* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:crew_positions|Return to the SC13 Crew Positions Page]] ====== Salvager ====== * Access: Expedition Bay, Cargo Office, Mineral Storage * Additional Access: Maintenance, Cargo Bay, MULEbot access, Quartermaster's Office * Difficulty: Easy to Hard * Supervisors: Quartermaster and Head of Personnel * Duties: Collect salvage from destroyed enemy ships, vehicles, and other locations, convert it into useful materials or supply the ship with more powerful equipment. Neutralize hostile survivors. Search for the target's Vault or Cargo Bay to find ready-to-go loot. Load loot onto the shuttle and get out alive. * Guides: Guide to Ships. * Quote: Hello, Salvager! Yours is one of the grubbiest yet vital jobs aboard the ship, salvaging the remnants of spacecraft and other major sources of resources and bringing it back so that your ship is stronger for the effort. Ideally, you are supported by a squad of Marines to make sure any Syndicate survivors don't last long. Bare minimum requirements: Stay alive long enough to return your loot to the ship. ==== The Fine Art of Disassembly ==== Being a salvager is often tedious unless something happens, but you can find plenty of good loot, including some toys you may want to keep for yourself. Just remember that Syndicate tools are generally forbidden to crew without a Contraband Authorization Form that spells out that you are allowed to have and use it, ideally for the betterment of the ship and its crew. In short, unless you're picking it up to put on the shuttle, don't go running around with an e-sword you aren't approved to use. Just as miners need to be familiar with their work environments, you need to be familiar with yours. Get to know the various ships you'll be working on, and what's most valuable to remove from them. Stay close to the Marines if you aren't sure there's no survivors (and ask whoever's watching the sensors to let you know if there are any so that your buddies can greet them warmly.) You'll almost invariably need a spaceworthy suit to work, standard disassembly tools (crowbar, wirecutters, screwdriver, welder), and internals, all of which can be acquired in the Expedition Bay. === Working With Your Boss === Who is your boss? You answer to the Head of Personnel, much like the rest of Supply -- but usually, you'll just be talking to the Quartermaster or other Salvagers, or perhaps the Marines if there's no imminent combat threat. === The Objective === You're here to salvage, so start pulling things off of other things! Your job will be made vastly easier if R&D can get you a bag of holding, as the amount you can carry (or rack in the shuttle) determines how much you can bring back. Your time limit is based on how patient the Command staff is feeling, so make sure that when they call you in you're aboard the shuttle and heading back to the ship, and don't get left behind! == How to Do This == * Gear up! (salvager gear from expedition bay) * Get out there and start looking for loot. (notes on what may be wanted and where to find them) === For Great Profit! === (notes on getting better disassembly tools from R&D) ==== Default Gear ==== The following is a list of default salvager equipment: (correct this with salvager gear) === Essential Equipment === ^ Item ^ Description ^ | Explorer Suit | This comes with a inbuilt hood. It provides some protection against heat and cold, and works as decent armor. It is not spaceproof, but can hold a full-sized oxygen tank or other mining gear. | | Breath Mask and Oxygen Tank | So you can have oxygen when mining. Oxygen tanks are available from the tank storage unit, and can be worn on your suits storage slot. You can also use your emergency oxygen tank which can be placed on your suit. Running out of oxygen is unlikely with the full sized tank. | | Global Positioning System, GPS | The crew monitoring console back on the ship won't catch your suit sensor signal from all the way to the salvage site. Having one of these on you will help others track down your body if you happen to develop a case of the dead. In addition it can be used to locate other salvagers; be sure to set your name on the GPS. | | Survival Knife | Use it for dealing with unpleasant survivors that the Marines aren't currently dealing with. You can store it in your boots to save space, but remember to alt-click the boots to draw the knife back out. | | Brute patch | Heals severe injuries, which you will most likely get from angry survivors. You start the shift with one in your pocket. | | Burn patch | Heals severe burns, which you will most likely get from angry survivors. You start the shift with one in your pocket. | | Proto-kinetic Accelerator | You actually get a gun. The good part is that it packs a punch in a vacuum and has infinite shots. The bad part is that it does minimal damage in pressurized environments, has to automatically reload after each shot, and has a range of three steps. On the plus side, most of your targets are going to be in vacuum environments after the ship has made Swiss cheese out of the hull. Standard issue equipment you can get from Expedition Bay. | | Crowbar | For prying open doors or prying up what used to be nailed down. Spawns in your backpack. | (disassembly tools, tool belt) === RnD Gear === The following is a list of advance items that can be acquired only from RnD, using a combination of minerals and high tech research. ^ Item ^ Description ^ | Hyper-Kinetic Accelerator | The most advance form of accelerator available, deals more damage, has a slightly longer range but also deals damage in a 3x3 radius. | | Bag of Holding | A backpack that can hold much more than it appears to, invaluable when looting a Vault or grabbing every circuitboard you can find. | Who Needs What Salvagers don't have to deliver parts anywhere but the Cargo Bay -- they can if they want, or if someone's made a special request -- but it never hurts to know what to aim for. The Munitions Officer always wants more ammunition and better weapons to upgrade the ship with. Scientists would love to get hold of research data. Everyone loves raw materials, especially the Quartermaster. Everybody could always use more iron, glass and plasteel, but especially Roboticists and Station Engineers. Tips Always go with at least two other people when salvaging. Not only can you strip ships faster together, the chance that they could both be 'lings/traitors is rather low. The Proto-kinetic Accelerator can destroy electrified grilles without needing a pair of insulated gloves. The Proto-kinetic Accelerator will obliterate a space carp in one hit while in space. Life improving things: Security Jumpsuit: This gives a +10% melee resist to everywhere but your head. Nag the QM or HoP to give you one. Augmentations: Augs are VERY useful for salvagers, as healing with a welder is ultimately easier. Plus they work differently than armor when it comes to protection, instead reducing all brute damage taken by an augmented body part by 5 (4 for burn), and the implanted toolkit in particular makes for faster work all around. Downside: EMP vulnerability. Kinetic accelerators can be used as infinite tools to navigate space, since every time you fire, it'll throw you in the opposite direction. ==== Salvaging Traitor Gear ==== A traitorous salvager often has access to the materials that normally would cost a lot of telecrystals to get hold of, and as long as he can keep his ill-gotten goods out of sight, nobody is the wiser. Even security may give them a pass if they claim they're 'just on the way to turn in this loot, yessir'. As long as you're carrying some good salvage, no one will suspect your presence around the ship, even in highly restricted areas like robotics or toxins, and if you are smart enough, you can get big powerful weapons that outshine even the Marines! In addition, if your target is unwise enough to come aboard the ship you're salvaging, it's easy to arrange an accident and blame it on Syndicate fuckery. Once the ship leaves, that body isn't coming back... unless the boys at the cloner are on their game, that is. Better wipe them out too, or hope someone else does.