* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] ====== Game Modes ====== These are some of the basic game modes that can be inflicted on a ship as part of a 'round'. ==== Extended ==== The most basic of all game modes; there is no major event or objective to be completed in this mode. Instead, just think of it as just another day at work. Generally picked after a bad streak of the other rounds where everyone would rather just have some simple roleplay without the station tearing itself up over antagonists. Random Events can still occur in this game mode and Antagonists may be voted in by an admin calling a vote, but generally this should be a quiet round to concentrate on whatever you wish. Extended is perfect if you want to learn about the game, as most players only have their own entertainment and would gladly accept an Assistant to teach the ropes. ==== Secret ==== Most common game mode, intending to keep the surprise as it doesn't inform the players what the game mode is at the beginning of the round, to try and alleviate Metagaming. Within the first hour, it usually becomes obvious what the secret game mode is, as the antagonists have likely revealed themselves and put their evil plans into motion. ==== Traitor ==== In Traitor, one or more crew members are subversive elements against NT and are given a PDA Uplink to provide them with useful tools to help them complete their goal. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. On Baystation there are no enforced or assigned Traitor objectives, it is encouraged to design your own, in accordance with your characters story, for example they could be: Assassinate a specific crew member. Protect a specific crew member. Steal a restricted item. Escape alive, not in the security area, and not in handcuffs on the escape shuttle. Teaching a crew member a lesson by roughing them up and breaking bones. If the Traitors can meet their objectives and are present and alive on the shuttle when it leaves, they win. Note that traitors win individually, they may band together and work as a team, but it is not required for them to succeed. ==== Mercenary ==== A team of highly trained and deadly mercenaries has been hired to head out to the NSS Exodus and ensure the share holders re-consider their views on the almighty NanoTrasen. Luckily the mercenaries have access to a wide range of tools to assist them on their mission. Ranging from a simple revolver to the advanced energy crossbow you have the tools to get the job done. ==== Revolution ==== Revolution (aka "Rev") is a game mode centred around crew uprising. In it, certain members of the crew (Head Revolutionaries) start out with the goal of recruiting other crew members and overthrowing, replacing, or killing the station heads. * [[:games:sc13:guides:revolution|Guide to Revolution]] ==== Cult ==== Cult is about a vile magic cult that has infiltrated the station, with the intent to spread its influence or summon The Dark One. There are no defined cult 'heads', all cultists are equal, but each original cultist starts knowing the meaning of one rune word and a special 5-use talisman. Since cultists don't know all the words required for creation of runes, they need to find these words out through experimentation or get them from their horrible deity by sacrificing. As such, the crew has some time before the cult starts spreading. The Chaplain can use his Null Rod to reveal hidden runes and deprogram cultists. Apply the Null Rod directly to the forehead or to the floor, depending on what you want to achieve. Cultists draw runes from their own blood, requiring arcane tomes to do so. Rather than a syndicate uplink, cultists activate runes using their own blood (and taking some brute damage) to gain cult items and powers. Most of the time they have to resort to the drawn runes, though. Everyone and anyone can become, or start as, cultists. This include Security and Heads of Staff. The shuttle can be called and will end the round. Your Cult's goals can be anything you want, from peaceful (albeit creepy) proselytizing to blood-soaked mayhem to the summoning of Nar-Sie Itself. Your magic allows you to communicate secretly--a good way to set up a clandestine meeting and discuss what you want to do. Cultists should work together to achieve their objectives, and have access to many otherworldly powers to bring this about. ==== Wizard ==== Wizards are unique individuals who have access to powers that defy scientific principles. Most are part of the Space Wizard Federation, who have their own interests in NanoTrasen's resources. They are often given objectives to take valuable items or kill certain personnel. Unlike the Syndicate, however, wizards do not receive any outside assistance from the Federation. Outside of the wizard's spells, the wizard is completely on his or her own. The wizard's goals are mainly to steal or destroy something on the station and escape on the shuttle. ==== Space Ninja ==== Space Ninjas are a special type of ninja, specifically one of the space-faring type. The vast majority of space ninjas belong to the Spider Clan, a cult-like sect, which has existed for several hundred years. The Spider Clan practice a sort of augmentation of human flesh in order to achieve a more perfect state of being and follow Postmodern Space Bushido. They also kill people for money. Their leaders are chosen from the oldest of the grand-masters, people that have lived a lot longer than any mortal man should. Being a sect of technology-loving fanatics, the Spider Clan have the very best to choose from in terms of hardware--cybernetic implants, exoskeleton rigs, hyper-capacity batteries, and you get the idea. Some believe that much of the Spider Clan equipment is based on reverse-engineered alien technology while others doubt such claims. Whatever the case, their technology is absolutely superb. ==== AI Malfunction ==== In [[:games:sc13:game_modes:malfunction|Malfunction]], the artificial intelligence aboard the ship is malfunctioning, which means it is no longer shackled by laws. As a result, the AI is able to take control of many of the systems on the station that were previously unavailable to it. ==== Changeling ==== A Changeling is an alien creature that is intelligent and able to morph into humans. Changelings are solitary hunters, but also take contacts from syndicate forces in other to steal Nanotrasen tech. The main weapons of the Changeling are its ability to internally synthesize dangerous chemicals, morph into other creatures that it has absorbed, and blend in with humans. The changeling must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary. The changeling has other weapons at its disposal, such as a toxin dart, but is largely stealth-based. The changeling can be anyone he's absorbed, it can switch identities instantaneously, only absorbing takes time and peace. Like the traitor, the changeling will most often have an objective to accomplish before the Escape Shuttle arrives, usually absorbing a certain amount of people before escaping. ==== Heist ==== Raiders are members of a gang of pirates and thieves that steal aboard NT stations to, well, steal valuable items and commodities. SKREEE! Raiders must secure resources from the station, by gifts, trades, or theft and then make a quick getaway in their shuttle. The list includes but is not limited to: Resources (E.G Metal, Glass, Plasteel, etc.) Engineering equipment Persons of interest This mode is sometimes used by admins to set up events. ==== Calamity ==== Calamity mode, often abbreviated as "clam", is a gamemode that contains many types of antagonists in single round. It is only admin-spawn, usually following a custom vote. It chooses antagonists and their number depending on players in game (ready). Random events also happen more frequently. https://wiki.baystation12.net/Game_Modes Game Modes Contents [hide] 1 Current Game Modes 1.1 Secret 1.2 Intrigue 1.3 Nuclear Emergency 1.4 Traitor 1.5 Changeling 1.6 Wizard 1.7 Blob 1.8 Mixed 1.9 Conspiracy 2 Other Game Modes 2.1 Gang 2.2 Extended 2.3 Disaster 3 Discontinued Gamemodes 3.1 Sandbox 3.2 Construction 3.3 Meteor 3.4 Legacy Disaster 3.5 Revolution 3.6 Spy 3.7 Deathmatch 3.8 Monkey 3.9 AI Malfunction 3.10 Restructuring 3.11 Alien 3.12 Waldo Current Game Modes Secret Generally the default mode. The game will randomly choose from the available game modes to keep you on your toes! Intrigue A special version of Secret exclusive to the RP server, LLJK1, tailored to facilitate roleplaying opportunities. Includes the Traitor, Changeling, Mixed, and Conspiracy game modes. Nuclear Emergency Generally known as nuke. A team of operatives, whose number is based on the server population, are spawned on a small shuttle with a nuclear bomb inside of it. Their objective is to get the bomb onto the station and activate it in a specific area, then defend it until the countdown reaches zero. Default antagonists: Nuclear Operative Game-ending conditions: All operatives are dead (and the nuclear bomb isn't armed). The bomb is destroyed. The bomb obliterates the station. Traitor A number of random crew members, based on current server population, will defect from Nanotrasen and become traitors with varying objectives! They each get access to a bunch of cool and deadly gear. Default antagonists: Starting: Traitor, occasionally Wraiths Late-joining: Traitor Random event: See Random Events Changeling A horrible organism (that is most certainly not a copy of The Thing) has escaped from some private research facility and is preying on the crew members! Prepare for acid-spitting, DNA-sucking creatures who can disguise themselves as any crew member they have stolen the DNA from! Trust no one! Default antagonists: Starting: Changeling Late-joining: Changeling Random event: See Random Events Wizard Hark! A technophobe wizard with a mighty beard hath appeared on the station, and he's out for blood! Beware his fireballs, golems, missiles and horrible cluwne curses! Default antagonists: Starting: Wizard Late-joining: Changeling, Vampire Random event: See Random Events Blob The blob is a jelly-like organism that rapidly spreads across the station, destroying obstacles such as walls, windows, and crew members. At the start of the round, one or several player-controlled blobs will deploy somewhere on the station and immediately begin spreading outwards from that point. It has a strong vulnerability to fire - welders, flamethrowers and actual fire will damage and destroy the blob, a tile at a time. The AI must help the crew in fighting the blob. Default antagonists: Blob Game-ending conditions: All blobs complete their objectives. All blobs are destroyed. Mixed In this mode, instead of there being one or two fixed antagonist types, there is a mix of various types all at once. Default antagonists: Starting: Traitor, Changeling, Wizard, Vampire, Wraith, Blob, Grinch Late-joining: Traitor, Changeling, Vampire Random event: See Random Events Conspiracy A handful of crew members are randomly chosen to be collaborators in a nefarious, conspiracy-exclusive plot. Each conspirator is given the names of their conspirators and a designated meeting locations and must work together to complete their objective. A largely LLJK1-exclusive mode. Default antagonists: Conspirator, essentially a traitor without the Syndicate Uplink Other Game Modes Gang The station is caught in the middle of a war between groups of people with silly names! Will TUNNEL SNAKES be victorious over BADMIN BUSTAS? Play as a gang leader, a gang member, or some random guy who is not in a gang! Default antagonists: Gang Extended Extended is a round where there are no antagonists selected, giving players the ability to experiment with station systems for as long as they want. On the standard servers, extended is occasionally used for gimmick rounds where the admins intend to manually create traitors or organize an event. It is also the primary gamemode on LLJK1; Goonstation's roleplay server. Default antagonists: None Disaster Someone made a terrible mistake and now everything is pretty much destroyed. Good job! Now you only have one thing to do: survive! After a while, the power goes out completely and portals begin to open, as evidenced by an automatic alert announcement. The portals can sit around and do nothing, explode in a flash, or summon all sorts of nasty critters that you may have seen elsewhere! Eventually the shuttle is called and it is your top priority to escape on it alive. This gamemode is player-triggered, but it might be a good idea to ask the crew before committing to this! Default antagonists: None Discontinued Gamemodes Most of these game modes are broken or have been removed from the code entirely. Sandbox Sandbox is a mode where all players can spawn more or less anything in the game through the sandbox panel. In theory this is the mode you go to to figure out how stuff works and practice various systems, such as starting the engine or building complex pipe constructs. In practice this is the mode where everyone spawns cloaks and revolvers and gives themselves all the wizard spells. Construction Let you build your very own space station from scratch. Except for the survey shuttle and a couple of asteroids, the main z-level started out completely empty. Basic supplies and a couple of pods for exploration were provided, and everyone also spawned (among other starting gear) with a space suit, jetpack, full tool belt, special blueprint markers for designing and building new rooms, and a large-capacity RCD. The idea was for the crew to cooperate, mine ore and grow their own produce once hydroponics was operational, and trade those goods for whatever was required to expand the station at the time. The dedicated server attracted a somewhat stable population at the beginning, but couldn't keep them interested in the long term and was subsequently shut down. Meteor In this mode, the station was bombarded by wave upon wave of meteors. After about 30 mins or so, the shuttle would be auto called. It was quite a fun mode, but due to the awfulness of BYOND, it became horribly laggy and basically unplayable past the 20 minute mark. The goals of this gamemode are quite simple, escape on the shuttle, and you win the round. Meteors now appear as a random event. Legacy Disaster Basically admin-shenanigans: the gamemode. It is also known as meteor's big brother. the objective for everyone in this mode is simply to survive. This is complicated by the fact that minutes into the round quantum portals will begin to open at random and shit will get unbelievably chaotic. The portals can explode with electrical energy, a burst of stunning light, or just plain explode. Portals may also summon a variety of unhelpful robots that can stun or injure you. This inevitably leads to the AI being destroyed or corrupted, pretty much every area of the ship being exposed to vacuum and everyone on the station going deaf. After a set amount of time, the shuttle can be called. If you escape on it, congratulations, you survived! This game mode is not in the regular list but admins occasionally bring it up. Revolution 3 revolutionaries are given the power to recruit any non-security member to their cause, with their objective being to kill all the heads of staff. The shuttle would refuse to arrive in this game mode, meaning it could only end if one side or the other was successful. Removed due to being worse balanced than the station budget. Revolution was in theory a really great gamemode, but it never quite turned out as well as you would hope: the rounds always turned out to be super chaotic, and more often than not, ended up with a battlefield, and dead assistants and security officers everywhere. Since at the time 60+ player rounds were not uncommon, the revs usually converted most of the crew and quickly killed all of the heads by swarming them. The only real defence was to hide, which made the round drag forever. Game-ending conditions: If all of the command staff die, the revolution wins. If all the leaders of the revolution die, the crew wins. Leaving the station z-level, not being logged in and brigged all count as "abandoned the station / abandoned the cause", in which they are treated as dead. Spy This game mode was designed to overcome the shortcomings of revolution. The game randomly assigned several players as spy masters with the objective to kill all the other spy masters and be the only one to escape. Unlike traitors, spies didn't know the identity of their targets and had to do some sleuthing - that was the intent anyway. In practice, it was little more than team deathmatch, as every spy ring would scramble to load up on laser guns and then order their mindslaves to gun down everything that moves. Deathmatch Space Station 13: Black Ops 2. One of the few gamemodes that included every person on the server. Everyone would spawn as a death-commando. Last man standing wins. Removed due to how horrible robust SS13's combat system is. Monkey Came in two flavours: Monkey, and Monkey Survival: In monkey mode, random player(s) where chosen to carry a virus that turned other players into a monkey when bitten. In monkey survival, the crew where pitched against super fast, super robust NPC monkeys. AI Malfunction Basically, the AI is messed up and the crew has to fix whatever's ailing it. In theory, this is a game mode, but in actuality, this happens every round, so it's more or less redundant. Restructuring A horribly drawn-out team death match mode. A player would be randomly chosen every 5 mins. All other players were tasked with killing this player. If he died or survived for 5 mins, another player was chosen. This continued till 1 player was left. Alien Aliens was a game mode where player controlled aliens attempted to turn the station into a hive while infecting or killing the crew. The crew would need to work together to slay the aliens and stop them from breeding. Aliens were split into four different job classes: Queen, engineer, soldier and larvae with each having their own unique strengths and weaknesses. This was discontinued because the aliens would get themselves killed within seconds, while the crew would know exactly how to fight them. This game mode has since been removed from goon-station code. Waldo Wally Waldo, who may or may not be a little bit magical, has a very clear defined objective to hide while everyone else must find him. Another person plays Odlaw, and must assist Waldo in achieving his life long dream of not being found.