moderately heals the heart. Adipemcina is a complex, organ-regenerative medication that increases the rate at which cells differentiate into myocardial cells. Adipemcina overdoses result in severe liver damage and vomiting. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, minor organ damage, vomiting Alkysine 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Ammonia, 1 Dylovene = 2 units If blood oxygenation is greater than or equal to 85%: If dose is less than 2u: Significantly heals the brain. An IV drip is recommended. If dose is greater than 2u: Moderately heals the brain. Lightly kills pain. Causes dizziness. If blood oxygenation is less than 85%: Does nothing. Alkysine is a complex drug which increases cerebral circulation, ensuring the brain does not become hypoxic and increasing the rate at which neurological function returns after a catastrophic injury. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, hallucinations, paralysis/aphasia/imaginary friends Oculine 1 Carbon, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Moderately heals the eyes. Reduces blurry vision. Removes temporary blindness. Oculine is a complex organ-regenerative medication which increases the rate at which cells can differentiate into those required to recover damage to ocular tissues. Imidazoline 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, hallucinations Peridaxon 1 Bicaridine, 1 Clonexadone, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Minorly heals organ damage, on any organ. Does not heal the brain if it has greater than minor damage. Causes disorientation. Peridaxon is complex, broad-spectrum organ-regenerative medication which increases the rate at which cells can differentiate into organ cells to recover damaged organ tissues. The drug is hard on the body, leading to confusion and drowsiness. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, confusion, pain Pneumalin 1 Copper, 1 Cough Syrup, 1 Pulmodeiectionem = 2 units Slightly oxygenates blood. Moderately heals the lungs. Lowers pulse. Fixes "rescued" lungs. All of this only works if inhaled. Pneumalin is a powerful, organ-regenerative medication that increases the rate at which lung tissues are regenerated. Pneumalin only works when inhaled, and overdosing can lead to severe bradycardia. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u, bradychardia Detox and Side-Effect Antagonists This section covers medicines that help prevent organ damage or other harm, rather than treating it outright. Some of these also just cover medicines that can help a patient back onto their feet. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Arithrazine 1 Hydrazine, 1 Hyronalin = 2 units Removes extreme amounts of radiation. Has a 60% chance of dealing moderate brute damage. Causes itchiness. Deals severe damage to Dionae Arithrazine is a recent improvement of Hyronalin, rapidly destroying any ionised cells, though this often leads to collateral cell damage, resulting in contusions across affected parts of the body. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u, 60% chance of moderate brute damage Asinodryl 3 Water, 1 Cetahydramine, 1 Synaptizine, 5 Tungsten (catalyst) = 3 units Reduces the chance of vomiting. Asinodryl is an anti-emetic medication which acts by preventing the two regions in the brain responsible for vomiting from controlling the act of emesis. 0.05u/tick N/A N/A Cetahydramine 1 Inaprovaline, 1 Cryptobiolin = 2 units Causes drowsiness. Prevents itching. Cetahydramine is a complex antihistamine medication available OTC which blocks the release of histamine, thus making it effective at suppressing allergies and sneezing. Cetahydramine can cause drowsiness in larger doses, making it an effective sleep aid. 0.01u/tick, 0.2 ingested, 0.4 inhaled N/A N/A Ethylredoxrazine 1 Acetone, 1 Carbon, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Neutralizes anything alcohol-related, preferably administered where the alcohol in question is. Reduces dizziness. Reduces drowsiness. Reduces stuttering. Reduces confusion. Ethylredoxrazine is a powerful medication which oxidises ethanol in the bloodstream, reducing the burden on the liver to complete this task. Ethylredoxrazine also blocks the reuptake of neurotransmitters responsible for symptoms of alcohol intoxication. 0.06u/tick N/A 20u Fluvectionem 1 Mercury, 1 Ammonia, 1 Sodium Chloride = 3 units Removes 4u of other reagents per unit. Minorly damages organs Barely damages organs for every unit of reagent purged. All of these effects are doubled if overdosed, and done twice as fast. Fluvectionem is a complex anti-toxin medication that is capable of purging the bloodstream of toxic reagents. The drug is capable of neutralising the most difficult of compounds and acts very fast, however it is inefficient and results in benign waste products that can be damaging to the liver. Calomel 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, see effects Hyronalin 1 Radium, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Removes significant amounts of radiation per unit. Deals severe damage to Dionae. Hyronalin is a complex anti-radiation medication which specifically targets ionised cells, reducing their cell division rate to prevent their growth before gradually destroying these afflicted cells. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u, 60% chance of moderate brute damage Pulmodeiectionem 1 Fluvectionem, 1 Lexorin = 2 units Removes 5u of other reagents in the lungs per unit. Barely damages the lungs. Causes coughing. Reduces oxygenation. Pulmodeiectionem is a complex anti-toxin medication that is capable of purging the lungs of toxic reagents by damaging the mucous lining of the bronchi and trachea, allowing particulate to be coughed out of the lungs. Pulmodeiectionem works only when inhaled and can cause long-term damage to the lungs. 0.4u/tick N/A 10u Synaptizine 1 Lithium, 1 Sugar, 1 Water = 3 units Mildly kills pain. Reduces weakness. Reduces paralysis. Reduces stunning. Removes Mindbreaker Toxin. Removes hallucinations. Removes blurry vision. Removes confusion. Moderately damages organs. Synaptizine is an advanced synaptic stimulant and nootropic which improves synaptic transmission and keeps one alert, giving it many clinical uses in the treatment of paralysis, weakness, narcolepsy and hallucinations. Synaptizine is difficult to metabolise and is hard on the liver. 0.01u/tick N/A 20u, seizures Verunol Syrup 1 Ethanol, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Causes vomiting if ingested. Minorly damages organs if injected. A complex emetic medication that causes the patient to vomit due to gastric irritation and the stimulating of the vomit centres of the brain. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Specialized Medicines Anything semi-common medicine that doesn't really fit into the other categories goes here. These are the niche-est of the niche, and they won't see very frequent use or synthesis. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Inacusiate 1 Dylovene, 1 Carbon, 1 Sulfur = 2 units Heals hearing damage. TODO 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, terrible headaches Leporazine 1 Copper, 1 Silicon, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 units Regulates body temperature. Regulates fevers. Leporazine is a complex medication which improves thermal homeostasis, stabilising and regulating the body’s core temperature. Leporazine often results in hyperventilation which should be monitored. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, lowers body temperature Lipozine 1 Ethanol, 1 Radium, 1 Sodium Chloride = 3 units Quickly burns nutrition. A chemical compound that causes a powerful fat-burning reaction. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Polysomnine 3 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Ethanol, 1 Water = 1 unit Sedates the patient. Minorly damages the liver. Polysomnine is a complex drug which rapidly induces sedation in preparation for surgery. Polysomnine’s sedative effect is fast acting, and sedated individuals wake up with zero amnesia regarding the events leading up to their sedation, however the only downside is how hard the drug is on the liver. 0.1u/tick, 0.05u inhaled N/A 15u Regenerative-Muscular Tissue Supplements 1 Potassium, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 unit Removes slowdown on unassisted Off-Worlders, and their subsequent flavor texts. RMT Supplement is a bioengineered, fast-acting growth factor that specifically helps recover bone and muscle mass caused by prolonged zero-gravity adaptations. It can also be used to treat chronic muscle weakness. 0.04u/tick N/A 30u, aching Rezadone 1 Copper, 1 Cryptobiolin, 1 Carpotoxin = 3 units Heals significant brute damage. Heals significant burn damage. Heals significant gene damage. Slightly improves oxygenation. Restores blood. Minorly heals the liver. If dose is above 3 units: Treats disfiguration. If dose is above 10 units: Causes dizziness. Causes jitteriness. Rezadone is an extremely expensive, ground-breaking miracle drug. The compound is capable of treating all kinds of physical damage, disfiguration, as well as genetic damage. Excessive consumption of rezadone can lead to severe disorientation. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Ryetalyn 1 Carbon, 1 Arithrazine = 2 units Instantly removes all mutations. Only 1 unit is necessary. Does NOT heal gene damage. Ryetalyn is a novel, highly advanced, broad-spectrum medication, developed by Dominian scientists, which has varying clinical uses in treating genetic abnormalities including certain cancers, autoimmune conditions, and Hulk Syndrome. 1u/tick N/A 20u Soporific 4 Sugar, 1 Polysomnine = 5 units Sedates the patient. Soporific is highly diluted polysomnine which results in slower and more gradual sedation. This makes the drug ideal at treating insomnia and anxiety disorders, however is generally not reliable for sedation in preparation for surgery except in high doses. 0.1u/tick, 0.033u inhaled N/A 20u Steramycin 2 Thetamycin, 1 Sterilizine, 1 Radium = 2 units If infection has yet to show: Reduces germ level, the variable that triggers infections once it reaches 100 If infection has manifested: Does nothing A preventative antibiotic that will stop small infections from growing, but only if administered early. Has no effect on internal organs, wounds, or if the infection has grown beyond its early stages. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u, dizziness, minor toxins Thetamycin 1 Cryptobiolin, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Effects at <5u dosage Treats infections, the speed of recovery dependent on the severity of the infection. Effects at >=5u dosage Does the same as the above. Mild - and types of mild - infections are instantly cured. Prevents septic infections from spreading to other limbs. May cause vomiting. Thetamycin is a complex, broad-spectrum antibiotic developed to treat wound infections, organ infections, and septicaemia, even those caused by superbugs with high anti-bacterial resistances. Spaceacillin 0.01u/tick, 0.4u inhaled N/A 20u, dizziness Pain Killers As the name hopefully suggests, these medicines are used to reduce pain in a patient, keeping them conscious and worry-free (for the most part), and able to communicate. There are varying levels of painkiller available, though some may be too powerful to administer. Use discretion! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cough Syrup 1 Tungsten, 1 Carbon, 1 Water = 3 units Lightly kills pain. A complex antitussive medication available OTC which is very effective at suppressing cough reflexes. The medication also acts as a very weak analgesic medication, leading to it being a very cheap recreational drug or precursor to other recreational drugs. 0.2u/tick, 0.4 inhaled N/A 20u, vomiting, twitching, drowsiness, brain damage Perconol 1 Sugar, 1 Water, 1 Mortaphenyl = 3 units Mildly kills pain Does nothing if inhaled. Perconol is an advanced, analgesic medication which is highly effective at treating minor-mild pain, inflammation and high fevers. The drug is available over-the-counter for treating minor illnesses and mild pain. Perconol is not effective when inhaled. Paracetamol 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled N/A 20u, hallucinations Mortaphenyl 1 Acetone, 1 Ethanol, 1 Inaprovaline = 3 units Effectively kills pain. Causes blurry vision. Causes confusion. Does nothing if inhaled. Mortaphenyl is an advanced, powerful analgesic medication which is highly effective at treating mild-severe pain as a result of severe, physical injury. Mortaphenyl is not effective when inhaled. Tramadol 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled Causes hallucinations, the feeling of drugginess, and nausea if BAC is greater than 0.03%, oxygen deprivation at 0.08% 15u, nausea, restricted breathing, hallucinations Oxycomorphine 1 Ethanol, 1 Mortaphenyl, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Ludicrously kills pain. Causes blurry vision. Causes confusion. Does nothing if inhaled. Oxycomorphine is a highly advanced, powerful analgesic medication which is extremely effective at treating severe-agonising pain as a result of injuries usually incompatible with life. The drug is highly addictive and sense-numbing. Oxycomorphine is not effective when inhaled. Oxycodone 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled Causes intense hallucinations, the feeling of drugginess, and restricted breathing if patient's BAC is greater than 0.04% See Neurapan. 10u, hallucinations, drugginess, nausea, restricted breathing Resuscitators If a patient is in some pretty dire straits, and you've already taken care of the other damage, then these medicines will make sure they don't die. Hopefully. Maybe. If you're quick enough? Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Adrenaline 1 Inaprovaline, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Dexalin Plus = 3 units Greatly aids in restarting the heart. Barely damages the heart if successfully resuscitated. Lightly kills pain. Does nothing if inhaled or ingested. Adrenaline is a hormone used as a drug to treat cardiac arrest and other cardiac dysrhythmias resulting in diminished or absent cardiac output. 0.2u/tick See Hyperzine. 20u, pain Saline Plus 2 Water, 1 Sodium Chloride, 0.5 Sugar, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 unit If injected: Hydrates the patient. Restores blood if dose is less than 2u. If ingested or inhaled: Does nothing. Saline Plus is an expensive improvement upon the various saline solutions of old. Saline Plus has wide clinical applications in the treatment of dehydration and hypovolaemia, with no more debates as to whether it is effective or not. 1.5u/tick N/A 5u, confusion, jitteriness Cryogenics Cryo tube-specific medications go here. Anything under here is only effective if the patient's body has been chilled significantly. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cataleptinol 1 Alkysine, 0.1 Phoron, 0.1 Cryoxadone = 1 unit Barely heals the brain. Minorly heals the brain if patient's temperature is below 170K. Causes dizziness. Has a chance to cure the following, compounded by the amount metabolized: Dumbness Cerebral Blindness Cerebral Paralysis Colorblindness Aphasia Cataleptinol is a highly advanced, expensive medication capable of regenerating the most damaged of brain tissues. Cataleptinol is used in the treatment of dumbness, cerebral blindness, cerebral paralysis and aphasia. The drug is more effective when the patient’s core temperature is below 170K. 0.4u/tick N/A 15u, paralysis, aphasia, dumbness, weakness, colorblindness, imaginary friends Cryoxadone 1 Water, 1 Acetone, 1 Dexalin = 3 units Slows pulse. If the body is below 170K: Heals significant gene damage. Heals significant brute damage. Heals significant burn damage. Heals significant hypoxia. Cryoxadone is a ground-breaking and complex medication that, when acting on bodies cooler than 170K, is capable of increasing the rate at which wounds regenerate, as well as treating genetic damage. Cryoxadone, alongside Clonexadone, are the backbones of the cloning industry. 0.1u/tick N/A N/A Clonexadone 1 Sodium, 1 Cryoxadone, 0.1 Phoron, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 units Slows pulse. If the body is below 170K: Heals extreme gene damage. Heals extreme brute damage. Heals extreme burn damage. Heals extreme hypoxia. Clonexadone is a ground-breaking, complex medication that improved upon Cryoxadone. When acting on bodies cooler than 170K, the drug is capable of increasing the rate at which wounds regenerate, as well as treating genetic damage. Clonexadone, alongside Cryoxadone, are the backbones of the cloning industry. 0.1u/tick N/A N/A Psychiatric Medicines These particular drugs are much more niche in their use compared to the medicines above. They almost exclusively impact the mental state of the patient, either for good or ill, depending on how they're used. Do note that many of the effects being suppressed no longer exist, which means a lot of these medicines serve a roleplay purpose rather than a mechanical one, though any medicines that suppress stuttering and hallucinations do still work. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Corophenidate 1 Hydrazine, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = units Removes hallucinations. Suppresses the following: Imaginary friends. Phobias. Corophenidate is a new generation, psychoactive stimulant used in the treatment of ADHD and ADD. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of CNS stimulants. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and disruption of focus. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Emoxanyl 1 Ethanol, 1 Silicon, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Concussions. Phobias. Emoxanyl is a novel, antioxidant medication which increases cerebral circulation and is used to treat anxiety, depression, concussion, and epilepsy. It has fewer side effects than many other forms of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Minaphobin 1 Carbon, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 2 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Monophobias. Minaphobin is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as phobias and social anxiety. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Nerospectan 1 Silicon, 1 Space Drugs, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Monophobia. Imaginary friends. Speech impediments. Muscle spasms. Tourettes. Nerospectan is an expensive, new generation anti-psychotic medication capable of treating a whole spectrum of mental illnesses, including psychoses, anxiety disorders, Tourette Syndrome and depression, and can alleviate symptoms of stress. Nerospectan can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, and withdrawal symptoms are dangerous. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Neurapan 1 Ethanol, 1 Space Drugs, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Split personalities. Imaginary friends. Stuttering. Speech impediments. Monophobia. Hallucinations. Muscle spasms. Tourettes. Neurapan is a groundbreaking, expensive antipsychotic medication capable of treating a whole spectrum of mental illnesses, including psychoses, anxiety disorders, Tourette Syndrome and depression, and can alleviate symptoms of stress. Neurapan can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, and withdrawal symptoms are dangerous. 0.002u/tick If mixed with Oxycomorphine and overdosing: Causes deafness. Causes drowsiness. Causes confusion. Causes derealization 10u, pacifism, blurred vision, derealization Neurostabin 1 Iron, 1 Potassium, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Split personalities. Imaginary friends. Muscle weakness. Neurostabin is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of psychoses, and also has clinical significance in treating muscle weakness. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and the development of phobias. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Orastabin 1 Sodium, 1 Tungsten, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Monophobia. Stuttering. Orastabin is a new generation, complex psychoactive medication used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and speech impediments. It has fewer side effects than many other forms of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Parvosil 1 Aluminum, 1 Potassium, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Parvosil is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as phobias and social anxiety. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Paxazide 1 Parvosil, 1 Truth Serum = 1 unit Suppresses the following: Any intent except help. Attacking with objects. Paxazide is an expensive and unethical, psychoactive drug used to pacify people, suppressing regions of the brain responsible for anger and violence. Paxazide can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, though withdrawal symptoms are scarce. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Truth Serum 1 Synaptizine, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin, 0.1 Phoron = 2 units Suppresses the following: Nothing. Gives many messages about how you should spill the beans. Truth Serum is an expensive and very unethical psychoactive drug capable of inhibiting defensive measures and reasoning in regards to communication, resulting in those under the effects of the drug to be very open to telling the truth. 0.01u/tick N/A 20u Narcotics and Other Drugs Unlike everything above, everything in this heading is more or less harmful to the patient rather than beneficial. Nothing here is outright lethal, but frequent use and high dosages are not recommended! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Hyperzine 1 Sugar, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Sulfur = 3 units Increases running speed. Increases pulse. Hyperzine is a complex cardio-synaptic stimulant drug designed to increase the performance of the body. Downsides include violent muscle spasms and tremors. 0.03u/tick, 0.015u inhaled Starts Hyperzine's OD if Adrenaline is mixed. 15u, hallucinations, moderate brute damage Krok Juice 1 Iron, 1 Welding Fuel, 2 Orange Juice = 4 units Causes malfunctions in prosthetic organs. An advanced Eridanian variant of ancient krokodil, known for causing prosthetic malfunctions. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u Lean 2 Cough Syrup, 2 Space Up, 1 Sugar = 5 units Lightly kills pain. Causes drowsiness. A mixture of cough syrup, space-up, and sugar. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u Nightlife 1 Corophenidate, 1 Nitroglycerin, 1 Synaptizine at 200 Celsius = 3 units Increases running speed. Causes jitteriness. Causes stuttering. Causes drugginess. Causes hallucinations. Removes drowsiness. Damages the heart, depending on dose. A liquid narcotic commonly used by the more wealthy drug-abusing citizens of the Eridani Federation. Works as a potent stimulant that causes extreme awakefulness. Lethal in high doses. 0.04u/tick, 0.02u inhaled, 0.125u ingested N/A 20u Raskara Dust 1 Monoammoniumphosphate, 1 Space Cleaner, 2 Sodium Chloride at 127 Celsius = 3 units If ingested or inhaled: Causes drowsiness. Lightly kills pain. If injected: Causes drowsiness. Mildly kills pain. A powdery narcotic found in the gang-ridden slums of Biesel and Sol. Known for it's relaxing poperties that cause trance-like states when inhaled. Casual users tend to snort or inhale, while hardcore users inject. 0.02u/tick, 0.04u inhaled, 0.06u ingested N/A 20u Red Nightshade 1 Psilocybin, 1 Moonshine = 1 unit Has a chance to moderately damage the brain. Causes jitteriness. Causes berserk, which includes the following: Red screen. Locking to harm intent. Inability to use complex items. Reseting pain. Reduces further pain. Ability to smash windows barehanded. An illegal combat performance enhancer originating from the criminal syndicates of Mars. The drug stimulates regions of the brain responsible for violence and rage, inducing a feral, berserk state in users. 0.4u/tick N/A 20u Space Drugs 1 Lithium, 1 Mercury, 1 Sugar = 3 units Causes drowsiness. Causes hunger. Forces the patient to step in a random direction. Lightly kills pain. Mercury Monolithium Sucrose, or space drugs, is a potent relaxant commonly found in Ambrosia plants. Lasts twice as long when inhaled. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u Poisons Compared to all of the reagents above, these reagents are without a doubt harmful to the body, and their use is highly regulated. Don't get caught with these! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cryptobiolin 1 Acetone, 1 Potassium, 1 Sugar = 3 units Causes dizziness. Causes confusion. Causes hallucinations. Cryptobiolin causes confusion and dizzyness. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u Cyanide N/A, can be found in apples. Rapidly depletes oxygen levels. A highly toxic chemical. 0.4u/tick N/A N/A Dextrotoxin 10 Soporific, 5 Phoron, 3 Carpotoxin = 5 units Paralyzes all limbs. A complicated to make and highly illegal drug that cause paralysis mostly focused on the limbs. 0.04u/tick N/A 20u Impedrezene 1 Acetone, 1 Mercury, 1 Sugar = 2 units Moderately damages the brain. Impedrezene is a narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Lexorin 1 Ammonia, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Tungsten, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 3 units Deals minor hypoxia damage. Lexorin is a complex toxin that attempts to induce general hypoxia by weakening the diaphragm to prevent respiration and also by binding to haemoglobins to prevent oxygen molecules from doing the same. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Mindbreaker Toxin 1 Silicon, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Causes hallucinations. An incredibly potent hallucinogen designed to wreak havoc on the brain, resulting in disturbing hallucinations with long-term impacts on those given the drug - this drug is not pleasant, thus the name, and only hardcore addicts use the drug recreationally. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u Potassium Chloride 1 Potassium, 1 Sodium Chloride = 2 units If >20u is injected: Stops the heart. A delicious salt that stops the heart when injected into cardiac muscle. 0.2u/tick N/A 5u Potassium Chlorophoride 1 Phoron, 1 Potassium Chloride, 1 Polysomnine = 4 units If >5u is injected: Stops the heart. Potassium Chlorophoride is an expensive, vastly improved variant of Potassium Chloride. Potassium Chlorophoride, unlike the original drug, acts immediately to block neuromuscular junctions, causing general paralysis. 0.2u/tick N/A 5u Zombie Powder 5 Copper, 5 Carpotoxin, 5 Soporific = 2 units Deals minor hypoxia damage. Minorly damages organs. Inflicts weakness. Inflicts silence. Gives the autopsy scanner a fake report. A strong neurotoxin that puts the subject into a death-like state. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Experimental Reagents These reagents are wholly experimental in nature, and probably should not see widespread use outside of research. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Stimm 1 Fuel, 5 Rewriter = 6 units Increases running speed. A homemade stimulant with some serious side-effects. 0.6u/tick N/A N/A Unstable Mutagen 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Radium = 3 units Deals radiation damage. May cause mutations. Might cause unpredictable mutations. Keep away from children. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Venenum N/A, obtained through less than legitimate means Randomizes appearance and name for every unit metabolized. Reverts patient back to original appearance once no more Venenum is metabolized. A thick tar like liquid that seems to move around on it's own every now and then. Limited data shows it only works when injected into the bloodstream. 0.3u/tick N/A N/A Weapons Almost everything under this heading will invariably see use in combat of some sort. Synthesizing these reagents without good reason is pretty good grounds to get booted from your job or the server. Name Recipe Effects Description Electromagnetic Pulse 1 Iron, 1 Uranium = 1 pulse Generates an EMP, frying and scrambling electronic equipment. The size of the pulse depends on the amount of reagents used. This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices. Also known as an 'EMP'. Explosion 1 Potassium, 1 Water = 1 explosion Generates an explosion. The size of the explosion depends on the amount of reagents used. This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Flash Powder 1 Aluminum, 1 Potassium, 1 Sulfur = 1 flash Generates a flash. Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing. Napalm 1 Aluminum, 1 Phoron, 1 Sulfuric Acid = 1 large fire Generates a fire surrounding the reagent container. Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. Nitroglycerin 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Glycerol, 1 Polytrinic Acid = 2 units Regulates heart rate. Explodes spectacularly if thrown, dropped, heated, attacked, or splashed on anything. Nitroglycerin is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Polytrinic Acid 1 Potassium, 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Hydrochloric Acid = 3 units Deals severe brute damage. Moderately damages the lungs. Polytrinic acid is a an extremely corrosive chemical substance. Smoke Reaction 1 Phosphorous, 1 Potassium, 1 Sugar = 1 smokey boi Creates smoke around the reagent container. You can mix anything else inside before mixing the last reagent inside to make it smoke out as well. This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Thermite 1 Acetone, 1 Aluminum, 1 Iron = 3 units Melts walls if ignited. Thermite produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction. Can be used to melt walls. Miscellaneous Reagents Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Azosurfactant 1 Sulfuric Acid, 2 Carbon, 2 Hydrazine = 5 units Reacts instantly when mixed with water to spew foam out of the reagent container. You can mix anything else inside before mixing water inside to make it foam out as well. An isocyanate liquid that forms a foam when mixed with water. N/A N/A N/A Cardox 1 Carbon, 1 Platinum, 1 Sterilizine = 3 units Removes phoron from turfs and reagent containers. This includes a Vaurca's phoron reserve. If injected: Damages organs. Cardox is a mildly toxic, expensive, NanoTrasen designed cleaner intended to eliminate liquid phoron stains from suits. 0.3u/tick N/A N/A Coolant 1 Acetone, 1 Tungsten, 1 Water = 3 units Does nothing. Industrial cooling substance. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Cryosurfacant 1 Ice, 1 Sodium, 1 Surfactant = 3 units Cools reagent container contents. Creates oxygen if mixed with Pyrosilicate. A bright cyan liquid consisting of strange self-cooling properties that reacts when exposed to water. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Diethylamine 1 Ammonia, 1 Ethanol = 2 units Fertilizes plants. A secondary amine, mildly corrosive. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Foaming Agent 1 Lithium, 1 Hydrazine = 1 unit Does nothing unless mixed into Metal Foam. An agent that yields metallic foam when mixed with light metal and a strong acid. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Frost Oil 1 Ice Pepper = ~7 units Lowers body temperature. Removes 5u capsaicin per unit. A special oil that chemically chills the body. Extracted from Ice Peppers. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Glycerol 1 Triglyceride, 2 Ethanol, 5 Sulfuric Acid as catalyst = 3 units Does nothing. Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Luminol 2 Ammonia, 2 Carbon, 2 Hydrazine = 6 units If injected/ingested: Does nothing. If sprayed on turfs: Makes blood glow a bright blue. If sprayed on objects: Makes blood glow a bright blue if also used with a UV light. A compound that interacts with blood on the molecular level. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Metal Foam 3 Aluminum/Iron, 1 Foaming Agent, 1 Polytrinic Acid = 5 units Reacts instantly to create a barrier of metal foam, size depending on how many reagents were used. Iron can make stronger walls. Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. N/A N/A N/A Monoammoniumphosphate 1 Ammonium, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Sodium, 1 Sulfuric Acid = 4 units Extinguishes fires. Lowers room temperature if it is too high. Commonly found in fire extinguishers, also works as a fertilizer. 0.2u/tick, 2u touched N/A N/A Plant-B-Gone 4 water, 1 toxin = 5 units Moderately damages organs. Damages Dionae greatly. Kills plants. A toxic mixture designed to kill plant-life. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Plastic 1 Polytrinic Acid, 1 Plasticide = 1 sheet of plastic Makes plastic. A recipe that makes sheets of plastic. You can obtain Plasticide from Plastellium mushrooms. N/A N/A N/A Pyrosilicate 1 Hydrazine, 1 Iron, 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Silicate = 4 units Warms reagent container contents. Creates oxygen if mixed with Cryosurfactant. A bright orange powder consisting of strange self-heating properties that reacts when exposed to sodium chloride. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Silicate 1 Acetone, 1 Aluminum, 1 Silicon = 3 units Reinforces glass. A compound that can be used to reinforce glass. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Sodium Chloride 1 Sodium, 1 Hydrochloric Acid = 2 units If ingested: Causes thirstiness. Absorbs alcohol. If injected: Does the above. Minorly damages organs. A salt made of sodium chloride. Commonly used to season food. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Space Cleaner 1 Ammonia, 1 Water = 2 units Cleans stuff! Including blood! And resetting germ level! Wow!!! A compound used to clean things. Now with 50% more sodium hypochlorite! 5u/tick touched N/A N/A Space Lube 1 Acetone, 1 Silicon, 1 Water = 4 units Makes the floor extremely slippery. Lubricant is a substance introduced between two moving surfaces to reduce the friction and wear between them. N/A N/A N/A Sterilizine 1 Ethanol, 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Cleans blood! Doesn't clean anything else! Resets germ level! Wow!!! It's totally useless! Just use Space Cleaner! Sterilizine is a chemical product composed of bleach and anti-toxins which can thoroughly disinfect wound sites and any biohazardous waste. 5u/tick touched N/A N/A Syntimeat 5 Blood, 1 Clonexadone = 1 syntimeat Not actually a reagent; it is a recipe to create synthetic meat. Synthetic meat. Some call it a tasty alternative to actual meat, not realizing that there is no difference at all. Can be eaten, or used as biomatter for cloning pods. N/A N/A N/A Uranium Solidification 20 Uranium, 1 Potassium, 1 Frost Oil = 1 sheet of uranium Makes solid uranium from liquid uranium. A recipe that makes sheets of uranium. You can obtain Frost Oil from ice peppers. N/A N/A N/A Virus Food 1 Milk, 1 Water, 1 sugar = 5 units If used in the incubator: Increases virus growth rate. If ingested: Functions as regular food. Doesn't make viruses already inside you any nastier, in case you were wondering. Used in Virology as a growth medium for viruses. Available from a wall dispenser in Virology. 0.4u/tick N/A N/A The Wonderful World of Chemicals Preliminary information that u need 2 know!! Chemicals have a variety of effects depending on where they end up. All chems deplete while they're in a mob, and some chems also do extra effects while they're inside someone. Some chems also do different things depending on how you apply them to someone, e.g. applying them via a patch vs through a pill, and certain chems can also affect plants or flooring. Some chemicals do something special upon reaching a certain temperature, usually they explode. The following sections explain these in further detail. The Life Loop Things that repeat in standard intervals are handled by loop controllers. The mob loop encapsulates most of the things that humans and cyborgs have for repeating code. One of the major things there is the life process. Life process is programmed to run in 4 second intervals governed by the mob loop. Among other things, the life loop governs chems that are inside's person's bloodstream; it essentially models the body metabolizing chemicals. Chemicals usually enter the body via application methods that apply through INGEST and various methods that put chems straight into the bloodstream; the following section explains this in further detail. Every time it runs, each chemical decreases by a certain amount of units per chemical, listed under "Depletion rate", and some chemicals also do some additional effects, such as heal some damage or give a stamina boost, listed under "Per life cycle". However, the life loop doesn't always tick every 4 seconds exactly, sometimes due to the game deliberately slowing itself down when the server is under stress, sometimes due to lag (occasionally itself due to the life loop consuming so much CPU). To compensate for these time fluctuations, the chem's on-life effects are multiplied by a number, logically called a multiplier, which changes based on how much time has actually passed. All chems are coded assuming a 2 second time frame, an artifact of the old system where the life loop ticked every 2 seconds, so the multiplier is usually around 2, but it can and does change, and a few chems' multipliers work somewhat differently. So if a chemical does 2 toxin damage each time life is called, it'll do 4 damage every four seconds. With a depletion rate of 1, it'll deplete 2 units every four seconds, and so on and so on. These values can be and often will be different depending on server lag. Chemicals will last longer if they have a lower depletion rate. Chems that reduce other chems will reduce the listed amount per cycle. If not explicitly stated, chems default to a depletion rate of 0.4 units per cycle. TOUCH & INGEST Effects Some chemicals have one or multiple special effects when applied to a mob, and the difference can be quite significant. You should always pay close attention to the unique properties of the reagent(s) you want to synthesize or use. TOUCH means direct exposure to the body. Acids that burn your face off and topical meds are examples of this. Applied by: chemical smoke, chemical foam, dropper, medical patch, flamethrower, fire extinguisher, spray bottle, splashing chemicals from a beaker-type container, throwing a drinking glass at somebody, cryo cell, shower, bathtub INGEST reactions are things that happen immediately from consumption. Applied by: syringe, pill, IV drip, cigarette, injector belt and mask, cloth rags, eating or drinking something Certain methods of transference bypass both of these and go straight into the bloodstream. Applied by: hypospray, emergency auto-injector, sleepy pen, syringe gun, e-cig, ampoule Miscellaneous Effects Some chemicals can affect plants and their seeds, such as by making it grow faster or boosting plant health. Per plant cycle effects apply when a chemical is in a hydroponics tray. Some chemicals also have different effects when used in a botanical infusion. If a certain amount of chems are applied onto a turf, such as a steel floor, it creates a fluid puddle. Some chemicals also have unique effects when applied on tiles. For example, carbon makes dirt, while salt makes salt piles that can link up into salt lines, mystical. You can become addicted to certain chemicals, usually drugs, if you have a certain amount of them in your system, based on random chance. Mechanically, every few seconds, the game looks for any addictive chems in your system, and if it does find them, it checks if there's enough of it to potentially cause an addiction and confirms that you're a human and thus actually susceptible to addictions in the first place (as opposed to a Cyborg or Critter). Then it calls a built-in BYOND function named prob(), which has an X% chance to return as "true"; the value of this X is the number listed under the "Addiction probability", shortened to "Addict prob." If prob() returns "true", you become addicted! Base Elements Not everything that comes out of the chem dispenser or similarly simple sources is inert; some have their own quirks that you should watch out for. Reagent Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Addict prob. Notes Barium 0.4 No Explodes when mixed with water (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. Most people won't bat an eye when they see plain old water, though, so it makes for an interesting stealth explosive. Carbon 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates dirt when applied to floor tiles. Calcium 0.4 No Chlorine 0.4 Yes +1 BURN +3 POISON Ethanol 0.05 No Slurred speech, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision and other effects ramping up with amount of ethanol in bloodstream. 0.25 to 0.5 liver damage. 60+ UNITS - 5% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 100+ UNITS - Separate 15% chances of extra 1-3 damage to the liver and/or kidneys. 1% chance of causing heart disease. 4% Every single brand of alcohol decays into this. The more potent the alcohol, the more ethanol it builds up in you. Higher amounts of ethanol have more severe consequences. The Alcohol Resistance gene blocks most of these effects. Fluorine 0.4 Yes +1 BURN, +1 TOX +3 POISON Helium 0.4 No Does what you'd expect. Harmless. Can be obtained from helium tanks. Iron 0.4 No Regenerates blood half a unit a time, 10% change of -1 OXY OVERDOSE (20) Causes +1 TOX, 5% chance of vomiting, stun, and a further +10 TOX Basically a shittier version of Filgrastim with more side effects. Lithium 0.4 No Drooling and confused movement. Can also be extracted from omega weed. Magnesium 0.4 No 10+ UNITS: Creates piles of magnesium when applied to floor tiles. Piles ignite when exposed to a temperature higher than 747 K, but the fire isn't hot enough to set alight non-flammable materials or burn through the floor. They do, however, also ignite nearby piles, so you could make a line of magnesium and use it as a fuse for other pyrotechnic reagents. Mercury 0.2 Yes (0.2 per 1 unit splashed) 70% chance of +1 BRAIN Can also be extracted from omega weed. Oxygen 0.4 No This might seem amazingly inert for a substance that is vital to your life, but think of it this way: What is the effect of this oxygen over the oxygen already in your blood? Phosphorus 0.4 No 66% chance of +1 GROWTH An essential ingredient for a few recipes, but not terribly exciting on its own. Phoron 0.4 No +1 TOX. Increases depletion rate of epinephrine by 2. Cannot be applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - If already on fire: +30 BURNING +2 POISON When it reaches 374 K, it ignites, creating small to large fireball that scales with volume (up to 8x8). Basic ingredient in chems with more fanastical effects. Potassium 0.4 No Explodes when mixed with water (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. 40% chance of +1 GROWTH, +1 HEALTH Most people won't bat an eye when they see plain old water, though, so it makes for an interesting stealth explosive. Can also be extracted from bananas. Radium 0.4 Yes (0.5 per 1 unit splashed) +4 RAD (capped at 8 Gy) Temporarily creates an eerie green glow when applied to floor tiles. 80% chance of +3 RAD, 16% of a random mutation Radiation is cumulative and depletes one per cycle. As it ramps up, it starts doing BURN + TOX in increasing amounts related to the radiation total, causes random mutations (often disabilities) and triggers a bunch of other nasty radiation sickness effects. A sleepy pen full of radium is pretty lethal over a few minutes. Silver 0.4 No Dipping a pair of handcuffs in a container with at least 50 units of silver creates silver handcuffs. Dipping some ammo in a container with at least 20 units gives them a silver brand, granting them extra damage against werewolves. Sugar 0.4 No Jitteriness, minor stamina regeneration buff. Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, and Paralyzed debuffs by 4%, 4% chance to produce a unit of epinephrine. OVERDOSE (200) - hyperglycaemic shock, 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Having a bit of sugar in you gives you a small stun reduction and stamina buff. Can also be extracted from sugarcane. Water 0.4 No Explodes when mixed with potassium (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. 3+ UNITS: Temporarily creates a slippery surface when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. Helps plants grow more quickly. Freezes when cooled (0° C), boils away when heated (100 °C). Can also be extracted from melons. Basic compounds Basic starting recipes. Most are pointless on their own, but they're all ingredients in the vast majority of chemicals in the world of SS13, so it's good to memorize them. Reagent Recipe Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Notes Acetone (1) Oil + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Acetone No +1.5 TOX Common ingredient in other recipes. Ammonia (1) Urine + (1) Water @ 354 K -> (1) Ammonia OR (3) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen -> (3) Ammonia No +4 GROWTH, 66% chance of +1 HEALTH. Removes a variable amount (up to 4 units) of any other reagent; ratio is based on combined volume of all reagents in the tray. Fertilizer, and an ingredient in a lot of other chems. Diethylamine (1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol @ 374 K -> (2) Diethylamine No 66% chance of +2 GROWTH Used for certain medical recipes and as fertilizer. Oil (1) Carbon + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Welding Fuel -> (3) Oil No Creates a streak of slippery oil when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Lubricates cyborg joints and temporarily make them move faster. At 474 K, ignites, creating small to large fireball that scales with volume (up to 8x8). Used as a stand-in for benzene, toulene, napthalene and a bunch of other heavier hydrocarbons for a ton of the organic chem recipes. Phenol (1) Oil + (1) Chlorine + (1) Water -> (3) Phenol No Used for certain medical recipes. Stabilizing Agent (Stabilizer) (1) Iron + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (2) Stabilizing Agent No Keeps unstable chemicals stable. This does not work on everything. Medical Chems A malignant scientist is expected to hurt people. A benevolent one is expected to heal people. If you're the latter, then this chart is your best friend. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Addict prob. Notes Ammonium Bicarbonate (Smelling Salts) (1) Ammonia + (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen @ 374 K -> (3) Ammonium Bicarbonate 0.4 No 30% chance of -1 RAD, 5% of +1 TOX If below -5 to -30 health: -1 TOX, -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN Moderate stamina regeneration boost Radiation is cumulative and causes TOX and BURN. Antihol (1) Ethanol + (1) Charcoal -> (2) Antihol 0.4 No Raises ethanol depletion rates by 8. If below +25 health: -2 TOX Sober someone up in a hurry. Nefarious people sometimes spike other poisons with ethanol or booze reagents to sabotage charcoal treatments. Atropine (1) Ethanol + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Acetone + (1) Phenol + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (4) Atropine OR Extract from black venne or omega weed. 0.2 No Dizziness, confused movement, total stamina decrease, warms you up slightly when cold. Attempts to cap OXY at 65 and LOSEBREATH at 5. Rolls a chance to fix cardiac failure. Increases depletion rate of sarin by 20. If below -25 health: -1 TOX, -3 BRUTE, -3 BURN, -2 BRAIN If above 15 health AND TOX damage > 70: +1 TOX OVERDOSE (25) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX Fairly similar to epinephrine but will rapidly push deep-crit damage levels towards shallow crit levels. Use this if you find someone who is right at the edge of death. Flushes sarin extremely rapidly. Atropine alone doesn't really kill people but it's a pretty decent debilitating poison if you wanna use it that way. Calomel (1) Mercury + (1) Chlorine @ 374 K -> (1) Calomel 0.8 No Increases all depletion rates by 5. If above +20 health: +5 TOX Aggressive purgative. It'll do a lot of TOX damage itself but it cannot kill you, as the damage only applies while you are above the health threshold. Use for emergencies to handle the really aggressive poisons that would definitely kill you if they remain active for long. Charcoal (1) Ash + (1) Salt @ 374 K -> (2) Charcoal OR Extract from venne. 0.4 No -1.5 TOX. -2 kidney, stomach, intestines, and liver damage. 50% chance of increasing the depletion rate of all other chems by 1. Removes 2 units of every harmful chem present (toxin, toxic slurry, sulf. acid, Phoron, mercury, welding fuel, chlorine, radium) Good baseline thing for detoxifying someone, but won't always keep up with the hellpoisons. Cryoxadone (1) Cryostylane + (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Phoron + (1) Acetone -> (3) Cryoxadone 0.4 No If body temp below 260 K: -10 OXY, -3 TOX, -12 BRUTE, -12 BURN, -1 all organ damage Requires cooling the target before it kicks in, but heals incredibly well. The cryo tanks in medbay use this. Note: Don't cool down someone who is currently on fire, put them out first. Due to the way BURN damage is handled, cooling a flaming person will make the fire worse and cause more damage than even the cryoxadone can keep up with. Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine) (1) Oil + (1) Carbon + (1) Bromine + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Ethanol -> (4) Diphenhydramine 0.4 No Reduces jitteriness, significant stamina regeneration nerf. Increases depletion rates of histamine and itching powder by 3. 3% chance of stunning briefly and causing drowsiness. 10% Mostly used as a precursor to a couple of the illegal drugs. Might be needed for bee stings, histamine poisonings or itching powder. Ephedrine (1) Sugar + (1) Oil + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Diethylamine -> (3) Ephedrine OR Extract from asomna or omega weed. OR Find in Grife-O soda. 0.3 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 10%, minor stamina regeneration buff, causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness, warms you up slightly. Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 3. Heals 1 OXY if OXY damage > 75. If above 0 health: 33% chance of -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 8% of -1 TOX If below 0 health: -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN. 25% of -1 TOX OVERDOSE (35) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 15% of extra +1/+2 TOX. 5% of stunning briefly and causing dizziness. 25% It's pretty much just a weaker analogue of medbay's epinephrine, but it's addictive and has a few more side effects. Epinephrine (1) Phenol + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Acetone + (1) Diethylamine -> (4) Epinephrine 0.2 No Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 3 and OXY at 35. 5% chance of -1 BRAIN. Rolls a chance to fix cardiac failure. Increases depletion rate of histamine by 15. Warms you up by 7 Kelvin. Slows down progression of sarin by 20%. Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 3%. +3 stamina regeneration buff. Reduces drowsiness, 5% chance to remove all sleepiness. 10% chance to cause jitteriness. If health is between -10 to -65, heals 1 TOX, 1 BRUTE, 1 BURN. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX, 5% of stunning briefly and causing dizziness. Very useful for stabilizing someone who is in mid-crit damage, standard emergency shot to buy yourself some time. If things are really bad, go for atropine instead. Can make you pretty sick in overdoses. Rapidly counters histamine / allergic reactions. Can function as a minor stimulant, roughly on par with coffee. Ether (1) Ethanol + (1) Hydrochloric Acid + (1) Oxygen -> (1) Ether 0.4 No See notes. Behaves almost exactly the same as morphine, minus the speed bonus. Filgrastim (1) Blood + (1) Stable Mutagen + (1) E.Coli + (1) Spaceacillin -> (2) Filgrastim 0.2 No +2u blood. A granulocyte colony stimulating factor analog, which helps the body create more blood. Hairgrownium (1) Synthflesh + (1) Ephedrine + (1) Carpet -> (3) Hairgrownium OR Extract from fuzzy nureous or omega weed. 0.4 Yes 10% chance of growing a full set of hair. Great cure for baldness. Haloperidol (1) Chlorine + (1) Fluorine + (1) Aluminium + (1) Potassium Iodide + (1) Oil -> (4) Haloperidol OR Find in haloperidol bottles from restricted medical cabinets and Restricted Medicine Shipments, syringes (anti-psychotic), and Dr. Pubber bottles. OR Extract from certain popsicles and omega weed OR Distill omega weed. OR Randomly appears in Rowdy 'Rillos and pills from ???? bottles. 0.4 No Reduces druggy effects and jitteriness, causes drowiness. -5 stamina regeneration. 20% chance of +1 BRAIN. 5% of curing space madness and berserker. 10% of causing drooling. Increases depletion rate of Stimulants by 3. Increases depletion rates for the following stimulating/hallucinogenic drugs by 5: Bath Salts Cat Drugs Crank Ephedrine Epinephrine LSD Methamphetamine Psilocybin Space Drugs THC Treat it like a general anti-psychotic. Severe stamina regen penalty, drowisness, and drug depletion rate acceleration makes useful for treating/neutralizing drugged-up maniacs. This is the secret behind tranq rifle darts. WardBuddies, fermids, and the humanoid "emagged medibots" found in certain derelicts also inject this. Heparin (1) Sugar + (1) Meat Slurry + (1) Phenol + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (2) Heparin 0.4 No Will cause any bleeding to become worse, but will try to cure heart disease, dislodge blood clots, and will reduce the effects of hypertension. Removes 2u of cholesterol as well. OVERDOSE (20) - you blood fall out An anticoagulant. Hunchback (1) Bourbon + (1) Cola + (1) Tomato Juice -> (3) Hunchback 0.4 No Increases all depletion rates by 8. 10% chance of contracting food poisoning. If above +10 health: +2 TOX Flushes other chemicals more rapidly than calomel, but does so at significant risk to the consumer. Aside from constant and violent vomiting, the health cap and depletion rate are significantly lower. Insulin N/A. Vendors and Pro Puffs. 0.4 No Raises sugar depletion rates by 5. Handles hyperglycaemic coma. Lexorin N/A. Pro Puffs. 0.2 No +1 TOX, removes the need to breathe. A more dangerous version of perfluorodecalin that allows you to talk in space without using internals, but deals TOX damage over time. Mannitol (1) Sugar + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Water -> (2) Mannitol OR Extract from dawning venne. 0.4 No -3 BRAIN Use for concussions, changeling stings, bible beatings, flatline brain damage, bath salts, etc. Menthol (1) Mint + (1) Ethanol @ 324 K -> (2) Menthol OR Put mint into a still. 0.1 No Tries to return high body temps towards normal, 55% chance of -2 BURN. Use for minor burn damage. Morphine N/A. Extract from poppies. OR Obtain from NanoMed Plus vendors, Dr. Pubber, and Medical: Medical Reservoir Crates. 0.4 No Dramatically counters movement reduction from severe injury, severe stamina regeneration penalty, reduces jitteriness. Will knock you out on 36th cycle. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 50% Low doses are useful for the painkiller, but high doses can knock someone out for a while. Mugwort N/A. Wizard shuttle. 0.4 No If target is wizard: Removes 5 units of sarin. INGEST - If target is wizard: 85% chance of -1 LOSEBREATH. 45% chances for each of -1 OXY, -1 TOX, -6 BRUTE and -6 BURN. Can patch up minor injuries of magic users. Mutadone (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Acetone + (1) Bromine -> (3) Mutadone OR Extract from dawning venne. 0.4 No Removes one genetic bioeffect. Some mutations cannot be cured by mutadone, however. 20% chance of -5 GROWTH. 50% of inducing one of these effects: -1 GROWTIME, -1 HARVTIME, +1 HARVESTS, +1 CROPSIZE, +1 POTENCY or +1 ENDURANCE Did someone turn you into a gibbering chavish deaf dwarven lunatic? Take this. Giving this to someone with superpowers will really ruin their day. Oculine (1) Atropine + (1) Saline-Glucose Solution + (1) Spaceacillin -> (4) Oculine OR Extract from dawning venne. 0.4 Yes 80% chance of reducing blurred vision as well as eye and ear damage by 1, 50% of curing nearsightedness, 30% of curing blindness If ear damage is less than 25: 30% chance of healing deafness Not typically needed unless some jerk is using a lot of flashbangs. It's a rare situation, but giving them oculine might be their saving grace. Omnizine N/A. Extract from white weed and glowing fruits. OR Eat some warm donk pockets and/or spaghetti arrabbiata and draw out your blood. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.2 No -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN, -1 TOX, -1 OXY, -2 all organ damage. 50% chance of -1 LOSEBREATH, 33% of -1 BLEEDING. OVERDOSE (30) - Stuttering, dizziness, jitteriness, random stuns and confused movement. 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 5% Slightly addictive, but is otherwise an amazing cure-all. Medbay will love the botanists if they supply them with it. Omnizine-laced Pro Puffs and the two dishes deliver a small dose of omnizine when used. Less ideal than botany, but it could save you in a pinch. Pentetic Acid (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Chlorine + (1) Ammonia + (1) Formaldehyde + (1) Sodium + (1) Cyanide -> (6) Pentetic Acid 0.4 No -7 RAD, increases all depletion rates by 4. -2 kidney, stomach, intestines, and liver damage. 75% chance of -4 TOX, 33% of +1 BRUTE, +1 BURN. Apex anti-tox/anti-rad treatment. Perfluorodecalin (1) Hydrogen + (1) Fluorine + (1) Oil @ 374 K -> (2) Perfluorodecalin 0.4 No -25 OXY, -2 lung & spleen damage, 33% chance of -1 BRUTE and -1 BURN. Increases LOSEBREATH to and caps it at 6. Prevents any suffocation damage from racking up despite that. 20% Fantastic for pretty much negating all the accumulative damage from being in critical, will give you a really wide window of time to deal with other health problems. In theory, you could stay in flatline for quite awhile with this stuff handling tissue oxygenation, but you might need mannitol too. Can make spacewalking without internals possible. Potassium Iodide (1) Potassium + (1) Iodine -> (2) Potassium Iodide OR Extract from nureous. 0.4 No 80% chance of -1 RAD -1 TOX. 33% chance of -1 kidney and liver damage. Radiation is cumulative and causes TOX and BURN. Simple and weak, but can help counter radiation events and radium somewhat. Proconvertin (1) Blood + (1) Stable Mutagen + (1) Mannitol + (1) Salt -> (2) Proconvertin 0.3 No 5% chance of -1 BLEEDING. 2% chance to cause a blood clot. Increases blood pressure and can worsen existing blood clots. A coagulant. Robustissin (1) Menthol + (1) Morphine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Acetone -> (4) Robustissin OR Antihistamine + (1) Oil + (1) Salicylic Acid + (1) Menthol -> (4) Robustissin OR Find inside randomly-named space cola. 0.4 No Separate 25% chances of curing the 10% chance each of curing the common cold, both regular flu and avian flu, and food poisoning. OVERDOSE (30) - Pretty colors, occasional giggling, yawning, and smiling. Chance of inflicting TOX damage, brief bouts of confused movement, and/or moderately long (<10 seconds) knock-down. Space Robitussin (aka dextromethorphan), complete with fun overdose effects! Salbutamol (1) Salicylic Acid + (1) Lithium + (1) Ammonia + (1) Aluminium + (1) Bromine -> (5) Salbutamol OR Extract from shivering contusine. 0.2 No -6 OXY, -4 LOSEBREATH, -2 lung & spleen damage. Speeds up recovery from suffocation damage, but more importantly, it'll help counter suffocating/losebreath poisons and the suffocation that ramps up in critical health. Often underused emergency med that makes dealing with critical-health people a lot easier since OXY damage is usually what kills in-crit patients in the end. Salicylic Acid (Painkiller/Analgesic) (1) Sodium + (1) Phenol + (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (5) Salicylic Acid OR Extract from contusine. 0.1 No Tries to return high body temps towards normal, counters walkspeed loss from being hurt fairly well. 55% chance of -2 BRUTE. OVERDOSE (25) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Got beat up a bit and don't want to crawl the whole way to medbay? Pop one of these. Won't help severe damage, but it'll keep you moving at top speed so you can rush for the better healing chems. Slow depletion rate will keep it in your blood for awhile. Saline-Glucose Solution (1) Salt + (1) Water + (1) Sugar -> (3) Saline-Glucose Solution 0.15 Yes 33% chance of -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN. 33% chance of regenerating 1 unit of blood. Rolls a chance to fix shock. Decent med for healing a respectable amount of BRUTE/BURN damage over time and for stabilizing low-crit patients. Silver Sulfadiazine (1) Silver + (1) Sulfur + (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Ammonia -> (5) Silver Sulfadiazine OR Extract from commol. 3 No -2 BURN TOUCH - Heals 1 BURN per unit applied. INGEST - Causes 0.5 TOX per unit ingested. The go-to BURN medication. It depletes rapidly in the blood, so most of your healing will come upfront from a topical application. Ingesting it doesn't work nearly as well and even causes a fair bit of TOX damage, so don't do that. Simethicone (1) Oxygen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Silicon -> (3) Simethicone 0.4 No Makes the victim unable to fart. Fiendish. Truly fiendish. Space ipecac N/A. Comes in pill form from NanoMed Plus machines. 0.8 No 25% chance to induce vomiting. IF HEALTH > 25: +1 TOX damage. 5% chance to cause food poisoning. Think the last thing you just ate was poisoned? Take this to vomit it out as a half-digested food chunk containing a portion of whatever reagents were in it. Naturally, this'll stop you from ingesting whatever poisons were in said meal. If you've eaten multiple things, the most recent item (i.e. what you ate last) is vomited out. Spaceacillin (1) Space Fungus + (1) Ethanol -> (2) Spaceacillin 0.2 No Rolls a chance to cure some specific diseases, such as MRSA and grave fever. You probably won't use this much unless some Vampire is giving people grave fever. Space fungus, which mostly grows in maintenance tunnels, is acquired by scraping it off walls with your beaker. Strange Reagent (1) Omnizine + (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Holy Water -> (2) Strange Reagent OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.2 No 10% chance of +2 BRUTE and +2 TOX INGEST - Can reanimate the dead. If the corpse is rotten or has more than 150 combined BRUTE+BURN, the body will be gibbed, and a corpse with too much BRAIN damage will immediately drop dead again. TOUCH - Resurrects critters. While SR can revive players, it will only heal their OXY damage upon successful revival. Actual doctoring is still necessary after they come back to life. Styptic Powder (1) Aluminium + (1) Oxygen + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (4) Styptic Powder 3 No -2 BRUTE TOUCH - Heals 1 BRUTE per unit applied. Can reduce BLEEDING by up to 5. INGEST - Causes 0.5 TOX per unit ingested. The BRUTE damage equivalent of silver sulfadizine, so the same application methods still apply: only go for topical doses. Super Hairgrownium (1) Hairgrownium + (1) Methamphetamine + (1) Iron -> (3) Super Hairgrownium OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 Yes Grows tremendous hair and a fake moustache that instantly regrows when removed. Synaptizine N/A. Syndicate donk pockets, spaghetti w/ meatballs and arrabbiata. 0.4 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 25%, slight stamina regeneration buff, reduces drowsiness. 50% chance of -1 BRAIN. OVERDOSE (40) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be dizziness, stuns or extra +1 TOX. Similar to ephedrine in regards to stun reduction and stamina benefits, but with less severe overdose effects. Synthflesh (1) Blood + (1) Carbon + (1) Styptic Powder -> (3) Synthflesh 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery gibs when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Heals 1.5 BRUTE and 1.5 BURN per unit applied. Instantly heals all BLEEDING. An excellent fixer of BRUTE, BURN and BLEEDING, it's a surprise that it isn't used more. The doctors will love you if you supply medbay with patches full of this. Teporone (1) Silicon + (1) Acetone + (1) Phoron -> (2) Teporone 0.4 No Attempts to return body temp to normal in ten degree increments. Causes jitteriness. OVERDOSE (50) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 20% Not really ever used much, but spacewalking cocktails might need it. Triple Citrus (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lemon juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Triple Citrus 0.4 No INGEST - Heals 1-2 TOX damage A basic TOX-healer a Barman or clever Botanist could easily/readily make. Yobihodazine N/A. Spaced rum. 0.4 No Attempts to return body temp to normal in ten degree increments. Prevents OXY damage (but not LOSEBREATH). 20% chance of +1 BRAIN. 20% Another legacy spacewalking chem. Poisons and Toxic Shit The bad stuff. This is where you'll learn the fine art of poisoning, and there is no shortage of poisons to use. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Addict prob. Notes Acetaldehyde (1) Chromium + (1) Oxygen + (1) Copper + (1) Ethanol @ 549 K -> (3) Acetaldehyde 0.4 Yes +1 BURN +4 POISON Basic poison. Aconitum N/A. Extract from aconite flowers. 0.4 No +2 TOX. 10% chance of stun and extra +2 TOX, 8% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH Toxic + suffocation, behaves like a weaker coniine. Amanitin N/A. Syndicate sauce, poison bottles, mutant mushrooms. 0.4 No Keeps track of a damage_counter variable that starts at 0. Each tick it's in you, that variable increases by 2-4. On the last cycle that it's in you, it hits you with a stack of damage_counter + 2-3 TOX damage. This is a delayed stealth poison that's dose-dependent. The more you use, the longer it takes before anything happens, but the harder it hits when it does. With large doses your target can consume something poisoned, walk around for a few minutes minding their own business, and then abruptly die with no real warning. Very devious to use. Ants N/A. It accumulates on floor tiles that foodstuffs have been left on, indicated with a animated sprite. 0.4 No +2 BRUTE TOUCH/INGEST - Does 4 BRUTE damage Use a beaker on the sprite to collect ants. In the blood stream, the victim takes BRUTE damage every cycle, so it can be slow and lethal if you have the patience to collect enough ants. A mostly harmless prank chem overall. Atrazine (Weedkiller) (1) Chlorine + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Hydrogen -> (3) Atrazine 0.4 No +2 TOX If plant species is weed: +2 POISON, -3 GROWTH Pretty much a generic toxin. Botany has a bunch of it right away. Capulettium (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Chlorine + (1) Hydrogen -> (1) Capulettium 0.4 No Causes blurred vision and drowsiness. Knocks the victim out and makes them appear dead on 11th cycle, up to a maximum duration of 2 min (not cumulative). A niche or gimmick reagent at best, but it might scare somebody if they don't know what's going on. Capulettium plus (1) Capulettium + (1) Ephedrine + (1) Methamphetamine -> (3) Capulettium Plus 0.4 No Instant and ongoing vocal paralysis until chemical fully depletes, also prevents the use of all emotes. Makes the victim appear dead if they're laying down or sleeping. This essentially lets you play possum. You're unable to speak (excluding telepathy or machine talk), but you can make yourself appear dead in a pinch. Know someone is hunting you? Inject yourself with this just before they find you, lay down and they'll mistake you for a corpse! You retain full consciousness and control of your body, so you can back up and ambush them when they least suspect it. Coniine N/A. Poison bottles. 0.05 No +2 TOX, +5 LOSEBREATH A small dose can kill in under a minute. LOSEBREATH makes the victim unable to talk - they'll take suffocation rapid damage and be unable to say anything over the radio. Curare N/A. Poison bottles or contusine mutation. 0.1 Yes +1 TOX, +1 OXY, blurred vision. Causes drowsiness and permastuns the victim on 11th cycle, 8% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH It won't knock them out, but it will make them unable to move. Could be used to kidnap people or just disable them and scare the hell out of them. Cyanide (1) Ammonia + (1) Oil + (1) Oxygen @ 374 K -> (1) Cyanide OR poison bottles OR Extract from deathweed. 0.1 Yes +1.5 TOX. 10% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH 8% chance of stun and extra +2 TOX A couple of common chem recipes can produce this if poorly mixed, and production of cyanide will dose nearby people if they aren't wearing gas masks. Also a fairly easy poison. Balanced to be mostly a slow and scary killer, but if they get to medbay, it's not that hard to deal with. Suffocation damage can rack up faster than TOX depending on how the RNG rolls. Formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid) (1) Ethanol + (1) Oxygen + (1) Silver @ 424K -> (2) Formaldehyde 0.4 Yes +1 TOX, 10% chance of decaying into up to 15 units of histamine +4 POISON Inject into a corpse to prevent decomposition. The high chance of decaying into histamine makes it a really mean poison if you want to use it that way. Glitter (not harmful) (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Paper + (1) Platinum -> (4) Glitter (not harmful) 0.1 Yes Glitter particle effect. 5+ UNITS: Creates glitter when applied to floor tiles. Makes your mob glitter. Glitter (harmful) (1) Itching Powder + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Paper + (1) Silver -> (4) Glitter OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.1 Yes Glitter particle effect. 10% chance of +1 BRUTE, 5% of +2 BRUTE. 1% of decaying into 1 unit of histamine 5+ UNITS: Creates glitter when applied to floor tiles. Makes your mob glitter. Occasional BRUTE damage from scratching, similar to itching powder. Glowing Slurry N/A. Extract from Omega slurrypods. 0.4 No +2 RAD. 15% chance of bad mutation, 3% of good mutation TOUCH - 50% of bad mutation INGEST - 100% of bad mutation One random mutation, up to -2 GROWTH Scrambles your genes to hell and back. Histamine N/A. Bee/wasp stings, Omega weed, byproduct of certain reagents. 0.2 No 10% chance of blurred vision OR +1 BRUTE, 5% of +2 BRUTE IF HYPERALLERGIC TRAIT: Creates additional units of histamine, starting at 2. More histamine means more units created. OVERDOSE (40) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Large doses have rapidly fatal effects simulating anaphylaxis and ramp up BRUTE, TOX and OXY damage across the board Causes jitteriness TOUCH - Transfer is capped at 10 units regardless of amount splashed Dose-dependent, ranges from annoying to incredibly lethal. Epinephrine, methamphetamine and especially diphenhydamine will counteract it as targeted meds, but they are often not enough for hyperallergic trait people who've passed the overdose threshold. Initropidril Secret! OR Get from poison bottles. 0.4 No Major stamina regeneration buff. 33% chance of medium-duration stun OR up to +25 TOX. 10% of +10 OXY and +1 LOSEBREATH OR immediate cardiac arrest. RNG-based poison, can either kill you ridiculously fast or agonizingly slowly. Itching Powder (1) Ammonia + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Space Fungus -> (4) Itching Powder OR Extract from omega weed. 0.3 Yes Lots of annoying random effects like jitteriness and stuns. 2-15% chances of up to +5 BRUTE. 6% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of histamine. Prank chem but can be debilitating as hell in large doses. A source of histamine. Ketamine N/A. Sleepy pens and poison bottles. 0.8 Yes Significant total stamina penalty. Causes blurred vision, KOs on 11th cycle. Sleepy pens and Snoozebuddies come pre-loaded with this. A typical dose from one should last 6-8 minutes. Lipolicide (1) Ephedrine + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Mercury -> (2) Lipolicide 0.2 No +1 TOX unless the victim keeps eating food. 10% chance of healing obesity. Deals massive damage to blob lipid cells. Mostly just annoying, but easy to get from weight-loss shakes. Miasma N/A. Pours out of corpses. 0.4 No Deals 0.23 TOX. Practice proper corpse disposal or medbay can get stunk up with this! Neurotoxin (1) Space Drugs @ 674 K -> (1) Neurotoxin 1 No Causes jitteriness, dizziness, drowsiness and confused movement. +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN if total brain damage is less than 80 (10% chance otherwise). Delayed poison. Ill effects will not be felt until the 5th cycle, and completely KO the victim on the 14th cycle. One of the most debilitating chems in the game due to applying brain damage, confusion and constant knockouts all at once. Someone given a large dose will be lucky to be able to do anything. Its delayed effects make it one of the quickest and stealthiest knockout chems around. It's also one of horrible things that changelings and queen bees can sting you with. Pancuronium N/A. Poison bottles, hacked NanoMeds, and derelict/emagged medibot injections. 0.2 No Severe total stamina penalty. Will permastun on 11th cycle. If permastunned: 10% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH, 7% of +3 LOSEBREATH A very nasty disabling poison for traitors to make use of, basically a much meaner curare. Also one of the reasons to run from derelict or emagged medibots, as they will inject you with it constantly if they catch you. Polonium N/A. Poison bottles. 0.1 Yes +8 RAD 80% chance of +5 RAD, 25% of a random mutation Lasts a long time and ramps your cumulative radiation (causes TOX and BURN) way the hell up, very deadly. Rajaijah (Madness toxin) Secret! OR Randomly find in poison bottles and artifact beakers. 0.1 No +0.5 BRAIN, jitteriness, drowsiness, major stamina regeneration buff. KOs, then an AI takes over your mob on the 29th cycle, forcing you to attack people nearby (and occasionally yourself). Lots of scary text messages. You may be familiar with Syndicate NPCs, which can be summoned with telescience.(As of late, monkeys also use this AI, so be careful!) Rajaijah makes use of the same AI, which is quite robust. It can pick up, attack with and throw items from off the floor, can use firearms effectively, and is hard to pacify thanks to the stamina buff. Injecting somebody with this poison will KO them briefly after a couple of cycles. Once they wake up, the AI assumes control of the mob, turning the victim into an involuntary murder machine. They'll be unable to do anything about it until the poison wears off. Note: Slapping a straight jacket on someone poisoned with rajaijah will neutralize them, letting you flush the poison safely. Royal Initrobeedril Secret! OR Randomly find in poison bottles. 0.2 No +1 TOX, turns the victim yellow. 10-33% chances of stuns, +1 LOSEBREATH and up to +5 OXY. Gibs the victim on 26th cycle and leaves a queen bee behind. Royal initro essentially turns the victim's heart into a monstrous bee bearing their name. A very reliable killing method, though at least 5 units are required for a guaranteed kill and the giant red bee bearing the name of the victim is a huge red flag for the crew. The only cure is to inject something that forces it to deplete before it hits cycle 26. Sarin Secret! OR Randomly find in poison bottles. 0.1 Yes +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN, +1 BURN. 5% chance of +1 LOSEBREATH, randomly causes stuns, blurred vision, jitteriness, confused movement and other effects. Permastuns on 60th cycle. If permastunned: additional +5 LOSEBREATH, +1 BRAIN and +1 TOX 25+ UNITS: 8% chance of additional +1/+2 TOX Bombards the victim with a lot of scary messages and can kill surprisingly quickly if left unchecked. Atropine rapidly depletes it, epinephrine can slow it down so the permastun occurs later, and wide-spectrum meds can counter the damage triad. Nuclear operatives start with a few grenades of this on the shuttle. Be sure to have your biosuit hood when producing it, lest you huff up the cloud of sarin it creates upon synthesis. Cloud sizes scales with volume being created--perhaps you could weaponize this...? Sodium Thiopental N/A. Poison bottles. 0.7 No Major total stamina penalty, reduces jitteriness. Random stuns, confused movement, drowsiness. 10% chance of +1 BRAIN. KOs the victim on 6th cycle. Like an incredibly fast-acting ketamine, but with slightly slower depletion; it also doesn't knock out for nearly as long once the chem wears off. The secret of Safari Kit darts. Spiders Ingest ants + unstable mutagen and use the *dance emote OR see the recipe hint. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No 50% chance of +1 BRUTE. 10% chance of +2 BRUTE OR +5 BRUTE and brief stun OR 10% of +4 BRUTE and barfing up some spiders 5+ UNITS: Creates spiders when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH/INGEST - You get spiders all over you! You also take +2 BRUTE. Spider friends! Sometimes they're a bit grumpy, though. Stable Mutagen (1) Unstable Mutagen + (1) Lithium + (1) Acetone + (1) Bromine -> (3) Stable Mutagen OR (3) Mutadone + (1) Lithium -> (4) Stable Mutagen 0.4 No If used in conjunction with blood, it will result in the person taking on the appearance and DNA of the blood's owner on the 10th cycle. 80% chance of up to -3 GROWTH, 16% of a random mutation The changeling's DNA sting works like this, for instance. Sulfonal (1) Acetone + (1) Diethylamine + (1) Sulfur -> (2) Sulfonal 0.1 No +1 TOX. Minor total stamina penalty, drowsiness, reduces jitteriness. 20% chance of KO'ing the victim briefly after the 22th cycle. Puts someone out while slowly poisoning them to death. While it doesn't do a good job at keeping someone out until the chem has depleted, sulfonal is still very debilitating. Strychnine Secret! 0.2 No Gives you an added 75 Stamina to your max while its in your system. On the 36th cycle begins to inflict Losebreath and OXY damage eventually followed by scary messages and brute damage. The intensity and frequency of damage ramps up linearly per tick. A crunchy and dramatic death. An amazing performance enhancer up until your muscles crush you like paper. Toxic Slurry N/A. Slurrypods. 0.4 No 10% chance of up to 4 TOX, 7% of stunning briefly Mostly just annoying, but it can be deadly over time if the RNG cooperates. Toxin N/A. Bee/wasp stings, rancid milk. 0.4 No +2 TOX +1 POISON The old generic toxin, still kicking around in few places. Unstable Mutagen (1) Radium + (1) Phoron + (1) Chlorine -> (3) Unstable Mutagen OR (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Epinephrine -> (2) Unstable Mutagen 0.3 No +2 RAD, 4% chance of a bad mutation TOUCH - 33% chance of a bad mutation INGEST - 100% of a bad mutation 40% chance of -1 GROWTH, 24% of a random mutation Another solid, easy-level poison, though it's usually used as a precursor to other chems. Uranium N/A. Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No +2 RAD +2 RAD, 24% chance of a random mutation Some vending machine junk contains this. Venom N/A. Poison bottles or insect stings. 0.2 No +1 TOX, +1 BRUTE. 25% chance of decaying into up to 10 units of histamine. 20+ UNITS: +2 TOX and +2 BRUTE (total, not additionally) 40+ UNITS: 4% chance of gibbing the victim outright Some of the unfriendly insectoid critters can inject you with this. Fermids are a notable one. Disease Reagents MechanicNew64.png This page is under construction. The following information may be incomplete. Verify & update Units to infect thresholds. Nastier stuff than most chemical poisons, these will leave a medical condition behind even after they fully deplete. They require a certain amount of units to infect someone, and the depletion rate must also be taken into account when administering a dose. To this end, all entries have been adjusted accordingly for easy reference. For example: nanomachines: 1.5 (threshold) + 0.4 (depletion rate) = 1.9 (infection on the next life tick). Reagent Recipe Pen. skin? Units to infect (adj.) Application effects Notes Bee N/A. Space bee eggs. No 1.4 Infects the host with a space bee larva, which will eventually be coughed up (causing some TOX damage) unless removed surgically. Not implicitly a deadly disease, this instead gives you a bee pet! Bees are quite protective of their owners and will come to the rescue when they're under attack if you show them some TLC. It can take either a moment or a while for the bee to emerge depending on the RNG. Concentrated initropidril N/A. Poison bottles. No 4.9 100% chance to cause cardiac arrest. Liquid heart attack! This reagent lets you skip cardiac failure (and thus its RNG) entirely for a faster death. E.Coli (1) Compost + (1) Bacterial Medium -> (1) E.Coli No 4.9 100% chance to cause food poisoning. Food poisoning is annoying, but not very dangerous. You can sleep it off or drink some chicken soup. Feather Fluid Secret! No 6.0 Infects host with Avian Flu. Once stage 4 is complete, turns the infected into a space bird. Spread your wings and... this is space, how would you fly? Gibbis N/A. Poison bottles. No 2.9 Infects the victim with a non-contagious version of GBS. Another evil disease reagent. Unless countered quickly with cryoxadone, death is inevitable and permanent without a backup copy of the victim's DNA. Grave dust N/A. Find inside certain ???? pill bottles. No 2.9 Infects victim with grave fever. Stuns, suffocation, weakness, and toxin damage that just gets worse and worse with each stage. Incredibly deadly if they can't get someone to adminster spaceacillin (they'll likely be too weak/unable to get it themselves). Liquid spacetime Rare find in artifact beakers. No 4.9 Infects the victim with teleportitis. Teleportitis repeatedly warps your character to random nearby tiles, so long as the target tile has flooring. It also causes sparks to fly from the destination, which can be very bad if you land on something ignitable. Loose screws N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers. OR Eat viscerite, extract your blood via syringe or IV No 4.9 Inflicts victim with Space Madness. Space Madness can be quite annoying, especially if flips your view of the map when you least expect/want it, but it's otherwise completely harmless. Mewtini (1) Cat Drugs + (1) Mutini + (1) Milk + (1) Catonium -> (2) Mewtini No 4.9 Infects the victim with toxoplasmosis. Slowly turns victim into a playable cat. Nanomachines N/A. Poison bottles and roburgers. No 1.9 Infects the victim with robotics transformation. The transformation is obvious and a slow process. Rather tricky poison to use effectively, but an easy option for borging yourself. Painbow fluid N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers. No 4.9 Infects victim with Cluwneing Around Disease, a special version of Clowning Around, if they're not a Clown. Victim slowly falls from grace as they become an extremely clusmy Cluwne, mind and body. Fortunately,a Bible applied to the face by a holy one can cleanse the unholy cluwne spirits possessing the victim. Nonlethal, but highly annoying and actually debilitating. Prions N/A. Poison bottles, brain burgers. No 5.1 Infects the victim with kuru. Kuru is incurable and will paralyze somebody within seconds of injection. Death will follow within a couple of minutes. Pure bacon grease N/A. Poison bottles. No 4.9 100% chance to cause cardiac failure. Cardiac failure can be a very serious condition without easy access to epinephrine or another stimulant. Rainbow fluid N/A. Rare random find in artifact beakers. No 4.9 Infects victim with Clowning Around Disease if they're not a Clown. Victim slowly becomes a clumsy Clown, complete with clown gear (that constantly grows back if they can somehow can it off) and weird honking sounds. Nonlethal but permanent and fairly debilitating if the victim isn't very experienced at clowning. Rat venom N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers. No 4.9 Infects the victim with Space Plague. It's not the plague itself that kills; it's the chance of suddenly catching one of those nasty, incurable diseases. Despite what the analyzer readout says, you can cure it by getting stung by a queen space bee created by royal jelly (a reference to an urban legend about bee venom curing HIV)--but at what cost?. Rotting Secret! No 4.9 Infects host with Tissue Necrosis. Gradually turns the infected into a spooky skeleton. This prevents them from being cloned (but not preventing borging), unless you have a special cloning module. Space heartworms N/A. Poison bottles. No 4.9 100% chance to cause cardiac abscondment. Generally lethal without an immediate heart transplant. Spider eggs N/A. Randomly find in poison bottles and artifact beakers. No 2.9 Infects the victim with parasites. Each successful infection rips the host apart and spawns a couple of baby ice spiders, which are extremely aggressive and will attack nearby humans and monkeys. By doing so, they in turn mature and become even more dangerous. This chain reaction can be devastating and quite often depopulates entire stations. Vampire serum N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans and artifact beakers. No 4.9 Infects host with Draculaculiasis. Slowly turns host in a Vampire with the associated powers, but not the actual Antagonist status. Blehh! Werewolf serum N/A. Randomly find in Farty Snott's Beans and artifact beakers. No 4.9 Infects host with Lycanthropy. Slooowly turns host in a Werewolf with the associated passives, but not the abilities or Antagonist status. Howl about it! Acids Good old acid. Primarily used to destroy items for good. Reagent Recipe Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Notes Acetic Acid (1) Acetaldehyde + (1) Oxygen + (4) Nitrogen -> (3) Acetic Acid No TOUCH - Does +5 BRUTE. 50+ UNITS: 75% chance of +15 BURN, +5 BRUTE and disfiguring the victim's face. INGEST - 25+ UNITS: +2 BRUTE +1 ACID It's basically raw vinegar. Behaves like a much weaker sulfuric acid. Fluorosulfuric Acid (1) Sulfuric Acid + (1) Fluorine + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Potassium @ 374 K -> (3) Fluorosulfuric Acid No +1 TOX, +1 BURN TOUCH - Up to +20 BURN, 100% chance of melting items 9+ UNITS: melts headgear, otherwise +75 BURN and disfigures the victim's face INGEST - 5+ UNITS: Scales with dose, up to +75 BURN +10 ACID, -5 GROWTH The go-to acid if you want to melt items and faces. Hydrochloric Acid (1) Hydrogen + (1) Chlorine + (1) Water -> (3) Hydrochloric Acid No See notes. Behaves exactly the same as sulfuric acid. Sulfuric Acid (1) Sulfur + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Oxygen -> (2) Sulfuric Acid No +1 BURN TOUCH - Does +10 BURN and +5 BRUTE, 40% chance of melting items. 25+ UNITS: 75% chance of disfiguring the victim's face (blocked by headgear) INGEST - 10+ UNITS: Scales with dose, up to +20 BURN +5 ACID, -3 GROWTH A precursor to many other chems. Pyrotechnic Chems The flashy stuff. If you have a hankering for fire and explosions, this is the section for you. Reagents that increase a mob's BURNING var also have an effect on BURN damage - the longer the duration and intensity of the fire, the more BURN damage you will take per cycle. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Ign. temp Ignition effect Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Notes Aerosol Propellant (1) Chlorine + (1) Sugar + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Platinum (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (3) Aerosol Propellant 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) Does what the old smoke powder did. Turns into smoke, the maximum size of which scales with the amount of powder, for example 5 units for 3x3 and 10 units for 5x5. Applies the TOUCH reaction of all the chems that were mixed with it whenever someone walks into the smoke cloud. Unlike foam, the reagents penetrate skin (via inhaling) if they couldn't before. Good for getting chemicals into people who won't stand still for injections. Note: Wearing active internals or a gas mask will prevent you from inhaling chemical smoke. Even if an acid is employed in the smoke to destroy the active internals or gas mask, the victim still won't suck in anything from that specific cloud of smoke. Argine N/A. Magical beans, artifact beakers.. 0.4 No 272 K Medium-sized explosion (4x4, high severity). Does not scale with volume. Cannot be applied to floor tiles. Explodes at low temperatures, for instance when mixed with cryostylane. When used in a mob, body temperature alone can be sufficient to set argine off. Black Powder (1) Charcoal + (1) Sulfur + (1) Saltpetre -> (3) Black Powder OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.05 Yes 474 K Sparks, then blows up a second or two later. Damage scales with volume. < 160 UNITS: Minor explosion (up to 2x2, low severity) 161+ UNITS: Medium-sized explosion (6x6, medium severity) 301+ UNITS: large explosion (12x12, medium severity) 5+ UNITS: Creates black powder residue when applied to floor tiles. A lot of it in one spot can be very deadly. Slow depletion means you can poison someone with it and then wait for then to encounter a heat source awhile later. Chlorine Azide Secret! N/A N/A Instant Small explosion (4x4, low severity). Does not scale with volume. Dumping too many basic chems into a container might accidentally cause this unstable and highly explosive reaction. The explosion from this can destroy objects like the chem dispenser you make it from. The explosion is not prevented by stabilizing agent. Chlorine Trifluoride (CLF3) (1) Chlorine + (3) Fluorine @ 424 K -> (2) Chlorine Trifluoride 4 No N/A (with ff-foam: instant) Makes a 1x1 fireball when it comes into existence. When mixed with fire-fighting foam: small explosion (2x2, low severity). Does not scale with volume. If already on fire: +5 BURNING. Sets objects and turfs alight, even stuff that otherwise wouldn't burn. Has a chance of burning through floor tiles. TOUCH / INGEST - Sets you alight, +50 BURNING. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +90 BURN. A very popular starting deathchem, but be careful when mixing. Cryostylane (1) Nitrogen + (1) Phoron + (1) Water -> (3) Cryostylane OR Extract from chilly peppers. 0.4 No Mix with oxygen Comes into existence at 20 °C. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents and objects on its tile down towards 0 K, regardless of current surface or container. Reduces body temperature drastically. 3+ UNITS: Creates a layer of slippery ice when applied to floor tiles, reduces the temperature of Phoron fires. TOUCH - Sets BURNING to 0. Freezes anybody in a large block of ice, preventing any actions short of speaking or breaking out. While frozen in an ice cube, you are immune to most outside dangers, though you will still take damage from active poisons. You can break out if you move in random directions or if someone kicks your cube (they have to be on Harm intent) enough times. As a panic option, the quick freeze is also handy for immediately activating cryoxadone. Dioxygen Difluoride (FOOF) N/A. Rare find in artifact beakers. 1.8 No N/A N/A (oxidizer, breaks down and makes certain things instantly ignite when it's out of its container) +50 BURNING Creates a super-hot fireball (up to 8x8, scales with volume) that ignites and melts through walls, floors, grilles, and windows alike. TOUCH/INGEST: +90 BURNING INGEST: Up to 90 BURN damage, scales with volume. Horrifying and thankfully rare hellchem with a funny name. Flash Powder (1) Aluminium + (1) Potassium + (1) Sulfur + (1) Chlorine (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (5) Flash Powder 0.4 Yes Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) Stuns anyone within five tiles of the source and causes blurred vision (blocked by sunglasses etc), stun amount relative to distance. Can cause permanent eye damage and blindness. Flashbangs contain this. Fluorosurfactant (2) Fluorine + (2) Carbon + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (5) Fluorosurfactant 0.4 No Mix with water Turns into foam when combined with water, causes people to slip on it if they're running. The amount of foam made (up to 7x7) depends on how much fluorosurfactant and water are used, but every tile is capped at 5 units (per reagent carried with the foam) and a total of 25 units for total volume. When foam propagates, it drags all of the other reagents in the container with it, applying their TOUCH and (if they have it) Penetrates Skin effects to anyone that walks on it, or is standing in it as it finishes flowing away. Very, very deadly in the wrong hands. Note: Most non-backbreaking methods of creating foam require you to do it by hand and thus be in the middle of the reaction, so unless you're trying to die, take appropriate measures to survive your own disaster. Hootingium (Sonic Powder) (1) Oxygen + (1) Cola + (1) Phosphorous (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (2) Hootingium 0.4 Yes Instant (stabilizer: 374 K) Deafens and stuns within five tiles (blocked by earmuffs etc), causes confused movement. Can cause ear damage and permanent deafness. 70% chance of +1 BRAIN Flashbangs contain this. Occasionally plays HOOT! instead of BANG! Kerosene Secret! 0.4 No 874 K Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 8x8). Has a secret, unlisted property. Liquid Dark Matter (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Carbon (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> 4 Liquid Dark Matter 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 474 K) Sucks everything into the detonation point. Range (up to 4x4) and throw-force scale with volume. If it was detonated inside a "container" (e.g. a locker or a Space Pod), instead of sucking things, deals BRUTE damage to everybody inside it. Damage scales with volume, and high volumes can destroy the container. 25% chance of being applied to floor tiles. Far more dangerous than you'd think, getting sucked in and hit by a hundred different objects can easily do crit-levels of BRUTE damage. Like CLF3, also a popular deathchem and commonly paired with it, devastating entire rooms if the RNG cooperates. Magnesium Explosion (1) Magnesium + (1) Copper + (1) Oxygen -> BOOM! N/A N/A Instant Small explosion (1x1, low severity). Does not scale with volume. The explosion is not prevented by stabilizing agent. Napalm Goo (1) Sugar + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Ethanol -> (3) Napalm Goo 0.4 No 374 K Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 8x8). If already on fire: +10 BURNING. TOUCH - If already on fire: +70 BURNING +1 POISON Mostly harmless until a heat source is encountered. Phlogiston (1) Phosphorous + (1) Phoron + (1) Sulfuric Acid (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Phlogiston OR Extract from Burning Commol. 0.4 No Instant (without stabilizer) Small fireball (without stabilizer), scales with volume (up to 8x8). If reagent temperature is above 224 K: +2 BURNING, sets you alight. If 224+ K: creates a fireball (up to 8x8) when applied to floor tiles (can burn through them all well), scales with volume. TOUCH / INGEST (224+ K) - Does +33 BURNING, sets you alight. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +45 BURN. +8 FIRE, -12 GROWTH Don't be deceived by that meager +2, having phlogiston in the bloodstream can be very dangerous without a fire extinguisher or firebot, and even then they can't prevent you from spontaneously igniting every cycle. Phlogiston Dust (1) Phlogiston + (1) Charcoal + (1) Phosphorous + (1) Sulfur -> (2) Phlogiston Dust 0.4 No N/A If reagent temperature is above 224 K: +2 BURNING, sets you alight. If 224+ K: creates a fireball (up to 8x8) when applied to floor tiles, scales with volume. TOUCH / INGEST (224+ K) - Does +15 BURNING, sets you alight. INGEST - Scales with volume, up to +45 BURN. +8 FIRE, -12 GROWTH Burns less intensely than pure phlogiston and thus cannot melt floor tiles, but most other properties are similar. Pyrosium (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Phosphorous -> (3) Pyrosium 0.4 No Mix with oxygen Comes into existence at 20 °C. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents and objects on its tile up towards 1000 K, regardless of current surface or container. Can make non-flammable things incredibly hot, but so can a welder or lighter. Not all hot things are good for you to stand around though, so using this for self-heating reactions can be fun if you can get the timing right. Silver fulminate Secret! 0.4 No Instant Plays a pop-like gunshot sound similar to a revolver firing, volume/loudness scales with volume. So unstable that it can detonate under its own weight. As in real life, make in small batches...or not. Smoke Powder (1) Potassium + (1) Sugar + (1) Phosphorus (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (3) Smoke Powder 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 300 K) Turns into a smoke cloud carrying other reagents, the initial size of which scales with the amount of the powder. The cloud behaves mostly like fluids and expands based on the amount of the other smoked reagents. Applies the TOUCH reaction of all the chems that were mixed with it whenever someone walks into the smoke cloud. Unlike foam, the reagents penetrate skin (via inhaling) if they couldn't before. Good for getting chemicals into people who won't stand still for injections. Note: Wearing active internals or a gas mask will prevent you from inhaling chemical smoke. Sorium (1) Mercury + (1) Carbon + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Oxygen (+ (1) Stabilizing Agent) -> (4) Sorium 0.4 No Instant (stabilizer: 474 K) Sends everything flying from the detonation point. Range (up to 3x3) and throw-force scale with volume. 25% chance of being applied to floor tiles. Pretty much the inverse of liquid dark matter, this knocks away anything that isn't bolted down. Ironically less deadly than its cousin, but lots of explosions going off at once can still be a huge pain. Sea4 Sea-cret! 0.05 No 474 K Sparks and then explodes. Damage scales with volume. < 14 UNITS: Smoke, minor damage. 15-40 UNITS: Tiny explosion (1 tile hole, mild damage to surroundings). 41-100 UNITS: Modest explosion (3x3 hole), creates a sea bee, very adorable. > 101 UNITS: Moderate explosion (5x5 hole), creates multiple sea bees, so cute and adorable. 5+ UNITS: Creates some Sea4 residue when applied to floor tiles. Clicking on it with a container will scoop it up. Can also be applied to walls and then ignited, destroying the wall (and usually only the wall). Makes bees and booms, what more can you want? Well, on top of being an awful pun, Sea4 makes booms that can be precisely scaled and usually do not damage the surroundings much. It can also go onto walls, like a low-grade thermite, and you can then use an igniter or pour pyrosium and oxygen on it to ignite it. Thermite (1) Aluminium + (1) Iron + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Thermite 0.4 No 374 K (floor/wall only) Can burn through floor tiles as well (not guaranteed). IF 15+ UNITS: 100% chance of burning through walls. TOUCH - If already on fire: +100 BURNING You'll generally be using an igniter or other heat source, and may have to heat the wall 5-10 times to ignite the thermite. Welding Fuel N/A. Fuel tanks found across the station. 0.4 No 474 K Small to large fireball, scales with volume (up to 7x7). IF 100+ UNITS: Small explosion (up to 4x4, low severity). If already on fire: +2 BURNING TOUCH - If already on fire: +30 BURNING +1 POISON Used as a stand-in for lighter hydrocarbons in a lot of the organic chem recipes. Drugs 420 smoke weed errydayy Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes Aranesp (1) Atropine + (1) Epinephrine + (1) Insulin -> (3) Aranesp OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No On chemical ticks over 5 units: Major total stamina and regeneration buff. 90% chance of +1 TOX, 5% of a stun alongside +15 OXY and +1 LOSEBREATH On chemical ticks under 5 units: Adds one unit of blood, removes one unit of nutrition While aranesp grants a significant stamina bonus, it's also a danger to the user. There is no overdose threshold per se, however doses of 10+ units can be lethal due to escalating OXY and TOX damage. Bath Salts (1) Monosodium Glutamate + (1) ???? + (1) Denatured Enzyme + (1) Saltpetre + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Mercury + (1) Mugwort @ 374 K -> (6) Bath Salts OR Extract from omega weed OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.6 No Notable stamina regeneration buff, 60% chance of canceling out all stuns. 8-20% chances of bad side-effects: growing a tramp beard, confused movement, +5 BRUTE, up to 5 units of either meth/crank/neurotoxin, hallucinations and scary text messages. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, blurred vision, jitteriness, stuns, contracting non-contagious berserker, extra +2 TOX, +1 BRAIN, +5 BRUTE. INGEST - Does +5 RAD, +5 TOX, +10 BRAIN 80% Dump all the Discount Dan's flavours into a bathtub and heat it with a welder, you'll probably find it. Makes you nearly impervious to stuns, but you'll be a nearly uncontrollable tramp-bearded raving lunatic. Overdose will likely kill you from a half dozen different types of escalating damage, even taking too many occasional doses can easily be lethal. Cannabidiol (CBD) N/A. Extract from cannabis. 0.4 No Yawning, sighing, feelings of peace, occasional drowsiness, 10% chance of causing confused movement and weakened status effect. Cat Drugs (1) Catonium + (1) Psilocybin + (1) Ammonia + (1) Welding Fuel @ 374 K -> (3) Cat Drugs OR Extract from omega weed OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No Causes you to meow, hiss, and hallucinate. Amusing text messages. Gimmick drug, good for laughs or confusing the hell out of people. Crank (1) Diphenhydramine + (1) Ammonia + (1) Lithium + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 374 K -> (5) Crank OR Extract from omega weed OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 50%. 8% chance of decaying into up to 2 units of meth, 6% of increasing body temperature, 4% of causing jitteriness and +1 TOX. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, jitteriness, stuns, contracting non-contagious berserker, additional body temperature increase, up to extra +5 TOX, up to +8 BRAIN, +5 BRUTE. 50% Warms you up, makes you jittery as hell. Very addictive, but the stun reduction effect is pretty nice for fighting Note: Mixing crank comes with an explosion (2x2, low severity), which cannot be prevented by stabilizing agent. Jenkem (1) Urine + (1) Compost -> (2) Jenkem 0.4 No Causes dizziness. 10% chance of +1 TOX 30% Low-quality sewage drug. Mostly harmless, but the constant screen-shaking is irritating and makes it hard to click on objects. Krokodil (1) Morphine + (1) Diphenhydramine + (1) Space Cleaner + (1) Phosphorous + (1) Potassium + (1) Welding Fuel @ 374 K -> (5) Krokodil OR Extract from omega weed. 0.4 No Reduces jitteriness. 25% of +1 BRAIN, 15% of reducing body temperature, 5% of short stun and +1 TOX, +1 BRAIN, 2% of +2 BRUTE. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be additional body temp reduction, stuns, up to extra +3 TOX, up to +3 BRAIN, up to +25 BRUTE. Can even make all your skin rot off. 50% Overdose can be very lethal and leave you looking like a half-rotten corpse, but can potentially heal back from that and just wander around being terrifying. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) (1) Diethylamine + (1) Space Fungus -> (3) LSD OR Extract from rainbow weed or omega weed. 0.4 No Pretty lights and hallucinations. Imaginary monsters start chasing you around. The changeling's hallucinogenic sting injects this. Methamphetamine (1) Ephedrine + (1) Phosphorous + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Iodine @ 374 K -> (3) Methamphetamine OR Extract from Robust asomna or omega weed OR Obtain from Robust-Eez. 0.6 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 50%, significant stamina regeneration buff, increases movement speed. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 50% chance of +1 BRAIN. OVERDOSE (20) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be jitteriness, stuns, confused movement or chance of dropping items hold in either hand. 60% Extremely addictive and overdose can make you flail around uncontrollably and drop your stuff, but it's the best thing short of stimulants or bath salts for shrugging off stuns, KOs and paralysis. People will have a hard time containing you. Nicotine N/A. Cigs, nicotine patches, eggplants, and tobacco. 0.4 No Slight stamina regeneration buff, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 4%. 50% chance of causing jitteriness. OVERDOSE (35) - Does +1 TOX, 8% chance of extra +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, stuns, body temperature increase, jitteriness, up to +6 TOX (additional), up to +20 OXY. 70% Slapping a whole bunch of nicotine patches on someone can kill them with escalating TOX and OXY damage. Nicotwaine N/A. Extract from twobacco leaves. 0.4 No +3 to stamina regeneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 6%, 10% chance of +2 TOX, 5% chance to remove all stuns & do +4 TOX. Jittering, shivering, and mildly ominous messages about how fast your heart is beating. OVERDOSE (70) - Does +2 TOX. Moderate overdoses cause twitching, confused movement, body temperature rises in 30-60 degrees, and up to +5 TOX. Severe overdoses can cause stuns, paralysis, up to +20 OXY, and up to +5 TOX and is characterized by drooling, gasping, jittering, and/or messages about your hearting pounding and needing help. 100% Nicotine, but better -- sort of. It stun reduction is better than nicotine and coffee, but not as good as meth, though it has comparable stamina regen boost and more manageable side effects. Psilocybin N/A. Mushroom and cannabis mutation. 0.4 No Pretty lights and hallucinations, occasionally a short stun. Can make you hallucinate stuff like gunshots and attack messages. Might freak someone out if they don't know what's going on. Space Drugs (1) Mercury + (1) Sugar + (1) Lithium -> (3) Space Drugs OR (1) Safrole + (1) Salbutamol + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Water -> (1) Space Drugs OR Extract from omega weed. 0.2 No Pretty lights, confused movement. 65% Heat it to create neurotoxin. Otherwise, it just makes the screen shift colors. Alt. recipe involving safrole is a loose take on MDMA and is designed to facilitate a clever splice. Stimulants N/A. Stimpack OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No IF 5+ UNITS: Blocks all incoming Stunned, Paralysis, and Weakened debuffs, cancels out all stuns, extreme total stamina and regeneration buff. -5 OXY/TOX, -10 BRUTE/BURN. Reduces dizziness and drowsiness. IF < 5 UNITS: +2 TOX, +1 BRUTE, 10% chance of medium-duration stun. Only works while volume is greater than five units. As it wears off to under five units, it hits you with some nasty side-effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) N/A. Cannabis. 0.4 No Giggling, stuttering, occasional drowsiness, 4% chance of causing confused movement. Doubles duration of buffs gained from food. Doesn't really do a whole lot besides causing the munchies, but people are usually pretty happy to smoke any joints you leave laying around. Triple Meth Secret! OR Find inside artifact beakers. OR Rarely shows up in Juicer 'Rillos. 0.2 No Reduces duration of incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis debuffs by 98%. +1000 stamina regen. Removes sleepiness and any Disorient debuffs. Causes jitteriness, dizziness, and severe misstep. +1 BRAIN damage. 50% chance of shivering, rapid blinking, and twitching OVERDOSE (20) - Effects scale with dose. Dropping items, messages about hands flipping and flailing. Severe misstep, jitteriness, up to 10 seconds of Weakened debuff, messages about inability to control legs Hardcore stimulant that's basically meth on steroids. The stun resistance essentially blocks most stuns, and the insane stamina regeneration ensures you'll get right back up afterwards if you're rendered unconscious. However, the severe misstep chance means it'll hard to move in any specific direction, making escape difficult, and the brain damage can be a major issue. Food and Drink All manner of chems related to foods, drinks, and things that go in them or can be created from them. While all chems can be ingested, these are specifically meant to be consumed...just not always with beneficial effects. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Addict prob. Notes ???? N/A. Extract from Purple goop, ???? (food), smoldering messes, physical manifestations of the very concept of fried foods, and low-quality botany crops. 0.4 No INGEST - Food poisoning, stuns the consumer briefly. Beer N/A. Dispense from alcohol dispensers. OR Find in beer bottles (duh) OR Distill from wheat. 0.4 No Decays into 0.07 units of ethanol. INGEST & Below 280K - Heals 5 TOX damage It only heals immediately after it's ingested, not when it's in your bloodstream, so an IV drip (which constantly supplies chems in small increments) of it is better than a pill (which supplies it all in one go). Beepskybräu Security Schwarzbier (1) Beer + (1) Nanomachines -> (2) Beepskybräu Security Schwarzbier OR Distill from roboburgers OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No Decays into 0.1 units of ethanol. IF IN A VEHICLE: 2 seconds of Weakened, 10 seconds of Stunned. Victim is ejected from vehicle. Drunk driving is a crime, you know! The "shock" you get from attempting drunk driving with this can cure certain diseases and damage cyberhearts. The reason it doesn't burn you is because it's coming straight from your liver. Beff (1) Meat Slurry + (2) Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil + (1) Phoron -> (4) Beff 0.4 No 8% chance of decaying into 0.8 units of either partially hydrogenated space-soybean oil/toxic slurry/synthflesh/changeling blood/corn syrup/porktonium. 5% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol Bilk (1) Milk + (1) Beer -> (2) Bilk 0.075 No Attempts to cap LOSEBREATH at 10 and OXY at 85. If total health and LOSEBREATH are less than 0, -1 TOX, -1 BRUTE, -1 BURN Essentially, a weaker version of ephedrine that can act like a weak omnizine if you're at low health. Bitters N/A. Dispense from an alcohol dispenser. 0.4 No On INGEST - If consumed alone, stuns and has a 25% chance to cause vomiting. Used in several cocktails. Don't consume it alone! Bo Jack Daniel's N/A. Find in bottles of Bo Jack Daniel's. 0.4 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 8% chance to give you a beard if you're a male and don't already have one. Sensations of manliness. 8% chance to say a "drunktalk" line, randomly picked from a set unique to this drink. INGEST - Puts 0.75 * volume of Bo Jack Daniel's ingested units of ethanol in you. If volume of Bo Jack Daniel's drunk > 10 units, makes you vomit it all out and paralyzes you for 3 seconds. Does not occur if you have alcohol resistance. Makes you quite drunk, sometimes makes you say something rather depressing. Can absolutely devastate your your liver. BOOrbon (1) Bourbon + (1) Ectoplasm -> (2) BOOrbon 0.4 No Decays into 0.6 units of ethanol. Makes a spooky sound upon mixing. Brave Bull (1) Tequila + (1) Coffee -> (2) Brave Bull 0.4 No Decays into 0.35 units of ethanol. Reduces incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis debuffs by 8%. Surprisingly stimulating drink, though rather mildly so. 8% stun resistance might not sound like much, but it's higher than the ones for coffee, sugar, and nicotine, although it comes with no stamina boosts, and there definitely are better options, such as meth. Bread N/A. Use a loaf or slice of bread (any type) on a beaker. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates bread slices when applied to floor tiles. Butter N/A. Extract from... well, butter. 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of cholesterol. Makes floors slippery upon application. Caledonium N/A. Extract from haggis. 0.4 No Grants the "Scottish accent" mutation for exactly three minutes, giving you the peculiar vocabulary and accent of tartan-wearing highlanders. Higher doses don't change the "three minutes" part but do still extend the duration of the accent, simply due to being in your system for longer. TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. Basically a Scots trait you can turn on and off. Even the smallest doses will give you the accent for at least three minutes, so you only need a little bit at a time to get your accent back. Capsaicin N/A. Spaghetti arrabbiata. Extracted from any chili and omega cannabis leaves. 0.4 No Stuttering, increases body temperature slightly. 10% chance of stunning briefly. 20+ UNITS: 10% of up to +10 OXY. TOUCH - Causes blurred vision, confused movement, short stun (blocked by masks). 50% chance of temporary blindness. INGEST - Stuttering. 80+ UNITS: medium-duration stun 1% Crowd dispersal grenades contain this. Cheese Milk + Vomit. OR Extract from cheese sandwiches made with spooky bread. 0.4 No 3% chance to create 1-2 units of cholesterol. 5+ UNITS: Creates a slice of cheese when applied on the floor. Fun to mix with smoke powder and a great way to replenish the kitchen's cheese stocks. Cheese Substitute N/A. Extract from magical jelly beans and certain Discount Dan's burritos. 0.4 No OVERDOSE (50) - 8% chance of 1 to 2 TOX damage. 10% Chicken Soup N/A. Find in chicken soup cups from coffee machines. 0.2 No 10% chance each of curing the common cold, influenza, avian flu, and food poisoning Safe remedy for minor diseases. Chocolate N/A. Extract from Chocolate ice-cream, chocolate chip cookies, chocolaty drinks, Hetz Cups, and chocolate bars. 0.4 No Raises body temperature very slightly. Decays into 0.8 units of sugar. Removes any Freeze. 3+ UNITS: Creates a chocolate bar on the floor. Grody. Cholesterol N/A. Extracted from many meat dishes. 0.4 No Minor total stamina penalty OVERDOSE (25) - Scales with dose. 25+ UNITS: ~5% chance of up to +2 TOX, odd feelings in chest. 45+ UNITS: ~7% of up to +4 TOX, chest pains & aches. 125+ UNITS: ~2% of medium-duration stun and cardiac failure, painful burning sensation in chest Turns a non-special blob tile into a lipid cell Not very dangerous in low quantities, though it does have fun overdose messages. A side-effect of consuming too many meaty dishes. Cola (1) Soda Water + (1) Sugar -> (2) Cola OR Find in any kind of soda. OR Dispense from the soda fountain. 0.4 No Reduces drowsiness. If current body temperature is above base body temp (37C/310K), i.e. hotter than should be, lowers body temperature by 5 degrees until it reaches base body temp (37C/310K). Call it pop, call it soda, call it coke, it's a refreshing beverage that actually helps cool you down all the same. Coffee N/A. Obtain from robust coffee and coffeemakers. 0.4 No Minor stamina regeneration buff, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 3%. Causes jitteriness and increases body temperature slightly, reduces drowsiness and dizziness. 5% Safe and easy to obtain stimulant. Corn Starch N/A. Extract from corn and bee kibble. 0.4 No Corn-related precursor. Corn Syrup (1) Corn Starch + (1) Sulfuric Acid @ 374 K -> (2) Corn Syrup 0.4 No Decays into 1.2 units of sugar. A sufficiently high dose can easily lead to hyperglycaemic shock. Curacao N/A. Find inside Curacao Liqueur bottles, natch. 0.4 No Decays into 2 units of ethanol. 5% chance to drunkenly say a random line unique to this drink. This surprisingly strong, distinctly blue liqueur is used in a couple of tropical drinks. You can find a bottle of it in a unique bar in the Trench on Oshan and Manta, and Manta's Bar starts with one. Death Spice N/A. Find inside pills from (????) pill bottles. 0.4 No 0.0001% (i.e. one in a million) chance to straight up kill you. Feel lucky? Decaf Espresso N/A. Dispense from espresso machine. 0.4 No +2 stamina regneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 2.5%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. 1% Espresso, but with less cafffine, so it provides smaller stamina and stun resistance boosts, and it's not as addictive. This makes it not too different from coffee. Dragon's Breath Secret! 1 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 50% chance of 2 seconds of Stunned, 8% chances of various funny text messages. Severe effects scale with volume: [0.2% * volume] chance of +99 BURNING if victim is already on fire, [0.1% * volume] chance of burning them up completely (fire-gibbed) INGEST - If already on fire: 20% chance of +30 BURNING Neutralized by milk. You need hundreds units for the instadeath chance to be noticeable, but a sleepy pen's worth still has disastrous effects on the liver. A reference to a similarly fiery drink from Hero's Quest, highlighted in this scene. Ecto Cooler (1) Orange Juice + (1) Ectoplasm + (1) Uranium -> (3) Ecto Cooler OR Randomly find inside artifact beakers, fancy beer, and hobo wines. 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of VHFCS. 10% chance to also decay into 1 unit of strange green goop. The strange green goop can let you see Ghosts. Watch out for the VHFCS though, or the pancreas damage might make you into one of them. Egg N/A. Use an egg or space bee egg on a drinking glass. OR Find inside certain Hungry Dan's TV Dinners. Randomly find in pills from ???? pill bottles. 0.4 No 8% chance of farting, 3% of decaying into up to 2 units of cholesterol. Ask the Botanists for space bee eggs, or buy them from Bombini, a bee merchant (in more ways than one) who usually resides in the Space Diner. Egg Nog (1) Egg + (1) Milk + (1) Sugar -> (3) Egg Nog 0.4 No Decays into 1.6u sugar On TOUCH or INGEST: Feel filled with christmas spirit, which heals small amounts of OXY, TOX, BURN, and BRUTE, heals all organs a bit of organ damage, reduces bleeding, and replenishes blood. You'll be jolly after finding out how useful of a medical chem this seasonal treat is. El Diablo Chili N/A. Extract from El Diablo chili. 0.4 No Causes stuttering, gasping, and choking. Raises body temperature. 25% chance of causing the oxygen deprivation effect, restricting speech. INGEST - Stuns and has a 20% chance to set you on fire. Not for the faint of heart! Energy drink Secret! OR Obtain from Brotein Shake Dragon Balls and artifact beakers. 0.4 No +2 stamina regeneration, increased movement speed, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 10%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. Upon depleting, causes blurred vision, slowed movement, and dizziness, duration is based on how long the chem was in your system. OVERDOSE (25) - Chance to induce heart failure based on how long the chem was in your system. 8% Imagine coffee, but with a movement speed buff and a meaner crash and overdose. Espresso N/A. Dispense from espresso machine. 0.4 No +3 stamina regneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 5%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. 5% Coffee, but better, due to the extra caffeine, though also harder to obtain. Essence of Elvis N/A. Extract from foods containing Elvis bread, namely: Slices of Elvis bread Elvis toast Cheesy Elvis toast Bacon-y Elvis toast Elvis toast with EGGS Cheese elviswiches Peanut butter elviswiches PB & honey elviswiches Monkey elviswiches Elvismanwiches Synthmeat elviswiches Hounddogs Herbal hounddogs Hounddogs-on-a-sticks. 0.4 No Grants the Elvis's accent for exactly three minutes. Higher doses do not change the "three minutes" part, but do still extend the duration of accent, simply due to being in your system for longer. TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. Elvis lives through the power of chemistry! The best part is that you only need a little bit of Elvis each time you want to extend the duration, since even the smallest of doses grant Elvis's accent for at least three minutes. Expresso (1) Espresso + (3) Neurotoxin -> (3) Expresso 0.4 No +2 BRAIN damage. +3 stamina regneration, reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 7.5%. Increases body temperature by 5 Kelvin. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness and dizziness, resets sleepiness. 5% The dimwitted brother of espresso. Grammar is not exactly its strong suit, but inflicting brain damage is. Fleur-de-lys N/A. Extract from pizza-ghetti 0.4 No Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Q. OVERDOSE (30) - 5% chance of 1-2 BRAIN damage. Message about destruction of culture. TOUCH / INGEST - Grants three minutes of Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-Q. 10% Essentially, so long as it's in your system, and then a few minutes after it leaves, you have a French-Canadian/Quebecois accent. Freeze Secret! 1 No Decays into 3 units of ethanol, lowers body temperature by 10 Kelvin. 40% chance of 2 BURN damage, 20% chance of setting Stunned to 30 seconds, 15% chance of coughing, sneezing, and/or gasping, 10% chance of "chilling" messages. [0.2% * volume] chance of freezing up into an ice statue. Chocolate neutralizes freeze, removing all traces of it in the body. Like Dragon's Breath, it's fun to put in a sleepy pen. Try combining the two! George Melonium N/A. Rainbow melons. 0.4 No INGEST - Random effect, can be an explosion (1x1, low severity), spawning up to 40 units of random drugs or poisons, -30 of OXY/TOX/BRUTE/BURN/BRAIN or a long-duration stun. Surprisingly weaponizable. Ghost Chili Juice N/A. Ghostlier chili. 0.4 No 50% chance of stunning briefly. 33% of throwing up, removing the remaining amount of GCJ from the bloodstream. 10% of setting the victim alight, 5% of burning them up completely (fire-gibbed) Neutralized by milk. Can be effective in a sleepy pen if the RNG is on your side. Gin and Chronic (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) THC -> (2) Gin and Chronic 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol 10% chance of decaying into 1 to 10 units of THC. Duuuuuuuuuuuude. Gin and Sonic (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) Meth -> (2) Gin and Sonic 0.4 No Reduces duration of incoming Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis by 15%. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. 8% chance to decay into 1.2 units of meth, turn the icon for your current shoes into the one for red shoes (this does not actually change your shoes), and then either make you say something about going fast or just output it into your chat (50-50 chance of either). Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. Yes, it's a reference to that platformer series (among other things) with the blue hedgehog. One of the best among the alcoholic drinks for stun resistance, though arguably worse than just meth by itself. Ginger Ale N/A. Obtain from Delightful Dan's Ginger Ale from GTMs and from fancy cola. 0.4 No 4% chance to burp. Bubbly soda that can be used for Moscow Mule. Grapefruit juice N/A. Extract from grapefruits and grapefruit wedges. 0.4 No Removes 0.5 units of every medical chem in bloodstream. TOUCH - Juice in your eye, ouch! 75% chance to cause blurriness, blocked by wearing any mask and/or head slot item. Per life effect references grapefruit juice reducing effectiveness of some medicines in real life. Grasshopper (3) Crème de Menthe + (1) Chocolate + (1) Vanilla -> (5) Grasshopper OR (1) Mint + (1) Vodka + (1) Sugar + (1) Chocolate + (1) Vanilla -> (5) Grasshopper 0.4 No Once it runs out, turns you into a roachperson for an amount of time proportionate to how long it was in your system. Gravy (1) Porktonium + (1) Milk + (1) Corn Starch @ 373K -> (3) Gravy 0.4 No The perfect companion to mashed potatoes. Grog Secret! OR Find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No Decays into 5 units of ethanol. 15% chance of +1 TOX. Makes you a pirate captain complete with dreadlocks, full beard, eyepatch and matching name. TOUCH - 75% chance of +25 BRUTE and disfiguring the victim's face, 25% of +5 BRUTE. 20% chance of melting items. More of a gimmick chem than legitimately destructive. Guacamole N/A.Extract from the guacamole dish and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. OR Find inside ProPuff cigarettes. 0.4 No Honey N/A. Extract from honey globs. OR Eat said globs, draw out your blood with a syringe or IV. 0.4 No Decays into 0.4 units of sugar. 5+ UNITS: Creates honey globs when applied to floors. Honey are horked up by space bees and are often found in few bee-themed areas. Honey Tea (1) Honey + (1) Tea -> (2) Honey Tea 0.4 No Shows messages about being calmed and relaxed. Seperate 5% chance to cure the common cold, 3% chance to cure the flu, and a 3% chance to cure food poisoning. 1% Honky Tonic (1) Tonic Water + (1) Neurotoxin + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Space Lube -> (4) Honky Tonic 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of ethanol 10% chance to cause 2 seconds of Stunned and Weakened, make you laugh, and produce a honking noise. 4% chance to procedurely generate a silly string of word salad, in the general format of introductory phrase + adjective + noun + ending remark. Essentially, a cocktail for Clowns! Tonic water can be obtained from the alcohol dispensers in the Bar. Ketchup N/A. Extract from ketchup packets. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates ketchup splotches when applied to floor tiles. Lemon Juice N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. OR Extract from lemons, certain popsicles, key lime pie, and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. OR Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No TOUCH - Juice in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. Frequently used in various cocktails and other drinks. Lemonade (3) Lemon Juice + (1) Sugar -> (4) Lemonade OR Find inside Dan's Tonic. Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, and fancy beer. 0.4 No TOUCH - Citrus in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. INGEST - Makes you visible pucker if you don't drink it with enough sugar (enough sugar is <33% sugar by volume)! Purely cosmetic effect. Just like real life, the ingredient ratio can be somewhat finicky, and it's best enjoyed with lots of sugar. Lime Juice N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. OR Extract from limes, certain popsicles, lemon meringue pie, and sometimes Discount Dan's strudel. OR Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No TOUCH - Juice in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. Just like in real life, a common ingredient in several mixed drinks. Limeade (3) Lime Juice + (1) Sugar -> (4) Limeade OR Extract from flockburger. 0.4 No TOUCH - Citrus in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Does actually cause any eye damage, blocked by wearing a mask and/or head slot item. INGEST - Makes you visible pucker if you don't drink it with enough sugar (enough sugar is <33% sugar by volume)! Purely cosmetic effect. Lemonade's lesser-known but nevertheless well-enjoyed sister. It enhances the flavor of radio chicken sandwiches! Ling Island Iced Tea (1) Long Island Iced Tea + (1) Neurotoxin -> (2) Ling Island Iced Tea 0.4 No Keeps track of a alchohol counter variable that starts at 0. Each tick it's in you, that variable increases by 0.2-0.3. On the last cycle that it's in you, it hits you with a stack of alchohol counter + 2-3 ethanol. The alcoholic version of amanitin - gets you drunk all at once. If you keep drinking, you can stave off the ethanol dump! Mashed Potatoes N/A.Extract from the mashed potatoes dish. 0.4 No The perfect companion to gravy. Meat Slurry (1) Blood + (1) Corn Starch -> (2) Meat Slurry 0.4 No 4% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol. 5+ UNITS: 10% chance of creating slippery gibs when applied to floor tiles. Milk N/A. Found in, well, milk bottles, milk jugs, and certain Discount Dan's products. 0.4 No If total TOX damage is less than 25: -1 TOX. IF SKELETON: -2 BRUTE, -2 BURN, and -1 TOX. 15% chance of amusing misspelling of "bones". Removes caspicin 5 units at time. Removes all Dragon's Breath and Ghost Chili Juice, completely consuming the milk. Milk is good for your bones, especially if you're a skeleton. Mint N/A. Extract from mint. 0.4 No Attempts to lower body temp to 0° C in 5 degree increments. An essential ingredient in mint-based cocktails. Mint Julep (1) Mint + 1 Bourbon + 1 Sugar -> (3) Mint Julep 0.4 No Decays into 0.15 units of ethanol. Attempts to cool you down to about 7 degrees Celsius/280 Kelvin in 5 degrees increments. Does nothing if you're already below that temp. Essentially, mint as an alcoholic drink. Mint Tea (1) Mint + (1) Tea -> (2) Mint Tea 0.4 No Cools down body temperature to 7C/280K in 5 degree increments. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) N/A. Extract from most Discount Dan's products 0.2 No BLOOD TYPE NOT A+: 10% chance of 2-4 TOX damage, 7% chance of short- to medium-duration stun BLOOD TYPE A+: Same as above, but much less often. INGEST: Messages about food tasting amazing. The secret of Discount Dan's: migraine-inducing salt that discriminates by blood type! Moonshine N/A. Find in jugs of syndie moonshine, pills from (????) pill bottles, and artifact beakers. 0.4 No Decays into 2 units of ethanol. INGEST & IF Traitor OR Spy Thief: Gives 10 units of omnizine. Potent brew that heals traitors and spy thieves. and makes nontraitors absolutely smashed. Beware of omnizine overdose. Mutini Secret! 1 No Each lifetick, grants a random genetic mutation - including unlisted ones normally impossible to acquire - then takes it away a few seconds later. Lovely-coloured drink that can give you many different powers. Mustard N/A. Squirt a mustard bottle into a container. 0.4 No Nicotini (1) Martini + (1) Nicotine -> (2) Nicotini 0.4 No Decays into 0.3 units of ethanol. Decays into 1 unit of nicotine. Get your fix of ethanol AND nicotine at the same time! Perfect for a Detective. Orange Juice N/A. Dispense from soda fountain. OR Extract from oranges and certain popsicles. OR Find inside Orange-Aid, natch. Randomly find inside fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No TOUCH - OJ in your eyes, it stings! 75% chance for you to gasp and for your screen to blur a bit. Luckily, this does actually cause any eye damage, and you can prevent it by wearing something in your mask and/or head slots. INGEST - OJ and mouthwash don't mix, yuck. Makes you grimace if you have menthol in you. Purely cosmetic effect. An essential ingredient in many different cocktails. Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil (1) Space-Soybean Oil + (1) Hydrogen @ 524 K -> (2) Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil OR Extract from Discount Dan's burritos, noodles, TV dinners, and snack cakes 0.2 (75+ UNITS: 0.4) No 15% chance of decaying into up to 3 units of cholesterol, 8% chance of decaying into 5 units of porktonium. OVERDOSE (75) - 10% chance of +5 OXY, 5% of +25 OXY and a medium-duration stun Potentially, a sufficiently large dose of soybean oil could be used as a delayed stealth poison if the RNG cooperates. Peach Juice N/A.Extract from peaches and peach rings. OR Find inside Delightful Dan's Peachy Punch. 0.4 No 6% chance to decay into 2 units of VHFCS. 8% chance to decay into 2 units of apple juice. Not real peach juice, but a mixture made to resemble it. Fairly bad for your pancreas because of the VHFCS decay product, which tends to break down into lots of sugar, but less so than the drinks that directly contain VHFCS. Peach Schnapps (1) Vodka + (1) Peach Juice -> (2) Peach Schnapps 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. 4% chance to decay into 2 units of VHFCS. Peachy. Nothing like hurting your pancreas and your liver with the dual prong ethanol & VHFCS attack. Pepper N/A. Shake a pepper shaker into a container. 0.4 No Pepperoni (1) Beff + (1) Synthflesh + (1) Saltpetre -> (2) Pepperoni OR Extract from pepperoni logs and slices 0.4 No TOUCH - Funny text messages, 50% chance of +1 BRUTE (blocked by headgear). Pickle juice N/A. Extract from pickles 0.4 No 15% chance to decay into antihol Separate 15% chance to decay into charcoal A poor man's antihol, courtesy of Hydroponics and the Chef. Pizza N/A. Find in Soft Soft Pizza drinks. OR Extract from pizzaghetti. 1 No Fills you with 0.25 units of each of the following: tomato juice, cheese, bread, and pepperoni. 22% to make you burp. 5-9 UNITS+ (number chosen is random each time): When applied on items or flooring, turns them into a pizza version that can be eaten. Liquid pizza. Really. 10 units of it with smoke powder/aersol propellant can yield entertaining--and delicious--results. Porktonium N/A. Extracted from everything that contains bacon. 0.2 No OVERDOSE (133) - 15% chance of metabolizing into up to 3 units of cholesterol, 8% of metabolizing into 15 units of radium and 10 units of cyanide Porktonium depletes fairly slowly and an overdose can be very lethal. Port (1) Wine + (1) Sugar + (1) Iron + (1) Vodka -> (2) Port 0.4 No Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. 15% chance to teleport you. Prairie Fire (1) Tequila + (1) Capsaicin -> (2) Prairie Fire 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. 20% chance to decay into 10-20 units of capsaicin. 10% chance to decay into 1-5 units of histamine. Just as bad for you here as in real life. Refried Beans N/A. Extract from certain Discount Dan's products. 0.4 No 10% chance to *fart. Royal Jelly N/A.Extract from royal jelly globs. OR Eat said glob, extract your blood with a syringe or an IV. 0.4 No Decays into 0.8 units of sugar. Don't be greedy! There's another use for the royal jelly from Bombini. If you feed the glob to a larva rather than extract it for this, you can get a queen bee. Safrole N/A. Extract from sassafras roots. 0.4 No An otherwise unremarkable precursor to space drugs. Sangria (2) Planter's Punch + (1) Tonic Water + (1) Lemonade -> (4) Sangria OR (1) Wine + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Rum -> (4) Sangria 0.4 No Raises you to body temp 127C/400K in 5 degree increments. Decays into 0.2 units of ethanol. Sarsaparilla N/A. Distill from sassafras roots. 0.4 No Lowers you to base body temp 37C/310K in 5 degree increments every few seconds. Basically cola that is renewable and comes without the rather minor drowsiness reduction. Salt (1) Chlorine + (1) Sodium + (1) Water -> (2) Salt 0.4 No OVERDOSE (100) - 70% chance of inflicting +1 BRAIN and creating 1 unit of diluted fliptonium. 10+ UNITS: Creates a salt pile when applied to floor tiles. Useful as a weapon against wraiths and as an easy poison. Screwdriver (1) Vodka + (1) Orange juice -> (2) Screwdriver 0.4 No Decays into 0.25 units of ethanol. Screws/unscrews stuff when poured onto something, like the other screwdriver. Sewage N/A. Put Discount Dan's burritos in a still. 0.4 No 7% chance of 1 TOX damage. TOUCH/INGEST - Makes you vomit. Blarrgh. Of course it makes you vomit. What else were you expecting? Sheltergrog Secret! 0.4 No Makes you into a shelterfrog-person as long as it's in your system. Decays into 3 units of ethanol. Imagine the shelterfrog emote from the game Shelter, but as a humanoid! No, really. It's better seen than explained. Space-Soybean Oil N/A. Extract from soybeans and Discount Dan's burritos, noodles, TV dinners, and snack cakes 0.4 No 8% chance to decay into 5 units of porktonium, separate 10% chance to decay into 1-3 units of cholesterol Squeeze (3) Bread + (2) Welding Fuel -> (2) Squeeze 0.4 No Decays into 1 unit of ethanol. Deals 1 TOX On INGEST - If consumed alone, stuns and has a 10% chance to induce vomiting. The Satisfaction of Making Spaghetti N/A. As a skeleton, add tomato sauce or hot sauce to plain spaghetti and extract your blood with a syringe or IV. 0.4 No OVERDOSE (35) - 5% chance of +5 BRUTE, amusing message about bones hurting. 100% Or, just the Satisfaction. While you probably could use this as a poison, it's more of a silly little joke chem that references the Undertale meme of skeletons making spaghetti. And yes, you could get addicted to the satisfaction of making spaghetti--and it's very easy to. Strange green goop (1) Ash + (1) Ectoplasm + (1) Salt -> (3) Strange Green Goop OR Extract from ProPuff cigarettes OR Decays from Ecto Cooler. 0.8 No Lets you see GHOSTS! Suomium N/A. Sometimes administered by artifact injectors 0.4 No Grants the Finnish accent mutation for three minutes. TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. As long as this reagent's in you, and for a few minutes afterwards, you have a Finnish accent. Swedium N/A. Extract from swedish meatballs. 0.4 No Grants the Swedish accent mutation for three minutes at any dose level. TOUCH/INGEST - Same effect. As with reversium, while the three minutes part doesn't change with dose level, larger doses do mean the accent lasts longer than with smaller doses, due to the simple fact that the swedium's in your bloodstream for longer. Tea N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Find in cups of tea from coffee machines. 0.4 No Removes 1 unit each of Toxin and Toxic Slurry. 1% Its name can change when it goes below 7C/280K or above 40C/313K, but it remains functionally the same. Tonic Water N/A. Dispense from alcohol dispenser. 0.4 No Freezes when cooled (0° C), boils away when heated (100 °C). Triple Triple (1) Triple Citrus + (1) Triple Meth + (1) Triplepiss -> (3) Triple Triple 0.6 No +3333 stamina regeneration. Blocks incoming Stunned, Weaken, and Paralysis effects. Removes all drowsiness, Disorient, Stunned, Weakened, and Paralysis effects. Inflicts jitteriness, dizziness, and massive misstep chance. Causes twitching, rapid blinking, and shivering. +1 BRAIN damage. 15% chance of cause vomiting, with a 33% chance to vomit a lemon, 33% an orange, 32% a lime, and a 1% to vomit all three. Amusing messages about citrus obsession. 10% chance to urinate. Unique visual effects. OVERDOSE (33) - +3 TOX damage. +9 BRAIN damage. Inflicts severe dizzyness. Causes screaming. 25% chance to vomit a lemon, lime, and orange. Fruit hallucinations. INGEST - Heals 9 TOX damage. Sensation of feeling refreshed. Really better seen than explained. No, that +3333 is not a typo. This is meant to be like triple meth, but with more insane downsides and benefits. Vanilla N/A. Dispense from the soda dispenser. OR Extract from vanilla ice cream and Discount Dan's strudel. OR Randomly find inside Discount Dan noodles, Little Danny's Twinkies, fancy colas, hobo wine, fancy beer, Wired Dan's Kafe Kick, ProPuffs, and Discount Dan cigarillos. 0.4 No INGEST - 4% chance to remove all genetic powers. TOUCH - Same as ingest, but it's 1.32% chance. A common flavorant. It's completely unreliable to weaponise or use reliably, but once in a while vanilla's plainness will rub off on you. Very-High-Fructose Corn Syrup (VHFCS) (1) Corn Syrup + (1) Denatured Enzyme -> (1) VHFCS + (1) Denatured Enzyme OR Find inside any soda that isn't Grones or Orange-Aid 0.4 No Decays into 2.4 units of sugar. A more potent form of corn syrup that can more easily induce hyperglycaemic shock. Weird Cheese (1) Milk + (1) Green Vomit -> (1) Weird Cheese OR Extract from weird cheese. 0.4 No 5% chance of adding 1-3 units of cholesterol. 5+ UNITS: Creates a slice of weird cheese when applied to floor tiles. 5% Essentially the SS13 version of Limburger and other stinky cheeses. Fun to make chemsmoke with. Regular Drinks All of the following drinks have no particular special properties. They all have a depletion rate of 0.4. Drink Recipe Pen. skin? Eth. Apple Juice N/A. Extract from apples. No N/A Black Russian (1) Vodka + (1) Coffee -> (2) Black Russian No .15 Bloody Mary (1) Vodka + (1) Tomato Juice -> (2) Bloody Mary No .25 Bloody Scary (1) Vodka + (1) Changeling blood -> (2) Bloody Scary No .3 Blueberry Juice N/A. Extract from blueberries. No N/A Blue Hawaiian (3) Piña Colada + (1) Curacao + (1) Ice -> (5) Blue Hawaiian OR (1) Rum + (1) Curacao + (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Coconut Milk + (1) Ice -> (5) Blue Hawaiian No .18 Blue Lagoon (1) Vodka + (1) Curacao + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Blue Lagoon No .1 Bourbon N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put corn into a still. No 0.45 Brass Monkey (1) Rum + (1) Vodka + (1) Orange Juice -> (3) Brass Monkey No .3 Carrot Juice N/A. Extract from carrots. No N/A Champagne N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. No 0.12 Cherry Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Extract from cherries. No N/A Chocolate Milk (1) Milk + (1) Chocolate -> (2) Chocolate Milk No N/A Coconut Milk N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. No N/A Cider N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put apples or pears into a still. No 0.06 Cosmopolitan (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Cosmopolitan OR (2) Vodka Gimlet + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (3) Cosmopolitan No .1 Cranberry Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. No N/A Crème de Menthe (1) Mint + (1) Vodka + (1) Sugar -> (3) Crème de Menthe No .4 Daiquiri (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Daiquiri OR (1) Rum + (2) Limeade -> (2) Daiquiri No .25 Derby (1) Gin + (1) Bitters + (1) Mint -> (3) Derby No .4 Diesel (1) Snakebite + (1) Cranberry juice -> (2) Diesel No .25 Espresso Martini (1) Vodka + (1) Chocolate + (1) Sugar + (1) Espresso -> (4) Espresso Martini No .1 Fluffy Critter (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Lemonade + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (4) Fluffy Critter No .2 French 75 (1) Lemonade + (1) Gin + (1) Champagne -> (3) French 75 No .15 Gimlet (1) Gin + (1) Lime Juice -> (2) Gimlet No .25 Gin N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. No 0.4 Gin and Tonic (1) Gin + (1) Tonic Water -> (2) Gin and Tonic No .25 Gin Fizz (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Water -> (3) Gin Fizz No .25 Gunfire (1) Tea + (1) Rum -> (2) Gunfire No .1 Half and Half (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Sweet Tea -> (2) Half and Half OR (1) Lemonade + (1) Sweet Tea -> (2) Half and Half OR (1) Lemonade + (1) Tea -> (2) Half and Half No N/A Horse's Neck (1) Bourbon + (1) Bitters + (1) Ginger Ale -> (3) Horse's Neck No .5 Hot Buttered Rum (1) Rum + (1) Cider + (1) Butter -> (3) Hot Buttered Rum No .3 Irish Coffee (1) Coffee + (1) Bourbon + (1) Milk + (1) Sugar -> (4) Irish Coffee No .1 Jean Harlow (1) Rum + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Jean Harlow No .6 Kalimoxto (1) Cola + (1) Wine -> (2) Kalimoxto No .3 Long Beach Iced Tea (1) Tequila + (1) Sex on the Beach + (1) Rum + (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice-> (5) Long Beach Iced Tea No .4 Long Island Iced Tea (1) Tequila + (1) Screwdriver + (1) Rum + (1) Gin + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Cola -> (6) Long Island Iced Tea No .4 Mai Tai (1) Rum + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Orange Juice -> (4) Mai Tai No .3 Manhattan (1) Bourbon + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters -> (3) Manhattan No .3 Margarita (1) Tequila + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Margarita No .2 Martini (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Martini No .3 Mead N/A. Dispense from a Booze-O-Mat. OR Put honey into a still. No 0.3 Michelada (1) Beer + (1) Tomato Juice + (1) Capsaicin -> (3) Michelada No .1 Mind Eraser (1) Vodka Tonic + (1) Coffee -> (2) Mind Eraser No .3 Mimosa (1) Orange Juice + (1) Champagne -> (1) Mimosa No .05 Mojito (3) Daiquiri + (1) Mint -> (4) Mojito OR (1) Mint + (1) Lime Juice + (1) Rum + (1) Sugar -> (4) Mojito No .2 Moscow Mule (2) Vodka Gimlet + (1) Ginger Ale -> (3) Moscow Mule OR (1) Vodka + (1) Ginger Ale + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Moscow Mule No .15 Murdini (1) Martini + (1) Apple Juice + (1) Suicider -> (3) Murdini No 1.1 Necroni (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters + (1) Ectoplasm -> (4) Necroni OR (2) Negroni + (1) Ectoplasm -> (3) Necroni No .5 Negroni (1) Gin + (1) Vermouth + (1) Bitters -> (3) Negroni OR (2) Martini + (1) Bitters -> (3) Negroni No .6 Old Fashioned (1) Bourbon + (1) Bitters + (1) Water + (1) Sugar -> (4) Old Fashioned No .5 Paloma (1) Tequila + (1) Grapefruit Juice + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Paloma No .1 Piña Colada (1) Pineapple Juice + (1) Rum + (1) Coconut Milk -> (4) Piña Colada No .2 Pineapple Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Extract from pineapples No N/A Pink Gin and Tonic (1) Gin and Tonic + (1) Bitters -> (2) Pink Gin and Tonic No .3 Planter's Punch (1) Rum + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Planter's Punch No .4 Radler (1) Beer + (1) Lemonade -> (2) Radler No .1 Rice Wine N/A. Put rice into a still. No 0.15 Rose (1) Vermouth + (1) Cherry Juice + (1) Strawberry Juice -> (3) Rose No .3 Rum N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put sugarcane or sugar into a still. No 0.6 Rum and Cola (1) Rum + (1) Cola -> (2) Rum and Cola No 2 Sea Breeze (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Grapefruit Juice -> (3) Sea Breeze No .2 Sex on the Beach (1) Vodka + (1) Cranberry Juice + (1) Orange Juice -> (3) Sex on the Beach OR (2) Screwdriver + (1) Cranberry Juice -> (2) Sex on the Beach No .1 Simple Syrup (1) Sugar + (1) Water @ 353 K -> (2) Simple Syrup No N/A Snakebite (1) Cider + (1) Beer -> (2) Snakebite No .15 Soda Water (1) Carbon + (1) Oxygen + (1) Water -> (2) Soda Water No N/A Space-Cuba Libre (2) Rum and Cola + (1) Lime Juice -> (3) Space-Cuba Libre No .1 Strawberry juice N/A. Extract from, naturally, strawberries, strawberry pies, and Delectable Dan's Scrumptious Strudel. No N/A Strawberry Milk (1) Milk + (1) Strawberry juice -> (2) Strawberry Milk No N/A Suicider (1) Cider + (1) Vodka + (1) Epinephrine + (1) Welding fuel -> (4) Suicider OR Extract or distill from omega weed. No 1 Sweet Tea (1) Sugar + (1) Tea -> (2) Sweet Tea No N/A Three Mile Island Iced Tea (1) Vodka + (1) Gin + (1) Tequila + (1) Cola + (1) Curacao -> (5) Three Mile Island Iced Tea No .6 Tequila N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. No 0.6 Tequila Sunrise (1) Tequila + (1) Orange Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Tequila Sunrise No .22 Tequini (1) Tequila + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Tequini No .4 Tomato Juice N/A. Dispense from the soda fountain. OR Extract from tomatoes No N/A Tom Collins (1) Gin + (1) Tonic Water + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Tom Collins OR (2) Gin and Tonic + (1) Lemonade -> (3) Tom Collins No .18 Vermouth N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser. No 0.15 Vodka N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put potatoes into a still. No 0.5 Vodka Gimlet (1) Vodka + (1) Lime Juice -> (2) Vodka Gimlet No .25 Vodka Martini (1) Vodka + (1) Vermouth -> (2) Vodka Martini No .3 Vodka Tonic (1) Vodka + (1) Tonic Water -> (2) Vodka Tonic No .25 Whiskey Sour (1) Bourbon + (1) Lemon Juice + (1) Sugar -> (3) Whiskey Sour OR (1) Bourbon + (2) Lemonade -> (2) Whiskey Sour No .2 White Russian (1) Vodka + (1) Coffee + (1) Milk -> (3) White Russian OR (2) Black Russian + (1) Milk -> (3) White Russian No .3 White Wine N/A. Put green grapes into a still. No 0.13 Wine N/A. Dispense from the alcohol dispenser or Booze-O-Mat. OR Put grapes into a still. No 0.13 Miscellanea A section for the stranger chems in the game that are hard to classify anywhere else. Reagent Recipe Dep. rate Pen. skin? Per life cycle Immediate effect upon application Per plant cycle (plant tray) Addict prob. Notes Ageinium Secret! OR Find inside ProPuff cigarettes. 0.4 No IF AGE > 140: 30% chance to increase age by one. 3% chance of mildly concerning messages about feeling older. 1.2% chance of screaming. Increases your age, indirectly affecting the pitch of the voice clips used for things like talking, gasping, farting, screaming, c-saber swinging, and toy sword swiping in...interesting ways. Ash Burn paper, collect the ash with a beaker. OR (1) Paper @ 424K -> (1) Ash 0.4 No 80% chance of +1 HEALTH OR +1 GROWTH Fertilizer, and basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. You'll get 5 units of ash per 10 units of oil. Blood N/A. Draw blood from somebody with a syringe or IV drip. 0.4 No See stable mutagen. 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery blood stains when applied to floor tiles. INGEST - Provides nourishment for vampires. If plant is man-eater: +3 GROWTH Changeling blood reacts to heat (324 K), which can be used to identify them. Booster Enzyme Secret! OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No For each of the following reagents, creates 2 units of it, if there are less than 20 units of said reagent in your bloodstream: Charcoal Epinephrine Mannitol Methamphetamine Menthol Oculine Omnizine Pentetic Acid Perfluorodecalin Potassium Iodide Salbutamol Salicylic Acid Saline-Glucose Solution Silver Sulfadiazine Styptic Powder Synaptizine Synthflesh Teporone Essentially, keeps meth and certain medical chem levels at around 20 units within your bloodstream. It won't trigger overdoses for any chems that have them at 20 units or higher, but it can trigger the ones with OD thresholds lower than that, although none of the chems it can duplicate have that. Useful for farming omnizine and other somewhat rare reagents, if you extract them from the bloodstream with a syringe or an IV bag. Could also help fuel a meth-powered rampage or a heal-chem-mix for the dying. Calcium Carbonate (1) Calcium + (2) Chlorine + (2) Sodium + (1) Carbon + (3) Oxygen -> (1) Calcium Carbonate + (2) Salt 0.4 No Creates salt on reaction. Calcium Sulfate (1) Sulfuric Acid + (1) Calcium Carbonate -> (1) Calcium Sulfate 0.4 No Creates Water on reaction. Carbon Tetrachloride (Firefighting Foam) (1) Chlorine + (1) Sulfur + (1) Carbon -> (3) Carbon Tetrachloride 0.4 No See CLF3. TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. Carpet (1) Space Fungus + (1) Blood -> (2) Carpet 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a dirty carpet when applied to floor tiles. Catonium N/A. Extract from Catnip/Nepeta cataria 0.4 No A cat drugs precursor that makes cats purr, roll about, and do weird cat things. Chalk (4) Calcium Sulfate + (1) Oil -> (5) Chalk 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a stick of chalk when applied to floor tiles. Cloaked Panellus Extract N/A. Extract from cloaked panellus mushrooms. 0.1 No If there are 5+ units of this in a container or mob, it is impossible to assess the chemical contents of it with a reagent scanner or similar. Instead, scanning outputs the message "ERR: SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF THIS SUBSTANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE." Colorful Reagent (1) Phoron + (1) Radium + (1) Stabilizing Agent + (1) Space Drugs + (1) Cryoxadone + (1) Triple Citrus -> (6) Colorful Reagent OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No INGEST - Changes your blood to a random colour. TOUCH - Paints almost everything it touches with a random colour. Foaming or smoking this can be fun. Coagulated Gnesis N/A. Use a beaker or similar on puddles of teal fluid or weird stringy fibers. 0.05, see Notes No Converts your blood into more coagulated gnesis, at 2 units converted to 2 units of gnesis per second. Ominous messages about various body parts changing. Hearing flockdrone beeping. 100+ UNITS: Beeping and messages occur more often, and messages describe...significant changes. 300+ UNITS: Flat 1% chance of gibbing into an AI (i.e. non-controllable) flockbit. ON TURF: 10+ UNITS: Creates either a scrap of gnesis or shard of transparent gnesis 50+ UNITS: If possible, converts furniture item into its flock equivalent, such as tiles into flocktile and chairs into flockchairs. TOUCH: Paints item/mob a rather dark shade of teal, adds "teal-stained" if possible. People splashed with gnesis get a fun message about how the chem feels like oil paint and a less fun one about it permanently staining them, which is misleading since showers and such still remove it. INGEST: Amusing message about the gnesis tasting like children's modeling clay. It eats your blood from the inside out--grisly! To delay such a cruel and unusual fate, refill your blood with packs or filgrastim, saline, and other blood-restoring chems. To avoid it, take lots of calomel to flush it out faster than it can convert it. Converts other reagents in the container into more gnesis, at a max of 2 units of gnesis for 2 units of non-gnesis reagent, per second, per reagent. It can convert multiple different reagents at a time, increasing total gnesis created every second, but this otherwise does not affect conversion speed for each reagent. If there are no other reagents, it decays, losing 2 units per second. Both occur in any and all containers, e.g. beakers, glasses, pills, patches, ampoules, food, etc. Compost N/A. Stuff produce into a compost tank. 0.4 No 66% chance of +1 HEALTH Fertilizer. Denatured Enzyme (1) Booster Enzyme @ 424 K -> (1) Denatured Enzyme OR Extract from certain Discount Dan's products OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No An otherwise completely useless chem that's a precursor to many other chems, secret and non-secret. Diluted Fliptonium (1) Fliptonium + (2) Water -> (3) Diluted Fliptonium 0.1 No Makes you flip off nearby people. OVERDOSE (30) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. 5% Ectoplasm N/A. Obtain from Spooky Dan's Horrotastic Cola. OR Extract from ectoplasm globs; slices of dread; terror toast; "killed" cheese sandwiches; spooky peanut butter sandwiches; killer beenut butter sandwiches; "scare wich project" sandwiches; murderwiches; synthmeat steinwiches; spookies; and full moon pies. 0.4 No Ominous but ultimately harmless sensations of something that isn't there, i.e. the heebie-jeebies. 10+ UNITS: Creates a surprisingly edible blob of ectoplasm. As a blob, it's surprisingly malleable when processed. Fartonium (1) Egg + (1) Refried Beans + (1) ???? + (1) Cheese Substitute -> (2) Fartonium OR extract from buttburgers OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No 66% chance of farting. If simethicone is present: funny text messages, 5-25% chances of up to +4 BRUTE Non-stop farty party. Flaptonium (1) Egg + (1) Colorful Reagent + (1) Chicken Soup + (1) Strange Reagent + (1) Blood @ 374 K -> REACTION N/A N/A Makes a parrot upon synthesis, similar to life. Squawk! Fliptonium (1) Gin and Sonic + (1) Liquid Dark Matter + (1) Chocolate + (1) Ephedrine -> (4) Fliptonium OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.2 No Reduces duration of incoming Weaken, Stunned, & Paralyzed debuffs by 9%, slight stamina regeneration buff. Spins your mob constantly. Causes jitteriness, reduces drowsiness. OVERDOSE (15) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. Scales with dose. Effects can be confused movement, stuns, drop items hold in either hand, jitteriness 10% Foamed Metal (3) (Aluminium or Iron) + (1) Fluorosurfactant + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> REACTION N/A N/A Reacts immediately upon mixing. After a short delay, the foam will turn into weak metal walls (and floors, if there isn't one on the tile), which can be destroyed with a few whacks of a blunt object. A silly chem that can be as helpful or as harmful as you want it to be, you can either plug up holes in the station or inconvenience people with huge metal obstructions. Unlike other foams, this one can't be slipped on (since it doesn't use water). Fog N/A 0.4 No The secret of fog grenades. Smoke powder clouds made from fog block line of sight. X-Ray Vision counteracts it, letting you see what's lurking inside and outside the fog, while mesons only let see the walls and floors beyond. Grass Gro N/A. Extract from grass leaves. 0.4 No When applied on floor tiles, creates a tile of grass. There are many purely aesthetic variations of these tiles, and they can be removed by prying out the tile with a crowbar and placing it back on the plating. Pretty. A viable alternative to carpet. Green vomit N/A. Extract from Pro Puffs cigarettes. OR Click on a green vomit pile with a beaker or similar container. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a slippery glob of green vomit. Grody. When you collect this from a green vomit pile, anyone who sees you may vomit from sheer disgust. Green vomit piles often result from ingesting toxic slurry, and they can be found in a few disgustingly ill-kept places and occasionally around a Port-a-Puke. Holy Water (1) Water + (1) Wine + (1) Mercury -> (3) Holy Water OR Extract garlic. OR Find in holy water vials from the Chapel office. 0.4 No Temporarily creates a slippery surface when applied to floor tiles. TOUCH - Reduces the BURNING var when splashed onto people, objects or turfs that are on fire. -10 BRAIN, 1% chance of curing diseases. TOUCH/INGEST - If target is vampire: +1.25 BURN and -1.25 blood per unit applied. Will be displayed as simply "water" in the chem dispenser and reagent scanner.reagent scanner. Honkfartium (1) Simethicone + (1) Fartonium@ 374 K -> (1) Honkfartium 0.4 No Changes your fart sounds into honking noises. Farty party clown style. Luminol (1) Oxygen + (1) Hydrogen + (1) Nitrogen + (1) Carbon -> (3) Luminol 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Shows blood stains that might have been removed. Add hydrogen and nitrogen last so you don't make ammonia. Highly useful for Detectives! Ice (1) Water @ 273 K -> (1) Ice 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a solid, non-slippery chunk of ice when applied to floor tiles. The frozen state of water. The reagent turns to water when brought to a temperature higher than 0° C. Life (5x) Synthflesh + (2x) Blood + (x) Strange Reagent @ 374 K -> REACTION N/A N/A Creates a random NPC immediately upon synthesis for you to play with. Be careful though, not all of them are friendly! Note that you have to get the reagent numbers exactly right, otherwise you'll just produce a critter or meat cube - while the ratio is provided, you need to have a certain "x" multiplier to get a good result. Note: Spamming this in a public area as a non-antag isn't advised, as you could end up with a bunch of the violent mobs that will attack the crew. Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride (1) Magnesium Chloride + (6) Ammonia @ 303K -> (1) Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride 0.4 No Magnesium Chloride (1) Magnesium + (2) Hydrochloric Acid -> (1) Magnesium Chloride + (2) Hydrogen OR (1) Magnesium-Ammonium Chloride @ 423K -> (1) Magnesium Chloride + (6) Ammonia 0.4 No Nectar Automatically produced by some plants in their hydroponics tray; use Propellant to smoke it out. 0.4 No Doesn't really do anything or get used for anything except attract bees to the hydroponics trays - leave it in there! Organic Superlubricant (1) Space Lube + (1) Helium -> (1) Organic Superlubricant 0.4 No When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals BRUTE damage to people who slip. Paper N/A. Use a sheet of paper on a beaker. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates ripped up paper when applied to floor tiles. Potash (1) Ash + (1) Water @ 354 K -> (1) Potash OR (1) Potassium + (1) Chlorine + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (2) Potash 0.4 No 50% chance of +1 HEALTH, +1 GROWTH. 24% of +1 CROPSIZE, -1 HARVESTS Fertilizer. Pure hugs N/A. Hug an cute and adorable friend and get hugged back. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No Dawwww. Pure love (1) Pure hugs + (1) Chocolate -> (2) Pure Love OR Extract from heartburgers. OR Randomly find in artifact beakers. 0.4 No Sets your intent to Help intent if you were on Harm intent, gives you feel-good messages, and makes you semi-awkwardly *hug people next to you. What is love? It's sweetness and kindness. Potentially useful, if tricky to administer, against someone trying to beat you up. Reversium Secret! 0.4 No Grants the 'reversed speech' mutation for 3 min, making you say everything backwards. TOUCH / INGEST - Same effect. When poured on insulated gloves, makes them into unsulated gloves, removing their electrical protection. Harmless though somewhat annoying fun. The duration can be extended by having excess reversium in your bloodstream. Rubber N/A. Deep-fry and extract a sheet of rubber. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates a sheet of rubber when applied to floor tiles. Sakuride (1)Pure Love + (1) Tea + (1) Colorful Reagent -> (3) Sakuride 0.4 No 1+ UNITS: Creates sakura petals when applied to turf. Petal overlays are a cleanable mess. Saltpetre (1) Urine + (1) Compost + (1) Potash -> (3) Saltpetre 0.4 No 80% chance of +3 HEALTH OR +3 GROWTH. 50% of +1 POTENCY, 24% of -1 CROPSIZE Fertilizer. Silicate (1) Aluminium + (1) Silicon + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Silicate 0.4 No Reinforces windows up to a maximum durability of 500. Every application makes the window twice as strong. A standard reinforced window has about 80 durability. Space Cleaner (1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol + (1) Water -> (3) Space Cleaner 0.4 No OVERDOSE (5) - 8% chance of +1/+2 TOX. TOUCH - Removes cleanable messes and forensic evidence when splashed onto people, objects or turfs. Cleans stuff. Space Fungus N/A. Extract from mushrooms from botany OR Click on patches of fungus growing on walls with a beaker or similar container. 0.4 No INGEST - 50% chance of contracting food poisoning, 10% of up to 5 units of toxin (reagent). Up to +3 ENDURANCE Space fungus is acquired by scraping it off walls with your beaker. It mostly grows in maintenance tunnels, so you might need to request appropriate access to get at it. Space Lube (1) Water + (1) Silicon + (1) Oxygen -> (1) Space Lube 0.4 No When applied to floor tiles and other turf, temporarily creates an extremely slippery surface that makes people slip and fall regardless of they were running or walking. Deals no damage to people who slip, but people can take still take damage from slipping into walls and other solid objects. More space lube the turf stays slippery for longer, to a maximum of 80 seconds. Has a damaging variant. Triplepiss Secret! OR Find in drugs from ??? pill bottles. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Temporarily creates slippery puddles of urine when applied to floor tiles. References one of the joke responses old admin Popecrunch gave when asked about the recipe for initropidril. Urine N/A. Fill your stomach with water, then use the *piss emote or pee in a drinking glass or beaker. OR Click on a urine puddle with a beaker or similar. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Temporarily creates slippery puddles of urine when applied to floor tiles. Vomit N/A. Use a beaker on a puddle of vomit. 0.4 No 5+ UNITS: Creates slippery pools of vomit when applied to floor tiles. You can vomit by getting drunk and puking all over the floor or by ingesting sewage or space ipecac. There's also a green variant of vomit, which can be scooped in a beaker to make others vomit. Yee Nee/yee. Yee yee yee Yee yee. (N/A. Possible reagent for artifact injectors.) 0.4 Nee Yee yee yee yee-yee. Yee yee yee. Yee yee yee yee yee yee yee "Yee" yee yee. Yee yee yee yee yee. (Makes you a lizard-person. Grants yee accent. Causes hallucinations of dinosaurs from the animation "yee" came from. Plays song from same animation.) Yee, yee'yee yee yee yee yee Yee yee. Yee yee yee Yee yee yee. (Yes, it's a reference to the yee meme. Blame former admin Wonkmin for this.) SECRET CHEMS Let's get one thing straight, people. There are some recipes that are still more secret than secret. If you find out one of the recipes, you shouldn't even say the recipe in-game lest the ghosts hear you. Admins will get mad at you if you spread them. Keep this shit to yourselves. Now with that out of the way: Welcome to the fun section! If you're a scientist who enjoys his job and does it often, then you've probably heard the names of these chemicals thrown around every so often. These are considered the final learning curve before being dubbed an A+ chemist, so if you want to become a true scientific force on the station, taking a stab at these mysteries is within your best interests. Don't be discouraged by their difficulty, you're not the only one! Be diligent, be patient, and use what you've learned from mixing the previous chems on this page. Reagent Comps Hint Difficulty Effect Notes Ageinium 5 What reminds you of old people? Moderate Gradually increases your age. At the moment this only affects various sounds you make. How far can you go? Anima 5 What's happening to the objects? Take this into consideration. Difficult Brings inanimate objects to life to attack people, gives odd visions when injected. The bigger the object you animate, the more health it has and damage it does, though smaller objects can be harder to click. What Anima actually affects is a bit all over the place, but if it can be dragged, assume it can be animated. The means for mixing this are nonstandard and guaranteed to be harmful, be advised! Note: Fiddling around with this in small doses is fine, but for the love of God, don't throw it at everywhere and everything if you aren't a round antagonist! Booster Enzyme 7 Do a little research on real life enzymes. Difficult Duplicates certain beneficial chemicals in your bloodstream. Each time booster enzyme decays, it will create 2 units of any beneficial medical chem that's already in your body up to a cap of 20 - note that this does not proc overdose thresholds of 20 or higher (but it will for lower thresholds!). A neat tool for farming rarer medicinal reagents, or for making you nigh-immortal with said reagents. Bubsium 4 What does bubs like? Go bother him to find out. Easy Consumption of this chemical may lead to bubs-like properties. bubs Chlorine Azide 6 How is chlorine azide basically made in real life? Elementary Explodes the moment it's created, stabilizing agent or not. It won't breach through the floor or blow down a wall, but it can certainly take out the chem dispenser. There's a reason the code for its recipe has the comment "death 2 chemists" (in the 2016 public release, at least). You might stumble upon it accidentally when mixing lots of random basic chems together. Crabby Party Secret Formula 4 100% Sea Weed Easiest Creates a Party Crab on synthesis He's having a great time. are you having a great time? Crime 5 A bunch of things assistants might like. Average-Hard Allows you to remove things from people five times faster. Wow. Become the world's speediest shoe thief. Deep Fried Dabs 2 It's all in the name. Easy Forces you to dab. Wow. How do you do, fellow kids? Disguiseium 5 What chems make things look like other things? Average-Hard A complicated chemical. When made it will make the second most common reagent in a container look like the most common reagent. However, its effects will not be changed. You'll never trust a reagent scanner again. Directed Nanites 4 What would nanites need to help you rather than harm you? Easy Slowly replaces one or more organs with their cyber variants. A good chem for doctors to use! Dragon's Breath 5 Hot chemicals. Easy See Poisons and Toxic Shit. This has a chance of rolling instant death for every cycle it's in your blood, yikes! And if the RNG spares you, you'll still be utterly wasted. This is technically a barman concoction, but it's dangerous enough to have been thrown into this list. Energy Drink 3 If you can figure out voltagen, the remaining two ingredients should be quite obvious. Easy Stun reduction, minor stamina regeneration buff, speed boost, chance to cause jitteriness. On depletion - slowed movement, dizziness, blurred vision, random chance to KO. OVERDOSE - May cause cardiac failure. Basically the energy drink from the future, with just as mean of a crash. Despite this it's a welcome alternative to methamphetamine since it has next-to-none of its cons... just don't overdose on it. Addictive. Enriched MSG 12 Think of really tasty things. Difficult Heals 1 OXY/TOX/LOSEBREATH and 3 BRUTE/BURN per cycle. Pretty much super-omnizine, with more addiction and custom flavor texts if you overdose. Far and away the best healing chem in the game short of stimulants. Feather Fluid 7 Amnesiac bird. Easy Infects you with the Avian Flu, which will eventually turn you into a bird. Don't overthink the recipe. What do you know already? Note: Don't use this on other people unless you're an antag or they agree! Fermid 4 Consider the name "fermid" and what a fermid looks like. Difficult Creates a hostile fermid at the point of reaction. Fermids are the nasty critters that plagued the (now removed) mining z-level, being stubbornly durable and injecting any human they see with harmful toxins; fortunately they cannot target cyborgs. The recipe used to be laughably easy, but after seeing the harm spontaneous fermid swarms could cause, it was wisely made more difficult and thrown into secrets section. Note: PLEASE don't spam these as a non-antag. This is why the recipe was changed in the first place. Freeze 5 Cold chems. What makes you freeze? Average Decays into ethanol. Lowers your body temperature and inflicts brief stuns and burn damage. Severe effect scales with volume: [0.1% * volume] chance of being turned into an ice statue. Functionally the same as Dragon's Breath, but it freezes you to death instead of frying you. Glowing Fliptonium 4 Spoiler: one of the ingredients is fliptonium! The other three make it spooky, make it more powerful, and a little bit trippy. Difficult (Hopefully?) Works like regular fliptonium, with the exception that it affects mobs, objects and turfs on application, as opposed to just mobs and objects. It also gives more stun resistance/stamina buff/etc than normal fliptonium. The recipe is intended to be difficult to make, not to figure out, really. The effect is pretty crazy and does far more to interrupt peoples' rounds than, say, colorful reagent or glitter. Grog 11 Look up the Monkey Island Grog recipe, then find its equivalents in SS13. Grog was created before Kerosene was a thing. Immensely Difficult See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Another horrifying drink from barman territory, it ignores biosuits and will always captainize and do some BRUTE face-melting damage on TOUCH (though without destroying the Mask item, strangely). The amount of damage varies wildly depending on the delivery method. Ironically it's actually reasonably safe to drink, though you may want the alcohol resistance mutation before chugging it. Hootagen 6 / 6 What are some things that are alive? What are owls known for? Where can you do more research on Owls? Average / Difficult Has a stable and unstable variant. The stable one gives you an owl suit and mask that you can't take off yourself. The unstable one... well, it's a little more violent. The unstable variant has some utility as a pseudo-deathchem. Also, owl masks don't work as internals. Use that as you will. Initrobeedril 4 The name is a strong hint in and of itself. Notably, this is not found in poison bottles like its bigger cousin. Average Turns your heart into a memorial bee and makes it fly away. You'll know if someone was hit by this if they start turning yellow. For the victim, they'll get big red messages of their heart fluttering in their chest. This is a disease reagent, so it only needs to be in you a certain amount of cycles to infect you, which will eventually lead to the heart-bee evicting itself from your body and leave you with cardiac abscondment. Note: And no, you can't get it back into your body, despite what the examine message says. Get a replacement heart or you'll die. Initropidril 7 The biggest challenge. Only the most worldly spaceman should even attempt it. Requires triplepiss. Heart-stopping See Poisons and Toxic Shit. It can take a while to make, but it's worth the trouble since traitor poison bottles can be a crapshoot. Juggernaut 5 A pain-killing and injury-treating concoction. Easy A potent painkiller that negates a significant amount of walkspeed loss from being hurt, with the additional special effect of absorbing and healing a portion of brute and burn damages taken between life cycles. Hits the user with the absorbed damage as it leaves their system. OVERDOSE - Confused movement, dropping held items, stuns, forgetting how to breathe. The damage-absorbing capabilities get less effective the more damage it has absorbed and the longer it has been present in your system. Has a slightly less-than-average depletion rate but also a low overdose threshold and fairly debilitating overdose effects. Bad side-effects occur if it's in your system for far too long. Kerosene 6 You'll likely need some catalysts and heat for the reaction. Do some research on Thermochemical synthesis and whatever comes to mind first for Synthesis of High Density Aviation Fuel... but maybe take a less organic route. Difficult Makes nice and pretty fireballs, like welding fuel, except without the "small explosion with enough fuel" and "makes people burn more when doused with it" bits. It's SS13 jet fuel. Has an...interesting (and rather memetic) reaction with certain alloys. King Readsterium 4 Glamore, Stealth, Teleportation and American Freedom. These were the ingredients used to create Senator Death Badman. Difficult Kinda? A compound that attracts the undying attention of Senator Death Badman, know for his random crotch shots. Death Badman acts almost identically to a Gibshark, except he only gibs your pride. Lumen 5 Think about what makes big lights. Now mix them together. Average A liquid which creates lights attached to whatever it is splashed on. It even changes color depending on what else is in the beaker! No you can't smoke it. The strength of the light scales with the amount of Lumen used. Liquified Space Rubber 5 Requires some botany work. Contains several other griefy and movement-related chems. Average A powerful chem that makes you bounce off of other mobs when it is in your system. Can easily turn a room into a pinball machine. Combined with other chems like liquid dark matter, this can instantly turn a crowd into pure screaming chaos. Medusa 6 A variety of rock-related chems are included. Hard Slowly turns the victim into stone. Be sure to artfully arrange your victims. Open a museum, charge admission. Mutini 5 Every ingredient has its opposite. Keep in mind that and its effect, and most of it should be straight forward. Easy Gets you drunk, gives some brain damage, then cures it. More importantly, mutates you wildly and randomly, then reverses all those mutations - hopefully. Can even give you mutations that are otherwise impossible to get! A cocktail for the aspiring mad scientist. Most of the time it's harmless, but be aware that weird interactions or pure bad luck can potentially leave the imbiber dead or trapped in another dimension. If you find some gamebreaking error or weirdness, don't be afraid to adminhelp it and report on the forums! Bugs are bugs, warning or no. Nitroglycerin 3 Do some research on real nitroglycerin. Easy Liquid explosive with an incredibly foul temperament. The slightest jostle can set this stuff off, with its power ranging from minor to vicious depending on the reagent volume. Woe betide anyone who gets too much of it in their bloodstream, as any subsequent attack will instantly gib them in a violent blast! Don't try to use it in smoke or foam. Bad things happen. Note: This is the successor to Nitrogen-Triiodide, which functioned similarly by spreading contact explosive dust all over the floor and could be used in smoke and foam. It turned out to be a bit too abusable though, and was axed and later replaced with nitro. Omega Hairgrownium 5 / 5 Gives you trippy and irregular haircuts. Easy Changes your hairstyle. Has a stable and unstable variant. One picks from all possible hairstyles, while the other picks from the pool of special genetics/barber haircuts. Pretty straightforward in effect. Don't use both variants together. Quark-gluon Plasma ?? Ahaha, no. There will be no hints given for this abomination. You're on your own. Very Difficult Gibs any people it touches, destroys most items and critters it touches, deletes walls and floors on contact. Just to prove that there's no such thing as overkill in SS13. QGP is pure liquid destruction: it comes into existence as a massive sea of foam that obliterates anything in its path - people, Pods, critters, floors and walls, you name it. Note: This is absolutely an antag-only chem in practical use. If you aren't an antag and aren't using QGP as an end-of-round party favor, then it has no place anywhere near the station. Rajaijah (Madness toxin) 8 Most of the ingredients are bad for your mind. Keep its effects in mind and most of it should be straightforwards. Difficult See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Like initropidril, it can be worth learning how to synthesize rajaijah if you don't trust the RNG of the poison bottle. Reversium 4 One screws with your sprite, one screws with your DNA, one screws with your sprite and DNA, and one...is friendship? Normal See Miscellanea Highly confusing but ultimately harmless fun that lasts for three minutes. Have some mutadone handy if you want to end it early. Rotting 4 Think of horrible food and something else unpleasant. Difficult Infects the victim with tissue necrosis. Gradually turns you into a spooky skeleton, which makes you unclonable without a certain cloning module. Good for keeping people you want to keep down, down. Royal Initrobeedril 5 Again, the hint is in the name. Difficult See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Same mechanics as regular initrobeedril, with the caveat of the heart-bee being so huge that it gibs you upon emerging. Sarin 8 One is a gift from Hydroponics. The other seven reflect how sarin is deployed in real life. Difficult Nasty poison gas that's highly volatile when created. Due to the fact that it penetrates skin, a gas mask alone is not sufficient to protect against sarin when made into chemsmoke. It features an unholy BRAIN-TOX-BURN triad on top of distinct jittering and stuns. If you ever wanted to commit crimes against Space Humanity like the Nuclear Operatives do when they break out the nerve agent grenades, this is your chem. You can think of it as an souped-up Neurotoxin that depletes more slowly and can penetrate the skin but is majorly weak against atropine. Oh, and,uh, try not to end up on some watchlist. Sea4 5 One ingredient is the Sea, one gives Sea4 its blasting power, one gives it a sticky yellow color, and two like to burn. Easy-Average Precision blasting explosive. Explosion scales, similarly to black powder; small amounts create small explosions; higher amounts make larger ones that also create sea bees, how cute! Get it? Sheltergrog 2-99 The first two ingredients are easy. How to get the reaction to happen is the hard part. Average It makes you a frog. Nice. Lovingly sponsored by Zungy. Sheltestgrog 2-99 Like sheltergrog, just be more precise. Average It makes you a frog but more. Nice. :shelterfrog: Silver fulminate 3 It's just like making silver fulminate in real life. Easy Ridiculously sensitive gimmick chem that makes a gunshot-like pop when it's set off. It's even more sensitive than nitroglycerin; at least nitro doesn't explode under the weight of other nitro molecules. Like spiders, it's not quite a secret chem in of itself, but it uses many of the same precursors to one. Spiders 2 Spiders have even more arms to hug with. Easy-Peasy See Poisons and Toxic Shit. Not a secret chem itself, but one of its ingredients is. Strychnine 7 Robert Woodward could've taken some shortcuts. Moderate A rather quite unpleasant, crunchy death. Can be used as a performance enhancer! Transparium 5 Can you see me? See through me? Easy Makes you pretty much invisible for a duration proportionate to the time it spends in your bloodstream. This has an overdose threshold of 30 units. You might not wanna go over that! Triple Meth 1 Requires methamphetamine, obviously. The challenge is figuring out what to do with it. Easy Makes you unstunnable, very robust, and very dizzy. Taking this will cause your stamina regeneration to rise to obscene levels. The movement confusion can be limiting, but otherwise there is no better drug for laughing off stuns and stamina loss, and the added movement speed makes you pretty hard to click. Addictive. Has a secret use. Triplepiss 1 for both methods Short way: Take a piss with something magical in you, take the resultant liquid. Long way: Take a piss with a different magical thing in you, take in (i.e. drink) the resultant liquid, repeat. Piss-Hard Acts like standard piss. Harder to figure out than to actually make. An ancient secret from Goonstation's earliest years, whose very existence was kept hidden. Creation methods reference a beautiful joke story Popecrunch used to tell when asked how to make initropidril. Voltagen (Liquid Electricity) 4 (+ Stabilizer) Think about stuff that could be used to produce power. Average Randomly targets nearby mobs with arc flashes when in the bloodstream (consuming every remaining unit) or instantly if mixed without stabilizing agent. Found in shock grenades and just as useful for crowd control. Arc flashes will stun and damage anyone who aren't wearing insulated gloves, so if you can nab a pair, popping a pill of this can give you a huge advantage when fighting another player. Warp 5 Things that get you around quickly. Average Once injected, it saves your location. When it's out of your system, you teleport back to the start point. Great insurance policy for running into dangerous areas. Guide to chemistry Jump to navigationJump to search Chemist action.png Tippo Felangus, the Chemist says: "Hey mate, welcome to Chemistry. This is one of the few jobs where you can make a man heal back up to full health one second and make him explode the next. Sound too complicated? Naw, this shit is really simple to make. All you have to do is pour some of this Potassium into a beaker of water, like so..." This guide will primarily be useful for chemists but may come in handy to any player and especially traitors. See Chemical recipes for simplified step-by-step instructions on how to make complicated chemicals (sometimes outdated), and for info about using the dispenser's recipe recording function. For grenade making see Grenades. If you don't have a chem dispenser, see the Guide to Ghetto Chemistry. A helper client for browsing this wiki (with several extra features) can be found here: https://hamcha.github.io/tghandbook/. That site is unofficial so use at own risk. Chemistry is in the middle of an expansion, so recipes are likely to change (though, the reagents will likely remain the same). It's also recommended you read the guide on how to handle reactions, or use the help/quick tutorial button on the chem heater (now renamed reaction chamber). Contents 1 Handling reactions 1.1 Temperature 1.2 Reaction rates 1.3 Potential of Hydrogen (pH) 1.4 Purity 1.5 Optional catalysts 1.6 Competitive reactions 1.6.1 General tips 2 Tools and Machinery 2.1 Chemistry Dispensers 2.2 Reaction Chamber 2.3 ChemMaster 3000 2.4 Portable Chemical Mixer 2.5 High-performance liquid chromatography machine (HPLC) 2.6 All-In-One Grinder 2.7 Smoke Machine 2.8 pH paper 2.9 Buffer reagents 2.10 Chemical analyzer 2.11 Plumbing 3 Metabolism 4 Addiction 4.1 Stimulants 4.2 Opiods 4.3 Alcohol 4.4 Hallucinogens 4.5 Maintenance Drugs 4.6 Medicines 4.7 Special 5 Active Pure Chemicals 5.1 Catalysts 6 Components 7 Reaction agents 8 Medicines 8.1 Optional catalysts for ALL medicine reactions 8.2 Core Healing Medicines 8.3 Superior Healing Medicines 8.4 Unique Healing Medicines 8.5 Non-craftable Medicines 8.5.1 Removed Medicines 9 Narcotics 10 Pyrotechnics 10.1 Explosive Strength 11 Other Reagents 11.1 Virology Recipes 11.2 Mutation Toxins 12 Toxins 13 Unique Chemicals 14 Impure / Inverse / Failed Chemicals 15 Lavaland Chemicals 16 Reagent Delivery 16.1 Delivery types 16.1.1 Ingest 16.1.2 Inject 16.1.3 Vapor 16.1.4 Touch 16.1.5 Patch 16.2 Smoke vs foam vs others 16.2.1 Pills 16.2.2 Syringes 16.2.3 Patches 16.2.4 Cigarettes 16.2.5 Smoke 16.2.6 Foam 16.2.7 Splashing 16.2.8 Spraying 17 Beyond the Dispenser Handling reactions For returning players - reactions now work over time. In general reaction rate is tied to temperature and in some cases the presence of an optional catalyst. In general Purity is tied to the purity of your reagents, and how far away from optimal your pH is. It's important to note that the basic reaction is a one size fits all while each reaction is updated over a batch of updates, so it's unlikely that they'll cause too much trouble for you. Keep your pH within 5-9 and bare in mind most reactions are exothermic now meaning they generate heat when reacting, dangerous when using certain explosive chemicals opposite is for endothermic reactions. Meth has been tweaked - and it's a tad more dangerous, since it becomes more exothermic the less pure it is and meth explodes if it gets to 380k so be careful out there Walter!. For a quick crash course in mechanics, the help button on the chem heater (now renamed the reaction chamber) will get you up to speed by guiding you through a calomel reaction. There's an achievement too if you complete it with a 100% purity product! Temperature All reactions that are non-instant have a reaction rate tied to the temperature of a beaker. If a chemical is reacting too slowly, simply heat the beaker up to speed it up. As a reaction occurs, it is either Exothermic (heat producing) or Endothermic (heat consuming). Care should be taken for the Exothermic reactions, as they are liable to overheat. An overheated reaction will reduce the yield of your reaction by default, and other reactions can have specialise effects when they get too hot (not in yet, but soon!). The rate in which a reaction heats up is faster the hotter it is, be careful to not lose control, and run if you do. Reaction rates The easiest way to speed a reaction up is to heat the reaction up, but if you're looking for other ways, such as for plumbing, having an optional catalyst (such as Palladium synthate catalyst for medicines) at its required volume will also speed it up. Finally, one other alternative is to use Tempomyocin on a reaction to suddenly give it a boost. Potential of Hydrogen (pH) Every chemical has an innate pH, which can be seen by pressing the cog on the dispenser. The pH of the beaker is the sum of the pHes in the mix. The pH of a beaker determines how pure a product is, for the recipes with a given pH, you want to have your pH at the centre of the limits when the reaction starts. As a reaction progresses, it's likely the pH will begin to drift, and must be compensated for either with buffer reagents or acidic/alkaline compounds. The pH range is something chemists often have to learn over several reactions, and the ChemMaster 3000 analyse function can give an insight into what pH you should be aiming for (Not in yet). Highly impure compounds are liable to affect your reaction too thus it is prudent to set your pH before reacting, as an overly impure reaction will drag the purity down of all other reagents with it. Presently the pH meter on the machines have a higher accuracy than normal to help players accumulate. Purity Purity of a reagent is determined by how pure your reactants were, and how optimal the pH was during the reaction. If the product is slightly impure it'll split into the impure chem. 100% pure reagents will not split. If it is highly impure it will invert all of the product into the inverse chem (the percentage thresholds are given on the reagent's entry). If the reaction's purity is below the unstable purity, and the reaction has a failed chem, it will be replaced by that chem at the end of the reaction. Purity also can have an effect on a reagent's performance too which is detailed in the description. To clarify, here's an example case: Reagent A 10u 100% purity on consumption - 10u of Reagent A added to the patient. Reagent A 10u 75% purity on consumption - 7.5u of Reagent A added to the patient, 2.5u Chemical Isomers added to the patient. Reagent B with the retain volume trait 10u 75% purity on consumption - 10u Reagent B added to the patient and 2.5u Chemical Isomers added to the patient. Reagent A 10u 20% purity on consumption - 10u of Toxic monomers added to the patient. Reagent A 10u <10% purity at the end of a reaction - 10u of Viscous sludge replaces Reagent A in the beaker. Here's a glossary on some of the terms used in the wiki: Unstable purity - Going below this value will make the reaction less stable - Causing extra effects specific to the reaction (such as Helbital's fire spin). If the reaction has an associated failed chem then that will be created as well either at the end, or during tte reaction if it is insolvent. Insolvency - Specifically for a reaction's impure/inverse products, if it is insolvent then it will precipitate out either during, or at the end of, a reaction as opposed to the standard effect of splitting on consumption. Unreacted purity - This is the purity of all reagents in the game that aren't made by chemists (generally 75%) Retains volume on splitting - Splitting into it's impure form does not reduce the original's volume (See reagent B example above, only applies for impure chem splitting, not inverse or failed.) At the moment core medicines are the only ones to do this. Optional catalysts For some reactions, an optional catalyst can be added to modify the reaction of a whole group slightly. At present the only optional catalyst is Palladium synthate catalyst, which speeds up the rate of all medicine reactions. Competitive reactions These reactions are ones that compete with each other (aka equilibrium reactions) and will go back and forth depending on the conditions of the beaker. At present the only competing reaction is Tempomyocin and Purity tester reagent, but more will be put in soon. General tips Make sure your pH is correct before heating up the reaction, If it's not reacting, this is usually the problem, after the reaction has started however, it will keep going past the limits, producing 0% purity product. Keeping your reaction in the heater to cool it can be a way to deal with exothermic reactions. You can adjust the pH of a reaction easily by using a dropper with buffer. Using a dropper on a heater will adjust the pH of the beaker within. Take a note of how your pH changes across the reaction and adjust beforehand accordingly, or have some buffer handy to inject into the reaction in the middle of it. You can abort reactions by crashing the temperature and hoping it's not exothermic enough to overcome that anyways. Alternatively, you could throw the beaker in a panic. Upgrading the heater and the dispenser will improve their ability to detect pH. (soon) For some reactions, it can be useful to keep reagents away from each other until both of them have optimal conditions. Temperature of buffers will change the temperature of whatever you're adding it to! Make sure to not pour hot buffer into a temperature sensitive reaction! Tools and Machinery You have all sorts of chems here, and can make many things. You can make medicines, smoke, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, acid and much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, as mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health, and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Chem Dispenser Chemistry Dispensers Chem dispensers can be upgraded to unlock more chemicals, allow for more precise macro usage, increased power recharge rate and higher power capacity. If you run out of power, you can disassemble the dispenser with screwdriver+crowbar and rebuild it by first putting the circuit board back, and then all other things but use a full power cell Power cell.png instead of the old one. Then screwdriver to finish. Or you can charge the machine with an inducer Inducer.png. Available chemicals: Click expand to see what chemicals are available: Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Chemical Heater Reaction Chamber The reaction chamber (previously known as the chem heater) provides all the tools needed to help you react your reactions. You can set your heat, dispense buffers and watch your reactions in real time. An unupgraded reaction chamber will let you know when a reaction is overheated by highlighting it in red. More buffer can be added to the chamber by putting in a beaker into the heater and pressing the draw all button next to the buffer volume display. Some chemical reactions will require you to heat the reagents in a Reaction Chamber. Unless the recipes says otherwise, these reactions need you to heat the reagents above the required temperature in order to start the reaction. Some reactions can stop if they drop below their required temperature. Don't forget you can use droppers directly on reaction chambers to add/draw to/from as well! This machine will heat/cool a beaker to the desired temperature, slowing down the heating/cooling speed as it approaches the target temperature. If you don't risk making the chemical explode by overheating it (like with meth) you can just set it to a very high temperature to avoid this. Due to a rounding bug you sometimes need to heat chems 1 degree higher than the recipe says. Upgrading the laser will increase the heating/cooling speed as well as the capabilities of the machine. See below: Level 1: Reaction chamber level 1.gif Level 4: Reaction chamber level 4.gif An upgraded reaction chamber gives you more tools and information about the reactions held within it. At level 2 the pH meter will flash if any of the reactions are outside of the pH optimal At level 3 the reaction chamber will be able to follow your reaction progress in real time At level 4 the reaction chamber will be able to determine the reaction quality in real time, displaying the effects of purity, pH and other factors along a dial. The dial will flash if the reaction is below the minimum purity for the reaction. ChemMaster 3000 ChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes pills/patches out of chemicals loaded inside. You can load pretty much any container - beakers, spray bottles, water bottles and so on. Maximum size for dispensed bottles is 30u, patches 40u and pills 50u. Use a chemistry bag Chemistry bag.png to quickly move large quantities of bottles, patches or pills. Can be upgraded with bigger beakers to allow a bigger buffer. By default it contains two ordinary 50u beakers for a total buffer volume of 100u. Portable Chemical Mixer This item does NOT require an anomaly core anymore. A portable device that fits into the belt slot, enabling you to store, mix and dispense chemicals on the go. Can be printed at the medical lathe. CTRL + Left click will open or close the portable mixer. While open you can access it like any other bag, and fill it with up to 50 beakers and bottles. When closed you can do a simple Left click to open it's UI. While the portable mixer is closed it functions similar to a Chemistry Dispenser, allowing you to add and remove a single beaker which you can dispense into Different containers with chemicals, stored inside the portable chemical mixer.(Image 1 of 2) All chemicals inside the containers of the portable chemical mixer, combined into UI buttons. (Image 2 of 2) Tips for the Portable Chemical Mixer Unlike the chemistry bag Chemistry bag.pngthe portable chemical mixer does not combine beakers of the same type into one single icon when accessing its contents. This makes it a superior option for beaker storage. All containers with the same, main chemical inside them, are represented as a single button in the UI. (e.g. a small beaker with 50u Inacusiate and a big beaker with 100u Inacusiate, are represented as 150u Inacusiate (see image). A container with more than one chemical inside will be represented by the most dominant chemical in it. (Try to avoid adding beakers with more than one chemical in them, if you want to stay on the safe side) The portable chemical mixer is an excellent storage device for pure chemicals that you want to store until you need them in other recipes. Filling it with beakers of pure Oil, Phenol or Multiver means quick and easy access to them, whenever you need them in advanced chemicals. Tired of the floor in chemistry being littered with beakers? Put them in the portable chemical mixer. The botanist made you some Carpotoxin and filled it into condiment bottles? No need to carry them by hand, use the portable chemical mixer. The Janitor is too lazy to clean medbay? Put one beaker with Fluorosurfactant, one with Space Cleaner and one with Water in your portable chem mixer, position yourself and dispense them in equal amounts into a big beaker. Instant cleaner grenade action. The AI and bots are trying to kill you? Get some Uranium from the lathe, grind it, and put a beaker of it with a beaker of Iron into your portable chem mixer. Dispense both in equal amounts into a big beaker to cause an EMP. The doctors are too busy to help and the paramedic is too dead to help? Get yourself a health analyzer, fill your portable chem mixer with beakers of useful medicines (and/or cures and vaccines) and dispense the right dosages for people in need, anywhere on the station. HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography machine (HPLC) Can detect impurity levels of reagents added to it, making it one of the best ways to detect purity of a reagent at roundstart. See below: Mass spec.png The HPLC can also purify a reagent up to it's standard purity (usually 75%). This takes time and a bit of volume. Inverted reagents cannot be purified, though any reagent that is passed through the system will still cost time. While it's processing the Mass Spectroscopy cannot be used at the same time. To use the HPLC left clicking will interact with the input beaker - so left clicking with a beaker will add it, alt click with a beaker in it will remove it. Right clicking with a beaker will add a beaker to the output slot, and alt right clicking will remove it. The machine needs both an input and output to purify - though can still analyse with just a single input. The icon also indicates at what state it is at - a bar chart on the screen shows that it's analysing an input beaker, a sine wave shows that it's currently purifying and a blank screen indicates that it's input beaker is either empty or removed. Reagent Grinder All-In-One Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. For example: Plasma/gold/uranium/metal sheets, donk pockets, fruits, dead mice. Smoke Machine Smoke Machine Dispenses any chemical inside as a smoke cloud. Needs to be secured by wrenching first. A great alternative to smoke grenades, but easily incites lynch mobs. Can only be obtained through the circuit board being printed, and the required parts being assembled first. Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Manipulator: Unlocks the higher range settings. Matter bin: Increases maximum capacity. Capacitor: Increases efficiency. pH paper pH paper can tell you the rough pH by putting it into the beaker. The colour of the strip will indicate what the pH is. Buffer reagents Buffers are reagents that alter the pH of a mixture towards acidity (0) or alkalinity (14). These liquids dissiplate into a mixture, unless stabilizing agent is added. Chemical analyzer A handy meter that can tell you all about the reagents found in a beaker, as well as being one of the two ways to testt purity (the other bring the purity tester, which will tell you if the reagent is inverse). Resarchable and printable by the lathe. Currently the only way to detect purity of a reagent, other than taking it yourself. Plumbing On some maps the chemists have access to a large empty area with plumbing tools. The available chemicals those can synthesize should be the same as with an unupgraded chem dispenser, but the workflow is more like a production line chem factory instead of instant dispensing. See the Guide to plumbing to learn more about this system. You may still have access to the pharmacy though, which has chem dispensers. Metabolism When a reagent enters a bloodstream it will start to "tick"(aka "cycle") about every 2 seconds. These are called "life ticks", and are not to be confused with server ticks/tickrate. When this happens the bloodstream is purged of an amount of every reagent usually equal to their listed metabolism rates. This is the rate at which the chemical disappears from your body. It doesn't matter how many chems you have in your body, as they are all metabolised separately. If you are hungry (sluggish), this will happen 20% slower, which makes chemicals have a bigger total effect since they last longer without being weaker per tick. Many mobs are "simplemobs" which means they don't have bloodstreams and thus cannot be poisoned, sedated or healed with medicine. Monkeys and most playable humanoids are the exceptions to this. Addiction Every time you metabolize a drug, you will gain addiction points in the category it belongs to. For every unit of drugs metabolized you receive addiction points. More extreme drugs and alcohol will give you more points. If you gain 600 points in addiction category, you will become addicted. By not taking said drugs you will lower the amount of addiction points. High sanity speeds up the process. You lose 0,5 points per tick with no withdrawal or stage 1 withdrawal. You lose 1 point per tick with stage 2 withdrawal. You lose 1,5 points per tick with stage 3 withdrawal. When your mood is good you always lose 2 points per tick regardless of the stage. If you then fall below 400 points you stop being addicted. Taking more of the drug you're addicted to will temporarily suppress symptoms. Addiction stages advance from time in withdrawal. Addiction categories: Stimulants Stimulant withdrawal makes you slow in a number of ways. At the first stage you get craving messages about feeling tired and needing a little pick me up. Your actions also become slower(action speed penalty). At the second stage you recieve a click cooldown penalty. At the third stage you get a movement speed penalty and more craving messages. Opiods The main symptom of opiod withdrawal is nausea. At the first stage you get craving messages about feels aches in your body, chills and needing opioids. You start yawning intermittently. At the second stage your high blood pressure will increase rate of blood loss from any open wounds. At the third stage you will get hit by waves of nausea and vomiting. Alcohol Alcohol withdrawal is easy to stave off due to the abundance of low alcohol content drinks available from the bar, but it is the only one that can be outright lethal. At the first stage you get craving messages about feeling thirsty, wondering if the bar is still open and needing a little Dutch courage. You also start to jitter. At the second stage you start to hallucinate. At the third stage you start to suffer intermittant seizures that paralyze you for 1-3 seconds and cause 10-30 brain damage depending on duration. Your seizures also cause heavy jittering. Seizures can be prevented by taking neurine or sodium thiopental. Hallucinogens At the first stage you get craving messages about feeling empty, spirtually detached and you start to wonder what the machine elves are up to. At the second stage you get visual disturbances. At the third stage you enter a hypnotic trance. Maintenance Drugs At the first stage you get craving messages, start growling intermittently and your health indicator will become unreliable. At the second stage you can only stomach GROSS food and you grow a scraggly beard if male. At the third stage you will become very dizzy and confused when exposed to light, but it also gives you night vision. Medicines Stage 1: You become unsure of your own health, are you aching, or is it just the down from the meds? Stage2: You develop a fever. Stage 3: You organs begin to ache a bit too. In general most pure medicines don't accrue addiction points – it’s instead the inverse or impure chems that will turn you into a hypochondriac. Special Some reagents have their own unique addiction type. Such as Nicotine. Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat or splash these. Their metabolism rate is 0.4u per tick/cycle unless said otherwise. Unmentioned dispensable chemicals don't have any effects. Plasma and uranium require you to grind mineral sheets to acquire. Chlorine: Causes 1 brute damage per tick to a random body part. Copper: Can be splashed on metal sheets to create bronze sheets. Ethanol: A decent alcoholic "beverage", with a booze power of 65. Increases the speed of surgery procedures and flammability when applied externally. Metabolism rate 0.2. Fluorine: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Iron: Slowly restores blood volume. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Causes 1 brain damage per tick, twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Plasma: Causes 3 toxin damage per tick. Creates gas form plasma when spilled or heated to 323.15K (50°C). Not to be confused with Stable Plasma, which does nothing. Radium: Slowly causes irradiation (2 per tick). Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Sugar: Gives nutrition. Causes hyperglycemic shock if overdosed (200u). Metabolism rate 0.8. Sulfuric Acid: Causes 1 toxin damage and some instant brute damage to one body part when ingested, and slightly more brute damage when injected. Destroys head-wear and causes burn damage when sprayed or splashed on someone. Counts as a toxin. Uranium: Causes slight (1 per tick) irradiation. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Water: Slightly generates blood volume. Additionally, freezes into ice below 274K. Welding Fuel: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Makes people flammable if splashed on. Catalysts When a reagent in a recipe is marked "(catalyst)" it means it will not be consumed in the reaction. Some Catalysts are optional and are highlighted as such. These optional catalysts affect the ongoing reaction in certain ways. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Hover a chemical component to see tooltips. On Firefox-based browsers the tooltips might block clickable links. If you find an incorrect recipe then please drop a comment in the discord wiki-general. Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Ash▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 6.5▮ 1 part Oil Temperature 480K Min temp: 480K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in a few recipes. Can also be aquired by lighting a piece of paper on fire and scooping up the resulting ashes with a beaker. 30u per paper. Used in: Lye, Multiver and Plastic Sheets. Oil▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 4▮ 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Can be heated into Ash. Can be scooped up from destroyed cyborgs and such. Flammable. Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Phenol, Acetone, Convermol, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Miner's Salve, Haloperidol, Napalm, Plastic Sheets, Spray Tan and Cyanide. Acetone▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Cryoxadone, Atropine, Mutadone, Epinephrine, Probital, Tirimol Smart Foaming Agent, Sulfonal, Modafinil, Acetaldehyde, Acetone Oxide and Neurine. Diethylamine▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 12▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming A very potent fertilizer. Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Atropine, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Epinephrine, Modafinil, Meth Explosion and Lipolicide. Phenol▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 5.5▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Salicylic Acid, Oxandrolone, Atropine, Epinephrine, Libital, Higadrite and Modafinil. Ammonia▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.6▮ 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 1 to 12 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming An effective fertilizer. Ingredient in many recipes. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) Used in: Diethylamine, Aiuri, Salbutamol, Pentetic Acid, Crank, Modafinil, Nitrous Oxide, Space Cleaner, Cyanide, Itching Powder and Weed Killer. Saltpetre▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.2▮ 3 parts Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Works as a fertilizer. Ingredient in a few recipes. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) Used in: Bath Salts and Gunpowder. Sodium Chloride▮ pH: 7▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Commonly known as table salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Special uses include messing with Revenants - they can't jaunt through salt piles. Lye▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.9▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 10K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in Soap. Lye▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.9▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in Soap. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) Hydrogen Peroxide▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 6.2▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Oxygen 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Burns people on touch. Pentaerythritol▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 1 part Acetaldehyde 3 parts Formaldehyde 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Results in 2 units instead of 5. Acetaldehyde▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Water Temperature 450K Min temp: 450K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Acetone Oxide▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 2 parts Acetone 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Burns people badly on touch. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) Wittel ▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. N/A A lavaland geyser has a 1 in 27 chance to produce Wittel. Does nothing, but can be used to make Gravitum. Hyper-Plasmium Oxide ▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. N/A A lavaland geyser has a chance to produce this. Does nothing, but can be used to make Exotic Stabilizer. Exotic Stabilizer ▮ 1 part Hyper-Plasmium Oxide 1 part Stabilizing Agent N/A Is required to stabilize Nitroglycerin and TaTP. Reaction agents These reagents have active effects on reactions, consuming themselves on transfer. They can even be added to a full beaker for their effects to take place! Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Acidic Buffer▮ 2 parts Ethanol 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Sodium 2 parts Water Min react temp: 250K Overheat temp: 9999K pH range: 0 to 14 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly H+ producing This reagent will consume itself and move the pH of a beaker towards acidity when added to another. Basic Buffer▮ 3 parts Ammonia 2 parts Chlorine 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Oxygen Min react temp: 250K Overheat temp: 9999K pH range: 0 to 14 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly H+ consuming This reagent will consume itself and move the pH of a beaker towards alkalinity when added to another. Universal indicator▮ 1 parts Ash 1 parts Ethanol 1 parts Iodine Min react temp: 274K This reagent can be used to craft pH paper from the crafting menu. Will also dye anything it touches its associated pH value. Purity Tester Reagent▮ 1 part Prefactor a 1 part Stable plasma Required temp:below 800K Overheat temp: none Optimal pH range: 2 to 12 Min purity: 0.25 minorly H+ producing When added to a beaker, this reagent will either fizzle if a reagent in there is impure, or will do nothing if all of the reagents are above their purity threshold. Tempomyocin▮ 1 part Prefactor b 1 part Stable plasma Required temp: 50K Overheat temp: 500K Optimal pH range: 5 to 8 Min purity: 0.35 H+ producing Dangerous This will instantly speed up any reaction added it is added to, giving it a short burst of speed. Adding this reagent to a reaction will give it a suddent speed boost up to 3x times - with the output purity of the boost modified by the Tempomyocin's purity.5u per 100u will give you 2x, 10 u per 100u will give you 3x. It caps at 3x for a single addition, but there is nothing preventing you from adding multiple doses for multiple boosts. Prefactor a▮ 1 part Phenol 3 parts Ethanol 1 part Plasma Low temperature Required temp:below 800K Overheat temp: none Optimal pH range: 2 to 12 Min purity: 0.25 Very Endothermic This is part of a competitive reaction between Purity Tester and Tempomyocin. This outcompetes when the reaction is cold. Prefactor b▮ 1 part Phenol 3 parts Ethanol 1 part Plasma High temperature Required temp: 50K Overheat temp: 500K Optimal pH range: 5 to 8 Min purity: 0.35 Extremely Endothermic minor H+ producing Dangerously volitile This is part of a competitive reaction between Purity Tester and Tempomyocin. This outcompetes when the reaction is hot. Medicines "And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these. Some medicines have special suffixes to specify which damage types they are meant to treat: Brute = -ibital Burn = -uri Oxy = -mol Tox = iver Organ = -rite See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use and when. Optional catalysts for ALL medicine reactions Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Palladium synthate catalyst Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 2 ▮ 3 parts Libital 4 parts Probital 2 parts Plasma Required temp: 320K Overheat temp: 800K Optimal pH range: 5 to 6 Min purity: 0 H+ producing Very exothermic This will cause all medicines reacted in the same beaker to react faster, with it's speed equal to the purity of the catalyst (up to 2x, though it is still limited by it's maximum rate). An impure catalyst can be purposely made to slow down reactions, if desired. At least 10u is required in a beaker for it to have any effect on the reactions contained within. Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs may be considered to be cheap or commonly available "core" drugs, used to heal common ailments. Some of them should not be used repeatedly on the same patient, as they may have dangerous side effects. Consider using Tend Wounds surgery if satisfactory medicines aren't available. These are also known as "Category 2 Cobbychems". All these reactions will generally result in a 75% purity product with no intervention. For those returning - a 75% purity reagent will have the same effects as the reagents you're familiar with, which means that 100% pure reagents are 33% more effective. Name Formula Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Chemical properties Libital▮ Impurity: Libitoil Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <20% pH: 8.2▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 225K Overheat: 840K Optimal pH: 6 to 10 Unstable purity: <20% Exothermic Brute Medicine for treating brute damage. Each tick heals 0 to 4 brute (based off purity) and causes 0.3 liver damage. Inverse chem:Libitoil below 30% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 10% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Helbital▮ Inverse: Helgrasp <30% pH: 8▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sugar Min temp: 250K Overheat: 550K Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <55% Exothermic Brute Heals brute faster the more base damage you have. No side effects if in hardcrit. If not in crit: Heals (dmg/50) brute and deals 2 suffocation. If in softcrit: Heals (dmg/47) brute and deals 1 suffocation. If in hardcrit: Heals (dmg/45) brute and has no side effects. 0.0001% chance to make you play a game of rock-paper-scissors against the reaper for your life, potentially dusting you or healing you to full. Overdose applies a semi-blinding curse. Purity adjusts the damage requirements for each of the stages and adjusts the brute damage healed. Inverse chem:Helgrasp below 30%. When purity is below 25%, it will catch fire during the reaction, watch out for the flames! Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 35u Probital▮ Inverse: Mitogen Metabolism Factor <50% Failed: Metabolic Inhibition Factor <35% pH: 5.5▮ 2 parts Acetone 1 part Copper 1 part Phosphorus Min temp: 225K Overheat: 750K Optimal pH: 4.5 to 12 Unstable purity: <35% Weakly Exothermic Brute Heals 0 - 3 brute per tick (based off purity) but also deals (decreasing) stamina damage. If ingested by mouth it also creates a special enzyme in your system (bloodstream) (1.25u per 5u ingested), which turns any food you eat into healing peptides. These peptides heal an additional 3 brute and 1 burn with a 50% chance every tick. Overdose deals 3 stamina AND: If stamina dmg over 80: Causes drowsiness. If stamina dmg over 100: Removes 100 stamina damage and puts you to sleep for 10 seconds. Inverse chem: Mitogen Metabolism Factor below 50% Failed chem: Metabolic Inhibition Factor below 30% Was originally named Trophazole. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 20u Aiuri▮ Impurity: Aivime Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <25% pH: 4▮ 1 part Ammonia 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min temp: 50K Overheat: 315K Optimal pH: 4.8 to 9 Unstable purity: <25% Moderately endothermic Burn Medicine for treating burn damage. Each tick heals 0 - 2.7 burn (based on purity) and causes 0.25 eye damage. Impure chem: Aivime Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 25% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Lenturi▮ Impurity: Lentslurri Failed: Ichiyuri <25% pH: 4.7▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Min temp: 200K Overheat: 500K Optimal pH: 6 to 11 Unstable purity: <25% Endothermic Burn Each tick heals 0 to 4 burn (based on purity) and deals 0.4 stomach damage. Impure chem: Lenslurri Failed chem: Ichiyuri below 25% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Hercuri▮ Inverse: Herignis <30% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <15% pH: 8.9▮ 3 parts Cryostylane 1 part Lye 1 part Bromine Temperature below 47K Cold reaction Min temp: 47K Overheat: 5K Optimal pH: 6 to 10 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly endothermic Burn Heals burn damage and can cool you to unsafe levels. If applied with vapor such as with a spray bottle Cleaner.png it also removes some firestacks (extinguishes you). If burn is over 50: Heals 0 to 2.7 burn. (based off purity) If burn is under 50: Heals 0 to 1.65 burn. (based off purity) Overdose cools you down even more. Was originally named Rhigoxane. Inverse chem: Herignis below 30% - inverse chem is insolvent and will precipitate out during reaction. Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 15% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 25u Granibitaluri▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <10% pH: 7▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Carbon 1 part Sulfuric Acid 5 units Iron (catalyst) Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 10 Unstable purity: <10% Weakly Exothermic Brute and Burn Heals a small amount of brute and burn each cycle. The maximum healing you can get is 0.5 per cycle, and this decreases by 0.1 for every 10 combined brute and burn you have. At 50 or more combined damage, it heals nothing. Overdose deals 0.2 liver and toxin damage. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 100% OD: 50u Synthflesh▮ Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 7.2▮ 1 part Libital 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon Min temp: 250K Overheat: 325K Optimal pH: 5.5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly Exothermic Brute, burn Instantly heals 1.25 brute and burn damage per unit of the chemical applied, but also instantly deals toxin damage equal to 50 to 75% (based off purity) of brute and burn damage healed. Can be used to prepare corpses for defibrillation (needs under 180 brute and burn). Touch and vapor application only. If a husked corpse has at least 100u and under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 30% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Multiver▮ Inverse: Monover <35% pH: 9.2▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Min temp: 380K Overheat: 410K Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <10% Weakly endothermic Mildly H+ producing Toxin A chem purger that purges chems from bloodstream (3u per tick) and heals toxin damage faster the more unique medicines there are in the body (0.5 per med, max 1.5). Also causes 0.5 lung damage each tick. Having 3+ unique meds (2+multiver) will make it not purge medicines. If your Multiver is pure, the medicinal requirement is reduced by 1 (i.e. muliver + 1 medicine). Inverse chem: Monover below 30% - will precipitate out during a reaction and can catch fire if too hot. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Seiver▮ Inverse: Technetium 99 <45% pH: 3.7▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium Cold reaction Min temp: 320K Overheat: 99999K Optimal pH: 5 to 8 Unstable purity: <20% Strongly endothermic H+ producing Radiation and Toxin A medicine that shifts functionality based on temperature. Hotter temperatures will remove amounts of toxins, while colder temperatures will heal larger amounts of toxins only while the patient is irradiated. Damages the heart. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Syriniver▮ Impurity: Syrinifergus Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 8.6▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Toxin 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sulfur Min temp: 250K Overheat: 99999K Optimal pH: 6.5 to 9 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly endothermic Toxin tl;dr: Put 20% of this and 80% water into a beaker and inject it with an IV-drip, and it will heal toxin damage and purge reagents from bloodstream pretty fast. Impure reagent: Syrinifergus Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 30% Click expand for long description. Rate: 0.3u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 6u Tirimol▮ Inverse: Super Melatonin <40% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <20% pH: 5.6▮ 2 parts Acetone 3 parts Nitrogen 1 unit Sulfuric Acid (catalyst) Optional: Oxygen - pH stabliser Min temp: 100K Overheat: 720K Optimal pH: 2 to 7.1 Unstable purity: <20% Weakly endothermic Suffocation Emergency oxygen deprivation medication that causes fatigue and can make you fall asleep. Heals 0 to 4 suffocation (based on purity) and deals 2 stamina damage per tick. Causes drowsiness after 15 seconds, and then every 45 seconds. If it was in your system longer than 20 cycles, you will fall asleep for 10 seconds when it's out. Inverse chem: Super Melatonin below 40% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 20% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Convermol▮ Inverse: Coveroli <40% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <40% pH: 5.6▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Optional: Oxygen - speed boost Min temp: 370K Overheat: 570K Optimal pH: 3.045 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <40% Weakly Exothermic Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a (0 to 6.65):1 ratio (purity). Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle and deal toxin damage equal to 0.2 of suffocation healed. Will always deal at least 0.1 toxin damage, even without suffocation healed. Overdose causes toxin damage as if you always healed max suffocation, and quickly purges the chem. Inverse chem: Coveroli below 40% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 40% Oops I screwed up Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 35u Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing medicines, however they often heal faster and with fewer side effects (if any). Name Recipe Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Salicylic Acid Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 2.1 ▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Sodium 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Brute If you have more than 25 brute damage, heals 4 brute. If you have equal to or less than 25 brute damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Oxandrolone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 10.7 ▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part Phenol 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Burn If you have more than 25 burn damage, heals 4 burn. If you have equal to or less than 25 burn damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Salbutamol Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 2 ▮ 1 part Salicylic Acid 1 part Ammonia 1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Lithium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.1 units per tick N/A Regenerative Jelly Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 7 ▮ 1 part Omnizine 1 part Slime Jelly Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming All four basic types Heals 1.5 of each of the four basic damage types without the risk of overdose or damaging jellypeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pentetic Acid Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 1 ▮ 1 part Cyanide 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Radiation, toxin Heals 2 toxin damage per tick while purging 2u of other chemicals from the body. Prevents taking damage from radiation. 0.2 units per tick N/A Atropine Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 12 ▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Crit, all basic types If patient's health is critical it will heal brute/burn/toxin (2 / tick) and oxyloss (5 / tick) damage, as well as stop any further oxyloss. It also causes jitteriness and dizziness, which will shake the screen. Good for quickly getting critical patients back on their feet, but bad for combat because of the screenshake. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and cause extra jitteriness and dizziness. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units Calomel Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 1.5 ▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374K Min react temp: 374K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Purge Quickly purges the bloodstream of toxins (3u per tick). If your health is above 20, 1 toxin damage is dealt. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cryoxadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 11 ▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Stable Plasma Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming All four basic types and cellular Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage swiftly, but only when the body temperature is below 0C (273.15 K) AND if the target is sleeping or unconscious. It heals suffocation 3x as fast as most other damage types. Is more effective the colder the person is. If used in unupgraded cryo tubes every cycle will typically heal above 6 suffocation, 2 brute, 2 burn, 2 toxin and 2 cellular damage. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople, despite being cold. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pyroxadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 12 ▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Slime Jelly Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming All four basic types and cellular Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Clonexadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 13 ▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Cellular Quickly heals (cellular) damage, but only when in a cold environment. The colder the faster heal. Heals about 5 cellular per tick if used in unupgraded cryo tubes. 0.6 units per tick N/A Rezadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 12.2 ▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Copper Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Cellular Instantly heals all cellular damage while also healing 1 brute and burn damage per tick. If a husked corpse is treated with at least 5u and has under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. If overdosed deals 1 toxin damage per tick and makes you dizzy and jittery. Very good for treating cellular damage on the spot. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs perform niche functions that help against less common ailments. Name Formula Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Chemical properties Mutadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Bromine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Mutations Instantly removes your genetic mutations. Hulks hate it! 0.4 units per tick Mannitol▮ Impurity: Mannitoil Inverse: Toxic Monomers <45% Failed: Insolvent Medicinal Precipitate <40% pH: 10.4▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Min temp: 50K Overheat: 650K Optimal pH: 5 to 7.5 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ consuming Brain Heals 2 brain damage per tick. Does not heal traumas. Can be poured directly on brains to heal 2 damage per unit (minimum 10 units). Healing scales with purity. Will also increase your eyesight in the dark depending on purity. Overdose will increase your brain power, granting you E n l i g h t e n m e n t! Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 100% OD: 15u Neurine▮ Impurity: Neruwhine Inverse: Neruwhine <50% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <40% pH: 7▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mannitol 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 700K Optimal pH: 6.8 to 10 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ producing Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure basic traumas. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. When added to a patient, it will remember their brain damage - if their brain damage is below that value when added it will restore it back to what it was on consumption. When used on the dead will heal a corpse's brain slowly (patient must be dead and have a brain!). Healing scales with purity. Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Works on the dead Potassium Iodide▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Radiation Prevents damage from radiation, and heals 1 toxin damage each tick if you're irradiated. 0.8 units per tick Saline-Glucose Solution▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Brute, burn, blood loss Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 0.5 brute and burn damage. Can be used as a temporary substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become 1u salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. 0.2 units per tick OD: 60u Ephedrine▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Corazargh <40% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 12▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sugar Min temp: 200K Overheat: 500K Optimal pH: 7 to 9 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly endothermic H+ consuming Explosive Stun Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends), increases run speed, regenerates 1 stamina per tick and causes 20% chance to drop held items. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage with a 2% chance to cause a heart attack. If addicted it will deal toxin damage, cause breathing problems, cause increasingly frequent seizures and long term jitteriness. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. Side effects chances are slightly reduced by higher purity. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 30u Addictions: Weak stimulant (4 points) Diphenhydramine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Bromine 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Histamine Overdose Purges bloodstream of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.2 units per tick Oculine▮ Inverse: Oculater <45% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 10▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Min temp: 200K Overheat: 600K Optimal pH: 4.8 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Eye Quickly heals eye damage and has 20% chance per tick to revert blindness. Does not work against genetic blindness, which needs Mutadone. For blindness caused by brain damage you will need surgery or other means. Improves your ability to see in the dark based off purity while it's in your system. Rate: 0.1u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Inacusiate▮ Impurity: Tinacusiate Inverse: Tinacusiate <30% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <25% pH: 2▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Carbon 1 part Water Min temp: 300K Overheat: 500K Optimal pH: 5 to 10 Unstable purity: <25% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Ear Rapidly repairs damage to the patient's ears to cure deafness, assuming the source of said deafness isn't from genetic mutations, chronic deafness, or a total deficit of ears. Lets you hear whispers from a distance if it's 100% pure. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Epinephrine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Crit Prevents oxygen damage from crit state. If the patient is in crit it heals 0.5 oxyloss, toxins, brute, and burn. 20% chance each tick to reduce stun times a bit. Gives a minor stamina regeneration buff. Stops the formation of Histamine during allergic reactions. Worse than Atropine at saving critical patients, but better for mid combat use. If overdosed it will randomly deal light toxin and stamina damage, and some suffocation. 0.1 units per tick OD: 30 Units Antihol▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Prohol <35% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <15% pH: 4▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol Min temp: 1K Overheat: 550K Optimal pH: 3.5 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <15% Endothermic H+ producing Alcohol Purges 0-4u alcoholic drinks from someone's bloodstream each tick (depending on purity), as well as eliminating drunkenness, drowsiness, slurring, dizziness and confusion. Heals 0.2 toxin per tick. Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Insulin▮ Found in NanoMed Plus N/A Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick Strange Reagent▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life. Only works on ingestion. Amount needed increases depending on how much brute+burn damage the body has (at most 10u at 200 damage). Extra amounts will partly heal organ damage and blood levels on successful revive. The drug doesn't work on corpses with over 200 brute+burn damage or husks. In living people each tick randomly deals 0-2.5 brute and burn damage. Can revive simplemobs as well by splashing it on them. 0.5 units per tick Synaptizine▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Hallucination Decrease Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). Helps drowsiness and hallucinations go away much faster. Also purges Mindbreaker Toxin at 5u per tick. 30% chance per tick to cause 1 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Cryptobiolin Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus if you are infected. Has a high chance to block infection from disease and zombie attacks. Will slow disease progression and alien larva growth if already infected. Metabolises very slowly. 0.04 units per tick Miner's Salve▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Iron 1 part Water OR 5 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 1 part Sugar (Grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal, and a sheet of plasma) (Results in 15 parts instead of 11) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Improvised Patch Healing Chem Helps treat severe burn wounds and heals 0.25 brute and burn per tick, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch, which reduces nutrition by 5. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If applied with touch/patch it increases surgery speed by 10%. 1u heals roughly 1.5 burn+brute. 0.16 units per tick Lidocaine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium Min react temp: 320K Overheat temp: 600K Optimal pH range: 6 to 9 Min purity: 0.10 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Anesthetic VERY slowly-metabolizing anesthetic, essentially a slower metabolizing miner's salve that doesn't fix burns, but it can be applied by more than just touch/patch. Makes a great replacement for miners salve and nitrogen for anesthetic purposes, though. If overdosed, will cause rapidly rising heart damage followed by messages of chest pain, though the heart damage will cap at 80 and not go higher even if you still are overdosing. 0.02 units per tick OD: 20 units Addictions: Opiate (5 points) Modafinil▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ammonia 1 part Sulfuric Acid 1 unit Bromine (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Sleep Slowly-metabolizing medicine. Heals dizziness, drowsiness, sleep (but not unconsciousness) and heats you up if frozen, similarly to Coffee Latte. Reduces stun times slightly. If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, dizziness (later), 50% chance to choke. After 41 cycles 20% chance to stun you. Cycle 82 puts you into endless sleep while constantly dealing 1.5 stamina and oxygen damage. No chance for addiction but very finicky OD. 0.02-0.08 units per tick OD: Random, initially 20 but goes up or down 0.1 each tick. Morphine▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 480K Min react temp: 480K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Damage slowdown Allows you to run at full speed even when hurt, even from stamina damage, but does not remove slowdown from wearing a hardsuit. You'll get drowsy after 12 cycles, and fall asleep if it's in your system for 24 cycles. You will not wake up until it's out of your system. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If overdosed or addicted it will cause jitteriness, dizziness and force the victim to drop items in their hands. If addicted it will also eventually deal 1, 2 and later 3 toxin damage per tick. Can be ordered from Cargo, be grown at Botany or be found in a NanoMed Plus. (Results in 2 parts instead of 6) 0.2 units per tick OD: 30 Units Opiate(10 points) Haloperidol▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Aluminium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of some drugs while purging them. Reduces jitteriness and hallucinations. However each tick also causes drowsiness, 2.5 stamina damage and 20% chance for 1 brain damage (up to 50). 0.16 units per tick Leporazine ▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. 0.4 units per tick Higadrite▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Liver failure Protects from toxin damage caused by liver failure. 0.4 units per tick Psicodine▮ 2 parts Mannitol 1 part Impedrezene 2 parts Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and raises sanity to neutral. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick OD: 30 units Energized Jelly▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Slime Jelly Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick Penthrite▮ Inverse: Nooartrium <25% pH: 12.7▮ 1 part Pentaerythritol 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Acetone 1 part Wittel Min temp: 255K Overheat: 450K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Exothermic Heart, crit An explosive compound used to stabilize heart conditions. If you are not in crit it stabilizes your heart. If health is under crit threshold it prevents crit, heals you 2 tox/brute/burn, 6 oxy and damages heart 0.1 per unit. If you reach -60 health the penthrite is purged and you get a heart attack. Causes slow stomach damage. Overdose causes instant heart attack. Explodes when mixed with equal amounts Epinephrine (strenghtdiv 5) OR Atropine (strenghtdiv 5, modifier 5) (Results in 3 units instead of 4) Purity will adjusts the threshold requirements (above 75% lowered requirements, below 75% higher requirements). Inverse reagent: Nooatrium below 25% Reaction will boom like a heart if overheated. Rate: 0.2u/tick OD: 50u Sanguirite▮ Found in epipens N/A Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Passively reduces bleeding by 30% while in the bloodstream. Only helps clot whichever wound is currently bleeding the most. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation, with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.1 units per tick OD: 20 units Pulped Banana Peel▮ Grind or juice banana peels N/A Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Exact same effects as Sanguirite except slightly weaker clot coefficiency. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation, with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.4 units per tick OD: 20 units Determination Receive a wound. Moderate: 1 Severe: 2.5 Critical: 5 Losing a limb: 7.5 N/A Wounds Determination is added to your system when you're wounded and helps deal with the effects. Reduces bloodloss by 15%, limping by 75%, heals each wounded limb by .25 and heals stamina by the same amount, cures Adrenal Crisis caused by purging Kronkaine, and gives a +10 painkiller bonus. When it clears out of your system, you instantly take 3 stamina damage for each moderate wound, 6 for each severe, and 9 for each critical. 0.3 units per tick Caps at 10 Non-craftable Medicines These healing drugs are used in some situations, but are otherwise uncraftable. Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Points Changeling Adrenaline▮ Changelings Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends) and regenerates 10 stamina per tick. Can make you dizzy and jittery. If overdosed it will deal 1 toxin damage per tick. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 4u of this. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Changeling Haste▮ Changelings Speed Increases your speed to the maximum possible in most cases. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 2u of this. Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Omnizine▮ Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in lollipops and heated Donk Pockets Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Protozine▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.2 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. A weaker omnizine, but can be used in Strange Reagent crafting. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Godblood▮ Healing Fountain in Lavaland injects 20u of Godblood on use, Strange Seeds. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation This is Omnizine with 5 times higher overdose threshold. Just like Omnizine, heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick, but that's not really a concern. 0.1 units per tick 150 Units N/A Honey▮ Beekeeping Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation 55% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. Metabolizes very quickly and adds 3u sugar to your system. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Earthsblood▮ Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All damage types The first 25 cycles, each tick heals 1 brute, 1 burn, 0.5 suffocation, 0.5 toxin, 0.1 cellular and 0.5 stamina while dealing 1 brain damage (up to max 150). Cycle 26 and onwards, each tick heals 5 brute, 5 burn, 3 suffocation, 3 toxin, 1 cellular and 3 stamina while dealing 2 brain damage (up to max 150) and giving you jitteriness and drugginess (your character might say some special messages as well!). You will be unable to directly hurt anyone via most means while it's in your body (this effect is similar to that of Pax). Overdosing causes hallucinations, deals no damage before cycle 26, a net of 1 toxin damage per tick from cycles 26 to 100 and a net of 3 toxin damage per tick after cycle 100. Overdosing also gives you the severe traumatic non-violence brain trauma (brain surgery level). The trauma does not go away until cured. 0.4 units per tick (static) 25 Units hallucinogens(14 points) Silibinin▮ Grow Galaxythistle Liver damage Each tick heals 2 liver damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A N/A Polypyrylium Oligomers▮ Grow Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lung damage A purple mixture of short polyelectrolyte chains not easily synthesized in the laboratory. Each tick heals 0.25 lung damage and 0.35 brute. Stops bleeding (over time). Will color hair and beard purple from touch or vapor. Overdose deals 0.25 lung damage. 0.1 units per tick 50 Units N/A Mitogen Metabolism Factor▮ Eating Probital Brute If this enzyme exists as a catalyst in your body (at least 0.5u), any food you eat turns into healing peptides, which heal brute and some burn. If overdosed the metabolism changes to 2 units per tick and makes you vomit. 0.025 units per tick 10 Units N/A Musiver▮ Injecting Syriniver Toxin Heals 1 toxin per tick while purging 0.2u reagents and dealing 0.1 liver damage (1/8 as much as liver damage as Syriniver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A Muscle Stimulant▮ Strange seeds Slowdown Makes you ignore slowdowns from being hurt. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Cordiolis Hepatico▮ Strange seeds, Abductor's operating table injects this too Heart and liver failure Removes the need for heart and liver. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Stimulants▮ Syndicate uplink Stun Increases movement speed a lot. Reduces stun times by around 90% or less (depends). Recovers 5 stamina per tick. Will heal 1 of each damage type if health is between 0 and 50. If overdosed has 33% chance per tick to deal 2.5 stamina damage, 1 toxin damage and cause loss of breath. Also reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. Can be bought with syndicate uplink. 0.2 units per tick 60 Units Stimulant(4 points) Restorative Nanites▮ Syndicate medical cyborgs All damage types Each tick heals 5 brute/burn/toxin, 15 suffocation, 15 brain and 3 cellular. If overdosed this very quickly purges itself and causes random vomiting. Only available to Syndicate medical cyborgs. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Synaphydramine▮ Viruses Drowsiness, Hallucinations, Histamine Reduces drowsiness, caps and reduces the frequency of hallucinations, quickly purges Mindbreaker Toxin and Histamine from the body. Automatically generated by a virus with Mind Restoration as a symptom. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Adminordrazine▮ Admin Intervention Everything When injected into a person, it heals everything, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. When used on a handcuffed individual, it even used to break them out of cuffs. When used on a hydroponics tray, it cures all ailments and has a high chance of triggering a mutation. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Removed Medicines These healing meds used to exist, but have since been removed or renamed for one reason or another. Some servers still use these, but /tg/ does not, and the recipes for them will not work on /tg/. Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Bicaridine▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 brute damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Kelotane▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 burn damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Anti-Toxin▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Silicon 1 part Potassium Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u toxin reagents per tick. If overdosed deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Tricordrazine▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Anti-Toxin 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Kelotane All types Has 80% chance to heal 1 each of the four basic damage types per tick. If overdosed deals an average of 1.2 damage of every type per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Dexalin▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ Aug 2019. Medical cyborg hypospray and other sources Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick. If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. Used by medibots. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Charcoal▮ Was replaced with Multiver Aug 2019. 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, while also removing 1u of any other chemicals. Only works when ingested. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Silver Sulfadiazine▮ Was replaced with Aiuri Aug 2019. 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn On touch, instantly heals 1 burn damage per unit, then heals 2 burn per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 burn damage. Deals minor burn and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Styptic Powder▮ Was replaced with Libital Aug 2019. 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute On touch, instantly heals 1 brute damage per unit, then heals 2 brute per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 brute damage. Deals minor brute and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Perfluorodecalin▮ Was renamed Convermol Aug 2019. 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:2 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle. This means you will take 2 toxin damage for every 5 suffocation damage healed. You will always take at least 0.2 toxin damage per tick, even if you don't heal any suffocation. If overdosed each tick will deal toxin damage equal to 1 times current cycle, regardless of suffocation damage healed. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units N/A Sanguibital▮ Was replaced with Helbital Sept 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sugar Brute One of the first "Cobbychems". Only existed on /tg/ for a short while. Removed by Cobby because it wasn't ever used (except as a poison) and the entire gimmick made it undesirable. Heals brute if you have lower than full blood levels, scaling with missing blood volume. Will heal up to 5(10?) brute per tick if very low on blood. Dilates blood streams, increasing the amount of blood lost by 2 per tick. Overdosing doubles the blood lost from this chem. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units N/A Ichiyuri▮ Was replaced with Lenturi Oct 2019. 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by MacBlaze1 with Cobby approval because it was never used and simply wasn't fun to be on. Used to treat serious burns. Prolonged exposure can cause burns to itch. Heals 2 burn per tick, and randomly makes you scratch yourself every few seconds, causing 1-7 brute and bleeding. The itch will happen more often the longer it's been in your system. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Fiziver▮ Was replaced with Seiver Oct 2019. 1 part Aluminium 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium Toxin One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by Cobby because Fiziver didn't see much use and I grew to dislike the overall damage mods. An antitoxin that heals toxin damage but temporarily physically weakens the user, adding a damage modifier making them take extra brute, burn, suffocation and stamina damage. The damage modifier increases the longer it's been in the body (capped to triple damage). Toxin damage healed is 0.3 points per tick multiplied with the damage modifier (so up to 0.6). Overdosing has a 50% chance each tick to deal 0.2 brute and burn damage, which will be amplified by the damage multiplier in effect. 0.1 units per tick 11 Units N/A Corazone▮ Name changed to Higadrite Nov 2019. 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Liver Nov 2019 it was changed to only work on livers. Since Corazone is Spanish for "heart" it had its name changed to Higadrite (higado = liver). Protects from liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Lavaland Extract▮ Was removed in June, 2020. Brute, burn Survival medipens used to come with 2u of this. Very quickly heals damaged bodyparts. If overdosed it will deal heal about 2 brute/burn but deal 3 toxin damage per tick. Has very low overdose threshold. 0.4 units per tick 3 Units N/A Narcotics Narcotics are highly addictive drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation. Name Recipe Reaction conditions Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Points Nicotine▮ Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. N/A Reduces stun times by typically around 20% (depends). Addiction causes bad mood, coughing and jitter. If overdosed it will deal 1.1 oxygen and 0.1 toxin damage per tick. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick 15 Units Nicotine(18 points) Krokodil▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Morphine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 380K Min react temp: 380K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal 0.25 Brain and Toxin damage per tick. If addicted it will first deal some toxin and brain damage, and later switch to dealing 3 Brute damage, right before the addict's skin falls off, dealing 50 Brute. This turns you into a fake zombie. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units Opiods(18 points) Methamphetamine▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374K (Heat another degree if it doesn't work) Required temp: 372K Overheat temp: 380K Optimal pH range: 6.5 to 7.5 Min purity: 0.5 Exothermic nature is tied to purity H+ producing Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends), gives a large speed boost, makes you jittery and recovers 2 stamina while dealing 1 to 4 Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from 1 Toxin and 0.5 to 1 Brain damage per tick. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and lose motor control and eventually suffer 5 Toxin damage per tick. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380K. Explosive strength about 0.083 with modifier 5. Can not explode in a body. The lower the impurty is, the stronger the exothermic nature of the reaction will be. Keep some buffer handy and keep your pH between the tight window and you should have no problems. 0.3 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(12 points) Bath Salts▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Bad Food 1 part Universal Enzyme 1 part Nutriment 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury Temperature 374K Min react temp: 374K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Makes the subject immune to sleep and stuns, grants 5 stamina regeneration and grants the user the psychotic brawling martial art, which makes your interactions with people have certain random effects. However the subject will suffer 4 Brain damage (per tick), constant hallucinations and will lose some motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool, and randomly drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will jitter, suffer 10 Brain damage (per tick), severe hallucinations, dizziness, yet more loss of motor control and eventually 5 Toxin damage (per tick). This drug will melt your brain. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(25 points) Aranesp▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Morphine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming The subject will think they are "amped" and get 18 stamina regeneration. However the drug has 50% chance every tick to cause the subject to suffocate (and take 1 oxyloss), while also dealing 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.2 units per tick N/A stimulants(8 points) Happiness▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Ethanol 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Suppresses phobias and fills you with ecstatic emotional numbness. Removes jitteriness, confusion and disgust. Causes 0.2 brain damage per tick. Highly addictive. If overdosed causes sudden mood swings and an additional 0.5 brain damage per tick. If addicted it will slowly drive your mood to "insane". 0.2 units per tick 20 Units hallucinogens(18 points) Space Drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming An illegal compound which induces drugginess, randomly makes you step in any direction and makes you drool, giggle and similar. If overdosed causes hallucinations. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units hallucinogens(10 points) Pump-Up▮ 2 parts Epinephrine 5 parts Coffee Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Reduces knockdown times from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png) by 90%. Doesn't affect stuns from other sources. 15% chance to cause loss of breath, and 5% to cause some jitter. If overdosed has 20% chance of causing loss of breath and 4 stamina damage, 15% to cause 2 toxin, 5% to drop held items, 5% to jitter and can also make you drool. Can be found in maintenance Pump up injector.png. (Results in 5 parts instead of 7) 1.2 units per tick 30 Units stimulants(6 points) Maintenance Tar▮ 1 part Organic Slurry 1 part Tea 1 part Welding Fuel or 3 parts Universal Enzyme 1 part Tea 1 part Welding Fuel Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Raw tar, straight from the floor. It can help you with escaping bad situations at the cost of liver damage. Adjusts stuns by -10 and deals 1.5 liver damage each tick. Overdose deals 5 toxin and an additional 3 liver damage. Addiction will later deal toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 3 parts Maintenance Tar and 1 part Sulfuric Acid, instead of 3 or 5) 0.2 units per tick 30 Units maintenance drugs(5 points) Maintenance Sludge▮ 3 parts Maintenance Tar 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 5 units Hydrogen Peroxide (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Makes you more resistant to wounds but causes toxins to accumulate. Deals 0.5 toxin. Overdose deals 1 extra toxin with 10% chance of 5 toxin and vomit. Addiction will later deal more toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 1 part instead of 4) 0.8 units per tick 25 Units maintenance drugs(8 points) Maintenance Powder▮ 6 parts Maintenance Sludge 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Universal Enzyme 5 units Acetone Oxide (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Enhances your mental ability, making you learn stuff a lot faster. Multiplies skill gain depending on volume, but deals 0.1 brain damage. Overdose deals an additional 3 brain damage. Addiction will later deal toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 1 part instead of 8) 0.2 units per tick 15 Units maintenance drugs(14 points) Kronkaine▮ 15 parts Kronkus Extract 10 parts Welding Fuel 5 parts Ammonia N/A Instantly heals 4 * volume stamina damage and halves the time it takes to do most actions while it is in your body while causing 0.3 heart damage. Causes adrenal crisis syndrome if you try and purge it with multiver and haloperidol. Deals significant heart damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(20 points) bLaSToFF▮ 10 parts Cyanide 10 parts Silver 5 parts Lye N/A Causes you to flip randomly based on volume. Every third flip is a superflip that launches you forward. Every third spin is a super spin that causes nausea but throws anyone grabbing you. Also causes trippy visuals, 0.3 lung damage and reduces knockdowns. When overdosed it causes you spin randomly based on volume and additional 0.3 lung damage. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units hallucinogens(15 points) SaturnX▮ 5 parts Lead 5 parts Nothing 10 parts Maintenance Tar N/A Makes the user invisible, although their clothes are still visible. Causes 0.3 liver damage and applies a unique visual effect. When overdosed it causes additional liver damage and causes the user to giggle. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units maintenance drugs(20 points) Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. Explosive Strength For chemicals which are explosive, you may notice an 'explosive strength' listed in the description. This is a multiplier that directly affects how large of an explosion a given quantity of the reagent will produce. A few types of explosion have a 'modifier', which adds a flat amount to the size of the explosion. By default the outer 'light impact' radius of an explosion is equal to √(mod+quantity*strength)*√2, while the heavy impact radius and devastation radius is one half and one quarter of that, respectively. Chemical explosions are not a subject to the standard TTV Bombcap. Eventough it doesn't have a hardcoded maxcap currently the biggest possible explosion is that of 2100u custom made chemical payload bomb. Note that all non-standard explosions or other AoE pyrotechnics, such as Flash Powder or Liquid Dark Matter, do not work like this. The scaling and max size of these effects vary on a case-by-case basis. Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Chemical properties Stabilizing Agent▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. The stabilizing agent is not consumed when stabilizing explosives, and one unit is enough to stabilize any amount of explosives. This does not work on everything, so be warned! Also turns plasma into stable plasma (which can already be dispensed from chem dispenser) if mixed 1:1. 0.4 units per tick Fluorosurfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulfuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any floors, objects, people or animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). The less foam used, the more reagent will be delivered into a person's system. Foam is slippery! Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Smoke▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized into Smoke Powder with Stabilizing Agent. N/A Smoke Powder▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar 1 part Stabilizing Agent (catalyst) The stabilized version of Smoke - only one third as effective as the unstabilized chemical reaction. Heat to 374K to activate. Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Flash Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Phlogiston▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulfuric Acid 1 part Stable Plasma Turns into a spreading plasma fire if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 6 fire damage every 2 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. 0.4 units per tick Napalm▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer than other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. 0.4 units per tick Sonic Powder▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to heat its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Pyrosium, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does nothing whatsoever without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. In a body 0.5u oxygen will be consumed every tick to increase body temperature by 15. 0.2 units per tick Cryostylane▮ Impurity: Ice Inverse: Cryogelidia <50% pH: 8.6▮ 1 part Ice 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Nitrogen Min temp: -200K Overheat: 99999K Optimal pH: 4 to 10 Unstable purity: <20% Strongly endothermic H+ consuming Induces a cryostasis like state in a patient's organs, preventing them from decaying while dead. Slows down surgery while in a patient however. Will progressively consume all liquid Oxygen to cool its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Cryostylane, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does not react with the oxygen in air. In a body 0.5u oxygen will be consumed every tick to decrease body temperature by 15. Special reaction mechanics :The colder it is during the reaction, the lower the purity will be. Rate: 0.02u/tick Unreacted purity: 100% Works on the dead Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 3 parts Fluorine 1 part Chlorine Temperature 424K When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Becomes 1000K when first mixed. A flammable substance so dangerous it can instantly melt floor or floor plating with high amounts. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will deal 6 burn per tick from the inside. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast however. 4 units per tick Sorium▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mercury 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Meth Explosion▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 300K Reagents are 300K (room temperature) by default so this will blow up when mixed unless some reagents were cooled. Has an explosive strength of 0.083, with a modifier 5, but results in 1 part instead of 4 so is effectively much weaker than exploding Meth. Can not explode in a body. N/A Gunpowder▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Sulfur When heated to 474K it sparks, and then creates a violent explosion 5-10 seconds later. Causes hallucinations and drugginess in plasmamen. Has an explosive strength of 0.1 and a modifier of 5. Was originally named Black Powder. 0.05 units per tick Nitroglycerin▮ 1 part Glycerol 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Sulfuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing. Can only be stabilized by having Exotic Stabilizer (at least 1u per 25u nitroglycerin made) in the container on mix. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Has an explosive strength of 0.5. 0.4 units per tick RDX▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Acetone Oxide 1 part Nitric Acid 1 unit Gold (catalyst) Temperature 404K A military grade explosive. Explodes immediately unless stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, explodes on heating to 474k, or when mixed with an equal amount of liquid electricity or teslium. Has an explosive strength of 0.143, or 0.286 if activated electrically . Additionally, when activated electrically it has extra fire range, a modifier of 4, or a modifier of 6 if you use teslium. (200 heated RDX would be same as 100 RDX + 100 teslium if it wasn't for the modifiers. )(Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick TaTP▮ 1 part Acetone Oxide 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Pentaerythritol Temperature between 401K and 499K (randomized at roundstart) Suicide grade explosive. Forms and immediately explodes at a random temperature between 401k and 499k. Can only be stabilized by having Exotic Stabilizer (at least 1u per 50u TaTP made) in the container on mix. If stabilized, explodes at a random temperature between 501k and 599k. The more units you use the stronger the explosive strength becomes, topping off at 0.67 at around 2100u. (Results in 1 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Penthrite Explosion▮ 1 part Penthrite 1 part Phenol 1 part Acetone Oxide Temperature 315K An explosive reaction involving Penthrite. Explodes on heating to 315k. Has an explosive strength of 0.2 N/A Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Useful in grenade production. Has an explosive strength of 0.05 N/A Holy Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Holy Water This explodes immediately on mixing. If it combined at least 75 of each reagent, it results in a more powerful explosion with an explosive strength of 0.125, which also paralyzes and reveals revenants and sets nearby cultists on fire. Otherwise it behaves like a normal Water-Potassium explosion. N/A EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, creating an electromagnetic pulse which affects electronics nearby; very useful for causing chaos. Has different effects on different things. Turns off headsets, stuns cyborgs, disables security cameras, messes with Cybernetics, randomizes suit sensor settings, burns wearers of some hardsuits and randomly pulses wires. N/A Bee Explosion (Beesplosion) 1 part Honey 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Radium Creates bees. 1 bee per 5 created volume. If mixed in a beaker or grenade containing other reagents, then every bee will contain one of those reagents. The bees from this reaction have a limited lifespan, and will die after 50 seconds. Doesn't work in grenades. N/A Teslium▮ 1 part Gunpowder 1 part Silver 1 part Stable Plasma Temperature 400K Randomly shocks the victim every 5-30 seconds while it is in their system, ignoring any protection because the shock comes from inside them. Also increases damage taken from normal shocks. Heating this to 474K will create a Tesla Shock 0.2 units per tick Tesla Shock 1 part Teslium 1 part Water OR Heating Teslium to 474K This reacts immediately on mixing, shooting electric bolts at anyone near the reaction, shocking people and disabling/damaging electronics. Teslium amount determines damage and number of bolts. 10u for one bolt, 40u for 2 bolts, and 75u for 3 bolts. Each extra bolt deals more damage than the previous one. N/A Thermite▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that can burn straight through walls or floors when splashed and ignited. Needed amount depends on target structure. A normal wall requires 30u. A reinforced wall requires 50u. One unit of thermite burns for 0.35 seconds and the maximum burn length is 20 seconds. The fire is fake and cosmetic. Does not work on doors or windows. Causes 1 burn damage per tick to humans when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Other Reagents These are other chemicals that usually have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacturing of grenades, but some can be quite dangerous. Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Metabolism Rate Ice▮ 1 part Water Temperature below 274K Min react temp: below 274K Chilly! Baldium▮ 1 part Lye 1 part Radium 1 part Sulfuric Acid Temperature 395K Min react temp: 395K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you, it makes you go bald. Keep away from the Clown! Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair style. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Bluespace Dust▮ Grind a bluespace crystal N/A Occasionally causes random short distance teleportation. If splashed on someone it teleports them 1 tile per 5 units used. 0.4 units per tick BZ Metabolites▮ Breathe BZ gas N/A Does nothing unless you're a changeling. Slowly drains a changeling's chemical storage. 0.08 units per tick Concentrated Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you it grows your hair very long. Does nothing when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Candle 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Oxygen Temperature 374K Min react temp: 374K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates a red candle for use in decoration or rituals. Can not react in a body. N/A Carbon Dioxide▮ 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Carbon Temperature 777K Min react temp: 777K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates CO2 in liquid form. Spilling this will release gas form CO2 into the atmosphere. Has no other effects. 0.4 units per tick Carpet ▮ 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Blood Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates a carpet on the floor. Best used in a smoke machine/grenade or spray bottle. Ingredient in Barber's Aid. Can be mixed 1:1 with other chemicals to create different types of carpet: Click expand for list of recipes. Oil : Black Carpet Cryostylane : Blue Carpet Cyanide : Cyan Carpet Green Beer: Green Carpet Orange Juice: Orange Carpet Regenerative Jelly : Purple Carpet Liquid Gibs: Red Carpet Some of the above carpet chemicals can be further refined: Black Carpet + Royal Bee Jelly : Royal Black Carpet Blue Carpet + Royal Bee Jelly : Royal Blue Carpet 0.4 units per tick Colorful Reagent▮ 1 part Triple Citrus 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium 1 part Stable Plasma Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Randomly colors floor, items and people. Keep away from the clown. Add this to your smoke grenade for a "rainbow bomb". 0.4 units per tick Condensed Capsaicin▮ 5 parts Ethanol 1 part Capsaicin Oil Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Also known as "pepper spray". A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work. When a target is sprayed with this, the effects depend on if that person is wearing "pepper proof" gear over both mouth and eyes or not. Unless the target has full protection, they will be affected by 3 seconds of knockdown, 6 seconds of blindness, 10 seconds of blurry eyes, 10 seconds of confusion and 10 seconds of slowdown. Some examples of pepper proof items are: Gas masks, security gas masks, riot or welding helmets with visor down, space helmets, bandanas (mouth only), plasmaman helmets and radiation hoods. Found in pepper spray refillers. (Results in 5 units instead of 6) 0.4 units per tick Life▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood Temperature 375K N/A Creates one or multiple pissed off lifeforms. It's a good idea to assume the worst and have Security on hot standby. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Life (Friendly)▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Sugar Temperature 375K N/A Creates one or multiple friendly lifeforms. Good for when you want to be surrounded by fluffy Corgis, or for when cargo has a bounty on Corgi pelts. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Cellulose Fibers Grind wood planks N/A A crystaline polydextrose polymer. Plants swear by this stuff. Used for making Medicated Sutures. 0.4 units per tick Cellulose Carbonization 1 part Cellulose Temperature 512K Min react temp: 512K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Turns cellulose into carbon. N/A Corgium 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Blood 1 part Nutriment Temperature 374K N/A Creates your own Corgi! N/A Color Powder▮ Grow Rainbow Bunch N/A Colors floor, items and people. There are several different color powder reagents, such as Mundane Powder, Invisible Powder and Blue Powder. There is no reagent with the actual name "color powder". 0.4 units per tick Crayon Powder▮ Grind a crayon N/A A variety of Color Powder that works the same except it can't color mobs. There are several different crayon powder colors. 0.4 units per tick Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. 0.6 units per tick Drying Agent▮ 2 parts Stable Plasma 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Foaming Agent▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Used in Metal Foam production. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) 0.4 units per tick Firefighting Foam▮ 1 part Stabilizing Agent 1 part Fluorosurfactant 1 part Carbon Temperature below 200K Cold reaction Min react temp: 200K Overheat temp: 5K pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Very endothermic Mildly H+ consuming When used in a spray or with smoke it creates a non-slippery foam which extinguishes fires and burning creatures, and removes burning plasma from the air, dumping it on the floor upon dissipation. 0.4 units per tick Glitter▮ Prize from arcade machines N/A White glitter, blue glitter and pink glitter are three different chems which when touching floors turn into fake gases. Used for pranks. Can be cleaned up with the ordinary cleaning tools. 0.4 units per tick Glycerol▮ 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. Used to make Nitroglycerin or FRAG-12 shotgun slugs. Slippery like water. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Gravitum▮ 1 part Wittel 10 part Sorium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Makes you completely weightless as long as it's in your system. Can be sprayed on objects to make them weightless aswell, for 1 minute per unit. Metabolizes extremely slowly. Paraplegics and clownophobes swear by this stuff. 0.04 units per tick Growth Serum▮ Fly amanita N/A Makes you larger as long as it's in your systems. The more you have the bigger you become. Maximum size is achievable by having at least 200 units in your body. 0.4 units per tick Hollow Water▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. N/A Used in a catalystic reaction where it gets turned into holy water if its mixed with holy water. 0.4 units per tick Impedrezene▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 80% chance per tick to cause 2 brain damage and 50% to cause drowsiness. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Quantum Hair Dye▮ 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair color. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Laughter▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Banana Juice Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Causes you to laugh. (Results in 10 units instead of 2) instant Magillitis▮ Syndicate uplink N/A Turns monkeys and humans into gorillas after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Meat Product 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Nutriment 10 parts Carbon N/A Creates a slab of chemically processed meat. Can not react in a body. N/A Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but are useful for plugging hull breaches or blocking off AI turrets. Can be made with either iron or aluminium for different looks. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Metalgen Randomized every 3 days. Recipe can be found in a ruin. Randomized! Very rare, very interesting and very abusable. Metalgen, when imprinted with a material, will turn all objects it comes into contact with into that material. See the reaction below for imprinting. Does nothing to people. Make super mood rooms by turnin the whole thing into gold, or just kill everyone by turning the escape shuttle into uranium or plasma. Can be used for practically limitless resource generation. N/A Metalgen Imprint Any amount of Metalgen 40 parts of any liquid material (Bluespace dust, gold, uranium, silver, iron, silicon and plasma) 1 part Liquid Dark Matter (add last) N/A When the this reaction happens, the metalgen used will become imprinted with the used material. The remaining metalgen will still have the same name but will convert items and structures into the imprinted material if it touches them. Note that certain materials, like diamonds, don't have a liquid form. Silicon will work for glass. N/A Nanomachines▮ Roburgers from silver slime extracts N/A Inflicts a disease which turns the victim into a cyborg with Asimov laws. The disease can be cured with an injection of copper. 0.4 units per tick Smart Foaming Agent▮ 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Required to make smart metal foam. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) 0.4 units per tick Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming A "smart" version of metal foam that reacts to tiles exposed to space by forming floors/walls. Usually doesn't encase people or block hallways. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Nitrous Oxide▮ 2 parts Ammonia 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 525K Min react temp: 525K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates N2O in liquid form.When heated to 575K it throws things away and then explodes. Will cause drowsiness when sprayed on someone. While it is inside of someone, it causes anemia (blood loss), confusion, and loss of breath. Spilling this will release gas form N2O into the atmosphere. If during reaction the purity of the N2O dips below 30% it will begin airolating itself. 0.6 units per tick Silver Solidification 20 parts Silver 10 parts Carbon Temperature 630K N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Silver into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Gold Solidification 20 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Iron N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Gold into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Plasma Solidification 20 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Plasma into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Uranium Solidification 20 parts Uranium 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Potassium N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Uranium into a sheet. Can not react in a body. N/A Plastic Sheets 5 parts Oil 3 parts Ash 2 parts Sulfuric Acid Temperature 374K N/A Creates Plastic sheets at a rate of 10u per Plastic sheet. Can be used in hand to craft plastic bottles Large water bottle.png and other novelties. Be sure to put some plastic sheets in the Protolathe, as plastic is needed for a lot of advanced medical equipment. N/A Romerol▮ Syndicate uplink N/A Romerol adds a zombie infection tumor (festering ooze) to the victims' heads. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people by clawing them. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the Morgue. Can be applied with both touch and ingestion. The tumor can be removed with surgery. instant Royal Bee Jelly▮ 40 parts Honey 10 parts Unstable Mutagen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected. (Results in 5 units instead of 50) 0.4 units per tick Serotrotium▮ Strange seeds N/A Makes you randomly twitch, drool, moan and gasp. 0.1 units per tick Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K N/A Creates a bar of soap. Slightly slower at cleaning than with what you can find on the station. Can not react in a body. N/A Space Cleaner▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming This is able to clean almost all surfaces of most things that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Unlike scrubbing tools, this does not clean forensics (fingerprints). 0.4 units per tick Spray Tan▮ 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 part Corn Oil Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Darkens the skin when sprayed or patched. Ingesting more than 10u overdoses you, which makes you tanned, spiky haired, randomly flex your muscles and spout an old meme. 0.4 units per tick Space Lube▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Space Lube is a high performance lubricant. Splashing it on floor tiles makes them extremely slippery for a very long time. Only way to remove it is to pry out/replace the floor tiles or wait. (Results in 4 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Sterilizine▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming When applied via touch or vapor, increases the speed of surgical steps by 20%. Useful for surgery in less than ideal conditions. 0.4 units per tick Synthmeat 5 parts Blood 1 part Cryoxadone N/A Creates a slab of synthetic meat. N/A Medicated suture.png Medicated Suture 20 units Formaldehyde 15 units Polypyrylium Oligomers 10 units Cellulose N/A Creates a Medicated Suture. N/A Advanced regenerative mesh closed.pngAdvanced Regenerative Mesh 10 units Sterilizine 20 units Aloe Juice 20 units Cellulose N/A Creates an Advanced Regenerative Mesh. N/A Mourning poultice.pngMourning Poultice 20 units Aloe Juice 20 units Bungotoxin 20 units Cellulose N/A Creates a Mourning Poultice. N/A Organic Slurry▮ Dipping a Dead mouse in 3 to 45 units of welding fuel and grinding it down. N/A A mixture of various differently colored fluids. Only works when ingested. If injected, will revert to Welding Fuel. Randomly induces vomiting and later short stuns as well. Rapidly purges itself each vomit when stunning. Results in 4 units instead of 3. 0.4 units per tick Pax▮ 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Synaptizine 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Pacifies by preventing the victim from using Combat Mode Combat 32.png, certain harmful weapons and only letting them use passive or aggressive Grab action.png Grab 32.png.. Non-harmful weapons such as disablers still work. 0.1 units per tick Synthpax▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs N/A Same as Pax but metabolises much faster. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Dizzying Solution Peacekeeper Cyborgs N/A Makes the target dizzy and confused. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Tranquility▮ Gondola Meat N/A Induces a virus that creates Pax within the victim's body and slowly turns them into a Gondola. Can be cured with Condensed Capsaicin. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Electricity▮ Ethereal blood, certain foods N/A The blood of Ethereals. Does nothing in non-ethereals unless it's the 'enriched' type found in some plants and food. Enriched Liquid Electricity periodically electrocutes any non-Ethereals that have it in their system. Insulated gloves do not protect against this. 0.4 units per tick Monkey Powder 2 parts Nutriment 1 part Banana Juice 1 part Liquid Gibs Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Add 1u water to 50u of this to create a monkey. Gibs monkeys if another monkey spawns inside them. (Results in 5 units instead of 4) N/A Electrolysis 5 units Water 1 unit Liquid Electricity Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Turns the ingredients into 3u hydrogen and 1.5u oxygen. N/A Scream 5 parts Cream 5 parts Lizard wine 1 part Strange Reagent Temperature 374K N/A When mixed the ingredients are consumed and the solution screams. Bigger reaction causes louder scream. N/A Slime Extractification 30 parts Slime Jelly 5 parts Frost Oil 5 parts Plasma N/A The mixture condenses into a grey slime extract. N/A Virology Recipes These chemicals are used to mutate viruses, and have few uses beyond that. Name Formula Description Virus Rations▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Virus Food▮ 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk Allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1 or 2. The virologist has a dispenser with this on a wall in the lab. (Results in 15 units instead of 10) Mutagenic Agar▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus Food Used to get a virus symptom of level 3. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar▮ 1 part Mutagenic Agar 1 part Sugar or Saline-Glucose Solution Used to get a virus symptom of level 4. Weakened Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus plasma. Used to get a virus symptom of level 5. Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Plasma Used to get a virus symptom of level 6. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Decaying Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 6 or 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Unstable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 5 parts Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6) Stable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Plasma 10 parts Uranium 10 parts Silver OR Gold Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 8. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Blood Duplication▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Blood Not exactly a recipe or an usual reaction, more of an useful byproduct of virology recipes. When any chemical that mutates viruses is combined with any blood, it increases the amount of blood without the need for it to be removed from someone. With plumbing, this is most useful when used with Unstable Mutagen, as it's easy to produce and allows you to infinitely create blood for use in chemfactories. There are also chemicals that do nothing, which can be found in Strange seeds. Example: Plastic Polymers. Mutation Toxins Obtainable through xenobiology, these chemicals transform humanoids into other races. It only takes 1u to start the transformation. Name Formula Description Metabolism Rate Imperfect Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a random slimeperson subspecies. If you're already a slimeperson this will randomly change your subspecies. Used to be named Slime Mutation Toxin. 0.2 units per tick Lizard Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a lizardperson. 0.2 units per tick Stable Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a human. 0.2 units per tick Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Black slimes Makes the victim contract a disease which slowly morphs them into a slime. The disease can be cured with Frost Oil. 0.2 units per tick Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get some of these through the traitor uplink. The human liver will quickly purge individual toxins at 3u and under from the bloodstream (1 unit per tick at full liver health). Toxins in the stomach is also taken into consideration, i.e. having 2u in the bloodstream and 10u in the stomach means the purge doesn't happen. The purge threshold lowers with higher liver damage. All toxins deal liver damage at higher volumes in the body. Name Recipe Reaction conditions Damage dealt Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Toxin▮ Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser N/A Toxin Will deal 1.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bad Food▮ From eating poorly made food N/A Toxin Will deal 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick N/A Chloral Hydrate▮ Impurity: Chloralax Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <60% pH: 11▮ 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water Min temp: 200K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 7 to 9 Unstable purity: <60% Moderately exothermic H+ consuming Stun, Toxin A powerful sedative which first confuses and makes you drowsy, and then after 10 cycles puts the victim to sleep. After 51 total cycles, it starts dealing ever increasing toxin damage, until death. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5) 0.6 units per tick N/A Mindbreaker Toxin▮ Impurity: Rosenol Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 11▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 6 to 14 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ consuming Hallucinations A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". For people with the Reality Dissociation Syndrome trait, this will instead suppress hallucinations. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mute Toxin▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 12.2▮ 2 parts Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 6 to 14 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Speech Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mime's Bane▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 1.7▮ 1 part Mute Toxin 1 part Nothing 1 part Radium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 0 to 8 Unstable purity: <50% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Gestures Makes the subject unable to gesticulate. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bone Hurting Juice▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 3.1▮ 3 parts Itching Powder 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Milk Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Stamina Damage Does 7.5 stamina damage per tick. On overdose it has a 4% chance of causing a spike of 20 brute and 200 stamina damage to a random limb, which has a high chance of hurting bones. 0.4 units per tick 50 Units Mulligan Toxin▮ 1 part Slime Mutation Toxin 1 part Unstable Mutagen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Identity Randomizes the subject's appearance. Infinite N/A Lexorin▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 1.2▮ 1 part Salbutamol 1 part Plasma 1 part Hydrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 1.8 to 7 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Suffocation Temporarily stops respiration and causes 5 oxyloss damage per tick. Even small doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out quickly. Countered by epinephrine which purges 2u lexorin (and 1u of itself) with 20% chance to add 4u histamines. 0.4 units per tick N/A Initropidril▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray N/A Cardiac Arrest Each cycle deals 2.5 toxin damage, with 25% chance to cause one of the following: 6 second stun, 5-25 oxyloss damage, or cardiac arrest. Combat the latter with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib if available. 0.2 units per tick N/A Tirizene▮ Traitor Sleepypen, Emagged Soda Dispenser/Borg Hypo, Poison/Death Berries N/A Stamina Damage Deals 13 stamina damage per tick, which constantly lowers. Usually harmless. 0.4 units per tick N/A Tiring Solution▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs N/A Stamina Damage Deals 10 stamina damage per tick, slowing you down. Won't go higher than 50 stamina damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Polonium▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray N/A Radiation Almost instantly irradiates a victim. 0.05 units per tick N/A Pancuronium▮ Poison Kit N/A Stun and Suffocation After 10 cycles stuns you with no warning. Randomly causes loss of breath, which can choke you to death. 0.1 units per tick N/A Sodium Thiopental▮ Emagged Borg Hypo, Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray/Syringe/Dart N/A Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 10 cycles, and deals 10 stamina damage per tick. Similar to Chloral Hydrate but longer lasting and can't kill you. 0.3 units per tick N/A Sulfonal▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 6▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 4 to 9 Unstable purity: <50% Exothermic H+ consuming Knockout and Toxin 0.5 toxin damage every cycle and knocks you out after 22 cycles. Metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Amanitin▮ Destroying Angel N/A Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Deals 3 toxin damage per cycle it was in you. 0.2 units per tick N/A Amatoxin▮ Fly Amanita N/A Toxin Damage Deals 2.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bungotoxin▮ Grow Bungo Tree N/A Heart Damage Deals 3 heart damage per tick and sets their confusion stat to their dizziness stat. After 12 cycles the victim can randomly start feeling heart spasms, being faint, out of breath, and being in pain. 0.2 units per tick N/A Lead Acetate▮ Party Pods (hidden tech) N/A Brain and ear damage Deals 1 brain and ear damage per tick. Tiny chance to cause confusion. 0.4 units per tick N/A Unstable mutagen▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <70% pH: 2.3▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 3 to 9 Unstable purity: <70% Moderately exothermic H+ producing Mutations Causes mutations when injected into/consumed by living people or plants. In people the mutation happens instantly the moment you take the chem, and not from metabolization. The chance to activate a dormant bad mutation is 98%, and good mutation 2%. Causes radiation. High doses are lethal to your liver. Also useful for Virology. Turns into blood if mixed with blood, due to Blood Duplication . 0.4 units per tick N/A Lipolicide▮ Impurity: Ipecacide Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <70% pH: 6▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Mercury Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 4 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <70% Moderately exothermic H+ producing Weight Loss Drains nutrition. Useful for weight loss. Will deal toxin damage if you are starving. 0.2 units per tick N/A Coniine▮ Death Berries, Bioterror Spray/Syringe N/A Toxin and breath loss Each tick does 1.75 toxin damage and refreshes 5 ticks of being unable to breathe. EXTREMELY slow metabolization, but fast acting. Comparable to Lexorin. 0.024 units per tick N/A Curare▮ Poison Kit N/A Paralyzation, Oxygen, and Toxin Paralyzes you after 11 cycles, while dealing 1 oxyloss and 1 toxic damage. Metabolizes slowly; very lethal. 0.05 units per tick N/A Histamine▮ Omega Weed, Poison Kit, Formaldehyde, Venom, Itching Powder N/A Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Has a small chance each tick to cause 2 Brute damage or blur vision. If overdosed it will also deal 2 Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage each tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units Formaldehyde▮ Impurity: Methanol Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 2▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 420K Min temp: 420K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 0 to 7 Unstable purity: <50% Exothermic H+ producing Toxin Causes a 1 Toxin damage per tick. Has a 5% chance to turn into 5 to 15 units of Histamine. Preserves corpses from organ decay. 0.2 units per tick N/A Venom▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray, Giant Spider bites N/A Brute, toxin Each cycle will deal 0.2 Toxin and 0.3 Brute damage per volume of venom in the body. Has a 15% chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. 0.1 units per tick N/A Fake Beer▮ Emagged service cyborg N/A Knockout Instantly puts the victim to sleep. Cycle 51 and onwards it will also deal (current cycle - 50) toxin damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Fentanyl▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 9▮ 1 part Space Drugs Temperature 674K Min temp: 674K Overheat: 874K Optimal pH: 7 to 11 Unstable purity: <50% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Toxin, brain Will deal 1 toxin and 3 brain damage, up to 60 points of toxin damage and 150 points of brain damage (brains have 200 points of health). If the drug is not removed before 18 cycles it will make the user fall asleep. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cyanide▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 9.3▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen Temperature 380K Min temp: 380K Overheat: 1000K Optimal pH: 9 to 11 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Toxin, oxyloss Deals 1.25 toxin damage per tick, with 8% chance to stun for 4 seconds and take 2 additional toxin damage. Also 5% chance to lose breath for a moment. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Carpotoxin▮ Space Carp, Koibeans, Emagged Chem Dispenser N/A Toxin Deals 2 toxin damage per tick (unless you are a felinid !) . Can be used to make Rezadone and imitation carpmeat. 0.4 units per tick N/A Zombie Powder▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <30% pH: 13▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 14 Unstable purity: <30% Exothermic H+ consuming Fake death, stun If ingested instantly knocks people out, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. If taken any other way than ingestion it makes you confused and drowsy cycle 1-5, deals 40 stamina damage cycle 5-8 and causes the fake death cycle 9 and onwards. Deals 0.5 suffocation and toxin damage per tick. (Results in 2 units instead of 15) 0.4 units per tick N/A Ghoul Powder▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 14.5▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Zombie Powder Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 14 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ consuming Fake death Slows metabolism to a death-like state, while keeping the patient fully aware and mobile. Deals 1 suffocation and 0.8 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Itching Powder▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <30% pH: 7▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel Min temp: 280K Overheat: 700K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <30% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing 0.2 Brute damage. Unlike other chems, itching powder will enter your bloodstream from touch, such as from getting splashed with it. Has a 3% chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick N/A Mint Toxin▮ Mints, Emagged Booze Dispenser, Mushroom Shavings (Lavaland) N/A Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. 0.4 units per tick N/A Slime Jelly▮ Must be mixed in a Glowshroom Glowshroom.png 3 parts Oil 1 part Tinea Luxor 2 parts Radium or grind an unused slime extract Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin The base reagent for slime based chemicals. Grinding slime extracts yields 20u slime jelly per use left. 40% chance to heal 5 Brute damage each tick, but also has a 10% chance to deal a burst of 20-60 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A Heparin▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% Failed: Viscous Sludge <60% pH: 11.6▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Lithium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 800K Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <60% Moderately exothermic H+ consuming Bleeding A powerful anticoagulant. All open bleeding wounds on the victim will open up and bleed much faster. Increases bleed flow by 0.5. Doesn't work unless the victim has a bleeding wound. Rate: 0.08u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% N/A Rotatium▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% Failed: Viscous Sludge <60% pH: 6.2▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Fentanyl Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 3 to 9 Unstable purity: <60% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Toxin After 20 cycles, causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion. Deals 0.5 toxin damage per tick. Was previously refinable into Skewium, but skewium was removed from tgstation Oct 2019 for causing client crashes. Rate: 0.24u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Spewium▮ Poison Kit N/A Toxin After 11 ticks, has up to a 50% chance of causing strong vomiting while purging other toxins each tick. After 33 cycles, there is a 15% chance to eject an organ each tick if overdosing. Requires very high doses. 0.4 units per tick 29 Units Anacea▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <70% pH: 8▮ 1 part Haloperidol 1 part Impedrezene 1 part Radium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 6 to 9 Unstable purity: <70% Moderately exothermic H+ consuming Toxin and Purges Medicines Metabolizes very slowly and purges 5u medicines from the victim while dealing 0.15 toxin damage per tick. If the victim also has Pentetic Acid or Calomel, the purging is slowed down to 0.5u per tick. 0.032 units per tick N/A Fluorosulfuric acid▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 0▮ 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfuric Acid Temperature 380K Min temp: 380K Overheat: 800K Optimal pH: 0 to 2 Unstable purity: <50% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Corrosion A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Slowly melts equipment and clothes it touches. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 2 toxin and (current cycle / 15) burn in body. "Acidpower" 42. 0.4 units per tick N/A Nitric acid▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 1.3▮ 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 480K Min temp: 480K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 0 to 4.1 Unstable purity: <50% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Corrosion A corrosive and dangerous substance. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 3 toxin and (volume / 10) burn in body. "Acidpower" 5. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Weed Killer▮ 4 parts Ammonia 1 part Toxin Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin Kills weeds and causes 1 toxin damage per tick to humans. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pest Killer▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin Kills pests in hydroponics trays. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 4 toxin damage to fly people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick. N/A Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin A potent herbicide. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 2 toxin damage to pod people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Hot Ice Slush▮ Grind Hot Ice. 50u per sheet. N/A Toxin Heats you up, deals 3 toxin damage and increases the plasma volume of xenos. Slowly purges epinephrine. Melts into 12 units of liquid form plasma if heated to 30°C (303.15 K). 0.4 units per tick N/A Unique Chemicals These reagents have either a bit more to their use or reaction - making them a bit of unique case Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Chemical properties Eigenstasium▮ Impurity: Eigenswap Failed: Bluespace Dust <40% pH: 3.7▮ 1 part Caramel 1 part Bluespace Dust 1 part Stable Plasma Min temp: 350K Overheat: 650K Optimal pH: 9 to 12 Unstable purity: <40% Extremely exothermic H+ producing A strange mixture formed from a controlled reaction of bluespace with plasma, that causes localised eigenstate fluxuations within the patient. If the purity of the reagent is over 90%, it will teleport the player to the creation location on consumption (ingestion only) Next, it will save the location you took the reagent, and create a blue eigenstate version of your character to signal where you will return to. When the reagent leaves a patients bloodstream, it will teleport the player back to the consumption location. Dying does not stop processing, you will still return to the consumption location even if dead. Overdosing causes the stability of your character to split - Teleporting you to a random location close to where you are every second. Afterwards you will slowly become more and more unstable causing various effects. These effects can be reversed/held off by taking stabilising agent, bluespace dust or more eigenstasium. Spraying this on multiple lockers on the same tile (with an over 80% pure reagent) links the lockers together, creating eigenlockers. Eigenlocker are linked together, teleporting whatever enters them to the next locker in the sequence. You can link as many lockers as you like in a sequence, but you have to have all the lockers on top of each other when you link them. Lockers with a damaged link (i.e. all other lockers in the sequence are destroyed) can be reused in a sequence, but otherwise linked lockers can't be relinked. Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 50% OD: 15u Works on the dead Impure / Inverse / Failed Chemicals These chemicals can only be created from inoptimal reactions. Name Description Chemical properties Chemical Isomers▮ Impure reagent pH: 3▮ Impure chemical isomers made from inoptimal reactions. Causes mild liver damage Rate: 0.1u/tick Toxic monomers▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ Inverse reagents are created when a reagent's purity is below it's inverse threshold. The are created either during ingestion - which will then replace their associated reagent, or some can be created during the reaction process. Rate: 0.4u/tick Viscous sludge▮ Impurity: Water pH: 1.5▮ A off smelling sludge that's created when a reaction gets too impure. Rate: 0.4u/tick Insolvent medicinal precipitate▮ Impure reagent pH: 11▮ A viscous mess of various medicines. Will heal a damage type at random Rate: 1u/tick Addictions: medicine Helgrasp▮ Inverse reagent pH: 14▮ This rare and forbidden concoction is thought to bring you closer to the grasp of the Norse goddess Hel. Sends Hel's hands after whomever has the hubris to consume it. Rate: 1u/tick Libitoil▮ Impure reagent pH: 13.5▮ Temporarily interferes a patient's ability to process alcohol, making them more susceptible to it's effects. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Metabolic Inhibition Factor▮ Impure reagent pH: 1▮ This enzyme catalyzes crashes the conversion of nutritious food into healing peptides. Rate: 0.025u/tick OD: 10u Addictions: Weak medicine Lentslurri▮ Impure reagent pH: 3▮ A highly addicitive muscle relaxant that is made when Lenturi reactions go wrong, this will cause the patient to move slowly. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: medicine Ichiyuri▮ Inverse reagent pH: 1.7▮ Prolonged exposure to this chemical can cause an overwhelming urge to itch oneself. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Aivime▮ Impure reagent pH: 3.1▮ This reagent is known to interfere with the eyesight of a patient. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Herignis▮ Inverse reagent pH: 0.8▮ This reagent causes a dramatic raise in a patient's body temperature. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Super Melatonin▮ Inverse reagent pH: 12.5▮ This will send the patient to sleep, adding a 25% boost to all healing from medicines in the patient while they are asleep. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Works on the dead Coveroli▮ Inverse reagent pH: 3.82▮ This reagent is known to coat the inside of a patient's lungs, providing greater protection against hot or cold air. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Technetium 99▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ A radioactive tracer agent that can improve a scanner's ability to detect internal organ damage, giving numerical health values of each organ. Also upgrades any health to advanced while it is present. Will irradiate the patient when present very slowly, purging or using a low dose is recommended after use. Rate: 0.3u/tick Syrinifergus▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ This reagent reduces the purity of all non medicines within the patient, reducing their effects by 20%. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Works on the dead Monover▮ Inverse reagent pH: 0.5▮ A toxin treating reagent, that only is effective if it's the only reagent present in the patient. Heals 0 to 2u/tick depending on it's purity, however if there are any other reagents in the body other than monover it will deal lung damage instead. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Nooartrium▮ Inverse reagent pH: 14▮ A reagent that is known to stimulate the heart in a dead patient, temporarily bringing back recently dead patients at great cost to their heart. While this reagent is within a patient it will keep them alive and damage their heart, but make them temporarily unable to die and enter crit. As they take more damage they move slower and attack slower, and if they get over 500 damage before the reagent is through them their heart will explode at the end. Overdosing blows up their heart. Requires a functional heart to work. Rate: 0.05u/tick OD: 20u Addictions: Strong medicine Works on the dead Cryogelidia▮ Inverse reagent pH: 14▮ Freezes the live or dead patient in an incuded cryostasis ice block, putting them in stasis for a short period of time. Rate: 1u/tick Works on the dead Eigenswap▮ Impure reagent pH: 3.3▮ This reagent is known to swap the handedness of a patient, causing items held by the patient to swap between their left and right hands. Rate: 0.1u/tick Ipecacide▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ An extremely gross substance that induces vomiting. It is produced when Lipolicide reactions are impure. Rate: 0.05u/tick Methanol▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ A light, colourless liquid with a distinct smell. Ingestion can lead to blindness. It is a byproduct of organisms processing impure Formaldehyde. Rate: 0.05u/tick Chloralax▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ An oily, colorless and slightly toxic liquid. It is produced when impure choral hydrate is broken down inside an organism. Rate: 0.05u/tick Rosenol▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ A strange, blue liquid that is produced during impure mindbreaker toxin reactions. Ingesting it will cause the user to do poetry. Can also be found in plums. Rate: 0.1u/tick Mannitoil▮ Impure reagent pH: 12.4▮ Gives the patient a temporary speech impediment which lasts until the reagent is removed from the patient. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Neruwhine▮ Inverse reagent pH: 13.4▮ Induces a temporary brain trauma in the patient by redirecting neuron activity. The trauma lasts as long as they have their reagent in their system. Rate: 0.025u/tick Addictions: medicine Corazargh▮ Inverse reagent pH: 13.5▮ Interferes with the body's natural pacemaker, forcing the patient to manually beat their heart. Rate: 1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Works on the dead Prohol▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ Promotes alcoholic substances within the patients body, making alcohols in a body more potent. Making it an effective reagent to spike someone's drink with! The longer it's in their system, the stronger the alcohol will become. Rate: 0.05u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Oculater▮ Inverse reagent pH: 13▮ Temporarily blinds the patient while it's in their system. Rate: 0.2u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Tinacusiate▮ Impure reagent pH: 1▮ Makes the patient's hearing temporarily funky, making things they hear sound funny. Rate: 0.04u/tick Addictions: medicine Lavaland Chemicals Found primarily in Lavaland flora. Name Found in Type Description Metabolism Rate Entropic Polypnium▮ Mushroom Cap (Inocybe), from tall mushrooms Food 20% chance each tick to deal 4 ticks of breath loss, 2 brain damage (max 150), 3 toxin, 10 stamina and blurry eyes. Knocks you unconcious after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Tinea Luxor▮ Mushroom Stem (Embershroom) Food Makes the consumer glow. 0.4 units per tick Vitrium Froth▮ Cactus Fruit (Fruiting Cactus), Mushroom Leaf (Porcini) Food 80% chance to heal 1 burn and 1 brute damage each tick. 0.4 units per tick Reagent Delivery There are different ways you can apply chemicals to a person or the environment. Delivery types There are 5 types of delivery, called ingest, inject, vapor, touch and patch. If you are not interested in the details, you can skip to Smoke vs Foam vs others. Ingest Ingesting reagents puts them into the stomach. The individual reagents in the stomach will then be digested over time, which slowly moves them to the bloodstream at a rate partly based on the amount of them in the stomach, and stomach type (race). Most reagents have no effect until they have been moved to the bloodstream where they start metabolising (an exception is milk). They can be ejected if the person vomits. Ingestion is used by pills, cigarettes, e-cigarettes and drinking/eating the reagent directly. Inhaling smoke counts as ingesting, with the difference that smoke bypasses the stomach and is added directly to the bloodstream. Probital works best when ingested. Inject On inject the reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream and starts metabolising. Reagents in blood can be filtered out using surgery. Used by syringes and IV-drips. Syriniver works best if injected. Vapor Vapor is used by (ranged) spray bottles and foam. A portion of the reagents will enter the bloodstream of the target, but clothes will protect from some/most/all of it depending on clothing. Any hardsuit typically makes the target completely immune to getting it into their bloodstream, if the helmet is closed. But if the reagent has a "vapor" based component, that component will still affect the target, like Fluorosulfuric Acid. See more about foam below, with examples. Hercuri works best as vapor. Touch Touch is used by smoke and splashing. If the reagent has a "touch" based component, that component will affect the target (such as the instant heal part of Synthflesh), without being blocked by clothing. Nothing at all will enter the target's bloodstream, with the exception of smoke if the target has no internals on. Currently all "touch" components are also "patch" components. See more on smoke below, with examples. Patch Patch is used by patches and medical gels. The reagent enters the target's bloodstream entirely AND if the reagent has a "patch" based component, that component will affect the target. Currently all "patch" components are also "touch" components. Smoke vs foam vs others These are the major practical differences between pills, syringes, patches, cigarettes, smoke, foam, splash and spray. Pills Pills can be instantly ingested if used on yourself. It doesn't work if mouth is covered. Plasmamen will have trouble taking these. They hold up to 50u. Aren't added to bloodstream instantly. Syringes Syringes can inject into people even with their mouths covered, either by hand or with a syringe gun. It doesn't work on players wearing hardsuits or other pierce-immune clothing, unless you use a piercing syringe or manage to aim for an exposed part of their body. Golems are completely immune to syringes (even piercing syringes), but patches do work on them. A syringe holds between 10-60u, depending on type. Common syringes hold 15u. Patches Will add all reagents into a person's bloodstream through any clothing, including hardsuits. Also apply touch/patch based effects. Example: A patch of 20u Synthflesh will instantly heal 25 brute and burn (touch component), and also enter the target's bloodstream (which in this case does nothing). Usable by plasmamen. Can hold up to 40u. Cigarettes Can be dipped in reagents to be filled. If smoking/vaping, you will slowly ingest whatever reagents the cigarette/cigar/e-cig contains. Though, if the reagents are too diluted, they may not build up in your bloodstream fast enough to have any effect at all. E-cigarettes can be trimmed with a screwdriver and multitool to also create smoke. Smoke When a smoke reaction occurs, the smoke will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. People who enter the smoke will be touched by the reagents. If they do not have internals or a gas mask on, they will also ingest the reagents. The amount of smoke does not dilute the reagents. The reagents will be copied to every individual or tile (not walls, windows or doors) over the cloud's duration. Reagents that are special coded to affect floor/environment (such as blood, acid or Space Cleaner) will do so. Smoke will usually block sight. Smoke example 1: Smoke containing 20u Synthflesh. Everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits, will slowly heal 25 brute and burn (and take toxin damage), if they stay in the smoke for its full duration (otherwise they will heal partially). Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the medicine, making it enter their bloodstream (which does nothing in this case). Smoke example: Smoke containing 20u Chlorine Trifluoride(CLF3). CLF3 has a touch component, so everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits and internals, will catch on fire. It will also deal burn damage to the environment, since CLF3 is coded to do so. Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the CLF3 and thus, start heating up from the inside, effectively burning from both in and out at the same time. Foam When a foam reaction occurs, the foam will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. The foam will spread slower than smoke and is usually slippery. Reagents will be copied through the vapor type delivery to those affected over the duration of the foam, BUT the reagents will be heavily diluted depending on the amount of foaming reagent used. Any clothing will reduce how much of the reagents will enter a person's bloodstream. Furthermore, foam reagent bloodstream insertion is divided into several 'ticks'. A minimum amount of reagent is required per tick for it to enter a bloodstream. So if too little reagents are contained in the reaction, or too much foam is used, the foam will do nothing. These ticks are counted after dilution and protection from clothing. On the other hand, if you use very small amounts of foam, the reagents may instead multiply in the bloodstream to more than the original amount. Hardsuits with helmets on will make people immune to getting reagents into their bloodstream through foam. Despite dilution, the foam will still copy remaining chems such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner to any tile it touches (but not walls, windows or doors). Foam will not block sight. Foam example 1: 250u foam containing 10u Cyanide will spread a blue foam that does nothing to those it touches. The poison is too diluted to work at all. Foam example 2: 20u foam containing 250u Fluorosulfuric Acid. A small area and everyone touched by the foam will have large amounts of acid slowly melting their clothing and the affected floor and items. Those who did not wear a hardsuit with helmet on will also have a large amount of acid in their bloodstreams, depending on what they were wearing and how long they were in the foam. If they had internals on or not doesn't matter. Splashing Throwing a beaker or using Rightclick.png on something while holding it will splash its contents. The longer throw distance, the more the splash will spread out. A grenade will splash its content unless it also contains smoke or foam. Splashing only does touch delivery. This means most chemicals will do absolutely nothing when splashed. Reagents that have special properties to affect environment, such as Water, will do so where splashed (creates slippery tile). Reagents that have a touch component will apply that component only. Example: If you throw a beaker of 80u Synthflesh at someone, you will instantly heal them for 100 brute and burn (and deal up to 150 toxin damage), since Synthflesh is touch/patch based. It doesn't matter if the target uses hardsuit or internals in this case. This means throwing a beaker of poison at someone will do nothing at all. Splashing can apply chemicals such as Thermite to walls. Spraying Spraying reagents will apply them to environments (if they have any such effect), and will enter hit people's bloodstreams through the vapor delivery. This means clothing will protect from some/most/all of the reagents, depending on what they are wearing. Using a hardsuit with helmet on makes them immune to getting the reagent into their bloodstream. Reagents such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner will still cause their special effects when sprayed on people/environments, but will not enter the bloodstream if the target is wearing too heavy clothing. Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Drinks, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. ------ This guide will primarily be useful for chemists but may come in handy to any player and especially traitors. See Chemical recipes for dispenser macros and simplified versions on how to make complicated chemicals (may be outdated). If you don't have a chem dispenser, see the Guide to Ghetto Chemistry. Contents 1 Tools of the trade 1.1 Machinery 1.1.1 Chemistry Dispensers 1.1.2 Chemical Heater 1.1.3 ChemMaster 3000 1.1.4 All-In-One Grinder 1.1.5 Smoke Machine 1.1.6 The Medical Sleeper 1.2 Tools 1.2.1 pH paper 1.2.2 Chem analyser 1.2.3 Eyedropper 1.2.4 PillBox Pill box 1.2.5 Buffer reagents 1.2.6 Reagent containers 2 Handling reactions 2.1 Do like an otter, add acid to water. 2.2 Temperature 2.3 Reaction explosions 2.4 Potential of Hydrogen (pH) 2.5 Purity 2.6 General tips 3 Medicine types 3.1 Metabolism 4 What should I make first? 4.1 Brute 4.2 Burn 4.3 Toxins 4.4 Oxygen 4.5 Genetic 4.6 Radiation 4.7 Organ specific 5 Reagent information 5.1 Active Pure Chemicals 5.2 Components 5.3 Medicines 5.3.1 Core Healing Medicines 5.3.2 Superior Healing Medicines 5.3.3 Unique Healing Medicines 5.3.4 Non-craftable Medicines 5.4 Narcotics 5.5 Pyrotechnics 5.6 Other Recipes 5.6.1 Carpets 5.6.2 Virology Recipes 5.6.3 Mutation Toxins 5.7 Fermichem 5.8 Walkthrough of your first Fermireaction 5.8.1 Impure reagents 5.9 Toxins 5.10 Lavaland Chemicals 6 Under the hood 6.1 Smoke vs foam vs others 6.2 Beyond the Dispenser Tools of the trade Machinery You have all sorts of chems here, and can make many things. You can make medicines, smoke, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, acid and much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, as mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health, and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Chem Dispenser Chemistry Dispensers Chem dispensers can be upgraded to unlock more chemicals, allow for more precise macro usage, increased power recharge rate and higher power capacity. If you run out of power, you can disassemble the dispenser with screwdriver+crowbar and replace the power cell. Or you can charge the machine with an inducer. Available chemicals: To fine out what chems do what check out Dispensers Index, or click expand to see what chemicals are available to the Chemistry Dispenser: Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Chemical Heater Chemical Heater Some chemical reactions will require you to heat the reagents in a Chemical Heater. Unless the recipes says otherwise, these reactions need you to heat the reagents above the required temperature. This machine will heat/cool a beaker to the desired temperature, slowing down the heating/cooling speed as it approaches the target temperature. If you don't risk making the chemical explode by overheating it (like with meth) you can just set it to a very high temperature to avoid this. Upgrading the laser will increase the heating/cooling speed. This is extemely useful in Fermi Reactions to control the temperature of the reaction. As the heater is upgraded, the accuracy of the pH detection increases in turn, with a fully upgraded heater capable of detecting reagent purity. The heater is capable of accepting injection of chems into the beaker contained within via a SyringeSyringe or a DropperDropper. ChemMaster 3000 ChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes pills/patches out of chemicals loaded inside. You can load pretty much any container - beakers, spray bottles, water bottles and so on. Maximum size for dispensed bottles is 30u, patches 40u and pills 50u. Use a chemistry bag File:Chemistry bag.png to quickly move large quantities of bottles, patches or pills. Can be upgraded with bigger beakers to allow a bigger buffer. By default it contains two ordinary 50u beakers for a total buffer volume of 100u. It can also scan a reagent to give an analysis on the synthesis, accurate purity and optimal pH of a reagent's reaction. Reagent Grinder All-In-One Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. For example: Plasma/gold/uranium/metal sheets, donk pockets, fruits, dead mice. Smoke Machine Smoke Machine Dispenses any chemical inside as a smoke cloud. Needs to be secured by wrenching first. A great alternative to smoke grenades, but easily incites lynch mobs. Can only be obtained through the circuit board being printed, and the required parts being assembled first. The Medical Sleeper The medical sleeper synthesizes chemicals itself to a purity of 0.7 - This can be adequate for normal medbay functions, but as a chemist you can create chemicals with much better purity - improving patient care and throughput. To add a chemical to a sleeper, simply bap it with a beaker or a syringe. Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Tools These items are small, but powerful parts of a chemist's arsenal pH paper pH paper can tell you the rough pH by putting it into the beaker. The colour of the strip will indicate what the pH is. Chem analyser The Chem analyser can give you an indepth analysis of everything in a beaker, notably, the purity and pH. Very useful for ghetto reactions. Can be printed from the autolathe. Toggle the object to give a detailed or reduced analysis. Eyedropper Dropper The Dropper is a container used for holding 5u of liquids. An empty dropper will store liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers. Once full, you can squirt the contents of the dropper at any target adjacent or below you, including other liquid containers, or on people's faces. Toggle in hand to change it to drop one to five units at a time, this is extemely useful for fine tuning the pH of a beaker. PillBox Pill box Inside the chemistry locker you will find boxes of pill bottles PillBoton some maps. These can be loaded with pills for inventory space efficiency, holding 7 patches or pills. Buffer reagents Buffers are reagents that alter the pH of a mixture towards acidity (0) or alkalinity (14). These liquids dissiplate into a mixture, unless stabilizing agent is added. Reagent containers It is important to note that strong acids/bases can melt most glass based beakers, while plastic beakers will melt from heat. They will melt slowly over time with a audiable noise. If you heat them melting, either drop the temperature or adjust the pH! Bottles are small 30 unit containers made from a hardened mesh of glass and polymers, and thus don't melt from temperature or pH. These are produced by the ChemMaster 3000. Glass Beakers holds 50/100 units of liquid depending on size, but begins to melt under strong acids (<1.5 pH) or bases (>12.5 pH). These can be printed from the autolathe. XL beakers are made of plastic and hold 150 units of liquid. They are immune to pH, but will being to melt when containing liquids over 444K. These can be printed from the autolathe using plastic sheets. Meta Beakers holds 200 units of liquid and is immune to pH and will not melt under high temperature. These can be printed from the autolathe when researched. Cryostasis Beakers holds 50 units of liquid. Chemicals will not mix, react or change temperature while in this beaker. Splashing contained chemicals will not make them react either, as with all other beakers. This beaker is immune to pH and will not melt under high temperature. These can be printed from the autolathe when researched. Bluespace beakers are the largest beakers and hold 300 units of liquid. These are weak to strong acids/bases, but have more durability than standard beakers. These can be printed from the autolathe when researched. Water Bottles Can be made with plastic sheets. Works like a beaker but comes with a cap to prevent spilling. Toggle the cap with alt-click. Holds 50/100 units of liquid depending on side. Weak to strong acids/bases and temperatures over 444K. Handling reactions For a list of all reactions, see Chemical Reactions. Most reactions simply require each reagent to be present in the beaker in sufficient quantities in order to react, while a few require heating. If you are new, it窶冱 recommended to get used to the simpler reactions first, and stock the fridge full of helpful chemicals. A few of the reactions, however, are advanced reactions, which require a bit more consideration to produce successfully. A good chemist will keep an eye on a reactions temperature, pH and purity when producing chems. Do like an otter, add acid to water. Adding water to a strong acid (less then pH 2) is like adding fuel to a fire, and it will cause it to areolate into the air. Be careful to either add water first or neutralise your strong acids before adding water to your beaker. Temperature All reactions that are non-instant have a reaction rate tied to the temperature of a beaker. If a chemical is reacting too slowly, simply heat the beaker up to speed it up. As a reaction occurs, it is either Exothermic (heat producing) or Endothermic (heat consuming). Care should be taken for the Exothermic reactions, as they are liable to overheat and explode, Always check your reaction kinetics first, and in particular, take care around a reactions explosion temperature. The rate in which a reaction heats up is faster the hotter it is, be careful to not lose control, and run if you do. Reaction explosions Generally, an explosion will depend on what is reacting, and what is present in the beaker. Plasma for example will ignite when given a heat source, and thus should be treated with respect. A chemist that doesn't respect the chemicals they're handling, often ends up a dead chemist, be careful. As a general rule for explosions; the larger the volume, the more dangerous it is. As such, you can use large volumes of chems to adjust your pH, but if you fail the explosion is more dangerous. Alternatively, you can use buffers that adjust the pH, which self consume on addition (and thus do not add to the total volume). Potential of Hydrogen (pH) Every chemical has an innate pH, which can be seen here. The pH of the beaker is the sum of the pHes in the mix. The pH of a beaker determines how pure a product is, for the recipes with a given pH, you want to have your pH at the centre of the limits when the reaction starts. As a reaction progresses, it's likely the pH will begin to drift, and must be compensated for either with buffer reagents or acidic/alkaline compounds. The pH range is something chemists often have to learn over several reactions, and the ChemMaster 3000 analyse function can give an insight into what pH you should be aiming for. Highly impure compounds are liable to explode too thus it is prudent to set your pH before reacting. The impure explosion threshold is given by the Minimum Purity. Purity Purity of a reagent is determined by how pure your reactants were, and how optimal the pH was during the reaction. If the product is slightly impure, it'll split into the impure chem, if it is highly impure, it will invert all of the product into the inverse chem. Impure chems are listed here A good example of this is Synthetic derived growth factor, ingesting 10u SDGF at 0.8 purity will give you 8u SDGF and 2u SDGFTox, ingesting 10u SDGF at 0.4 purity (less than its InverseChemVal) will result in 10u SDZF. Reacting it at less than 0.2 purity will cause it to explode and produce a teratoma. General tips The explosion size in influenced by the beakers volume. It is highly recommended that you react small quantities of reactants in a beaker to ensure safety. The more volume you have, the more that is available to exothermically react too. Buffers are useful for keeping a reactions volume low. Make sure your pH is correct before heating up the reaction, If it's not reacting, this is usually the problem, after the reaction has started however, it will keep going past the limits, producing 100% impure products. Take a note of how your pH changes across the reaction and adjust beforehand accordingly, or have some buffer handy to inject into the reaction in the middle of it. You can abort reactions by crashing the temperature and hoping it's not exothermic enough to overcome that anyways. Alternatively, you could throw the beaker in a panic. Upgrading the heater and the dispenser will improve their ability to detect pH. For some reactions, it can be useful to keep reagents away from each other until both of them have optimal conditions. Temperature of buffers will change the temperature of whatever you're adding it to! Make sure to not pour hot buffer into a temperature sensitive reaction! Medicine types Reagents can be dispenced as various different types: Pill Pills are able to hold up to 50 units of reagents and apply their contained reagents via ingestion. If the pH of the pill is too high, it will damage the tongue of the patient, as such it is recommended to neutralise the pH with buffers or other reagents when dispensing. Patch Patches are able to hold up to 40 units of reagent and apply via touch. The pH of a touching reagent has no damaging effects on patients, thus neutralisation is not necessary. Bottle Bottles simply contain the liquid in a hardy storage, and can either be drunk (susceptible to burning the tongue) or injected. Hypovials are used with hypospray, which either inject or spray the patient with the contained reagents for 5/10 units. These vials can hold up to 60 units. Smoke is produced either by smoke reactions or vaping. Inhalation of a reagent mix with a strong acidity or alkalinity with cause tongue damage, and thus neutralisation is recommended. Smart darts contain up to 20 units of reagent soaked into the mechanism (and thus cannot be removed). These darts will inject a chem right up to the overdose limit when shot into a patient using the Smartdart Gun. Unfortunately, it requires a high velocity to penetrate the skin, and thus cannot be used in hand. Metabolism When a reagent enters a body, it will then "tick" or "cycle" about every 2 seconds. When this happens the body is purged of an amount of every reagent depending on their metabolism rates. This is the rate at which the chemical disappears from your body. It doesn't matter how many chems you have in your body, as they are all metabolized separately. If you are hungry (sluggish), this will happen 20% slower, which makes chemicals have a bigger total effect since they last longer without being weaker per tick. What should I make first? Generally, it's a good idea to have something for each of the 5 main damage types; Brute, Burn, Toxin, Suffocation and Genetic. Brute Bicard is a classic healing for brute, but has an OD at 30u. Styptic Powder heals on application and heals as fast as bicard, but is harder to make Salicyclic Acid is useful for really damaged patients. Burn Kelotane is a classic healing for burn, but has an OD at 30u. Silver Sulfadiazine heals on application and heals as fast as bicard, but is harder to make Oxandrolone is useful for really damaged patients, but less so for weak burns. Toxins Charcoal is good in a pinch, but will purge all other chems too. Anti-Toxin is good for toxins, and will purge any toxin reagents Pentetic Acid Is the fastest purger, toxic treatment, and also treats radiation. Bear in mind all of these will murder slimes, as toxin healing damages slimepeople. For general purging of reagents, rather than treatment of toxin damage, use Calomel, which is also the only viable purger for slimes. Oxygen Epinephrine Will limit oxygen loss to 35. Salbutamol Will treat oxygen loss. Genetic Clonexadone when used in a cyrotube/cold shower will treat genetic damage. Radiation Potassium Iodide Pentetic Acid Is the fastest purger, toxic treatment, and also treats radiation. Artificial Zeolite Treats radiation fastest, with no side effects, but is a fermi chem and thus somewhat tricky to make Organ specific After that, it's useful to create organ treatment chems; Mannitol for brain, Inacusiate for ears, Oculine for eyes, Synthflesh for prepping the dead for defibbing, and if you're feeling up to it, Yamerol for lungs and Synthtissue for grafting surgeries. Reagent information Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat or splash these. Their metabolism rate is 0.4u per cycle unless said otherwise. Chemicals unmentioned don't have any effect. Chlorine: Causes 1 brute damage per tick to a random body part. Copper: Can be splashed on metal sheets to create bronze sheets. Ethanol: A decent alcoholic "beverage", with a booze power of 65. Increases success rate of surgery and flammability when applied externally. Metabolism rate 0.2. Fluorine: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Causes 1 brain damage per tick, twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Plasma: Causes 3 toxin damage per tick. Creates gas form plasma when spilled. Not to be confused with Stable Plasma, which does nothing. Radium: Slowly causes irradiation. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Sugar: Gives nutrition. Causes hyperglycemic shock if overdosed (200u). Metabolism rate 0.8. Sulphuric Acid: Causes 1 toxin damage and some instant brute damage to one body part when ingested, and slightly more brute damage when injected. Destroys head-wear and causes burn damage when sprayed or splashed on someone. Counts as a toxin. Uranium: Causes slight irradiation. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Welding Fuel: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Makes people flammable if splashed on. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Name Description pH Sulphuric acid ▮ A strong mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. 2.75 Ethanol ▮ A well-known alcohol with a variety of applications. 7.33 Sugar ▮ The organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. This white, odorless, crystalline powder has a pleasing, sweet taste. Overdose at 200u. 7 Water ▮ An ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 7 Welding fuel ▮ Required for welders. Flamable. 4 Oxygen ▮ A colorless, odorless gas. Grows on trees but is still pretty valuable. 9.2 Copper ▮ A highly ductile metal. Things made out of copper aren't very durable, but it makes a decent material for electrical wiring. 5.5 Nitrogen ▮ A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. A simple asphyxiant that can silently displace vital oxygen. 7 Hydrogen ▮ A colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly combustible diatomic gas. 0.1 Potassium ▮ A soft, low-melting solid that can easily be cut with a knife. Reacts violently with water. 7 Mercury ▮ A curious metal that's a liquid at room temperature. Neurodegenerative and very bad for the mind. 7 Sulfur ▮ A sickly yellow solid mostly known for its nasty smell. It's actually much more helpful than it looks in biochemistry. 4.5 Carbon ▮ A crumbly black solid that, while unexciting on an physical level, forms the base of all known life. Kind of a big deal. 5 Chlorine ▮ A pale yellow gas that's well known as an oxidizer. While it forms many harmless molecules in its elemental form it is far from harmless. 7.4 Fluorine ▮ A comically-reactive chemical element. The universe does not want this stuff to exist in this form in the slightest. 2 Sodium ▮ A soft silver metal that can easily be cut with a knife. It's not salt just yet, so refrain from putting in on your chips. 11.6 Phosphorus ▮ A ruddy red powder that burns readily. Though it comes in many colors, the general theme is always the same. 6.5 Lithium ▮ A silver metal, its claim to fame is its remarkably low density. Using it is a bit too effective in calming oneself down. 11.3 Radium ▮ Radium is an alkaline earth metal. It is extremely radioactive. 10 Iron▮ Pure iron is a metal. Helps the body produce more blood. Overdose is 30u. 6 Silver ▮ A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. 7 Silicon ▮ A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon. 10 Stable Plasma ▮ Non-flammable plasma locked into a liquid form that cannot ignite or become gaseous/solid. 1.5 Iodine ▮ Commonly added to table salt as a nutrient. On its own it tastes far less pleasing. 4.5 Bromine ▮ A brownish liquid that's highly reactive. Useful for stopping free radicals, but not intended for human consumption. 7.8 Name Formula Description pH Ash ▮ 1 part Oil Temperature 480K Ingredient in Lye, Charcoal and Plastic Sheets. Can also be aquired by lighting a piece of paper on fire and scooping up the resulting ashes with a beaker. 30u per paper. 6.5 Oil ▮ 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Can be heated into Ash. Also ingredient in Phenol, Acetone, Perfluorodecalin, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Miner's Salve, Haloperidol, Napalm, Plastic Sheets, Spray Tan and Cyanide. Can be scooped up from destroyed cyborgs and such. 7 Acetone ▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen Ingredient in Cryoxadone, Atropine, Mutadone, Epinephrine, Smart Foaming Agent, Sulfonal, Modafinil and Neurine. 7 Diethylamine ▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol A very potent fertilizer. When used on a growing plant, it adds 2u of nutrient, increases yield more than Ammonia, heals the plant AND kills pests. Also ingredient in Atropine, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Epinephrine, Modafinil, Meth Explosion and Lipolicide. 12 Phenol ▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Ingredient in Salicyclic Acid, Oxandrolone, Atropine, Epinephrine, Corazone and Modafinil. 5.5 Ammonia▮ 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen An effective fertilizer. Adds adds 1u of nutrient, heals plants and increases yield, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine. Ingredient in Diethylamine, Silver Sulfadiazine, Salbutamol, Pentetic Acid, Crank, Modafinil, Nitrous Oxide, Space Cleaner, Cyanide, Itching Powder and Weed Killer. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 11.6 Saltpetre▮ 3 parts Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen Works as a fertilizer. Heals your plant, increases potency and decreases production time. Doesn't add nutrient. Ingredient in Bath Salts and Black Powder. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) 11.2 Lye▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Ingredient in Soap. 11.9 Lye (Alternate Recipe)▮ 1 part Ash 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Ingredient in Soap. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 11.9 Medicines "And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these. See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use when. Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs form the "core" drugs used to heal the most common forms of damage. All other medical drugs outside of this section are either harder to make upgrades, or highly specific forms of healing for rarer situations. Many reagents can be overdosed and/or cause addiction, leading to a negative outcome. Be sure to monitor how many units someone is injected with. If an overdose occurs, the negative effects will keep being applied every tick until that chemical is completely out of the system. If an addiction occurs, the negative effects will only start occuring some time after the chemical is out of the system, and can be negated by keeping taking it. You can usually only remove an addiction by waiting it out (or by dying and getting cloned). Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold pH Silver Sulfadiazine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn On touch, instantly heals 1 burn damage per unit, then heals 2 burn per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 burn damage. 0.4 units per tick 50u 7.2 Styptic Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute On touch, instantly heals 1 brute damage per unit, then heals 2 brute per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 brute damage. 0.4 units per tick 50u 6.7 Saline-Glucose Solution▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brute, burn Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 0.5 brute and burn damage. Can be used as a temporary substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become 1u salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. 0.2 units per tick 60u 5.5 Synthflesh▮ 1 part Styptic Powder 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon Brute, burn Instantly heals 1.25 brute and burn damage per unit of the chemical applied. Can be used to prepare corpses for defibrillation (needs under 180 brute and burn). Touch and smoke application only. Does nothing while inside a mob's bloodstream. 0.4 units per tick 40u 11.5 Charcoal▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 480K Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, and will also removing 1u of any other chemicals. 0.2 units per tick N/A 5 Salbutamol▮ 1 part Salicyclic Acid 1 part Ammonia 1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Lithium Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.1 units per tick N/A 2 Bicaridine▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 brute damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u 5 Kelotane▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 burn damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u 9 Anti-Toxin▮ 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Silicon 1 part Potassium Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u of other chemicals per tick. If overdosed deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u 10 Tricordrazine▮ 1 part Kelotane 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Anti-Toxin All types Has 80% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed deals an average of 1.2 damage of every type per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u 7 Regenerative Jelly▮ 1 part Tricordrazine 1 part Slime Jelly All types Heals 1.5 of each of the four basic damage types without the risk of overdose or damaging jellypeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A 7 Cryoxadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Stable Plasma All types Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage swiftly, but only when in a very cold environment. It heals suffocation 3x as fast as most other damage types. Is more effective the colder the person is. If used in unupgraded cryo tubes every cycle will typically heal above 6 suffocation, 2 brute, 2 burn, 2 toxin and 2 cellular damage. Works on slimepeople, despite being cold. 0.4 units per tick N/A 11 Pyroxadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Slime Jelly All types Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A 12 Clonexadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Clone Quickly heals clone (cellular) damage, but only when in a cold environment. The colder the faster heal. Heals about 5 cellular per tick if used in unupgraded cryo tubes. 0.6 units per tick N/A 13 Mannitol▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brain Heals 2 brain damage per tick. Often used in cryo alongside Cryoxadone. Chance every tick to cure mild traumas, though lower chance than neurine. 0.4 units per tick N/A 10.4 Neurine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mannitol 1 part Oxygen Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure minor Guide_to_Traumas#Basic_Traumas_Without_Prefix. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. 0.4 units per tick N/A 11.4 Synthetic Blood▮ 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution 1 part Iron 1 part Stable Plasma temperature 350K Blood Loss A synthetically produced imitation of blood. Blood Bank machines can also convert real blood into synthblood, normally making more than there was blood. Can be used as a substitute for Blood in recipes that require it and fits most blood types, however certain bloodsucking sorts won't like the taste. 0.4 units per tick N/A 7.4 Suture.pngSuture 2 parts Cellulose Fibers 2 parts Styptic Powder Brute Creates a Suture N/A N/A N/A File:Rregenerative mesh closed.pngRegenerative Mesh 2 parts Cellulose Fibers 2 parts Silver Sulfadiazine Burn Creates Regenerative Mesh N/A N/A N/A Medicated suture.pngMedicated Suture 10 parts Cellulose Fibers 20 parts Formaldehyde 15 parts Polypyrylium Oligomers Brute Creates a Medicated Suture. N/A N/A N/A Advanced regenerative mesh closed.pngAdvanced Regenerative Mesh 20 parts Cellulose Fibers 20 parts Aloe Juice 10 parts Sterilizine Burn Creates Advanced Regenerative Mesh N/A N/A N/A System Cleaner▮ 2 parts Oil 2 parts Iron 2 parts Calomel 2 parts Acetone Synthetic Corruption A reagent with special properties causing it to slowly reduce corruption in robots. Mildly toxic for organics. Makes half as much cleaner as there were chems. 0.4 units per tick 30u 7.4 Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing medicines, however they often heal faster. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold pH Salicyclic Acid▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Sodium 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute If you have more than 50 brute damage, heals 4 brute. If you have less than 50 brute damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units 2.1 Oxandrolone▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part Phenol 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Burn If you have more than 50 burn damage, heals 4 burn. If you have less than 50 burn damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units 10.7 Omnizine▮ Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in lollipops and heated Donk Pockets Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units 2 Honey▮ Beekeeping Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation 55% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. Metabolizes very quickly and adds sugar to your system. 1 unit per tick N/A 7 Earthsblood▮ Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All damage types Very quickly heals all damage types (almost as fast as Cryoxadone), but causes brain damage, jitteriness and gets you high. Overdosing causes hallucinations and heavy toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick 25 Units 11 Pentetic Acid▮ 1 part Cyanide 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine Radiation, toxin Reduces high levels of radiation and heals 2 toxin damage per tick while purging 2u of other chemicals from the body. 0.2 units per tick N/A 1 Pentetic Jelly▮ 1 part Pentetic Acid 1 part Slime Jelly Radiation, toxin See above, except now it's slime-friendly, too! 0.2 units per tick N/A 1 Perfluorodecalin▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K Suffocation Every tick heals 12 suffocation, but mutes while it's metabolizing. 0.1 units per tick N/A 11 Atropine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute, burn and suffocation If patient's health is critical it will heal brute/burn/toxin (2 / tick) and oxyloss (5 / tick) damage, as well as stop any further oxyloss. It also causes jitter and dizziness, which will shake the screen. Good for quickly getting critical patients back on their feet, but bad for combat because of the screenshake. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and cause extra jitter and dizziness. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units 12 Calomel▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374K Purge Quickly purges the body of all chemicals (2.5u per tick). If your health is above 20, 2.5 toxin damage is dealt. 0.2 units per tick N/A 1.5 Mutadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Bromine Genetic Instantly removes your genetic mutations. Hulks hate it! 0.4 units per tick N/A 2 Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs perform niche functions that help against less common ailments. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold pH Potassium Iodide▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Radiation Reduces low radiation damage very effectively. 0.8 units per tick N/A N/A 12 Ephedrine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sugar Stun Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends), increases run speed, regenerates 1 stamina per tick and causes 20% chance to drop held items. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage with a 2% chance to cause a heart attack. If addicted it will deal toxin damage, cause breathing problems, cause increasingly frequent seizures and long term jitter. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units 25 Units 12 Diphenhydramine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Bromine 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol Histamine Overdose Purges body of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A 11.5 Oculine▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Eye Quickly heals eye damage and has 20% chance per tick to reverts blindness. Does not work against genetic blindness, which needs Mutadone. For blindness caused by brain damage you will need surgery or other means. 0.1 units per tick N/A N/A 10 Inacusiate▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Carbon 1 part Water Ear Instantly removes all ear damage. Does not work against genetic deafness, which needs Mutadone. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 2 Epinephrine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Stun + Brute, burn, suffocation and toxin Prevents oxygen damage from crit state. If the patient is in crit it heals 0.5 oxyloss, toxins, brute, and burn. 20% chance each tick to reduce stun times a bit. Gives a minor stamina regeneration buff. Worse than Atropine at saving critical patients, but better for mid combat use. If overdosed it will randomly deal light toxin and stamina damage, and some suffocation. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A 10.2 Antihol▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol Alcohol Helps remove Alcohol from someone's body, as well as eliminating drunkenness, drowsiness, slurring, dizziness and confusion. Heals 0.2 toxin per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 4 Stimulants▮ Traitor/Changeling Adrenals or Stimpack Stun Instantly removes current stuns when injected. Reduces stun times by around 90% or less (depends), increases run speed and rapidly recovers stamina. Will heal 1 of each damage type if health is between 0 and 50. If overdosed it will hurt stamina and deal minor toxin damage. 0.2 units per tick 60 Units N/A 8.7 Insulin▮ Found in NanoMed Plus Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A 6.7 Strange Reagent▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life in just 10 seconds! If the corpse has suffered more than 100 brute or burn damage (or is husked) it will fail, however. If used on a living person each tick will deal 0.5 Brute and Burn damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 0 Life▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood Temperature 375K Life Creates one or multiple pissed off lifeforms. It's a good idea to assume the worst and have Security on hot standby. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A N/A N/A N/A Life (Friendly)▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Sugar Temperature 375K Life Creates one or multiple friendly lifeforms. Good for when you want to be surrounded by fluffy Corgis, or for when cargo has a bounty on Corgi pelts. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A N/A N/A N/A Synaptizine▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water Hallucination Decrease Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). Helps drowsiness and hallucinations go away much faster. Also purges Mindbreaker Toxin at 5u per tick. 30% chance per tick to cause 1 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 4 Rezadone▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Copper Cellular Damage Healing Instantly heals all cellular damage, while also healing 1 brute and burn damage per tick. If overdosed deals 1 toxin damage per tick and makes you dizzy and jittery. Very good for treating genetic damage on the spot. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A 12.2 Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Cryptobiolin Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus in your body. Metabolises very slowly. 0.04 units per tick N/A N/A 8.1 Miner's Salve▮ 1 Part Oil 1 part Iron 1 Part Water OR grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal and a sheet of plasma Improvised Patch Healing Chem Heals 0.25 brute and burn per tick, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch, which reduces nutrition by 5. If applied with touch/patch it increases surgery success chance by 10%. 1u heals roughly 1.5 burn+brute. 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A 2.6 Haloperidol▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Aluminium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of most drugs, while purging them. Reduces jitteriness and hallucinations, However each tick also causes drowsiness, 2.5 stamina damage and 20% chance for 1 brain damage (up to 50). 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A 4.3 Leporazine ▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. High doses can allow short periods of unprotected EVA. Not viable for unprotected EVA anymore ever since space brute damage was tripled. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 8.4 Corazone▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Heart attack Prevents cardiac arrest, fully protects from heart attack damage as well as liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 12.5 Psicodine▮ 2 parts Mannitol 1 part Impedrezene 2 parts Water Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and turns bad mood into neutral mood. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 units N/A 9.12 Energized Jelly▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Slime Jelly Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A 7 Polypyrylium Oligomers▮ Grown from Spaceman's Trumpet Lung damage A purple mixture of short polyelectrolyte chains not easily synthesized in the laboratory. Each tick heals 0.25 lung damage and 0.35 brute. Stops bleeding (over time). Will color hair and beard purple from touch or vapor. Overdose deals 0.25 lung damage. 0.1 units per tick 50 Units N/A Non-craftable Medicines These healing drugs are used in some situations, but are otherwise uncraftable. Name Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Dexalin▮ Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick (slower than Salbutamol). If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. Used by medibots. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Lavaland Extract▮ Brute, burn Very quickly heals damaged bodyparts. Survival medipens come with 2u of this, and also have several other chemicals. If overdosed it will deal 3 brute, burn and toxin damage per tick. Has very low overdose threshold. 0.4 units per tick 3 Units N/A Narcotics Narcotics are highly addictive drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation. Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Nicotine▮ Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. Reduces stun times by typically around 20% (depends). Addiction does nothing. If overdosed it will deal 1.1 oxygen and 0.1 toxin damage per tick. Metabolises slowly. 0.05 units per tick 15 Units 10 Units Krokodil▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Morphine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal 0.25 Brain and Toxin damage per tick. If addicted it will first deal some toxin and brain damage, and later switch to dealing 3 Brute damage, right before the addict's skin falls off, dealing 50 Brute. This turns you into a fake zombie. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 15 Units Crank▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Lithium 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). If overdosed it will deal 2 Brain, 2 Toxin and 2 Brute per tick. If addicted, every tick will first deal 5 Brain, then 5 Toxin, then 5 Brute, and at the last stage 3 Brain, 5 Toxin and 5 Brute at the same time. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Methamphetamine▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374K Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends), gives a large speed boost, makes you jittery and recovers 2 stamina while dealing 1 to 4 Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from 1 Toxin and 0.5 to 1 Brain damage per tick. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and lose motor control and eventually suffer 5 Toxin damage per tick. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380K. Can not explode in a body. 0.3 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Bath Salts▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Bad Food 1 part Enzyme 1 part Nutriment 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury Temperature 374K Makes the subject immune to sleep and stuns, grants 5 stamina regeneration and grants the user the psychotic brawling martial art, which makes your interactions with people have certain random effects. However the subject will suffer 4 Brain damage (per tick), constant hallucinations and will lose some motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool, and randomly drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will jitter, suffer 10 Brain damage (per tick), severe hallucinations, dizziness, yet more loss of motor control and eventually 5 Toxin damage (per tick). This drug will melt your brain. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Aranesp▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Morphine The subject will think they are "amped" and get 18 stamina regeneration. However the drug has 50% chance every tick to cause the subject to suffocate (and take 1 oxyloss), while also dealing 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Happiness▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Ethanol 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Suppresses phobias and fills you with ecstasic emotional numbness. Removes jitteriness, confusion and disgust. Causes 0.2 brain damage per tick. Highly addictive. If overdosed causes sudden mood swings and an additional 0.5 brain damage per tick. If addicted it will slowly drive your mood to "insane". 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 10 Units Modafinil▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ammonia 1 part Sulphuric acid 1 unit Bromine (catalyst) Slowly-metabolizing medicine. Heals dizziness, drowsiness, sleepand heats you up if frozen, similarly to Coffee Latte. Reduces stun times slightly. If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, dizziness (later), 50% chance to choke. After 41 cycles 20% chance to stun you. On cycle 82 puts you into endless sleep while constantly taking 1.5 stamina and oxygen damage. No chance for addiction but very finicky OD. 0.02-0.08 units per tick Random, initially 20 but goes up or down 0.1 each tick. N/A Space Drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar An illegal compound which induces drugginess, randomly makes you step in any direction and makes you drool, giggle and similar. If overdosed causes hallucinations. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units N/A Morphine▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 480K Will allow you to run at full speed, even when hurt or in a hardsuit, but you'll get drowsy after 12 cycles, and fall asleep if it's in your system for 24 cycles. You will not wake up until it's out of your system. If overdosed or addicted it will cause jitteriness, dizziness and force the victim to drop items in their hands. If addicted it will also eventually deal 1, 2 and later 3 toxin damage per tick. Can be ordered from Cargo, be grown at Botany or be found in a NanoMed Plus. (Results in 3 units instead of 6) 0.2 units per tick 30 Units 25 Units Crocin▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Water Temperature 400K Naturally found in the crocus and gardenia flowers, this drug acts as a natural and safe aphrodisiac. In other words, makes you aroused without fucking with your head. Or horny, if you'd prefer that terminology. Avoid using on people without OOC consent. Same goes for all the three similar drugs below. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Hexacrocin▮ 6 parts Crocin 1 part Phenol Temperature 400K Chemically condensed form of basic crocin. This aphrodisiac is extremely powerful and addictive in most animals. Addiction withdrawals can cause brain damage and shortness of breath. Overdosage can lead to brain damage and a permanent increase in libido (commonly referred to as 'bimbofication'). 0.2 units per tick 20 Units 20 Units Camphor▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Sulfur Temperature 400K Naturally found in some species of evergreen trees, camphor is a waxy substance. When injested by most animals, it acts as an anaphrodisiac, reducing libido and calming them. Non-habit forming and not addictive. Basically the opposite of Crocin. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Hexacamphor▮ 6 parts Camphor 1 part Acetone Temperature 400K Chemically condensed camphor. Causes an extreme reduction in libido and a permanent one if overdosed. Non-addictive. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units N/A Skooma▮ 10 parts Moonsugar 5 parts Morphine Temperature below 280K An ancient, highly-addictive drug of long-forgotten times. It greatly improves the user's speed and strength, but heavily impedes their intelligence and agility. When mixed, also leaves some sugar and moonshine. 0.2 units per tick N/A 1 Unit Skooma Reversion 1 part Skooma Temperature 315K Breaks Skooma down into its component parts: Moonsugar and Morphine. N/A N/A N/A Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Stabilizing Agent▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. The stabilizing agent is not consumed when stabilizing explosives, and one unit is enough to stabilize any amount of explosives. Also required to keep buffers from destroying theirselves. This does not work on everything, so be warned! 0.4 units per tick Fluorosurfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any floors, objects, people or animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). The less foam used, the more reagent will be delivered into a person's system. Foam is slippery! Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Smoke▮ 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized into Smoke Powder with Stabilizing Agent. N/A Smoke Powder▮ 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar 1 part Stabilizing Agent (catalyst) The stabilized version of Smoke - only one third as effective as the unstabilized chemical reaction. Heat to 374K to activate. Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Flash Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Phlogiston▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Stable Plasma Turns into a spreading plasma fire if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 4 fire damage every 3 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. 0.4 units per tick Napalm▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer than other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. 0.4 units per tick Sonic Powder▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to heat its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Pyrosium, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does nothing whatsoever without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. Can not react in a body. 0.2 units per tick Cryostylane▮ 1 part Water 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Nitrogen When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to cool its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Cryostylane, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u, unless you want to prevent it from metabolising out of a body too fast. Does nothing without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. Deals toxin damage to slimes. Can not react in a body. 0.2 units per tick Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 3 parts Fluorine 1 part Chlorine Temperature 424K When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Comes into existence at 1000K. A flammable substance so dangerous it can burn through the hull of the station. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will deal 6 burn per tick from the inside. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast, however. 4 units per tick Sorium▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mercury 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Meth Explosion▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 300K Reagents are 300K (room temperature) by default, so if you are making Methamphetamine and mixing the Ephedrine last, make sure you're using a chilled container, or it'll blow up just as if it was overheated. Definitely safer to just make the ephedrine separately. Blows up with the same strength as Black Powder. Can not explode in a body. N/A Black Powder▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Sulfur When heated to 474K it sparks, and then creates a violent explosion 5-10 seconds later. Causes hallucinations in plasmamen. 0.05 units per tick Nitroglycerin▮ 1 part Glycerol 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Useful in grenade production. N/A Holy Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Holy Water This explodes immediately on mixing. If it combined at least 75 of each reagent, it results in a more powerful explosion, which also paralyzes and reveals revenants and sets nearby cultists on fire. Otherwise it behaves like a normal Water-Potassium explosion. Much more efficient if less Potassium is used. N/A EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, creating an electromagnetic pulse which affects electronics nearby; very useful for causing chaos. N/A Bee Explosion (Beesplosion) 1 part Honey 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Radium Creates bees. 1 bee per 5 created volume. If mixed in a beaker or grenade containing other reagents, then every bee will contain one of those reagents. The bees from this reaction have a limited lifespan, and will die after 50 seconds. N/A Tesla Shock 1 part Teslium 1 part Water Or heating Teslium to 474K This reacts immediately on mixing, shooting electric bolts at anyone near the reaction, shocking people and disabling/damaging electronics. N/A Thermite▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that can burn straight through walls or floors when splashed and ignited. Needed amount depends on target structure. Does not work on doors or windows. Causes 1 burn damage per tick to humans when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Other Recipes These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. Name Formula Description Metabolism Rate Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair style. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Bluespace Dust▮ Grind a bluespace crystal Occasionally causes random short distance teleportation if ingested. 0.4 units per tick Concentrated Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen If sprayed or splashed on you it grows your hair very long. Does nothing when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Candle 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Oxygen Temperature 374K Creates a red candle for use in decoration or rituals. Can not react in a body. N/A Carbon Dioxide 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Carbon Temperature 777K Creates CO2 in liquid form. Spilling this will release gas form CO2 into the atmosphere. Has no other effects. 0.4 units per tick Cellulose Fibers▮ Grind anything fiber-y - paper, wood, bamboo, cloth, tape, corn cobs... Unfortunately not full clothes. A crystaline polydextrose polymer, plants swear by this stuff. Ingredient in sutures and meshes. 7 Cellulose Carbonization 1 part Cellulose Fibers Temperature 512K Turns cellulose into carbon. N/A Colorful Reagent▮ 1 part Triple Citrus 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium 1 part Stable Plasma Use this to color EVERYTHING! Keep away from the clown and assistants! Add this to your smoke grenades. 0.4 units per tick Condensed Capsaicin▮ 5 parts Ethanol 1 part Capsaicin Oil A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work. Stuns when sprayed or splashed into unprotected eyes. (Results in 5 units instead of 6) 0.4 units per tick Corgium 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Nutriment 1 part Blood Temperature 374K Creates your own Corgi! N/A Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. 0.6 units per tick Drying Agent▮ 2 parts Stable Plasma 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Foaming Agent▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Used in Metal Foam production. Creates 1 unit instead of 2. 0.4 units per tick Firefighting Foam▮ 1 part Stabilizing Agent 1 part Fluorosurfactant 1 part Carbon Temperature below 200K When used in a spray or with smoke it creates a non-slippery foam which extinguishes fires and burning creatures, and removes plasma from the air, dumping it on the floor upon dissipation. 0.4 units per tick Glycerol▮ 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. Used to make Nitroglycerin or FRAG-12 shotgun slugs. Slippery like water. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Quantum Hair Dye▮ 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair color. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Laughter▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Banana Juice Causes you to laugh. (Results in 10 units instead of 2) instant Meat Product 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Nutriment 10 parts Carbon Creates a slab of chemically processed meat. Can not react in a body. N/A Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but are useful for plugging hull breaches or blocking off AI turrets. Can be made with either iron or aluminium for different looks. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Moonsugar▮ Mix Sugar and Moonshine in a grinder The primary precursor for an ancient feline delicacy known as Skooma. While it has no notable effects on it's own besides making people nya, mixing it with morphine in a chilled container may yield interesting results. N/A Smart Foaming Agent 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron Required to make smart metal foam. 0.4 units per tick Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 parts Fluorosulfuric Acid A "smart" version of metal foam that reacts to tiles exposed to space by forming floors/walls. Usually doesn't encase people or block hallways. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Nitrous Oxide 2 parts Ammonia 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 525K Creates N2O in liquid form. Explodes when heated to 575K. Will cause drowsiness on touch. When consumed or injected it also causes anemia, confusion and loss of breath. Spilling this will release gas form N2O into the atmosphere. 0.6 units per tick Gold Solidification 20 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Iron Solidifies a large amount of liquid Gold into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Plasma Solidification 20 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil Solidifies a large amount of liquid Plasma into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Plastic Sheets 5 parts Oil 3 parts Ash 2 parts Sulphuric Acid Temperature 374K Creates Plastic sheets at a rate of 10u per Plastic sheet. N/A "" Preservahyde▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Bromine 1 part Water A powerful preservation agent, utilizing the preservative effects of formaldehyde with significantly less of the histamine. 0.5 units per tick Royal Bee Jelly▮ 40 parts Honey 10 parts Unstable Mutagen Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected. (Results in 5 units instead of 50) 0.4 units per tick Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K Creates a bar of soap, 10% faster cleaning than with what you get on the station. Can not react in a body. N/A Sodium Chloride▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Exotic uses include messing with Revenants - they can't jaunt through salt piles. 0.4 units per tick Space Cleaner▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water This is able to clean almost all surfaces of most things that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. 0.4 units per tick Spray Tan▮ 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 Part Corn Oil Darkens the skin when sprayed or patched. Ingesting more than 10u overdoses you, which makes you tanned, spiky haired, randomly flex your muscles and spout an old meme. 0.4 units per tick Space Lube▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Space Lube is a high performance lubricant. Splashing it on floor tiles makes them extremely slippery for a very long time. Only way to remove it is to pry out/replace the floor tiles or wait. (Results in 4 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Sterilizine▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol When applied via touch or vapor, increases the success chance of surgical steps by 20%. Useful for surgery in less than ideal conditions. 0.4 units per tick Synthmeat 5 parts Blood 1 part Cryoxadone Creates a slab of synthetic meat. N/A Carpets A rather convenient chemical - you just spill some on the ground and, poof! A nice, soft rug right underneath your feet. Best used in a smoke machine/grenade or spray bottle. A subcategory has been created due to the variety of carpets available. Name Formula Description Metabolism Rate Carpet ▮ 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Blood Ingredient in Barber's Aid. 0.4 units per tick Black Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Carbon 0.4 units per tick Arcade Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Pwr Game 0.4 units per tick Red Black Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Charcoal 0.4 units per tick Monochrome Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Oil 0.4 units per tick Blue Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Tonic Water 0.4 units per tick Cyan Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Ice 0.4 units per tick Green Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Sulphuric Acid 0.4 units per tick Orange Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Orange Juice 0.4 units per tick Purple Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Stable Plasma 0.4 units per tick Red Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Welding Fuel 0.4 units per tick Royal Black Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Pepper 0.4 units per tick Royal Blue Carpet ▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Clonexadone 0.4 units per tick Virology Recipes These chemicals are used to mutate viruses, and have few uses beyond that. Name Formula Description Virus Rations▮ 1 part Virus food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Virus Food▮ 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk Allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1 or 2. The virologist has a dispenser with this on a wall in the lab. (Results in 15 units instead of 10) Mutagenic Agar▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus food Extremely similar to Unstable Mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 3. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar▮ 1 part Mutagenic agar 1 part Sugar Extremely similar to Mutagenic Agar. Used to get a virus symptom of level 4. Weakened Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus plasma 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus plasma. Used to get a virus symptom of level 5. Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus food 1 part Plasma Extremely similar to Plasma. Used to get a virus symptom of level 6. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Decaying Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus food 1 part Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 6 or 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Unstable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 5 parts Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6) Stable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Plasma 10 parts Uranium 10 parts Silver OR Gold Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 8. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Mutation Toxins Obtainable through xenobiology, these chemicals transform humaniods in other humanoid races. It only takes 1u to start the transformation. Name Formula Description Slime Mutation Toxin▮ Use Plasma on a green slime Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a slimeperson. Lizard Mutation Toxin▮ Use Radium on a green slime Transforms into a lizardperson. Mammal Mutation Toxin▮ Use Water on a green slime Transforms into a mammal. Felinid Mutation Toxin▮ 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water 10 parts Crocin 1 part Stable Mutation Toxin Temperature 450K Transforms into a felinid. Insect Mutation Toxin▮ 2 parts Liquid Dark Matter 5 parts Ammonia 1 part Lithium 1 part Stable Mutation Toxin Temperature 320K Transforms into a insect. Arachnid Mutation Toxin▮ 10 parts Heparin 1 part Insect Mutation Toxin Transforms into an arachnid. Shadow Mutation Toxin▮ 5 parts Liquid Dark Matter 10 parts Synaptizine 10 parts Oculine 1 part Stable Mutation Toxin Temperature 600K Transforms into a shadowperson. Stable Mutation Toxin▮ Use Blood on a green slime That transforms into a human. Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Use Plasma on a black slime Slowly morphs the victim into a slime. The transformation can be stopped with Frost Oil. Fermichem A type of chemical unique to the server. Rather than reacting instantly like others, they react over time, making you have to make sure the pH of the mixture doesn't stray from the range to keep the purity high. For some, you also have to manage temperature so that they don't self-heat itself into exploding. Keeping the temperature in range is simple: just set the temperature on the heater to a low temperature. Keeping the pH stable involves using a dropper to take a low or high pH chem (usually acidic buffer or hydrogen to lower pH and alkaline buffer or diethylamine to raise pH) and insert it into the mix as it reacts (one can do this by just clicking the heater with the dropper). (Full list in progress) Walkthrough of your first Fermireaction A good first step onto the road to chemical mastery is to produce some basic buffer. Basic buffer will test your basic understanding of chemistry by asking for lye. Add 1 part Lye, 2 parts ethanol, 2 parts water and at least 1u of sulphuric acid and 1u of stabilizing agent to a XL beaker (the beaker will resist the intense pH). Dropper in 1u of Sulphuric acid. Notice how your reaction is abysmally slow, and remember that heat = reaction rate! Heat the beaker to 443K, as heating it above 444K will melt the beaker. If you're using a metabeaker, heat that bad boy up even more and give yourself a gold star. Cool the beaker back down after the reaction. Separate out the buffer. You're now ready to react Eigenstasium. Add the 3 reagents into a glass beaker in equal parts, while keeping total volume low incase of explosion. Adjust your pH to 8 (the center of the range (2 - 14)) Heat the beaker to 355K Remember that reaction rate = heat! Remember that Eigenstasium is exothermic, and may get away from you if you're too keen. Put your reaction rate to a sensible 450K, and watch it to ensure it doesn't get too close to the explosion temperature (650K). 6.5 If the reaction starts getting too hot, crash the temperature to 1K and pray it's not too late. Adjust the pH during the reaction to keep it around 8 using a dropper or a syringe with basic buffer in. Enjoy wiggly cosmic dust. (But don't OD!) If you're able to make these two reactions successfully, you should be ready to tackle the other ones on your own. Bear in mind the others can be more difficult, and should be approached with a thoughtful demeanor. Also give yourself a headpat for doing so well! Name Recipe Reaction vars Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Impurity effects pH Acidic Buffer▮ 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution 3 parts Ethanol 3 parts Oxygen 3 parts Water Min react temp: 250K Explosion_temp: 9999K pH range: 0 to 14 Min explosive purity: 0.15 Neutral This reagent will consume itself and move the pH of a beaker towards acidity when added to another unless stabilizing agent is present. Useful for making other things! 0.4 units per tick N/a N/a None, purity isn't an issue 0 Basic Buffer▮ 1 part Lye 2 parts Ethanol 2 parts Water 1 unit Sulphuric Acid (catalyst) Min react temp: 250K Explosion_temp: 9999K pH range: 0 to 14 Min explosive purity: 0.15 Neutral This reagent will consume itself and move the pH of a beaker towards alkalinity when added to another unless stabilizing agent is present. Useful for making other things! 0.4 units per tick N/a N/a None, purity isn't an issue 14 Astrogen▮ 1 part Eigenstasium 3 parts Plasma 1 part Synaptizine 5 parts Aluminium Min react temp: 700K Explosion_temp: 1150K pH range: 8 to 14 Min explosive purity: 0.25 Special explosion: Yes Dangerously exothermic An opalescent murky liquid that is said to distort your soul from your being. Allows you to astral project. Additionally, turns tiles into space, and bedsheets cosmic when sprayed. Currently disabled. 0 units per tick 20 Units 24.5 Units Chemical Isomers 7 Eigenstasium▮ 1 part Bluespace Dust 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 350K Explosion_temp: 650K pH range: 7 to 9 Min explosive purity: 0.4 Extremely exothermic A strange mixture formed from a controlled reaction of bluespace with plasma, that causes localised eigenstate fluxuations within the patient. Splits your eigenstate in two, then collapses it when it's through your system. When sprayed on lockers on top of each other, it will link their eigenstates. If overdosed, splits permanently. Addiction causes spontaneous universe swapping. 0.48 units per tick 15 Units 15 Units Interferes with teleporting to creation location + Chemical Isomers 3.7 Succubus Milk▮ 2 parts Saline-Glucose Solution 1 part Milk 2 parts Synthflesh 3 parts Silicon 3 parts Crocin Min react temp: 200K Explosion_temp: 900K pH range: 6 to 10 Min explosive purity: 0.1 Special explosion: Yes Exothermic A volatile collodial mixture derived from milk that encourages mammary production via a potent estrogen mix. In layman's terms, increases the breast size of someone, assuming they have that content pref enabled. 1 cup per 5u. Overdoses turn people more feminine, assuming they have that content pref enabled. 0.25 units per tick 17 Units N/a Impure and inverse chem: Modesty milk Invert purity level: 0.25 7 Incubus Draft▮ 2 part Saline-Glucose Solution 2 parts Synthflesh 2 parts Carbon 5 parts Blood 2 parts Crocin Min react temp: 200K Explosion_temp: 900K pH range: 2 to 6 Min explosive purity: 0.1 Special explosion: Yes Exothermic A volatile collodial mixture derived from various masculine solutions that encourages a larger gentleman's package via a potent testosterone mix, formula derived from a collaboration from Fermichem and Doctor Ronald Hyatt, who is well known for his phallus palace. In layman's terms, increases the member size of someone, assuming they have that content pref enabled. 5 units per inch. Overdoses turn people more masculine, assuming they have that content pref enabled. 0.5 units per tick 17 Units N/a Impure and inverse chem: Chastity draft Invert purity level: 0.25 7 Hat growth serum▮ 1 part Ethanol 3 parts Nutriment 2 parts Cooking Oil 1 part Iron 3 parts Gold Min react temp: 500K Explosion_temp: 750K pH range: 2 to 5 Min explosive purity: 0.5 Special explosion: Yes Endothermic A strange substance that draws in a hat from the hat dimension. Puts a hat upon the patient, which grows in strength with each second it's in their system. However, they can't take it off! Overdosing weakens the hat instead. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units N/a Decreases hat strength growth. 4 Furranium▮ 1 part Crocin 1 part Moonsugar 2 parts Silver 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution Min react temp: 350K Explosion_temp: 700K pH range: 8 to 10 Min explosive purity: 0.3 Extremely endothermic The patient uncontrollably awoo's and nya's. With a high enough concentration, their tongue will shift into a fluffy one, making them "sweak wike dis owo!" 0.2 units per tick 25 Units N/a If the purity is high enough, the effects are permanent. 5 Nanite Bane▮ 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Uranium 1 part Iron 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution Min react temp: 500K Explosion_temp: 700K pH range: 6 to 6.25 Min explosive purity: 0.15 Very exothermic A stablised EMP that is highly volatile, shocking small nano machines that will kill them off at a rapid rate in a patient's system. Removes nanites in someone's system, causes EMPs on anything it's sprayed on. If overdosed, removes nanites faster, but scrambles their functions, which can cause zaps and other effects. 0.4 units per tick 15 Units N/a Impure and inverse chem: Electromagnetic crystals Invert purity level: 0.25 9 Yamerol▮ 1 part Perfluorodecalin 1 part Salbutamol 1 part Water Min react temp: 300K Explosion_temp: 800K pH range: 6.8 to 7.2 Min explosive purity: 0.15 Extremely endothermic For when you've trouble speaking or breathing, just yell YAMEROL! Treats oxyloss, tongue and lung damage. Allows lungless patients to survive without lungs. When brewing, should stay very close to pH 7 to not reduce the purity. If overdosed, restores missing lungs and tongues. If purity is 1, cures Fluffy Tongue. 0.4 units per tick 35 Units N/a Impure and inverse chem: Yamer oh no 8.6 MKUltra▮ 1 part Coco Powder 1 part Bluespace Dust 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Psicodine 1 part Happiness 1 unit Blood (catalyst) Min react temp: 780K Explosion_temp: 840K pH range: 12 to 13 Min explosive purity: 0.2 Special explosion: Yes Extremely exothermic A forbidden deep red mixture that overwhelms a foreign body with waves of pleasure, intoxicating them into servitude. When taken by the creator, it will enhance the draw of their voice to those affected by it. Like Crocin and Camphor, don't use it on people that don't want to deal with it, or you can expect a talking-to later. Overdosing mindbreaks the patient. 0.1 units per tick 100 Units N/a Impure chem: Love Potion 10 Synthetic-Derived Growth Factor▮ 1.5 parts Stable Plasma 1.5 parts Clonexadone 1.5 parts Uranium 1.5 parts Synthflesh Min react temp: 600K Explosion_temp: 635K pH range: 3 to 3.5 Min explosive purity: 0.2 Special explosion: Yes Extremely endothermic A rapidly dividing mass of Embryonic stem cells. These cells are missing a nucleus and quickly replicate a host’s DNA before growing to form an almost perfect clone of the host. In some cases neural replication takes longer, though the underlying reason underneath has yet to be determined. In layman's terms and mechanically, it creates a clone of someone that is then controlled by another player. 0.2 units per tick N/a N/a Impure chem: Synthetic-Derived Apoptosis Factor Inverse chem: Synthetic-Derived Zombie Factor 7 Artificial Zeolite▮ 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Oxygen 1 Aluminium 1 Silicon Min react temp: 500K Explosion_temp: 850K pH range: 4.8 to 7 Min explosive purity: 0.5 Exothermic Lab made Zeolite, used to clear radiation from people and items alike! Splashing just a small amount(5u) onto any item can clear away large amounts of contamination, as long as its purity is at least 0.7. Dependent on purity N/a N/a Besides lack of the decontamination effect, Chemical Isomers 8 Synthtissue▮ 1 part Synthflesh 0.1 part Sugar Min react temp: 305K Explosion_temp: 1050K pH range: 8.5 to 9.5 Special explosion: Yes Neutral Synthetic tissue used for grafting onto damaged organs during surgery, or for treating limb damage. Has a very tight growth window between 305-320, any higher and the temperature will cause the cells to die. Additionally, growth time is considerably long, so chemists are encouraged to leave beakers with said reaction ongoing, while they tend to their other duties. Exact effectiveness and unit colonies required for each kind of synthtissue can be found here. 0.025 units per tick N/a N/a The further it is from the pH range, the slower it grows. 7.6 Plushmium▮ 5 parts Strange Reagent 3 parts Happiness 10 units Blood 5 units Laughter 6 units Bad Food Min react temp: 400K Explosion_temp: 800K pH range: 2 to 5 Min explosive purity: 0.6 Special explosion: Yes Endothermic A strange chemical, seeming almost fluffy, if it were not for it being a liquid. Known to have a strange effect on plushies. If sprayed on a normal plushie, transfers the mind of whoever hugs it into the plushie. If sprayed on sentient plushies, heals them. 0.4 units per tick N/a N/a Chemical Isomers 5 Rectify Milk▮ Found in organomegaly trauma hypospray kits. N/a A medicine used to treat organomegaly in a patient's breasts. In other words, turns things back to how they were at the start of the round. 0.25 units per tick N/a N/a N/a 7 Rectify Draft▮ Found in organomegaly trauma hypospray kits. N/a A medicine used to treat organomegaly in a patient's penis. In other words, turns things back to how they were at the start of the round. 0.5 units per tick N/a N/a N/a 7 Synthetic-Derived Healing Factor▮ See description N/a Leftover SDGF is transferred into the resulting clone, which quickly heals up the stresses from suddenly splitting. Restores blood, nutrition, and repaires brain and clone damage quickly. Only obtainable from using excess SDGF, and only enters the cloned body. 0.5 units per tick N/a N/a N/a 7 Impure reagents You might've done an oopsie whoopsie, or you might've done it intentionally to potentially disastrous results. Regardless, the result has differed from the usual, resulting in one of the below... Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate pH Chemical Isomers▮ Make impure... Well, a lot of things, really. Isomers will cause metabolic stress upon the patient's liver. As their stress goes up, it deals liver, then toxin, then heart, then stamina and then finally the liver will begin to swell. Patients without livers will constantly take toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick 2 Modesty Milk▮ Make impure Succubus Milk Does the opposite of Succubus Milk. 0.25 units per tick 7 Chastity Draft▮ Make impure Incubus Draft Does the opposite of Incubus Draft. 0.5 units per tick 7 Electromagnetic crystals▮ Make impure Nanite Bane Causes items upon the patient to sometimes short out, as well as causing a shock in the patient, if the residual charge between the crystals builds up to sufficient quantities. 0.25 units per tick 7 Yamer oh no▮ Make impure Yamerol A dangerous, cloying toxin that stucks to a patient’s respiratory system, damaging their tongue, lungs and causing suffocation. 0.175 units per tick 8.6 Synthetic-Derived Apoptosis Factor▮ Make impure SDGF. Impure synthetic-derived growth factor causes certain cells to undergo cell death, causing clone damage and damaging blood cells. 0.5 units per tick 3 Synthetic-Derived Zombie Factor▮ Make inverse SDGF. A horribly perverse mass of Embryonic stem cells made real by the hands of a failed or malicious chemist. Emulates normal synthetic-derived growth factor, but produces a hostile zombie at the end of it. 0.04 units per tick Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals you can mix it. The human liver will quickly purge toxins under 3u from its system. Name Recipe Damage dealt Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Toxin▮ Medbay Vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxin Will deal 1.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bad Food▮ From eating poorly made food Toxin Will deal 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick N/A Chloral Hydrate▮ 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water Stun, Toxin A powerful sedative which first confuses and makes you drowsy, and then after 10 cycles puts the victim to sleep. After 51 total cycles, it starts dealing ever increasing toxin damage, until death. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5) 0.6 units per tick N/A Mindbreaker Toxin▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon Hallucinations A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". For people with the Reality Dissociation Syndrome trait, this will instead suppress hallucinations. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Impedrezene▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brain A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 80% chance per tick to cause 2 brain damage and 50% to cause drowsiness. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mute Toxin▮ 2 parts Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Speech Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mime's Bane▮ 1 part Mute Toxin 1 part Nothing 1 part Radium Gestures Makes the subject unable to gesticulate. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bone Hurting Juice▮ 3 parts Itching Powder 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Milk Stamina Damage and Delimbing Skeletons Does 15 stamina damage per tick. On overdose, it has a 4% chance of causing a spike of 200 stamina damage to a random limb, temporarily disabling it. If you're a skeleton or a plasmaman, it will deal 15 stamina and 0.5 brute damage per tick, and overdosing can cause a spike of 200 brute damage to a random limb, instead of stamina. 0.4 units per tick 50 Units Mulligan Toxin▮ 1 part Slime Mutation Toxin 1 Part Unstable Mutagen Found in the Traitor Uplink. Identity Randomizes the subject's appearance. Infinite N/A Lexorin▮ 1 part Plasma 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Suffocation Temporarily stops respiration and causes 5 oxyloss damage per tick. Even small doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out quickly. 0.4 units per tick N/A Initropidril▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray Cardiac Arrest Each cycle deals 2.5 toxin damage, with 25% chance to cause one of the following: 6 second stun, 5-25 oxyloss damage, or cardiac arrest. Combat the latter with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib if available. 0.2 units per tick N/A Tirizene▮ Traitor Sleepypen, Emagged Soda Dispenser/Borg Hypo, Poison/Death Berries Stamina Damage Deals 13 stamina damage per tick, which constantly lowers. Usually harmless. 0.4 units per tick N/A Tiring Solution▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs Stamina Damage Deals 10 stamina damage per tick, slowing you down. Won't go higher than 50 stamina damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Polonium▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray Radiation Cause significant Radiation damage over time. It's metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Pancuronium▮ Poison Kit, Emagged Medibot Stun and Suffocation After 10 cycles stuns you with no warning. Randomly causes loss of breath, which can choke you to death. 0.1 units per tick N/A Sodium Thiopental▮ Emagged Borg Hypo, Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray/Syringe/Dart, Emagged Medibot Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 10 cycles, and deals 10 stamina damage per tick. Similar to Chloral Hydrate but longer lasting and can't kill you. 0.3 units per tick N/A Sulfonal▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Knockout and Toxin 0.5 toxin damage every cycle and knocks you out after 22 cycles. Metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Amanitin▮ Destroying Angel Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Deals 3 toxin damage per cycle it was in you. 0.2 units per tick N/A Amatoxin▮ Fly Amanita Toxin Damage Deals 2.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Unstable Mutagen▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Mutations Causes mutations when injected into/consumed by living people or plants. In people the mutation happens instantly moment you take the chem, and not from metabolization. The chance for a bad mutation is 98%, and good mutation 2%. Causes radiation. High doses are lethal to your liver. Also useful for Virology. The botanist wants this in liquid form. 0.4 units per tick N/A Lipolicide▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Mercury Weight Loss Drains nutrition. Useful for weight loss. Will deal toxin damage if you are starving. 0.2 units per tick N/A Coniine▮ Death Berries, Bioterror Spray/Syringe Toxin and breath loss 1.75 toxin damage and 5 seconds of loss of breath per tick. EXTREMELY slow metabolization, but fast acting. Comparable to Lexorin. 0.024 units per tick N/A Curare▮ Poison Kit Paralyzation, Oxygen, and Toxin Paralyzes you after 11 cycles, while dealing 1 oxyloss and 1 toxic damage. Metabolizes slowly; very lethal. 0.05 units per tick N/A Histamine▮ Omega Weed, Poison Kit, Formaldehyde, Venom, Itching Powder Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Has a small chance each tick to cause 2 Brute damage or blur vision. If overdosed it will also deal 2 Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage each tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units Formaldehyde▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 420K Toxin Causes a 1 Toxin damage per tick. Has a 5% chance to turn into 5 to 15 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick N/A Venom▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray, Giant Spider bites Brute, toxin Each cycle will deal 0.2 Toxin and 0.3 Brute damage per volume of venom in the body. Has a 15% chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. 0.1 units per tick N/A Fentanyl▮ 1 part Space Drugs Temperature 674K Toxin, brain Will deal 1 toxin and 3 brain damage, up to 60 points of toxin damage and 150 points of brain damage (brains have 200 points of health). If the drug is not removed before 18 cycles it will knock the user unconscious. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cyanide▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen Temperature 380K Toxin, oxyloss Deals random amounts of toxin damage while slowly suffocating or stunning its target. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Carpotoxin▮ Space Carp, Koi Beans, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxin Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. No special effects, but can be used to make Rezadone and imitation carpmeat. 0.4 units per tick N/A Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper Fake death, stun Instantlyknocks people out, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. Deals 0.5 suffocation and toxin damage per tick. (Results in 2 units instead of 15) 0.4 units per tick N/A Ghoul Powder▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Zombie Powder Fake death Slows metabolism to a death-like state, while keeping the patient fully aware and mobile. Deals 1 suffocation and 0.8 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Itching Powder▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing 0.2 Brute damage. Unlike other chems, itching powder will enter your bloodstream from touch, such as from getting splashed with it. Has a 3% chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick N/A Mint Toxin▮ Mints, Emagged Chem Dispenser, Mushroom Shavings (Lavaland) Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. 0.4 units per tick N/A Slime Jelly▮ Grinding an unused slime extract Or combining Slime Blood with Toxin. Toxin The base reagent for slime based chemicals. Grinding slime extracts yields 20u slime jelly per use left. 40% chance to heal 5 Brute damage each tick, but also has a 10% chance to deal a burst of 20-60 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A Frost Oil▮ Blue Slimes or from grinding Ice Pepper Burn A special oil that noticably chills the body. Extracted from ice peppers or slimes. Will cool you faster the longer it has been in the body, up to maximum strength after 35 cycles. Changeling cryo sting injects this. Creates slippery ice tiles if spilled on floor for about 1 second per unit, depending on pressure and temperature. Spilling also reduces area temperature by 5K per unit. Hurts slimes and slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Heparin▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 Part Sodium 1 Part Chlorine 1 Part Lithium Brute, Bleeding Causes bleeding constantly while in the system of the victim. Deals 1 brute and drains more than 1 percentage point of blood volume per tick. 0.08 units per tick N/A Teslium▮ 1 Part Black Powder 1 Part Silver 1 Part Stable Plasma Temperature 400K Random Shocks Randomly shocks the victim every 5-30 seconds while it is in their system, ignoring any protection cause the shock comes from inside them. Also increases damage taken from normal shocks. Heating this to 474K will create a Tesla Shock 0.2 units per tick N/A Rotatium▮ 1 Part Teslium 1 Part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 Part Fentanyl Toxin After 20 cycles, causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion. Deals 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.24 units per tick N/A Skewium▮ 2 Parts Rotatium 2 Parts Plasma 1 Part Sulphuric Acid Toxin After 5 cycles, causes heavy skewing of the victim's screen, swinging fucking everywhere, zooming in and out, spinning, inverting, and generally making you want to throw up. Deals 0.25 toxin damage per tick. If you are wanting to fight someone, inject them with this and they will practically be unable to fight. 0.32 units per tick N/A Spewium▮ Poison Kit Toxin After 11 ticks, has up to a 50% chance of causing strong vomiting while purging other toxins each tick. After 33 cycles, there is a chance to eject an organ each tick if overdosing. Requires very high doses. 0.4 units per tick 29 Units Anacea▮ 1 Part Haloperidol 1 Part Impedrezene 1 Part Radium Toxin and Purges Medicines Metabolizes very slowly and purges 5u medicines from the victim while dealing 0.15 toxin damage per tick. If the victim also has Pentetic Acid or Calomel, the purging is slowed down to 0.5u per tick. 0.032 units per tick N/A Fluorosulfuric Acid▮ 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 380K Corrosion A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Slowly melts equipment and clothes it touches. Instantly deals brute damage if ingested or splashed on people. Deals 2 toxin and constantly increasing burn damage if ingested. 0.4 units per tick N/A Weed Killer▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ammonia Toxin Kills weeds and causes 1 toxin damage per tick to humans. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pest Killer▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Toxin Kills pests in hydroponics trays. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 4 toxin damage to fly people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick. N/A Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water Toxin A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 2 toxin damage to pod people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pax▮ 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Synaptizine 1 part Water Special Suppresses violence by preventing the victim from using harm intent, certain harmful weapons and only letting them use passive grabs. Non-harmful weapons such as disablers still work. 0.1 units per tick N/A Synthpax▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs Special Same as Pax but metabolises much faster. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick N/A Dizzying Solution▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs Special Makes the target dizzyand confused. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick N/A Tranquility▮ Gondola Meat Special Induces a virus that creates Pax within the victims body and slowly turns the victim into a Gondola. 0.4 units per tick N/A Liquid Electricity▮ Ethereal blood, certain foods Special Periodically electrocutes any non-Ethereals that have this in their system. 0.4 units per tick N/A Lavaland Chemicals Found primarily in Lavaland flora. Name Found in Type Description Metabolism Rate Entropic Polypnium▮ Mushroom Cap (Inocybe), from tall mushrooms Poison 20% chance each tick to do Stamina, Brain, Toxin, Oxygen, and a bit of Eye Damage. Also knocks you unconcious after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Tinea Luxor▮ Mushroom Stem (Embershroom) Other Makes the consumer glow. 0.4 units per tick Vitrium Froth▮ Cactus Fruit (Fruiting Cactus), Mushroom Leaf (Porcini) Medicine 80% chance to heal 1 burn and 1 brute damage each tick. 0.4 units per tick Hollow Water▮ Plumbing Geysers Other An ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, but it looks kinda hollow. Can be combined with Holy Water to make it into more Holy Water. 0.4 units per tick Wittel▮ Plumbing Geysers Other An extremely rare metallic-white substance only found on demon-class planets. 0.4 units per tick Protozine▮ Plumbing Geysers Medicine A less environmentally friendly and somewhat weaker variant of omnizine. 0.1 units per tick Under the hood First of all, there are actually 5 different ways of delivery, called ingest, inject, vapor, touch and patch. If you are not interested in the details, you can skip to Smoke vs Foam vs others. Ingest and inject both almost always do the exact same thing. The reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream. Used by pills, syringes, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, inhaling smoke and drinking the reagent directly. Vapor is used by (ranged) spray bottles and foam. A portion of the reagents will enter the bloodstream of the target, but clothes will protect from some/most/all of it depending on clothing. Any hardsuit typically makes the target completely immune to getting it into their bloodstream, if the helmet is closed. But if the reagent has a "vapor" based component, that component will still affect the target, like Fluorosulfuric Acid. See more about foam below, with examples. Touch is used by smoke and splashing. If the reagent has a "touch" based component, that component will affect the target (such as the instant heal part of Styptic Powder), without being blocked by clothing. Nothing at all will enter the target's bloodstream, with the exception of smoke if the target has no internals on. Currently all "touch" components are also "patch" components. See more on smoke below, with examples. Patch is used by patches and medical sprays. The reagent enters the target's bloodstream entirely AND if the reagent has a "patch" based component, that component will affect the target. Currently all "patch" components are also "touch" components. When a reagent enters a bloodstream, it will then "tick" about every 2 seconds, depending on server lag. Each tick or "cycle" will cause the chemical to apply its effects, while removing the amount described under the metabolism-columns on this guide. Smoke vs foam vs others These are the major practical differences between pills, syringes, patches, cigarettes, smoke, foam, splash and spray. Pills: Can be instantly ingested if used on yourself. It doesn't work if mouth is covered. Plasmamen will have trouble taking these. If the pH of the pill is too high, it will damage the tongue of the patient. Holds up to 50u. Syringes: Can be injected into people with their mouths covered, either by hand or with a syringe gun. It doesn't work on players wearing hardsuits, or on people with pierce-immune skin (like Golems or Plasmamen), unless you use a piercing syringe or manage to aim for an exposed part of their body. Holds between 10-60u, depending on syringe. Common syringes hold 15u. Patches: Will apply all reagents into a person's bloodstream through any clothing, including hardsuits. Also apply touch/patch based effects. Example: A patch of 20u Styptic Powder will instantly heal 20 brute (touch component), and also enter the target's bloodstream for a long heal over time. Usable by plasmamen. Can hold up to 40u. Cigarettes: Can be dipped in reagents to be filled. If smoking/vaping, you will slowly ingest whatever reagents the cigarette/cigar/e-cig contains. Though, if the reagents are too diluted, they may not build up in your bloodstream fast enough to have any effect at all. E-cigarettes can be trimmed with a screwdriver and multitool to also create smoke. Smoke: When a smoke reaction occurs, the smoke will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. People who enter the smoke will be touched by the reagents. If they do not have internals on, they will also ingest the reagents. The amount of smoke does not dilute the reagents. The reagents will be copied to every individual or tile (not walls, windows or doors) over the cloud's duration. Reagents that are special coded to affect floor/environment (such as blood, acid or Space Cleaner) will do so. Smoke will usually block sight. Smoke example 1: Smoke containing 20u Styptic Powder. Everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits, will slowly heal 20 brute (and scream in pain), if they stay in the smoke for its full duration (otherwise they will heal partially). Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the medicine, making it enter their bloodstream and start healing them over time. But since this particular medicine will deal toxin damage if not applied via touch/patch, those who inhale it will also start taking toxin damage. Smoke example 2: Smoke containing 20u Chlorine Trifluoride(CLF3). CLF3 has a touch(and vapor) component, so everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits and internals, will catch on fire. It will also deal burn damage to the environment, since CLF3 is coded to do so. Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the CLF3 and thus, start heating up from the inside, effectively burning from both in and out at the same time. Foam: When a foam reaction occurs, the foam will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. The foam will spread slower than smoke and is usually slippery. Reagents will be copied through the vapor type delivery to those affected over the duration of the foam, BUT the reagents will be heavily diluted depending on the amount of foaming reagent used. Any clothing will reduce how much of the reagents will enter a person's bloodstream. Furthermore, foam reagent bloodstream insertion is divided into several 'ticks'. A minimum amount of reagent is required per tick for it to enter a bloodstream. So if too little reagents are contained in the reaction, or too much foam is used, the foam will do nothing. These ticks are counted after dilution and protection from clothing. On the other hand, if you use very small amounts of foam, the reagents may instead multiply in the bloodstream to more than the original amount. Hardsuits with helmets on will make people immune to getting reagents into their bloodstream through foam. Despite dilution, the foam will still copy remaining chems such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner to any tile it touches (but not walls, windows or doors). Foam will not block sight. Foam example 1: 250u foam containing 10u Cyanide will spread a blue foam that does nothing to those it touches. The poison is too diluted to work at all. Foam example 2: 20u foam containing 250u Fluorosulfuric Acid. A small area and everyone touched by the foam will have large amounts of acid slowly melting their clothing and the affected floor and items. Those who did not wear a hardsuit with helmet on will also have a large amount of acid in their bloodstreams, depending on what they were wearing and how long they were in the foam. If they had internals on or not doesn't matter. Splashing: Throwing a beaker, or using a beaker on anything with harm intent, will splash its contents. The longer throw distance, the more the splash will spread out. A grenade will splash its content unless it also contains smoke or foam. Splashing only does touch delivery. This means most chemicals will do absolutely nothing when splashed. Reagents that have special properties to affect environment, such as Water, will do so where splashed (creates slippery tile). Reagents that have a touch component will apply that component only. Example: If you throw a beaker of 80u Synthflesh at someone, you will instantly heal them for 100 brute and burn, since Synthflesh is touch/patch based. It doesn't matter if the target uses hardsuit or internals in this case. Another example: If you throw a beaker of 100u Silver Sulfadiazine at someone, you will instantly heal them 100 burn. But none of the medicine will enter the bloodstream, so there won't be a heal over time. This means throwing a beaker of poison at someone will do nothing at all. Splashing can apply chemicals such as Thermite to walls. Spraying: Spraying reagents will apply them to environments (if they have any such effect), and will enter hit people's bloodstreams through the vapor delivery. This means clothing will protect from some/most/all of the reagents, depending on what they are wearing. Using a hardsuit with helmet on makes them immune to getting the reagent into their bloodstream. Reagents such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner will still cause their special effects when sprayed on people/environments, but will not enter the bloodstream if the target is wearing too heavy clothing. A final note: Many mobs are "simplemobs" which means they don't have a bloodstream and can thus not be poisoned/sedated. Monkeys and most playable humanoids are the exceptions to this. Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. Chemicals You have all sorts of things here, and can make so much. You can make medicines, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, and so much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Alumnium Carbon Chlorine Copper Ethanol Flourine Hydrogen Iron Lithium Mercury Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorus Potassium Radium Sulphuric Acid Silicon Sodium Sugar Sulfur Tungsten Water Formulas These are some sample formulas for you chemists out there, ask about in game to learn more! Experimentation can be dangerous, or rewarding. Pharmaceutical chemicals can usually be identified by a light pink-ish color. Medicine The vast majority of chemicals you will be called on to make. Typically, a small amount of each should be kept on hand. Assuming the medical team is not incompetent, they should be able to keep everyone alive and quite healthy with your assistance. Italicized ingredients are not in the dispenser. Chemical OD Metabolism Formula Effects Difficulty Alkysine 30u 0.05u 1 part Chlorine 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Dylovene V 2 part Alkysine Used for treating brain damage. Slighly lessens the pain. Advanced Arithrazine 30u 0.05u 1 part Hyronalin 1 part Hydrogen V 2 parts Arithrazine A very unstable medication used to treat the most extreme cases of radiation poisoning. It works faster than Hyronalin, but will cause some brute damage to the patient (including to the patient's cybernetic limbs). Such damage is very mild at low doses and easily treated at higher doses. It can also treat toxic damage, but not as effective as Dylovene. Advanced Bicaridine 30u 0.2u 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Carbon V 2 parts Bicaridine An analgesic which is highly effective at treating brute damage. It is useful for stabilizing people who have been severely beaten, as well as treating less life-threatening injuries. A (poisonous) overdose will gradually slow internal bleeding. Basic Calcium Carbonate ~25u ~0.13u 1 part Calcium 1 part Carbon 3 parts Oxygen V 2 parts Calcium Carbonate An antacid taken orally to stop vomiting and other minor stomach ailments. Basic Carthatoline 30u 0.2u 1 part Dylovene 2 parts Carbon 0.1 parts Phoron V 2 parts Carthatoline Carthatoline is strong evacuant used to treat severe poisoning, and liver damage. May cause severe vomitting. Advanced Cordradaxon 10u 0.3u 1 part Potassium Chlorophoride 2 parts Biomass 2 parts Bicaridine 5 parts Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Cordradaxon Cordradaxon is an intense organ repair chemical used to treat damage to the heart. Advanced Corophizine 30u 0.2u 1 part Spaceacillin 1 parts Carbon 0.1 parts Phoron 5 parts Phoron (сatalyst) V 2 parts Corophizine Corophizine is a strong antibiotic used mostly for severe infections. Advanced Cryoxadone N/A 0.2u 1 part Dexalin 1 part Water 1 part Oxygen V 3 parts Cryoxadone Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all standard types of damage very swiftly, but only works in temperatures under 170K (usually this means cryo cells). Heals clone damage slowly, such as caused by cloning or Slimes. Advanced Clonexadone N/A 0.2u 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 0.1 parts Phoron 5 units Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Clonexadone, 5 units Phoron Heals standard damage the same as Cryoxadone. This chemical reforms clones much faster then Cryoxadone. This includes damage done by Slimes. Best used in cryo cells. Only works in temperatures under 170K (usually this means cryo cells). Advanced Dermaline 15u 0.2u 1 part Kelotane 1 part Oxygen 1 part Phosphorus V 3 parts Dermaline Used for treating burns, works faster than Kelotane. Intermediate Dexalin 30u 0.2u 2 part Oxygen 0.1 parts Phoron 5 units Phoron (catalyst) V 1 part Dexalin Used for treating oxygen deprivation; slowly heals suffocation damage. In most cases where it is likely to be needed, the strength of Dexalin Plus will probably be more useful. Removes Lexorin from bloodstream. Intermediate Dexalin Plus 15u 0.2u 1 part Dexalin 1 part Carbon 1 part Iron V 3 parts Dexalin Plus Used in treatment of extreme cases of oxygen deprivation. It immediately counters all oxygen loss and is useful to keep lung injury patients stable during surgery. Removes Lexorin from bloodstream. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 15 units. Advanced Dylovene N/A 0.2u 1 part Silicon 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium V 3 part Dylovene A broad-spectrum anti-toxin. Heals toxin damage; will also shorten the durations of drug-related hallucinations and sleepiness, and remove toxic substances in the blood. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Does not overdose. Basic Ethylredoxrazine 30u 0.2u 1 part Oxygen 1 part Dylovene 1 part Carbon V 3 parts Ethylredoxrazine Neutralises alcohol in the blood stream. Though it is commonly needed, it is rarely requested. When combined with ethanol, it produces water. It also threats dizziness, sleepiness, and stuttering. Intermediate Gastirodaxon 10u 0.3u 2 parts Carthatoline 2 parts Biomass 2 parts Tungsten 5 parts Phoron (catalyst) V 3 parts Gastirodaxon Gastirodaxon is an intense organ repair chemical used to treat damage to the appendix. Advanced Hepanephrodaxon 10u 0.3u 2 parts Carthatoline 2 parts Biomass 1 part Lithium 5 parts Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Hepanephrodaxon Hepanephrodaxon is an intense organ repair chemical used to treat damage to the liver, kidneys, and appendix. Advanced Hyperzine 15u 0.03u 1 part Sugar 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Royale V 3 parts Hyperzine A highly effective, long lasting muscle stimulant. It allows greater freedom of movement in bulky clothing. Side effects include twitching, nervousness, and psychological addiction. Metabilizes at 0.03 units per tick. Overdose is 15 units. Intermediate Hyronalin 30u 0.05u 1 part Radium 1 part Dylovene V 2 parts Hyronalin Basic treatment for radiation damage. Reduces radiation damage more slowly than Arithrazine, but without its painful side effects. Does nothing against toxic damage. Intermediate Imidazoline 30u 0.2u 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Carbon 1 part Dylovene V 2 parts Imidazoline For treating eye trauma. It heals damage caused by physical or chemical trauma, though it is ineffective in treating genetic defects in the eyes. Intermediate Immunosuprizine 20u 0.2u 1 part Corophizine 1 part Tungsten 1 part Sulfuric Acid 5 parts Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Immunosuprizine Used to attempt to mitigate the immune system's targeting of foreign organs. Advanced Inaprovaline 60u 0.1u 1 part Oxygen 1 part Carbon 1 part Sugar V 3 parts Inaprovaline Inaprovaline is a cardiac and synaptic stimulant. Commonly used to stabilize patients - it stops the rate of decline in a patient's body if it has reached 0% or lower. Weak painkiller. Basic Kelotane 30u 0.2u 1 part Silicon 1 part Carbon V 2 parts Kelotane Treats burn damage effectively, preventing microbial growth and vastly speeding up healing of even full thickness burns. Basic Leporazine 30u 0.2u 1 part Silicon 1 part Copper 5 units Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Leporazine Stabilizes a patient's body temperature. Can be used to bring down a high fever before antibiotics kick in, or to raise the temperature of a hypothermia patient. Advanced Mortiferin 30u 0.2u 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Corophizine 5 units Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Mortiferin Cures toxin damage in corpses when aided by a stabilizer pump. Advanced Myelamine 15u 0.1u 1 part Bicaridine 2 parts Iron 1 part Spidertoxin V 2 parts Myelamine Cures internal bleeding over time. Advanced Osteodaxon 15u 0.1u 2 parts Bicaridine 1 part Carpotoxin 0.1 parts Phoron 5 units Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Osteodaxon An experimental drug used to heal bone fractures. While the fractures are healing, the patient will be unable to stand or move. Advanced Oxycodone 20u 0.02u 1 part Ethanol 1 part Tramadol 1 part Phoron V 1 part Oxycodone An effective and very addictive painkiller. Advanced Paracetamol 60u 0.02u 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Water V 2 parts Paracetamol Many probably know this as Tylenol, but this chemical is a mild, simple painkiller. Basic Peridaxon 10u 0.2u 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Clonexadone 5 units Phoron (catalyst) V 1 part Peridaxon Used to encourage recovery of internal organs and nervous systems; will restore damage to internal organs, including mending ruptured lungs. Advanced Respirodaxon 10u 0.3u 2 parts Dexalin Plus 2 parts Biomass 1 part Phoron 5 parts Phoron (catalyst) V 2 parts Respirodaxon Respirodaxon is an intense organ repair chemical used to treat damage to the lungs. Advanced Rezadone 30u 0.2u 1 part CarpoToxin 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Copper V 3 parts Rezadone A powder derived from fish toxin, this substance can effectively treat genetic damage in humanoids without the use of cryo, though excessive consumption has side effects. Advanced Ryetalyn 30u 0.2u 1 part Arithrazine 1 part Carbon V 2 parts Ryetalyn Repairs disabilities due to genetic damage. One unit is enough. Advanced Spaceacillin 30u 0.01u 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Inaprovaline V 2 parts Spaceacillin A theta-lactam antibiotic. A common and very useful medicine, effective against many diseases likely to be encountered in space. Slows progression of diseases. Treats infections. Intermediate Synaptizine 30u 0.01u 1 part Lithium 1 part Sugar 1 part Water V 3 parts Synaptizine Synaptizine is toxic, but treats hallucinations, paralysis, and stunned or weakened patients. It is metabolized very slowly. One unit is enough to treat hallucinations. Mildly toxic. Intermediate Tramadol 30u 0.02u 1 part Paracetamol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen V 3 parts Tramadol A simple, yet effective painkiller. Very effective for patients in shock. Intermediate Tricordrazine N/A 0.2u 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Dylovene V 2 parts Tricordrazine Originally derived from Cordrazine; will heal all damage types. Often used in a wide range of applications. The healing effect is weak, but as with Dylovene, there is no danger of overdose. Basic Drugs Chemical Formula Effects Difficulty Bliss 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium V 3 parts Bliss A recreational compound that tends to cause feelings of euphoria. Intermediate Colorspace 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Silicon V 1 part Colorspace A recreational compound known for causing hallucinations. Intermediate Royale 1 part Copper 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulfur V 3 parts Royale A compound primarily used by licensed chemistry facilities to produce Hyperzine -- usually. Intermediate Schnappi 1 part Ammonia 1 part Tramadol 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Potassium 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Fuel V 6 parts Schnappi A dangerous recreational compound illegal in most systems due to harmful side effects and severe overdose reactions. Intermediate Sinkhole 1 part Enzyme 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Tramadol V 1 part Sinkhole A recreational compound that causes feelings of euphoria -- at the cost of brain function. Intermediate Snowflake 1 part Frost Oil 1 part Fuel 1 part Sulfur V 1 part Snowflake A recreational compound that causes an increase in energy and restlessness. Intermediate Other Recipes These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. Chemical Formula Effects Difficulty Ammonia 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen V 3 parts Ammonia An effective fertilizer which is better than what is available to the botanist initially, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine. Basic Chloral Hydrate 1 part Ethanol 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Water V 1 part Chloral Hydrate A powerful sedative which causes death in doses around 15 units (effect is countered by anti toxin) (Results in 1 units instead of 5). Intermediate Soporific 1 part Chloral Hydrate 4 parts sugar V 5 parts Soporific A less powerful sedative that takes a while to work. Is safe in large quantities. Can be counteracted with Dylovene. Intermediate Cryptobiolin 1 part Potassium 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar V 3 parts Cryptobiolin Causes confusion and dizziness on its own, but is an essential component of Spaceacillin. Intermediate Diethylamine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol V 2 parts Diethylamine A very potent fertilizer. Intermediate Virus Food 1 part Milk 1 part Water V 5 parts Virus Food Used in Virology as a growth medium. Available from a wall dispenser in Virology. Intermediate EMP 1 part Uranium 1 part Iron This reacts immediately on mixing. It creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices, including prosthetic limbs, eyes, and hearts. The more reagents you use, the more powerful the EMP will be. Basic Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Only useful in grenade production. Basic Flash Powder 1 part Sulphur 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing. Only useful in grenade production. Intermediate Foaming Agent 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen V 1 part Foaming Agent Makes foam such as that required in metal foam grenades. Intermediate Foam Surfactant 2 parts Fluorine 2 parts Carbon 1 part Sulphuric Acid V 5 parts Foam Surfactant. Creates a large cloud of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. Intermediate Glycerol 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid V 1 part Glycerol Requires blended corn, available from the botanist. This is only useful in other reactions. Advanced Impedrezene 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar V 2 parts Impedrezene A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage. Intermediate Lexorin 1 part Phoron 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Hydrogen V 3 parts Lexorin Temporarily stops respiration and causes tissue damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out very quickly. Hydrogen must be added LAST. Intermediate Lipozine 1 part Salt 1 part Ethanol 1 part Radium V 3 parts Lipozine Causes weight loss upon consumption (lowers satiation level). Intermediate Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Polytrinic Acid V 5 parts Metal Foam Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Intermediate Napalm 1 part Phoron 1 part Aluminium 1 part Sulphuric Acid V 1 part Napalm Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. Only useful for grenades (Results in 1 unit instead of 3). Advanced MindBreaker Toxin 1 part Silicon 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Dylovene V 3 parts MindBreaker Toxin A potent hallucinogenic compound. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". Its use and distribution is illegal, but it is a precursor to several useful psychoactive medications. Intermediate Nitroglycerin 1 part Glycerol 1 part Polytrinic Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid V 2 parts Nitroglycerin A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing. Advanced Paint (Crayon Dust) 1 part Plasticide 3 parts Water 1 part Crayon Dust V 5 parts Paint 5 units of Paint. Crayons cannot currently be ground for Crayon Dust. Intermediate Paint (Ghetto) 1 part Plasticide 3 parts Water 5 parts (Coloring agent) V 5 parts Paint 5 units of Paint. The coloring agent can be milk, orange juice, tomato juice, lime juice, carrot juice, berry juice, grape juice, poison berry juice, watermelon juice, lemon juice, banana juice, potato juice, carbon, or aluminum. Basic Plant-B-Gone 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water V 5 parts Plant-B-Gone A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Basic Polytrinic Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Chlorine 1 part Potassium V 3 parts Polytrinic Acid An extremely corrosive chemical substance. Will destroy organic materials when sprayed or splashed, leaving a telltale gray sludge behind. Advanced Potassium Chloride 1 part Potassium 1 part Sodium Chloride V 2 parts Potassium Chloride A delicious salt that stops the heart when injected into cardiac muscle. Intermediate Potassium Chlorophoride 1 part Potassium Chloride 1 part Phoron 1 part Chloral Hydrate V 4 parts Potassium Clorophoride A specific chemical based on Potassium Chloride to stop the heart for surgery. Not safe to eat! Advanced Solid Phoron 5 iron 5 frost oil 20 phoron V 1 sheet of phoron Phoron solidification. Advanced Plastic 10 Polytrinic Acid 20 plasticide V 1 sheet of plastic Plastic solidification. Intermediate Condensed Capsaicin 2 Capsaicin 5 Phoron (catalyst) V 1 part Condensed Capsaicin Capsaicin condensation. Advanced Silicate 1 part Aluminum 1 part Silicon 1 part Oxygen V 3 parts Silicate Used to strengthen windows. Intermediate Smoke 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar 1 part Phosphorous V This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Basic Sodium Chloride 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium V 2 parts of Sodium Chloride Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Basic Space Cleaner 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water V 2 parts Space Cleaner This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Basic Space Lube 1 part Water 1 part Silicon 1 part Oxygen V 4 parts Space Cleaner Space Lube is a high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment. Intermediate Sterilizine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Dylovene 1 part Chlorine V 3 parts Sterilizine Sterilizes wounds in preparation for surgery. Intermediate Synthmeat 5 Blood 1 Clonexadone V 1 slab of synthmeat A tasty alternative to actual meat, allegedly used for surgery. Basic Thermite 1 part Iron 1 part Aluminium 1 part Oxygen V 3 parts Thermite A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited. Intermediate Unstable Mutagen 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Chlorine V 3 parts Unstable Mutagen Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany. Will cause mutations and radiation poisoning if ingested. Advanced Water 1 part Oxygen 2 parts Hydrogen V 1 part Water It's water. Basic Zombie Powder 5 parts CarpoToxin 5 parts Soporific 5 parts Copper V 2 parts Zombie Powder Paralyses people, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. Requires CarpoToxin, which must be harvested from Space Carp. Advanced Luminol 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Ammonia V 6 parts Luminol A compound that interacts with blood on the molecular level. Intermediate Biomass 1 part Protein 1 part Sugar 1 part Phoron V 1 part Biomass A compound used to fuel the Cloner and Bioprinter. More efficient recipe can be found here. Advanced Psychiatric Medication Chemical Formula Effects Difficulty Methylphenidate 1 part MindBreaker Toxin 1 part Hydrogen V 3 parts Methylphenidate Helps you concentrate. Prescribed for ADHD and similar conditions. Intermediate Citalopram 1 part MindBreaker Toxin 1 part Carbon V 3 parts Citalopram Mild antidepressant. Prescribed for depression and anxiety. Intermediate Paroxetine 1 part MindBreaker Toxin 1 part Oxygen 1 part Inaprovaline V 3 parts Paroxetine Stronger antidepressant, with chance of hallucinations. Prescribed for severe depression. Advanced Distillery To use the distillery, simply set the desired temperature and place the beaker with the reagents into the machine. Another beaker should be placed on the other side for the reagents to be placed into. Chemical Formula Effects Difficulty Temperature(K) Ale 1 part Nutriment 1 part Beer V 2 Ale Ale(?) Don't get caught. Basic 280 - 286 Beer 1 part Nutriment 1 part Water, 1 part Sugar V 2 Beer Beer. Don't get caught. Basic 293 - 295 Bicaridaze 2 parts Bicaridine 1 part Foaming Agent V 2 Bicaridaze Topical variant of Bicaridine. Intermediate 383 - 403 Biomass 1 part Blood 1 part Sugar 0.5 part Phoron V 1 Biomass More efficient recipe for Biomass, however it requires both the distillery and time. Advanced 373 - 403 Brute Juice 1 part Biomass 3 parts Hyperzine 2 parts Synaptizine 1 part Phoron V 3 Brute Juice A potent chemical concoction considered highly illegal in most courts of law, causes unrestrained rage in the user, and increased physical capabilities. Advanced 873 - 973 Cryogellatin 7 parts Frost Oil 3 parts Universal Enzyme 3 parts Plasticide 2 parts Foaming Agent V 1 Cryogellatin An incredibly dangerous substance capable of storing immense amounts of thermal energy. Will even cause electric signals to slow in certain affected machines. Advanced 0 - 15 Inaprovalaze 2 parts Inaprovaline 1 part Foaming Agent V 2 Inaprovalaze Topical variant of Inaprovaline. Intermediate 373 - 393 Lich Powder 2 parts Zombie Powder 1 part Leporazine V 2 Lich Powder A controlled substance used in the production of Necroxadone. Puts the affected into a state of false death. Advanced 373 - 423 Necroxadone 1 part Lich Powder 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Carthatoline 5 parts Phoron (catalyst) V 2 Necroxadone Used in severe cases of toxic shock, Necroxadone can purge toxins and repair genetic damage in corpses. More efficient when aided by a patient stabilizer. Advanced 363 - 368 Spacomycaze 1 part Paracetamol 1 part Spaceacillin 1 part Foaming Agent V 2 Spacomycaze Topical variant of Spaceacillin and Paracetamol. Intermediate 373 - 393 Synthetic Plasma 2 parts Animal Protein 1 part Antibodies 1 part Bicaridine V 3 Synthetic Plasma Synthetic blood plasma, universally compatible. Intermediate 383 - 403 Tricorlidaze 1 part Tricordrazine 1 part Sterilizine 1 part Foaming Agent V 2 Tricorlidaze Topical variant of Tricordrazine. Intermediate 373 - 393 Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, Slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. Reagent Tubing A currently in-dev feature, allowing the movement of reagents through tubes to and from machines and tanks. Tubes One-use plastic tubing is constructed in lengths of 4, from Plastic sheets. Tubing can be attached to 2 ends, requiring a length of tubing relative to the distance. The distance upon completion of the connection is the 'maximum' movement distance, for moving objects, otherwise the tube will snap, wasting it. Inputs and outputs cannot connect to sockets of their own type, displayed in the connection menu. Neutral connectors move fluid more slowly than In/Out connectors. Pumps Standing Pumps will allow you to acquire reagents from pools of fluid in the world. Sources of Water are likely to provide Ice if the atmosphere is too cold. - River: Pure Water. - Ocean: Salt Water. - Cave River: Water. Ore dust. - Contaminated Water: Water. Vatborn Stabilizer. - Lava/Magma: Mineralized Fluid. ------ Chemicals The building blocks of chemistry are aluminium, bromine, carbon, chlorine, copper, ethanol, fluorine, hydrogen, iodine, iron, lithium, mercury, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, radium, silicon, silver, sodium, stable plasma, sugar, sulphur, sulphuric acid, water and welding fuel. These can be produced from the Chem Dispenser in Chemistry. You have all sorts of things here, and can make so much. You can make medicines, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, window hardener, and so much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Some pure chemicals are lethal or will cause heavy toxin damage if injected or ingested in their pure form. Grinding minerals from mining will also get you: Plasma Uranium The NanoMed Plus is your main source of generic toxin when hacked. Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat these. Chemicals unmentioned don't have any effect. Chlorine: Causes minor physical damage to various body parts. Ethanol: The most potent alcoholic "beverage", with the fastest toxicity. Fluorine: Causes minor toxin damage. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Causes brain damage, twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Radium: Causes irradation. Sugar: Gives nutrition. Sulphuric Acid: Causes minor toxin damage and instant brute damage to one body part when ingested. Destroys head-wear and causes burn damage when sprayed on someone. Plasma: Causes major toxin damage. Uranium: Causes slight irradiation. Toxin: Causes moderate toxin damage. This page has been improved! Hover your mouse over an ingredient in a recipe to see the ingredients for that ingredient. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Name Formula Description Ash ▮ 1 part Oil temperature 480 K Basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. Ash (Alternate Recipe) ▮ Light a piece of paper on fire, and scoop up the resulting ashes with a beaker.`` Basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. Carpet ▮ 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Blood Creates a dirty carpet on the floor. Oil ▮ 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Burns in a small smoky fire, mostly used to get Ash. Oil (Alternate Recipe) ▮ Scoop up oil from destroyed cyborgs or robots off the ground with a beaker. Burns in a small smoky fire, mostly used to get Ash. Phenol ▮ 1 part Water 1 part Chlorine 1 part Oil Used for certain medical recipes. Acetone ▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen Common ingredient in other recipes. Diethylamine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol A very potent fertilizer, and the base component of some medicines. Saltpetre▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen 3 parts Oxygen Ingredient for Bath Salts and Black Powder. Lye▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Useful in the manufacturing of wax items like soap and candles. Medicines "And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these. See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use when. Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs form the "core" drugs used to heal the most common forms of damage. All other medical drugs outside of this section are either harder to make upgrades, or highly specific forms of healing for rarer situations. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Silver Sulfadiazine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn On touch, quickly heals burn damage. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion, deals minor toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Styptic Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulfuric Acid Brute On touch, quickly heals brute damage. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion, deals minor toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Saline-Glucose Solution▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brute, burn Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal brute and burn damage. Can be used as a substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Synthflesh▮ 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon 1 part Styptic Powder Brute, burn Has a 100% chance of instantly healing brute and burn damage. Touch based only 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Charcoal▮ 1 part Ash 1 part Sodium Chloride temperature 380 K Toxin Slowly heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, will also slowly remove any other chemicals. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Salbutamol▮ 1 part Salicyclic Acid 1 part Lithium 1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Ammonia Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! .25 units per tick N/A N/A Bicaridine▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brute Heals brute damage. 0.4 per tick 30u N/A Kelotane▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick.. 0.4 per tick 30u N/A Antitoxin▮ 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Silicon 1 part Potassium Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u of other chemicals per tick. 0.4 per tick 30u N/A Tricordrazine▮ 1 part Kelotane 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Antitoxin Brute/Burn/Toxin Heals 1 of each damage type per tick. 0.4 per tick 30u N/A Cryoxadone▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen All types Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage (including clone damage) very swiftly, but only when in a very cold environment. Is more effective in colder environments. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Mannitol▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brain Quickly heals brain damage - best used in cryo alongside Cryoxadone, but will still heal if taken via other means. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing drugs, however they are significantly better at healing. Also, many upgraded drugs can be overdosed with, leading to a negative outcome. Be sure to monitor how many units of chemicals someone is injected with. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Salicyclic Acid▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Phenol 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulfuric Acid Brute If you have more than 50 brute damage, heals 4 units. If you have less than 50 brute damage, heals 0.5 units. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.5 per tick 25 units N/A Oxandrolone▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part Phenol 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Burn If you have more than 50 burn damage, heals 4 units. If you have less than 50 burn damage, heals 0.5 units. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.5 per tick 25 units N/A Omnizine▮ Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in heated Donk Pockets Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals .5 of each damage type per tick, no side effects or restrictions. Found in Ambrosia Deus. If overdosed it will deal 1.5 damage of each damage type per tick. 0.25 units per tick 30 N/A Pentetic Acid▮ 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Sodium 1 part Cyanide Radiation, toxin Reduces massive amounts of radiation and toxin damage while purging other chemicals from the body. Has a chance of dealing brute damage. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Perfluorodecalin▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Fluorine 1 part Oil temperature 370 K Suffocation Heals suffocation damage so quickly that you could have a spacewalk, but it mutes your voice. Has a 33% chance of healing brute and burn damage per cycle as well. 0.25 units per tick N/A N/A Atropine▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute, burn and suffocation If patients health is critical it will heal 2 brute, burn and toxin damage per cycle, as well as stop any oxyloss. Good for stabilising critical patients. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage. 0.25 units per tick 35 N/A Calomel▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine temperature 374 K Purge Quickly purges the body of all chemicals. If your health is above 20, large amounts of toxin damage is dealt. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Mutadone▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Acetone 1 part Bromine Genetic Heals your genetic mutations. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs preform a unique function that is not commonly used or seen in game. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Potassium Iodide▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Radiation Reduces low radiation damage very effectively. 2 units per tick N/A N/A Ephedrine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sugar 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen Stun Reduces stun times, increases run speed, and stabilizes crit. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxyloss damage. 0.5 units per tick 45 30 Diphenhydramine▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Carbon 1 part Bromine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Ethanol Histamine Overdose Purges body of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Morphine▮ None: Can be either ordered from Cargo, grown from Botany or found in a NanoMed Plus Movement Speed Will allow you to walk faster. Will eventually knock you out if you take too much. If overdosed it will cause jitteriness, dizziness, force the victim to drop items in their hands and eventually deal toxin damage. 0.5 units per tick 30 25 Oculine▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Eye Quickly heals eye damage and reverts blindness. 0.25 units per tick N/A N/A Inacusiate▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Carbon 1 part Water Ear Instantly removes all ear damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Epinephrine▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen Stun + Brute, burn, suffocation and toxin 20% chance each tick to reduce knockout/stun effects, minor stamina regeneration buff. Prevents oxygen damage from going over 35. If the patient is in crit, slowly heals toxins, brute, and burn. If overdosed will deal toxin and stamina damage, and cause suffocation. 0.25 units per tick 30 N/A Antihol▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Charcoal 1 part Copper Alcohol Helps remove Alcohol from someone's body, as well as eliminating its side effects. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Stimulants▮ Traitor Adrenals or Stimpack Stun Increases run speed and eliminates stuns, can heal minor damage. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and stun. 0.5 units per tick 60 N/A Insulin▮ Found in NanoMed Plus Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Strange Reagent▮ 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water 1 part Unstable Mutagen Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life! If the corpse has suffered more than 100 brute or burn damage it will fail, however. If used on a living person it will deal Brute and Burn damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Life▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood temperature 375K Life Can create a life form, however its not guaranteed to be friendly. May want to have Security on hot standby. N/A N/A N/A Synaptizine▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water Hallucination Decrease Helps Hallucinations go away much faster, and helps you recover from stuns faster. Also Purges Mindbreaker Toxin very quickly. Mildly toxic. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Rezadone▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Copper Cellular Damage Healing Instantly heals all cellular damage. Can melt your face and be poisonous if left in the body for a long time. Very good for speedcloning. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Cryptobiolin Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus in your body. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Miner's Salve▮ 1 part Iron 1 Part Oil 1 Part Water OR grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal and a sheet of plasma Improvised Patch Healing Chem Heals over time, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Haloperidol▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine 1 part Aluminum 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Oil Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of most drugs, while purging them. However also causes drowsiness and stamina damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Leporazine ▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. High doses can allow short periods of unprotected EVA. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Noncraftable Medicines These healing drugs are used in sleepers and medibots, but are otherwise uncraftable. Name Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Dexalin▮ Suffucation Heals oxygen damage (slower than Salbutamol). 0.4 per tick 30u N/A Narcotics Narcotics are highly addicitve drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation. Name Recipe Description Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Nicotine▮ Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. Slightly reduces stun times. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxygen damage. 35 30 Krokodil▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Potassium 1 part Morphine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Welding Fuel temperature 390 K Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal significant Brain and Toxin damage. If addicted too it will begin to deal fatal amounts of Brute damage as the subjects skin falls off. 20 15 Crank▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Lithium 1 part Sulfuric Acid 1 part Welding Fuel temperature 390 K Reduces stun times by about 200%. If overdosed or addicted it will deal significant Toxin, Brute and Brain damage. 20 10 Methamphetamine▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Hydrogen temperature 374 k Reduces stun times by about 300% and allows the user to quickly recover stamina while dealing a small amount of Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from Toxin and Brain damage. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and losing motor control and eventually suffer heavy toxin damage. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380 k. 20 10 Bath Salts▮ 1 part Food Poisoning 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Nutriment 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Enzyme 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury temperature 374k Makes the subject nearly impervious to stuns, however the subject will suffer Toxin and Brain damage, constant hallucinations and will lose motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool and drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will suffer very severe Brain damage, severe hallucinations, complete loss of motor control and eventually fatal amounts of Toxin damage. 20 10 Aranesp▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Morphine The subject will think they are "amped", however the drug typically cause the subject to suffocate to death. N/A N/A Space Drugs 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and visual artefacts. N/A N/A Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. Name Recipe Description Stabilizing Agent 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. This does not work on everything, so be warned! Foam Surfactant 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any walls, floors, objects, or people and animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). Foam is slippery! Smoke 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Flash Powder 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Phlogiston 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Stable Plasma Turns into a spreading fireball if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 4 fire damage every 3 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. Does not react immediately. Napalm 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer then other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. Sonic Powder 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents in the container up. Useful for delayed reactions. Cryostylane▮ 1 part Water 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Nitrogen Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents in the container down. Useful for delayed reactions. Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 1 part Chlorine 3 parts Fluorine temperature 424k When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Comes into existence at 1000K. A flammable substance so dangerous it can burn through the hull of the station. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will burn you from the inside out. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast, however. Sorium▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Carbon When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Carbon When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Black Powder▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Charcoal 1 part Sulfur Sparks, and then creates a violent explosion when heated to 474K. Nitroglycerin 1 part Glycerol 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing (results in 2 units instead of 3). Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Only useful in grenade production. Other Recipes These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. Name Formula Description Ammonia 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen An effective fertilizer which is better than what is available to the botanist initially, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine (results in 3 units instead of 4). Barber's Aid 1 part Carpet 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs Changes your hair style, useful if you are bald! Concentrated Barber's Aid 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen Grows your hair very long! Chloral Hydrate 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water A powerful sedative which causes death in doses around 30 units (results in 1 units instead of 5). Colorful Reagent 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Triple Citrus Use this to color EVERYTHING! Keep away from the clown and assistants! Condensed Capsaicin 1 part Capsaicin Oil 5 parts Ethanol A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work (results in 5 units instead of 6). Corgium 1 part Nutriment 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Blood Creates your own Corgi! Cryptobiolin 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. Drying Agent 2 parts Stable Plasma 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetical pulse which affects all electronical thingies; very useful for causing chaos. Foaming Agent 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Used in Metal Foam production. Creates 1 unit instead of 2. Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid temperature 380 K A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Keep away from faces and valuable equipment. Used in some other recipes. Glycerol 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. This is only useful in other reactions (results in 1 unit instead of 4). Slippery like water. Hair Dye 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Radium 1 part Space Drugs Changes your hair color when you apply or spray it! Impedrezene 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage (results in 2 units instead of 3). Lexorin 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Plasma Temporarily stops respiration and causes tissue damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out very quickly. Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Charcoal 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". Mute Toxin 2 part Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. Pest Killer 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Kills pests in hydroponics trays, causes minor toxin damage to humans. Plant-B-Gone 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Causes minor toxin damage to humans. Plasma Solidification 20 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil Solidifies a large amount of plasma into a bar. Smart Foaming Agent 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron Used in Metal Foam production. Creates 3 units instead of 5. Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Unlike normal metal foam, this kind conforms to the edges of areas, making it especially great for plugging breaches. Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K Creates a bar of soap, slightly faster cleaning than what you get on the station. Sodium Chloride 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Space Cleaner 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Spray Tan 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 Part Corn Oil Darkens the skin when sprayed or applied. Do not swallow! Space Lube 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Space Lube is a high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment (results in 4 units instead of 3). Sterilizine 1 part Antitoxin 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol Theoretically helps the patient when used during surgery, or decontaminates objects and surfaces that bear pathogens. Currently does nothing whatsoever. Thermite 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited. Causes minor burn damage to humans when ingested. Unstable Mutagen 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany and Virology. Virus Food 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk A chemical which allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Weed Killer 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ammonia Kills weeds, causes minor toxin damage to humans. Mutagenic Agar 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus food Extremely similar to Unstable Mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 3 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar 1 part Mutagenic agar 1 part Sugar Extremely similar to Mutagenic agar. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 4 only. Virus Plasma 1 part Virus food 1 part Plasma Extremely similar to Plasma. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 6 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Weakened Virus Plasma 1 part Virus plasma 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus plasma. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 5 only. Virus Rations 1 part Virus food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 1 only. Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals you can mix it. Name Recipe Damage dealt Description Food Poisoning▮ From eating poorly made food Toxin Will deal a minor amount of Toxin damage Initropidril▮ Traitor Uplink Cardiac Arrest 33% chance to hit with 5-25 toxin damage every 3 seconds, and a 5-10% chance to either stun, cause lots of oxygen damage, or cause your heart to stop. Combat it with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib for more reliable methods. Polonium▮ Traitor Uplink Radiation Cause significant Radiation damage over time. Pancuronium▮ Traitor Uplink Paralysis and Suffocation Paralyses you after 30 seconds, with a 7% chance to cause 3-5 seconds of loss of breath. Sodium Thiopental▮ Traitor Uplink Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 30 seconds, and destroys your stamina. Sulfonal▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Knockout and Toxin +1 toxin damage every 3 seconds, knocks you out after 66 seconds. Amanitin▮ Traitor Uplink Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Lipolicide▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Ephedrine Weight Loss +1 toxin damage unless you have nutriment in you. Coniine▮ Traitor Uplink Toxin and breath loss +2 toxin damage and +5 seconds of loss of breath. Curare▮ Traitor Uplink Knockout, Oxygen, and Toxin Does 1 unit of toxin and 1 unit of oxygen damage every 3 seconds, and knocks you out after 33 seconds. Histamine▮ Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Causes a moderatre amount of Brute damage over time, will also impair eyesight If overdosed (30 units) it will also deal a significant amount of Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage. Formaldehyde▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver temperature 420 K Toxin Causes a moderatre amount of Toxin damage over time. Has a chance to turn into 10 to 15 units of Histamine. Venom▮ Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin Will deal scaling amounts of Toxin and Brute damage over time. Has a chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. Neurotoxin▮ 1 part Space Drugs temperature 674 K Toxin, brain Will deal Toxin and Brain damage up to around 60 points of damage each, if the drug is not removed after around 17 cycles it will knock the user unconscious. Cyanide▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen temperature 380 K Toxin, oxyloss Deals random amounts of toxin damage while slowly suffocating its target. Often extremely lethal. Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts CarpoToxin 5 parts Copper Fake death, stun Paralyses people, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. Requires CarpoToxin, which must be harvested from Space Carp (results in 2 units instead of 15). Itching Powder▮ 1 part Fuel 1 part Ammonia 1 part Charcoal Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing slights amount of Brute damage. Has a chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of histamine. Mint Toxin▮ Grind the mint in the kitchen Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. Heparin▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 Part Sodium 1 Part Chlorine 1 Part Lithium Brute, Bleeding Causes bleeding constantly while in the system of the victim. Teslium▮ 1 Part Stable Plasma 1 Part Silver 1 Part Black Powder Temperature 400K Random Shocks Randomly shocks the victim while it is in their system, ignoring any protection cause the shock comes from inside them. A note on chemical heating Some recipes require you to cool or heat the reagent container to a certain level. This is usually done via a bunsen burner for heating, which accepts 4 fuels as of writing. Placing a chemistry dispenser or fuel tank next to a bunsen burner will siphon ethanol (with the appropriate energy cost) or welding fuel, preferring the former. Bunsen Burner Heating Fuels and efficiencies. Fuel Maximum Temperature Thermal Energy Transfer Fuel Consumption Rate Oxygen Consumption CO2 Production Surroundings Ignition Chance Plasma 4500K 9000 0.01u/tick 0.01mol/tick N/A N/A Glycerol 1833.15K 6000 0.25u/tick 0.05mol/tick 0.025mol/tick 5% Welding Fuel 3480K 5400 0.5u/tick 0.2mol/tick 0.2mol/tick 25% Ethanol 1833.15K 3900 0.5u/tick 0.08mol/tick 0.04mol/tick 10% If you can, try to get a laser scalpel. Laser tool heating bypasses the heat capacity of reagents, allowing for instant heating. T2 Laser Scalpels also work to heat chemicals (tested). Cooling down a mix requires using either the fridge, which slowly cools things inside down to 4°C or the Cryonic Wave Projector, which can cool down to absolute zero if given enough time. The Directed Laser Heater and Cryonic Wave Projector are machines acquirable from RnD that use energy from the grid to heat and cool reagents respectively, heat transfer rate depending on internal components. These are seldom built or used but can heat/cool indefinitely. A note on overdoses You might notice that multiple chemicals in this guide have a note mentioning that they have an overdose threshold. Generally, that means that once you reach or go past the overdose threshold, the patient will start taking 1 toxin damage per tick. The vast majority of chemicals will start overdosing at 30 units, but that's not always the case. Certain chemicals will have helpful effects on overdose, but the vast majority of those exceptions will have harmful effects. If you see someone with a clear-cut case of an overdose, for example by tapping them with your PDA if you have a reagent scanner activated or a reagent scanner, you have a few solutions to fix that: Most poisons and harmful substances (Chloral Hydrate, Plasma, Cyanide, Welder Fuel, etc) can be countered by Dylovene. Dylovene will slowly (Or quickly, depending on the chemical) purge the harmful substances from the patient's bloodstream. If Dylovene doesn't seem to be working, it's time to purge the chemicals out the body more directly. Make the patient drink Activated Charcoal (Available in the Medvends in the medbay). Not fast enough for you? Put on your internals and hope the patient's internals are on, because you're going to Smoke the patient. Give 5u Phosphorous, Sugar and Potassium. The resulting smoke will empty him of chemicals, but the smoke cloud is liable to inject nearby people with said chemicals unless they have internals on and clothing on them. As an alternative to smoke, you can give the patient Fluorosurfactant and a bit of water. The patient's chemicals will be purged instantly, but a temporary foam pool will appear, slipping people. When the foam retracts, the foam will attempt to inject the patient's chemicals into people. Assuming people are wearing clothes, it shouldn't be a risk. Gotta go Fast? Feed the patient 5u Water then 5u Potassium. All the chemicals inside them will be cleared. Metabolism Metabolism determines how much of a reagent is processed in living things per BYOND tick (about 2 seconds). Chemicals with low metabolism will stay in the body for much longer than chemicals with high metabolism. You can determine how long a certain amount of a chemical will take to metabolize in seconds by using the following formula: ((Amount of units)/(metabolism))*2 Formulas These are some sample formulas for you chemists out there, ask about in game to learn more! Experimentation can be dangerous, or rewarding. Pharmaceutical chemicals can usually be identified by a light pink-ish color. Medicine Guide to Chemistry/chemtables The vast majority of chemicals you will be called on to make. Typically, a small amount of each should be kept on hand. Assuming the medical team is not incompetent, they should be able to keep everyone alive and quite healthy with your assistance. Activated Charcoal Metabolism: 0.06 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Carbon, 2 parts Sulphuric Acid, heat to 450°C Effects Heals a minor amount of toxin damage and quickly purges all chemicals from the body, followed by itself. Has a chance of causing vomiting. Can also be obtained from medical vendors and by grinding charcoal sheets from botany. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3). Alkycosine Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Alkysine, 1 part Bleach, 1 part Dylovene, heat to 40°C Effects Lessens the damage to neurological tissue. More effective at treating brain damage than alkysine and also a fairly effective painkiller as well. Caution is needed in its creation to avoid mixing bleach and the ammonia needed to make it. (Results in 4 units instead of 3). Alkysine Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Dylovene Effects Lessens the damage to neurological tissue, effective even after catastrophic injury. Used for treating brain damage and also a fairly effective painkiller. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Arithrazine Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Hyronalin, 1 part Hydrogen Effects A slightly unstable medication used for treating radiation poisoning. Lowers radiation level at over twice the rate Hyronalin does and will heal toxin damage at the same time. Deals very minor brute damage to the patient over time, but the patient's body will typically out-regenerate it easily. Bicaridine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Carbon Effects An analgesic which is highly effective at treating brute damage. It is useful for stabilizing people who have been severely beaten, as well as treating less life-threatening injuries. In the case of bleeding (internal or external), it will slow down the bleeding by 30% and stacks with Inaprovaline. If the dosage exceeds the overdose limit, it'll stop it outright and start healing it. Does not heal diona. Cryoxadone Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Dexalin, 1 part Water, 1 part Oxygen Effects Required for the proper function of cryogenics. Heals all standard types of damage very swiftly, but only works in temperatures under 170K (usually this means cryo cells). Can also slowly heal clone damage, such as caused by cloning or Slimes. Clonexadone Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Cryoxadone, 1 part Sodium, 5 units Plasma (Catalyst) Effects Heals standard damage in the same as Cryoxadone, with the same temperature requirement. Significantly more effective than the former at treating all basic and clone damage, although both can be used simultaneously. Best used in cryo cells. Citalopram Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin, 1 part Carbon Effects An antidepressant that prevents hallucination slightly. (Results in 3 units instead of 2). Dermaline Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Kelotane, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Phosphorus Effects An advanced chemical that is more effective at treating burns damage than Kelotane. Dexalin Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 2 part Oxygen, 5 units Plasma (Catalyst) Effects Used for treating oxygen deprivation. Will remove Lexorin from the bloodstream. Largely outclassed by Dexalin Plus. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2). Dexalin Plus Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Dexalin, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Iron Effects Used in treatment of extreme cases of oxygen deprivation. Even a single unit immediately counters all oxygen loss, which is hugely useful in many circumstances. Any dose beyond this will continue to counter oxygen loss until it is metabolized, essentially removing the need to breathe. Will remove Lexorin from the bloodstream. Dylovene Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 60u Formula 1 part Silicon, 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Potassium Effects A broad-spectrum antidote, which removes harmful chemicals and treats toxin damage in the blood stream. Overdosing will cause vomiting, dizzyness and pain. Ethylredoxrazine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Carbon Effects A powerful oxidizer that neutralizes the effects of alcohol in the blood stream. Reduces dizziness, drowsiness, stuttering, and confusion. Can also be used to counteract the effects of a Wizard's Disorient spell. Hyperzine Metabolism: 0.03 Overdose Threshold: 15u Formula 1 part Sugar, 1 part Phosphorous, 1 part Sulphur Effects A highly effective, long lasting muscle stimulant. It allows greater freedom of movement in bulky clothing although it has the side effect of causing some twitching. Causes heart damage (if applicable) on overdose. Dionae don't heal while metabolizing it and get burn damage if they overdose. Species that have no heart get toxin damage. Speech will be distorted while metabolizing, removing all spaces, commas and semicolons. Increases bleeding (internal or external) by 30%. Hyronalin Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Radium, 1 part Dylovene Effects A weak treatment for radiation damage. Considered to be useful mainly for genetic modification, where it reduces radiation levels, and thus the chance of genetic mutations. Largely outclassed by Arithrazine. Imidazoline Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Dylovene Effects Effective in treating eye trauma. It heals damage caused by physical or chemical trauma, though it is ineffective in treating genetic defects in the eyes. If you apply it with a dropper on a patient's eye, it will heal ALL eye damage in one drip. Not to be confused with Midazoline. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Inacusiate Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Water Effects You only need 1u for Inacusiate work. Cures deafness instantly. Useful after an explosion. Inaprovaline Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Sugar Effects Inaprovaline is a synaptic stimulant and cardiostimulant. Commonly used to stabilize patients, it stops oxygen loss when the patient is in critical health. It'll also slow down bleeding (internal or external) by 30% while in the body and stacks with Bicaridine. Acts as a decent painkiller. Toxic to vox. Kelotane Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Silicon, 1 part Carbon Effects Treats burn damage effectively, preventing microbial growth and vastly speeding up healing of even full thickness burns. Leporazine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Silicon, 1 part Copper, 5 units Plasma (Catalyst) Effects Keeps a patient's body temperature stable at 36.85°C. Can allow short periods of unprotected EVA, but prevents use of the cryogenics tubes. Useful in the event of a plasmafire. Lithotorcrazine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Lithium, 3 parts Arithrazine, 1 part Uranium Effects Reduces radiation 'intake' for humans by 50%. Useful if you're going into a radioactive zone. Enhanced Lithotorcrazine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Lithium, 1 part Hyronalin, 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Roach Shell (Catalyst), 1 part Lithotorcrazine (Catalyst). Effects An alternative recipe that requires no Uranium. Still needs at least 1u of Lithotorcrazine though. Reduces radiation 'intake' for humans by 50%. Useful if you're going into a radioactive zone. (Results in 10 units instead of 5). Methylin Metabolism: 0.03 Overdose Threshold: 15u Formula 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Ethanol, 5 units Fluorine (Catalyst) Effects An intelligence enhancer, also used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Also known as Ritalin. Allows monkeys (not diona nymphs) to understand human speech and improves their dexterity as long as they have some in their system. Causes toxin and brain damage on overdose. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3). Nanofloxacin Metabolism: 0.02 Overdose Threshold: 3u Formula 1 part Nanobots, 5 parts Fluorine, 5 parts Spaceacillin Effects An extremely powerful antipathogenic. Kills viruses up to strength 95. Kills the patient if taken in large doses. Useful as a last resource to kill a pathogen, but the nanobots would otherwise be better spent making Medical Nanobots. (Results in 2.5 units instead of 11). Oxycodone Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Tramadol, 1 part Plasma Effects A very effective painkiller, about 250% as strong as Tramadol. Paroxetine Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 5 parts Mindbreaker Toxin, 5 parts Oxygen, 5 parts Inaprovaline Effects Prevents hallucination, but has a 10% chance of causing intense hallucinations. You can't suicide while metabolizing Paroxetine and consuming some while in the middle of a suicide will stop the "suicided" flag from appearing, making the body revivable. Phalanximine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Hyronalin, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Unstable Mutagen Effects Used in the treatment of cancer, is as effective as Dylovene. Causes moderate radiation and hair loss. Piccolyn Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Copper, 1 part Tungsten, 1 part Fluorine Effects Causes patients who are healthy to thank the nearest doctor or medical cyborg. Results in 1u instead of 3. Ryetalyn Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Arithrazine, 1 part Carbon Effects You only need 1u for Ryetalin to work. Masks genetic defects and powers. Useful if genetics is unable to function properly. Masked mutations will return if the patient's genes are modified again. Spaceacillin Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: 15u Formula 1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Inaprovaline Effects A theta-lactam antibiotic. A common and very useful medicine, effective against many diseases likely to be encountered in space. Slows progression of diseases. Overdose will deal toxin damage as well as cause dizziness in the patient. Can be found in medivends. Sprinkles Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 5 parts Sugar, 5 parts Water, 1 unit Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) Effects Loved by cops, these sugary sprinkles have a healing effect on all Security Officers, regardless of rank. Synaptizine Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Lithium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water Effects Toxic, but treats hallucinations, drowsiness & halves the duration of paralysis, stuns and knockdowns. Acts as a mild painkiller. Administer with antitoxin, one unit is enough to cure most hallucinations but will cause 60 toxin damage over 200 seconds. Synthocarisol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Bicaridine, heat to 77°C Effects Synthocarisol is an advanced analgesic medication and can be used to treat blunt trauma. Although it is made with bicaridine, it does not affect internal bleeding. Tramadol Metabolism: 0.1 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Oxygen Effects A simple, yet effective painkiller. Very effective for patients in shock. Tricordrazine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Dylovene Effects A wide-spectrum stimulant, originally derived from Cordrazine. Is capable of healing all four main damage types simultaneously, however it only heals at half the rate of conventional healing chemicals. Because of its low potency, it's best used as a supplement to other medicines. Trinitrine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 50u Formula 1 part Glycerol, 1 part Sulphuric Acid, 3 parts Water, 5 units Nitrogen (Catalyst) Effects Glyceryl Trinitrate, also known as diluted nitroglycerin, is a medication used for heart failure and to treat and prevent chest pain due to hyperzine. Vaccine Metabolism: 1.0 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aluminum, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water Effects Introduces antigens to the body, allowing the immune system to produce enough antibodies to combat present or future infections. Is blank by default, vaccine carrying antigen is produced at a centrifuge. Each unit raises the associated antibody concentration by 20% so at most 5 units are needed to cure the strongest diseases. Quick-Guide to Making Chemicals - The Basics This is what you'll normally need to make at roundstart. There are often methods to combine certain chemicals to make stronger healing mixes. Try making the superior mixes rather than the normal chems if possible but always consider the time it takes. All reagents are to be added in the order shown. Some may require splitting via the Chemmaster. Chemical Formula Amount and Description Alkysine 40u Nitrogen, 10u Silicon, 10u Potassium, 30u Chlorine. Results in 60u Alkysine. Used for treating brain damage. Arithrazine and Ryetalyn 5u Nitrogen, 5u Silicon, 5u Potassium, 15u Radium, 30u Hydrogen, 10u Carbon Results in 50u Arithrazine, and 20u Ryetalyn. Treats radiation poisoning and masks genetic defects and powers respectively. Pill the Ryetalin in 1u doses. Bicaridine 15u Oxygen, 15u Sugar, 60u Carbon. Results in 90u Bicaridine. Treats brute damage. Stops Internal Bleeding on overdose. Clonexadone 5u liquid plasma, 30u Oxygen, 15u Water, 15u Oxygen, 45u Sodium Results in 90u Clonexadone and 5u Plasma. Heals all standard types, but only works in temperatures under 170K. Quickly heals Clone damage. You'll be making pure clonex to get biomass for the cloner, not for the tubes. Check here for actual Cryomixes. Dexalin Plus 5u liquid plasma, 60u Oxygen, 30u Iron, 30u Carbon Results in 90u Dexalin Plus and 5u Plasma. Immediately counters all oxygen loss. Dylovene 30u Silicon, 30u Nitrogen, 30u Potassium. Results in 90u Dylovene. Removes harmful chemicals and treats toxin damage. Ethylredoxrazine 10u Silicon, 10u Nitrogen, 10u Potassium, 30u Oxygen, 30u Carbon Results in 90u Ethylredoxrazine. Neutralizes the effects of alcohol. You'll need this for the inevitable Glasgow virus or disorient wizard. Imidazoline 10u Nitrogen, 10u Silicon, 10u Potassium, 30u Carbon, 30u Hydrogen Results in 60u Imidazoline. Treats eye injuries. Won't cure genetic defects. Works best when dripped onto the patients eye. Inacusiate 5u Nitrogen, 5u Silicon, 5u Potassium, 15u Carbon, 15u Water Results in 45u Inacusiate. You only need 1u for Inacusiate work. Cures deafness instantly. Useful after an explosion. KeloDerm 30u Carbon, 30u Silicon, 15u Oxygen, 15u Phosphorus Results in 45u Kelotane and 45u Dermaline. Treats burn damage. Twice as strong as just Kelotane. Bicariline 25u Oxygen, 25u Sugar, 50u Carbon Results in 50u Bicaridine and 50u Inaprovaline. Combines the bleeding-slowing power of Bicaridine and Inaprovaline. Lipozine 15u Chlorine, 15u Sodium, 30u Ethanol, 30u Radium Results in 90u Lipozine. Causes weight loss. Oxycodone 5u Carbon, 5u Sugar, 15u Oxygen, 40u Ethanol, 30u Plasma Results in 90u Oxycodone and 5u Inaprovaline. A very powerful painkiller, about 2.5 times as strong as Tramadol, can enable use of otherwise totally crippled limbs (I.e: Running with broken legs, for example). Spaceacillin 30u Oxygen, 30u Sugar, 15u Potassium, 15u Carbon Results in 90u Spaceacillin. Antibiotic. Cures any disease up to 50 Strength and slows down stronger diseases. Works better when laying down or asleep. Tramadol 10u Carbon, 10u Oxygen, 10u Sugar, 30u Ethanol, 30u Oxygen Results in 90u Tramadol. Strong painkiller. Helps stop the pain slowing from severe injuries. Tricordrazine 15u Carbon, 15u Oxygen, 15u Sugar, 15u Nitrogen, 15u Potassium, 15u Silicon Results in 90u Tricordrazine. Slowly heals all 4 main damage types. Not that useful by itself, best used in conjunction with the proper heal chem. Quick-Guide to Making Chemicals - Specialized Chems You'll probably want to make some of these too, but they are only needed in specific circumstances or are requests by other crewmembers. Chemical Formula Amount and Description Bleach 5u Nitrogen, 15u Hydrogen, 15u Water, 15u Oxygen, 15u Chlorine, 15u Sodium Results in 30u Bleach. Heavy duty cleaner, can decontaminate clothes in the event of plasma contact without proper protection. Creatine 20u Carbon, 5u Oxygen, 15u Sugar, 20u Phosphorus, 10 Sulfur, 10 Radium, 10 Chlorine, 10u Nutriment (x3) Results in 60u Creatine. A last ditch effort chem, will turn you into a hulk at 26u, but you will gib you when you have no more of it in your body. It also gives minor toxic damage throughout its metabolism, best used with some antitox. Used in virology to improve diseases. Hyperzine 30u Phosphorus, 30u Sugar, 30u Sulphur Results in 90u Hyperzine. Muscle stimulant, allows for faster movement. Usually requested by Dionae, Miners or Security Officers. Insecticide 10u Sodium, 10u Chlorine, 80u Water, 20u Toxin Results in 100u Insecticide. A very powerful toxin that will kill all Insect life it touches including Bees, Hornets, botanical pests, cockroaches and Insectoids. You can get 30u Toxin bottles from a normal Nanomed Plus and 50u Toxin Pills from a hacked Nanomed Plus. Leporazine 5u liquid plasma, 45u Copper, 45u Silicon Results in 90u Leporazine and 5u Plasma. Keeps body temperature stable at 36.85°C. Useful in case the Atmospheric Technician started a plasmafire. Stops Cryo from working while in the system. Plant-B-Gone 20u Toxin, 80u Water Results in 100u Plant-B-Gone. A very powerful toxin, will kill all non-toxic Plant life it touches, including Kudzu and in some cases, powercreep. Works weakly against plants with high toxin affinity. You can get 30u Toxin bottles from a normal Nanomed Plus and 50u Toxin Pills from a hacked Nanomed Plus. Sodium Polyacrylate 30u Carbon, 10u Sodium, 20u Water Results in 80u Sodium Polyacrylate. Instantly dries surfaces leaving some sludge behind. Anathema for both Clowns and Janitors. Space Cleaner 45u Hydrogen, 45u Water, 5u Nitrogen (x3) Results in 90u Space Cleaner. Cleans almost all surfaces. Space Lube 25u Water, 25u Silicon, 25u Oxygen Results in 100u Space Lube. High performance lubricant, improves efficiency of the Thermoelectric Generator. Also used to slip people. A great gift for Clowns and Engineers alike! Synaptizine 30u Nitrogen, 30u Silicon, 30u Potassium, 1u Water, 1u Sugar, 1u Lithium Results in 3u Synaptizine, and 90u Dylovene. Do not separate. Treats hallucinations, drowsiness & halves the duration of paralysis, stuns and knockdowns, Synaptizine is very toxic, so it is administered with Dylovene. Any less than twenty times as much Dylovene can be lethal. Unstable Mutagen 30u Chlorine, 30u Radium, 30u Phosphorus Results in 90u Unstable Mutagen. Causes mutations when injected. Inflicts radiation damage to humans. Used by Hydroponics, Genetics and Virology. Cauldron Mixes All recipes here require either a Cauldron or serious autism dedication. Chemical Formula Amount and Description Triline Delight 90u Lime Juice, 90u Tomato Juice, 90u Orange Juice, 90u Milk Cream, 50u Coffee, 10u Blood, 50u Carbon, 50u Oxygen, 50u Sugar, 50u Nitrogen, 50u Potassium, 50u Silicon. Results in 400u Doctor's Delight , 210u Tricordrazine (skim 10u for an even metabolic ratio) and 100u Lifeline. Heals all 4 main damage types and reduces the rate of blood loss while metabolizing evenly. Dose to your personal preference, though larger doses of 50u (14 pills) or 25u (28 pills) are ideal. Medical Nanobots 20u Nanites, 200u Uranium Salt, 200u Gold Powder, 200u Silicon, 200u Nutriment, 40u Lime Juice, 40u Orange Juice, 40u Tomato Juice, 40u Milk Cream, 7u Nitrogen, 7u Potassium, 7u Silicon, 7u Sugar, 7u Carbon, 7u Oxygen. Results in 100u Medical Nanobots and 2u Tricordrazine. Heals all damage types except clone and rad damage very quickly. Metabolizes very slowly. Overdose at 5u. Risk of cyber-horrorification on overdose. Guaranteed transformation on 20u. You generally won't need more than 1-2u per patient. Combat Nanobots 20u Nanites, 200u Uranium Salt, 200u Gold Powder, 200u Silicon, 200u Nutriment, 67 Radium, 67 Phosphorus, 67 Chlorine, 23 Aluminum, 23 Oxygen, 23 Silicon, 400 Iron. Results in 100u Combat Nanobots, 1u Unstable Mutagen and 7u of Silicate. Hulks you for 45s if you consume at least 4.5u. Purges itself upon unhulking. Overdose at 15u. Gibs on overdose. Does not work on Diona. Nanofloxacin 20u Nanites, 200u Uranium Salt, 200u Gold Powder, 200u Silicon, 200u Nutriment, 68 Oxygen, 68 Sugar, 34 Potassium, 34 Carbon, 200 Fluorine. Results in 100u Nanofloxacin and 4u Spaceacillin. Treats diseases up to 95 strength. 1u is usually enough to treat most common diseases. Overdose at 3u. Kills on overdose. Bicorderol 30u Oxygen, 30u Sugar, 75u Carbon, 15u Nitrogen, 15u Potassium, 15u Silicon, 150u Aluminum, 150u Copper, 300u Welding Fuel. Results in 450u Blisterol, 90u Bicaridine, and 90u Tricordrazine. Makes 15 pills (42 units each) that heal 105 brute damage in 60 seconds. Cryo Mixture and Cloning When the dead are cloned, the freshly generated bodies suffer from major damage as well as genetic defects and brain damage. They are placed into a cryo tube filled with chems in order to return them to a normal state. The chems in the cryo tubes are stored in beakers, which can be inserted by simply clicking on the tube with the beaker in hand. To note, chems that are used for cryo tubes are used up much more slowly, but retain the same effects. Cryomixes need to contain at least the following: 30u Cryoxadone - To heal all standard damage. Cryox heals all standard forms of damage quickly, but only at extremely low temperatures. Also heals clone damage, but slowly. 30u Clonexadone - To heal clone damage. Functions the same as Cryoxadone, but heals standard damage and clone damage much faster. Stacks with Clonexadone, so both should be used if possible. 10u-15 Alkysine - To cure brain damage from recent clones. 1u+ Ryetalin - To cure genetic defects from recent clones. This will also remove any genetic powers. Once these chems are added, fill the remaining beaker space with whatever medicines you like. Common choices are Antitox (to remove common poisons from bloodstream rather than just treat the toxin damage) and Dexalin Plus. Cryomix Cookbook This is a list of example cryomixes and the recipes to make them. Remember to remove Plasma and other unwanted chemicals at the ChemMaster after mixing. Cryomixes are generally done by crushing fridge pills into a Clonex+Cryox beaker. Below are some example recipes, some of which may save you a bit of hassle in the pill-crushing stage, but aren't strictly necessary. Name Recipe Comments Basic + Antitox + Alkysine 5u Plasma, 30u Oxygen, 15u Water, 15u Oxygen, 15u Sodium, 5u Nitrogen, 5u Potassium, 5u Silicon, 5u Chlorine, 5u Nitrogen. Base mix with Dylovene and Alkysine. The Antitox is not strictly necessary, but is a byproduct of making Alkysine, which we want for cloning brain damage. Crush in 1 Ryetalyn pill plus whatever else you want to complete. Anti-radiation 5u Plasma, 30u Oxygen, 15u Water, 15u Oxygen, 15u Sodium, 5u Nitrogen, 5u Potassium, 5u Silicon, 5u Chlorine, 5u Nitrogen, 5u Radium, 5u Hydrogen. Base mix with Alkysine, Arithrazine, and some Antitox and Hyronalin. The Dylovene and Hyronalin don't do much, but are a byproduct of getting in Arithrazine, which does help with healing radiation damage, something cryo normally does not do. Crush in 1 Ryetalyn pill plus whatever else you want to complete. Alkysine + Anti-Rad + DexPlus 5u Plasma, 10u Oxygen, 5u Iron, 5u Carbon, 12u Nitrogen, 4u Potassium, 4u Silicon, 4u Radium, 8u Hydrogen, 8u Chlorine, 24u Oxygen, 12u Water, 12u Oxygen, 12u Sodium. Base mix with Alkysine, Arithrazine and Dexalin Plus, Alkysine for brain damage, Aritrhazine for radiation damage and Dexalin Plus for Suffocation damage. Crush in 1 Ryetalyn pill, plus whatever else you want to complete. Other Recipes These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining, reactions that require specific temperatures to occur, or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. Albuterol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Hyperzine, 1 part Tramadol Effects A bronchodilator that relaxes muscles in the airways and increases air flow to the lungs. It'll remove mucus from your system as long as it's inside your body. Only useful to people with the Asthma disability. Ammonia Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 3 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Nitrogen Effects An effective fertilizer which is better than what is available to the botanist initially, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine. Heals the plant and restores nutrients. (Results in 3 units instead of 4). Anthracene Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Zeaxanthin, 1 part Radium Effects Causes things to glow. Can be drunken or splashed on mobs, objects, and turfs. Bleach Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 2 parts Table Salt, 2 parts Space Cleaner, 1 parts Oxygen Effects Do not drink. Heavy duty cleaner that can clean tiles the same as Space Cleaner and also decontaminate clothes. Extremely toxic when ingested. (Results in 2 units instead of 5). Blisterol Metabolism: 1 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Copper, 2 parts Welding Fuel Effects An outdated medicine used to treat injuries. Heals brute damage relatively well, but causes burn damage and heats up the body. Use Bicaridine instead. (Results in 3 units instead of 3). Bone Gel Metabolism: n/a Overdose Threshold: n/a Formula 10 parts Milk, 10 parts Cryoxadone Effects Creates a Bone Gel. This reaction must be done in a vial for it to work and it also consumes the vial in the reaction. This reaction doesn't occur in any other containers. Caramel Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Sugar, heat to 170°C Effects A sweet treat for a lazy chemist. Carp Pheromones Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Carpotoxin, 1 part Leporazine, 1 part Carbon Effects These artificial pheromones will make you smell like an alpha male space carp. Adult space carps will not bother you, while their children will follow you around. Don't expect them to be tricked easily, though; they won't be fooled if they've seen you before you applied the pheromones to yourself. Makes you smell bad. Chloral Hydrate Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: Time-based Formula 1 part Ethanol, 3 parts Chlorine, 1 part Water Effects A powerful sedative which causes death in doses upwards of about 17 units. Sends the patient to sleep almost instantly. Will start causing toxin damage after 162 seconds of uninterrupted metabolization. If in doubt, assume above 17u is lethal. Take note that, for example, injecting 10 units, waiting one minute, and then injecting 10 units again WILL cause a time-based overdose - even though at no point did the patient have over 17u at once. Make sure all Chloral Hydrate fully metabolizes before injecting again. Countered by Dylovene. (Results in 1 units instead of 5). Combat Nanobots Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: 15u Formula 1 part Nanobots, 5 parts Unstable Mutagen, 5 parts Silicate, 10 units iron Effects Microscopic robots intended for use in humans. Grants the hulk ability for 45 seconds when at least 4.5 units are injected. After the hulk ends, all units of combat nanobots will be purged from the system. Causes gibbing when overdosed. Does not work on Diona. (Results in 2.5 units instead of 21). Creatine Metabolism: 0.1 Overdose Threshold: 26u Formula 1 part Nutriment, 1 part Bicaridine, 1 part Hyperzine, 1 part Unstable Mutagen Effects A muscle-building drug that grants the user enormous strength, before their muscles seize and tear their own body to shreds. In practical terms, 1-25 units just causes toxin damage, and 26 units turns you into a hulk with all its associated benefits with the side effect of taking a little toxin damage over time. You'll remain as a hulk until it's all metabolized, at which point you'll take 200 brute damage and gib. With the correct administration, it can be the most potent drug there is, but even at the best of times it is best considered a double-edged sword. 26 units is fatal only if creatine levels in the bloodstream drop to zero after the initial dosage. Consequently, constant precise re-medication is vital for ensuring that enough creatine is present in the body to stave off death without overdosing oneself in the process. Does not work on diona. Can use Untable Mutagen as well. Cryptobiolin Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Potassium, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar Effects Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. Diethylamine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Ethanol Effects A very potent fertilizer. Diluted Milk Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 5 part Milk, 5 part Water Effects Used in Virology as a growth medium, also referred to as virus food. (Results in 15 units instead of 10). E-Z-Nutrient Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Phosphorous, 1 part Potassium Effects A mixture of the three essential chemicals for the healthy development of plants. Use it on hydroponics trays that are running low on nutrition. FixOvein Metabolism: n/a Overdose Threshold: n/a Formula 10 parts Bicaridine, 10 parts Clonexadone Effects Creates a FixOvein. This reaction must be done in a vial for it to work and it also consumes the vial in the reaction. This reaction doesn't occur in any other containers. Foaming Agent Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Lithium, 1 part Hydrogen Effects Makes foam such as that required in metal foam grenades. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2). Heartbreaker Toxin Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Dexalin, 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin, heat to 37°C Effects A hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. A synthetic drug derived from Mindbreaker toxin, it blocks some neurological signals to the respiratory system which causes choking. (Results in 5 units instead of 2). Hemoscyanine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Solanine, 1 part Hyoscyamine, 1 part Phenol Effects A toxin that destroys blood cells. While in a person's body, constantly drains their blood supply at a rate of 2u of blood per tick. Holy Salts Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Table Salt, 5 units of Holy Water (Catalyst) Effects Features some of the effects of both salt and holy water, but more importantly when 10 units of it are dropped on the floor, they form a pile that will consume any occult material or rune underneath in just 20 seconds. Path Entrance rune or talismans destroyed this way produce an effect that hints to the direction toward the Exit if it's on the same Z-Level. Impedrezene Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Mercury, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar Effects A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Left 4 Zed Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part E-Z-Nutrient, 5 units Radium (Catalyst) Effects An irradiated nutrient mix which promotes random mutations on plantlife. Has a 1% chance per tick (2s) to trigger any valid mutation, which can quickly get out of control. Lexorin Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Plasma, 1 part Ammonia Effects Temporarily stops respiration and causes tissue damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out very quickly. Dexalin and Dexalin Plus will both remove it, however. (Results in 3 units instead of 2). Lipozine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Table Salt, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Radium Effects Causes weight loss upon consumption. Lithium Tungstate Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Lithium, 1 part Tungsten, 2 parts Sodium, 4 parts Oxygen Effects Used in Xenoarchaeology to seperate minerals and other solids. Locutogen Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 1 part Piccolyn, 1 part Inacusiate, 1 part Sugar Effects Reacts to the first phrase it hears on a screenwide area regardless of source, storing it as a long polymer chain. Upon consumption, the Locutogen will "speak" its stored phrase to its host then remove itself. Mixing two different Locutogen chains will produce more of the Locutogen on the recieving end. The stored phrase can be inspected on a ChemMaster. Luminol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: none Formula 3 parts Space Cleaner, 8 parts Carbon Effects Glows bright blue when sprayed on blood due to a Chemoluminescent reaction with the Blood's Iron. Medical Nanobots Metabolism: 0.005 Overdose Threshold: 5u Formula 1 part Nanobots, 5 parts Doctor's Delight Effects Microscopic robots intended for use in humans. Configured for rapid healing upon infiltration into the body. Heals user of all damage types until completely metabolized and also cures viruses. Overdose limit is 5u. Any more puts you at an increasingly high risk of killing you and converting your corpse into a cyber horror, a dangerous mob that heals itself over time and injects medical nanobots into its victims via melee attacks until they too become cyber horrors. At 20u or more, death and conversion to a cyber horror is guaranteed. (Results in 2.5 units instead of 6). Mindbreaker Toxin Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Silicon, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Dylovene Effects An extremely potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". Countered by Dylovene. (Results in 5 units instead of 3). Nanobots Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 nanite, 10 part uranium, 10 gold, 10 nutriment, 10 silicon Effects Reagent used to create either Medical Nanobots or Combat Nanobots. (Results in 2 units instead of 41). Plant-B-Gone Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Toxin, 4 parts Water -- OR -- 1 part Solanine, 4 parts Water (currently bugged) Effects A toxic and potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Will kill non-toxic plants as well as wallrot, alien weeds, powercreep and kudzu. Weak against plants with high toxin affinity. Very toxic to Dionae and stops their regeneration. Do not ingest. Countered by Dylovene. Insecticide Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Toxin, 4 parts Saltwater -- OR -- 1 part Solanine, 4 parts Saltwater Effects A toxic compound that kills plant worms, spiderlings, cockroaches and bees. Very toxic to Insectoids. Do not ingest. Countered by Dylovene. Polytrinic Acid Metabolism: 0.5 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Sulphuric Acid, 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Potassium Effects An extremely corrosive chemical substance. The slightest touch of it will melt off most masks and headgear, and deal extreme damage to anyone who comes directly into contact with it. Spraying it on other items will usually melt them too, which does make it useful if the clown has covered the entire hallway in banana peels. Robust Harvest Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part E-Z-Nutrient, 1 unit Formic Acid (Catalyst) Effects A potent fertilizer which promotes the growth and potency of planted crops. Saltwater Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 20 parts Water, 5 parts Table Salt Effects Used to induce rapid puking in the human body. Will also cause minor amount of toxin damage to the body when it attempts to puke. (Results in 20 units instead of 25) Saline Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 10 parts Saltwater, 1 part Ammonia Effects A solution composed of salt, water, and Ammonia. Used in pickling and preservation of food and organs. Essential for the proper functioning of preservation jars. (Results in 10 units instead of 11). Silicate Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aluminum, 1 part Silicon, 1 part Oxygen Effects Used to repair and reinforce windows with the silicate sprayer. (Results in 9 units instead of 3). Simpolinol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 20 parts Methylin, 20 parts Silver Effects Used to heal simple animals, like those found on farms or the asteroid. Poisons more complex lifeforms like monkeys, xenos, and humans. Vapor salts synthesize into this when stored in a soda can. Sleep-Toxin Metabolism: 0.1 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Chloral Hydrate, 4 parts Sugar Effects A less powerful sedative that takes a while to work, intended to help insomniacs and patients that are too aggressive to be treated normally. Takes roughly 50 seconds to make the patient fall asleep. Is safe in large quantities. Can be counteracted with Dylovene. Space Cleaner Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Water Effects This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Space Drugs Metabolism: 0.5 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Mercury, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Lithium Effects An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and visual artefacts. Space Lube Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Water, 1 part Silicon, 1 part Oxygen Effects Space Lube is a high performance lubricant which improves the output of the Thermoelectric Generator when poured into its circulators. When heated, it decomposes on a 5:1 ratio into chemical waste, which can be dissolved using Ethanol. Most commonly, though, it's used to slip people painfully. Spreading this on the floors makes you valid for murder. (Results in 4 units instead of 3). Sodium Polyacrylate Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 3 parts Carbon, 1 part Sodium, 2 parts Water Effects A highly absorbent chemical that makes clowns and janitors weep. It can dry surfaces by spraying/splashing it on floors that have slippery substances on them like space lube or water. As a result of drying a floor it will leave a gooey mess behind. It absorbs the above liquids at a 3 unit to 10 unit ratio in containers, producing chemical waste. (Results in 8 units instead of 6). Sodium Silicate Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Silicon, 2 parts Sodium, 3 parts Oxygen Effects A white powder, commonly used in cements. Typically used for the solidification of Plasteel. (Results in 5 units instead of 6). Sterilizine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Chlorine Effects Helps prevent infections when used during surgery, decontaminates objects and surfaces that bear pathogens. Is currently useless due to infections not being a thing. Table Salt Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Sodium Effects Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food or kill borers instantly. When 10 units of it are dropped on the floor, they form a pile that will consume any occult material or rune underneath in about 5 minutes. Sulphuric Acid Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Sulphur, 2 parts Oxygen, 1 part Water Effects Melts stuff and causes burn damage. Works as water when consumed by Grey. Suxameth Metabolism: 1 Overdose Threshold: 21u Formula 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Toxin Effects A fast working paralyzing agent which stuns people approximately 5 seconds after application. Quickly causes oxygen loss when overdosed. Thermite Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Iron, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Oxygen Effects A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited. It'll slowly inflict burn damage to anybody dumb enough to ingest it, but can't be ignited inside said dumb person. Universal Enzyme Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Blood, 1 part Table Salt, 1 part Nutriment Effects Used exclusively as a catalyst to process one ingredient into another, used for food and drinks. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3). Unstable Mutagen Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Radium, 1 part Phosphorus, 1 part Chlorine Effects Causes mutations and when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal due to inflicting radiation damage to humans. Only useful for Botany and Genetics. Untable Mutagen Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Radium, 1 part Phenol, 1 part Formic Acid Effects Produceable with botany's unique plant chems, Untable Mutagen melts tables on contact while leaving everything else untouched. Pharmacognosy Plants can yield natural chemicals which behave similarly to synthetic chemicals. The sources for each chemical can be found in the Guide to Hydroponics. The equivalencies are as follows: Allicin Functions like: Dylovene (But also defeats weak virusses) Cocaine Functions like: Hyperzine Coriamyrtin Functions like: Lexorin Curare Functions like: Neurotoxin Cytisine Functions like: Synaptizine Defalexorin Functions like: Heartbreaker Toxin Formic Acid Functions like: Sulphuric Acid Hyoscyamine Functions like: Impedrezene Kathalai Functions like: Dermaline Mescaline Functions like: Space Drugs Opium Functions like: Bicaridine Phenol Functions like: Polytrinic Acid Physostigmine Functions like: Cryptobiolin Phytocarisol Functions like: Synthocarisol Phytosine Functions like: Alkycosine Solanine Functions like: Toxin Tannic Acid Functions like: Kelotane Thymol Functions like: Dexalin Valerenic Acid Functions like: Sleep-Toxin Zeaxanthin Functions like: Imidazoline Chemical Reactions All of these recipes react instantly upon mixing, nearly all of them being dangerous. These are mostly only useful for grenade-making. Bumcivilian Formula: Ringing a bell and mixing 1 part Iron, 1 part Sulphuric acid within a 3s time-span. Effects Brown Iron, or Bumcivilian, is the most basic form of Iron. When Bumcivilian is produced, it has the effect of sucking in all sound particles in its vicinity. Neutralizes all sound in a 7x7 area for 30s. The mix must happen at most 3 seconds after the bell has run or it won't react. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Chemical-induced alloy production Formula: 5 parts Sodium Silicate, 5 parts Frost Oil, 10 parts Plasma, 10 parts Iron Effects For when the miners only bring in iron and plasma, but not both. 1 sheet of plasteel per half sheet of plasma and iron. Chloramine Fumes Formula: 1 part Bleach, 1 part Ammonia Effects This creates a small cloud of Chloramine, which can easily damage lungs and slightly damage skin. EMP Formula: 1 part Uranium, 1 part Iron Effects Reacts immediately on mixing, creating a large electromagnetic pulse that affects all electronical devices; very useful for causing chaos. Flash Powder Formula: 1 part Sulphur, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Potassium Effects Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing. When mixed in quantities above 20u, also creates a loud bang, making it identical to a flashbang. Only useful in grenade production, or spooking people on the fly. Fluorosurfactant Formula: 2 parts Fluorine, 2 parts Carbon, 1 part Sulphuric Acid. Effects Creates a large cloud of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. Glass Solidification Formula: 20 units Silicate, 10 Capsaicin Effects Converts the liquid silicate mixture into a solid glass pane. Metal Foam Formula: 3 parts Iron/Aluminium, 1 part Foaming Agent, 1 part Polytrinic Acid Effects Creates lightweight metal foam floors on any exposed space turfs. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. If iron is used, metal foam walls will be created in addition to the floors. If aluminum is used, only metal foam floors will be created. Metal Solidification Formula: 10 units Silicate, 10 units Frost Oil, 20 units (Ground up material) Effects Ground up or otherwise powdered materials can be converted into their solid sheet counterparts thanks to recombination with silicate, and set with frost oil. Compatible with Diamond, Gold, Iron, Plasma, Silver, Uranium. Phazon only requires 1u of Phazon Salt to solidify, but also needs 5u of Mutagen as catalyst. Bananium uses Banana Juice and requires 1u of Phazon Salt as catalyst. Napalm Formula: 1 part Plasma, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Sulphuric Acid Effects Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. Only useful for grenades. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3). Nitroglycerin Formula: 1 part Glycerol, 1 part Phenol, 1 part Formic Acid Effects A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing, creating an explosion significantly more powerful than obtained by mixing Potassium and Water. note that you can replace Formic Acid & Phenol with Sulphuric Acid & Polytrinic Acid respectively. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Also acts as a heart medication similar to Trinitrine, with more adverse effects. Good luck getting it without the explosion. Plasmaglass Solidification Formula: 20 units Silicate, 20 units Plasma, 10 units Condensed Capsaicin Effects Converts the liquid silicate-plasma mixture into a solid plasmaglass glass pane. Potassium Hydroxide Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Water Effects This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Also results in potassium hydroxide and hydrogen. Potassium hydroxide is a caustic powder useful in soap production. Holy Potassium Hydroxide Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Holy Water Effects Essentially the same as the regular reaction, but has a 2 second delay until explosion and is a bit stronger thanks to the water's holy power. Makes a Hallelujah sound upon mix. Plastic Formula: 20 parts Plasticide, 10 parts Polytrinic Acid or Phenol Effects Taking liquid plastic and turning it into solid plastic, what a deal! Smoke Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Phosphorous Effects This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Very useful if you want to make a chloral hydrate smoke grenade for riot control. Due to the nature of permeability, you'll be lucky if 3u manages to get inside a person in the smoke. Internals will block any chemicals inside the smoke from being ingested. Soap Formula: 20 units Potassium Hydroxide, 5 units Nutriment, heat to 50°C Effects Produces a bar of soap. Good for cleaning. Synthmeat Formula: 5 parts Blood, 1 part Clonexadone Effects A tasty alternative to actual meat, used for eating or for biomass. Phazon-Nothing Formula: 10 parts Phazon Salt, 10 parts "Nothing" (No-Fruit juice), 10 units Unstable Mutagen (Catalyst), 10 units Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) Effects Turns into 1u of ANY chemical except Blockizine, pAI-Smoke or Adminordrazine. Very expensive reaction, but you can get lucky and get some unique chems. Mimes start and can buy bottles with 100u of "Nothing". (Results in 1 unit instead of 20). Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, Slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. Aminomicin Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Universal Enzyme, 1 part Unstable Mutagen, 1 part Clonexadone Effects An unusual chemical with the ability to create mice when mixed with 3 parts Nutriment. If injected into a cracker, along with 1 nutriment, a parrot is created instead. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3). Aminomician Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aminomicin, 4 parts Bone Marrow (Sourced from Danitos) Effects An experimental and unstable sister compound to Aminomicin, said to be able to create companionship if mixed with 3 parts Nutriment. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5). Aminoblatella Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aminomicin, 5 parts Cockroach Chitin Effects Developed in the darkest halls of maintenance by the Elder Greytide council, it is said to be able to create untold gunk. Makes 3 cockroaches if mixed with equal parts nutriment. Do NOT mix with 10 parts mutagen. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6). Aminocyprinidol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aminomicin, 5 parts Carp Pheromones Effects The extremely dangerous result of fishy experimentation with Aminomicin. Do NOT mix with 10 parts Nutriment under any circumstances. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6). Apetrine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 2 part Petritricin, 3 parts Polytrinic acid Effects When sprayed onto a victim of either a cockatrice's touch, or a wizard's flesh to stone spell, it will reverse the petrification progress, turning the statue into a (now dead) body. Destroying a statue in this way will NOT destroy the body and its items, as opposed to using brute force. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5). Black Food Coloring Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Colorful Reagent, 1 part Carbon Effects Hides all reagents on the container when examined. Reagents can still be identified via reagent scanner or ChemMaster 3000. Floorpills and Family Sized Gunka Cola have some inside. Blockizine Metabolism: 0.0 Overdose Threshold: None Formula None. Can only be produced by exposure to certain xenoarchaeology artifacts. Effects Blocks metabolism of all reagents while in a person's body, including itself. Its effects wear off eventually though. Corn Syrup Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 10 parts Moonshine (Enzyme'd Corn Oil), 2 parts Sugar, 5 parts Universal Enzyme (Catalyst) Effects An alternative to Sugar on all recipes that call for it. They got you surrounded, drink it. Carpotoxin Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula None, must be harvested from Space Carps or processed from Koibeans. Effects A deadly neurotoxin produced by the dreaded spess carp. Deals toxin damage overtime. Countered by Dylovene. Colorful Reagent Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Mescaline, 1 parts Psilocybin, 1 part Amatoxin. Effects Makes everything random colors. Useful in Smoke grenades. Condensed Capsaicin Metabolism: 0.4 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Capsaicin Oil, 5 parts Ethanol. Effects Momentarily knocks someone unconscious. Causes blindness for approximately twenty seconds. Main ingredient in pepperspray. Useful in Smoke grenades. (Results in 5 units instead of 6). Degenerate Calcium Metabolism: 0.1 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Milk, 1 part Unstable Mutagen, heat to 88°C Effects Rapidly heals brute damage. Secondary effect depends on the amount of brute damage the patient has: At >30 brute damage, it permanently strengthens bones and makes them harder to break, at <30 brute damage it quickly breaks bones instead. Patients must be damaged before administering this drug and carefully monitored to prevent the rapid healing from bringing them under 30 brute. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2). Dietine Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 5u Formula 1 part Table Salt, 3 parts Coffee, 1 part Lithium, 1 part Welding Fuel Effects An alternative weight loss supplement. Increases the rate at which you burn calories, but is very mildly toxic. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6). Doctor's Delight Metabolism: 0.4 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Tricordrazine, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Tomato Juice, 1 part Orange Juice, 1 part Milk Cream Effects A stronger form of Tricordrazine. Ingesting it will cause the patient to heal suffocation, toxin, brute and burn damage faster than Tricordrazine, also reduces dizziness, and confusion. Ectoplasm Metabolism: 0.01 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Aminomician, 1 part Frost Oil Effects A substance capable of some spooky stuff. After 1 minute, it lets you see ghosts as long as you have 1u inside. If consumed by a skeletal race, it heals them slightly better than Doctor's Delight at the cost of 0.1u extra metabolism per damage type. When mixed with Degenerate Calcium on a 1:10 ratio, it creates a fully grown hostile skeleton. If injected along with caramel into a gingerbread man, it makes a gingerbread skeleton. If 10u of Ectoplasm react with 100u of Degenerate Calcium inside a humanoid, said humanoid turns into a skeleton (or skelevox, if appropriate). Reacting less than 10u+100u inside a humanoid will break a random bone and create a hostile skeleton as normal. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Glycerol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 3 parts Corn Oil, 1 part Formic Acid Effects Both ingredients are from plants, so thus require help from the botanist. Mostly used for creating Nitroglycerin, but also used for creating Trinitrine and can be used as fuel for the bunsen burner. Note that you can replace Formic Acid with Sulphuric Acid. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4). Gator Mix Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 50u Formula 1 part Coffee, 1 part Cola, 1 part Egg Yolk, 1 part Fuel, 1 part Nutriment Effects A vile sludge of mixed carbohydrates. Makes people more alert, awake, and warms them up. May cause kidney damage in large doses. Honk Serum Metabolism: 0.05 Overdose Threshold: 30u Formula 1 part Banana Juice, 1 part Inacusiate, 1 part Alkysine Effects Made with Banana Juice, obtainable by juicing bananas grown from botany. Forcibly causes people to say variations of the word honk, whilst repeatedly making honking sounds. Give this to clown and you will have a new best friend. Will remove mime powers and vow of silence on overdose. Causes you to act clumsily while metabolizing, with all the pros and cons involved. Ice Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 10 units Water, 1 unit Frost Oil Effects Useful for certain drinks, such as Iced Tea, Iced Coffee, Frosted Beer, and Piña Colada. Alternatively, can be made if you cool water to 0°C. Cool tons of water then electrolyze for infinite Frost Oil. Ironrot Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Amanatin, 1 part Radium, 1 part Iron Powder Effects Mutated Fungus that feeds on iron. Causes iron walls to quickly rot, making it possible to break them down with enough force. Damages internal mechanical organs when ingested. Does considerable damage to borgs that it comes into contact with. Lifeline Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 5 parts Doctor's Delight, 5 parts Coffee, 1 part Blood. Effects A favourite among doctors. Heals at exactly half the speed of Doctor's Delight but helps combat blood loss. (Results in 10 units instead of 11). Liquid PCP Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 15u Formula Only found on contraband crates. Effects Stimulates the body similarly to Hyperzine but will also cause severe hallucinations much like Mindbreaker Toxin. Actively removes chillwax from the system and forces you into HURT intent. Has the same overdose symptoms as Hyperzine, so be careful to never go above 15u. Mannitol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Discount Dan's Special Sauce, 1 part Ice, 1 part Beff Effects The only medicine a REAL MAN needs. Can also be found in Mann's drink. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Midazoline Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula Any amount of: Gold Powder, Sulphuric Acid, Clonexadone, Mixed in a jar/Erlenmeyer flask that also contains solid plasma Effects Instantly converts all other chemicals it touches into more Midazoline, for better or worse. The only exception is Mercury: Mercury will transform Midazoline into more mercury. Not to be confused with Imidazoline. Paracetamol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula Hug someone Effects When somebody is hugged, their body will synthetize 1 unit of Paracetamol, a painkiller that's almost as good as Tramadol. Peptobismol Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 1 part Discount Dan's Special Sauce, 1 part Dylovene Effects Purges the body of expired or improper food, as well as treating general toxin damage. Usually metabolizes on it's own inside the patient after Dylovene is ingested. Peridaxon Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: 10u Formula None! Effects Heals internal organ damage extremely effectively, mending even collapsed lungs and ruined livers. Cannot be synthesized through chemistry, only available from exotic alien seeds, the assistance of a Cortical Borer, or Xenobiology. Petritricin Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula None. Can only be extracted from cockatrices Effects An extremely dangerous poison, just 1 unit of Petritricin is enough to begin transforming the victim into a statue, instantly killing them after four seconds unless the victim immediately ingests acid. Rezadone Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: Time-based or 30u Formula 1 part Carpotoxin, 1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Copper Effects Treats genetic damage, which is otherwise only healed by Cryogenics. In addition, for the first 30 seconds it's in the body, it'll heal brute & burn damage at the same rate as Cryoxadone. After 30 seconds, it'll heal twice as much clone damage and brute damage. After 70 seconds have passed, it'll stop healing and will cause toxins and dizzyness. Can effectively get imperfect clones to a healthy state, and treat Golems or miscellaneous alien life not suitable for Cryotherapy. Overdoses at 30u or 70 seconds of uninterrupted metabolization, whichever comes first. Spaghetti Essence Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula Only available from either vacuuming a spilled spaghetti or getting feverish. Effects Makes you burst into treats, spilling some spaghetti on the floor and making you stutter. Sometimes leaves you mute instead of stuttering. Zombie Powder Metabolism: 0.2 Overdose Threshold: None Formula 5 parts Carpotoxin, 5 parts Sleep-Toxin, 5 parts Copper Effects Paralyses people, makes them appear dead to most rudimentary medical examinations (Examine verb, pulse counting, MedHUDs and Health Analyzers). Body Scanners won't be fooled though. It also deals minor amounts of toxin and suffocation damage. Requires Carpotoxin, which must be harvested from Space Carp or processed from Koibeans. Countered by Dylovene. (Results in 2 units instead of 15). List of Chemicals You have all sorts of things here, and can make so much. You can make medicines, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, window hardener, and so much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Most pure chemicals are lethal or will cause heavy toxin damage if injected or ingested in their pure form. Chemical Description Notes Aluminum A silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements. Carbon A highly stable element found in organics. Chlorine A noxious gas. Diamond An allotrope of carbon, one of the hardest minerals known. Must acquire from the mines. Will cause massive brute damage if ground and consumed except if consumed by a golem, who'll heal instead. Ethanol A well-known alcohol with a variety of applications. Do not drink unless seeking pure drunkatude. Fluorine A highly reactive chemical element. Gold A dark yellow, dense, valuable conductive metal. Often used in electronics. Must acquire from the mines! Hydrogen A colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly combustible diatomic gas. Iron A metallic element, reacts with oxygen. Helpful for restoring lost blood (50u will restore roughly 15% of somebody's maximum blood over time), dose very generously. May be worthwhile to create a pill bottle of this. Also used in certain alcoholic concoctions. Lithium A soft, silver metallic element. Mercury A liquid metal. Poisonous, ingesting or injecting it will cause brain damage. Nitrogen A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. Oxygen A colorless, odorless gas. Plasma Liquefied plasma. Highly dangerous when ingested, must acquire from the mines. Phosphorus A highly reactive element, glows on contact with oxygen. Potassium A soft, low-melting solid that can easily be cut with a knife. Reacts violently with water. Mixing with water will cause this to explode. Giving this to someone followed by water will usually kill them, depending on the dosage used. Radium Radium is an alkaline earth metal. It is extremely radioactive. Deals out radiation damage, and will raise the radiation level of the subject it is used on. Can be used to cure viruses as a treatment of last resort, but when it does so it has a 50% chance of dealing 100 toxin damage in the process. Silicon A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon. Silver A white, valuable conductive metal. Often used in harmonic wiring. Must acquire from the mines! Sulphur A foul smelling non-metallic crystalline element. Sulphuric Acid A strong mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. Very dangerous, do not splash on faces or inject people with this. Do not consume unless you're a Grey. Sugar The organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. This white, odorless, crystalline powder has a pleasing, sweet taste. Very slightly boosts performance. Uranium A black, incredibly dense, slightly radioactive, actinide. Often used in its depleted state in military ballistics and heavy armor. Must acquire from the mines, radioactive! Water A ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Also known as Dihydrogen Monoxide. Put out toxin fires with this. Also good for cleaning, but people will slip on wet floors if they're running. Grinder Products You have a grinder, use it. Picture Plant Processed Nutriment? Libertycap.png Liberty Cap Psilocybin Yes Ambrosiavulgaris.png Ambrosia Vulgaris Tannic Acid, Opium, Mescaline Yes Ambrosiadeus.png Ambrosia Deus Kathalai, Phytocarisol, Cocaine, Mescaline Yes Nettle.png Nettle Sulphuric Acid Deathnettle.png Death Nettle Phenol Poisonberry.png Poison Berries Toxin. Yes Deathberry.png Death Berries Toxin, Coriamyrtin, Cytisine . Yes Glowberry.png Glow Berries Uranium. Carrot.png Carrot Zeaxanthin. Yes Chili.png Chili Capsaicin Oil Yes Ghostchili.png Ghost Pepper Condensed Capsaicin Icechili.png Ice Pepper Frost Oil Corn.png Corn Corn Oil Angle.png Destroying Angels Amatoxin, Psilocybin. Yes Mysterysoup.png Mysterious Soup Blood, Toxin, Carbon Yes Poppy.png Poppy Bicaridine Yes Gapple.gif Golden Apple Gold Yes HoneycombChill.png Honeycomb (Chill Bugs) Chill Wax Yes Foreword Please note that this list does not cover every single chem; it's important to keep in mind that the wiki is not always up to date. If you notice that chemicals are missing, or their information is incorrect, as always please contact a wiki maintainer or staff so that it can be corrected, or better yet submit an edit yourself and wait for it to be approved. Chemistry Equipment Chemical Dispenser File:Dispenser.png The Chemical Dispenser is your go-to device for making everything. It's a reagent dispenser, and works the same way as all other dispensers - You put a container into it, in this case a Beaker of some sort, by holding the container in your hand and clicking the dispenser. Then once a container is in, click the dispenser with an empty hand to bring up the menu The Chemical dispenser can dispense all kinds of elements and chemicals into the beaker. And when you put in the right ingredients for a recipe, they'll automatically react in the beaker and create the result. Some of the things in the dispenser even have effects on their own, without being made into compounds. For a full list of all the things that the dispenser can output, check the dispenser section ChemMaster 3000 Chemmaster.gif The ChemMaster 3000 is your tool for turning your beakerfuls of medicine, into a useable state, without having to give away your lab equipment. It's also used for analysing the contents of beakers, and for carefully removing parts you want to get rid of, to keep your mixtures pure. To start, insert a beaker containing some chemical, and then click it with an empty hand to bring up a menu. In addition to holding a beaker, the ChemMaster can also hold a Pill Bottle (both simultaneously), more on these soon. The Add to Buffer section is where all the juicy info is. It will show you a list of all the reagents inside the beaker, and their quantities. Beside each one are several options. Analyze will just bring up the description of that chemical, to tell you what it is and does. The rest of the buttons (1,5,10,all,custom) just control how much of that chemical you're going to move to the buffer. The Buffer is the section between the horizontal lines. Imagine this as chemicals inside the ChemMaster. Once they're here, you can do several things with them. The Transfer To section shows where chemicals will go when you transfer them out of the buffer, click it to change the destination. They can either go back into the beaker, or they can go into the disposal This doesn't actually put them in the disposal, it just destroys them. Any reagents destroyed this way are gone forever, and cannot be recovered. Chemicals in the buffer will have the same number control options as those in the beaker. This just transfers them to either of the destinations mentioned above. The Create Bottle option will magically create a glass bottle, and put the contents of the buffer into it. The bottle is created outside of the ChemMaster and will appear on top of it. Bottles have a maximum capacity of 60u, so anything over that will still remain in the buffer. By clicking the Icon to the right of this option, you can choose a visual style for the resulting bottle. Note that the bottle is transparent, and will take on the colour of the liquid inside it. You only choose the shape. The Create Pill option will create a single edible pill out of the buffer contents. Again, up to 60u total dosage. If an empty pill bottle is inserted into the ChemMaster, the pill will be created inside that bottle. Otherwise it will appear on top of the machine. The Create Multiple Pills option will create a number of pills that you get to specify. The contents of the buffer will be evenly divided amongst all the pills you make. And if a pill bottle is in the machine, the pills will be created inside it until it's full. Otherwise they appear on top in a big messy pile By clicking the Icon to the right of this option, you can choose a visual style for the resulting pill(s). This will help people to tell your pills apart at a glance, which can be useful when you're making a bottle filled with a mixture of different pills. Once you're done making pills and bottles, you'll probably want to make sure your beaker is empty again so you can make something new, if so be sure to transfer everything to the buffer. Once you eject the beaker, everything left in the buffer is destroyed. If you've made a bottle of pills, don't forget to eject the pill bottle too, and then label it using the Hand Labeller. All-In-One Grinder Blender.png The Grinder is your tool of choice for breaking down objects into reagents. You can put pills in it, to get back the chemicals they're made of. You can breakdown Phoron Crystals into liquid phoron. You can put fruits, vegetables, meals, meat etc into it as well. The results will be outputted into its beaker, which you can extract and stick in the ChemMaster to work with. It's good for undoing your mistakes if you make pills wrong, or for getting rare compounds (like carpotoxin) out of things that contain them. But making liquid phoron is the most common and important thing you'll use it for. Note that it will not break compounds back down into elements, nothing can do that. Refridgerated Medicine Storage Smartfridge.gif A fancy Smart Fridge which exists as a wall block between the chem lab and medicine storage. This fridge is where you should put all the medicines and pills that you make, so that doctors can pick them up for usage. Things can be put in and taken out from all sides of it. It will only accept pills, pill bottles, and glass containers. And it has a nice little interface for dispensing things in quantity. It's also ID locked, and will only allow authorized medical staff to take things out, so anything you place there is safe from the grubby hands of drug-seeking assistants. Tools Smaller, hand-held things that you'll often use in chemistry. Beakers Beakerlarge.png Beaker.png Beakers are the most important tool you have. They come in two sizes, normal and large. Normal beakers hold 60u, large beakers hold 120u. Normal beakers can be found easily all over medical, and you have a box of six in your lab. Large beakers are much less common, you only have three - two on the tables, and one inside the grinder. They are precious, treasure them. Beakers are used for putting into the dispenser to mix things, and then into the ChemMaster to make bottles and pills. Sometimes you'll need to use more than one to mix certain tricky things correctly. If you end up losing them, more beakers can be made at the Autolathe in cargo. Dropper Dropper1.png Droppers are a simple and occasionally used little tool. Their purpose is being one of very few reagent containers in the game which can transfer less than 5u per click. Rightclick it in your hand and choose Set Transfer Amount. You can pick 1/2/3/4/5 units Using it on a beaker when it's empty will draw the set quantity of reagents out of that beaker. Using it on a beaker when it's not empty, will squeeze its contents out into the beaker. The precision this affords is useful for a few complicated recipes, and especially for measuring out tiny amounts of phoron or similar valueable ingredients. Science Goggles ScienceGoggles.png Science goggles are a completely unnecessary fashion accessory that are supplied on your table in the chemistry lab. They have three functions: They protect against acid splashes, halving damage you take from acid to the face. They provide 10% protection against anomalies, which is not relevant to a chemist at all. They can be turned on and off to toggle an obnoxious purple overlay. This does literally nothing except make you see purple. The other two effects work regardless of whether the overlay is on. Advanced Mass Spectrometer Adv spectrometer.png The Advanced Mass Spectrometer is your occasionally used tool for blood toxin testing. Rumour has it there was once a non-advanced Mass Spectrometer, but such a thing is definitely obsolete now. To use it, take a blood sample from your patient with a syringe, and then use the syringe on the spectrometer. Then switch to it and click it in your hand to read the results. It should tell you the chemicals and quantities that are found in their blood. This is the only way to test blood samples, if you inject a blood sample into a beaker and check it in the ChemMaster, it will only show as blood. Note that this tool can only be used for blood, if you have a beaker/bottle/syringe of something mysterious that isn't blood and you want to see what's in it, use the ChemMaster instead. Cryostasis Beaker Noreact.gif The Cryostasis Beaker is an advanced tool that you don't have to begin with. It can only be made in the R&D Lab in science, if you want some you have to ask them for it. The cryostasis beaker holds 60u, and it has the special property of preventing chemical reactions inside it. Any elements or compounds placed into it will not react with each other. If there are any reactions waiting to happen, they'll occur as soon as the contents are transferred into another beaker, or transferred into the buffer of the ChemMaster Bluespace Beaker BluespaceBeaker.gif The Chemist's favourite, a Bluespace Beaker will really make your day. It is another advanced tool that you don't start with, and must request from science. However it's somewhat hard to make, so they may not be able to reliably make them for you. This high-tech beaker uses reality-distorting bluespace technology to create a tiny pocket dimension for storing chemicals, which in practical terms means it can store a tremendous 300u of reagents inside it, making it 250% of the capacity of a Large Beaker. This allows you to easily make much larger batches of medicine - five bottles at a time. Infographic and Information This infographic teaches all of the basic Chems, it is highly recommended you keep it on hand if you're new. A basic Chem infographic will be provided here, it is recommended to keep it on hand for new players; but beware, it only has the basic necessities of Chemistry, for advanced chems you will have to read further. Note: Spaceacillin has been split into multiple anti-microbials. Thetamycin and Cetahydramine. Other than that, this infographic is still up to date. Metabolism and Overdose Most medicines and chemicals designed for use in people have an overdose limit. If a person metabolizes more than this much of the chemical in a short time, they will suffer the overdose effect for that chemical, which is usually a bad thing. Overdose limits vary widely, but the most common value is 20 units. The most common overdose effect is 'Toxins', the patient will suffer 0.2 points of toxins damage per second, as long as the medicine continues metabolizing in their system. This is only dependent on time, not on the quantity of the dose, so overdosing on medicines that metabolize slowly is far more dangerous, they'll keep poisoning the patient for longer. It is important to note that metabolism is not the same as just putting the chemicals into a patient. All chemicals that are injected into, or fed to the patient, are stored harmlessly within their body until they can be properly absorbed, or 'metabolized'. This process happens at a variable rate for each chemical, but the most common metabolic rate is 0.2 units per proc, which works out to 0.1u per second Overdose effects do not trigger until the patient has metabolized enough to reach the overdose limit, which may take several minutes. Whenever this document mentions the word 'dose', it refers to how much has been metabolized into the patient, not how much has been injected into their blood. Whenever a patient has fully metabolized all the volume of a drug that is present in their stomach or blood, the dose is instantly cleared, and the drug's effects are stopped. Even if they had overdosed before, once the dose is cleared its safe to administer more of the same thing. Catalysts Several of the more advanced chemistry recipes take an ingredient (usually phoron) which is marked as (Catalyst) A Catalyst is a chemical which is required to help a chemical reaction, but does not become part of the finished result. Whenever a recipe involves a catalyst, the catalyst will be left over in the beaker, alongside the finished product. You can use the ChemMaster to extract the catalyst, put it in a bottle, and reuse it later. Chemicals Below this heading are multiple tables detailing each chemical that can be synthesized as well as their recipes and effects, among other things. Unless there is additional text in the overdose column, assume that overdosing on the chemical in question - if it can be overdosed on - will deal minor organ damage to the liver, assuming the liver is still alive to absorb the damage. Dispenser Chemicals Unless otherwise stated, all basic chemicals listed below overdose at 20u. They are also all found in the dispenser, and have no recipe. Name Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Acetone Moderately damages organs. Dissolves ink on printed material. A colorless liquid solvent used in chemical synthesis. 0.04u/tick N/A Aluminum Does nothing. A silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements. 0.2u/tick N/A Ammonia Minorly damages organs. A caustic substance commonly used in fertilizer or household cleaners. Poisonous to most lifeforms, lingers for a while if inhaled. 0.1u/tick, 0.05u inhaled N/A Carbon Removes 1u of another reagent per unit, if ingested. Makes turfs dirty if splashed on. A chemical element, the builing block of life. 1u/tick N/A Copper If patient is Skrell: Regenerates blood if ingested. A highly ductile metal. 0.2u/tick N/A Ethanol Dissolves ink on printed material. If injected: Damages organs. If ingested: Causes drugginess. May cause hallucinations. Raises pulse. Damages organs in Unathi and Vaurca patients. A well-known alcohol with a variety of applications. 0.2u/tick, 1u ingested N/A Hydrazine If ingested: Moderately damages organs. Unless they have a fuel cell augment, in which case it converts into nutrition. If inhaled: Minorly damages organs. If touched: Barely damages organs. Covers with flammable fuel. A toxic, colorless, flammable liquid with a strong ammonia-like odor, in hydrate form. 0.04u/tick, 5u touched N/A Hydrochloric Acid Deals moderate brute damage. Deals moderate burn damage. Minorly damages lungs if inhaled. A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula HCl. 0.4u/tick, 50u touched N/A Iron If patient is neither Skrell nor Vaurca: Restores blood if ingested. Pure iron is a metal. 0.2u/tick N/A Lithium Forces the patient to step in a random direction. Causes drooling, among other things. Doesn't actually treat depression. A chemical element, used as antidepressant. 0.2u/tick N/A Mercury Moderately damages the brain. Causes weakness in doses greater than 8u. A poisonous chemical element, one of two that is a liquid at human room temperature and pressure. 0.2u/tick, 0.08u inhaled, 0.02u ingested N/A Phosphorous Does nothing. A chemical element, the backbone of biological energy carriers. 0.2u/tick N/A Potassium Raises pulse. Explodes if put in contact with water, purging all reagents from the container. A soft, low-melting solid that can easily be cut with a knife. Reacts violently with water. 0.2u/tick N/A Radium Irradiates the patient. Significantly increases the chance of curing disease, at the cost of severely damaging organs as a direct result. Spawns glowing goo if thrown onto turfs. Radium is an alkaline earth metal. It is extremely radioactive. 0.2u/tick N/A Silicon Does nothing. A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon. 0.2u/tick N/A Sodium Does nothing. A chemical element, readily reacts with water. 0.2u/tick N/A Sugar Does nothing. The organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. This white, odorless, crystalline powder has a pleasing, sweet taste. 0.2u/tick N/A Sulfur If patient is Vaurca: Restores blood. A chemical element with a pungent smell. 0.2u/tick N/A Sulfuric Acid Deals significant brute damage. Deals significant burn damage. Moderately damages the lungs. A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4. 0.4u/tick, 50u touched N/A Tungsten Does nothing. A chemical element, and a strong oxidizing agent. 0.2u/tick N/A Water Quenches thirst. A ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 2u/tick ingested N/A Basic Medicines Basic medicines refers to medications that are either found in first aid kits/around the medbay, or are medicines that are used very, very often, and should be prioritized first-thing. Everything under this heading and beyond - up until the psychiatric medicines section - covers drugs and compounds that are beneficial to the body. Their entries are also color coded: red for brute, yellow for burn, green for toxins, blue for oxygen, lime for radiation, gray for genetic, purple for organs, pink for painkillers! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Bicaridine 1 Carbon, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 units Heals moderate brute damage. Bicaridine is a complex medication which specifically targets damaged tissues and damaged blood vessels by encouraging the rate at which the damaged tissues are regenerated. Overdosing bicaridine allows the drug to take effect on damaged muscular tissues of arteries. 0.1u/tick Causes the following if mixed with Butazoline: Itchiness. Amplified dehydration. Moderate genetic damage. 20u, 2% chance of healing arterial bleeding every two seconds when patient has a dose greater than 30u and is experiencing the overdose. Butazoline 1 Aluminum, 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Bicaridine = 3 units Heals significant brute damage. Causes itchiness. Causes dehydration. Butazoline, a recent improvement upon Bicaridine, is specialised at treating the most traumatic of wounds, though less so for treating severe bleeding. 0.1u/tick See Bicaridine 15u, does not have a chance of healing arterial bleeding Coagzolug 1 Tricordrazine, 1 Cough Syrup = 1 unit Slows down bleeding significantly. Causes dizziness. A medicine that was stumbled upon by accident, coagzolug encourages blood to clot and slow down bleeding. An overdose causes dangerous blood clots capable of harming the heart.. 0.06u/tick N/A 10u, heart damage Dermaline 1 Acetone, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Kelotane = 3 Heals severe burn damage. Causes itchiness. Causes dehydration. Dermaline is a recent improvement of kelotane, working in a similar way, though twice as effective. Dermaline is capable of recovering even the most dire of burnt tissues, being able to treat full-thickness burning. 0.1u/tick See Kelotane. 15u Dexalin 2 Acetone, 0.1 Phoron, 1 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Oxygenates the blood to 50%. Removes Lexorin. If patient is Vaurca: Damages organs. Causes blurry vision. If inhaled: Removes Lexorin twice as fast. Dexalin is a complex oxygen therapeutic and is available OTC. The chemical utilises carbon nanostructures which cling to oxygen and, in pathological conditions where tissues are hypoxic, will oxygenate these regions. 0.2u/tick, 0.1 inhaled N/A 20u, minorly damages the brain, barely damages the eyes Dexalin Plus 1 Carbon, 1 Iron, 1 Dexalin = 3 units Oxygenates the blood to 80% Removes Lexorin If patient is Vaurca: Damages organs. Causes blurry vision. If inhaled: Removes Lexorin twice as fast. Dexalin Plus was a ground-breaking improvement of Dexalin, capable of transporting several times the amount of oxygen, allowing it to have more clinical uses in treating hypoxia. 0.2u/tick, 0.1 inhaled N/A 15u, minorly damages the brain, barely damages the eyes Dylovene 1 Ammonia, 1 Potassium, 1 Silicon = 3 units Minorly heals the liver Minorly heals the kidneys Reduces hallucinations. Reduces drowsiness. Removes Zombie Powder Dylovene is a broad-spectrum over-the-counter antitoxin. It is used in response to a variety of poisoning cases, being able to neutralise and remove harmful toxins from the bloodstream. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, dehydration, hunger. Inaprovaline 1 Acetone, 1 Carbon, 1 Sugar = 3 units Minorly heals the brain if oxygenation is above 85%. Allows patient to breathe even if heart is stopped. Slows all bleeding down by 20%. Prevents heart damage from chemically-induced tachycardia. Attempts to regulate heart beat. Reduces effects of low blood oxygenation. Reduces speed at which brain takes damage from low blood. Lightly kills pain. Inaprovaline is a cardiostimulant which stabilises myocardial contractility, working towards maintaining a steady pulse and blood pressure. Inaprovaline also acts as a weak analgesic. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, chest pain, very small chance of curing organ rejection completely Kelotane 1 Carbon, 1 Silicon = 2 units Heals moderate burn damage. Kelotane is a complex medication which specifically targets tissues which have been lost to severe burning by encouraging the rate at which these damaged tissues are regenerated. 0.1u/tick Causes the following if mixed with Dermaline: Itchiness. Amplified dehydration. Moderate genetic damage. 20u, face disfiguration Tricordrazine 1 Dylovene, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 units Depending on the temperature of the compound: Heals minor brute damage. Heals minor burn damage. Does nothing if inhaled. Tricordrazine is an old, though still useful, medication largely set aside following bicaridine and kelotane’s development. The drug increases the rate at which tissues regenerate, though far slower than modern medications. 0.05u/tick N/A 30u, causes itchiness. Organ Regeneratives Organ regeneratives, as the name implies, refers to medicines that regenerate internal organs specifically. As such their use is a bit niche, but most make for necessary additions to any medbay. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Adipemcina 1 Lithium, 1 Dylovene, 1 Potassium = 3 units Moderately heals the heart. Adipemcina is a complex, organ-regenerative medication that increases the rate at which cells differentiate into myocardial cells. Adipemcina overdoses result in severe liver damage and vomiting. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, minor organ damage, vomiting Alkysine 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Ammonia, 1 Dylovene = 2 units If blood oxygenation is greater than or equal to 85%: If dose is less than 2u: Significantly heals the brain. An IV drip is recommended. If dose is greater than 2u: Moderately heals the brain. Lightly kills pain. Causes dizziness. If blood oxygenation is less than 85%: Does nothing. Alkysine is a complex drug which increases cerebral circulation, ensuring the brain does not become hypoxic and increasing the rate at which neurological function returns after a catastrophic injury. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, hallucinations, paralysis/aphasia/imaginary friends Oculine 1 Carbon, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Moderately heals the eyes. Reduces blurry vision. Removes temporary blindness. Oculine is a complex organ-regenerative medication which increases the rate at which cells can differentiate into those required to recover damage to ocular tissues. Imidazoline 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, hallucinations Peridaxon 1 Bicaridine, 1 Clonexadone, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Minorly heals organ damage, on any organ. Does not heal the brain if it has greater than minor damage. Causes disorientation. Peridaxon is complex, broad-spectrum organ-regenerative medication which increases the rate at which cells can differentiate into organ cells to recover damaged organ tissues. The drug is hard on the body, leading to confusion and drowsiness. 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, confusion, pain Pneumalin 1 Copper, 1 Cough Syrup, 1 Pulmodeiectionem = 2 units Slightly oxygenates blood. Moderately heals the lungs. Lowers pulse. Fixes "rescued" lungs. All of this only works if inhaled. Pneumalin is a powerful, organ-regenerative medication that increases the rate at which lung tissues are regenerated. Pneumalin only works when inhaled, and overdosing can lead to severe bradycardia. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u, bradychardia Detox and Side-Effect Antagonists This section covers medicines that help prevent organ damage or other harm, rather than treating it outright. Some of these also just cover medicines that can help a patient back onto their feet. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Arithrazine 1 Hydrazine, 1 Hyronalin = 2 units Removes extreme amounts of radiation. Has a 60% chance of dealing moderate brute damage. Causes itchiness. Deals severe damage to Dionae Arithrazine is a recent improvement of Hyronalin, rapidly destroying any ionised cells, though this often leads to collateral cell damage, resulting in contusions across affected parts of the body. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u, 60% chance of moderate brute damage Asinodryl 3 Water, 1 Cetahydramine, 1 Synaptizine, 5 Tungsten (catalyst) = 3 units Reduces the chance of vomiting. Asinodryl is an anti-emetic medication which acts by preventing the two regions in the brain responsible for vomiting from controlling the act of emesis. 0.05u/tick N/A N/A Cetahydramine 1 Inaprovaline, 1 Cryptobiolin = 2 units Causes drowsiness. Prevents itching. Cetahydramine is a complex antihistamine medication available OTC which blocks the release of histamine, thus making it effective at suppressing allergies and sneezing. Cetahydramine can cause drowsiness in larger doses, making it an effective sleep aid. 0.01u/tick, 0.2 ingested, 0.4 inhaled N/A N/A Ethylredoxrazine 1 Acetone, 1 Carbon, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Neutralizes anything alcohol-related, preferably administered where the alcohol in question is. Reduces dizziness. Reduces drowsiness. Reduces stuttering. Reduces confusion. Ethylredoxrazine is a powerful medication which oxidises ethanol in the bloodstream, reducing the burden on the liver to complete this task. Ethylredoxrazine also blocks the reuptake of neurotransmitters responsible for symptoms of alcohol intoxication. 0.06u/tick N/A 20u Fluvectionem 1 Mercury, 1 Ammonia, 1 Sodium Chloride = 3 units Removes 4u of other reagents per unit. Minorly damages organs Barely damages organs for every unit of reagent purged. All of these effects are doubled if overdosed, and done twice as fast. Fluvectionem is a complex anti-toxin medication that is capable of purging the bloodstream of toxic reagents. The drug is capable of neutralising the most difficult of compounds and acts very fast, however it is inefficient and results in benign waste products that can be damaging to the liver. Calomel 0.1u/tick N/A 20u, see effects Hyronalin 1 Radium, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Removes significant amounts of radiation per unit. Deals severe damage to Dionae. Hyronalin is a complex anti-radiation medication which specifically targets ionised cells, reducing their cell division rate to prevent their growth before gradually destroying these afflicted cells. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u, 60% chance of moderate brute damage Pulmodeiectionem 1 Fluvectionem, 1 Lexorin = 2 units Removes 5u of other reagents in the lungs per unit. Barely damages the lungs. Causes coughing. Reduces oxygenation. Pulmodeiectionem is a complex anti-toxin medication that is capable of purging the lungs of toxic reagents by damaging the mucous lining of the bronchi and trachea, allowing particulate to be coughed out of the lungs. Pulmodeiectionem works only when inhaled and can cause long-term damage to the lungs. 0.4u/tick N/A 10u Synaptizine 1 Lithium, 1 Sugar, 1 Water = 3 units Mildly kills pain. Reduces weakness. Reduces paralysis. Reduces stunning. Removes Mindbreaker Toxin. Removes hallucinations. Removes blurry vision. Removes confusion. Moderately damages organs. Synaptizine is an advanced synaptic stimulant and nootropic which improves synaptic transmission and keeps one alert, giving it many clinical uses in the treatment of paralysis, weakness, narcolepsy and hallucinations. Synaptizine is difficult to metabolise and is hard on the liver. 0.01u/tick N/A 20u, seizures Verunol Syrup 1 Ethanol, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Causes vomiting if ingested. Minorly damages organs if injected. A complex emetic medication that causes the patient to vomit due to gastric irritation and the stimulating of the vomit centres of the brain. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Specialized Medicines Anything semi-common medicine that doesn't really fit into the other categories goes here. These are the niche-est of the niche, and they won't see very frequent use or synthesis. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Inacusiate 1 Dylovene, 1 Carbon, 1 Sulfur = 2 units Heals hearing damage. TODO 0.2u/tick N/A 10u, terrible headaches Leporazine 1 Copper, 1 Silicon, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 units Regulates body temperature. Regulates fevers. Leporazine is a complex medication which improves thermal homeostasis, stabilising and regulating the body’s core temperature. Leporazine often results in hyperventilation which should be monitored. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u, lowers body temperature Lipozine 1 Ethanol, 1 Radium, 1 Sodium Chloride = 3 units Quickly burns nutrition. A chemical compound that causes a powerful fat-burning reaction. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Polysomnine 3 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Ethanol, 1 Water = 1 unit Sedates the patient. Minorly damages the liver. Polysomnine is a complex drug which rapidly induces sedation in preparation for surgery. Polysomnine’s sedative effect is fast acting, and sedated individuals wake up with zero amnesia regarding the events leading up to their sedation, however the only downside is how hard the drug is on the liver. 0.1u/tick, 0.05u inhaled N/A 15u Regenerative-Muscular Tissue Supplements 1 Potassium, 1 Inaprovaline = 2 unit Removes slowdown on unassisted Off-Worlders, and their subsequent flavor texts. RMT Supplement is a bioengineered, fast-acting growth factor that specifically helps recover bone and muscle mass caused by prolonged zero-gravity adaptations. It can also be used to treat chronic muscle weakness. 0.04u/tick N/A 30u, aching Rezadone 1 Copper, 1 Cryptobiolin, 1 Carpotoxin = 3 units Heals significant brute damage. Heals significant burn damage. Heals significant gene damage. Slightly improves oxygenation. Restores blood. Minorly heals the liver. If dose is above 3 units: Treats disfiguration. If dose is above 10 units: Causes dizziness. Causes jitteriness. Rezadone is an extremely expensive, ground-breaking miracle drug. The compound is capable of treating all kinds of physical damage, disfiguration, as well as genetic damage. Excessive consumption of rezadone can lead to severe disorientation. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Ryetalyn 1 Carbon, 1 Arithrazine = 2 units Instantly removes all mutations. Only 1 unit is necessary. Does NOT heal gene damage. Ryetalyn is a novel, highly advanced, broad-spectrum medication, developed by Dominian scientists, which has varying clinical uses in treating genetic abnormalities including certain cancers, autoimmune conditions, and Hulk Syndrome. 1u/tick N/A 20u Soporific 4 Sugar, 1 Polysomnine = 5 units Sedates the patient. Soporific is highly diluted polysomnine which results in slower and more gradual sedation. This makes the drug ideal at treating insomnia and anxiety disorders, however is generally not reliable for sedation in preparation for surgery except in high doses. 0.1u/tick, 0.033u inhaled N/A 20u Steramycin 2 Thetamycin, 1 Sterilizine, 1 Radium = 2 units If infection has yet to show: Reduces germ level, the variable that triggers infections once it reaches 100 If infection has manifested: Does nothing A preventative antibiotic that will stop small infections from growing, but only if administered early. Has no effect on internal organs, wounds, or if the infection has grown beyond its early stages. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u, dizziness, minor toxins Thetamycin 1 Cryptobiolin, 1 Dylovene = 2 units Effects at <5u dosage Treats infections, the speed of recovery dependent on the severity of the infection. Effects at >=5u dosage Does the same as the above. Mild - and types of mild - infections are instantly cured. Prevents septic infections from spreading to other limbs. May cause vomiting. Thetamycin is a complex, broad-spectrum antibiotic developed to treat wound infections, organ infections, and septicaemia, even those caused by superbugs with high anti-bacterial resistances. Spaceacillin 0.01u/tick, 0.4u inhaled N/A 20u, dizziness Pain Killers As the name hopefully suggests, these medicines are used to reduce pain in a patient, keeping them conscious and worry-free (for the most part), and able to communicate. There are varying levels of painkiller available, though some may be too powerful to administer. Use discretion! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cough Syrup 1 Tungsten, 1 Carbon, 1 Water = 3 units Lightly kills pain. A complex antitussive medication available OTC which is very effective at suppressing cough reflexes. The medication also acts as a very weak analgesic medication, leading to it being a very cheap recreational drug or precursor to other recreational drugs. 0.2u/tick, 0.4 inhaled N/A 20u, vomiting, twitching, drowsiness, brain damage Perconol 1 Sugar, 1 Water, 1 Mortaphenyl = 3 units Mildly kills pain Does nothing if inhaled. Perconol is an advanced, analgesic medication which is highly effective at treating minor-mild pain, inflammation and high fevers. The drug is available over-the-counter for treating minor illnesses and mild pain. Perconol is not effective when inhaled. Paracetamol 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled N/A 20u, hallucinations Mortaphenyl 1 Acetone, 1 Ethanol, 1 Inaprovaline = 3 units Effectively kills pain. Causes blurry vision. Causes confusion. Does nothing if inhaled. Mortaphenyl is an advanced, powerful analgesic medication which is highly effective at treating mild-severe pain as a result of severe, physical injury. Mortaphenyl is not effective when inhaled. Tramadol 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled Causes hallucinations, the feeling of drugginess, and nausea if BAC is greater than 0.03%, oxygen deprivation at 0.08% 15u, nausea, restricted breathing, hallucinations Oxycomorphine 1 Ethanol, 1 Mortaphenyl, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 1 unit Ludicrously kills pain. Causes blurry vision. Causes confusion. Does nothing if inhaled. Oxycomorphine is a highly advanced, powerful analgesic medication which is extremely effective at treating severe-agonising pain as a result of injuries usually incompatible with life. The drug is highly addictive and sense-numbing. Oxycomorphine is not effective when inhaled. Oxycodone 0.02u/tick, 0.4u ingested, 0.8u inhaled Causes intense hallucinations, the feeling of drugginess, and restricted breathing if patient's BAC is greater than 0.04% See Neurapan. 10u, hallucinations, drugginess, nausea, restricted breathing Resuscitators If a patient is in some pretty dire straits, and you've already taken care of the other damage, then these medicines will make sure they don't die. Hopefully. Maybe. If you're quick enough? Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Adrenaline 1 Inaprovaline, 1 Hyperzine, 1 Dexalin Plus = 3 units Greatly aids in restarting the heart. Barely damages the heart if successfully resuscitated. Lightly kills pain. Does nothing if inhaled or ingested. Adrenaline is a hormone used as a drug to treat cardiac arrest and other cardiac dysrhythmias resulting in diminished or absent cardiac output. 0.2u/tick See Hyperzine. 20u, pain Saline Plus 2 Water, 1 Sodium Chloride, 0.5 Sugar, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 unit If injected: Hydrates the patient. Restores blood if dose is less than 2u. If ingested or inhaled: Does nothing. Saline Plus is an expensive improvement upon the various saline solutions of old. Saline Plus has wide clinical applications in the treatment of dehydration and hypovolaemia, with no more debates as to whether it is effective or not. 1.5u/tick N/A 5u, confusion, jitteriness Cryogenics Cryo tube-specific medications go here. Anything under here is only effective if the patient's body has been chilled significantly. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cataleptinol 1 Alkysine, 0.1 Phoron, 0.1 Cryoxadone = 1 unit Barely heals the brain. Minorly heals the brain if patient's temperature is below 170K. Causes dizziness. Has a chance to cure the following, compounded by the amount metabolized: Dumbness Cerebral Blindness Cerebral Paralysis Colorblindness Aphasia Cataleptinol is a highly advanced, expensive medication capable of regenerating the most damaged of brain tissues. Cataleptinol is used in the treatment of dumbness, cerebral blindness, cerebral paralysis and aphasia. The drug is more effective when the patient’s core temperature is below 170K. 0.4u/tick N/A 15u, paralysis, aphasia, dumbness, weakness, colorblindness, imaginary friends Cryoxadone 1 Water, 1 Acetone, 1 Dexalin = 3 units Slows pulse. If the body is below 170K: Heals significant gene damage. Heals significant brute damage. Heals significant burn damage. Heals significant hypoxia. Cryoxadone is a ground-breaking and complex medication that, when acting on bodies cooler than 170K, is capable of increasing the rate at which wounds regenerate, as well as treating genetic damage. Cryoxadone, alongside Clonexadone, are the backbones of the cloning industry. 0.1u/tick N/A N/A Clonexadone 1 Sodium, 1 Cryoxadone, 0.1 Phoron, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 2 units Slows pulse. If the body is below 170K: Heals extreme gene damage. Heals extreme brute damage. Heals extreme burn damage. Heals extreme hypoxia. Clonexadone is a ground-breaking, complex medication that improved upon Cryoxadone. When acting on bodies cooler than 170K, the drug is capable of increasing the rate at which wounds regenerate, as well as treating genetic damage. Clonexadone, alongside Cryoxadone, are the backbones of the cloning industry. 0.1u/tick N/A N/A Psychiatric Medicines These particular drugs are much more niche in their use compared to the medicines above. They almost exclusively impact the mental state of the patient, either for good or ill, depending on how they're used. Do note that many of the effects being suppressed no longer exist, which means a lot of these medicines serve a roleplay purpose rather than a mechanical one, though any medicines that suppress stuttering and hallucinations do still work. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Corophenidate 1 Hydrazine, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = units Removes hallucinations. Suppresses the following: Imaginary friends. Phobias. Corophenidate is a new generation, psychoactive stimulant used in the treatment of ADHD and ADD. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of CNS stimulants. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and disruption of focus. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Emoxanyl 1 Ethanol, 1 Silicon, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Concussions. Phobias. Emoxanyl is a novel, antioxidant medication which increases cerebral circulation and is used to treat anxiety, depression, concussion, and epilepsy. It has fewer side effects than many other forms of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Minaphobin 1 Carbon, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 2 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Monophobias. Minaphobin is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as phobias and social anxiety. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Nerospectan 1 Silicon, 1 Space Drugs, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Monophobia. Imaginary friends. Speech impediments. Muscle spasms. Tourettes. Nerospectan is an expensive, new generation anti-psychotic medication capable of treating a whole spectrum of mental illnesses, including psychoses, anxiety disorders, Tourette Syndrome and depression, and can alleviate symptoms of stress. Nerospectan can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, and withdrawal symptoms are dangerous. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Neurapan 1 Ethanol, 1 Space Drugs, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Split personalities. Imaginary friends. Stuttering. Speech impediments. Monophobia. Hallucinations. Muscle spasms. Tourettes. Neurapan is a groundbreaking, expensive antipsychotic medication capable of treating a whole spectrum of mental illnesses, including psychoses, anxiety disorders, Tourette Syndrome and depression, and can alleviate symptoms of stress. Neurapan can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, and withdrawal symptoms are dangerous. 0.002u/tick If mixed with Oxycomorphine and overdosing: Causes deafness. Causes drowsiness. Causes confusion. Causes derealization 10u, pacifism, blurred vision, derealization Neurostabin 1 Iron, 1 Potassium, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Split personalities. Imaginary friends. Muscle weakness. Neurostabin is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of psychoses, and also has clinical significance in treating muscle weakness. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and the development of phobias. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Orastabin 1 Sodium, 1 Tungsten, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Monophobia. Stuttering. Orastabin is a new generation, complex psychoactive medication used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and speech impediments. It has fewer side effects than many other forms of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.002u/tick N/A 20u Parvosil 1 Aluminum, 1 Potassium, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin = 3 units Suppresses the following: Phobias. Parvosil is a new generation, psychoactive drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as phobias and social anxiety. It has far fewer side effects than previous generations of psychoactive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations and heightened anxiety. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Paxazide 1 Parvosil, 1 Truth Serum = 1 unit Suppresses the following: Any intent except help. Attacking with objects. Paxazide is an expensive and unethical, psychoactive drug used to pacify people, suppressing regions of the brain responsible for anger and violence. Paxazide can be addictive due to its tranquilising effects, though withdrawal symptoms are scarce. 0.004u/tick N/A 20u Truth Serum 1 Synaptizine, 1 Mindbreaker Toxin, 0.1 Phoron = 2 units Suppresses the following: Nothing. Gives many messages about how you should spill the beans. Truth Serum is an expensive and very unethical psychoactive drug capable of inhibiting defensive measures and reasoning in regards to communication, resulting in those under the effects of the drug to be very open to telling the truth. 0.01u/tick N/A 20u Narcotics and Other Drugs Unlike everything above, everything in this heading is more or less harmful to the patient rather than beneficial. Nothing here is outright lethal, but frequent use and high dosages are not recommended! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Co'qnixq Wuxi 1 Wulumunusha, 1 Synaptizine, 1 emoxanyl = 3u Increases stamina. Increases concentration and motivation. Co'qnixq Wuxi, or Co'qnixq Nootropic, has existed since before Glorsh, and was developed as a cognitive enhancer for Skrell with on-set dementia. When taken, one's consciousness is heightened greatly alongside receiving mild energy boost. Frequently used as a 'smart drug' by students and scientists. 0.05u/tick n/a 10u, increases running speed, damages kidneys Krok Juice 1 Iron, 1 Welding Fuel, 2 Orange Juice = 4 units Causes malfunctions in prosthetic organs. An advanced Eridanian variant of ancient krokodil, known for causing prosthetic malfunctions. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u Hyperzine 1 Sugar, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Sulfur = 3 units Increases running speed. Increases pulse. Hyperzine is a complex cardio-synaptic stimulant drug designed to increase the performance of the body. Downsides include violent muscle spasms and tremors. 0.03u/tick, 0.015u inhaled Starts Hyperzine's OD if Adrenaline is mixed. 15u, hallucinations, moderate brute damage Krok Juice 1 Iron, 1 Welding Fuel, 2 Orange Juice = 4 units Causes malfunctions in prosthetic organs. An advanced Eridanian variant of ancient krokodil, known for causing prosthetic malfunctions. 0.2u/tick N/A 15u Joy 1 neurapan, 2 oxycomorphine = 1 unit Causes drowsiness. Reduces pain. Causes dizziness. Causes paralysis. An expensive and illegal drug often abused by those who find no other means to numb their physical and mental pains. A Joy addict is a truly sad sight. 0.1u/tick N/A 5u Nightlife 1 Corophenidate, 1 Nitroglycerin, 1 Synaptizine at 200 Celsius = 3 units Increases running speed. Causes jitteriness. Causes stuttering. Causes drugginess. Causes hallucinations. Removes drowsiness. Damages the heart, depending on dose. A liquid narcotic commonly used by the more wealthy drug-abusing citizens of the Eridani Federation. Works as a potent stimulant that causes extreme awakefulness. Lethal in high doses. 0.04u/tick, 0.02u inhaled, 0.125u ingested N/A 20u Raskara Dust 1 Monoammoniumphosphate, 1 Space Cleaner, 2 Sodium Chloride at 127 Celsius = 3 units If ingested or inhaled: Causes drowsiness. Lightly kills pain. If injected: Causes drowsiness. Mildly kills pain. A powdery narcotic found in the gang-ridden slums of Biesel and Sol. Known for it's relaxing poperties that cause trance-like states when inhaled. Casual users tend to snort or inhale, while hardcore users inject. 0.02u/tick, 0.04u inhaled, 0.06u ingested N/A 20u Red Nightshade 1 Psilocybin, 1 Moonshine = 1 unit Has a chance to moderately damage the brain. Causes jitteriness. Causes berserk, which includes the following: Red screen. Locking to harm intent. Inability to use complex items. Reseting pain. Reduces further pain. Ability to smash windows barehanded. An illegal combat performance enhancer originating from the criminal syndicates of Mars. The drug stimulates regions of the brain responsible for violence and rage, inducing a feral, berserk state in users. 0.4u/tick N/A 20u Space Drugs 1 Lithium, 1 Mercury, 1 Sugar = 3 units Causes drowsiness. Causes hunger. Forces the patient to step in a random direction. Lightly kills pain. Mercury Monolithium Sucrose, or space drugs, is a potent relaxant commonly found in Ambrosia plants. Lasts twice as long when inhaled. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u Xu'Xi Gas 2 dexalin, 2 space drugs, 1 truth serum = 5u Calms emotions. Causes suggestibility. A recreational drug hailing from Qerr'Malic that must be inhaled. It produces a mild high similar to Wulumunusha and is known to make users susceptible to persuasion. Most forms of Xu'Xi Gas found outside of the Nralakk Federation are cheap, synthetic substitutes. Only works when inhaled. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Poisons Compared to all of the reagents above, these reagents are without a doubt harmful to the body, and their use is highly regulated. Don't get caught with these! Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Cryptobiolin 1 Acetone, 1 Potassium, 1 Sugar = 3 units Causes dizziness. Causes confusion. Causes hallucinations. Cryptobiolin causes confusion and dizzyness. 0.1u/tick N/A 20u Cyanide N/A, can be found in apples. Rapidly depletes oxygen levels. A highly toxic chemical. 0.4u/tick N/A N/A Dextrotoxin 10 Soporific, 5 Phoron, 3 Carpotoxin = 5 units Paralyzes all limbs. A complicated to make and highly illegal drug that cause paralysis mostly focused on the limbs. 0.04u/tick N/A 20u Impedrezene 1 Acetone, 1 Mercury, 1 Sugar = 2 units Moderately damages the brain. Impedrezene is a narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Lexorin 1 Ammonia, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Tungsten, 5 Phoron (catalyst) = 3 units Deals minor hypoxia damage. Lexorin is a complex toxin that attempts to induce general hypoxia by weakening the diaphragm to prevent respiration and also by binding to haemoglobins to prevent oxygen molecules from doing the same. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Mindbreaker Toxin 1 Silicon, 1 Hydrazine, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Causes hallucinations. An incredibly potent hallucinogen designed to wreak havoc on the brain, resulting in disturbing hallucinations with long-term impacts on those given the drug - this drug is not pleasant, thus the name, and only hardcore addicts use the drug recreationally. 0.05u/tick N/A 20u Potassium Chloride 1 Potassium, 1 Sodium Chloride = 2 units If >20u is injected: Stops the heart. A delicious salt that stops the heart when injected into cardiac muscle. 0.2u/tick N/A 5u Potassium Chlorophoride 1 Phoron, 1 Potassium Chloride, 1 Polysomnine = 4 units If >5u is injected: Stops the heart. Potassium Chlorophoride is an expensive, vastly improved variant of Potassium Chloride. Potassium Chlorophoride, unlike the original drug, acts immediately to block neuromuscular junctions, causing general paralysis. 0.2u/tick N/A 5u Zombie Powder 5 Copper, 5 Carpotoxin, 5 Soporific = 2 units Deals minor hypoxia damage. Minorly damages organs. Inflicts weakness. Inflicts silence. Gives the autopsy scanner a fake report. A strong neurotoxin that puts the subject into a death-like state. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Experimental Reagents These reagents are wholly experimental in nature, and probably should not see widespread use outside of research. Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Stimm 1 Fuel, 5 Rewriter = 6 units Increases running speed. A homemade stimulant with some serious side-effects. 0.6u/tick N/A N/A Unstable Mutagen 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Radium = 3 units Deals radiation damage. May cause mutations. Might cause unpredictable mutations. Keep away from children. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Venenum N/A, obtained through less than legitimate means Randomizes appearance and name for every unit metabolized. Reverts patient back to original appearance once no more Venenum is metabolized. A thick tar like liquid that seems to move around on it's own every now and then. Limited data shows it only works when injected into the bloodstream. 0.3u/tick N/A N/A Weapons Almost everything under this heading will invariably see use in combat of some sort. Synthesizing these reagents without good reason is pretty good grounds to get booted from your job or the server. Name Recipe Effects Description Electromagnetic Pulse 1 Iron, 1 Uranium = 1 pulse Generates an EMP, frying and scrambling electronic equipment. The size of the pulse depends on the amount of reagents used. This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices. Also known as an 'EMP'. Explosion 1 Potassium, 1 Water = 1 explosion Generates an explosion. The size of the explosion depends on the amount of reagents used. This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Flash Powder 1 Aluminum, 1 Potassium, 1 Sulfur = 1 flash Generates a flash. Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing. Napalm 1 Aluminum, 1 Phoron, 1 Sulfuric Acid = 1 large fire Generates a fire surrounding the reagent container. Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. Nitroglycerin 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Glycerol, 1 Polytrinic Acid = 2 units Regulates heart rate. Explodes spectacularly if thrown, dropped, heated, attacked, or splashed on anything. Nitroglycerin is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Polytrinic Acid 1 Potassium, 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Hydrochloric Acid = 3 units Deals severe brute damage. Moderately damages the lungs. Polytrinic acid is a an extremely corrosive chemical substance. Smoke Reaction 1 Phosphorous, 1 Potassium, 1 Sugar = 1 smokey boi Creates smoke around the reagent container. You can mix anything else inside before mixing the last reagent inside to make it smoke out as well. This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Thermite 1 Acetone, 1 Aluminum, 1 Iron = 3 units Melts walls if ignited. Thermite produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction. Can be used to melt walls. Miscellaneous Reagents Name Recipe Effects Description Metabolism Side Effects Overdose Azosurfactant 1 Sulfuric Acid, 2 Carbon, 2 Hydrazine = 5 units Reacts instantly when mixed with water to spew foam out of the reagent container. You can mix anything else inside before mixing water inside to make it foam out as well. An isocyanate liquid that forms a foam when mixed with water. N/A N/A N/A Cardox 1 Carbon, 1 Platinum, 1 Sterilizine = 3 units Removes phoron from turfs and reagent containers. This includes a Vaurca's phoron reserve. If injected: Damages organs. Cardox is a mildly toxic, expensive, NanoTrasen designed cleaner intended to eliminate liquid phoron stains from suits. 0.3u/tick N/A N/A Condensed Capsaicin 2u capsaicin, 5u phoron as catalyst = 1 unit Causes severe pain, visual impairment, and coughing. A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Coolant 1 Acetone, 1 Tungsten, 1 Water = 3 units Does nothing. Industrial cooling substance. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Cryosurfacant 1 Ice, 1 Sodium, 1 Surfactant = 3 units Cools reagent container contents. Creates oxygen if mixed with Pyrosilicate. A bright cyan liquid consisting of strange self-cooling properties that reacts when exposed to water. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Diethylamine 1 Ammonia, 1 Ethanol = 2 units Fertilizes plants. A secondary amine, mildly corrosive. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Foaming Agent 1 Lithium, 1 Hydrazine = 1 unit Does nothing unless mixed into Metal Foam. An agent that yields metallic foam when mixed with light metal and a strong acid. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Frost Oil 1 Ice Pepper = ~7 units Lowers body temperature. Removes 5u capsaicin per unit. A special oil that chemically chills the body. Extracted from Ice Peppers. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Glucose 5 Nutriment, 5 sulfuric acid as catalyst = 5 units Serves as nutriment. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Glycerol 1 Triglyceride, 2 Ethanol, 5 Sulfuric Acid as catalyst = 3 units Does nothing. Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Glycerol 1 trigylceride, 2 butanol Does nothing. Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Luminol 2 Ammonia, 2 Carbon, 2 Hydrazine = 6 units If injected/ingested: Does nothing. If sprayed on turfs: Makes blood glow a bright blue. If sprayed on objects: Makes blood glow a bright blue if also used with a UV light. A compound that interacts with blood on the molecular level. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Metal Foam 3 Aluminum/Iron, 1 Foaming Agent, 1 Polytrinic Acid = 5 units Reacts instantly to create a barrier of metal foam, size depending on how many reagents were used. Iron can make stronger walls. Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. N/A N/A N/A Monoammoniumphosphate 1 Ammonium, 1 Phosphorous, 1 Sodium, 1 Sulfuric Acid = 4 units Extinguishes fires. Lowers room temperature if it is too high. Commonly found in fire extinguishers, also works as a fertilizer. 0.2u/tick, 2u touched N/A N/A Plant-B-Gone 4 water, 1 toxin = 5 units Moderately damages organs. Damages Dionae greatly. Kills plants. A toxic mixture designed to kill plant-life. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Phoron Solidification 5 iron, 5 frost oil, 20 phoron = 1 sheet of phoron. Turns liquid phoron to solid phoron. N/A N/A N/A Plastic 1 Polytrinic Acid, 1 Plasticide = 1 sheet of plastic Makes plastic. A recipe that makes sheets of plastic. You can obtain Plasticide from Plastellium mushrooms. N/A N/A N/A Pyrosilicate 1 Hydrazine, 1 Iron, 1 Sulfuric Acid, 1 Silicate = 4 units Warms reagent container contents. Creates oxygen if mixed with Cryosurfactant. A bright orange powder consisting of strange self-heating properties that reacts when exposed to sodium chloride. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Silicate 1 Acetone, 1 Aluminum, 1 Silicon = 3 units Reinforces glass. A compound that can be used to reinforce glass. 0.2u/tick N/A N/A Sodium Chloride 1 Sodium, 1 Hydrochloric Acid = 2 units If ingested: Causes thirstiness. Absorbs alcohol. If injected: Does the above. Minorly damages organs. A salt made of sodium chloride. Commonly used to season food. 0.2u/tick N/A 20u Space Cleaner 1 Ammonia, 1 Water = 2 units Cleans stuff! Including blood! And resetting germ level! Wow!!! A compound used to clean things. Now with 50% more sodium hypochlorite! 5u/tick touched N/A N/A Space Lube 1 Acetone, 1 Silicon, 1 Water = 4 units Makes the floor extremely slippery. Lubricant is a substance introduced between two moving surfaces to reduce the friction and wear between them. N/A N/A N/A Sterilizine 1 Ethanol, 1 Hydrochloric Acid, 1 Dylovene = 3 units Cleans blood! Doesn't clean anything else! Resets germ level! Wow!!! It's totally useless! Just use Space Cleaner! Sterilizine is a chemical product composed of bleach and anti-toxins which can thoroughly disinfect wound sites and any biohazardous waste. 5u/tick touched N/A N/A Syntimeat 5 Blood, 1 Clonexadone = 1 syntimeat Not actually a reagent; it is a recipe to create synthetic meat. Synthetic meat. Some call it a tasty alternative to actual meat, not realizing that there is no difference at all. Can be eaten, or used as biomatter for cloning pods. N/A N/A N/A Uranium Solidification 20 Uranium, 1 Potassium, 1 Frost Oil = 1 sheet of uranium Makes solid uranium from liquid uranium. A recipe that makes sheets of uranium. You can obtain Frost Oil from ice peppers. N/A N/A N/A Virus Food 1 Milk, 1 Water, 1 sugar = 5 units If used in the incubator: Increases virus growth rate. If ingested: Functions as regular food. Doesn't make viruses already inside you any nastier, in case you were wondering. Used in Virology as a growth medium for viruses. Available from a wall dispenser in Virology. 0.4u/tick N/A N/A Base Chemicals Base chemicals Acetone Aluminum Ammonia Carbon Copper Ethanol Hydrazine Hydrochloric Acid Iron Lithium Mercury Phosphorus Potassium Radium Silicon Sodium Sugar Sulfur Sulphuric Acid Tungsten Water Medicine Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold (NOT CORRECT) Addictol▮ 2 parts Impedrezene 2 pars Mercury 2 parts Purger When administered at a dose greater than 10u, will permanently treats the patient's addictions, until they get addicted again. 0.1/t N/A Alkysine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Dylovene 1 part Hydrochloric Acid Treats brain damage. Weak painkiller, provides 10 pain relief. 0.05/t 30u Aminazine▮ 1 part Alkysine 1 part Purger Suppresses the effects of withdrawal, allowing the patient to be more functional during recovery. Does not eliminate the addiction. 0.1/t N/A Arithrazine▮ 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Hyronalin Removes radiation from patient's body more quickly and efficiently than Hyronalin. Treats toxin damage more effectively than Dylovene, but has a 60% per tick to inflict brute damage. 0.05/t 30u Bicaridine▮ 1 part Blattedin 2 parts Inaprovaline Treats brute damage. Will eventually stop external bleeding. Seals most wounds. 0.2/t 30u Citalopram▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Mild antidepressant. Helps stabilise the mind against hallucinations somewhat. No other mechanical effects. 0.01/t N/A Clonexadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 1 part Plasma 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) More effective than Cryoxadone. Requires body temperatures below 170K to function. Treats all damage types more effectively. Oxygenates the blood as Dexalin Plus. Lowers heart rate. Treats genetic/clone damage. 0.1/t N/A Cryoxadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Dexalin 1 part Water Requires body temperatures below 170K to function. Treats all damage types. Oxygenates the blood as Dexalin. Lowers heart rate. Treats genetic/clone damage. 0.1/t N/A Dermaline▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Kelotane 1 part Phosphorous Treats burn damage. More effective than Kelotane in every respect. 0.2/t 15u Detox▮ 3 parts Inaprovaline 1 part Serotrotium Temperature required: 363K-INFINITY Assists the nervous system to handle Neural System Accumulation without suffering the side effects. Increases NSA threshold by anywhere between 20 and 60. 0.1/t 30u Dexalin▮ 1 parts Acetone 0.1 part Plasma Supplies artificial oxygen to the bloodstream, treating suffocation, and causing the brain to act as though it is receiving 50% of maximum oxygen from the lungs even if the lungs have failed. Removes Lexorin from the bloodstream. Requires blood flow to function. Dexalin Plus is usually preferred over Dexalin. Can be administered in a sleeper. 0.2/t 30u Dexalin Plus▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Dexalin 1 part Iron As Dexalin, but 80% oxygenation and restores 20x suffocation damage per tick compared to Dexalin. Removes Lexorin from the bloodstream slightly mroe effectively. Requires blood flow to function. 0.2/t 15u Dylovene▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Potassium 1 part Silicon A broad-spectrum anti-toxin. Treats toxin damage, shortens the duration of hallucinations and sleepiness. Purges Blattedin and Pararein. Boosts natural detoxification provided by the livers and kidneys, so long as they are not too damaged. Can be administered in a sleeper. 0.2/t N/A Ethylredoxrazine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Carbon 1 part Dylovene Neutralizes alcohol in the blood stream at a 1:1 ratio. Nuliifies the effects of confusion, dizziness, sleepiness, and stuttering. Produces water when combined with ethanol. 0.2/t 30u Haloperidol▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Leporazine Temperature required: 290-360K Purges Pararein from the bloodstream, causes tiredness and eventual sedation in the patient. Administer in doses less than 3u to avoid sedation. Lowers heart rate. """Treats""" NSA overflow by removing chems from the bloodstream. Overdose is greatly toxic. 0.1/t 15u Hyronalin▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Radium Removes radiation from the patient's system. Does not treat toxin damage. Does not treat genetic degradation. In most cases, should be administered with Dylovene and/or Arithrazine. 0.05/t 30u Imidazoline▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Dylovene 1 part Hydrazine Treats damage to the eyes. Does not treat damage caused by genetic degradation. Will not revive decaying or necrotic eyes. (Results in 2u instead of 3u) 0.2/t 30u Inaprovaline▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Carbon 1 part Sugar Reduces bleeding. Brings a slowed or elevated pulse closer towards baseline. Allows a patient undergoing cardiac arrest to breathe. Very weak painkiller, provides 15 pain relief. It will not allow breathing if the lungs have also failed. Can be administered in a sleeper. 0.1/t 60u Kelotane▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Treats burn damage. 0.2/t 30u Kyphotorin▮ 1 part Peridaxon 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Unstable mutagen Chance to regnerate missing limbs per tick with a higher dosage increasing the chance and deals light burn damage at a 10% chance per tick. Regenerating limbs is extremely painful. Overdose causes clone damage and nullifies the regeneration until dosage is beneath the threshold. 0.2/t 19.8u Leporazine▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 parts Plasma (Catalyst) Rapidly stabilises body temperature. Treats fevers and hypothermia. 0.2/t N/A Meralyne▮ 2 parts Blattedin 1 part Hyperzine 1 part Tramadol Treats brute damage. Will eventually stop external bleeding. Seals most wounds. More effective than Bicardine in every respect. 0.2/t 30u Methylphenidate▮ 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Aids with concentration. Has no mechanical effects. 0.01/t N/A Negative Paragenetic Marker▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Ryetalyn Temperature required: 400K-INFINITY Not a true medication. A chemical that, when heated in the presence of Carrion blood, will react to form Positive Paragenetic Marker. Has no other effects or uses. 0.2/t N/A Noexcutite▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Tramadol Prevents convulsions and jitters. 0.2/t 30u Ossisine▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Soporific Repairs bones quickly, inflicts hallucinatin damage while processing. Mending fractures is painful. Overdose inflicts minor clone damage. 0.2/t 15u Oxycodone▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Tramadol 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Painkiller, 65 pain relief. Causes a druggy effect similar to Space Drugs 60 NSA. Overdose causes hallucinations, slurring, slowed movement and falling. Alongside a reduction in Toughness. (Results in 1u instead of 2u) 0.02/t 20u Paracetamol▮ 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Ethanol 1 part Acetone Mild painkiller, provides 25 pain relief. Overdose causes drugginess. Can be administered in a sleeper. 0.02/t 60u Paroxetine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Stabilises the mind against hallucinations. 10% chance of causing severe hallucinations. 0.01/t N/A Peridaxon▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Clonexadone 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Treats damage to organs, so long as they are not dead or necrotic. Does not treat robotic organ damage. Cannot revive necrotic organs. (Results in 1u instead of 2u) 0.2/t 10u Polystem▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Polytrinic acid 3 parts Potassium Temperature required:124K-168K Heals both brute and burn damage, albeit slowly. Minor blood clotting. Can be combined with other medications for faster treatment. 0.1/t 20u Positive Paragenetic Marker▮ 1 part (Carrion) Blood 1 part Negative Paragenetic Marker Temperature required:700K-INFINITY If you have created this chemical from someone's blood, then they are a Carrion. Has no other effects or uses. 0.2/t N/A Purger▮ 3 parts Dylovene 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Temperature required: 363K-INFINITY Temporarily suppresses the craving effects of addictions, by preventing withdrawals from advancing in intensity. Does not remove the addiction. 0.1/t N/A Quickclot▮ 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Kelotane 1 part Plasma (Catalyst) An extremely fast-acting clotting agent. Mechanically pointless with the removal of Internal Bleeding. 0.1/t 15u Resuscitator▮ Molitor-Riedel Enricher (Requires nutriment) The only thing that can reverse the effects of death besides Neotheology themselves. The Enricher is a one-of-a-kind item and there is NO way to make more Resuscitator without it. Any amount will attempt resuscitation of the body. Bodies must not have a combined damage that exceeds ~180 to their torso and head, the brain and heart must also be in sufficient condition and not necrotic. Physical damage to corpses can be repaired via surgery. Inflicts heart damage in the living, do not overuse. 1/t 30u Rezadone▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Copper 1 part Cryptobiolin Treats genetic/clone damage. Treats brute/burn/toxin/suffocation damage by mild amounts. Causes disfigurement if administered in doses higher than 3u. Causes jitteryness and dizziness at doeses greater than 10u. (Results in 1u instead 2u) 0.2/t 30u Ryetalyn▮ 1 part Arithrazine 1 part Carbon Treats disabilities and mutations. Any amount of 0.1 or more is fully effective. 0.2/t 30u Sanguinum▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Mercury 1 part Spaceacillin Greatly increases blood restoration. May cause blood coughing. 0.2/t 15u Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Inaprovaline Treats bacterial infections. Prevents recieving viral infections. May treat viral infections if caught at stage 1 at a 20% chance 0.01/t 30u Sterilizine▮ 1part Dylovene 1 part Ethanol 1 part Hydrochloric Acid Kills germs and cleans up bloodstains more effectively than space cleaner. Prevents surgical infections. 0.2/t N/A Synaptizine▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Sugar 1 part Water Treats hallucinations, paralysis, sleepiness and purges Mindbreaker Toxin. Functions as a stimulant, counteracting stuns and acting as a mild painkiller, providing 20 pain relief. 50 NSA. Moderately toxic. Recommended dosage at under 5 units. Metabolizes very slowly. 0.01/t 5u Tramadol▮ 1 part Paracetamol 1 part Sugar 1 part Water Painkiller, provides 50 pain relief. 40 NSA. Overdose causes hallucinations, slurring, slowed movement and falling. Alongside a reduction in Toughness. (Results in 1u instead of 3u) 0.02/t 30u Tricordrazine▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Inaprovaline Heals both brute, burn, toxin and oxygen damage, albeit slowly. Can be combined with other medications for faster treatment. Can be administered directly from a sleeper. 0.2/t N/A Vomitol▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Acetone Every tick, has a 1 in 10 chance of inducing vomiting - totally purging the stomach of all ingested chemicals. Can be heated above 683.15K to return it to its base ingredients. Mostly useless as Carbon pills will remove reagents from the stomach directly. 0.2/t 30u Stims Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold (NOT CORRECT) Adrenaline▮ 3 parts Blood 1 parts Dexalin Temperature required:373K-INFINITY Counteracts stuns and moderately increases Toughness. Very mildly toxic 0.2/t 30u Bouncer▮ 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Vodka 1 part Tramadol Temperature required:303K-333K Mildly improves Toughness at the cost of Robustness. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 30u Boxer▮ 1 part Starkellin 1 part Bouncer 1 part Toxin Temperature required:323K-328K Moderately increases Toughness at the cost of mildly reducing Vigilance and Robustness. Sanity gain = 1.25 0.2/t 15u Cherry Drops▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Vodka 1 part Nicotine Temperature required:303K-333K Mildly improves Cognition at the cost of Mechanical. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 35u Grape Drops▮ 1 part Cherry Drops 1 part Ethanol 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Temperature required:338K-343K Moderately increases Cognition at the cost of mildly reducing Biology and Mechanical. Sanity gain = 1.25 0.2/t 25u Machine Binding Ritualt▮ 1 part Coffee 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sugar Temperature required:323K-343K Mildly improves Mechanical at the cost of Biology. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 30u Machine Spirit▮ 1 part Blattedin 1 part Tramadol 1 part Machine Binding Ritual Temperature required:308K-318K Moderately increases Mechanical at the cost of mildly reducing Biology and Cognition Sanity gain = 1.25 0.1/t 18u Menace▮ 1 part Boxer 1 part Turbo 1 part Violence Ultra Temperature required:358K-363K Moderately increases Robustness, Toughness and Vigilance at the cost of mildly reducing Biology, Cognition and Mechanical. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 9u Party Drops▮ 1 part Grape Drops 1 part Machine Spirit 1 part UltraSurgeon Moderately increases Biology, Cognition and Mechanical at the cost of mildly reducing Robustness, Toughness and Vigilance. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 12u ProSurgeons▮ 1 part Nicotine 2 parts Sugar 2 parts Tungsten Mildly improves Biology at the cost of Cognition. Sanity gain = 1 0.1/t 20u Steady▮ 1 part Tramadol 1 part Copper 1 part Nicotine Temperature required:323K-338K Mildly improves Vigilance at the cost of Toughness. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 20u Turbo▮ 1 part Kelotane 1 part Steady 1 part Pararein Temperature required:288K-293K Moderately increases Vigilance at the cost of mildly reducing Robustness and Toughness. Sanity gain = 1.25 0.2/t 12u UltraSurgeon▮ 1 part Noexcutite 3 parts ProSurgeon Temperature required:243K-263K Moderately increases Biology at the cost of mildly reducing Cognition and Mechanical. Sanity gain = 1.25 0.2/t 17u Violence▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Vodka 1 part Acetone Temperature required:393K-423K Mildly improves Robustness at the cost of Vigilance. Sanity gain = 1 0.2/t 20u Violence Ultra▮ 1 part Tramadol 1 part Gewaltine 1 part Violence Temperature required:243K-258K Moderately increases Robustness at the cost of mildly reducing Toughness and Vigilance. Sanity gain = 1.25 0.2/t 11u Drugs Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold (NOT CORRECT) Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizzyness. Sanity Gain = 1 0.1/t 30u Hyperzine▮ 1 part Blattedin 1 part Sugar 1 part Sulfur Muscle stimulant. Allows greater freedom of movement. Side effects include twitching, nervousness, and addiction. Can cause minor heart damage due to high BPM. 5 parts Whiskey (Catalyst) (Results in 1u instead of 3u) 0.03/t 15u Impedrezene▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions, resulting in brain damage and feelings of drowsiness. Sanity Gain = 1 0.2/t 30u Nicotine▮ Cigarettes Tobacco plants Raises the pulse Weak painkiller, providing 5 pain relief. 10 NSA. Overdose causes toxic build-up and vomiting. Mildy addictive, withdrawals lower Biology mildly. Sanity Gain = 0.5 0.2/t 15u Mindbreaker Toxin▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Silicon 1 part Hydrazine A powerful hallucinogen 0.05/t 30u Mindwipe▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Dylovene 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 5 parts Whiskey (Catalyst) Induces confusion, dizziness, drugginess, hallucinations, jitteriness and makes you walk randomly on occassion. Nullifies breakdowns. 90 NSA. Sanity Gain = 2 0.2/t 30u Psilocybin▮ Mushrooms (Amanita, Destroying Angel, Reishi) Below 1u, induces mild hallucinations, stuttering, dizziness, and improves Cognition mildly. Gretaer doses cause drugginess and enhanced effects. 40 NSA. Mildy addictive Sanity Gain = 1.5 0.1/t 19.8u Serotrotium▮ 5 parts Blood 1 part Psilocybin 5 parts Nutriment (Catalyst) Temeprature required:203K-273K Promotes concentrated production of the serotonin neurotransmitter in humans. Sanity gain = 1.5 0.05/t 30u Space Drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar Causes random movements and feelings of drugginess, lowers the heart rate. Extremely addictive. Sanity gain = 1.5 0.1/t 30u Nanites Note: All nanites reduce blood at an equal rate, with blood regeneration and blood consumption breaking even at 30u. Nanites metabolize when in use. Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold (NOT CORRECT) A-rad▮ 1 part Arithrazine 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Purges radiation over time. N/A N/A Control Booster Combat▮ 1 part Menace 1 part Raw Uncapped Nanobots Moderately boost Roubstness, Toughness and Vigiliance, akin to Menace. Has no side effects. N/A N/A Control Booster Utility▮ 1 part Party Drops 1 part Raw Uncapped Nanobots Moderately boosts Biology, Cognition and Mechanical, akin to Party Drops. Has no side effects. N/A N/A Handyprints▮ 1 part Sterilizine 1 part Raw Uncapped Nanobots Alters the user's fingerprints to obscure identification. N/A N/A Implantoids▮ 1 part Aluminum 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Repairs mechanical limbs, implants and organs over time. Does not heal organic parts. N/A N/A Nanosymbiotes▮ 1 part Peridaxon 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Heals brute, burn, toxin and clone damage over time, as well as repairs the brain. Does not heal other internal organs or mechanical parts. N/A N/A Nantidotes▮ 1 part Haloperidol 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Removes reagents from the bloodstream that is anything but itself. Does not heal toxin damage. N/A N/A Oxyrush▮ 1 part Dexalin 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Greatly heals oxygen damage and provides a constant state of blood oxygenation, equivalent to Dexalin Plus. N/A N/A Purgers▮ 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots 1 part Vomitol Removes other nanites from the bloodstream. N/A N/A Raw Industrial Nanobots▮ Can be acquired from Kraftwerk Roaches. Nanites made from Industrial Nanobots can be heated to 523K to denature them back into raw form. Undifferentiated and will react with certain chemicals to form specialized nanites. N/A N/A Raw Uncapped Nanobots▮ Can be acquired from Kraftwerk Roaches. Nanites made from Uncapped Nanobots can be heated to 523K to denature them back into raw form. Undifferentiated and will react with certain chemicals to form specialized nanites. Required to make Illegal nanites. N/A N/A Trauma Control System▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Heals organic organs over time. Does not heal external damage, or mechanical organs. N/A N/A Voice mimics▮ 1 part Raw Uncapped Nanobots 1 part Synaptizine Alters the user's voice to be unrecognisable and appear as "Unknown". Hitting the host will disable the nanites. N/A N/A Other Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold (NOT CORRECT) Arectine▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Ethanol 1 part Welding Fuel Causes the recipient to emit light. Overdose sets the recipient on fire. Very low addiction risk. 0.2/t 25u Azosurfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrazine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Forms foam on mixture of water. 0.2/t N/A Coolant▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Tungsten 1 part Water Greatly lowers the surrounding temperature in the environment. 0.2/t N/A Diethylamine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol Non-toxic fertilizer. 0.2/t N/A EZ Nutrient▮ 1 part Ammonia 3 parts Carbon A chemical fertilizer. Adds 1 nutrient per 1 unit spent on a plant. An extremely weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Foaming Agent▮ 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Lithium Creates metallic foam when mixed with Aluminium and Polytrinic Acid 0.2/t N/A InstantIce▮ 1 part Axcetone 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Sodium Chloride Cools reagents to -50C inside a container when mixed with water. Makes water when mixed with water. 0.2/t N/A Glycerol▮ 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Precursor to Nitroglycerin. 0.2/t N/A Left-4-Zed▮ 1 part Nutriment 3 parts Radium A chemical fertilizer. An extremely weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Lipozine▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Radium Removes nutrion from the body. 0.2/t 30u Luminol▮ 2 parts Ammonia 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrazine Reveals the presence of cleaned blood on objects or people under a UV light. 0.2/t N/A Matter Deconstructor▮ Excelsior Reclaimer Deconstructs items it touches into 75% of its base materials. 0.2/t (50/t on touch) N/A Oil▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature required:480K-INFINITY A precursor to Plasticide. Mildly toxic. 0.01/t N/A Paint▮ 1 part Plasticide 3 parts Water Final reagent decides colour Recolour surfaces, objects and people. Reagents not using crayon dust look slightly off-colour. Red: 5u Tomato juice/5u Poison berry juice/5u Grape juice/5u Watermelon juice/2u Blood/1u Red crayon dust Orange: 5u Orange juice/ 5u Carrot juice/1u Orange crayon dust Yellow: 5u Banana juice/5u Lemon juice/1u Yellow crayon dust Green: 5u Lime juice/1u Green crayon dust Blue: 1u Blue crayon dust Purple: 5u Berry juice/1u Purple crayon dust Grey: 1u Aluminium/1u Grey crayon dust Brown: 5u Potato juice/1u Brown crayon dust Black: 1u Carbon White: 5u Milk 0.2/t 15u Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water A strong herbicide, but a very weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Plasmasolidification 5 parts Frost Oil 5 parts Iron 20 parts Plasma Creates plasma sheets. N/A N/A Plastication 2 parts Plasticide 1 part Polytrinic Acid Creates plastic sheets. N/A N/A Plasticide▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oil 1 part Silicon Temperature required:0K-273K A key ingredient in a number of industrial chemical processes. Extremely toxic. 0.01/t N/A Rejuvenating Agent▮ 2 parts Space Cleaner 1 part Polytrinic acid 1 part Sulfur A complex reagent that, applied to an object, is capable of eliminating most of the effects of the passage of time. 0.01/t N/A Robust Harvest▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part EZ Nutrient 3 parts Sugar A chemical fertilizer. An extremely weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Silicate▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Aluminium 1 part Silicon Repairs and reinforces windows, providing up to 50% damage reduction depending on how much silicate is added. 0.2/t N/A Sodium Chloride▮ 1 part Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Sodium Tasty. 0.2/t N/A Soporific▮ 1 part Chloral Hydrate 4 parts Sugar A slow acting, long-lasting anaesthetic. Not toxic. Combine with a small amount of Chloral Hydrate for best effect. 0.1/t 30u Space Cleaner▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water Cleans dirt, blood and similar detritus. Removes paint and weathered look from items. Toxic to slimepeople. 0.2/t (50/t on touch) N/A Space Lube▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Makes the floor extremely slippery. Crowbarring up the floor (if possible) will remove the lubrication. 0.2/t N/A Ultra Glue▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol 1 part Plasticide Temperature required: 363K-INFINITY Does nothing but enhance Ironhammer roleplay. Mechanically useless. 0.2/t N/A Pyrotechnics Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Toxins Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold (NOT CORRECT) Heating Point Heating Products Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Obtained through black slimes via Xenobiology. An advanced corruptive toxin produced by slimes that causes a violent slime transformation in humans. The advanced version fully devolves a human into a slime. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Amatoxin▮ Grind Fly Amanita mushrooms A powerful poison derived from certain species of mushroom. 0.01/t N/A 523K Toxin Beer 2▮ Dispensed by emagged brobots Chloral Hydrate disguised as beer. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Blattedin▮ Obtained from Roaches of all varieties. An effective toxin and a necessary precursor to a variety of specialized medications. Has a 7 in 10 chance of reviving a dead, non-fuhrer, roach when it comes into contact with the body. 0.02/t N/A 260 Celcius Carbon, Protein Biomatter▮ Obtained from Church Bioreactor An incredibly dangerous toxin that causes severe damage to any biological being that comes into contact with it. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Carpotoxin▮ Extracted from Carp meat A deadly toxin produced by the dreaded space carp that damages the liver. A useful ingredient in certain medications and required for certain, powerful stimulants. Mildly increases Vigilance. 0.01/t 10u 523K Toxin Chloral Hydrate▮ 1 part Ethanol 3 parts Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Water A powerful sedative that will quickly knock out an individual. Will cause toxic build-up if left in the system for too long. 0.1/t 15u N/A N/A Cyanide▮ 5 parts Toxin 3 parts Mindbreaker Toxin 2 parts Fuhrerole An extremely toxic poison. 0.4/t N/A N/A N/A Diplopterum▮ Obtained from grinding roach meat A toxic stimulant that mildly boosts Mechanics. 0.2/t 19.8u 573K Radium, Acetone, Hydrazine, Nutriment Fuhrerole▮ Harvested from Fuhrer roaches. Causes other roaches to treat you as one of them whilst processing in your system. Mildly toxic. A precursor to powerful stimulants and poisons. 0.01/t 8u 573K Radium, Mercury, Lithium, Nutriment Gewaltine▮ Harvested from Jager roaches. A toxin found in Jager roaches mildly boosts Robustness but mildly reduces Toughness. Mildly toxic. 0.01/t 15u 573K Radium, Mercury, Sugar, Nutriment Lexorin▮ 1 part Ammoniat 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Plasma An extremely effective toxin, preventing the victim from breathing and de-oxygenating the system. Purged with Dexalin and Dexalin Plus. 0.01/t 30u N/A N/A Mutation Toxin▮ Obtained through green slimes via Xenobiology. An advanced corruptive toxin produced by slimes that causes a violent slime transformation in humans. NOTE: Slimepeople are mutants and their existence outside of Moebius Laboratories is grounds for execution. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Pararein▮ Harvested from Spiders. Mildly decreases Robustness and Vigilance. Mildly Toxic. 0.01/t 10u 523K Toxin Plasma▮ Acquired from mining. A highly flammable chemical that can exist in reagent and gaseous form, splashes will deal moderate chemical burns. Ingestion and/or injection is highly toxic. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Polytrinic acid▮ 1 part Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid A very powerful acid. Can be used to destroy objects and Hivemind wires. 0.4/t N/A N/A N/A Seligitillin▮ Harvested from Seuche roaches. A strong clotting agent with mild brute healing capabilities. Mildly toxic. 0.01/t 15u 573K Radium, Ammonia, Sulfur, Nutrient Slime Jelly▮ Harvested from Slimes. Has a 1 in 10 chance of dealing high amounts of toxin per tick, ontop of mild, constant toxin build-up. Has a 2 in 5 chance to mdoerately heal brute/burn damage. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Starkellin▮ Harvested from Panzer roaches. Mildly increases Toughness. Mildly toxic. 0.01/t 15u 573K Radium, Aluminum, Tungsten, Nutriment Toxin▮ Heating up various venoms, such as Pararein Mildly toxic. Produced in the body during organ failure and blood/organ compatability mismatch. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Unstable mutagen▮ 1 part Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Radium Causes random, uncontrolled mutations whilst mildly irradiating the victim and dealing mild toxin damage. 0.01/t N/A N/A N/A Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper 5 parts Soporific Causes the victim to enter a state of false death and fool all but the most thorough medical tests. Very weakly toxic but de-oxygenates the body the longer it's present, potentially causing long-term damage if left too long. 0.2/t N/A N/A N/A Syringecustom64(2).pngBeakercustom64.png Ghetto Chemistry As a vagabond, your choices for medical care are fairly limited. Most of us will find ourselves in need of medical care down in the tunnels at some point; and sometimes the medbay is simply too far to be a viable option for survival. Experienced scavengers will often employ their own means of acquiring medicines and remedies, or useful(harmful) chemicals required for criminal activities. It is not a rare sight to see vagabonds picking through medical refuse piles, but only true veterans will realize the full potential of them. Mortar & Pestle Mortarandpestle64.png Crafting This tool is the makeshift version of the Grinder tool commonly found in Chemistry labs. It can grind up almost everything that its electric counterpart can, except for tough materials like uranium or plasma. Its main use in chemistry is to grind organic items that produce chemical reagents. As you can imagine, the tunnels of the Eris contain many of these sorts of items,plants, and fauna refuse. Some of the things that can be ground up: floor pills for random reagent and amount, deteriorated medicine to recycle one specific reagent, old food for protein and random toxic reagents, roach and spider meats for venom and enzymes, as well as medical kits, gauze, and ointments for ethanol and common medicines. There are more things that aren't listed, so feel free to try different things! Put the items inside of the Mortar and use it in your hand to grind them with the Pestle. This will fill up the Mortar with the solution from the material inside. The Mortar will hold up to 60 units of reagents. Once it contains a reagent or solution inside, click on a vessel such as a beaker or a cup to pour it out into said vessel. Take note that you can grind many things at once to create a solution inside the M&P or one at a time to quickly isolate reagents. Some things such as roach meats will always contain several reagents inside, which will require a Centrifuge to separate and to isolate specific chemicals. Manual Centrifuge Manualcentrifuge64.png Crafting Moebius has had the solution for separating chemicals for a long time using things like fancy science and electricity. True under tunnel dwellers aboard know they don't require either. All you need is some DIY knowledge and the motivation to crank a handle so hard your hands get blisters. Introducing the Manual Centrifuge. You can craft this item by using steel via the crafting menu. The way this works is you can put up to 3 vessels inside. The main source vessel will contain the solution that is to be separated. 2 empty vessels are added to contain the isolated reagents. Once you have the vessels in place, use the Centrifuge in your hand to start cranking the handle. Gravitational forces will force the reagents apart inside the centrifuge safely collecting them inside the beakers based on mole mass. It's random in which reagents will get separated so keep using empty vessels until you have all of it organized. Some reagents will react with each other to form a compound chemical. This is no longer a separate solution but a different chemical altogether. What if we want to isolate a specific reagent that is used in the creation of compounds. We cannot use the centrifuge because the reagents are no longer there. What we need is electrolysis to force the molecules inside the compound apart and regain reagents. Makeshift Electrolyzer Makeshiftelectrolyzer64.png Crafting This item is the makeshift counterpart of the chemistry lab Electrolyzer. Pretty much a battery hooked up to a vessel designed to run an electrical current through a compound solution to forcefully separate the reagents it was made from. The electrolyzer works by inputting a vessel with a compound solution inside of it and using it in your hand to start the process. The chemical will separate inside the vessel and create a regular solution; which can then be run through the centrifuge to separate compound from source reagent. Naturally, you will lose some of the compound solutions in the process. Ghetto Chemistry Conclusion Feel free to experiment with these items now that you know how they work. These 3 items allow you to be incredibly self-sufficient in your journey on Eris. You can recycle old medicine to create new medicine, chemicals that can keep you alive in face of certain death, and useful compounds that can certainly come in handy or be sold at a profit. So next time you see an old-timer picking up floor pills and old food and carefully placing it into a dedicated container, consider why you are not doing the same. Player chem combinations Below are player-created chemical solutions and their effects. Some of these do not actually turn into solutions but are still beneficial. Isaac´s guide to fast chems (120u) °KeloDerm ( heals burns faster than derm or kelo alone) -40 Carbon -40 Sillicon -20 Acetone -20 Phosphorous °Anti Rads (Hyroallin,Dylo, and a bit of Arithrazine) -30 Ammonia -30 Potassium -30 Sillicon ***drink 5 units -30 radium -5 hydrazine °Spaceallin FAST -40 Acetone -40 Sugar -20 Potassium -20 Carbon °Tramadol -40 Acetone -40 Ethanol -(fill the rest with inaprov from the locker) Note from Server Maintainers Your PDA and Tablet has access to a program called "SIRC" which has every chemical recipe. You should use that as your main refrence and come to this page if something isn't working. Chemicals With the wonders of nature or high technology at your side, the world is at your fingertips. You can make miracle medicines, foam, flash powder, lethal poisons, space lube, and so much more. The limit on mixtures is one that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for the health of yourself and your co-workers. And please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Chem Dispenser The backbone of Soteria Biolabs, it can synthesize almost any basic chemical for your usage, given that it's properly powered. Upgrades Power Cell = Increases Max Charge as well as Charge Rate (i.e. How much you can make before letting the machine recharge) Manipulator = Unlocked Chemical Tier (See below. Tiers are additive, you can make anything of the current tier and any lesser tier) Capacitor = Directly Increases Cell Charge Rate (i.e. How fast you can spam chemical buttons) To Hack/Unhack a Chemical Dispenser, use a Multitool on the machine directly. (Using a Screwdriver to open the panel first isn't required.) Tier 1 Acetone Aluminum Ammonia Carbon Copper Ethanol Hydrazine Hydrochloric Acid Iron Lithium Mercury Phosphorus Potassium Radium Silicon Sodium Sugar Sulfur Sulphuric Acid Tungsten Water Tier 2 Oil Cryptobiolin Tier 3 Toxin (Generic) Sodium Chloride (Table Salt) Tier 4 Unstable Mutagen Tier 5 Inaprovaline Hacked Mind Breaker Toxin Space Cleaner Industrial Chem Dispenser Tier 1 Acetone Aluminum Ammonia Copper Ethanol Hydrochloric Acid Hydrazine Iron Phosphorus Potassium Radium Sulphuric Acid Silicon Sulfur Tungsten Tier 2 Oil Cryptobiolin Sterilizine Tier 3 Foaming Agent Plasticide InstantIce Tier 4 Polytrinic acid Tier 5 N/A Hacked Space Cleaner Azosurfactant Silicate Coolant Formulas These are some sample formulas for you chemists out there, ask about in game to learn more! Experimentation can be dangerous, or rewarding. Pharmaceutical chemicals can usually be identified by a light pink-ish color. Medicine Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addictol▮ 2 parts Impedrezene 2 pars Mercury 2 parts Purger ***After*** administering a dose greater than 10 units (As in when the drug is fully process out), will permanently treat the patient's addictions, until they get addicted again. 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach N/A Alkysine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Dylovene 1 part Hydrochloric Acid Treats brain damage. Extremely weak painkiller. 0.05/t In Blood 0.025/t In Stomach 30u Aminazine▮ 1 part Alkysine 1 part Purger Suppresses the effects of withdrawal, allowing the patient to be more functional during recovery. Does not eliminate the cravings. 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach N/A Arithrazine▮ 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Hyronalin Removes radiation from patient's body more quickly and efficiently than Hyronalin. Has a chance to cause minor brute damage to patient per tick. Treats toxin damage (1 + 0.05% * effect_multiplier). Does not treat genetic (clone) damage. In most cases, should be administered with Dylovene. 0.05/t In Blood 0.025/t In Stomach 30u Bicaridine▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Inaprovaline **Without** Sugar Present Treats brute damage at a moderate rate. Will eventually stop external bleeding. Less affective in Cht'mant. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Carthatoline▮ 1 part Dylovene 2 parts Carbon 0.1 parts Toxin 5 parts Plasma (Catalyst) Treats toxin damage at an accelerated rate, while healing damage to the Liver. Purges more types of toxins then Dylovene. Works for healing Cht'mant. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach N/A Citalopram▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Mild antidepressant. Helps stabilize the mind. (Pure RP effect) 0.01/t In Blood 0.005/t In Stomach N/A Cronexidone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 0.1 parts Radium 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) More effective than Cryoxadone, same effects. Requires temperatures below 170K to function. Does not work when ingested. Works perfectly in tandem with Cryoxadone, their effects stacking. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach N/A Cryoxadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Dexalin 1 part Water Used in beakers inside cryogenic cells. Treats brute, burn, oxygen deprivation and toxin damage, as well as genetic (clone) damage. Requires temperatures below 170K to function. Does not work if ingested. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach N/A Dermaline▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Kelotane 1 part Phosphorous Treats burn damage. Prevents infection. Works for healing Cht'mant. More effective than Kelotane in every respect. Has a low overdose threshold. Can be combined with Kelotane in equal parts (commonly known as KeloDerm) to reduce danger of overdose, their effects stacking. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 15u Detox▮ 3 parts Inaprovaline 1 part Serotrotium Temperature required: 363K-INFINITY Increases maximum Neural System Accumulation threshold, preventing puking. 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach 30u Dexalin▮ 2 parts Acetone 0.1 parts Iron 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Heals oxygen deprivation damage slowly while removing Lexorin from bloodstream. Can be administered in a sleeper. Does nothing for Cht'mant, use Diplopterum instead. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Dexalin Plus▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Dexalin 1 part Iron 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Heals oxygen deprivation faster than Dexalin. Removes Lexorin from the bloodstream. Also slowly and slightly heals Muscles inside the body. Works for healing Cht'mant. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 15u Dylovene▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Potassium 1 part Silicon Heals toxin damage, shortens the duration of drug-related hallucinations and sleepiness, and removes Pararein, Carpotoxin, Blattedin and Toxin from the blood. Can be administered in a sleeper. Works for healing Cht'mant. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Ethylredoxrazine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Carbon 1 part Dylovene Purges alcohol from the stomach per unit ingested. Also treats confusion, dizziness, sleepiness, and stuttering to sober up drunkards. Does nothing if injected. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Haloperidol▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Leporazine Temperature required: 290-360K Purges Toxin & Stimulator class chem on the bloodstream very quickly. 1 unit will induce yawning, 2 will blur eyes, and three onwards will put the patient to sleep. Useful for clearing stuff like Unstable Mutagen, MENACE or Party Drops from the bloodstream without endangering bloodloss through dyalisis. Do not administer in tandem with healing Toxin & Stimulator class chems or they'll be lost! 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach 15u Hyronalin▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Radium Removes radiation from the patient's system. Does not treat toxin damage. Does not treat genetic (clone) damage. 0.05/t In Blood 0.025/t In Stomach 30u Imidazoline▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Dylovene 1 part Hydrazine Treats damage to the eyes, removing blindness and/or blurring. Does not cure blindness from genetic mutations. (Results in 2u instead of 3u) 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Inaprovaline▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Carbon 1 part Sugar Very weak painkiller. Stabilizes Breathing. Weak Blood Clotting. Weak oxygen deprivation healing. 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach 60u Kelotane▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Treats burn damage. Does not work on Cht'mant, use Seligitilin instead. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Kyphotorin▮ 1 part Peridaxon 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Unstable Mutagen Regenerates missing limbs and deals light brute damage occasionally. Regenerating limbs is extremely painful. ONLY works in a cryo pod and at temperatures below 170K. Use just 2u at a time in a beaker (DO NOT COMBINE WITH CRYO/CRONE, JUST 2U KYPHOTORIN) and wait until the brute damage gets healed, then dyalisis the rest. Chem gets tripled inside a cryotube and using more than 2u will result in a fatal overdose that causes cellular (clone) damage. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 19.8u Leporazine▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 parts Plasma (Catalyst) Rapidly stabilises body temperature. Treats fevers caused by infections. (Purely cosmetic effect) 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach N/A Meralyne▮ 2 parts Blattedin 1 part Hyperzine 1 part Tramadol Treats brute and burn damage at an exceptionally fast rate. Will eventually stop external bleeding by clotting wounds. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Methylphenidate▮ 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Aids with concentration and focus. General anti-anxiety medicine for ADHD and other mental ailments. Has no mechanical effects (pure RP) 0.01/t In Blood 0.005/t In Stomach N/A Negative Paragenetic Marker▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Ryetalyn Temperature required: 400K-INFINITY A chemical that, when heated to 700K and combined in equal parts with a blood sample, will react to form Positive Paragenetic Marker if the blood comes from a Carrion. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach N/A Noexcutite▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Oxycodone Stops convulsions and jittering. If overdosed, will cause paralysis. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Ossisine▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Soporific Repairs bones quickly, but paralyses the patient while processing. It does not set bones in place (unless overdosed). For that, do surgery instead. Overdosing causes fatal cellular (clone) damage. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 15u Oxycodone▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Tramadol 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Most powerful painkiller. Useful when you run out of Anesthesics and need to keep a patient out of pain during surgery, or if near fatally hurt. Makes the user feel druggy. Overdosing causes hallucinations, drugginess, slurring, and slowed movement, it also stuns if you're not Tough enough. 0.02/t In Blood 0.01/t In Stomach 19.8u Paracetamol▮ 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Ethanol 1 part Acetone Weak painkiller. Can be administered in a sleeper. 0.02/t In Blood 0.01/t In Stomach 60u Paroxetine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Strongest antidepressant available that greatly stabilizes the mind (Purely RP). Has a chance of destabilizing the mind, causing severe hallucinations. 0.01/t In Blood 0.005/t In Stomach N/A Peridaxon▮ 2 parts Bicaridine 0.1 parts Clonexadone 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Treats damage to organs, healing them. Does not treat brain damage nor heal bones. Will not work for Cht'mant, use Fuhrerole instead. 0.02/t In Blood 0.01/t In Stomach 10u Polystem▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Polytrinic acid 3 parts Potassium Temperature required:124K-168K Heals both brute and burn damage, albeit slowly. Minor blood clotting. Can be combined with other medications for faster treatment. 0.01/t In Blood 0.005/t In Stomach 20u Positive Paragenetic Marker▮ 1 part (Carrion) Blood 1 part Negative Paragenetic Marker Temperature required:700K-INFINITY The result of heating up Negative Paragenetic Marker in the prescence of Carrion blood. If you manage to obtain this, report the person to Marshals immediately (and discretely). 0.02/t In Blood 0.01/t In Stomach N/A Purger▮ 3 parts Dylovene 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin Temperature required: 363K-INFINITY Temporarily suppresses the craving effects of addictions, allowing the patient to recover from addictions easier. Also slightly heals both Kidneys inside the body. Does not remove the effects of withdrawal. 0.01/t In Blood 0.005/t In Stomach N/A Quickclot▮ 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Kelotane 1 part Plasma (Catalyst) An extremely fast-acting clotting agent that stops external bleeding. Heals Blood Vessels (the organ) inside the body. Overdosing merely clots wounds faster. 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach 15u Rezadone▮ 1 part Clonexadone 1 part Copper 1 part Cryptobiolin Treats genetic degradation (clone damage) very quickly, without the need of a cryotube or low temperature. Causes facial disfigurement if administered in doses higher than 3u. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Ryetalyn▮ 1 part Arithrazine 1 part Carbon Just injecting one unit is enough to eliminate all mutations and disabilities permanently, including beneficial ones. Works on dead people, allowing them to unhusk them if they died with over 400 burn damage. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Inaprovaline A theta-lactam antibiotic. Slows progression of diseases. Treats infections as long as 1 units or more are present on the body. Also treats Toxin Damage 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Sterilizine▮ 1part Dylovene 1 part Ethanol 1 part Hydrochloric Acid Kills germs and cleans up bloodstains more effectively than space cleaner. Useful in surgery to prevent or reduce infection levels, specially when treating septic infections 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach N/A Synaptizine▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Sugar 1 part Water Treats hallucinations, paralysis and purges Mindbreaker Toxin off the bloodstream. Functions as a stimulant, counteracting stuns and acting as a mild painkiller. Moderately toxic. Recommended dosage at under 5 units and paired with Dylovene. Metabolizes very slowly. Overdose does nothing. 0.02/t In Blood 0.001/t In Stomach 5u Tramadol▮ 1 part Paracetamol 1 part Sugar 1 part Water Medium Painkiller. Generally all around useful for mild to semi-severe damage. Stronger than Paracetamol, weaker than Oxycodone. Overdose causes hallucinations, slurring, and slowdown, and eventually stuns you if you're not Tough enough. 0.1/t In Blood 0.05/t In Stomach 30u Tricordrazine▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Inaprovaline Heals brute, burn, toxin and oxygen damage, albeit slowly. Clots minor wounds from bleeding. Can be combined with other medications for faster treatment. Can be administered in a sleeper (by mixing Dylovene and Inaprovaline). Does not work on Cht'mant, use Blattedin instead. Overdose causes massive toxin and brain damage until death. Be careful not to combine more than 10u Inaprovaline/10u Dylovene through a sleeper. 0.2/t In Blood 0.1/t In Stomach 30u Stims Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Adrenaline▮ 3 parts Blood 1 parts Dexalin Temperature required:373K-INFINITY Counteracts stuns and moderately increases Toughness. Very mildly toxic 0.2/t 30u Bouncer▮ 1 part Fuhrerole 1 part Hyperzine 1 part Violence Temperature required:303K-333K Mildly improves Toughness at the cost of Robustness. 0.2/t 30u Boxer▮ 2 parts Amatoxin 2 parts Bouncer 1 part Plasma Temperature required:323K-328K Moderately increases Toughness at the cost of mildly reducing Vigilance and Robustness. 0.2/t 15u Cherry Drops▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Plant-B-Gone 1 part Psilocybin Temperature required:303K-333K Mildly improves Cognition at the cost of Mechanical. 0.2/t 35u Grape Drops▮ 2 parts Cherry Drops 2 parts Ethanol 1 part Honey Temperature required:338K-343K Moderately increases Cognition at the cost of mildly reducing Biology and Mechanical. 0.2/t 25u Machine Binding Ritualt▮ 2 parts Coffee 1 part Diplopterum 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sugar Temperature required:323K-343K Mildly improves Toughness at the cost of Robustness. 0.2/t 30u Machine Spirit▮ 1 part Blattedin 1 part Ethanol 1 part Machine Binding Ritual 1 part Tramadol Temperature required:308K-318K Moderately increases Mechanical at the cost of mildly reducing Biology and Cognition 0.1/t 18u Menace▮ 1 part Boxer 1 part Turbo 1 part Violence Ultra Temperature required:358K-363K Moderately increases Robustness, Toughness and Vigilance at the cost of mildly reducing Biology, Cognition and Mechanical. 0.2/t 9u Party Drops▮ 1 part Grape Drops 1 part Machine Spirit 1 part Ultrasurgeon Moderately increases Biology, Cognition and Mechanical at the cost of mildly reducing Robustness, Toughness and Vigilance. 0.2/t 12u ProSurgeons▮ 1 part Nicotine 2 parts Sugar 2 parts Tungsten Mildly improves Biology at the cost of Cognition. 0.1/t 20u Steady▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Copper 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Pararein Temperature required:323K-338K Mildly improves Vigilance at the cost of Toughness. 0.2/t 20u Turbo▮ 1 part Adrenaline 1 part Steady 1 part Synaptazine Temperature required:288K-293K Moderately increases Vigilance at the cost of mildly reducing Robustness and Toughness. 0.2/t 12u UltraSurgeon▮ 1 part Noexcutite 3 parts ProSurgeon Temperature required:243K-263K Moderately increases Biology at the cost of mildly reducing Cognition and Mechanical. 0.2/t 17u Violence▮ 1 part Ammonia 3 parts Blood 1 part Gewaltine Temperature required:393K-423K Mildly improves Robustness at the cost of Vigilance. 0.2/t 20u Violence Ultra▮ 1 part Fuhrerole 1 part Hyperzine 1 part Violence Temperature required:243K-258K Moderately increases Robustness at the cost of mildly reducing Toughness and Vigilance. 0.2/t 11u Drugs Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizzyness. Sanity Gain = 1 0.1/t 30u Hyperzine▮ 1 part Blattedin 1 part Sugar 1 part Sulfur Muscle stimulant. Allows greater freedom of movement. Side effects include twitching, nervousness and addiction. Can cause minor heart damage due to high BPM. (Results in 1u instead of 3u) 0.03/t 15u Impedrezene▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions, resulting in brain damage and feelings of drowsiness. Sanity Gain = 1 0.2/t 30u Mindbreaker Toxin▮ 1 part Dylovene 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Silicon A powerful hallucinogen 0.05/t 30u Sanguinum▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Mercury 1 part Spaceacillin Greatly increases blood restoration. May cause blood coughing. 0.2/t 15u Serotrotium▮ 5 parts Blood 1 part Psilocybin 5 parts Nutriment (Catalyst) Temeprature required:203K-273K Promotes concentrated production of the serotonin neurotransmitter in humans. Sanity gain = 1.5 0.05/t 30u Space drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar Causes random movements and feelings of drugginess, lowers the heart rate. Sanity gain = 1.5 0.1/t 30u Nanites Note: All nanites reduce blood blood at an equal rate, with blood regeneration and blood consumption breaking even at 30u. Nanites do not pass through the system naturally. Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold A-rad▮ 1 part Arithrazine 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Purges radiation over time. N/A N/A Control Booster Combat▮ 1 part Menace 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Moderately boost Roubstness, Toughness and Vigiliance, akin to Menace. Has no side effects. N/A N/A Control Booster Utility▮ 1 part Party Drops 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Moderately boosts Biology, Cognition and Mechanical, akin to Party Drops. Has no side effects. N/A N/A Handyprints▮ 1 part Handyprints 1 part Raw Uncapped Nanobots Alters the user's fingerprints to obscure identification. (Note: Presently unatainable due to a bugged recipe.) N/A N/A Implantoids▮ 1 part Aluminum 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Repairs mechanical limbs, implants and organs over time. Does not heal organic parts. N/A N/A Nanosymbiotes▮ 1 part Peridaxon 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Heals brute, burn, toxin and clone damage over time, as well as repairs the brain. Does not heal other internal organs or mechanical parts. N/A N/A Nantidotes▮ 1 part Haloperidol 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Removes reagents from the bloodstream that is anything but itself. Does not heal toxin damage. N/A N/A Oxyrush▮ 1 part Dexalin 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Greatly heals oxygen damage and provides a constant state of blood oxygenation, equivalent to Dexalin Plus. N/A N/A Purgers▮ 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots 1 part Synaptizine Removes other nanites from the bloodstream. N/A N/A Raw Industrial Nanobots▮ Can be acquired from Kraftwerk Roaches. Nanites made from Industrial Nanobots can be heated to 523K to denature them back into raw form. Undifferentiated and will react with certain chemicals to form specialised nanites. N/A N/A Raw Uncapped Nanobots▮ Can be acquired from Kraftwerk Roaches. Nanites made from Uncapped Nanobots can be heated to 523K to denature them back into raw form. Undifferentiated and will react with certain chemicals to form specialised nanites. Required to make Illegal nanites. N/A N/A Trauma Control System▮ 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots Heals organic organs over time. Does not heal external damage, or mechanical organs. N/A N/A Voice mimics▮ 1 part Raw Industrial Nanobots 1 part Synaptizine Alters the user's voice to be unrecognisable and appear as "Unknown". Hitting the host will disable the nanites. N/A N/A Toxins Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Obtained through black slimes via Xenobiology. An advanced corruptive toxin produced by slimes that causes a violent slime transformation in humans. The advanced version fully devolves a human into a slime. Note, this is currently disabled, as slime-people are not available for play. 0.01/t N/A Amatoxin▮ Grind Fly Amanita mushrooms A powerful poison derived from certain species of mushroom. 0.01/t N/A Beer 2▮ Dispensed by emagged brobots Chloral Hydrate disguised as beer. 0.01/t N/A Blattedin▮ Obtained from Roaches of all varieties. An effective toxin and a necessary precursor to a variety of specialised medications. Has a 7 in 10 chance of reviving a dead, non-fuhrer, roach when it comes into contact with the body. Works identically as Tricordazine for Cht'mant. 0.02/t N/A Biomatter▮ Obtained from Church Bioreactor An incredibly dangerous toxin that causes severe toxin damage to any biological being that comes into contact with it. 0.01/t N/A Carpotoxin▮ Extracted from Carp meat A deadly toxin produced by the dreaded space carp that damages the liver, mildly increases Vigilance. A useful ingredient in certain medications and required for certain, powerful stimulants. 0.01/t 10u Chloral Hydrate▮ 1 part Ethanol 3 parts Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Water A powerful sedative that will quickly knock out an individual. Will cause toxic build-up if left in the system for too long. 0.1/t 15u Cyanide▮ 5 parts Toxin 3 parts Mindbreaker 2 parts Fuhrerole An extremely toxic poison. 0.4/t N/A Diplopterum▮ Obtained from grinding roach meat A toxic stimulant that mildly boosts Mechanics. Works identically as Dexalin for Cht'mant. 0.2/t 19.8u EZ Nutrient▮ 1 part Ammonia 3 parts Carbon A chemical fertilizer. An extremely weak poison. 0.01/t N.A Fuhrerole▮ Harvested from Fuhrer roaches. Causes other roaches to treat you as one of them whilst processing in your system. Mildly toxic. A precursor to powerful stimulants and poisons. Works as Peridaxon for Cht'mant. 0.01/t 8u Gewaltine▮ Harvested from Jager roaches. A toxin found in Jager roaches, mildly boosts Robustness but mildly reduces Toughness. Mildly toxic. Works identically as Dylovene for Cht'mant. 0.01/t 15u Left-4-Zed▮ 1 part Nutriment 3 parts Radium A chemical fertilizer. An extremely weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Lexorin▮ 1 part Ammoniat 1 part Hydrazine 1 part Plasma An extremely effective toxin, preventing the victim from breathing and de-oxygenating the system. Purged with Dexalin and Dexalin Plus (or Diplopterum on Cht'mant) 0.01/t 30u Mutation Toxin▮ Obtained through green slimes via Xenobiology. An advanced corruptive toxin produced by slimes that causes a violent slime transformation in humans. NOTE: Slimepeople are mutants and their existence outside of Soteria Laboratories is grounds for execution. That said, slimepeople are currently disabled. 0.01/t N/A Oil▮ 1 part Carbont 1 part Ethanol 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature required:480K-INFINITY A precursor to Plasticide. Mildly toxic. 0.01/t N/A Pararein▮ Harvested from Spiders. Mildly decreases Robustness and Vigilance. Mildly Toxic. 0.01/t 10u Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water A strong herbicide, but a very weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Plasma▮ Acquired from mining. A highly flammable chemical that can exist in reagent and gaseous form, splashes will deal moderate chemical burns. Obtained by grinding plasma sheets or Plasma Spider meat slabs. 0.01/t N/A Plasticide▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oil 1 part Silicon Temperature required:0K-273K A key ingredient in a number of industrial chemical processes. Extremely toxic. 0.01/t N/A Polytrinic acid▮ 1 part Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid A very powerful acid. Can be used to destroy objects and Hivemind wires. 0.4/t N/A Robust Harvest▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part EZ Nutrient 3 parts Sugar A chemical fertilizer. An extremely weak poison. 0.01/t N/A Seligitillin▮ Harvested from Seuche roaches. A strong clotting agent with mild brute healing capabilities. Mildly toxic. Works as Kelotane on Cht'mant. 0.01/t 15u Slime Jelly▮ Harvested from Slimes. Has a 1 in 10 chance of dealing high amounts of toxin per tick, ontop of mild, constant toxin build-up. Has a 2 in 5 chance to mdoerately heal brute/burn damage. 0.01/t N/A Soporific▮ 1 part Chloral Hydrate 4 parts Sugar A slow acting, long-lasting anaesthetic. Not toxic. Combine with a small amount of Chloral Hydrate for increased effect. 0.1/t 30u Starkellin▮ Harvested from Panzer roaches. Mildly increases Toughness. Mildly toxic. Works identically as Bicaridine for Cht'mant. 0.01/t 15u Toxin▮ Heating up various venoms, such as Pararein Mildly toxic. Produced in the body during organ failure, blood/organ compatability mismatch, septic infections, or from grazing your hands while rummaging through trash piles. 0.01/t N/A Unstable mutagen▮ 1 part Hydrochloric Acid 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Radium Causes random, uncontrolled mutations with a chance to mildly irradiate the victim and dealing mild toxin damage. 0.01/t N/A Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper 5 parts Soporific Causes the victim to instantly enter a state of false death and fool all but the most thorough medical tests. Very weakly toxic but de-oxygenates the body the longer it's present, potentially causing long-term damage if left too long. Victim can still emote, but will be unable to speak. 0.2/t N/A Other Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Adrenaline▮ 1 part Inaprovaline 1 part Hyperzine 1 part Dexalin Plus Used as a cardiac stimulant. Helps to restart a flat-lining heart and also acts as a weak painkiller. Can cause shaking and increased heart rate. 0.1/t 20u Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. Guide to chemistry Jump to navigationJump to search Chemist action.png Tippo Felangus, the Chemist says: "Hey mate, welcome to Chemistry. This is one of the few jobs where you can make a man heal back up to full health one second and make him explode the next. Sound too complicated? Naw, this shit is really simple to make. All you have to do is pour some of this Potassium into a beaker of water, like so..." This guide will primarily be useful for chemists but may come in handy to any player and especially traitors. See Chemical recipes for simplified step-by-step instructions on how to make complicated chemicals (sometimes outdated), and for info about using the dispenser's recipe recording function. For grenade making see Grenades. If you don't have a chem dispenser, see the Guide to Ghetto Chemistry. A helper client for browsing this wiki (with several extra features) can be found here: https://hamcha.github.io/tghandbook/. That site is unofficial so use at own risk. Chemistry is in the middle of an expansion, so recipes are likely to change (though, the reagents will likely remain the same). It's also recommended you read the guide on how to handle reactions, or use the help/quick tutorial button on the chem heater (now renamed reaction chamber). Contents 1 Handling reactions 1.1 Temperature 1.2 Reaction rates 1.3 Potential of Hydrogen (pH) 1.4 Purity 1.5 Overdose scaling 1.6 Optional catalysts 1.7 Competitive reactions 1.7.1 General tips 2 Tools and Machinery 2.1 Chemistry Dispensers 2.2 Reaction Chamber 2.3 ChemMaster 3000 2.4 Portable Chemical Mixer 2.5 High-performance liquid chromatography machine (HPLC) 2.6 All-In-One Grinder 2.7 Smoke Machine 2.8 pH paper 2.9 Buffer reagents 2.10 Chemical analyzer 2.11 Plumbing 3 Metabolism 4 Addiction 4.1 Stimulants 4.2 Opiods 4.3 Alcohol 4.4 Hallucinogens 4.5 Maintenance Drugs 4.6 Medicines 4.7 Special 5 Active Pure Chemicals 5.1 Catalysts 6 Components 7 Reaction agents 8 Medicines 8.1 Optional catalysts for ALL medicine reactions 8.2 Core Healing Medicines 8.3 Superior Healing Medicines 8.4 Unique Healing Medicines 8.5 Non-craftable Medicines 8.5.1 Removed Medicines 9 Narcotics 10 Pyrotechnics 10.1 Explosive Strength 11 Other Reagents 11.1 Virology Recipes 11.2 Mutation Toxins 12 Toxins 13 Unique Chemicals 14 Impure / Inverse / Failed Chemicals 15 Lavaland Chemicals 16 Reagent Delivery 16.1 Delivery types 16.1.1 Ingest 16.1.2 Inject 16.1.3 Vapor 16.1.4 Touch 16.1.5 Patch 16.2 Smoke vs foam vs others 16.2.1 Pills 16.2.2 Syringes 16.2.3 Patches 16.2.4 Cigarettes 16.2.5 Smoke 16.2.6 Foam 16.2.7 Splashing 16.2.8 Spraying 17 Beyond the Dispenser Handling reactions For returning players - reactions now work over time. In general reaction rate is tied to temperature and in some cases the presence of an optional catalyst. In general Purity is tied to the purity of your reagents, and how far away from optimal your pH is. It's important to note that the basic reaction is a one size fits all while each reaction is updated over a batch of updates, so it's unlikely that they'll cause too much trouble for you. Keep your pH within 5-9 and bare in mind most reactions are exothermic now meaning they generate heat when reacting, dangerous when using certain explosive chemicals opposite is for endothermic reactions. Meth has been tweaked - and it's a tad more dangerous, since it becomes more exothermic the less pure it is and meth explodes if it gets to 380k so be careful out there Walter!. For a quick crash course in mechanics, the help button on the chem heater (now renamed the reaction chamber) will get you up to speed by guiding you through a calomel reaction. There's an achievement too if you complete it with a 100% purity product! Temperature All reactions that are non-instant have a reaction rate tied to the temperature of a beaker. If a chemical is reacting too slowly, simply heat the beaker up to speed it up. As a reaction occurs, it is either Exothermic (heat producing) or Endothermic (heat consuming). Care should be taken for the Exothermic reactions, as they are liable to overheat. An overheated reaction will reduce the yield of your reaction by default, and other reactions can have specialise effects when they get too hot (not in yet, but soon!). The rate in which a reaction heats up is faster the hotter it is, be careful to not lose control, and run if you do. Reaction rates The easiest way to speed a reaction up is to heat the reaction up, but if you're looking for other ways, such as for plumbing, having an optional catalyst (such as Palladium synthate catalyst for medicines) at its required volume will also speed it up. Finally, one other alternative is to use Tempomyocin on a reaction to suddenly give it a boost. Potential of Hydrogen (pH) Every chemical has an innate pH, which can be seen by pressing the cog on the dispenser. The pH of the beaker is the sum of the pHes in the mix. The pH of a beaker determines how pure a product is, for the recipes with a given pH, you want to have your pH at the centre of the limits when the reaction starts. As a reaction progresses, it's likely the pH will begin to drift, and must be compensated for either with buffer reagents or acidic/alkaline compounds. The pH range is something chemists often have to learn over several reactions, and the ChemMaster 3000 analyse function can give an insight into what pH you should be aiming for (Not in yet). Highly impure compounds are liable to affect your reaction too thus it is prudent to set your pH before reacting, as an overly impure reaction will drag the purity down of all other reagents with it. Presently the pH meter on the machines have a higher accuracy than normal to help players accumulate. Purity Purity of a reagent is determined by how pure your reactants were, and how optimal the pH was during the reaction. If the product is slightly impure it'll split into the impure chem. 100% pure reagents will not split. If it is highly impure it will invert all of the product into the inverse chem (the percentage thresholds are given on the reagent's entry). If the reaction's purity is below the unstable purity, and the reaction has a failed chem, it will be replaced by that chem at the end of the reaction. Purity also can have an effect on a reagent's performance too which is detailed in the description. To clarify, here's an example case: Reagent A 10u 100% purity on consumption - 10u of Reagent A added to the patient. Reagent A 10u 75% purity on consumption - 7.5u of Reagent A added to the patient, 2.5u Chemical Isomers added to the patient. Reagent B with the retain volume trait 10u 75% purity on consumption - 10u Reagent B added to the patient and 2.5u Chemical Isomers added to the patient. Reagent A 10u 20% purity on consumption - 10u of Toxic monomers added to the patient. Reagent A 10u <10% purity at the end of a reaction - 10u of Viscous sludge replaces Reagent A in the beaker. Here's a glossary on some of the terms used in the wiki: Unstable purity - Going below this value will make the reaction less stable - Causing extra effects specific to the reaction (such as Helbital's fire spin). If the reaction has an associated failed chem then that will be created as well either at the end, or during tte reaction if it is insolvent. Insolvency - Specifically for a reaction's impure/inverse products, if it is insolvent then it will precipitate out either during, or at the end of, a reaction as opposed to the standard effect of splitting on consumption. Unreacted purity - This is the purity of all reagents in the game that aren't made by chemists (generally 75%) Retains volume on splitting - Splitting into it's impure form does not reduce the original's volume (See reagent B example above, only applies for impure chem splitting, not inverse or failed.) At the moment core medicines are the only ones to do this. Overdose scaling For reagents that have an unreacted purity lower than 100% and an overdose effect, the dosage at which you overdose is not set in stone. For these reagents, the overdose dosage is lowered by how much purer the reagent you are taking is compared to its unreacted purity. The inverse, however, is not true. The overdose dosage can not be raised by using a reagent that is less pure than its unreacted purity. For clarity, a number example: Ephedrine has 75% unreacted purity You create ephedrine with a purity of 100%, which results in a decrease of 25% in its overdose threshold As ephedrine has a 30u overdose dosage normally, 30u is multiplied by 0.75, resulting in 22.5u being the true overdose threshold You apply a patch of 23u pure ephedrine to yourself, thinking you are safe. You overdose. Optional catalysts For some reactions, an optional catalyst can be added to modify the reaction of a whole group slightly. At present the only optional catalyst is Palladium synthate catalyst, which speeds up the rate of all medicine reactions. Competitive reactions These reactions are ones that compete with each other (aka equilibrium reactions) and will go back and forth depending on the conditions of the beaker. At present the only competing reaction is Tempomyocin and Purity tester reagent, but more will be put in soon. General tips Make sure your pH is correct before heating up the reaction, If it's not reacting, this is usually the problem, after the reaction has started however, it will keep going past the limits, producing 0% purity product. Keeping your reaction in the heater to cool it can be a way to deal with exothermic reactions. You can adjust the pH of a reaction easily by using a dropper with buffer. Using a dropper on a heater will adjust the pH of the beaker within. Take a note of how your pH changes across the reaction and adjust beforehand accordingly, or have some buffer handy to inject into the reaction in the middle of it. You can abort reactions by crashing the temperature and hoping it's not exothermic enough to overcome that anyways. Alternatively, you could throw the beaker in a panic. Upgrading the heater and the dispenser will improve their ability to detect pH. (soon) For some reactions, it can be useful to keep reagents away from each other until both of them have optimal conditions. Temperature of buffers will change the temperature of whatever you're adding it to! Make sure to not pour hot buffer into a temperature sensitive reaction! Tools and Machinery You have all sorts of chems here, and can make many things. You can make medicines, smoke, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, acid and much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, as mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health, and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Chem Dispenser Chemistry Dispensers Chem dispensers can be upgraded to unlock more chemicals, allow for more precise macro usage, increased power recharge rate and higher power capacity. If you run out of power, you can disassemble the dispenser with screwdriver+crowbar and rebuild it by first putting the circuit board back, and then all other things but use a full power cell Power cell.png instead of the old one. Then screwdriver to finish. Or you can charge the machine with an inducer Inducer.png. Available chemicals: Click expand to see what chemicals are available: Normal: Hydrogen Oxygen Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Carbon Nitrogen Water Lithium Sugar Sulfuric acid Copper Mercury Sodium Iodine Bromine Ethanol Chlorine Potassium Aluminium Radium Fluorine Iron Welding fuel Silver Removed Oct, 2020. Stable plasma Upgraded (tier 4 matter manipulator): Acetone Ammonia Ash Diethylamine Oil Saltpetre Emagged: Space Drugs Morphine Toxin Carpotoxin Miner's Salve Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Better matter bins: greater power efficiency per unit dispensed. Better capacitor: faster recharging speed. Better power cell: larger maximum power capacity. Better manipulator: unlocks more chemicals. Longer and more complex chemistry macros can be performed. At tier 1 manips, macros round to the nearest 5u, then 3u at tier 2, 2u at tier 3 and 1u at tier 4 Chemical Heater Reaction Chamber The reaction chamber (previously known as the chem heater) provides all the tools needed to help you react your reactions. You can set your heat, dispense buffers and watch your reactions in real time. An unupgraded reaction chamber will let you know when a reaction is overheated by highlighting it in red. More buffer can be added to the chamber by putting in a beaker into the heater and pressing the draw all button next to the buffer volume display. Some chemical reactions will require you to heat the reagents in a Reaction Chamber. Unless the recipes says otherwise, these reactions need you to heat the reagents above the required temperature in order to start the reaction. Some reactions can stop if they drop below their required temperature. Don't forget you can use droppers directly on reaction chambers to add/draw to/from as well! This machine will heat/cool a beaker to the desired temperature, slowing down the heating/cooling speed as it approaches the target temperature. If you don't risk making the chemical explode by overheating it (like with meth) you can just set it to a very high temperature to avoid this. Due to a rounding bug you sometimes need to heat chems 1 degree higher than the recipe says. Upgrading the laser will increase the heating/cooling speed as well as the capabilities of the machine. See below: Level 1: Reaction chamber level 1.gif Level 4: Reaction chamber level 4.gif An upgraded reaction chamber gives you more tools and information about the reactions held within it. At level 2 the pH meter will flash if any of the reactions are outside of the pH optimal At level 3 the reaction chamber will be able to follow your reaction progress in real time At level 4 the reaction chamber will be able to determine the reaction quality in real time, displaying the effects of purity, pH and other factors along a dial. The dial will flash if the reaction is below the minimum purity for the reaction. ChemMaster 3000 ChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes pills/patches out of chemicals loaded inside. You can load pretty much any container - beakers, spray bottles, water bottles and so on. Maximum size for dispensed bottles is 30u, patches 40u and pills 50u. Use a chemistry bag Chemistry bag.png to quickly move large quantities of bottles, patches or pills. Can be upgraded with bigger beakers to allow a bigger buffer. By default it contains two ordinary 50u beakers for a total buffer volume of 100u. Portable Chemical Mixer This item does NOT require an anomaly core anymore. A portable device that fits into the belt slot, enabling you to store, mix and dispense chemicals on the go. Can be printed at the medical lathe. CTRL + Left click will open or close the portable mixer. While open you can access it like any other bag, and fill it with up to 50 beakers and bottles. When closed you can do a simple Left click to open it's UI. While the portable mixer is closed it functions similar to a Chemistry Dispenser, allowing you to add and remove a single beaker which you can dispense into Different containers with chemicals, stored inside the portable chemical mixer.(Image 1 of 2) All chemicals inside the containers of the portable chemical mixer, combined into UI buttons. (Image 2 of 2) Tips for the Portable Chemical Mixer Unlike the chemistry bag Chemistry bag.pngthe portable chemical mixer does not combine beakers of the same type into one single icon when accessing its contents. This makes it a superior option for beaker storage. All containers with the same, main chemical inside them, are represented as a single button in the UI. (e.g. a small beaker with 50u Inacusiate and a big beaker with 100u Inacusiate, are represented as 150u Inacusiate (see image). A container with more than one chemical inside will be represented by the most dominant chemical in it. (Try to avoid adding beakers with more than one chemical in them, if you want to stay on the safe side) The portable chemical mixer is an excellent storage device for pure chemicals that you want to store until you need them in other recipes. Filling it with beakers of pure Oil, Phenol or Multiver means quick and easy access to them, whenever you need them in advanced chemicals. Tired of the floor in chemistry being littered with beakers? Put them in the portable chemical mixer. The botanist made you some Carpotoxin and filled it into condiment bottles? No need to carry them by hand, use the portable chemical mixer. The Janitor is too lazy to clean medbay? Put one beaker with Fluorosurfactant, one with Space Cleaner and one with Water in your portable chem mixer, position yourself and dispense them in equal amounts into a big beaker. Instant cleaner grenade action. The AI and bots are trying to kill you? Get some Uranium from the lathe, grind it, and put a beaker of it with a beaker of Iron into your portable chem mixer. Dispense both in equal amounts into a big beaker to cause an EMP. The doctors are too busy to help and the paramedic is too dead to help? Get yourself a health analyzer, fill your portable chem mixer with beakers of useful medicines (and/or cures and vaccines) and dispense the right dosages for people in need, anywhere on the station. HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography machine (HPLC) Can detect impurity levels of reagents added to it, making it one of the best ways to detect purity of a reagent at roundstart. See below: Mass spec.png The HPLC can also purify a reagent up to it's standard purity (usually 75%). This takes time and a bit of volume. Inverted reagents cannot be purified, though any reagent that is passed through the system will still cost time. While it's processing the Mass Spectroscopy cannot be used at the same time. To use the HPLC left clicking will interact with the input beaker - so left clicking with a beaker will add it, alt click with a beaker in it will remove it. Right clicking with a beaker will add a beaker to the output slot, and alt right clicking will remove it. The machine needs both an input and output to purify - though can still analyse with just a single input. The icon also indicates at what state it is at - a bar chart on the screen shows that it's analysing an input beaker, a sine wave shows that it's currently purifying and a blank screen indicates that it's input beaker is either empty or removed. Reagent Grinder All-In-One Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. For example: Plasma/gold/uranium/metal sheets, donk pockets, fruits, dead mice. Smoke Machine Smoke Machine Dispenses any chemical inside as a smoke cloud. Needs to be secured by wrenching first. A great alternative to smoke grenades, but easily incites lynch mobs. Can only be obtained through the circuit board being printed, and the required parts being assembled first. Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Manipulator: Unlocks the higher range settings. Matter bin: Increases maximum capacity. Capacitor: Increases efficiency. pH paper pH paper can tell you the rough pH by putting it into the beaker. The colour of the strip will indicate what the pH is. Buffer reagents Buffers are reagents that alter the pH of a mixture towards acidity (0) or alkalinity (14). These liquids dissiplate into a mixture, unless stabilizing agent is added. Chemical analyzer A handy meter that can tell you all about the reagents found in a beaker, as well as being one of the two ways to testt purity (the other bring the purity tester, which will tell you if the reagent is inverse). Resarchable and printable by the lathe. Currently the only way to detect purity of a reagent, other than taking it yourself. Plumbing On some maps the chemists have access to a large empty area with plumbing tools. The available chemicals those can synthesize should be the same as with an unupgraded chem dispenser, but the workflow is more like a production line chem factory instead of instant dispensing. See the Guide to plumbing to learn more about this system. You may still have access to the pharmacy though, which has chem dispensers. Metabolism When a reagent enters a bloodstream it will start to "tick"(aka "cycle") about every 2 seconds. These are called "life ticks", and are not to be confused with server ticks/tickrate. When this happens the bloodstream is purged of an amount of every reagent usually equal to their listed metabolism rates. This is the rate at which the chemical disappears from your body. It doesn't matter how many chems you have in your body, as they are all metabolised separately. If you are hungry (sluggish), this will happen 20% slower, which makes chemicals have a bigger total effect since they last longer without being weaker per tick. Many mobs are "simplemobs" which means they don't have bloodstreams and thus cannot be poisoned, sedated or healed with medicine. Monkeys and most playable humanoids are the exceptions to this. Addiction Every time you metabolize a drug, you will gain addiction points in the category it belongs to. For every unit of drugs metabolized you receive addiction points. More extreme drugs and alcohol will give you more points. If you gain 600 points in addiction category, you will become addicted. By not taking said drugs you will lower the amount of addiction points. High sanity speeds up the process. You lose 0,5 points per tick with no withdrawal or stage 1 withdrawal. You lose 1 point per tick with stage 2 withdrawal. You lose 1,5 points per tick with stage 3 withdrawal. When your mood is good you always lose 2 points per tick regardless of the stage. If you then fall below 400 points you stop being addicted. Taking more of the drug you're addicted to will temporarily suppress symptoms. Addiction stages advance from time in withdrawal. Addiction categories: Stimulants Stimulant withdrawal makes you slow in a number of ways. At the first stage you get craving messages about feeling tired and needing a little pick me up. Your actions also become slower(action speed penalty). At the second stage you recieve a click cooldown penalty. At the third stage you get a movement speed penalty and more craving messages. Opiods The main symptom of opiod withdrawal is nausea. At the first stage you get craving messages about feels aches in your body, chills and needing opioids. You start yawning intermittently. At the second stage your high blood pressure will increase rate of blood loss from any open wounds. At the third stage you will get hit by waves of nausea and vomiting. Alcohol Alcohol withdrawal is easy to stave off due to the abundance of low alcohol content drinks available from the bar, but it is the only one that can be outright lethal. At the first stage you get craving messages about feeling thirsty, wondering if the bar is still open and needing a little Dutch courage. You also start to jitter. At the second stage you start to hallucinate. At the third stage you start to suffer intermittant seizures that paralyze you for 1-3 seconds and cause 10-30 brain damage depending on duration. Your seizures also cause heavy jittering. Seizures can be prevented by taking neurine or sodium thiopental. Hallucinogens At the first stage you get craving messages about feeling empty, spirtually detached and you start to wonder what the machine elves are up to. At the second stage you get visual disturbances. At the third stage you enter a hypnotic trance. Maintenance Drugs At the first stage you get craving messages, start growling intermittently and your health indicator will become unreliable. At the second stage you can only stomach GROSS food and you grow a scraggly beard if male. At the third stage you will become very dizzy and confused when exposed to light, but it also gives you night vision. Medicines Stage 1: You become unsure of your own health, are you aching, or is it just the down from the meds? Stage2: You develop a fever. Stage 3: You organs begin to ache a bit too. In general most pure medicines don't accrue addiction points – it’s instead the inverse or impure chems that will turn you into a hypochondriac. Special Some reagents have their own unique addiction type. Such as Nicotine. Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat or splash these. Their metabolism rate is 0.4u per tick/cycle unless said otherwise. Unmentioned dispensable chemicals don't have any effects. Plasma and uranium require you to grind mineral sheets to acquire. Chlorine: Causes 1 brute damage per tick to a random body part. Copper: Can be splashed on metal sheets to create bronze sheets. Ethanol: A decent alcoholic "beverage", with a booze power of 65. Increases the speed of surgery procedures and flammability when applied externally. Metabolism rate 0.2. Fluorine: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Iron: Slowly restores blood volume. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Causes 1 brain damage per tick, twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Plasma: Causes 3 toxin damage per tick. Creates gas form plasma when spilled or heated to 323.15K (50°C). Not to be confused with Stable Plasma, which does nothing. Radium: Causes 2 toxin damage per tick. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Sugar: Gives nutrition. Causes hyperglycemic shock if overdosed (200u). Metabolism rate 0.8. Sulfuric Acid: Causes 1 toxin damage and some instant brute damage to one body part when ingested, and slightly more brute damage when injected. Destroys head-wear and causes burn damage when sprayed or splashed on someone. Counts as a toxin. Uranium: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Water: Slightly generates blood volume. Additionally, freezes into ice below 274K. Welding Fuel: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Makes people flammable if splashed on. If splashed on the floor, makes a pool of fuel that can be ignited, which can ignite other pools around it. Catalysts When a reagent in a recipe is marked "(catalyst)" it means it will not be consumed in the reaction. Some Catalysts are optional and are highlighted as such. These optional catalysts affect the ongoing reaction in certain ways. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Hover a chemical component to see tooltips. On Firefox-based browsers the tooltips might block clickable links. If you find an incorrect recipe then please drop a comment in the discord wiki-general. Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Ash▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 6.5▮ 1 part Oil Temperature 480K Min temp: 480K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in a few recipes. Can also be aquired by lighting a piece of paper on fire and scooping up the resulting ashes with a beaker. 30u per paper. Used in: Lye, Multiver and Plastic Sheets. Oil▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 4▮ 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Can be heated into Ash. Can be scooped up from destroyed cyborgs and such. Flammable. Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Phenol, Acetone, Convermol, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Miner's Salve, Haloperidol, Napalm, Plastic Sheets, Spray Tan and Cyanide. Acetone▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Cryoxadone, Atropine, Mutadone, Epinephrine, Probital, Tirimol Smart Foaming Agent, Sulfonal, Modafinil, Acetaldehyde, Acetone Oxide and Neurine. Diethylamine▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 12▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming A very potent fertilizer. Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Atropine, Ephedrine, Diphenhydramine, Epinephrine, Modafinil, Meth Explosion and Lipolicide. Phenol▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 5.5▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Ingredient in many recipes. Used in: Salicylic Acid, Oxandrolone, Atropine, Epinephrine, Libital, Higadrite and Modafinil. Ammonia▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.6▮ 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 1 to 12 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming An effective fertilizer. Ingredient in many recipes. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) Used in: Diethylamine, Aiuri, Salbutamol, Pentetic Acid, Modafinil, Nitrous Oxide, Space Cleaner, Cyanide, Itching Powder and Weed Killer. Saltpetre▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.2▮ 3 parts Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Works as a fertilizer. Ingredient in a few recipes. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) Used in: Bath Salts and Gunpowder. Sodium Chloride▮ pH: 7▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Commonly known as table salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Special uses include messing with Revenants - they can't jaunt through salt piles. Lye▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.9▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 10K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in Soap. Lye▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 11.9▮ 1 part Ash 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ingredient in Soap. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) Hydrogen Peroxide▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 6.2▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Oxygen 1 part Water Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Burns people on touch. Pentaerythritol▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 1 part Acetaldehyde 3 parts Formaldehyde 1 part Lye Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Results in 2 units instead of 5. Acetaldehyde▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Water Temperature 450K Min temp: 450K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Acetone Oxide▮ Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% pH: 7▮ 2 parts Acetone 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly Exothermic H+ producing Burns people badly on touch. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) Wittel ▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. N/A A lavaland geyser has a 1 in 27 chance to produce Wittel. Does nothing, but can be used to make Gravitum. Hyper-Plasmium Oxide ▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. N/A A lavaland geyser has a chance to produce this. Does nothing, but can be used to make Exotic Stabilizer. Exotic Stabilizer ▮ 1 part Hyper-Plasmium Oxide 1 part Stabilizing Agent N/A Is required to stabilize Nitroglycerin and TaTP. Reaction agents These reagents have active effects on reactions, consuming themselves on transfer. They can even be added to a full beaker for their effects to take place! Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Acidic Buffer▮ 2 parts Ethanol 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Sodium 2 parts Water Min react temp: 250K Overheat temp: 9999K pH range: 0 to 14 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly H+ producing This reagent will consume itself and move the pH of a beaker towards acidity when added to another. Basic Buffer▮ 3 parts Ammonia 2 parts Chlorine 2 parts Hydrogen 2 parts Oxygen Min react temp: 250K Overheat temp: 9999K pH range: 0 to 14 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly H+ consuming This reagent will consume itself and move the pH of a beaker towards alkalinity when added to another. Universal indicator▮ 1 parts Ash 1 parts Ethanol 1 parts Iodine Min react temp: 274K This reagent can be used to craft pH paper from the crafting menu. Will also dye anything it touches its associated pH value. Purity Tester Reagent▮ 1 part Prefactor a 1 part Stable plasma Required temp:below 800K Overheat temp: none Optimal pH range: 2 to 12 Min purity: 0.25 minorly H+ producing When added to a beaker, this reagent will either fizzle if a reagent in there is impure, or will do nothing if all of the reagents are above their purity threshold. Tempomyocin▮ 1 part Prefactor b 1 part Stable plasma Required temp: 50K Overheat temp: 500K Optimal pH range: 5 to 8 Min purity: 0.35 H+ producing Dangerous This will instantly speed up any reaction added it is added to, giving it a short burst of speed. Adding this reagent to a reaction will give it a sudden speed boost up to 3x - with the output purity of the boost modified by the Tempomyocin's purity. 5u per 100u will give you 2x, 10u per 100u will give you 3x. It caps at 3x for a single addition, but there is nothing preventing you from adding multiple doses for multiple boosts. Prefactor a▮ 1 part Phenol 3 parts Ethanol 1 part Plasma Low temperature Required temp:below 800K Overheat temp: none Optimal pH range: 2 to 12 Min purity: 0.25 Very Endothermic This is part of a competitive reaction between Purity Tester and Tempomyocin. This outcompetes when the reaction is cold. Prefactor b▮ 1 part Phenol 3 parts Ethanol 1 part Plasma High temperature Required temp: 50K Overheat temp: 500K Optimal pH range: 5 to 8 Min purity: 0.35 Extremely Endothermic minor H+ producing Dangerously volitile This is part of a competitive reaction between Purity Tester and Tempomyocin. This outcompetes when the reaction is hot. Medicines "And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these. Some medicines have special suffixes to specify which damage types they are meant to treat: Brute = -ibital Burn = -uri Oxy = -mol Tox = iver Organ = -rite See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use and when. Optional catalysts for ALL medicine reactions Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Palladium synthate catalyst Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 2 ▮ 3 parts Libital 4 parts Probital 2 parts Plasma Required temp: 200K Overheat temp: 800K Optimal pH range: 5 to 6 Min purity: 0 H+ producing Very exothermic This will cause all medicines reacted in the same beaker to react faster, with it's speed equal to the purity of the catalyst (up to 2x, though it is still limited by it's maximum rate). An impure catalyst can be purposely made to slow down reactions, if desired. At least 10u is required in a beaker for it to have any effect on the reactions contained within. (Results in 2 parts instead of 9) Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs may be considered to be cheap or commonly available "core" drugs, used to heal common ailments. Some of them should not be used repeatedly on the same patient, as they may have dangerous side effects. Consider using Tend Wounds surgery if satisfactory medicines aren't available. These are also known as "Category 2 Cobbychems". All these reactions will generally result in a 75% purity product with no intervention. For those returning - a 75% purity reagent will have the same effects as the reagents you're familiar with, which means that 100% pure reagents are 33% more effective. Name Formula Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Chemical properties Libital▮ Impurity: Libitoil Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <20% pH: 8.2▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 225K Overheat: 840K Optimal pH: 6 to 10 Unstable purity: <20% Exothermic Brute Medicine for treating brute damage. Each tick heals 3 base brute (modified by purity) and causes 0.3 liver damage. Inverse chem:Libitoil below 30% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 10% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Helbital▮ Inverse: Helgrasp <30% pH: 8▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sugar Min temp: 250K Overheat: 550K Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <55% Exothermic Brute Heals brute faster the more base damage you have. No side effects if in hardcrit. If not in crit: Heals (dmg/50) brute and deals 2 suffocation. If in softcrit: Heals (dmg/47) brute and deals 1 suffocation. If in hardcrit: Heals (dmg/45) brute and has no side effects. 0.0001% chance to make you play a game of rock-paper-scissors against the reaper for your life, potentially dusting you or healing you to full. Overdose applies a semi-blinding curse. Purity adjusts the damage requirements for each of the stages and modifies the brute damage healed. Inverse chem:Helgrasp below 30%. When purity is below 25%, it will catch fire during the reaction, watch out for the flames! Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 35u Probital▮ Inverse: Mitogen Metabolism Factor <50% Failed: Metabolic Inhibition Factor <35% pH: 5.5▮ 2 parts Acetone 1 part Copper 1 part Phosphorus Min temp: 225K Overheat: 750K Optimal pH: 4.5 to 12 Unstable purity: <35% Weakly Exothermic Brute Each tick heals 2.25 base brute (modified by purity) but also deals (decreasing) stamina damage. If ingested by mouth it also creates a special enzyme in your system (bloodstream) (1.25u per 5u ingested), which turns any food you eat into healing peptides. These peptides heal an additional 3 brute and 1 burn with a 50% chance every tick. Overdose deals 3 stamina AND: If stamina dmg over 80: Causes drowsiness. If stamina dmg over 100: Removes 100 stamina damage and puts you to sleep for 10 seconds. Inverse chem: Mitogen Metabolism Factor below 50% Failed chem: Metabolic Inhibition Factor below 30% Was originally named Trophazole. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 20u Aiuri▮ Impurity: Aivime Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <25% pH: 4▮ 1 part Ammonia 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min temp: 50K Overheat: 315K Optimal pH: 4.8 to 9 Unstable purity: <25% Moderately endothermic Burn Medicine for treating burn damage. Each tick heals 2 base burn (modified by purity) and causes 0.25 eye damage. Impure chem: Aivime Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 25% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Lenturi▮ Impurity: Lentslurri Failed: Ichiyuri <25% pH: 4.7▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Min temp: 200K Overheat: 500K Optimal pH: 6 to 11 Unstable purity: <25% Endothermic Burn Each tick heals 3 base burn (modified by purity) and deals 0.4 stomach damage. Impure chem: Lenslurri Failed chem: Ichiyuri below 25% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Hercuri▮ Inverse: Herignis <30% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <15% pH: 8.9▮ 3 parts Cryostylane 1 part Lye 1 part Bromine Temperature below 47K Cold reaction Min temp: 47K Overheat: 5K Optimal pH: 6 to 10 Unstable purity: <15% Weakly endothermic Burn Heals burn damage and can cool you to unsafe levels. If applied with vapor such as with a spray bottle Cleaner.png it also removes some firestacks (extinguishes you). If burn is over 50: Heals 2 base burn (modified by purity) If burn is under 50: Heals 1.25 base burn (modified by purity) Overdose cools you down even more. Was originally named Rhigoxane. Inverse chem: Herignis below 30% - inverse chem is insolvent and will precipitate out during reaction. Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 15% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 25u Granibitaluri▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <10% pH: 7▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Carbon 1 part Sulfuric Acid 5 units Iron (catalyst) Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 10 Unstable purity: <10% Weakly Exothermic Brute and Burn Heals a small amount of brute and burn each cycle. The maximum healing you can get is 0.5 per cycle, and this decreases by 0.1 for every 10 combined brute and burn you have. At 50 or more combined damage, it heals nothing. Overdose deals 0.2 liver and toxin damage. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 100% OD: 50u Synthflesh▮ Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 7.2▮ 1 part Libital 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon Min temp: 250K Overheat: 325K Optimal pH: 5.5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly Exothermic Brute, burn Instantly heals 1.25 brute and burn damage per unit of the chemical applied, but also instantly deals toxin damage equal to 50 to 75% (based on purity, 56% when unreacted) of brute and burn damage healed. Can be used to prepare corpses for defibrillation (needs under 180 brute and burn). Touch and vapor application only. If a husked corpse has at least 100u and under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 30% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Multiver▮ Inverse: Monover <35% pH: 9.2▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Min temp: 380K Overheat: 410K Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <10% Weakly endothermic Mildly H+ producing Toxin A chem purger that purges chems from bloodstream (3u per tick) and heals toxin damage faster the more unique medicines there are in the body (0.5 per med, max 1.5, modified by purity). Also causes 0.5 lung damage each tick. Having 3+ unique meds (2+multiver) will make it not purge medicines. If your Multiver is pure, the medicinal requirement is reduced by 1 (i.e. muliver + 1 medicine). Inverse chem: Monover below 30% - will precipitate out during a reaction and can catch fire if too hot. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Seiver▮ Inverse: Technetium 99 <45% pH: 3.7▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium Cold reaction Min temp: 320K Overheat: 99999K Optimal pH: 5 to 8 Unstable purity: <20% Strongly endothermic H+ producing Radiation and Toxin A medicine that shifts functionality based on temperature. Temperatures between 125K and 1000K heal between 0 and 5 toxin damage per tick (modified by purity). The temperature bonus is capped at 1000K. Temperatures below 150K have a chance to heal between 15.4 and 34.1 toxin damage per tick (modified by purity) only to irradiated patients, with more healing at colder temperatures. The chance scales from 0% at 150K to 100% at 50K, and is rolled once when the medicine enters your system, meaning if the roll fails, all of the seiver in your system will also be nonfunctional. Ultra-cold seiver has a chance to get an additional 20% healing bonus, scaling from 0% at 15K to 100% at 5K. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Syriniver▮ Impurity: Syrinifergus Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 8.6▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Toxin 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sulfur Min temp: 250K Overheat: 99999K Optimal pH: 6.5 to 9 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly endothermic Toxin tl;dr: Put 20% of this and 80% water into a beaker and inject it with an IV-drip, and it will heal toxin damage and purge reagents from bloodstream pretty fast. Impure reagent: Syrinifergus Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 30% Click expand for long description. When injected (syringe or IV-drip), the following happens: Instantly heals toxin damage equal to 1.5x the injected amount, up to 3 base toxin (modified by purity). A minimum of 0.6u must be injected for any effect. Transforms up to 100% of the drug (based on purity, unreacted is 80%) into the much safer Musiver, depending on how healthy your liver is. The more damaged liver the patient has, the lower amount will be turned into Musiver. You get the max transformation rate as long as your liver has more than 80 hp. Each tick heals 1 point of toxin damage, purges 0.4u reagents and deals 0.8 points of liver damage. This works even if the chem was taken with other methods than injection. Should ideally be diluted for safety and used in an intravenous medicine bag or beaker attached to an IV (injects 5u at a time): Injecting a 40% solution of syriniver with an IV will heal about 5 toxin per cycle (plus 1+1 passive healing from syriniver + Musiver), but is unsafe since it makes Musiver overdose very likely. Having more than 40% will not heal faster. Injecting a 20% solution with an IV is pretty safe and will heal about 3 toxin per cycle (plus 1+1 passive healing from syriniver + Musiver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. Was originally named Thializid. Rate: 0.3u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 6u Tirimol▮ Inverse: Super Melatonin <40% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <20% pH: 5.6▮ 2 parts Acetone 3 parts Nitrogen 1 unit Sulfuric Acid (catalyst) Optional: Oxygen - pH stabliser Min temp: 100K Overheat: 720K Optimal pH: 2 to 7.1 Unstable purity: <20% Weakly endothermic Suffocation Emergency oxygen deprivation medication that causes fatigue and can make you fall asleep. Heals 3 base suffocation (modified by purity) and deals 2 stamina damage per tick. Causes drowsiness after 15 seconds, and then every 45 seconds. If it was in your system longer than 20 cycles, you will fall asleep for 10 seconds when it's out. Inverse chem: Super Melatonin below 40% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 20% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Convermol▮ Inverse: Coveroli <40% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <40% pH: 5.6▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Optional: Oxygen - speed boost Min temp: 370K Overheat: 570K Optimal pH: 3.045 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <40% Weakly Exothermic Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:1 ratio. Each tick heals 2.5 base suffocation damage (modified by purity) multiplied by the number of ticks the chemical has been in your system, and deals toxin damage equal to 0.2 of base suffocation healing. Will always deal at least 0.1 toxin damage, even without suffocation healed. Overdose causes toxin damage as if you always healed max suffocation, and quickly purges the chem. Inverse chem: Coveroli below 40% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 40% Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 35u Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing medicines, however they often heal faster and with fewer side effects (if any). Name Recipe Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Salicylic Acid Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 2.1 ▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Sodium 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Brute If you have more than 25 brute damage, heals 4 brute. If you have equal to or less than 25 brute damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Oxandrolone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 10.7 ▮ 3 parts Carbon 1 part Phenol 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Burn If you have more than 25 burn damage, heals 4 burn. If you have equal to or less than 25 burn damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units Salbutamol Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 2 ▮ 1 part Salicylic Acid 1 part Ammonia 1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Lithium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.1 units per tick N/A Regenerative Jelly Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 7 ▮ 1 part Omnizine 1 part Slime Jelly Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming All four basic types Heals 1.5 of each of the four basic damage types without the risk of overdose or damaging jellypeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pentetic Acid Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 1 ▮ 1 part Cyanide 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Radiation, toxin Heals 2 toxin damage per tick while purging 2u of other chemicals from the body. Prevents taking damage from radiation. 0.2 units per tick N/A Atropine Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 12 ▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Crit, all basic types If patient's health is critical it will heal brute/burn/toxin (2 / tick) and oxyloss (5 / tick) damage, as well as stop any further oxyloss. It also causes jitteriness and dizziness, which will shake the screen. Good for quickly getting critical patients back on their feet, but bad for combat because of the screenshake. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and cause extra jitteriness and dizziness. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units Calomel Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 1.5 ▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374K Min react temp: 374K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Purge Quickly purges the bloodstream of reagents (3u per tick). If your health is 100, toxin damage is dealt until your health is 0. Toxin damage will heal when you health is lower than 0. If overdosed 2.5 extra toxin damage will be dealt and will purge itself at a rate of 2u per tick. 0.4 units per tick 20 Units Ammoniated Mercury Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 7 ▮ 1 part Calomel 2 part Ammonia Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Purge Quickly purges the bloodstream of toxins (5u per tick). If you have no brute/burn loss you will heal 3 toxin damage per tick. For every 15 brute damage and 30 fire damage 1 toxin damage will be dealt. Purges itself 1u per tick when there are no toxins present. If overdosed 3 extra toxin damage will be dealt. 0.04 units per tick 10 Units Pyroxadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 12 ▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Slime Jelly Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming All four basic types and cellular Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A Clonexadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 13 ▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Cellular Quickly heals (cellular) damage, but only when in a cold environment. The colder the faster heal. Heals about 5 cellular per tick if used in unupgraded cryo tubes. 0.6 units per tick N/A Rezadone Impurity: Chemical Isomers Failed: Viscous sludge <15% pH: 12.2 ▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Copper Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Cellular Instantly heals all cellular damage while also healing 1 brute and burn damage per tick. If a husked corpse is treated with at least 5u and has under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. If overdosed deals 1 toxin damage per tick and makes you dizzy and jittery. Very good for treating cellular damage on the spot. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs perform niche functions that help against less common ailments. Name Formula Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Chemical properties Mutadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Bromine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Mutations Instantly removes your genetic mutations. Hulks hate it! 0.4 units per tick Mannitol▮ Impurity: Mannitoil Inverse: Toxic Monomers <45% Failed: Insolvent Medicinal Precipitate <40% pH: 10.4▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Min temp: 50K Overheat: 650K Optimal pH: 5 to 7.5 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ consuming Brain Heals 2 brain damage per tick. Does not heal traumas. Can be poured directly on brains to heal 2 damage per unit (minimum 10 units). Healing scales with purity. Will also increase your eyesight in the dark depending on purity. Overdose will increase your brain power, granting you E n l i g h t e n m e n t! Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 100% OD: 15u Neurine▮ Impurity: Neruwhine Inverse: Neruwhine <50% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <40% pH: 7▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mannitol 1 part Oxygen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 700K Optimal pH: 6.8 to 10 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ producing Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure basic traumas. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. When added to a patient, it will remember their brain damage - if their brain damage is below that value when added it will restore it back to what it was on consumption. When used on the dead will heal a corpse's brain slowly (patient must be dead and have a brain!). Healing scales with purity. Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Works on the dead Potassium Iodide▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Radiation Prevents damage from radiation, and heals 1 toxin damage each tick if you're irradiated. 0.8 units per tick Saline-Glucose Solution▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Brute, burn, blood loss Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 0.5 brute and burn damage. Can be used as a temporary substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become 1u salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. 0.2 units per tick OD: 60u Ephedrine▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Corazargh <40% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 12▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sugar Min temp: 200K Overheat: 500K Optimal pH: 7 to 9 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly endothermic H+ consuming Explosive Stun Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends), increases run speed by 50%, regenerates 1 stamina per tick and causes up to 20% chance to drop held items, based on purity following: 20% * (1 - purity). Pure ephedrine has 0% chance to drop held items. Also prevents the knockdown from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png). If overdosed it will deal toxin damage with an up to roughly 3% chance to set in progress heart failure, based on purity, down to roughly 2% at 100% purity. If addicted it will deal toxin damage, cause breathing problems, cause increasingly frequent seizures and long term jitteriness. Rate: 0.2u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% OD: 30u Addictions: Weak stimulant (4 points) Diphenhydramine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Bromine 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Histamine Overdose Purges bloodstream of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. (Results in 4 units instead of 5) 0.2 units per tick Oculine▮ Inverse: Oculater <45% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30% pH: 10▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Min temp: 200K Overheat: 600K Optimal pH: 4.8 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <30% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Eye Quickly heals eye damage and has 20% chance per tick to revert blindness. Does not work against genetic blindness, which needs Mutadone. For blindness caused by brain damage you will need surgery or other means. Improves your ability to see in the dark based off purity while it's in your system. Rate: 0.1u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Inacusiate▮ Impurity: Tinacusiate Inverse: Tinacusiate <30% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <25% pH: 2▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Carbon 1 part Water Min temp: 300K Overheat: 500K Optimal pH: 5 to 10 Unstable purity: <25% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Ear Rapidly repairs damage to the patient's ears to cure deafness, assuming the source of said deafness isn't from genetic mutations, chronic deafness, or a total deficit of ears. Lets you hear whispers from a distance if it's 100% pure. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Epinephrine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Crit Prevents oxygen damage from crit state. If the patient is in crit it heals 0.5 oxyloss, toxins, brute, and burn. 20% chance each tick to reduce stun times a bit. Gives a minor stamina regeneration buff. Stops the formation of Histamine during allergic reactions. Worse than Atropine at saving critical patients, but better for mid combat use. If overdosed it will randomly deal light toxin and stamina damage, and some suffocation. 0.1 units per tick OD: 30 Units Antihol▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Prohol <35% Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <15% pH: 4▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol Min temp: 1K Overheat: 550K Optimal pH: 3.5 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <15% Endothermic H+ producing Alcohol Purges 0-4u alcoholic drinks from someone's bloodstream each tick (depending on purity), as well as eliminating drunkenness, drowsiness, slurring, dizziness and confusion. Heals 0.2 toxin per tick. Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Insulin▮ Found in NanoMed Plus N/A Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick Strange Reagent▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life. Only works on ingestion. Amount needed increases depending on how much brute+burn damage the body has (at most 10u at 200 damage). Extra amounts will partly heal organ damage and blood levels on successful revive. The drug doesn't work on corpses with over 200 brute+burn damage or husks. In living people each tick randomly deals 0-2.5 brute and burn damage. Can revive simplemobs as well by splashing it on them. 0.5 units per tick Synaptizine▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Hallucination Decrease Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). Helps drowsiness and hallucinations go away much faster. Also purges Mindbreaker Toxin at 5u per tick. 30% chance per tick to cause 1 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Cryptobiolin Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus if you are infected. Has a high chance to block infection from disease and zombie attacks. Will slow disease progression and alien larva growth if already infected. Metabolises very slowly. 0.04 units per tick Miner's Salve▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Iron 1 part Water OR 5 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 1 part Sugar (Grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal, and a sheet of plasma) (Results in 15 parts instead of 11) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Improvised Patch Healing Chem Helps treat severe burn wounds and heals 0.25 brute and burn per tick, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch, which reduces nutrition by 5. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If applied with touch/patch it increases surgery speed by 10%. 1u heals roughly 1.5 burn+brute. 0.16 units per tick Modafinil▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ammonia 1 part Sulfuric Acid 1 unit Bromine (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Sleep Slowly-metabolizing medicine. Heals dizziness, drowsiness, sleep (but not unconsciousness) and heats you up if frozen, similarly to Coffee Latte. Reduces stun times slightly. If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, dizziness (later), 50% chance to choke. The metabolism rate is slowed down. After 41 cycles 20% chance to stun you. Cycle 82 puts you into endless sleep while constantly dealing 1.5 stamina and oxygen damage. No chance for addiction but very finicky OD. 0.02-0.08 units per tick OD: Random, initially 20 but goes up or down 0.1 each tick. Morphine▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 480K Min react temp: 480K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Damage slowdown Allows you to run at full speed even when hurt, even from stamina damage, but does not remove slowdown from wearing a Modsuit. You'll get drowsy after 12 cycles, and fall asleep if it's in your system for 24 cycles. You will not wake up until it's out of your system. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If overdosed or addicted it will cause jitteriness, dizziness and force the victim to drop items in their hands. If addicted it will also eventually deal 1, 2 and later 3 toxin damage per tick. Can be ordered from Cargo, be grown at Botany or be found in a NanoMed Plus. (Results in 2 parts instead of 6) 0.2 units per tick OD: 30 Units Opiate(10 points) Haloperidol▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Aluminium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of some drugs while purging them. Reduces jitteriness and hallucinations. However each tick also causes drowsiness, 2.5 stamina damage and 20% chance for 1 brain damage (up to 50). 0.16 units per tick Leporazine ▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. 0.4 units per tick Higadrite▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Liver failure Protects from toxin damage caused by liver failure. 0.4 units per tick Psicodine▮ 2 parts Mannitol 1 part Impedrezene 2 parts Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and raises sanity to neutral. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick OD: 30 units Energized Jelly▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Slime Jelly Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10 Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick Penthrite▮ Inverse: Nooartrium <25% pH: 12.7▮ 1 part Pentaerythritol 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Acetone 1 part Wittel Min temp: 255K Overheat: 450K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Exothermic Heart, crit An explosive compound used to stabilize heart conditions. If you are not in crit it stabilizes your heart. If health is under crit threshold it prevents crit, heals you 2 tox/brute/burn, 6 oxy and damages heart 0.1 per unit. If you reach -60 health the penthrite is purged and you get a heart attack. Causes slow stomach damage. Overdose causes instant heart attack. Explodes when mixed with equal amounts Epinephrine (strenghtdiv 5) OR Atropine (strenghtdiv 5, modifier 5) (Results in 3 units instead of 4) Purity will adjusts the threshold requirements (above 75% lowered requirements, below 75% higher requirements). Inverse reagent: Nooatrium below 25% Reaction will boom like a heart if overheated. Rate: 0.2u/tick OD: 50u Sanguirite▮ Found in epipens N/A Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Passively reduces bleeding by 30% while in the bloodstream. Only helps clot whichever wound is currently bleeding the most. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation per tick with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.1 units per tick OD: 20 units Seraka Extract▮ Found in small quantities in Seraka mushrooms N/A Bleeding A powerful coagulant used to help clot bleeding wounds faster. Clots faster than any other chem and passively reduces bleeding by 40% while in the bloodstream. Only helps clot the currently worst wound. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation per tick with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.1 units per tick OD: 10 units Pulped Banana Peel▮ Grind or juice banana peels N/A Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Exact same effects as Sanguirite except slightly weaker clot coefficiency. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation per tick with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.4 units per tick OD: 20 units Determination Receive a wound. Moderate: 1 Severe: 2.5 Critical: 5 Losing a limb: 7.5 N/A Wounds Determination is added to your system when you're wounded and helps deal with the effects. Reduces bloodloss by 15%, limping by 75%, heals each wounded limb by .25 and heals stamina by the same amount, cures Adrenal Crisis caused by purging Kronkaine, and gives a +10 painkiller bonus. When it clears out of your system, you instantly take 3 stamina damage for each moderate wound, 6 for each severe, and 9 for each critical. 0.3 units per tick Caps at 10 Non-craftable Medicines These healing drugs are used in some situations, but are otherwise uncraftable. Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Points Changeling Adrenaline▮ Changelings Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends) and regenerates 10 stamina per tick. Can make you dizzy and jittery. If overdosed it will deal 1 toxin damage per tick. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 4u of this. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Changeling Haste▮ Changelings Speed Increases your speed to the maximum possible in most cases. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 2u of this. Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Omnizine▮ Grown from Ambrosia Deus, and found in hot donkpockets, chef made lollipops (Not cyborg dispensed,) and a few other chef meals. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Protozine▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.2 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. A weaker omnizine, but can be used in Strange Reagent crafting. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A Godblood▮ Healing Fountain in Lavaland injects 20u of Godblood on use, Strange Seeds. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation This is Omnizine with 5 times higher overdose threshold. Just like Omnizine, heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick, but that's not really a concern. 0.1 units per tick 150 Units N/A Honey▮ Beekeeping Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation 55% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. Metabolizes very quickly and adds 3u sugar to your system. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A Earthsblood▮ Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All damage types The first 25 cycles, each tick heals 1 brute, 1 burn, 0.5 suffocation, 0.5 toxin, 0.1 cellular and 0.5 stamina while dealing 1 brain damage (up to max 150). Cycle 26 and onwards, each tick heals 5 brute, 5 burn, 3 suffocation, 3 toxin, 1 cellular and 3 stamina while dealing 2 brain damage (up to max 150) and giving you jitteriness and drugginess (your character might say some special messages as well!). You will be unable to directly hurt anyone via most means while it's in your body (this effect is similar to that of Pax). Overdosing causes hallucinations, deals no damage before cycle 26, a net of 1 toxin damage per tick from cycles 26 to 100 and a net of 3 toxin damage per tick after cycle 100. Overdosing also gives you the severe traumatic non-violence brain trauma (brain surgery level). The trauma does not go away until cured. 0.4 units per tick (static) 25 Units hallucinogens(14 points) Silibinin▮ Grow Galaxythistle Liver damage Each tick heals 2 liver damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A N/A Polypyrylium Oligomers▮ Grow Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lung damage A purple mixture of short polyelectrolyte chains not easily synthesized in the laboratory. Each tick heals 0.25 lung damage and 0.35 brute. Stops bleeding (over time). Will color hair and beard purple from touch or vapor. Overdose deals 0.25 lung damage. 0.1 units per tick 50 Units N/A Mitogen Metabolism Factor▮ Eating Probital Brute If this enzyme exists as a catalyst in your body (at least 0.5u), any food you eat turns into healing peptides, which heal brute and some burn. If overdosed the metabolism changes to 0.8 units per tick and makes you vomit with a chance of 13% every second the medicine is in a body. 0.025 units per tick 10 Units N/A Musiver▮ Injecting Syriniver Toxin Heals 1 toxin per tick while purging 0.2u reagents and dealing 0.1 liver damage (1/8 as much as liver damage as Syriniver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A Muscle Stimulant▮ Strange seeds Slowdown Makes you ignore slowdowns from being hurt. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Cordiolis Hepatico▮ Strange seeds, Abductor's operating table injects this too Heart and liver failure Removes the need for heart and liver. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Stimulants▮ Syndicate uplink Stun Increases movement speed a lot. Reduces stun times by around 90% or less (depends). Recovers 5 stamina per tick. Will heal 1 of each damage type if health is between 0 and 50. If overdosed has 33% chance per tick to deal 2.5 stamina damage, 1 toxin damage and cause loss of breath. Also prevents the knockdown from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png). Can be bought with syndicate uplink. 0.2 units per tick 60 Units Stimulant(4 points) Restorative Nanites▮ Syndicate medical cyborgs All damage types Each tick heals 5 brute/burn/toxin, 15 suffocation, 15 brain and 3 cellular. If overdosed this very quickly purges itself and causes random vomiting. Only available to Syndicate medical cyborgs. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Synaphydramine▮ Viruses Drowsiness, Hallucinations, Histamine Reduces drowsiness, caps and reduces the frequency of hallucinations, quickly purges Mindbreaker Toxin and Histamine from the body. Automatically generated by a virus with Mind Restoration as a symptom. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Adminordrazine▮ Admin Intervention Everything When injected into a person, it heals everything, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. When used on a handcuffed individual, it even used to break them out of cuffs. When used on a hydroponics tray, it cures all ailments and has a high chance of triggering a mutation. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A Removed Medicines These healing meds used to exist, but have since been removed or renamed for one reason or another. Some servers still use these, but /tg/ does not, and the recipes for them will not work on /tg/. Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Bicaridine▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 brute damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Kelotane▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 burn damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Anti-Toxin▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Silicon 1 part Potassium Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u toxin reagents per tick. If overdosed deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Tricordrazine▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019. 1 part Anti-Toxin 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Kelotane All types Has 80% chance to heal 1 each of the four basic damage types per tick. If overdosed deals an average of 1.2 damage of every type per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Dexalin▮ Was completely removed from /tg/ Aug 2019. Medical cyborg hypospray and other sources Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick. If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. Used by medibots. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A Charcoal▮ Was replaced with Multiver Aug 2019. 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, while also removing 1u of any other chemicals. Only works when ingested. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Silver Sulfadiazine▮ Was replaced with Aiuri Aug 2019. 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn On touch, instantly heals 1 burn damage per unit, then heals 2 burn per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 burn damage. Deals minor burn and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Styptic Powder▮ Was replaced with Libital Aug 2019. 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute On touch, instantly heals 1 brute damage per unit, then heals 2 brute per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage. 1u heals roughly 6 brute damage. Deals minor brute and toxin damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 45u N/A Perfluorodecalin▮ Was renamed Convermol Aug 2019. 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:2 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle. This means you will take 2 toxin damage for every 5 suffocation damage healed. You will always take at least 0.2 toxin damage per tick, even if you don't heal any suffocation. If overdosed each tick will deal toxin damage equal to 1 times current cycle, regardless of suffocation damage healed. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units N/A Sanguibital▮ Was replaced with Helbital Sept 2019. 1 part Carbon 1 part Fluorine 1 part Sugar Brute One of the first "Cobbychems". Only existed on /tg/ for a short while. Removed by Cobby because it wasn't ever used (except as a poison) and the entire gimmick made it undesirable. Heals brute if you have lower than full blood levels, scaling with missing blood volume. Will heal up to 5(10?) brute per tick if very low on blood. Dilates blood streams, increasing the amount of blood lost by 2 per tick. Overdosing doubles the blood lost from this chem. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units N/A Ichiyuri▮ Was replaced with Lenturi Oct 2019. 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by MacBlaze1 with Cobby approval because it was never used and simply wasn't fun to be on. Used to treat serious burns. Prolonged exposure can cause burns to itch. Heals 2 burn per tick, and randomly makes you scratch yourself every few seconds, causing 1-7 brute and bleeding. The itch will happen more often the longer it's been in your system. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Fiziver▮ Was replaced with Seiver Oct 2019. 1 part Aluminium 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Potassium Toxin One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by Cobby because Fiziver didn't see much use and I grew to dislike the overall damage mods. An antitoxin that heals toxin damage but temporarily physically weakens the user, adding a damage modifier making them take extra brute, burn, suffocation and stamina damage. The damage modifier increases the longer it's been in the body (capped to triple damage). Toxin damage healed is 0.3 points per tick multiplied with the damage modifier (so up to 0.6). Overdosing has a 50% chance each tick to deal 0.2 brute and burn damage, which will be amplified by the damage multiplier in effect. 0.1 units per tick 11 Units N/A Corazone▮ Name changed to Higadrite Nov 2019. 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Liver Nov 2019 it was changed to only work on livers. Since Corazone is Spanish for "heart" it had its name changed to Higadrite (higado = liver). Protects from liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Lavaland Extract▮ Was removed in June, 2020. Brute, burn Survival medipens used to come with 2u of this. Very quickly heals damaged bodyparts. If overdosed it will deal heal about 2 brute/burn but deal 3 toxin damage per tick. Has very low overdose threshold. 0.4 units per tick 3 Units N/A Narcotics Narcotics are highly addictive drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation. Name Recipe Reaction conditions Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Points Nicotine▮ Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. N/A Reduces stun times by typically around 20% (depends). Addiction causes bad mood, coughing and jitter. If overdosed it will deal 1.1 oxygen and 0.1 toxin damage per tick. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick 15 Units Nicotine(18 points) Krokodil▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Morphine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 380K Min react temp: 380K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal 0.25 Brain and Toxin damage per tick. If addicted it will first deal some toxin and brain damage, and later switch to dealing 3 Brute damage, right before the addict's skin falls off, dealing 50 Brute. This turns you into a fake zombie. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units Opiods(18 points) Methamphetamine▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374K (Heat another degree if it doesn't work) Required temp: 372K Overheat temp: 380K Optimal pH range: 6.5 to 7.5 Min purity: 0.5 Exothermic nature is tied to purity H+ producing Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends), makes you run 65% faster, makes you jittery and recovers 2 stamina while dealing 1 to 4 Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from 1 Toxin and 0.5 to 1 Brain damage per tick. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and lose motor control and eventually suffer 5 Toxin damage per tick. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380K. Explosive strength about 0.083 with modifier 5. Can not explode in a body. The lower the purity is, the more exothermic of the reaction will be. Keep some buffer handy, and keep your pH between the tight window, and you should have no problems. 0.3 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(12 points) Bath Salts▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Bad Food 1 part Universal Enzyme 1 part Nutriment 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury Temperature 374K Min react temp: 374K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Makes the subject immune to sleep and stuns, grants 5 stamina regeneration and grants the user the psychotic brawling martial art, which makes your interactions with people have certain random effects. However the subject will suffer 4 Brain damage (per tick), constant hallucinations and will lose some motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool, and randomly drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will jitter, suffer 10 Brain damage (per tick), severe hallucinations, dizziness, yet more loss of motor control and eventually 5 Toxin damage (per tick). This drug will melt your brain. 0.2 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(25 points) Aranesp▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Morphine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming The subject will think they are "amped" and get 18 stamina regeneration. However the drug has 50% chance every tick to cause the subject to suffocate (and take 1 oxyloss), while also dealing 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.2 units per tick N/A stimulants(8 points) Happiness▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Ethanol 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Suppresses phobias and fills you with ecstatic emotional numbness. Removes jitteriness, confusion and disgust. Causes 0.2 brain damage per tick. Highly addictive. If overdosed causes sudden mood swings and an additional 0.5 brain damage per tick. If addicted it will slowly drive your mood to "insane". 0.2 units per tick 20 Units hallucinogens(18 points) Space Drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming An illegal compound which induces drugginess, randomly makes you step in any direction and makes you drool, giggle and similar. If overdosed causes hallucinations. 0.2 units per tick 30 Units hallucinogens(10 points) Pump-Up▮ 2 parts Epinephrine 5 parts Coffee Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Prevents the knockdown from stunbatons StunBaton.gif (including stunprods Stunprod.png). Doesn't affect stuns from other sources. 15% chance to cause loss of breath, and 5% to cause some jitter. If overdosed has 20% chance of causing loss of breath and 4 stamina damage, 15% to cause 2 toxin, 5% to drop held items, 5% to jitter and can also make you drool. Can be found in maintenance Pump up injector.png. (Results in 5 parts instead of 7) 1.2 units per tick 30 Units stimulants(6 points) Maintenance Tar▮ 1 part Organic Slurry 1 part Tea 1 part Welding Fuel or 3 parts Universal Enzyme 1 part Tea 1 part Welding Fuel Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Raw tar, straight from the floor. It can help you with escaping bad situations at the cost of liver damage. Adjusts stuns by -10 and deals 1.5 liver damage each tick. Overdose deals 5 toxin and an additional 3 liver damage. Addiction will later deal toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 3 parts Maintenance Tar and 1 part Sulfuric Acid, instead of 3 or 5) 0.2 units per tick 30 Units maintenance drugs(5 points) Maintenance Sludge▮ 3 parts Maintenance Tar 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 5 units Hydrogen Peroxide (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Makes you more resistant to wounds but causes toxins to accumulate. Deals 0.5 toxin. Overdose deals 1 extra toxin with 10% chance of 5 toxin and vomit. Addiction will later deal more toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 1 part instead of 4) 0.8 units per tick 25 Units maintenance drugs(8 points) Maintenance Powder▮ 6 parts Maintenance Sludge 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Universal Enzyme 5 units Acetone Oxide (catalyst) Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Enhances your mental ability, making you learn stuff a lot faster. Multiplies skill gain depending on volume, but deals 0.1 brain damage. Overdose deals an additional 3 brain damage. Addiction will later deal toxin damage and make you randomly drop held items. (Results in 1 part instead of 8) 0.2 units per tick 15 Units maintenance drugs(14 points) Mushroom Hallucinogen▮ Grown in botany or found in special cigarettes. N/A An potent compound which induces drugginess, makes you slur, drool, giggle and similar. If overdosed causes the person to speak random languages. Metabolizes slowly. 0.02 units per tick 30 Units hallucinogens(12 points) Kronkaine▮ 15 parts Kronkus Extract 10 parts Welding Fuel 5 parts Ammonia N/A Instantly heals 4 * volume stamina damage and halves the time it takes to do most actions while it is in your body while causing 0.3 heart damage. Causes adrenal crisis syndrome if you try and purge it with multiver and haloperidol. Deals significant heart damage when overdosed. 0.4 units per tick 20 Units stimulants(20 points) bLaSToFF▮ 10 parts Cyanide 10 parts Silver 5 parts Lye N/A Causes you to flip randomly based on volume. Every third flip is a superflip that launches you forward. Every third spin is a super spin that causes nausea but throws anyone grabbing you. Also causes trippy visuals, 0.3 lung damage and reduces knockdowns. When overdosed it causes you spin randomly based on volume and additional 0.3 lung damage. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units hallucinogens(15 points) SaturnX▮ 5 parts Lead 5 parts Nothing 10 parts Maintenance Tar N/A Makes the user invisible, although their clothes are still visible. Causes 0.3 liver damage and applies a unique visual effect. When overdosed it causes additional liver damage and causes the user to giggle. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units maintenance drugs(20 points) Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. Explosive Strength For chemicals which are explosive, you may notice an 'explosive strength' listed in the description. This is a multiplier that directly affects how large of an explosion a given quantity of the reagent will produce. A few types of explosion have a 'modifier', which adds a flat amount to the size of the explosion. By default the outer 'light impact' radius of an explosion is equal to √(mod+quantity*strength)*√2, while the heavy impact radius and devastation radius is one half and one quarter of that, respectively. Chemical explosions are not a subject to the standard TTV Bombcap. Eventough it doesn't have a hardcoded maxcap currently the biggest possible explosion is that of 2100u custom made chemical payload bomb, explosive strength is not affected by purity unless stated otherwise. Note that all non-standard explosions or other AoE pyrotechnics, such as Flash Powder or Liquid Dark Matter, do not work like this. The scaling and max size of these effects vary on a case-by-case basis. In low enough levels, an explosion will purge its reagent container without causing any damage or knockback. A chemist can abuse this to clear a beaker or person of chemicals so long as they keep the doses low. Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Chemical properties Stabilizing Agent▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. The stabilizing agent is not consumed when stabilizing explosives, and one unit is enough to stabilize any amount of explosives. This does not work on everything, so be warned! Also turns plasma into stable plasma (which can already be dispensed from chem dispenser) if mixed 1:1. 0.4 units per tick Fluorosurfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulfuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any floors, objects, people or animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(MODsuit/biohazard/medical gear). The less foam used, the more reagent will be delivered into a person's system. Foam is slippery! Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Smoke▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized into Smoke Powder with Stabilizing Agent. N/A Smoke Powder▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar 1 part Stabilizing Agent (catalyst) The stabilized version of Smoke - only one third as effective as the unstabilized chemical reaction. Heat to 374K to activate. Can not react in a body. 0.4 units per tick Flash Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Phlogiston▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulfuric Acid 1 part Stable Plasma Turns into a spreading plasma fire if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 6 fire damage every 2 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. 0.4 units per tick Napalm▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer than other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. 0.4 units per tick Sonic Powder▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus When first mixed it becomes 20 Kelvin cold. Instantly consumes all liquid Oxygen to heat its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Pyrosium, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does nothing whatsoever without being mixed with liquid Oxygen. Does not react with the oxygen in air. In a body 0.5u oxygen will be consumed every tick to increase body temperature by 15. 0.2 units per tick Cryostylane▮ Impurity: Ice Inverse: Cryogelidia <50% pH: 8.6▮ 1 part Ice 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Nitrogen Min temp: -200K Overheat: 99999K Optimal pH: 4 to 10 Unstable purity: <20% Strongly endothermic H+ consuming Induces a cryostasis like state in a patient's organs, preventing them from decaying while dead. Slows down surgery while in a patient however. Will progressively consume all liquid Oxygen to cool its container for each unit of Oxygen consumed. This does not expend the Cryostylane, so 1u will have the same effect as 50u. Does not react with the oxygen in air. In a body 0.5u oxygen will be consumed every tick to decrease body temperature by 15. Special reaction mechanics :The colder it is during the reaction, the lower the purity will be. Rate: 0.02u/tick Unreacted purity: 100% Works on the dead Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 3 parts Fluorine 1 part Chlorine Temperature 424K When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Becomes 1000K when first mixed. A flammable substance so dangerous it can instantly melt floor or floor plating with high amounts. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will deal 6 burn per tick from the inside. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast however. 4 units per tick Sorium▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mercury 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. 0.4 units per tick Meth Explosion▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 300K Reagents are 300K (room temperature) by default so this will blow up when mixed unless some reagents were cooled. Has an explosive strength of 0.083, with a modifier 5, but results in 1 part instead of 4 so is effectively much weaker than exploding Meth. Can not explode in a body. N/A Gunpowder▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Sulfur When heated to 474K it sparks, and then creates a violent explosion 5-10 seconds later. Causes hallucinations and drugginess in plasmamen. Has an explosive strength of 0.1 and a modifier of 5. Was originally named Black Powder. 0.05 units per tick Nitroglycerin▮ 1 part Glycerol 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Sulfuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing. Can only be stabilized by having Exotic Stabilizer (at least 1u per 25u nitroglycerin made) in the container on mix. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. (Results in 2 units instead of 3). Has an explosive strength of 0.5. 0.4 units per tick RDX▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Acetone Oxide 1 part Nitric Acid 1 unit Gold (catalyst) Temperature 404K A military grade explosive. Explodes immediately unless stabilized with Stabilizing Agent. If stabilized, explodes on heating to 474k, or when mixed with an equal amount of liquid electricity or teslium. Has an explosive strength of 0.143, or 0.286 if activated electrically . Additionally, when activated electrically it has extra fire range, a modifier of 4, or a modifier of 6 if you use teslium. (200 heated RDX would be same as 100 RDX + 100 teslium if it wasn't for the modifiers. )(Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick TaTP▮ 1 part Acetone Oxide 1 part Nitric Acid 1 part Pentaerythritol Temperature between 401K and 499K (randomized at roundstart) Suicide grade explosive. Forms and immediately explodes at a random temperature between 401k and 499k. Can only be stabilized by having Exotic Stabilizer (at least 1u per 50u TaTP made) in the container on mix. If stabilized, explodes at a random temperature between 501k and 599k. When detonated after being stablised, the explosive strength increases with the amount used, topping off at 0.67 at around 2100u. (Results in 1 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Penthrite Explosion▮ 1 part Penthrite 1 part Phenol 1 part Acetone Oxide Temperature 315K An explosive reaction involving Penthrite. Explodes on heating to 315k. Has an explosive strength of 0.2 N/A Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Useful in grenade production. Has an explosive strength of 0.05. Commonly used in low doses to explode the chemicals out of someone, though more than 5u being used causes a damaging explosion. N/A Holy Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Holy Water This explodes immediately on mixing. If it combined at least 75 of each reagent, it results in a more powerful explosion with an explosive strength of 0.125, which also paralyzes and reveals revenants and sets nearby cultists on fire. Otherwise it behaves like a normal Water-Potassium explosion. N/A EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium 1 part Aluminium This reacts immediately on mixing, creating an electromagnetic pulse which affects electronics nearby; very useful for causing chaos. Has different effects on different things. Turns off headsets, stuns cyborgs, disables security cameras, messes with Cybernetics, randomizes suit sensor settings, and randomly pulses wires. N/A Bee Explosion (Beesplosion) 1 part Honey 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Radium Creates bees. 1 bee per 5 created volume. If mixed in a beaker or grenade containing other reagents, then every bee will contain one of those reagents. The bees from this reaction have a limited lifespan, and will die after 50 seconds. N/A Teslium▮ 1 part Gunpowder 1 part Silver 1 part Stable Plasma Temperature 400K Randomly shocks the victim every 5-30 seconds while it is in their system, ignoring any protection because the shock comes from inside them. Also increases damage taken from normal shocks. Heating this to 474K will create a Tesla Shock 0.2 units per tick Tesla Shock 1 part Teslium 1 part Water OR Heating Teslium to 474K This reacts immediately on mixing, shooting electric bolts at anyone near the reaction, shocking people and disabling/damaging electronics. Teslium amount determines damage and number of bolts. 10u for one bolt, 40u for 2 bolts, and 75u for 3 bolts. Each extra bolt deals more damage than the previous one. N/A Thermite▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that can burn straight through walls or floors when splashed and ignited. Needed amount depends on target structure. A normal wall requires 30u. A reinforced wall requires 50u. One unit of thermite burns for 0.35 seconds and the maximum burn length is 20 seconds. The fire is fake and cosmetic. Does not work on doors or windows. Causes 1 burn damage per tick to humans when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Other Reagents These are other chemicals that usually have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacturing of grenades, but some can be quite dangerous. Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Metabolism Rate Ice▮ 1 part Water Temperature below 274K Min react temp: below 274K Chilly! Baldium▮ 1 part Lye 1 part Radium 1 part Sulfuric Acid Temperature 395K Min react temp: 395K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you, it makes you go bald. Keep away from the Clown! Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair style. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Bluespace Dust▮ Grind a bluespace crystal N/A Occasionally causes random short distance teleportation. If splashed on someone it teleports them 1 tile per 5 units used. 0.4 units per tick BZ Metabolites▮ Breathe BZ gas N/A Does nothing unless you're a changeling. Slowly drains a changeling's chemical storage. 0.08 units per tick Concentrated Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you it grows your hair very long. Does nothing when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Candle 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Oxygen Temperature 374K Min react temp: 374K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates a red candle for use in decoration or rituals. Can not react in a body. N/A Carbon Dioxide▮ 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Carbon Temperature 777K Min react temp: 777K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates CO2 in liquid form. Spilling this will release gas form CO2 into the atmosphere. Has no other effects. 0.4 units per tick Carpet ▮ 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Blood Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates a carpet on the floor. Best used in a smoke machine/grenade or spray bottle. Ingredient in Barber's Aid. Can be mixed 1:1 with other chemicals to create different types of carpet: Click expand for list of recipes. Oil : Black Carpet Cryostylane : Blue Carpet Cyanide : Cyan Carpet Green Beer: Green Carpet Orange Juice: Orange Carpet Regenerative Jelly : Purple Carpet Liquid Gibs: Red Carpet Some of the above carpet chemicals can be further refined: Black Carpet + Royal Bee Jelly : Royal Black Carpet Blue Carpet + Royal Bee Jelly : Royal Blue Carpet 0.4 units per tick Colorful Reagent▮ 1 part Triple Citrus 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium 1 part Stable Plasma Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Randomly colors floor, items and people. Keep away from the clown. Add this to your smoke grenade for a "rainbow bomb". 0.4 units per tick Condensed Capsaicin▮ 5 parts Ethanol 1 part Capsaicin Oil Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Also known as "pepper spray". A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work. When a target is sprayed with this, the effects depend on if that person is wearing "pepper proof" gear over both mouth and eyes or not. Unless the target has full protection, they will be affected by 3 seconds of knockdown, 6 seconds of blindness, 10 seconds of blurry eyes, 10 seconds of confusion and 10 seconds of slowdown. Some examples of pepper proof items are: Gas masks, security gas masks, riot or welding helmets with visor down, space helmets, bandanas (mouth only), plasmaman helmets and radiation hoods. Found in pepper spray refillers. (Results in 5 units instead of 6) 0.4 units per tick Life▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood Temperature 375K N/A Creates one or multiple pissed off lifeforms. It's a good idea to assume the worst and have Security on hot standby. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Life (Friendly)▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Sugar Temperature 375K N/A Creates one or multiple friendly lifeforms. Good for when you want to be surrounded by fluffy Corgis, or for when cargo has a bounty on Corgi pelts. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A Cellulose Fibers Grind wood planks N/A A crystaline polydextrose polymer. Plants swear by this stuff. Used for making Medicated Sutures. 0.4 units per tick Cellulose Carbonization 1 part Cellulose Temperature 512K Min react temp: 512K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Turns cellulose into carbon. N/A Corgium 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Blood 1 part Nutriment Temperature 374K N/A Creates your own Corgi! N/A Color Powder▮ Grow Rainbow Bunch N/A Colors floor, items and people. There are several different color powder reagents, such as Mundane Powder, Invisible Powder and Blue Powder. There is no reagent with the actual name "color powder". 0.4 units per tick Crayon Powder▮ Grind a crayon N/A A variety of Color Powder that works the same except it can't color mobs. There are several different crayon powder colors. 0.4 units per tick Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. 0.6 units per tick Drying Agent▮ 2 parts Stable Plasma 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on. (Results in 3 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Foaming Agent▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Used in Metal Foam production. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) 0.4 units per tick Firefighting Foam▮ 1 part Stabilizing Agent 1 part Fluorosurfactant 1 part Carbon Temperature below 200K Cold reaction Min react temp: 200K Overheat temp: 5K pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Very endothermic Mildly H+ consuming When used in a spray or with smoke it creates a non-slippery foam which extinguishes fires and burning creatures, and removes burning plasma from the air, dumping it on the floor upon dissipation. 0.4 units per tick Glitter▮ Prize from arcade machines N/A White glitter, blue glitter and pink glitter are three different chems which when touching floors turn into fake gases. Used for pranks. Can be cleaned up with the ordinary cleaning tools. 0.4 units per tick Glycerol▮ 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. Used to make Nitroglycerin or FRAG-12 shotgun slugs. Slippery like water. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick Gravitum▮ 1 part Wittel 10 part Sorium Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Makes you completely weightless as long as it's in your system. Can be sprayed on objects to make them weightless aswell, for 1 minute per unit. Metabolizes extremely slowly. Paraplegics and clownophobes swear by this stuff. 0.04 units per tick Growth Serum▮ Fly amanita N/A Makes you larger as long as it's in your systems. The more you have the bigger you become. Maximum size is achievable by having at least 200 units in your body. 0.4 units per tick Hollow Water▮ Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. N/A Used in a catalystic reaction where it gets turned into holy water if its mixed with holy water. 0.4 units per tick Impedrezene▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. 80% chance per tick to cause 2 brain damage and 50% to cause drowsiness. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Quantum Hair Dye▮ 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Chlorine Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming If sprayed or splashed on you it changes your hair color. Does nothing when ingested. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Laughter▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Banana Juice Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Causes you to laugh. (Results in 10 units instead of 2) instant Magillitis▮ Syndicate uplink N/A Turns monkeys and humans into gorillas after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Meat Product 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Nutriment 10 parts Carbon N/A Creates a slab of chemically processed meat. Can not react in a body. N/A Metal Foam 3 parts Iron/Aluminium 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but are useful for plugging hull breaches or blocking off AI turrets. Can be made with either iron or aluminium for different looks. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Metalgen Randomized every 3 days. Recipe can be found in a ruin. Randomized! Very rare, very interesting and very abusable. Metalgen, when imprinted with a material, will turn all objects it comes into contact with into that material. See the reaction below for imprinting. Does nothing to people. Make super mood rooms by turnin the whole thing into gold, or just kill everyone by turning the escape shuttle into uranium or plasma. Can be used for practically limitless resource generation. N/A Metalgen Imprint Any amount of Metalgen 40 parts of any liquid material (Bluespace dust, gold, uranium, silver, iron, silicon and plasma) 1 part Liquid Dark Matter (add last) N/A When the this reaction happens, the metalgen used will become imprinted with the used material. The remaining metalgen will still have the same name but will convert items and structures into the imprinted material if it touches them. Note that certain materials, like diamonds, don't have a liquid form. Silicon will work for glass. N/A Nanomachines▮ Roburgers from silver slime extracts N/A Inflicts a disease which turns the victim into a cyborg with Asimov laws. The disease can be cured with an injection of copper. 0.4 units per tick Smart Foaming Agent▮ 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Required to make smart metal foam. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) 0.4 units per tick Smart Metal Foam 3 parts Aluminium 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming A "smart" version of metal foam that reacts to tiles exposed to space by forming floors/walls. Usually doesn't encase people or block hallways. The foam carries any other reagent in the reaction. Can not react in a body. N/A Nitrous Oxide▮ 2 parts Ammonia 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 525K Min react temp: 525K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Creates N2O in liquid form.When heated to 575K it throws things away and then explodes. Will cause drowsiness when sprayed on someone. While it is inside of someone, it causes anemia (blood loss), confusion, and loss of breath. Spilling this will release gas form N2O into the atmosphere. If during reaction the purity of the N2O dips below 30% it will begin airolating itself. Nitrous Oxide has an explosive power of 1/9 and a modifier of 1. 0.6 units per tick Silver Solidification 20 parts Silver 10 parts Carbon Temperature 630K N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Silver into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Gold Solidification 20 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Iron N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Gold into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Plasma Solidification 20 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Plasma into a bar. Can not react in a body. N/A Uranium Solidification 20 parts Uranium 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Potassium N/A Solidifies a large amount of liquid Uranium into a sheet. Can not react in a body. N/A Plastic Sheets 5 parts Oil 3 parts Ash 2 parts Sulfuric Acid Temperature 374K N/A Creates Plastic sheets at a rate of 10u per Plastic sheet. Can be used in hand to craft plastic bottles Large water bottle.png and other novelties. Be sure to put some plastic sheets in the Protolathe, as plastic is needed for a lot of advanced medical equipment. N/A Romerol▮ Syndicate uplink N/A Romerol adds a zombie infection tumor (festering ooze) to the victims' heads. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people by clawing them. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the Morgue. Can be applied with both touch and ingestion. The tumor can be removed with surgery. instant Royal Bee Jelly▮ 40 parts Honey 10 parts Unstable Mutagen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected. (Results in 5 units instead of 50) 0.4 units per tick Serotrotium▮ Strange seeds N/A Makes you randomly twitch, drool, moan and gasp. 0.1 units per tick Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K N/A Creates a bar of soap. Slightly slower at cleaning than with what you can find on the station. Can not react in a body. N/A Space Cleaner▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming This is able to clean almost all surfaces of most things that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Unlike scrubbing tools, this does not clean forensics (fingerprints). 0.4 units per tick Spray Tan▮ 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 part Corn Oil Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Darkens the skin when sprayed or patched. Ingesting more than 10u overdoses you, which makes you tanned, spiky haired, randomly flex your muscles and spout an old meme. 0.4 units per tick Space Lube▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Space Lube is a high performance lubricant. Splashing it on floor tiles makes them extremely slippery for a very long time. Only way to remove it is to pry out/replace the floor tiles or wait. (Results in 4 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Sterilizine▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming When applied via touch or vapor, increases the speed of surgical steps by 20%. Useful for surgery in less than ideal conditions. 0.4 units per tick Synthmeat 5 parts Blood 1 part Cryoxadone N/A Creates a slab of synthetic meat. N/A Medicated suture.png Medicated Suture 20 units Formaldehyde 15 units Polypyrylium Oligomers 10 units Cellulose N/A Creates a Medicated Suture. N/A Advanced regenerative mesh closed.pngAdvanced Regenerative Mesh 10 units Sterilizine 20 units Aloe Juice 20 units Cellulose N/A Creates an Advanced Regenerative Mesh. N/A Mourning poultice.pngMourning Poultice 20 units Aloe Juice 20 units Bungotoxin 20 units Cellulose N/A Creates a Mourning Poultice. N/A Organic Slurry▮ Dipping a Dead mouse in 3 to 45 units of welding fuel and grinding it down. N/A A mixture of various differently colored fluids. Only works when ingested. If injected, will revert to Welding Fuel. Randomly induces vomiting and later short stuns as well. Rapidly purges itself each vomit when stunning. Results in 4 units instead of 3. 0.4 units per tick Pax▮ 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Synaptizine 1 part Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Pacifies by preventing the victim from using Combat Mode Combat 32.png, certain harmful weapons and only letting them use passive or aggressive Grab action.png Grab 32.png.. Non-harmful weapons such as disablers still work. 0.1 units per tick Synthpax▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs N/A Same as Pax but metabolises much faster. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Dizzying Solution Peacekeeper Cyborgs N/A Makes the target dizzy and confused. Can only be used by Peacekeeper Cyborgs. 0.6 units per tick Tranquility▮ Gondola Meat N/A Induces a virus that creates Pax within the victim's body and slowly turns them into a Gondola. Can be cured with Condensed Capsaicin. 0.4 units per tick Liquid Electricity▮ Ethereal blood, certain foods N/A The blood of Ethereals. Does nothing in non-ethereals unless it's the 'enriched' type found in some plants and food. Enriched Liquid Electricity periodically electrocutes any non-Ethereals that have it in their system. Insulated gloves do not protect against this. 0.4 units per tick Monkey Powder 2 parts Nutriment 1 part Banana Juice 1 part Liquid Gibs Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Add 1u water to 50u of this to create a monkey. Gibs monkeys if another monkey spawns inside them. (Results in 5 units instead of 4) N/A Electrolysis 5 units Water 1 unit Liquid Electricity Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Turns the ingredients into 3u hydrogen and 1.5u oxygen. N/A Scream 5 parts Cream 5 parts Lizard wine 1 part Strange Reagent Temperature 374K N/A When mixed the ingredients are consumed and the solution screams. Bigger reaction causes louder scream. N/A Slime Extractification 30 parts Slime Jelly 5 parts Frost Oil 5 parts Plasma N/A The mixture condenses into a grey slime extract. N/A Virology Recipes These chemicals are used to mutate viruses, and have few uses beyond that. Name Formula Description Virus Rations▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Virus Food▮ 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk Allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. Used to get a virus symptom of level 1 or 2. The virologist has a dispenser with this on a wall in the lab. (Results in 15 units instead of 10) Mutagenic Agar▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus Food Used to get a virus symptom of level 3. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar▮ 1 part Mutagenic Agar 1 part Sugar or Saline-Glucose Solution Used to get a virus symptom of level 4. Weakened Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus plasma. Used to get a virus symptom of level 5. Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Plasma Used to get a virus symptom of level 6. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Decaying Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 6 or 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Unstable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 5 parts Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6) Stable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Plasma 10 parts Uranium 10 parts Silver OR Gold Powerful viral mutagen. Used to get a virus symptom of level 8. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Blood Duplication▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Blood Not exactly a recipe or an usual reaction, more of an useful byproduct of virology recipes. When any chemical that mutates viruses is combined with any blood, it increases the amount of blood without the need for it to be removed from someone. With plumbing, this is most useful when used with Unstable Mutagen, as it's easy to produce and allows you to infinitely create blood for use in chemfactories. There are also chemicals that do nothing, which can be found in Strange seeds. Example: Plastic Polymers. Mutation Toxins Obtainable through xenobiology, these chemicals transform humanoids into other races. It only takes 1u to start the transformation. Name Formula Description Metabolism Rate Imperfect Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a random slimeperson subspecies. If you're already a slimeperson this will randomly change your subspecies. Used to be named Slime Mutation Toxin. 0.2 units per tick Lizard Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a lizardperson. 0.2 units per tick Stable Mutation Toxin▮ Green slimes After 20 cycles (about 4 units) transforms you into a human. 0.2 units per tick Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Black slimes Makes the victim contract a disease which slowly morphs them into a slime. The disease can be cured with Frost Oil. 0.2 units per tick Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get some of these through the traitor uplink. The human liver will stop individual toxins from working if there are 3u or less of it in a body. The threshold for a toxin to work lowers with higher liver damage. Toxins deal liver damage. Name Recipe Reaction conditions Damage dealt Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Toxin▮ Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser N/A Toxin Will deal 1.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bad Food▮ From eating poorly made food N/A Toxin Will deal 0.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick N/A Chloral Hydrate▮ Impurity: Chloralax Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <60% pH: 11▮ 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water Min temp: 200K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 7 to 9 Unstable purity: <60% Moderately exothermic H+ consuming Stun, Toxin A powerful sedative which first confuses and makes you drowsy, and then after 10 cycles puts the victim to sleep. After 51 total cycles, it starts dealing ever increasing toxin damage, until death. (Results in 1 unit instead of 5) 0.6 units per tick N/A Mindbreaker Toxin▮ Impurity: Rosenol Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 11▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 6 to 14 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ consuming Hallucinations A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". For people with the Reality Dissociation Syndrome trait, this will instead suppress hallucinations. (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mute Toxin▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 12.2▮ 2 parts Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 6 to 14 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Speech Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. (Results in 2 units instead of 4) 0.4 units per tick N/A Mime's Bane▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 1.7▮ 1 part Mute Toxin 1 part Nothing 1 part Radium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 0 to 8 Unstable purity: <50% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Gestures Makes the subject unable to gesticulate. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bone Hurting Juice▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 3.1▮ 3 parts Itching Powder 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Milk Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Stamina Damage Does 7.5 stamina damage per tick. On overdose it has a 4% chance of causing a spike of 20 brute and 200 stamina damage to a random limb, which has a high chance of hurting bones. 0.4 units per tick 50 Units Unreacted purity: 75% Mulligan Toxin▮ 1 part Slime Mutation Toxin 1 part Unstable Mutagen Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Identity Randomizes the subject's appearance. Infinite N/A Lexorin▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 1.2▮ 1 part Salbutamol 1 part Plasma 1 part Hydrogen Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 1.8 to 7 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Suffocation Temporarily stops respiration and causes 5 oxyloss damage per tick. Even small doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out quickly. Countered by epinephrine which purges 2u lexorin (and 1u of itself) with 20% chance to add 4u histamines. Note: Heat your lexorin making mixture to speed up the chemical reaction to 5 seconds. (300-500K) 0.4 units per tick N/A Initropidril▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray N/A Cardiac Arrest Each cycle deals 2.5 toxin damage, with 25% chance to cause one of the following: 6 second stun, 5-25 oxyloss damage, or cardiac arrest. Combat the latter with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib if available. 0.2 units per tick N/A Tirizene▮ Traitor Sleepypen, Emagged Soda Dispenser/Borg Hypo, Poison/Death Berries N/A Stamina Damage Deals 13 stamina damage per tick, which constantly lowers. Usually harmless. 0.4 units per tick N/A Tiring Solution▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs N/A Stamina Damage Deals 10 stamina damage per tick, slowing you down. Won't go higher than 50 stamina damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Polonium▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray N/A Radiation Almost instantly irradiates a victim. 0.05 units per tick N/A Pancuronium▮ Poison Kit N/A Stun and Suffocation After 10 cycles stuns you with no warning. Randomly causes loss of breath, which can choke you to death. 0.1 units per tick N/A Sodium Thiopental▮ Emagged Borg Hypo, Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray/Syringe/Dart N/A Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 10 cycles, and deals 10 stamina damage per tick. Similar to Chloral Hydrate but longer lasting and can't kill you. 0.3 units per tick N/A Sulfonal▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 6▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 4 to 9 Unstable purity: <50% Exothermic H+ consuming Knockout and Toxin 0.5 toxin damage every cycle and knocks you out after 22 cycles. Metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Amanitin▮ Destroying Angel N/A Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. Deals 3 toxin damage per cycle it was in you. 0.2 units per tick N/A Amatoxin▮ Fly Amanita N/A Toxin Damage Deals 2.5 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Bungotoxin▮ Grow Bungo Tree N/A Heart Damage Deals 3 heart damage per tick and sets their confusion stat to their dizziness stat. After 12 cycles the victim can randomly start feeling heart spasms, being faint, out of breath, and being in pain. 0.2 units per tick N/A Lead Acetate▮ Party Pods (hidden tech) N/A Brain and ear damage Deals 1 brain and ear damage per tick. Tiny chance to cause confusion. 0.4 units per tick N/A Unstable mutagen▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <70% pH: 2.3▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 3 to 9 Unstable purity: <70% Moderately exothermic H+ producing Mutations Causes mutations when injected into/consumed by living people or plants. In people the mutation happens instantly the moment you take the chem, and not from metabolization. The chance to activate a dormant bad mutation is 98%, and good mutation 2%. Also useful for Virology. Turns into blood if mixed with blood, due to Blood Duplication . 0.4 units per tick N/A Lipolicide▮ Impurity: Ipecacide Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <70% pH: 6▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Mercury Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 4 to 8.5 Unstable purity: <70% Moderately exothermic H+ producing Weight Loss Drains nutrition. Useful for weight loss. Will deal toxin damage if you are starving. 0.2 units per tick N/A Coniine▮ Death Berries, Bioterror Spray/Syringe N/A Toxin and breath loss Each tick does 1.75 toxin damage and refreshes 5 ticks of being unable to breathe. EXTREMELY slow metabolization, but fast acting. Comparable to Lexorin. 0.024 units per tick N/A Curare▮ Poison Kit N/A Paralyzation, Oxygen, and Toxin Paralyzes you after 11 cycles, while dealing 1 oxyloss and 1 toxic damage. Metabolizes slowly; very lethal. 0.05 units per tick N/A Histamine▮ Omega Weed, Poison Kit, Formaldehyde, Venom, Itching Powder N/A Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Has a small chance each tick to cause 2 Brute damage or blur vision. If overdosed it will also deal 2 Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage each tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units Formaldehyde▮ Impurity: Methanol Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 2▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 420K Min temp: 420K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 0 to 7 Unstable purity: <50% Exothermic H+ producing Toxin Causes a 1 Toxin damage per tick. Has a 5% chance to turn into 5 to 15 units of Histamine. Preserves corpses from organ decay. 0.2 units per tick N/A Venom▮ Poison Kit, Bioterror Spray, Giant Spider bites N/A Brute, toxin Each cycle will deal 0.2 Toxin and 0.3 Brute damage per volume of venom in the body. Has a 15% chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. 0.1 units per tick N/A Fake Beer▮ Emagged service cyborg N/A Knockout Instantly puts the victim to sleep. Cycle 51 and onwards it will also deal (current cycle - 50) toxin damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A Fentanyl▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 9▮ 1 part Space Drugs Temperature 674K Min temp: 674K Overheat: 874K Optimal pH: 7 to 11 Unstable purity: <50% Weakly Exothermic H+ consuming Toxin, brain Will deal 1 toxin and 3 brain damage, up to 60 points of toxin damage and 150 points of brain damage (brains have 200 points of health). If the drug is not removed before 18 cycles it will make the user fall asleep. 0.2 units per tick N/A Cyanide▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 9.3▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen Temperature 380K Min temp: 380K Overheat: 1000K Optimal pH: 9 to 11 Unstable purity: <40% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Toxin, oxyloss Deals 1.25 toxin damage per tick, with 8% chance to stun for 4 seconds and take 2 additional toxin damage. Also 5% chance to lose breath for a moment. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick N/A Carpotoxin▮ Space Carp, Koibeans, Emagged Chem Dispenser N/A Toxin Deals 2 toxin damage per tick (unless you are a felinid !) . Can be used to make Rezadone and imitation carpmeat. 0.4 units per tick N/A Zombie Powder▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <30% pH: 13▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 14 Unstable purity: <30% Exothermic H+ consuming Fake death, stun If ingested instantly knocks people out, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. If taken any other way than ingestion it makes you confused and drowsy cycle 1-5, deals 40 stamina damage cycle 5-8 and causes the fake death cycle 9 and onwards. Deals 0.5 suffocation and toxin damage per tick. (Results in 2 units instead of 15) 0.4 units per tick N/A Ghoul Powder▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <40% pH: 14.5▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Zombie Powder Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 5 to 14 Unstable purity: <40% Exothermic H+ consuming Fake death Slows metabolism to a death-like state, while keeping the patient fully aware and mobile. Deals 1 suffocation and 0.8 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Itching Powder▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <30% pH: 7▮ 1 part Multiver 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel Min temp: 280K Overheat: 700K Optimal pH: 5 to 9 Unstable purity: <30% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing 0.2 Brute damage. Unlike other chems, itching powder will enter your bloodstream from touch, such as from getting splashed with it. Has a 3% chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick N/A Mint Toxin▮ Mints, Emagged Booze Dispenser, Mushroom Shavings (Lavaland) N/A Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. 0.4 units per tick N/A Slime Jelly▮ Must be mixed in a Glowshroom Glowshroom.png 3 parts Oil 1 part Tinea Luxor 2 parts Radium or grind an unused slime extract Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin The base reagent for slime based chemicals. Grinding slime extracts yields 20u slime jelly per use left. 40% chance to heal 5 Brute damage each tick, but also has a 10% chance to deal a burst of 20-60 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick N/A Heparin▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% Failed: Viscous Sludge <60% pH: 11.6▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Lithium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 800K Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5 Unstable purity: <60% Moderately exothermic H+ consuming Bleeding A powerful anticoagulant. All open bleeding wounds on the victim will open up and bleed much faster. Increases bleed flow by 0.5. Doesn't work unless the victim has a bleeding wound. Rate: 0.08u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% N/A Rotatium▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic Monomers <25% Failed: Viscous Sludge <60% pH: 6.2▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Fentanyl Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 3 to 9 Unstable purity: <60% Moderately endothermic H+ consuming Toxin After 20 cycles, causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion. Deals 0.5 toxin damage per tick. Was previously refinable into Skewium, but skewium was removed from tgstation Oct 2019 for causing client crashes. Rate: 0.24u/tick Unreacted purity: 75% Spewium▮ Poison Kit N/A Toxin After 11 ticks, has up to a 50% chance of causing strong vomiting while purging other toxins each tick. After 33 cycles, there is a 15% chance to eject an organ each tick if overdosing. Requires very high doses. 0.4 units per tick 29 Units Anacea▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <70% pH: 8▮ 1 part Haloperidol 1 part Impedrezene 1 part Radium Min temp: 100K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 6 to 9 Unstable purity: <70% Moderately exothermic H+ consuming Toxin and Purges Medicines Metabolizes very slowly and purges 5u medicines from the victim while dealing 0.15 toxin damage per tick. If the victim also has Pentetic Acid or Calomel, the purging is slowed down to 0.5u per tick. 0.032 units per tick N/A Fluorosulfuric acid▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 0▮ 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfuric Acid Temperature 380K Min temp: 380K Overheat: 800K Optimal pH: 0 to 2 Unstable purity: <50% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Corrosion A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Slowly melts equipment and clothes it touches. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 2 toxin and (current cycle / 15) burn in body. The burn damage scales with purity, with 100% of the burn damage being applied at 100% purity. "Acidpower" 42. 0.4 units per tick N/A Nitric acid▮ Impurity: Chemical Isomers Inverse: Toxic monomers <25% Failed: Viscous sludge <50% pH: 1.3▮ 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 480K Min temp: 480K Overheat: 900K Optimal pH: 0 to 4.1 Unstable purity: <50% Moderately endothermic H+ producing Corrosion A corrosive and dangerous substance. Instantly deals brute damage if added to or splashed on people. Deals 3 toxin and (volume / 10) burn in body. The burn damage scales with purity, with 100% of the burn damage being applied at 100% purity. "Acidpower" 5. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A Weed Killer▮ 4 parts Ammonia 1 part Toxin Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin Kills weeds and causes 1 toxin damage per tick to humans. 0.4 units per tick N/A Pest Killer▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin Kills pests in hydroponics trays. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 4 toxin damage to fly people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick. N/A Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water Min react temp: 100K Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 9 Min purity: 0.3 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming Toxin A potent herbicide. Causes 1 toxin damage to humans and 2 toxin damage to pod people, each tick. 0.4 units per tick N/A Hot Ice Slush▮ Grind Hot Ice. 50u per sheet. N/A Toxin Heats you up, deals 3 toxin damage and increases the plasma volume of xenos. Slowly purges epinephrine. Melts into 12 units of liquid form plasma if heated to 30°C (303.15 K). 0.4 units per tick N/A Unique Chemicals These reagents have either a bit more to their use or reaction - making them a bit of unique case Name Formula Reaction conditions Description Chemical properties Eigenstasium▮ Impurity: Eigenswap Failed: Bluespace Dust <40% pH: 3.7▮ 1 part Caramel 1 part Bluespace Dust 1 part Stable Plasma Min temp: 350K Overheat: 650K Optimal pH: 9 to 12 Unstable purity: <40% Extremely exothermic H+ producing A strange mixture formed from a controlled reaction of bluespace with plasma, that causes localised eigenstate fluxuations within the patient. If the purity of the reagent is over 90%, it will teleport the player to the creation location on consumption (ingestion only) Next, it will save the location you took the reagent, and create a blue eigenstate version of your character to signal where you will return to. When the reagent leaves a patients bloodstream, it will teleport the player back to the consumption location. Dying does not stop processing, you will still return to the consumption location even if dead. Overdosing causes the stability of your character to split - Teleporting you to a random location close to where you are every second and causing Disgust. Afterwards you will slowly become more and more unstable causing various effect. At the end of your symptoms, you get transposed with an alternate reality form of yourself... which can be a way to fix some debilitating traumas or addictions. These effects, up until transposition, can be reversed/held off by taking stabilising agent, bluespace dust or more eigenstasium. Spraying this on multiple lockers on the same tile (with an over 80% pure reagent) links the lockers together, creating eigenlockers. Eigenlocker are linked together, teleporting whatever enters them to the next locker in the sequence. You can link as many lockers as you like in a sequence, but you have to have all the lockers on top of each other when you link them. Lockers with a damaged link (i.e. all other lockers in the sequence are destroyed) can be reused in a sequence, but otherwise linked lockers can't be relinked. Rate: 0.4u/tick Unreacted purity: 50% OD: 15u Works on the dead Impure / Inverse / Failed Chemicals These chemicals can only be created from inoptimal reactions. Name Description Chemical properties Chemical Isomers▮ Impure reagent pH: 3▮ Impure chemical isomers made from inoptimal reactions. Causes mild liver damage Rate: 0.1u/tick Toxic monomers▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ This is the 'default' inverse reagent. Inverse reagents are created when a reagent's purity is below it's inverse threshold. The are created either during ingestion - which will then replace their associated reagent, or some can be created during the reaction process. This does 1 toxin damage per tick. Rate: 0.4u/tick Viscous sludge▮ Impurity: Water pH: 1.5▮ A off smelling sludge that's created when a reaction gets too impure. Rate: 0.4u/tick Insolvent medicinal precipitate▮ Impure reagent pH: 11▮ A viscous mess of various medicines. Will heal a damage type at random Rate: 1u/tick Addictions: medicine Helgrasp▮ Inverse reagent pH: 14▮ This rare and forbidden concoction is thought to bring you closer to the grasp of the Norse goddess Hel. Sends Hel's hands after whomever has the hubris to consume it. Will often cause the crew to start screaming about Heretics due to their visual similarity to the Hands of the Mansus. The hands will deal 5 burn damage, reduced by armor. Additionally, it will also deal 0.25 toxin damage per tick. Rate: 1u/tick Libitoil▮ Impure reagent pH: 13.5▮ Temporarily interferes a patient's ability to process alcohol, making them more susceptible to its effects. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Metabolic Inhibition Factor▮ Impure reagent pH: 1▮ This enzyme catalyzes crashes the conversion of nutritious food into healing peptides. Overdosing causes it to metabolize at 1.6u/tick, instead. Rate: 0.025u/tick OD: 10u Addictions: Weak medicine Lentslurri▮ Impure reagent pH: 3▮ A highly addicitive muscle relaxant that is made when Lenturi reactions go wrong, this will cause the patient to move slowly. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: medicine Ichiyuri▮ Impure reagent pH: 1.7▮ Prolonged exposure to this chemical can cause an overwhelming urge to itch oneself. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Aivime▮ Impure reagent pH: 3.1▮ This reagent is known to interfere with the eyesight of a patient. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Herignis▮ Inverse reagent pH: 0.8▮ This reagent causes a dramatic raise in a patient's body temperature. Specifically, chem temperature is raised by a number between 5 and 25, multiplied by the purity of the reagent. Body temperature is raised by this number, with an added 50%. Keep in mind that chemicals and the body return to a normal temperature over time, and this is accelerated the further from normal you are. Lastly, if applied through vapor, body temperature is raised by 1.5 times the volume that you are exposed to in that tick, and will add fire stacks following: exposed volume divided by 2, if you are on fire. Overdosing causes the liver to take roughly 2 damage per tick, and to heat both chemicals and the body even faster. Rate: 0.4u/tick OD: 25u Addictions: Weak medicine Super Melatonin▮ Inverse reagent pH: 12.5▮ Every tick, this has a 50% chance to cause you to yawn. After 10 cycles, causes you to fall asleep. When the reagent is no longer present in a body, the affected person will let out a hearty snore, as a subtle tell the effect is ending. Uniquely, a 25% boost to all healing from medicines in the patient while they are asleep is applied. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Works on the dead Coveroli▮ Inverse reagent pH: 3.82▮ This reagent is known to coat the inside of a patient's lungs, providing greater protection against hot or cold air. Specifically, the thresholds for the different levels of damage from both hot and cold air are multiplied by 1.5 times the purity of the reagent. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Technetium 99▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ A radioactive tracer agent that can improve a scanner's ability to detect internal organ damage, giving numerical health values of each organ. Also upgrades any health to advanced while it is present. This will deal 1 toxin damage every 10 seconds. Rate: 0.3u/tick Syrinifergus▮ Impure reagent pH: 2▮ This reagent reduces the purity of all non medicines within the patient, reducing their effects by 20%. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Works on the dead Monover▮ Inverse reagent pH: 0.5▮ A toxin treating reagent, that only is effective if it's the only reagent present in the patient. Heals 0 to 2 toxin/tick depending on its purity, however if there are any other reagents in the body other than monover it will deal 0.5 lung damage per tick instead. Rate: 0.4u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Nooartrium▮ Inverse reagent pH: 14▮ A reagent that is known to stimulate the heart in a dead patient, temporarily bringing back recently dead patients at great cost to their heart. When working on someone that's back from the dead, the metabolization rate is instead 0.2u/tick. While this reagent is within a patient it will keep them alive and damage their heart, but make them temporarily unable to die and enter crit. As they take more damage they move slower and attack slower, and if they get over 500 damage before the reagent is through them their heart will explode at the end. Overdosing blows up the heart of those affected if the reagent was used to bring them back from the dead. Requires a functional heart to work. Rate: 0.05u/tick OD: 20u Addictions: Strong medicine Works on the dead Cryogelidia▮ Inverse reagent pH: 14▮ Freezes the live or dead patient in a cryostasis ice block, putting them in stasis for a short period of time, and making them unable to be affected by damage except explosions that would gib them. Does 1 toxin damage every tick. Rate: 1u/tick Works on the dead Eigenswap▮ Impure reagent pH: 3.3▮ This reagent is known to swap the handedness of a patient, causing items held by the patient to swap between their left and right hands. Additionally deals 0.4 liver damage per tick. Rate: 0.1u/tick Ipecacide▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ An extremely gross substance that induces vomiting. It is produced when Lipolicide reactions are impure. Rate: 0.05u/tick Methanol▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ A light, colourless liquid with a distinct smell. Ingestion can lead to blindness. It is a byproduct of organisms processing impure Formaldehyde. Rate: 0.05u/tick Chloralax▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ An oily, colorless and slightly toxic liquid. It is produced when impure choral hydrate is broken down inside an organism. Rate: 0.05u/tick Rosenol▮ Impure reagent pH: 7▮ A strange, blue liquid that is produced during impure mindbreaker toxin reactions. Ingesting it will cause the user to do poetry. Can also be found in plums. Rate: 0.1u/tick Mannitoil▮ Impure reagent pH: 12.4▮ Gives the patient a temporary speech impediment which lasts until the reagent is removed from the patient. Rate: 0.1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Neruwhine▮ Inverse reagent pH: 13.4▮ Induces a temporary brain trauma in the patient by redirecting neuron activity. The trauma lasts as long as they have their reagent in their system. Rate: 0.025u/tick Addictions: medicine Corazargh▮ Inverse reagent pH: 13.5▮ Interferes with the body's natural pacemaker, forcing the patient to manually beat their heart. Every failure to beat the heart will remove 100 blood from them. 5 consecutive failures will result in immediate death. Rate: 1u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Works on the dead Prohol▮ Inverse reagent pH: 2▮ Promotes alcoholic substances within the patients body, making alcohols in a body more potent. Making it an effective reagent to spike someone's drink with! The longer it's in their system, the stronger the alcohol will become. This chemical does not show up on any form of reagent analysis when inside of a body, such as the reagent scan of a health analyzer. Rate: 0.05u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Oculater▮ Inverse reagent pH: 13▮ Temporarily blinds the patient while it's in their system. The odds of the blindness starting is 1 - creation purity every tick this is inside of someone. Blindness lasts until the chem has finished metabolizing. Because of how the odds work, lower purities of this chemical are better if you intend to blind someone, and this chemical will have no effect at 100% purity. Rate: 0.2u/tick Addictions: Weak medicine Tinacusiate▮ Impure reagent pH: 1▮ Makes the patient's hearing temporarily funky, making things they hear sound funny. Rate: 0.04u/tick Addictions: medicine Lavaland Chemicals Found primarily in Lavaland flora. Name Found in Type Description Metabolism Rate Entropic Polypnium▮ Mushroom Cap (Inocybe), from tall mushrooms Food 20% chance each tick to deal 4 ticks of breath loss, 2 brain damage (max 150), 3 toxin, 10 stamina and blurry eyes. Knocks you unconcious after 10 cycles. 0.4 units per tick Tinea Luxor▮ Mushroom Stem (Embershroom) Food Makes the consumer glow. 0.4 units per tick Vitrium Froth▮ Cactus Fruit (Fruiting Cactus), Mushroom Leaf (Porcini) Food 80% chance to heal 1 burn and 1 brute damage each tick. 0.4 units per tick Reagent Delivery There are different ways you can apply chemicals to a person or the environment. Delivery types There are 5 types of delivery, called ingest, inject, vapor, touch and patch. If you are not interested in the details, you can skip to Smoke vs Foam vs others. Ingest Ingesting reagents puts them into the stomach. The individual reagents in the stomach will then be digested over time, which slowly moves them to the bloodstream at a rate partly based on the amount of them in the stomach, and stomach type (race). Most reagents have no effect until they have been moved to the bloodstream where they start metabolising (an exception is milk). They can be ejected if the person vomits. Ingestion is used by pills, cigarettes, e-cigarettes and drinking/eating the reagent directly. Inhaling smoke counts as ingesting, with the difference that smoke bypasses the stomach and is added directly to the bloodstream. Probital works best when ingested. Inject On inject the reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream and starts metabolising. Reagents in blood can be filtered out using surgery. Used by syringes and IV-drips. Syriniver works best if injected. Vapor Vapor is used by (ranged) spray bottles and foam. A portion of the reagents will enter the bloodstream of the target, depending on the overall bio protection the target's clothing offers. Any MODsuit typically makes the target completely immune to getting it into their bloodstream, if the helmet is closed. But if the reagent has a "vapor" based component, that component will still affect the target, like Fluorosulfuric Acid. See more about foam below, with examples. Hercuri works best as vapor. Touch Touch is used by smoke and splashing. If the reagent has a "touch" based component, that component will affect the target (such as the instant heal part of Synthflesh), without being blocked by clothing. Nothing at all will enter the target's bloodstream, with the exception of smoke if the target has no internals on. Currently all "touch" components are also "patch" components. See more on smoke below, with examples. Patch Patch is used by patches and medical gels. The reagent enters the target's bloodstream entirely AND if the reagent has a "patch" based component, that component will affect the target. Currently all "patch" components are also "touch" components. Smoke vs foam vs others These are the major practical differences between pills, syringes, patches, cigarettes, smoke, foam, splash and spray. Pills Pills can be instantly ingested if used on yourself. It doesn't work if mouth is covered. Plasmamen will have trouble taking these. They hold up to 50u. Aren't added to bloodstream instantly. Syringes Syringes can inject into people even with their mouths covered, either by hand or with a syringe gun. It doesn't work on players wearing MODsuits or other pierce-immune clothing, unless you use a piercing syringe or manage to aim for an exposed part of their body. Golems are completely immune to syringes (even piercing syringes), but patches do work on them. A syringe holds between 10-60u, depending on type. Common syringes hold 15u. Patches Will add all reagents into a person's bloodstream through any clothing, including MODsuits. Also apply touch/patch based effects. Example: A patch of 20u Synthflesh will instantly heal 25 brute and burn (touch component), and also enter the target's bloodstream (which in this case does nothing). Usable by plasmamen. Can hold up to 40u. Cigarettes Can be dipped in reagents to be filled. If smoking/vaping, you will slowly ingest whatever reagents the cigarette/cigar/e-cig contains. Though, if the reagents are too diluted, they may not build up in your bloodstream fast enough to have any effect at all. E-cigarettes can be trimmed with a screwdriver and multitool to also create smoke. Smoke When a smoke reaction occurs, the smoke will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. People who enter the smoke will be touched by the reagents. If they do not have internals or a gas mask on, they will also ingest the reagents. The amount of smoke does not dilute the reagents. The reagents will be copied to every individual or tile (not walls, windows or doors) over the cloud's duration. Reagents that are special coded to affect floor/environment (such as blood, acid or Space Cleaner) will do so. Smoke will usually block sight. Smoke example 1: Smoke containing 20u Synthflesh. Everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing MODsuits, will slowly heal 25 brute and burn (and take toxin damage), if they stay in the smoke for its full duration (otherwise they will heal partially). Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the medicine, making it enter their bloodstream (which does nothing in this case). Smoke example: Smoke containing 20u Chlorine Trifluoride(CLF3). CLF3 has a touch component, so everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing MODsuit and internals, will catch on fire. It will also deal burn damage to the environment, since CLF3 is coded to do so. Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the CLF3 and thus, start heating up from the inside, effectively burning from both in and out at the same time. Foam When a foam reaction occurs, the foam will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. The foam will spread slower than smoke and is usually slippery. Reagents will be copied through the vapor type delivery to those affected over the duration of the foam, BUT the reagents will be heavily diluted depending on the amount of foaming reagent used. Any clothing will reduce how much of the reagents will enter a person's bloodstream. Furthermore, foam reagent bloodstream insertion is divided into several 'ticks'. A minimum amount of reagent is required per tick for it to enter a bloodstream. So if too little reagents are contained in the reaction, or too much foam is used, the foam will do nothing. These ticks are counted after dilution and protection from clothing. On the other hand, if you use very small amounts of foam, the reagents may instead multiply in the bloodstream to more than the original amount. MODsuits with helmets on will make people immune to getting reagents into their bloodstream through foam. Despite dilution, the foam will still copy remaining chems such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner to any tile it touches (but not walls, windows or doors). Foam will not block sight. Foam example 1: 250u foam containing 10u Cyanide will spread a blue foam that does nothing to those it touches. The poison is too diluted to work at all. Foam example 2: 20u foam containing 250u Fluorosulfuric Acid. A small area and everyone touched by the foam will have large amounts of acid slowly melting their clothing and the affected floor and items. Those who did not wear a MODsuit will also have a large amount of acid in their bloodstreams, depending on what they were wearing and how long they were in the foam. If they had internals on or not doesn't matter. Splashing Throwing a beaker or using Rightclick.png on something while holding it will splash its contents. The longer throw distance, the more the splash will spread out. A grenade will splash its content unless it also contains smoke or foam. Splashing only does touch delivery. This means most chemicals will do absolutely nothing when splashed. Reagents that have special properties to affect environment, such as Water, will do so where splashed (creates slippery tile). Reagents that have a touch component will apply that component only. Example: If you throw a beaker of 80u Synthflesh at someone, you will instantly heal them for 100 brute and burn (and deal up to 150 toxin damage), since Synthflesh is touch/patch based. It doesn't matter if the target uses MODsuit or internals in this case. This means throwing a beaker of poison at someone will do nothing at all. Splashing can apply chemicals such as Thermite to walls. Spraying Spraying reagents will apply them to environments (if they have any such effect), and will enter hit people's bloodstreams through the vapor delivery. This means clothing will protect from some/most/all of the reagents, depending on what they are wearing. Using a MODsuit with helmet on makes them immune to getting the reagent into their bloodstream. Reagents such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner will still cause their special effects when sprayed on people/environments, but will not enter the bloodstream if the target is wearing too heavy clothing. Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Drinks, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist. Tools of the Trade Chem Dispenser: If you were a marine, this would be your rifle. It dispenses the basic chemicals if a beaker is placed inside. Runs off battery charge which replenishes over time. Has several settings for dispensing chems (5 to 40 units). Chemistry Lab ChemMaster: This machine is used to precisely control the amount of chemicals in a beaker, creating bottles and pills. Once a beaker is placed in, you can move desired amounts of it's contents to "buffer" by clicking on buttons present next to the name of the chemical. Clicking again while they're in "buffer" will flush them down disposals, aka they're lost forever. This setting can be changed by the button located between the beaker and buffer contents, just click it once to change to "transfer to beaker." A pill bottle can be inserted into the machine to automatically hold created pills. You can insert and empty beaker into the chem master and click "create bottle" several times to get a bunch of 60u containers for free. You can make Phoron pills and dissolve them in your Phoron beaker as the quickest way of removing it from advanced chems. Chemical Storage: Chemical storage. It can hold beakers, bottles, pill bottles, pills, etc etc. Useful for not having your chems all over the floor, but people usually forget to check it when in need of something. Vendor: Holds restockable vials of key reagents, and syringes for faster chemical synthesizing. Beakers: Several empty beakers that can be used for various purposes, such as storing mixes for the cryo-cells. Grinder/Juicer: This is used to extract chemicals out of many things. For your uses, it'll be mostly pills and food. Most commonly used for grinding solid Phoron for your Clonexadone and Peridaxon needs. Boxes of pill bottles: Empty pill bottles to hold up to 16 pills per bottle. Dropper and 2 beakers of Cryoxadone Equipment Equipment Description Beakers and Bottles Most basic tool of your trade. Right-clicking one can change it's transfer amount per click. Pills can be dissolved in beakers that already contain something. If you "use" one while holding it in hand, you will put a lid on it, preventing you from splashing it's contents by clicking on the floor by mistake. They come in bottle/small beaker - 60u, large beaker - 120u, and bluespace beaker - 300u. Dropper Like beakers, can be right-clicked for transfer amount. Used for moving small amounts of chemicals between other containers. Syringe Has two modes switched by "using" it - draw and inject. Hold 15u max, draw 5u per click. Can be used to take blood samples and inject them into mass spectometers for analysis. Using it on harm intent will instantly inject a random amount of the chemical inside while dealing minor brute damage and destroying the syringe. Injecting someone else takes a short time of both standing motionless. Injector Default ones hold 15u max. Injectors with bigger capacity can be made at the medilathe in research. They can be filled at the centrifuge in research. Pre-loaded injectors cannot be filled with more than their initial amount, for example, a dexalin plus autoinjector can hold only 1u no matter how hard you try to refill it. Pill 60u max. Takes some time to use on someone, like the syringe. There's also a tiny delay between swallowing a pill and its contents entering your bloodstream, but it's too little to matter. Can be dissolved in a beaker already containing a solution. Pill Bottle Holds 16 pills max. Clicking on a tile with pills on it while holding the bottle will pick up all the pills scattered on it. Hypospray Holds 30 units, and comes pre-loaded with tricordrazine. Can be drained and refilled with a syringe or unloaded and loaded with vial. Instantly injects 5u doses. Syringe Case Holds three syringes/bottles/injectors. Labellers and Pens Labels can be put on most things you can click on. Only one label may be applied to an item. Activate the labeller without entering a label to remove them. Pens replace the name of a chem-master bottle, so instead of bottle (Peridaxon) you get a Peridaxon bottle. Chemical mixes Various common mixes of medical reagents are ordered by hospital corpsmen. All of these recipes assume that you are using a bluespace beaker. Mix Name Vendor and Chem Dispenser Chem Dispenser ImiAlky (10u, 5u) Also known as IA. Results in 160u of Imidazoline and 80u of Alkysine. Overdoses 30u for both reagents (3 pills). Used for healing brain damage and eye damage. Add 120u of Dylovene from the Chem Dispenser. Add 40u Chlorine, Add 40u Nitrogen, Add 80u Carbon, Add 80u Hydrogen Split into 16 pills. Restock the used bottles back on the Vendor once you are done. This can be done by dragging the bottles in one hand onto the Vendor. Add 40u Silicon, 40u Nitrogen, 40u Potassium to make 120u of Dylovene, Add 40u Chlorine, Add 40u Nitrogen, Add 80u Carbon, Add 80u Hydrogen Split into 16 pills. MeraBica (7.5u, 7.5u) Also known as MB. Results in 120u of Meralyne and 120u of Bicaridine. Overdoses on 15u of Meralyne and 30u of Bicaridine (2 and 3 pills respectively). Rapidly heals Brute damage. Add 160u Bicaridine, Add 40u Water, Add 40u Carbon Split into 16 pills. Restock the used bottles back on the Vendor once you are done. This can be done by dragging the bottles in one hand onto the Vendor. Add 160u Carbon, Add 40u Water, Add 30u Oxygen, Add 30u Sugar Remove 20u Bicaridine using the ChemMaster to have 120u of Bicaridine and 120u Meralyne. Split into 16 pills KeloDerm (7.5u, 7.5u) Also known as KD. Results in 120u of Kelotane and 120u of Dermaline. Overdoses on 30u of Kelotane and 15u of Dermaline (2 pills). Rapidly heals burn damage. Add 160u Kelotane, Add 40u Oxygen, Add 40u Phosphorus Split into 16 pills. Restock the used bottles back on the Vendor once you are done. This can be done by dragging the bottles in one hand onto the Vendor. Add 40u Carbon, Carbon, Silicon, Silicon, Oxygen, and Phosphorus. Split into 16 pills. TriBica (15u, 15u) Also known as TB. Results in 240u of Bicaridine and 240u of Tricordrazine. Overdoses at 30u for both reagents (2 pills). Heals brute damage at a moderate rate and also slowly heals burns and toxin damage. Add 60u of Inaprovaline, Add 120u Bicaridine, Add 60u of Dylovene Split into 8 pills. Add 60u of Inaprovaline, Add 120u Bicaridine, Add 60u of Dylovene Split into 8 pills. Restock the used bottles back on the Vendor once you are done. This can be done by dragging the bottles in one hand onto the Vendor. Add 40u Carbon, Sugar, Oxygen, Add 30u Carbon, Carbon, Add 20u Nitrogen, Potassium, Silicon Split into 8 pills. Add 40u Carbon, Sugar, Oxygen, Add 30u Carbon, Carbon, Add 20u Nitrogen, Potassium, Silicon Split into 8 pills. NitrogenWater (10u, 10u) More commonly referred to as NW. Helps deal with Tramadol overdoses by reacting with in the body to create Paracetamol, which has a higher overdose threshold of 60u compared to Tramadol's 30u. Tramadol overdose neutralizer. Does not fix toxin damage caused by the overdose. This medical reagent has no overdose threshold. It should however be noted that Tramadol and Paracetamol are toxic when mixed together. It is advised to double-check the patient for high levels of tramadol before using NW. N/A Add 40u of Nitrogen, Add 40u of Water Split into 4. Iron (15u) Also known as it's chemical name of Fe. Adding Sugar to the mixture does not help restore more blood. Sugar is nutritious to an extent (NTR 1) but not Hemogenic. Results in 240u of Iron. Overdoses at 30u. Hemogenic level 3 (HMG 3). Restores lost blood faster. N/A Add 240u of Iron Split into 16 pills. IronSugar (7.5u, 7.5u) Also known as IS. An objectively less effective version of just Iron. Results in 120u of Sugar and 120u of Iron. Overdoses at 30u due to the Iron being present in the reagent. N/A Add 120u of Iron, Add 120u of Sugar Split to 16. AriTricaDylo (5u, 5u, 5u) Also known as ATD. Results in 80u of Arithrazine, 80u of Dylovene, and 80u of Tricordrazine. Overdoses at 15u of Arithrazine, 30u of both Dylovene and Tricordrazine. (3 and 4 pills respectively). Potent Toxin damage healer. Add 180u Dylovene, Add 40u Phosperous, Add 40u Inaprovaline Remove 40u of Tricordrazine to make 80u of Arithrazine, 80u of Dylovene, and 80u of Tricordrazine Split into 16 pills. Add 55u Silicon, 55u Carbon, 55u Potasssium to make 165u of Dylovene, Add 40u Phosperous, Add 15u Oxygen, 15u Sugar, 15u Carbon to make 45u of Inaprovaline Remove 5u Dylovene and 5u Inaprovaline using the Chemaster to have 80u of Arithrazine, 80u of Dylovene, and 80u of Tricordrazine. Split into 16 pills. Dexalin Plus (7.5u) Also known as Dex+. Results in 120u of Dexalin Plus. Overdoses on 15u of Dexalin Plus. Dexalin Plus instantly removes any initial oxygen damage. Add 40u Dexalin, Add 40u Carbon, Add 40u Iron Split into 16 pills. Add 23u of Phoron (grind a bar up and use a dropper) Add 40u Oxygen, Oxygen, Add 40u Carbon, Iron To fill up a bottle of Dex+, split ONLY the 120u of Dex+ into 16 pills. Add 40u Oxygen, Oxygen, Add 40u Carbon, Iron Repeat the above step 3 more times. Description Bottle Tank UNGA UNGA is a mix of commonly used medicines combined into one substance: "UNGA juice". The final product should be pink once everything is mixed in. UNGA should only be bottled (60u), do not make UNGA pills. OD limits depend on the chemicals in contained in the UNGA juice. The OD limit for this version of UNGA will be 15u due to containing Dermaline. It is recommended to add all the medicines in the Bluespace beaker first, then remove certain amounts in the ChemMaster so that every chemical is 12u. This is used to make a full bottle (60u) containing equal proportions. Add 12u Tricordrazine, Add 12u Bicaridine, Add 12u Kelotane, Add 12u Dermaline, Add 12u Oxycodone, Add 12u Meralyne Add 160u Bicaridine, Add 40u Carbon, Add 40u Water, Add 60u Inaprovaline, Add 60u Dylovene, Add 160u Kelotane, Add 40u Oxygen, Add 40u Phosphorus, Add 120u Oxycodone Chemicals The amount of a certain chemical in a marine's blood decreases by its metabolism value every life tick. Life ticks happen once every 2 seconds. The "effect" column contains the chemical's effects per tick unless stated otherwise. The ratio column indicates how much of the chem you get when mixing. For example, a chem with a ratio of 4:4 takes 4 units of its component chemicals to make 4 units of the chemical itself. Chems marked with (CATALYST) are not expended during the reaction. The "OD" column for some chemicals has two numbers. The first is the threshold for the "normal" OD, the second is for critical OD. The next column "OD effects" contains the consequences of overdosing on this reagent. (C) indicates the effect of a critical overdose. Cocktails and drinks can be found here. Basic Most of these chemicals have little use outside of making more complex ones and can be acquired while on the Almayer from chemical dispensers or via other means. Name Effect Properties Acquiring Ratio Meta- bolism OD OD effects Water Gets things wet. Extinguishes fires. Explodes when mixed with potassium. N/A Chem dispenser, Coolers, Sinks. 2u Hydrogen 1u Oxygen 3:1 0,01 N/A N/A Ethanol Basic alcohol type. All other ones are a subtype of this. Gets you drunk. Can be used to remove ink from paper. ALH 4 FUL 3 OXI 3 FLW 2 Chem dispenser. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Oxygen Fire. N/A Chem dispenser. Tank in OT workshop. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Copper Green fire coloring N/A Chem dispenser. OT workshop has sheets. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Nitrogen N/A N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Hydrogen Explosives N/A Chem dispenser. OT workshop has a tank. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Potassium Explodes when mixed with water. N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Mercury Deals 7 brain damage per tick NRT 4 Chem dispenser. N/A 0,2 30 Deals 12 brain damage per tick Makes you jittery Makes you drowsy Sulfur N/A N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Carbon Chemfire modifier N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Chlorine Deals 1 brute and burn damage per tick BCD 1 Chem dispenser. N/A 0,2 30 50 Deals 2 brute and burn damage (C) Deals 4 brute and burn damage Fluorine Deals 1 toxin damage per tick TOX 1 Chem dispenser. N/A 0,2 30 50 Deals 2 toxin damage per tick (C) Deals 4 toxin damage per tick Sodium N/A N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Phosphorus Fire modifier N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Lithium Fire modifier Makes you less confused and sends messages in chat. OXI 1 PST 1 Chem dispenser. OT workshop has a beaker. N/A 0,01 30 50 Deals 1 brain damage per tick (C) Deals 4 brain damage per tick (C) Makes you hallucinate Nutriment Nutritious. Helps restore lost blood. NTR 1 Extracted from food. Kitchen. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Sugar Nutritious. Helps restore lost blood. NTR 1 Chem dispenser. Kitchen. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Iron Restores lost blood HMG 3 Chem dispenser. Grind metal sheets. N/A 0,2 30 50 Applies 6 toxin damage per tick (C) Makes you really hungry Gold N/A N/A OT workshop has bars. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Silver N/A N/A OT workshop has bars. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Uranium Deals 1 radiation damage per tick CRG 2 Grind sheets. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Aluminium N/A N/A Chem dispenser. OT workshop has sheets. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Silicon N/A N/A Chem dispenser. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Welding Fuel Fire modifier Deals 1 toxin damage per tick FUL 5 OXI 3 VIS 4 TOX 1 Tanks all over the place. N/A 0,2 30 50 Deals 2 toxin damage per tick (C) Deals 4 toxin damage per tick Phoron Fire modifier Deals 1 toxin damage per tick TOX 1 Grind bars from: OT workshop Medical Research Req can order more. N/A 0,1 N/A N/A Radium Deals 1 radiation damage per tick CRG 2 Chem dispenser. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Medical These chemicals are used for healing damage and generally keeping marines healthy. Some reagents that technically don't have a tangible gameplay effect but are in the medical chem code are included. (Mainly various antidepressants) Name Effect Properties Recipe Ratio Meta- bolism OD OD effects Inaprovaline Prevents gaining further oxygen damage from being in crit. CSL 3 Weylandmeds. 1u Oxygen 1u Carbon 1u Sugar 3:3 0,1 60 100 Knocks you out. Causes Jitter (C) Deals 0,5 heart damage per tick. (C) Sleeps you. Paracetamol Reduces pain. PNK 2 1u Tramadol 1u Nitrogen 1u Water 3:3 0,05 60 100 Makes you hallucinate. Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 3 liver damage per tick. (C) Deals 1 brain damage per tick. (C) Deals 3 oxygen damage per tick. Ryetalyn Fixes disabilities and disfigurements. AID 2 1u Arithrazine 1u Carbon 2:2 0,2 30 50 Makes you confused. Deals 1 toxin damage per tick. (C) Knocks you out. (C) Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 6 radiation damage per tick. Tramadol Reduces pain. PNK 5 Weylandmeds. 1u Inaprovaline 1u Ethanol 1u Oxygen 3:3 0,05 30 50 Makes you hallucinate. Deals 2.5 toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 7.5 liver damage per tick. (C) Deals 2.5 brain damage per tick. (C) Deals 3 oxygen damage per tick. Oxycodone Reduces pain. PNK 8 Weylandmeds. 1u Ethanol 1u Tramadol 1u Phoron (CATALYST) 2:1 0,1 20 30 Makes you hallucinate. Deals 4 toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 12 liver damage per tick. (C) Deals 4 brain damage per tick. (C) Deals 3 oxygen damage. Leporazine Attempts to stabilize your temperature. TSL 2 1u Silicon 1u Copper 5u Phoron (CATALYST) 2:2 0,2 30 50 Knocks you out. (C) Sleeps you. Kelotane Repairs 2 burn damage per tick. ACR 2 Weylandmeds. 1u Silicon 1u Carbon 2:2 0,2 30 50 Deals 2 brute and toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 8 brute and toxin damage per tick. Dermaline Repairs 3 burn damage per tick. ACR 3 1u Oxygen 1u Phosphorus 1u Kelotane 3:3 0,2 15 25 Deals 3 brute and toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 12 brute and toxin damage per tick. Meralyne Repairs 3 brute damage per tick. NGN 3 1u Carbon 1u Water 1u Bicaridine 3:3 0,2 15 25 Deals 3 burn damage per tick. (C) Deals 12 burn and 6 toxin damage per tick. Dexalin Repairs 4 oxygen damage. Removes 4u of lexorin per tick. OXG 4 Weylandmeds. Recipe: 2u Oxygen 0.1u Phoron 5u Phoron (CATALYST) 2,1:1 0,2 30 50 Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 4 brute damage per tick. (C) Deals 8 toxin damage per tick. Dexalin Plus Repairs all oxygen damage instantly. Removes 6u of lexorin per tick. OXG 6 1u Dexalin 1u Carbon 1u Iron 3:3 0,2 15 25 Deals 3 toxin damage per tick. (C) Deals 6 brute damage per tick. (C) Deals 12 toxin damage per tick. Tricordrazine Heals 0.5 brute damage. Heals 0.5 burn damage. Heals 0.5 toxin damage. Heals 0.5 oxygen damage. Removes 1u of all types of toxin. NGN 1 ACR 1 ATX 1 OXG 1 1u Inaprovaline 1u Dylovene 2:2 0,1 30 50 Deals 0.5 burn damage Deals 0.5 brute damage. Deals 0.25 toxin damage. Deals 0.5 Eye damage. (C) Deals 2.5 burn damage. (C) Deals 4 toxin damage. (C) Deals 2.5 brute damage. "(C)" Sleeps you Dylovene Heals 2 toxin damage. Removes 1u of toxin of any type. Removes 5u of mindbreaker toxin. Removes 5u of space drugs Reduces the potency of hallucinations and other drug-related effects. ATX 2 AHL 2 Weylandmeds. 1u Silicon 1u Potassium 1u Nitrogen 3:3 0,2 30 50 Deals 2 eye damage. Deals 2 toxin damage. (C) Sleeps you. (C) Deals 2 burn damage. (C) Deals 2 brute damage. (C) Deals 6 toxin damage. Thwei Heals 1,2 brute damage. Heals 1 toxin damage. Heals 1 organ damage. Removes 1u of toxin of any type. Heals all oxygen damage. Removes 6u of lexorin. Heals 6 radiation damage per tick. Repairs bones (splinted/unsplinted in minutes) Chest and groin: 3 / 7 Head: 1 / 5 Hands and feet: 0,5 / 0,5 Arms and legs: 0,5 / 1 Rapidly restores lost blood. (HUMAN ONLY) After blood is over maximum starts deals 9 brute, 9 burn, and 18 oxygen damage per tick. Fixes disabilities and disfigurements. Removes 5u of mindbreaker. Removes 5u of space drugs. Weakens drug-related effects. Removes 6u of ethanol and other alcohol. Fixes confusion, stuttering, temporary blindness, dizziness, jitteriness, and wakes you up. Fixes eye damage. Cures the zombie virus (black goo). Cures a certain other rare disease. XMB 1 ATX 1 HMG 9 OXG 6 ACG 6 BNM 6 AID 1 AHL 2 FCS 6 CUR 4 Preds have this. Pred crystals can be used on the industrial grinder to obtain this. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Neuraline Weakens stuns and knockdowns. Fixes stuttering, blurry vision, confusion, dizziness, jitteriness and drowsiness. NST 5 The CL can give out implants that inject this. N/A 0,4 2 3 Deals 10 toxin damage. (C) Deals 5 brute damage. (C) Deals 5 burn damage. (C) Deals 15 toxin damage. Arithrazine Heals 1 toxin damage. Removes 1u of any type of toxin. Deals 1 brute damage. ATX 1 BCD 1 1u Dylovene 1u Phosphorus 2:2 0,05 15 25 Deals 1 eye damage. Deals 2 brute damage. (C) Sleeps you. (C) Deals 4 brute damage. Russian Red Heals 1 toxin damage. Removes 1u of any type of toxin. Deals 2 brute damage. ATX 1 BCD 2 Radiation first aid kits. N/A 1 20 30 Deals 1 eye damage. Deals 4 brute damage. (C) Sleeps you. (C) Deals 8 brute damage. Alkysine Heals 6 brain damage. NRP 2 1u Chlorine 1u Nitrogen 1u Dylovene 3:2 0,05 30 50 Deals 2 toxin damage. (C) Deals 6 brain damage. (C) Stuns you. Imidazoline Heals 2 eye damage. Fixes blurry vision and blindness. OCP 2 1u Carbon 1u Hydrogen 1u Dylovene 3:2 0,2 30 50 Deals 4 toxin damage. (C) Deals 2 brute damage. (C) Deals 2 burn damage. (C) Deals 6 toxin damage. Deals 2 brain damage. Peridaxon Prevents you from suffering consequences of organ damage. Does NOT fix organs. OGS 4 Weylandmeds. Recipe: Weylandmeds. Recipe: 2u Bicaridine 2u Clonexadone 5u Phoron (CATALYST) 4:2 0,05 15 25 Deals 2 brute damage. (C) Deals 6 brute damage. (C) Deals 6 burn damage. (C) Deals 6 toxin damage. Bicaridine Heals 2 brute damage. NGN 2 Weylandmeds. Recipe: Weylandmeds. Recipe: 1u Inaprovaline 1u Carbon 2:2 0,1 30 50 Deals 1 burn damage. (C) Deals 4 burn damage. (C) Deals 2 toxin damage. Epinephrine MUST BE INJECTED. CANNOT TAKE IN PILLS. Increases defibrillator healing by 16 per damage type. Reduces pain. Makes you move faster. A small amount is consumed on each defib attempt. PNK 1,5 EGN 4 INV 1 1u Carbon 1u Nitrogen 1u Oxygen 3:2 0,4 10,5 20 (C) Deals 1 brute damage. Ultrazine Makes you much faster. Makes you addicted to it. MST 40 ADT 8 The Corporate Liaison might have some of these. N/A 0,0167 10,5 20 Deals 40 heart damage. Deals 8 brain damage. (C) Deals 40 brute damage. (C) Makes you nervous. Cryoxadone ONLY FUNCTIONS AT LOW TEMPERATURES. USE A CRYO TUBE. Heals 3 radiation damage. Heals 3 brute damage. Heals 3 burn damage. Heals 3 toxin damage. Heals 1 oxygen damage. CMB 2 NGN 1 ACR 1 ATX 1 ACG 1 1u Dexalin 1u Water 1u Oxygen 3:3 0,2 N/A N/A Clonexadone AS ABOVE Heals 6 radiation damage. Heals 6 brute damage. Heals 6 burn damage. Heals 6 toxin damage. CMB 6 NGN 3 ACR 3 ATX 3 ACG 3 1u Cryoxadone 1u Sodium 0,1u Phoron 5u Phoron (CATALYST) 2,1:2 0,2 N/A N/A Rezadone Heals 1 brute damage. Removes disabilities and disfigurements. Heals 2 radiation damage. Deals 2 toxin damage. NGN 1 AID 3 TOX 2 ACG 2 1u Carpotoxin 1u Cryptobiolin 1u Copper 3:3 0,2 30 50 Deals 1 burn damage. Makes you confused. Deals 11 toxin damage. (C) Knocks you out. (C) Deals 13 toxin damage. (C) Deals 9 radiation damage. (C) Deals 4 burn damage. (C) Deals 4 brute damage. Spaceacillin Cures mundane infections like the flu. UNK 1 1u Cryptobiolin 1u Inaprovaline 2:2 0,01 30 50 Deals 1 brute damage. (C) Deals 3 brute damage. (C) Deals 3 burn damage. (C) Deals 3 toxin damage. Ethylredoxrazine Removes confusion, drowsiness, stuttering, blurry vision, blindness, dizziness, and jitteriness. Removes 3u ethanol and other alcohols from the body. Reacts with ethanol to turn into water. FCS 3 1u Oxygen 1u Dylovene 1u Carbon 3:3 0,2 30 50 Deals 1 toxin damage. Deals 4 toxin damage. Methylphenidate Gives you messages about your mind becoming clearer. Removes confusion. PST 4 1u Mindbreaker Toxin 1u Hydrogen 2:3 0,01 N/A N/A Citalopram As above. PST 2 1u Mindbreaker Toxin 1u Carbon 2:3 0,01 N/A N/A Paroxetine As above. Makes you hallucinate. Makes you jittery. PST 6 HLG 6 1u Mindbreaker Toxin 1u Oxygen 1u Inaprovaline 3:3 0,01 N/A N/A Anti-Zed Prevents zombies from reviving. Cures the zombie virus. Cures all other diseases as well. CUR 2 Admin spawns during zombie events. N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Sterilizine Sterilizes surfaces. Since we don't actually need to do that, this has no use outside of RP. N/A 1u Ethanol 1u Dylovene 1u Chlorine 3:3 0,2 N/A N/A Soporific Puts you to sleep. Reduces pain. PNK 10 SDT 2 4u Sugar 1u Chloral Hydrate 5:5 0,1 30 50 Makes you hallucinate. Deals 10 toxin damage. (C) Deals 30 liver damage. (C) Deals 10 brain damage. (C) Deals 3 oxygen damage. Vaccine Prevents you from catching the virus this is a vaccine against. Cures the zombie virus. Prevents dead zombies from reviving. Cures all other diseases as well. CUR 4 Admin spawns. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Anti-Neurotoxin Note that technically, as far as the code is concerned, this is a subtype of xeno plasmas. Protects you from getting shot with any kind of neuro. NRS 1 1u Neurotoxin Plasma 1u Dylovene 2:1 0,4 30 50 Deals 1 liver damage. (C) Deals 2 brain damage. Lipozine Causes you to lose fat and makes you hungry KTG 4 1u Table Salt 1u Ethanol 1u Radium 3:3 0.05 30 50 Makes you even more hungry (C) Deals 4 toxin Damage Toxins and acids Most of these chemicals generally don't have much use outside of murder. Name Effect Properties Recipe Ratio Meta- bolism OD OD effects Generic Toxin Most other chemicals in this table are a subtype of this one. Deals 1 toxin damage every tick. TOX 1 Found in poison berries. N/A 0,1 N/A N/A Toxin Deals 1 toxin damage every tick. TOX 1 1u Paracetamol 1u Tramadol 2:2 1 N/A N/A Unstable Mutagen Deals 0,5 radiation damage per tick. CRG 1 1u Radium 1u Phosphorus 1u Chlorine 3:3 0,1 N/A N/A Lexorin Deals 16 oxygen damage. Deals 1 brute damage. HPX 8 BCD 1 1u Phoron 1u Hydrogen 1u Nitrogen 3:3 0,1 30 50 Deals 10 brute damage. Deals 8 toxin damage. Deals 40 oxygen damage. (C) Deals 44 brute damage. (C) Deals 16 toxin damage. Cyanide Deals 8 oxygen damage. Puts you to sleep after a while. HPX 4 SDT 1 Contained in poison apples. N/A 0,4 N/A N/A Mint Toxin Deals 1 toxin damage. TOX 1 Contained in mints. N/A 0,1 N/A N/A Carpotoxin Deals 2 toxin damage. TOX 2 Contained in carp meat. N/A 0,1 N/A N/A Chloral Hydrate Deals 1 toxin damage. Puts you to sleep. SDT 6 TOX 1 3u Chlorine 1u Ethanol 1u Water 0,1 15 25 Deals 2 toxin damage. Knocks you out. (C) Deals 4 toxin damage. (C) Deals 30 oxygen damage. Potassium Chloride Fire modifier. Deals 4 oxygen damage. Slows you. HPX 2 RLX 4 1u Salt 1u Potassium 2:2 0,2 30 Deals 2 brute damage. Deals 2 toxin damage. Deals 10 oxygen damage. Slows you down by a lot. Potassium Chlorophoride Slows you down. Deals 8 oxygen damage. Deals 2 toxin damage. RLX 8 HPX 4 TOX 2 1u Potassium Chloride 1u Phoron 1u Chloral Hydrate 3:4 0,2 20 Deals 4 brute damage. Deals 4 toxin damage. Deals 20 oxygen damage. Deals 4 toxin damage. Slows you down by a lot. Sulphuric Acid Has a chance to melt items when poured/sprayed on them. Worn headgear included. Deals 1 toxin damage. Deals 1 burn damage. TOX 1 CRS 3 OT workshop has a tank. Recipe: 2u Hydrogen 1u Sulphur 4u Oxygen 7:1 0,1 N/A N/A Polytrinic Acid As above, but a higher chance to melt. Deals 2 toxin damage. Deals 3 burn damage. CRS 3 TOX 2 1u Sulphuric Acid 1u Chlorine 1u Potassium 3:3 0,1 N/A N/A Formaldehyde Deals 1 toxin damage. Deals 0,5 radiation damage. Ingredient for explosives. TOX 1 CRG 1 1u Methane 1u Phoron 1u Oxygen PUT IN LAST! Silver beaker or 5u Silver (CATALYST) 3:3 0,1 N/A N/A Paraformaldehyde Deals 1 toxin damage. Ingredient for explosives. TOX 1 SLOWLY FORMS WHEN LOCKED INSIDE THE INDUSTRIAL FREEZER 1u Formaldehyde 1u Water OR 1u Formaldehyde 1u Frost Oil 2:1 0,1 N/A N/A Impedrezene Deals 3,5 brain damage. Slows you down. NRT 2 RLX 1 1u Mercury 1u Oxygen 1u Sugar 3:2 0,2 30 50 Deals 6 brain damage. Makes you sleepier. Slows you down by a lot. (C) Has a chance to knock you out. (C) Deals 1 oxygen damage. (C) Deals 0,75 heart damage. (C) Has a chance to knock you down. Drugs Reagents that get marines high. Name Effect Properties Recipe Ratio Meta- bolism OD OD effects Mindbreaker Toxin Literally LSD. Makes you hallucinate. Makes you high. Makes you jittery. HLG 8 1u Silicon 1u Hydrogen 1u Dylovene 3:3 0,1 30 50 Makes you hallucinate more. Makes you stumble around. (C) Deals 8 brain damage. (C) Knocks you out. Space Drugs Baby's first drug. Makes you high. HLG 2 1u Mercury 1u Sugar 1u Lithium 3:3 0,2 30 50 Makes you hallucinate. Makes you jittery. (C) Deals 2 brain damage. (C) Knocks you out. Psilocybin Makes you high. Makes you hallucinate. Makes you jittery. HLG 3 Certain mushrooms contain this. N/A 0,2 30 50 Makes you hallucinate more. Makes you stumble around. (C) Deals 3 brain damage. (C) Knocks you out. Nicotine N/A N/A Contained in cigarettes. N/A 0,2 N/A N/A Xeno blood and plasma Chemicals acquired from xenos. Name Effect Properties Recipe Ratio Meta- bolism OD OD effects Acidic Blood Deals 3 burn damage. CRS 3 All xenos except queen have this inside them. N/A N/A N/A N/A Dark Acidic Blood Deals 6 burn damage. CRS 6 Queen. N/A N/A N/A N/A Plasma Base type for all of the following. N/A N/A N/A 0,4 N/A N/A Pheromone Plasma Makes you high. Makes you hallucinate. Helps you with knockdowns, knockouts and stuns. Fixes stuttering, confusion, blurry vision, drowsiness, dizziness, and jitteriness. HLG 8 NST 6 Hivelord. Praetorian. Queen. N/A 0,4 30 Makes you stumble around. Makes you hallucinate more. Deals 12 toxin damage. (C) Deals 8 brain damage. (C) Knocks you out. (C) Deals 6 brute damage. (C) Deals 6 burn damage. (C) Deals 18 toxin damage. Chitin Plasma Prevents fractures. HDN 1 Defender. Queen. Crusher N/A 0,4 30 50 Slows you down. (C) Deals 3 brute damage. Catecholamine Plasma Applies pain. Makes you faster. PNG 2 MST 6 Warrior. Runner. Lurker. Ravager. Predalien. N/A 0,4 30 50 Increased pain. Deals 2 brute damage. Deals 6 heart damage. (C) Deals 10 brute damage. Egg Plasma Infects with a xeno larva. Makes more of itself by draining blood. HST 4 Eggs. Eggsac carrier. 1u Egg Plasma 10u Blood makes 2u Egg Plasma 0,4 80 100 Drains blood and replicates itself faster. (C) Makes you nervous. Neurotoxin Plasma Not to be confused with the drink. Deals 7 brain damage. Deals 1 toxin damage. Makes you high. Makes you hallucinate. Makes you jittery. NRT 4 TOX 1 HLG 6 Queen. Spitter. Sentinel. Boiler. Praetorian. 0,4 30 50 Deals 12 brain damage. Makes you stumble around. Makes you hallucinate more. Makes you more jittery. Makes you drowsy. Deals 2 toxin damage. (C) Knocks you out. (C) Deals 6 brain damage. (C) Applies the same effect as getting shot with neuro. (C) Deals 4 toxin damage. Purple Plasma Deals 2 brute damage. BCD 2 Drone. Hivelord. Burrower. Carrier. N/A 0,4 30 50 Deals 4 brute damage. (C) Deals 8 brute damage. Royal Plasma Makes you addicted to itself. Deals 4 brute damage. Makes you hallucinate. Makes you high. Makes you jittery. BCD 4 ADT 1 HLG 4 CIP 1 Queen. 1u Egg Plasma 1u Royal Blood N/A 0,4 30 50 Deals 1 brain damage. Deals 8 brute damage. Makes you stumble around. Makes you hallucinate more. Makes you more jittery (C) Deals 4 brain damage. (C) Knocks you out. (C) Deals 16 brute damage. (C) Makes you nervous. Other This contains reagents that don't neatly fit into other categories. Name Effect Properties Acquiring Ratio Meta- bolism OD OD effects Fertilizer Usable as fertilizer for plants. Deals 0,5 toxin damage. TOX 0,5 N/A N/A 0,1 N/A N/A Plant-B-Gone Kills xeno weeds. Kills normal weeds. Harms helpful plants in hydro trays too. Deals 1 toxin damage. TOX 2 1u Generic Toxin 1u Water 5:5 0,1 N/A N/A Smoke Creates smoke N/A 1u Phosphorus 1u Sugar 1u Potassium N/A N/A N/A N/A Flash Powder Creates a bright light that lasts for a while. N/A 1u Aluminium 1u Sulphur 1u Potassium N/A N/A N/A N/A Blood Spreads diseases if injected. Restores blood volume when injected into a human. Deals toxin damage if blood type is incorrect. (Just use O-) N/A Blood bags in medbay. Humans and monkeys. N/A N/A N/A N/A Plasticide Deals 1 toxin damage. Turns into plastic when mixed at a 20:10 ratio with Sulphuric Acid. TOX 1 N/A N/A 0,01 N/A N/A Serotrotium Makes you sneeze, blink and cough. ALG 2 N/A N/A 0,2 30 50 N/A Glycerol Used for making nitroglycerin. N/A 3u Corn Oil 1u Sulphuric Acid 4:1 0,01 N/A N/A Virus Food No pathology on CM. So this is entirely useless. Satiates you. NTR 2 1u Water 1u Milk 1u Oxygen 3:3 0,2 N/A N/A Thermite Fire modifier. Deals 2 burn damage. Can be applied to walls either directly or with a spray bottle and then ignited to melt through them. FUL 7 OXI 5 VIS 4 CRS 2 1u Aluminium 1u Iron 1u Oxygen 3:3 0,2 N/A N/A Space Cleaner Cleans objects when splashed/sprayed on them. Use a spray bottle filled with it to clean a dirty microwave. N/A 1u Ammonia 1u Water 1u Salt 3:2 0,2 30 50 Unless there's some snowflake code tucked away in a deep dark corner of CM, this has no effects on OD. Cryptobiolin Used for making spaceacillin. N/A 1u Potassium 1u Oxygen 1u Sugar 3:3 0,2 N/A N/A Fluorosurfactant Turns into foam when mixed with water at a 1:1 ratio. N/A 2u Fluorine 2u Carbon 1u Sulphuric Acid 5:5 0,2 N/A N/A Foaming Agent Creates metal foam when 1u is mixed with 1u polytrinic acid and 3u aluminium or 3u iron. N/A 1u Lithium 1u Hydrogen 2:1 0,2 N/A N/A Ammonia Used for explosives. N/A 3u Hydrogen 1u Nitrogen 4:3 0,2 N/A N/A Hexamine As above. N/A 3u Formaldehyde 2u Ammonia 5:3 0,2 N/A N/A Diethylamine Fertilizer. N/A 1u Ammonia 1u Ethanol 2:2 0,2 N/A N/A Black Goo Gives you the zombie virus. RAV 1 N/A N/A 100 N/A N/A Dinitroaniline A herbicide and pesticide mixture used in hydroponics Deals 1 toxin damage. TOX 1 1u Ammonia 1u Nitrogen 1u Sulphuric Acid 3:3 0.2 N/A N/A Explosives and flammable chems This contains reagents that can be used for making explosives. They may be duplicates of ones already present in one of the previous tables. Name Recipe Ratio Power Falloff Intensity Radius Duration Fire colour Water Chem dispenser, Coolers, Sinks. 2u Hydrogen 1u Oxygen 3:1 0 0 -3 0 0 N/A Oxygen Chem dispenser. Tank in OT workshop. N/A 0 0 0,75 -0,08 0 #58daff (light blue) Copper Chem dispenser. OT workshop has sheets. N/A 0 0 0 0 0 #78be5a (green) Hydrogen Chem dispenser. OT workshop has a tank. N/A 0,15 0 -0,5 0,2 -0,5 #b6f8ff (super light blue) Carbon Chem dispenser. N/A 0 0 0 0 1 #ffd700 (gold) Phosphorus Chem dispenser. N/A 0 0 1 -0,12 0,1 #ffdba4 Lithium Chem dispenser. OT workshop has a beaker. N/A 0 0 0,35 -0,01 -0,1 #ff356f (dark pink) Thermite 1u Aluminium 1u Iron 1u Oxygen 3:3 0,5 1 0,3 -0,08 0,9 #ffb300 (orange) Welding Fuel Tanks all over the place. N/A 0,12 -0,1 0,1 -0,08 0,7 #ff9900 (orange) Hexamine 3u Formaldehyde 2u Ammonia 5:2 0 0 0 0 0,5 #ff9900 (as above) Napalm Needs to have an amount of Water equal to OVER half of the total amount of napalm that will be in the container after mixing. After mixing the water may be safely removed. 1u Phoron 1u Aluminium 1u Sulphuric Acid 3:1 0 0 0,45 0,06 0,75 #D05006 (dark orange) CLF3 (Chlorine Trifluoride ) Needs to have an amount of Water equal to OVER half of the total amount of chlorine trifluoride that will be in the container after mixing. After mixing the water may be safely removed. 1u Chlorine 3u Fluorine 4:1 0 0 1,6 -0,08 -0,8 #ff9300 (orange) Methane 4u Hydrogen 1u Carbon 5:1 0,15 0 -0,35 0,095 0,25 #00a5ff (blue) Ammonium Nitrate 1u Ammonia 1u Polytrinic Acid 2:2 0,4 1,5 0,5 0 -0,2 #ff9900 (orange) Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Mix this in batches of 60 at most. So add 30 welding fuel per pour. NOT MORE. 1u welding fuel 2u Ammonium Nitrate 3:2 1 -0,6 0 0 0 N/A Nitroglycerin Mix this in batches of 5u at most. 1u Glycerol 1u Polytrinic Acid 1u Sulphuric Acid 3:2 1 -0,5 0 0 0 N/A Cyclonite 1u Hexamine 1u Polytrinic Acid 2:2 1,5 -0,4 0 0 0 N/A Octogen 1u Paraformaldehyde 1u Hexamine 1u Ammonium Nitrate 1u Polytrinic Acid 4:2 2 -0,2 0,4 -0,02 -0,2 Orange Potassium Hydroxide Explodes INSTANTLY and can't be stabilized. Don't use this. It's garbage. 1u Water 1u Potassium 2:1 0,5 0 0 0 0 N/A Phoron Grind bars from: OT workshop Medical Research Req can order more. N/A 0 0 0,4 0,05 -0,8 #e01e1e (red) Potassium Chloride 1u Salt 1u Potassium 2:2 0 0 0,1 0 0 #800080 (purple) Table Salt 1u Sodium 1u Chlorine 1:1 0 0 0,1 0 0 #ffff00 (yellow) Ethanol and subtypes. Chem dispenser. 9:1 0 0 0,2 0,1 0,2 #6897f7 (blue) "I wish you could understand what we're trying to do here. The potential for this species goes way beyond urban pacification. New alloys, new vaccines. Nothing like this we've ever seen on any world before." ―Dr. Wren, Alien Resurrection Contents 1 Role 2 Chemical Research: Pharmacology 2.1 Researching Chemicals 2.1.1 Research Machines Chemical Naming Conventions 2.2 Properties 2.2.1 Positive 2.2.2 Neutral 2.2.3 Negative 2.2.4 Special 2.2.5 Property Combinations 2.2.6 Hints 2.3 Chemical Distribution 3 Alien Research: Xenology 3.1 Xenology Blood Research 3.1.1 Xeno Blood properties: 3.2 Xenology Body and Live Specimen Study 3.2.1 Materials 3.2.2 Let's Start Making Xenos 4 Dropship Upgrade 5 Hydroponics Research 5.1 Your Skillset 6 Additional User made information Role As the Medical Researcher it is your job to research and develop new technologies in the science lab and study anything xenobiological. The nature of the Researcher means the role is very open-ended, and can be played in several ways. Ultimately, your job is to focused around analyzing chemicals, alien blood/liquids, storing alien corpses. Synthesizing experimental drugs and creating prototype explosive grenades. Furthermore you are fully qualified to assist the Medical staff with surgeries, should Medbay be overwhelmed in triage. Chemical Research: Pharmacology Research has its own chemistry lab that can be used to help out medical by pumping out useful healing chemicals. It is also possible to mix chemicals together to get multiple benefits; however, be aware that there are certain chemicals which will cause more harm if they are used together. Consult the chemistry guide for more details. Researching Chemicals As a medical researcher on-board the USS Almayer you're tasked with creating new medications that might be useful to the marines. But what can you do that the silly doctor in chemistry downstairs can not? Discovering completely new medications of course! Every round there will be new chemicals for you to discover. You'll even start with a note in your old lab coat pocket to get you started. Researching a new chemical requires two important tasks to be completed: discovering the recipe and the properties of the chemical. The latter requiring either thorough testing or sufficient data clearance. So what are you waiting for? It is time to do SCIENCE! A lot of your work will require a resource called Research Credits. These can currently be earned by identifying new chemicals, including xenomorph blood, or by gaining 5 points every 10 minutes. The Company has provided your laboratory with an Advanced X-Ray Fluorescence Scanner to help you identify chemicals. On your journey, you will be expected to use this and analyze research samples received from colonies. If you identify a valuable chemical, The Company's interest in your lab will increase. They might even pay USCM High Command. Research Machines Picture Name Explanation XRF.png Advanced X-Ray Fluorescence Scanner The A-XRF is an advanced spectrometer that can not only detect what a sample is, but also its chemical composition. It does this by nuking the sample with high energy radiation and detecting the emitted fluorescent x-ray patterns. By comparing this to the database it can identify the unique pattern of a sampled chemical, and the combination of chemicals that make the pattern possible. Although there might be chemicals which composition can't be fully identified. This means that you must acquire a sample of the unknown chemical first, and scan it with the XRF. Whenever the XRF scans something unknown, it will save that chemical's emission pattern to its database. Successfully identifying a chemical increases Company interests." Samples are inserted using a vial filled with a pure chemical sample. After scanning, the XRF searches its database for any available information on the identified chemical. It is not actually able to figure out the properties of the chemical, that will require testing. While the A-XRF can read data from the Company's private chemical database, your clearance level is limited and some information may be classified. Use the Research Data Terminal to purchase higher clearance or get a clearance grant by a corporate official. Chemical Centrifuge.png Chemical Centrifuge The centrifuge is a research machine meant to assist working with the A-XRF and vial management. By using centrifugal forces it can separate chemicals from a beaker into a set of vials. To operate, insert any beaker with a mixture of chemicals and a vial box containing any amount of vials. The centrifuge will try to fill the vials with different chemicals from the beaker best possible. It will also label pure vials for you. Additionally the centrifuge also accepts autoinjectors. To do this, load empty autoinjectors into a vial storage box and insert the box into the centrifuge. The centrifuge will recharge the autoinjectors. The centrifuge operates under the following logic: Cycles through reagents in the input beaker starting from the top. Will fill pure vials containing the same reagent or an empty one. Purity of vials is first priority for the purpose of operating the A-XRF. Will not fill multiple vials with the same reagent. Unless the beaker only has a single reagent, then it will try to fill all as much as possible. This is useful for when filling autoinjectors. Will not transfer reagents from the input beaker if it is within an impure vial inside the box. Use this feature to make impure vials act as filters. Turingdispenser.png Turing Dispenser This advanced dispenser is only available to researchers and allows for a level of automation in chem production. While it is relatively complicated to use, it can become a powerful tool in the right hands. Use it to automate the production of advanced research chemicals or complicated drug mixes. The Turing Dispenser operates by following a set of instructions for what it should be dispensing. These instructions are provided by inserting a vial box, with the vial containing the amount of the chemical you want to dispense. The dispenser reads the vials in order from left to right. The dispenser will run until either: the output beaker is full, all program cycles has finished or a setting is changed while running. Unlike the normal dispenser, the Turing Dispenser can directly dispense a wider range of chemicals. It can dispense any chemical the normal dispenser can with the exception of ethanol. In addition to any chemical available from the medical vendor with the exception of oxycodone. It can also directly dispense simple chemical compositions such as Sodium Chloride, Methane and Ammonia. Any other chemical requires the use of the Smartlink to be dispensed. Programs The Turing Dispenser has two programs: Box and Memory. The Box Program is the currently inserted vial box, while The Memory Program is a Box Program that has been saved to the dispenser’s internal memory. The dispenser can run with just one of either program, or with both; in which case the Memory is run before the Box. This allows up to 12 dispensing steps to be configured (as each box can hold 6 vials). Settings Program Multiplier: Multiplies the amount of the reagent that’s dispensed on each step. For example, a step with 20 water and a 3x multiplier will dispense 60 units of water. Program Cycles: How many times the full cycle of programs will be run before the dispenser goes to sleep. Autorun: If ON, then the dispenser will run the program automatically when both a vial box and a beaker is inserted. Smartlink: If ON, then the dispenser will check the nearby Smartfridge for the required chemicals before spending energy to dispense it. Additionally, this allows the dispenser to dispense exotic chemicals stored in the Smartfridge, making any recipe possible. If the required chemical can not be found and can not be dispensed using energy, then the dispenser will pause the program until the chemical is stored in the Smartfridge. Once available, the program will continue automatically. (Beware that, the dispenser will read the Smartfridge from top to bottom and use any beaker or bottle it finds containing the required chemical, even if that container is contaminated. This theoretically allows for more than 12 different chemicals to be dispensed in a cycle.) Researchterminal.png Research Data Terminal This terminal found inside the research study allows control of all research assets. It contains the database for all saved research documents, such as A-XRF scans and Synthesis reports. You can read the documents directly from the terminal, or print a copy. Additionally, the current status of research credits can be checked, and used for various functions. Any document can be added to the database by clicking it with a paper in hand. Purchase Clearance Upgrades the current clearance access by one level. Increasing the clearance level this way costs more the higher your clearance. Colony CLs can increase clearance for free, Up to a certain level. It also gives you one free research chemical each time you buy clearance to help you with your studies. Publish The CMO's data terminal has the special function of publishing documents. This allows anyone with a HealthMate HUD to view the document remotely. Any paper scanned in the research terminal can be published in this way, even handwritten ones. It is thus a useful method for the CMO to provide precise information to medics on new chemicals that are being distributed in the field, or any other useful documentation. Be sure to ask your CMO to publish your hard work, and for him to announce over medical comms that a new paper has been published. SynthesisSimulator.png Synthesis Simulator This computer uses advanced algorithms to perform simulations of reagent properties, for the purpose of calculating the synthesis required to make a new variant. It needs a complete data sheet from an A-XRF scan to function, meaning that all components and properties of the chemical must be known. All simulations requires research credits. Any time you modify a chemical property of a reagent, Its OD threshold will decrease. Mixing a chemical with another variant of itself will cause it to react back into its original form. Amplify This function increases the level of the selected property by one. The credit cost increases based on the level of the property. Suppress This function is the opposite of Amplify, meaning the level of the property is decreased. The credit cost for this function is always 2. Relate The relate function makes it possible to change the actual properties of the chemical. To do this, an A-XRF analysis of a reference chemical must also be inserted. The target and reference property must be of the exact same level for relation to be possible, and the target must have more than one property. The credit cost is equal to the level of the targeted property. Chemical Naming Conventions When a chemical property is changed, the simulator will automatically label the chemical with a code telling you about the changes. The codes are three letter combinations followed by a number signifying the new level of the property. Properties This is a list of all chemical properties and their effects. They are sorted in the same categories as in the code. is the level of the property. The DISABLED rarity means this property can't appear in randomly generated chems. The same goes for ADMIN, with the addition that very few non event exclusive reagents have properties with this rarity level. All effects are applied once per life tick. Life ticks happen once every two seconds. The Touch column indicates what this chemical will do when inhaled/sprayed upon a human or xenomorph. Positive Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD Touch ATX Antitoxic COMMON Heals toxin damage. Accelerates removal of toxin subtypes. Deals eye damage. Makes you sleepy. N/A ACR Anticorrosive COMMON Heals burn damage. Deals brute damage. Deals toxin damage. Deals 4* brute damage. Deals 4* toxin damage. N/A NGN Neogenetic COMMON Heals brute damage. Deals burn damage. Deals 4* burn damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. At 5 or above, heals xenos. REP Repairing UNCOMMON ONLY FOR CYBERNETIC LIMBS/ORGANS Heals 2* brute damage. Heals 2* burn damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 4* toxin damage. Repairs cybernetic limbs on touch, also works on synthetics. HMG Hemogenic COMMON Restores blood. POTENCY OVER 3 If blood amount goes over the maximum amount in a human: Deals brute damage. Deals 2* oxygen damage. Slows you. Deals 2* toxin damage. Removes 5* nutrition. N/A NEU Neutralizing UNCOMMON Deals 0.5* brute damage. Deals 2* brute damage. Deals liver damage. Extinguishes fire and acid from mobs and tiles. Drains plasma from xenos. DSR Disrupting UNCOMMON N/A Deals brain damage. Knocks you out. Severs the hivemind connection, makes them unable to talk in the hivemind. NST Nervestimulating RARE Knockout duration reduced by . Knockdown duration reduced by . Stun duration reduced by 1.5* IF POTENCY>2. Reduces the duration of all following effects by 2* Stuttering Confusion Blurry vision Drowsyness Dizziness Jitteriness Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals brute damage. Deals burn damage. Deals 3* toxin damage. IF POTENCY>7, works on touch. MST Musclestimulating RARE Reduces movement delay by 0.25* Makes you twitch, shiver and blink rapidly. Deals heart damage. Deals brute damage. Works on touch for humans and xenos, granting speed and stamina respectively. PNK Painkilling COMMON Reduces pain by 20*. Reduces pain by 20*. Makes you hallucinate. Deals toxin damage. Deals 3* liver damage. Deals brain damage. Deals 3 oxygen damage. N/A HPP Hematopeutic UNCOMMON Heals 0.5* liver damage. Deals 2* liver damage. Deals 5* toxin damage. N/A NPP Nephropeutic UNCOMMON Heals 0.5* kidney damage. Deals 2* kidney damage. Deals 5* toxin damage. N/A PNP Pneumopeutic UNCOMMON Heals 0.5* lung damage. Deals 2* lung damage. Deals 5* oxygen damage. N/A OCP Oculopeutic COMMON Heals eye damage. Reduces the remaining duration of blurry vision and blindness by 5*. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals brute damage. Deals burn damage. Deals 3* toxin damage. Deals brain damage. N/A CDP Cardiopeutic UNCOMMON Heals 0.5* heart damage. Deals 2* oxygen damage. Applies a lot of pain. N/A NRP Neuropeutic COMMON Heals 3* brain damage. Deals toxin damage. Deals 3* brain damage. Stuns you. N/A BNM Bonemending UNCOMMON Mends broken bones one by one. The chest and groin take the longest, then head, then arms and legs, hands and feet are the fastest. Deals 2* brute damage. Breaks limbs randomly. N/A FLX Fluxing UNCOMMON With a 10*% chance: Removes shrapnel and implants. Also deals 2* burn damage to prosthetic limbs. Deals 2* brute damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 4* brute damage. Deals 4* toxin damage. N/A NRC Neurocrygenic UNCOMMON Stuns and knocks you out. ONLY ON CORPSES Increases the defib timer by 5 seconds *. Reduces body temperature by 5*. Deals 5* brain damage. Slows humans and xenos on touch. CRL Crystallization UNCOMMON Deals 0.5* brute damage and liver damage. Used for custom dropship matrices to increase the camera view by , otherwise decreases the camera view if is < 2. N/A N/A N/A PTS Photosensitive UNCOMMON Deals brain damage. Used for custom dropship matrices to upgrade the camera view with night vision, quality dependant by . N/A N/A N/A APS Antiparasitic UNCOMMON Decreases the larva stage counter by Deals 0,2* burn damage. When the larva gets regressed to stage 0: Removes the larva from the host. Deals between 20 and 40 burn damage to the host. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 4* toxin damage. N/A OGS Organstabilize COMMON Prevents the effects of organ damage. Does not actually repair the organs. Deals brute damage. Deals brute damage. Deals burn damage. Deals toxin damage. N/A EGN Electrogenetic COMMON CANNOT BE INGESTED Use a syringe or injector. Increases defibrillator healing by 4* brute, burn and toxin damage. N/A N/A N/A DFB Defibrillating RARE DEAD ONLY Removes oxygen damage. Tries to defib the body. Combine this with inaprov, painkillers and something that will heal the marine when he is revived. Deals 2* oxygen damage. Applies pain. Deals heart damage. Works on touch, heals when > 7. HDN Hyperdensificating RARE Prevents bone fractures. Slows you. Deals 3* brute damage. N/A NRS Neuroshielding RARE Applies the neurotoxin resistance effect. (Yes, this includes queen neurotoxin even at potency 1) Deals liver damage. Deals 2* brain damage. N/A AAD Antiaddictive RARE POTENCY>4 Cures all addictions. Otherwise: Reduces withdrawal and addiction progression by 2* When the addiction progression gets below the potency value, cures the addiction. Deals 2* brain damage. Makes you hallucinate. N/A TRF Transformative RARE IRRITANT Converts 0.75 * brute and 0.75 * burn damage to 0.15 * toxin damage. Causes 0.375 * toxin damage Causes 1.125 * toxin damage N/A FUL Fueling COMMON -0,1* fire intensity mod. 0,2* fire duration mod. 0,01* fire radius mod. N/A N/A Increases the fire stacks of the mob on touch. OXI Oxidizing COMMON 0,2* fire intensity mod. -0,1* fire duration mod. -0,01* fire radius mod. N/A N/A Increases the fire stacks of the mob on touch and ignites xenos and humans at POTENCY≥9 FLW Flowing COMMON -0,05* fire intensity mod. -0,05* fire duration mod. 0,05* fire radius mod. N/A N/A N/A EXP Explosive COMMON explosion power mod. -3/ explosion falloff mod. Explodes if amount mixed is higher than OD level N/A N/A CSL Cardiostabilizing DISABLED Slightly reduces pain. Prevents you from taking oxygen damage due to crit. Knocks you out. Sleeps you. Deals 0.5 heart damage. Can heal xenos out of critical damage with a great enough and volume. Reduces critical damage stun duration. AID Aiding DISABLED Removes disabilities and disfigurements. Confuses you. Deals toxin damage. Knocks you out. Deals toxin damage. Deals 3* radiation damage. N/A OXG Oxygenating DISABLED Heals oxygen damage. Removes lexorin units. Deals 0.5* toxin damage. Deals brute damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. N/A ACG Anticarcinogenic DISABLED Heals radiation damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 2* brute damage. N/A Neutral Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD CMB Cryometabolizing COMMON REAGENT DOES NOT WORK AT TEMPERATURES ABOVE 170K Boosts the effect of all other properties in the reagent by 0,5* levels. N/A N/A TMB Thanatometabolizing RARE REAGENT ONLY WORKS ON CORPSES Reagent now works on corpses. Caps the effectiveness of all other properties. N/A N/A EXT Excreting UNCOMMON Rapidly removes all other reagents from the marine's body. N/A N/A NTR Nutritious COMMON Makes you less hungry. N/A N/A KTG Ketogenic COMMON Removes units of ethanol and all it's subtypes. Makes you hungry. Makes you more hungry. Deals toxin damage. Knocks you out. NIH Neuroinhibiting UNCOMMON Is prevented by neuroshielding. Applies near-sightedness. If potency is over 1, applies blindness. If potency is over 2, applies deafness. If potency is over 3, applies muteness. Deals brain damage. Makes you nervous. Deals 2* brain damage. AOL Alcoholic COMMON Is prevented by neuroshielding Makes you drunk. Confusion, sleepyness, etc. All chems that have this are subtypes of ethanol, which also has snowflake code for this. Therefore the effect is way stronger than it should be. Deals 0,5* toxin damage. Makes you more drunk. Deals 0,5* liver damage. HLG Hallucinogenic COMMON Makes you high. If potency > 2 Makes you hallucinate. Makes you jittery. Increases the potency of the previous effects. Makes you stumble around. Deals brain damage. Knocks you out. RLX Relaxing COMMON Makes you slower by . Makes you slower by 2*. Has a 15*% chance to knock you out. Deals oxygen damage. Deals 0,75* heart damage. HPR Hyperthermic COMMON Increases body temperature by 2*. If potency>2: applies pain. Increases body temperature by 4*. Applies pain. Knocks you out. HPO Hypothermic UNCOMMON Decreases body temperature by 2*. Decreases body temperature by 4*. Knocks you out. BLD Balding UNCOMMON Liquid baldness. Deals 0,5* radiation damage. Deals radiation damage. FLF Fluffing UNCOMMON More hair. 5*% chance of taking brute damage. Deals brain damage. ALG Allergenic UNCOMMON Makes you sneeze, blink and cough. N/A N/A EPH Euphoric UNCOMMON Reduces pain. Makes you giggle, laugh, smile, etc. 5*% chance to *collapse Deals 3* oxygen damage. EME Emetic UNCOMMON *% chance of vomiting. Deals 0,5* toxin damage. Deals 0,5* toxin damage. PST Psychostimulating COMMON Gives you messages about feeling more focused. Reduces confusion. Deals brain damage. Makes you hallucinate. Deals 4* brain damage. AHL Antihallucinogenic COMMON Removes 5 units of space drugs and mindbreaker toxin. Reduces remaining duration of hallucinations by 10*. Deals toxin damage. Deals brute damage. Deals burn damage. Deals 3* toxin damage. OMB Hypometabolic UNCOMMON Sets the reagent's metabolism to /(1+0,35*) N/A N/A SDT Sedative COMMON Puts you to sleep. Knocks you out. Deals 5* oxygen damage. HTR Hyperthrottling RARE Slows you by 4*. Makes you high. Lets you speak every language. Deals 3* brain damage. Knocks you out. VIS Viscous COMMON -0,025* fire radius modifier. N/A N/A TSL Thermostabilizing DISABLED Tries to get your temperature to 310K. Knocks you out. Puts you to sleep. FCS Focusing COMMON Removes units of ethanol and various subtypes. Reduces stuttering, confusion, sleepyness, etc. Deals 1 toxin damage. Deals 4 toxin damage. UNK Unknown DISABLED Used for chems that have weird special snowflake coded effects to give them OD effects. Deals brute damage. Deals 3* brute damage. Deals 3* burn damage. Deals 3* toxin damage. Negative Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD Touch HPX Hypoxemic COMMON Deals 2* oxygen damage. Deals brute damage. Deals toxin damage. Deals 5* oxygen damage. Deals 5* brute damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. N/A TOX Toxic COMMON Deals toxin damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 4* toxin damage. Damages xeno weeds. If inhaled by a human - while not wearing a gas mask - deals toxin damage. CRS Corrosive COMMON Deals burn damage. Deals 2* burn damage. Deals 4* burn damage. When potency is above 7, it can apply toxin buildup on xenos, negating their armour. If inhaled or sprayed upon a person, it will melt headgear and gives burn damage if there's nothing on your head, melts items on the floor. BCD Biocidic COMMON Deals brute damage. Deals 2* brute damage. Deals 4* brute damage. N/A INV Intravenous COMMON Chemical only works if administered through injections - such as syringes and autoinjectors. N/A N/A N/A PNG Paining UNCOMMON Applies 0,5* pain. Applies pain. Deals brute damage. Deals 2* brute damage. N/A HML Hemolytic UNCOMMON Removes 4* units of blood. Removes 8* units of blood. Sleeps you. Increases move delay by . Deals 4*% oxygen damage. N/A HMR Hemmorrhaging UNCOMMON 5* chance: Causes bleeding in a random limb. Causes internal bleeding in a random limb. Makes you cough up blood. Deals 0,5* damage to a random organ. 20*% chance: Causes bleeding in a random limb. Causes internal bleeding in a random limb. Prevents xeno health regeneration. Deals 0.25* damage over time to humans, can cause Internal Bleeding. CRG Carcinogenic COMMON Deals 0,5* radiation damage. Deals 2* radiation damage. Deals 2* brute damage. N/A HPT Hepatotoxic UNCOMMON Deals 0,75* liver damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 5* toxin damage. N/A NPT Nephrotoxic UNCOMMON Deals 0,75* kidney damage. Deals 2* toxin damage. Deals 5* toxin damage. N/A PNT Pneumotoxic UNCOMMON Deals 0,75* lung damage. Deals 2* oxygen damage. Deals 5* oxygen damage. N/A OCT Oculotoxic UNCOMMON Deals 0,75* eye damage. Inflicts blindness. Deals 0,5* brain damage. N/A CDT Cardiotoxic COMMON Deals 0,75* heart damage. Deals 2* oxygen damage. Deals 5* oxygen damage. N/A NRT Neurotoxic COMMON Deals 1,75* brain damage. Deals 3* brain damage. Slowly inficts drowsyness. 15*% chance to apply neuro. Dazes humans when sprayed or inhaled. EMB Hypermetabolic UNCOMMON Changes the chem's metabolism according to the following formula: *(1+0,25*) N/A N/A N/A ADT Addictive RARE Makes you addicted to the chem. Addictions cause hallucinations, slows, stuns, organ damage and take HOURS to go away. Deals brain damage. Inflicts nervousness. N/A HST Hemositic DISABLED Consumes 5* blood. Increases the chem's amount by 1. Consumes 10* blood. Increases the chem's amount by 2*. Inflicts nervousness. N/A Special Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD Touch BST Boosting LEGENDARY Increases the level of all other properties by 1 for every level of itself. N/A N/A N/A REG Regulating LEGENDARY N/A Prevents OD. Prevents crit OD. N/A HGN Hypergenetic LEGENDARY Heals limb damage. Heals organ damage. Deals 2* radiation damage. Deals 3* brute damage. Deals 3* burn damage. Reduces heal reduction if present in xenos. Heals both humans/xenos. PTR Fire penetrating LEGENDARY If used with other properties (such as OXIDISING and FLOWING) to create fire, it will ignore xeno fire immunity. N/A N/A N/A DDI DNA disintegrating LEGENDARY Deals 10* radiation damage. WY wants this an awful lot, even considering how deadly it is. N/A N/A N/A CIP Ciphering DISABLED What every researcher wants to accomplish. N/A N/A N/A XMB Crossmetabolizing ADMIN If is less than 2 this only works on preds. Otherwise works on both preds and humans. N/A N/A N/A MYO Embryonic ADMIN Larva infection. N/A N/A N/A RAV Ravening ADMIN Infects with black goo (the zombie virus). N/A N/A N/A CUR Curing ADMIN If is 2 or more, cures diseases. N/A N/A N/A OMN Omnipotent ADMIN Rapidly removes all subtypes of generic toxin. Heals 5* brute damage. Heals 5* burn damage. Heals 5* toxin damage. Sets all other damage types to 0. Removes all status effects. Cures all diseases. N/A N/A N/A RAD Radius ADMIN Increases flamer fuel range by . Increases fire radius for explosives by 0,1*. N/A N/A N/A INT Intensity ADMIN Increases flamer fuel intensity by . Increases fire intensity for explosives by 0,1*. N/A N/A N/A DUR Duration ADMIN Increases flamer fuel duration by . Increases fire duration for explosives by 0,1*. N/A N/A N/A Property Combinations You can combine some properties to create special properties, You don't actually need to do anything to combine them, Just have them both on the same chemical. Name Properties Required Defibrilating Muscle Stimulating, Cardiopeutic Thanatometabolizing Hypoxemic, Cryometabolizing, Neurocrygenic Hyperdensificating Muscle Stimulating, Bonemending, Carcinogenic Hyperthrottling Psychostimulating, Hallucinogenic Neuroshielding Alcoholic, Balding Antiaddictive Psychostimulating, Antihallucinogenic Addictive Psychostimulating, Neurotoxic Abominations against god and man. Ciphering, Crossmetabolizing Hints Dealing with an unknown chemical is like walking blindfolded. The chemical can have any combination of good and bad properties. Discovering what these are will require testing and organized procedures. How to best approach this will be up to the individual researcher. But here's some things to keep in mind: You need 30 units of a chemical for the XRF to work. If you don't have enough, you might want to save it until you know the recipe. If you scan a chemical with the XRF you will know everything about the chemical's properties, given enough clearance. Pay attention to research notes brought back from the colony. Colony notes can describe chemicals that are much stronger than the ones you can discover in the lab. You can scan basic chemicals like Peridaxon and Oxycodone for properties like painkilling and organ-stabilizing. Scanning any new chemical without requested clearance will still give you points, including xenomorph blood. There are only 6 chemicals possible in hydroponics, 3 is clearance one and another 3 are clearance two. Distributing a new chemical can still get you in trouble if you overlooked a really bad effect. If you can't rely on the marines to bring back research materials, you can try to kick-start your research by mutating plants in hydroponics. Your goal is not to get every single person a sample of your new drug, but to help as many as possible. Use the Turing Dispenser for mass production and persuade your superiors to assist with the distribution. Chemical Distribution While it might be fun to inject a monkey (or coworkers) with your wonder-drug, your ultimate goal should be to distribute it to where it is most needed. You should always seek the CMO's approval before performing mass distribution, because if an accident happens it will be your medical license that is threatened otherwise. Below are some suggestions to how to distribute your chemicals. Picture Name Explanation PillBottle.png Pill bottle The old classic, but also the slowest in terms of production and ingestion. It's an efficient way to store a lot of chemical volume, but that's the only upside, really. Hypospray.png Hypospray An experimental high-end chemical injector, used for instant injections. Can be unlocked using a screwdriver, to allow the vial capsule to be ejected as a magazine. Pairing a hypospray with a vial pouch can be an excellent way for one person to distribute a series of research chemicals in the field. Customautoinjector.png Custom Autoinjector If you have a lot of your experimental chemical on hand, then making custom autoinjectors is a good way to distribute it to the masses. A few boxes with empty autoinjectors can be found in your lab. You also can print more of them in Medilathe. You can fill a bunch of autoinjectors easily by loading them in a vial storage box and inserting it into the centrifuge for filling. Acid harness.png ACID Harness Automated Chemical Integrated Delivery Harness. This is the most advanced form of chemical distribution available. Why rely on someone to know when your wonder-drug should be injected and then to actually do it, when you can leave all the work to a computer that does everything for you? The A.C.I.D. will monitor the vitals status for its user constantly, and depending on your configuration, automatically inject the chemical from an internal vial into the user. Additionally the A.C.I.D. will never overdose its user. While the storage slots in the A.C.I.D. can technically be used for anything that would fit in the webbing, the A.C.I.D. specifically requires both a battery and a vial inside the storage slots in order to operate. A high capacity cell battery will last approximately 50 minutes. A couple of harnesses will be available in the test lab, but if you need more then you can make one by filling a black or brown vest webbing with the following items and then using a wirecutter on the webbing: hypospray, health analyzer, battery, radio, cables. To configure the A.C.I.D. use a multitool / security access tuner on the webbing. A.C.I.D. Core Configuration Config Type Description Delivery med.png Requisitions Delivery Unit If you want Requisitions to send your chemicals to the surface for you, then you can use this delivery chute to send any item directly down to the Requisitions. Alien Research: Xenology The art of Xenology. Throughout the operation you will have the opportunity to conduct preliminary research on the Aliens. While this research is more esoteric in nature, providing technical data for the Marine Corps and the Company to use. At its core, Xenology is accomplished by analyzing alien blood and other liquids, storing dead alien bodies in the research containers, and containing a live alien in the research pen. Xenology Blood Research Each alien will have two or more unique liquids/blood samples to collect. To analyze alien blood you will need a corpse, an empty beaker, and either a syringe or an IV Drip. After collecting the blood sample, you can place it into a Chemical Centrifuge or the ChemMaster to split them. Afterwards, you can analyze the samples at the XRF Scanner. Each xenomorph has 560 'units' of blood - and it is split equally between whatever chemicals are present. For instance, a runner will have 280 units of catecholamine plasma, and 280 units of acidic blood. A queen will have 112 units of Dark Acidic Blood, 112 units of Pheromone Plasma, 112 units of Chitin Plasma, 112 units of Neurotoxin Plasma, and 112 units of Royal Plasma. Once this is drained, the xenomorph corpse is empty - if it is alive, however, it will slowly regenerate. Xeno Blood properties: Acidic Blood - Deals 3 burn damage. Dark Acidic Blood - Deals 6 burn damage. Pheromone Plasma - Makes you high, fixes stuttering, confusion, blurry vision, drowsiness, dizziness, and jitteriness. Catecholamine Plasma - Makes you faster. Chitin Plasma - Prevents fractures. Neurotoxin Plasma - Deals 7 brain damage, deals 1 toxin damage, makes you jittery and hallucinate. Anti-Neurotoxin - Neuro-Shielding, Prevents being stunned by all neurotoxin. Purple Plasma - Deals 2 brute damage. Egg Plasma - Infects with Xeno larva, useful in research. Royal Plasma - Infects with Xeno larva, makes you addicted, deals 4 brute damage, makes you hallucinate, makes you high, makes you jittery, useful in research. Xenology Body and Live Specimen Study You will need the Marines' assistance in securing egg samples, To grow a Xeno, you will need a monkey in a containment cell and an egg, plant the Egg In the containment cell, then wait. HOWEVER, making Xenos on their own is not useful and is actually be more of a detriment. This might stall the game out, and if the proper precautions were not taken, Xenos may even break out of containment. Not very good. The better solution is making Corrupted Hive. These are potentially friendly Xenos that can be used to help in combat and ship security. Materials Clearance Level 5X Egg plasma - extracted from Xeno eggs Royal plasma - extracted from an Empress OR can be made by mixing Egg Plasma and Dark Acidic Blood (extracted from a praetorian) Let's Start Making Xenos Make sure you have Level 5X clearance. Scan or re-scan Royal Plasma. Relate with a randomized chemical one unique property of Royal Plasma in the Synthesis Simulator, called Ciphering. It will cost 10 points. Different levels of unique properties will make different Xeno hives. Level 2 - Corrupt, Level 3 - Alpha and etc. Level 2, or Corrupt hives, are the only ones that can be made that are friendly. Make sure the monkey you are using is connected to a blood supply, such as an IV, as the monkey will lose a lot of blood in this process. It will also take some time to gestate. Infect monkey with an egg, or by injecting Egg plasma. Inject 5 units of your chemical containing Ciphering 2 before the larva hatches. Good work! This may take some time before the Corrupted Hive hatches so be patient. Do not try to speed up the process. Dropship Upgrade You have been provided tools and opportunity to create an upgrade for dropships. This upgrade, when done correctly, allows Pilots to see through their camera with night vision or with increased field of view. This is particularly beneficial for CAS as they can see what they are firing at. To start making it, you will need to find the property Photosensitive or Crystallization. The first gives night vision, the other gives an increase of view. The power of matrix depends on the level of the properties, there can also be only one upgrade at a time, so choose carefully. After you found properties, print the matrix assembly at the autolathe, directly south of the medilathe. Insert the vial with the chemical in the matrix, make sure its full, free of any contaminants and contains the chemical with the said property, you cannot remove the vial after it`s inserted screw the matrix shut and tell a pilot to insert it into his weapons console. You can also insert an empty matrix to reset the upgrades. Hydroponics Research Note that hydroponics is currently undergoing a rework, much of the information here is subject to change. Hydroponics is the process of growing plants without soil. The Company has provided The USS Almayer's research wing with a hydroponics laboratory. Here, researchers can grow and experiment with plant genetics. MachinesItemsHow to do Hydroponics Research Machine: Description: Hydroponicstray.png Hydroponics tray A specialised tray to grow plants in. You may right-click the tray and select Flush Tray to reset it, removing everything including nutrients and refill it with water. The lights on the tray correspond to the state of the plant: Green: Plant is ready to be harvested. Red: Plant is unhealthy, old-aged or dead. Orange/Red flash: High amount of weeds or pests. Yellow: Low amounts of nutrients in the tray. Blue: Low amount of water in the tray. Seedvendor.png MegaSeed Servitor Vendor that contains the basic seeds needed to get started. Seedextractor.png Seed extractor Extracts seeds from harvested plants. Insert a plant sample to obtain seeds. Centrifuge.png Lysis-isolation Centrifuge By inserting a flora data disk and any plant material (such as seeds or samples), this machine allows you to process the genome of said plant. The plant material is destroyed in the process. Once analyzed, a set of genes can be extracted. This can be done only a certain number of times before the genes decay completely. The extracted data is saved to the floral data disk. This disk can then be used in the Bioballistic delivery system. Bioballistic.png Bioballistic delivery system. Uses data disks with extracted genomes from the Lysis-isolation Centrifuge. By inserting a disk and a target plant sample, you can override the existing gene with the stored one. Use this to positively select your plants. If you modify a sample genome too many times, the genome will decay completely. Chemicals The building blocks of chemistry are aluminium, bromine, carbon, chlorine, copper, ethanol, fluorine, hydrogen, iodine, iron, lithium, mercury, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, radium, silicon, silver, sodium, stable plasma, sugar, sulphur, sulphuric acid, water and welding fuel. These can be produced from the Chem Dispenser in Chemistry. You have all sorts of things here, and can make so much. You can make medicines, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, window hardener, and so much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Some pure chemicals are lethal or will cause heavy toxin damage if injected or ingested in their pure form. Grinding minerals from mining will also get you: Plasma Uranium Emagging a chem dispenser will add: Space Drugs Morphine Toxin Carpotoxin Miner's Salve The NanoMed Plus is your main source of generic toxin when hacked. Some chemical reactions will require you to heat the reagents in a Chemheater.png Chemical Heater. This machine will heat a beaker to the desired temperature, slowing down the heating speed as it approaches the target temperature. If you don't risk making the chemical explode by overheating it (such as Meth) you can just set it to a very high temperature to avoid this. Machinery You have all sorts of chems here, and can make many things. You can make medicines, smoke, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, acid and much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, as mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health, and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. Chem Dispenser Chemistry Dispensers Chem dispensers can be upgraded to unlock more chemicals, allow for more precise macro usage, increased power recharge rate and higher power capacity. If you run out of power, you can disassemble the dispenser with screwdriver+crowbar and rebuild it by first putting the circuit board back, and then all other things but use a full power cell Power cell.png instead of the old one. Then screwdriver to finish. Or you can charge the machine with an inducer Inducer.png. Available chemicals: Click expand to see what chemicals are available: Normal: Hydrogen Oxygen Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Carbon Nitrogen Water Lithium Sugar Sulphuric acid Copper Mercury Sodium Iodine Bromine Ethanol Chlorine Potassium Aluminium Radium Fluorine Iron Welding fuel Silver Stable plasma Upgraded (tier 4 matter manipulator): Acetone Ammonia Ash Diethylamine Oil Saltpetre Emagged: Space Drugs Morphine Toxin Carpotoxin Miner's Salve Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Better matter bins: greater power efficiency per unit dispensed. Better capacitor: faster recharging speed. Better power cell: larger maximum power capacity. Better manipulator: unlocks more chemicals. Longer and more complex chemistry macros can be performed. At tier 1 manips, macros round to the nearest 5u, then 3u at tier 2, 2u at tier 3 and 1u at tier 4 Chemical Heater Chemical Heater Some chemical reactions will require you to heat the reagents in a Chemical Heater. Unless the recipes says otherwise, these reactions need you to heat the reagents above the required temperature. This machine will heat/cool a beaker to the desired temperature, slowing down the heating/cooling speed as it approaches the target temperature. If you don't risk making the chemical explode by overheating it (like with meth) you can just set it to a very high temperature to avoid this. Due to a rounding bug you sometimes need to heat chems 1 degree higher than the recipe says. Upgrading the laser will increase the heating/cooling speed. ChemMaster 3000 ChemMaster 3000 Separates, bottles, and makes pills/patches out of chemicals loaded inside. You can load pretty much any container - beakers, spray bottles, water bottles and so on. Maximum size for dispensed bottles is 30u, patches 40u and pills 50u. Use a chemistry bag Chemistry bag.png to quickly move large quantities of bottles, patches or pills. Can be upgraded with bigger beakers to allow a bigger buffer. By default it contains two ordinary 50u beakers for a total buffer volume of 100u. Reagent Grinder All-In-One Grinder Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker. For example: Plasma/gold/uranium/metal sheets, donk pockets, fruits, dead mice. Smoke Machine Smoke Machine Dispenses any chemical inside as a smoke cloud. Needs to be secured by wrenching first. A great alternative to smoke grenades, but easily incites lynch mobs. Can only be obtained through the circuit board being printed, and the required parts being assembled first. Upgradeable parts: Click expand to see upgrades: Manipulator: Unlocks the higher range settings. Matter bin: Increases maximum capacity. Capacitor: Increases efficiency. Metabolism When a reagent enters a body, it will then "tick" or "cycle" about every 2 seconds (these are called "life ticks", and are not to be confused with server ticks/tickrate). When this happens the body is purged of an amount of every reagent depending on their metabolism rates. This is the rate at which the chemical disappears from your body. It doesn't matter how many chems you have in your body, as they are all metabolized separately. If you are hungry (sluggish), this will happen 20% slower, which makes chemicals have a bigger total effect since they last longer without being weaker per tick. Many mobs are "simplemobs" which means they don't have bloodstreams and can thus not be poisoned, sedated or healed with medicine. Monkeys and most playable humanoids are the exceptions to this. Active Pure Chemicals A.K.A. what happens when you eat or splash these. Their metabolism rate is 0.4u per cycle unless said otherwise. Unmentioned dispensable chemicals don't have any effects. Plasma and uranium requires you to grind mineral sheets to acquire. Chlorine: Causes 1 brute damage per tick to a random body part. Copper: Can be splashed on metal sheets to create bronze sheets. Ethanol: A decent alcoholic "beverage", with a booze power of 65. Increases success rate of surgery and flammability when applied externally. Metabolism rate 0.2. Fluorine: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Iron: Slowly restores blood volume. Lithium: Causes twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Mercury: Causes 1 brain damage per tick, twitching, drooling, moaning and not being able to walk straight. Plasma: Causes 3 toxin damage per tick. Creates gas form plasma when spilled or heated to 323.15K (50°C). Not to be confused with Stable Plasma, which does nothing. Radium: Slowly causes irradiation (2 per tick). Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Sugar: Gives nutrition. Causes hyperglycemic shock if overdosed (200u). Metabolism rate 0.8. Sulphuric Acid: Causes 1 toxin damage and some instant brute damage to one body part when ingested, and slightly more brute damage when injected. Destroys head-wear and causes burn damage when sprayed or splashed on someone. Counts as a toxin. Uranium: Causes slight (1 per tick) irradiation. Creates glowing green goo on floor if more than 3u is spilled. Welding Fuel: Causes 1 toxin damage per tick. Makes people flammable if splashed on. Components These are very basic chemicals that you'll use in a lot of other more complicated chems. They can still be toxic, though. Name Formula Description Ash ▮ 1 part Oil Temperature 480K Basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. Ash (Alternate Recipe) ▮ Light a piece of paper on fire, and scoop up the resulting ashes with a beaker. Basic ingredient in a couple of recipes. Carpet ▮ 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Blood Creates a dirty carpet on the floor. Oil ▮ 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Burns to ash in a small smoky fire. Used to maintain various systems in the Weapons Bay. Oil (Alternate Recipe) ▮ Scoop up oil from destroyed cyborgs or robots off the ground with a beaker. Burns to ash in a small smoky fire. Used to maintain various systems in the Weapons Bay. Phenol ▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Chlorine 1 part Water Used for certain medical recipes. Acetone ▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Oxygen Common ingredient in other recipes. Diethylamine ▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Ethanol A very potent fertilizer, and the base component of some medicines. Ammonia▮ 3 parts Hydrogen 1 part Nitrogen An effective fertilizer which is better than what is available to the botanist initially, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine (results in 3 units instead of 4). Saltpetre▮ 3 parts Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Nitrogen Ingredient for Bath Salts and Black Powder (results in 3 units instead of 5). Increases potency of plants. Lye▮ 1 part Sodium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Useful in the manufacturing of wax items like soap. Lye (Alternate Recipe)▮ 1 part Ash 1 part Water Useful in the manufacturing of wax items like soap. Medicines "And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these. See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use when. Core Healing Medicines These healing drugs form the "core" drugs used to heal the most common forms of damage. All other medical drugs outside of this section are either harder to make upgrades, or highly specific forms of healing for rarer situations. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Silver Sulfadiazine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Silver 1 part Sulfur 1 part Oxygen 1 part Chlorine Burn On touch, instantly heals burn damage, then heals over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug. On ingestion, deals minor toxin damage. Deals stamina damage when used. If overdosed, deals oxygen damage. 1 unit per tick 100u N/A Styptic Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute On touch, instantly heals brute damage. Basic anti-brute healing drug. On ingestion, deals minor toxin damage. If overdosed, deals oxygen damage. Deals stamina damage when used. 1 unit per tick 100u N/A Saline-Glucose Solution▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brute, burn Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal brute and burn damage. Can be used as a substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, deals either brute and burn damage or adds Sodium Chloride or Sugar. 0.2 units per tick 60u N/A Synthflesh▮ 1 part Blood 1 part Carbon 1 part Styptic Powder 1 part Silver Sulfadiazine Brute, burn Has a 100% chance of instantly healing brute and burn damage. Touch based only. Does nothing while inside a mob. Deals stamina damage upon usage. If overdosed, deals Toxin damage. 1 unit per tick 125u N/A Charcoal▮ 1 part Sodium Chloride 1 part Ash Temperature 380K Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, will also slowly remove any other chemicals. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Salbutamol▮ 1 part Salicyclic Acid 1 part Ammonia 1 part Aluminium 1 part Bromine 1 part Lithium Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! If overdosed, adds Histamine. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A Bicaridine▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 1.5 units per tick if brute damage is less than 50 otherwise it heals brute damage at a rate of 0.5 units per tick. If overdosed it will annihilate your liver, can kill an upgraded cybernetic liver. 0.2 units per tick 30u N/A Kelotane▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Silicon Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 1.5 units per tick if below 50 burn damage otherwise it heals at a rate of 0.5 units per tick. If overdosed it will annihilate your liver, can kill an upgraded cybernetic liver. 0.2 units per tick 30u N/A Antitoxin▮ 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Silicon 1 part Potassium Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u of other chemicals per tick. If overdosed damages your liver. 0.2 units per tick 30u N/A Dexalin▮ 5 part Oxygen 5 parts Nitrogen 5 part Plasma(catalyst) Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick (slower than Salbutamol). If overdosed damages the heart. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Dexalin Plus▮ 1 part Dexalin 1 part Carbon 1 part Iron Suffocation Heals 4 oxygen damage per tick (slightly faster than Salbutamol). If overdosed deals a large amount of damage to the heart. 0.4 units per tick 25u N/A Tricordrazine▮ 1 part Antitoxin 1 part Bicaridine 1 part Kelotane Brute/Burn/Toxin Heals 1 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed deals 2 damage of toxin per tick and kills your liver. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Cryoxadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Stable Plasma All types Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage very swiftly (except clone damage, which is healed very slowly), but only when in a very cold environment. Is more effective in colder environments. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Pyroxadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Slime Jelly All four basic types and cellular Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Clonexadone▮ 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Sodium 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Clone Quickly heals clone damage, but only when in a cold environment. 0.6 units per tick N/A N/A Mannitol▮ 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Water 1 part Sugar Brain Quickly heals brain damage - best used in cryo alongside Cryoxadone, but will still heal if taken via other means. When Overdosed, slows the working speed of it. 0.4 units per tick? 35u If using the Brain Tumor Trait N/A System Cleaner▮ 2 part Phenol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Chlorine 1 part Potassium Toxin Quickly purges toxin damage in the rare case an IPC gets said damge. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Solder▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Copper 1 part Silver Temperature 370K Brain Quickly heals brain damage and traumas, but only if you're an IPC. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Radioactive Disinfectant▮ 1 part Phenol 5 part Ethanol 1 part Iodine 1 part water Radiation Purges radiation from IPC's. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Neurine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Mannitol 1 part Oxygen Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure basic traumas. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Superior Healing Medicines These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing drugs, however they are significantly better at healing. Also, many upgraded drugs can be overdosed with, leading to a negative outcome. Be sure to monitor how many units of chemicals someone is injected with. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Salicyclic Acid▮ 1 part Phenol 1 part Sodium 1 part Carbon 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute If you have more than 50 brute damage, heals 4 units. If you have less than 50 brute damage, heals 0.5 units. Overdosing will make it double the healing speed of brute damage at the low price of taking toxin damage and the death of your liver. Deals stamina damage upon usage. 0.2 units per tick 25 units N/A Oxandrolone▮ 1 part Phenol 3 parts Carbon 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Burn If you have more than 50 burn damage, heals 4 units. If you have less than 50 burn damage, heals 0.5 units. Overdosing will double the healing speed of burn damage at the low price of taking toxin damage and the death of your liver. Deals stamina damage upon usage. 0.2 units per tick 25 units N/A Omnizine▮ Grown from Ambrosia Deus or found in lollipops and heated Donk Pockets Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1.5 damage of each damage type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30u N/A Carthatoline▮ 1 part Antitoxin 2 parts Carbon 1 part Plasma (catalyst) Toxin Used to treat severe toxin damage. Side effects include: Janitors forming unions, vomiting. If overdosed then it will start damaging your brain. 0.4 units per tick 25u N/A Pentetic Acid▮ 1 part Cyanide 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine Radiation, toxin Reduces massive amounts of radiation and toxin damage while purging other chemicals from the body. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Perfluorodecalin▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen Temperature 370K Suffocation Heals suffocation damage so quickly that you could have a spacewalk but causes minor toxin damage. Heals lungs. If overdosed will significantly damage the heart. 0.1 units per tick 30u N/A Atropine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sulphuric Acid Brute, burn and suffocation If patients health is critical it will heal 2 brute, burn and toxin damage per cycle, as well as stop any oxyloss. Good for stabilising critical patients. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage. Side effects include: Minor Confusion. 0.1 units per tick 15u N/A Calomel▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Chlorine Temperature 374K Purge Quickly purges the body of all chemicals. If your health is above 20, large amounts of toxin damage is dealt. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Hepanephrodaxon▮ 2 parts Carthatoline 2 parts Carbon 1 part Lithium 5 parts Plasma (catalyst) Liver, Toxin Heals damage to the liver as well as toxin damage. If overdosed then it deals damage to the brain 0.4 units per tick 10u N/A Mutadone▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Bromine Genetic Heals your genetic mutations. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Earthsblood▮ Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All four basic types, cloning and stamina Ichor from an extremely powerful plant. Great for restoring wounds, but it's a little heavy on the brain. If overdosed, deals rapidly scaling toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick 25u N/A Unique Healing Medicines These healing drugs preform a unique function that is not commonly used or seen in game. Name Recipe Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Potassium Iodide▮ 1 part Potassium 1 part Iodine Radiation Reduces low radiation damage very effectively. 0.8 units per tick N/A N/A Ephedrine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Sugar Stun Reduces stun times, increases run speed, and stabilizes crit. If overdosed it will deal toxin and oxyloss damage. 0.2 units per tick 30u 25u Diphenhydramine▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Oil 1 part Bromine 1 part Carbon 1 part Ethanol Histamine Overdose Purges body of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Morphine▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Hydrogen 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen Temperature 480K Movement Speed Will allow you to walk faster. Will eventually knock you out if you take too much. If overdosed it will cause jitteriness, dizziness, force the victim to drop items in their hands and eventually deal toxin damage. It is recommended to heat up the mixture before adding hydrogen or carbon as the last ingredient to prevent accidentally making Hydrocarbon. 0.2 units per tick 30u 25u Oculine▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Carbon 1 part Hydrogen Eye Quickly heals eye damage and reverts blindness. Mix below 333K or the recipe will result in Hydrocarbon. 0.1 units per tick N/A N/A Inacusiate▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Carbon 1 part Water Ear Instantly removes all ear damage. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Meclizine▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Chlorine 2 parts Carbon Vomiting Primary used to prevent vomiting although it's capable of rarely healing toxin damage, if overdosed deals Toxin Damage and makes your stomach wish it never existed. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A Epinephrine▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Chlorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen Stun + Brute, burn, suffocation and toxin 20% chance each tick to reduce knockout/stun effects, minor stamina regeneration buff. Prevents oxygen damage from going over 35. If the patient is in crit, slowly heals toxins, brute, and burn. If overdosed will deal toxin and stamina damage, and cause suffocation. 0.1 units per tick 30u N/A Antihol▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Copper 1 part Ethanol Alcohol Helps remove Alcohol from someone's body, as well as eliminating its side effects. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Stimulants▮ Traitor Adrenals or Stimpack Stun Increases run speed and eliminates stuns, can heal minor damage. If overdosed it will deal toxin damage, stun and suffocation. 0.2 units per tick 60u N/A Insulin▮ Found in NanoMed Plus Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Strange Reagent▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Omnizine 1 part Holy Water Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life! If the corpse has suffered more than 100 brute or burn damage it will fail, however. If used on a living person it will deal Brute and Burn damage. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A Life▮ 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Synthflesh 1 part Blood Temperature 375K Life Can create a life form, however its not guaranteed to be friendly. May want to have Security on hot standby. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) N/A N/A N/A Synaptizine▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Lithium 1 part Water Hallucination Decrease Helps Hallucinations go away much faster, and helps you recover from stuns faster. Also Purges Mindbreaker Toxin very quickly. Mildly toxic. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Rezadone▮ 1 part Carpotoxin 1 part Cryptobiolin 1 part Copper Cellular Damage Healing Instantly heals all cellular damage, while healing brute and burn damage over time, if applied through touch to a burnt husk which has under 50 burn damage, then it cures them. If overdosed deals toxin damage. Very good for speedcloning. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Spaceacillin▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Cryptobiolin Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus in your body. 0.04 units per tick N/A N/A Miner's Salve▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Iron 1 part Water OR 5 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 1 part Sugar (Grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal, and a sheet of plasma) (Results in 15 parts instead of 11) Improvised Patch Healing Chem Heals over time, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch. 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A Haloperidol▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Potassium Iodide 1 part Aluminium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Fluorine Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of most drugs, while purging them. However also causes drowsiness and stamina damage. 0.16 units per tick N/A N/A Leporazine▮ 1 part Copper 1 part Silicon 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. High doses can allow short periods of unprotected EVA. If overdosed, will randomly shift the patients body temperature from 200K to -200K. 0.1 units per tick 30u N/A Corazone▮ 2 parts Phenol 1 part Lithium Heart attack Prevents cardiac arrest, fully protects from heart attack damage as well as liver failure. If overdosed, adds Histamine. 0.4 units per tick 20u N/A Psicodine▮ 2 parts Mannitol 1 part Impedrezene 2 parts Water Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and turns bad mood into neutral mood. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 units N/A Energized Jelly▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Slime Jelly Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Regenerative Ooze▮ 1 part Tricordrazine 1 part Slime Ooze Healing Gradually regenerates all types of damage, without harming Oozling anatomy. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Regenerative Jelly▮ 1 part Tricordrazine 1 part Slime Jelly Healing Gradually regenerates all types of damage, without harming slime anatomy. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Liquid Electricity 1 part Liquid Electricity 1 part Plasma 3 parts Ethanol Blood Loss for Ethereals Restores blood for Ethereals. Non-ethereals have a small chance to be lightly shocked while it is in their system. (Results in 3 units instead of 5) 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Modafinil▮ 1 part Acetone 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Phenol 1 part Ammonia 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 unit Bromine (catalyst) Sleep Suppressants Long-lasting sleep suppressant that very slightly reduces stun and knockdown times. Overdosing has horrendous side effects and deals lethal oxygen damage, will knock you unconscious if not dealt with. 0.01 to 0.08 units per tick. Over 20u to under 10u N/A Narcotics Narcotics are highly addicitve drugs that can aggressively, or passively, provide a benefit. Be wary as its very easy to become addicted, or overdose, on a narcotic. As a general rule of thumb, the more of a positive effect (or any effect) a narcotic can provide, the easier it is to get addicted or overdose on it. People who overdose or get addicted to Narcotics tend to usually end up dying to the negative effects or requiring immedient medical attention. Take in moderation. Name Recipe Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold Nicotine▮ Grown in tobacco or found in cigarettes. Slightly reduces stun times. If overdosed, deals toxin damage and oxygen damage 0.05 units per tick 15u 10u Krokodil▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Morphine 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Potassium 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K Provides messages of calmness and protection. If overdosed it will deal significant Brain and Toxin damage. If addicted too it will begin to deal fatal amounts of Brute damage as the subjects skin falls off. 0.4 units per tick 20u 15u Crank▮ 1 part Diphenhydramine 1 part Ammonia 1 part Lithium 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Welding Fuel Temperature 390K Reduces stun times by about 200%. If overdosed or addicted it will deal significant Toxin, Brute and Brain damage. 0.4 units per tick 20u 10u Methamphetamine▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 374K (Heat another degree if it doesn't work) Reduces stun times by about 300% and allows the user to quickly recover stamina while dealing a small amount of Brain damage. If overdosed the subject will move randomly, laugh randomly, drop items and suffer from Toxin and Brain damage. If addicted the subject will constantly jitter and drool, before becoming dizzy and losing motor control and eventually suffer heavy toxin damage. A great deal of caution must be taken when heating this chemical, as it will explode if it reaches a temperature of or greater than 380 k. 0.3 units per tick 20u 10u Bath Salts▮ 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Space Cleaner 1 part Bad Food 1 part Enzyme 1 part Nutriment 1 part Tea 1 part Mercury Temperature 374K Makes the subject nearly impervious to stuns, however the subject will suffer Toxin and Brain damage, constant hallucinations and will lose motor control. If overdosed the subject will lose even more motor control, drool and drop items in their hand. If addicted the subject will suffer very severe Brain damage, severe hallucinations, complete loss of motor control and eventually fatal amounts of Toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick 20u 10u Happiness▮ 2 parts Nitrous Oxide 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Ethanol 5 units Plasma (catalyst) Fills you with ecstatic numbness and causes minor brain damage. Highly addictive. If overdosed causes sudden mood swings. 0.4 units per tick 20u 10u Aranesp▮ 1 part Epinephrine 1 part Atropine 1 part Morphine The subject will think they are "amped" and regenerate stamina at an incredible rate, however the drug typically cause the subject to suffocate to death. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A Space Drugs▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Mercury 1 part Sugar An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and visual artefacts. If overdosed causes hallucinations. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Ketamine▮ 3 part Morphine 3 part Chloral Hydrate 3 part Fentanyl 3 part Epinephrine Temperature 370K A heavy duty tranquilizer found to also invoke feelings of euphoria, and assist with pain. Popular at parties and amongst small frogmen who drive Honda Civics. If overdosed, will cause brain traumas. 0.2 units per tick 16u 8u Highjack▮ 1 part Solder 1 part System Cleaner 1 part Radioactive Disinfectant 1 part Radium "Repairs" brain damage in synthetics by making them high as hell, basically it's Space Drugs but for Synthetics. If overdosed, has a chance to "cure" brain damage in Synthetics by decapitation. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A Pyrotechnics The manipulation of fire and matter. Name Recipe Description Stabilizing Agent▮ 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen 1 part Hydrogen When mixed with certain pyrotechnics, it stabilizes the reaction and prevents the reaction for usage later. The stabilizing agent is not consumed when stabilizing explosives, and one unit is enough to stabilize any amount of explosives. This does not work on everything, so be warned! Foam Surfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid Creates a large amount of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water. This foam carries any reagents along with it in the container, allowing you to apply reagents to large areas at a time. The foam will apply any carried reagents to any walls, floors, objects, or people and animals in the area of the foam. The reagents will be absorbed through a mob's exposed skin and somewhat through clothes unless completely impermeable(hardsuit/biohazard/medical gear). Foam is slippery! Smoke▮ 1 part Phosphorous 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. The chemicals in the smoke will touch and react with everything that the smoke touches. Mobs caught within the smoke cloud without wearing a gas mask or breathing through a gas tank will ingest the smoke chemicals. Great for distributing toxins in a crowded area. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Flash Powder▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulfur Flashes in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Phlogiston▮ 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Sulphuric Acid 1 part Stable Plasma Turns into a spreading plasma fire if not stabilized during mixing. Makes you burn longer, and ignites you. Deals increasing fire damage based on how much you're burning up to 4 fire damage every 3 seconds. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. Does not react immediately. Napalm▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Welding Fuel 1 part Ethanol A substance that burns for much longer then other fuels. Inject it into someone and then apply heat for a warm toasty fireball human. Sonic Powder▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Cola 1 part Phosphorus Deafens in a radius that scales up with the amount detonated. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 374K to activate. Pyrosium▮ 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium 1 part Phosphorus Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Pyrosium slowly heats all other reagents in the container up. Useful for delayed reactions. Energized Ooze▮ 1 part Slime Ooze 1 part Teslium Boosts Oozeling's nervous system, but only shocks other lifeforms. Cryostylane▮ 1 part Water 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Nitrogen Comes into existence at 20K. As long as there is sufficient oxygen for it to react with, Cryostylane slowly cools all other reagents in the container down. Useful for delayed reactions. Chlorine Trifluoride▮ 3 parts Fluorine 1 part Chlorine Temperature 424K When created it will create a temporary 3x3 fireball. Comes into existence at 1000K. A flammable substance so dangerous it can burn through the hull of the station. It lights you on fire when it comes into contact with you, and if it gets inside of you will burn you from the inside out. It metabolizes out of your body extremely fast, however. Sorium▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Mercury 1 part Nitrogen 1 part Oxygen When detonated it will send any movable object or person flying away from the detonation point. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Liquid Dark Matter▮ 1 part Carbon 1 part Stable Plasma 1 part Radium When detonated it will suck in any movable object or person. Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Meth Explosion▮ 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Iodine 1 part Phosphorus Temperature 300K If you are making Methamphetamine and mixing the ephedrine last, make sure you're using a chilled container, or it'll blow up just as if it was overheated. Definitely safer to just make the ephedrine separately. Blows up with the same strength as Black Powder. Black Powder▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Saltpetre 1 part Sulfur Sparks, and then creates a violent explosion when heated to 474K. Nitroglycerin▮ 1 part Glycerol 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 part Sulphuric Acid A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing (results in 2 units instead of 3). Can be stabilized with Stabilizing Reagent. If stabilized, heat to 474K to activate. Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Water This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Only useful in grenade production. Holy Explosion 1 part Potassium 1 part Holy Water This explodes immediately on mixing. If it combined at least 75 of each reagent, it results in a more powerful explosion, which also paralyzes and reveals revenants and sets nearby cultists on fire. Otherwise it behaves like a normal Water-Potassium explosion. EMP 1 part Iron 1 part Uranium This reacts immediately on mixing, creating an electromagnetic pulse which affects electronics nearby; very useful for causing chaos. Tesla Shock 1 part Teslium 1 part Water OR Heating Teslium to 474K This reacts immediately on mixing, shooting electric bolts to anyone near the reaction, shocking people and disabling/damaging electronics. Thermite▮ 1 part Aluminium 1 part Iron 1 part Oxygen A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited. Causes minor burn damage to humans when ingested. Other Recipes These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous. Name Formula Description Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Carpet 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium Changes your hair style, useful if you are bald! (Results in 5 units instead of 3) Concentrated Barber's Aid▮ 1 part Barber's Aid 1 part Unstable Mutagen Grows your hair very long! Candle 5 parts Liquid Gibs 5 parts Oxygen Temperature 374K Creates a red candle for use in decoration or rituals. Carbon Dioxide 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Carbon Temperature 777K What the fuck is carbon dioxide? Colorful Reagent▮ 1 part Triple Citrus 1 part Cryoxadone 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium 1 part Stable Plasma Use this to color EVERYTHING! Keep away from the clown and assistants! Condensed Capsaicin▮ 5 parts Ethanol 1 part Capsaicin Oil A chemical agent used for self-defense and in police work (results in 5 units instead of 6). Corgium 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Strange Reagent 1 part Nutriment 1 part Blood Creates your own Corgi! Cryptobiolin▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sugar Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin. Cooking Oil▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Sugar 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Carbon Used in food preparation and frying. Metabolises at a rate of 4 units per tick Drying Agent▮ 2 parts Stable Plasma 1 part Ethanol 1 part Sodium Creates a solution that when applied to galoshes, causes them to be extra absorbent and dry any wet tiling they step on (results in 3 units instead of 4). Foaming Agent▮ 1 part Lithium 1 part Hydrogen Used in Metal Foam production. Creates 1 unit instead of 2. Fluorosurfactant▮ 2 parts Carbon 2 parts Fluorine 1 part Sulphuric Acid A perfluoronated sulfonic acid that forms a foam when mixed with water. Smart Foaming Agent▮ 3 parts Foaming Agent 1 part Acetone 1 part Iron An agent that yields metallic foam which conforms to area boundaries when mixed with light metal and a strong acid. Metal Foam 1 part Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 3 parts Iron/Aluminium Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium. Smart Metal Foam 1 part Smart Foaming Agent 1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid 3 parts Aluminium Creates lightweight metal foam walls in areas that have been breached. These can be easily torn through. Fluorosulfuric Acid▮ 1 part Fluorine 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Potassium 1 part Sulphuric Acid Temperature 380K A highly caustic and dangerous substance. Keep away from faces and valuable equipment. Used in some other recipes. Glycerol▮ 3 parts Corn Oil 1 part Sulphuric Acid Requires blended corn, so thus help from the botanist. This is only useful in other reactions (results in 1 unit instead of 4). Slippery like water. Methane▮ 4 parts Hydrogen 1 part Carbon Temperature 520 K A light, flammable hydrocarbon. Commonly used in the production of cryogenic fuel. Laughter▮ 1 part Sugar 1 part Banana Juice Causes you to laugh (results in 10 units instead of 2). Meat Product 10 parts Liquid Gibs 10 parts Nutriment 10 parts Carbon Creates a slab of chemically processed meat. Nitrous Oxide 2 parts Ammonia 2 parts Oxygen 1 part Nitrogen Temperature 525K Creates N2O in liquid form, which explodes when heated to 575K. Plasma Solidification 20 parts Plasma 5 parts Iron 5 parts Frost Oil Solidifies a large amount of plasma into a bar. Gold Solidification 20 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil 1 part Iron Solidifies a large amount of gold into a bar. Adamantine Solidification 10 parts Liquid Adamantine 5 parts Gold 5 parts Frost Oil Solidifies a large amount of adamantine into a sheet. Plastic Sheets 5 parts Oil 3 parts Ash 2 parts Sulphuric Acid Temperature 374K Creates a sheet of plastic, used in hand or in fabricators to make items. Quantum Hair Dye▮ 1 part Colorful Reagent 1 part Space Drugs 1 part Radium Changes your hair color when you apply or spray it! (Results in 5 units instead of 3) Royal Bee Jelly▮ 10 parts Unstable Mutagen 40 parts Honey Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected (results in 5 units instead of 50). Soap 10 parts Lye 10 parts Liquid Gibs Temperature 374K Creates a bar of soap, slightly faster cleaning than what you get on the station. Sodium Chloride▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Sodium 1 part Water Commonly known as table salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food. Space Cleaner▮ 1 part Ammonia 1 part Water This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills. Spray Tan▮ 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Oil OR 1 part Corn Oil Darkens the skin when sprayed or applied. Do not swallow! Space Lube▮ 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silicon 1 part Water Space Lube is a high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment (results in 4 units instead of 3). Sterilizine▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Chlorine 1 part Ethanol When applied via touch or vapor, increases the success chance of surgical steps by 20%. Useful for surgery in less than ideal conditions. Synthmeat 1 part Cryoxadone 5 parts Blood Creates a slab of synthetic meat. Cryogenic Tyrosene▮ 5 parts Methane 1 part Welding fuel Temperature 40K A high performance cryogenic fuel used in most small fighter craft. Will explode when heated above 130K. Unstable Mutagen▮ 1 part Chlorine 1 part Phosphorus 1 part Radium Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany and Virology. Virology Recipes These chemicals are used to mutate viruses, and have few uses beyond that. Name Formula Description Virus Food▮ 5 parts Water 5 parts Milk A chemical which allows viruses and bacteria to quickly grow. (Results in 15 units instead of 10) Mutagenic Agar▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Virus Food Extremely similar to Unstable Mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 3 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Sucrose Agar▮ 1 part Mutagenic Agar 1 part Sugar Extremely similar to Mutagenic agar. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 4 only. Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Plasma Extremely similar to Plasma. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 6 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Weakened Virus Plasma▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 1 part Synaptizine Weakened variety of virus plasma. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 5 only. Virus Rations▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Synaptizine Depleted virus food. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 1 only. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Decaying Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Food 1 part Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 6 or 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2) Unstable Uranium Gel▮ 1 part Virus Plasma 2 parts Uranium Powerful viral mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 7. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3) Stable Uranium Gel▮ 5 part Plasma 5 part Uranium 5 part Silver OR Gold Powerful viral mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 8. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Advanced Virus Food Base▮ 1u is available in virology at round start used to make Advanced Virus Food Advanced Virus Food▮ 1 part Viral Base 20 parts Uranium Insanely powerful viral mutagen. Only useful to Virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 9. (Results in 1 unit instead of 21) Anomalous Virus Food▮ 1 part Virus Food 5 parts Laughter Unusual viral mutagen. Only useful to virology. It is used to get a virus symptom of level 0. (Results in 1 unit instead of 6) Mutation Toxins Obtainable through xenobiology, these chemicals transform humaniods in other humanoid races. Name Formula Description Mutation Toxin▮ Use Plasma on a green slime Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a slimeperson. Unstable Mutation Toxin▮ Use Radium on a green slime Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a random, safe race. Stable Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Blood Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a human. Lizard Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Liquid Gibs}} Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a lizardperson. Felinid Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Fentanyl 10 part Impedrezene Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a felinid. Moth Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Lipolicide Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a moth. Squid Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Sodium Chloride 20 part Water Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a squid. Apid Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 20 part Honey Mutagenic chemical that transforms into an Apid. Ethereal Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 20 part Liquid Electricity Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a Ethereals. Fly Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Unstable Mutagen Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a flyperson. Pod Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part EZ Nutrient Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a podperson. Golem Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 20 part Liquid Adamantine (grind an Adamantine bar) Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a golem. Abductor Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Morphine 10 part Mute Toxin Mutagenic chemical that transforms into an abductor. IPC Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 20 part Teslium Mutagenic chemical that transforms into an IPC. Oozeling Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Unstable Mutation Toxin 10 part Calomel 30 part Food Poisoning 5 part Stable Plasma Mutagenic chemical that transforms into an Oozeling. Advanced Mutation Toxin▮ Use Plasma on a black slime Mutagenic chemical that slowly morphs the victim into a slime. Skeleton Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Advanced Mutation Toxin 30 part Fluorosulfuric acid 30 part Milk Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a skeleton. Zombie Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Advanced Mutation Toxin 10 part Krokodil 10 part Food Poisoning Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a non-infectious and comletely fake Zombie. Ash Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Advanced Mutation Toxin 1 part Lizard Mutation Toxin 5 part Entropic Polypnium Mutagenic chemical that transforms into an Ash Walker. Shadow Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Advanced Mutation Toxin 30 part Liquid Dark Matter (to use it here you may need to stabilize it with Stabilizing Agent ) 10 part Holy Water Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a shadowperson. Plasma Mutation Toxin▮ 5 part Advanced Mutation Toxin 20 part Uranium 60 part Plasma Mutagenic chemical that transforms into a plasmaman. Toxins The deadliest of deadly chemicals. You can get a bunch of these through the traitor uplink, but if you don't wanna waste telecrystals you can mix it. Name Recipe Damage dealt Description Metabolism Rate Toxin▮ Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxin Will deal toxin damage over time. 0.4 units per tick Food Poisoning▮ Result of poorly made food Toxin Will deal a minor amount of Toxin damage. 0.1 units per tick Chloral Hydrate▮ 3 parts Chlorine 1 part Ethanol 1 part Water Stun, Toxin A powerful sedative which stuns after a bit, and becomes deadly if left in the system too long (results in 1 units instead of 5). 0.6 units per tick Bone Hurting Juice▮ 3 parts Itching Powder 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Milk Stamina A strange substance that looks a lot like water. Drinking it is oddly tempting. Oof ouch. Overdose at 50u. 0.4 units per tick Mindbreaker Toxin▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Silicon Hallucinations A potent hallucinogenic compound that is illegal under space law. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". (Results in 5 units instead of 3) 0.4 units per tick Impedrezene▮ 1 part Mercury 1 part Oxygen 1 part Sugar Brain A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage (results in 2 units instead of 3). 0.4 units per tick Mute Toxin▮ 2 parts Uranium 1 part Water 1 part Carbon Speech Makes the subject unable to speak for some time. 0.4 units per tick Mulligan Toxin▮ 1 part Unstable Mutagen 1 part Stable Mutation Toxin Also found in the Traitor Uplink. Identity Randomizes the subject's appearance. Infinite Lexorin▮ 1 part Sulfonal 1 part Hydrogen 1 part Oxygen 1 part Plasma Suffocation Temporarily stops respiration and causes tissue damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out very quickly. 0.4 units per tick Initropidril▮ Traitor Uplink Cardiac Arrest Deals heavy toxin damage over time, and a 25% chance to do one of the following: stun, cause loss of breath and oxygen damage, or cause your heart to stop. Combat the latter with electric shocks from grilles and doors in a pinch, or a defib for a more reliable method. 0.2 units per tick Tirizene▮ Traitor Sleepypen, Emagged Soda Dispenser Stamina Damage Deals stamina damage over time, slowing down and causing collapse in large doses, but otherwise harmless. 0.4 units per tick Tiring Solution▮ Peacekeeper Cyborgs Stamina Damage Deals stamina damage over time, slowing down. Won't go higher than 50 stamina damage. 0.6 units per tick Polonium▮ Traitor Uplink Radiation Cause significant Radiation damage over time. It's metabolized very slowly. 0.05 units per tick Pancuronium▮ Traitor Uplink Paralysis and Suffocation Paralyses you after 10 seconds, with a 20% chance to cause 4 seconds of loss of breath. 0.1 units per tick Sodium Thiopental▮ Traitor Uplink Knockout and Stamina Knocks you out after 11 seconds, and destroys your stamina. 0.3 units per tick Sulfonal▮ 1 part Perfluorodecalin 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Sulfur Knockout and Toxin 1 toxin damage every 2 cycles, knocks you out after 22 cycles. Metabolized very slowly: two units are enough to trigger the knockout. 0.05 units per tick Amanitin▮ Traitor Uplink Delayed Toxin Damage On the last second it is in you, it hits you with a large stack of toxin damage based on how long it was in your system. Larger doses means a longer waiting period but more damage. 0.2 units per tick Lipolicide▮ 1 part Ephedrine 1 part Diethylamine 1 part Mercury Weight Loss Drains nutrition and deals minor toxin damage, will deal more toxin damage if you are starving. 0.2 units per tick Coniine▮ Traitor Uplink Toxin and breath loss 1.75 toxin damage and 5 seconds of loss of breath per tick. EXTREMELY slow metabolization. 0.024 units per tick Curare▮ Traitor Uplink Knockout, Oxygen, and Toxin Does 1 unit of toxin and 1 unit of oxygen damage every second, and knocks you out after 11 seconds. Metabolizes slowly. 0.05 units per tick Histamine▮ Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin, oxyloss and eyesight Has a chance each tick to cause small amounts of brute damage or blur vision. If overdosed (30 units) it will also deal a significant amount of Brute, Toxin and Oxyloss damage each tick. 0.1 units per tick Formaldehyde▮ 1 part Ethanol 1 part Oxygen 1 part Silver Temperature 420K Toxin Causes a moderate amount of Toxin damage over time. Has a chance to turn into 5 to 15 units of Histamine. 0.2 units per tick Venom▮ Traitor Uplink Brute, toxin Will deal Toxin and Brute damage over time based on how much venom is in the body. Has a chance to turn into 5 to 10 units of Histamine. 0.1 units per tick Fentanyl▮ 1 part Space Drugs Temperature 647K Toxin, brain Will deal 1 toxin and 3 brain damage, up to 60 points of toxin damage and 150 points of brain damage (brains have 200 points of health). If the drug is not removed before 18 cycles it will knock the user unconscious. 0.2 units per tick Cyanide▮ 1 part Oil 1 part Ammonia 1 part Oxygen Temperature 380K Toxin, oxyloss Deals random amounts of toxin damage while slowly suffocating its target. Metabolizes slowly. Often extremely lethal. 0.05 units per tick Carpotoxin▮ Space Carp, Koibeans, Emagged Chem Dispenser Toxin Deals constant toxin damage over time. 0.4 units per tick Zombie Powder▮ 5 parts Morphine 5 parts Carpotoxin 5 parts Copper Fake death, stun Paralyses people, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. Requires CarpoToxin, which must be harvested from Space Carp. Deals minor oxygen and toxin damage. (Results in 2 units instead of 15) 0.4 units per tick Itching Powder▮ 1 part Charcoal 1 part Ammonia 1 part Welding Fuel Brute, annoyance Will cause annoying effects, as well as a chance that the subject will scratch themselves dealing slight amounts of Brute damage. Has a chance to transform into 1 to 3 units of histamine. 0.16 units per tick Mint Toxin▮ Grind the mint in the kitchen Conditional death Instantly gibs fat people when ingested. 0.4 units per tick Slime Jelly▮ Grind an unused slime extract Toxin Heals brute damage over time, but randomly deals bursts of 20-60 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick Slime Ooze▮ Oozelings Toxin Heals brute damage over time, but randomly deals bursts of 1-10 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick Mime's Bane▮ 1 part Mute Toxin 1 part Nothing 1 part Radium Emote Mute A nonlethal neurotoxin that interferes with the victim's ability to gesture 0.4 units per tick Heparin▮ 1 part Formaldehyde 1 part Sodium 1 part Chlorine 1 part Lithium Brute, Bleeding Causes bleeding constantly while in the system of the victim. 0.08 units per tick Teslium▮ 1 part Black Powder 1 part Silver 1 part Stable Plasma Temperature 400K Random Shocks Randomly shocks the victim while it is in their system, ignoring any protection cause the shock comes from inside them. Also increases damage taken from normal shocks. 0.2 units per tick Rotatium▮ 1 part Teslium 1 part Mindbreaker Toxin 1 part Fentanyl Toxin Causes the victim's screen to display a rocking motion and deals moderate toxin damage. 0.24 units per tick Anacea▮ 1 part Haloperidol 1 part Impedrezene 1 part Radium Toxin and Purges Medicines Metabolizes very slowly and quickly purges medicines in the victim while dealing light toxin damage. 0.032 units per tick Weed Killer▮ 4 parts Ammonia 1 part Toxin Toxin Kills weeds, causes minor toxin damage to humans. 0.4 units per tick Pest Killer▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Ethanol Toxin Kills pests in hydroponics trays, causes minor toxin damage to humans. Deals heavy toxin damage to fly people. 0.4 units per tick. Plant-B-Gone▮ 1 part Toxin 4 parts Water Toxin A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with. Causes minor toxin damage to humans. Deals heavy toxin damage to pod people. 0.4 units per tick Mushroom Chemicals Found primarily in Lavaland flora. Name Type Description Metabolism Rate Entropic Polypnium▮ Poison Stamina, Brain, Toxin, Oxygen, and a bit of Eye Damage, Oh My! More than 5u will paralyze someone as well. 0.4 units per tick Tinea Luxor▮ Other Makes the consumer glow. 0.4 units per tick Vitrium Froth▮ Medicine 80% chance to heal 1 burn and 1 brute damage each tick. 0.4 units per tick Reagent Delivery There are different ways you can apply chemicals to a person or the environment. Delivery types First of all, there are actually 5 types of delivery, called ingest, inject, vapor, touch and patch. If you are not interested in the details, you can skip to Smoke vs Foam vs others. Ingest Ingest and inject both usually do the exact same thing. The reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream. Used by pills, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, inhaling smoke and drinking the reagent directly. Inject Works the same as ingest, where the reagent simply enters the target's bloodstream. Used by syringes and IV-drips. Vapor Vapor is used by (ranged) spray bottles and foam. A portion of the reagents will enter the bloodstream of the target, but clothes will protect from some/most/all of it depending on clothing. Any hardsuit typically makes the target completely immune to getting it into their bloodstream, if the helmet is closed. But if the reagent has a "vapor" based component, that component will still affect the target, like Fluorosulfuric Acid. See more about foam below, with examples. Touch Touch is used by smoke and splashing. If the reagent has a "touch" based component, that component will affect the target (such as the instant heal part of Synthflesh), without being blocked by clothing. Nothing at all will enter the target's bloodstream, with the exception of smoke if the target has no internals on. Currently all "touch" components are also "patch" components. See more on smoke below, with examples. Patch Patch is used by patches and medical gels. The reagent enters the target's bloodstream entirely AND if the reagent has a "patch" based component, that component will affect the target. Currently all "patch" components are also "touch" components. Smoke vs foam vs others These are the major practical differences between pills, syringes, patches, cigarettes, smoke, foam, splash and spray. Pills Pills can be instantly ingested if used on yourself. It doesn't work if mouth is covered. Plasmamen will have trouble taking these. Holds up to 50u. Syringes Syringes can inject into people even with their mouths covered, either by hand or with a syringe gun. It doesn't work on players wearing hardsuits or other pierce-immune clothing, unless you use a piercing syringe or manage to aim for an exposed part of their body. Golems are completely immune to syringes (even piercing syringes), but patches do work on them. A syringe holds between 10-60u, depending on type. Common syringes hold 15u. Patches Will add all reagents into a person's bloodstream through any clothing, including hardsuits. Also apply touch/patch based effects. Example: A patch of 20u Synthflesh will instantly heal 25 brute and burn (touch component), and also enter the target's bloodstream (which in this case does nothing). Usable by plasmamen. Can hold up to 40u. Cigarettes Can be dipped in reagents to be filled. If smoking/vaping, you will slowly ingest whatever reagents the cigarette/cigar/e-cig contains. Though, if the reagents are too diluted, they may not build up in your bloodstream fast enough to have any effect at all. E-cigarettes can be trimmed with a screwdriver and multitool to also create smoke. Smoke When a smoke reaction occurs, the smoke will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. People who enter the smoke will be touched by the reagents. If they do not have internals on, they will also ingest the reagents. The amount of smoke does not dilute the reagents. The reagents will be copied to every individual or tile (not walls, windows or doors) over the cloud's duration. Reagents that are special coded to affect floor/environment (such as blood, acid or Space Cleaner) will do so. Smoke will usually block sight. Smoke example 1: Smoke containing 20u Synthflesh. Everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits, will slowly heal 25 brute and burn, if they stay in the smoke for its full duration (otherwise they will heal partially). Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the medicine, making it enter their bloodstream (which does nothing in this case). Smoke example: Smoke containing 20u Chlorine Trifluoride(CLF3). CLF3 has a touch(and vapor) component, so everyone caught in the cloud, including people wearing hardsuits and internals, will catch on fire. It will also deal burn damage to the environment, since CLF3 is coded to do so. Those who are not wearing internals will also ingest 20u of the CLF3 and thus, start heating up from the inside, effectively burning from both in and out at the same time. Foam When a foam reaction occurs, the foam will consume any other reagent in its original containers, and spread that reagent to flooring and people/mobs who enter its area of effect. The foam will spread slower than smoke and is usually slippery. Reagents will be copied through the vapor type delivery to those affected over the duration of the foam, BUT the reagents will be heavily diluted depending on the amount of foaming reagent used. Any clothing will reduce how much of the reagents will enter a person's bloodstream. Furthermore, foam reagent bloodstream insertion is divided into several 'ticks'. A minimum amount of reagent is required per tick for it to enter a bloodstream. So if too little reagents are contained in the reaction, or too much foam is used, the foam will do nothing. These ticks are counted after dilution and protection from clothing. On the other hand, if you use very small amounts of foam, the reagents may instead multiply in the bloodstream to more than the original amount. Hardsuits with helmets on will make people immune to getting reagents into their bloodstream through foam. Despite dilution, the foam will still copy remaining chems such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner to any tile it touches (but not walls, windows or doors). Foam will not block sight. Foam example 1: 250u foam containing 10u Cyanide will spread a blue foam that does nothing to those it touches. The poison is too diluted to work at all. Foam example 2: 20u foam containing 250u Fluorosulfuric Acid. A small area and everyone touched by the foam will have large amounts of acid slowly melting their clothing and the affected floor and items. Those who did not wear a hardsuit with helmet on will also have a large amount of acid in their bloodstreams, depending on what they were wearing and how long they were in the foam. If they had internals on or not doesn't matter. Splashing Throwing a beaker, or using a beaker on anything with harm intent, will splash its contents. The longer throw distance, the more the splash will spread out. A grenade will splash its content unless it also contains smoke or foam. Splashing only does touch delivery. This means most chemicals will do absolutely nothing when splashed. Reagents that have special properties to affect environment, such as Water, will do so where splashed (creates slippery tile). Reagents that have a touch component will apply that component only. Example: If you throw a beaker of 80u Synthflesh at someone, you will instantly heal them for 100 brute and burn (and deal up to 150 toxin damage), since Synthflesh is touch/patch based. It doesn't matter if the target uses hardsuit or internals in this case. This means throwing a beaker of poison at someone will do nothing at all. Splashing can apply chemicals such as Thermite to walls. Spraying Spraying reagents will apply them to environments (if they have any such effect), and will enter hit people's bloodstreams through the vapor delivery. This means clothing will protect from some/most/all of the reagents, depending on what they are wearing. Using a hardsuit with helmet on makes them immune to getting the reagent into their bloodstream. Reagents such as acid, CLF3, or Space Cleaner will still cause their special effects when sprayed on people/environments, but will not enter the bloodstream if the target is wearing too heavy clothing. Beyond the Dispenser Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist.